#rue the TRUE.......
fruttymoment · 8 days
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Today is international fox day! Rue day!!
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cloudmancy · 2 years
delloso de la rue is such an interesting character to me but I don’t think it’s for any of the reasons that the rest of the fandom likes rue for. oscar played them in such a metatextual way and it’s like, does he know? does he know how complicated and selfish and thoroughly flawed character he ended up creating? ruehob is so... fascinating to me and it’s not because I like the romance of it. there’s just such a twisted rotting core to it when you compare it to chirp & her wife, or even binx & andhera (and it’s FANTASTIC. I wish people didn’t shy away from how truly miserable ruehob is because that’s what I’m into)
it's like. you are delloso de la rue. you are an owlbear, under a spell of glamour. you have chosen to serve the court of wonder and at heart, you are a romantic. this year, you are planning what they say will be the very last bloom, and you are drowning in the narrative perfection of it. 
you do not like the court of wonder. you do not like the duty you hold. you do not like that you are in this pretty, lithe form you have chosen for yourself. but here are things you do like: love, romance, and EXCITEMENT. you meet two lords of the wing and you want to bear witness to love matches so badly that you make a wager for it. you want this to be the last, best bloom. you want this so ardently and selfishly that you are willing to fall for the first person you see who will fit this narrative (star crossed monsters in courts that don't accept them, what could be more perfect?) while ignoring everything you already have - because it's not enough for you. 
you say want love but you HAVE love. you say you want acceptance - but you could have that, too. you don't want love, you want the CONCEPT of love - the kind that people read storybooks about, that little owlbears dream of at night. you want romance. you want to be swept off your feet. you don't want acceptance, because acceptance and love is duty and you are beginning to hate the concept of duty. acceptance is (as hard as a knight pledging themselves to a different court for the sake of someone they love) as easy as realizing that of all the forms that the fae can take an owlbear is nowhere NEAR the most monstrous. the queen of air and darkness isn't even corporeal, half the courtiers of hoof and claw are feral beasts - but that realization is not grand enough for you.
you meet hob and you hold his paws in yours and you tell him (with tears in your eyes, so they sparkle better in the moonlight) that you feel - not alone - for the first time in your life (because it's something someone in a sweeping romance would say) and you (forget wuvvy, who followed you from her own court and accepted everything of who you were and repackaged herself smaller, neater, tidier like you, because that's what you wanted in the court of wonder) tell him that no one will ever use him again (while you use him to satisfy that hungry selfish hole in yourself that demands not LOVE but ROMANCE) because you love (what he represents, could represent for the grand romance of the sweeping fairytale you imagine your life could be if only someone loved you) him.
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bogslob · 8 months
“Being the son of Poseidon, I didn’t have any cabin mates, so the Ares cabin had volunteered to make my shroud. They’d taken an old bedsheet and painted smiley faces with X’ed-out eyes around the border, and the word LOSER painted really big in the middle. It was fun to burn.”
I can’t decide if I’m glad or sad this was excluded from the show
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okurrroye · 8 months
OK BACK uP cause wt- you mean to tell me Hermes is literally the god of thieves and these idiots think a child of Ares stole the masterbolt???
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hitchell-mope · 8 months
Very good show. Please for the love of sanity let it get renewed indefinitely.
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arsuns-ramblings · 3 months
Headcanon that silena makes clarisse plays dress to impress on roblox with her and clarisse secretly loves it bc she gets to bully children online
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iiitsnotbase · 4 months
This means i can post my work and NOT get in trouble :)
So here is my ACOFAF inspired make-up I did ages ago (this post was scheduled on the 8th March 2024.) (school name blurred.)
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Delloso de la Rue:
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Rue The True:
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
You're the only person who really loves me. You're the only person I can talk to, the only person whose company I can really tolerate.
Iris Murdoch, from The Philosopher’s Pupil
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Lynnie Green was and still is a fan of Bea- she refers to herself as an 'acolyte' in an interview I listened to. She was a fan even before getting on the show, she followed Bea's theater career closely. She's also talked about how (I can't remember which appearance) at the end of filming Bea said she was going for a drink (I think they shared a dressing room) and how she regrets that Bea was obviously offering to take her out on the town and she was so, like, in awe that she fumbled it and she regrets it to this day because she wanted to cross that bridge from acolyte to confidant and thinks they could've been great friends. She's also said Bea kept in touch with her after filming and would always greet her warmly when they ran into each other or offer her tickets to some shows a few times over the years. OH and she's a lesbian, happily married to her wife (just found this out at the last Golden Con). she rocks, basically.
Anon, oh my god. The amount of incredible information you have given me.
First of all -- Lynnie referring to herself as an acolyte of Bea is incredible. Honestly wish I'd been able to follow Bea's career as closely as Lynnie did, if only for the chance to call myself her acolyte.
The story about Bea inviting her out for a drink and her fumbling the invitation is so relatable, oh my god. Can you imagine, getting to work with someone you admire so much? No -- getting to impersonate her?? And then she invites you out for a drink??? I would have died on the spot. Holy shit. Absolutely incredible. I'm so sorry for her that she didn't get to become Bea's friend but honestly I completely get her panic!
And Bea -- I know by now that she was a complete sweetheart, but this information just melts my heart!!! She kept in touch with her? She was warm to her and sent her tickets to her shows??? Oh ;-; what a sweet lovely person she was!!! I'm forever mad I didn't get the chance to see her in person! What a blessing upon this world!!
And on top of all this, on the first day of pride month, you come and tell me Lynnie is a happily married lesbian?? Anon you have made me so happy. So so so happy. Thank you so much!!! You're absolutely right, she rocks!
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stonecoldsilly · 2 years
sometimes love is an owlbear pretending to be a delicate fairy, standing alone in the woods with a soldier, telling him he’s strong and courageous and fearless
and sometimes love is three little goblins looking back and pretending to be as brave as they can manage, together
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raulfernandez · 6 months
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angel-eyes · 1 year
Multi fandom(?)edit
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rue-the-witch · 2 months
Jesus Christ you cannot read this
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Okay let's go through this together. Killjoy by Killjoy.
Party Poison/Gerard Way
Dance major - choral music minor
Does aoftball, choir, dance, show choir, and drama
Practices (dance) three hours a day, two and a half of which are at practice
Jet Star/Ray Toro
Primary education major
Does trapshooting, photography, and yearbook
Jet helps out in the kid's section at the library three times a week and does all his homework dedicatedly
Kobra Kid/Mikey Way
Entomology major
Does Music Appreciation Club (founder), and band (for the school, does NOT march)
Goes to the library a half hour a day, no promises he actually does work
Fun Ghoul/Frank Iero
Culinary arts major, specifically pastry
Community service (willingly!), hiking, lacrosse
Hardly does any paper homework, but goes to the dorm's kitchen twice a week to make something
Dorm Situation
Shared living room, with two rooms
Jet and Poison
Kobra and Ghoul
Uhhh ppl who like said stuff on the last post sry about the wait? Depending on when you saw it? (And also Lemon, bcus you'll love Kobra's stuff)
@lem0n-a1d @caramel-storiesss @saturnplaza @demolitionghosts
Sorry if u don't wanna be tagged >w<
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aeolianblues · 8 days
my maddest trivia about me right now is that I’ve been offered free entry for life to like six bands’ shows. I have not asked for this. What is happening
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marinsawakening · 2 years
"Happiness to those who accept their fate, glory to those who defy it" is such a good tagline because Princess Tutu is about BOTH defying and accepting fate. No character does one without the other. Princess Tutu is about learning when you need to accept your fate and when you need to defy it. And in doing so, all characters gained both glory and happiness.
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mususubi · 2 months
Hiiiii I love the pics you posted of your ceramics they are extremely epic 👍👍👍 also tell me more about the characters in them 👉👈 they look so cool!
for the ones I've posted so far only one of them is an actual oc that I use consistently, its the one of the lil guy in an apple!! The others are just unique to the pieces :)
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A page from my sketchbook of them hehe. They have three names but I mainly refer to them as noma for consistency's sake. It's short for anomaly! To summarize, they're a shapeshifter with very little control of the shifts, which are heavily tied to their thoughts and feelings. They have no idea what their true form is, and even the way I depict them isn't how they would actually look like most of the time. It's more so to make them recognizable.
I find it easier to get across their situation in the form of questions. Were they a monster to begin with or did seeing their self as one make them become one? How would you break such a cycle if what your thinking is manifesting itself to be true? if they learn to accept this part of themself would they lose it?
They feel like something is inherently different about them from other people, and those thoughts cause shifts. But they aren't incorrect in thinking that way because they have this abnormal.. ability(?) So is it self afflicted or isn't it?
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