#rui minaduki imagines
pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
music & vocaloids month ; tenth day.
synopsis: Rui doesn’t look like that, but he’s really good at kissing.
# tags: scenario; current relationship; romance; make-out session; suggestive
includes: gender neutral reader ft. rui minaduki {tsukiuta}
autor’s note: sorry for the delay, i fell asleep! :(
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The whole room was stuffy and smelled of floral perfume, a candle with a hint of old spruces, and jasmine tea with cherry syrup. You and Rui were busy with each other, completely forgetting about the third episode of the anime that was being broadcast. Craving for closeness all day and without the possibility of contact (due to the singer’s busy schedule, as well as the fact that you were cleaning the apartment all day), you were indescribably happy to finally feel each other’s warmth and smells, as well as the touch of hands, the tickling of hair on your face and the rustling of clothes or the blanket you were covered with.
This kiss was filled with lust, immense love, long hours of longing, youthful fantasy, your romance, as well as playfulness and laughter. It was a kiss that went from fast to slow and from slow to very fast; and at the same time it was extremely precise and powerful. You perfectly felt each other’s structure of the lips or skin on the face, as well as every, even the smallest hair on the eyebrows. You were madly in love with each other – as befits the first relationship in your life; even though you’ve known each other for many years (because you were friends in elementary school), and you’ve been in a relationship for almost three years, you still felt the same feelings for each other as at the very beginning of the relation. It was amazing because you knew it wasn’t common with other couples.
It took more than a minute or two (you weren’t sure) to pull away from each other – tired, red-faced, with saliva running down both chins, with heavy breathing and a twinkle in your eye.
“... Wow.”
“Mmm. wow.”
Not a moment passed when your bodies clung to each other again, and your lips connected in another, tender and emotional kiss; this time the grip was so strong that you fell onto the couch and Rui onto your body.
Again, you completely forgot about everything that was around the two of you, and instead you both focused on each other and this amazing, passionate moment.
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previous day ; gaku youtome from trigger ♡ next day ; gumi
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 4
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Natsuki -
"He has a flat affect, especially towards the start of the series, and a strong special interest in fishing. He does not get along with Haru and Yuki at first because he doesn't think they are taking fishing seriously, but after seeing Yuki's drive to improve and growing appreciation for his interest, he warms up to them and develops, what seems to be, the first close friendships he 's had. As the boys learn to fish, he is the source of most of the very specific fishing knowledge in the series, and after the show is finished we see that he has moved overseas to continue pursuing his special interest."
Luca -
*okay I screwed up, this submission didn't have propaganda. It WAS marked 'yes' for propaganda use though, which is where the confusion came from. At this point I'm too tired to move the bracket around though, so Luca's just gonna stay here.
Adrian -
"Not a full time boy (but a boy nonetheless, bigender icon fr) but working autism overtime."
Rui -
"aside from being an adorable piano genius with the voice of an angel? he grew up sheltered and doesn't have a lot of physical stamina but he does his best to become an idol (rescuing his own black kitten along the way) and is officially considered the most cat-like in his unit. he will eat your pudding. also he grows up! he used to be like fifteen and now he's 26?!"
Hikaru -
"He's shown to have difficulty emoting since childhood. In a particular episode, a mother comes to him to alter her child's brain and remove the parts of him that make him difficult to handle. It is heavily implied that the things she wants removed is autism and Hikaru is more upset about this than most other things in the series but seems to understand that acceptance for people like him and the kid is few and far between. He also says things that could be considered rude when it comes to situations where people ask him to alter who they are as people, such as when a friend asks him to change her sexuality so that she's straight and doesn't have to suffer heartbreak anymore."
Rei -
"AUTISTIC ICON!!!!! just like. look at him. look at that one face he makes all the time. it's hard for me to name specific examples other than the obvious fixation on shoji and like general lack of social skills because i haven't gone through the whole thing in so long but there's soooo much there. i might be talking out of my ass but it's also like? such a sensorily focused story (both the anime and manga). he could even be considered a sports anime boy if you just believed ❤️ or something ‼️"
Vayne -
"Relies on his pet cat for social cues, because the cat is better at them. The saddest, most gentle boy to ever wield a cat-sword-gauntlet. Absolutely listens to all of his friends' infodumps with infinite love and interest. Completely oblivious to how everyone in his workshop adores him by the end of the game."
Ganta -
"he has insomnia (frequently comorbid with autism). once he gains an interest in astrophotography it becomes a special interest very quickly. he's sweet and kind but also gets annoyed easily and he rides a bike and works at an arcade and wants to be a nurse and he loves his girlfriend isaki so so much"
Aoi -
"He has a very devoted special interest in the idol Takada-chan, which he frequently imagines in fights and other situations… the moment someone (Itadori) expresses equal interest in something he is passionate about, he immediately declares them besties and brothers and creates a whole elaborate shared history for them that doesn’t actually exist. He’s not really interested in connecting with people who don’t share his interests. He’s seen as somewhat strange and eccentric. Though in the present he is respected because of his strength as a sorcerer, as a child he was very isolated."
Ray -
"Due to his extremely strong memory, Ray is forced to grow up faster than his best friends and gives himself up as a lost cause in hopes of saving them. He is very sharp and smart but has massive blind spots when it comes to trusting and considering others."
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ryuukia · 6 years
[Translation] SUPER COMIC CITY 27 Origin SS - Tsukiuta Summer Group
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One more tsukiuta short story after this! The summer group follows Rui, Kai and You tho damn it’s about Shun and it’s too cute for this world
rui (clearui) and me want to adopt Shun someone stop us
@clearui took care of the proofreading this time too thank you
Don’t repost my translations!
“Again yawning. Since some time ago you’ve done nothing but yawning.”
YOU said as he casted his sight on the book from his hand.
I nodded.
“I’m sleepy…...”
Albeit he was listening, YOU was still reading the book, so I bent down to answer.
I see the cover of the book You is holding.
“A dictionary? From which world?”
“From my world”
“Why a dictionary?”
“Language, common sense, and philosophy too, a pure white guy made me read these.”
“Aah, SHUN”
The six-winged Seraph, who was born recently.
As the one who had been the youngest Seraph until now, I have to “take care” of the younger one.
With the same six wings like “Hajimari no Kimi”... … HAJIME, in addition to possessing a special Sephira attribute, it was natural for everyone to think he’d have HAJIME’s feathers.
However, he is different.
Although it was subtle, the difference is clear now.
SHUN was born pure white, without any knowledge or even anything.
“This child is still young and innocent. Can everyone look after him?”
After being asked like that by HAJIME, all the seraphs have started recently to go to SHUN whenever they have the time, and they would teach him various things.
Even though I have the feeling YOU said “he’s troublesome” for at least 30 times, I guess it’s impossible to leave him alone.
Because he has the gentleness to do things in a roundabout way.
“Yesterday I also went to SHUN’s place. I let him listen to various types of music. It seems that he likes music. He probably smiled for the first time?”
“Hee? By any chance, you didn't have enough sleep because of that?”
“Yes, I was happy because he smiled, so we've listened to music together until morning. Isn't this the same feeling like raising a child?”
“I suppose. …… Come to think of it, what did the most eager papa (KAI) do to educate him?”
“He didn't go to SHUN’s place at the same time as mine. He told SHUN to sleep properly, and laughed together with him. He put SHUN to sleep, woke him up, and made him study.”
“I noticed that he didn't return yet…… I figured that guy slept there too.”
Certainly, if it's someone as abrupt as KAI, it is possible.
“Should we go?”
Let’s go kill some time by giving them the “Good morning” call.
If you like my work and you want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee by clicking right [here]. I also started taking commissions, more details are right [here]. Thank you~
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woomy-in-pain · 4 years
Hypmic First Impressions
Sorry I'm late to the party, I heard we were talking about rap and Idols so now I'm here to simp. Also, it's my first time about Hypmic so don't take seriously what my dumb ass is writing, I just clearly wrote the first thing which came in my no thoughts-head empty mind www
Ikebukuro Division: Buster Bros
I have no idea who they really are but I stan them cuz HHHH HETEROCHROMIA
Yamada Ichiro
He looooow-key looks like a shonen protagonist
He thinks he's cool and mature while the only things he does is being arrogant
Only has one braincell and everyone has enough of him god SHUT UP
But for some reason I still imagine him being a flirt and a low-key popular one
He reminded me at first of Ace Trappola from Twst and I have no idea why.
A dork. And he has two (2) ahoges so ofc he's twice dumber
I not so low-key wanna sit on his lap and call him sexy o///o
Yamada Jiro
No offense but I kinda want to punch his face-
Pretty popular among both girls and boys, he got a whole fanclub all around
He's the bitchy one that thinks he's better than anyone. Would let you take a selfie with him before telling you he's too good for you haha thank you next
But he still has some braincells so he knows when to stop
He's a jock who plays basketball or something, fight me on this
His hair looks rlly cool tbh
Yamada Saburo
His hair looks all mofu mofu hhhhhhh
This apart, I honestly think he's an actual demon inside
Mock him for his cute baby face and he's already planning 7 different ways to murder you
Knows how to kick your ass and isn't afraid to show you how
Yokohama Division: Mad Trigger Crew
They kinda make me think to TRIGGER from iDOLISH7 and no, it's not because of the name.
Aohitsugi Samatoki
He's hot and I can feel a good part of the Fandom simping for him am I wrong
I understand why ngl
He looks ready to murder you with his dead stare
BUT !! Do not fear my child !!!
He has the .☆.。.:*・°𝕚𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕣°・*:.。.☆.
Sweet honey, there's even two of them ????
I'm sure he looks all intimadating cuz otherwise nobody would take him seriously
But is he a bigger dork than Ichiro ??? That is the question.
Aruma Juto
Is that Lucifer and Sebastian's child ???
He iridiates mafioso vibes so much, I won't trust him with my life
He almost looks too strict for me to imagine him being in a rap battle
Didn't want to spoil myself but it seems that group has something to do with Yakuzas and shit
So now I'm nothing but w h e e z i n g about imagining Yakuzas settling accounts with rap battles
But it's also kinda hot too aight o///o
I'm sure that guy must secretly have some bdsm kink, idk I just feel it
Busujima Manson Rio
I don't know who you are but I'm already in love with you, just telling
Seriously ur so hot ughhhhh
I *do* get some Kentin vibes from My Candy Love and I'm totally gonna ignore that
He's a sweetheart <3
But he can still kick ur ass and burry you in ur shits.
Even if I ask him to bite me like he does with that medal, he won't do it cuz he's too pure and a good boi
Please protecc him
Shibuya Division: Fling Posse
It looks so colorful and pop, those guy will fight you with the power of moe and cute emojis before crushing you with their bare hands.
Amemura Ramuda
:o !!!
Seriously, I stan his aesthetics and his color scheme
He is Minaduki Rui's long lost twin, except he is the one who has inherited all the cute pop, colorful, cheerful genes
His smile can save the world, trust me on this one
I !!! Want !!! To !!! Caress !!! His !!! Hair !!!
He is a ball of sunshine
Surprisingly v smart ? Don't underestimate him or he'll beat you to death with the most beautiful smile ever <3
Yumeno Gentaro
Ohhhh it's the guy Saito Soma voices
He has a pretty face owo
When I look at his outfit, I absolutely can't imagine him rapping tbh
I'm sure he's actually a huge dramaqueen with an unique sense of beauty coming from the depths of space idk
He's not like the other girls so he chose a v old phone as his mic and he looks RAVISHING with it
Arisugawa Dice
He looks like some sort of gangsta
But like, a STYLISH gangsta
He makes the radio he's holding look so light when I know it would crush my shoulder :')
He's the cool one
He looks like the hot-blooded type who'd start fights as soon as you say he looks like shit
Lemme steal your coat sir-
His hair rlly looks soft… o///o but not as much as Ramuda's gomen
Shinjuku Division: Matenrō
I feel like this is the overly cheated group everyone looks up to and wants to beat up. Maybe some sort of veterans ???
Jinguji Jakurai
Those silky long hair !!!! :ooo
You look v fine sir
He has a mafia boss vibe
The type to always be quiet and deep in his thoughts. He's a mystery for everyone.
Have existential and philosophical questionings
"Why must this world be full of pain and suffuring ?" "I wish a world where everyone could be happy"… or something.
He honestly looks too soft for me to be evil, idk
Izanami Hifumi
He's hot :o
I'm sure he's a womanizer tho
I mean, he's winking and holding a rose, if it isn't the weapons of a womanizer then I'm out
He's sooo flashy, he has fans at every corners
Might be super popular and a womanizer, he doesn't have any intentions of breaking your heart or being a douchebag cuz he's c l e a n
I really like him tbh and I want to burry my face in his hair
Kannonzaka Doppo
Is that Saeran Choi from another dimension ????
Excuse me sir, I think you should go see a therapist
He emanates so much anxiety and self-loath I can't help but feel the need to hug him and protect him
Poor guy must have a rough life, huh
I'm waiting for the day he'll snap and kill everyone
I feel like he would have some sort of sadomasochistic side ???
Nobody wants to be with him but the contrary works too
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amaya777 · 4 years
Sander Voice Claim
While I don’t have a video with voice lines for this sort of thing like other people have done with their OCs, I would like to say that for my TW OC Sander Erickson, his seiyuu would be Shouta Aoi.
Yes, that is the same seiyuu for Ortho. But unlike Ortho’s robotic/child-like voice, what I imagine with Sander’s voice is it being more soft-spoken and gentle like Ai Mikaze from Uta no Prince Sama, Rui Minaduki from Tsukiuta, Tsukushi Monet from Magic Kyun Renaissance, and Rentaro Taki from Meiji Tokyo Renka. Also, because with Chapter 5 being out and the characters singing, the seiyuu would stay the same and he’d retain that gentle softness but can hit high notes with his singing like Ai, Rui, Monet, and Snow White/Shirayuki from Taisho x Alice as well. I wanted him to have an innocent, angelic/Disney Princess-like voice especially when singing, considering his inspiration and personality after all. Here are examples of how Sander would sing pretty much.
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moonlit-manifesto · 5 years
Heartbreak Red Takeover 2019
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Like last year, Heartbreak Red took over the Tsukista twitter account (@tsukiuta1) as part of April Fools’ Day for a little bit to respond to fans’ tweets. The categories are Advice, Requests, and Messages. 
His catchphrase is loosely translated as “Your heart will beat BA-DUMP!” (HAATO ga kyun to kite dokkoisho!). The black text next to his picture in the above photo says “Your heart squeezed? ...That’s just heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)” LOL 
Below are the funny or interesting replies he gave! (Some were just regular advice so I skipped those...) There’s a lot of cameos from the other Reds and the other idols~ It’s long, so read after the cut!
[REQUEST] I want to know the color of Shimotsuki Shun’s underwear that he’s wearing today or I won’t be able to sleep tonight, please help me!”
Heartbreak Red: “Shun-san, some perv has a request for you.”
Shun: “Today’s color is... (glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “...(glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “It’s my color (red)!!!”
Shun: “My underwear is red!! What a visit*!!!!”
Curry Red (You from Procella): “I think you confused that with ‘disaster*.’”
*both the words 参上 and  惨状 are pronounced “sanjou”
[OTHER] Please summon “Come, My Sunshine”-san and “First-Love Rose Princess”!!
Heartbreak Red: “Come on out!!”
Curry Red, as “My Sunshine”: “Your smile has a hint of magic! Come, my sunshineeeee!!!”
First-Love Rose Princess: “I hope you have a romantic dream! I’ll wrap you in a gentle fragrance! First-love Rose Princess!!”
Curry Red: “I need to talk to you later about all the crap you’re putting me through today.”
Heartbreak Red: “Okie dokie.”
[This tweet requires some context lol. So, during the Halloween tweets (Oct 2018) Rui blurted out that Kai uses body soap called “First-Love Rose Princess” and they teased him about it. Then Yoru blurted out that You’s soap is called “Come, My Sunshine” and Yoru knows that because he’s the one that bought it for him xD]
[ADVICE] It’s been three years, but I still haven’t given up on getting Mutsuki Hajime of the Afterlife’s piercings. Should I try aiming for Heartbreak Purple’s piercings instead?
Heartbreak Red: “Purple or Hajime-sannnn!!!”
Hajime: “I don’t know who this “Purple” guy is, but I won’t see you when you get your ears pierced. It’s better to properly meet [so I can see them then].”
[ADVICE] It’s painful for me because I like someone named “Uduki Arata.” What should I do?
Heartbreak Red: “Ain’t that great!!! You can stay in pain like that then------!!!!!
[REQUEST] Heartbreak Red-sama! I want you to pick a fight with Pool of Blood Red-sama! 🍅 [Someone asked for this last year too lol. Also it’s a tomato emoji because Pool of Blood Red holds a squashed tomato]
Heartbreak Red: “This time, we caught him up in something even better!! [they dragged Ryota into being a sentai ranger for April Fools Day] Pool of Blood Red!!! Come on out!!!”
Pool of Blood Red (Ryota from Growth): “I’m Pool of Blood Red. I don’t actually dislike tomatoes. I will impart some words to the person who recommended me to be here. ‘Next time, it’s your turn.’” [I can imagine him saying this through gritted teeth with his cold glare lol]
Heartbreak Red: “Coooooool.”
[REQUEST] Please spin around three times and yell “BA-DUMP (DOKKOISHO)!” 
Heartbreak Red: “Your heart will beat...”
*spin spin spin*
Heartbreak Red: “BA-DUMPPP------------!!!! Did you see that? You saw me right!!??”
[MESSAGE] I’m glad we get to see Heartbreak Red today! I’ll keep on supporting you!!
Heartbreak Red: “Thanks. And when I’m not around, please support that guy whose last name starts with “U.” [referring to himself, Uduki Arata]
[REQUEST] Please call on Desirable Prince!! [”Mote-ouji is apparently Heartbreak Red’s rival]
Heartbreak Red: “Prince! Prince, get over here!”
Desirable Prince (Aoi from Gravi): “I knew you’d drag me into this (dry laugh).”
Heartbreak Red: “All right, Prince, how about you tell us a joke~?”
Desirable Prince: “What!? (completely unexpected)”
Heartbreak Red: “3 - 2 - 1...”
Desirable Prince: “I-I’m the eighth ‘Eighth Prince**!’”
Heartbreak Red & Curry Red: “Don’t sweat it...” [because his pun was bad]
** He said 俺が8人で八王子 and the word “Hachiouji” is a proper name but also means “eighth prince”
[REQUEST] Please summon I Love Red Red!
Heartbreak Red: “I Love Red Red~!!!”
I Love Red Red (Issei from Quell): “Good evening! My Red [referring to Ichiru] is so cute!! I’ll burn*** with energy today, too!!! Thanks for summoning me!!
Heartbreak Red: “You’re so cute, too!”
***this is that Quell/kuberu(くべる) pun they do
[REQUEST] Have you seen Mikazuki-san lately? I want to hear about any fun stories you have to share!!!
*ringgg ringg* (phone dialing)
Heartbreak Red: “An assault through the phone, Mikazuki-san is out there!!”
*other end picks up*
Mikazuki: “’Your heart will beat, ba-dump.’ I’m busy right now, so maybe some other time.”
*hangs up*
Heartbreak Red: “He’s half sugar, half salt!
[REQUEST] Please give some praise to me, who goes to work every single day!!!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Eh, really, you’re amazing! You were born into this world! I should tweet grandly like this! Look at you, working hard by yourself and earning money! Are you a god? No, maybe a miracle? I’m glad I could come into contact with you even like this.”
[ADVICE] I’m in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, but I haven’t seen him in over a year. I want to meet up with him, but it’s hard to contact him because I’m bad at initiating conversation. How do men say they want to meet with someone?
Heartbreak Red: “I want to meet up. But I only have 10 minutes.”
#I want to meet everyone too~
[REQUEST] I want to hear a conversation between Heartbreak Red and Takamura Shiki-san who have a similar kind of energy!
Shiki: “We’re similar?”
Heartbreak Red: “Yeah, we’re similar. To test it, try saying my catchphrase.”
Shiki: “Your heart will beat......BA-DUMPPPPPP-------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “See, we’re alike.”
[REQUEST] I want to hear a story about Heartbreak Red-san and Minaduki Rui-san getting along well (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Heartbreak Red: “Ruirui~”
Rui: “’The cat goes meow, ba-dump.’ Minaduki Rui (and Yamato) have arrived.”
Yamato: “Meow ♪”
Heartbreak Red: “Yamato looks quite cute in a red bandana.”
Rui: “Yamato likes it too.”
[INQUIRY] Did any Six Gravity or Procellarum member tell a lie for April Fools Day?
Hearbreak Red: “What say you, Kakerun?”
Kakeru: “In the morning, Koi said ‘I evolved from koi [type of love] to ai [another type of love]!!’ but he was just referring to his younger sister, Ai-chan.
Heartbreak Red: “So Ai-chan is the evolved form of Koi...”
[REQUEST] Pick a fight using all your strength with someone you haven’t interacted with yet!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Who!? Uhhh, hey Pinkie!!!”
Koi: “My name’s not ‘Pinkie.’ I’ve evolved from Koi to become... Koi King.”
Heartbreak Red: “I wonder if there’s a monster in your pocket. Let’s see... I choose you: Heartbreak Green!!!” [reference to Pokemon (pocket monsters) so he’s calling out for Green like in a Pokemon fight]
Heartbreak Green (Haru from Gravi): “I want to be shaken like pollen!!! Heartbreak Green!! Glasses sparkle!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Also, Yoruyoru~!”
Yoru: “S-SOY YAAAA----!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Thank you, my comrades!!!”
#they kept up the momentum
[REQUEST] I want you to make me fall for you with all your strength!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “I love you.”
Heartbreak Red: “Saying that made me a little embarrassed.”
[REQUEST] Blushing Red, come on out!!!
Blushing Red (Ren from SOARA): “I think I’ll manage to get through it this time! B-Blushing Red!!!”
Blushing Red 2 (Dai from SolidS): “... Blushing...Red.”
Heartbreak Red: “THAT------WAS------SO-------CUTE.”
#thank you very much
[REQUEST] Please do your signature pose together with Warrior Red!!
Heartbreak Red: “Warrior~!! Warrior, come over here~~~!!!”
Warrior Red (Haruto from ROCK DOWN): “You called, and I popped out like a shochiku plum. WarriorRedWarriorRedWarriorRed...”
Hearbreak Red & Warrior Red: “YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”
[OTHER] Please tell us your favorite saying in a few words!!
Heartbreak Red: “Cheer up, I’m here. Because everyone is loved.”
Heartbreak Red: “Alrighty, my work here is done!! Ah~ That was fun!!!”
#thank you
#I hope you sleep well
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judaiteitoreokou · 7 years
If the tsukiuta characters were in an omeageverse. I wonder who do you think would be the Alpha's, omega's and beta's?
Judai: Thank you for sending me this ask, Anon-san~♪
Hmmm…. This verse huh… Let see..
Six Gravity:
Mutsuki Hajime: AlphaYayoi Haru: BetaSatsuki Aoi: OmegaUduki Arata: AlphaShiwasu Kakeru: Omega Kisaragi Koi: Beta
Tsukishiro Kanade: Omega
Shimotsuki Shun: Can be an omega or an alpha. He’s a special case. (no one actually knows whether he’s an omega or an alpha since he doesn’t smell like it and he has no visible mark. Its still a mystery to everyone and Shun is still being secretive of it. But to be honest, he’s most likely an omega.)Fuduki Kai: Alpha (he’s the older brother/father of the group. Lol)Haiduki You: AlphaNagatsuki Yoru: Omega (he has the motherly instinct of an omega after all~ lol)Minaduki Rui: BetaKannaduki Iku: Alpha
Kurotsuki Dai: Alpha (he is Procella’s papa after all~♪)
Tsukipro (even though you didn’t ask for it… Lol…)
Takamura Shiki: AlphaOkui Tsubasa: Omega (but everyone actually confuses him as an alpha with the way he’s acting and his personality. Currently the one who knows he’s an omega is his family, Dai and Dai’s mother, Mamoru and Shun)Murase Dai: AlphaSera Rikka: Omega
Haiduki Fumihiko: Beta
Izumi Shu: AlphaHorimiya Eichi: Omega (definitely. With the way he’s like a mother to the twins. Shu is the father, by the way. Lol)Kuga Issei: BetaKuga Ichiru: Beta
Fujimura Mamoru: OmegaEto Koki: AlphaSakuraba Ryota: BetaYaegashi Kensuke: Alpha
Ohara Sora: OmegaArihara Morihito: AlphaKagurazaka Soshi: AlphaMunakata Ten: OmegaNanase Nozomu: Beta
Judai: I just can imagine Koki trying hard to restrain himself whenever he’s with Mamoru (once he knew that Mamoru is actually an omega).
I can also imagine Koki being all sweet and romantic when courting Mamoru… Kyaaa~♪
Then Rikka and Shiki thinking that Tsubasa and Dai are bonded… Lol… Although they first thought that Tsubasa is an alpha. They found out he’s an omega when Tsubasa accidentally had his heat earlier than expected. Lol… You can just imagine Shiki’s reaction when he smelled Tsubasa. He almost jumped at the poor birdie… Good thing Dai (who knows what to do when Tsubasa is in heat) was able to restrain Shiki and save Tsubasa from other alphas within the vicinity. Rikka was there to help too.
No one knows how Dai can keep himself from being influenced by Tsubasa’s scent. The conclusion they came up was because Dai and Tsubasa have been together since childhood that’s why Dai became used to it.
Then with Shun… Lol… No one knows if he’s an alpha or an omega. They just labelled Shun as Shun, a new category. Lol….
Regardless, Hajime courted Shun (once he stopped being dense about his feelings and realizing he actually loves Shun). He was able to find out that Shun is an omega when they were together on a date and Shun’s heat started. You can just imagine Hajime’s expression when he noticed the alphas within their vicinity were attracted by Shun’s scent.
Being a possessive lover, Hajime glared daggers at them. And if glares are harmful, those alphas are long dead. Lol…
That’s it for now. Thank you for sending me this ask, anon-san~♪ I hope I was able to answer to your expectation. *bows*
By the way, minna, don’t hesitate to send me an ask, a prompt or a request~♪
- Judai
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tsukiutalove · 7 years
thank you so so much for making this blog haha
Thankyou so much for requesting sweetheart 💕
Ikind of can relate to this ask on a personal level 🙈 I’m the queen of horriblejokes and bad puns 😂
Kisaragi Koi
Heis the person to look at s/o, laughing out loud and telling them with tears inhis eyes that their joke was really bad
Koidoesn’t really mind bad jokes and punchlines though, he believes it’s ratherthe way you tell a joke that makes it funny instead the actual content – it’snot like he’s always the best jokester
Ifs/o cracks a bad joke in public and no one is laughing, he flings around forhelp before this odd silence breaks in
Sometimeshe encourages s/o to make jokes just to see how far their ability for bad punsreaches – honestly, he thinks even though those are bad jokes, they’re actuallypretty funny in their own way
Nagatsuki Yoru
Hehas found his missing puzzle piece
Finallys/o is someone who understands him and laughs with him instead of giving himthose strange glances
Theykind of amplify their bad puns up to the point where everyone around them isonly facepalming
Bondingover bad puns!
Satsuki Aoi
Looksat s/o smiling at them while he’s scratching his head and he gives them that “heheheee…what?” attitude, but not in a bad way
Ikind of think he’s the most likely to gradually get used to those bad puns, unconsciouslyadopting the skill for bad punchlines
Kannaduki Iku
Heknows very well that his s/o’s punchlines are not the best, but he doesn’t havethe heart to tell them or say something
Helaughs about every joke and honestly think it’s cute what kind of bad puns theysometimes draw
Hesends everyone who dares to make a snarky remark about his s/o’s jokes icy glares.He is also the one who hits his friends with his elbow to make them join thelaughter
Minaduki Rui
Preciousbean can be really oblivious to obvious things sometimes because he sees thingsdifferently, so sometimes he doesn’t get that it’s a really bad joke
Othertimes he tilts his head and openly says that he doesn’t see any funny connectionto what s/o just said
Iimagine him being the person to laugh about a bad joke if he really gets the meaningbehind it, but it takes some time and he’s the one that laughs five minutesafter everything happened
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nebulous-wanderings · 7 years
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[2/28/17 Tweet Translation]
I’m working hard at the Tsukista. practices!!
This time at practice there were various things going on and it was very hectic, but I can just imagine everyone’s happy smiles [when they watch the play] and… Nnnfufu~~~♡
I’ll continue to fully do my best ( ̄▽ ̄)✨ Springtime is coming since tomorrow is March🌸
Because I cooled down a little, I’m going to shift into Minaduki Rui mode - BAM!!
“Cuteness is—!?”
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