#procellarum imagines
pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
music & vocaloids month ; tenth day.
synopsis: Rui doesn’t look like that, but he’s really good at kissing.
# tags: scenario; current relationship; romance; make-out session; suggestive
includes: gender neutral reader ft. rui minaduki {tsukiuta}
autor’s note: sorry for the delay, i fell asleep! :(
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The whole room was stuffy and smelled of floral perfume, a candle with a hint of old spruces, and jasmine tea with cherry syrup. You and Rui were busy with each other, completely forgetting about the third episode of the anime that was being broadcast. Craving for closeness all day and without the possibility of contact (due to the singer’s busy schedule, as well as the fact that you were cleaning the apartment all day), you were indescribably happy to finally feel each other’s warmth and smells, as well as the touch of hands, the tickling of hair on your face and the rustling of clothes or the blanket you were covered with.
This kiss was filled with lust, immense love, long hours of longing, youthful fantasy, your romance, as well as playfulness and laughter. It was a kiss that went from fast to slow and from slow to very fast; and at the same time it was extremely precise and powerful. You perfectly felt each other’s structure of the lips or skin on the face, as well as every, even the smallest hair on the eyebrows. You were madly in love with each other – as befits the first relationship in your life; even though you’ve known each other for many years (because you were friends in elementary school), and you’ve been in a relationship for almost three years, you still felt the same feelings for each other as at the very beginning of the relation. It was amazing because you knew it wasn’t common with other couples.
It took more than a minute or two (you weren’t sure) to pull away from each other – tired, red-faced, with saliva running down both chins, with heavy breathing and a twinkle in your eye.
“... Wow.”
“Mmm. wow.”
Not a moment passed when your bodies clung to each other again, and your lips connected in another, tender and emotional kiss; this time the grip was so strong that you fell onto the couch and Rui onto your body.
Again, you completely forgot about everything that was around the two of you, and instead you both focused on each other and this amazing, passionate moment.
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previous day ; gaku youtome from trigger ♡ next day ; gumi
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kanasmusings · 2 years
[Masterpost] TsukiPro “Taikyoku Denki” Pamphlet Translations
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Hello, hello~! Here are the translations for the “Taikyoku Denki” pamphlet that TsukiPro released a few months back~! They added new profiles, and updated the lore that they initially released for Tsukiuta~! It’s a really interesting world, and the lore is equally rich and beautifully established! They planned on using Taikyoku Denki for another ProSta before it got postponed/cancelled, and I hope that they’ll pick it back up again soon!
What we know from TsukiSta 10th is definitely expanded on and updated within this pamphlet, and it was so interesting to see how they connected all of that to already established information~! It’s so great seeing SQ, ALIVE, VAZZROCK, and infinit0 joining in on this world, too~! They definitely add some spice and a whole lotta wholesomeness and chaos into this world.
I hope that you get to enjoy them as much as I did, too~! It’s a really rich world that opens up the imagination, for sure! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Thank you to Rakuen for helping me get my copy, as well as for generally helping me with some terms~!
Notes, and masterpost under the cut, enjoy~!
A few notes:
Some of SQ and ALIVE don’t have pictures (for now) because their official Twitter didn’t seem to post everyone’s profiles, and we didn’t want to scan the pamphlet for fear of ruining the binding >< I will update them when I get a clearer picture set!
The SQ Twitter posted about answering questions/messages regarding the pamphlet, but they haven’t posted anything about it since they’ve been consecutively busy with AGF, SQS8, and then their “Ano Koro” CD updates. I will update this post when they release their Q & A as well!
Taikyoku Denki Introduction and Worldview
Cast Presentation: Six Gravity
Cast Presentation: Procellarum
Twitter Q & A: Tsukiuta Version
Cast Presentation: Solids
Cast Presentation: QUELL
Twitter Q & A: SQ Version [TBA]
Cast Presentation: infinit0
Cast Presentation: SOARA
Cast Presentation: Growth
Twitter Q & A: ALIVE Version
Cast Presentation: VAZZY
Cast Presentation: ROCK DOWN
Twitter Q & A: VAZZROCK Version
Lore Update: Golden Orchid Pacts
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate these without permission!!!
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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judaiteitoreokou · 5 years
Imagine Your OTP (YouYoru ft. Procellarum)
You: *walks up to Yoru* Hey, uh, so we've known each other for a long time and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date.
Yoru: *pulls off their headphones* Did you say something?
You: *smiles awkwardly* D-do you have a pencil?
Kai, Rui, Iku and Shun: *stiffling their giggles while filming the whole thing via their phones*
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tkpro-scenarios · 6 years
April Fool's Game Prize | Headcanons #2 : First Date Gone Wrong
HC prompts of first dates gone wrong for Shiki, Ichiru, Ren, Mamoru, and You. Like, if there will be wardrobe malfunctions, wrong destinations, being spied on by their fellow members, etc.
The 2nd of the headcanons prize for the winner of our April Fool’s Game, @airiatsuki Hope you like it~!
Takamura Shiki
In the case of wardrobe malfunction he’d probably ponder for a bit on the best way to tell you but decides to just save you the embarrassment and quietly tells you what’s happening with your clothes.
Would apologize for accidentally going to the wrong place and wasting time you could’ve spent doing something together. If you were the one to go to the wrong place, he’d calmly tell you the directions and tell you to take your time as he doesn’t want you getting flustered and becoming more lost in your panic.
If you’re both going to the place together (i.e. he picks you up) and he missed the destination/turn, he’d probably do the same thing as in ProAni ep 5, “I have an announcement…”
When being spied on by the other SolidS members, he’d probably be a little confused at first, surprised to see them there before politely excusing himself to ask them what’s up.
Would probably facepalm and grumble to himself if they were being obvious enough with their spying, telling you he’ll be right back as he goes to tell them off.
Overall he’d try to handle the date with grace, trying to make sure everything goes as smoothly as it can and do the best he can to get yourselves out of an awkward or difficult situation.
Kuga Ichiru
A lot of weird nonsensical noises while his face goes red. Pulls you close and calls you an idiot while hurriedly telling you to cover yourself up.
“I-I didn’t get lost‼ Tokyo’s just too big…a-and everywhere looks the same! What’s up with that?!”
The beginning of the date will involve you carefully telling him directions or Ichiru occasionally calling you to confirm the stops and landmarks and whatnot.
Apologizes for being late (he wasn’t lost alright?!), and tries to make up for the time lost as best he can.
If he sees that he’s being spied on he’ll probably call them out on it, telling them to quit it already and go back home.
He swears, if Eichi takes one more photo or Shu doesn’t get rid of that smile…
Again, he’ll deny that he was lost and tell them to stop worrying but then will have a BSOD once he realizes why it suddenly became so much easier to find his way to you.
Despite all the trouble or mishaps you two run into, he wouldn’t let it discourage him and he’ll make sure both of you have a good time. You’ll have such a great time that you won’t even remember how he didn’t get lost!
Munakata Ren
Flustered child, but will drag you to somewhere away from the public as he will try to look/get something from his bag to help you cover for your wardrobe malfunction
Would apologize if he mistakenly got you two lost and will take out his phone to check the directions again for the right destination
Constantly finds himself apologizing or getting flustered...and then apologizes for that as well.
If he finds out that the rest of SOARA were spying, and you hadn’t realized it, he’d try to make himself not too conscious about it and will try to not make you worry about him.
The more obvious they’re being, the more he tries to ignore them.
He’ll try his best to make sure you have fun and you’re enjoying the date.
Fujimura Mamoru
Would be flustered, not knowing what to do while avoiding looking in your general direction. His face is beet-red as he awkwardly points out what’s going on with your clothes.
Would apologize with the cutest smile and laugh for getting the place wrong before bowing his head, hoping you’re still willing to continue the date.
When he sees that the rest of Growth is spying on him, he would feel all that more pressured to make sure he’s being a proper date. Ryo-kun is watching so he needs to make sure he shows them what an adult is capable of‼ …or else he’ll never hear the end of it
Trips and fails at even the most simplest things because he got overly self-conscious about the rest of Growth watching him. Kou asks if they should step in and help but Ryo says he wants to just wait and see how much worse it can get.
Probably gets help from Ken who not so subtly pushes him so you bump into each other to close the awkward distance or whispers lines Mamoru should say.
Despite all the awkwardness that happened he’d still be a sweetheart, asking and making sure you were enjoying yourself. Would walk you home all the way to your doorstep.
Haduki You
Depending on how bad it is, he’d either: scold you to take better care of your appearance while handing you his jacket and taking you somewhere private so you can fix it, or smirk and say something like “Is that outfit supposed to look like that or is it just a little something for me~?”
Would probably laugh and apologize for getting the place wrong before pulling you along, stating that you’ve wasted enough time on the date as it is. If you were the one that went somewhere else, and if it’s close enough, he’ll wait for you to come over. Otherwise he’d make his way over to you and just have the date wherever you went.
When being spied on, he’d probably be taken by surprise, wondering what the hell those guys were doing here but decides to ignore them as best he can while trying to distract you from finding out you were being followed by the Demon Lord himself.
Would probably take you into a crowded area, hoping they’ll lose sight of you two and give up. He underestimates Maou-sama’s powers
Would also probably try to make out with you in hopes it’ll make them leave, eyeing the rest of Procella with a smirk while Yoru and Kai cover the junior pairs’ eyes.
If they’re being really persistent he’d excuse himself to go kill a certain Demon Lord and his lackeys.
It might not be the ideal first date but like hell he’d let it end without showing you a great time!
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Dannymay, 12,021 Human Era
Danny floated lazily on his back, a bag full of white and grey rocks orbiting him while he admired the lunar surface. It was going to be hard for anything short of crafting the rocks into something to top Wulf’s teachings letting him portal up to the moon whenever he wanted, barely tethered by its weak gravity and able to traverse it without disturbing the dust unless he picked up a rock. From his vantage point, the stars above and about were uncountable, and if he didn’t know better he’d say there was no end to them. His appearance had changed, even, from the silk-lined, spike studded, leather jacket that Sam and Tuck all but shoved onto him when it became clear that he’d be fighting ghosts regularly to a suit resembling the uniforms of NASA astronauts, black, white, green, and covered in silver stars.
Grinning to himself, Danny took off toward the Oceanus Procellarum, a camera he and Tuck had built recording the longest video he’d ever taken when a chill that dwarfed the cold of space ran down his spine and rose from his lungs and throat to his lips, blue vapor drifting in front of his face. There was a ghost, on the moon, and the idea of a hostile ghost following him up to space was so beyond aggravating that Danny’s hair ignited, his fangs sharp, the knuckles of his gloves sharpening into hardpoints, and his aura flaring up like a beacon of green and blue. Opening a portal to deposit his bag of moon rocks in his closet, Danny launched himself where he felt the other ghost’s presence, the logic that a ghost whose aura he couldn’t see but still feel on the moon’s surface, in one of her craters even, abandoned at the moment. That thought process is, of course, slammed into him the moment Danny sees exactly what it is that he’s sensed.
Their body was a slowly slithering mass of the purest darkness that could not be called something so bright as black, with violets and blues and colors that could not be seen, only experienced, dancing within them like ink within water, blue and red and green stars twinkling between the stretches of void, moving fast enough for Danny to know there even was movement of them, but slow enough to be mesmerized by the sight of it. Their face was a theatrical mask, bone white with red behind the eyes and a curve of a smile to mark the mouth, and from the void behind the mask curled horns of dark and beautiful amethyst and sapphire and onyx, somehow occupying the same space and curving in every which way. It was, frankly, impossible to make out all the details or to measure quite how massive the form of Nocturne was as he relaxed upon the surface of the moon’s ocean of storms. In all his conflicts, no ghost had ever made him feel quite so small simply by laying back, impossibly huge.
“My, my, ” he said, voice coming from the back of Danny’s head rather than the lack of air around him, even if their lips still moved to shape the words. “ Is that Danny Phantom in the flesh, not simply dreaming so big that you’ve learned to astral project without my guidance? Have you decided to make your fantasy reality and join me here?” They lifted part of their body and when Danny focused he saw the silhouette of a hand.
Danny had many questions, but the first one that came out of his gawking mouth as he rose to meet the giant’s face was, ”How did you get so big? Been munching on the muses of artists? Oh stars, are artistic muses actual spirits? Can you eat them?” While Danny usually appreciated a good laugh, that was when he said something as a joke, not asked a very good question. Nocturne’s laughter swept over him like a tidal wave of endearment and amusement.
“Ah, that’s right, you met me through a smaller emanation, didn’t you? I assure you, child, I’ve been this size for ages. Also, I do not consume muses, though whether that is because they do not exist in such a form that I could or because that would be an unsustainable form of sustenance, I shall leave you to consider. While the dreams of artists like you are rather vivid, the occasional idealist and average joe is good for diversity in palette. After all, each mind has such capacity for imaginative dreams.”
“A thin slice of myself sent down to help you sleep at my brother’s request. ” Danny scratched his head at that and Nocturne laughed again. “ The little game of hero and villain was delightful fun, though… you didn’t think that the ghost Master of Dreams needed helmets and machinery to harvest the energy of good dreams, did you?” Danny folded his arms with a pout that Nocturne couldn’t possibly have been able to make out when he was so small comparatively, and yet they chuckled anyway, shifting into what Danny was going to call a sitting position.
“So you aren’t going to leave everyone asleep forever?”
They frowned. “Of course not, you can’t dream forever. It isn’t healthy and leads to stagnation and, eugh, nightmares. Those the Fright Knight can have, whensoever he gets himself free from his imprisonment. ” Danny sighed, relaxing all over, and did his best not to flinch when Nocturne scooped him up in a claw talon tendril wing fin hand. “ Come to listen?”
Danny looked around and spread his arms slowly. “In the silent vacuum of space? To what?”
“My dear boy, can you not hear the star song? ” Nocturne tilted his head and their eyes locked for a long, headache inducing minute. “ No one has taught you how to percieve the spaces that layer upon themselves to form the world you know, have they?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about but I do have a headcahe now, so that’s great. What, the world is like origami and everything is singing underneath the top layer?”
“An apt comparison, yes, ” Nocturne said. “ Your liminal state of being considered, perhaps it would be simpler to show you, than to make you work your way through new senses. After all, what’s a dream without a bit of fantastical ease?”
Danny flew back a few paces, though he was still in Nocturne’s palm. “Is it safe for you to do that? I don’t wanna go forgetting how to be a living human being just to hear a song.” Nocturne huffed, puffing up like a bird in mild offense.
“Child, the mind is my domain, I know perfectly well what I am doing. You are not the first liminal whose mind I have touched, nor I imagine shall you be the last. But, if you do not care to hear the song that the earth, the moon and the stars sing…”
“I never said I don’t! I just, wanted to be sure.” Danny rubbed the back of his head before floating a bit higher. “Alright, alright what do I do?”
“Relax, little one. Imagine a door, it can be any door you like, between your mind and those minds around you. ” Danny closed his eyes, taking a superfluous breath that came up empty, his body relaxing slowly with each breath. He pictured a door, a hexagonal door to a space station. “ Very good, ” Nocturne said, and Danny felt his chest puff up with something like pride before he felt and heard a knock knock on the door in his mind. “ Now all you have to do is let me in.”
There was a moment where in Danny considered simply not letting Nocturne into his mind. After all, Danny would probably figure this out himself if he tried. It was a tempting idea, probably even the smartest idea when dealing with a being who had attacked him, even if they claimed it was a game. Still, the opportunity to experience space in a way that no one else could was a far bigger temptation, and so Danny turned the knob on the door to his mind and opened it up slowly.
There is the brush of Nocturne against the door and Danny both has himself drawn out and the universe slipped in and when he opens his eyes and his ears he cannot help but to let his mouth fall open as well. He can hear the voices of the endless universe singing under his feet. The hearts of stars singing deep beneath the lunar soil. Lost to the blooming nebulas staining the dark sky with color, miles upon miles of light and rivers of fire and the promise of something new. Danny can almost hear the words and language they speak; something so close, so distant, something he has never known -- but they ring with such magnificent, terrible truth that he thinks, maybe he has always known them. Maybe they have always lived inside him, alongside the bones. These melodies, these words, that burn with such ferocious clarity that if he just spoke them aloud then the far would become near and he could reach out and pluck the stars from the sky and cradle them in his hands or be cradled in their stellar flares.
The heavy elements known to those dull terrestrial creatures he began life as could only enter the universe with the death of a star, a fact that Danny knew very well, but it was one thing to know something on an academic level, and another to see and hear the voices of the ghosts left behind by those ancient stars, their magnificent fire shining from within every atom of the earth and the moon and the planets around him, harmonizing and rising into something yet more in the song of the Earth and her seas and forests and sky. Danny listens to the moon, and he knows that if he were to sing that song he could reach out to any body of water on Earth and pull it to him and him to it, and his call would be answered. That if he simply moved his lips and sang the words of the stars, he could call upon their fire, their gravity, could reach out to them and leave the chains of gravity rooting him to the Earth. It would be so easy to explore the universe, to leave and join the chorus of the stars and see all that one with an eternity at their hands could see.
Yet there was another song, this one smaller, softer, but no less wonderful song that wove around and within him, and listening to it brought to his mind yet more little songs, faint as the step of an ant against the dirt but still beautiful in all their own ways. He couldn’t go, not yet. Not without them. And so, Danny turned back to Nocturne and beamed up at him. “Thank you.”
“Of course, child. We may stop whenever you wish.” Danny nodded and rose up to circle around Nocturne, drinking in the sight of the universe, so that he could attempt - and fail and attempt again and again - to show his friends what he now experienced with paint and brush and pen. He had to return to Earth, but for now, he had the stars.
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cocobaek · 7 years
Your friendly neighbourhood Mei is looking for Tsukiuta imagine blogs, or anything that does liek scenarios/hc/oneshots like ANYTHING. I'm deprived and I need more boys. Help a girl out?
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moonlit-manifesto · 5 years
Heartbreak Red Takeover 2019
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Like last year, Heartbreak Red took over the Tsukista twitter account (@tsukiuta1) as part of April Fools’ Day for a little bit to respond to fans’ tweets. The categories are Advice, Requests, and Messages. 
His catchphrase is loosely translated as “Your heart will beat BA-DUMP!” (HAATO ga kyun to kite dokkoisho!). The black text next to his picture in the above photo says “Your heart squeezed? ...That’s just heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)” LOL 
Below are the funny or interesting replies he gave! (Some were just regular advice so I skipped those...) There’s a lot of cameos from the other Reds and the other idols~ It’s long, so read after the cut!
[REQUEST] I want to know the color of Shimotsuki Shun’s underwear that he’s wearing today or I won’t be able to sleep tonight, please help me!”
Heartbreak Red: “Shun-san, some perv has a request for you.”
Shun: “Today’s color is... (glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “...(glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “It’s my color (red)!!!”
Shun: “My underwear is red!! What a visit*!!!!”
Curry Red (You from Procella): “I think you confused that with ‘disaster*.’”
*both the words 参上 and  惨状 are pronounced “sanjou”
[OTHER] Please summon “Come, My Sunshine”-san and “First-Love Rose Princess”!!
Heartbreak Red: “Come on out!!”
Curry Red, as “My Sunshine”: “Your smile has a hint of magic! Come, my sunshineeeee!!!”
First-Love Rose Princess: “I hope you have a romantic dream! I’ll wrap you in a gentle fragrance! First-love Rose Princess!!”
Curry Red: “I need to talk to you later about all the crap you’re putting me through today.”
Heartbreak Red: “Okie dokie.”
[This tweet requires some context lol. So, during the Halloween tweets (Oct 2018) Rui blurted out that Kai uses body soap called “First-Love Rose Princess” and they teased him about it. Then Yoru blurted out that You’s soap is called “Come, My Sunshine” and Yoru knows that because he’s the one that bought it for him xD]
[ADVICE] It’s been three years, but I still haven’t given up on getting Mutsuki Hajime of the Afterlife’s piercings. Should I try aiming for Heartbreak Purple’s piercings instead?
Heartbreak Red: “Purple or Hajime-sannnn!!!”
Hajime: “I don’t know who this “Purple” guy is, but I won’t see you when you get your ears pierced. It’s better to properly meet [so I can see them then].”
[ADVICE] It’s painful for me because I like someone named “Uduki Arata.” What should I do?
Heartbreak Red: “Ain’t that great!!! You can stay in pain like that then------!!!!!
[REQUEST] Heartbreak Red-sama! I want you to pick a fight with Pool of Blood Red-sama! 🍅 [Someone asked for this last year too lol. Also it’s a tomato emoji because Pool of Blood Red holds a squashed tomato]
Heartbreak Red: “This time, we caught him up in something even better!! [they dragged Ryota into being a sentai ranger for April Fools Day] Pool of Blood Red!!! Come on out!!!”
Pool of Blood Red (Ryota from Growth): “I’m Pool of Blood Red. I don’t actually dislike tomatoes. I will impart some words to the person who recommended me to be here. ‘Next time, it’s your turn.’” [I can imagine him saying this through gritted teeth with his cold glare lol]
Heartbreak Red: “Coooooool.”
[REQUEST] Please spin around three times and yell “BA-DUMP (DOKKOISHO)!” 
Heartbreak Red: “Your heart will beat...”
*spin spin spin*
Heartbreak Red: “BA-DUMPPP------------!!!! Did you see that? You saw me right!!??”
[MESSAGE] I’m glad we get to see Heartbreak Red today! I’ll keep on supporting you!!
Heartbreak Red: “Thanks. And when I’m not around, please support that guy whose last name starts with “U.” [referring to himself, Uduki Arata]
[REQUEST] Please call on Desirable Prince!! [”Mote-ouji is apparently Heartbreak Red’s rival]
Heartbreak Red: “Prince! Prince, get over here!”
Desirable Prince (Aoi from Gravi): “I knew you’d drag me into this (dry laugh).”
Heartbreak Red: “All right, Prince, how about you tell us a joke~?”
Desirable Prince: “What!? (completely unexpected)”
Heartbreak Red: “3 - 2 - 1...”
Desirable Prince: “I-I’m the eighth ‘Eighth Prince**!’”
Heartbreak Red & Curry Red: “Don’t sweat it...” [because his pun was bad]
** He said 俺が8人で八王子 and the word “Hachiouji” is a proper name but also means “eighth prince”
[REQUEST] Please summon I Love Red Red!
Heartbreak Red: “I Love Red Red~!!!”
I Love Red Red (Issei from Quell): “Good evening! My Red [referring to Ichiru] is so cute!! I’ll burn*** with energy today, too!!! Thanks for summoning me!!
Heartbreak Red: “You’re so cute, too!”
***this is that Quell/kuberu(くべる) pun they do
[REQUEST] Have you seen Mikazuki-san lately? I want to hear about any fun stories you have to share!!!
*ringgg ringg* (phone dialing)
Heartbreak Red: “An assault through the phone, Mikazuki-san is out there!!”
*other end picks up*
Mikazuki: “’Your heart will beat, ba-dump.’ I’m busy right now, so maybe some other time.”
*hangs up*
Heartbreak Red: “He’s half sugar, half salt!
[REQUEST] Please give some praise to me, who goes to work every single day!!!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Eh, really, you’re amazing! You were born into this world! I should tweet grandly like this! Look at you, working hard by yourself and earning money! Are you a god? No, maybe a miracle? I’m glad I could come into contact with you even like this.”
[ADVICE] I’m in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, but I haven’t seen him in over a year. I want to meet up with him, but it’s hard to contact him because I’m bad at initiating conversation. How do men say they want to meet with someone?
Heartbreak Red: “I want to meet up. But I only have 10 minutes.”
#I want to meet everyone too~
[REQUEST] I want to hear a conversation between Heartbreak Red and Takamura Shiki-san who have a similar kind of energy!
Shiki: “We’re similar?”
Heartbreak Red: “Yeah, we’re similar. To test it, try saying my catchphrase.”
Shiki: “Your heart will beat......BA-DUMPPPPPP-------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “See, we’re alike.”
[REQUEST] I want to hear a story about Heartbreak Red-san and Minaduki Rui-san getting along well (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Heartbreak Red: “Ruirui~”
Rui: “’The cat goes meow, ba-dump.’ Minaduki Rui (and Yamato) have arrived.”
Yamato: “Meow ♪”
Heartbreak Red: “Yamato looks quite cute in a red bandana.”
Rui: “Yamato likes it too.”
[INQUIRY] Did any Six Gravity or Procellarum member tell a lie for April Fools Day?
Hearbreak Red: “What say you, Kakerun?”
Kakeru: “In the morning, Koi said ‘I evolved from koi [type of love] to ai [another type of love]!!’ but he was just referring to his younger sister, Ai-chan.
Heartbreak Red: “So Ai-chan is the evolved form of Koi...”
[REQUEST] Pick a fight using all your strength with someone you haven’t interacted with yet!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Who!? Uhhh, hey Pinkie!!!”
Koi: “My name’s not ‘Pinkie.’ I’ve evolved from Koi to become... Koi King.”
Heartbreak Red: “I wonder if there’s a monster in your pocket. Let’s see... I choose you: Heartbreak Green!!!” [reference to Pokemon (pocket monsters) so he’s calling out for Green like in a Pokemon fight]
Heartbreak Green (Haru from Gravi): “I want to be shaken like pollen!!! Heartbreak Green!! Glasses sparkle!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Also, Yoruyoru~!”
Yoru: “S-SOY YAAAA----!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Thank you, my comrades!!!”
#they kept up the momentum
[REQUEST] I want you to make me fall for you with all your strength!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “I love you.”
Heartbreak Red: “Saying that made me a little embarrassed.”
[REQUEST] Blushing Red, come on out!!!
Blushing Red (Ren from SOARA): “I think I’ll manage to get through it this time! B-Blushing Red!!!”
Blushing Red 2 (Dai from SolidS): “... Blushing...Red.”
Heartbreak Red: “THAT------WAS------SO-------CUTE.”
#thank you very much
[REQUEST] Please do your signature pose together with Warrior Red!!
Heartbreak Red: “Warrior~!! Warrior, come over here~~~!!!”
Warrior Red (Haruto from ROCK DOWN): “You called, and I popped out like a shochiku plum. WarriorRedWarriorRedWarriorRed...”
Hearbreak Red & Warrior Red: “YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”
[OTHER] Please tell us your favorite saying in a few words!!
Heartbreak Red: “Cheer up, I’m here. Because everyone is loved.”
Heartbreak Red: “Alrighty, my work here is done!! Ah~ That was fun!!!”
#thank you
#I hope you sleep well
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ryuukia · 6 years
[Translation] A certain hyper-dimensional tea party (Shimotsuki Shun & Tendouin Tsubaki)
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I’ve been thinking of translating this since some weeks ago (because seriously, this is gold). These two fanboying/fangirling over Hajime is a must-see. That’s all I’m spoiling for now www. (By the way, this is from the second nichijou kobanashi book, but it’s not included among the drama CDs track)
Special thanks to @ryota-kunstranslations and @moonlit-manifesto for assistance and proofeading.
Please don’t repost/reuse my translations!
Tsubaki: Ah, do we have a guest?
Shun: Hm? Indeed, …… it’s a guest. Welcome, to the dimension that’s overlooking this story. How are you?
Tsubaki: Since you were able to cross into this dimension, it must mean you’re also a fan of Hajime-sama? Am I wrong? Oh dear, nevertheless, why are you in such a maniac place?...... Hmm, I don’t care how you got here. These are the consequences. Since you opened the door to this dimension, there is only one thing you can do.
Shun: That is, of course……
Shun & Tsubaki: Joining us in our talk about Hajime-sama!
Shun: Yeeeey! Well then, everyone, shall we?
Tsubaki: L・O・V・E……
Shun & Tsubaki: HAJIME LOVE!
Shun: (thumbs up)
Tsubaki: (thumbs up)
Shun: Now, you’re an observer, aren’t you? Instead of wondering if you should back away from here, why don’t you watch how this wonderful talk about Hajime unfolds?
Tsubaki: Oh, yes. I was wondering why this dimension was such a private place to begin with. Normally, this is not a place that’s easy to step foot into, in other words, it is also a place where explaining yourself would be necessary. I don’t know what sort of play at fate this is but, the die has been already cast. Why don’t you join us in our talk while mulling over your problems?
Shun: That’s right. Well then, Tsubaki-hime. And observer. Let’s talk a lot!
Tsubaki: Yes, with pleasure.
Shun: I know this is sudden, but the fanbook of our joint stage-play, ORIGIN, was just released the other day. Has everyone gotten it already?
Tsubaki: Of course. The first thing I did was read it cover to cover. And after that I read it once again. Then at last, I studied in great detail the passages referring to Hajime-sama. Despite being a fan of Hajime-sama, I am also a fan of both groups. It’s a matter of manners to appreciate the entire castle before moving on to the inner citadel. I’ve looked carefully at the Six Gravity and Procellarum members. Thereby, the entire volume is now completely archived in my brain and I can perfectly reproduce any part.
Shun: I see. However, that volume has close to 200 pages. It must have taken quite some time, Tsubaki-hime.
Tsubaki: That’s not a problem. The longer my time of supreme bliss is, the better.
Shun: Right?
Tsubaki: Hajime-sama was a six-winged demon…… And above all, it suited him very well. The black king as a black demon. I got what I was promised and I felt like I won too much.
Shun: That’s right. That’s how it was. That captivating smile. That beautiful black long hair. In my pursuit of black demon Hajime, the moment I went to buy trading bromides, I bought five times more than I originally intended to (since Hajime didn’t come. My level of greed was scary.)
Tsubaki: It’s alright, Shun. Money spent on Hajime-sama is not wasted in vain. It’s only using Yukichi-sama* in exchange for Hajime-sama. What is your daily work done for? Isn’t it for getting as much of Hajime-sama as possible?
Shun: Thank you, Tsubaki-hime. When you say it like that, my heart starts to feel at ease.
Tsubaki: I’ve also looked over the original story of the stage-play. To be honest, I had faced the theater with a rather uncomfortable feeling at first when I imagined Hajime-sama talking like Shun.
Shun: How was the outcome?
Tsubaki: It goes without saying. Hajime-sama, of course, went beyond my expectations. Ah! I can’t forget. Hajime-sama’s first line while acting as a demon was……
Shun & Tsubaki: “You know who I am, don’t you?”
Tsubaki: …...So cute, and his head was…… tilted as he said that.
Shun: It was unbearable! Furthermore, the one he called out to was none other than me!
Tsubaki: No, that’s wrong. It was actually Shun from the Origin world.
Shun: …...You’re not entirely wrong, though-
Tsubaki: Anyway, Hajime-sama was once again marvelous.
Shun: I have no doubts. Ah, speaking of marvelous, Tsubaki-hime. Have you seen that?
Tsubaki: “That?” Do you mean-
Shun: The magazine released three days ago. It’s a concept magazine titled “Colourful” that contains articles related to colours.
Tsubaki: Ah, that. Actually, it’s still in the process of shipping. I was careless and failed to pre-order it (really careless).
Shun: Pre-ordering is important (sincerely).
Tsubaki: I know that with all my heart. …...Since you have it, would you mind sharing some information from the magazine with me? I’m fine even with the highlights only. After all, I’m the type who doesn’t mind spoilers.
Shun: If that’s the case, I shall proceed without hesitation. The magazine has an article featuring photos of Hajime and me as well as Kai and Haru from a photoshoot the senior group took part in.
Tsubaki: I see. What was the concept of the shoot?
Shun: Simply ‘white’. White accessories, white food, white settings and so on. With ‘white’ being the featured topic, the photos of us wearing white clothes made the front cover at the request of the publisher, you see?
Tsubaki: Ah, Shun’s…… or rather, the November group’s image colour is also white.
Shun: Truly Albion.
Tsubaki: Yes, Albion.
Shun: And white~
Tsubaki: White~
Shun: You could say I was the first one to get the offer, and then it was extended to a photoshoot with all four of us.
Tsubaki: I’m curious about the results……
Shun: Oh, dear me, Hajime’s outfit suited him soooooo well! He looked good in a pure, white shirt! Despite being the black king, white looks attractive on him! He was way too cool! Hajime dyed in my colour!
Tsubaki: I see, Hajime-sama dyed in my colour.
Shun: My colour!
Tsubaki: My colour.
Shun & Tsubaki: …… or rather, November’s colour.
Shun: Furthermore, just seeing Hajime in his white shirt made it possible for me to eat white rice! Though I like rice in general to begin with!
Tsubaki: I understand. I can go as far as eating three bowls.
Shun: I can eat three bowls of ramen!
Tsubaki: I will go get us buckets then.
Shun & Tsubaki: …… Oh, how we relish together in others’ misfortunes.
Shun: Ah, I want Tsubaki-hime to see him as soon as possible. Hajime in a white shirt, I mean. The shirt had a wide neckline and looked really comfortable. Moreover, the shirt's fit was slightly larger and showed a soft silhouette. Lastly, this part? It’s the most important one, you see?...... His overly long sleeves.
Tsubaki:......Oh God……
Shun: I know. I know. I thank the heavens……. And I can find only one word to describe him.
Shun & Tsubaki: ——Holy!
Shun: Whenever Hajime brought something to his lips, the sleeves sort of got in the way of his hands. Good grief! I was hopeless!
Tsubaki: I would have thought so, too.
Shun: Even on the day of the shoot, ah, he looked so good. So cool. So cute. He was so beautiful my thoughts ended up off in space, but when I had a look at the photos at the end of the shoot, they still looked good after all……. I took a picture with my smartphone quickly and set it as my lockscreen.
Tsubaki: Ah…… I also want to do that soon.
Shun: I pray that the treasure will arrive for you soon……. Ah, that’s right. Since we’re in this maniac place, you must see these off-shot pictures taken between interviews.
Tsubaki: Again, why is that?
Shun: During the time we were waiting there it was getting cold, and Kanade (Tsukishiro Kanade・Gravi’s manager) brought the ultimate weapon to wrap around Hajime’s body!
Tsubaki: Oh, my! What other thing could possibly be necessary?! What…...exactly?!
Shun: It was a light beige blanket!
Tsubaki: !?
Shun: And it was the kind that gently rests on the shoulders, you see! Sometimes it slipped down and Hajime would fix it!
Tsubaki: ! …… Good job, Kanade……. Ah…… why didn’t I become a wall at that time?
Shun: Cheer up, please, Tsubaki-hime? Even if you ordered the magazine after it went on sale, Tsubaki-hime will still be able to experience that atmosphere. I want you to see it faster. And around one hour afterwards, I want to talk together about it. That rare sight of Hajime wearing a haori*……. Ah, I don't want to remember. At that time, I immediately managed to decrease the set temperature by 20 degrees. I was fine with getting cold because in the end, Hajime put on a blanket.
Tsubaki: Justice……
Shun: Right? Isn’t that right? You’d want to see him in a blanket, wouldn’t you?
Tsubaki: Yes, yes, seeing Hajime-sama in that kind of clothing is a really, really rare sight indeed…
Shun: It certainly is! Ah, I feel guilty……
Tsubaki: …...I want to see it immediately…… Maybe Kuroneko Yamato-san* arrived already? I can’t wait!
Shun: ……. Thank you, Tsubaki-hime. You as well, observer. This level of excitement is barely enough. To me, the demon lord, having to live by myself is honestly painful. I am truly glad I was able to talk to you here and now. You saved me.
Tsubaki: No, no, Shun. We should be the ones to thank you. We were the ones saved by your talk about Hajime-sama……. I can work hard in the afternoon with just this information alone……
Shun: That’s good!
Tsubaki: Shun. And you too, the one watching us. Thank you very much. Well then, just as this talk has come to an end, for now let’s close this place as well. If luck shines upon us again and we happen to meet in this special place, let us have another fan talk.
Shun: Yes, indeed. See you again.
Tsubaki: Good luck (in terms of trading items).
Shun: Good luck (in terms of trading items).
Yukichi-sama = 10 000 yen banknote
Kuroneko Yamato = it’s the name of a shipping company in Japan (ironically it mans ‘black cat Yamato’)
haori = Japanese formal coat
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lucifersus · 6 years
So I'm in this phase of life where I think of what I want to do with my life.
And I was talking to a friend and we were like saying I don't think any of the Tsukiuta guys could work in a 9-5. They would all probably have their own businesses. For example could you imagine Hajime or Shun working under someone? Or You working as an employee in a company and either retorting everytime and getting fired or having to keep his retorts to himself and steaming inside? Idol life or no idol life their personalities just aren't suited for working for someone.
And so I thought about what they would do after idol life. Or what it would be like~
I mean they would have been idols for so long they would be lost in the real world like everyone else as well. Except maybe Hajime and Shun and Kai who's been a jack of all trades.
But I think even those 3 can feel lost because really what are you supposed to do when you've only been an idol but can't be an idol anymore because of age? Just like even Hajime felt lost and down in episode 11 when he felt their dream had already ended. And how he said in his Drama CD he didn't have any dreams for the future. What would he feel after he really had to retire as an idol? What would Shun feel for he too had no idea what to do in life before he got scouted and heard Hajime's name? Kai is a jack of all trades but master of none. Haru is an expert at making profit but for what? Business or something else? He's only been in the idol world.
They've already progressed their career to the max until they had to retire. So they're like in their 30s with lots of money but no idea what to do with it.
They say most retired idols can go back to the entertainment world but somehow I don't think Tsukiuta idols would do that. I mean they're unique enough to be a representative of 12 months each they surely have something they want to do with their lives after being an idol.
But then I think of them not knowing what to do and being lost like normal humans at 30+ when everyone already has a career and are progressing.
But then I think of how they still have each other. How they try to work it out on their own first maybe even sadly drifting apart since they don't live in the same place anymore. They're still surprised and they wake up in their own homes feeling lonely.
How Aoi and Arata, You and Yoru visit each other's houses and talk about what to do. How Koi and Kakeru friends since school meet up with each other and lament and bemoan. How Kai tries to meet up with Shun and Shun sometimes comes sometimes not. How Hajime and Haru talk about their high school days when they didn't know what to do. How Iku reaches out to Rui to comfort him but actually he's feeling lost too.
They might drift apart, people drift apart from each other when feeling lost and uncertain with themselves and their lives.
But then eventually they come back together. Because they've been together for so long, for 10 years or more. Maybe Kai and Haru discuss and they plan a gathering for everyone and Hajime agrees. I can see Shun not going for the first gathering so Kai and Haru tell Hajime to get him to go.
And then it's like they're together again. Hajime takes charge recounting the situation and Shun watches until Hajime asks for his opinion. Then he speaks and charms everyone in his usual way and it's like old times. Hajime says they should be independent adults and Shun says but they've always worked together and they decide together the idol life might have ended but their friendship and family hasn't. And with everyone there it's like Six Gravity and Procellarum again.
Because the Tsukiuta guys just have this unique connection with each other and this trust. And even after idol life I can see them being there for each other. The Seniors taking action. Kai and Haru arranging a gathering and Hajime and Shun resuming their leader roles.
And then they're shining again~starting to regain the spark they lost after they had to retire as idols. They realize they all still have each other and instead of trying to figure things out on their own they can bounce ideas off each other. They've gone through the exciting but demanding idol life together none of them will judge each other they're all in the same situation but still together. And they all are just there to encourage each other to be the best they can be. And so they share their interests, talk about their loves and reveal their dreams.
And it'll be really nice, for the first time since knowing each other they'll be getting to know their dreams, not for their fans but for themselves. And if a few of them don't know yet they still have the others' support and encouragement. I just imagine them sitting in a circle and just really getting to know more about each other as individuals. It might seem weird for men in their 30s to do this but I don't think the Tsukiuta guys can be defined by age. They're just special.
Of course it would take years it wouldn't be easy this time it's different they're working for themselves not for the fans. I can even see Hajime and Shun losing contact because even though Shun would still love Hajime he's still human as well and Hajime would be human just like he was in episode 11.
They might drift apart, lose contact as they get busy but then they have this gathering where they come together again and talk about their lives and know they're not alone in their hardship.
I just find that very attractive. Supporting each other, being there for each other like they were as idols but it doesn't change even when they're not idols because their bond lasts. Seeing each other's progress and inspiring each other. Maybe they can even have separate meetings for Procella and Six Gravity or Senior, Middle and Junior Group. They can keep the group chats to stay in contact because living together they've always seen and talked to each other and it's a way to feel like that.
Maybe it'll come to the point where they're in the midst of success and they can't even meet up so the leaders say something like it's time for everyone to pursue their dreams we will meet in 5 years time. And then they all go their separate ways working towards their dreams.
And the best thing besides their progress is when they achieve their dreams.
And then they have this gathering where they finally meet again after 5 years get to see everyone again and share their progress and how they want to do even more and it's a precious meeting in Kai's established shop.
Then they decide they want to reach out even further just like idols, to more people. Like You could have a clothing brand and it could become nationally recognized then he could expand his reach internationally. Like these guys will stop at nothing to pursue their dreams.
And they just leave an impact on people in their areas of expertise and specialization. Maybe they might even form some unique organization where they can all contribute with their talents and conquer - I mean impact the world~and when people look at each of the 12 people they're all so successful and wow they were idols once before. (I just thought of this because Shun said in his interview their goal is world domination, they want to dye the world black and white with Six Gravity and Procellarum)
Hehe. But really I just love this slice of life. Imagining what the Tsukiuta guys would do after idol life with their passion and drive. Each of them being successful and doing what they love as they reach out to people and touch their hearts and lives like they did as idols.
It's a beautiful picture.
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sciencespies · 3 years
First Moon rocks brought to Earth in 45 years hint at mysterious volcanic eruptions
First Moon rocks brought to Earth in 45 years hint at mysterious volcanic eruptions
That’s what researchers concluded after analyzing rocks that China’s Chang’e-5 spacecraft gathered from the moon in late 2020 and delivered back to Earth.
They’re the first lunar samples brought back since the Apollo missions in 1976. But they undermine the findings from analyses of those earlier samples. The Apollo rocks, along with some samples from the Soviet Union’s Luna 24 mission, indicated that the moon cooled off and its volcanoes stopped erupting roughly 3 billion years ago.
“The general assumption was that the moon is such a small body compared to Earth and Mars, for example, so it cooled off more quickly and stopped producing volcanics,” Bradley Jolliff, a planetary scientist at Washington University in St. Louis who helped conduct the research, told NBC News.
But the rocks that Chang’e-5 brought back are about 2 billion years old, and they’re volcanic. That means lava flows must have paved over the region where the spacecraft landed, nearly 1 billion years later than scientists thought was possible.
That surprising finding was published earlier this month in the journal Science. Then on Tuesday, a new study of the Chang’e-5 samples published in the journal Nature also determined those rock samples to be 2 billion years old.
What’s more, two accompanying studies this week showed that the new moon samples are surprisingly low in water and radioactive elements – both of which make volcanic eruptions easier. Water lowers the melting point of rock, and radioactive potassium, uranium, and thorium provide heat to melt magma. Both were present in higher concentrations in the Apollo and Luna moon samples.
Altogether, the new papers pose “a real conundrum,” according to Qing-Zhu Yin, a geochemist at the University of California, Davis, who was not involved in the research. Yin told Science that these studies raise questions about how a body as small as the moon could “support volcanic eruptions in the late stage of life.”
The reason the findings are baffling is that the moon has no atmosphere or magnetic field to retain the heat needed for volcanic activity. But a few ideas are circulating as to how heat stuck around so long.
One is that the moon’s soil might have been thick enough to hold onto heat for a billion years longer than scientists initially thought. Another is that the moon might have been heated by tidal forces from Earth, since the planet’s gravity could have stretched and relaxed the moon’s interior as it orbited.
A third possible explanation is an impact from a large asteroid or comet, since in some cases that can cause a volcanic eruption.
Moon samples are critical for decoding lunar history
Chang’e-5 launched to the moon in November. It landed near an inactive volcano in a region called Oceanus Procellarum, which is paved in a type of black volcanic rock called basalt. The lander then gathered more than 4 pounds (2 kilograms) of lunar rock, taking some material from the surface and some from 6 feet (1.83m) deep into the lunar crust.
Chang’e-5 then packaged the samples inside a capsule and launched it back to Earth. The capsule landed in Mongolia in December.
Since past missions harvested so little rock from the moon, scientists expect to learn much more from future samples like the Chang’e-5 rocks. China’s next lunar mission, Chang’e-6, aims to launch to the far side of the moon in 2024 and return even more samples.
“If the moon was a continent-sized object, the Apollo and Luna samples would be like sampling only one state. Imagine if that’s all we know about an entire continent,” Jolliff said.
This article was originally published by Business Insider.
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tsukiuta-obsessed · 7 years
Procellarum Introductory Post
@zephyrsus why did you tag me first i thought i would be the last
Click here for original post (important because I left out some stuffs)
Anyway, Shun said there are no rules  and this is just a general guideline and well, whatever so I will just do it. Also, you don’t have to say something you don’t want to. And, this is not a roleplay.
Name: Kai 
Age: In my teens.
Continent (to get an idea of our cultural differences): Asia (Southeast)
Favourite colours: Grey, blue
Things I like: Instant noodles, any kinds of soup, beautiful art and nicely-written fics and being dominant.
Things I dislike: Sabotage, Bullying, Wasting one’s efforts, Abuse of one’s power, Accusing others without solid proofs, Being in a crowded place.
Things I like doing: Imagining, writing, reading, drawing, helping others as long as it’s within my ability, singing, isolating myself for a few moments.
Things I don’t like doing: Being forced to do something that I know no one will appreciate.
Skills/Abilities: I can draw. Not that good compared to other artists but kinda acceptable, I suppose. I can write a bit too. I can remember things easily but I also forget things easily (which is why i usually studies the day before exam so i dont end up forgetting stuffs i read). I’m short-sighted but my eyes are quite sharp. I can memorize the picture I have seen, but I cannot remember the words inside. I’m more to the visual side, I suppose.
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Reading, Singing (even if my voice is not good)
What I can’t do: Any embarrassing stuffs since I get embarrassed easily. Ironically, I like drawing and writing rated stuffs even if I suck at it. Talking to people face-to-face. I can’t make an awesome, eye-catching art and can’t write something that make readers go ‘wow!’. I also couldn’t bear to yell at people no matter how angry I am. I usually just hold it in.
What I wish I could do: Make awesome art pieces like Kawacy or Rosuuri’s... I also wish I can write good smut like preciousbunnynoiz on AO3 and I wish I’m good at analyzing stuffs.
Anything else you want to say?: I’m not like Kai at all but apparently Haru recommended me so ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Nice to meet you all! ✧ Let’s get along well~
Who do u want to tag?: Rui @stupendouscollectionkoalafan (Shun said you’re nervous so I’ll tag you haha it will be okay don’t worry I’m nervous too)
...Who said I’m the popular one, I thought it was you?? Also please don’t leave it to me, I have no idea either! *sweats* You’re the smartest, so you should decide.
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judaiteitoreokou · 7 years
If the tsukiuta characters were in an omeageverse. I wonder who do you think would be the Alpha's, omega's and beta's?
Judai: Thank you for sending me this ask, Anon-san~♪
Hmmm…. This verse huh… Let see..
Six Gravity:
Mutsuki Hajime: AlphaYayoi Haru: BetaSatsuki Aoi: OmegaUduki Arata: AlphaShiwasu Kakeru: Omega Kisaragi Koi: Beta
Tsukishiro Kanade: Omega
Shimotsuki Shun: Can be an omega or an alpha. He’s a special case. (no one actually knows whether he’s an omega or an alpha since he doesn’t smell like it and he has no visible mark. Its still a mystery to everyone and Shun is still being secretive of it. But to be honest, he’s most likely an omega.)Fuduki Kai: Alpha (he’s the older brother/father of the group. Lol)Haiduki You: AlphaNagatsuki Yoru: Omega (he has the motherly instinct of an omega after all~ lol)Minaduki Rui: BetaKannaduki Iku: Alpha
Kurotsuki Dai: Alpha (he is Procella’s papa after all~♪)
Tsukipro (even though you didn’t ask for it… Lol…)
Takamura Shiki: AlphaOkui Tsubasa: Omega (but everyone actually confuses him as an alpha with the way he’s acting and his personality. Currently the one who knows he’s an omega is his family, Dai and Dai’s mother, Mamoru and Shun)Murase Dai: AlphaSera Rikka: Omega
Haiduki Fumihiko: Beta
Izumi Shu: AlphaHorimiya Eichi: Omega (definitely. With the way he’s like a mother to the twins. Shu is the father, by the way. Lol)Kuga Issei: BetaKuga Ichiru: Beta
Fujimura Mamoru: OmegaEto Koki: AlphaSakuraba Ryota: BetaYaegashi Kensuke: Alpha
Ohara Sora: OmegaArihara Morihito: AlphaKagurazaka Soshi: AlphaMunakata Ten: OmegaNanase Nozomu: Beta
Judai: I just can imagine Koki trying hard to restrain himself whenever he’s with Mamoru (once he knew that Mamoru is actually an omega).
I can also imagine Koki being all sweet and romantic when courting Mamoru… Kyaaa~♪
Then Rikka and Shiki thinking that Tsubasa and Dai are bonded… Lol… Although they first thought that Tsubasa is an alpha. They found out he’s an omega when Tsubasa accidentally had his heat earlier than expected. Lol… You can just imagine Shiki’s reaction when he smelled Tsubasa. He almost jumped at the poor birdie… Good thing Dai (who knows what to do when Tsubasa is in heat) was able to restrain Shiki and save Tsubasa from other alphas within the vicinity. Rikka was there to help too.
No one knows how Dai can keep himself from being influenced by Tsubasa’s scent. The conclusion they came up was because Dai and Tsubasa have been together since childhood that’s why Dai became used to it.
Then with Shun… Lol… No one knows if he’s an alpha or an omega. They just labelled Shun as Shun, a new category. Lol….
Regardless, Hajime courted Shun (once he stopped being dense about his feelings and realizing he actually loves Shun). He was able to find out that Shun is an omega when they were together on a date and Shun’s heat started. You can just imagine Hajime’s expression when he noticed the alphas within their vicinity were attracted by Shun’s scent.
Being a possessive lover, Hajime glared daggers at them. And if glares are harmful, those alphas are long dead. Lol…
That’s it for now. Thank you for sending me this ask, anon-san~♪ I hope I was able to answer to your expectation. *bows*
By the way, minna, don’t hesitate to send me an ask, a prompt or a request~♪
- Judai
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amisbro · 8 years
The reason that
This first part of the new “UtaPri Verse” has been on a bit of a holding pattern is because I have been already meticulously planning the first chapter of the “Tsukiuta Saga” and beyond. You see...beginning with the “All-Star” concert coming up the groundwork starts getting built for this “Saga/Arc” because we are going to have two special guests (I’m considering bumping that up to 4...you’ll know them when you read them) and they report back to their managers about the concert.  THIS starts a very interesting (and intense in some ways) chain of events when the managers for the groups, Tsukishiro Kanade for Six Gravity and Kurotsuki Dai for Procellarum make it know that the President of Tsukino has his “Eye on teh Prize” and the Prize is of course Joshua because he wants Joshua to outright join Tsukino based on the recommendations of the Managers and the Seniors for each group. This is going to start a very interesting situations because now an outside Agency is trying to recruit so we know how things are gonna get right? WELL... Just imagine what happens when Joshua somehow ends up at Tsukino Talent Agency and now HEAVENS and QN have their hands full!  What happens if Joshua likes it there?  Would he be willing to be tied up with them exclusively OR will he find a way to remain as is? There are so many twists and turns that are going to happen between NOW and the Christmas Concert on the 25th of December that if you think one thing is gonna happen I can promise you I probably thought about it and then figured out how to fool you! Later today i get back on my horse to finish the leadoff story and then we get ready for NOT JUST Ren’s Birthday BUT we get ready for a “Valentine’s Day” event that is pretty cool AND the beginning of “Tsukino’s Pursuit”! Where do we go from there?!
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lucifersus · 6 years
I still can’t imagine what kind of double life Shun lives. On one hand he’s the leader of Procella, the rival group to Hajime’s Six Gravity. In fact he’s Hajime’s rival. They compete against each other, play air chess, talk about their distinguished families. They discuss about the joint live as leaders of Proella and Six Gravity.  On the other he’s Hajime’s self-proclaimed biggest fan. He fangirls fanboys in front of Hajime with no shame, is part of Hajime’s fanclub and has ‘comrades’ in Hajime fans. And he’s like, probably the only guy there? So like, he ‘fangirls’ together with all the girls over Hajime and then he returns to the dorm life with the guys and his job as the leader of Procella. And the stage where he’s the charming cool prince type who flirts with his fangirls and makes them scream. I mean...how does that even work Shun? And he’s such a part of the fanclub that they can even give him underwear as a present??? Omg why would you give underwear as a present! xD What even...asasawoijak how do they even know Shun’s size??? Did they ask for their yaoi doujin with him and Hajime or something and does he know??? Shun how do you even...? And he wears it to events and live concerts as his lucky lavender (purple and white) item? He wears something he received as a fellow fan when he’s the leader of Procellarum....’competing’ against Hajime on the stage. Shun, I swear...
Now I want to write a fic of Shun’s double life lol! 
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ryuukia · 6 years
[Translation] Tsukiuta Character Song 3rd Season Mini Drama CD - Joint Live Intermission: Hajime and Shun’s MC corner
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I’ve never thought I’d work again on audio after Shun’s “Just do it!” mini drama but it looks like I was wrong. This CD is a bonus CD, which you get for buying both Hajime’s and Shun’s CDs. This is not the only one, in fact there are 6 such CDs per total, one for each release set, as well as a group CD if you buy them all. I have them but I won’t be working on them
If you’re curious how the CD actually looks like, here’s the board surface.
Special thanks to @clearui for proofreading as usual, but also to @ryota-kunstranslations for helping me word some things. I can’t trust my audio skills RIP
Please don’t repost/reuse my translations! Likes and reblogs are appreciated. I also recommend listening to the CD while reading this~
Hajime: Thank you for your cheers. Then, I'll say it once again. Welcome today, to Gravi and Procella’s Joint Live. I’m Six Gravity’s leader, Mutsuki Hajime.
Shun: Ya, everybody. Greetings~ I’m Procellarum’s leader, Shimotsuki Shun. I’m happy to meet everyone like this~ Have you enjoyed Hajime’s and my solo, together with the live parts up to this point?
-fans cheer more-
Shun: -chuckles- Energetic, aren’t you? Thank you~! Hajime, did you hear that? Their cheers are amazing.
Hajime: Aah, that’s right. Thank you, everyone. The solo parts started with Kakeru and Rui, continuing until the last performances, with the two of us ending them. Until this point, all 12 of us had been performing a lot, so everyone must be really tired by now, but you all sure still have some power (stamina.)
Shun: Even though they are princesses at glance.
Hajime: Shun. Not only princesses, but it looks like there are also some men.
Shun: Where, where~? Ah, it’s true. Hello~
Hajime: Haa, they’re waving their light sticks. Did you have fun? -more cheers- Thank you.
Shun: I’m happy to receive support from the ladies, but I’m also happy to receive some from males.
Hajime: That’s right. It’s a good thing we were able to create something that everyone could enjoy regardless of gender or age.
Shun: You sure are confident that you won’t bore them. In the end, we are 12 people, which is a large number of people, lined up with a variety of characters. E-hem~
Hajime: You’re really saying that? But, well, you’re right. Watching the solo parts one after another, I was certainly reminded once again that we’re a lot of people.
Shun: We had a break in the middle though. Nevertheless, each person sings 2 songs so when we have 12 people, that means 24 songs in total. There were various songs, but also talks too.
Hajime: Shun. Since we are the last ones, shall we make this talk corner accordingly and review the entire live a bit?
Shun: Ah, that’s nice! Let’s do that! Oh, everyone in the audience! Your cheerings were fully transmitted to us up on the stage, so since I was thinking we all must be tired, we could also enjoy ourselves while taking a proper break.
Hajime: That’s right. From here on, Shun and I are in relax mode too. We’ll be taking it easy.
Shun: Indeed. Relax, everyone! Relax. That’s right. Just like you’d be in my arms. Relax your whole body and slac-
Hajime: Since I’m thinking to talk relaxedly, please sit down as you please. ...Don’t push yourselves, okay?
-fans cheer again-
Shun: Hajime, that was cool! -gets smacked- ouch
Hajime: Well, then… Talk corner, start!
Hajime: Now. Well, Shun, I’m counting on you.
Shun: Ye~s, leave it to me, Hajime. Since this is the man-to-man talk with Hajime I’ve wished for so long, of course I’ll be willing to do it.
Hajime: You sure are excited.
Shun: You wouldn’t like it if lives aren’t exciting, right?
Hajime: Well, that’s true.
Shun: Hmpf hmpf hmpf. Well, and also Hajime, you looked like you were in a good mood during the live, more like you looked excited back there.
Hajime: Aah, I’ve heard that a lot. Well, it’s true that I was enjoying it, but...
Shun: That means it has been clearly delivered. You smiled and talked more than usual, and then the sight of you having fun, fluttering your long coat while dancing surprised everyone. It looked like fun that it made us have a hard time trying not to smile too much, but I thought “Here he comes, oh God, thank you!!” when you showed that excitement.
Hajime: ….... I won’t do it anymore.
Shun: Eh, do it! You don’t have to mind those~. It’s a good thing that someone as composed as Hajime can honestly have fun. Isn’t that right, everyone?
Hajime: Don’t get them involved.
Shun: Hahaha. Just like that, this stage has lots of energy to get involved with us.
Hajime: You summed that up so smoothly
Shun: I’m a leader in a sense.
Hajime: Yes, yes. By the way, since it’s only the two of us, I couldn’t imagine how the talk would advance, but the atmosphere turned out to be friendly.
Shun: You couldn’t imagine?
Hajime: I usually have a lot of jobs with you as a set, though talking openly was never part of the main.
Shun: Indeed. We had mainly photo shootings and interviews. There were occasionally a few talk corners, though somehow we were trapped in the flow and got dragged by others.
Hajime: None were in real time.
Shun: Certainly.
Hajime: Well, it might be refreshing for the audience listening to us, even I also feel a bit at lost trying to grasp the situation.
Shun: If Hajime himself feels like that, then the worrywarts, Kai and Haru, would be worrying and fidgeting if they were on the stage like this.
Hajime: Rather than those two, I’d like to have Kakeru and Koi here.
Shun: They're the Gravi members in charge of MCs, right? There’s a rumor that those two can do one stage with only them being there as MCs.
Hajime: They probably could. In Procella’s case, I can picture Iku and You being in charge with this kind of corner, though...
Shun: Exactly. Those two seem to be in charge of the tsukkomi, and it looks that they will talk back and throw tantrums confidently.
Hajime: In charge of the tsukkomi…. Then I suppose that would make the other Procella members the airhead types? Hm… I see.
Shun: I feel like you are pitying me while staring at me. I may say that, but Hajime sometimes also plays the role of the natural airhead, and you’re probably nearer to us.
Hajime: There’s no such thing
Shun: In the backstage, Haru, Arata, and Koi are furiously shaking their heads though.
Hajime: You all better remember this afterwards
Shun: My, my. Well, for now, shall we return to this live’s initial topic?
Hajime: You’re right. 
Hajime: Kakeru and Rui had the opening roles. Kakeru’s song has an upbeat tempo, exciting your entire being, so it was easy for him to hook up the audience while singing I guess?
Shun: Rui also managed to liven up the atmosphere well. Usually it feels like he’s saving his energy, but he also shows confidence on the stage. Once he’s on the stage, a switch inside him is turned on. He’s very good at exciting everyone.
Hajime: The call-res (call and response) were also great. He shouted “I want to hear everyone’s voices” and “let me hear them”.
Shun: How about trying it out next time, Hajime? Rather than responses, I think you would hear squeals instead though.
Hajime: What’s that? I think you can do it more naturally than me.
Shun: Is that so? Alright, let’s challenge ourselves next time. 
Shun: Next up are our caretakers, Kai and Haru’s turns.
Hajime: One of the topics was that this time, the two songs from their repertoire have gaps between each other. I thought Haru would attack with an up-tempo this time, but his second song is completely the opposite of that.
Shun: Kai, too. He has a combination between beast-mode and a ballad with profound subtleties. It was definitely a stage of differences in singing.
Hajime: Right? After those, it was Arata’s and You’s turns. Arata is the type who usually does things at his own pace, but if he has to decide on something he thinks a lot before taking a decision, so his shift is interesting. He said he wanted to play the guitar himself, and, personally, I’m looking forward to that.
Shun: -whispers- Now that’s going to raise up Arata’s hurdle. Good luck~. 
Shun: Speaking of things to look forward to, I checked the evolution of You’s dance. Since he practiced a lot, he’s getting better and better.
Hajime: Indeed. He gives off a lot of enthusiasm when he dances, so that’s to be expected.
Shun: But if we keep talking about such things, he’s going to get angry at us later backstage. He wants to shows everyone only his cool side after all.
Hajime: It sounds like him.
Shun: Yoru and Aoi. You could say they made all the people in this room feel at peace? But they also made the audience go pit-a-pat.
Hajime: They’re calming in various ways. I feel like sooner or later I will want to see an up-tempo dance from the two of them. When you get down to it, they seem to dance pretty.
Shun: Yes, this will sure raise Aoi’s and Yoru’s hurdles.
Hajime: …… I don’t mean that.
Shun: Of course they would worry when the King has expectations on them. Ah, you two, I also look forward to that!
Hajime: I could feel animousity coming from the backstage monitor though.
Shun: Hahaha. As a leader, I can give them tasks, you know?
Hajime: The last ones are Koi and Iku. Personally, I think the two of them are the most fit to be idols.
Shun: Oh, is that so?
Hajime: Yeah. They have the power to cheer people up. I usually think I want to be like that, but it’s difficult to do it consciously. The two of them are the types who can do that naturally.
Shun: You’re right. Their songs too are cheerful, full of spirit, and give off a lively feeling. When they requested to be put at the end, it felt like they were saying ‘Leave it to us!’.
Hajime: That’s right.
Hajime: Then, the last ones are you and I.
Shun: Ah, that’s nice!
Hajime: Hm?
Shun: I mean the way ‘you and I’ sounds is nice.
Hajime: Haha, yes yes. All 12 members and everyone in the audience ran through this until the end.
Shun: We really did it. It was very fun.
Hajime: It was, right?
Shun: Since we’re the last performers, we’re close to finishing all the things scheduled for this live, but just because the performances are over, it doesn’t mean everything is over.
Hajime: Yeah. Shun
Shun: -chuckle- Hajime
Hajime: All of you! It’s still too early to get tired!
Shun: Everyone, let’s run through this until the very end together! The last unit song! Let’s do it with all the power!
Hajime: Let me hear your voices!
Shun: I want to hear your voice!
Hajime: It’s our turn! Let’s fire things up, Six Gravity!
Shun: Everyone from Procellarum! Now, come!
Hajime & Shun: Let’s start!
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lucifersus · 7 years
Procella’s Second Activity ♪
My laptop froze after I finished this so this is the second time I’m typing this………
It was loooooong and I have to type it all over again….*cries and gets his super memory to work*
I want to sulk but I better type before I forget……
Laptop whyyyyyyyyyy Technology whyyyyyyyyyyy
Favourite Character: Shimotsuki Shun, Mutsuki Hajime, Fuduki Kai, Haduki You, Kisaragi Koi, Fujimura Mamoru, Ohara Sora
Favourite Unit: Procellarum, Six Gravity
Favourite Series: Tsukiuta 
Favourite Pairings: HajiShun, KaiShun, HaruShun cause it’s cute
Favourite Songs of Favourite Unit/Character/Series: …….Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo, November Stars, Monochrome Sky, Hajimari no Haru, Toumei Lullaby, Beast Master (all of Kai’s songs really) Hajime’s Nade Nade song (nope no not going to put the full title Hajime why), Utayomidori no Koe, LOLV (Procellarum), GRAVITIC-LOVE (Six Gravity)
Reasons Why You Love The Unit/Character/Series/Pairings: ……….#technologywhy #whatareyoudoingshun #yeskaii’llmakeitneatunderstood~ #kaitakingchargeiscoolyouknow? 
Procellarum: I love Procella because Procella is fun and free~I think Kakeru or Koi said it in the episode where they record them sleeping. ‘Procella is so free’ They’re all also very individualistic and their leader isn’t even a leader type (*looks at You*) and it makes them more unique. Procella caught my attention first when I watched the anime and I grew to love them more in the Drama CDs especially Kai’s sarcasm ‘yes yes moving on’ I adore Kai’s sarcasm no regrets w
Shimotsuki Shun (Tsukiuta, Procellarum): Tsukiuta’s Shimotsuki Shun is perfect! He’s like my idol! I love him because he’s so cool, cute, gentle, whimsical, free, kind, mischievous, playful, and everything! He doesn’t let himself be restricted and just does whatever he wants which is really fun. Ah yes he’s also full of surprises! And he has all these amazing abilities like magic and super memory (word for word!), can speak several languages, etc yet he’s not annoyingly egotistic and he definitely doesn’t put himself above others and Hajime. I actually didn’t like him at all at first ww w in the anime because he seemed like the cool prince charming type or ‘mysterious type’ and egotistic type and seemed to know everything until he like revealed his Hajime-LOVE then I went to the Drama CDs and discovered his original character and loved him! Ok I’m sure it was longer than this…oh yeah he’s dedicated to his love for Hajime and is so sweet and like what’s there not to love?! There was a time when I was discovering more about him and just thinking of him and imagining that playful smile could make me smile~even after a bad day. He was my inspiration? Hehe. I’m really grateful for Tsukiuta’s Shimotsuki Shun’s existence.
 Mutsuki Hajime (Tsukiuta, Six Gravity): Mutsuki Hajime…he’s like a favorite character but not like a favorite character? He’s a favorite character because he’s interesting and cool but not a favorite character as in ‘I love him so much’. I like Hajime, he’s interesting and I’m intrigued by him. But I’m puzzled by him because I don’t really understand him. Well his casualness and coolness is attractive I suppose? It’s charming. And his gentle side is so -! When he goes soft it’s so -!! Gap moe, I think? Like his expression is either cool or blank or ‘what did you just say’ or ‘I don’t really care’ or ‘you just pissed me off’ ‘let’s do this’. It’s always very straightforward and blunt like his words. So when he smiles softly and is gentle soihiosathe my heart - the gap moe is -! But unfortunately it’s hard to bring out…but he seems to have become softer in Tsukipro so -!! But I’m still mostly puzzled by him. I enjoy writing and reading about him though~ So yes I like Hajime (mostly because Shun loved him and so I got interested in him), he’s interesting but can you stop being tsundere and treat Shun better thank you Black King (Don’t worry Hajime, I actually grew to like Hajime more because of you~)
 Fuduki Kai (Tsukiuta, Procellarum): Opposites attract yes? I’m lazy and dislike being bored even though I get bored easily maybe exactly because I get bored easily and Kai is so energetic and passionate about everything he’s so fun~Also I have like zero physical stamina zero nada none and Kai is athletic to the point of climbing mountains and being attacked by a pirate ship wwwww Kai why. And actually rather than the cool type like Hajime I have a soft heaaaart for the gentle type and Kai takes care of others so well and his ‘rely on me’! is so cute and charming and he was really gentle when he spoke about his first love like Kaiiiii~ And he has multiple facets to his personality – the energy, denseness, sadness, the taking care of others, the rely on me, the gentle and kind, the sarcasm (I love Kai’s sarcasm it’s important so I have to say it twice). And of course the Beast Master. The wild side~ahhh I wanna see it!! Ahaha. Anyway~the contradicting sides Kai has, like being gentle and kind but sarcastic, being dense but good at taking care of others, being reliable but hiding the dark side of the Beast Master – makes him a really interesting and intriguing character. (Also his dynamic with Shun is so funny and hilarious lololol)
Haduki You (Tsukiuta, Procellarum): Lololol You, I love this guy cause he’s so funny and hilarious and he amuses and entertains me wwwwwww with his honesty and directness and eternal tsukkomi and of course his tsundereness~he’s so cute just like my You~and he makes me laugh which is always a plus~
Kisaragi Koi (Tsukiuta, Six Gravity): I don’t know? He’s just one of my favorites because he’s so cute and adorable then he’s so serious speaking in a low voice then he panics cutely for no reason and calls Kakeru to be reassured he isn’t ordinary or normal or average all the while forgetting he’s an idol wwww Koi is adorableeee. Then he’s cool and manly in the Origin art w. He’s so cute and funny~
Fujimura Mamoru (Growth): I don’t knowwwwwww but he’s so cute and adorable and his hair looks so fluffy! His eyes are warm and his smile is gentle and his gaze and demeanor is so sincere. He was working as a salaryman before and then he’s composing and producing music so coooool ‘Possessing a god-like talent in contrast to his destructive living ability, makes him a very lovable NEET!" - Yes I totally agree with this line from the wiki! His personality is…fluffy? I don’t know, he’s just adorable~~ and sooooooo cuteeeeeee
Ohara Sora (SOARA): More or less the same reason as Kai I guess? He’s energetic and lively and I’m lazy ww well I liked that he has insecurities though, like when he got discouraged by the mean things people said, it just endeared him more to me. Not really favorite favorite but I like his energy
Tsukiuta: I don’t know much about the other series still except for what I know from Tsukipro but Tsukiuta holds a special place in my heart. It started as a random anime I somehow clicked on and grew to teach me and help me and just became something really meaningful. It feels like Fate. Besides finding Shun who is uncannily similar to me and whom I relate to so much and love, I love the individuality of everyone in Tsukiuta, especially that of Procella. Everyone is just like cute and charming and cool in their own way and they’re all such dorks www they make me smile and laugh and I never get bored. Of course now I find people in real life who are like the Tsukiuta characters especially in personality and it makes me love Tsukiuta and the characters even more. *smiles* Again, it’s strange...but it feels like Fate. Like an alternate universe? I’m looking forward to January when Six Gravity will be formed. Things will get more and more fun~
Ehhhh it’s long enough already but okaaaaaay
HajiShun: Because Shimotsuki Shun loves Mutsuki Hajime~eh ok. But really? It started that way? He loved Hajime so much and showed so much love and was so happy with Hajime! Ah also because it was the thing that detracted from his anime cool prince charming personality and he got excited and lost his composure over his Hajime-LOVE and it was refreshing. Then I wrote fics and read fics and listened to the songs and did theories and…que sera sera? They are just so cute together especially when Hajime returns Shun’s affection in those fics and they complement each other being similar but very different at the same time. And the reason still remains the same? I love Shimotsuki Shun from Tsukiuta and I want him to be happy and Mutsuki Hajime makes him happy so I ship HajiShun. (So Hajime return the love tyvm)
KaiShun: I usually ship only one pairing with one character (like main, OTP ship) but KaiShun is an exception because Mutsuki Hajime is a dense idiot hmph. And I like Kai a lot, I love his character and his interactions with Shun they’re so cute together w the spoiled young master and the reliable independent guy who wants to take care of others, yet they can have touching moments like in the Kimi ni Hana Drama CD which is one of my favorites. They just make a good pair and have an interesting dynamic? Probably because they’re so different. (And yeah cause Hajime is still dense so I ship)
HaruShun: A bit of a crack ship w but like since Hajime brushes Shun off and Kai is like dense too then can we have the attentive, Holy Mother Haru with the attention-needing Demon Lord Shun? Wwwwww they’re just cute together okay and they seem to communicate on a similar wavelength? Like talking about things in a roundabout manner. It’s cute. They also go shopping together which is super cuteee
(Yes like Kai I ship like EveryonexShun because Shun is cute and perfect and deserves to be loved, especially if Hajime won’t return his love. This does not~ apply to this real life Shun by the way I am not~ cute even if Hajime himself says so - I went down a different path and I’m more of a Demon Lord and it’s more like ShunxEveryone yes~? Fufufu…)
And yes! Yay! I finished! Again, but whatever! I managed to finish before new year and this time it won’t be gone because I learnt my lesson and typed all this in a word document! Hah! You can’t beat me, technology! I won’t be taken down so easily!
Ah now that I did mine, Rui remember to do yours too~
Oops I almost forgot to tag
@kirakirafairyprincess @judaiteitoreokou @minazukirui-pluviawaltz @stupendouscollectionkoalafan @tsukiuta-obsessed
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