#runaway kid kin
kinhelpandlove · 1 year
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Dark academia Runaway Kid icons!
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kincord-kinhelp · 4 months
Blue, chain, gnome, deux, tyler, terry, aoi, Mavi, azzy, ceru, delft, indi, Klein, Penn, aquamarine, beryl, chalcedony, zircon, aster, kori, lo, warby, ciel, kai, lane
Blue/blues gnome/gnomeself run/runs hide/hideself ae/aer zee/zeer, kind/kindself
The one who runs, the one who ran, the fleer, the kindness, the friend, the runaway, he who flees, the soft, the only kind heart, he who befriends, the one on the plate, he who regrets, the one without a number.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Spare Grimm headcanons? Funky goth bastard has been on my mind lately
Sure! These are just scraps lying around me old noggin
-Started off as a twin to the Radiance, who then slowly grew more and more distant as each accumulated new differences between them. This works mainly because the majority of their power sits in the Dream Realm, so they do not obey the same rules of biology as those born in the physical realm (like PK, who mimics a biological being quite well despite basically being composed of soul pretending to be flesh). Grimm now views his sister as a pitiful thing almost entirely apart from himself, and while he does wish things did not turn out the way they did, he wouldn't shed a tear at her death
-Created the butterfly tribe soon after Radiance created the moths (or was it before...?) Both argue that they had their own idea first. Grimm doesn't tie himself to them, however, because the Radiance's obsession with being the mother of the moths/be accepted and loved by them all disturbed him. Also, being tied to them brings discrimination from those terrified of him, so if you ask his relationship to them, he'll never give you a straight answer
-The butterflies, in turn, either do not worship him directly; they are often traveling preformers, much like their creator, but they dance and sing and turn to the arts to remind people to value life when it is rich and beautiful, not to herald Grimm's arrival (as is often misunderstood by those who know of him). They also never speak his name, so many who are estranged from their tribe just straight-up don't know him
-Split himself into three (Nightmare Heart, Nightmare King, Troupe Master Grimm) partially because he disliked the all-eggs-in-one-basket means the other gods did, and partially because he was curious about death. The Troupe Master form will literally 'burn out' without the full might of its componant parts to constantly regenerate it in the physical world, which is why he has that phoenix-like lifestyle. If one part is killed, the others survive, but he cannot live a continuous, constantly immortal existance like the rest of his kin
-Infertile; can only reproduce asexually, which bothers him sometimes. Actually a great dad though fuck y'all who says otherwise. Tends to adopt kids he finds in warzones/runaways, which gives him a legend of being a grubnapper and cradlerobber despite him not going out of his way to steal children
-Opportunist to the core: is he as dangerous as other gods? Probably not. He holds no territory of his own apart from his troupe, and he's a scavenger to boot. But he's less of a mild-mannered vulture, and more of a crow; he'll wait patiently for his turn at the carcass of old civilizations, but if he finds an easy way to hurry along the process, he will. And while he does feel pity for unfortunate souls, he will also devour their fear and dread just as hungrily, because that's kind of his entire job. He's the cleanup crew. It's nothing personal
-Does he have bones? Organs? A face? Don't ask
-Much like wyrms are legends brought to life of now-extinct vertebrates like snakes, Grimm has batlike/mammilian features because legends are still whispered about those ancient enemies of the night, even though it has been many millenia since they went extinct, and bugs were small enough to be hunted by them. Their memory lives on in legend and the deepest instinctual fears of bugs, and manifests itself in Grimm
-Somewhere above 13,000 years old, if we count continuous rebirth cycles as a single life. Yes, the Radiance was this old as well. I place their creation somewhere around the time bugs became able to conceptualize/tell stories of their hopes and fears, which brought them into being
-Gender? Whatever feels like the most fun preformance for him right now. Gender doesn't exist when you're a dream coaxed into reality, with all the temporal bindings that posesses (almost none). He usually uses he/him bc Radi feels very strongly positively about she/her, and bc its dapper, but that's not set in stone by far. More set in smoke, and just as whimsical and easy to change
-Somewhat of a narrative foil to the Pale King, but in self-sacrifice, responsibility, and fatherhood, unlike the direct foil of the Radiance. Bit incoherent rn bc I'm sleepy, but despite his fairytrap deal of joining the Troupe still being, well, a fairytrap, he doesn't hold anyone to strict loyalty like PK. Yeah he's a nightmare god who lives on the entrails of civilizations felled by death and ruin, yeah he's exactly what he sounds like he is, but he's also not cruel. That would be a waste of precious time and energy, and he hasn't got much to lose, either, so why bother? He's just genuinely a laid-back dude when it comes to the other gods. Best to let them tear each other apart, he'll always profit when the warmongering is over no matter what
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aonungyou-shit · 1 year
My Soul Outside my body
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Ao'nung x Fem sully Reader
!Runaway Side stories!
Ao'nung never thought be be much a Dad. Truthfully he knew he would love his kids as one does their kin. Teach them how to live and that would be all
But He just Adored Her.
Nixty had love for the both of you.
Ao'nung saw it as clear as day. He saw how she would actively seek you both out to do activities, to learn new things to show you two how great parenting can be. And really he was no fool.
Every moment her small hand took his own he fell in love with her just the tiniest bit more.
Anytime she called to him when a bad dream needed to be chased away. He softened his walls.
Anytime she always talked his ear off while doing his hair he couldn't help the growing pride.
Now he understood the "Girl dad" life.
Nixty was his very own pride. His heart. His soul.
You would talk hours upon hours with her when ever her curious mind wandered. She was unique.
Her little head laying on you. You had a prominent baby bump already and her little face was always mushed on your stomach. Making you a little uncomfortable or laugh at the tickles it would cause.
"When will baby be here?"
"Soon enough my love"
He watched as she then took his hand and began playing, as a kit would to its mother's tail.
There never was a moment of dullness with her. Never a moment alone. Not when you also happened to be there with them.
Never a moment alone
But Nixty was the trouble of a thousands.
It really was like having a bundle already. And Yet it never got overbearing or tiresome.
He loved how troublesome she was. And yes he better start nipping this in the butt now before she ever becomes like your brother Lo'ak. But he just couldn't resist.
Maybe it just ran in the family too?
Your little babe kept kicking him when ever he tried to lay on your naval.
Nixty would get into trouble. Yes that was a given and he knew that people entertained her. He knew that one day she will learn the hard way.
That people would say things to her that hes heard before. Maybe she too would develop a massive ego as he once had.
Often he was terrified for her.
How and why and when did he become so fearful, He knew that Being a parent would never be easy. It never seemed to be. Eywa knows what he put his own parents through.
He wondered. Did his father ever get overly worried for how he was? Did his father ever love something so deeply. So Rooted into his core that it made him weep at night?
He was the first born yes. And yes he didn't get to have his parents for himself like Nixty did. But did they ever Love him by himself without the attachment of his sister. He loved her too. But he wondered.
Did this individual love he had for her in this moment would no longer be as intense as it was now once her sibling was born?
He was so curious about her. What would she be. Who would she be. What great plan did the great mother have for her.
He could only hope that the following plan of the first born dying to find her.
Your grandmother had lost her oldest.
Your Father his Eldest brother.
You had been so Close to death yourself.
Surviving on a mere miracle. On a mere wish and he had hoped and prayed so vividly that he would not lose Nixty. He was terrified of returning her energy back to the great mother because he's never loved something as he loved his daughter.
His love for you was many things. But what he held for her was something else.
she was everything he loved as one person.
She was His love, His devotion to you.
She was his Troubles, His worries.
She would be strong and she would be kind.
Often you would find him, Holding his little tot in his arms as he wept on her. His tears never disturbing her peace. And when you asked him what was wrong you always got the same response.
"I just love her so"
She was him, A version of him that he grew to love. And in turn he couldn't be more proud. She was everything good that was him and you.
She was his Soul Outside his body.
the way i forgot the taglist-
perma taglist: @fanboyluvr / @oasis-balli
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I have been developing relationship notes for "Season Two" of AGITM and I have pretty much settled on MesoProwlJazz because the dynamics are fascinating.
Jazz joins to get off Cybertron and away from stuff that went bad during the Cybertron part of the storyline in Season One. He now has a Thing about mnemosurgeons as well but was the one who dragged an interesting group of runaways (Getaway, Ambulon, Genitus, Riptide) who had been MTOs/cold constructs Zeta was creating for a private army and that Jazz snatched in his escape from Zeta's facilities as he got Shadowplayed by Trepan.
Jazz is doing this to get them out of fire range and finds Prowl charming. He flirts and distracts him to keep attention off the "kids". But Prowl ends up figuring them out. Like recognizes like, and he instead starts making a "How To Person" guide for them like he needed to figure out the world out of his limited knowledge basis with help from Hot Rod and covers up for them.
Jazz feels grateful and investigates and thinks Mesothulas is delightful. He thinks Mesothulas's hissing is cute and appreciates how vicious and protective he is. He keeps showing up to "ask about science" (flirt) but Meso interprets this as to intimidate and announce his interest in room.
It's only when Jazz finally gets it across he is just as interested in Meso, thinks he's funny, and would willingly kill for their kids (demonstrated when he does in defense of BA specifically) and they settle down.
I feel like someone else becomes much too interested in MesoProwl babies, including kidnapping, and the entire Towards Peace crew comes for them.
Prowl, meanwhile, has simply folded the would-be MTOs in his cohort/kin group with Ostaros and Blackarachnia. He makes sure to help find places for all of them. Ambulon is sent to learn from Pharma, Genitus bonds with Mesothulas (eventually), Getaway looks up to Prowl especially (and has a somewhat one-sided rivalry with Hot Rod until *insert event here*), and Riptide is happily vibing.
OWO on it being MesoprowlJazz
Oh Prowl, you're in for double trouble
hmmm on who jazz is bringing with him, one name in specific intrigues me
Getaway's going down an interesting path isn't he? Especially since like. His Main Thing™️ isn't here, just like so many of these mecha. He's got a very different shot now, interesting
Jazz getting shadowplayed sounds like it's gonna have cool results
Yesss on the "how to person" guides for the cold constructs, yes🥰
Meso after Jazz flirts with Prowl AND him:
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Mesothulas, Jazz, and Prowl are such different partners they've gotta be so interesting so so so interesting together
Yep yep absorb the children into their family
Okay Getaway having a bit of beef with Hot Rod is funny because it's in such a different context than in canon. Also because how one sided it is.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I have come to a realization ! All of my Kins , and even some of my C'Links , are very short compared to my current stature. My Wally and Tricky Kins were both around 3 - 4 feet. I'm kinsidering runaway kid and tontu and both of them are the same ! I should NOT have these 2 extra feet , it isn't right ! I DEMAND a refund ! I miss being pickup'able ! Pocket sized !! The laws of the universe say I am not allowed to reach the top shelf in my kitchen , and I agree !
Wally Darling ( #🍎☎️🌀 )
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nikolaiar · 2 years
The young bro au (p.1)
The au starts with a ~30 year old Jake Harley who has just lost his wife and two kids in a freak accident. (That he may or may not have caused) He promises to create a way to bring them back, and his assistant/adoptive daughter, Roxanne Lalonde, vows to help him.
They both work on the secret project for around five years before Roxy (~23) comes across a ~16 year old called Dirk. She offers to give him some food and they strike up a conversation. She finds out he’s a runaway from Houston, which is very far from New York.
They bond about the failures of biological parents and Roxy finds out that Dirk is very gifted in the ways of robotics.
She allows Dirk to stay in her guest room for a few days (harboring a runaway is like illegal but idc plot needs to happen yaknow how it is) and Roxy calls Jake.
She tells him about Dirk and how he knows more about mechatronics than even him and he wants to meet him.
Jake meets Dirk and needless to say he’s impressed. Jake tells Dirk that he’d love to have him on his team, when he’s older.
Dirk really wants to work with them now, so Jake tells him to go sort things out at home, and he can hire him as an intern cause like child labour laws or whateves. So Dirk does, his parents want him out of their hair and he begins his career at Skianet.
About a year passes and Dirk is able to finally start work on the project.
Jake explains they are trying to make what is essentially a portal to different dimensions (it sounds cheesy but also idc it’s cool I promise) and Dirk is on board, but he never really gets told why. So Dirk goes along with it with Roxy for a few years, and they make huge advances thanks to him and his ai/robotic help.
Then Dirk meets Caliborn.
For once Dirk feels appreciated (it’s implied he has a crush on Jake that will NOT be reciprocated) and they start a relationship. It turns out that Caliborn really wants Dirk to join his fathers robotics company, and because of strained relationships and underlying issues, Dirk leaves.
He stays with Caliborn (and meets Calliope) for a while before realizing Caliborn only wanted to use him and get information about the secret project.
He ends up going back to Houston and decides to lie low so Caliborn doesn’t come looking for him (he gave off some serious stalker vibes). He gets a job as a mechanic and does freelance computer stuff on the side by the name Timaeus . He gets himself an apartment and for a while things are good.
A few months pass before he’s contacted by CPS (or sumn) and is told that his younger brother needs to be taken from his parents custody. Dirk is the only kin that they know of so he decides to take him in. (Symbolism or something like that) Dave is around 11 when Dirk gets legal guardianship of him.
This is where we actually start in the AU? Like where chapter one would start? If that makes sense.
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runawaymun · 1 year
I want to ask you sooo many silm questions but I’ll restrain myself:
🔥 Give us your hottest Silm hot take.
I really don't have that many? I think my spiciest hot take is the fact that I really, really, really couldn't care less and to some level actively dislike Eärendil, and while Elrond certainly honors him, I don't think Elrond personally cares much for him or thinks of him as his father. I know I've mentioned it before on this blog. To me, it feels like he does heroic things for the unheroic reasons. Jirt expends every effort to tell us in LOTR, TH, and the Silm that a simple life is one to be valued -- that we ought to chase food and friends and good cheer rather than adventure and gold and glory. And Eärendil -- while his efforts are very necessary, I'm not discounting that, doesn't. I find it really strange that the heir to Gondolin chooses to leave ruling Sirion up to Elwing. A good chunk of those refugees owe their allegiance to him. He also just...is never home??? with his kids??? He actively chooses a grand quest instead of staying home to raise his family and also like...to rule refugees he's arguably responsible for. And it's Gil-Galad and Cirdan who come to aid Sirion. Earendil is nowhere in sight. Like...that's your wife and baby sons, sir? And his response to his sons' capture isn't to try and rescue them, but to sail to Valinor to petition aid in general against Morgoth. IDK it feels weird to me. And it can be argued that this is a very level-headed and reasonable decision to seek the highest aid imaginable, but it was also the least likely but most prestigious option. And again like...I'm very aware that I'm intentionally reading in to the worst possible motives he could have here, but it's just a strange decision for a father with two hostage sons to make. There's no mention of grief or anything.
Even when he crashes his ship into the dragon -- like it's an objectively cool moment. But again it's like, The Big Damn Hero moment and also a suicide mission. It feels to me like Eärendil is very Runaway Prince coded, constantly chafing against his responsibilities in favor of The Big Adventure and The Honorable Death.
Yeah I just don't find him to be a very compelling character idk. And it feels significant to me that Elrond actively chooses Peredhel instead of Earendillion, and also repeatedly references his Sindarin heritage and speaks of his mother's kin, rather than attaching himself to the Noldorin side. And thinking about it just from a human/person standpoint, it must hurt. I think as an adult, Elrond understands and respects the choices his father made and knows that they were done for the good of Middle Earth etc. etc. And I think Elrond respects him as a person/heroic figure, but I don't think, in his heart, that he thinks of him as his dad. Earendil left before Elrond and Elros ever got the chance to know him, and IIRC it's never mentioned that he returned. He's the dad who went out for cigarettes and never came back. And like, okay logically he went for heroic reasons. Kids don't care about that. Kids want their dad. And I think it stings even more that Earendil didn't come rescue them. How many times did E&E insist to M&M "my dad is a big hero and he's coming for us!" -- because they must have grown up with tales of Earendil the Mariner and stuff -- even if they didn't know him personally, I'm sure Elwing and everyone around them spoke highly of him to them because of course they would. So then their dad doesn't come for them. Ever. Like? Again...as an adult I think Elrond forgave him & understands the kind of moral weight Earendil was working under. He understands that like, Earendil's actions literally saved Middle Earth. But that doesn't mean that wound of abandonment just magically goes away.
Anyway I'm rambling. TLDR: I don't like Earendil, and while I think Elrond respects him, I don't think Elrond thinks of Earendil as his dad. Earendil's his sire, but he's not his father.
🔮You can reach into the Beyond and ask the Professor to settle one (1) debate for you. He won’t even waffle on the answer, honest. What do you ask him?
I would love for Jirt to expand on how, exactly, the Oath worked and just how much it "compelled" those that took it. I'm very much in the camp of "the Oath was an eldritch Thing that should never have been woken or invoked & while it doesn't absolve the sons of Feanor of responsibility any more than alcohol absolves a drunk-driver's responsibility of an injury or death that resulted from a crash, it does matter."
IDK I've seen a lot of Takes on the Oath and I think that if Jirt had just been a little bit more clear then we could solve a lot of other Silm debates pretty easily!
silm ask meme
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susiephone · 1 year
The minister read this poem in church yesterday and now I’m obsessed. God Gave Me a Word by Amy Petrie Shaw. (Linked to the poem on the UUA website there, and I’ll put the full text below the ‘read more.”
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God Gave Me a Word
By Amy Petrie Shaw
I was talking with God the other day, ‘cause we’re cool like that. And God said “Hey, I want you to tell people something.” And I was kinda busy, so I pretended like I didn't hear. And God poked me and said, “I’m not kidding. Pay attention,” (‘cause while we’re cool, we aren’t that cool And I know when I have pushed it way too far.) So I put down my coffee cup and I turned around.
And God said, “Let me hang a Word around your neck, so that Everyone can see it. And you better speak it when you’re out, ‘cause I’ll know if you don’t. And it will be heavy, So heavy, On your soul.”
And a Word was hung around my neck to take out to the people standing in the streets. A Word was preached into my ear and laid into my mouth and burned into my Heart until all I could see was the shape of the Word and the Word was all. And the Word was Love.
And God said “Now get out because You don’t have all day, and that Word is gonna get heavier. And you got some work yet to do.
So I’m taking my Word out into the world.
Love came down on this green earth. Love came down and turned over the tables and set the world on its end Love made it clear that it was the Word for the poor and the broken hearted. For the queer boi and the angry girl. Love was the Word for late night hookers and the long haul truckers, for the heroin junkie and the runaway cutters.
Love was the Word for all of the screwed up and pushed over and too tired and I can’t take no more. Love was the Word for the HIV patient and the man with no papers. Love was the Word for me and for you, for the saints and the sinners and the scramblers in between.
Love came down and made a way for there to be a way and then Love said “We are never going back.”
(he who has ears let him hear)
Love said we are all a part of something bigger and if you cannot rise with us, if you cannot Love with us then you should get the Hell out of the way because We aren’t going anywhere and you are in the path.
(he who has ears let him hear)
Love came down for the World to know and I'm holding out this Word so even when you and God are just like that you can’t pretend you didn't know.
I cannot put it down.
Not for a politician spewing hatred. Not for a minister vomiting out bile in the costume of a saint. Not for money or for country or for kin.
I'm holding my Word in my mouth ‘Cause the next time I see God I wanna be able to say “You gave me a Word and I carried it just the way you asked.”
You gave it to me and I took it. I showed it to everyone I met.
You gave it to me and I showed it to her and gher and ze and him. I showed it to them and they and those over there.
I never put it down. (I can never put it down).
I was talking with God the other day, ‘cause we’re cool like that. And God said “Hey, I want you to tell people something.” And I was still kinda busy, so I pretended like I didn't hear. And God said, “I’m not kidding. Pay attention,” (‘cause while we’re cool, we aren’t that cool And I know when I have pushed it way too far.) So I put down my coffee cup and I turned around.
And then God gave me a Word. And now I've given it to you.
Start moving.
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BFCD Alien Character Masterlist
This will have it’s own page, because there turned out to be WAY more alien characters than I realized. I was gonna put it with misc monster girls, since aliens are “other” enough to not be human, even when they have human forms, but there were many.
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Aneela Kin Rit Killjoys
Bubble Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets 
Drey'auc  Stargate SG-1  
Famulus Jupiter Ascending
Garnet Steven Universe
Jabe Doctor Who | Jayna-Zod Krypton 
Kindzi Defiance  
Lilyhot The Aliens | Lyta-Zod Krypton
Miss Martian DC Universe, Supergirl
Naomi McDuffie DC Universe, Naomi
Queen Tyr'ahnee Looney Tunes *I didn’t watch whatever show this lady was in, but I presumed it was for kids; yet, most of the fan art is not, so I really don’t know the situation. I don’t go here. She fly then a muffugga tho.
Xavin Marvel’s Runaways Nonbinary Character, played by actress
DC Universe, Titans: Starfire | Blackfire | Queen Luand’r 
Star Wars Universe: Adi Gallia | Ahsoka Tano | Garsa Fwip | Luminara Undili | Maz Kanata | Oola | Stass Allie  
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Goths in Gotham
by Crow_Soul_Anarchist South Park's resident Goth Kids run away. To where you ask, Gotham of course. Meanwhile: Jason is very concerned for these new kids hanging around his turf. _-_-_ DNI Anti-kins and Anti-furs. Also if you don't like neopronouns either. Words: 1232, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: South Park, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Henrietta Biggle, Michael (South Park: Raisins), Firkle Smith, Pete Thelman (South Park: Raisins), Pete Thelman's Dad (OC), New Kid | Douchebag (mentioned), New Kid | Douchebag's Father (Mentioned), New Kid | Douchebag's Mother (Mentioned), Original Female Characters, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Batfamily Members (DCU), Batcow, The Goths (South Park), Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Henrietta Biggle & Michael (South Park: Raisins) & Firkle Smith & Pete Thelman (South Park: Raisins), Henrietta Biggle & Michael (South Park: Raisins), Henrietta Biggle & New Kid | Douchebag, Henrietta Biggle & Firkle Smith, Henrietta Biggle & Pete Thelman, Michael & Pete Thelman, Michael & Firkle Smith, Firkle Smith & Pete Thelman, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: The Goths (South Park) - Freeform, Goth kids (South Park)-centric, Running Away, Runaway Henrietta Biggle, Runaway Michael (South Park: Raisins), Runaway Firkle Smith, Runaway Pete Thelman, Kinda, Goths, Sentient Gotham City, Gotham City is Terrible, Weird Gotham City, Gotham City-Typical Violence (DCU), South Park-Typical Violence, Bruce Wayne's No Metahumans in Gotham City Rule, Otherkin, Therian, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd Has Issues, Resurrected Jason Todd, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Jason Todd and Damian Wayne Meet in the League of Assassins, Damian Wayne is Robin, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Damian Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Protective Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne Has a Heart, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Damian Wayne Feels, Damian Wayne Gets a Hug, DNI Anti-kins, Neopronouns for Henrietta Biggle, Neopronouns for Michael (South Park), Corpsekin, Demonkin, Coldkin, Songkin, conceptkin, Voidkin, Eldritchkin via https://ift.tt/g5AFRjn
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ravenouscultleader780 · 6 months
COTL(MLP Base Edit Webcomic) : "The Spousal Trio
Pt 1 : "Remembers of The Past"
Samantha's Diary POV : "Dear Diary, Today i had quite a nice day of worshipping & loving my beloved leader Lambert or as i like to call him "Lam Bam" as of recently due to myself getting pretty befuddled when drinking with my besties Dimmi & M3ggy at the Drinkhouse in the Cult.. Anyways aside from that my darling wife Midge Butterfree asked me a simple but pondering question for a few days now.. what was my origins before the cult i.e my backstory of my earlier younger years..
So i told her that my earlier years before everything about the beloved cult, my marriage to herself & most esp my savior lambert and esp me & midgey having our many kids, becoming grandmothers & great grandmothers to our own children's offsprings. way back then my life was a mixed bag so to speak.
I decided to draw my backstory to anyone whom sees this either my wife, The Leader himself or possibly even my miracle daughter Maxine whom is my first born child before i had married Midge and was a during small period of me & Lord Narinder having a quick one night stand and soon enough 3 days later Maxine hatched out of her egg and twas became my world as myself always wanting a long-lasting legacy of starting my own family & being happily married to my current husband lambert, and step-spouse midge butterfree..
but enough about all that. i bet all of you wonderful cultists are wondering about my origins living in silk cradle.. well turns out it during my escape from silk cradle where i was held as a abused prisoner/overworked slave to The Ex Bishop of Silk Cradle Lord Shamura who they were in my opinion the most evilistic, sadistic & possibly most scarily genius of the 4 bishops of the old faith which i feel whoever the new faith leaders will be or are at this point esp for S.C current time is way way way better than Ex Lord Shamura or Simply nicknamed Shamy by myself in my younger teenager years as a rebellious, anxious & super hostile batdemon during that time in my life.. which i drew as a cute lil summary of my story.
(Author's Note : Basically this webcomic will be changed from Lamb's POV of hearing his 3 fav faithful girls Origins. but rather instead The Girl's own POV/Journal Diaries showing their own drawings of their thoughts, tramuas, childhoods/family lives & even disabilities & mental illnesses thru being enslaved by the bishops of only Darkwood, Anchordeep & Silk Cradle)
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"The Escape fromSilk Cradle was Absoutely Hard as Hell, to runaway from since firstly many of Shamura's Minions/Crusaders were after me along with a excutioner that was right behind them.. as you can tell by my bad bloody wounds & scars which covered with a cloak i wore at the time & was made by my late brother Marvin whom sadly died by the time i escaped.
during that night, i ran as fast as i possibly could from Silk Cradle, with Shamy's lil minions lost track of my sight when i was running away i guess they gave up and was gonna be killed by their master themself for their failed mission to kill me as a escaped overworked slave towards that damned spider..
Anyways the final panel was my last look at my past in drawing/artist sense and i looked ahead at the rising sunrise to a new future and myself needing a rebirth at a certain cult with me meeting a very familliar young sweet lamb that cold autumn night that became my sacred savior for me & my besties aswell!
Sammi's POV : "I look at the clock and saw it was getting late as my eyes were starting to get tired & sleepy tuckered with a small cute yawn i yawned before going to bed. soon enough i wrote my end writing before i went to sleep.
"Well gotta go Diary, pretty tired see you again tomorrow morning, i think i feel i love showing off my drawings with my backstory/my experiences of the past maybe next time i'll show more about my family whom are sadly all gone due to the massacre of my bat kin but i do have a lot of fond memories about them. most esp my big brother Marvin Nosferatu Bloodsucker & even my mother whom was named Vanessa Redmoon.. as for my Dad not so much my Brother & was more of a daddy's boy as i was more into my mother so i guess i was a momma's girl.. well that's enough writing in this diary bye.
-Sammi B. Sheepard Butterfree.
Hope you all liked this, wanted to edit this since i created it & made the idea of a webcomic, i think i finally figured it out!
Love yall
Update : "Next One's gonna only a single drawing, i'm not doing this webcomic frame anymore too much.. drawing ugh..
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writer59january13 · 10 months
This accidental arsonist sparked following matchless anecdote
I attribute being a grown mad scientist
linkedin with tacit approval of parents
(both long gone to the smoky afterlife),
and donned wizard trumpeting magic spells
while dark and stormy night
(one week before Halloween),
which usher nostalgic memories
encapsulated within the following poem
initially drafted quite some years ago.
Both parents possessed pedigreed panache
(but especially my father – renown Chemist
B.B. Harris and to slightly lesser extent
late culinary cuisine queen Harmit Harms
Kuritsky - gal whose troth thy then still
livingsocial nonagenarian widower papa
pledged, while holding some bubbling
sinister looking flask in hand while both
donned trumpeting finessed affianced
doctored formula to marry, when both
partook of blind date.
This combustible transunion link analogous
to their representative first electric kool aid
basic laboratory litmus test date), which
took place without a hitch, and telepathically
encouraged begetting retinue of revered
sons and daughters, whose ken hopefully
burned with passion KRISPR incubated,
inculcated, and incurred genetic outlook
ideally transmitted to prolific brood
of begotten babes.
This kid felt embers crackling, popping,
and snapping with yen that burned from
within and without buns sin burner of this
cingular earthlinked son.
No matter a bit tentative to experiment
willy-nilly (wonka like) with rather
explosive materiel, I received truckloads
of ammunition (in tandem with benevolent
benediction) to foster dare devil and
derelict pyromaniac precocity.
Those initial awkward formative forays
assaying, assessing and carefully calibrating
this, that or other liquid or powdery substance
found me meticulously measuring and
weighing the substances using kitchen
midden malodorous kid gloves.
Frequent disappointment arose from
yours truly as well as momma and papa
when net result (of these early attempts
to blend powders and/or liquids) merely
fizzled and self extinguished
into near inaudible poof.
Continual daily practice (would lead way
for me to enter Carnegie – Mellon ---- Hall)
after countless travails, trials and trolls i.e.
uber vaporous wisps to lyft yawping banshee
like holograms, or equivalent of 10,000 maniacs)
eventually bore successful fruit in the form
of near perfect results.
Success in hotly contested field Pyrotechnics
requires striking resemblance
to any other vocation.
One must be able, eager, ready and willing
to maintain burning passion no matter any
unforeseen setbacks or heat from an
objectionable source.
Yes, there would be an errant conflagration
(sometimes set purposely by adjunct professor)
as object lesson to master usage of fire
extinguisher/fighter, a vital piece of equipment
and evenhandedness for getting hold
instantaneously jetting kickstarter live matches)
to contain any runaway flame.
I do sheepishly admit to (ahem) you
on occasion the outcome went awry.
Nonetheless, they prided their potential
fire branded wizard in the making with
kudos and praise with DYNAMITE.
Practice from indiscriminately creating
unpredictable concoctions, these lethally
marshaled nonchalant opportunities
provided quintessentially random results
though usually very wimpy in tandem
with totally tubular nerdy, geeky, freaky,
and dorky beastie boy.
As proof positive and proud testimony, they
proudly pointed (upward) to the kitchen ceiling.
There such handiworks practically covered
entire ceiling with variegated splotches.
These scorch marks keepsake frescoes to show
kith and kin unspecified years into smoky future.
Quite accurate to assume
father and mother coached,
goaded, and nurtured
exploratory ambitions and
tried not to stifle
(at least consciously or deliberately)
my early stage ambition
toward scientific artiste bent.
As homeschooled and to some extent self taught
chemically romanced muralist, I grew up (not
surprisingly) in Unitarian household paid
close attention also adhered to the pioneer spirit.
The near limitless boundaries of life, liberty and
pursuit of understanding
an underlying credo, which
allowed, enabled and provided near endless
experimentation even at the risk of life and limb.
Aside talking head
nearly burning down the house
amidst talking heads practically in dire straits,
an instinctive reflex found me immolating myself,
occasionally singeing the canine fur of Lady,
Schultz, or Socrates, et cetera no frightful
catastrophic outcomes occurred thru milieu
of mixing deceptively harmless looking
inert raw materials.
Trial and error (quite successful with latter)
via blithely cooking dicey elements forming
goulash hiccupping laboratory mishmash
practically eliminated any pained regret to take
daring risks (such as getting married – ha)
in later life.
Despite favorable and lovable upbringing,
my mother (ever the protector and/or proctor
of our family and an excellent chef boyardee
to boot) still managed to insinuate (gently
as possible) the necessity to be careful when
igniting flammable materials lest
some uncontrollable conflagration ensue.
She (mom) did frequently confess to feeling
ever so slightly jittery and uneasy with my
slapdash amateurish homebrewed pyrotechnics
and much preferred to steer my attention toward
safer hobby such as the edible objets d’arts i.e.,
the much more drab field per how to present
and aesthetically appealing and nutritious meal.
Fondness to prepare food and pretend to be
faux renowned cook (this confession admitted
rather baldly and obviously deduced) actually
competed for my most favorite avocation activity
and spare leisure time.
In other words, this chap did relish designing
his own recipes mainly from leftovers in tandem
with unpronounceable multisyllabic organic
compounds filled numerous sized dishes
and aged apothecary bottles respectively.
Without question though, the passion plus
less riskier factor to combine and potchka
dry and wet ingredients together did rank
as considerably safer medium that still
allowed, enabled and provided me an equal
opportunity to test reactions, than those
earlier iterated potentially explosive hazards.
Nonetheless, my cavalier crusading overactive
appetite, hunger and thirst to discover causative
outcomes (even with purportedly innocuous
looking household cleaning supplies or easily
acquired inert materiel) nearly witnessed an
apocalypse at three two four Level Road
on one particular nasty occasion.
I anticipated our domicile would become
rent asunder, and reduced into a black
and decker ashen funeral pyre, yet for
grace of some divine force no family
members nor pets succumbed
nor got asphyxiated from choking acrid air.
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findthebae · 1 year
hiya!! I'm a fictive of Mono from Little Nightmares and I'd love to talk to anyone from source no matter if they're kin, fictive, or irl (although I have less experience w/ IRLs and might need a bit of help) uhh idk if I should send in a separate req but we also have Runaway Kid and Low both from Little Nightmares as well!!
! ! !
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endingboyhansel · 1 year
hello- just wondering if u kinned/had a fictive of Runaway Kid from Little Nightmares-?/genq
Hello! Yes I kin RK but I don’t have a lot of memories. And for future reference I’m a singlet!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
is it a weird thing that i wish i was back in that nightmare??
like!! please no don't think I WANTED to be hunted down...and dying over and over again...and everything else... but!! I miss my friends! "Friends"...if Six considered me a friend. Still have no idea but she's still my friend. I know. We were both...innocent. In a way. Again, I don't WANT to be hunted down!! I don't WANT to be eaten or killed or whatever they ever did...I don't wanna taste that stale water, eating whatevers, not having a bed and a safe place...
I just...I miss my friends...I miss Runaway Kid/Seven! He's here with me in our system but he's been so quiet and I'm so scared...I don't want to be alone again...without any sourcemates...I miss Six! I've even heard about this "Raincoat Girl" person that I miss as well...
Just...please don't leave me...I even made a fictive blog that I post on about LN fictives....maybe I should put up a kin tag... sorry this was a huge ramble... -- Mono [fictive]
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