#running through ud woods
willbyersabyss · 16 days
The big thump of '83
There's so much talk about head thumping that it feels like there's something bigger going on here. I think El thumped Will's head in 1983 when she opened the gate.
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We obviously have Angela who got whacked in the head with a roller skate. Grade 2 concussions usually result in amnesia (memory loss). Hmm.
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Steve talks about how he crawled backwards and thumped his head. Crawled backwards... through time? The Upside Down is stuck in the past. He can change. Amnesia... memory loss... personality change. Reminds me of a certain someone who was losing himself and his memories.
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Then there's the Phineas Gage references. Phineas Gage, who had a rod go through his head, is compared to Will. But what exactly is the rod for Will? The Mind Flayer?
Mr. Clarke puts an emphasis on it being a rod, not a crowbar. The Mind Flayer's smoke arms look kind of similar to a crowbar, so the rod isn't that. They want us to think it's the MF, but it's a trick, a misconception, just like how Gage's case often gets confused.
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The rod that impaled Gage was a tamping rod, something used to contain explosions. I would say that the gates to the UD are quite explosive, but these gates are also contained and precise.
Then both El and Will are indirectly brought up in relation to the earthquake. Rod imagery comes back to haunt Will here. This is linking Will's "rod" with the gates opening, gates that have a magnitude that add up to eleven. El caused this rod.
These gates also meet at the library where Will died and had a rod-like object in his throat.
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Coming back to Angela, Argyle said they don't make wheels out of metal because it would hurt more when people get smacked. Metal like an iron rod? Then ice skates are brought up. Ice is cold like the Upside Down. And this ice would have sliced that nose off! Who doesn't have a nose? Vecna. The gate to the Upside Down sliced his nose off.
Even more interesting when you consider that Angela was originally supposed to be hit with a golf club. This would have been yet another instance of rod imagery! But they still subtly snuck it in there by joking about metal wheels and ice skates after.
Oh and the Angela head whack incident gives El flashbacks the 1979 gate. So there's that.
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More rod stuff here! The tightrope (and the pen Mr. Clarke uses), the pencil, and the straw are all rod shaped. They represent the Upside Down. The Upside Down is a transition between the real world and Dimension X. It's the side of the tightrope. You would have to walk through it to reach the other dimension.
Brenner compared the UD to a dam, while Owens compared Will's trauma to floodgates. Not just any old floodgates, neurological ones. Upside Down, gates, neurological, heads! Head thump!
The rod for Will is the Upside Down, not just in a metaphorical sense, in a literal sense. It's going through his head. Literally. The Upside Down is Will's mindscape. When El opened the gate in s1, she basically thumped Will's head. That thump linked Will's mindscape to Dimension X, allowing the monsters to roam free. This is why Will's rod trauma is compared to the gates opening. Will's mindscape is a bridge between dimensions.
It would be really nice if we had some sort of reenactment of this event to tie this all together... oh wait, we do!
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Lucas accuses El of making them run around like headless chickens. Headless? Already starting with a head injury mention.
The rest of this scene is basically what happened when El opened the gate. Lucas exclaims that they're looking for a monster, the lab was literally making El look for a monster. El flings Lucas across the junkyard and thumps his head. Then she disappears into the woods. After El opened the gate, she ran away from the lab through the woods. This junkyard scene is so spot on that El regains her memories of the 1983 gate mishap because of it.
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These uncovered memories reveal that the demogorgon was eating an egg when El touched it. This egg was found outside of Castle Byers in the UD. Maybe when El opened the 1983 gate, her mind travel slipped a bit, accidentally landing on Will who was sitting in Castle Byers. That slip connected the land of the demogorgon and Will's mindscape, creating the Upside Down we see.
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In the VR game, Vecna is told that El is reaching out to him when El visited Will in Castle Byers. Interesting that this was the moment they chose instead of, you know, the scene of El opening the gate via the demogorgon. Time shenanigans?
When Will is hiding out in Castle Byers in the UD, he hears the demogorgon walking outside, but then it suddenly screams and gets quiet. This is just like when El killed the demodog in s2 before entering the Byers house. Parallels. That also parallels the latch unlocking before Will disappeared.
Now this is where it gets really crazy. Something breaks through Castle Byers and the scream sounds nearly identical to El's scream when she opens the gate. What the actual hell? Is there crazy time weirdness going on here and we actually see the exact moment she tapped into Will's mindscape? We hear clock ticking sounds before El touches the demogorgon. This was the moment!
And Vecna had to be there too. He took Will to the library after, the place the s4 gates met up. Both gates caused this (in a time loopy paradox way). Vecna broke Castle Byers, but so did El.
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There's also white smokey stuff outside of Castle Byers once it's broken. This looks very similar to the smoke El sees in the void when people disappear. She was in his mindscape. She had to be. Was this Vecna/El disappearing after the gate opened?
So yeah. El linked Will's mind to Dimension X and that's the big mysterious head thump they keep hinting at. It caused Will to have memory loss, personality changes, made his mind stuck in time, put a rod through his head to another dimension, and even sliced Vecna's nose off along the way.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
It probably won't happen like this at all but... idea n°18464872648 of what could happen in season 5:
First part of the season:
Will is having dreams about Max and he finds out those are not dreams but she's talking to him and she explains she's still here and asks for help...
So the whole party + Jonathan and Nancy decide to go to the upside down together to find Vecna and finish him
Jopper is dealing with the government, Owens betrayed El and Hopper punches him... Joyce shuts up Sullivan screaming at him and explaining to him that he's an idiot and she convinces him lol
They were meant to go too but they are being detained and questioned about El... while Hawkins is currently being invaded by all types of monsters
Owens gets killed
In the end the government + Jopper, Steve, Robin and Vickie ( rovickie happens at one point and they kiss) and Argyle and the other adults and the citizens of the town stay in Hawkins to fight there all together
The others go through a gate opened by El into the upside down and at one point they all get split up because they are attacked by various monsters...
First group: Mike and Will and Nancy
Mike gets hurt to one arm like in the s3 campaign at one point and byler things (almost) happen during all this time, it's now kinda (?) clear Mike has a crush on Will...it's explicit for bylers at least lol
Also at one point Nancy and Mike talk while they are in the woods and Mike asks her about feelings and stuff and being confused and she tells him her experience with Steve and Jonathan and this relates to byler obv and she says that she thought she loved Steve at one point but now that she has Jonathan she knows what's the real thing etc etc
He doesn't explain why he asked...
Second group: Lucas, El, Dustin and Jonathan
Lucas is the one that finds Vecna and they attack him and fight, Nancy, Mike and Will arrive when the fight is already on and help out and save some of them... In this fight Jonathan gets killed by Vecna in very cruel way, he rips out his heart in front of everyone
This makes El be so angry that she immobilizes him and Lucas chops his head off...
It's all tragic and raw and bloody
The upside down is still as it is around them but the battle is over
we see that Max wakes up in the hospital, Erica is with her and was defending her body from the demodogs being badass with some weapon, her parents + Murray are there too and they are fighting together and Murray dies protecting her
The party goes back to Hawkins where they won against all the monsters because they die when Vecna dies, and they bring Jon's body back, they show Joyce's pain and Will's pain and Nancy's
Time skip:
second part of the season
A few years pass and when we're back we find out what the characters are doing now and how they all changed, the gates have closed on their own, El and Mike are broken up, Max is back but she can't see from one eye... Life is goin on
The party is hanging out, drinking and partying together and Mike tries to kiss Will... Will rejects Mike and runs away!
The day after this night we find out that Mike went missing.
The adults are looking for him in the normal world and they are all worried about him
Will has a dream, Vecna is still alive somehow in this dream and he talks to him and tells him that if he wants Mike back he has to bring El to him because he still wants to have revenge on her and kill her and if he tells anyone else he kills Mike
He tells El and they decide to go alone
Dustin, Lucas and Max somehow find out and follow them
They all go to the upside down again because they think Vecna is still alive there somehow
In reality Vecna's conscience is still alive inside the mind flayer and he's trying to take over Mike's body and possess him
Mike is fighting mental visions in a loop in his mind - We see that the baby boy is in love with Will Byers and terribly afraid of being abandoned by everyone
So the main party goes in the UD to save Mike and they all get attacked with psychic torture and visions...
Lucas and Dustin and Max have their own visions
Lucas feels guilty for Max and trusting Jason
Dustin feels responsible for Eddie's death and sees Steve being killed too
Max gets tortured again but this time Vecna fails miserably with her, she's a survivor now, she wants to live and is not going to let anyone stay inside her mind again
As soon as they win in their visions they go back and find each other again
Meanwhile El decides to connect her and Will's mind to Mike's mind before Vecna can take over...
They find Mike in his loop but vecna takes over him and he has powers because he's being controlled by Vecna so in this mindspace they all fight... Mike.
but El gets trapped because she doesn't want to hurt Mike and all seems lost...
But Vecna doesn't want to kill them yet, he wants to torture them before...
He explains the upside down to Will, tries to make him give up his own body in Mike's place and makes him see visions of Jonathan... at this point Will overcomes these visions mentally thinking about his love for Jonathan and everyone else and understands that the key is love...
Then he starts talking about his own feelings for Mike because he knows love is the key to free him and this love confession gives so much power to Mike that he gets free from the mind flayer and Vecna's conscience is out of Mike's mind
Vecna tries to attack with the mind flayer and Will then uses his imagination powers by making a freaking dragon that fights the mind flayer!!!!!
El gets free too and Willel uses their now joined powers to finish Vecna's mind
They all go back into their bodies in the real world where Dustin and Lucas and Max were waiting for them to wake up
They all hug El
Mike kisses Will in front of everyone... the upside down fills up with light around them!!!!!!
because Vecna is dead and it is now free from him too and the mind flayer goes away opening a portal to Dimension X because it is a freaking alien that was controlled by Vecna
They won!
Back to Hawkins...
One year later
All happy scenes of the characters, lumax movie date, Erica is playing d&d with her friends, Steve and Dustin are leaving for a roadtrip together in a van, Robin and Vickie are still together cuddling on the couch while watching fast times, Argyle is hanging out with Eden and we see random recurring characters doing things
Nancy is talking on the phone with her mom and asks her how her and Holly are doing in their new apartment... she is in her ( very small) office! She's officially working as a journalist, she hangs up the phone and looks at her name tag on the desk, a picture of Jonathan right next to it...
Byler is making out in Will's new room and El tells them dinner is ready and to keep the door open 3 inches to make fun of them but Will uses his powers to shut the door... Yeah they both have powers now!
After this they all go to have a New year dinner party together with Joyce and Hopper!
Mike and Will kiss at midnight 😌
*sound of people cheering in the background*
*transition from the Byers TV to the Wheeler's TV*
The season ends with Ted Wheeler watching the people celebrate on TV and shutting it off to go to bed
hard cut to black with the effect of the TV shutting off
stranger things main theme starts playing 🫡
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queenofbaws · 2 years
thinkin about the au where the ud kids are also councillors at hacketts quarry..... wouldnt it be just Such bad luck if one of Them got werewolfified?? dealers choice who, i just thought it would be fun :]
((uh oh, this was just supposed to be six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!))
“So…anyone else getting mad déjà vu right now, or is that just me?” Save a few furious glares shot over shoulders, no one seemed especially interested in dealing with Mike at just that moment. He shrugged the worst of it off, then went back to circling the lodge, rattling doorknobs and window frames to make sure everything was locked up tight. “Just me then. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Good talk, team.”
One might’ve expected that the lodge would feel empty with all the campers gone for the season, that the railings and dark eaves above them might’ve given the place a hollow, echoey feeling…but empty tables and vacant coat hooks be damned, the lodge had never felt smaller. Panic and confusion had narrowed the space until the woodgrain became smothering, choking, a prison smelling of pinesap and industrial grade disinfectant and, now that they’d gotten Nick laid out, blood. It was a madhouse. A charnel house.
Or it would’ve been, had the older counselors not been so nonchalant.
Sam was the first to step forward (surprising no one), tying her hair back out of her face with a few snappy twists of her wrist. The Hacketteers had seen it happen a few times during the summer, the imaginary switch that occasionally got flipped inside of her, transforming her five-foot-nothing frame into the towering presence of a military official; she knelt down beside Nick alongside Abi and Kaitlyn, and as she got a better look at his leg, her cheeks hollowed in thought. When she spoke, it wasn’t with the calm, sunshiney voice they’d all grown accustomed to, but an authoritative snap that left little room for argument. “Nurse Kelly’s office,” she said to Kaitlyn, making sure to hold her gaze as she gave the assignment. “Hydrogen peroxide from the cabinet, gauze from the bottom left drawer, and then bandages. If you can’t find bandages, get tape. Go.”
After one last sympathetic look towards Abi, Kaitlyn was off, bounding towards the nurse’s office with force enough to make her sneakers squeak on the hardwood. Sam wasted no time; she turned first over her right shoulder then the left, her lips tracing the silent headcount she was running. “Eleven,” she muttered, tapping her own chest before running the count again and coming up with the same thing. “Eleven? I—okay, wait, who’re we missing?”
“Um, um Emma,” stammered Abi, her voice shaking like a leaf in a windstorm and her body not much better off. Her bare knees poked through the tears in her tights where she knelt on the floor, the skin red and raw from where she’d fallen, though that seemed to be the worst of her injuries. “E-Emma’s down at the…at the lake, and Jacob went to get her. I…right?” Her stare had been so far-off when she’d come tumbling out of the woods and into the circle of the firepit, and only now did it seem to focus, or sharpen at the very least, as though having four walls and a ceiling surrounding her was what it had taken to wake her up. Even though she kept both of her hands tightly wrapped around one of Nick’s, she wrenched her eyes away from him to look at Ashley instead. “Right?”
At first, all she could do was nod, her lower lip was so deep in her mouth. When she let it go (with an almost audible pop! at that) it was red and inflamed from her biting it. “Right,” she picked up, nodding with a tense sort of precision. “Jacob went to get Emma at the lake, and Matt and Jess went with him just in case he ran into that…um, guy he was talking about. The hunter, or whatever.”
His circuit complete, Mike gave the front door one last heave-ho before joining the rest of them. “So I’ll say it again: Déjà vu, table for however-the-fuck-many?”
From one of the tables, Chris lifted his head out of his hands. “Dude. Let it rest, okay? A-a-and that’s coming from me, all right? Just…drop it. Seriously.”
“This is bad.” There was the sound of footfalls as Kaitlyn came running back into the main room with her arms full of supplies, and even still it was Dylan most of them turned towards, Dylan who had been hanging back near the fireplace since they’d gotten in. “This is bad, bad, bad…look, I’m telling you guys, okay? You can call me crazy, whatever, I don’t care, this?!” He stopped his anxious pacing long enough to slice a hand through the air in Nick’s direction. “This isn’t normal. Guy gets attacked in the middle of Buttfuck, Nowhere by some…thing Abi draws to look like my sleep paralysis demon on steroids, it’s oozing black shit, and we’re just…what? We’re just not gonna say it?”
“Dylan,” Sam and Kaitlyn warned, sounding less a Greek chorus and more a couple of exasperated mothers.
He held both his hands up as if to acknowledge their scorn…and continued anyway. “This is horror movie shit. Legit fucking horror movie shit, and I don’t care if you guys think I’m a maniac or whatever, but I am telling you, we shouldn’t be bandaging that, we should just be cutting it o—”
“Dylan!” Kaitlyn snapped a second time, throwing him a frantic glare from where she bent over Nick’s leg. “You’re not helping!”
“No one is cutting anyone’s anything off,” Sam piped in. “Completely glossing over the fact Nurse Kelly never stopped to give any of us pointers on impromptu amputation, I’d just like to go on the record as saying immediately chopping body parts off when freaked out is a bad idea in general.”
She wasn’t looking anywhere near him, but Mike was more than happy to take the opportunity to flip two of the fingers he did still have Sam’s way.
“Fuck,” Nick breathed, his spine arcing impossibly when Sam splashed the hole in his leg with peroxide. He grit his teeth, squeezed Abi’s hands until she squealed – though from shock alone or pain, none of them could immediately tell – and screwed his eyes shut tight as the blood and tissue exposed to the open air sizzled and bubbled and foamed. “Fuckin’…I’m right here! Don’t talk about this shit like I’m not here!”
The pain in his voice should’ve been enough to end the conversation full-stop. It would’ve been enough, had it only been the younger counselors in the lodge.
He hadn’t said much since the firepit, and for that most of their number were grateful. When Josh did deign to throw his two cents into the mix, though…gratitude was the farthest thing from anyone’s mind. “Ives is right.”
“Shocker,” Mike muttered under his breath, joining Emily over near the windows.
“Josh. Don’t—”
“No, shut up. The facts of the matter are these: One.” And because he was who he was, he took two steps up onto one of the open tables, somehow managing to bring the audience’s attention to himself despite Nick bleeding out on the floor. “There’s something attacking people out in the woods. A bad start, I think we can all agree. Two. Whatever it is, it’s hungry, or at the very least, it’s teething. Now I don’t know about any of you guys, but I’ve seen my fair share of hickies and love bites in my time, and whatever the fuck did that…” As Dylan had before him, Josh pointed towards the wound Kaitlyn and Sam were trying (and failing) to dress. “…its mouth was a little bigger than we would like. Fair to say? Three. I’m sorry Nicky-baby, but you’re not looking so good right now.”
“Josh!” That time Sam got up, pushing herself from the floor to stomp over towards him. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged, throwing off his balance and causing him to stumble to catch himself before he fell off the table entirely. “This is so not the time for – ”
“So you’ve got an explanation for all the black gunk, then? That what I’m hearing, Sammy?” He lifted his arms in a theatrical shrug, then let them drop to his sides. “Look at him. Look at him. We can see every vein in his goddamn body because of that crap. He looks like an anatomical model of a zombie plague victim. What’s the point in pretending – ”
“The point is,” she interrupted, each syllable clipped and final, “until we know what’s going on, we shouldn’t be scaring people.”
For a moment, brief and shining, it seemed maybe Josh was going to back down. Then he held up another finger. “Four,” he continued, looking away from Sam to search out all the others’ eyes instead. “Any of you aspiring astronomers take a gander up at the sky tonight, perchance? Notice anything…interesting, maybe?”
On the floor, Nick thrashed, succeeding in shoving Abi away from him, but not quite managing to throw Kaitlyn from his leg. Other than that, there was silence as the counselors fought to make sense of what Josh was saying.
“I mean…it’s a full moon,” Ryan offered. “But I don’t – ”
“Oh my God, it’s a full moon!” Like someone had stuck her with a pin, Ashley’s whole body shot back, back, back and away from Nick. She moved with the lightning speed of the truly panicked, nearly jumping the full length of the lodge to join Chris, Josh, and Dylan over by the fireplace. “It’s werewolves. Oh my God, it’s werewolves. It’s…oh jeez Louise, this is…” Only once she’d been enveloped by the guys did she stop raking her fingers down her face. When finally she spoke again, her voice had taken on a terrifying calmness. “We’ve got to cut his leg off.”
“Thank you! This is what I’m saying!”
“I—will you guys shut up?” Pushing himself away from the far wall, Ryan threw his arms out wide. “Do you hear yourselves? Werewolves?”
There was nothing especially friendly in the look Josh leveled at him as he asked, “What? Not, uh…bizarre or bona fide enough for you? Is that it?”
Nick’s injured leg spasmed as if it were a dying animal struggling to fight off a hunter, and the impact knocked Kaitlyn’s breath from her lungs. She went sprawling, moving her hands towards her ribs as if to grab at them, but hesitating to actually touch them once they began to throb. “Jesus Christ, Nick!” she gasped, using the rubber soles of her shoes to push herself along the floor, putting more distance between them. “I’m trying to help! I know it hurts – you gotta…”
He didn’t have much to say to that, it seemed, except a succinct, “Fuck off, Kaitlyn!”
As Sam and Abi both rushed to help her up, the others continued their grim debate; unfortunately for Ryan (and, in all honesty, Nick), one side was clearly louder than the other.
“In what world do you think werewolves – actual freaking werewolves – are real?”
“Uh, point of order,” Chris interjected, “you seem to be forgetting who you’re talking to, so hey, just real quick, ahem…hi, I’m Chris, this is Josh, this is Ashley, and we survived a cannibalistic monster attack back in 2015! Jesus Christ, did any of you guys listen to a word we said during ice breakers? Holy shit.”
“Not to take away from the argument or anything, buuut just FYI, we were all very much in agreement you guys were making that shit up completely.”
“…you what?”
“Yeah,” Dylan nodded. “We laughed about it after lights-out and everything. I mean…whoops. Obviously, whoops. I’d like to go on the record as saying I owe you guys a big old ‘my bad’ once we’re out of this shitshow, but…yeah. Definitely…definitely thought you were making that stuff up.”
There were a million things they could’ve said to that revelation. A million things between them. And still what ended up actually coming out was: “Mike cut two of his fingers off!”
“It’s true. I did. And look where it got me.”
“Really moving up in the world, aren’t you Michael?” She hadn’t had the slightest desire to join in the reindeer games, but there was only so much theatricality and tension Emily could resist. She turned away from the window and took the scene in with her arms folded tightly across her chest, one of her hands tucked neatly away beneath the crook of her elbow. There, near the fireplace, was the witch hunting committee; there, in the middle of the blood-streaked floor, were Nick and his three would-be nurses; and smack between the two factions was Ryan, dour and exasperated as always. “Mike’s right,” she said, and was then forced to deal with the indignity of him grinning and pumping his fist beside her. “This shitty one-act is familiar. And I for one am not dealing with it a second time.”
“Emily,” and man oh man, Sam was wondering if she was going to get to say anything tonight that wasn’t just her sounding out her friends’ names in increasingly frustrated tones, “look, I know things are weird right now, but – ”
“It’s not werewolves.”
Josh’s eyebrows went up. “Oh? Oh! Well, by all means, your majesty, please! Inform us lowly peons of the esoteric knowledge you’ve been withholding from us. I mean, after all, it’s not like any of us are experts on the subject or anything. Not like anyone in this room was literally raised on horror lore.”
They were too far away from one another to do anything about it, but when Sam and Mike locked eyes, it was immediately clear they both knew what was about to happen. There was no reason for that, nothing that could explain the bolt of understanding that ran through them, and yet there it was, plain as day – déjà vu, serendipity, kismet, fate, bad luck, whatever you wanted to call it, they both saw it rear its ugly head at precisely the same moment.
The moment, as it turned out, where Emily pulled her hand free from under her arm. “Whatever that ugly motherfucker was, it got me too.” The lights were off, there was hardly any illumination to speak of, and even so, there was no missing the jagged, shallow teeth marks jagging across her hand. There wasn’t as much blood as there had been on Nick’s leg, though there was a fair amount, and whatever that black stuff was, her wrist seemed to be shot through with it too.
“Guys.” It was only the stunned silence that had come over them at Emily’s admission that allowed Nick to be heard; his voice was a wet, phlegmy gasp caught deep in his chest. “Guys? I don’t…”
“It got me too,” Emily continued, “and look at me! I’m fine! I don’t feel sick, or infected with anything, or – ”
“Oooh no. Oh no no no no no! You are so…no!” As quick as she’d been to hide herself behind them, Ashley burst out from behind the guys to round on them instead, pointing frantically towards Emily as her words spilled out of her. “This is what I was trying to keep from happening last time!”
“…last time?” Ryan asked, only to be spoken over.
“They’re both bitten! They’re both infected! They’re going to change, or turn, or…or whatever, and when they do, you know what’s going to happen? They’re going to kill us! They’re going to kill all of us, and I didn’t make it off that stupid freaking mountain just to die here in the middle of some awful, sweaty, mosquito-filled woods!”
“You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.” Mike made a swipe for Emily, meaning to hold her back. Whether it had been a real effort, though, or one just meant for show…that was anyone’s guess, because she easily evaded him and marched her way over to the others, countering each of Ashley’s moves as though trying to bully her in a narrow school hallway. “How many times do you think you get to spearhead the ‘Let’s kill Emily’ committee before I haul off and wipe the ground with your sorry ass?”
“I really, uh…” Nick’s gasps had turned to panting, each breath uncomfortably wet on the inhale. “I really don’t…feel good…”
Ashley took a step back towards the guys and Emily took two forward; she sidestepped and Emily turned with her. “I-I was wrong last time,” she admitted, and while her eyes were huge and glassy with fear, her chin was high and her voice was resolute.
“You don’t fucking say.”
“But this is what I was afraid of! You become a werewolf when you’re bitten by one! That’s how it works! Everyone knows that’s how it works!”
“Oh yeah?” And before anyone could react, even to breathe, Emily lashed out with her uninjured hand, grabbed Ashley by the wrist, and brought her hand to her mouth. She bit down once, hard, letting go before she could taste blood but well after she felt the meaty crunch of tissue damage. “Then welcome to the party, bitch.”
“Déjà vu check?” Mike asked the room, and that time, Chris raised his hand. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Okay, look, shit’s…shit’s pretty fucked right now, I’m not even gonna lie, but Sam has a point, all right, you guys? Until we have some kind of proof that something spooky’s really afoot, then I don’t think we should – ”
It was Abi who screamed first, bringing their attention back to Nick. By then, it was too late. They turned just in time to see a tear, then two, then three, open in his skin, stretching wide to show the wet, raw muscle beneath as though he were simply wearing a human-suit several sizes too small for him. With one final heave of his body (and the horrendous sound of gore hitting the floor and walls and, God help them all, ceiling), something hulking and monstrous and sharp burst out of him like a moth from a cocoon, spreading not wings but limbs so long and so large as to defy all logic. It stared at them with eyes that winked gold and red in the darkness, then threw back its head and let out a sound like none of them had ever heard before.
Only then did Sam raise her hand, already starting to walk backwards. “This is starting to get familiar,” she admitted, grabbing Abi by the back of her shirt and hauling her to her feet, “this is starting to get really, really, really familiar, now that you mention it.”
Shock alone rooted the younger counselors to the spot, the older ones held still more by muscle memory and the hope what had kept them alive before would keep them alive now…but then Emily snatched Ashley up by both of her wrists and yanked her close enough to act as a human shield, breaking their stunned silence with a shrill, “Someone shoot her before she turns into one of those things!”
“You bit me!” she shrieked in response, struggling to reach behind herself and get a handful of Emily’s hair. When she couldn’t wriggle out of her grasp, she settled for stomping down on her instep as hard as she could, and if it hadn’t been for Mike and Chris both grabbing them and physically dragging them away, the thing that had very recently been Nick would’ve likely sliced through them both with a furious swipe of its claws.
“Holy shit, holy shit!”
“Yeah, welcome to our world,” someone said glumly, either Chris or Josh, it was honestly hard to tell.
“There’s a…there’s a fucking monster…right there!”
“Wow, gee, thanks!”
“And they’re just…going to fight each other?! Even though it’s…it’s right…”
“Like we said,” and that time it was Chris, his voice strained as he tried to physically slide himself between Ashley and Emily to keep them apart, “welcome to our fucking world!”
“Fuck me, I sure hope Mr. H has this place insured,” Mike said, and though he knew it did more harm that good, he let go of Emily to let Chris deal with her, choosing instead to pat himself down until he found the lighter stashed in his pocket. “Because I don’t know about you assholes, but I sure remember how this part goes.”
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chika-the-terrible · 2 years
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The House of the Upside Down - 2
After leaving home, He goes looking for the human he saw through the mirror. The one with the yellow curls and sad eyes that made Him feel more fury than he’d ever experienced. His master wouldn’t like what He was about to do, but the only way to make sure the human was okay would be to go to the Other World.
But He didn’t end up where he wanted. He was in a forest but it was too warm and not familiar and strange and He can’t breathe-
Hello again to my ST friends! If you remember, I made a moodboard for this Feral!Steve AU earlier this year, and I meant to publish this one around the same time but I wasn’t able to finish it ‘til now. Here’s a continued explanation of this AU (which turned out lengthier than I imagined because man do I have expansive ideas):
Steve, as part of his Upside Down powers, is able to glimpse into the other world through mirrors and he falls in love with Billy. However, because he’s adapted to the environment of the UD, he can’t breathe too well in this other world and collapses in the woods. As it turns out, Billy finds him and, though he’s freaking out about everything, he helps Steve return to the Upside Down through the same portal Steve created to get here.
Steve, however, is not about to let a little problem like breathing stop him, and he keeps trying to see Billy. It’s during one of these trips that he meets Eddie. However, since Steve can’t speak English, he has a hard time conveying his purpose to anyone, so Eddie’s very confused about who the hell Steve is. Like Billy, Eddie also helps Steve return to the Upside Down before Steve dies, and Steve is grateful and ends up visiting Eddie often, since Eddie’s trailer is so close to the woods.
And when Billy and Eddie inevitably start sharing weed and stuff like that, Billy comes over and learns that Eddie’s been bonding with Steve, to which Billy points out that Steve is protected by monsters and lives in a monster world and what the hell was Eddie thinking?! Eddie, however, points out that Billy knows the guy, too, so they’re both stuck keeping this secret and Steve’s actually very nice and friendly once you get to know him, and Billy reluctantly goes along with it.
It’s my thought that Steve falls in love with Eddie over time and he wants to add both of them to his pack as mates, but he remembers that Will had a hard time surviving the Upside Down and so he struggles to reconcile that he may never have the men he loves with him for long, and they may not love him back. But then he finds that his master, the Mind Flayer, has decided to invade the Other World and Steve finds himself anxious and nauseous for Billy and Eddie. He tries to point out the flaws in the MF’s plan, but another of the Mind Flayer’s advisors, Vecna the general, overrides Steve’s cautionary tales and even accuses Steve of treason. So Steve has to run away before he’s put under house arrest and ends up fleeing to the Other World. However, he goes through the new tunnel the MF’s been building, since he has no time to make a portal of his own, and ends up getting captured by the scientists at the Lab, who are very interested in his existence. They’re able to provide him with the air he needs, so he doesn’t choke up, and Steve panics because he meant to go see Eddie or Billy, not end up here.
When Billy ends up looking after Max, Eddie also goes along and so they both get dragged into the mess with the Upside Down when they track Max to the Byers’. It’s there that they learn that not only is the MF invading, it’s doing so very aggressively because the humans (which the MF does not distinguish between, so it sees everyone as part of the same unit of sorts) have taken its son, Steve, and it plans on making them pay for doing such a thing. Billy and Eddie can only imagine that the feral guy they’ve been bonding with is the ‘son’ the MF mentioned and so they’re really worried for their friend. They also have a hard time reconciling the new information of Steve’s ‘extended family’ with what they know of Steve.
Everyone at the Lab is doing no better. After Owens reveals that they do have another infected person there, the gang tries to get to Steve but he’s under tight security so they have no choice but to leave him behind after the doors are opened. It also prevents the Mind Flayer from getting to Steve, and so the being keeps getting angrier as the night progresses. When Hopper and El go back to close up the hole, they also make a small detour to get Steve out. El recognizes Steve as the one who looked after Will in the Upside Down the previous year and she knows that he has to go home, otherwise he won’t survive out here after getting cut off, since he was attached to the hive mind. So Hopper comes up with a solution: They hold Steve hostage in exchange for the Mind Flayer letting go of Will. It’s a bit hard to communicate but it works and Steve goes back to the Upside Down and then El’s able to close the portal.
Eddie and Billy don’t see Steve again for close to a year, not until he suddenly shows up at Eddie’s one night, covered in wounds. Eddie has no idea what’s going on but knows it isn’t good and treats Steve and becomes worried when Steve refuses to return home, even as he gets weaker because of the differing air.
Billy ends up getting involved as well and he and Eddie try to figure out a way for Steve to survive without going home while he heals, but it’s not easy. They have to settle on a bandana, which cuts down the air Steve breathes in, even if it’s not by much, and so it only buys them some time. They also wanna know why Steve suddenly showed up after the closing of the portal with so many injuries, but they can’t understand each other, so it’s hard for them to get an answer. Then S3 happens, though without Billy getting flayed, and Eddie and Billy are forced to get involved with S3 shenanigans. Eddie ends up going into the Russian base with Dustin, Erica, and Robin, and Billy helps El, Mike, Max, Will, and Lucas figure out that something’s going down in Hawkins. It’s because of this that neither of them are able to look after Steve for long, though Billy’s able to do so more than Eddie is because of how Eddie gets stuck and Billy’s left spending the night at Eddie’s trailer with Steve. However, Steve’s slowly getting worse and Billy wishes he knew why because he feels so useless, unable to do anything to help Steve.
When he ends up going to the Mall with the others, Billy and Eddie feel a wave of cold fear wash over them as they realize that the Key under Starcourt isn’t the only portal that needs closing. There’s still the tiny portal in the woods, the one Steve used to get into this world. There’s no way they can cut off the Mind Flayer completely if they don’t close that hole too. So Eddie makes it his job to take care of Steve while Billy goes with the others to help take down the Meat Flayer. They do have a private moment together, though, because the two metalheads have come to care a lot about Steve and each other, having found comfort in one another after S2 and forging love with Steve as they took care of him since he arrived. It’s not easy for Billy or Eddie to throw Steve back into his world, but they know, like El, that Steve stands no chance of survival if the portal is closed and he’s not in the Upside Down.
Eddie ends up moving Steve, even as Steve still refuses to go home. He doesn’t understand a lot of what Eddie says, but he knows where they’re going and he struggles not to go. He tries to tell Eddie why it’s a bad idea but he doesn’t understand Steve and all he hears is shrieking and screaming. It breaks Eddie’s heart to see Steve so scared and still so hurting, but it’s better this way, isn’t it?
“It’s gonna be okay, Stevie.” Eddie promised, “Billy and I love you, okay? It’s why we’re doing this for you.” And even though Steve doesn’t understand a lot, he understands ‘Billy,’ ‘Eddie,’ and ‘Love,’ and so he stops struggling. His last act before going back through the portal is to kiss Eddie and struggle out his own sentence, his first words in English and Eddie’s heart absolutely breaks.
“Love...Eddie. Love...Billy.” And then Steve’s gone and the portal seals up and Eddie’s left crying on the forest floor.
Hopper survives (we don’t get the S4 Russia storyline), Joyce stays (avoiding the whole thing with Brenner, thanks), and Billy and Eddie start dating. But when S4 starts and kids start dying, the two can’t help but think of Steve and wonder if this is retribution for what they did to him, if this is Steve’s revenge. They soon get an answer when Steve shows up again, going through the portal left behind at Chrissy’s death. Steve’s scarred up a bit and is definitely cradling a broken arm, but it’s still Steve. Eddie and Billy take him into a gentle hug and Steve purrs at the love and warmth from them.
He’s been practicing his English, so he’s able to better explain what’s going on: Last time, he’d been on the run from Vecna’s forces. Vecna, in between S2 and S3, had taken the world from the MF’s control as a royal usurper. And since Steve was the Mind Flayer’s official heir, Vecna tried to kill Steve, resulting in all the injuries that he had in S3. Steve’s been surviving and running since then, trying to take his world back from Vecna with his own small force of rebels, but it hasn’t been easy. He’s also been keeping tabs on the Other World through the mirrors, causing him pain whenever he sees Billy or Eddie but at least he knows they’re okay. However, when Vecna decided to start making portals to the Other World by killing people, Steve decided to take a chance and go to get help. Or, at the very least, warn Billy and Eddie of what was going on so they wouldn’t get killed.
(Not really sure how S4 ends, other than Eddie survives, but now you have the gang working together with Feral!Steve and his small army of rebel Demogorgons, Demodogs, and Demobats to fight Vecna and after everything settles and the world doesn’t end, the guys try to find ways so that they can stay together and nobody dies from the different types of air they breathe)
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willow-lark · 2 years
Dude ong i just read your birthdaygate ficlet and i just—AJSJDKFNCKDLDLEKEFKFV
If you would be willing to share whatever outline you have in your head, you would, like, have my undying loyalty. Bc OMG. I—I freakin’ LOVE what you have written so far j can’t. And not being anle to write the whole long fic is such a mood—there are. So many outlines for fics in my google docs. That i simply cannot write.
So like. I love and adore outlines/concepts/plans for fics-that-could’ve-been, they are my JAM, and i would love to read yours.
Thank you for sharing this ficlet with us!
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omg i am HONORED that ppl are interested in my fic idea?? you're all so kind omg y'all this means so much to me i am hugging all of you so hard rn. 🥺💖�� also i'm gonna put some of this under a readmore cause it's kind of long. also i put this at the end of my ficlet but idk how much of this i will actually write so everybody has my blanket permission to add onto/do anything w this that they want :))
ok! so! in my head birthdaygate goes something like this:
of course, everyone forgets will's birthday in 1986. will says nothing. this continues when the cali and russia gangs get to hawkins. will is just kind of there. he helps out at the crisis center at hawkins high, visits el at the cabin, but every time he walks into a room people's eyes glaze over him kind of like he's not there. though both he and jonathan are staying at the wheelers, mrs w starts forgetting a place for him. jonathan forgets to get will up and leaves without him in the mornings. mike doesn't speak to him. and, constantly, there's a voice in will's head (vecna) telling him Come home. They don't want you.
and... will listens. he intends to go to the upside-down and fight vecna on his own, while going through an unhealthy amount of self-deprecation and self-hatred (à la my recent series). into the upside down he goes, but it's a futile hunt, and he ends up trapped there, tormented and hunted at every turn.
meanwhile, everyone else's minds just kind of fuzz over when it comes to will. when it comes to things that involve him in their memories, he's either erased or the memory is rewritten with some other explanation. for example: why the party was out in the woods when they met el. why jonathan was taking pictures of the steve's backyard. the entirety of s2. why the UD is stuck on nov 6, 1983. you get the gist. the others spend the next two and a half years struggling against vecna, and meanwhile will languishes in the upside-down.
that is, until stoncy embark on some sort of reconnaissance mission (this is where my ficlet comes in) and run into him in the upside down. on will's end, it becomes apparent very quickly they have no idea who he is, and on their end they r adamantly NOT going to leave someone in the UD to die. so, they take him out with them and call a meeting at the cabin.
of course, mike does not trust this kid (what if he's a spy??) very much like lucas with el in s1. lucas somewhat agrees with him, but acknowledges that it turned out well when he gave el a chance, so he's ready to do that here, and besides he'll do anything to help get max out of her coma. the others have more of lucas's mindset. plus, will can give them intel about the UD that they don't have.
meanwhile will is struggling. there's the angst-fest of him being surrounded by all the people he loves and none of them know and they're all kind of wary of him and he can't say anything, plus he's trying not to give away to anyone that he actually knows things about them and about all the upside-down ish that's happened in previous years. this does make him act kind of sus at times.
mike is determined to not trust him, but will literally gives him déjà vu every other second. at one point they r in mike's room for some reason and he has The Painting up on the wall and will does a double-take and mike's like. isn't it awesome??? my (ex)girlfriend had it commissioned for me but i still keep it up bc it's of all my friends plus i think the person that painted it is THE best artist in the world. will is like. oh. who painted it. and mike's brain like. flatlines and he changes the subject (You're the heart, a voice whispers to him, one that he can't quite place).
there are also similar scenes with the byers fam and the rest of the party. there's this one scene in s1e1 the morning after will goes missing where joyce comes out and like. says hi to jonathan who's cooking breakfast and then goes to ruffle will's hair but he's not there and the same thing happens but will IS there this time and joyce's brain short-circuits a little bit
and there's one scene where they give will a walkman to guard against being vecnaed and ask what his favorite song is and he's like "should i stay or should i go" bc DUH and jonathan's like "excellent taste" and will just says "thanks, i got it from my older brother."  all aboard the angst train choo fuckin choo!!
anyways thanks to will's intel the whole squad suits up to head into the upside down. will maps it out for them (vecna's got a vine hub thing in the UD similar to s2 which is his new base of operations since he moved out of creel house). and thus we have my sword mike + bow and arrows lucas + nail bat dustin + gun will agenda. el is off with hop and nancy and whoever heading in to fight vecna or whatever. so now we have the core four og party in their little pod to complete their mission. they r armed with the weapons above but also like. molotov cocktails n lighters n shit too. but they r surrounded by a shit ton of demodogs about to eat them and d'art isn't here this time for dustin to take advantage of his bond with. OHHH SHITTT what r they gonna do???? dustin wants to hunker down and stay on the defense (Cast protection!). lucas wants to light them up (Fireball him!) and mike (still slightly distrusting, waiting for will to prove himself), demands that (since will's the one who spent two and a half years here) he lead the party in what to do (Will, your action!). and will decides that they need to fireball these mother fuckers. this time, it's like they each rolled a nat 20 and the demodogs are decimated.
now the party moves on to provide backup for the el v. vecna showdown. vecna hones in on will. Come home again, William? I knew you would. but el and will have this absolutely epic banging team-up and take him DOWN. vecna dies. el, exhausted, staggers back. will goes unconscious and falls to the ground. all of the memories that vecna was hoarding about will are released now that he's dead, and everyone remembers. (max jolts awake in the hospital.) 
i have this very distinct image of the party getting their memories back. they're standing there injured and exhausted and then it dawns on them and in TOTAL UNISON they're like. WILL.
later, will wakes up in the hospital to his mom petting his hair and his brother crying and the party runs in and it's very s1 reunion except they're all crying way more and apologizing and (only a tiny bit) mad at will for not saying anything. also idk the specific logistics but byler goes endgame ofc. and there we have a VERY happy ending!!! yay!!! 
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bugsbenefit · 2 years
wait actually adding on to the long post i just made! (spoiler for Firestarter again obviously):
the girl's father really goes through it while she's imprisoned in the lab and he thinks she's gone forever. he's growing tired and sick of live, giving up, gaining weight, and becoming addicted to medication (how very Hopper s1 esque of you)... no but seriously the dad from Firestarter is literally just Hopper
actually it's really interesting how clearly you can assign character roles from Firestarter to Stranger Things. because there's no real gray areas or multiple character being needed to fill one role. it's a super straight forward 1:1
Charlie/the daughter is El: super obvious. get imprisoned in the lab, has psychic powers. only a father figure left as family. Super young when everything starts so she Struggles to adjust to things in normal society. often struggles to use her powers properly or at all and then has them unleash themselves in massive outburst over trauma she suffers
Andy/the dad is Hopper: parent figure (even though Hopper is her adoptive dad and not her biological one), doing Everything in his power to save his daughter. medication addiction, a cabin in the woods, general depression and fed-up-ness with life. lost a wife. dies to save his daughter (Hopper has a fake out, not Andy tho rip)
Victoria/the mother is Terry: she's only briefly in the story. Victoria died while Terry is just in a permanent catatonic state. both of them participated in government experiments for money during college, gained minor psychic powers from it, and birthed a daughter with even stronger powers that was then stolen by the same people who ran her prior experiment. that event is also what caused her death/incapacitation. they're Literally the same character
James Hollister, the head of the organization, is a reskin of Brenner: he's the man running the organization. also responsible for the drug tests that started it all. plays the part of scientific researcher and sleazy business guy at the same time as he's also coordinating with the government. both start with a prime motive of learning about and using the kids psychic powers but then grow obsessed with the one girl in their "care"
"Rainbird", the "janitor" is Henry: both enter the story as killers, Henry coming from a family massacre, and Rainbird being a hitman. both assume a fake identity (a lab worker and a janitor respectively). with this disguise they grow closer to the girl trapped in the lab. both ultimately manage to win her trust and convince her to use her powers in a way never seen before. they also both die by her hand at the end of the story (though Henry survives this gets sent to the UD instead)
...also i seriously think there's a parallel character to Benny in there. yes the Benny who dies in s1: while Charlie and Andy are on the run from the government and the organization they find refuge in a small farmer's house, Irv Manders. (he lives there with his wife who shows up Briefly) father and daughter are wanted by the police but Irv realizes that they're both good/genuine people and wants to understand them/what's going on before sending them to like, jail. he offers for them to stay with him for a bit. but then the organization shows up out of nowhere and opens fire. Irv gets shot during this. Charlie and her dad manage to flee, however, she burns the farm down as they leave. Irv doesn't show up in the story again and most likely died to the gunshot paired with the fire... poor guy
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confoundedluna · 2 years
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I posted 343 times in 2022
That's 280 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (13%)
298 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 281 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#until dawn - 84 posts
#uk politics - 54 posts
#the quarry - 51 posts
#izombie - 25 posts
#supermassive games - 15 posts
#emily davis - 13 posts
#josh washington - 11 posts
#op this is fucking hilarious - 11 posts
#ud challenge - 10 posts
#udchallenge - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#but getting back out of bed after taking a break from finishing my school work to go back to my desk is too much
My Top Posts in 2022:
i'm back at it again, this time I got a list of all the stupid decisions that the until dawn characters can or do make (some of these are player choice or determined by them, others will always playout regardless of choice), hopefully in chronological order or as close to it as I can figure - let me know if I miss anything!
this will contain until dawn spoilers!
Sam trying to prevent the prank happening by searching the house for Hannah instead of just waiting outside her room for her to show up and then letting her know what was going on
Hannah running out into the freezing cold of a mountain woods instead of just going into the basement or the library or some shit
Hannah running alone to the cliff edge instead of following Beth who was heading away from it
Chris using a makeshift flamethrower to open a frozen door when they could have brought everyone round to the window and just climbed in, albeit more carefully than Chris did
Jess assuming that her phone being thrown through a window was a prank being played by the others? and shouting at whoever it was in the freezing open possibly in her underwear?
Mike using the scope of the gun to look at Jess being dragged away instead of aiming it at whoever or whatever the hell is attacking her
Chris not going to grab Sam and get her help after he is knocked out, Ashley goes missing, and he finds shit like blood on the wall
Mike interacting with the arm moving in the middle of the room which is very clearly out of the ordinary and has been set up for something that is not likely to be good
Matt attacking the big wild elk that greatly outnumber and are surrounding him and Emily while on the edge of a cliff
Ashley being able to stab the Psycho and then not making any efforts to escape while he cries out over his wound and moves away from her
Emily not moving away from the falling tower resulting in her leg being injured
Emily closing the door on the wendigo only to stand against it instead of continuing to run, resulting in her being bitten
Chris and the Stranger going to get Josh despite hearing about and knowing about the wendigo, resulting in the Stranger's death and Chris being either injured or killed
Mike deciding to leave the safety of the basement to try and find Josh for the cable car key despite the Stranger and possibly Chris' deaths immediately prior, and the fact that rescue should be coming
Sam deciding they need to leave the basement as well to get Mike
The group leaving the revolver in the basement
Mike taking only a handful of ammo for the shotgun when there's a whole box that he could take (yes the game gives him unlimited ammo and plot armour no matter how many shots he makes but shhh it's a stupid decision anyway)
Chris staying behind from the group if Ashley does not encourage him to keep up
Ashley investigating what she believes is Jessica's voice even though she has read the Stranger's journal which reveals the mimic abilities of the wendigo
See the full post
83 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Travis Hackett x Laura Kearney shippers dni <3
y'all please even if the age gap wasn't that bad - 18-20 and 56 is Gross - he drugged her, held her and her boyfriend hostage for two months, made her watch her boyfriend transform into a werewolf in which he attacked her violently, and forced her to risk her life to help him fix his family's mistake
she also can drug or shoot him, and can kill several members of his family, attacks him, and he can kill her??? where are y'all seeing the romance?????
(editing this to say that i'm not asking for justification in any way, that is not the intended interpretation, I do not want to hear why y'all are shipping them - already heard stuff about 'chemistry', this is very much rhetorical, thank you)
let her and max be the only healthy relationship this game has in Peace y'all
153 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
I am going to say this now, before the show has gone on too long and before he's managed to pull his little PR move
I want Matt Hancock to be the first out on I'm a Celebrity
he is there to make himself seem funny and likeable and not just a politician, but a cool figure that people don't see and immediately think of the scandals he has been involved in
and if he makes it far into the 'vote for who you save' section of the show, he will have succeeded
i want him to get voted to go through the most miserable, uncomfortable trials, and I want him to suffer while he's there
and then I want him to be the first out, to be reminded that no one really wants him there, no one wants him to win the show, that no one likes him and his ploy to seem relatable and more than what he is has failed
I need people to remember that he is scum, and this is all being done to save face, and that he should not be allowed to get away with this shit
186 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
gotta warn y'all now and apologise for the person I will become when The Quarry is released
189 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here's the Until Dawn iconic and absolutely ridiculous lines masterlist, please let me know if there's any good ones that I miss! Sorry this took a while, I had to be Thorough with this. (no they aren't in any particular order, I apologise for that)
Maybe we should start with a little, you know, making out, and see where it goes from there.
Jesus hot sauce Christmas cake.
Oh my God, totally, we're SO gonna make-out!
Shutters are shutted.
That scared the blue out of my jeans!
Alright! Let's get going, ya fucked up sonnovabitch.
What- are you serious? Now I gotta find a fucking keycard?!
Fuck nuggets!
All wrapped like a little present with a bow on top for that thing to tear us apart on Christmas morning?
This is the safe room, Em!
One at a time, boys. There's enough of me for all a'ya.
Got any marshmallows?
Go suck an egg!
What are you tweeting?! Hashtag there's a freaking ghost after us?!
Chris, if this is your way of trying to make me feel better... you're fired.
We're freezing our buns off out here!
Understand the palm of my hand, bitch.
It was just a prank, Han!
Rule number one, Emily is always right. Rule number two, nothing else matters because Emily is always right.
Holy Cannoli.
Ugh. Unfollow.
Oh, did you not hear me? Was your sluttiness too loud?
At least I can think. 4.0, bitch, honor roll. Suck on that when you're trying to sleep your way into a job.
Oh God. Here goes six hundred bucks... Better be worth it. I looked great in that top.
Meatbrain? Mister Musclebrawn? Matt the incredible sulk?
I found her head. I found Beth's head. ||| Beth freaking Washington.
See the full post
395 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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malewife-cas · 2 years
i can see mike and will frantically running through the UD to this when it gets faster.
i very much want to run through the woods to this
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Plot for The Monster Chronicles series: basic summary.
This is a almost completely different version/AU of Stranger Things. Very little is the same.
Henry and his crush Ariana live in a lab. It is located in the middle of a forest and valley. No civilization is here, it’s just forest and beautiful views. Every day seems like an average human lab. Experiments, soggy corn chips (that gods like for some reason,) you get the gist. Everything was normal… until it wasn’t. Henry accidentally released a world-destroying god, his crush goes missing, and everything is a mess. The lab is just falling apart! Out of guilt, Henry and his crush run away and go out to live in the wilderness. The dark, weird, unforgiving woods. Somehow, even with bounty hunters, very hostile bears, and other cray stuff, Henry and Ariana escape. They meet friends along the way (including Henry’s own sister,) they continue helping each other, and the number one thing… survive. That’s the hard part. But… oh no, they got captured by one of the Bounty Hunter groups: The Monsters of the UD. They take them in, and surprisingly don’t turn them to Chroma. Instead, the monsters keep them in the Upside Down. Henry meets even more friends there. Together, will they be able to stop Chroma?
At least, they will, unless Chroma merges with Randy.
And that’s exactly what happened.
Through tough and thought, the team was able to somehow escape. Henry finds out eventually that this was all his coma. But does Henry decide to die or go back to the way he was, in Hawkins, where he was? It’s up to him.
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juvederm · 1 year
something about ud i like a lot is the brooding dreadful atmosphere along w that blue, muted and dull color scheme i mean the game starts off with these friends maliciously pranking their other friend which then turns into her sister chasing her into the woods, and as ur playing through that scene, it feels unsettling; ur alone, there's these unexplained noises like screeching, screaming and then visions of fire. it creates this eerie environment because you don't know what's going on yet. and then it turns into beth and hannah Running Away from something, an unseen thing (i mean after watching the game and playing it a million times it's like doing my taxes like i'm not freaking out over it), and then that opening sequence ends with death.
so the set up is very depressing, has these themes of loss and grief, mental struggle and then the obvious tension between the characters. i notice a lot of ppl critique how the characters talk to each other as if they're not really friends but girl, that's the thing, they're not really friends. they wouldn't have done that to hannah if they were. the game starts off with insincerity and that malicious intent of the prank. it's not a good atmosphere, you immediately feel uncomfortable because why the fuck r they doing that?
then from there on, that dreadfulness carries on throughout the game, and as it progresses, there's a mystery happening: who the fuck is this guy following us what is screeching in the woods why did our friend do this to us and What Is Actually Out There
the entire vibe i felt while playing the game is that urgency to just get everyone out of there, like this isn't gonna end well we just Have to go omg kinda urgency. and then there's those dips, you go from survival instinct to seeing these characters go through extreme mental turmoil and it just adds onto that feeling of This Really isn't going to end well.
but this is just how the game felt To me personally and it's why i'm so attached to it because i really love games that touch on that dreadful feeling and loss. like fran bow is one of, if not, my favorite game of all time because of its style and mood and atmosphere. like that's what draws me in usually
anyway, sorry to my mutuals who don't gaf abt this game or video games at all for the long post i'm just thinking.... and my head is currently spinning so let me turn my brain off for the night
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rainbowbuck · 2 years
the real question is how has eddie’s hanker chief survived in his back pocket for this long
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I said I'll give prompts and I'm giving prompts. This is how I cope I'm just throwing out ideas, feel free to do whatever with them-
1) Heartstopper AU with artist-jock Will (aka letterman jacket!Will) who is neither in the closet nor out of it. One day paired up in a class with Mike Wheeler, the loser drama kid. The only cool thing about Mike is his leather jacket. He is also the straightest kid to ever straight. Or is he?
2) Divorce lawyer!Will as a meta homewrecker joke. Bonus points if you come up with an absolutely buckwild story of how he came to be a freaking divorce lawyer. Mike Wheeler, reluctant client.
3) Mermaid AU. Sorry, but I am coming out as an absolute sucker for mermaid AUs. Those things slap. Did you know the Byler tag already has like 3-4 mermaid AUs? Which is a lot. But I'm greedy. Mermaid AUs are where you go WILD. Write some totally sick shit with evolution, biology, magic, culture, worldbuilding, philosophy, DRAMA.....
Mermaid+soulmates AU. Will is sceptical of this human who claims to be his soulmate. Mermaids don't have soulmates, nor does Will want one. Mike knows Will is his soulmate- it's not unheard of for humans to have monsters as soulmates. A man though...he's never heard of men being soulmates. Dive deep into that question of what makes a monster. Who gets to decide where humanity begins and where it ends? What makes a soulmate? Can fate and free will coexist?
4) Amateur detective!Mike detecting a little too hard and finding the missing man-of-mystery!Will. Was Will running from the UD? The Lab? Lonnie? Mike is then pulled into shit he did not sign up for.
5) Millenial!Mike Wheeler has heard many stories about the kid who disappeared from the woods nearby 15 years ago. He's also heard his new house is haunted. He doesn't think much of it, until one day a man comes out of his walls.
6) Famous artist!Will and fanboy!Mike. Will doesn't know Mike's a fanboy. Mike is both a tumblrina and a Y/N fanfic writer.
7) Famous Author!Mike and fanfic author!Will. Mike comments on Will's every fic and they start chatting. Mike writes a romance novel (heterosexual!) for the first time, and the main characters are saying some suspiciously familiar stuff. Will messages coolpaladinboi69 "hey...did you read Wheeler's new book" and pulls out the receipts from their previous chats. A very on the nose joke on Mike's projection.
8) 12 year old Mike Wheeler discovers a very friendly ghost lurking inside his new house. Nobody else can see him, maybe because they don't want to. Will is so nice though, and so helpful. But wait- is he really dead? Or is his body trapped? Somewhere dark and cold...
9) Will is the guy hired to remodel Mlvn's white picket fence home. Mike is having ThoughtsTM. ANOTHER one for those meta homewrecker jokes. We got a literal homewrecker on our hands, but wait- oh that looks much better, thank you.
10) Mike Wheeler knows that something is wrong with quiet classmate Will Byers. He shows up with bruises, holding his pencil oddly while drawing. They've never had a single conversation, but one day after witnessing a terrifying scene between him and his father, Mike begs Will to let him help. Will refuses, he only has to get through a few more months, and then he's 18, and free. Two weeks later, Lonnie's car goes up in flames, taking Lonnie with it. Will is miraculously unharmed. The police names it a freak accident, but Mike suspects otherwise. He's not gonna sell Will out tho. The Chief is going to call services to take Will to his closest relatives, but before he can Will has blurted out another name. It's just a few months, surely he can spend them at his best friend Mike Wheeler's place? Somebody's gotta explore Will's Lonnie trauma pls
Bonus points if-
- Mike is as pathetic as possible. He needs to be a complete loser. Not a single cool thing about him. Not. One. He is miles below Will's league and everyone is aware of it, except Will himself.
- Lucas-Will bromeos.
- Unwitting chick magnet!Will.
- Mike and Max and their mutual disdain.
- El making at least one fruit joke. El cheering Will on as he homewrecks.
- Dustin being StraightTM and all the queerness going straight over his head. Poor kid has no clue.
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boydykedoctor · 2 years
i wrote this immediately after i got home from the NYC stranger things experience so it's kind of shitty but here's a summary:
you basically come in for a “sleep experiment” in the rainbow room as a test subject. the position of this event in the timeline of ST is super fuzzy and unclear and that's because it would make no sense if it was part of the actual story. it's basically an opportunity for self-insert fanfic in which the party members, Owens, and Brenner have one-sided conversations with you.
everyone in the sleep experiment group happens to have “powers," and we're sorted into three sections: I think they were physical (red), psychic (blue), and intuition (yellow)? Or something? Physical ppl (me) had telekinesis, psychic people could freeze things, and intuition could create visions (like kali) and mess with lights if i recall correctly. one by one, each group gets to do a little pose--like El holding up her hand--as a special effect, like a coke can getting crushed or "vision" spiders crawling around on the wall, occurs
Brenner finds out we have powers and tries to capture us by sending us off for more tests. (there's an actor who plays the scientist running you through the experiment, but then there's a hologram-like screen that shows the real Matt Modine talking to us and doing his creepy Papa thing)
When we move deeper into the lab, we hear Dustin and Erica in a vent, and they say that their friends El and Max are in danger in the Upside Down. Max went in by herself (i genuinely can't remember why. someone help.) and El went in after to rescue her. Now everyone else has to rescue them. The typical stuff. Will, Mike, and Lucas are in some other room of the lab, able to see what’s happening with cameras and tell us what to do/how to use our powers. there's a very cool effect with frosted doors and demodogs throwing themselves at the glass/blood spattering/doctors dying horrible deaths/etc. we run around for a bit as the party members mess with electronics to help get us out, and then we open a portal and go through to the UD.
we eventually find Max in the Upside Down (the woodsy part) and she talks to us, tells us she shouldn’t have gone off exploring on her own. El shows up but has trouble using her powers against the demodogs and demogorgons bc she’s been fighting for so long. we all give her our ~magical power energy~ (which feels odd and not like something that would be possible in canon but whatever). she's able to fight off the monsters and close the portal.
somehow this boots us out of the UD and into the normal Hawkins woods. everyone in the party shows up and thanks us and tells us we’re friends now. it’s cute. will is the only one who basically doesn’t do or say anything interesting, which is because we're strangers to him and he's shy but he's my fave okay :Y
all the scenes with the party are played by the real actors! they do some fun 3D stuff in the UD to make it look like everyone is standing in the room with you. except for at one point El is an in-the-flesh actor who has to lipsync to MBB's voice. i don't know why they did that but they did.
Oh i forgot one of the doctors who did the intro bits was extremely funny bc her only job was to stand there and stare at you creepily while her more gregarious counterpart explained what was going to happen. loved her.
there were a bunch of fun little details but i didn't get photos (phones were illegal. shout out to whoever got that shot of will, mike, and lucas) and my memory is shit :/ anybody else who went can feel free to add onto this post or correct me!
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Stranger Things Rewatch Notes 1.3
Barb wakes up in UD pool, how did she get there?
Note after watching: don’t the demogorgons avoid water???
Pool steams while this is happening
Steve hears something but Barb is not in the pool
Why was it so light in Steve’s room? Middle of the night
At least Karen is worried about Nancy
Nancy is really against being Steve’s girlfriend
Karen seems to really want connection with kids
Joyce is a mess and I want to give her a hug
Jonathan makes breakfast a lot
El plays with walkie in corner while they’re talking
Lucas doesn’t believe demogorgon, wrist rocket weapon
El just watches as Dustin drops toy
Mike gives El watch for time, he seems really understanding
Mike stays behind to make sure El stays safe, sweet
Nancy is worried about Barb, I forgot how she finds out
El makes the toy float anyways
She doesn’t listen to instructions well, good for her
El looks up for Brenner’s reaction after crushing can
Joyce is very smart (so is Jonathan and Will)
I love the mystery plot Hopper is following
El’s fascination with Nancy’s room is sweet+sad
Steve stands up to Tommy H. kinda? Tells him not to be an ass
Nancy can’t tell the truth
Superhero vs. weirdo debate, Mike says both
Mike is annoyed with Lucas’s teasing
Troy is a bitch
Troy jabs at Will being queer+dying
Dustin chooses the rock that hit Mike and him+lucas make Mike laugh (cheering up)
Transition from photo room to christmas lights is great
Karen is so concerned about the lights
Hopper sleeps around a lot
Reference to MK Ultra+Terry Ives
Karen+Joyce talk, seem to be friends
Lights circle Holly for a bit and the demogorgon is heard
Hand through the wall again
I am torn on the camera breaking scene
El is stressed about exact time, same
El doesn’t want to hurt the cat and I want to hug her
She’s scared of Brenner, I hate how he towers
Her anger+powers+hurting others “incredible”
Nancy struggles with standing up for herself
El is worried about Mike
Mike seems insecure about being hurt, El understands
Nancy hears something in the woods+gets startled
Lights try to lead to where Will is, hiding in cabinet
He can communicate w/lights pretty well
Joyce is fucking genius for the letter wall
Core party = Mike+El, Dustin+Lucas groupings
El accurately finds where Will is hiding
Everyone starts yelling at El, even Mike is annoyed
El looks like she panics at the argument
Demogorgon rips through the wall, Will warns
Is Will in the same room? Is he remote?
All core party tries to see Will
Mike is in denial
Mike slaps El away and yells at her
El and everyone is crying
Mike runs away when everyone calls for him
Mike sobs into Karen’s arms, parallel Jonathan+Joyce
I feel so much for Mike
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thegoldendoorknob · 3 years
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I don’t normally do tips or guides at all, but as someone who 100% the original Miitopia and am going to 100% switch, I’d like to compile a lot of good Grub farming locations to help others. 
If you know any more good spots than what I’ve listed, feel free to reply or tag any more places you know and I’ll edit them in!
+Postgame spoilers below+
So, if you want to farm the best grub in the game, you’ll want to be a cat. This is because you want to use Steal Grub, and then follow up by dying.
Death prevents map enemies and bosses in New Lumos from disappearing, and is essential in farming the best grub. By dine-in-deathing, you can repeat the battle infinitely until everyone’s at cap.
But not everyone wants to go through the pain of making a high-level Cat MC, and so below these big contenders, I’m putting the easier, less-involved grub after them.
#1: Snurp Radish
Snurp Radishes were the big one back in 2017. To farm Snurps, you would have to take a Worried Explorer quest from the Traveler’s Hub, steal the snurp radishes from the boss, and then die.
The Worried Explorer doesn’t always have Delicious Snurps as the boss though, so in that case you will need to be a Lv 50 Cat. When you leave the inn solo, the small map snurps will become their larger variants to match your level.
Even at legendary armor with max stats, Delicious Snurps will deal enough damage to kill you at level 50. Tasty Snurps, however, are a lot harder to die to. For the most efficient farm, 3 Delicious Snurp spawns are the best, but for the desperate, even 1 to farm off of will do. 
Be careful if you’re doing Thief-Horse farming, as the total damage might possibly kill the Snurps..
If you can only spawn Tasty Snurps, consider instead...
#2: Ultimate Delicacy**
For your mages that are too picky to eat their greens. I would love to give credit to the 2017 user that mentioned this farm, but the thread seems to be lost to time...
In New Lumos, at the end of every district sits a boss. The one we will be focusing on is the Dark Sun, the boss of the 8th District. The Dark Sun is essentially a retread on the Darkest Lord, who can summon up to 2 Coins into battle
Grub farming the Dark Sun is simple. You run up, steal an Ultimate Delicacy** from the Dark Sun, and then die. You can also steal TWO MORE Ultimate Delicacy**, one each from the coins it summons. 
You can only get one UD per coin, killing it and spawning another will not give you any more grub.
So that’s a whopping 3 Ultimate Delicacy** per attempt, if you’re determined. When eaten, they’ll give you roughly 45% stat increase when eaten, even in the 90s, so they’re more than worth the effort.
The catch is that the Dark Sun likes to tactfully put your cat into a nightmare and waste their turns half the time. For this reason, you’ll want to bring one other party member, giving you access to the safe spot to avoid the nightmare status.
Locations good for auto-farming:
New Lumos 1st District, Level 3 [Level before the boss]
Hell Dogs, Robojuice, Pixel Grub (+ATK/HP/MAG/DEF)
Quite a good spot for exp grinding, too! 5 Encounters with Cerberus, Robots, and Retroputers help make this level the Riverdeep Cavern of postgame! Just make sure you kill any Cerberus first.
Uncharted Galados, Level 3
Fluffy Omelette, Sandwich, Snake Meunière, Bone Biscuits (+HP/MP/ATK/DEF/MAG)
Nothing too special, but the stage is second-best to the exp yield from snurps totaling up to 27,570 xp, so I come here to change up the grind.
Tschilly Peak, Bottom Right Corner
Roast Griffon, Strata Sundae (+ATK/DEF/SPD)
4 Moles, followed by 2 Griffons. Roast Griffon unfortunately takes up most of the stomach, but one can still throw a strata sundae on top of it for Speed. Good if you’re farming for multiple physical classes at once.
Dark Lord’s Castle, Armory, Top Left Crossroads
Bomble Gum, Sharp Stew (+HP/MP/MAG/DEF)
Known for it’s pre-snurp grind, it’s also a little helpful for getting money and getting some grub scraps.
Wayward Woods, Down and to the right of the Big Chest (Calming Fruit)
Choc Rock, Mushroom Sauté, Bitingly Bitter Tea (+HP/MP/DEF/SPD)
[Go Up, then Go Down]
Don’t let the early Greenhorne level fool you, you can actually get Bitingly Bitter Tea** from the mii traps here, it shocked me too! Better for leveling should you have missed out on the demo’s Riverdeep Cavern grind, but you should still move to better spots when the time comes.
Bigg Forest, First Big Chest
Hobgob Donuts (+ATK/MAG)
Donuts are good for farming early on, though these only come up to one star, so they’ll fall off quickly.
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amintyworld · 4 years
(TW: Cursing, slight horror)
Hello and Welcome Reader, to the Center for Indescribable and Other-Worldly Events Database Computer. I am the Self-Serving Artifact Reader Assistant, but you can call me SARA. :)
This Database is compiled of Reported Sightings, Files, and Research Theories and Tests. Where would you like to go first, Reader? :)
Files Selected. Compiling… 
Please Wait...
I have found 75,314 files. Do you have any keywords, phrases, or perhaps the first letter of the file you wish to read? :)
> Smiley
Searching keyword SMILEY… 
Please Wait…
0 files found. I am sorry Reader, it seems any files with that keyword do not exist in our database. Perhaps you meant something else? Do you have any keywords, phrases, or perhaps the first letter
> Load restricted.exe
Loading any restricted files are illegal, and not for public consumption. :)
Perhaps you shouldn’t do that, and instead, gaze at our wondrous pictures of UFOs in the OUT OF THIS WORLD exhibit? :)
> Go to Reported Sightings
Reported Sightings selected. Compiling…
Please Wait…
Welcome to the wondrous and exciting videos, photos, and other evidence of reported sightings in our database. :)
Would you like to submit a sighting? :)
> Load restricted.exe
Loading any restricted sightings are illegal and not for public consumption. :)
Perhaps you shouldn’t do that, and instead
> Enter password khanking276
Entering password…
Please Wait…
Welcome back, Dr. Khan. Thank you for submitting your password. Where would you like to go? :)
> Files: Smiley
Searching for file…
Please Wait…
CIOWE Test Subject #3,583 - “Smiley”
Description: 6’3’’ tall, wide eyes and what appears to be an unnervingly slim smile. 
Origins: Unknown. May have been a Jennifer City Turn Victim.
Class: A - Avoid at all costs. If Scenario G, proceed to Execution Maneuver 17.
Seems to be drawn to depressed souls. Hides in shadows and seems shy to come into the light. Once they pick a victim, they follow said person through webpages, objects, or shadows until the test subject seemingly disappears the victim to an unknown location. Further testing will be done to avoid any further damage.
34 Reported Sightings under SMILEY
119 recorded tests and theories on Test Subject SMILEY
Where would you like to go next? :)
> Reported Sightings: Bennet
Searching for submitted sightings and evidence…
Please Wait…
1 video found. Play video? :)
> Play 
Playing Video…
Please Wait…
“-ude, is the camera on?”
“Yep, yep… the whole time. Totally didn’t forget.”
“Charlie, come on, take this seriously!”
“Bennet, we’re in the middle of the woods with a camera for you to try to summon your little demon friend or something-”
“Their name is Smiley.”
“Oh, they have a name now?”
“They’re real, I swear. They told me to meet them out here.”
“Your imaginary friend told you to meet them in the middle of the forest? At midnight?”
“I can’t believe you, Bennet. Seriously.”
“Look, ten more minutes and you can turn the camera off, okay?”
“Fine, but Mom’s going to kill you if you catch a cold.”
“Bennet, why’d we-?”
“They’re here! Did you hear them!? I told you they were real!”
“Bennet, wait up!”
“Oh my gosh, Charlie! Smiley’s real, they’re real, I told you!”
“Stop running! Come back!” 
“Bennet?! Bennet this isn’t funny! Come back here right now, or I’m telling Mom!”
“Don’t leave me out here alone, Bennet!”
*Wind picks up on the camera as a distant howl can be heard*
“Bennet, stop pulling a prank, okay? I figured it out, let’s just go home.”
*Muffled scream*
“Bennet?! Shit- Bennet, I’m coming!”
*Camera gets caught on branches*
“Dammit… dumb camera-”
“...Fuck it.”
*Camera falls, cracking the lens as Charlie’s footsteps can be heard running away*
*Silence can be heard as the wind howls over the microphone*
*Suddenly, the camera is lifted up into the air, facing a smiling face, mouth unmoving*
*Feed stops*
End of Video. Where would you like to go next, Charlie? :)
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