#grub farming
Something so bad happened to me I’m riding my bike again and cleaning my room and drawing what happened here
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nuvomica · 8 months
Stop the romanticism of farm life. It's bad. It's bad. It's bad. There is no peace there is no sitting on your porch with a drink. It is chores and work and chores and work until you managed to face plant into a plate of food and then slip from your chair into an unconscious pile on the floor, far too hot or far too cold to move, and then waking up and doing it all again the next day
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sassmill · 1 year
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Lots of happily divided and repotted plants and rooted cuttings… soil amended in both the front and back beds… did my favorite method of chaos gardening in which I mix like 6 different types of wildflower seed mixes together in a bucket and just absolutely fill the beds with them Willy nilly… what did I plant? That’s none of my business. The bees birds and butterflies will figure it out.
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arolesbianism · 9 months
Also in my current main oni playthrough I'm at 22 duplicants and my goal for the playthrough is to get all of them so I'm abt halfway there but god damn do I not have enough space for more of these fuckers I'm going to be able to shove some more into my two newest colonies on the two planetoids I've traveled to so far but one of them like Just got started so it's going to be a while before I'm confident in upscaling it, and the other one is mostly made up of radioactive biomes and salt water biomes with the only more livable biomes being at the very edges and the very bottom of the map, so while I do have a pretty stable base getting set up over there it's going to be pretty obnoxious getting the living space set up due to how little space I have in my current main base area and how far away the other forest biomes are from that. On the bright side I found the mysterious hermit home on the brand new planetoid so I at least don't have to worry abt him as much, although I'm gonna be real idk how I'm going to get food production up and running since there's like No dirt, and I don't rly want to have to send someone back up through the surface magma biome to pick up any dropped off supplies.
#rat rambles#the good news is that theres sleet weat on the newest one so once I get a lil more established thats smth I can start farming#theres also grub fruit and sweetles so Ill probably we farming those for a bit too#I say for a bit because while there is a sulfur gyser there its in the magma and I dont wanna fuck with that right now at least#if I was better at this game Id totally go for it but Im not so Ill take the cowards route#hopefully I can print some other seeds into that colony although Im not rly sure which plants Id want#I guess bristle blossoms wouldnt be bad? most of the planet is quite warm tho so idk#its mostly wasteland and chilly biomes Im pretty sure so not the best but could be worse#the main big big issue is going to be oxygen production and water#for now Im probably going to start moving ice to a warmer part of the map to melt it but after that idk#I guess I could just get the hermit and then bounce#honestly thats probably what Ill do since I really dont want to have to deal with the limited water#all my other colonies have infinite water sources already so I might as well focus living quarters there#my first colony is gonna stay limited tho since its the rly cold starting planetoid#Ive gotten my main base warm enough but I dont rly want to expand too much from there#mostly because the left of it is my sleet wheat farm and the right is where my cold slush guyser is#which I rly Should warm up more but Im going to be real I dont want to go too heavy on the forced warming#I want to leave myself with room to build more machinery without burning my base up basically#my other main planetoid is basically paradise for the dupes living there tho theyre doing great my chef even gets his own personal bedroom#I have a great farm set up and have way way more food than even ten more dupes could ever eat#I have been considering bringing in more dupes there but I wanna up my oxygen production more first#I finally ran out of algae and while I could theoretically produce more Ive slowly transferring to the water eating oxygen producer instead#I say slowly cause the process of getting the steam guiser on that plannet to be a decent water supply has been rough#its still not done since Im trying to get a steam turbine cooling loop set up on the other planet to utalize both the water and steam#but its been real hard given the lack of usable space in that colonu#my main problem is that I cant get the temperature to stay at a consistent level due to using heavy wiring#which is really frustrating since these things have so much power flowing through them I absolutely cannot afford to use normal wiring#like I could try to implement power tranformers into the design but Id really rather not since thatd mean taking up even more space#I might just get a insulated heavy wire connector mod or smth I rly cant be bothered after putting this much time into this project#oni posting
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prokopetz · 1 year
One of the occupational hazards of being so preoccupied with game design as a discipline is that sometimes I'll have dreams that are just some unknown force explaining an idea for a game to me, and last night I dreamed what is possibly the most obnoxious mechanical premise for a game I've ever come up with.
In brief, it was a traditional JRPG-style game with an atypical levelling-up scheme. Rather than gaining XP or levelling up at milestones, party members would grow in power by finding and absorbing or ingesting these little extradimensional parasites, represented in the dream as small grub- or fetus-like creatures with smiling humanoid faces. These parasites would be found as treasure and enemy drops, and could freely be given to any party member, except for the player character; the player character alone was unable to use them for Plot Reasons, and was entirely reliant on equipment to grow in power instead.
Absorbing a parasite both granted permanent stat boosts and unlocked weird psychic powers. However, they'd also cause progressive personality changes in the party members to which they were assigned, reflected by changes in dialogue and interactions, and eventually in granting or denying access to particular side quests. This function of the parasites was undocumented, and would likely go unnoticed by the player on their initial playthrough, as they'd level up as they went and would never see the unmodified dialogues.
A further wrinkle is that this effect was mediated by the game's expected progression. Farming parasites and "over-levelling" beyond where the game expected you to be would accelerate the personality changes, while going deliberately under-levelled would slow them (i.e., by giving your party members more time to acclimate to having bugs in their brains); like the personality changes themselves, the existence of these hidden modifiers would not be hinted at to the player.
If you spent a long enough stretch of the game sufficiently over-levelled, you'd eventually receive a non-standard game over where your party would betray, kill, and eat the player character. Furthermore, this non-standard ending had a deliberate "eclipse phase" whereby it would wait for a while after you hit the required threshold before pulling the trigger, in particular making sure that you've saved at least once, leaving your save file irrevocably fucked.
As a final twist, the non-standard game over would only trigger after resting; though the game's mechanics would heavily incentivise resting on a regular basis, it would theoretically be possible to massively over-level your party on purpose and avoid the bad ending simply by never resting again, potentially as a speedrun strat. However, doing so would alter the game's ending to replace the usual final boss with a hopeless solo boss fight against your own massively over-levelled party.
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eccentricallygothic · 6 months
|| The Farmer's Way ||
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Description: With the gang gone for good, Arthur had retired and you were his reward. Or so he believed. 
Pairing: Dark!Arthur Morgan | Gender-Neutral Spouse!You. 
Disclaimer: I (sadly) do not own Arthur Morgan or the RDR universe. This story contains dark and mature content so browse at your own discretion, please. Minors do not interact. 
Warning(s): Noncon/Dubcon, gross stuff because that's all I think about while playing the game, age gap, groping, dirty talk, degradation, doggy style, penetration, spanking, biting/marking, sexism, wife kink but it doesn't matter what you identify as because he's gross like that so tw for sure. 
Note: Fair warning, he's a bit of a sicko and I am a mental slut. Also this is kinda my first time with gender neutral smut so I am very sorry if I got something wrong. I am willing to rectify if I did make any such mistake. 
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The hot June air blew past you and pricked at your rather pampered skin. You felt a droplet of sweat trickle down your temple as you winced and shielded your face from the sun, the rays now attacking the skin of your arm instead. A grunt escaped you when you willed your feet, which were clad in some glittery pumps, to push on towards the huge barn of your family farm. A string of disgusted curses foxed their way out of your mouth when the smell of dung and hay wafted into your nostrils from the giant red wooden box that was literally radiating stinky heat. 
Your feet halted right outside the heavy double doors and you had to take a long breath to brace yourself before you entered. Your features scrunched in disdain as you tried to hold your breath, clutching the cool jug and glass that you were holding tighter as you slipped inside before the weight of the door caused it to close by itself. Clenching your jaw to focus on the task at hand, you slowly walked forwards and concentrated on your breathing to ensure you didn't inhale any of the barn filth. 
It was a fairly easy piece of work.
Give the lemonade to your husband and leave. 
Simple, right? 
Not when said husband is Arthur Morgan. 
As his fingers wrapped around your wrists to keep you from leaving after you had placed the jug and glass down, your breath hitched as you felt a bile rise in your throat from pure disgust. The dust and sweat on his fingers was gut wrenching. 
"Fixin' to leave already?" His other hand came up to tangle in one of the two silky ribbons you wore on both sides of your head in half ponytails after he had pulled you against his hard chest, the coarse hairs on his chest scratching the skin of your back. "I was missin' you so much, baby" you uneasily shifted in his hold, goosebumps rising on your skin when you felt his fingers trail up from your wrist to your forearm. "It's almost like you showed up 'cause you read my mind" you could barely suppress your gasp as your body jumped in reaction to his stubbly lips suddenly finding your ear. 
"I…" Your voice was a mere squeak and you had to concentrate to make yourself sound a bit less pathetic. "I left the food on the stove" your eyes fluttered shut before clenching as you suppressed the urge to retch at both the feeling and smell, arm folding to let your elbow press into the side of his torso. The man only hummed as his browned and dirty hands felt you up, basically frisking your barely clad body as his lips pressed rushed kisses against your neck. "A- Arthur!" You flinched when he bit down on a hickey on the junction of your neck, fingers finding your nipples through the sheer fabric of one of the many silk dresses he made you wear. 
The older man did not budge, only grunting when you probed his chest harder, hips trying to wriggle free. "The grub can wait, hush now" your limbs screamed at you to fight. Try and push him away. Hit him with something. Make a run for it. Never look back. "Mmm, baby" your eyes teared up when his other hand slipped from the ribbon to trail down your abdomen and to your nether regions. "If it was up to me, I'd keep ya bare as a jaybird 'round the clock" your jaw clenched at his words but you knew better than to hurl the heavy jug that was in front of you against his head. 
Because you had done stuff like that countless times in the beginning of your forced marriage seven months ago. 
Except, you had no idea how but your husband had somehow trained and kept a number of wolves to guard the property only God knew how. 
No one could come in and you could never leave. 
The punishments that you had been subjected to upon trying to do so were more than enough to keep you on your best behavior. 
"Oh, darlin', you taste mighty fine" you were flipped and easily backed into one of the many stables. "Now, let me try out that pretty little mouth" your eyebrows scrunched as you craned your neck backwards to get away from him. The reverberations of Arthur's chuckle buzzed through your chest as he pressed into you and left you trapped and helpless. "Ain't ya just a foolish little thing? Thinkin' you can get away from your old man?" His rough palms cupped your face as he dipped his head in, chasing your lips with his own and snickering when you tried to move. 
When you had seen this mysterious cowboy turn up to buy your family farm off of your useless brother seven months ago, you had not thought much of it. Sure, you were angry that his gambling had ended him up in so much debt that he had no choice but to sell off your family legacy, but you had bright plans with your scholarship program at a prestigious college, and you had been so ready to leave this life that you had never liked much in the first place behind for one of revolution and modernity. 
Only, when all of your documentation as well as your brother and his family disappeared the night before your final departure, the then stranger and now your husband revealed that you had been part of the deal. 
As Arthur fucked into you on your wedding night -as he had promised your brother that he would not take you before that-, the man had confessed how lovely you had looked resting on a tree branch as you chewed on your lip, completely engrossed in your book. 
You knew alcohol and the colorful powders that your brother loved to use had done his mind in, but handing you off like merchandise to a man with no regard for your orientation or taste was something you had never expected from him. Not after he had been your legal guardian for so long. 
But then again, he never understood your ways and thought revolution was a blasphemy. 
In your brother's world, you either did the hard work on the field or became a field worker's home runner. 
And your open disdain for the farm work had earned you the latter. 
The irony was laughable, because he probably thought he was protecting you by choosing a secure future for his baby sibling. The right thing. 
Your spark had always scared him, and so he suppressed it once and for all under the mundaneness of the farm by locking you up in his own kind of a gilded cage and handing the keys to the man who was all over you at the moment.  
'Excitement is a double edged sword. It is thrilling and promising but it can also be dangerous.' That you couldn't deny.
The thrumming in your nether regions was proof. 
Frightening, shameful, repulsive proof.
"Arthur…" You whimpered as your vision zeroed in on his rough lips that brushed against yours soon before pressing into them. 
The man moaned, rubbing his crotch against yours as he deepened the kiss by tilting his head to the side and forcing his tongue in your mouth, the taste of cigarettes and coffee making you cringe and try to move away but a tight squeeze to your ass with his coarse hand made you gasp and hence open your mouth. Then his tongue was down your throat. 
Everything was rough and dirty about him. 
You hated it.
Sometimes he purposely rubbed his filth against your clean clothes and body to add insult to injury. He would laugh as you would hold your breath and try to get away only to be trapped between his strong body and some surface. Arthur would then watch you squirm and struggle until you ran out of breath and had no choice but to inhale his scent. 
"Dang it, I can't hold back no more" Arthur was panting when he finally broke off to let you both breathe, one of his hands bolting down to his belt while the other one held you steady. "I need ya right now…" The kiss had flushed your lips and you could feel the change in size as you ran your tongue over them to accumulate some moisture. "You gonna be good and take it for me, darlin', won't ya?" And while your brain screamed at you to know better, you squeezed your legs and whined, taking deep breaths as one of your fists bunched some of his sweaty shirt in it. 
"Arthur…" A small smirk made its way on his face while he hurriedly relieved himself of all decency. He recognized that tone. 
"Now ya know better than to call me that, baby" heat spread across your cheeks as you whimpered, biting your lip before you lowered your head and reached for his hand that was pinching one of your nipples through your sheer dress. "Go on now, you know my preference" your eyes fluttered shut as you took a shaky breath, massaging the hand that was toying with your chest and arching your back. 
"... H- Hubby…" Arthur cursed under his breath like he always did whenever he got you to call him that. Then he reached out for your other hand and brought it to his erect cock, the feeling of its thick veins against your soft fingertips causing your hole to clench around air. 
"Aw, shit, darlin'" he guided your hand up and down his twitching cock. "Can ya feel it?" His body pressed against yours. "This here is what ya do to me" the tip of his organ released some hot precum and you couldn't help but shudder at the memories it triggered. 
Memories of how it felt inside you. 
Before you knew it, as always, reason was out the window before you could grab onto it and your mind had decided shame could come later. Who knew when or if you would ever make it out of here and Arthur was way too good at making you feel strange things that kept you giving into him for more.
"Please, hubby" you whispered, unable to hold back anymore as you worked your wrist to please him. "Please…"
"Please, what, baby?" He pecked your lips over and over before moving down to the corner of your mouth and then further along your jaw. "Use your words for me" his lips locked around a patch of your delicate skin as he sucked, causing you to bend your back outwards. "Get, now."
"P- Please take me…" You shuddered as the sound of his lips forming yet another bruise along the expanse of your neck grew louder and louder in the air. "Please… please…" You couldn't get yourself to utter any more obscenity than that. 
"You mean you want me to fuck you?" Your heart dropped at the bluntness of his words, the feeling of his stubbly lips curling against your skin almost making you want to retreat, but only almost. 
Besides, you couldn't leave on your accord even if you wanted to. 
Though you really didn't want to leave this barn anymore. 
Not before the ache between your legs was relieved. 
When you didn't respond verbally, Arthur clicked his tongue as he came back up to face you and reached for his hat before placing it on your head. He loved to take you like that. "Come on, darlin'. You know I ain't gon' do nothin' 'til you say it for me" but then one of his hands creeped between your legs to caress your intimate part and your legs trembled in reaction; body submitting at once. 
Taking in a deep and shaky breath, you braced yourself before mumbling out your words, hoping and praying they were enough for him because you knew as well as you knew it was day that you didn't have any more indecency in you to talk the kind of filth he could with a straight face.
"P- Please fuck me, hubby…" One of his eyebrows raised as he leaned in closer. 
"I'm sorry, what was that there?" You almost choked his cock between your fingers but you knew better than hostility. 
"I- I said…"
"You said?" 
Your jaw clenched in annoyance because you were so needy all thanks to his dirty hands and now he was not helping. 
"I said p- please fuck me, hubby" you said as clearly as you possibly could, tone almost blunt. 
He finally seemed intent. "Your wish is my command, darlin'" the man had you flipped and bent over the stable before you could even register it. 
Your gaze settled on the little pony in front of you as you felt his stiff tip prod your entrance, the foreplay having lubed his cock more than enough. Since you weren't allowed to wear underwear, the lack of it granted him easier access to you and Arthur was sliding in with a grunt a moment later, squeezing both your ass cheeks at the same time as he cursed. 
"Fuck, baby. You're the tightest little thing I've ever laid down with" your fingers gripped the stable as you jumped when he landed a spank to one of your cheeks, slowly moving through you to get you to adjust. "Shit, look at you. Such a pretty little farm wife, baby" your face scrunched up in both discomfort and sensory overload due to how sensitive you felt down there. 
"Please…" Your mouth always betrayed you in moments like these despite your best efforts to stay as quiet as possible. 
But it felt even better when you let it get the best of you and drown you completely, the vile words coming out of your own mouth adding to the pressure between your hips before stars exploded in your vision. 
"Please what, sweet little thing?" You felt his chest drape over your back as he rubbed his stubbly cheek against yours, hips starting to find a rhythm as the speed of his thrusts increased. 
"Please… more" you couldn't help but lean your face against his to withstand the sensitivity, eyes fluttering as you chewed on your bottom lip in concentration, your velvety walls sheathing his veiny cock with every push. 
Arthur's chest reverberated against your back. "Ya act like you're too good for all this, but deep down you're just a horny little hussy, ain't ya darlin'?" You whined loudly as you clenched around him, starting to move your own hips against his now. "Jus' look at you, whinin' and squeezin' 'round me in front of li'l Sally like a silly 'lil jezebel" that was what you had named the pony that stared at you with her curious eyes. "But ya love that deep down, don't ya?" Your eyebrows furrowed when his words started to crack the haze that had formed in your mind, making you lower your head to cancel him out and focus on your relief.
But you could never win with Arthur. 
"You can go on ahead and deny it all you want. But this trashy li'l hole of yours tells me all I need to know everytime, honey" his lips bluntly moved against the shell of your ear as he gathered one of your knees in his hands and pushed it up against the frame of the stable before finding its way to your nipples again, other hand gliding down to the quivering organ between your legs. 
As Arthur's hips sped up and your body started to rock back and forth against the wooden frame with each powerful thrust, the sound of skin clapping against its like filled up the smelly barn. His hat fell over your eyes and you knew you were in for a long day. 
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brazenlotus · 25 days
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New Ingredients & Mods!
Feed Animals With...
Specialty Seed Packs
Lively Garden Lot Challenge
Sheltered Garden Lot Challenge
Collect Insects from Farm
Beetle Nuggets
Grub Meal
Cricket Flour
Bombardier Beetle Nuggets
Public Release: 18th Sept
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“Have you ever had a Harveston apple before? They’re some mighty fine eatin’. Um I mean they’re pretty good. My meemaw just sent me a whole crate and I can’t finish it all myself so I’m passing them out. Want one? I heard from Ace you like apples.” - 🍎
So tell me, do you wanna go?
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The boy held out an apple. He was smallish and delicate looking, with lilac locks and long lashes framing big, sparkling blue eyes. The collar of his uniform was gathered lace crowned with a necktie done up as a ribbon.
If Fellow didn’t know any better, he would have easily mistaken the boy for a living doll. He thought the idea laughable—a bitter reminder of his last gig.
Whoever he was, he was no nobleman’s son. No, he had opened with an accent Fellow recognized from somewhere rural and humble. Here was a common man, squished into a suit and thrown to the wolves to fend for himself. His eyes were not mistaken.
“Don’t mind if I do! Thanks for the grub, kid.”
Fellow accepted the apple with a broad grin. He could see his reflection in its shiny red exterior, even before he polished the fruit on his jacket.
His teeth cut into the apple, slicing its skin and revealing the crisp white flesh underneath. Sweet juice--sweeter than he'd ever tasted, almost candy-like--burst spilled his tongue. He hummed in satisfaction.
“Whoa, you weren’t pullin’ my leg. This stuff’s premium!” He hungrily eyed the crate of unclaimed apples in the boy's arms.
“Heheh. Harveston’s real proud of its produce." The first year glanced down, patting the top of his crate. "I should hand the rest of these out now."
"Hold on a second!" Fellow blocked his path--sights still set on the apples. It would be nice to bring some back for Giddie.
"Yes? What is it?"
"Why the rush? We've barely gotten to know each other! What's your name, champ?"
"It's, er... Epel."
"Epel!" He slipped a hand on the boy's shoulder. "And you're from Harveston, you say? I've been there myself during my worldly travels! Nice folks you got there. So warm, so hospitable!!"
(Fellow neglected to mention that the story started with he and Gidel sneaking onto someone's farm and liberating them of a chunk of their crops. It had been a particularly bad day and the vegetables had just been lying out there. A recipe of convenience, a risk worth taking.
They had been caught red-handed, been accosted by a flurry of frying pans and angry locals. It had taken plenty of groveling and sniveling to sort things out. When the locals' rage had simmered down, he and Gidel had been invited in to stay a while, given that they promised not to steal anymore. Some food and a bed, and they were all set for that night.)
Epel bristled, pulling away from Fellow. "Ah, no ya don't! Ace warned me that you're sneaky and to not fall for anything you'd try to pull."
He faltered. “What else has he said about me?! Fellow Honest-sama's got a reputation to keep."
It's going to be harder to scam these students if word about me gets around.
"Uh... Well..." Epel hesitated. "That you were kinda pathetic?"
"PATHETIC?! I'm not pathetic!!" Disbelief rattled Fellow's voice. He gritted his teeth, fingers digging into his half-finished apple.
Y-You're being pretty pathetic right now though...? Epel stayed tight-lipped for his own good.
Fellow released the Pomefiore student and stomped off, waving his cane in the air as if spearing an invisible man with it. Spit flew out as he cursed the boy with the heart over one eye.
"Why, that smarmy little...! MARK MY WORDS!! The next time I see that guy, he'll get what's comin' to him!!" Fellow swore loudly.
Epel awkwardly stared after him. "Wh-What just happened?"
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tinygryphon-58570 · 4 months
It's June so I am once again voicing my desire for the anniversary thing to be a farming/cooking mechanic so I can feed my dragons something more complex than just wild grass and raw grubs
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The Beforus Ancestors
honestly, i didnt like how the drawings turned out. i searched for references for the ancestors but i didnt manage to draw them the way i wanted to. most of the designs are okay, though i still feel like some of them are missing something, like colors.
more info abt them ↓
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The Treasure Huntress (aka. Beforan Aradia) She was a very skilled adventurer and loved finding historic artifacts. She had a special taste for East Beforan art and culture. During her adventures, she met a violetblooded sea dweller who also had a fascination for history and dedicated his life to study and learn more about it. Together, they traveled along each other with the goal of learning more about the history of their planet, and eventually, they developed feelings for each other. However, the warmblooded girl was pale, while the coolblooded boy was red. The unspoken tension between each other lead to a fight, which ended in surprise on both sides over the admittance of feelings. Not wanting to disappoint each other, they agreed to just stay friends.
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The Guardian (Beforan Tavros) He he stood up for the rights of trolls in special needs, and by that, he was also heavily against culling (as in the Beforan meaning of culling), saying that nobody should be treated that way (as helpless and fragile, making them too dependant) and by doing that, they would be "hiding the truth of the world from the children" by basically being way too overprotective. He was a farm boy, living in the country sides with his moirail, who mainly took care of the stables. Their farm was open to public visits, and one day, a certain coolblooded visitor has caught his attention. He wished to re-encounter with the man someday. One day, he has suffered a very sudden mutation that made him sprout wings, with him finally being able to realize his dream of traveling the world to spread the word about the dangers of culling and the rights of trolls in special needs.
(please correct me if I got the wrong meaning of Beforan culling, as I will talk about it again)
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Radiical Psygamer (Beforan Sollux) He was, perhaps, the greatest programmer that Beforus has ever seen. With his magnificent skills, he was responsible for massively improving trolls’ technology and has contributed to the creation of a few robots and helped with the coding of various popular games. He was, however, a terrible teacher, given his introversion and general social awkwardness. He was a big figure in the world of console games and was the first to actively encourage girls to play games too.
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The Unculled (Beforan Karkat) Because of his rare candy red blood, no lusus wanted to raise him, leaving him there all alone. One day, he was found by a purpleblooded man who took him to his hive in hopes that someone would pick him. They waited, and waited, and waited… but no lusus came. Tired of waiting, the big troll decided to raise the grub himself. Because of his caretaker, the mutantblooded grew up to be loud, tough and intimidating, but had a big, friendly heart and cared for his loved ones a lot.
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Sharpeye Furrline (Beforan Nepeta) She was a very skilled huntress. According to herself, she only killed what she ate, and if she didn’t eat, killing them would be mean. She could hunt creatures from a very small size to ones that were the double of her own. One day, while hunting for her dinner, she has killed a creature that was going to become a Lusus of a small wriggler. Therefore, she has accidentally unlocked the rage of a coolblooded troll. Terrified, she knew she couldn’t fight back, so she ran as fast as she could, far away from that beach. No one knows what happened to her.
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The Seamstress (Beforan Kanaya) A rare jadeblood with a rare taste for fashion. She became known for her dresses with odd patterns, inspired by the landscapes around her. She also traveled in search of different sights and, consequently, more ideas for dresses. Her works have eventually caught the attention of the Empress, who offered her a job as her official seamstress.
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The Attorney (Beforan Terezi) She was a blind woman who did not allow her disability to hold her back. She fought back against Beforus’ culling policy and became a excellent lawyer. Dedicating herself to fight against crime and bring justice to maintain the order and peacefulness of her planet, she chased a mischievous pirate lady who seemed to cause trouble everywhere she passed. She was The Unculled’s matesprit.
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Arachnid Cap8tain (Beforan Vriska) A troublemaker who caused mischief together with her pirate crew. She considered The Attorney her rival, as she was the only one who insisted in chasing her and never gave up on her quest to capture the spider pirate. A completely platonic rivalry. She held a special interest for snooker and said that the Ball 8 was actually “her lucky ball”.
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The Horseman (Beforan Equius) A STRONG man who really liked horses. He lived in a farm with his moirail and was responsible for taking care of the stables. Because of his interest, they ended up having way too many horses, which resulted in them having to build a larger stable for all of them. He loved every single one of them and took great care of each one. He said he occasionally had dreams where he was half a man and half a horse (basically a centaur), which is the origin of his title.
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The Clownish Caretaker (Beforan Gamzee) He rescued lususless grubs and wrigglers with an absent lusus and took care of them temporarily, until a new lusus came to become their official guardian. Despite being tall, lanky and overall intimidating, he was a very sweet and cheerful man, and loved entertaining others. Just like others, he was also heavily against culling and said that “every motherfucker should know and be able to defend themselves.” One day, a lusus was coming to his hive to pick up a grub, but it was killed by Shapeye Furrline. The man never felt so much rage before. The pure platonic hate he held towards the woman was bigger than the amount of hate he thought he could feel. Despite that, and contrary to popular belief, he did not chase the lady and took him quite some time to calm down. He was responsible for raising The Unculled and made sure to treat him properly.
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The Historian (Beforan Eridan) A seadweller with a huge fascination for history, he dedicated his life to learn more about the mysteries of his world. He read diares and looked for accurate informations, instead of believing in telltale stories. He studied ancient walls and occasionally collected some artifacts, purely for research reasons, and that’s when he met The Treasure Huntress. They decided to travel together, and it did not take long for him to become flushed for her. Unfortunately, she did not return the feelings, instead being pale for him. They agreed to stay friends, but very deep inside, he was still a bit disappointed.
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Her Glorious Imperialist (Beforan Feferi) The ruler of Beforus. She was a very kind and sweet woman, undoubtedly one of the best rules Beforus has ever seen. She treated her people with fairness, yet despise that, she was pro-culling, saying that some should not face the dangers of the world. After offering a job for The Seamstress, she and the jadeblood grew close. Despite being the one in charge of the planet, she decided to take care of Arachnid Cap8tain herself, and being a seadweller, it wasn’t hard to find her. She still congratulated The Attorney for her efforts in chasing the troublemaker pirate.
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kandyshoppe · 1 month
So! I’m going to school to (hopefully) become a farm vet, and I also enjoy those hybrid Aus, SO! Farm Hybrid Au! (Or just farm au!)
Riddle: a rooster, specifically a red cornish. Cornish are known to be a bit aggressive, and finicky. I think he would have been a neglected chick and didn’t get to the full size, instead staying kinda small instead of becoming big like other Cornish.
Trey: Highlander cow, soft, sweet babys! They’re just happy to be here, and are stocky tough cattle. Their coats are double coated, so they can get matted but it’s rare with a proper diet and care.
Cater: a part indoor part outdoor cat, a beautiful orange tabby mix, who goes through moods of cuddle monster and hates everyone. Never a hiss from him, but a grumpy huff and he trots away.
Deuce: mastiff, a guard/live stock guardian dog breed. Big, aggressive to strangers, but love bugs once they get to know you. Specifically a Pyrenean mastiff, they’re polish, and suited for cold weather best.
Ace: definitely a Nubian goat, head strong, rebellious, LOUD, but they’re not aggressive! They’re actually very friendly, to their detriment since they will try to befriend predators!
Leona: farm cat, probably a Maine coon mix, cause he’s so big and fluffy! Maine coons are also very “dog like” and can learn tricks, to play fetch etc. They also tend to have a resting mad face, which Leona seems to have sometimes!
Ruggie: a stray dog that helps hunt vermin on the farm. I feel he wondered up once, and made sure to avoid the live stock (and their guard dogs) and got some rats or something. He doesn’t live on the farm by nearby in the woods with his pack of strays (including granny!)
Jack: another guard dog! Anatolian Shepard, a middle eastern breed suited for colder climates, and lovingly called “nanny dogs” and they will happily let goats jump on them. They’re a bit dominant, preferring to do their own thing vs what others say though.
Azul: cull duck! They’re a bit noisy, enjoying the sound of their own voice. They’re the white ones most people think of for ducks, small and fairly friendly but they do enjoy nibbling to show affection…
Jade: runner duck! They can’t fly, but enjoy scrabbling among rocks to find grubs, or in Jade’s case, mushrooms! They don’t waddle either! They run! They’re not as friendly as other duck breeds, being stand off-ish sometimes.
Floyd: just like his brother, a runner duck. He lives up to the runner in his name! Prances around, and enjoys tormenting the other animals on the farm. Someone stop him! Sneaks up on others and nips their feet. Has been kicked before, it didn’t stop him.
Kalim: brown Swiss, in the top three cattle breeds! They’re known for being fairly docile, calm and friendly. They’re very affectionate, and can get upset when not given affection from their handlers! This boy is BEGGING for ear scritches!
Jamil: Brahman bull, he can get aggressive much easier than Kalim. He’s also a very intelligent boy, as his breed usually is. But they’re also known to be shy, preferring to be alone or with a specific quiet few vs a large herd! Brahmans also are sensitive to the cold, so his hoodie is a need!
Vil: a jersey cow (my favorite!) they’re so pretty, but also the divas of milking cows. But it’s worth it for their thick, buttery and fatty milk! They’re also very curious, choosing to follow new comers vs hiding. They’re very social, but sassy things!
Rook: a trained hawk! (I’ve never seen a trained hawk around chickens but he is!) he was found as a baby and ended up bonding with the farmer I bet, so now he protects the others from birds, and more sneaky attacks! He enjoys sitting with Vil, a strange pair but it works.
Epel: a Southdown sheep, also known as “baby dolls” cause they’re so little and cute! He’s still a ram though, and hates being called cute! Head butts at will! Is mad that Vil has chosen him as their “calf” and follows him around, keeping him out of trouble. Vil’s no fun.
Idia: a British soay sheep, but he’s got a genetic mutation that makes him a deep blue instead of a dark brown. British soay are shy and flighty, they’re timid even among sheep breeds! Idia probably struggles with joining herds because of his color, which makes him more nervous about predators!
Ortho: à shetland sheep, another smaller breed, but quite friendly and inquisitive (which is rare among sheep, I’m sorry they’re dumb) Don’t let his size fool you though! Shetlands are one of the hardiest breeds out there! Small but mighty!
Malleus: a big black shire horse, now I don’t know as much about horses, but shires are docile and friendly draft horses! I bet cause of his size though, many of the other farm animals avoid him cause he’s scary. Shires are sometimes used for riding, and I bet he REALLY enjoys riding!
Lilia: a fell pony! They’re one of the smartest ponies, and while they can be finicky at times because of their intelligence, they are sweet ponies. He’s too intelligent for his own good I bet, enjoying to open the gates and wander out, but doesn’t close it and now EVERYONE is out and about!
Silver: an Icelandic horse (my brother’s favorite), they’re super sweet and hardworking sweethearts, with a beautiful grey coat! One of the friendliest horse breeds in the world, he’s just a big old love bug! Loves rolling around and laying in a nice patch of grass I bet.
Sebek: a shetland pony, but he’s one of the ones who give shetlands a bad rap. He’s nippy, and stubborn, and loves to whiney whenever he can! Likes the sound of his own voice. Is entranced with Malleus, and wants to be a big horse like him one day!
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sugarakis-p2 · 1 year
Mommy needs me! Final Chapter
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You inherited to your Aunts farm after she passed from cancer. But you don’t know also inherited giant Mothman-manchild, who is pissing and jizzing everywhere in your house.
A world full of quirks scares and changes everything for you. Life in a quirk habitat, Shigaraki's old nest, was not easy. You start to learn what it really means to be a mother. To be in love with Shigaraki as he creates a family around you. It is annoying when no one tells you when you will be going home, escaping the grasp of the yakuza, Master, and the cops.
Warning: Yandere Mothman Shigaraki, offensive language, violence, mommy kink, references to knotting, piss and lactation, and drug use
(chapter 5: prev)
Final Chapter:
All mine, Shigaraki thought in pleasure.
Cradling his Mommy close. You are still worn out from too much sleep, the coma leaving you weak. The little grub barley has grown. Shigaraki is nuzzling and loving you. You are carrying his grub. Mommy is pregnant with his child. He will be the man of the hive. He will do better. Gain more power. More power. If he has a son, he will have the power to keep him in line. Preventing the grub from trying to steal you for a viable mate. He grinned maniacally at these sweet thoughts. Finally, one plan was working.
Shigaraki growls and holds you tighter. He will be more powerful than his original Father. That is something he has learned. Power is all that matters. He might not be the strongest, smartest, or nicest. But he is the most powerful and that makes him better than his weak, pathetic, broken Father. His claws run through your hair, and you make sweet whimpers of pain in your sleep, so close to your whimpers of pleasure. Fuck! It was making him hard. His cock grew painfully erect. His seed leaking on your belly and hips. He just wanted a female. Power. It was only natural.
He loves this. Having a female to rut, to scent, to love. A female is power. He has the best Mommy. Therefore, he is already the most powerful. He looks at the camera in the corner. Master, he mentally seethes. He left because he recognized how weak he would be with Master who was trying to replace his original Father. He was grateful for not being "exterminated" like the other test subjects. Especially after he ended his family. As grateful as he is to Master, he will not let him have his Mommy. Your eyes flutter, and he chirps sharply to encourage you to wake up. He is on you when you groan and sit up, licking and nuzzling with coos at your smooth neck.
"Not this morning, Shiggy," you groan. Throwing your arm over your eyes, absently smearing his cum on you. Not that there was a lot of light here, you just wanted get your sex fiend of a baby boy off you for a moment. Shiggy is horny all the time. He's become more demanding since you've woken up. To the point, you want to snap at him like an annoying three-year-old. Worse, a bratty three-year-old, that knew so many ways to kill a person. He could touch and turn you to dust, drop you from the sky, or tear you in half with his claws. In your case, it was fuck you to death. You manage to sit up with him with pawing all over you.
You pull on the white shirt and panties the asshole in charge gave you. So magnanimous, you think sarcastically. Some part of you thinks the "Master" is a giant pervert getting off on watching Shigaraki hump you into oblivion. You feel the light tug and touch of Shiggy's claws. He's been helping you in your weakened state, fussing over you like a child in charge. Finishing with helping you put on clothes by caressing both breasts, tweaking the nipples, and trilling. The way Shiggy sucks at your chest, sometimes you wonder if he's happy your pregnant so he can use you as a food source again. You look towards the well-hidden camera in the corner and flip it off. Shiggy peels hissy laughter. Ignoring him while you stretch, trying to stiffly stand, you lightly smack his hands away. The two of you have had nothing but time on your hands. 
"Mommy is angry this morning. Need more big boy time, make happy. I can make Mommy feel good," He laughed. He chirps and helps you stand on your wobbly legs. The way he stares at you with total devotion for so little praise forces you to be a better person. All you wanted was more of that look of worship. The time you spend together, weak and helpless, you start teaching Shiggy English. It was incredibly frustrating. You had to learn to be patient and teach him things. He was an eager student and proud of his pronunciation. All your spare time not doing essential functions is playing cards. Shigaraki beats you every time. It added to your frustration. 
"I'm starving," you announce to the room, ignoring him. Shiggy growls in displeasure.
"Tests today. Many tests. Only liquid. Father says only liquid diet and water. They have not delivered mail," Shiggy struggles to say. Snorting in self-scolding, short little deep puffs in irritation, fluff from his collar float in the air as he scratches his. You reach out and stop him with a tender touch to the back of his hand. Shiggy wanted to please you.
"Thanks for reminding me. You will be the best, Daddy," you smile. He trills with a ruffle, his entire body shuddering in bliss. He rose like a dominating monolith to loom.
"Sun time. Drink water during the sun time," He demands. Falling into hisses and growls as he scoops you up to carry you to the nest entrance. You can't help it. Your heart pounds like a wild bird caged. When you first woke up confused, Shiggy did everything. He still does everything, not letting you be independent in this habitat. It's not like you could with how weak and how it's set up for someone with wings.
"Eeep!" You cringe and shriek. The look on his face tells you all. A cocky leer splits his face. A mischievous glint in his eye, that smirk dancing at his lips, tells you the tables flipped since he can navigate this world. You must hold onto him as he swings like Tarzan from the habitats nest. You squeeze your eyes shut and pretend you are not plummeting to the earth. Remembering childhood games and mumbling the prayer light as a feather, beseeching he won't drop you each time before he lands with a light jolt. He spreads his wings at the last moment landing softly.
"Soft as a leaf," he laughed. 
"Yes, Little Mommy is light. Light and scared. Needs strong male. Needs me. Look. Mommy is light as a feather. Look. Look. Mommy needs only ten minutes in the sun. Then back to nest," he smirked. He is very proud of himself. He was cute like this, so cute you forgot briefly that you were trapped in a fake world. Living in the largest nest hanging from a tree you have ever seen. When you were young, you wanted a tree house. You can see now how stupid and problematic that was without wings.
The white shirt you wear clings to your curves, your hair has grown, and it cascades down your back in soft waves. Standing in a sun-drenched section of the enclosure, the light streaming through the windows cast a warm glow on your skin. Shiggy watches you anxiously from the edge. He does not like the sun and is careful to protect his sensitive eyes. He trills when he pushes a large glass of water toward you. It sparkles like diamonds in the sunlight.
You hold a tall glass of clear, sparkling water in one hand. Brings it to your lips, sipping it slowly and letting a few drops spill down your chin and onto your chest, Eyes half-closed in a seductive gaze as you savor the refreshing liquid.
Shiggy watches water droplets trickle down your neck and between your breasts, creating a tantalizing sight. The water soaking your shirt creates a peek-a-boo effect that hitches his breath. Your breathing quickens as you take another sip, lips curling into a satisfied smile, tilting your head back, letting the last water slide down your throat before setting the glass aside. You stand there for a moment, basking in the sun's warmth and the moment's pleasure. When you hear a pathetic whine, come from the shadows.
"Mommy, please. I don't know why. I feel hot. My body is out of control. My heart pounds. My skin itch. Want Mommy. It's painful. Mommy, please," he begged. Thick hard cock in hand, he slowly strokes his oozing length panting and drooling. When you walked to him, he fell to his knees, running your fingers through his hair. He looked up at you with a face full of pained desire. You could feel your heart breaking for him.
"Your speech is getting much better. My poor baby, you deserve a reward," you whisper.
Without another word, you knelt in front of him and took his length in your mouth. He tenses in surprise and need, leaning back, claws digging into the ground.
"Good, Mommy," he moans, eyes rolling. You could feel the warmth of his skin as you wrapped your lips around his cock, slowly licking and sucking it. He sighed with pleasure, lightly bucking, hitting the back of your throat. The sensations of gentle teasing were too intense and passionate. The feeling of the warm, wet mouth around his penis was incredible. The feel of your tongue and lips moving up and down is incredibly gratifying. He shuddered when your tongue teased his tip. He drank deep of all the senses you are creating. The warmth, wetness, and movement were exciting and satisfying. Hot precum slid down your throat as you relaxed and took more of him. He was so big you worried you would choke on his cock. You could feel the tension in his body melting away as you pleasured him. His face, in painful rapture, was slowly disappearing in his fluffy collar. Three fingers fist your hair, whimpering little, "Ah, ah, ah."
It's hard to breathe with a throat full of cock. You can feel his pulse against your velvety tongue. His grip tightens as he pulls you away, and jets of hot cum shoot down your throat, constricting on his knot as he pulls you away from his knot. The knot gets to be the size of a grapefruit. You are grateful for that. Not grateful for his very salty heady flavor. But your stomach appreciates the gift. His body thrums and flutters, his head thrown back as he growls his pleasure. When he finally stops cumming, you hold him close, letting him know he isn't alone. He pants and keens. You lay with him in the shade of the enormous trees. Suddenly he bolts up. Hissing and fluttering in a tizzy. His cock glistened with your spit and dripping cum. His red hot knot prevented him from retracting his twitching dick. 
"Spit! Spit! Bad Mommy! Spit it out!" He demanded. Shoving his thumbs in and opening your mouth wide. Irate when you laughed and playfully shoved him.
"Liquid diet. Don't worry! It won't hurt the grub," you giggle. You gently caress his cheek, running a thumb over the scar on his lips. Your eyelids are heavy with adoration, "You are so protective. I didn't appreciate it before. But after all the scars we both carry. I understand you are amazing."
His body trembles under your touch. Your words knit into the fabric of his soul. You have never heard this keening hiss. His eyes are large and watery before he squeezes them tight, scrunching himself in his ruff.
"Mommy can never disappear. I love you. I love Mommy. You are mine. All are mine. My scent spread. Confusing. I should take all females that are mine. More power. I want to be a good big boy. I will only take the ones I know," Shiggy said cryptically.
"What are you talking about? Can you try again with more words?" You ask him patiently. He shakes his head no like he is coming out of a lust fog.
"Time to see, Father. No, argue," he growled. You are not an expert, but you worry when you look down at your stomach. Am I bloated, or is this thing growing fast? You wonder as you touch the bump forming there.
"That's a good idea," you say, letting him pick you up and carry you to the exit. He stands there holding you and growing visibly agitated, and he takes several swipes to scratch around his eyes.
"Hey! We know you see us. Open up. We have an appointment!" You shout at the door. A crackle of the speaker before the nasty old doctor tickles in.
"We are in the middle of a discussion. You can wait," Ujiko snarked.
"No, we can't. I am about to pee myself," you shot back. The doors immediately open to your shock, "Oh, I should have threatened with that before."
Squirming out of Shiggy's grip, you squealed and ran at Tanaka into a bear hug. She feels too thin to you. Tanaka grunts when you squeeze her too tight, stiffing in shock.
"Oh, we're doing this. We hug now. We're huggers?" Tanaka asks in her monotone. Shigaraki nuzzled Tanaka's hand.
"Absolutely, you bitch. Anyone who saves my life gets a hug," you laugh. A bubble of emotions turns that laugh into blubbering. Tanaka blushes and hugs you back. A low, ominous growl came from Shiggy. Tanaka pushes you away with her hands raised and shakes her head at him while you wipe away tears with the back of your hand.
"Calm down. It's not like that. What title do I get after this? If I die because my title is 'Father,' then I don't want it," Tanaka said, pointing at your belly.
"Is nature to protect mate, to protect Mommy, against everything. I will be a good boy, Father," Shiggy hissed. His claws dug into the floor, not wanting to be scorned by you or Father over scratching his flesh. Mommy likes a full ruff, he reminded himself.   
"I really do need to pee. I can feel my teeth swimming," you announce, crossing your legs. The pressure on my bladder mounts when you feel movement. Making you squeal in surprise and need.
"Don't go in here. I will never hear the end of it. The bathroom is-ah," Tanaka yelped.
"Show me!" you yelled when you yanked her in the direction she was looking at. Shiggy on your heels, "No! You stay here. Only ladies!" Giving his chest a rough shove to step back. You run to the toilet, sighing in relief. You didn't bother to shut the door.
"I don't thi-hey, whoa," Tanaka said, turning her back and blushing more furiously when she caught a glimpse of you pulling your panties down, "I don't think that would work to keep him out if he really wanted to come in. What is with this ladies-only nonsense? This isn't a gentrified bathroom?" You roll your eyes at her.
"Obvi. He doesn't know that, and he will do what I say. I just wanted to have a conversation with you without cameras. I swear I had an out-of-body experience. I think I forced a guy on the wall to change his attention to other people. I know that sounds insane. I can't explain it," you say in a rush. Tanaka is mumbling to herself over what you said.
"Did you experience while you were in the induced coma?" Tanaka asked, biting her lip in concern. Drying your hands, you consider it. Little glimpses between the darkness. Mostly the horrible stench of Shigaraki's musk and his whimpering. You tell Tanaka this and shift from foot to foot. More mumbling to herself as you roll your eyes again.
"Are you going to tell me the plan?" You ask. Crossing your arms. Staring at yourself in the mirror. The woman looking back looks like a stranger. You look shallow and too thin also.
"The plan is for you to let Shigaraki and myself care for you. Stay out of trouble. Do whatever they want and keep your head down. You need a lot of tests. A lot of monitoring. You are still in critical care. You don't have to be a doctor to see that baby is growing too quickly," Tanaka says sternly. She turns on the hot water. Steaming the mirror where she writes mic. Hide in rooms next-door, before lunch, for four days. She erases and writes your quirk. Do not tell anyone. She quickly wipes the mirror clean of any traces of the message. You turn and lift your shirt enough to see the carvings in your flesh have healed. But you still have a reminder of hell. You let your shirt drop. You have no idea how you will get to those rooms.
"I understand. Thank you for saving me. I didn't think it would turn out this way," you say, melancholy. Your fingers twisting the hem of your shirt. You have never felt so useless in all your life. Now it's Tanaka's turn to roll her eyes.
"My god, woman. It's what we do for family. And as much as I despise saying this. You guys have been more like family to me than anyone. I always go along with animals better. But you two keep me on my toes enough to always keep my interest," Tanaka said. She was surprisingly humble. You think as you both leave to have tests run. You hate the little shit Doctor Ujiko. You are so happy that Shiggy stays by your side. It keeps the doctor from touching you. That was thoroughly explained to you about How grateful you should be locked up in an experiment cage. They would have kept you in a filthy cage or killed you if Shiggy didn't threaten to escape and Tanaka seduced with data. If Shigaraki didn't threaten to destroy everything he saw if something happened to his grub. If Shiggy had left your side, they would have kept you in a coma until after you birthed.
While they say these things to you, you grit your teeth and feel on edge. A painful need for relief eats at you. All you can think of is the drugs. These monsters want to cage you only after risking your life in an induced coma wouldn't keep their favorite slave compliant. You hated them. You hated the Yakuza, and you hated Master and his disgusting people. You hated them for how they treated your Shiggy. You hated them for how they treated you. You hated how they made Tanaka interested in them. With no drugs, by the way! Unable to enjoy sex! They dumped me in a nest and left me in pain and hungry! Your brain screamed. It was so loud in the lab. Your nails digging into your palms, nerves on fire, as you swallow their shit to survive. When you were questioned by Ujiko, you acted like a broken doll. You feel shattered. Saying things you don't believe or care about, to live one more day in pain.
"Thank you so much!" you beamed. The whole while, your mind screamed for your happy hour. That Chronos is worth it for your six-pack. Finally, that voice has quieted down as your rage grows.
"Well, one good thing to come out of this shit is that I learned enough about quirks. I might be able to deliver this unknown entity," Tanaka said, holding a scanning wand.
"Call it a baby, please," you said.
“A grub,” Shigaraki hissed.
"A grub indeed," Tanaka said with wide eyes showing Doctor Ujiko the ultrasound.
"That's normal. She is developing at a normal rate for Tomura's kind. Remarkable. You must undergo several injections to make up for the vitamin deficiencies. Still, this little parasite is coming along well. What a giving mother," Ujiko laughed.
"Grub," Shigaraki corrected with a low hiss. Tanaka injected you with vitamins and other medications. Drawing blood. All the while arguing with the Ujiko.
"I told you I am a veterinarian. Not a virologist," Tanaka growled.
"This will be interesting. The quirk virus is spreading rapidly. It will be interesting to see how it affects the grub. We are almost guaranteed a variant or another decay quirk since Tomura's genes appear dominant. Look at the pronounced spinal column. That will become an exoskeleton when he's older," Ujiko said.
"Wait, how does quirk work then? There needs to be more literature on it. Clearly, you've been genetically manipulating Shigaraki…um…Tomura,” Tanaka asked.
"Excuse me!" you interrupted, "I'm having a boy?" Shiggy was trilling and keening with joy at your belly. Jerking in shock when the baby writhes in response. Your teeth are clenched, knuckles white as your nails dig into the sable leather of the table.
"Oh yeah, it's a boy. Ujiko, will he have external genitals, unlike Daddy over there?" Tanaka was asking when you felt something mentally snap in you.
"Can I see?" you ground out. Close to biting Ujiko's throat open. You love Tanaka. Ujiko saw you as a thing to use and made it obvious. Tanaka's eyes darted as she pivoted the ultrasound to you. Tanaka turned bright red as she pointed to parts."
"This has a penis…..see," She points, looking away from you with a red face from the significant dangly bits of the baby. Your eyes widen. How is that supposed to be inside your baby? There is no room in your baby to hold that thing! Shiggy was fiercely proud. 
"Just like Daddy. He will grow with," Shiggy chuckled. 
You mentally smack yourself when you realize Shiggy manages just fine. Once you get past the huge cock and balls, his ball, you correct. With a skull, fingers, and scrunched-up legs. It is your baby. Yours. Your hands shake this time not from need, by from the redirect to kill all threats to this precious thing. Tanaka was sucking on a vape pen. Ujiko had stepped back from striking distance. Your hands are shaking as you stare at your ultrasound. They could not deny you this. He is yours. He is not entirely human looking, and you crave destruction or relief. But this is yours. This is your new addiction.
You didn't know you moved to grip the screen. To burn your son's distorted image in your memory for all time. He was not human. This must be how the first mother of a quirk baby felt. Sad your son will never be normal. But that didn't matter because it was your job to make him always feel loved. Technology has advanced enough that you see details no mother before could understand. The stubby outline of sprouting wings. The sharp pronounced spine and shoulders, stubby fat arms and legs. Their sharp edges are wholly inhuman. The eyes are too large for even Shiggy. Small leaf-shaped feelers pulled back on his large head. What you saw was a god growing in you. The outside world will never understand how special he is and how you are for being blessed with him.
"Shin," you breathe. Everyone freezes. Shigaraki chirps and nuzzles.
"Shin it is. I like. Shinnnnn," Shigaraki purred to your bump. His claws prickle at your flesh as he rubs tenderly with three fingers.
"Most of Tomura's genetic makeup was selected and picked from the test subjects. Quirks are inherited from the parents. Tomura was a variant. His grandmother had wings, and her subsequent children became more insect heteromorph. As we continued to breed that line, we added more little tweaks to his quirk. Shame about his family," Ujiko said.
"What happened to his family?" You asked. Shigaraki loomed, yanking you away from the table with a nasty hiss.
"Enough! Time to eat and rest. Take tube bag out, now," He growled, pointing at the IV.
"No. I am feeling better. Let me visit with Dr. Tanaka," you begged.
He gave in. It is concerning that he knows he could control your life this much. He did not look well. He was fidgeting and twitching like his skin was crawling with ants. Tanaka wasn't looking great, either. But once she was vaping and talking about all the exciting things, she learned about quirks. Now that you have one, you need to understand it, and it's irritating Shiggy won't be patient. Shiggy twitched in mounting boredom. He spent his time hissing anytime Dr. Ujiko came close. The more Tanaka talked and vaped, the healthier she appeared and livelier. Something was endearing and unsettling about it. You have had conversations with her in the past, whole nights sometimes, about the most ordinary things. One time it was about the best kind of chocolate chip cookie. The debate over crispy versus chewy was intense. You preferred chewy, which is the correct answer, but Tanaka took a hard stance.
"Your opinion is mute when considering whether it is chewy or crispy. You would still use milk!" She shouted. You had to laugh because you have never seen her so worked up, "In fact. Real facts! A crispy cookie is drier and therefore absorbs milk faster."
The argument stopped when you felt like you would die laughing. Shiggy snorted between you two, unable to fully understand since his position was all cookies are good. Females are insane and would like cookies and bourbon now. Pleasant memories as Shiggy brings you to the present, ripping the needle from your arm as he carries you back to the horrid habitat. You wanted to rage at him. He was pacing. His mumbles sounded dark. How do you go about this in a way that will be the least harmful to everyone?
"Shiggy, I am unhappy," you sigh, mentally and physically. Instantly he is by your side.
"Mommy needs food? Yes? Make them give us food," he growled. You gripped his wrist. He froze like your hand was a dangerous weapon, looking at you in confusion with a layer of obsession that made your heart beat faster. Loyal and loving. That was different in survival and the business world. But here he is, raised like a caged animal, doing something you struggle with.
"Shiggy. I have not seen Tanaka in a long time. I was looking forward to seeing her. You knew this, and yet you took me away. It was unkind to us both. Tell me why?" you asked at your limit with him. His eyes widened, and he twitched, eyes narrowing while his feelers dropped before his expression relaxed into unpleasant acceptance.
"Females are precious. Females are power. A chance to live on. I wanted my sister. Father thought I was stupid. Not able to care for a female. When sister told I was seducing. He punished me. This time I thought to death. I used quirk for the first time. Killed everyone. I regret the females and the others. Not Father. I was happy to kill him. He taught valuable lessons," Shiggy nodded solemnly in contemplation. Your knee-jerk reaction was not your best moment.
"I am sorry for what you went through. But you are not killing our son," you snarled at him. Wrapping your arms around your belly and glaring at him. He chirped. A beautiful shudder cascaded over his body, his muscles popping out, before he pounced quickly, pressing you down. Panting with heavy lids. You are confused why he is suddenly aroused.
"Such (pant) a good mommy (pant) mine! Want to be in you! Mommy, please. Fuck. I want to feel sweet, Mommy. Big boy time," he begged. You gripped his hair and antennae, making him snarl, shivering in desire and pain.
"No! You promise me you will not kill our grubs or have sex with them. No bad boy touches on our grubs. Promise me, and you can have big boy time," you demanded. His cock grinds on your hip as the panties easily tear away. He chirped, licking your wrist, his long tongue grazing your lips. His red eyes burn into yours.  
"I promise. No need to. I have Mommy. I will not hurt grub. Big boy time, now. I will make it good," he begged sweetly. You hesitantly released his ruff. Already questioning his wording.
"Ok. That is an unbreakable promise," you gasped. He thrusted himself deep and hard into you. He was unbelievably quick. Vibrating and shuddering as hot cum leaks from you. He carefully ensured he had not knotted as he slumped over you, gasping for air.
"Better than mine. Better Mommy than mine," his hot breath fanned over your neck. You held him close before you answered.
"Wasn't she also your dad's sister or mother?" You asked. You can feel him tense, "You don't have to do that. Our grub will have options. There is a world full of women." He pulls away aggressively. Refusing to look at you.
"What options? Look at me. Look at the outside world. I will no argue. I will be better. Already have a female chosen for Shin," he rasped.
"What? Who?" You bolted upright at this horrible news. Your heart slammed in fear and shock. Shiggy jumped out of the nest with ease. Leaving you to wonder. 
"I get food," he hissed over his shoulder. Shiggy mulled over your words. What kind of options will his boy have? He sought Father's wisdom. Shigaraki did not like Mommy's smell. It was sad. He hated Tanaka's smell. It was growing again, and he pleaded with her to stop smoking.
"Don't give me that look. I already have it. Might as well. What difference does it make now?" Tanaka vaped, rolling her eyes.
"Mommy is questioning," he growled. Scratching his ruff, fluff flying in the air.
"Well, we will cross that bridge when we have to. Avoid the subject in the meantime. We have bigger things to worry about. Just be sure to do your part and ensure she is safe," Tanaka sighed. Shigaraki shrugs, waiting for the food and for Tanaka to finish the vitamin supplement injection.
"None will understand. You are not hearing me," he growled, scratching himself with both hands in irritation at Father's calm. Tanaka put the injection on the tray. Shaking her head.
"You're right. None of us will understand what you went through or what life was like. My mother was a real bitch. But when she died, I cried. The point is your experiences and interpretation of those experiences are the only individualism that exists, so cherish and grow from them," She turns to Shigaraki, "Your new Mommy did not reject you or your grub even after you confessed to killing your family. Go forward, one step at a time. We will learn and grow together. We will all be a happy family. A happy family. Give me four days and our family will be good. "
Shigaraki jabbed his Mommy in the ass with the needle. He can come and go as he pleases. Master can not keep him here. He chooses to stay for his grub. Happy family was code. Code that Tanaka knew everything she needed to keep Mommy and the grub healthy. Growing together meant it was time to leave. The pressure of change has been molding him into something else. He wrapped his arms around you. The first solid food you had in weeks, and you can't enjoy it. The sandwich rolls in your mouth like a pasty lump in a cement truck.
"Do you love me? Are you going to create some kind of harem? Am I Mommy because I was convenient? I just... I just don't know what I'm doing anymore. What am I really? Am I just your mommy replacement? Is that all I am to you?" you asked, tossing the sandwich back on the tray. Shiggy chirps and nuzzles the side of your head.
"Just? Just? Mommy is most important. I love you. I chose because you are kind. Filled with love, grief, and sadness. We dwell in the same house in all things. I saw a scared woman who looked at me with wonder and care. I do not know what I would be without you. I do not need more than you," he inhales your scent deeply. You reach up and touch the scars around his eyes. He leans into your touch, and tears drip from you freely.
"You're speaking so well," You mumble around tears.
"I have the best mommy," he purred.
"You're right. We make our own family. We have each other, and everything else can go fuck themselves. My Aunt said, "Please take care of him. He needs you" I feel she left the rest unsaid for me to figure out. I needed you. I love you. I'm sorry I brought this mess down on us," You wept. Shiggy's wings fold over you.
"Family takes care of family. You no sorry to me," he moaned. Nuzzling and kissing your neck, "Your neck is so smooth and exposed." His kisses turn into lustful whimpers. The ache of drugs fades as you push him down and climb over him. Straddling him between your thighs.
"Lay back like a good boy," you direct him. He nodded, laying back. Closing his eyes, trilling when you wrap your fingers around his leaking cock. Slowly lowering on his length, filling you to the brim. Shiggy trilled, his muscles rippling as he arched up into you, pressing against your cervix. The room was filled with the sound of passionate moans and rumbling purrs. You moved your hips in a slow, sensual rhythm, hands pressed against his chest, vibrating down to his center. Increasing the intensity of your movements. Shiggy's eyes were blissfully closed as he felt your body move against his, his feelers drooping and shivering. His length gliding and grinding all your sweet spots.
The heat between you was palpable, and you felt your desire rising with each thrust. Shiggy could feel his arousal growing, his cock growing swelling and growing hotter. It only made you more revived. Moving faster, pushing him closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. Suddenly he gripped your waist, making you yelp in surprise.
"It's ok. I can control my quirk. I would never hurt Mommy," He moaned. Careful to never touch you with all five fingers, even with his new control. Helping you roll your hips, his claws dug a little too deep, painfully close to breaking skin. You gasp for air as your body bounces on his huge cock. Your pleasure builds into hot bliss. He let out a loud snarl as he reached his climax, his knot expanding. Your hips stutter as you cum and clamp down on his knot. Filling so completely as the heat in your core spreads tingles over your body.
Smiling down in satisfaction as his body shudders beneath yours. He chirped, his crimson eyes drinking in your ecstasy, his knot getting bigger. Too big. You squeaked pathetically as the pressure on your bladder became too great. Squirting piss on his lap. Covering your face in embarrassment, stuttering apologies. Screaming in more surprise when you feel his thumb viciously rub your clit. The small circles make your pussy clench and milk him.
"You're dirty!" You pant.
"Say! Say I am good boy," he pants in your ear with a sharp tone, "Say now!"
"Good boy! Mommy's good boy! I love you. You are the best good boy!" You screamed. Shiggy smirks, biting his lip as he continues his relentless pursuit until you racked your nails down his chest and wept in pleasure. He pulled you close and smiled contentedly as you lay in his arms, the grub kicking. You had never felt so alive and so connected to him before. The speaker crackled before the voice interrupted your peace.
"Tomura. When you are done, we would like to talk," Master said. In the background, you can hear Dr. Ujiko screaming about piss and making the Nomu clean the mess. Shiggy wiped down your legs and let you sleep. Grinning, watching you as you snored so loud the nest shook. Shiggy kisses you and goes to see Master. A bucket was splashed over his groan the moment he entered. Marking is forbidden when you reach a certain age. It is bothersome.
"Kai is coming. It is time. Gather your forces. We will utilize the Nomu to return them to their habitats after they capture the new subjects. You have made progress. Your argument for capturing the Yakuza rather than eliminating them was eloquent. Dr. Tanaka is a tremendous boon. I have always known you were special. I am pleased you have proven me correct. Once things are settled, I would like you to take over the project. For that, you will take my power," Master grinned. Tomura Shigaraki trilled. An old form of respect and agreement.
"Will I have access to all the females I desire for my grubs?" Tomura asked, scratching at his ruff. Taking the Master's power was always a thing. At a time, it would have tempted him. That is why he left. He foolishly wanted to prove he had the might to handle Master's power, growing angrier by the second that it was not given to him. His rage went out of control and destroyed the facility. He would come back after he gained more power and control. Only it never happened. The closer he had grown to your Aunt, the less he cared about Master's power and the more he let his instincts take over.  
"Naturally. You can create any breeding program you like when you are in charge," Master encouraged.
"I need Eerie. The child is mine. My scent. I want the females to get used to the nest. She will be a good mate for my son," He insisted, with sharp anxious clicks of his teeth.
"Oh, Tomura. I welcome the practice of grooming subjects young. However, we already agreed that Eerie is patient zero. She is your false child. Your DNA in her was manufactured. Her compatibility must be tested before we can give her to your offspring," Master beamed as if teaching a new lesson. Tomura became more agitated.
"My nature does not recognize a false child. My nature senses my child with my scent. It screams my female. Eri's child is mine. We should at least create visit. Get little female used to Mothmen and our ways. Master, do we not agree that legacy is power? Is power, not all that matters?" He asked. Master steepled his fingers.
"I think we can arrange a weekly visit," Master said casually.
"Quit marking in the habitat," Dr. Ujiko huffed.
"Mate is pregnant. If a nest was made for her lower, there would be fewer accidents," Tomura growled.
"We talked about knotting. If you didn't put so much pressure on her bladder, she would have more control," Dr. Ujiko barked.
"Asking not to breathe," Tomura Mumbled.
"If you want healthy grubs, sanitation is key," Ujiko lectured. Tomura Shigaraki. A name that he will accept as his own because he does love Master in his own way, but he is tired of the little mind games. He prefers you. His stupid sweet Mommy never played games like this. He agreed mentally to get back to you quicker, cleansing himself of the dirty deals his Master desperately made, only to be stopped in the hallway by a vaping Tanaka.
"Ujiko won't let me smoke around the equipment. I know I am vaping more but li-Whoa, hello, what are we doing?" Tanaka asked as he sniffed her more deeply. His feelers tickled over her face as he dangerously gripped her too tight and snuffled at her chest. Tanaka stood there stiffly.
"You are sniffing at the wrong tits, kid. Even if I had some kind of interest in whatever this is. There are no tits, just scars, and despair," Tanaka said with strained composure. He narrowed his eyes and released her.
"The sickness is less. Father smells like me. Smell is weaker than child. More you smoke, less I smell sickness," he chittered, confused. Tanaka's mouth fell open before it snapped shut. The vape back at her lips.
"You are saying I have a cancer quirk. That makes sense. I do feel better after I vape. I was around the kid the most other than Overhaul. I can easily test it. I do not like this quirk. We need Overhaul's research to reverse. Cancer quirk. The most fucked up part is I wonder what it says about me? I wonder if I'm dying quicker?" Tanaka started to hyperventilate as she slumped to the floor. Shigaraki was not used to seeing Father doubt herself. Even when Tanaka was afraid, she took action. Shigaraki shifts on all fours to drop to her level. On impulse, he nudged his large head under her limp hand. He trills while she pets him absently, inhaling deeply of the poisonous vapor.
"Not going quickly. We will heal," Shiggy reassured.
"We have to secure Erie at all costs. She is the vector. With her maybe, m-m-m-maybe-" Tanaka was sputtering. This gave him a moment while her brain seemed to process the error. An epiphany. He reached out and caressed her with his feeler, bringing her eyes to him.
"You take the child. Take the child and run far. Do not worry about us. I will take care of Mommy. Mommy is my risibility. How else will I be the Father?" Shiggy chuckled.
"What the hell are you saying?" She asked his retreating form. In the dark hall, she could understand how he could strike fear in those unfamiliar to him. Insects are terrifying. 
His eyes glowed ominously as he rasped over his shoulder, "You are no longer Father. Take child and run." He slipped into the darkness, leaving her there sucking on her vape.
He crawled into bed with you, wrapping his limbs and wings around you in warmth and comfort.
"Mommy?" he asks with a low, breathy hitch.
"Yes?" you questioned back, half asleep.
"Do you trust me?" He asked. You didn't have to think about it in your exhaustion.
"You scare me sometimes. Fear is never a hundred percent trust. Sometimes I don't trust you to make the safe decision. Sometimes I don't trust you to respect me. I flat out don't trust you, other people, and especially not men," You snapped at him. He growls and tries to move away. You tsk him and pull him closer. He doesn't resist as you continue, "I can trust you to be brutal and heartwarming. I can trust you to have my back. I can trust you will not hurt me like your family because I can trust your word. You forget I'm new to the relationship stuff. I am very sorry about my reaction to the news about your family. You deserved more trust and understanding. I am sorry for how I reacted. Come on, baby. Let's sleep. I'm tired."
Mommy gives him too much to chew on, he thinks. It gnawed at his mind. He snuggled in close and planned. If he had known what he knows now, he would have started sooner with you. 
Two days later, Tanaka's hands are shaking. She can't focus on her microscope. She did not want to ask Ujiko for his help, but it was just them, and she was feeling weaker.
"Ujiko, can you take a look at this?" She asked. Ujiko glimpsed into the microscope.
"Cancer cells. Are they yours?" He asked, eyeing her. She rubbed her eyes, trying not to cry, and reached into her coat for her vape.
"Not in here," Ujiko gruffed.
"Come on, man? I've had a rough week," She opened her eyes to see ancient yen shoved in her face.
"Go to that disgusting machine with the old expired vending snacks. Get some air. I'll have the Nomu take you," Ujiko said. Tanaka took the money.
"Thanks, man. Do you want anything?"
"God, no. Those snacks are older than me."
The best part about the old vending machine was that it had a broken lock case that perfectly fit a cell phone. Casually reaching her hand up to lean on the machine. To the cameras, it looked like she was deciding what she wanted. The Nomu are experiments, and these low-end ones carry out menial tasks. The one helping her has no way to snitch on her. Turning on the phone near the number pad, what popped on her screen made her heart stop and drop into her gut. She quickly pockets the phone, pulls out the money, and the machine eats the cash. She vaped, instantly feeling better. Wondering what did cancer quirk say about her? Munching on the powdery shrimp chips, she returns to the lab without Nomu's help.
"Feeling better?" Ujiko asked with a slight lilt of concern. Prepping a tray to draw Tanaka's blood. She sits down causally and holds out her arm and the bag of chips for him. She slid her hand into her pocket and pressed a button on the phone.
"Yeah, wants some. Not too bad," Tanaka offered him some chips.
"God no," he said, prepping her arm. Ignoring the needle's sting, she tipped the bag to her mouth, "I have been thinking it would be a waste to lose that mind. I can turn you into a Nomu and preserve that brain."
Dr. Ujiko practically vibrated with excitement at the offer. Tanaka knew animals best, and Ujiko was another animal. A complex one, but Ujiko was an animal nonetheless. She looked at the nasty creature he loved the most. He loved Tanaka in his own way.
"Uh….no thanks. I rather not be a reanimated corpse," she stated in her monotone. Ujiko's face twisted in hurt for a moment. She could see he debated arguing, but what would be the point. Once she is dead, he will take her body anyway. Tanaka could see it dance on his features, settling into an evil grin. She thinks of you and how you used sex to get what you want from Shigaraki. She was not good at manipulation, but now is not the time to be a coward, "How is Erie doing? I haven't seen her in a while."
"She is fine. Nomu and Maser are taking the best care of her. I don't understand why everyone is so worried about the brat. They are easy to keep alive," He snarked, examining her blood.
"Who else is concerned for her?" She asked as nonchalantly as possible.
"Tomura has it in his head that Erie is his property because she smells like him," Ujiko gripped.
"Doctor, I find that fascinating. My last five books were on the social structure of animals. I would like to observe Tomura's interaction with what is essentially a coco bird. She is a baby placed in his nest, and he is caring for it. Can I take Erie to see him? I think she will be more relaxed around me, and I can take notes," Tanaka discussed. She watched Ujiko consider it. Tanaka was inspired enough to throw the pity cherry on top of the gooey word sundae she made.
"Can I take her now? Who knows how long I have?" She asked, with the saddest sickly look she could manage. Ujiko chewed his mustache.
"I really enjoyed your book on feral dogs of the underground train. Why not. Life is short," He said. Tanaka hops up to make a beeline for Erie.
"You are going to do it now?" He shouted after her.
"You said, why not? Life is short! Earth is beautiful tonight with popcorn!" She shouted back to him. Let him believe there is a later, she thought, huffing down the hall. Snatching the kid and running to the habitat you stay in, the girl squirms in her arms as she pants and squeezes her tighter.
Shigaraki heard the buzz of the door. It was too early. Groaning when you clung to him, refusing to let him go.
"Ignore it," you whined.
"Could be food," he graveled in his sleepy state. You immediately released and shoved him.
"Go check," you mumble, rolling over. He should be annoyed with you. He knows he can't complain. He wanted it this way. You are entirely dependent on him and treat him like a big boy. Dropping to the ground without having to carry you was lovely. But when he wanted to sleep, he regretted bringing you here. Not that he had a choice. Pregnant and injured, Father demanded, insisting he had no choice. He was shocked to see Father in front of him, briefly wondering if he was dreaming. What are the odds of thinking of someone and having them standing before you?
"We have to go now. The Chisaki gathered themselves quicker than expected. They are on their way here. The cops are hot on their heels. We need to go now. I have the data," Father wheezes. She is carrying the whimpering child, suddenly scared when she hears Chisaki. Something in him made him reach out and brush the hair from her horn.
"Father will keep safe," He trilled. The little girl looked at him with large desperate eyes. He pushed his ex-father back from the door. Father looked taken aback by the action. He points to the camera, "What are you doing here? Go! Waste time telling me. The eye is always watching."
"I am not cancer. A family looks out for each other. I thought I had at least taught you that!" Tanaka burst at him. Before he can answer, the earth trembles. Shit! Why can't one thing go the way it should? This is two days early! He screams mentally. The back rooms are a quick escape, but at this point, they will empty right into a battlefield or trap, "If you run now, you still might make it!"
Shiggy shoved her harder and slammed the door racing to you. There's a good chance no one knows. A tremor in Japan was nothing new. He had to think. How was he going to get you out? He could decay a door. But that would weaken this part of the facility and warn Master. He didn't hold animosity towards Master. He simply cared more about what he made for himself without Master. He shakes you awake, shoving a jug of water in your face.
"Drink!" He snarled.
"Whaaa? No. I'm not thirsty. It's too early for this. Let me sleep," you whined, rolling over.
"Doctor say need more water. Drink," he ordered. When you ignored him, his eyes narrowed, and he drank the entire jug. He knows one thing you have been having a hard time resisting. He leans close, his rough lips brushing against your earlobe. Pressing to your back as you lay on your side away from him.
"Want to do other things?" He asked suggestively.
You felt a thrill of anticipation as look you're your shoulder and watched him, his eyes dark with desire. His hands moved up your legs, caressing your skin as he went, his claws tickling. You shivered in pleasure, breath coming in short gasps. He paused at your hips, a knee forcing your legs to part, his fingers tracing your navel before going and circling around your clit. A warmth spreads through your body, closing your eyes, savoring the sensation. Gasping in hitches as he touched more sensitive spots, his wicked claws grazing your dripping hole. His fingers teased and tantalized you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. He moved closer to you, pressing hard against your ass. You could feel his hardness against your thighs and moaned in anticipation.
"I thought we couldn't anymore because we make a mess," you say. Shiggy pulled his hand away, and you instantly felt regret and loss. I should have kept my mouth shut, you thought. His thumb hooked into your panties.
"We can work around that. Other holes can be fucked," Shigaraki rasped next to your ear. You felt a thrill of excitement when he lathed his velvety tongue up your neck. He spits on his hand, stroking and wetting it before pressing it against your puckering hole.
"Whaa?" you asked in surprise as he entered you. He moved slowly at first, stretching your asshole, his thrusts gentle and teasing. He spits another wade of saliva between you. You squeal in shock. His dick is huge. It stings. Not working up to this kind of stretch is evil. You growl at him as tears prickle your eyes.
"This different. Sucking me in. Gripping the base. Still warm and wet. I am going to cum soon," he groaned. His movements became more urgent, and you felt yourself being taken over by the intensity of the moment instead of the sting. He moved faster and faster, pushing you to the brink of pleasure with each thrust, like the waves on a beach. Your body is trembling with pleasure as he drives into you again and again. Oh god, you are drooling as tingles follow each deep painful stroke.
"Oh god, stop that. I'm about to cum. It hurts," you whimpered, clawing at the nest. Finally, with one final thrust, you both reached climax together. A wave of pleasure crashes over your body. Shiggy had the decency not to knot, but you still ached with bliss and a tinge of disappointment, wanting to be stretched and filled with that knot. His war heat spreads and fills inside as you both lay there panting in exhaustion. He didn't pull out. You are about to roll over and kiss him when he wraps both arms around you and presses you hard up against his knot.  
"You are having that water one way or another," Shiggy hissed. Before processing what he said, you feel a torrent of hot liquid invade your intestines. N the crest of your first orgasm, you had another wash over you as Shiggy filled you to the brim.
"Son of a bitch! Bad boy! Very bad boy! Do not piss in me! Oh god," You screamed, gasping from the second orgasm. It oddly felt good until it hit your gut. It roiled, and you could hear Ujiko screaming over the speakers as Shiggy lifted you and rushed you to the front entrance.
"Open it unless you want her to make a mess," he snarled to the camera. The doors instantly parted, and Shigaraki rushed you to the bathroom. But not to the nearby bathroom. You don't know how long to hold it, so this was a horrible surprise. He was moving so fast the wind was whipping your hair.
"Where are we going? What's happening?" you panic with a high pitch squeal when he roughly sets you down on a dingy toilet on the far side of the facility.
"Mommy, safe here. My ally Spinner takes to shelter. Do not leave this spot. I was here when built. Is safe. Stay!" He growled. Stalking away to the lab when a tremor turned into a ground-shaking explosion. Ujiko came over the speakers in a panic.
"The cops and the Yakuza clashed. They are coming for Master. Where is the vector?" Shiggy could hear him huffing and panting to release nomu.
"I know. I signaled my people. I killed child and female doctor. Hid, my mate. I am coming to destroy the lab. Less evidence," Shigaraki growls. Speeding his way to the lab. He had to erase any trace of you, his grubs, Father, and himself. In the chaos, you will slip away. He will eliminate as much of their presence as possible.
"No, not that mind," Ujiko breathed.
"You have less than a minute, then I destroy," He grinned.
After you had emptied your bowels in what you hope you will never remember. You hid in the corner. Jolting in terror every time dust fell from the ceiling and the ground quaked. The woman crouched in the bathroom corner, your heart pounding in your chest. Hearing the faint sounds of shouting and crashing trickling in from outside the door. You didn't know what was happening but knew it was dangerous. Hugging your knees to her chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. Terrified, stay quiet and still when a whimper escapes you from the most brutal shake. Forcing yourself not to cough from the dust in the air. If you made any noise, whoever was out there might find you. Your baby kicked, and your mind flooded with bright red rage.
How fucking dare everyone. How dare your Aunt for dumping her crimes on you. Making you an accomplice. Your Aunt knew more than you, yet you still found out he was….was…Oh my god, you thought. No wonder they don't trust you with anything. They think you're a moron. It just occurred to you that your Aunt didn't commit a crime. There was no one safe your Aunt could have given Shigaraki to. Ok, your Aunt is a Saint, but how dare Dr. Tanaka and Shigaraki think your too stupid to tell you what the fuck is going on? You were in a coma after being tortured. They could have told you there would be a fight, and it would be ok. This felt like they are winging it. Where was Tanaka? You would love some of those drugs about now.  
You crave to be anywhere but here. You felt it. A river of thoughts riptides your body, pulling you away into the darkness of voices. There was a horrid monster shrieking with many voices. You learned to cup your hands over your ears and let the flow carry you. You can search better by keeping the flood of foreign thoughts out of your head. You see the torrent of thoughts and a giant shape fighting that green boy rookie. Shigaraki is arguing when you hear it. A sad whisper that you could feel more than hear. You swim towards it to see Tanaka doing a shit job of comforting the child as Tanaka is gasping on the ground.
"I'm sorry, kid. I wanted to find your new Mommy. Family doesn't leave family behind. If I wasn't so weak and we had just left. We might have made it in time. I have no idea where she is," Tanaka wheezed.
"You're not my mommy?" Erie asked with a sniffle.
"Trust me, kid. You don't want me as a mommy. Your new Mommy is beautiful inside and out. Your new Daddy, well. You will have a good mommy," Tanaka said drolly.
"I'm in the bathroom, not that far!" You screamed. Tanaka wrinkles her brow and looks toward where you are, "Oh my god! I can do this! That way!"
Tanaka grabs the little girl's hand and starts running with her. The ground shakes, and you toss into a wall. Your body slams in real life, Slamming back to your body. You squeaked at the horrible jolt of pain in every joint. Your craving for the warm hug of Kronos drugs makes your joints ache worse. Is this part of it? One of the things Tanaka jabbered about this. All quirks have a negative effect or weakness. No power comes without a cost. All your joints scream in throbbing pain that matches your heartbeat. Your skin itches and crawls. Your track marks feel too hot. How dare they turn you into a junkie. Bracing against the wall, you use it to reach the toilet, where you hopefully peed for the last damn time. Staggering to the door on wobbly knees, you pull it open with a swirl of dust and shout for Tanaka. Her hand comes out of the shadows and falling ceiling to clasp over your mouth.
"Shhhh! I'm here. Take the kid," She gasped. You pull the little girl to you and run to the most reinforced corner. Locking the door, Tanaka collapses next to you and huddles, her lab coat over all of you.
"Hi, sweetie. We are going to leave here. We are going to leave here and live an average life," You soothed the girl, "What's your name? I'm." She cut you off with the most pitiful expression you have ever seen.
"Are you my new mommy?" She asked with a wobble in her voice. You would have run for the hills if it had been a year ago. Terrified and wondering if you are cut out for this job. But the moment you saw her in Tanaka's arms in that hellhole. A strange swelling of your heart made it hard to breathe. You wanted to protect her. You knew she was yours. It was almost the same feeling as Shigaraki. You held her close. She jumped in surprise when she felt Shin kick her. For a brief moment, you saw the look of wonder. She didn't look like she would go comatose in fear. You understand completely. That look is a deeper reflection of your own.
"Yes, baby. I'm your new Mommy. I was at the compound too. We will take care of each other. What's your name?"
"Eri," she sniffled. Staring at your stomach, trembling in your arms
"Eri. What a pretty name. Do you want to listen to the baby? I'm told he makes cute sounds, and I can promise you'll feel him kick," You encouraged Eri. She was hesitant initially, but then Eri melted against your stomach to the light vibrations. You covered her ear because you didn't want her to hear what you had to say.
"What the hell is going on, Tanaka?" You hiss at her.
"Well. Looks like we're going to die. Just wanted to say I loved you. I know I can't do anything about it. Even if we lived, I couldn't do anything about it. Platonic love," Tanaka mumbled in her monotoned way. Something broke in you. You snapped and saw bright red.
"Oh wow. That does not answer my question. That's ok. I know you think I'm dumb. Clearly, you think I'm dumb. Well, I want you to know I am not dumb. I was on track to be CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation because I am amazing at flow charts. If we had ever discussed the projection numbers of sugar cane transport, I would have shined. I love you too, Dr. High and Mighty," you growled. Tanaka's brow furrows in confusion, and a chuckle escapes her.
"I'm sorry. The Dr. High and Mighty was very cute. I was not expecting that reaction at all. Makes me wish I had my recorder," She said seriously. You gently pull Eri from you. Standing, you walk over to the paper towel dispenser and shove paper down your pants, "Can we discuss what you're doing?"
"Nope. You never bother to tell me anything. I'm getting us out of here," you tell her. Panting, you work yourself up into a need for escape and fear. A sour taste floods your mouth. Eri whimpers in terror, "I'm going to direct people away from us. When I do this, sometimes, I pee myself. I have no idea what I look like when this happens, but don't be scared. I think I did it for weeks and turned out fine."
"What?" Tanka asked. It was the last thing you heard as you clutched at them and used your quirk.
Shigaraki felt you before he heard you. His face was covered in sweat and dirt, slumped over a lab bench. He is wearing a tattered lab coat stained with blood and grime. His hands shook as he concentrated and touched the ground towards the pests entering the lab. That rabbit bitch killed half the Nomu and stole the doctor. He didn't recognize her from the forest or Yazuka, so the doctor was safe. He will be locked up for a few years at most, Shigaraki guessed. The damage to his arm cracked his skin. Blood dripped from his rough hands. His eyes are sunken, and his skin is pale as if he has not slept in days. Just when his wings healed, they were ragged and torn again. Master was fighting his own fight with the cops. He can already smell his defeat.
Shigaraki looks up at the remains of the ceiling, his expression one of exhaustion and destructive elation. Taking a deep breath, he slowly stands up, his body trembling from the effort. He takes a few steps forward and collapses onto the floor, his body too weak to continue. A shout in the distance he could not understand, a tug and prickle at the back of his neck forcing him to turn in another direction. He lays there for a few moments before slowly getting back up and continuing his work. Mommy is right. Mommy is always right. To protect the nest, he needs to be sure Kai is out of the way. Mommy left. He could no longer feel you as he headed toward Kai. That plain green rookie brat was struggling. He wasn't going to be able to bring him down alone.
The man had morphed into an absolute monster. The damn kid was jumping around uncontrollably. Without precise strikes, the dumb kid will die, making bringing down Kai more challenging. The green brat is strong but lacks real skill. Shigaraki hates the sun. He is practically blind in it. But it's predictable where the child will reach his leap's peak. Like a lightning strike, he builds up speed until he is a blur. The wind whipped his hair, stinging his already burning eyes and face. Using his antennae to scent and guide his trajectory. Shigaraki's stomach provides a base to jump from, and the kid's shoes tear at his flesh as Deku flings him back from Kia's swing.
Kia was directly hit. Shigaraki reached out and clung to the massive hand. His claws digging in had no effect. He could still feel the fight in him. The dumb kid was falling again. They needed to end this before the cops decided to go after him next. He lets loose and decays the arm. In an awe-inspiring sight, he spreads his wings wide and dives down from the sky in swirls of dust. His wings create a powerful gust of wind as he plummets toward the ground. Catching the boy who had broken his arm. As they get closer to the ground, his wings spread again to pull them up sharply, creating a powerful lift that propels them back into the sky.
"Who are you?" The kid asked. Screaming over the rush of wind.
"No one. You never saw me. Put the monster down," Shigaraki gaveled to the boy. The boy shuts his gaping mouth and gives him a determined look of a warrior.
"Got it. Drop me from above!" Deku shouted. This child has a blood lust in him that Shigaraki doesn't want to smell near his nest. They circle around, gaining more altitude. He can feel the child's labored breath as the air thinned before he dives again, rolling to the side as Kai heals his arm and sends it swinging at them. It's a thrilling experience to watch and a testament to the strength of human flight. Duke used him as a springboard. This time he went all out and beat Kai down. Their broken bodies lay beside each other. The others are still busy. He lands and looks toward where his Master is. Losing the fight. Master might have learned to use people but never learned how to work with them. That is his downfall, Shigaraki thinks as he searches for the smell on Kai. It smells like Eri, and he will flat-out kill this bastard if he touches his grub. Instead, it came from a tin with blue and red injectors. No better time than the present to test them. He injected Kai with the red one. His mass disappeared as Kai went back to his original form with three men appearing beside him. Kai is barely conscious when he injects him with the blue one. Nothing seemed to happen.
"I think I understand. Red erases quirks, and blue activates them. How useful. I will keep it. I hated your arrogance the most. Your quirk will be a waste to lose. I will leave it. Maybe one day I can take Master's power and make it my own," He graveled when he ripped off Kai's arms and turned them into dust. Kai whimpered, but there wasn't much he could do. He looked at the boy staring back at him with burning anger, his body a broken mess as he panted and heaved. Perhaps the green kid just realized who created all this destruction. Murdering many of his friends and his own people. He is the king of this forest. Maybe it would be better to kill the brat now.
"I never saw you," Deku said suddenly. Shigaraki smirked darkly.
"That is good. Be well. The next time I see. I will kill you," Shigaraki rasped. Turning to find you, he doesn't sense you in the forest. If one thing goes right, that means you are heading toward home. Shigaraki makes a beeline for the darkest deeper part of the woods. He needed a bit of a rest. He should feel something betraying most of the denizens of the former facility, but he doesn't. He latches onto a tree, blending with the shadows and the bark. When he closes his eyes, he hears a sigh of relief that is not his own. He needs just a moment to rest his eyes and his tattered wings.
"He's ok!" You gasped, awake in a new location. The rush of pain is like electricity sizzling your nerve endings. You had astral projected and subtly directed the war in your favor. Making sure Spinner found you and then took you to La Brava and Gentle when Tanaka told you who to locate.
"About damn time. You're in full-blown labor! Push!" Tanaka shouted.
"Whaa?" You questioned, realizing you were in your Aunt's living room. La Brava and Gentle running around. Tanaka looks pale and thin as her hands are in a place you did not think they would ever be.
"I said to push, for fucks sake. If I was ever horny, this killed it. So push. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain.
"We need Shiggy here!" You shout, bolting upright, while a scaled hand pushes you back down. The lizard man blushes and looks away when your eyes land on him.
"I'm Spinner. He would want his mate and grub to be alive and healthy so I will take care of you," He sputtered.
"Please stay here, Mommy. Your quirk hurts you," the little voice of Eri drifted through the pain. You took a deep breath and pushed. It went on like this until you were cussing and cursing Shiggy. May he die for doing this to you. The searing pain radiating from your center. You grit your scream. Feeling like you are being split in two. Pulling out a screeching squirming mass. Drained of all your energy, you slumped against the bed. A bed that is completely ruined, and you will burn it.
"Holy shit! We! Did! It! Blanket. Tie. We have to cut the umbilical cord," Tanaka laughed. A pale figure steps into the room and bites the cord. Tanaka swaddles the baby after checking his airway and wiping him off.
"Here you go, proud daddy," She says, handing Shin over to Shigaraki. He nuzzled the wriggling bundle that hissed at him viciously. Shigaraki smirks at his grub.
"I like title. Daddy. We keep title, elder Tanaka," he growled.
"You made it," you panted in relief. Shigaraki holds you and your grub with a sweet Trill. Quickly passing out. He used the rest of his energy to get here. He trusted these people would watch over him and his kin.
"Our Mommy. I love you," he purred.
"Both of you look like shit," Tanaka said bluntly as her eyes darted between you.
"I am never giving birth," La Brava whispers to Gentle.
Two years later…
"Mine!" Shin screeched repeatedly. Shin knew three words, and he screamed them all day. Waking up from your conversation with La Brava, there was the usual pain and the elation of good news, getting ruined as the screeching reached higher pitches.
 "We can share, little brother," Eri says. You sit up in bed, about to shout how sharing is caring when you hear Shigaraki.
"Yes. It is important to care for your future mate, little Mommy," He rasped. You already feel the throbbing of a migraine.
"Shiggy!" You scream. Stomping into the living room. Groaning when your swollen feet howled at you to stop that. Panting in utter rage, you stand in front of him. He stared up and ate a cookie, "Family meeting!"
"Holy fuck. What did you do now?" Tanaka growled, putting on a nicotine patch. Shigaraki shrugged, giving Eri another cookie while Shin was distracted. He sniffed Tanaka and trilled she needed to add another patch. Dabi, Toga, and Spinner trickled in. These guys! You fed them once, and they never left. They did help La Brava and you, but still. You don't know why they are here, and you don't care. You get very cranky after projecting. 
"First off. Shiggy, we discussed this. Telling Eri that Shin is her mate is grooming. I will not stand for it. No brainwashing. Eri, honey, you can grow up and be with whoever you want. Your Daddy has lost his damn mind. Clearly, he never wants big boy time ever again," You barked at him.
"What's big boy time?" Eri asked.
"It's fucking," Tanaka says before you can answer. You're mouth drops open as the other three giggled. Shin is babbling and drooling on a cookie. 
"What's fucking?" Eri asked.
"It's when-" Tanaka started.
"What? You said you didn't want her brainwashed. I'm giving her straight facts. Subject B is easily flustered with adult topics," Tanaka stated into her recorder to a chorus of laughter. This bitch, you think. The worst part is you know she is actually serious and will write this down in some fucked up paper or book.
"The three of us will do it together. Later. Not right now," You hissed at Tanaka. You rub your temples and plaster on a smile, "I have good news I want to share."
"You're pregnant," Shigaraki said.
"I am not!" You spat at him. But when your eyes connect with him, you see he is not lying.
"Ummmm… how? Haven't you been taking your monthly pill?" Tanaka asked you.
"Bad candy? I ate and replaced with better candy," Shigaraki says while bouncing Shin on his knee.
"We're having a baby!" Toga squealed.
"I'm not giving up my room," Dabi mumbled. You feel like you are going insane.
"Secondly. With over seventy percent of the human population and thirty percent of other mammals showing signs of quirks. Having a quirk is no longer illegal. You guys can wander freely, and our kids don't have to marry each other. No grooming necessary. We can even send Eri to public school with other kids her age. Eri, you can grow up and be whoever you want!" You delivered impatiently. There was a commotion as everyone talked at once.
"Even a criminal?" Dabi asked. The room falls silent to this. Your mind is now settling. You're pregnant and not about to live in hiding anymore. Why is Dabi shitting on this moment? You look to see if Shigaraki would intervene. He gives you the same cold stare.
"I will support my kid in whatever they want to do," you grit out.
"Ok then," Dabi said cheerfully. You were even swept up at the moment. Eri smiled and asked questions enthusiastically. You hugged Tanaka for the first time in two years. She had become paranoid that her quirk might hurt us.
"Tanaka. You can see real professionals and peers. You can be saved," you whispered to her. A strange look crossed her face as she twirled a tin in her robe.
"I can do long-distance research. I don't need to leave that often. The day-to-day stuff can be done in a lab here or over the internet. I can teach the grubs and be by your side forever," Tanaka grins sadly.
The only one who was not interested in the good news was Shigaraki, who gathered up Shin and took him to the nest to nap. He talked to his son in his hissing chittering language, staring at him with the same bright red eyes as Shin drank in his wisdom. It was unusual for one so young to have red eyes at birth. It was another worry.
"Females are fickle. Females are power. In the past, it could only be one male in the female's lives. I learned that you do not have to be the only male. The male that holds their attention is the one that ends up with all the power. Make Eri only look at you. Normally I would encourage you to imprint on your sister. But your mother will not stand for it. Focus on Eri," Shigaraki rasped. Tanaka stood in the doorway. 
"Ewy mine," Shin yawned and chirped. His antenna flicks as he curls into Shigaraki's ruff.
"Yes, good boy. Eventually, she will take pity on you and start to love you little by little. Then she will belong to you. The females of this world are soft-hearted and do not understand our nature. They do not understand how our love destroys. We love so much that we kill and destroy to keep our claws dug in. Strangely, our hunger for love makes us want to devour our mate completely. I will suckle at your mother's love until she dies. Even then, she can't escape me. I will follow her," Shigaraki grinned.
"You want Master's power still?" She asked, twirling the tin in her pocket.
He lays Shin down in his nest. When Shigaraki first saw him, he had to stop his instincts from wanting to lay down all five fingers. You wanted to see and hold Shin before him. It drove him insane. He is better than his Father. You do not understand how far he would go for you. You don't know how far an imprint drives the men in his family. He was only allowed to live because Master wanted it and offered his Father compensation with more females. But his Father hated the attention he received from the females. He often beat him for it.
"Yes. We will need it. I am the king of forest. I need to stay king. War is coming. Where is Mommy?" He asked. 
"She's talking to Eri about school supplies and clothes," She answered. Tanaka smelled nervous when she stepped forward. Lowering her voice and showing him the tin he took from Kai," We have these as a contingency. We don't need Eri." Shigaraki smiled drily at Elder.
"Do you want me to kill Shin? I will not let Mommy go. Do you want Mommy to be sad?" He asked. Tanaka paled and nodded. 
"We'll call Eri's ability plan B," She mumbled as she left. Tanaka will not get in his way. She understands. Shin will imprint on Eri instead of you. That will keep Shin alive. If Shin imprinted on you or your new daughter, he would kill Shin in a heartbeat. He reaches into the nest, brushing his son's pudgy cheek with the back of two fingers, and feels something. Not strong as he has for you. It weakly pulses in him. He hopes it will grow stronger.
He turns to see your sweet face twisted in concern for him, and his heart beats faster, his pulse rushing straight to his cheeks and cock. You reach, come over and wrap yourself around him. He twists around your little finger. You tug him back to the nest you now share, pulling him on top of you where he melts.
"What's wrong, baby?" Your doe eyes burning into his soul. He sighs, seeking comfort in your warm embrace before he answers.
"Nothing changes. Do not know about before. Was war. Master has shown me. It will be brutal. There will be blood and dust. War is always the same. New quirk war. Not safe for family. Still must hide," Shigaraki whispered.
"If you are worried about Eri going to school, I already have La Brava creating all of us fake IDs," you say. Snuggling his chest, planting little kisses.
"I no leave. Only new babies will have heteromorph traits. I stay. Mommy and grubs need to stay with me. Stay safe. Eri needs to stay safe. We keep here. Have the Elder teach," He rasped. You bite your lip in worry.
"Eri is a little girl with a lot of trauma. I will not leave you. Eri and the grubs will not go to school unless it's safe. But I feel we should enroll her for the sake of Eri's mental health. The moment we hear about war, we pull her out," you tried to reason with him. Shigaraki growls and you become flustered. In the years you've spent together, he has stopped being a sweet little boy and turned into an aggressive man. That intense, serious gaze makes you wet and flustered.
"Horn. She will be tested. Discovered." He parts your lips and dips his long tongue in your flavor. Becoming more aroused by your whimpers. You try to pull away from him, but he is not ready to continue this frustrating conversation. But somehow, you escaped him.
"Then let's hire her professional kid psychiatrist. Someone Tanaka chooses. Doctors are not allowed to share anything. Please?" You beg him sweetly. Your hand grips his thick hot cock, stroking him, slicking him with his own precum. It wasn't long before you were swept up in the heat of the moment. He knows your body so well. It's not long before you squirt on him, nails digging into his bunching muscles.
"Yes, Mommy. Yes, Mommy. We'll do what Mommy wants," Shigaraki panted. Sucking at your chest. He will never let you dry out. He sucks your milk down his throat while he fills you with his knot and cum.
"I'm so happy. Thank you. I love you. You are my good boy," You purr to him. He rubs clit with his thumb. Eyes hooded with reverence.
"This one will be a little girl. Let's name her Tsuyu. We made her during the plum rains," he rasped.
"That's perfect. I love you, my sweet Daddy."
He shudders. He loves how obedient you became with the new title. He wonders if he should have 'groomed' you sooner, and none of this would have happened. Your Aunt wouldn't let him, though. He got milk, whiskey, and rabbits if he swore to leave you alone. You are so silly. Never questioning why. Why didn't he kill you for being in his territory? Why were claw marks around your guest bedroom deeper and older than the others? Why were there no pictures of you in the house? Why did your Aunt stop inviting you over when your breasts started showing? Because he wanted you, and Aunt tried to curb his instincts while keeping you safe from him. He saw you first. Sneaking onto the farm to poach livestock. A beautiful female close to his age. Your Aunt caught him because he was stalking you in the shadows, lurking for days to capture you, his nest built for two. Had you come closer to the edge of the forest? Oh, what he would have done to your body would have been a crime. He left you alone because your Aunt convinced him to let you grow. She was right. Your Mommy training was needed. To mature and ripen. He needed the time as well to grow with you. He will do the same for Eri and Shin. When the time is right, he will kill the mind doctor and destroy any trace of the building or anyone else threatening his family. He and Elder Tanaka have already come to an agreement. They will keep you, his sweet dumb Mommy, happy for the rest of your life.
"Daddy. I'm thirsty," you mumbled. He smiled, and with a sharp chirp, he got up to get you water.
"I love you, Mommy." You will always be his. Mommy will always need him.
[Writers notes! I hope you were entertained. If you like it I wouldn't mind the love. Here it the first part of the Mommy series.]
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monstersdownthepath · 5 months
Monster Spotlight: Thin Men
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CR 4
Chaotic Neutral Medium Fey
The Inner Sea Bestiary, pg. 52
These uncanny Fey stalk through the cane fields of the Island of Nuat off the coast of Rahadoum, so good at masking their own presence that they’re widely believed to be myths... up until a farmer goes missing with no explanation. Though capable of subsisting on a diet of root vegetables, insect grubs, and whatever vermin they can catch, Thin Men sometimes hunger for a grander fare, stalking and killing livestock, pets... and even whole humans for sustenance. Despite this horrid habit and their ghoulish appearance, though, they do not perform these acts with any malevolence, and in most cases avoid killing humans unless they’re starving. Many of the fatalities owed to them are because of an unfortunate fairy quirk: Thin Men, like many Fey who’ve grown alongside mankind, seem to have an irresistible compulsion to try and remain hidden and out of sight, though unlike kinder House Spirits and Brownies who simply abandon their homes if acknowledged too much, Thin Men respond to people looking at them for too long with startling hostility.
And, well, when the deed is already done, it’d be a waste to just leave this meat laying around, wouldn’t it?
For most citizens living alongside Thin Men, though, they do not have to worry about accidentally offending their homicidal neighbors. These fey are very, very good at staying hidden, spending hours of their days underground hunting for the bugs, roots, and vermin they normally subsist on, their intimidating claws actually for burrowing rather than attacking, and they can tunnel easily through 20ft of earth a round. They’re actually almost entirely boneless, their skeleton formed of sections of incredibly flexible cartilage and further aided by a surplus of joints throughout their body, allowing them to cram themselves into spaces that would normally only allow rabbits (which are likely rare and prized treats for them). They’re not dedicated subterranean hunters, though, lacking any senses which would allow them to track prey through the soil and instead relying on above-ground evidence of food and then digging downwards.
Even when not slithering underground Thin Men are hard to see. They have a +17 to Stealth and move stealthily at every opportunity, but in their natural habitat among the cane fields, they’re effectively impossible to spot as their Stealth shoots all the way up to +25, their instincts causing them to unconsciously sway their bodies with the cane as it moves and dart into the shadows cast by the plants. Even in cane farms this instinct carries them well, with many farmers unknowingly harboring entire colonies of Thin Men among their crops, never quite realizing why they feel watched every time they’re out and about. Since they were on the isle of Nuat first, most farmers can shrug off the feeling and learn to silently thank the fey for their work in keeping pests from nibbling at their crops, but ‘silently’ is the operative word here. Never acknowledge them, lest you draw their wrath.
An offended or starving Thin Man, or one who was caught out of their stealth, attacks swiftly and violently with a Claw-Claw-Bite. Their bite deals 1d6+4 damage, and their dirt-crusted claws 1d4+4, but those claws leave gaping wounds in their wake which deal 1d4 bleed damage a round every round until the victim receives some healing. Despite being Medium, a Thin Man’s extreme flexibility allows it a 10ft reach with its claw attacks, allowing them to control wider swaths of their home fields and attack viciously without harming the plants they hide among. Though the prospect of them appearing from seemingly nowhere to attack is scary enough, the idea of one simply lashing out with a claw in retribution before returning to hiding is just as bad; a victim might not even realize what they saw, thinking it some sharpened branch or similar which stuck them, stumbling helplessly through endless fields of cane as they slowly succumb to bloodloss, never knowing if they’re going to be found as the wind blows through the cane again and reveals a half-dozen stalks that don’t bend in any direction but towards their body as they slowly lose consciousness.
Spooky stuff! And it’s easy to make players paranoid of these creatures with one simple trick: Their ability to Vanish into thin air once per day. As a move action while benefiting from any level of concealment, a Thin Man can seemingly fade from sight by contorting its body into the blind spots of any creature looking towards them. This isn’t invisibility, it’s better, as the Thin Men gain a flat +20 to Stealth checks (for a total of +37 outside cane fields and +45 within them) and can hide in plain sight for up to seven rounds. Whereas normal invisibility can be thwarted by solutions magical and mundane, the Thin Man’s Vanish cannot be beaten by anything but an astronomical Perception check, the effect only breaking if the fey directly attacks another creature. Otherwise, the Thin Man is essentially gone, an effect which may trick players into believing the creatures can teleport as soon as they’re out of sight.
With their burrowing prowess, high Stealth, and ability to simply choose not to be seen once a day, the Thin Men are excellent tools for instilling paranoia on players venturing out into the wilderness to get rid of what they believe may be a simple quest objective. Though Thin Men go down easily once cornered (their sole immunity is to poison, and their AC and HP are merely okay), just killing one doesn’t mean their threat is over. There is, after all, a non-insignificant chance that the Thin Men presented here represent the least skilled and most reckless of their kind, while the rest sit invisibly in the old cane fields, impossible to ever see. There’s a very real possibility that the Thin Men of Nuat are the only ones that have been conclusively proven to exist, that there may be others adapted to different conditions and imitating different plants--reeds, wheat, corn, even the thin saplings in the forests around every settlement--that have gone undiscovered. 
There’s a chance that Thin Men might be everywhere.
You can read more about them here.
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fivepebbles · 19 days
Five selfcheckouts
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Why in the actual fuck would you send me this? Have you gone insane, little creature? Do you need me to call someone to come pick you up?
Well too bad. The only thing picking you up is a king vulture. That's right, I've told my messenger to leave a vulture grub at your exact location. Soon you will be devoured by a horrible creature from the sky. No scavenger will be able to save you. They shall freeze in place from fear the moment they see it descend from the sky. Lizards shall flee as soon as they notice it's shadow. Even the mightiest creatures inhabiting this world will tremble in fear when it arrives. It will pierce you with its tusks, and tear you apart with its beak. It shall feast on your corpse like a miros bird that's been starving for 15 cycles. Your karma will go down so much you won't ever be able to build it up again. Miles away, all iterators will receive message of your demise. A live video will be streamed from one of my overseers to every public channel available, and every single iterator out there will watch as the terrible bird swoops down and grasps your helpless corpse. And even if the vulture fails, I have sent a messenger to find every single intelligent creature alive and tell them of your horrible act. You will only be remembered by the crime you have committed. Not a single creature will ever love you again. Cycle after cycle you will find that you are unable to experience the beauty this world has to offer. And deep down you'll know that it all started when you sent me this horrible message. After an near eternal amount of cycles, you will finally decide to follow my advice and head west, past the farm arrays. Where the land fissures, you'll go down into the earth and search your way deeper. Then you will bathe in the void sea and contemplate your actions. You'll know that you could have prevented all of it. You could have been happy. And knowing this, you'll leave this world. Filled with regret.
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xnullgeist · 1 year
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Ive been having a lot of fun designing weird food for the Feyh, they're mostly carnivores so a lot of their food is meat or meat based (with then exception of mushrooms and sugars. So gotta kind get creative to make meals that we almost recognize but are obviously very different than what we are used too. So first thing is obviously a "burger" from their fast food resturant Wack Dawn Nulls The second is their version of "noodles" which is known as Setti named after the actual weird mushroom is made from And then the last is kinda a basic recipe that basically like their version of egg and milk and can be used to make something almost like bread though it be more akin to an omelette, they technically don't cook their food so the bread style wouldn't actually be common but YOU CAN EAT IT THAT WAY, they just find it unappealing. They like their wet soup greasy foods Other things: - Pupa pulp is their version of "cheese" and is similar to cheese bugs that some people feed their sugar gliders, its literally the paste inside the pupa cocoon before its... fully developed so yeah... - Grub meal is a paste that the grub themselves live in before they fully grubs, its like a weird tadpole soup that similar to egg whites - Did I ever mention feyh are all cannibals? Ya know just putting it out there, all the meat they eat is usually from genetic meat farms or literally from other people yeah.
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whyeverr · 6 months
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"Man, those are some fat and happy grubs!"
"They'd better be! They've been eating like royalty."
"And they've got a pretty comfy setup too."
"Now if I can just get Tyler to build me a house like that."
"What, a bug farm? Yeah, for sure!"
"Okay, but like, people sized—"
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