#and mayor kline not being a man of the people
pinkeoni · 1 year
do u realize that st is anti-communist lol
I bet you also think Animal Farm is an anti-communist novel.
Okay, maybe I am giving the show too much credit. This is the same show that just announced their new board game and has already been merchandised to hell and back already. The Duffers are no George Orwell.
But still, there is a difference between what is in the text of the show and how their network chooses to market it.
I can understand where an audience member may see ST as anti-communist, considering that the characters themselves, the heroes of the story that we are meant to root for, are anti-communist. Which makes sense! These are characters living in America during the Cold War with the Soviets. The entirety of the Scoops Troop and Jopper plotlines in season 3 are about bringing down the “evil commies” and Hopper spends most of his time in season 4 being tortured in a Russian prison.
But here’s the thing that most anons seem to be doing, which is conflating the Soviet Union with communism. Saying that Will Byers would be a communist =/= saying that Will Byers would support the Soviet Union. And okay, I may have made that edit of Will in an ushanka, which I did only because editing fictional characters in ushankas is funny. Here it is again:
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Let's bring it back to what I mentioned in the very beginning, which is George Orwell's Animal Farm, but specifically the last scene of that novel. The farm animals have successfully led the revolt against the humans, and yet the state of the farm is as bad as it was before, and the pigs are sitting at the table indistinguishable from the humans that they rebelled against in the first place.
Because Orwell's novel isn't saying "communism bad," but rather, the political leaders of the Soviet Union had gone against the original principles they were fighting for.
So the show is definitely anti-soviet, which doesn't equate to anti-communist. To be fair, there isn't much in the show that is expressly pro-communist, but the show isn't really pro-capitalist either. In fact, the show isn't even really that pro-American.
I feel like the ideology of the Cold War was very us versus them, or you're either with us or your against. You are either a red blooded American who is a proud capitalist and uphold the beliefs of your country, or you are a soviet communist pig. But as Papa would say—
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The best season to express this is season 3. Season 3 introduces Starcourt Mall— the pinnacle of American consumerism. We learn that the mall has actually been actively hurting the town, causing many local businesses to go belly-up because they just can't compete.
But we also learn that Larry Kline, the mayor of Hawkins, was actually colluding with the Russians the whole time and the mall was a big front for the Russians to conduct their experiments. The point that the show was trying to make is that the same patriotic "All American" man who held a Fourth of July celebration for the town is on the same side as the "Evil Communist Russians."
Let us not forget that this is the same show that said that American government agents were "bad men," and actively used the Reagan/Bush campaign as a symbol of danger. Maybe ST is not the flagship communist show, but it isn't the flagship pro-American capitalist show either.
tagging @aemiron-main since you expressed interest on my poll
Side bar! Did you know that during the Second Red Scare, queer people were labeled as communists and prosecuted, because their lifestyles were considered inherently anti-American, and a security risk to the country? True story!
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thebranchesofshe · 1 year
Dr. Breyer
"Human beings, in their extremities, are gross. That's just the nature of it. I don't expect anything from you except to be sick, and to want to be well. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about you. Yours is the most advanced case of Phatch's Fever that I've ever seen."
Three words: righteous, intense, jovial.
Name: Martin Wesley Breyer
Date of birth: August 29, 1916
Age as of Chapter I: 54
Height: 6'2"
Gender: red-blooded American male.
Orientation: straight but he understands that he's a bit of a freak magnet.
Occupation: doctor but calls himself a sawbones and is only half joking.
Family: late wife Hannah, son Bartholomew, daughter Thomasin. Don't ask him about his father.
Veteran?: yes, specifically a medic in World War II. He was in his late 20's and had just started a family. It was rough.
Religion: practicing catholic, but normal about it. His take on spirituality has a lot of nuance.
Politics: a dove with the intensity and fervor of a hawk.
What does that mean?: sometimes if you want peace, you have to fight for it. He takes a firm position and the fact is, he doesn't like it when people hurt people for no good goddamn reason.
Favorite book: Trout Fishing in America by Richard Brautigan. He is an introspective, meandering sort of man in his spare time.
Favorite film: it's a toss up between Dr. Strangelove and The Sound of Music.
Favorite treat: man's greatest luxury is a good cup of coffee.
Background: grew up in Decaelo, next door to the Farnsworths, an introverted only child with a domineering and jealous father. He and Liz were sort of sweethearts, but he fell for Hannah when he went to medical school, and Liz moved on, and their friendship matured when Breyer returned to Decaelo. Hannah was Jewish and an artistic type, and she really brought him out of his shell. They had two children, Bartholomew and Thomasin. When Liz's husband left, Breyer and Hannah frequently helped her raise her children. Hannah died nine years ago from a brain tumor, leaving Breyer a widower at the relatively young age of 45, with a son who would be drafted and a teenage daughter. He and Liz endured personal tragedies around the same time, and it brought them closer together.
Would he ever date again?: He and Liz are close, they've both considered it. But a few months ago, there was a schism.
A schism? What happened?: he started talking to Homer Smoot about what happened all those years ago. In particular, his memories of her father, Clarence Farnsworth. Breyer was blunt, as usual, but sympathetic to the man who was a gentle father figure to him. Liz, however, sees it as a careless betrayal. In her defense, her father's been badly misrepresented in the past. Breyer doesn't understand what her problem is, but respects her boundaries.
Any chance of a resolution?: maybe.
So he's a doctor. How's his bedside manner?: Lyndon B. Johnson's method of persuasion has been described by journalist Mary McGrory as “an incredible, potent mixture of persuasion, badgering, flattery, threats, reminders of past favors and future advantages." Breyer is as friendly as a St. Bernard and just as frightening, mostly due to the sheer fact that he could very easily make your life a living hell. Take your fucking vitamins.
His friends?: Myra, Warren, Homer Smoot, Liz (he hopes), Julius (eventually), probably his kids most of all.
His enemies?: Breyer doesn't have enemies because most people are smart enough not to alienate the only doctor in town. That being said, he has beef with Vernon Huxley, the mortician, and Cynthia Kline, the mayor's wife and local busybody.
Anything else?: he has two cats. Their names are Burger and Noodle. He talks with Homer Smoot frequently and considers him both a friend and a confessor. At present, he is Smoot's best primary source for information on the 1929 Disaster.
What does he look like?: tall stocky white guy with a graying crew cut, a prominent nose, and friendly but discerning eyes. Wears glasses. He's a bleeding heart free spirit but looks like a total square.
In my head he's a bit 'Bob Gunton in The Shawshank Redemption' and while he's scary as hell, he's ultimately a good guy. Just don't piss him off.
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I don't usually make a habit of 'fancasting' my characters, but that's the vibe.
(Breyer is actually my favorite character to write. You put him in a situation and goddamn, shit is gonna happen. He's objectively the best character in Decaelo. I enjoy him the most.)
One more thing: among his hobbies is actually... swing dancing. He used to dance competitively back in college and occasionally afterward.
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boydykedoctor · 2 years
i wrote this immediately after i got home from the NYC stranger things experience so it's kind of shitty but here's a summary:
you basically come in for a “sleep experiment” in the rainbow room as a test subject. the position of this event in the timeline of ST is super fuzzy and unclear and that's because it would make no sense if it was part of the actual story. it's basically an opportunity for self-insert fanfic in which the party members, Owens, and Brenner have one-sided conversations with you.
everyone in the sleep experiment group happens to have “powers," and we're sorted into three sections: I think they were physical (red), psychic (blue), and intuition (yellow)? Or something? Physical ppl (me) had telekinesis, psychic people could freeze things, and intuition could create visions (like kali) and mess with lights if i recall correctly. one by one, each group gets to do a little pose--like El holding up her hand--as a special effect, like a coke can getting crushed or "vision" spiders crawling around on the wall, occurs
Brenner finds out we have powers and tries to capture us by sending us off for more tests. (there's an actor who plays the scientist running you through the experiment, but then there's a hologram-like screen that shows the real Matt Modine talking to us and doing his creepy Papa thing)
When we move deeper into the lab, we hear Dustin and Erica in a vent, and they say that their friends El and Max are in danger in the Upside Down. Max went in by herself (i genuinely can't remember why. someone help.) and El went in after to rescue her. Now everyone else has to rescue them. The typical stuff. Will, Mike, and Lucas are in some other room of the lab, able to see what’s happening with cameras and tell us what to do/how to use our powers. there's a very cool effect with frosted doors and demodogs throwing themselves at the glass/blood spattering/doctors dying horrible deaths/etc. we run around for a bit as the party members mess with electronics to help get us out, and then we open a portal and go through to the UD.
we eventually find Max in the Upside Down (the woodsy part) and she talks to us, tells us she shouldn’t have gone off exploring on her own. El shows up but has trouble using her powers against the demodogs and demogorgons bc she’s been fighting for so long. we all give her our ~magical power energy~ (which feels odd and not like something that would be possible in canon but whatever). she's able to fight off the monsters and close the portal.
somehow this boots us out of the UD and into the normal Hawkins woods. everyone in the party shows up and thanks us and tells us we’re friends now. it’s cute. will is the only one who basically doesn’t do or say anything interesting, which is because we're strangers to him and he's shy but he's my fave okay :Y
all the scenes with the party are played by the real actors! they do some fun 3D stuff in the UD to make it look like everyone is standing in the room with you. except for at one point El is an in-the-flesh actor who has to lipsync to MBB's voice. i don't know why they did that but they did.
Oh i forgot one of the doctors who did the intro bits was extremely funny bc her only job was to stand there and stare at you creepily while her more gregarious counterpart explained what was going to happen. loved her.
there were a bunch of fun little details but i didn't get photos (phones were illegal. shout out to whoever got that shot of will, mike, and lucas) and my memory is shit :/ anybody else who went can feel free to add onto this post or correct me!
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tessacallovvay · 2 years
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[GRACIE DZIENNY, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER] who’s that? oh it’s [THERESA “TESSA” CALLOWAY]. i hear they’re [22] and are known as [THE SOUTHERN BELLE] around [THE COUNTRY CLUB]. they’re also a [SECRETARY] at [CITY HALL]. they’re known to be [SELF-ASSURED AND OBSERVANT] and [NOSY AND MANIPULATIVE]. some people say they remind them of [the honey bee sitting on a pitcher of sweet tea on a hot summer day, debutante balls and white lace gloves, smiles that don’t reach the eyes, the sharp scent of a fresh lemon and the sting of its juice in your eyes.].
full name: Theresa Rose Calloway
nickname(s): Tessa to everyone, Tess or Tessie to family
age: 22
date of birth: January 18th
hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
current location: Hawkins Indiana 
gender: Cis female
pronouns: she/her
orientation: Closeted bisexual – she refuses to recognize her attraction to women at the moment.
occupation: Secretary to the City Manager
Father: Kenneth Calloway II
Mother: Patricia Calloway
Siblings: Kenneth Calloway III (older brother) & Rebecca Calloway (younger sister)
If Tessa had her way, she would have never left New Orleans for po-dunk Hawkins, Indiana. But, unfortunately, she didn’t have much of a choice in where her father’s political aspirations took him. He had it in his mind that he was going to become a mayor, then a state representative, then a governor and well, sweetie—that just wasn’t going to happen in New Orleans. He was from Hawkins originally and, what would look better for the campaign slogan than seeing the prodigal Calloway son's return? So, at the age of 16, Tessa had her entire life uprooted and found herself in the middle of Boring, USA.
Or at least, that’s what she thought until the various… tragedies befell the town. Not a year after moving to town, people started turning up dead, that man who worked at the Radio Shack was mauled by what the police said were dogs? Then, the only place that made Hawkins bearable, the Starcourt Mall, burned down which just made everything so much worse. And people died, but whatever. Sure, Mayor Kline was arrested for it and his arrest allowed her father to finally win the elections he needed to get the ball rolling, but where was she going to get her hair done now?
Upon graduating Hawkins High, Tessa was accepted to her mother’s alma matter—Louisiana State University, where she majored in Communications. More importantly, she rushed and successfully joined Alpha Delta Pi, as a legacy of course. She enjoyed her four years—she made lifelong friends with her sorority sisters, graced every important party and social event with a beautiful new boy on her arm, and even managed to squeeze classes into her busy schedule. When it was all said and done, Tessa graduated with a diploma and… didn’t have much of a plan. College had been everything she’d dreamed of, and it had gone by in a blink of an eye. And what did she have to show for it? Aside from a string of disgruntled ex-boyfriends and backstabbing “sisters” not all that much.
Tessa returned to Hawkins and took a job as a secretary to one of the city managers at Town Hall. Her father being Mayor had nothing to do with it, no, not at all. Since working at Town Hall, Tessa’s enjoyed keeping up to date on all the gossip floating around Hawkins—were they ever going to get another mall? Did you hear that Bruce in the police department was seeing that lady at animal control? What a dog. She likes her job well enough, if only because she’s slowly becoming more and more aware of the dirty little secrets Hawkins likes to sweep under the rug.
Wanted Connections:
They’re My Best Friend: Tessa is vapid, shallow, and materialistic but even she needs friends. Particularly a best friend. In high school, she was one of the “It Girls” of school and always had a small trio of girls who were desperate for her approval. But, life after high school works a bit differently and popularity really doesn’t matter. Tessa needs a best friend—hopefully one who can take her down a peg. Maybe she’ll even learn something from them and become a better person.
High School Rivals: Tessa’s the type to hold a grudge and being back in Hawkins brings back all those wonderful high school memories. Maybe your character and her were just two people who would never have gotten along, the type who would have always clashed no matter what. Or maybe she bullied your character—she’s the type who would have. I’d love to explore a situation where the shitty people in high school have to come to terms with their past actions.
Irritating Siblings: Tessa has an older brother and a younger sister—I’d love to see either of them around in any capacity!
General Plot Interests:
I’m really interested in having Tessa find out more about Hawkins and what’s really been going on in town—either slowly over time or just getting thrown in the deep end. She’s more resilient than people would think and push comes to shove, she might actually be able to do something in a fight.
As far as her personal development and growth, I’m hoping to have her develop over time from a Regina George kinda gal to more of an Elle Woods. She’s not a nice person but she’s got the potential to learn and become a better, kinder one.
That said, I can also totally see her just becoming even worse! It all depends on what happens to her and who she surrounds herself with. Tessa grew up surrounded by toxic, entitled, selfish people her entire life—it’s hard to separate yourself from that.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
hi! could you do some hcs about hopper and his gf going to a fancy event and him being all handsy?
I’m so sorry this has taken so long!! Thank you so much for requesting this, I hope you’re doing okay!
NSFW below the cut!
Hopper hates going out.
Actually, hate is a strong word.
He hates going somewhere he doesn’t know. He doesn’t like going out. If he could, he’d hole up in his trailer until the end of time with beer, his record player, crime novels and a TV.
That was before he met you. When he did... well, he kind of started to like going out, as long as it was with you. In your first few months of dating, you went to the cinema, to restaurants, to shops, to his favourite bar, over to his colleagues’ houses for BBQs and dinners and he found that maybe, slightly, a little bit, sometimes, he enjoyed himself. As long as you were back at his or yours by midnight.
‘oKaY CiNdErElLa’ you are oft to say as he pulls his jacket on and eyes up the door.
The Hawkins City Hall Gala is an event that happens every year, once a year to celebrate the bravest and best of Hawkins, with some citizens invited who are honoured, and officials and those from the police, hospital and fire department also in attendance. It sounds fancy? It isn’t. As much as Mayor Kline likes to put on a show, get all those invited dressed up to the nines and free champagne going, it’s just an adult version of a school awards assembly.
Hopper has to go. Has to. When he once tried to decline, Kline sent a huge gift basket to his trailer and to the Station every day until he called and said ‘ACTUALLY YES I WILL COME’.
Usually he goes with his work buddies and they bring their wives or girlfriends and they’ll hang around in a corner drinking and eating until the awards ceremony starts and then they’ll all sit together at the back bored out of their minds.
You’ve been dating for nearly six months when it comes round to it, and he invites you, in the way that Hopper would invite.
‘It’s just a shitty little ego parade thing for Kline, some people are good there, they deserve the awards sometimes, but more often than not it’s just some kids and old people gettin’ ‘em for living a long time or doing the most paper rounds or some shit like that, but the food’s good and the drinks are free ‘cause Kline wants everyone to have a good time and it finishes at about 11 and then there’s the after-party which is usually shitty, too, so we can just come home or go to a bar with the guys and their girls or just come home, I don’t mind.’
‘... So do you want me to come.’
‘Yeah. If you’re not busy or have anything better to do ‘cause really it is so shitty─’
‘I’ll come.’
‘You sure? It’s really shitty, it’s just the worst─’
‘Stop, I’m coming.’ you will be
On the night, you’ll be dressed up to the nines like everyone else, wearing your favourite outfit, which also happens to be Hop’s favourite outfit on you, but he likes anything on you so it doesn’t exactly count, and he’s in a suit, one hand in his pocket, the other holding yours.
After being greeted by Kline and his wife on the steps, the Mayor’s constant grin verging on maniacal, Hop’ll make a beeline for the nearest drinks and you’ll just have caught up with him when he’s heading to a corner, his colleagues already there with their partners. They’ll have hoarded some food and beer and champagne bottles already and you’ll resign yourself to the not so terrible idea of just hanging out here all night.
Hop’s hand will settle on your lower back and a conversation with start up about the food or the drink or Kline, in hushed tones, and that’ll be it.
Except you start to feel Hopper’s hand drifting down a little.
And then a lot.
Your back is to the wall, so no one can see, but you’re very much hoping no one notices your slightly widening eyes, your lips parting then quickly closing, and the hitching in your breath.
Hopper, on the other hand, is cool as a cucumber, nodding and carrying out a conversation with Powell without missing a beat. His hand is now fully cupping your ass, fingers splaying and gently caressing. You have to fight very hard to stop your back from arching.
You bastard...
What is it about him and his touch that has you turned on in seconds?
His fingers drift lower, sliding in until they’re near your covered pussy, and damn him...
Your attention is drawn away, momentarily, by someone standing at the other end of the room calling for everyone’s attention. As the preliminary speeches start, your little group quietens, but Hopper’s hand doesn’t move.
It slides even closer, his fingers caressing in slow, light circles.
You have to fight so hard to keep your breathing even, your hands clasped tightly in front of you.
Hopper shifts his stance slightly, his head leaning down, and he murmurs into your ear so only you can hear;
‘I bet you’re wet already, aren’t you.’
Oh, fuck.
Clearing your throat, you smile politely at your group and excuse yourself quietly, saying you need to use the restroom. Hopper’s hand slides off your ass, but not before his fingers give a slight squeeze.
Message received.
You have to ask one of the staff where the restroom even is, hoping your slightly flushed and faintly jittery attitude will just be interpreted as confusion and a desperate need to go.
She points towards a grand staircase and tells you to go right before it. You do, your heart pounding with anticipation.
God, this place is fancy.
Hopper mutters all the time about how Kline has poured the majority of the town’s money into this place, and, hell, next time he mutters you’re going to join him.
There are three doors, all having a gold ‘W/C’ on them. You open the furthest one at the end of the corridor and step in, quickly closing the door behind you and leaving it unlocked before you survey the room. It’s very fancy.
Gold everywhere. Gold everything.
You pull a slight face at trying to take it all in, the slightly dim lighting shining off of it all.
Then, the door opens behind you.
Turning, you watch Hopper step in, your breath catching in your throat. His eyes are on you, darker, focused. Closing the door, he doesn’t even blink as he locks it.
‘Are you?’ he asks in a low, gravelled tone.
Your three seconds of silence are just to tease him.
He closes the distance between you in two seconds.
Hands cupping your face, he captures your lips in a fierce, demanding kiss, long fingers spreading across the sides of your neck. You return it instantly, hands gripping at the back of his suit jacket to both steady yourself and keep him against you.
He’ll take you hard against the counter, your hands having to grip the sink as he thrusts into you from behind, hands tight on your hips.
‘Look at me...’ he’ll growl, and you’ll lift your gaze, meeting his in the reflection of the gilded mirror as moans tumble from your lips. ‘... Yeah... Look at me while I fuck you, sweetheart... while my cock’s deep inside you... I want you to look at me while I feel you cum...’
No one will notice that it takes you both ten minutes to return, and that you’re still trying to catch your breath, and his shirt is rumpled, tie now knotted too tightly.
It’ll only take a few moments for his hand to return to your ass, and a smile will pull at your lips, his last words to you lingering in your mind.
‘Oh, you just wait until we’re home, sweetheart...’
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backtohawkins · 2 years
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good luck and have a bitchin summer!
[GRACIE DZIENNY, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER] who’s that? oh it’s [THERESA “TESSA” CALLOWAY]. i hear they’re [22] and are known as [THE SOUTHERN BELLE] around [THE COUNTRY CLUB]. they’re also a [SECRETARY] at [CITY HALL]. they’re known to be [SELF-ASSURED AND OBSERVANT] and [NOSY AND MANIPULATIVE]. some people say they remind them of [the honey bee sitting on a pitcher of sweet tea on a hot summer day, debutante balls and white lace gloves, smiles that don’t reach the eyes, the sharp scent of a fresh lemon and the sting of its juice in your eyes.]. [Kieran, 27, She/her, Clowns (visual images), self-harm, eating disorders, MST]
If Tessa had her way, she would have never left New Orleans for po-dunk Hawkins, Indiana. But, unfortunately, she didn’t have much of a choice in where her father’s political aspirations took him. He had it in his mind that he was going to become a mayor, then a state representative, then a governor and well, sweetie—that just wasn’t going to happen in New Orleans. He was from Hawkin’s originally and, what would look better for the campaign slogan than seeing the prodigal Calloway son’s return? So, at the age of 16, Tessa had her entire life uprooted and found herself in the middle of Boring, USA.
Or at least, that’s what she thought until the various… tragedies befell the town. Not a year after moving to town, people started turning up dead, that man who worked at the Radio Shack was mauled by what the police said were dogs? Then, the only place that made Hawkins bearable, the Starcourt Mall, burned down which just made everything so much worse. And people died, but whatever. Sure, Mayor Kline was arrested for it and his arrest allowed her father to finally win the elections he needed to get the ball rolling, but where was she going to get her hair done now?
Upon graduating Hawkins High, Tessa was accepted to her mother’s alma matter—Louisiana State University, where she majored in Communications. More importantly, she rushed and successfully joined Alpha Delta Pi, as a legacy of course. She enjoyed her four years—she made lifelong friends with her sorority sisters, graced every important party and social event with a beautiful new boy on her arm, and even managed to squeeze classes into her busy schedule. When it was all said and done, Tessa graduated with a diploma and… didn’t have much of a plan. College had been everything she’d dreamed of, and it had gone by in a blink of an eye. And what did she have to show for it? Aside from a string of disgruntled ex-boyfriends and backstabbing “sisters” not all that much.
Tessa returned to Hawkins and took a job as a secretary to one of the city managers at Town Hall. Her father being Mayor had nothing to do with it, no, not at all. Since working at Town Hall, Tessa’s enjoyed keeping up to date on all the gossip floating around Hawkins—were they ever going to get another mall? Did you hear that Bruce in the police department was seeing that lady at animal control? What a dog. She likes her job well enough, if only because she’s slowly becoming more and more aware of the dirty little secrets Hawkins likes to sweep under the rug.
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harringrovetrashrat · 3 years
Tagged by @disdaidal !!!  Thank you!  Omg I’m like 🥺💖🥺💖
So, I figure since I have so many things I’m working on, and no idea when I’ll actually finish them (outside of my Big Bang Project), I should share the bits of them that I do actually have dhfoiahfiosh
What we have are these:
A fic where Billy meets some older queer people while kicked out, and learns from them how to love himself
“So I’m guessing you’ve never met a queen before,” they said. Billy shook his head.
“I’ve never met any royalty.” Juicy laughed and it made Billy feel like he’d said the wrong thing until she looked at him again, practically beaming.
“Well honey, there’s queens abound in here. Drag Queens, specifically.” Billy’s mouth formed a small ‘o’.
“So, you’re a… man?” Juicy shook her head.
“Personally, I find man and woman too limiting. All gender is a costume, darling. I just think dresses are prettier than suits.”
“You haven’t been in the right suits,” Cindy said with a smirk. Juicy gave her the finger without looking.
“It’s called taste, sweetie.” Cindy just laughed. Billy stared at Juicy, feeling awed by them. They were so tall, toned and beautiful. Their skin was dark and glistened with the glitter they’d spread over it. “I’m sure you have taste, don’t you munchkin?” Billy couldn’t help it and he pouted.
“I’m not short, I’m average for my age,” he snapped. Juicy just smiled.
“I like you,” they said, pointing a long nailed finger at him.
A Cheesy Summer Camp Horror fic, with romance and comedy because Like.  Y’all know me.
“Let’s stop talking about her,” Heather cut in. “Let’s talk about this weekend.”
“This weekend?” Billy asked, perking up. “What about it?”
“Well, I was thinking we could celebrate the end of the first week with a skinny dip,” she said, eyes sparkling. Billy didn’t miss the flush that crossed over Robin’s face, though he wasn’t entirely sure who it was directed at. He definitely had a guess.
“I’m game!” Tommy piped up, grin wide, anger disappearing from his face. Billy rolled his eyes and snorted, but raised his hand, tongue running over his top teeth.
“Why not,” he said, giving his eyebrows a quirk. “I ain’t no pussy.”
“Of course,” Adam muttered, rolling his eyes. Billy’s eyes snapped over and narrowed. “Isn’t it a little, I dunno, juvenile?”
“Oh come on,” Steve chimed in, munching on the cookie now, relaxing with the change of topic. “Maybe so, but it’s summer, it’s camp, why not, right? Start it off with a bang?” His smile was teasing, bright, and Billy found it hard to look away, hard to deny that smile what it wanted.
The Reverse AU where Steve moves to Hawkins with his father and step family, Claudia and Dustin, and Billy was adopted into the Mayfields
“I’m not--! It’s just midterms! That’s what has me all out of sorts.” He opened his notebook and tried to will his blush away. There was a soft thud and Nancy joined them.
“What has you out of sorts?” She asked.
“Billy so has a crush on that new guy from New York,” Heather said. Billy made a noise of protest when Nancy smiled, leaning over.
“Oh he’s so cute! Truly impeccable taste you have,” she teased. Billy rested his head on the table.
“I hate both of you so fucking much,” he hissed.
“No you don’t,” they chorused.
“I do, I really do,” Billy replied.
Mermaid AU where Steve and Billy were young friends before being separated.  Steve tries to reunite them obviously
“I can show you a bunch of cool stuff,” Billy said, feeling oddly proud of himself. And well, the ocean was his home. And he never got the chance to really show it off to someone who didn’t already know it. “If I show you the ocean, will you tell me more about humans?” Steve nodded. “Like, why are all the ships girls?”
“Huh,” Steve said, tapping his chin with his finger. “I don’t actually know… Usually I think ‘cause a guy names them. I’ll ask my tutor. He knows everything.” Steve wasn’t a huge fan of Professor Owens, but he was nice enough. He let Steve find things to bring in and ask questions about, he didn’t get mad like Steve’s other tutors had when he had trouble reading. So even though Owens still pushed for Steve to focus more on his future, he was better than the other adults in Steve’s life.
“Tutor?” Billy asked. “What’s that?”
“Like a teacher,” Steve replied. “But like… Different.” In fact, Steve wasn’t totally sure what the difference was. Billy just squinted, looking confused.
“Different… how?”
“Uh, tutors are… are taller,” Steve replied matter of factly. Professor Owens was taller than Ms. Joyce had been, so there wasn’t anything to argue against that. Billy nodded seriously, making a note.
There was a ringing bell and a distant voice calling Steve’s name, making him sigh dramatically. It was already time? Billy’s ears twitched a little and he looked at Steve.
“What’s that?”
“That’s my nanny,” Steve said, mopey and pouting.
More of You’ll Find Me Looking Over the Edge of the World
“Oh, King Steve thinking about skipping?” Billy tugged him down, making Steve stumble as a fist started rubbing against his scalp and messing up his hair.
“Fuck, dude!” Steve cried, nearly dropping his tray. Billy just cackled, letting him go and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“No,” Nancy said through grit teeth. “He’s thinking about staying and taking--”
“He can’t go around looking like that,” Billy said with faux concern, eyes all worried as he leaned on the table with one hand and used the other to point at Steve’s, now fully messed up, hair. “I think Steve’ll have to take the afternoon, don’t you?” Billy turned to look over his shoulder, not seeing the way Nancy rubbed at her temples as Jonathan very obviously tried not to snicker. Steve almost felt bad. Billy knocked on the table with his knuckles, pushing up with a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him home safely.”
“Get me home--” Steve began, but before he could finish his sentence, Billy was shoving him around and out of the cafeteria. Nancy sighed, shaking her head, giving Steve a look he knew would turn into a talk later. “Sorry guys!” Steve tossed over his shoulder.
Billy with a rat he named Max to piss off Max (he calls her human Max and she hates it)
“And what the fuck are you doing here?!” He asked her. Max, the little trouble maker, just squeaked at him, wriggling in his grip. “No fucking wonder I didn’t see you in Barbie’s house this morning, you decided to be a fucking Houndini, didn’t you.” She squeaked again, tail swirling and dragging along his wrist. He heard footsteps behind him and moved to shove her back into his jacket sleeve when Steve approached.
“You okay-- Oh!” Steve blinked, brows raised as he saw Max reach with her small, cute little pink hands to grab for Billy’s hard nipple again. “So…”
“Cut that out!” Billy hissed, moving her down to cradle her against his stomach. She settled in, but she was definitely hungry and would get restless again quickly. “I didn’t see her this morning but just assumed she was hiding in her little pile.”
“Me too,” Steve said, checking around the hallway for anyone who was late. Luckily, there was no one around to see them trying to hide a rat in Billy’s jacket. “How’d she even get out?”
“I mean, we are keeping her in a Barbie dream house instead of a cage--”
“Really? You’re gonna sass me now? After you insisted that she ‘live like the princess she is’--”
Stranger Than Fiction AU
“Billy, I swear to fucking god if you don’t get out there right now--” Billy stumbled out from the back, head turned to glare at Max, who was pushing him from behind. She pushed until he was at the counter, face to face with Steve. He glared, though his face was flush. Max crossed her arms. “Like we fuckin’ practiced.” Billy shot her another angry glance, but then looked back to Steve. Who was so confused.
“Max may have, uhm, brought it to my attention that I may have overreacted just the tiniest little bit.”
“That’s not at all right,” Max said under her breath. Billy swatted behind him without looking, missing her completely.
“Anyway,” he pressed on, “I just,” he sighed, pushing an errant curl behind his ear. Steve watched the movement before snapping his eyes back to Billy’s. “I don’t often take the chance to be nice, so I got maybe a little offended.” Max scoffed. “Okay a lot offended,” he said with an eye roll. Steve couldn’t help it; he snorted. Billy’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes lit up, like a kid who just learned Santa was real. Steve blushed, looking away, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face.
“It’s okay,” he replied, turning back to look at Billy. The sun lit up the stray blonde hairs poking out of his messy bun, making a light halo around him. Steve had to catch his breath.
It was like looking at an angel, vengeful and dangerous, but exciting all at once. His eyes seemed to shine, bright and gleeful, but also full of mischief.
“It’s okay,” Steve repeated, feeling his face heat up more. “I would have taken them if I could. They were amazing.” He smiled, nodding towards the stairs. “I should get to it though. Last day and all.” Something sad briefly flickered over Billy’s face, but it was gone as soon as it was there, and Steve thought he must have imagined it.
“Yeah, good luck,” Billy said. Max was smiling, smug, and she punched Billy’s shoulder.
Leverage AU
“Well,” he said slowly, letting the trio shake off their shadows. “The lab closed.” This isn’t about the kid was the underlying message. “But, what’s happening now is that Mayor Kline accepted a lot of weird bribes. They’re from a company called Starcourt Industries. Now, that’s the name of the mall that opened, Starcourt, but what’s weird--”
“--Is that they didn’t exist for very long before suddenly popping up in Indiana,” Alec cut in. “It reads like one of our companies. General background, seems legit, but I did a lot of poking around most of this stuff leads to loose ends. It took a while to get there, so at first glance…” The group nodded. At first glance everything checked out, and even a little digging would provide a general cover that most people wouldn’t think to look past.
Of course, none of them were most people.
“So who are they?” Eliot asked.
“All of the loose ends lead back to Russia,” Alec said. “But nothing concrete or connected, just more companies that do really general stuff. It goes real deep.” The implications there were discomforting. Alec was a genius, and excelled in his line of work, but this kind of grand scale cover up meant one thing: this was bigger than just a few bad apples in a company. This was a plan.
“So who’s the client?” Sophie asked. Nate pulled up a picture of a grumpy looking man, mustache groomed and eyes hard, but kind.
“Chief Jim Hopper.” That got Parker’s attention, bringing her out of the funk she’d been in since the mention of San Diego and Billy.
“Like, Police Chief?”
“Yep,” Nate said, popping the P. “He’s the one who found the kid, found out there was something going on at the lab. Now, he’s positive something weird is going on. Knows he’s done everything he can to legally take the Mayor down, but the man has a lot of friends in high places, and Jim can’t do anything. And that’s,” he smiled, “Where we come in.”
That’s still merely some of what I have going on, but that’s what I’ll share rn. Anyway, tag me in ur WIPs! I’d love to read them :) tag ur it
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parkvcrs · 4 years
Stakeout ;
SUMMARY: steve harrington and dustin henderson go on a stakeout, searching for soviet spies.
PAIRING: steve harrington x fem!reader.
WARNING(S): mild cursing since dustin swears like a sailor sometimes.
NOTES: i hope you have a good day. ^—^
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The Starcourt Mall was a shopping centre located in Hawkins, Indiana and a subsidiary of Starcourt Industries. The mall's opening in 1985 was inaugurated by Mayor Larry Kline. Both Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley worked at the Scoops Ahoy, an ice cream store, in the mall's food court. The place quickly became a popular hangout for teenagers and adolescents.
Although Starcourt appears to be a normal mall at first glance, it was actually built as a front for a secret Russian base, which houses the first Key built on American soil. This base was hidden far underground. Starcourt Industries is also controlled by the Soviet Union.
At the Starcourt Mall, Robin is translating the Russian message, rejecting Erica Sinclair’s request for more "samples". Her coworker Steve Harrington is not on duty, instead sneaking around the mall with Dustin Henderson using a pair of binoculars.
“You see anything?” Dustin questioned his partner in crime who is currently looking at shoppers through the pair of binoculars as the pair hid behind a planet display. “Uh, I guess I don't totally know what I'm looking for.” Steve sighed, longing for their search to end so he could return to the job that pays him minimum-wage.
“Evil Russians.”
“Yeah, exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like.” Steve pointed out, mumbling.
“Tall, blond, not smiling,” Dustin presumed what the Soviets looked like, frowning as he looked around the perimeter of the mall as well. Steve, hummed since he was humoured by the teenager’s persistent demeanour. “Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing.”
“Right, okay, duffel bags,” Steve repeated the boy’s sentence in a groggy tone. After a few moments, something catches his attention. “Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.”
The tone in Steve Harrington’s voice intrigued Dustin Henderson beyond all recognition because he believed they found a lead in their investigation. “What?” The teenager asked in a hurried manner.
“Y/n L/n is talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky.” Steve groans, squinting his eyes to ensure his eyes weren’t deceiving him.
Dustin peels behind the plant they hid behind, searching for Y/n before catching a glance at her. “She works at JCPenney. She’s talking to customers since it’s her job, you Airhead. You aren’t focused, just give me the binoculars.” Dustin briefly explained the situation before ultimately wanting to reprimand his superior of his binocular privileges.
“Aw, whatever happened to standards?” Steve ignored the young boy beside him. He continued to eavesdrop on the people who used to attend Hawkins High School. “I mean, Lewinsky never even came off the bench.” He added.
“Dude, you are the worst spy in history, you know that?” Dustin insulted the high school graduate before taking it upon himself to snatching the binoculars. “Stop, hey. Stop.” Steve swatted the teenager’s hand away as he continued to look at Y/n whilst Dustin was able to take the binoculars and use them to his advance to scout out the Soviets.
“I don't get why you're looking at girls. You literally have the perfect one in front of you — just go talk to her.” Dustin gestured towards the h/c haired girl who separated from Mark Lewinsky and started talking to other customers scattered around the mall.
“You know what? I don’t want to hear any more about N/n. Just…” He then transitioned to a hushed voice, regretting what he was going to say next. “Look for evil Russians?”
“Y/n,” Dustin said quickly to get on Steve’s nerves which seemed to work wonders.
“Seriously, if you say her name again...” Steve trailed off, looking over at Dustin before turning his attention back to the h/c haired girl.
“Y/n,” Dustin repeated himself as Steve Harrington fumed beside the teenager. “No, don't. No.” He waved his arms as a gesture to Dustin that he needed to stop whatever he was trying to achieve.
“N/n, N/n, N/n.”
“No, man, she's not my type,” Steve lied through his teeth and he came to the conclusion that he will go on with his fabrication. “She's not even... in the ballpark of what my type is, all right?”
“What's your type again? Not awesome?” Dustin poked fun at the adult’s taste in women. “Thank you,” Steve replies in a sarcastic tone as the young teenager hums.
“And, for your information, she's still in school. And she's... weird?” Steve’s tone was inquisitive, his eyebrows knitting together as he tried to come up with more excuses. Yeah… she's a weirdo. And she's hyper — always happy when she came to school. I don't like that she's hyper. And I think she did drama. And you know that’s a bad look.”
“Now that you're out of high school, which means you're technically an adult, don't you think it's time you move on from primitive constructs such as popularity?” Dustin practically insulted Steve, lowering the binoculars from his eyes.
“Oh, primitive constructs?” He repeated his sentence. “That some stupid shit you learned at Camp...” he gestured towards Dustin’s hat. “Know... Nothing?”
“Camp Know Where, actually,” Dustin corrected Steve, giving him a strained smile because he took pride in going to the camp for the summer. “And no, it's shit I learned from life. Instead of dating somebody you think is gonna make you look cooler, why not date somebody you actually enjoy being around — although I don’t know N/n all that well. Just look at me and Suzie for an example.”
“Oh, Suzie. Yeah, you mean, ‘hotter than Phoebe Cates,’” He didn’t believe that Dustin actually managed to get a girlfriend over the course of the season. “And, uh, let's think about how exactly did you score that beautiful girlfriend?”
Before Dustin could respond to Steve’s questions, a voice interrupted their discussion, “Harrington!” It was a feminine voice that the graduate recognized almost immediately.
The boys looked in the general direction of the spokesperson to see none other than Y/n L/n approaching them. Steve was like a deer in headlights, stunned that he was spotted.
As she got closer, Steve nudged Dustin in the ribs and signalled towards the binoculars he had in hand and silently demanded him to hid them. Not wanting Y/n to get the wrong idea.
Knowing that Y/n was bound to embrace him, Steve wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm before pulling away for a few seconds.
“Have have you been?” She laughed, resting her hands on her hip. “Good.” Steve did not want to admit that he concluded not to go to college and was now working at a store that paid minimum wage.
“What are you doing here?” Y/n looks between the two, knowing that it would be rude not to include Dustin into their chat.
“Looking for evil Russians.” Dustin Henderson admitted, earning him a sigh from Steve who pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Okay?” Y/n giggles at the teenager’s peculiar response. “Well, my colleague, Vanessa, told me that you work at Scoops Ahoy. I didn’t know you worked there.” She looked at Steve’s brightly coloured sailor uniform that he donned.
“You didn’t?” Steve asks, checking the liability of her declaration.
“Yeah. I might have to come down there sometime when I’m on break to see what it’s like,” Y/n nods her head, looking around at the crowd just as a distance voice calls for her. She awkwardly laughs, facing the boys sheepishly, “That must be my manager. I should get going. See you around, Harrington.” She bids farewell as she left their side.
“Y-Yeah...” Steve Harrington stammered, watching as she disappeared among the shoppers. “Told you so.” Dustin Henderson laughed, pulling out the binoculars that he hid behind his back.
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Being Crowley’s daughter and dating Jack Kline would include...
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
Of course you were half demon, your mother was human but died when you were 10
You met the boys way back when you were a teen; maybe around 15 years old in season 8 or 9
You were half demon but your mom showed love, taught you to give it back and be kind
You were the ultimate princess of Hell duh
While the boys were hesitant around you, they eventually grew to love you
And ohhh...your dad always threatened them if you tagged along in hunts
“You let a monster lay one finger on my little bear’s head, and I will end you two.” “Daaaaaad….”
Rowena never admitted it, but she utterly loved and adored you. She thought of you as an apprentice since you sometimes practiced spells with her
During Kelly’s pregnancy with Jack, you became her protector as well as Jack’s
Kelly was also hesitant around you since you were half demon, she didn’t want you to maybe end up killing her and her baby or even using Jack as a weapon once he was born
Just like the Winchester brothers, she grew to care for you too. Kelly knew Jack liked you from the start because he always just happened to kick whenever you touched her stomach
You were there when your dad killed himself for the boys, Sam was the one holding you back
Your dad’s last glance at you was a small, simple smile. “Goodbye boys. Take care of my little bear.”
When he stabbed himself, you screamed so loud that Sam and Dean winced at the pain in your voice
When Cas died a little later, you were crying right next to Dean on the ground because he was practically an uncle to you just like Sam and Dean
You mourned for three people that night; your dad, Castiel and Kelly
You vowed to avenge your dad no matter what, you were angry and sad just like Dean for so long
You never went back to Hell and you were sure that you weren’t even the next ruler of Hell anyway, not that it mattered to you
When you guys found Jack, it was strange to see that he was actually your age
You barely talked to him, angry at him for what his father did to Cas and made your dad do
Soon, you slowly began to open up to Jack more and more because he was really one of the only people you could talk to
His innocence was actually kinda adorable, his questions about life were funny too
“(Y/n), what is this?” “That is a pair of headphones, Jack.”
You were still a little bitter towards him until you literally cried on his shoulder one night about how you felt
“I was too weak to save my father, to save Castiel and soon, maybe I’ll be too weak to save you and the boys.”
You half expected Jack to be a little angry at you but he was actually really kind and gentle about it
That was when you realized you were gaining feelings for the nephilim and you didn’t even bother denying it
Unknown to you, Jack was feeling the same way
Castiel coming back was amazing to you and Dean, your uncle came back from the dead!
“Two salty hunters, a half demon princess, one half angel kid, a guy who just back from the dead. Team Free Will 2.0, here we go.”
But the happiness didn’t last long when Jack ran away because he didn’t want to hurt anybody after he accidentally killed a man
Once you found him again, you almost slapped him and yelled at him
“How dare you leave like that?! Do you know how scared and worried I was for you?!”
That was when you had your first kiss with him
He was trying to calm you down but you just caved in and smashed your lips onto his own
Jack didn’t really know what to do but went along with it anyway since he really liked you too
Rescuing Jack and Mary (the Winchesters’ mother) from the other dimension was tiring but you did end up saving both of them later on
Seeing Lucifer again and Jack went off with him, you felt mildly betrayed and hurt
Lucifer tried to convince his son that you didn’t really love him, that you were just using him to get back at his father
Jack never bought it though, he knew you loved him more than anything
He felt so powerless without his grace, Jack was so tired and all he wanted to do was be with you again
When you were trapped in the church with Jack, Sam and Lucifer, you tried your best to kill the devil with your powers
“Poor little girl…left all alone by her daddy.” “Screw you.”
You felt so weak not being able to defeat Lucifer, so vulnerable and weak
Lucifer finally tired you three out and gave a small proposition; one of you dies by the archangel blade and the other two walks out alive
Sam gave you and Jack the blade and told you to kill him but you weren’t having it, so you took the blade from him and pressed it against your own stomach
“I love you, Jack. I love you both so much.” “(Y/n) no!”
Just before you could finish the job, Dean came in and began to fight Lucifer with Michael
Jack was holding you from collapsing becuse the blade had drawn some blood
“Why would you do that?” You smiled weakly at him. “Because I’m not letting either of you die for someone as worthless as me.”
The battle was won by Michael!Dean and finally after all these years, Lucifer was dead
The victory was short lived when Michael had taken full control over Dean and left
Dean was MIA for so long and Jack was feeling worthless without his powers, it was all so much
You, of course, comforted Jack about how he felt. He didn’t deserve to have his grace taken away by someone he thought cared about him
You were so scared when his illness was starting to take him over. Jack was dying and there was nothing you could do to help
When Jack died and went to Heaven, his own Heaven was with you and the boys until he (sadly) had to leave it to go to his mother’s
Jack brought you up to her, telling Kelly that he was in love with you to which she just smiled
“I’m in love with her, mom.” “I know, Jack. I know.”
Rowena was used as a suit for Michael and when he went to attack at the bunker, Jack killed him and gained his grace back….at the cost of burning his soul out
Soulless Jack was saddening to you, he was empty and wasn’t the same boy as before
You weren’t even sure he loved you anymore since he couldn’t feel anything at all
You set your feelings and concerns aside and continued to act the same as you normally would with Jack in your relationship, but it was never the same
After he killed Mary Winchester, you became much more worried about his condition and mildly scared at his actions
Jack being locked away by Sam and Dean was torture to you. Yes, he didn’t have a soul anymore but he was still the same boy you fell in love with. You missed him
When he escaped, God/Chuck came back and was the one who told you that you needed to kill Jack or it could be very dangerous
Instead of Dean, you were the one holding the gun to Jack’s head while he kneeled on the ground, ready to die
In the end, you couldn’t kill him. He was still Jack, he was still your everything and still the love of your life
But before you knew it, Chuck killed Jack himself and raised the souls from Hell
As you and the boys were trapped in the tomb with no way out, you sobbed and mourned over Jack’s dead body with his eyes burned out
The amount of anger you had for Belphegor when he had the audacity to use your boyfriend’s body as a vessel was only felt once for when your dad died
Sealing off the town was hard enough when you had a demon in your ass the whole damn time. Belphegor never left you alone
“Hey sweetheart...” “Belphegor, I am half demon and I will literally send you back to Hell no matter what.”
You went with Belphegor and Castiel down to the rupture in Hell in order to finally get rid of all the ghosts and souls
While down there, you found out that Belphegor was really planning on sucking up all the souls to be as powerful as God
You managed to get him down and punched him so many times that his lip was bleeding and his sunglasses came off, showing Jack’s full face
“Please (Y/n)...stop. It’s me...Jack.” “....You’re not him. And you’ll never be him.”
You killed Belphegor using your powers and needless to say, Dean was not very happy about going off-plan (which was stupid to you because you would’ve had to kill the demon anyway)
You had never felt so depressed and empty in all your life. Your mom and dad were dead, Rowena was dead because of the spell she had to use and Jack was dead as well. Everyone you ever loved was dead and you were just an empty shell of who you used to be
But when Jack was resurrected by Billie the Reaper, you felt the same way as Dean did when Cas came back
It wasn’t until you realized that he was the exact same as before, soulless. You couldn’t bare it, Jack didn’t love or care about anything anymore.
As much as you still loved him, you finally broke things off with him because no matter how much you tried to deny it, your old Jack was gone
When those hellhounds were after you all, Sam and Dean were the ones holding the doors shut while you, Jack, and Cas were in the main part of the chapel trying to activate the Occultum...until Jack swallowed it
“Where’s the Occultum?” “I ate it.” “YOU WHAT?”
Just before the hellhounds could maul the four of you to death, there was a bright light that killed them and Jack’s unconscious body appeared onto the floor
Later, Jack was found awake in the bunker’s kitchen, crying to himself and Cas told the rest of you that his soul has been restored
You couldn’t help but let a small tear escape your eye. Jack was so innocent and new to the world but already was introduced to so many horrible things within three years
You loved Jack, and you always would no matter what happens to him or you
A/N: Most of you might know about the BLM protests and the unjust murder of George Floyd but if you haven’t donated or signed any petitions yet, I would strongly suggest that you do! Black Lives Matter! I hear you and I stand with you.
Justice For George Floyd - https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd
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@snekintheeye asked: Kia ora! Hi! Could I request an Alexei x reader, where reader is a cop (thought to be a toxic manly man) that finds an injured Alexei at the Carnival and just fluff accepting vibes all around?? S3 killed me, my dude :'))
this took much longer than it should have oof, here you go:>
y/n could never seemed to catch a break. being a cop was a way to help people, and it hadn't been panning out like that so far, especially this summer. physical strength had always been one of y/n's advantages, he'd thought people would feel safe when they saw him. despite what his appearance gave off, y/n wasn't a tough guy. he cried at sappy movies, halloween was his least favourite time of the year, and he was still afraid of the dark. no one saw that when they looked at him, and y/n hated it. he hated the looks he would get when he was on patrol, he hated that no matter what he tried he always seemed to intimidate people. no matter what he tried, he could never shake the reputation of the intimidating cop that everyone seemed to be wary of.
he hadn't done anything to warrant this reputation either. he'd never never hurt a fly, anyone who knew him personally could vouch for that, people in hawkins just weren't used to seeing some tough looking big city cop in their small town. because of this unspoken reputation, he was mostly stuck with security, his presence was enough to ward off any would be delinquents easily, and today was no different. mayor kline's fourth of july fun fair. his task was simple enough, patrol around the ground and make sure no one was getting up to anything illegal, nothing out of the ordinary. he'd expected tonight to be like any normal night, and it seemed as if it would be, till he'd decided to take a quick look behind some of the stalls to make sure no one had decided to try and hide away from any prying eyes.
it was coming closer to the end of the night with every stall he checked, and y/n was getting ready to head back to his set round when he'd noticed someone propped against a food stall. "you can't be behind.." his voice trailed off as he got a better look at the person, a man, and he was clearly heavily injured, if the copious amount of blood staining his shirt was anything to go by. "shit- what happened to you?" y/n knelt down beside the man, pressing his hand against the source of the blood. how someone had gotten an injury like this at a carnival was beyond him, but that besides the point right now. "what on earth happened to you?" he asked, letting out a quiet sigh when all he got was intelligible mumbling from stranger. reaching for his radio, y/n went to call for backup a confused frown forming on his face when the injured man, who somehow hadn't passed out from the blood loss yet, grabbed his hand to stop him.
"i'm just calling for backup-" y/n didn't get to finish his sentence before he was being interrupted. "listening-" from his accent y/n could immediately tell this guy wasn't from around here, or anywhere remotely close to here for that matter, he probably didn't speak much english either. "who's listening?" y/n moved his hand away from the radio to place it on top of the already bloodstained one trying to stop the wound from bleeding, applying as much pressure as he could muster. the man pointed towards the wound, looking up at y/n, and he understood immediately. "the people who did this to you?" he asked, looking away for a moment when he got a nod in response. this was not how he'd expected tonight to go.
"okay.. i'm gonna get you help, alright? I'm not leaving you alone, and we can't use the radio, so.." they were fast running out of options, and y/b could see the stranger growing weaker with every passing minute. for a moment he hesitated, he'd never thought he'd have to deal with anything like this, but he knew he had to act quickly if there was any chance of this guy surviving. quickly he moved to pull off his uniform shirt, shivering a little at the abnormally cold summer night wind that hit him as he was left in just his singlet and pants. "you need to keep pressure on this, okay? i'll get you help, i promise" his words probably did nothing to calm the bleeding man since y/n was sure he couldn't understand him, but he was sure the other got the jist of it when he pressed the shirt against his wound and moved to press his hands against it before pulling away.
peaking his head out from behind the stall, y/n couldn't see any way that wouldn't draw attention to them, and he couldn't call for help either. if y/n couldn't find a way out soon, this man was going to die. y/n was starting to loose hope, until he spotted a jacket strewn across the back of a carnival stall. they might not have been able to get out without being seen, but they could get out without being noticed. reaching out to grab the item of clothing, y/n made a mental note to try and find the owner to replace the jacket, but there were more pressing matters to attend to.
slipping the jacket over the injured mans shoulders and pulling up the hood, he wrapped one arm around him, looking down at him. "think you can stand?" he asked, keeping his arm firmly wrapped around him so he could lean against him as he stood. "keep your head down and lean against me. the only way we're getting out of here is if no one spots you" the stranger let out more unintelligible murmurs and y/n took that as a cue to start walking, making sure to go slow enough to accomodate for the others injuries. despite being in such a huge crowd, the two were almost invisible, not a single person paid attention to them as they walked around, to ingested in the activities of the night. it was perfect for them, and after a painstaking five minuets of walking, y/n finally reached into his pocket to pull out the keys to his car.
with much effort, y/n was able to get the other into the car, and he'd never been so grateful for the sirens as he turned them on to excuse his extreme speed. who knew how much time they had left. "i'm guessing you have no idea what i'm saying, but could you at least tell me your name?" y/n asked, looking in the mirror to check back on the man slowly bleeding out in his back seat. when he spoke up, y/n almost couldn't hear him from how quiet his voice had gotten, but he was able to pick up "alexei" and y/n gave a small nod. they were less than two minuets from the hospital now, thanks to y/n's speeding. "alright then alexei, i'm y/n. mind telling me how you ended up in that situation?" there was silence, and y/n felt his entire body heat up with fear for a moment as he thought that they hadn't made it in time, but when he looked at the mirror again he realised that alexei merely hadn't understood him, and he let out a breath of relief. with that, they pulled up to the hospital, and y/n couldn't recall a time in his life where he'd run any faster, even during his academy days, but he'd burst through the doors of that hospital with such force it made his legs ache.
"we need help- he's been shot, he's lost a lot of blood" was all he could say, the adrenaline had really kicked in now, and it wasn't till he was left pacing around the waiting room that he realised he was covered in blood. there'd been an uncomfortable silence since the moment y/n had begun pacing, and he knew that all these people seeing him like this probably didn't do anything to help his reputation, but he really couldn't have cared less at that moment. it felt like hours had passed when someone had finally called out his name. he'd about paced a hole in the floor by that point. despite having known this man for less than twenty four hours, every passing minute without any word from him made him grow even more worried.
"how is he?" y/n asked, nails pressed firmly into his palms as he waited for any news, he was prepared for the worst, it had really seemed they'd gotten here with not a second to spare. "he's awake, very disoriented and, he can't tell us much but, he'll live" the doctor gave a soft smile as she spoke and y/n would have hugged her if he weren't covered in dried blood. "he's been asking for you though" those words made y/n look back at the doctor in front of him, eyebrows raised in confusion. "he has?"
she nodded, motioning for y/n to follow her as she lead him towards a room. "yes, you're all he's really talked about. i think he wants to thank you" y/n could feel a smile creep onto his face at that, and that smile stayed as he made his way into the room, taking a seat next to the bed. "told you i'd get you out" and it was clear that alexei still had no idea what he was saying, but he smiled none the less, and y/n thanked any higher power that was listening that he decided to look behind those stalls. "you're not from here, are you" y/n asked, leaning against the arm rest of the chair. there was silence again, and y/n took that as confirmation.
this was not how y/n had expected the night to go, and he almost couldn't believe that for the first time he'd actually /saved/ someone. y/n was startled out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his arm, and he looked up to see alexei giving a small, tired smile. "thank you" he spoke, his thick accent making it much harder to understand. y/n gave a smile though, looking back at alexei. "no need to thank me, i couldn't just leave you there. just doing my job"   of course y/n would have done the same thing regardless if it was his job or not, he hoped any person would. despite the language barrier, y/n could tell that alexei was truly thankful that y/n had stepped in when he had. both of them knew what very well could have happened if he hadn't decided to check behind those stalls, not that they wanted to think about it.
for the first time in his career, y/n felt like he'd actually helped someone, and for the first time y/n felt like his reputation didn't matter. he could only hope this was the start of something new.
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mxtantrights · 4 years
˚ · . · ✵ PART THIRTY
word count: 2.4k
MARCH 1985
Steve slid the box over to the hood of his car with a grin too wide for it to be good. The little shit already dragged me away from lunch to eat outside. Just the two of us. I knew something was coming I just didn't know what it was.
I took the box and opened up the lid.
A lasso. A bright red rope that looks like something from an actually farm.
"You know now that I have this you're in deep trouble right? This doesn't end well for you." I quipped without looking up at him.
"Can I get a head start?"
"You get five seconds starting now-one," I grab the lasso out of the box, it's already got a loop and everything. "Two," With the loop in my right hand and the coils in the other I swing it around to get used it it. "Three."
I look up and see Steve not even that far. If I didn't know him I wouldn't suspect he was a basketball player. Aren't they supposed to be fast?
I jog a bit to put less distance between us and throw the loop around him making sure to keep the momentum. It lands around his body and I pull hard on the rope and it tightens around his waist and arms.
Pulling him back to me and his car he's got a look of pure happiness on his face. "I guess I was right. You do know how to use a lasso."
I chuckle at him, shaking my head as well. Only Steve Harrington would willingly buy a lasso so that someone would catch him in it. I don't know another human being that would do that. No one.
"The only reasons that make sense for why you'd buy that is because you have a weird thing for cowgirls and being tied up." I speak.
My fingers are undoing the loop that he's in. He's not even squirming I know he's living for this shit.
Once I get him out he takes a breath and stretches his arms. My eyes try their best but I do catch his shirt go up and see a happy trail-
"Why would having a thing for cowgirls be weird?"
I didn't mind spending time in my high school. If I had to study there was the library, there was no reason not to use it. I just didn't like spending time in the middle school by myself. I wasn't by myself, the kids were the av room.
But I didn't want to ruin their game. The room was so small and you could only do so much before you got bored. So I decided to take a walk around the middle school. It wouldn't have bothered me if I was just a normal teenager.
I remember the hallway where the demogorgon busted through the wall. Eleven used her powers to take down those men.
The hairs on my arms are standing up when I come across it.
The classroom we were in when she disappeared. I know she's alive and okay, we all are. But it's like all my brain can focus on is those moments. The dust settling, Elven gone. I walk inside of it and close the door behind me.
My life wasn't normal before this night. I don't think it'll ever be normal after.
I can hear the door click open, meaning I've been caught. Some teacher is probably wondering why I'm snooping in their classroom. If I was stealing something.
I turn to the front door "Sorry I got lost," I stop myself when I see my mother. My mother in the doorway with two men behind her. "I thought you were gone?"
She gives them a look, and the wait outside as she steps into the room. I slowly back away from her. Crap where was my lasso when I needed it? I left my bag in the av room. I look around the room for any phone box but I can't really find it.
"Jessie I'm not here to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you." She says, getting closer.
Yeah right! Like erasing my memories and making me do things to people-horrible things to people? That shit hurt me even though it didn't leave a physical bruise. It all hurt in the end.
I put the desk in between us.
I raise my hand at her, palm flat. "Stop right there. Don't come any closer to me. I don't want anything to do with you."
"I just wanted to give you everything that was erased from you."
Why would she do that? Why would she willingly give me back whatever memories she had erased? There has to be something in it for her, I just can't tell what it is yet. Do I even want to know what she's up to ?
I shake my head at her. "No I don't want them back. The only thing I could ever want from you is for you to leave. Leave us all alone."
"You didn't tell him what you did, did you?" The way she asks me that is not sincere.
No I didn't tell my father that I killed someone using my mind. I don't plan on doing it anytime soon either. He already found out there was a monster in his bed he doesn't need to know about his killer-daughter.
Dayton knows. And he keeps on telling me it's not my fault, I know that- I just don't feel it. If my big brother is telling me that it's not my fault then what the hell is my dad gonna tell me? The same thing? Or that it's my mothers fault?
Either way, playing the blame game doesn't help me much. All it does is reiterate the fact that i used my abilities to kill someone. Whether I meant to or not, if I knew it or not. I still did it.
I swallow the lump in my throat.
"fuck you."
"You should know everything, shouldn't you? All of the details, all of the memories?" She asks but I don't respond. I just keep my distance, and keep my mouth shut. She puffs out a breath and nods her head. "If you ever want to know, use this."
I watch as she takes out a card from her jacket pocket and places it lightly on the desk.
Then I watch as she turns around and walks out of my life again. I thought the first time would also be the last time but apparently I was wrong. I don't know what she wants from me now, but she's definitely not done with me.
She closes the door and I feel like I can breathe normally again.
My eyes scan the card she left on the table. On it is a typed name and then something scribbled below it.
I push open the door and sure enough the kids are all there.
I just stand there for a moment.
Do I even say anything to anyone?
If I say something to Mickey is he gonna wanna see our mother? Is he gonna tell dad? Or Dayton? What if I told my dad? What would he do? Hunt her down? Hunt down Larry Kline, the mayor of our town? Would he tell Hopper?
What if I told no one?
I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I almost want to let out a yelp or a scream. But I don't. I don't because I know it can't be her or anyone she knows. She left. I don't know for how long but she's gone.
Turning my head I look up at Steve. Somehow it was always him.
"Look at our little shitheads."
MARCH 1985
I opened the door to the police station and felt instantly warmer. It definitely beats the cold outside. I step inside and un zip my jacket a little bit. I can't stay long, it already took long enough to ride here during lunch period. I've also got to ride back.
At the front desk is Florence, at the ready to greet me.
"Jessie how are you honey?"
I smile. "I'm good. Just wanted to see if Hopper was in."
She makes a face- he's probably in a mood- and points behind her. I thank her and head in to the station. I can see the other officers, who probably know my dad. Who will probably tell him I was here.
I can make up a lie for that if need be.
I just needed to see Hopper.
He's standing over someone, hands on his hips like he's about to scold them. I should probably save them from the torture. I clear my throat to get his attention and it works. He turns around to face me.
"Jessie? What are you doing here?" He asks me as I step closer to him. I don't need other people catching what I'm saying.
"I need your help with something. Something that needs to stay between us." I say pointing between the two of us to paint the picture for him.
He looks around the office before nodding over to an empty office. I almost let out a yelp when he pushes me in front of him and into the office. He then closes the door behind us and gives me the hands on hips.
He's gonna scold me?
"Now wait a minute before you lecture me on being out of school I need to show you," I dig into my coat pocket until my fingers feel the card in question. I pull it out of my pocket and hold it out for him to take from me. "this."
He takes it and looks at the card. His expression changes very quickly. "Where did you get this?"
"My mother gave it to me." He makes another face now and I nod my head at him. "I was at the middle school and she came out of nowhere claiming she wanted me to have all of my memories back."
I can hear him let out a sigh as he begins to rub his forehead. "Your mother made contact with you and you didn't tell anyone?"
"I didn't know what to do but now I'm coming to you Hopper." I try to explain my actions but really it sounds like bullshit. I was scared about going to anyone else.
"Why me? Why not your dad? Your brother?" He asks me, already knowing the answer. "You don't want to tell them that she came back. Or that you can get your memories back."
I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. "If I tell them anything it opens a can of worms that I don't feel like talking about with them."
"But you'd talk about it with me?"
I roll my eyes at that. "If it wasn't clear before I trust you to be impartial."
He walks over to the desk and leans against it, facing me. "Jessie I need you to tell me what your so scared to tell your family."
I killed a man. That's what I'm so scared of. I'm a killer. Yes it's not black and white but the gun still went off. The bullet still killed someone. I did that. I'm the reason. And there is always this lump in my throat and this thumping in my heart that appears when I think about it.
I clear my throat and try to make sure my voice doesn't crack. "I killed someone. I made a man pull the trigger on himself."
When I look at him, he's already looking at me. And I do not need to see that look from someone else. So I look down at the floor instead. My dirty white converse. Anything instead of having to go through this again.
"I know the man whose name is on this card. He's been helping me with Jane. He's not a bad guy." He explains.
Okay so the man who could potentially give me back my memories is not a bad man. If Hopper is getting help from him, he trusts him to some extent. That's good to know. But what I don't want to know? What I don't want to stumble upon? Is me killing someone else.
I look up from the floor now. "I don't want to get them back. I'm perfectly fine the way I am. I need your help figuring out why my mother wants me to have my memories back. I mean she came back and risked being seen so it has to be something."
"What if it's nothing Jessie?"
I look at him sharply.
"It is something! For all of my life she's been doing this to me, these experiments or tests, whatever. And then she wipes them clean because she can't have her experiment walking around knowing it's an experiment." I walk towards him during my rant.
"Jessie she's go-" Hopper tries to interject but I don't let him. I'm not done.
"She's been in control the whole time. She's been toying with me for my whole life! And it's finally over and she leaves! She doesn't explain, she doesn't say she was wrong, she doesn't say jack shit to me! She just turns her back on me! Her precious experiment!" My voice starts to get louder and louder- I don't realize it because all I can see is red. All I can feel is red.
"Hey, Jessie-"
"I thought she was leaving for good! I thought there couldn't possibly be anything left for her to do to me! But then she comes back! She comes back and she tells me she didn't want to hurt me! She wants me to remember that I kill-" My words start hitting me back and my voice croaks at the end.
Hopper grabs my shoulders and makes that red that I've been seeing snap away.
"Jessie you were being controlled. You didn't have a choice in this. You were just a kid. She's the one who knew what she was doing. She's the one to blame here." He talks like- like I didn't just tell him I killed someone. Like it doesn't matter.
"But it's something. She walked away from me that night with no intention of coming back and now here she is- coming back into my life. I need to know why Hopper, I need to-"
"I'll contact him." He nods to me.
"You'll ask him about my mother?" I ask him and he nods again. "O-okay."
"Now you need to tell your dad what's happening. Beck wouldn't ever blame you, Jessie. The guy loves you and your brothers like theres nothing else in the world. He'll listen, he'll understand."
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halfway-happyyy · 5 years
Come Away With Me
AN: This a slow burn y’all! Will be writing a part 2 so keep your eyes peeled. 
Basically you had the misfortune of marrying one of Hawkins sleaziest men, but when Jim Hopper enters your life, you realize that everything really does happen for a reason, and every choice has a consequence. 
Much anticipated smut at the end of the rainbow.
Word count: 4k+
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You were brought into this world with a fire burning in your soul, or so the story goes.
Your mother swore until the day she died that she could feel it in you before she had even known she was pregnant. “It’s going to propel you towards magnificent things my girl,” She had whispered to you as a child. “But you must do everything in your power to keep it going as strong and bright as ever.” She had tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s going to keep you alive.”
You noticed him almost immediately upon arrival at Hawkins city hall; a hulking, foreboding figure leant against the far wall of the building. One foot was propped up behind him for support, and you watched in awe as he reached into the pocket of his shirt, produced a cigarette and lighter, and lit it. You followed your husband of ten years to your assigned table and reached for the water glass above your empty plate. “And who might that be?”
Larry Kline glanced up from the program in his hand and followed your gaze to the man across the room. He guffawed loudly, shaking his head and returning to the pamphlet in his hand. “That is who the Hawkins Police department saw fit to make their chief.” He scoffed again and clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “Stay away from him if you can help it… That man is a parasite on the name of law enforcement. An absolute animal of a human being, if you will.”
The dinner, like almost all the ones you were expected to attend, was drawn out and excruciatingly dull. You eyed the watch on the underside of your wrist and sighed heavily when the clock still read 8:07 P. You expected to be here another hour at least, making face and telling stories. All of it was exhausting if you were honest with yourself. And it wasn’t like you weren’t aware of what you were getting yourself into when you married Larry- you had met him on the campaign trail, after all. But you were starting to think that there was something more to life than the one you were currently living.
You were thrown from your thoughts at the sound of heavy footsteps approaching and a large hand reached out to clasp your husbands shoulder. Larry startled in his seat and turned to eye the man behind him. You watched, mildly amused, as Larry stood up to greet the chief of police, a broad beam in place on his face. “Jim! What a nice surprise!”
Jim Hopper towered over your husband in every way imaginable. Where Larry was in relatively good shape for his age, Jim was paunchy, his biceps bulged from beneath the sleeves of his shirt. He was bearded, and even in the low light of the room, you could see the glint of something else in the depths of his blue eyes. You ignored the way it caused the breath the catch in your throat. “Yeah, yeah… Figured I’d come out and keep an eye on the party. You know how some of these folks can get after a few choice cocktails…” He scratched absentmindedly at the back of his head.
Larry laughed loudly at this; a shrill and utterly bogus sound that made you cringe inwardly. “Ah but surely the chief of police has better things to be doing this evening, no?” You knew your husband well enough to know that he wanted that one to sting but if it did, Jim never let it show. “Have you met my wife?” Larry offered quite suddenly.
Jim’s gaze travelled to yours and he smiled warmly at you. This simple act alone caused goosebumps to rise in patterns along your arms. “Nope, I have not yet had the pleasure.” You held your hand out for him to shake, which he accepted graciously. You were struck silly by the size and the warmth of it, and it caused you to shiver involuntarily into the touch. When Jim pulled away from you, it was to grab another cigarette from his pocket. He placed it between his lips and bent his heads towards your husband. “I will leave you two be… Take it easy Lar,” You couldn’t help but notice Larry’s wilted smile. Jim turned back to you as he lit the cigarette. “Lovely to meet you Mrs. Kline.”
“And you as well,” You murmured almost inaudibly.
You watched his figure disappear from the room as Larry turned back in his seat and deposited the rest of the wine into his open mouth. “What a goddamn creep.”
How ironic, you thought with a smirk and smoothed the front of your skirt down.
You were young when you first crossed paths with Larry Kline, and there wasn’t a day that went by where you didn’t wish things could have been different in any way. He had been an entirely other person then; sweet, and soft-spoken... had had possessed an innocence that simply made it difficult to see him running for mayor of a town. But then life changes, and people change too, and Larry had been no different.
“I am going to be home late tonight, darling.” Larry announced a week later, over coffee at breakfast. He held the newspaper up to his face, unwilling to meet your gaze. “Don’t wait up for me. There’s quite a lot going on at the office and such, and I will have Candice grab some food for me there.” You physically recoiled at the mere mention of her name, and the audacity that this man possessed was simply beyond your comprehension. She was ten years Larry’s junior and having any semblance of a conversation with her was like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. You could see the attraction Larry felt for her; she was young, pretty, fit, and she couldn’t string together a comprehensive sentence. She was barely out of high school.
“That sounds fine Larry. Thanks for letting me know.”
On the rare days when you didn’t have to spend ninety percent of your energy pretending to be someone you weren’t, you painted. It had started out as a hobby when you were young; you watched your mother do it and you simply glommed onto it for dear life. It had been something of a reprieve for you, and whenever you had time to pick it back up, you did so with immense happiness. You had just left the store, bags of gorgeous new oil paints and clean canvasses tucked away in your trunk. You hummed along contentedly to the song on the radio, visions of what you were about to create danced around your mind. The sound of a distant siren floated in on the wind through your open window. You glanced uneasily through the rearview mirror, the red and blue lights from the cop’s truck behind you were almost blinding. “What the…” You frowned down at your speedometer, signaled right and pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway. The truck stopped a few yards behind you, and you watched with wide eyes as Jim Hopper exited the vehicle and made his way over to you.
He was clad in his beige uniform; the stifling July sun beat down on him hard as you took note of the sweat stains spreading steadily beneath his arms. “Well, well, well…” He clicked his tongue as he bent his head down to speak to you. Subtle scents of cologne and cigarette smoke caused an unfamiliar sensation to bloom in the pit of your stomach. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Kline.” He lifted the aviators from his eyes and pulled a pad of paper from his back pocket. “Can I have your license and registration please?”
It was extremely bright out and you shielded your hand over your eyes as you peered up at him. This man had to have better things to be doing than pulling you over. “Can I ask what this is about? I don’t think I was speeding…”
“You weren’t.” He confirmed. “I need your documents.” You reached into the glove compartment and handed the paperwork to him wordlessly. “Mrs. Kline you were pulled over this afternoon because you have a broken left taillight.” 
Silence hung heavy in the air before you, the only other sounds were the whoosh of the cars speeding past. “I’m sorry?” You asked again, as if you hadn’t heard him right.
Jim sighed and gestured to the back of your car. “Your taillight is broken. Here in Hawkins, it’s illegal to operate a vehicle when a taillight isn’t working.” He scrubbed a large hand down the length of his bearded face and continued. “This will fall under what’s called a non-moving violation. It carries with it a fine and you will have up to one month to get taillight seen to- do you comply?”
You rolled your eyes despite yourself and nodded your head. “I guess I have to.”
Jim tilted his head back and elicited a hearty guffaw. “It ain’t so bad. I have it on good authority that your husband makes pretty good money… I’m sure he’ll help you out.”
You were taken aback at this, your cheeks burned red as you thought of what to say in reply. “You don’t know anything about us and you sure as hell don’t know anything about me. I will pay this asinine ticket, and I will pay it myself thank you very much.”
Jim pulled his sunglasses down over his eyes and nodded his head in finality, a small smirk in place on his features. “Well alright then, Mrs. Kline. I’ll be seeing you around.” He handed you the ticket through the window which you accepted rather begrudgingly.
“Not bloody likely.” You murmured under your breath as you watched him saunter back to his truck. You allowed yourself one last look at the broad plains of his back and shoulders and of the rounded curves of his ass, and shoved your car back into drive.
Normally you made a habit of saying no when you were invited out to spend time with friends, but when Elaine Green called you up and asked if you wanted to have a few drinks at the local bar that evening, you were more than happy to oblige her. You already knew that Larry wasn’t coming home, you could vent to her about your preposterous ticket and the man who issued it to you, and then you could go back home and continue painting.
“A double gin and tonic please,” You told the bartender and turned to Elaine, whose eyes were wide and glittering in the dank light of the bar.
“A double hey? Rough day?” She asked sympathetically. Elaine was the wife of one of Larry’s closest friends in the city, and you and she had acquired a special bond of sorts over the years.
You thanked the bartender and squeezed the lime into the drink, sucking the rest of the overly tart juice from your thumb and forefinger. “Uh yep… You could say that.” You had just begun to go into detail, when suddenly Elaine’s gaze travelled to the person standing behind you and lit right up. 
“Hello chief!” She beamed up brightly at him, lifting her glass of Malbec in greeting.
Your stomach sank as you turned on your barstool to see him. “Evening Mrs. Green,” He turned to you and winked. “Evening Mrs. Kline.”
Elaine excused herself from the counter to use the washroom, as you slugged back the rest of your drink. You slapped the glossy wooden top twice to signal another and turned to eye Jim suspiciously. “I do believe you are following me.”
Jim scoffed and took a sip of his beer. “Hawkins is small. We’re bound to run into each other. Say,” He murmured. “How did you get here tonight?”
“I hitchhiked.” You offered listlessly. It was a moment before Jim got the joke and began to laugh loud and hard. It was contagious, the alcohol had started to seep into your veins, and you found yourself laughing along too. “I didn’t hitchhike,” You offered after you had contained yourself. “And I didn’t drive my car with the broken taillight either, because I know that’s why you asked in the first place.”
Jim milled this over and shrugged complacently. “Sounds good. Can I buy you a drink?”
Elaine had returned from the washroom just before you were about to say no. “Well,” She sighed and clocked the watch on her wrist. “I should get going… Janey will be up with the rising sun in no time.” She fished into her purse and placed a twenty-dollar bill on the counter for the bartender. She turned to you, car keys dangling from the tip of a manicured finger. “You ready to go? You want a ride?”
“I’ll take her home, Mrs. Green.” Jim suddenly offered up. He drained the last of the amber liquid into his open mouth and turned to you. “If that’s alright?”
Elaine eyed you to gauge your reaction. 
“Yeah, that sounds fine. You go on home Elaine, and I’ll catch up with you later in the week.” Elaine smiled graciously at the both of you and left.
Jim immediately took the stool to your right and sat down. When the bartender asked if he wanted another one, he simply smiled and shook his head politely. “That’s awfully nice of you to offer to take me home.” You picked absentmindedly at a chipped patch of paint on your nail.
Jim shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve got nothing on the go this evening.” The bartender approached you again and Jim simply said, “Anything the lady wants.” You ordered another gin and tonic. Best not to mix it up too much. You found yourself happy in the haze of your alcohol induced buzz; you were warm, and comfortable, and talking with Jim was as effortless as breathing. “What are you doing with the rest of your night?” He asked after a while.
You traced your fingertip around the rim of the glass, reveling in the feel of his gaze on you. It was almost as intoxicating as the alcohol flowing through you… almost. “I am painting tonight.”
“Painting?” Hopper quirked an eyebrow in question.
“Mhm… painting. I like to do it in my spare time.”
Jim cleared his throat. “And what kind of painting do you like to do?”
You closed your eyes and smiled; images of the canvases you’d created swam past your eyes like a blurry movie. “All kinds. Still lifes, models, nature landscapes, you name it. I’ve been going for a while.”
You sat in silence for a few minutes, you felt lightheaded and content. “So, if I were to drive by your house, and it was late in the evening, but your light is on… I should assume you’re painting?” He asked.
You grinned at him. It was a silly sort of look that made him beam right back at you. “Yeah, I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet.”
Jim could tell you were growing ever more inebriated- perhaps it was the glassy look to your eyes or the way that your words fell from your lips jumbled and quick, and set down forty dollars. “Shall I take you home now?”
Though you had wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment for an indefinite amount of time, you knew that it was getting late. But more than that, you knew that you lived in small enough town, and that if you weren’t careful people would talk. “Yes, please Jim.”
The ride back your house was mostly silent, save for the muted sound of the radio in the background and Jim’s intermittent tapping on the steering wheel. The crescent moon hung low in the sky and cast an opalescent glow over the street in front of your home. “This is it,” You murmured when Jim had rolled up in front of it.
He shifted the gear into park and squinted up at the house. “No one’s home?”
You cleared your throat and shook your head. “Larry had to work late… probably be home in a couple of hours or so.” You sensed that Jim had about as good a time believing that as you did.
“Well then,” He stopped and fixed his gaze directly on you. It caused the breath to catch in your throat, and you were shocked when something deep inside you stirred. “It was an absolute pleasure to see you this evening, Mrs. Kline.” He unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car, and made his way around to your side of the door. He walked you up to your porch and leaned in so close to you that you could practically taste the cologne he had on. It made your head spin even more than it already currently was, and for an entirely different reason.
“The uh… The pleasure was all mine.” You offered up easily.
He turned to leave and smiled back at you. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around again… Happy painting.”
The effect with which Jim Hopper had on you was all-consuming and quite frankly astounding. You had gone to sleep that night, entirely unable to focus on painting, but extremely able to focus on almost every aspect of him. It was his warmth, the inflect in his voice when he spoke to you and the feeling that came along with being in his presence; like basking under the last few golden rays of a late summer day.
About a week later, and over coffee and croissants like usual, Larry informed you that he would be late again that evening. “That’s fine… I have taken to painting again in the spare room.”
“Sounds great honey.” He had offered up rather mindlessly.
You had cooked yourself a nice little dinner; roasted chicken, fresh garden vegetables with herbs and butter and some mashed potatoes to finish it off. There were currently three new bottles of wine on your wine rack that friends had dropped off for Larry that he was never around to drink anyway, so you uncorked them called them yours. You tied your hair back and threw on one of Larry’s old plaid shirts that he wouldn’t miss and set to work in front of your easel. You were two glasses of wine in when the doorbell rang rather unexpectedly. You set your flat brush down and frowned up at the clock on the wall which read 8:17 pm. You stood from your stool and padded down the hallway, taking tentative steps down your spiral staircase. You stood on tiptoes and peered uneasily through the peephole in your door. You gasped in surprise when you saw that it was Jim on the other side. Taking a deep breath to steel yourself, you smoothed down your ponytail, straightened your paint-encrusted shirt and opened the door.
“Good evening Mrs. Kline…” Jim took note of your attire and cocked his head to the side. “Am I catching you at a bad time?”
You shook your head. “Not at all, I just finished dinner and was starting to uh… to paint.” You stood in the doorway, awkwardly regarding each other. “Would you like to come in?” You offered.
“That would be great.” Jim bent his head low and ducked into the doorway, planting both feet firmly in the rug of your front foyer.
You ushered him into your kitchen and offered him a seat at the island. “Please feel free to call me by my name, by the way. Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee? I think I’ve got a few bottles of beer at the back of the fridge…” You were entirely too nervous, and could feel the hairs on the back of your neck prickle in discomfort.
Jim smiled graciously and shook his head. “I’m uh… I’m good, thank you.” He leant forward and reached into the back pocket of his jeans. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by to drop this off for you.” He slid a small piece of paper towards you. “It’s the name and number of a guy here in town who would be happy to fix up your taillight for you at a pretty reasonable cost.”
You picked up the paper and deposited it into the front pocket of your shirt. “Thanks Jim… I really appreciate that.” You were silent for a few moments before you remembered the leftover food you’d put away only an hour before. “Are you hungry at all? I definitely made too much chicken for dinner.”
Jim shook his head. “Sounds delicious, but I already ate before I came here.” You were about to say something else when he cleared his throat. “May I…. Uh, see some of your paintings?”
Your immediate response was to say no. Larry had never taken an interest in your art, and you had never showed it to anyone, so it was natural for you to be somewhat self-conscious about it. Yet you found yourself agreeing to it. “Sure… follow me,” You made your way silently up the stairs to the spare bedroom. “Watch your step,” you murmured and threw a glance back at Jim as he followed along behind you. “Here it is…” You pushed open the door and watched wide eyed as Jim stepped into the room and peered around.
He was silent as he stepped around discarded brushes and splotches of paint. He stopped in front of a piece by the window and your cheeks grew hotter the longer he continued to stare at it. “These uh… these are breathtaking.”
You swallowed hard and walked over the few paces to join him where he stood. “Thanks Jim.” You watched with baited breath as he traced a fingertip gently over the raised bumps of dried paint.
He turned to you, blue eyes wide and glittering in the light of the room. “I’m serious. You’ve got quite the gift here.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off by brushing the pad of his thumb along your jawbone. “You had a speck of blue paint there.” He murmured in explanation. He was close to you now, close enough that you could detect the subtle hint of menthol and cigarettes. It was a scent that was inherently Jim, and it made you lightheaded. He stared at you openly, there was something undetectable there; a want that both of you knew needed yet had no idea how to vocalize. And then he did the one thing you were praying he would do and he closed the distance between you, took your face into his hands and kissed you hard. You pushed him away immediately; the effect was like grazing a finger over a hot stove. The precise softness of his lips on yours, the need with which he was kissing you, made you both extremely horny and extremely conflicted.
“I’m married Jim.”
He squared his jaw and stepped ever closer to where you were. You took a step back but he only followed you, and soon he had you backed against the wall. “That doesn’t stop him now does it?”
You swallowed hard and without thinking whispered, “Do it again.”
Jim quirked an eyebrow in amusement. “Do what again?”
You tapped your index finger twice against your lips. “Kiss me.”
And he certainly didn’t have to be told twice, because within seconds the gap between you was closed and he was on you. It wasn’t a slow ebb and flow; there was a keenly electrical element to the way he touched you. It was as if his lips left sparks at every inch of skin he kissed. His hands were deliberate in their movements; he tugged impatiently at the hem of your shirt and you wordlessly lifted your hands above your head so that he could shimmy it from your body. Once you were free of the useless material, he reached around with a hand and unhooked your bra. You watched, gaze half-lidded, as the flimsy material fell to the floor in a pool. “So fucking beautiful,” Jim murmured against the crook of your neck. His hands roamed freely; they caressed each breast, and he bent his head low to suck a pert nipple into his mouth. You groaned loudly into the touch and cursed as he pulled away to blow a steady stream of air over the sensitive bud. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this?” His voice was low and gruff, like black velvet.
“Probably about as long as I’ve wanted to.” You tucked your fingers into the waistband of your panties and leggings and shimmied them down your legs, kicking them to the side. This was the first and only time you had been utterly naked in front of a man who wasn’t your husband and the notion was liberating in every way.
Jim sucked two thick fingers into his mouth, got them nice and coated with his spit and danced his way down your abdomen, where he hovered teasingly just above your clit. “Mmm… so you want this just as much as I do?”
You laughed, throwing your head against the wall with a dull thud. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” You had barely gotten your sentence across before Jim’s thumb brushed across the swollen bundle of nerves, and pushed his fingers into you. “Jesus fuck,” you gasped loudly and grabbed onto his clothed shoulders for dear life. He started off at an innocent enough pace but he began to curl his fingers at the end of each pump and it didn’t just have you seeing stars, it had you seeing the whole fucking solar system. Jim slowed when he could tell you were unravelling, pulled his fingers from your pussy and sucked them into his mouth, eyes on you the entire time. When they were cleaned to his satisfaction, he got down on one knee and hike a leg over his shoulder. “What about you?”
Jim grinned up at you, his eyes bright and shining merrily. “This isn’t about me tonight, baby.” He rested his head against your lower abdomen and inhaled deeply, reveling in your natural scent. Wordlessly, he licked a warm, wet stripe up the length of your dripping slit. You held your wrist against your mouth to keep from crying out. “None of that shit tonight, I need to hear you.” He repeated his movement again, though this time he sucked your clit into his mouth as he went, his bottom teeth grazed the swollen bud there, causing you to grind yourself against his face. This earned a loud groan from him, and he palmed the ever-growing erection in the crotch of his pants. He began to delve his tongue further into your folds, starting at the bottom and always ending at the top to where your clit was. He swirled his tongue over it multiple times, and then suddenly and without warning, added two fingers into the mix. You were falling apart before his very eyes; trembling and moaning and trying to glean as much friction from him as possible. “That’s it baby,” He groaned against your wetness. “Come for me whenever you want, but come hard…” He spit against you and pumped his fingers just a little bit harder, hitting your G spot with each thrust. “That’s a good girl,” He cooed as you stilled your movements around him. You were sure he could feel your walls contracting around his fingers as his name ripped from the base of your throat. You came hard against him, to the sound of him groaning praises. “Such a good girl…” His voice was hoarse- yours was wrecked. He pressed a chaste kiss to your pussy and stood up straight, his form towered over you almost entirely. Again, he sucked his fingers into his mouth and helped you pick up your discarded articles of clothing.
You noticed the moist patch of pre-come just beneath the zipper to his pants, his cock still entirely erect. “That looks painful… I could help you with it?”
Jim moved a strand of hair behind your ear, shaking his head. “I’m on cloud nine, miss. Nothing hurts.”
You followed him downstairs and waited by the front door for him to leave. He bent his head towards you and kissed the center of your temple. “I’d be happy to let you take care of me next time.” He let himself out before you could say anything in return. You stepped barefoot and pant-less onto the front porch, and watched him take off down the darkened street, still wanting him… always wanting him.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Harringrove for Australia: Ihni♥
hi there!! the gorgeous and fabulous and fantastic @ihni asked me to write this for #HarringroveforAustralia! and here it is!! ♥
prompt: someone wants to get back at Billy so they do something Very Stupid that leads to Billy getting hurt; guilt and hurt/comfort ensues!
tags: mentions of abuse, bruising, implied (light) blood, past child abuse, hurt/comfort, angst, hopeful ending (♥!)
You can catch it on AO3 here if you so desire!
Word Count: 4,452 (i’m legit the worst i’m so sorry i went over my word limit!)
thank you babe and thanks again @tracy7307 for putting the whole thing together!
(kay time to finish and essay, bye, love you)
~On Your Best Behavior~
Steve may not be the smartest kid in school. He’s right at average in even his favorite classes, and, truth be told… there’s not a lot of those. He likes to think he has street smarts, but Tommy always has to show him up; has to remind him what position his “rich boy privilege” has left him in. It’s gotten to the point where he feels like there’s nothing special about his own knowledge. He doesn’t know about history, or grammar, or even music, or movies… some days it feels like he doesn’t know anything. Like everyone’s right when they say his head is just there to carry his hair around.
But if there's one thing he knows… one thing he’s absolutely sure of… it’s that Billy Hargrove is the biggest asshole in all of Indiana. And Steve has met Mayor Kline.
But Billy takes it all. He’s the culmination of every jackass in the state, all rolled up into this punk who can’t seem to keep his fucking shirt on. He saunters around like he owns the place, shoving into Steve in the hallways and wagging his tongue like it’s some kind of… threat or something, Steve isn’t sure.
He just blew into town like a wild thunderstorm a little over 2 months ago and already he’s given everyone grief- at least, everyone Steve knows. He cheats on every girl he’s out with (if the girls of Hawkins are to be believed), he’s in detention every day for mouthing off to teachers, he stole Steve’s friends which… yeah he’s having a hard time reconciling that one because if they left that quickly maybe they weren’t too good of friends but still.
And worst of all, what absolutely takes the cake in the Shit-Show that is Billy Hargrove and his bullying….
He picks on the kids.
He picks on Steve’s kids. He scares Max, he bullied Lucas, he nearly killed all of them with his little stunt with the car that first week he was here. He splashed them with rain water once as he drove past them, he kicked over Dustin’s bike when he was standing outside of the arcade, he dropped Max’s backpack in the mud the other day. Hell, one time they were all bouncing a basketball around and Mike missed it and it accidentally rolled over to Billy (who was leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette) who took out a pocket knife and stabbed it, letting all the air out before tossing it back and walking away.
He’s a jerk. An outright punk. And yeah, maybe the stuff he’s done isn’t criminal. Maybe most of it at this point is just kind of bratty and petty. Maybe Max explained away the Lucas thing pretty definitively (with a lot of “He didn’t mean it that way”s and “You don’t understand the whole situation”s and “He hates all boys who look at me”s and one quiet “It’s his dad who’s the strict one…”), but… but still. It doesn’t matter, he’s still an asshole and people shouldn’t just be able to get away with being an asshole like that.
Yeah, sure, Steve himself was kind of an asshole for a little bit. Yeah, sure, Steve got let off the hook a lot of times for doing some of the same things Billy has done. But Steve had reasons. Plus he was young when that stuff happened. He doesn’t do that anymore.
Either way, it shouldn’t really matter why Billy’s doing it or not. They’re horrible things to do and Billy needs to stop.
Which all leads up to right now, which finds Steve in a diner with Dustin, Lucas, and Mike (because Will and Max had a project they had to stay behind and work on). They’re on the heated topic of Billy because apparently the older boy popped the tires on Dustin’s bike.)
“He’s such an asshole.” Dustin lisps into his soda (that Steve was very reluctant to give the boy, but he pouted about his bike enough that Steve gave in.
Mike nods, mumbling angrily into his french fries while Lucas, across from Mike, rolls his eyes.
“We need to do something about him.” Dustin says again, before getting that sly little grin on his face that lets Steve know he’s hatching a plan.
And if Steve’s honest, it’s a very very childish plan. Mike is even adamant that it’s childish, claiming they could come up with something better before switching his tune with very little convincing, citing Billy as a child. So it really is childish. And Steve knows that because someone did this to him once back in the 5th grade. It pissed him off to no end which, honestly, is the only reason Steve begins to consider it. It’s not like any real harm can come of it, it’ll probably just be more annoying than anything which is honestly what Steve wants.
He mulls over it for a second before deciding: “Yeah. Sure. Fuck that guy… tomorrow. I’ll do it tomorrow.”
Dustin and Mike laugh triumphantly with each other.
Lucas has become stunningly quiet as he takes a big sip of his water.
When Steve rings the doorbell around 5:30 pm when he’s sure his intended target will be home, the sound comes out as a far more pleasant chime than he was expecting. He doesn’t come to this side of town very often, even though Tommy used to live on this street back when they were kids. It’s not bad, but Steve definitely notices the dying grass, the empty front yard, the worse-for-wear sidewalk…
He waits patiently, mentally preparing what he’s going to say, while hearing heavy footsteps approach the door in a way that Steve can only describe as menacing.
The door swings open, and there before him, in all his 6’ glory, is Billy’s dad. Mr. Hargrove.
He’s only an inch taller than Steve and yet he carries himself like he’s got a foot over him.
“Can I help you?”
Steve clears his throat. The house is deafeningly quiet, even from the fully opened doorway. It confuses Steve for a second, because any time he drops Max off home and Billy is there, the house is raging with music. And Steve knows Billy is here now, if the arrogant blue Camaro is anything to go by.
“Hello! Mr. Hargrove, right?” Steve offers his hand up, putting on his best ‘good rich boy’ voice that he saves specifically for meeting friends of his parents. “Steve Harrington.”
“Harrington.” Mr. Hargrove says with some kind of bitter admiration in his voice. “I’ve heard about your parents.”
Steve isn’t surprised. Neil takes his hand firmly. It feels like a power move, how hard the man grips, but Steve does his best to rival the strength. He needs to be as credible as possible here.
Steve just isn’t quite sure what to say about his parents. He opts for a charming smile that doesn’t quite disarm Mr. Hargrove like he was hoping.
“So,” Mr. Hargrove begins, letting go of Steve’s now sore hand. “What brings you here?”
“Oh, well Mr. Hargrove-”
“Go ahead and call me Neil, son.” The man says in a way that feels more intimidating than he thinks it should. Steve hears a door close rather harshly from inside the house. Mr. Hargro- Neil grimaces at it for a split second.
“Okay uh… Neil. I just wanted to talk to you about your son. Your son is Billy Hargrove, correct?”
“That’s correct.” Neil’s face stays as stoic as before.
“Well I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I felt someone should bring it up with you. Your son has been a… a… menace. To a lot of people at school.”
Steve worked through so many words in his head and menace is what tumbles out of his dumb, nervous brain. It’s like he’s holding cotton in his mouth, he feels so stupid.
It does the job though. If human eyes could turn red, Neil’s eyes would be like a firetruck. Or maybe the fire itself.
“He has, huh?”
“Yes, sir.” Steve hates saying sir. Feels he needs to, here. “And outside of school as well. To a lot of little kids and… and even to your younger daughter.”
Steve knows Max isn’t his biological daughter. At least, he’s pretty sure. Pretty sure the dad is Billy’s and the mom is Max’s. But it slips out before he can stop it. More cotton balls falling from his mouth. Still, it’s working as he meant it to.
Right? This is what I’m trying to do?
Because suddenly, seeing the tension in this man’s jaw and the fire in his eyes, Steve’s not quite so sure he wants to be here anymore.
“Oh really? And have your parents witnessed this?”
Steve blinks. He doesn’t really understand the question.
“Uh… excuse me, sir, my parents?” Steve starts to pick at the side hem of his jeans.
“Yes.” Neil’s teeth are clenched. Steve fights not to take a step back. “Your parents. Do they notice too?”
Steve really has to wrap his mind around the question before he can come up with an appropriate answer. This man has heard of his parents, probably because people gossip. If people are gossiping, it’s probably about their money. It’s always about their money. Their influence even though, if anyone were to ask Steve, they don’t really have any. They’re never around to influence the town like everyone seems to swear they do. They just have money, and apparently money talks. As far as Steve is concerned, it’s more of a whisper, but he knows not everyone feels the same way. He knows someone who lives in a house like this, with untended gardens and unpaved walkways, probably doesn’t feel the same way.
He thinks he has an answer now.
“Yes, they have noticed. They think it’s a little… embarrassing.”
Neil looks like he’s going to growl. Steve takes that step back now, even though he doesn’t think about it.
“That’s very interesting.” Neil really might as well be snarling at this point. “Well, thank you for telling me, son. I’ll definitely have a chat with William.”
Steve nods his head and before he can think about it or even say a word, the door is in his face and the man is gone, the only thing left behind being the sound of heavy footsteps.
Steve feels like he’s in a bit of a daze as he walks back to his car, but not before tripping over the crack in the poorly paved walkway. And Steve may not be the smartest kid in school, may not be the smartest kid in Hawkins at this moment, but if there’s one thing he does know, it’s that Billy is getting grounded right now.
He’d call this a success.
Billy isn’t at school the next day.
Steve tries to pretend like he’s not nervous about it.
And really, he isn’t all that nervous. Sure, it’s in the back of his mind for most of the day, but he’s not exactly nervous. He's not even sure what he would be nervous about.
It’s not until he sees Max yelling at Dustin and smacking him upside the head that he gets a little nervous.
It’s not like it has to be a particularly special occasion for Max to do something like that to Dustin, but still. There’s something in Steve’s gut that tells him he’s involved in this. If Max’s angry eyes that turn on him are anything to go by, he’s right in his assumption.
“Did you come to my house last night?” She asks like she knows. It’s hardly a question.
“Yes.” Steve shoves his hands in his pockets to keep them from lifting in the air in submission.
“You idiots! What were you thinking?” Max yells, smacking Dustin then Mike then Lucas, who whines that he didn’t want it to happen. She then turns to Steve, punching his arm harshly.
“Woah woah woah, what did we do?” Steve asks like he doesn’t know.
“Like you don’t know, you moron! You- you! Did you talk to Neil?”
Steve is so taken aback that he just nods. Max growls.
“You moron! Never come to my house again!” Max’s face is red with anger, absolutely fuming as Dustin and Mike and Lucas sputter all at once in a vain attempt to make things right. But Max isn’t listening, she’s laying her board on the ground, about to skate away.
“Wha-? Max, what’s wrong? We were just-”
“I don’t care what you were trying to do!”
“Your brother is an asshole! You say so all the time!” Dustin yells in a desperate type of defense. Max’s eyes look far more hurt now than anything else, even as she’s still glaring daggers.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” She says and there’s a lot less malice in her voice now. Her shoulders are slumped as she starts to skate away.
Steve can’t take it.
“Max.” It’s in vain. He tries harder. ”Max! Where’s your brother?”
“Stay away from him.” Max calls back, pushing off to skate faster.
The boys all look to Steve, who knows in an instant.
At least, he hopes he does. It’s not until he’s about a mile out from the quarry that he starts to have second thoughts about if his gut was right.
He’s driving slowly, mind reeling, heart pumping blood so loudly through his ears that he can’t hear his music, when he sees a figure he wasn’t expecting to see.
It is. It’s Hop. Standing above a hunched over boy that Steve is praying is the boy he’s been looking for. He knows it is- no one else has that haircut in Hawkins.
Steve steps out of his car gingerly, does his best to avoid twigs and leaves on the ground as he walks up to the pair to listen in on what they’re saying.
Hop’s face is serious, with a tone to match.
“Look, like it or not you’re still a minor. If you keep not showing up for school your parents are gonna get in big trouble.”
“Promise?” Billy’s voice is weak.
“Har har. Get to class tomorrow.” Hop says, entirely unimpressed. A few seconds go by, the white noise of Indiana bugs fill in the silence between them in the strangest way Steve has ever experienced. Suddenly the air is different. It shifts in a very personal way. Steve immediately picks up on the fact that he shouldn’t be here, right before Hop begins again with:
“… You... know, right? If you need someone to drive you I can-”
It’s soft and sincere and Hop’s hand is reaching out towards Billy’s shoulder gingerly, like he’s going to pet a strange animal, when he catches something in the corner of his eye- and that something is Steve.
Hop clears his throat, and Billy looks over to Hop at the sound.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone.” Hop says, voice void of emotion. Billy turns his head just enough to see Steve out of the corner of his eye before he whips back around. “Stay outta trouble, kid.”
And with that, Hop gives what looks like a sad smile in Billy’s direction before leaving. He gives an odd nod of acknowledgement to Steve as he passes, his face looking rougher than usual. More tired.
Steve takes a couple of steps forward, suddenly finding himself in the position of approaching a strange animal. This “strange animal” that he’s seen almost every day for the past couple of months.
Billy’s still sat on the ground, his legs in a folded up form of criss cross that allow his elbows to hook around his knees. Steve thinks he looks rather small like this. He hasn’t moved to look up at Steve at all. Steve isn’t even sure if the boy looked at Hop when he was here.
“Hey…” He starts, hoping it’ll get the boy’s attention. It doesn’t. “Uh, Billy?”
He’s met with the white noise of the screeching bugs. They stand there until Steve can’t take it, which is only about 3 seconds tops.
Again, nothing. Billy doesn’t even move-doesn’t even flinch.
“Hargrove.” Steve is stern with it this time.
Steve’s getting impatient, but Billy’s a rock. Steve shifts to sit in his hip.
“Hey, asshole!” He calls a little louder than he needs to when he’s a few feet away. The response is rather instant this time.
“You called?” Billy’s voice drawls and it gets under Steve’s skin like nothing else.
“God you’re annoying…“ Steve groans, exhaustion visible in his face and audible in his voice. He rubs a hand down his cheek as his heart races with the words building up in his mouth. The cotton balls are back. “Hey uh… Why weren’t you at school today?”
He doesn’t know what to expect, but the unattractive snort definitely isn’t surprising.
“Ha…” Billy’s laugh comes out more like a puff of air. “Got some new accessories that I don’t think fit the dress code.”
Billy’s looking at the ground when he says it and Steve almost doesn’t hear. Certainly doesn’t understand.
“What? What are you talking about?”
Billy’s shoulders shake and it takes a few seconds of debating if Billy needs a comforting hand or something to realize he’s chuckling and not crying. The boy shakes his head, curly mullet bouncing in a way that’s far too light for how Steve feels right now.
“Why do you care, huh Harrington? Miss me that much?” Billy looks to his feet now. Steve sees the hint of a smirk on his lips, past his curls. “Can’t handle a day without me?”
“Shut up, it’s not like that-”
“You came all the way out here to look for me.”
Steve pauses.
“I was heading here anyway.” He lies. Billy snorts like he knows it’s a lie. Because he does know.
“Right. It’s fine to miss me, babe.”
Steve’s face burns.
“Don’t call me that.” He hisses, blood boiling where it’s pumping fast through his body. Billy cackles for good measure.
Steve’s got half a mind to turn around. Damn this guy, whatever he got, he fucking deserved it. He’s an asshole. Whatever happened should have happened.
But Max. The image of her red face and tired eyes flashes into Steve’s memory. She was livid. Screaming. Close to crying.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Steve didn’t like that. Because how is he supposed to know if no one says anything? How is he supposed to understand if no one tells him?
He sighs.
“Look Hargrove I… I’m sorry. Okay?”
He feels defensive. Billy almost looks at him, but looks at Steve’s shoes instead. Steve still can’t see his face from the shadows of the trees and curls.
“Sorry for what?”
“I… I-” Steve stammers because he didn’t expect a question.
“Use your words, princess.” Billy says on a snort and Steve breaks.
“I don’t know! Okay? I don’t know. It’s just… Max was upset this afternoon and said something about your… your dad, I guess and now I… she made me feel awful and I don’t even know why but I do know I’m sorry, alright? So can you just quit being an asshole and accept my apology and-”
Steve’s eyes wander back to the boy at his feet. Billy’s shoulders are tense. Up by his ears, muscles taut all down his back, absolutely strung out.
“What do you know about my dad?” His voice is dark now. Dangerous. There’s a growl in it. A familiar one.
Steve fights his step back.
“I just… Not a lot. I just met him-”
“Shit.” Billy whispers, loud enough for Steve to hear. His shoulders are shaking- like a leaf in the fall wind and suddenly Steve feels that concern again.
Billy throws his head back, eyes closed and grimace on his lips as he shakes his head in what looks like disbelief, hair falling down behind him as the sun catches him and makes his face light up in a way that's near blinding and Steve knows this is a serious situation and thus is definitely not thinking about how the late evening sun does Billy and his gorgeous skin every favor.
“Shoulda known. The rich and famous Harringtons.”
Steve rolls his eyes at the statement.
“We’re not famous. We’re not even that rich, I-”
And that’s when Billy finally turns his head to Steve. Finally lets Steve see what he’s been wanting to see- that stupidly smug face with that stupidly cocky grin, telling Steve everything is fine and-
“Holy shit… Billy, what happened?”
Billy’s face is more purple than it is tan. The skin around both eyes is bruised, his left worse than his right. There’s a bit of red on his cheek and his lower lip is split. The side of his neck has a few bruises as well, and Steve knows just from looking at them that they weren’t done out of passion- not romantic passion at least. No, rather a far more malevolent passion.
And now Steve notices the way Billy is moving. Gingerly and slow, like everything aches. It probably does.
Good lord…
Billy’s looking up at Steve with the saddest eyes and it hits Steve like a freight train. There’s no anger to be found in them. Any fire that was there is there for a split second before they just turn tired. Bloodshot and worn and tired. His lips curl up into a grin that carries poison in it.
“I ran into a wall. Fell down the stairs.” Billy says, in a voice that tries so hard to be innocent that it’s haunting. “I’m a real clumsy kid.”
Billy’s voice wavers at that last part and it strikes Steve like a knife to his chest. Because he doesn’t want to say it, doesn’t even want to think it… but he thinks he knows. This happened to him once. Those words sound familiar and they link back to when Steve was 13- the first and last time his father ever backhanded him- and Steve could see the fear in both of his parents faces as they implored him to tell everyone he just fell down the stairs.
Steve doesn’t know what to say. What to do with his hands. Just looks into Billy’s eyes until he can’t anymore. Until he’s fidgeting and his mind is racing and his heart is threatening to rip a hole in his chest and-
“Can you do me a favor?” Billy asks, voice quieter than Steve’s ever heard him.
“Uhm…” Steve has to bite his tongue before he starts babbling.
“Real simple favor.” Billy turns his eyes to his own shoes. “Never come by my house again. Alright?”
Steve’s heart drops. He sees Billy heave a heavy sigh after he says those words.
“God, Harrington.” Billy’s exasperated. Tilts his head back and this time the light catches all of that purple on his face. It’s a universe of the most confusing pain Steve’s ever felt and he feels stupid even thinking that. “Can you hear me or do you have too much dried hairspray caked in your ears? I need you to listen.”
“I’m listening.” Steve’s voice is near a whisper. He can’t take his eyes off the bruising.
“Good. Don’t come by my house. Ever again.”
Steve feels a lump in his throat. Billy turns blue, expectant eyes on Steve, who just nods in what feels like shame. The most hideous and painful shame.
“Yeah… yeah okay I uh… fuck Billy. Shit, I’m so sorry-”
“Save it.” Billy stretches his legs out in front of him, head tilting back, face catching the sun.
“I’m serious I-”
“I said save it.” Billy screws his eyes shut. “I don’t wanna hear about it, alright?”
Steve nods, heat prickling the back of his eyelids.
Billy sighs.
“I’ll be back in school by Monday. I’ll be sure to be a real asshole. Make up for lost time.”
Billy’s acting like this is normal. Like this isn’t major. Like Steve didn’t just discover something he’s sure in a million years he wasn’t supposed to see.
The curly haired boy looks up with tired blue eyes and Steve can’t do anything. All he can do is watch this boy ache when he moves and it makes Steve livid. Saddened. Frightened.
“Billy… I don’t know who’s doing this-” A lie. He’s pretty sure. He has a good inkling, at least. He saw that man. “But they shouldn’t be. You don’t deserve it.”
And now all Steve can think about is how he didn’t believe that statement not 20 minutes ago. Any action Billy made always left Steve begging for a comeuppance. The boy’s an asshole, sure, but… no one deserves this.
Steve is boiling over it. Boiling in a cold sweat because it took this- this horrific moment of realization to realize the boy’s just a kid. Like him and Tommy and Jonathan. Just a stupid 17 year old who does some bratty things.
Billy looks up at Steve and chuckles in tired disbelief.
“You don’t deserve it.” Steve implores, made desperate by the disbelief he sees in Billy.
Billy just looks up at him, looking utterly hopeless, utterly defeated.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Neither can take their eye off the other, and Steve’s sure it’s for different reasons, but his mind is racing, rushing, flooding with his own- with his own concern for the exhaustion that he sees, with his fear of how long this has gone on, with his (truthfully, surprising) anger towards the fact that this boy’s beauty has been bruised and bloodied and that’s a new revelation… beauty…
Billy looks away first. He tells Steve to go. Raises his voice a bit when Steve takes a step in the wrong direction and moves to sit with him. Insists he’ll see Steve at school and it’s all a blur as Steve’s voice doesn’t allow him to say anything.
And in a few minutes of his rushing blood deafening him, he’s back in his car and Everybody Wants to Rule the World comes to life through the speakers as he drives away from this boy that he didn’t know he cared this much about until… until maybe too late.
And Steve’s blood is rushing, boiling inside of him until... until a near calm smile rests on his lips. A small, hopeful smile.
Because Billy promised to talk to him Monday. To keep their dynamic going.
Maybe the ball is back in Steve’s court. And if it is, he’s definitely running with it.
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pizzacast · 5 years
Billy finding out that Mayor Kline had something to do with the Russians and being pissed about it, because he finds out that the Russians were responsible for the gate.
So he tracks down mayor Kline when the man gets out of jail. He calmly knocks on his door and waits. When the door opens he’s meet with a sneer from the ex mayor. “What kid?”
“Yeah, That monster that attacked the mall. I’m one of the people that were affected by it.”
“So?” Kline says with no care in his voice.
“So part of it is your fucking fault.” He says coldly and Kline tried to quickly close the door, but billy pushes it open and gets inside. He gives a hard punch to the man, knocking him to the floor and then picking him up by front of his shirt.
“You’re going to fucking tell me what you know.”
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dankusner · 5 years
That time I interviewed Ashley Judd
Isn’t she ‘De-Lovely?’
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STRAIGHT PEOPLE WE LOVE What gay man wouldn’t want a wife like Ashley Judd?  
By DANIEL KUSNER | July 30, 2004
LOS ANGELES — Fresh from a bubble bath, Ashley Judd sits down with wet hair and not a lick of makeup. 
Perky and doe-eyed, it’s easy to see why she’s a leading lady. Judd is one classy babe.
Co-starring with Kevin Kline in “De-Lovely,” the musical biopic examines American composer Cole Porter’s complex and devoted marriage to wife Linda. 
The Porters got along just swell. And that’s because they had separate bedrooms. 
Cole was gay. And Linda gave him free reign — as long as her husband was discreet.
“But she was not his spineless beard,” Judd explains over a bottle of Evian at the Four Seasons Beverly-Wishire. “Linda Porter did exactly what she wanted every day of her life. Make no mistake about it.”
For a match made in 1918, the Porters were upper-crust soulmates who met at a wedding reception in Paris. 
Back then, she was Linda Lee Thomas, a divorcee socialite from Kentucky (Judd’s home state) who grew up filthy rich — servants, a yacht, racehorses, lavish jewels... 
Linda always wore white gloves, but only once. She'd send the used gloves to a cousin in Louisville.
In that era, homosexuality was a felony. And Cole was devoted to the traditionalism of the elite. 
So if Cole was going wife hunting, a stylish and wealthy maven like Linda was quite the catch.
"De-Lovely” emphasizes that love is a many splendored thing. It also shows that Linda was in an abusive marriage before she moved to Paris.
“He knocked the hell out of her. And that’s probably why sex was not important. It was spoiled for her,” Judd explains.
In Cole, Linda found a guy who loved her for who she was. The fact that their marriage didn’t require sex was probably a relief — for both of them.
“They were married for 35 years, which does not happen by accident. Cole and Linda had a nurturing, sustaining and profound relationship that simply did not have sex as its cornerstone,” Judd explains. “I know that’s hard for people to believe in today’s sex-crazed culture.”
Judd found many similarities between her life and Linda’s. The actress is married to hottie racecar driver Dario Franchitti. And everyone knows Judd’s famous mom and sister musicians (Naomi and Winona).
“I have a natural affinity of being close to people with special talents. I grew up with greatness — that’s my sister. And I married someone who has a very elite, very rare gift,” Judd says. “So the idea of Linda being with Cole — she was a high-class enabler for his creativity. And that’s something I responded to.”
Some would say that Cole and Linda’s relationship was a type of gay marriage.
“But it’s not. He was a gay man who had sexual relationships with men outside their marriage. And some people have even insinuated that Linda was gay,” Judd says. “I don’t think people should confuse the issues. I think it’s a God-given right for people to designate their relationships regardless of their orientation. In fact, I was just in San Francisco and met Gavin Newsom at a dinner. I went right over and gave him a big kiss.”
Newsom sure is handsome. 
“Lucky you, Ashley,” I say. 
For a few seconds, my words hang in the air as Judd’s eyes widen. It’s as if her pupils were like laser beams ...  puncturing holes into me.
“Umm.... And I guess ... Mayor Newsom was lucky as well,” I cough. 
The leading lady involuntarily smiles.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
Hey I love your Jim Hopper hcs!!! Could you do some about jealous Hopper? Maybe with Mayor Kline hitting on the reader? Thank you!!!
Thank you so much, lovely!! I’m so sorry this is late!
as I’ve said before, Hop is not a jealous man.
He’s not. He deals with jealous assholes at work all the time, and he just hates it. Besides, he trusts you.
.................... uhm
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t occasionally get a little jealous, though, mainly because he can be a little insecure, in himself that is.
He can’t help but think every now and then, in a tiny corner of his mind, that he doesn’t deserve you, that you could do better. He can’t help it, he’s always been insecure, and after his divorce and you being his first proper relationship since then, it has just exacerbated it.
He hasn’t had those feelings in a loooong time, though. With your love and care, he’s worked through it, and trusts you completely.
And then came the fair.
He never used to attend it, but this year, when you’d come home from work with the leaflet, eye-wide, smile wide, he’d begrudgingly agreed to go.
When the day came, your excitement was kinda infectious, especially when you’d classed it as a date, so he’d dressed in his new, favourite, tropical shirt, washed and brushed his hair, and had nearly thrown you on the damn bed with what you’d dressed in.
You’d held hands in the Blazer as he drove, laughing and singing along to the radio, both of you the most relaxed you’d been in a long time. It was getting more and more rare these days that you get an evening off together and actually do something with it, though you’re also quite happy to sit on the couch and hold each other as you half watch something.
This is exciting, though, something different, something new, and who doesn’t love a fair?
Once he’d parked up, you’d gotten out and held hands again, your eyes wide at the lights and sounds and laughter. He’d taken a breath and, though it’s not particularly his scene, he seizes the opportunity to just spend time with you.
And he soon relaxes, his arm going around your shoulders, around your waist, his hand back in yours, laughing as you do, and trying his damn best to win you a damn toy. He excels on the coconut shy and the shooting games, winning you whatever you want. You’re both soon hungry, though, and you grab a free picnic table as he gets in the queue for food, his hands in his pockets.
A couple of people will talk to him in the line, and he’ll be polite and talk back, then Callahan will bump into him and talk his ear off while he eats cotton candy. Hop will half listen, nodding and humming and glancing over Callahan’s shoulder at you.
The fourth time he glances over his shoulder, he’ll see that you’re not alone.
Mayor Larry Kline.
Hop has... not much of a relationship with him. He has to meet every week or so with him of course to report on what’s going on in Hawkins and to just be seen to be doing so, really, Kline never really listens and just kind of waves him off as everything seems to be fine.
But even from the short meetings he’d had with him, Hop knows what kind of man Mayor Kline is; a sleaze.
He’s charming, handsome, witty, everything a successful politician is.
And Hop watches you laugh at something Kline says.
Watches the way Kline talks to you, engaged, animated, attentive, and it... it makes something twist a little inside him.
Hop knows who he is, and knows that you love him, he knows you do, but... sometimes he wishes he could be more for you, that he could hold a room, be charming like Kline and make you beam with pride. At seeing Kline with you, he forgets that you already do that when you see him.
Running a hand down his mouth and beard, he keeps his eyes fixed on you, Callahan still going on and on, oblivious.
Kline laughs charmingly at something you say... and rests a hand on your knee.
He’s too busy staring at the hand, that he doesn’t notice you tense slightly and try to shift it away as you laugh politely.
Then, Hop’s striding out of the queue, ignoring Callahan’s ‘what the hell?’s
You were sat on your own, smiling to yourself, so happy with how the evening was going, that you and Hop were getting to spend real quality time together, when you’d heard someone approach.
Getting ready to say no, the table is not free, you’d then met the gaze of Mayor Larry Kline.
You’d smiled automatically, wanting to be polite, and he’s the mayor, after all, and he’d returned it, charming as ever.
You’d heard from Hop that Kline had... an interest in woman who weren’t particularly his wife, so that had been ringing in your mind as he’d introduced himself and sat down. You’d never met him, but he knew you were Hop’s girlfriend so even more alarms had started ringing when he’d turned on the charm.
You just tried to be as polite as you could, though, because, again, he’s the mayor, and he wasn’t doing anything that overtly called for you to call him out, and hoped Hopper would be back soon.
‘Wow, you’ve won a lot today, huh?’
‘Oh, no, not me, my boyfriend, Hopper, Jim Hopper,’
‘Ah, yes, of course. It’s good, that you have a man like that to take care of you.’
‘Yes, I’m very happy with him.’
Everything you said, you tried to make it very clear you are happy with Hopper, but Kline either wasn’t getting or was ignoring the message.
‘I have a gala next week, you and Hop should come, I bet you’d be the belle of the ball.’
‘Oh, no, I don’t think so, I think your wife would outshine me.’
He laughs, his hand gently resting on your knee.
‘Oh, I don’t know, you may give her a run for her money.’
Oh my God.
You laugh, politely, and try and shift your knee away, and you’re about to politely remind him of his wedding vows when Hop is suddenly there at your side, his hand settling on your back.
Kline smiles brightly, charmingly, as he looks at him.
‘Hopper! So good to see you—’
‘Yeah, whatever, pal, can you get your hand off my girl’s knee.’
Kline stares at him as you stare at Kline, your lips twitching.
‘... Oh, I was just—’
‘Hand. Off.’
Kline’s hand comes off your knee instantly and he laughs, albeit rather nervously this time, and gets to his feet, straightening his suit.
‘Just a misunderstanding, Hopper, I assure you—’
‘Yeah, I bet, you have a nice night with your wife, Kline.’
Kline’s smile is forced, fixed, and you’re biting at your lower lip to hide your own smile.
‘Well, I... Good evening, have a great night, both of you.’
Hopper watches him walk away until he hears your throat clear. Looking down at you, he finds you grinning.
‘My girl’, huh’?’
‘Well, you are, aren’t you?’
Rising to your feet, your smirk wide, your arms go around his neck as you look at him.
‘... Yes, I am.’
His own arms go around your waist, a low hum coming from him.
‘Think I might need to remind a few people of that.’
‘Shut up and come here...’
Your laugh will be muffled by his lips descending on yours, and with a single kiss, Hopper will remind everyone in the vicinity that you are his, and he is yours.
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