#russian shows
dapper-suitor · 3 months
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i was playing around with lighting
he makes a gorgeous muse
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knopartt · 9 months
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mila from the russian series "vampires of the midland" inspired by shortparis' music video of the choir version of the song яблонный сад (apple orchard) :)
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sapphirerose93 · 2 years
Where can I watch Dva Holma with English subtitles in United States without VPN? I made an account on Start because Google said it had it but then it doesn't appear in search.
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trueloveistreacherous · 6 months
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MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION @rachelsennot requested: Russian Doll or Poker Face
Hey, man. Didn't you get the news? We're about to die. It doesn't matter. I die all the time. Me too.
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eursolons-mushroom · 7 months
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After much planning, time and love, I've finally finished my World's Beyond Number nesting dolls. Im not one to make fan art, but this podcast has moved me to the point of creation. I simply NEEDED to have the gang for my desk. Im so happy with all the details I was able to fit in.
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transsexualism · 10 months
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"Nobody would ever say something insensitive about X physical condition like they do Y mental condition" "Nobody would ever be racist towards X like they are towards Y" "No one would ever dare treat X religion like they do Y religion" "X gender/sexuality are never treated the way Y gender/sexuality are"
What if we stopped playing Oppression Olympics. What if we started showing some solidarity. What if we just stuck to describing the problem instead of detouring around to shit on someone we think isn't oppressed enough. What if we stopped making sweeping judgements on what issues other groups of people do or do not face based on vibes.
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Original title: Nu, pogodi! | Ну, погоди!.
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dapper-suitor · 4 months
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my contribution to mermay
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sherlock-is-ace · 3 months
every adaptation of Sherlock Holmes tried to link Moriarty to another story somehow, just so that his entire character won't feel like a stupid plot device to kill Holmes lol
Soviet Holmes connected him to Milverton and Granada Holmes to The Red Headed League. Everyone's so desperate to make Moriarty into an actual character, bless them
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nosleepgummitato · 3 months
I like the idea of Dream being, er. . . How do I put it?
Like I see a lot of dainty and sweet, innocent Dream.
I just want to see him be an old man. Like, i wanna see him complain because you forgot to put sugar in his Tea. I wanna see him kin Nightmare a bit, and it makes you think,
"Wow. These guys really are brothers, well I'd be darned."
I want to see Dream learn how to use modern technology, scrolling through the channels on the TV, grumbling on and on about how he can't find anything good.
I want to see him lose his cool and be fighting with Nightmare and realizing it's draging on too long and just giving up being like "You know what, I'm done- no, nonono, I just can't with you."
I wanna see him cook. I bet if he learned how to cook he'd be really good at it. Making a stake, medium rare, with the most scrumptious sides you've ever seen in your life, Horror will escape the castle to have dinner with this man and Dream with ease all the information about the bad sanses with his cooking skills on Horror.
I want him to drink wine, every other night. Quality red wine. I headcanon Nightmare drinks a lot of wine. The apple never falls far from the tree I guess.
Get it cause they're the apple twins, and they- they have an apple tree. . .
Not funny? <:0 Okay. . .
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feketeribizli · 24 days
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monza pole ring... you got me ill in the head
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sophsun1 · 5 months
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Russian Doll – 1.04: Alan's Routine
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sherlockianscholar · 8 months
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poor watson, hugging his blanket cuz he's convinced that his roommate's a serial killer
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o-craven-canto · 9 days
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-- The History of Louis Pasteur, 1936
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ohsalome · 10 months
"why don't we hate israelis as much as we hated russians when they invaded ukraine" - first of all, who is "we". It was (primarily) Eastern Europeans who carried the russophobia on their backs, I'm not letting you appropriate their contribution. And second of all, when were you stabbing russian immigrants abroad for the sin of being russian and vandalising their neighbourhoods with swasticas? Because all I remember is russian men harrassing & beating up ukrainian refugee women and children, and setting their houses on fire, while westerners were observing this with "omg brotherly nation forced into war by politicians. make peace not war #deep"
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