#foreign media
hopeymchope · 1 year
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After seeing this happen yet AGAIN this week, I realized someone should really document this phenomenon. It's been ongoing for literal decades at this point.
(It's also worth mentioning that it's very easy/fast to spread word of supposed "bad localization" through a fandom, but spreading word of that claim's inaccuracy always takes FAR longer — with unaware holdouts frequently appearing even years after the whole thing is dispelled.)
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zhoufeis · 2 years
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To leave something behind is not always easy. Because... we do not know what comes after. But a well-known truth is that you must follow your heart.
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mrmistopher · 3 months
"Translations of foreign media should hold true to the author's intent and be as accurate as possible" and "Italian dubbing companies should go back to making badass EDM intros for shows" are two conflicting statements I believe in equally
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cursedgamerchild · 10 months
"internet historian's alt-right anyways" "great day to have never liked james somerton" "never even heard of illuminaughtii before this lol"
that's great buddy but don't go around thinking you're immune to this. if you're not looking for plagiarism, you likely won't notice it unless its egregiously obvious. hell, you've probably consumed plagiarized content without even realizing it. even hbomb pointed out that these people disguised what they presented pretty well as long as you didn't try and dig deeper. don't come away just thinking of this as a callout piece, take this as an important lesson about vetting your sources. if googling scripts in quotes was enough to expose the original, we should all start doing that shit!!
edit: it got a little too doomer-y a little too fast so one quick addition
this is hbomb's curated playlist of queer creators, many of whom were victims of plagiarism
this is producer kat on reddit calling for any more plagiarism discoveries and for queer content creators to be uplifted
please take some time to uplift these creators and recommend any you know! if you can help uncover more of the original creators whose work was lifted that would be great too :)
UPDATE- From Hbomb's twitter: "We're in the process of cataloguing everyone James Somerton plagiarised and finding their contact information. Which is quite a task, so to help us out: If you see this and happen to be one of the people Somerton stole from, please email us at [email protected]"
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sapphirerose93 · 2 years
Where can I watch Dva Holma with English subtitles in United States without VPN? I made an account on Start because Google said it had it but then it doesn't appear in search.
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I firmly believe that the 1987 & 2003 tmnt guys are solely focused on comics or cartoons, and thus would categorize the Rise crew as "cartoony but somehow slightly different from how 1987 is cartoony"
2012 HOWEVER canonically have a voltron knock-off that they watch on the reg, and DEFINITELY would take one look at these morons and go "oh no they're ANIME PROTAGONISTS"
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
if someone came to your home and told you you had to get out because their parents lived there 50 years ago, you would call the police on them. you would think they are insane. you would rightly think they are out of their minds because having people who once lived in a place a hundred years ago does not give anyone today the right to take someone else's property. however, israel has been spreading the lie that somehow having people who lived on a land 3000 years ago gives them the right to take it from the indigenous population through theft, murder, gr@pe, and worse. i'm so proud of these university kids for seeing the truth.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 months
watching Liam O'Brien do a spectacular fantasy!German for dozens of episodes has impressed me so much and yet nothing could have possibly prepared me for the man starting to sing, of all the songs, "Laurentia, liebe Laurentia mein"
the immersion! if you reached to the very back of my memory there'd be like ten folk songs there and this one, which we used to have to sing at 7:00 in the morning on choir retreats while doing squats for all the weekdays, would definitely be there. it's a silly ditty you've heard somehow exclusively in childhood, it's a little game song for children. If all else was tainted by your later life that song would probably survive, it's perfect
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
The US House of Representatives passed a bill recently, which could very well effectively ban TikTok -ALL across party lines these so-called politicians who care about the people -are trying to silence an app that has been showcasing what is happening to Palestinian people in Gaza -what western mainstream media won't -the rampant war crimes and genocide being committed by the settler-colonial state of Israel.
I don't care if you hate TikTok. I don't care if you prefer YouTube or Twitter or any other social media site to get your news/create content/to engage with creators you like -this is censorship by the United States government and it SHOULD worry you. I just watched Nancy Pelosi say that this is not "an attempt" to ban the app but to "make it better" and that is utterly horrifying to me. Especially when we know zionists wanted to meet with TikTok executives to 'discuss' the troubling content they keep seeing there -they mean -they don't like how people have been sharing stories of what the IOF has been and is doing -they don't like people advocating for Palestinian liberation. For a free Palestine in our lifetime.
Can you imagine being THAT scared of how much impact an app has to impress upon people this way -to see it as a threat to not only their national security -but to their violent imperialistic agenda? The US government wants to control the narrative -that's what this is about. From the sinophobia, to the covering of a genocide happening in Gaza, to wanting to proliferate and normalize their American propaganda... this is all terrifying. And it's something you should NEVER turn away from.
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originalleftist · 7 months
Over half of anti-Heard tweets were bots or paid trolls, many linked to Saudi government bots.
"According to an investigation by Tortoise Media, which examined more than one million tweets, more than 50 per cent of anti-Heard messages in the run-up to the 2022 defamation case were "inauthentic' - either from automated "bot" accounts or people hired to attack the actress."
"Bradley Hope, author of a book on Bin Salman, told the podcast that the pro-Depp tweets emanating from Saudi Arabia appear to be produced by "flies", a name for Saudi bot accounts."
"An intelligence professional who tracks online disinformation campaigns, said there was only a "0.1 per cent chance" that the hate directed at Heard was from genuine Depp fans.
The investigation also claims that bot networks in Thailand and Spain tweeted large numbers of pro-Depp messages."
"...more than 100 Twitter accounts sent 1,000 identical messages at exactly the same time to any company that had worked with Heard, reading: "This brand supports domestic violence against men."'
"The makers of the podcast argue that the criticism of Heard could have affected the jury in the 2022 US defamation trial which found in favour of Depp."
"So, if you couldn't tell the difference between a real-life Johnny Depp fan and a bot in 2022, then you probably won't be able to tell a Russian troll from a US election official in 2024. And that represents a serious problem for the security of our democracies."-Alexi Mostrous, presenter of the podcast.
"Johnny Depp and the Saudi Embassy did not respond to Tortoise's request for comment."
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frahah · 4 months
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The 1975 mixed media visual art 💿
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tomorrowusa · 18 days
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Yep, the GOP is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin, Inc..
If Trump loses, all those pee tapes will have been for nothing.
Jay Kuo blogged about the Republican Tenet Media payola scandal at his Substack.
A MAGA Meltdown The Russian influence peddling scandal begins to mount casualties.
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totallynotcensorship · 8 months
2 two former IDK soldiers used chimecal weapons on a pro-palestine protest that consisted of over 300 college students in america...
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fure-dcmk · 11 months
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congrats to king of inconsistency for breaking the retirement curse to celebrate vote for the best hakuba color palette
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dyinggirldied · 6 months
Undereage Superheroes On The Rise: A Morally and Ethically Cause of Concern?
It's supposed to be another clickbait news but it comes at the time when the existence of ghost was recently proved factual at a small town in Illinois along witha its dead teenage superhero, when the heroes of Paris and by large France accidentally revealed they weren't adults at all, not even close, when Spiderman was unmasked to be 16-year-old Peter Parker, when the Young Justice was wounded in a large scale attack.
Most of the people involved and not involved are not having fun.
(This is inspired by the Miraculous fanfic The Growing Pains of Child Soldiers by BloodWolf13, a fic which I recommend you read since it is very, very good. Hits all my whump and angst points)
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fedtothenight · 1 year
americans love to approach any discourse, any news, any media, any relationship and incident through the american lens, and yet i haven’t seen anyone spell out a really obvious reality regarding the suicide of the italian call of duty cosplayer inquisitor ghost / vincent: at the end of the day, a white woman with a large following contributed to the hanging of a man of colour through the spreading of false sexual accusations.
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