#ruta B
news360fast · 7 months
Metropolitano: ruta B extenderá recorrido con ampliación norte ¿dónde empieza y termina?
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ATU informa cuáles serán sus nuevos paraderos y el horario de atención del servicio
Desde la segunda quincena de diciembre, cuando se inicien las operaciones en cuatro estaciones de la ampliación norte del Metropolitano, algunos servicios regulares, expresos y rutas alimentadoras variarán su recorrido. Uno de ellos es el regular B. Conoce en esta nota cuáles serán sus paraderos y en qué horario atenderá este servicio.
Las cuatro nuevas estaciones del tramo norte que se pondrán en funcionamiento a mediados de diciembre son: Universidad, 22 de Agosto, Belaunde y Los Incas. La Autoridad de Transporte Urbano para Lima y Callao (ATU) comenzará a informar acerca de estos cambios a fin de que los usuarios tomen sus previsiones. 
Las cuatro nuevas estaciones del tramo norte que se pondrán en funcionamiento a mediados de diciembre son: Universidad, 22 de Agosto, Belaunde y Los Incas. La Autoridad de Transporte Urbano para Lima y Callao (ATU) comenzará a informar acerca de estos cambios a fin de que los usuarios tomen sus previsiones. 
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¿Cuál será el nuevo recorrido de la ruta B?
La ATU informó que, con la ampliación norte, la ruta regular B se movilizará ahora entre las estaciones Los Incas (Comas) y la Plaza de Flores (Barranco), en ambos sentidos.
El servicio regular B tendrá paradas en las estaciones Los Incas, Andrés Belaunde, 22 de Agosto y Universidad, para continuar su recorrido habitual por las avenidas Túpac Amaru, Caquetá, Alfonso Ugarte y la Vía Expresa, hasta llegar a Plaza de Flores.
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Ya no recorrerá 7 estaciones
Sin embargo, ya no brindará el servicio en Balta, Bulevar, Estadio Unión, Escuela Militar, Terán, Rosario de Villa y Matellini.
Horarios se mantienen
Con relación al horario de la ruta B, este se mantendrá de lunes a viernes desde las 10 a.m. hasta las 11 p.m. y los sábados y domingos desde las 5 a.m. hasta las 11 p.m. y 10 p.m., respectivamente.
Por su parte, los servicios regulares A, C y D no serán modificados y continuarán funcionando con sus paradas y horarios frecuentes.
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La obra de ampliación norte del Metropolitano beneficiará a más de 350 000 ciudadanos de los distritos de Lima norte, como Independencia, Los Olivos, Comas, Carabayllo y Puente Piedra. En julio del 2024, la Municipalidad de Lima hará la entrega total de la obra que incluye 17 estaciones, un terminal y un patio taller.
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dergarabedian · 2 years
Alejandro Alonso presenta su novela "1959"
Alejandro Alonso presenta su novela “1959”
Alejandro Alonso, escritor y periodista que me honra con su amistad, presentará el 19 de agosto su nueva novela “1959”, donde plantea una discusión entre el avance científico y el uso del poder. (more…)
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jupiterdrabbles · 1 year
The Oracle
Chapter Eight
Word Count: 3.2k~
Rating: Teen
Pronouns for Reader: They/Them/Theirs
Warnings: Vivid details of violence and blood
Parings: Prince Sidon/Reader, Link/Reader, Ganondorf/Reader (if you squint)
Masterlist can be found here!
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Link had little time to react. Ganon’s voice was still reverberating through the chamber as he lifted his hand, his triforce glowing on the back of his gauntlet. The Oracle’s feet lifted slowly, head tipping up as more Malice pooled from their mouth and down their chin. The connection was quickly made that Ganon was manipulating their body against their will, and the Hylian felt a disturbing familiarity as he looked upon the sight. Link drew his sword, on the defensive as he watched them rise into the air, as he heard Ganondorf laughing from just out of his sight. His grip on the master sword was tight and blistering, willing that he wouldn’t have to use it. This was definitely a fight he couldn’t brute force his way through. 
The Oracle’s head lolled forward, eyes shut and malice still gurgling from between their lips. Link watched with a numb form of shock as their hand (trembling, he noticed) gathered the hand of the trident secured to their back. They brought it forward and aimed the weapon at Link, looking down the handle with closed eyes as if aiming for the blond. Eventually, their feet touched the ground, and they charged forward. 
The sharp clang of metal echoed through the Divine Beast as Link drove his blade through the forks of the trident, digging the balls of his feet into the floor as he leaned forward, hissing under his breath. The Oracle displayed a shocking amount of strength, an amount that Link knew wasn’t their own as they pushed him away and charged again.
They fought wildly, muscles tight and knuckles straining as they drove the trident toward Link over and over and over. From swiping it through the air to plunging it toward his chest, Link found it becoming increasingly difficult to dodge their movements. He locked their trident in place once more as they pushed it inches away from his face. They hadn’t made a sound this entire time, it looked as if they were barely breathing, just a husk being puppeted around in order to kill. 
“Fight it.” Link hissed, face scrunching tight with the effort. “This isn’t you, this is him. Fight it.” 
“Can you be certain?” Ganondorf sneered as the Oracle lunged again, clashing the trident against Link’s shield. “What if this is what’s been lingering under the surface, all this time?” Link staggered as he thrust the shield forward, pushing the Oracle away from him. Ganondorf scowled, raising his hand and then clenching his fist. A strange, gurgled sound left the Oracle, more Malice pouring from their mouth as they opened their eyes, rolled back into their head, and white as the clothes they wore. The trident by their side began to glow, then, and their grip readjusted as their head snapped back forward. 
It was then Link noticed the necklace they bore around their neck. He hadn’t seen it besides this very moment, he honestly didn’t think they were prone to wearing jewelry. It emanated a soft light, pulsing in time with the trident they held. He thought for too long on this, apparently, because as he looked up again they were mere inches away from his face. 
“Fight it!” Link called, to no avail as they locked the trident with his sword. 
“There’s only one way out of this, Champion.” Ganondorf turned his back, waving his hand dismissively. The Oracle twisted the trident at the same time, straining Link’s injured side as he fought for control. 
“And what is that?” Link gasped out, strained as he felt more blood pool down his side. Ganondorf smiled at him, eyes glinting. 
“Your extinction.” 
Faster than he could blink, there was a blinding flash of light and searing pain at his back. He recognized the sound of breaking rock as he realized he was being launched through a wall of Vah Ruta. The harsh gaze of the setting sun and the wind blowing past him made it an almost peaceful moment, losing himself before he remembered he was being hurtled toward the ground. Link frantically tried to grab at his paraglider, writhing in the air as he struggled. Just seconds before he thought he was going to turn flat against the ground, he heard the loud crash of water and then felt arms around him. 
“Link!” Sidon called, landing back in the water. The Hylian gasped, shooting upward as he heard the Zora speak. “Are you alright? Where is-” 
“They’re still in there.” Link signed, throat raw from talking so damn much. “I have to get back up there. It’s Ganondorf, they were right.” 
Sidon stammered, looking over his friend’s injuries and then to his panicked face. The Prince turned over his shoulder and called for a medic, setting Link carefully back into the water. It was up to his chest, soothing the heat of his wound as he tread through it. Link began to summon Revali’s Gale, calling upon the spirit to lift him into the air before he felt the riverbed shake. 
He turned around and cursed. 
Vah Ruta was marching toward Zora Domain.��
There was screaming all around him, an elixir being shoved into his hands and Sidon lifting him back up as he ran up the staircase leading into the Domain center. The Zora prince was shouting orders of defensive positions, leading citizens to safety and grabbing his own weapons but it all fell on deaf ears. Link looked up to Vah Ruta in shock to see the Oracle atop it, Ganon’s hand back on their neck as Vah Ruta stomped out of the water. 
“Hurry.” Link signed, and Sidon nodded. 
They ran to the highest point, just outside of the throne room and Link couldn’t help but notice that the King was vacant. He was most likely with his people, in safety, but it felt odd to see the massive throne without its King. Sidon set Link down once again, and they faced Vah Ruta. Sidon bristled as he made eye contact with Ganondorf, and the Gerudo man laughed. 
“This is the brother of Mipha?” He asked incredulously, turning toward the Oracle. “He looks as scared as a pup!” 
“Do not talk to them as if they were kin!” Sidon pointed a trident toward Ganondorf, teeth bared as a snarl left his throat. “You have no business here, you were defeated long ago!” Sidon stepped forward, up onto the railing to have a vantage point. Link remained still, narrowing his eyes in thought. Why was Ganondorf so confident? What was his plan? Ganon smiled at Sidon, who only bristled further. 
“And yet, here I stand.” Ganondorf shrugged, turning to the Oracle once again. “And, you seem to speak fondly of them as well- despite having known each other for mere days.” 
Sidon watched the Oracle sway on their feet, the grip holding his sister’s trident was lax and their eyes closed. Their face was pallor, black sludge stained their chin and down their shirt. Link saw a growing rage bubble up in the prince and felt a growl reverberate through his chest. 
“What have you done to them?” Sidon demanded, flashing serrated teeth. Ganondorf’s face fell for a moment, a crack in the facade. What did it, Link wondered. When the Gerudo didn’t answer, Sidon leaned over the railing and reached his hand out. Desperation coated his movements, and Ganondorf’s scowl deepened. Link readied the bomb charm on his slate. 
“My friend!” Sidon called, stretching his clawed hand out in a last-ditch effort. “Please, talk to us! What has happened to you?” The words crawled out of his throat before he could stop them, the strain in his body evident as he pushed ever closer to them. Ganondorf, his hand still on the back of their neck, pulled them back as the Zora stretched. 
“You… you are desperate.” Ganondorf looked down his nose at the pair, orange eyes gleaming with poorly-hidden disdain. The Gerudo released his grip on the Oracle, who stumbled forward. Sidon retracted ever so slightly when they didn’t come forward. He heard Link take in a gasp through his teeth when a faint golden light began to emit from their right hand. Sidon heard the sound of Link unsheathing his sword and turned sharply, missing the way the Oracle readied the lightscale trident. 
“Well, you want your friend back that badly?” Ganondorf pushed the Oracle forward, who’s eyes snapped open upon the contact. They were completely white, rolled back into their head as if they were asleep. Then, with a foreign strength and speed, charged forward. 
“Take them.”
You didn’t know where you were. 
Surrounded by white walls that stretched almost endlessly, your footsteps echoed as you padded forward. There seemed to be a thin stretch of water along the floor, for every step you took it rippled and sent droplets flying. It wasn’t noticeably warm or cold, nor did you feel the water against your skin when you bent down to touch it. The liquid just rolled off your skin, repelling everything you were. 
You were walking for what felt like hours, but could as easily have been minutes. Everything was aimless, weightless, timeless. Was this a vision? Where were you before you were… here?
A sudden pain erupted from your side, causing you to double over and kneel in the water. You coughed as the blow sent fire through your skin, and when you wiped your mouth there was a black substance staining the back of your hand. Why couldn’t you feel any warning? Your gift allowed you to never be completely surprised, so why were you taken so off-guard? You sat back on your heels, touching the sludge between your fingers as fear curled deep in your belly. Blood? No, it was much too dark and thick. Were you ill? Could you even grow ill in a vision? 
A similar pain knocked through your left temple, knocking you onto your side as you cried out. This pain flowed through your bloodstream and rocked through your core, magnetizing behind your sternum. You turned over onto your stomach, dry-heaving with the weight of it. More black ooze dripped from your mouth and you felt it travel beneath your skin. You scratched at your skin, trying to rid yourself of the sensation. You had never felt pain this great in a vision, never felt ache and panic this real. 
What do you want of me? You cried out, but your voice carried nowhere. You coughed again, burning ice-cold within you. 
Please, just get me out of here. Send me home. 
You were like that for a very long time. Crying out for someone, anyone to hear you, but no one came. You were alone, isolated in an echo chamber of tortuous pain that you couldn’t sense coming. You had never been so scared in your life. And that was saying something, considering the events that have occurred over the past few days. 
What had happened over the past few days?
Hands were on the back of your head. 
“You need to wake up now.” A voice echoed, soft and bodiless and warm, neither male nor female. It eased all the pain ricocheting through you, and your spine softened. 
Where am I? You asked again, still in your head. You figured they could probably hear it. 
“You are within your mind. A shared space between you and the goddesses.” 
Who are you? 
The voice hummed. “I think you already know that.” 
The voice was right. You did.
“I need you to do something for me, child.”
What is it? 
One of the hands left your head and guided your hand up. A ball of light appeared in your palm, taking the shape of a small triangle. You furrowed your brow. It was distinctly familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it. Its glow thrummed in time with your heart, and it seemed almost a part of you. 
“Watch over this for me.”
“Sidon!” Link called, jumping out of the way a split second before the Oracle would’ve skewered him like a kebab. The prince was frozen in place, holding onto the base of the trident with giant hands. The Oracle shook with the pressure of it, continuously trying to drive the weapon into his gut. 
“Sidon!” Link yelled again, and caught a glimpse of the expression Sidon wore. He was utterly distraught, mouth forming words that his throat couldn’t supply the energy to back up. Link drew his bow, firing an ice arrow just off to the side of the Zora. Sidon jumped, looking Link in the eye. 
“You have to distract them!” Link called, skidding to a halt as he prepared to launch himself onto Vah Ruta’s trunk. “I have to go after Ganon, can you handle this on your own?” 
“I-“ Sidon swallowed dryly, looking down at the Oracle. There was no evidence of strain or effort on their face, no emotion whatsoever. The only thing that gave it away that they weren’t a damned statue was the shaking in their arms as they attempted to overpower him. “I don’t want to hurt them.” 
“You have to do whatever it takes!” Link swore as Vah Ruta began to turn towards Zora Domain. “Listen to me! Swear to me you will keep your people safe!” 
Sidon looked up at the Hylian. Link’s face was distraught, red with the effort of speaking and he could hear the way the blond’s voice cracked and strained. He looked back at the Oracle, completely not themself. He felt guilt wind up right within him. Damn the gods for putting him in such a position. 
“I swear,” Sidon concluded, looking back to Link who looked more relieved than he ever had. Sidon jostled the trident, sending the handle flying into the Oracle’s side. It seemed to knock them off balance for a moment.
“Now go!” 
Link had already taken off. 
Sidon growled as he readied his spear, gripping low on the poll. The Oracle steadied themselves, crouching low and shifting their weight. Sidon watched the black sludge drip from their mouth and small cuts along their body. 
“My dear, please wake up.” Sidon pleaded once more, stepping in a slow circle as they did the same. The pair rotated around each other, fostering a growing tension. “I do not wish to harm you, but-“ 
Sidon stammered, tightening his grip on his spear. “-But our companion is right. My loyalty belongs to my people first, I’m sorry.” 
The Oracle’s face twitched, which Sidon took as a win. But then, the Oracle lunged forward, and the feeling was quickly lost. 
Link rolled as he landed on the back of Vah Ruta, drawing the sword at his back as he lifted himself up onto his feet. Ganondorf turned slowly, clicking his tongue disappointedly. 
“Back again? Can you truly not resist fighting with me every regeneration?” 
Link remained silent, his throat already raw and sore from all the damned talking he’s done today. Ganon seemed put off by this, turning fully to face the Hylian. Link took in his appearance, from the sword at his hip to the missing jewel atop his forehead. The crown that held his hair back was cracked down the middle, leaving a jagged scar in the center of his forehead. There was a similar scar in the middle of his chest, where his shirt and overcoat were torn and bloody. He looked like a corpse given new life, which was actually very appropriate. 
“Not in the mood for conversation?” Ganon asked, only half rhetorically, and clapped his hands in front of his chest. “You wound me.” 
Good, Link thought pointedly. I hope you bleed out and die. 
“Well, let’s get to the point I suppose.” Ganondorf pulled his sword, glowing white and intricately carved. The Master Sword in Link’s hand seemed to glow in time, pulsing and groaning under his fingers. Almost alive. He only had a moment to ponder on this fact before Ganondorf was swiping his sword through the air, landing a slice on Link’s cheek. 
“You know, with all your knightley persuasions,” Ganon hissed, swearing when Link hit his stomach with his shield. “I thought you’d be a little more keen on protecting those who you’re close to!” 
Link furrowed his brow, not taking the bait. He missed when Ganondorf was just a mass of arms and hatred, at least then he didn’t have to sit through all his awful monologuing. He threw a bomb at the Gerudo, detonating it as soon as it was near his feet. It barely did a thing, however, as Ganondorf swung his arm through the smoke with a crazed expression. 
“You’ve always had such a hard time protecting Zelda and all your little companions, but now?” Their swords clashed and sparks flew from the metal. “You’ve lost every single one of the Champions! How awful it must feel to be that incompetent!” 
Ganondorf pushed Link away, the blond’s feet skidding atop Vah Ruta’s back. For a split second, he swore he could see the shadowy form of Mipha in front of him, her hand at his jaw and a sad smile across her lips. A twisting guilt coursed through him as he looked up at her, and then a bigger pain collided with him as Ganon’s fist collided with his stomach. Link felt himself go weightless in the air before Ganondorf’s giant hand gripped his head and forced him into Vah Ruta’s ceiling. The rock cracked around him and he cried out, blood dribbling from where he bit his tongue on the landing. 
“Look, hero.” Ganon sneered, forcing Link’s head back up and over the view of the Zora domain. It truly was a beautiful place, Link thought, vision swirling with the whiplash. “Look what has become of your precious Oracle.” 
Sidon spluttered, the world halting in its tracks. Blood, thick and warm, flowed over his hands and dripped onto the cracked marble terrain. He looked to the Oracle, crimson droplets spattered across their cheekbone and making lines of red that resembled tear streaks. He hadn’t meant to hurt them, he thought with panging guilt as he brought a hand to rest on the side of their face. Maybe if he could pour an elixir on their wound, it would close long enough to have a healer pay proper attention to it. In the middle of his thoughts, the Oracle tugged on their trident and Sidon felt a ripping sensation tear through his abdomen. 
Oh. They weren’t bleeding. He was. Of course. 
He rested his hand on his stomach and felt where the flesh was ripped like wet paper. He brought the hand back up and looked at it dumbly, smearing the crimson color between the pads of his fingertips and watching as it spread and clotted back together. Fascinating, he thought to himself, how the body always longs to stick together. The more reasonable part of him screamed at how inappropriate of a time it was to be thinking this way, and that he was bleeding out at that very moment you imbecile, get up! But he couldn’t stand to listen to that voice. 
So he fell to his knees, and then further.
Then the world went black. 
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sunset-peril · 1 month
Yippee, I was actually able to get a Zora May entry done! I wanted to do a Tavo/Vyrtuka piece so badly, and made myself wait until A) May and B) I had time to do it.
I got the prompt lists a little mixed up and realized I was reading the 2023 list about halfway through idea generation, so this is for both the Sentimental (2023) and Tears (2024) prompts. I hope that's alright! I haven't done one of these since Shiptober 2021 so I'm rustyyyy.
There is both an art piece and a short story! Look at me being extra The art piece is based on the short story, so it's not as prompty as the story itself.
Zora May is hosted by @prisiidon
Based on the Hyrule's Final Stand AU series
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He had heard Prince Sidon had found a Hylian to bring to the Domain.
A Hylian that could handle the shock arrows necessary to attack Divine Beast Vah Ruta. 
A Hylian that could save both the Zora and Hyrule as a whole from a whole other calamity.  
There was nothing that could have prepared an elder like him for the shock that would come that morning in the Domain. The sound that echoed so fully off the cliffs and mountains enveloping the Domain. That sound was supposed to be impossible. 
Guardians drowned it out in the flames of Calamity, never to be heard again. 
It must be his old age playing tricks on him, a century’s worth of memories sweeping through him as diluted sunlight twinkled down in this otherwise unending storm. 
But then he saw him. His ancient eyes fell upon this young Hylian. It cannot be, yet it was. 
Just like the rest of the Domain, he was absolutely drenched by the rainfall, and a small frog seemed to have set off his instincts as he splashed around in the Mikau Lake, nose as close to the water as possible without breaching the surface. 
“...Link? Is it really you?” 
The Hylian perked up from such a stance like a startled member of the wildlife, eyes and nostrils wide as his head flared back. Certainly enough, the hallmark scars of an old friend were clearly present on the face, just slightly faded from the last time. The spaulders of his armor gleamed from the water slickening their surface, betraying his true past with mistaken symbolism.
This cannot be, yet it is. 
He stepped closer, weary teal arms reaching out towards the blond Hylian. “Link?”
The Hylian stepped closer, mouth shut with nearly blank eyes glimmering just the slightest with curiosity. There was no familiarity in them, which shook the Zora elder’s arms even further. The armor on his body glistened further as he climbed from the lake. Eventually, he stopped approaching, opting instead to lay on a large, soaked rock and sigh. 
The elder sat alongside him, stroking the Hylian’s armored shoulder as he curled up into the elder’s side. The signs were clear, and that brought a choking urge to cry. There was no reason to withhold the urge, and he wept openly; though his tears were masked with the ever persistent downpour that’d been the reason for this old friend’s arrival. He pulled the open sleeve of his robe over the Hylian’s head, wet ears folding under the additional pressure as a scarred snout began to sniff at the underside. A smile containing the pain of a century crept across the elder as tears continued their attempt to choke it. “It’s okay, Link… Vyrtuka’s here… Vyrtuka’s here, buddy…” 
A wet nose poked against his shaking arm, and he felt his smile break into a grimace while pain flashed through him. Link felt just as cold as he had to have been a century ago. He wanted to scoop the young one up into his arms and take him somewhere warm to dry and feed him, but he knew Link’s fears ran much deeper than simple memory. He did not want to frighten Link, as it seemed Link would not be able to remember why he was afraid, only that he was. 
How could this be possible? How could he even be here, and in this much youth? He’d been told long ago this creature’d been buried six feet below. 
Link tilted his head out from the robe’s sleeve. 
He thought carefully, how to deliver this question. Link could not answer this for him, yet he wanted to make sure Link understood. He deserved that much. After a gentle squeeze of the shoulder, he bent down slightly and asked in the most pained intonation of Link’s native tongue. “Who stole your rest in peace?” 
“Who gave the armor to Link? Muzu, I understand sentimentality, but surely you thought about the implications.” 
“I don’t want him having that any more than you do, Tavo. The King gave it to him, otherwise I would have been more vocal.”
“You want it denied to him on the basis of pettiness. I wish the King had given it more consideration on the basis of meaning. King Dorephan’s presentation of the armor violates the final agreement between Link and Mipha! It shames the Kingdom of Hyrule’s memory!”
“What does the reason matter if I agree that the King shouldn’t have given it to him?! It is a sacred item to our people, to be handed off to a traitor who broke his contract on the matter of lust! It is just as much a shame to Mipha as it is to the Kingdom of Hyrule you are so desperately concerned over.” 
“Link did nothing that broke the promise he and Mipha made to each other. A promise is not broken if both parties wish to dissipate it of their own free will and agree on mutual terms. Mipha willingly released him from his contract, and you know it was never his wish for his own life anyway. She gave him grace to release him. The kindness you so desperately demand Link honor is the same kindness you disgrace by punishing him, the kindness so overwhelming in our dear Mipha that she broke her own heart to heal his suffering.” 
“I do not dare disgrace her! It is Link who used that kindness against her to lure her to a blood-soaked grave, not the other way around.” 
“It is a disgrace to her to show a man such vitriol when you know of the mark he left in her heart. Despite whether you feel he wronged her or not, he remains whom she called beloved until her last breath. I would suggest you treat him with respect. The King and Prince remain ever fond of him, despite their overwhelming loss. I think we can afford the same.” Tavo turned his head to peer further into the Domain from where he and Muzu stood on the Great Zora Bridge’s edge. Despite the rainfall turning the Domain’s walkways to shallow rivers, Link was curled up beneath Mipha’s statue, run-off from a shimmering “In loving memory” plaque dripped onto his face as Sidon rambled on about his late sister to him. In truth, he believed this behavior from his fellow Zora to be no less manipulative than what Muzu accused Link of doing so long before. The young Wolfbred was vulnerable in his memory-less state, and it wasn’t fair to him or to the family who had lost him to try and recreate an alternate past into him now. He was not about to cheapen his words with insensitive behavior. Link’s appearance was both the scalpel and the salt to the wounds left deep by Mipha’s death. While Tavo refused to let the werewolf he helped raise become a scapegoat once more, he understood that the bleeding hearts Link was causing would have to be dealt with by the Zora alone. 
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verraising · 25 days
Profile - A'myrrhis Venko
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↠ B A S I C S
✽ name: a'myrrhis venko (her forest name was hlif)
✽ nicknames: myrri, myrr, myrrhis
✽ age: 40 (start of ARR), mid-40s (end of EW)
✽ nameday: 10th sun of the 5th astral moon
✽ race: veena viera
✽ gender: nonbinary (uses she/they pronouns)
✽ orientation: bisexual
✽ profession: adventurer, warrior of light, (ex-) scion of the seventh dawn
↠ P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
✽ hair: a warm, light yellow shade of blonde. she used to have natural reddish brown streaks and tips of her ears but the brown was the first thing to bleach out and turn white as a result of the light corruption, and it stayed so permanently. very fine hair texture, naturally slightly wavy.
✽ eyes: almond shaped with short, subtle eyelashes. her irises are a light shade of purple.
✽ skin: light and covered in freckles, especially on her face, shoulders and limbs. doesn't really tan and is prone to sunburns when exposed to direct sunlight in really hot weather for too long.
↠ F A M I L Y
✽ parents: myrri's village - venko, back then a moderately sized settlement on the southern edge of the dalmascan forests - used to be quite non-traditional, with men living in the village with their families rather than alone in the surrounding forest, so they grew up with both her parents for a while.
her mother is the head of venko village, a fierce huntress and a strong leader, well-loved and respected by her people. she loves her children but was also very strict with them growing up, especially with myrri who was supposed to take over the leadership of the village eventually, and that pressure as well as circumstances led to their relationship slowly deteriorating as the years passed.
in his younger years myrri's father had taken advantage of their village's less strict rules and he set out to travel for a while, knowing he would not end up being exiled for leaving. he picked up the bardic arts along the way and when he eventually returned home he brought with him a rich treasure trove of stories and songs from lands far beyond the forest which he shared with his children as they grew up, instilling dreams of adventuring and traveling the world in little myrri from an early age on.
when she was in her very early teens her village got attacked by garleans during the dalmascan invasion. the village burned for days afterwards and along with it the bodies of the fallen, making it impossible to identify the dead, and her father was presumed among them in the aftermath.
her mother eventually remarried a few years later, and myrri was on good terms with her stepfather before she left her village.
✽ siblings: she has two younger sisters, naya and wren.
naya is the middle child and technically wren is their half-sister, but neither of them have never bothered to make a distinction.
though not related by blood there is also a'ruta, a miqo'te who was an escaped garlean prisoner hiding out in the charred ruins of the original venko village.
myrri found her there and the two became friends, and when her mother refused to shelter her in their actual village myrri vowed to take her back home to eorzea. they grew close on the journey and later on myrri stayed with ruta and her clan for a few years, and they consider each other sisters.
✽ grandparents: all her grandparents had children rather late in life, so all of them died either before myrri was born or when she was still a kit, too young to remember.
✽ in-laws and other: she has quite a few uncles and aunts (or in some cases whatever the gender neutral equivalent is) and cousins but life in her village was very communal so in a way blood-relations like this didn't really matter all that much, everyone kind of was a family figure to the kits in the village regardless.
speaking of non-blood relations, after successfully helping a'ruta to get back to the a clan in eorzea they invited myrri to stay, and seeing as she didn't really have any other place to go and had yet to get to know this new and strange land she gladly agreed, and she basically got adopted into the clan immediately. she even took on a city name following the clan's naming conventions (but keeping the name of her village as her last name when she needed to give one), and after the years she's lived with them she considers them her family as much as her own back in the forest.
✽ pets: her chocobo, sesame, though he's more like family to her than a pet after all they've been through together.
she also might not actively practice summoner magic anymore because of some personal hangups but she keeps her carbuncle around, and it's just living the lazy lifestyle of a spoiled cat in myrri's house.
and there's also the beaver that's been following her around since her time in il mheg. she's still not really sure whether to consider it a pet or not, but somehow it's come all the way across the rift with her (which she assumes works because the lil guy probably was a pixie at some point and retained some of their magic) and it seems to be as attached to her as she is to it at this point.
↠ S K I L L S
✽ abilities: she's predominantly a ranged caster with deadly precision from a distance, but can hold her own in close quarter combat for a while if she has to, although because she lacks formal training in any form of melee combat beyond the quick get-in-get-out rdm combos her fighting style gets messy and frantic fast if she has to stick to melee for an extended period of time. this weakness gets patched up somewhat later on when she picks up pld but close quarter definitely remains her achilles' heel.
she's also trained as a healer post-shb and wields powerful support magics to buff and keep her allies safe.
as part of her training back in her home village she also learned how to use a bow. she was pretty skilled with it, but it never really felt quite right for her so she eventually hung it up once she began to study at the arcanist's guild.
overall she definitely prefers job that enable her to ensure the safety of those fighting by her side, and to heal or shield them if needed.
she's a veteran fighter at this point and knows how to keep her cool in heated moments, and in general she is quick to think on her feet and adapt to new situations and circumstances if she needs to, be it in combat or otherwise.
✽ hobbies: she loves to grow flowers in her house and her garden, and tend to them when she has the time to breathe in-between her travels. (her retainers take care of them during the times she's gone so they won't die.) also taking care of and spoiling her chocobo.
↠ T R A I T S
✽ most positive traits: by no means naive but she chooses to be an optimist and always tries to see the good in a person or a situation unless proven otherwise. a master at taking things in stride, she's very patient and not easily thrown for a loop no matter how weird or precarious things might get. unshakable loyalty, if you are near and dear to her she is ride or die no matter what happens.
✽ most negative traits: hypocritical, she can be very "do as i say not as i do". poor sense of personal space and boundaries until outright told that it makes someone uncomfortable. hates confronting her negative emotions and usually pushes them aside until they catch up with her. while it takes a lot to get on her bad side once you managed that it's hard to regain her forgiveness, let alone her trust.
↠ L I K E S
✽ colors: black, red, orange, purple, gold
✽ smells: the salty sea air, flowers, freshly cut wood, coconut, berries
✽ textures: soft fabrics, leather, chocobo feathers
✽ drinks: water, tea and coffee (likes them both equally), amra lassi, also she's grown fond of fresh coconut water since spending time on her island
↠ O T H E R D E T A I L S
✽ smokes: no. her dad used to smoke a pipe regularly and when she was a wee little viera kit she thought it was the coolest thing and kept begging him to let her try it too! but he wouldn't. not wanting to accept no for an answer little myrri patiently waited for her moment to strike, and eventually her chance came when her father put his pipe down for a second and turned away, and she could grab hold of it. the whole operation was not as sneaky as she thought when she took a big, greedy puff and started coughing violently almost immediately, her eyes watering and her lungs burning. her dad didn't scold her, seeing this as a lesson in itself, but it took a week for her to stop feeling nauseous afterwards so after this she never had the desire to smoke anything again.
✽ drinks: she's exclusively a social drinker and can hold her liquor pretty well. adventuring came with plenty of opportunities to build up a decent alcohol resistance in eorzea's various taverns (especially in the drowning wench in limsa where she spent a lot of time during her early adventurer days), or sharing a mug of ale with fellow travelers around a campfire.
✽ drugs: only of the painkilling kind.
✽ mount issuance: never officially got issued a grand company chocobo because she didn't want one for fear of not being able to take care of it properly. then eventually haurchefant happened to gift her a chocobo anyways and that's how sesame came into her life. she initially still wasn't sure if she was cut out to take care of him and tried to leave him in the care of the chocobo stables in ishgard but it turned out he REALLY wanted to be by her side so eventually she ended up learning whatever she could about chocobo husbandry, and they have been each other's steadfast companions ever since.
✽ been arrested: not yet, even though they sure tried back in ul'dah.
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 11 months
1. one step closer
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A/N: Hello everyone!! I present to you my very first LoZ fic!!! And also my first ever poly ship fic that's been posted, so I hope I do this as well as I'd like to. This story is actually inspired by a post I came across that was posted by @fangirlingpuggle, who gave me permission to use their idea as story inspiration!! I'll provide a link to the post if you'd like to see it!! Now, one thing I'd like to say about this story is that it's not just a Sidlink fic or just a Linkona fic. It is also a Sidyona fic. It is all three ships. I will try to balance out each one, showing each individual love story, plus the big one of just all three together. I have not yet decided which ship will be getting together first, or if it'll be an all three all at once type of thing, and because of my indecision, I would like to hear from you guys, my lovely readers, as the story progresses, on which ship you think would make the most sense when it comes to getting together first. It all depends on how I write it out, of course, but I just wanted to let y'all know ahead of time!! Last thing, this chapter is a little short compared to where the other chapters will be at length-wise, but it's also just a letter exchange this chapter, so there will be lots more in the next chapter!! Enjoy!!
Inspiration Post
Pairing(s): N/A
Summary: Sidon and Yona exchange a series of letters, keeping each other updated on everything happening in their lives, as childhood friends do
Tag(s): N/A
Word Count: 2,258
Song Inspiration: A Thousand Years By Christina Perri
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Chapter 1]
[Read on AO3]
[Series Masterlist]
Dear Lady Yona,
I hope this letter finds you well. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, things around here have been a bit busy. Vah Ruta, the divine beast that my late sister Mipha once piloted, well, something has gone wrong with it. It's caused a near constant downpour of rain here in our domain and if we don't find a way to stop it, our reservoir will flood over the dam and completely take over not only our home, but much of the rest of Hyrule as well. And of course, us Zoras can survive just fine in such a situation, but the others in our land cannot, none of them have such an affinity for water as the Zora do.
With that in mind, I am terribly worried. We've been doing so much research it's making my head spin. I'm not sure I can take staring at another book right now, especially when everything it says is completely useless to our attempts in finding a solution to this problem. I just pray that we find a way to stop it soon.
How are things over in your domain? Good, I hope. I would never wish anything like the mess here on anyone. I miss you much, my friend, though I know if you were to visit right now, I would not be very good company to keep. And alas, I cannot bring myself to leave home at a time like this. As prince, I must face this head on. But once this is all over, we can work out the details, I suppose, no matter how far off that is. Get back to me whenever you find the time to do so.
Dear Prince Sidon,
Oh my. Please be careful. I, too, will be praying for a quick success in taming that divine beast. I wish I could help in some way. I am sending with this letter the few sheikah books I could find in our royal library, though I'm not sure if they'll be of any help, considering the sheikah have never spent much time here. But it's the least I can do. And do not worry about sending them back once you've looked over them. These have been collecting dust for decades over here. They will be much better off with you.
Things here in my domain are very well, though nothing very exciting has happened at the domain itself. However, recently, I've taken on two new handmaidens. Mother suggested I have them, especially since I've started doing a lot more traveling around our land. Khira and Chroma are lovely, when they're not bickering at least. Chroma can be a bit easily frazzled and Khira is usually very serious and strict. But I just try to remind them both that I am not counting on either of them being perfect. Just their companionship alone is wonderful to have.
But anyways. On your land, you have those winged tribe, yes? Those that resemble birds? I remember meeting one when we were younger, but I never had much contact with them besides that. But in my travels, I came across a very small village of them on our land! All the way across the sea! But they're much more colorful than the one I met. Brilliant greens and oranges and reds. I spent a few days there, learning about them and their culture. It's absolutely fascinating!
I may visit them again eventually, but for now, I've come back to the domain for awhile. I'll be setting out again soon, so I'll be sure to tell you lots more of my next adventure. And once this whole divine beast thing has settled down, I'll come visit your domain as soon as I can. Besides, mother has been a lot more pushy recently when it comes to our...arrangement. She believes it is time for me to finally marry, though I've tried to remind her that it's not just up to her and I, but you and your father as well. But there's no need to worry about that right now. That's for another time. Take care, dear Sidon, and I hope to hear from you again soon.
Dear Lady Yona,
Thank you so much for the texts you sent. I will be going through them soon.  The rain is still neverending, but we're learning to get used to it for now. It's all we can do. And do not worry, I am being as careful as I can be. But enough of that. I'm so glad to hear of you going on such wonderful adventures, Yona. The... winged tribe, as you say, those are the Rito. It is indeed fascinating to learn of some being on your land, I thought they were only in Hyrule. The way you've described them, I bet they are quite the sight. Maybe one day I shall get to see them as well.
Tell me, what is having handmaidens like? I've always wondered. I have nothing of the sort, though I'm okay with that. Is it true they always follow you around and try to do everything for you that you may usually do yourself? I could never imagine having to deal with such a thing. Though my only experience with them is the few vague memories I have of Mipha having one and the stories I've heard about them, so maybe I'm not one who could be so biased against them.
Oh, yes. Our arranged marriage does seem to be coming up more and more these days. Both here and there, it seems. Father has been talking about it as well. Says he wants me to be prepared for when I finally take the throne, but I'm not so sure that will be happening anytime soon. But I suppose it would be best for us all to talk about it eventually. Once Vah Ruta is back to her normal self, our domain will happily host both you and your mother. Until then, I can't wait to hear of all your adventures to come. Please do keep in touch to the best of your abilities during your travels, I will find great joy in reading about them.
Dear Prince Sidon,
Ah, yes, the Rito! Forgive me for forgetting their name, it's been so long since I've heard it. Those I found here did not go by that name. They called themselves the Zitty. But they were the same species, I'm sure of it. Next time you find yourself on my land, I will definitely be sure to take you to see them. They're quite the lively bunch, and wonderful company to keep. I think you would fit in very well with them.
Silly Sidon. Yes, some handmaidens are very much like that. However, Khira and Chroma are not. While they do follow me to most places, they do not attempt to do something for me unless I ask it of them, thankfully. I could not handle being coddled in such a way either, so I am very grateful that they are not pushy in that regard. And no worries, I take none of your assumptions unkindly. I am happy to answer any questions you may have, about handmaidens or otherwise. You know that.
That sounds like a very good idea. I'm sure mother would love to spend some time overseas as well. Oh, it's been so long since I've paid a visit, I can't wait. Has any progress been made with Vah Ruta? Did my books help you at all? I apologize if they did not, though I hope that something has been found either way. Please keep me updated.
Dear Lady Yona,
Yona. I cannot believe what this day has become. I do apologize if my writing isn't the best, I just can't keep myself from shaking. So much has happened in just this last pass of the sun through the sky. I will start with this. All of our research finally paid off and the books you sent me were definitely of great help with that. We learned of the way Vah Ruta works, of her mechanisms and what controls the water she spews. The best solution is to shock her system with electricity, like shock arrows. However, as you know, electricity is deadly to Zora, therefore we cannot use them.
Because of this, we'd begun asking for help. Traveling a bit away from the domain and looking for travelers, asking if any of them would be willing. We had no luck finding such a person, until yesterday. A young traveler was making his way past and I asked for his help. Later I found out that many others had spoken to him as well about what was going on. I asked for his help and he actually said yes! I was beyond grateful. He carried with him armor and weaponry, including a bow and arrow, so I already had high hopes for his success. He made his way to our domain and I did as well, trying to guide him whenever our paths crossed.
I had asked his name when we first met, and I didn't think too much of it at first. His name is Link. I'm sure he wouldn't be the first to be named after such a well-known hero. However, upon bringing him to meet my father, I found that I had been wrong. My father knows this young man. Because this Link is the same exact Link from one hundred years ago! And he came here to our domain to fix Vah Ruta as part of his quest to complete what was started all those years ago.
Oh, Yona, he's even more amazing than either one of us has ever imagined. Even better than all of our childish wonders. Him and I worked together quite closely in order to get Vah Ruta working properly again. I carried him on my back as I swam through the reservoir, getting as close to Vah Ruta as I dared so that he could shoot each of her mechanisms. I would launch him up and he would shoot up into the air, pulling his bow out with such ease. Once he had an arrow nocked, it was like time slowed down just for him. He made perfect shots each time. And then he ventured inside the divine beast to destroy the beast inside, the waterblight created by Calamity Ganon all those years ago, the same one that killed my sister, Mipha.
As soon as he was inside, I returned to the domain and waited anxiously for his return. He was gone for so long. He only just returned about an hour before I'm writing this, and the moon was already high in the sky. And when he finally returned, he looked exhausted. But miraculously, not a single serious injury was on him. He was covered in scratches and bruises, dried blood on most of them, and dirt all over his face, but that was the worst of it. And Yona, oh Yona. He's so beautiful. He's fierce, determined, kind, and gorgeous. I can understand why my sister fell for him so. I can't get him out of my head and my entire body is positively vibrating with excitement.
Now that Vah Ruta is tamed, you must come right away. With your mother, too, of course. You must come and meet him. He'll be staying in the domain for a few weeks before he moves on, so he'll definitely still be here when you arrive. Oh, I can't wait for you to see him. Please, come as soon as you can.
Dear Prince Sidon,
My friend, I write to you as my bags are being packed for my visit to your domain. Mother is delighted to be taking the trip and much like you, I find myself buzzing with excitement. What you've described...I cannot believe it. Link? The Link? How is that even possible? Oh, I'm sure you'll explain it when I get there. I'm so glad that the threat to your land is no more, I am so very grateful for whatever brought such a hero to your domain.
Oh, I want to know all about him. I haven't felt such a feeling since we were children, Sidon. And even now, my childish dreams are coming back to me, even if I know how silly they are. What do you think he thinks of you? What do you think he'll think of me? Do you think he likes women or men? Maybe both? What things does he like? What things does he dislike? I can't wait to ask.
Oh my, the excitement is overwhelming. I apologize for how short of a letter this is. It's mostly just to tell you that we will be leaving shortly and should arrive soon after this letter does. I cannot wait to see you again, Sidon. Make sure you put in a good word for me with our new hero friend, if it's not too much to ask.
A/N: What did y'all think?? Please let me know!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!!! All feedback is much appreciated!!!
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist for this story and any others relating to it!!!
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likeclarabow · 1 year
2023 Books Read
Our Wives Under the Sea - Julia Armfield (Dec 31-Jan 2)
See You Yesterday - Rachel Lynn Solomon (Jan 2-Jan 3)
All Dressed Up - Jilly Gagnon (Jan 4)
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Ready Player One - Ernest Cline (Jan 6-Jan 10)
Jamaica Inn - Daphne Du Maurier (Jan 10-Jan 13)
Greywaren - Maggie Stiefvater (Jan 14-Jan 16)
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By the Book - Jasmine Guillory (Jan 22-Jan 24)
Portrait of a Thief - Grace D Li (Jan 25-Feb 4)
Pride and Prejudice (reread, audiobook) - Jane Austen (Jan 31-Feb 6)
Macbeth (reread) - William Shakespeare (Feb 6-Feb 10)
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The Witch Hunt - Sasha Peyton Smith (Mar 19-Mar 22)
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The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie (Mar 25-Mar 29)
Last Violent Call - Chloe Gong (Mar 30-Apr 1)
Beartown - Fredrik Backman (Apr 1-Apr 4)
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Notes on an Execution - Danya Kukafka (Apr 8)
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The Appeal - Janice Hallett (Apr 19-Apr 20)
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Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen (April 26-Apr 28)
Happy Place - Emily Henry (Apr 29)
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The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald (May 3-May 5)
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Meet Me at the Lake - Carley Fortune (May 11-May 12)
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell (May 12-May 19)
Anne of Green Gables (reread) - L.M. Montgomery (May 19-May 22)
Anne of Avonlea (reread) - L.M. Montgomery (May 24-May 26)
Anne of the Island (reread) - L.M. Montgomery (May 26-May 30)
The Winners - Fredrik Backman (June 2-June 6)
Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier (June 7-June 8)
Peril at End House - Agatha Christie (June 9)
The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B (reread) - Sandra Gulland (June 11-June 12)
Tales of Passion Tales of Woe - Sandra Gulland (June 13-June 14)
The Last Great Dance on Earth - Sandra Gulland (June 14-June 15)
Frankenstein in Baghdad - Ahmed Saadawi (June 15-June 18)
Crooked House - Agatha Christie (June 22-June 24)
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen (June 20-June 30)
I Must Betray You - Ruta Sepetys (June 30-July 1)
Pageboy - Elliot Page (July 2-July 4)
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The Last Word - Taylor Adams (July 6-July 7)
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Camp Zero - Michelle Min Sterling (July 8)
The Berry Pickers - Amanda Peters (July 8-July 9)
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The Last House Guest - Megan Miranda (July 11-July 12)
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The Stationary Shop of Tehran (July 24-27)
Yellowface - R.F. Kuang (July 27-July 29)
These Violent Delights - Micah Nemerever (July 29-Aug 3)
Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë (Aug 3-Aug 5)
Begin Again - Emma Lord (Aug 6-Aug 8)
Medicine Walk - Richard Wagamese (Aug 8-Aug 12)
419 - Will Ferguson (Aug 16-Aug 19)
Harlem Shuffle - Colson Whitehead (Aug 21-Aug 24)
Ballet Shoes (reread) - Noel Streatfeild (Aug 25-Aug 26)
Songs for the Missing - Stewart O’Nan (Aug 28-Aug 31)
You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight - Kalynn Bayron (Sept 1-Sept 2)
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The Adult - Bronwyn Fischer (Sept 3)
Nine Liars - Maureen Johnson (Sept 4-Sept 6)
Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan (Sept 6)
The Honeys - Ryan La Sala (Sept 15-Sept 19)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne (Sept 12-Sept 20)
Beowulf - Unknown (Sept 8-Sept 21)
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And Don’t Look Back - Rebecca Barrow (Oct 7)
Hallowe’en Party - Agatha Christie (Oct 8-Oct 9)
Cannibal Island - Nichlolas Werth (Oct 9-Oct 22)
The Final Gambit - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Oct 17-Oct 22)
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Crooked Kingdom (reread) - Leigh Bardugo (Nov 3-Nov 7)
Sadie (reread) - Courtney Summers (Nov 9-Nov 10)
The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells (Nov 6-Nov 13)
Hamlet - William Shakespeare (Nov 6-Nov 13)
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (reread) - Holly Jackson (Nov 11-Nov 15)
Good Girl, Bad Blood (reread) - Holly Jackson (Nov 15-Nov 18)
As Good as Dead (reread) - Holly Jackson (Nov 20-Nov 23)
Red White and Royal Blue (reread) - Casey McQuiston (Nov 25-Dec 5)
The Secret History - Donna Tartt (Dec 18-Dec 22)
The Day of the Jackal - Frederick Forsyth (Dec 24-Dec 25)
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries - Heather Fawcett (Dec 25-Dec 27)
Murder in the Family - Cara Hunter (Dec 28)
Three Holidays and a Wedding - Uzma Jalaluddin, Marissa Stapley (Dec 29)
The Book of Cold Cases - Simone St James (Dec 30-Dec 31)
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es larga la carretera
cuando uno mira atrás
vas cruzando las fronteras
sin darte cuenta quizás
              charly garcía
¿les ha sucedido que nunca hablan de alguien que quieren hace tiempo? es como el siástole y el diástole que casi ni se nombran porque se recurre a la palabra corazón, la cual dispara  todo un imaginario, hacia esas pasiones que te lanzan a territorios inimaginados en el schock , el ataque cardíaco, la taquicardia, el fin
hablas de tu piel, de su suavidad o de su sequedad bajo los codos, de sus alteraciones epidérmicas, sus cicatrices [o de cicatrices casi nunca hablas] y no de la extraepidermis, esa que no se ve y a dónde van los inmensos ritmos emocionales que nos modelan, aquello que nos diferencia de la ia, ¿el ente sobrenatural que llaman alma, a dónde van las canciones?
sobretodo las canciones que son también las películas, los enamoramientos, los misterios, las preguntas [casi no hay respuestas], las canciones están en todas partes y de pronto estamos en el momento en que nos desviamos de las rutas ultraconocidas, recuerdas?  llegamos a otras por azar, por elección, porque sí y uff, nos transformamos vertiginosamente o a ritmo lento como las baladas que bailamos en una virtuosa noche extremista [esas baladas]
"charly está bien, está sentado mirando la tele como siempre" nos dicen y aún cuando pasan las horas no estamos tranquis, oye charly, oye vida, oye muerte, aquí estamos
contarías cuándo escuchaste la primera canción donde viste a charly, la primera, la segunda, la que sea porque ya ni sabes cuándo exactamente la extraepidermis era como mil reservas, algunas sin diques, otras contenidas como en un temporal eléctrico, aunque no viste a charly en un concierto o sí, tú estabas entre las multitudes y ahora también, estás entre cientos y cientos de miles raspando los recuerdos, sabes, no es nostalgia porque no se ha quedado en el pasado como una reminiscencia, porque eres, somos las canciones que no mueren y charly sabe, sabes, sabemos con gran alegría [preguntabas ¿qué es la gran alegría?] y en ese conocimiento se deslizan otras canciones que somos, donde aquello que llaman alma, va por todas las atmósferas de lo soñado y lo real [donde hay cárceles, desaparecidos, todo lo extrapolado sin lados, no está en el lado b, en el lado z. no hay ecuaciones para hablar de los lados desbordados]
en la gran alegría hay tristezas como en las grandes canciones, como en los cielos, en los planetas, polvo estelar, eh, hola querido charly
una mandarina jugosa en tu boca, un nombre, musitas, poco a poco elevas la voz, gritas: charly vive!, charly vivirá en el año 2063, nosotros estamos dentro de charly, charly está dentro de nosotros
charly vive!! charly vive
[escrito el martes 27 de junio de 2023, en lima, hacia el anochecer]
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oct31m · 7 months
# 2000 ⸻  el reloj corre , faltan un poco mas de dos semanas para halloween y sanlow puede sentirlo . el rumor de fiestas se escuchan mas , y los padres repasan las rutas para el pedido de dulces de sus pequeños con el ayuntamiento . ¿ya tienes tu difraz? el tiempo corre , no te quedes sin disfrutar la primera noche de brujas del milenio . tic , toc . el tiempo corre .
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¡bienvenides al cuarto evento del verse! , como ya habrán visto , nos enfocaremos en una línea temporal solamente y se darán por sentence memes , en dos partes.
el tiempo en rol de la línea temporal 2000 será desde 15 al 25 de octubre para la primera parte .
animamos a los esqueletos B encontrarse entre sí , hallar donde dormir , alimento y dependiendo de la noción que tengan de lo que sucede , evitar la masacre aunque eso signifique que no lleguen a existir en el futuro .
la duración del evento ooc será desde el día de hoy 4nov , hasta el 8nov. siendo ese día el que comience la segunda parte con los ultimos 5 dias antes de halloween .
pedimos a los esqueletos B estén atentes al servidor de discord , que necesitaremos su atención para el progreso de este evento .
recuerden no ignorar , rebloguear los sentence memes y tachar los que no deseen recibir , asi como borrar el reblog si ya no desean recibir mas .
también les recordamos no caer en metagaming durante esta etapa , información que se dio ooc no puede ser usada ic sin coherencia o permiso .
eso sería todo . ante cualquier duda , sugerencia , etc . estamos a un mensaje de distancia . ¡esperamos se diviertan
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t3mzy · 22 days
In honor of mermay, I give you Pokemon xenoverse mer rehab au Cetations: Kay(Pygmy sperm whale) Alice(Commerson's dolphin) Vanilla(Beluga whale)
Sharks: Trey(Thresher shark) Minta(Great white shark) Will(Nurse shark pup) Pinnipeds: Nuptar(Ribbon seal) Ruta(Harbor seal)
I LOVE THESE SO MUCHH i image A & B to be lantern fish cuz funny light (that or angler fish)
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cupcakegal25 · 1 year
so i beat totk
and holy fucking SHIT it was good!!!!! i actually kept a record of my thoughts as i played it, so i'm gonna be posting that now just for funsies. major major MAJOR spoilers under the cut!!!!!!
why do i have to do the wholeass tutorial with no shirt. completely tits out
purah :eye: :eye:
love my horsies
2 eponas [accidentally summoned epona before linking stable accounts]
damn we were right about the time travel [dragon tear 1]
TEBA THE ELDER?!??!?!?!????!
the flying ship is vah medoh idiots /hj
revali’s gale 2 electric boogaloo [tulin's tornado]
damn is this what it would be like to fight the blights with the champions because if so :sob: :sob: :sob:
if revali finds out about this his impostor syndrome will only get worse istg
what were the original sages named please
ring :o
frozen lookin ass cutscene
REVALI’S LANDING (this is your fault hope)
great eagle bow……
did link just give the champion’s weapons back goddamn
VOW OF TULIN SAGE OF WIND <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
is sidon gonna have to sneak out to help me with this /hj
zelda has parents now love that for her <3 [rauru and sonia]
i was heading for gerudo town and now i’m in kakariko i do not know how this happened please send help
CHIEF PAYA???!?!?!??!??!??!?
made it to zora’s domain on accident. welp
i would like to give sidon a hug please and thank you
sidon trauma arc [mipha come home :(]
ma’am i knew mipha [he doesn’t want to lose anyone else]
sidon sage of water please? please nintendo? please sidon sage of water?
oh god oh fuck SIDON LOOK OUT [sludge like]
what the FUCK is up with the gravity here what the hell
oh god oh fuck water temple (i kinda figured this was coming but still)
link and zelda roommates :)
mucktorok is dancin
wtf is that a shark?
holy shit that’s like a zant looking death [mucktorok]
thank you sidon for my life [water shield]
wait that mask looks like vah ruta. wait
ma’am mipha is right there [my kin etc]
secret stone is kinda a dumb name i think
that’s LITERALLY the lightscale trident MA’AM [sage of water’s weapon]
i still love sage of time zelda. btw
dear god i NEED to know these people’s names this is becoming SUCH a problem
gonna take a detour to look for the dragon’s tears i think
sidon sage of water!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
i fucking adore him so so so much i love him SO much
another disney lookin ass cutscene but not as pronounced
KING SIDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i’m so proud of my boy
vow of sidon sage of water………
i love dorephan’s hat it looks silly
well guess i’m doing the gerudo quest last cause here i am in goron city
probably for the best given. history (thunderblight) (riju I’m sorry)
yunobo what the FUCK are you doing
i’m sorry i hate this outfit also what the hell
god daruk would be so upset :(
well this seems. bad [yunobo being mean]
oh yeah that’s really not good
goodbye ugly mask!
did she just trap us in the cave with this stupid fucking rock [zelda and marbled rock roast]
oh it’s not just daruk's protection again that’s interesting! [yunobo’s charge]
yeah i one million percent guarantee that that isn’t zelda
what the FUCK am i looking at
moragia??? alright
god that was HARD to control what the fuck [wing]
holy shit the atmosphere in here is INCREDIBLE [death mountain crater]
damn is this dungeon going to be underground instead of in the sky? swag
woah the fire temple is the gorondia that i’ve heard about in side quests? pog
oh this is really interesting! big spirit tracks vibes [mine carts]
three whole boss fights in this section wow [yunobo, moragia, marbled gohma]
there she goes! why was the second phase easier than the first though that’s my main question
alright so the masks on the sages are definitely the divine beasts
i should wear my vah naboris mask for the last one lmao
yunobo is confused. dw bro i have played many games in this series and also seen two other cutscenes nearly identical to this
wait are the vas the same for the sages and their descendants and thus the champions. wait
well not the sage of water but that just supports my argument more i think. mipha voice actress real?
how did zelda fucking GET here how many fucking fireproof elixirs did she need to USE [fire temple]
elixir wears off as the sage is doing his little speech and zelda bursts into flames lmfao
hi it’s me, the swordsman link. nice to meet you [gorons will help swordsman named link]
daruk would be so proud of yunobo and mipha would be so proud of sidon and i guarantee urbosa would be so proud of riju (i haven’t gotten there yet) but revali would just be really jealous of tulin LMAO
yay sage of fire yunobo!!!!!!!!!! i like daruk better i’m sorry
i know it’s just the secret stone but yunobo fucking looks like he’s on fire gkhlsakgjlagk [giving the vow]
wait this is on my thumb? that’s gonna leave a finger leftover what the hell [rings/vows]
i’m gonna like recruit riju and then all of us are going to storm hyrule castle together somehow LMAO
oh shit the rock roast was made of gloom? that makes sense actually
i love the gorons :D
vow of yunobo sage of fire :D
actually fucking going to gerudo town know istg
slightly untrue actually i’m going to make a detour to activate the last three towers but two of them are on the way so it’s probably fine [forest, gerudo, wasteland]
rauru knows ganondorf is evil and is keeping him close to keep an eye on him so he’s already many many steps ahead of the oot king
also did no one notice how ganondorf was commanding the moldugas in the last cutscene. what
alright made it to kara kara bazaar! how the FUCK am i supposed to get to gerudo town though
also thank fucking god they put a shrine here i Need it
these guys think they’re gonna be liked enough to be allowed into gerudo town. They Won’t
okay thank you tulin for helping me get here i still have no idea where i’m going but i can work with it thank you
going to avoid fighting those at all costs i think! Yikes:tm:
made it to gerudo town after many many detours! hooray!
wait hold on where IS everyone
okay made it to a. guard. this makes sense
alright so there’s people behind this wall but i cannot get in i am not allowed
where’s the dialogue option to tell this guard i’m nonbinary /hj
i have broken into the sanctuary and i think i’m gonna die
okay heading out to find riju my beloved <3
oh she grew up so pretty i’m so proud of her
yay she did it yay!
oh god that’s viscerally horrifying jesus christ [gibdo swarming kara kara bazaar]
oh that’s AWFUL i HATE the way they spawned
we did it yay!!!
that’s probably not actually zelda lbr
alright I’m back i was busy cooking
sage riju let’s fucking goooooo
just realized this is a new ganondorf (unless this takes place after fsa) absolutely wild we have had three of them and like ~20 links and zeldas
okay i’m as prepared as i can be i think let’s go
terrible horrible fucked up i hate it [gibdos]
oh god oh fuck oh shit she’s so COOL [riju]
alright i was terrible at that! fantastic [defending gerudo town]
whatever at least i won
ooh mural? let’s take a look
just realized i completely forgot about akkala lemme activate that tower
alright got sidetracked into doing a thing for josha. fought a frox. terrifying shit
but i made it here to the great abandoned central mine
why are there people here
oh that bitch is DEFINITELY a yiga
okay that’s an interesting new power [autobuild]
don’t wanna do this for them but here goes
alright, who’s the “master”
oh my god he fell into a pit maybe he’s been alive this WHOLE TIME
i cannot fucking believe this shit i’m so happy about it
great twist actually i deadass wasn’t expecting it
oh i love that so much
man are you planning on ripping my arm off. probably yes actually
alright boss time!
done! god that was so fun
i hope there aren’t any more misunderstandings in regards to his death though that would suck *cough @ofstormsandfire's absolutely fantastic fic no one ever mentions fear cough*
alright that was a great detour and i am very happy i did it
back to josha!
i. completely forgot about faron. just a minute
climbed up totori rock. mistakes were made
back to riju. that puzzle was way too fuckin annoying [red pillar riddle]
ooh temple on the ground?
lightning temple… interesting. wasn’t sure if it would be lightning temple or thunder temple (maybe like sand or desert but i didn’t think so cause that didn’t seem like it would be a fitting sage title for riju)
am i just going straight into the boss fight??? no dungeon??? what the hell
ohhhhh it retreated. so i do still have a dungeon!
finally made it into this fucking place!
five bucks says this place is the token creepy dungeon. should’ve made that bet earlier tbh
oh that voice sounds JUST like urbosa holy shit
i like how the rooms in this place have like. names and stuff
alright boss time!
holy shit this is gonna be a ROUGH one
FINALLY that took me 30 goddamn minutes
just realized i forgot to put on the vah naboris mask. oh well
ooh pretty earring
so the only ring missing is my middle finger. sure wonder why that is /s
oh man am i finally gonna be allowed in gerudo town without crossdressing? swag!
vow of riju sage of lightning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alright, let’s go talk to purah. after we check in with her i’ll probably go looking for the rest of the memories
why is there a blood moon in the middle of the day. that seems really bad
okay time for dragon tears!
SONIA NO [sonia gets stabbed]
god that’s gotta be AWFUL for zelda since now she’s lost 3 separate moms :( [unnamed bio mom, urbosa, sonia]
oh god he looks damn near identical to demise [secret stone ganondorf]
oh fuck lynels look so terrifying now i hope i never ever have to fight one
thank you zelda for having braincells and leaving
rauru going to his death a better father than rhoam EVER was [zelda telling rauru about dehydrated ganondorf]
FI!!!! [fi chiming]
zelda??? zelda honey??? what are you doing?????  [dragon tear 11]
zelda??? Is that you??? [light dragon]
ZELDA NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [dragon tear 12]
god fuck I’m actually crying
heading to korok forest. i fucking hate this
oh jeez what’s up with the koroks? what’s up with the DEKU TREE?
i do not know how i killed them honestly
what the fuck PHANTOM GANON
okay that’s cool as fuck thank you totk for bringing back multiple great characters/enemies
alright i’ve got the master sword and i’m sobbing my eyes out thanks nintendo!
fucked around for a SUBSTANTIAL period of time i’m going to finally do the hyrule castle thing now i think
i hate this so much i hate this soooo much stop looking like my girl and summoning monsters and let me fucking kill you please god
yknow this cutscene would probably hit different if i didn’t already do the dragon’s tears [sanctum cutscene]
alright i died to the first hit which is just excellent
FRIENDS! :D [sages showing up]
yknow if nothing else at least he didn’t make me fight a lynel
i love how tulin is just sitting on yunobo’s back after ganon’s thing. btw
oh, the champion’s tunic! thank you zelda i love you zelda
okay i love the conversation with harth and tulin. hope you were right about the polycule goddamn
i just noticed: link is BARELY taller than tulin holy fucking bingle
missing sage? :o
i bet it’s paya. i hope it is at least that would be cool i think
MINERU???? [voice]
oh god I’m in the ground MINERU WHY
sage of spirit mineru pog!!!!!!
i was CONVINCED whoever it was would be the sage of shadow ngl but this works!
i have built a robot. this is apparently mineru now. i’m down for it tbh
she lost her secret stone? oh fuck that’s not good
oh what the FUCK is that [seized construct]
is there a dungeon here or just a boss fight? hold up
oh my GOD it takes NO DAMAGE i HATE that
wait fuck i slammed it into the fence that works thank fucking god
okay i stun locked it into the second phase which is excellent
done! that gives me big koloktos vibes actually i really like that
also really really helpful that i didn’t have to rely on my battery charge things during the fight i would’ve been FUCKED
actually the more i think about it the more her being the sage of spirit makes sense since she can like separate her soul from her body or whatever i'm pretty sure
there’s the last ring there’s the middle finger!
i do think that should've been riju though for. reasons
ma’am i swear to god if you tell me what i ALREADY KNOW about what happened to zelda
goddammit she is telling me that isn’t she
she’s the older sister? makes sense actually the vibes track
oh she’s explaining the murals from below the castle at the very very beginning! funky fresh
oh geez this is how he got dehydrated! or at least the start of it i guess
yeah, mineru, I KNOW WHAT SHE DID
god like i understand that you’re dying and there was no other choice but FUCK this hurts
vow of mineru sage of spirit……. fuck
purah please i KNOW you’re smarter than this you GOTTA put the pieces together so i don’t suffer this knowledge alone i fuckin REFUSE
well there she goes but no fucking reaction makes it worse, thanks
oh god oh fuck oh no LYNEL
i am ZOOMING past that fight holy shit
“the power of the sages cannot reach you” thanks! i hate it!
fuck. back here again. game’s almost over huh [zonai mural room]
oh the last three murals….. fuck [sages v ganondorf, zelda and master sword, light dragon]
alright. let’s end this
FRIENDS! SAGES!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
okay i died pretty fast there so i left, made a bunch of food, used most of my sundelions, and i’m back to try again
alright that went much better! or at least the first half did i guess there’s lizalfos now
ah fuck gibdos
aaaaand moblins. please let this be everything
alright! i did it!
ah fuck bosses. hate that a lot thanks
nevermind! hate that more! [separated from friends]
fuckin. did you really need to seal me in. bitch
eyyyyy there he is! he’s rehydrated!
alright. one health bar down. no way it’s the last one
okay the health bar doesn’t go off the screen but still THIS FEELS EXCESSIVE
just saw tulin soar past me teba and saki are GOING to have my head
don’t fuckin crook your fingers at me like that
y’know if nothing else i’m getting really good at perfect dodges
HE CAN DODGE MY FLURRY RUSHES NOW???? bullshit. unfair
back to ganondorf, i left to get a fuckload of sundelions make a bunch of sunny dishes
first phase done. that went really well, actually
oh my god is he doing what i think he’s doing
oh that’s terrible i hate the eyes
that’s literally the calamity [demon dragon]
who?? called my name??? who was that???
also how the hell am i supposed to kill an immortal dragon or whatever
i am looking at the calamity right now istg [demon dragon]
okay nevermind that’s a dragon but STILL
demon dragon…. kinda slaps
oh i’m stuck in his jaws i’m DOOMED
oh thank GOD i have my hearts back
i see a couple big fucked up eyes that’s probably the weak points
thank you zelda love you zelda :) [she catch me]
damn this is gonna go pretty easy it feels like like i’m not gonna jinx it but this is going really well so far
i fuckin fell off
zelda sweetie i think you caught me wrong for a sec i almost fell off the side
there he goes! probably hopefully idk for sure
i don’t feel so good mr. stark -ganondorf probably idk i've never watched marvel [death]
destroy ganondorf, complete……
glowy hand?
i am in the void. with the zelda
my glowy hand is goin towards her
oh! rauru and sonia! hi!
wait is this zelda and sonia’s time power. wait
are we bringing her back?!?!?!??! like i didn’t think nintendo would leave her like that forever but still please please please
my beloved baby girl she’s BACK
my shirt is off and my hat is off but i’m still wearing the royal guard pants. weird
bye sonia!!! bye rauru!!!
question. how are we gonna get to the ground
dive to zelda… i love that actually
if that is the last gameplay in the game i would be so happy with that actually. the last thing i do is a parallel to the first thing i couldn’t
zelda :D fi :D
i am going to give her a hug. where’s the hug button nintendo
nintendo that’s nice that she felt like she got a hug but i want to hug her
SHE’S HOME!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
find princess zelda complete!!!!!!!
oh! post-credits scene!
me and zelda and sages and purah! :D
oh… bye mineru…. ilu….
i can’t believe zelda lost 6 separate moms (gender-neutral) over just 2 games (sorry) [unnamed bio mom, urbosa, sonia, mineru, rauru, daruk]
oh that’s so CUTE thank you sages
the end :D
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salovila · 5 months
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26 años, de cáncer.
sobre 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐌É
inició su trayecto profesional desde muy chica, ingresando a una empresa de entretenimiento para niños y adolescentes, participando así en un sinfín de proyectos hasta dimitir de su contrato a los dieciséis, decidiendo volcarse a ser una superestrella del pop.
lo consiguió. el éxito fue rotundo y el escrutinio público también. sin embargo, salomé era capaz de llevar a cabo su vida sin muchas repercusiones: sexo casual con mujeres, excesos en fiestas y demás. sin embargo, siempre ha sidoi laboriosa, a pesar de también siempre haber sido muy tranquila y de conductas relajadas.
TW: VIOLACIÓN DE LA PRIVACIDAD. eso hasta que decidió su retiro, apenas hace un año, tras llevar a juicio y lograr la condena de un hombre que irrumpió en la morada de salomé mientras ella estaba en el gimnasio, violando una orden. piensa mucho en eso y está bastante ansiosa por lo mismo. por eso decidió venir al super seguro aurelia hills, buscando refugio en su familia.
nunca busca pleitos, trata de llevarse bien con la gente y trata de que la traten bien. sufre mucho la soledad y extraña un poco su vida en malibu.
podemos establecer vínculos que tengan que ver con los aparecidos en el post de @ahvinculos o crear distintos. lo único a señalar es que salomé, desde su retiro, trata de evitar las apariciones públicas, las firmas de autógrafos y los actos de presencia en alfombras rojas. acá dejo un par de vínculos señalizados por la administración y algunos más que se me ocurrieron, para hacer más fácil todo. aun así, estaría feliz de escuchar si algo tienen en mente y planear juntxs.
a. jugando uno contra el otro en una mesa de póker. b. unx le roba al otrx su trago en la barra de cócteles. c. se conocen durante un torneo de blackjack. d. salomé le invitó un trago luego de una partida de blackjack.
a. la vieron en su hora y media de cardio matutina, quizá se ofrecieron a trotar a su lado o son running buddies. b. la vieron echada tomando sol a las orillas del lago artificial, cosa que hace seguido, quizá charlaron. c. salomé se acercó a la casa de su vecinx para pedirle algún ingrediente, prometiéndole compartirle una porción del platillo después. d. TW: MARIHUANA. el olor a porro que sale del balcón de los vila llega al hogar de su vecinx, ocasionando que le pida que no fume allí o, en cambio, ocasionando que fumen juntxs.
a. salomé se negó primeramente a las fotografías oficiales, aunque quizá con educada o jovial insistencia de otro personaje terminó participando en alguna sesión grupal. b. tal vez al negarse a las fotos, justo se encuentra junto a otro personaje alejado del ojo público por lo que podrían haberse negado juntos, quedándose en un rincón o en la mesa charlando, compartiendo un cigarrillo o lo que deseen. c. TW: ANSIEDAD salomé últimamente recurre a los ejercicios de respiración cuando la ansiedad le gana y comienza a ponerse nerviosa, demasiado consciente de sí misma, demasiado observadora de su entorno. quizá por lo mismo, otro personaje pudo verla pasar por este momento en algún evento. d. ante los nervios de salomé, otro personaje se ofreció a acompañarla de la forma en que se le ocurra o le salga. salomé se habrá sentido avergonzada pero habrá aceptado. e. salomé tomó valor y le pidió su número a un personaje femenino a quien vio de lejos o con quien charló un rato, más fue rechazada o no se llegó a ningún lado, no habiendo tenido el coraje para llamar. f. compartieron mesa. g. bailaron juntxs. h. festejaron cuando el DJ puso alguna canción.
a. se conocen mientras exploran las nuevas tiendas exclusivas. b. participan en una sesión de fotos para publicitar el lugar. c. ambos participan de una sesión de compras personalizadas.
a. se conocen en una zona de descanso panorámica durante la ruta de senderismo. b. ambos se encuentran en una pequeña cascada en la montaña. c. uno encuentra al otro un tanto perdido.
a. uno le quita la reserva al otro. b. comparten la mesa durante un almuerzo. c. ambos se escabullen a la parte trasera de la terraza para disfrutar de la vista en tranquilidad.
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nonperfect · 6 months
¿Preparados para dar otra vuelta al sol? 
Foto de Selvan B en Unsplash Este año, completaremos la ruta en 366 días por lo que tenemos año bisiesto. Me alegro por todos los que cumplen años el 29 de febrero, como mi amiga Mercè, que, además, calcula su edad de cuatro en cuatro años. Es joven de forma totalmente objetiva y eso, no se le puede negar. Las cosas como son. Foto de Drew Tilk en Unsplash Además, y si todo va bien, veremos…
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julio-viernes · 10 months
En esto no había caído pero me lo ha comentado el Indio (vía la revista Ruta 66). Nick Lowe escribió "(What´s So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding" (1974) para Brinsley Schwarz, inspirado principalmente en "Jesus Was a Cross Maker" de Judee Sill. Ese tipo de conexiones que parecen imposibles o poco probables que muchas veces pasan desapercibidas y gustan tanto a J.V.
En la whiskypedia citan a Lowe: "Tuve la increíble previsión de no estropearla con frases inteligentes o estúpidas. 'Sólo deja que el título un poco torpe haga el trabajo', era la idea. La idea estaba en el título. Tenía una buena sintonía para ella. Y dejé que el título hiciera el trabajo. Y fue increíble. Hoy en día, mirando hacia atrás, estoy asombrado de haberlo hecho". La producción de Dave Edmunds, según Lowe, le dio al tema 'un gran sonido completo'".
La canción fue publicada originalmente en 1974 en el álbum "The New Favourites of… Brinsley Schwarz" y fracasó como sencillo. En 1978 la versionó el gran fan de B. Schwarz, Elvis Costello.
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dearvoes · 1 year
Sora karafuru yume (A’) ~Letra español~
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Un sueño colorido en el cielo
Algo interesante. Búscalo y mira hacia arriba. Está en el cielo azul. La luz del sol se ve muy bien
Cuenta uno, dos, tres Cuando das un paso Mis pies se mueven tan rápido
Refresco de melón con helado Tarta de limón con té Estoy coloreando los platos de la tierra
Es agradable estar de buen humor Me gustaría probar el planeta giratorio Me gustaría probar el sabor del caramelo envuelto…
Un sueño colorido en el cielo ¿Dónde puedo verlo? Una invitación al infinito
Resolviendo los enigmas del futuro Una serie de acertijos más o menos Manzanas y uvas en total ¿Cuántas serán?
A, B, C Elige una puerta y lánzate. No las compares. No vale la pena.
Flamencos realistas. Y un gato carey al que le gusta maravillarse Buscando un lugar para mirar conmigo
Un sueño colorido en el cielo ¿De dónde sacas tu amor? Siempre sabe a miel
A través del distrito de edificios A través de los árboles Las mariposas de cola bifurcada agitan sus alas Cultura mixta
Es como si estuviéramos al final de la ruta Con un ritmo agradable Espero que continúe Todo el camino
Desde un semáforo precipitado Hasta el súper expreso con líneas Y los mensajes que pasan volando Son coloridos
Es agradable estar de buen humor Me gustaría probar el planeta giratorio El sabor del caramelo que he envuelto…
Un sueño colorido en el cielo
(Si ven algún error, no duden en decirme para corregirlo)
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you-moveme-kurt · 11 months
Glee «Ithaca, New York»
Julio de 2035
-¿Dónde queda este pueblo?!... hemos estado en el auto como 56 horas… ¡hola!... —se quejó Lizzie mientras viajaba en el asiento trasero del vehículo familiar junto a  sus hermanos. -Cuatro horas exactas en realidad cariño… —dijo Kurt mirando la hora en la pantalla multimedia del auto y blanqueando los ojos después. -Kurt… —murmuró Blaine haciendo un gesto sutil de reproche mientras conducía. -Es la verdad… —insistió entre dientes. -Se que hemos viajado harto, pero valdrá la pena, se los prometo… —dijo Henry con todo el entusiasmo de quien había organizado el paseo, era su último verano en la casa de sus padres antes de irse a la universidad en otoño y Kurt y Blaine le habían pedido a él que organizara las actividades del día de  la independencia, como una especie de despedida o algo así. -Eso espero, aunque con ese nombre… “italo”... nadie sabe lo que eso significa… ¡hola! -Es Ithaca Princesa y en realidad se supone que es un pueblo bastante interesante en la historia americana, además que tiene como 100 cascadas y tienen algo llamado “Porchfest” en el que durante un fin de semana, los vecinos del barrio de Fall Creek prestan los porches de sus casas a bandas de música locales… ¿que?... —pregunto al ver que su esposo se le quedaba viendo con los ojos más que abiertos. -¿Cómo sabes esos datos? -Soy experto en trivia de las ruralidad de New York, ¿ok?… —respondió como haciéndose el interesante. -¡Mentira! -Si es mentira, pero si se bastante porque ahí esta el lago Cayuga y Elwood tiene una propiedad allí y es de lo que más ha hablado en los últimos 10 años… —agregó sonriendo. -Eso si lo puedo creer… —agregó Kurt mirando a Noah que dormía sin sobresaltos en su silla de seguridad.
-En la otra salida “Papáblen”... —dijo Henry que seguía la ruta en la aplicación de mapas de su teléfono móvil. -¡A qué hora vamos a llegar!... ¡doble hola! —exclamó Lizzie revolviéndose el pelo. -Princesa… —dijo Blaine mirando por el espejo retrovisor. -¡Uy!... —añadió empuñando sus manos. -Lo siento hermanita… pero valdrá la pena te lo prometo… —volvió a  decir Henry con cara de complicación— ¡ahí “Papáblen”!... —exclamó señalando hacia adelante la entrada oficial del pueblo de Ithaca, Blaine disminuyó la velocidad para que todos apreciaran mejor las vistas que ofrecía el pueblo y que a todas luces conservaba la huella de una vida fácil y sin sobresaltos. Los barrios se sucedían en una cuadrícula de casas con jardín y pequeños parques vecinales, al llegar al centro era posible percibir el espíritu comunitario de la ciudad: tiendas de artesanía local, comercios de ropa y libros de segunda mano y pequeños bares y restaurantes abastecidos en su mayor parte por las granjas y la agricultura de los alrededores. -Vaya… es muy bonito… mira esos árboles… —dijo Lizzie sacando la cabeza por la ventana de su lado— bien hecho hermanito… —agregó dándole un golpe fraternal a Henry en un brazo y por encima de Noah. -Gracias… —dijo el chico tocándose el lugar del golpe. -Pequeño recién nacido en medio chicos… tengan cuidado… —advirtió Kurt mirándolos hacia atrás por sobre su hombro, el pequeño hizo ademán de despertarse pero terminó solo por estirar sus pequeñas piernas y volver a  dormir. -¿Dónde podemos dejar el auto? —pregunto Blaine agachándose un poco para mirar hacia la calle por el vidrio delantero -Dejame buscar la B&B que reserve… -¡B&B!... —exclamó Kurt abriendo sus ojos como platos. -Kurt… —repitió Blaine volviendo a lo del gesto reprobatorio. -Lo que es genial cariño, en especial si es un hotel llamado así… —agregó sin poder evitarlo, Blaine sonrió negando con la cabeza. -No es un hotel, es en realidad una B&B… pero no te preocupes papá solo es comunitaria a la hora de desayunar, el resto es totalmente individual… -Un alivio cariño, qué más puedo decir… —dijo Kurt fingiendo una sonrisa. -¿Será esa hijo?... —preguntó Blaine señalando hacia adelante una casa estilo gótico de tres pisos  color terracota y ventanas de madera en color verde musgo. -¿Se llama “The William Henry Miller Inn?... —preguntó Henry mientras miraba su teléfono y la calle de manera alternada. -Creo… creo que sí… —respondió Blaine empequeñeciendo sus ojos como para enfocar mejor. -¡Si!, ¡esa es! -¿Y se llama como tu?... que divertido… ¡hola!...—dijo Lizzie riendo. -Es solo coincidencia “Rizzie”, no la elegí por eso… —se defendió Henry poniendo la misma cara de fastidio que Kurt ponía cuando algo no lo complacía, su hermana hizo un par de gestos de burla divertidos y acabaron todos riendo— ¿qué opinas Papá?... —preguntó casi como con miedo. -Se ve muy bonito cariño… espero y por dentro sea igual… —añadió como cantando las vocales. -Lo es… te lo prometo… -Yo creo que es super…¡y se ve super!... —dijo Lizzie volviendo a lo de sacar medio cuerpo por la ventana. -Coincido y agrego que  es perfecto… —añadió Blaine aparcando el auto, Kurt blanqueo los ojos con disimulo— y si nos ponen en esa torre, sería aún más.. -A lo mejor hay fantasmas… ¡hola!... —agregó Lizzie dando unos aplausos. -No lo creo “Rizzie”... pero es una casa muy antigua asi es que… —respondió Henry abriendo la puerta para bajarse de los primeros— iré  a hacer el “check inn”...—dijo cerrando la puerta con suavidad para no importunar a su hermanito. -¡Te acompaño!... —exclamó Lizzie haciendo con su puerta justamente lo contrario, -¡Lizzie! —dijo Kurt como en un grito ahogado, la chica y todos se quedaron quietos como estatuas un par de segundos, Noah abrió sus ojos un segundo, hizo el ademán de llorar para luego acomodarse y seguir durmiendo—bendito sea esta niño… —añadió llevándose una mano al pecho, Lizzie hizo un gesto de alivio para luego enseñar sus pulgares arriba y partir al lado de su hermano. -Sacare a Noah primero… —dijo Blaine quitándose el cinturón de seguridad. -¿Me vas a dejar con las maletas, Blaine Anderson-Hummel?, ya sería lo último que podría pasar, te lo advierto…  —contestó Kurt poniéndose peor cara -No, acabo de decir que sacaré a Noah primero, lo que deja implícito que haré otra cosa después… —respondió con toda la calma del mundo, Kurt se remitió a blanquear los ojos como la había hecho durante todo el viaje. -Ok… —dijo Blaine poniendo el seguro en las puertas, su esposo miro aquello como si lo estuvieran secuestrando o lago— no quiero que esto suene mal, pero… ¿podrías cambiar la cara y tu actitud?, este es probablemente el último verano que pasaremos con Henry y que tu estes con esa actitud después de todo el esfuerzo que puso en estas pequeñas vacaciones familiares, es bastante… -¿Bastante?... —dijo Kurt abriendo más sus ojos y arqueando la ceja inquisidora como nunca antes la había arqueado. -Molesto… bien molesto… -¡Blaine! -Es la verdad… -Bueno, cuando le dijimos que organizara este fin de semana largo, esperaba que hiciera planes a no más de 15 minutos de la casa, de preferencia en Manhattan, en el Empire State por ejemplo… -Esas son tus preferencias Kurt, no las de él… -¡Lo sé!, y las estoy diciendo yo, ¿que raro no?... disculpa… —dijo de inmediato al notar que estaba siendo demasiado sarcástico para la hora que era, la situación y la persona con la que estaba hablando. -No te preocupes… pero si miras bien este lugar se ve bastante decente… -Blaine, es una posada, en un pueblo… ¿qué tan decente puede ser?… -No se… a la altura de 5 puntos en “Tripadvisor” por ejemplo… —dijo manipulando su teléfono para buscar los datos que había encontrado -¿5 puntos?, ¿en serio? -Míralo tú mismo… —dijo entregando su teléfono, Kurt lo tomó de mala gana y comenzó a leer la información del sitio web -Vaya… si es bastante decente… -Te lo dije… y es lo mismo que opina el respetado columnista del New York time, que tu admiras y que se  quedó aquí por más de tres días… —agregó acercándose a su esposo para cambiar las pantallas hasta llegar al articulo que hacia referencia, Kurt lo leyó en silencio y comenzó a  estar mas de acuerdo con la elección de su hijo. -Ok… lo siento, es un buen lugar, me deje llevar por mis prejuicios… lo siento… —repitió entregando el teléfono. -No es a mi a quien tienes que pedir disculpas… ¿lo sabes?, ¿verdad? -Lo se… -Ok… —dijo Blaine dándole un beso en la mejilla antes de bajarse y hacer lo que dijera hace instantes. -Es a Henry… —murmuró soltando un suspiro mientras se bajaba del auto— un momento… —agregó como recordando algo. -¿Qué?... —dijo su esposo al tiempo que sacaba la pequeña silla de Noah y que también servía para transportarlo. -¿Qué es eso que dijiste sobre que este es el último verano que pasaremos con Henry?, ¿sabes algo que yo no?... —preguntó rodeando el auto para acercarse a él. -No, pero… -Si sabes algo yo necesito saberlo, es mi hijo del que estamos hablando… -Es nuestro hijo del que estamos hablando y no, no sé nada… —insistió Blaine entregando al bebé— solo digo lo que es obvio, se gradúo, ya es un adulto, no creo que después de poner un pie en la universidad, querrá seguir viajando con sus padres y hermanos a todas partes, asumo y tendrá planes propios… —explicó mientras abría el porta maletas y comenzaba a sacar el equipaje. -Por dios… —dijo Kurt sintiendo que se le apretaba la garganta. -¿Que? -Eso es muy triste… —respondió entristecido hasta las lagrimas -No, Kurt… —Blaine dejó lo que hacía para ir hasta donde su esposo, tomó la sillita del bebe y lo envolvió con el brazo que tenía libre muriendo de amor y ternura por él en aquel instante— no es triste… es la vida… -Pues la vida apesta… —agregó apartándose. -No crees eso, ¿verdad? —dijo Blaine mientras le quitaba las lágrimas con sus dedos, su esposo solo se limitó a encogerse de hombros— además, no sabemos como va reaccionar nuestro hijo, tal vez si quiera estar con sus padres después de todo… -Tal vez… pero ya pase las últimas cuatro horas quejándome en vez de aprovechar este que podría ser el último viaje juntos…  debe odiarme… -Henry jamás te odiaría por nada… y si hablamos de tiempos, ahora tienes más de… ¿96?, horas para, para resarcirte de ese comportamiento… —dijo Blaine mirando su reloj cuando hablaba de las horas. -La ruralidad te pone sabio, ¿no es así? -Algo así… —dijo Blaine haciendo un gesto engreído— ven… —agregó estirando su brazo, Kurt se enjugó las últimas lágrimas que corrían por su cara y se refugió en él como lo hacía siempre— ¿quieres oir algo que se? -Siempre… -Pues creo que este lugar no fue escogido por nuestro hijo al azar… -¿No?... —dijo Kurt apartándose con una expresión divertida— ¿y que le hace pensar eso Señor Anderson-Hummel? -Pues escuché una conversación el otro día entre él y Liang, que decía que cierta chica que nuestro hijo ama, esta participando en un concurso de belleza aquí, algo como… -”Señorita libertad”... —interrumpió Kurt terminando la frase por su esposo. -Exacto… —dijo sonriendo— ¿como sabes? —agregó entregándole a Noah para seguir con lo del equipaje. -Es un concurso legendario… varias actrices de Hollywood empezaron aquí sus carreras… bueno no aquí… si no que en el lugar donde este concurso se llevó a cabo… -¿En serio? —dijo Blaine colgándose tres bolsos en un hombro y tomando otro par en una de sus manos -Mucho… por dios… ¿cuán maravilloso sería que ganara?… —dijo Kurt guardando silencio un segundo para pensar en aquello— apresúrate con esas maletas… hay trabajo que hacer… —terminó por decir dándose media vuelta para entrar al hotel. -Ok… creo que no debí contarte eso… —murmuró Blaine mirándolo partir.
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