#ruthven headcanon
littleoanh · 1 year
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Being in a relationship with August Ruthven
Characters: August Ruthven x Human!Reader
Warnings: Split between SFW and NSFW, established relationship, mentions of eliminating (not towards reader) and being called 'blood bag' and 'food supply'.
A/N: @mekiza and I collaborated our ideas what it's like being with beautiful Lord Ruthven ♡. Thank you so much for indulging this with me, my love! Divider is made by @benkeibear.
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August Ruthven is quite the perfect gentleman, he will treat you like royalty because you deserve nothing but the best. He enjoys spoiling you with food, clothes, bags, etc. Anything you want, you got it. Though he will tone it down if it gets too overwhelming for you.
You are the only person in the world that does not need to call him ‘Lord Ruthven’. You have special privileges to call him ‘August’. If anyone else calls him ‘August’, he will correct them with a dangerous glint in his eye that it’s ‘Lord Ruthven’ to them. 
He enjoys intimacy (not in a sensual way), he likes being so close to you. Holding your hand, placing his hand on your waist, sitting on his lap, or cuddling. He is the big spoon, but he secretly loves it when you cuddle him from behind. 
Leaves an imprint (a mark) on your neck to show you are his. If anyone dares sink their fangs on you, he will personally consider this as treason and have them be eliminated. 
He is a big and well built man, standing next to you makes him feel powerful and able to protect you from any harm. Also, he finds your height adorable because of how small you are compared to him (sorry if you happen to be taller than him).
 August loves listening to your heart beat at night, it brings him comfort and feel at peace. He can’t explain it, but he needs to have his hand on your heart. He may be a powerful and influential vampire, but you are his safe haven. 
This man DOES NOT get jealous easily, so good luck on trying to make him jealous. He is confident, put together, and financially stable. In fact, he finds it amusing to see other people trying to win your attention. There is no one better than him, therefore he knows what he is worth. 
He is usually a calm man BUT he will get triggered when someone dares call you his ‘blood bag’ or ‘food supply’. His eye color will change and the ground is shaking from his anger (don’t worry you are safe by him).
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Stating the obvious but it needs to be said … he has a big dick and a wide girth. The first time you see this, your jaw drops or maybe you’re drooling (take your pick). He finds it adorable when you are struggling to take him all in. But he will make sure to prep you, after all you are his precious human. He will not cause you any discomfort.
Has the biggest degradation kink. Grabbing your hair, talking down on you in bed and calling you by degrading names. What comes with his degradation kink is also praise. Calling you a good girl/boy when you follow his orders.
As I said before, August is a big man therefore he has a size kink. No matter what size you are, he can easily carry you without any struggle. He enjoys fucking while standing because of the faces you make when you are taking him so deep. 
August is a dom, you cannot make this man be submissive. If you try to, he can easily turn the table around. So there’s no point in trying. He enjoys being in control, taking the lead and showing his dominance.  
He loves leaving marks on your thighs, regardless if you’re ticklish he is strong enough to keep you in place. The more you squirm, the more aggressive his bites are. He will train you to get used to his kisses and bites on your thighs, this is his favorite body part.
His fingers are long and thick, he enjoys stuffing them in your holes. He finds it fascinating to see all the faces you make just by his fingers. It’s not even his cock and you are going crazy over them. After he’s done fingering you, he will lick his fingers to watch your expression changing into embarrassment. Again, he finds this adorable. 
Cockwarming. Sometimes duty calls where he can’t take time off and needs to handle proposals and paperwork. Having you on his lap, hearing your moans, whimpering or whining and watching you squirming on his big cock will make his work more tolerable.
Not interested in quickies, he prefers taking his time and having an emotional bond with you. He can take his time, pull several earth shattering orgasms out of you, and fill his load up over and over again.  
2023 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
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honeydazai · 2 years
hello lovely followers, today i offer you a quiz to find out your vnc spouse 🙏🏻
take it now and reblog with your results /threat 🔫🔫
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noose-lion · 2 years
Hi!! For the fandom ask game—vanitas no carte? :0
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Vanitas. I just. He's just. Yeah.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Roland. But this is really a "What the fuck Jester" moment, for that is a man of God. I really thought I was going to hate him, but no. He's just a gay little man, who wants to take care of all the gay lil orphans.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Dante. I don't know if he counts as underrated/underappreciated, but I don't think he gets enough love. He puts up with Vanitas of all people, and apparently has stuck with him for a bit. They're friends your honor, and I love him.
Honorable mention: Orlok and Murr. They make me happy.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Luna. (Do they count?) Yeah. Don't know much about them, but that makes them interesting~ Also, wonderful design.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Ruthven. He's just, you know? A bad guy. But he also looks like, that.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
To be honest Noé. He tries so hard keep himself in check, and feels so guilty when he has literally any strong emotion. I need to see him snap, and I think it would take alot considering what he's been through. (He also just gives me the urge to aggressively squeeze him)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
The Shapeless One. (Superhell is a bad thing right?)
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sifya · 1 year
When I met her,she smelled like death, her body was corsumed by the curse.
I ‘m not culted,but I have good istints, the queen wants your body and she’s using the curse for doing it.
I won't allow it.
For this I will give my name to you.
I want you know, it is my free choice, because for me you most important person in world, and I love you so much,and there is nothing I wound’t do for keeping you safe.
Goodbye Jeanne, my principess. ...
This Is my fanfiction on Jeanne's origins. I don't believe she is Faustina clone but her daughter, who was born for becaming the new vesserl.
There are a lot OC, alos speculation existence of blue moon clan, but it didn't go deep. In general it is fanfiction theory/heandcanons, I hope you enjoy how much i did.
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azapofinspiration · 2 years
Kiss Kiss Fall in Love (OHSHC AU)
Just some thoughts and headcanons on a Vanoe Ouran High School Host Club AU that I probably won’t write but want to get out of my head.
Vanitas (who aims to be a doctor) manages to get a scholarship into Altus High School, an elite academy for the rich
He can’t afford the uniform so he’s allowed to dress as he wants (which is whatever he can find that he likes in the house)
He was trying to find a quiet place to study when he encounters the Host Club, a wonderful mix of the some of the most beautiful and rich kids at school
These members are as follows:
Jeanne, Principal Ruthven’s ward and a well known martial artist who feels obliged to do as Ruthven directs her because he helped her when her parents died (cute yet sporty appeal)
Dante, club treasurer, an illegitimate child made legit for inheritance purposes (who knew Vanitas from middle school before he was taken in) (a rugged sort of appeal)
Amelia Ruth, in charge of organizing the club’s treats and costumes and is the adopted daughter of a hotel conglomerate (girl next door/domestic appeal)
The twins Dominique and Louis (with Louis as VP), children of a high level politician and whose completely opposite personalities (except when it comes to teasing) adds to their appeal
Individually, Domi is the flirty outgoing type while Louis is the cool type of appeal
And President Noé Archiviste, sole heir to the Archiviste fortune and ward of the school chairman (basically a natural with a princely appeal)
After accidentally breaking a vase, Vanitas has to do chores and run errands for qthe club (which he’s surprisingly good at even as he complains)
Then Noé gets the idea of him being a host
But due to Vanitas’s androgynous appearance, he thinks Vanitas is a girl (at first)
Dante knows the truth the whole time but still goes along with it, getting Vanitas set up with a girl’s uniform
Others slowly realize and Noé’s the last to know
Unfortunately, by that point, all the customers think Vanitas is a girl so he has to keep up the ruse. Dante’s not let anyone get a refund or claim they lied to them
Since his life isn’t as horrific or traumatic here (though there was some crap in his past), Vanitas legit doesn’t care what gender people think he is as long as he can take care of his debt and leave these stupid rich people behind him
Cue shenanigans as Noé and Vanitas fall in love and they have to deal with many incidences
Other notes:
Johann is sometimes called the club’s Sugar Daddy; he’s Dante’s bf and pays top dollar to exclusively see him
Riche is also allowed to see Dante because they’re friends but she often comes to see Amelia as well
Astolfo hates the Host Club and vows to bring them down
Olivier and Roland are teachers at the school; Roland is actually the Host Club’s advisor
Luca often tries to visit from the middle school to see Jeanne, once tries to fight Vanitas for Jeanne due to a misunderstanding
Luna is Vanitas’s adopted parent and the one who taught him the true meaning of being gender
Misha and Vanitas met in their previous (bad) foster home; Luna adopted them together when Misha raised a fuss about them eventually being separated after they were taken out
Luna is ecstatic about Vanitas’s involvement in the club, glad he’s making friends and doing more than just working on school
Misha is wary of the club and hates Noé due to the clear internet brewing between him and Vanitas and fears he’ll take Vanitas away (even though he knows Vanitas hopes to study abroad at some point)
Vanitas does all the cooking and chores at home because Luna is hopeless at it and Misha is a child and doesn’t want to learn
Domi and Louis have always had some issues with sharing Noé but Vanitas coming into the picture makes them confront this
Jeanne first gets a crush on Vanitas after he helps her out but as she notices his feelings for Noé, she becomes his wingwomen instead and finds herself falling for Domi as they start hanging out more
And that’s all I have for this. I just wanted to sort of let this all out because I’m busy with other stuff but let me know what you think.
I will say that part of this came from me imagining Vanitas going, “Damn rich people,” whenever everyone else gets over the top.
Also, from imagining the scene where the gang visits Haruhi’s house with Vanitas and the others.
Specifically with Noé accidentally falling on top of Vanitas and then Misha walking in right after and proceeding to fling Noé off him to check on his brother.
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"I had a wife. Your grandmother, Lydie. And a friend too, if you can believe that. His name was Maxim. A vampire killed them both. Lord Ruthven." -Juste Belmont
Trying to research Lord [Edmund] Ruthven brought up some interesting details, considering that according to lore, he was the first vampire created in media before Bram Stoker's Dracula. I headcanon that he as old as Dracula and had a truce/friendship with the other till Vlad's demise.
When he went after the Belmont family, Ruthven successfully killed Lydie and mortally wounded Maxim before he fought Juste. He survived, but not without wounds and disfigurement.
Ruthven is a charismatic individual, relying on his good looks and decent mannerisms to seduce his prey. His favorite being young, pure women who are unwed. He lures them with the promise of marriage and once they have exchange vows, he slowly bleeds them out for over a year before they finally succumb.
This provides him with longevity and adds to his power/magic abilities. A British aristocrat with a selective taste in hunting, he also has studied dark arts that aid in becoming a high-tier vampire. Ruthven is also an excellent master when it comes to sword play.
also shoutout to @dahliadreamcraft for discussing this character with me
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vanitinhas · 11 months
One of my favorite VnC headcanons/theories is that Dante is either Ruthven's son or Luca's half-brother... I'm so invested on this concept and the implications that it'd have on Dante's character... Is there any fanfiction that explores this concept?
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nova-asker · 1 year
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Vanitas no Carte body headcanon (Vanitas, Noé and August Ruthven)
(Hope this is ok to post here since its just nudity ?? i dont know tumblr very well)
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alucardsspouse · 1 year
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Veronica so real for her Ruthven headcanon
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littleoanh · 1 year
I’m in deep brainrot ever since I was rewatching Case Study of Vanitas. I can’t stop thinking of August Ruthven 😩.
@mekiza helped me indulged him and I need more lol.
I might write a headcanons and drabbles about him later. Got a few ideas.
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thedarkattic · 3 years
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→∞ ∞̴͎̽〈M̴̡͖̒͒̑a̵̭̩̣̓r̸̨͉̄i̸͙͈̭̔̌̃ỏ̶̦̬̞̚n̸͇͆̐e̵̹͉̫̅t̷̬́̾t̷͎̔͋̕ę̵̙͓͊͝ ̴̺̳̺̇̈i̷̝̳͈̓ṅ̷̜̲̐̃͜ ̸̘͝ͅC̶̤̅̈́̑h̴̢̻̐̑̓a̶͓̾͋̃r̶̹͠l̸̦̯̋ä̷̖́̒͛ͅt̴̺̆̅̇͜ă̷̞͌͂n̵̳̾͠ ̶͈̳͗͋̂p̴̤̱̞̂͘a̴̙͐͐͝r̴̢̘̣̓a̵̤͚͘͜d̵̳̾͑ë̸̡̼̲́͋̚〉→∞ ∞̴͎̽ ∞̴͎̽
∞̴͎̽→〈?̸̨̊*̷̐ ̵̥̮͐¿̵̶̵̶̶͙̖̺͇̝͇̽̿͐̍͋̚|幻覺|?̶̵̵̷̜̣̪̙̩̣̐̀͑̾͠¿̷̶̸̴̵͖͕̝̙̍̒̽͋̅̇̾ͅ ̴̦̏S̶͓͔̃á̷̛̭̝ù̵̲d̷̮̓̄ä̸̫d̴͖̙̎̈e̴̝͆ ̷̛̲̭̃N̶͔͎͛i̸̺̓͜͝ĝ̸̼̋h̵̢̲̄ț̸͐̆m̴̬̪͊̕a̶̟͛ŗ̸̿e̴̳̔͗〉→∞ ∞̴͎̽∞ ∞̴͎̽→∞̷͖̤̈́̎͑͑̎ ∞
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kingbuffy · 3 years
Look, it's widely believed that 'The Vampyre' was published while it was still an early draft so I'm allowed to say that Lord Ruthven had set his eyes on Aubrey the whole time, and was attempting to isolate the man from society. He did this by killing his lover, his sister, and successfully convincing high society that Aubrey had gone mad. All of this done so that Ruthven would be the only one Aubrey could turn to, simply because they were the only ones that knew the truth about the Lord's vampirism. This would naturally lead to Ruthven turning Aubrey into his gay vampire companion in this essay I will
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hellbvrn · 6 years
tag dump.
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blueparadis · 2 years
❝Our Skin Touch & We Ignite.❞+ ( noe archiviste, vanitas, ronald fortis, Olivier, Lord Ruthven)
—»cw :: afab-reader, explicit smut, mature language, sub-dom dynamics, power play, implied manipulation & age gap, unprotected sex, creampie, f-oral, oral acts, body worship, praise kink, corruption kink, edging, orgasm denial, overstimulation, use of pet-names, branding, marking, nipple play; precis- headcanons& scenarios about “how intimate they're in bed!!”
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“Yeah, just like this”, he softly speaks guiding you over his aroused cock and as you gasp taking his cock inside your juicy hole he coos, “Atta girl”. He prefers to be the bottom but could switch gears at any moment. “You thought I was done?”, his voice is soft yet bold as he squeezes your ass cheeks making you moan. Your nails dig over his back leaving crescentindecents as he licks your nipples. His eyes don’t falter as he clamps his lips around your perked nipples before licking them. “Ohhh Noeeeh”, you call out his name in between moans, trying to catch up your breath as his grasp grows stronger making you bounce faster on his aching, twitching cock. Once he's in the heat, he won't stop until he has pulled at least four orgasms from you. “Oh baby, you did so well”, he whispers just after filling you with his thick cum up to the brim.
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Vanitas can be either mean & rough or gentle & patient but he never forgets to prepare you properly before he's inside you. Vanitas loves to tease you, every part of you. He likes to watch his girl beg for him, being shamelessly needy. He won't go for penetration until you're absolutely soaked and nothing but a mumbling mess. “Yeah, you. Like that?”, he whispers as he rubs the tip of his cock over your feminity. His cock is hard, starting to grow; he just can't wait to be inside you yet he likes to watch your welled-up orbs, your frustrated whimpers as he keeps nudging your outer clit folds. It's puffy and swollen as he jockes down kissing your lips, sucking it to divert you for a while before shoving his cock without warning. He loves to hear the surprised gasp as he gets to have a last chuckle of victory.
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Roland is such a sweet talker. His mellowed voice along with his pouty face would get him anything. He loves you, your body scent rusting his senses as he places kisses all over your body. He likes to have you underneath him, hands hooking around your plush thighs as he gives a broad lick over your clit folds. “Awh! Don't be like that!”, he coos. His words hit your wet folds sending shivers all over your body. “You can give me another one, can't you baby?”, he asks as his grip over your butt cheeks tightens. Lips sucking your clit, tongue lapping against your dripping femininity until the bedsheets get soaked. Your hands gripping the pillow, gritted teeth trying to take what he's giving you until he finally marks your most intimate parts. He loves to mark your inner thighs, boobs, your pulse point. “Ahhhhh-aH”, you let out a low moan as his teeth meet your thighs making him pause. “Does it hurt?”, he asks, his puffy lips glistening with your juices. How could you not kiss him! Kiss him, suck his lips until he pushes you away: that's the kind of reassurance he needs.
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Olivier likes to take you from the back. Whether you're pressed up against the wall or on the bed, his grip on your waistlines grows stronger while he fucks you like his ragdoll. His thrusts are deep and strong; he likes to see you absolutely wrecked under his influence. “Oh gwad! you feel -so gu’d-just so gu’d”, he barely mumbles as his arms slowly roam over your body making their way to grope your breasts, fondling them as he takes a breather. “You think you can take more of me, huh princess?”, he whispers against your ears as you try to catch your breath, moans fuming at each passing moment over your lips. He skims through your wavy locks arching your face to get a quick look on your face. “Look at you, always so ready for me.”, he remarks and before you could say something he kisses your lips, fingers pinching your nipples as you whimper out a moan. “Just a little longer, baby!”, he coos as he bucks up your hips ready to slam his cock again, to fill your womb with his seed until your legs shake. And oh dear! How he loves to hear your moans and screams; “Let me know how good my cock feels, angel”, he would hiss if you cover your mouth with your hands or bury your face in the pillow.
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Lord Ruthven is a man of fine taste. He wants you to be dressed up pretty, sitting on his lap as he studies. You're supposed to sit on his lap, taking his cock inside your juicy hole like a good girl. And don't you dare move, because if you do, he'll rub your puffy folds until you're squirting soaking his pants. “Did I tell you to sit naked?”, he remarks tartly keeping aside his book. While your shy muscles try to get rid of the upper, he tucks it down along your waistline.“So beautiful”, he mumbles eyeing you up and down running his hands down from your neck until he reaches your belly button. He grabs your thighs pulling you closer, nudging your spot making you a jolt. Your hands clamp on his broad shoulders as you let out a meek moan. “Awh! Don't be so afraid. ’m not gonna bite”, he says kissing your neckline making it hard for you to breathe, making it so hard not to moan. “unless you ask for!”, he adds licking your pulse point as try to buck your hips, pressing your boobs against his chest. “Getting restless, aren't we kitten?”, he whispers as he digs his teeth into your neckline and finally sucks before pulling away making your vision glassy. “Don’t worry Angel, we've all the time in the world”, he coos swiftly placing you underneath him on the couch ready to pound until he fills you upto the brim.
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tags—@hanemiso @haitaniapologist @zoraedits @arlertslove
networks— @underratedcharactercorner @downtown-roponggi @tokyometronetwork
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I’m really excited to read your entire analysis masterlist. (Some of my questions I submitted are even on there xD. You definitely are an expert when it comes to knowing about the Tsukinami brothers.)
I will say, I am quite sad the final volume of the young blood manga didn’t have Carla or Shin at all in it. I was also really hoping to see Giesbach and Krone’s face reveal and more of Carla and Shin’s backstory along with what they looked like as kids. Which is why I’d like to ask what do you think their parents would look like?
Ah I hope you find everything interesting! I think I'm just a little bit too obsessed with them personally ^^;;
I am sad we never got to see what Carla and Shin looked like when they were younger but I think except for cover art, it would have been kind of out of place to include them properly when the manga was focused on the Sakamaki brothers Tsukinami manga when pls Rejet?
Prior to the reveal that the manga was going to be focused on the Sakamaki brothers, I had also hoped for Giesbach and Krone face reveals but alas :')
As for my own headcanons on what they look like, honestly they're based on some of @bloody-croissant's art (which I now cannot find because I am loser with a terrible tagging system). But anyway because of that line we get from Karl about Carla looking like Krone in his DF route, I tend to picture Krone with similar features to Carla.
As for Giesbach, I used to think that as Carla looked like Krone, then Shin must take after Gies but er... let's just say after Shin's LE route I no longer think that's the case. That brief glimpse we got of him in Young Blood not withstanding, I imagine Gies looking like Lord Ruthven from The Case Study of Vanitas just without the eyepatch.
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Funnily enough he even has the same VA as Carla.
I hope you have a good day!
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bemused-writer · 2 years
Hi! :D
Could you help me with a little something, please?
The other day, while looking at a reaction at the vnc anime (to see it through the eyes of a non-manga-reader), they said that it was weird that the Marquis De Sade chose to spare Dominique and "kill" Louis: in a maschilist world, it would've likely been the opposite.
Point being is that, to me at least, *somewere* is stated that the vampire society is in fact matriarchal.
Question is: did I dream of it, was that a theory I took as headcanon or is it official and I just can't find it anymore? ^^'
Thanks in advance!
Heya! So, at the moment I cannot remember canon ever stating that vampire society is matriarchal, although it would definitely be interesting.
At the moment, we really know very little about vampire society in the manga. We know they have a queen who rules over all, but that doesn't necessarily make it a matriarchal society. Nineteenth-century England was also ruled by a queen, but no one would call it matriarchal by any stretch of the imagination.
What we do know is that something has happened to the queen and there is a cover up. The most powerful figures in vampire society outside of the queen have all been men: Teacher, Ruthven, Luca (not an adult, but inheritor to the throne), Machina, Antoine, etc. We also know Dominique's father has had several wives and children with each of them.
There are powerful women, too, and they are equally likely to be warriors (Jeanne, Dominique, and Veronica), but their presence isn't quite as common. If I had to guess, I would say that vampire society in this manga is still very similar to the actual 19th century with a bit more progressive attitudes regarding certain roles (and possibly the reverse on others).
As for why Louis was used for Teacher's experiment and not Dominique, I always assumed it was because Louis was born "cursed" while Dominique was not. That is an assumption on my part though. We don't really know enough about Teacher or his experiment to say whether there was a true reason for his (or the de Sades) choice.
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