#ruusaan is gay
julyzaa · 4 years
I can't stop imagining Kristen Stewart as Ruusaan Skirata since I saw Charlie's Angels.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Can you do more of that mandalorian obiwan jangobi fic? It was so good!
(i’m very feckin attached to this obi and i’m so happy y’all want more. blood and injury warning for this one! jangobi is very soft but obi is very bad at keeping himself alive, and ruusaan is the only one with a braincell. part 1 here!
umm. this got really long. it just... kept getting longer. fills will not be this long consistently i just. i really love this obi.
**ruusaan’s name and design from this! thank you to @amillionstarsandyouchoosethisone for letting me write her, i love her dearly)
 Ruusaan remembers a time before the Supercommando Codex, even if her sisters do not, and as soon as she’s old enough to follow Mereel, she crashes the Duke’s council meeting discussing the cutting of the budget for the poorer levels of Sundari. In front of every one of her father’s supporters, she recites the shuk’la buirok and leaves every Kalevalan piece of herself behind.
  The Haat Mando’ade welcome her with open arms in spite of her origins, Mereel trains her to fight and helps her build her beskar’gam, and she hopes someday her sisters will grow to make their own decisions as she had. 
  Ruusaan walks her path alone unless Mereel calls on her, traveling the stars as Haat'ad, nameless still, but infinitely free. She has no right to Mandalore as her dar'buir believes, but she can live the Truth, and if that's good enough for her Mand'alor, then it’s good enough for her. 
  When she accepts the call to Melida/Daan seven years after joining Mereel, she does so with caution —she will not pull the Haat'ade into their war— but when she lands just outside the capital of Zehava, she’s greeted by a small party of children. A girl that can’t be much older than Satine approaches Ruusaan immediately, red hair greasy and in disarray, but exuding determination.
  “You’re the commando?” she demands without preamble, hiding her shaking hands by forcing them into fists. 
  Ruusaan removes her helmet and tucks it under her arm so the kid can see her raise her eyebrow. “I am. You put out the contract?”
  The girl clenches her jaw and nods. “I’m Cerasi. I need you to get someone to Coruscant.”
  Immediately wary, Ruusaan looks around the girl to the other children, who stand around someone that positively hums in the Force. “Your contract said transport of goods.”
  “He belongs to the Jedi,” she says, spitting the word like it’s poison. “But they aren’t answering his communications, and we— Force, we don’t know what’s wrong with him.” Her confidence falters, darting a quick look behind herself before gripping her arm. “Listen, I don’t have much, we only just won and Nield isn’t— He helped us, he’s the reason we won, no matter what the rest of the Young say. He doesn’t deserve to die here.”
  “Kid, I’m not taking your money,” Ruusaan cuts in, Cerasi’s face falling before she continues, “Mandos have creeds about children, I’ll take him for free. Where is he?”
  It takes Cerasi a moment to realise what all that means, but then blinks and dashes back to the little group of children. With a growing sense of foreboding, Ruusaan follows, watching the kids part to show a tiny padawan in dirty tunics laying in a makeshift litter, and Ruusaan has to close her eyes for a moment to calm herself. The Force around him wavers like a heat haze, and Ruusaan isn’t trained enough to know what that means; nothing good, if the flickering of the boy’s Force signature is anything to go by.
  There’s dried blood on his lips and chin, and she can hear his breathing from here, ragged like it hurts, and it probably does. Cerasi bites her lip and moves to pick the kid up, but Ruusaan quickly steps in and kneels to check the kid’s ribs first. Nothing seems broken, he barely even seems bruised, which certainly doesn’t fill her with confidence, but at least it’s safe enough to lift him.
  She puts her helmet back on before carefully scooping the kid into her arms, and he actually feels an alright weight for how thin the other children look. Ruusaan turns back towards her ship and jerks her head for Carasi to follow her.
  “What’s his name?”
  Cerasi quickly moves to catch up, chewing at her lip again. “Obi-Wan, but that isn’t what the Jedi he was with called him.”
  Hm. “How long has he been sick?”
  “He came to us like that. He would just— cough, all the time, and the Jedi didn’t know what was wrong with him.” She follows Ruusaan up the ramp into her little ship, heading for the medbay. “He— After he promised to help us, the Jedi left him here.”
  Rage nearly smothers her, and Ruusaan locks it into her chest for later, after she leaves atmo; Obi-Wan twitches in her arms in response to her sudden spike of emotion, and she can’t have that. “They left him?”
  “Look, I don’t— I don’t know how it all works. But Obi-Wan gave up being a padawan to help us, I think, and I think that’s why the Jedi aren’t responding.” Cerasi watches her set Obi-Wan on the far-too large bed, her lip starting to bleed under her teeth.
  Ruusaan hands her a tissue, but sets aside her helmet to quickly cut the boy out of his tabards and tunics. Just as she had thought, Obi-Wan is wearing a compression shirt under it all; Cerasi looks terrified when she cuts him out of this too, and Ruusaan sends her a reassuring smile.
  “Peace, kid, Mandalorians accept all. Has he been wearing this often?”
  “All the time,” she says uncertainly, ducking forward when beckoned to help Ruusaan get Obi-Wan’s dirty clothes out from under him. “Is that what caused this?”
  “It certainly didn’t help.” They fall into silence as Ruusaan gets a ventilator hooked up, Cerasi jumping in to help as instructed, but there isn’t much Ruusaan can do with her sparse medical equipment. She doesn’t even have bacta. 
  “Are you... Are you going to take him to the Jedi?”
  Ruusaan snorts, making sure Obi-Wan’s vitals are being logged before turning to Cerasi. “Absolutely not. I would never return a child to those that abandoned them.”
 Obi-Wan makes a small sound, eyelids flickering for a moment, but he doesn’t wake, and Ruusaan realises her heart is in her throat. Well, that settles that, then. “I’ll take him back to my people, decide where he best belongs,” she adds, as if the gai bal manda isn’t already burning her lips. 
  It seems to satisfy Cerasi enough to return to the Young, and she leaves Obi-Wan with a kiss on the forehead and a whispered apology. She races out of the ship before Ruusaan can ask her anything else, and she does not follow. Ruusaan’s contract is on the bed behind her, and you cannot save someone who does not want to be saved.
  Jango doesn’t know if it’s Ruusaan or Jaster’s machinations that has him covering contracts with Obi-Wan more than any other commando, but he’d appreciate it if they stopped before Jango has an actual heart attack.
  Because Obi-Wan, for all his new calm and easy demeanor, is even more reckless than when he was a child, and Jango hadn’t thought that was possible. He jumps into fights without checking escape routes, and uses his rifle in close combat as well as his fists, he doesn’t travel with a jetpack, and he removes his helmet any time they’re not in an active right.
  “It’s easier to breathe without it,” Obi-Wan tells him on another mercy mission to Concordia. “Buir tried to hook an oxygen tank up to it, but they were all too heavy.” And he shrugs like it's fine, and Jango decides he has a death wish.
  Ruusaan either joins them on missions, or takes contracts nearby, never too far if... anything went wrong. Luckily, things rarely do, and Jango only has to see Ruusaan restart Obi-Wan’s lungs once after that first mission back, and even then Obi-Wan had been fine within the day.
  They make it a year and a half of missions together before things go wrong, stranded in a rusty hut on Yutha during a dust storm, with Ruusaan somewhere on the other side of the canyon to the North taking a different job. 
  Theirs had been a simple contract to retrieve some Neimoidian’s data disk that he’d left with a lover, and Jango is only there because Obi-Wan had asked him to be, and if it weren’t for the dust storm, it might have been as easy as it sounded.
  Obi-Wan is at the one window, the barrel of his rifle propped on the sill as he watches the red dirt road outside for anyone trying to take advantage of the storm, though they’re pretty sure their hiding spot has been abandoned for a while. Jango had taken up leaning on the wall on the other side of the window frame, watching Obi-Wan more than he’s watching the outside, and even after almost two years back working with other Haat’ade, he has trouble contending this Obi-Wan with the fourteen year-old that had once tried to set his cape on fire.
  Obi-Wan flicks his eyes to Jango with a tiny, barely-there smirk and readjusts his rifle on his shoulder before returning to his vigil. Shaking his head, Jango is almost thankful Obi-Wan had removed his helmet as soon as they’d secured the hut; how else would he have seen the Yutha sunset painted on his face? 
  Hm. He should probably look into that affection that’s becoming harder to ignore. 
  “Jango,” Obi-Wan rasps, yanking his attention away from the rising dust storm as Obi-Wan’s hand darts up to his bleeding nose. 
  His entire body jerks, his blaster rifle clattering to the floor, and Jango has to dive forward to catch him before he hits his head on the windowsill. He starts coughing before Jango can even get him laid out, struggling against Jango’s arms and splattering blood across his chestplate.
  And these coughs are worse than the last time, shorter, harsher, and Jango has been in enough battles to recognise someone going into shock.
  This is all wrong, though, it never goes this fast, where Obi-Wan is already choking on his own lungs, eyes wild as his body attempts to shake apart, and Jango’s never had to deal with this alone, and oh Force, Ruusaan “the Jedi Killer” Tra’Galar is going to lose her foundling on Jango’s watch.
  The dilapidated furniture starts to rattle as if shook from below, anything left on shelves or counters levitating for a moment before crashing to the ground. Jango yanks off his helmet and has to grab Obi-Wan’s wrists to stop him from clawing at his own armour, Jango feeling him pulling the Force in around them until it’s an almost unbearable weight. 
  And Jango can’t get him into shock position, not with him thrashing around with far more strength than he should possess with at least one lung collapsing, if his wheezing is anything to go by. His skin is cold and clammy when Jango manages to get a free hand onto his forehead, and despite years of having to patch up vode on the battlefield, Jango can’t tear his eyes from the blood that bubbles from his nose and drips down his face, staining his hair and making something dislodge in Jango’s chest. 
  “Hey, hey— Kid, hey, you with me?”
  Obi-Wan blinks and his face scrunches, but he can’t seem to focus on Jango as he tries to jerk himself free from Jango’s hand. Holding him down is going against everything Jaster had taught him about shock, but every commando he’s had to treat for it has been unconscious by now, and even when Obi-Wan’s strength gives out, going limp against the floor, he doesn’t pass out, instead staying aware of his own rattling wheezes. 
  His fingers twitch in Jango’s hand, blinking again and jerking under the palm on his forehead; somewhere behind them, a piece of furniture crashes. Jango can’t honestly remember the last time he’d seen Obi-Wan use the Force, for anything: they keep it on the downlow even around the Haat’ade, even with Ruusaan broadcasting her own sensitivity as a point of pride. And Jango has never asked, why Obi-Wan will paint his beskar’gam silver but then refuse to acknowledge his past with the Jedi.
  Something else crashes and Jango winces, moving to try and loosen Obi-Wan’s chestplate one-handed. It’s halfway through the process, with Obi-Wan’s jerking chest even more obvious, that Jango realises he isn’t going to survive it, if Obi-Wan dies like this. Force, he can’t take it if he dies like this.
  The faint hum of a jetpack is the only warning Jango gets before the door to the hut explodes under blasterfire, Ruusaan shouldering through the remains and looking like a vengeful goddess with charred armour and a slice on her cheek. 
  She drops on Obi-Wan’s other side, tossing her rifle away to put one palm over Obi-Wan’s heart, and the other on his right side over his ribs. Jango makes to pull away and let her take over, but as soon as he does, Obi-Wan starts to thrash again, and Ruusaan’s hand flies out to stop Jango.
  “Keep him calm,” she orders, brooking no argument, and Jango listens, grabbing Obi-Wan’s wrists again to settle in for seven of the worst minutes of his life — where Obi-Wan stops breathing entirely on them twice, and Ruusaan growls like a rancor before she manages to inflate both of his lungs properly. 
  Obi-Wan gasps on the sudden ability to inhale, eyes regaining some of their clarity, but he still can’t focus on either of them.
  Ruusaan is unsurprised, grabbing up her rifle to swing the strap back over his shoulder. “How far is the ship?” she demands, and Jango’s been a soldier since he was fourteen, he can fall in and defer to Ruusaan’s command, even accept her lead with relief. 
  “Just over the ridge,” he says, slamming his helmet back on and shouldering Obi-Wan’s blaster as Ruusaan picks him up like he weighs nothing, even in full beskar’gam. Bewildered and a little intimidated, Jango helps put both her and Obi-Wan’s helmets on as well — the dust storm clearly isn’t stopping, and they can’t stay here.
  He grabs Obi-Wan’s chestplate and follows Ruusaan back to their ship, and even though Obi-Wan is unconscious by the time they reach it, Jango is all too thankful to be able to close the hatch behind them. 
  In the medbay, he helps strip Obi-Wan of his armour, and then works on getting the blood off his face enough for a ventilator while Ruusaan rolls Obi-Wan’s flight suit down to his waist so she can get at his ribs.
  Jango can hardly look at him, at the patchwork of darkening lavender bruises and the way his chest scars stand out against his heated skin. Carefully lifting Obi-Wan’s head to slip on the ventilator mask, he wishes he could wash Obi-Wan’s face properly, there’s still so much dried and drying blood under his nose and down his cheeks, and he just wishes he understood what the kark is wrong with him.
  Instead of asking, Jango moves to get the bacta vaporiser set up while Ruusaan goes about checking Obi-Wan’s ribs for breaks. 
  Obi-Wan stirs when Jango is hooking up the second set of tubing to his mask, blinking blearily up at Jango as he freezes above him. They just sort of stare at each other for a moment, until Obi-Wan seems to get his bearings and relaxes under Ruusaan slowly dancing Force healing across his torso.
  Panic lodges in Jango’s throat as Obi-Wan makes several attempts to lift his hand, grunting in frustration. Ruusaan glares, but allows it when he can finally raise a loose fist to Jango’s chest, tapping over his beskar’ta in proxy of his own, thanking Jango like he had actually done anything, and Jango has to lean on the head of the bunk with both hands. 
  “K’atini,” Obi-Wan whispers, voice sounding like it’d gone through a woodchipper, and Jango thinks kriff that, this is worse than pain, and they shouldn’t have to watch this kriffing kid die because of it.
Mando’a:  shuk’la buirok — lit. “broken parent bond”, made up term for the real ability for a child to “divorce” their parent, legally labeling them as dar’buir or “no longer a parent”, which i’ve based on the term for spousal divorce shuk’la riduurok. Haat Mando’ade — lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians (slang shortened to Haat'ad/e)  beskar’gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy gai bal manda — Mando’a adoption ceremony, lit. “name and soul” buir — “parent”, gender neutral  vode — “brothers, comrades, siblings”, sing. vod, technically gender neutral but used most often in fandom as “brothers” beskar’ta — “iron heart”, the elongated hex-shape common in Mandalorian armour designs (great post here comparing them to katana tsuba). also called kar’ta beskar or “heart of the iron”. K'atini — “it is only pain”, used in the context of “get up. Keep going. You can and you will survive this.”
would gffa’s advanced medicine be able to perform mastectomies without scarring? yes. obi chose to keep his.
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syntymatitahna · 5 years
Hamlet's soliloquy o'r Mando'a
Cuyir, ra nu'cuyir, ibac tionas:
To be, or not to be, that [is the] question:
Meh ijaat'shya o'r mirde atiniir
If [it's] more honorable in [the] thoughts to endure
goore bal beviine b'ori'suumyc ka'ra,
[the] throws and lances of outrageous stars
ra jurir besbe'trayce ram'or naysol uraktose
or to carry weapons to attack too many difficulties
bal ti akaan rohakar val: ramaanar, nuhoyir
and with war to defeat them: to die, to sleep
dar; bal de nuhoy, sirbur mhi kyri
no more; and by sleep, to say we end
aaray be'kar'ta, bal ta'raysholan nyne
[the] pain of [the] heart, and [the] thousand hits
meg loras juri? par ibac nari
that flesh carries? for that act
solus vercopaani ruusaanyc. Ramaanar, nuhoyir,
one wishes devoutly. To die, to sleep,
ret haa'tayli vercopase; elek, ibac chaab,
maybe see dreams; yes, that [is the] fear
jorcu o'r nuhoy be'kyr'am, tion'meg haa'ite ret olaro,
because in [the] sleep of death, what visions may come,
sha ca'nara mhi ba'slana cuun ramaanla baare,
at [the] time we leave our mortal bodies,
(enteyo) dinui(r) bah mhi jorbe mirdir. Ibac mird
(must) give us a reason to think. That thought
ukoro chaashya urakto oya
pushes further [a] difficult life
jorcu tion'ad jorso'ran nyne be nu'baatyc ca'nara
because who shall bear [the] hits of uncaring time
ne'serim narise be tsad droten, chayai b'ori'jaon'yc adat,
[the] incorrect acts of the Republic, [the] teasing of self-important people,
kad'la aaray be paguur be'cyare, n'iviin'yc tor,
[the] sharp pain of a love's dislike, slow justice,
duraan be te naak'ade, bal tette
[the] scorn of the pacifists, and [the] kicks
meg di'kute dinui bah ruusaane,
that fools give to reliable ones,
meh kaysh lise te'habir uraktose
if one can remove difficulties
ti nu'hukaatyc kad?
with an uncovered dagger?
tion'ad ret jorso'ran uraktose,
who might bear [the] difficulties,
oritsir bal onidir chur haryc oya,
curse and sweat under tired life,
meh nu'jorcu chaab be nakare suum kyr'am, -
if not because [of a] fear of unknown things beyond death, -
ibac nu'mar'ey'la uvet, teh briik be'meg
that undiscovered world, from [the] line of which
naasad verd yaimpar, - mirshe tionir,
no warrior returns, - [the] brain questions,
bal mhi jatne emuuri (yaim'la) dushe mhi gana,
and we prefer [the] (familiar) bad things we have,
bal n'eyayti at ashise meg mhi nu'kar'tayli.
and don't flee to other things that we don't know.
mirdir gotal'u mhi an hut'uune,
to think makes us all cowards,
bal jiriad sal be mirde gotal'u nu'jahaala
and [the] ghastly colour of thoughts makes sick
ge'tal sal be nasre,
[the] red colour of resolve
bal nare be ori'munad bal ori'kando,
and acts of great height and weight,
ti mirde, val shonar amu be'chaaj teh jate'kara
with thoughts, their waves change wrong/far from [the] right course
bal dar'gana gai be nari. Luubid jii,
and no longer have [the] name of action. Enough now,
ogir copyc Opelia? Mesh, gedet'ye ke'partayli
there [is] lovely Ophelia? Beauty, please remember
an ner nu'serime ti gar suvar.
all my wrongs with your understanding.
Sol'johayc de Hamlet © 2019 by sootnose is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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madhyanas · 4 years
Tag 9 People You’d like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @clydesducktape ily bitch 😤
Three Ships: i don’t think i could pick three from, like, everything. however, there are a few floating around in my head at the moment. i love me my paz vizla/ruusaan from hospitality, because i’m a narcissist. but i literally control them so i’m not sure if that counts LMAO. 
aaaaaand now i’ll try to stick to real characters: clarisse la rue/silena beauregard from the percy jackson series has been fucking me UP. i re-read the books recently and holy fuck the n o s t a l g i a. plus i found out there’s a whole parallel between the girls and achilles/patroclus???? which was poetic and Gay™️ to read so in conclusion i adore them. 
finally, dabi/hawks [takami keigo] from my hero academia is just... real fuckin’ nice. i think people call it hotwings, which is hilarious to me lmfao. haven’t caught up on the latest chapters yet — i’m really worried that they’re tragic — but the political intrigue?? enemies to lovers??? FLAWLESS.
Last Song: the cult of dionysus - the orion experience. i remember someone said that it was THE song for oberyn martell/ellaria sand and — from what i understand from their general vibe — damn, it really is.
Last Movie: dora (டோரா) - a tamil horror movie; basically, a possessed car ropes a woman into hunting down its spirit’s murderers. honestly wasn’t too bad; major ‘little shop of horror’ vibes. plus, i like hearing tamil, even if i don’t understand it.
Currently Reading: me talk pretty one day - david sedaris. i like it! funny in an off-beat kinda way, and strangely nostalgic. (also, of course, reading several fics.)
Currently Watching: fear city - a documentary about the mafia in 70′s new york. QUITE cool.
Currently Consuming: leftover blueberry cheesecake - >:]
Food I’m Currently Craving: pizza, with mushrooms and goat cheese - it slaps, ok?
no presh tags: @datmando @vercopaanir @dartheldur @shadylightbearherring @wickedlyemma @thegirlwiththebambooblade @stubbychaos @corrupt-fvcker @justrunamok
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thesummerstorms · 8 years
Okay, but to go back and expand on this post so it includes just about everyone**, my purely personal headcanons for the RepCom cast:
Etain is bisexual. She’s also polyamorous.
Zey is gay.
Bardan is asexual and romantically attracted to guys. (And fuck the whole Arla plotline.)
Scout is demiromantic. ***
Darman is demiromantic  and demisexual. With a “pan” in there, somewhere... attraction of either sort is rare, but not determined by gender.
Niner is an aromantic asexual
Fi is bisexual or gay.
Atin is attracted to women, but demisexual.
Corr is straight, but not particularly interested in committed monogamy/ is possibly in a casual polyamorous relationship with Jilka, who’s also dating Ruu
Sev is gay
Boss is gay or maybe somewhere on the ace spectrum and attracted to guys?
Scorch is bi, but demiromantic
(I really don’t think enough about Fixer to have an opinion?)
Ordo is bisexual.
Mereel is pansexual quoi/demiromantic. I’m pretty sure there’s a poly here, too, but idk where exactly to attach it and also I defer to Izzy bc Izzy’s Mereel is canon.
OKAY, HONESTLY I tend to forget about the other four Nulls, so I defer to Kaz here
Seriously I just spent twenty minutes trying to remember Prudii
Team Treasury
Jilka is pansexual and polyamorous.
Besany ... I’m actually not sure, other than that she’s obviously into Ordo.
Cuy’val Dar
Kal is straight. I think I’ve said other things before, but honestly. He’s straight and also toxic, the end.
Vau is grey-aromantic/asexual. He has the one woman canonical Princess he fell for, but that’s the only moment of attraction he can remember.
Rav is a lesbian.
Mij is straight
I know we have other Cuy’val Dar but hell if I can remember them right now
Venku (as an adult) is pansexual, with a daughter with his aromantic best friend and married to a really great mando guy
Ruusaan is a lesbian.
Laseema finds it hard to quantify, but falls somewhere in the grey-ace spectrum; it can be hard to sort from other experience and emotions, and that’s okay for her. 
(** at least everyone I have headcanons for, but missing like, Ny and Fixer and Obrim and Arla and such)
*** I know this isn’t how our current Scout in RP is played, which is totally cool, this is just a headcanon that predates RP for me that I’m attached to for personal reasons
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julyzaa · 4 years
headcanons for Kal's biological children and ex-wife
(Definitely including my ocs from the Cyare short series)
Tor, Ijaat and Ruusaan are still Mandalorian,but don't wear their armor often
They wear variations of green to honor their Corellian roots
Tor wears pine green armor with sandy gold piping. He used to have it colored the same as Kal's, but Jango had to tell him that he looked a lot like his dad.
Ijaat wears sage green with his name on the left side of his breast plate to mimic his lab coat as well as reminding everyone he is a doctor. It also looks non threatening and it helps when he has to rescue civilians in war zones
Ruusaan has forest green armor with the right pauldron painted in the colors of the Pride Flag. She occasionally attaches a two sided cape that has the pansexual pride flag on one side and the LGBTQ+ flag on the other. Needless to say she is a great favorite at every pride march and parade she goes to
Kal wasn't at Galidraan because he was enroute to Tor's wedding, but turned around halfway there when he got a distress signal. Lets say that had been his last chance at fixing things between him and his kids
Only Tor has naturally brown hair, Ruusaan and Ijaat have dark blonde hair
Only Ruusaan and Tor have blue eyes
Ijaat is part of an emergency response team that was very active during the Clone Wars
He's met every clone Kal has raised/trained
He is in a polyamory relationship with his nonbinary SO, and Kom'rk Skirata
Tor is the only cishet member of his family(excluding Kal)
He is happily married to his Haysian wife, Kim Nguyen, and is a police detective in Corellia
He has two daughters, Tam and Yen
He is the one with the most issues with Kal due to being the eldest
He doesn't forgive Kal even after proving he has changed
Ruusaan met her wife, Harriet, when she was removed by security by breaking into Harriet's boss's office during a meeting
Ruusaan's wife works as an assistant to Jango Fett's non mando wife, Viridiana
Ruusaan's best friend is Walon Vau's gay half pantoran son, Aspen Ordo, whom he had with the Pantoran Mandalorian Senator, Thembeka Ordo, who I totally made up
Aspen got Ruusaan a job as part of his mother's security detail
Ruu accidentally walks in on Etain and Darman and Venku/Kad isn't conceived which makes Etain realize that maybe they can have kids after the war...and with consent from the father of the child
Ruu and her fiance try to host a family dinner that ends with Ijaat having to patch up Tor and Ordo who while brawling broke the transparisteel coffee table
Ijaat donates his sperm so that Harriet can have a baby with Ruusaan
Ruu has a starship named Auretti
Ilippi kicked Kal’s balls when they met
Instead of wedding rings kal and Ilippi got matching tattoos, he did give her a ring,but they chose the tattoos 
The Skirata Divorce made prenups a common practice in the entire Mandalore System
Even Death Watch demands that all interfaith couples(not that they allow them) to sign a prenup
She is happily married to a paramedic whom she grew up with
Ilippi isn't dead she was just in a medically induced coma
She shows up to Ruu’s wedding rehearsal scaring the shit out of Kal
She also dated Nyreen and is still on good terms with her
Jango was one of the few Mandos who remained friends with her after she left
He also introduced Boba to her and came to her for parenting advice
She eventually adopts the commandos Kal raised and any clone she comes across because everyone deserves a family not just the select few you are in charge of
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julyzaa · 4 years
Did I create any characters?
I love writing fanfiction and oc fanfiction, so I can safely say I created like at least 10. I like exploring the world of whatever fandom I like and enjoy research and world building too much.
Like I can't be satisfied with creating on oc and then plopping them into canon, I gotta build their friends, family and occasional pets.
One of these is Harriet Windu-Tubman, one of my ocs from The Art of Looking for Trouble, who is Mace Windu's very feminie lesbian daughter by his long time lover, another OC, A'lelia Tubman, and fiancee to Ruusaan Skirata.
She is this law student interning for a Coruscanti lawyer (another oc, Viridiana Duarte-Fett) who along with her fiancee,Ruusaan Skirata (a side character of the Republic Commando novels), and two friends(also OCs) start messing up things for Palpatine and saving the galaxy in the process.
Initially she was going to be a white nonbinary intern named Maddox, who I shipped with the clone Mereel, from Republic Commando, but I felt that star wars fanfiction and Star Wars already has too many white people in staring roles. And as a rule I avoid that white heteronormative storylines, as I can't write straight characters, like even if they are paired with people of the opposite gender be assured that they are gay.
And since I can't just create one person, Harry Windu has two younger brothers, Martin and Malcom, who are also named after famous black activists. Her mother A'lelia is a famous journalist who is of Korounnai descent, Korounnai being force sensitive black humans from Mace Windu's home planet, Harun Kal.
My biggest inspirations for her were the characters Coleandrea 'Coco' Conners from Dear White People and Michaela Pratt from How to Get Away with Murder.
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julyzaa · 4 years
My RepComm OC Masterlist (so far)
Harriet 'Harry’ Tubman-Windu
Not-so-secret daughter of Mace Windu and (OC) award winning Korunnai-Coruscanti journalist, A'lelia Tubman
Engaged to Ruusaan Skirata
Lesbian, very feminine
force sensitive, but not strong enough to be trained as a jedi
outright refuses to become Mandalorian
Aspen Ordo-Vau
A blond half-human Pantoran
gender fluid child of Walon Vau and a Pantoran Mandalorian Senator, Thembeka (of Clan) Ordo
pronouns They/Them
Gay Aromantic
wears black armor with occasional rainbow cape 
Viridiana ‘Viri’ Duarte-Fett
Aspen and Harriet’s boss, the Olivia Pope of their universe
Jango Fett’s secret half Zeltron wife
family immigrated from the planet Fest (Cassian Andor’s planet is named Fest, in my AU that’s space latin america) to a planet in the Coruscant System
pansexual demiromantic
utterly hates Palpatine, Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, in that order.
Francisco ‘Franco’ Duarte
Viri’s brother
intelligence agent
faked his death and became part of the Cuy’Val Dar
suprisingly normal
cishet, married to his high school sweetheart and has two kids.
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