#rwby v9 theories
jammatown919 · 1 year
I had it pointed out to me by mercuryj15 on my last post that Penny’s Aura color actually is present in the transfer scene, as tiny little green sparkles.
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Which means making it primarily the wrong color was a choice; they knew there was supposed to be green.
Additionally, I noticed Winter flies around on a cloud of a similar type of little sparkles rather than full flames like literally every other Maiden we’ve seen so far.
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The only other time I can remember Maiden powers being primarily a sparkle rather than fire is Cinder when she only had half of the powers of the Fall Maiden.
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Pair this with the fact that Penny's Maiden sword still exists for seemingly no logical reason, and her face is set to appear in it. I genuinely think Penny may have held onto a small portion of the Maiden powers (Winter would have a much larger portion, hence why both her eyes have fire when only one of Cinder's did). And I think she did it with Jaune's help. The Aura transfer was primarily his color and while asking for his help Penny said "there is something you (YOU specifically) can do" and "trust me". Penny had a plan, and this was it.
Her body is most likely too heavily damaged for her to inhabit it, so with her remaining connection to the powers she may have formed the sword as a temporary vessel out of self-preservation until something else can be arranged. As for how they get her out of the sword? Fuck if I know. Aura transfer, Pietro making a new body, somehow managing to heal her ruined human body, any of the other options, who knows.
And as for Jaune, who from the intro seems like he's going to be having a BAD time this volume most likely due to what happened to Penny, there's a legitimate chance he doesn't know she survived. If he was aware of his part in helping her keep her own Aura, he may think it went wrong since Penny is currently nowhere to be seen. Otherwise it may have been an evolution of his Semblance that he is not yet consciously aware of.
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fadedneonzzz · 1 year
I think I figured out the symbolism of the V9 opening, I’ve noticed that Jaune and Neo are shown together at the beginning.
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And for a while the popular opinion was that Jaune and Neo would eventually bond over the fact that they both lost people due to Cinder (though personally I find it very difficult to blame Cinder for Roman’s death but that’s beside the point). However I think the reason is that they’ll become a part of the story. The reason I think this is because team RWBY is following the story.
We learned that Jaune is the rusted knight of the story, and we know that Alyx (or Lewis if he is the one who actually wrote it) left details of their story out. So what if they also encountered Neo aka the one who is strongly implied to be the Mad Hatter. It’s also possible it’s a part of the story they forgot about.
Meanwhile we see team RWBY is following the Girl Who Fell Through the World almost point for point.
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Now there are a few holes of course, we don’t know for sure if Neo is the Mad Hatter, and we don’t if she’ll get sent back in time like Jaune did earlier. Though I think that’s be a creative way to defeat Neo, sending her back in time where she’ll forever be a fairy tale. (Actually kind of horrifying now that I think about it). Of course with 4 episodes left, I can’t say for sure where the story will go from here. But let me know what you think.
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yangshair · 1 year
Blake is going to step into the leadership role this season, especially with Ruby taking the back seat, and I love this journey for Blake
Yang.. happily follows close behind
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neos--neo · 1 year
Crazy Theory Time!
I got a theory, And this is a crazy one. Lewis is Oz! Let me explain, Now Lewis wasn't Oz when he was in the Ever After. Oz reincarnated into Lewis many years later. After he got out. So what if Alex didn't make it back but Lewis did, and he wrote the book. Now why do I think that Lewis is an oz reincarnation? My reason is all the way back in volume 1. Why did Oz except Jaune into beacon academy. Oz must have knew that his transcripts was fake. He knew that Jaune wasn't up to the level that everyone else was at, when applying to beacon. So why did he let him in? I think oz remembered that's one of his past lives (Lewis) Had met Jaune. That Jaune saved him and protected him as the Rusted Knight. So Oz figured Through Lewis's memories that the Ever After was a weird place. There is probably some weird timey wimey stuff happening there. Oz figured that he should let this young version of Jaune into beacon academy as a thank you for protecting one of his past lives, And to complete a time loop.
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lilithfairen · 1 year
Thinking about CC talking about how the Jabberwalker is the only thing that can truly kill an inhabitant of the Ever After
and that acre that the Jabberwalker ran through in Episode 3 looking an awfully lot like a realm designed by the God of Darkness...
...almost like the Jabberwalker is a manifestation of Destruction...
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So what if Jaune is just dead, like went splat on impact and his reanimated corpse is the Rusted Knight or the Rusted Knight took his armor off his corpse.
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(Penny/Winter Theory Anon) EEYYY It's been awhile! Just saw the RWBY V9 + the official teaser, and I. have many. questions. So. RWBY got transferred to like... A Wonderland-esque place? Or the Afterlife?? Sorry I might've missed something.
Probably both.
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thatorangedrank · 1 year
Little is Alyx 👎🏻
Little is Penny 👎🏻
Little is a reflection of Ruby in Vol.1 and is a physical representation of “healing your inner child” 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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Okay, short version: I know everyone’s freaking out about old man Jaune, but my main takeaway from this episode is that one way or another, Penny’s not dead-dead.
With the explanation of how reincarnation works in the Ever After and the Blacksmith saying “Nothing - no one - is ever truly lost” specifically in relation to Ruby asking about Penny’s sword  and the sword then showing Penny’s reflection right afterwards? - yeah, I don’t think the writers could spell out “Penny’s not truly gone” any clearer if they tried.
Actually the, “Little is Penny” theory is seeming crazy likely right now!
2 moments specifically stood out to me here:
1. Right after the moment above^ with Penny’s sword, the Blacksmith asks Ruby if she’s lost and if she’s alone, and right after that Little wakes up and answers the “Are you her guide?” question with “Yes, Ruby is my friend!”... mmm hmm, that had the same Penny-vibe as Little being excited to be called Ruby’s friend in E2. Also just like at the auction, Little is again involved in a “Ruby with Penny’s sword” scene, while the rest of Team RWBY is doing something else. Everyone else being busy with other stuff while Little is always in these “Penny’s sword” scenes in ways that feel meaningful is... well, it’s giving me *something*.
2. The curious cat’s explanation of reincarnation perfectly lines up with this theory. If the “central location” (the doorway-place between Atlas/Mantle & Vacuo) was already part of the Ever After, then Penny couldn’t have truly died there and would have instead gotten reincarnated as someone else without her memories.
And very specifically, when the Curious Cat talks about the Red King getting reincarnated as the Red Prince, they say this line: “While the Prince may not remember Alix’s deception after ascending, the heart very rarely forgets.”
Why have this line if not to foreshadow that someone else’s heart didn’t forget their fondness for Ruby?
Little is Penny. I was half-joking before, but I'm actually serious now.
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iamheretosin · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: I hope people aren’t crazy mad/disappointed if Penny or Summer Rose don’t magically come back to life or are in the ever after. That scene with the blacksmith was clearly playing out in Ruby’s mind due to some power of the blacksmith, and Summer has been on her mind. The reflection of faces in the weapons seemed more like “this weapon is a reminder and reflection of who they are” and less “they’re here! somewhere!”
And I think that really drives home that Ruby is questioning who she is, she doesn’t even have her weapon.
Anyway, “no one is truly gone” is not a message of “PENNY/SUMMER ARE HERE AND ALIVE”. It’s a message of that they are with Ruby, and as long as she carries their memory they are never truly gone. I just think a lot of people are taking that literally and missing the fact that Ruby has to learn to deal with grief. Real grief. And move forward from it in a meaningful way.
I honestly think that it would be a really terrible writing decision for Summer to be alive or in the ever after. She’s gone. Ruby has defined her whole life around being her mom and needs to grapple with that. Bringing her back from the dead would undermine really beautiful character growth! It would be really bad writing!
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lexiekeyy · 1 year
stolen from twt but what if the theory that Summer got captured and turned into a Hound by Salem when her final mission went wrong and Raven had to put her out of her misery.
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and maybe the apology was directed towards summer as well
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jammatown919 · 1 year
No but that “Little is Penny” theory seems a lot more likely now. We know dead or “broken” things can be taken and made into new things that will then go out and find their purpose. Penny’s body was pretty broken. Little mentions several times that they’re young and haven’t found their purpose yet. And we know everyone who gets fixed doesn’t remember what came before this version of them.
If this is the case I fully expect they’ll find some way to turn Little back into Penny, but I’m not sure how yet. I just don’t see her spending the rest of the series as a mouse if this turns out to be true.
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bumblebybelladonna · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast references with Bumbleby 🐝🌹 (2 part)
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" till chapter three " references the episode Blake met Yang, V1 chapter 3
Blake is Belle and Yang is Beast
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yangshair · 1 year
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neos--neo · 1 year
Calling it now, In the final finale of the show we are sending the brother God's back to the tree. They are long overdue for an ascension.
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lilithfairen · 1 year
Given that Jaune seems to have been around as himself in the Ever After for years, and Neo got dropped in Team RWBY, it begs the question not only of how time scales in the Ever After compared to Remnant...
...but who or what might have held Team RWBY back until it was "time" for them to play out the story, and why.
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