#rwby volume 3 soundtrack
vaelerys-targaryen · 11 months
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Yup, I put them on their own special playlist 🥀🥀🥀
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a-mellowtea · 11 months
Saw you in a dream Are you who you seem? Was it always in the cards for me to be aimless? No direction Nothing pulling me down from the sky It seems like I always get too high Oh, the air is cold I don't know how to breathe I'm begging, can you Guide my way out of this place? Red like roses fills my dreams… Open wide! You were born to hypnotize them all They said their prayers (Can you? Can you?) Can you hear me up there? What survives After all the dust is gone? Were you there to the end? (The end) Were you at least called a friend? Other side! Did you mean to make me half or whole? Will I ever be (Complete) When will I become all of me? Guide my way out of this place! I can't define Would it even be enough to change my mind? Your memory everlasting At war with my foolish pride What is left? I know it's you and I When I look inside I'll be who you were And I'll be even more! A moment of quiet is all it takes To reclaim a life and a promise made I am the reflection of who prevails I'm what inspired the fairytale A moment of quiet is all it takes To reclaim a life and a promise made I am the reflection of who prevails I'm what inspired the fairytale (I'm what inspired the fairytale) Guide my way out of this place! (I'll be free!) (I'll escape it! I will guide my way out!) Guide my way out of this place!
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sedlex · 1 year
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Ghfsdghjfghhf finally a date!
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chatterkat · 11 months
Saw you in a dream
Are you who you seem?
Was it always in the cards for me to be aimless?
No direction
Nothing pulling me down from the sky
It seems like I always get too high
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Ruby in a bit of shock from the vision she got from her mother, questions who she really was. She lied, she wasn’t perfect. Ruby’s been idealizing her mother her whole life , and been trying to be just like her, but Ruby has also struggled with what that means for a long time as well. She thought she needed to be like her mom, but how she doesn’t know what to think.
Oh, the air is cold
I don't know how to breathe
I'm begging, can you
Guide my way out
Of this place?
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Ruby wants answers, but she isn’t going to get them from the person she most wants them from.
Red like roses fills my dreams
Calling back to the previous red like roses, we know that this refers to Ruby’s nightmares of her mother’s bloody demise. However it’s also again just representing the nightmare that is Ruby’s struggle with her own identity.
Open wide
You were born to hypnotize them all
They said their prayers
(Can you, can you)
Can you hear me up there?
Now this is interesting! It sounds like a response from Summer. Much like how she responses in Red like Roses II. In that song it’s unclear whether it’s a Summer from elsewhere feeling those regrets (I think there is surely a good chance she had become like the hound) or if it was an imagined response by Ruby. It was almost ghostly, like the dead trying to answer the living but unable to actually communicate with each other.
It’s possible it is Ruby still in this lyric since the can you hear me up there part, might make sense from Ruby having fallen down though the world talking back up towards Remnant. However the other lyrics in this section don’t make sense as much sense then. I think it could easily be Summer again speaking from wherever she is dead or alive? Perhaps she is part of the tree and that is what she means by up there.
Open wide might be a reference to Sky is Falling(as it may be a song for the hound) as the opposite of what the song there says which is to “close your eyes my friend” (and the hound is a SEW so…)
Anyway the usage of the word hypnotize is interesting. It’s not just their silver eyes that hypnotize, it’s their whole self. They may hypnotize their enemies(“they said their prayers”), but also If it’s indeed Summer talking about Ruby, then she has certainly hypnotized the world with her message given what we see in Vacuo. Ruby has that spark that charisma that gets people to follow her. It works too if it were a Ruby to Summer lyric in the sense it could represent Ruby’s idealization of Summer, but again it makes more sense IMO to be from Summer to Ruby.
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Alternatively it’s Ruby talking about herself trying to hype herself up. She could be saying “can you hear me up there” as a threat to the cat or to Salem, that’s she’s gonna get them, but it seems too early in the song for that confident conclusion about herself
What survives
After all the dust is gone?
Were you there 'til the end?
(The end)
Were you at least called a friend?
These seem to directly call back to the volume 7 song Until the End which seems to be about Ruby(either from her POV or Summer’s) declaring she would be there until the end. It seems to refer to Ruby giving up briefly this volume with the tea. Would she be called a friend by others after giving up?
Or it could be Ruby questioning if her mom was there until the end, if she was a good person a friend in the end?
Did you mean to make me half or whole?
Will I ever be
When will I become all of me?
This is obviously back to Ruby’s perspective, as she questions whether she can ever truly be herself or always in her mother’s shadow. Ruby questions “otherside” and I’m unclear if that mean the otherside where her mother is or if otherside refers to the Ever After. Where the Ever After has both broken her and pushed her to become something new.
Guide my way out
Of this place
I can't define
Would it even be enough
To change my mind?
Your memory everlasting
At war with my foolish pride
What is left?
I know it's you and I
When I look inside
I'll be who you were
And I'll be even more
Ruby looks into herself and now realizes her idolization of her mother doesn’t gel with reality and her “foolish pride” of trying to live up to a standard that more illusion than reality. Interestingly she realizes she still carries this will or memory of her mother, but she no longer wants to be just like her, but rather both her and something greater…herself. She chooses herself.
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A moment of quiet is all it takes
To reclaim a life and a promise made
I am the reflection of who prevails
I'm what inspired the fairytale
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The emblem symbolizes the promise made, which Ruby never said what it was when she traded it away, but I have the feeling she thought it was a promise to come back, but in reality it was “I love you, just the way you are” Ruby reclaims the promise, hearing that echoed again from her mom is what let her finally be able to to choose herself. So Ruby also reclaims the emblem when she returns from the tree. I also think it symbolizes that part where she is who her mom was but more. Summer surrenders the emblem, and Ruby is truly defining it as hers now.
A moment of quiet is all it takes
To reclaim a life and a promise made
I am the reflection of who prevails
I'm what inspired the fairytale
(I'm what inspired the fairytale)
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I think what is meant by this like is that Ruby is now being the one that would inspire a fairytale, she is being who she wants to be finally, and defining her own story her own fairytale instead of just living through others(her Moms, Alex’s)
Guide my way out
(I'll be free)
Of this place
(I'll escape it, I will guide my way out)
Guide my way out
Of this place
In the end Ruby will guide herself out, with this new understanding of herself and her mother. Her mother still helped guide her in the end with her promise and her truth that broke Ruby’s image of her, but now Ruby is breaking away from that and doing it her way.
If you got his far thanks for reading my analysis. Let me know what you think! I’ll be doing a rewatch soon if the series and hopefully more song analysis so stay tuned!
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maritasdump · 1 year
Ngl the announcement that the Soundtrack of Volume 9 being released not only on Yang’s birthday, but also mine, is making me feral i actually had tears in my eyes when they announced it brb going to scream-
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gachagon · 11 months
Me listening to Guide My Way with tears in my eyes because its a song about Ruby finally being able to move on her own without her mother and being able to finally let go of the pain that her mothers death left in her and how the song is a perfect ending for Red Like Roses part II because it finally shows that she's secure in her own identity and and and-
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scattered-winter · 10 months
if y'all want some insight for what I'm planning for some character arcs for quintenary stars, there's some music from rwby that fits the character arcs p well teehee
mirror mirror series (mirror mirror pt 1, path to isolation, this life is mine) for lotor
red like roses series (red like roses pt 1, pt 2, and guide my way) for allura
inside for shiro
checkmate, i'm the one, and die for predator (<3)
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crazysublimenightmare · 11 months
My thoughts while listening to the RWBY vol. 9 Soundtrack:
Checkmate - catchy as hell and a total vibe!
Chatterbox - sounds so good, I feel this song in my brain.
Worthy - AAGAHKSHJSKASKHSJSSKSK, crying, screaming, throwing up. HOLY SHIT! I'm sweating?!?
Trapdoor - Volume 3 hello? This is devestating. How am I bobbing my head and also terrified. "I dont feel like the chosen one"??????
Quiet - the beginning kinda scared me ngl. Damn... this one is gonna me make cry isnt it? Casey showing off. A CLOCK TICKING !?! JAUNE?!?!
RED LIKE ROSES P 3 - (HOLY SHIT I'VE WAITED FOR THIS SONG FOR 10 YEARS! Lets go..) HAHAGHAJSJSKJSKSA "When will i become all of me" sheeshh AAAAAAH! no but this sounds pretty chill. "I'M WHAT INSPIRED THE FAIRYTALE"!?!?!?!?!?!??! My soul has left my body.
Casey did such a good job making this soundtrack! I literally liked/loved every song!
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
20 Ways how you know you might like RWBY?
Remember, there is no best show ever. Every show has its ups and downs. We’re just going to explain why RWBY is a show worth watching, that’s it.
1) Do you like ATLA, TOH, SPOP and LoK? -> Chances are, you’ll also like RWBY. Its not the same, and its never meant to try to be the same. But it does carry similar things.
2) Do you like stories with badass women taking on the roles typically held by male protagonist?  -> Then you should like RWBY.
3) Do you like stories with found family themes AND positive Step-family relationships?  -> Then RWBY should be on your list.
4) Do you enjoy stories with in depth fantasy lore and history?  -> Then RWBY would be a fantastic show to watch, because it does have them.
5) Do you like analyzing shows that have lots of significant hidden details, foreshadowing, easter eggs, callbacks, and references?  -> Then you’ll quite like RWBY.
6) Do you enjoy watching character development?  -> Chances are then that you’ll like RWBY.
7) Do you like slow burn WLW relationships?  -> RWBY, because BUMBLEBY KISSED TWICE, BABY!
8) Do you like shows with badass soundtracks made specifically for the show with lyrics that even add foreshadowing and other fun details? ->  RWBY has that.
9) Do you enjoy shows that are all about hope and love in the face of despair and hate?  -> RWBY!!!
10) Do you like shows where all of the characters are based on fairy tales, myths, legends, historical figures, etc. with wee details added here and there to give clues as to who each person is based on?  ->RWBY
11) Do you enjoy shows that are more light hearted and fun but then also still get into serious topics like dealing with loss, alcoholism, PTSD, abuse, neglect, abandonment issues, etc?  -> RWBY
12) Do you like badass fight scenes where the animation just keeps getting better and better as the show continues? -> RWBY
13) Do you like Warrior Nun and other similar shows? -> RWBY could very well be enjoyable for you too
14)Do you like long form story telling where details come back from all the way in the beginning of the show? -> RWBY definitely does that. We’re on Volume 9 and they brought up stuff from back in Volume 1 during it.
15) Do you like shows that are even better when you rewatch them cuz you can then pick up on all sorts of details you missed previously that MAKE SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW and make you love the show even more? -> RWBY is so damn easy to rewatch
16) Do you like stories that constantly subvert expectations in brilliant ways? Like in ways that MAKE SENSE? -> RWBY!
17) Do you like stories about HOPE that aren’t just naive and blind to everything and to reality? -> RWBY 100%
18) Do you like fantasy-mecha type weapons that can transform and badass n creative character fighting styles? -> Have I said it enough yet?
19) Do you like shows with INTERESTING villains that actually have interesting backstories and motivations that isn’t just simply cuz they’re “evil”? RWBY
20) FINALLY:   Do you like shows that take a very fanservice concept (girls fighting monsters) and gives them stories, personalities, development, and Bechdel-passing relationships, while it takes two male power fantasies (gritty edgelord who uses prolific violence and morally grey actions to pursue a noble goal, and tactical mastermind who makes difficult sacrifices for The Mission) and made them failures?...--> Again, RWBY.
Here’s something else to consider for you
Just remember. NOBODY is saying that RWBY is the best show out there.
We’re simply saying its a good show and that its enjoyable. So please? We’re simply asking you to give this show a chance.
#greenlightvolume10 #greenlightrwbyvolume10
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aurora771 · 11 months
Volume 9 was so good I actually can't fathom not renewing it. V9 concept, animation and soundtrack are up there in top 3 for RWBY - there simply HAS to be a volume 10.
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walpywalpy · 1 year
I know. It’s not that obvious by my profile picture and my endless need to praise my queen to tell you that Weiss Schnee is my favorite RWBY character and my favorite character in general. But why? You may not have asked that but that’s not my problem because I’m gonna praise my queen to no end here. So kick back, grab your bowl of Pumpkin Petes, and listen to why Weiss Schnee is my favorite character of all time.
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1. Growth
I’m going to be honest and say she wasn’t my favorite at first. She was a bratty, entitled bitch. At the time, Blake and Ruby were my favorite. And it would stay like that until halfway of Volume 3. Specifically, the scene of her and Winter. Winter was cold, direct, and militant. Meanwhile, Weiss was goofing around with Ruby by calling her a friend and rooting against her when her uncle Qrow fought Winter. I noticed that Weiss was someone who barely had a chance to grow up normally because she had high expectations thrusted upon her. Beacon was her first time breaking that. She got to get into food fights, go sight seeing with her friends, joke around with her team in battles, etc. She was no longer that entitled bitch we saw in the emerald forest. Instead, we see a girl having her chance to be free from expectations and trying to be the best teammate and friend she could possible be.
After Beacon fell, she was back to those expectations, and we saw a girl trying to survive a cruel man who didn’t care about anything but his own financial gain. However, that’s not all we got to see. We saw a girl who was formerly afraid of confronting her father and telling him what she has always held against him. After losing her title of heiress, she knew the only thing she had left to lose was her family at Beacon, so she left the home many would beg for because it wasn’t home for her. It was a prison, and she was done paying for the time that her corrupt father put on her.
That’s where she became my favorite. I personally have had problems with my parents and what they want from me. I won’t get into the details, but Weiss made me realize that I’m not alone. That I had people who would connect on that experience. She also made me realize that I did have power and control over my future. I didn’t have to follow what my parents want from me because this life is mine.
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2. Music
When it comes to RWBY’s stellar soundtrack, there are very few tracks that hit me as hard as the songs written for Weiss. It’s also helped because it is likely that Weiss has sung them in canon. I won’t go into too much in detail because this post will already be as long as Yang’s hair. Just know that the opera style mixed with a somber piano that eventually turned into opera transitioning into hard rock fits Weiss so well, and I love it!
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3. Relationships with Her Teammates
In Volume 1, Weiss was presented with a dilemma. She viewed herself as the perfect candidate for a leader, but Ozpin thought otherwise. She thought it was outrageous for Ozpin to think Ruby was a better choice, but Port knew her thinking was preposterous. Weiss wasn’t fit for a leader, and her teachers told her she isn’t. Instead of keeping up the fight to become a leader, she made a choice: be the absolute teammate she could be. Before I get to what that means off the battlefield, which is the kind of support many connect her being the best teammate she could be with, let me talk about her on the battlefield because I feel like that had to be brought up before I get to that. Weiss is the support of the group. Yes, she can fight amazingly on her own, but when the team is fighting as a unit, Weiss is the support. Her dust and semblance, which I believe to potentially be the best in the show, allow her teammates to bring their semblances to another level. Whether by creating space between them and opponents to catch a breath, allowing for diverse movement through her summons and glyphs, or making their position advantageous, Weiss as a support could change the tide of a fight drastically. Before she made the commitment to being the best teammate, her fighting style was very aggressive, which ended up giving her that defining scar. After said commitment, she focused on supporting her teammates on the battlefield.
Later in the show, however, Weiss would become the empathetic one of the group. If you had a problem, Weiss will probably give you a therapy session. The best example is the conversation between her and Yang. Weiss walks into the room and sits on the bed opposite Yang, silent. She lets Yang talk herself out. Even when Yang said she wouldn’t understand, Weiss listened. It’s only when Yang asked Weiss to finally speak is where she says what she wanted to say. She told her the story of her tenth birthday and the rift that was created on her birthday. She expresses her version of loneliness and how Yang’s is different. She may not fully understand Yang’s version of loneliness, but she understands that it’s there and that Blake has her own. Yang snapped back and Weiss was silent again. She then poses a question to Yang and she answers it. She explains to Yang that Blake watched the one thing she expected to happen happen. Yang expresses that she never blamed Blake and that she wanted Blake here for her. Weiss understands and also wants Blake there. Yang doesn’t believe Blake would return, but Weiss reminds her that the team is a family. Blake feels the same. They’re gonna be there for each other when the occasion arises. Then the occasion arose, and Blake wanted to prove that she was there for Yang. Yang let Blake know that although she doesn’t depend entirely on her, they’re there for each other and happy to be back together.
There’s a reason why Weiss is called the beekeeper. That conversation in Volume 5 is what propelled Bumblebee forward. As a WhiteRose shipper, I hope the same eventually happens for Weiss and her partner. Even if it doesn’t, we know Weiss will be there for Ruby because she promised to be the best teammate.
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4. Design
I’m not an artist or a character designer, so I can’t go into the intricacies of her design. But I am someone with a pair of eyes, and I can tell you Weiss is beautifully designed. Out of all the initial designs, Weiss was probably the riskiest to use. Each member of Team RWBY had a defining feature that stood out. Blake’s ribbon from her weapon, Yang’s golden hair, and Ruby’s red cape. Weiss, however, didn’t have much. If I remember correctly from Ein Lee’s notes in the Mirror Mirror anthology, this allowed him to add intricate designs to Weiss. Her sleeves, for example, have an intricate pattern. Her glyphs change depending on what she’s doing with them. Most importantly, however, she is asymmetrical. She ties her hair to the right instead of the dead center as an act of defiance from her father. Her scar, which is even asymmetrical in her eye, keeps her face symmetrical. You’d think that a character so prim and proper would emphasize being symmetrical, but she is proof that beauty isn’t reliant on symmetry. As the Yellow Trailer states, “Scathing eyes ask that we be symmetrical, one sided, and easily processed. Yet every misshapen spark’s unseen beauty is greater than it would be judgement."
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5. Me as a Person
I can praise a character until the end of time, but that won’t prove one thing: why is she my favorite? As stated before, I connect with her struggle, but that can’t be it. I mean, I connect with Mirabel’s struggle in Encanto, yet Rapunzel is my favorite Disney protagonist. Weiss’ struggle is only a fraction of why she is so near and dear to my heart. For that, I have to get into who I am. I am an aspiring writer and RWBY is the reason for that. It is the show that changed the directory of my life, and I don’t think that would be possible if the show didn’t have Weiss.
What Weiss means to me is a second chance. Her life is full of second chances. A second chance to be a better teammate. A second chance to be a better sister. A second chance to prove herself and uphold her family name. I mess up in life. A lot. I have been dealt some of the worst hands and I have to deal with it. My family isn’t kind to my aspirations, my sexuality, or my religious beliefs (or lack thereof). What can I say, some believe in fairy stories and the ghost that they can’t see. Weiss is in many ways who I want to be. She’s confident. She’s determined. She’s always in pursuit of improving herself. She isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t have to be. I’m not perfect, but I don’t have to be.
We’re not perfect, but we don’t have to be. Our lives aren’t over by one misstep. We can pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. We will fail over and over again, but it isn’t the end. We just have to get up and give it 110% the next time.
That’s what Weiss Schnee means to me: a second chance to prove myself and be the best version of myself.
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Guys, thank you for reading. I hope you took something from this and that you have a wonderful day. Peace.
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vaelerys-targaryen · 11 months
I'm what inspired the fairy tale 🥀🥀🥀
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aspoonofsugar · 8 months
What do you think of the songs from RWBY volume 9?
Sorry for the long wait and thank you for the patience <3
So, I love volume 9 soundtrack! It is wonderful musically-wise and I am very happy to see that Casey, just like Jeff, uses the songs to explore the characters' arcs. Volume 9 is really the return of character-driven songs and I am grateful for that!
Here is the list of some metas I have already written for some tracks:
Chatterbox (Neo + CC's song)
Worthy (BB's song)
Quiet (Jaune's song)
As for my favourites:
Guide My Way
The Edge
Guide My Way is one of my favourite RWBY songs ever, so let's analyze it a little!
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The Red Like Roses trilogy explores Ruby's feelings over Summer, as she sings to her mother. In particular, the red like roses motif shows the layers and the evolution of Ruby's grief.
Initially, we are simply told that:
Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest.
Red roses remind Ruby of Summer Rose, so she goes to visit her grave:
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This is the premise of the Red Trailer, but no other indication is given. This fits Red Like Roses being about RWBY as a team, which mirrors Ruby's tendency to carry others' burdens and to repress her own.
However, Red Like Roses Part II reveals Ruby's reaction to Summer's disappearance is raw and complicated:
Both voices: It doesn't matter how The petals scatter now Every nightmare just discloses It's your blood that's red like roses Voice 1: And no matter what I do Nothing ever takes the place of you
It is Summer's blood, that's red like roses. So, Summer becomes linked to violence and death. However, Ruby refuses to face these dark emotions. It is this hidden trauma, which leads to Ruby's spiral and breakdown in volume 9. Here is where Guide My Way starts:
Saw you In a dream Are you who you seem? Was it always in the cards for me To be aimless? No direction, nothing pulling me down From the sky it seems like I always get too High Oh the air is cold, I don't know how to breathe I'm begging, can you Guide my way out Of this place?
Ruby is aimless and there is nothing pulling her down. This choice of words is interesting because they tie into the gravity imagery, which fills the Atlas Arc:
Keep dreaming 'bout a better world You keep wishing for some clarity Always hoping that a lightning bolt Is gonna save you from this gravity
Gravity is linked to limitations. It is something that chains and makes people fall. People like Ironwood, for example, who is crushed by this force together with his kingdom. And yet, Ruby is designed as a person able to defy gravity. As a matter of fact Petal Burst lets her basically move unbounded by the laws of physics:
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And yet, this freedom slowly becomes a burden. Ruby is never tied down by bad things. She can inspire everyone. She can guide everyone. She always flies higher than everyone. And yet, this in itself is a problem:
Past Ruby: That’s right! It’s up to you to make things better, isn’t it? Everything all depends on you! Your sister needs you, your friends need you, the whole world needs you to keep fighting, forever and ever, against an invincible monster that took your mother!
Ruby is so above everyone else that she finds herself lonely and lost:
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She drinks the tea and ends up in a strange dimension, where she has to choose alone who she is going to be. In this dream world, she meets the person who fills her dreams:
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Red like roses fills my dreams
Guide My Way is just a long monologue Ruby tells Summer. Basically a prayer:
Open wide You were born to hypnotize them all They said their prayers (Can you, can you) can you hear me up there?
Through this one-sided confrontation Ruby affirms herself as a person still strongly defined by her mother:
I can't define Would it even be enough to change my mind? Your memory ever-lasting at war with my foolish pride What is left? I know it's you and I, when I look inside
And yet, a different individual, as well:
I'll be who you were and I'll be even more
She is still incomplete:
Otherside, Did you mean to make me half or whole? Will I ever be (complete)? When will I become all of me?
And yet, she realizes Summer may not be complete herself:
What survives After all the dust has gone? Were you there till the end (the end)? Were you at least called a friend?
Ruby doubts her mother for the first time. Was she at least able to be herself until the end? Like Penny, who was at least called a friend? Or did Summer become her own antithesis?
Who is Summer Rose?
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A broken pedestal.
And who is Ruby Rose?
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A shattered mirror.
Or is she?
A moment of quiet is all it takes To reclaim a life and a promise made
Just like Jaune, Ruby only needs a moment of quiet to realize who she is supposed to become:
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I am the reflection of who prevails I'm what inspired the fairytale
Her own reflection prevails on Summer's one. In the beginning, Ruby wants to be like Summer, that she equals to the fairy tale heroes her mom reads her about:
Ruby: I love books. Yang used to read to me every night before bed. Stories of heroes and monsters… They're one of the reasons I want to be a Huntress!
Still, Ruby is the one who will make the fairty tale into reality:
Blake: The real world isn't the same as a fairy tale. Ruby: Well, that's why we're here! To make it better.
As a result, she doesn't need fairy tale heroes anymore. Rather, she is going to inspire fairy-tales. Actually, she has already inspired one:
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She inspires Little to grow into Somewhat. She helps a literally fairy-tale character. She is the childhood hero (Huntress) to Little. Just like Summer is Ruby's childhood hero:
Somewhat: You do feel… familiar. Like a happy dream I can’t remember.
Ruby is a happy dream Somewhat can't remember. Summer is a happy dream Ruby can't remember. This is why in Red Like Roses Part III there is simply:
Red like roses fills my dream
Red like roses here is not linked to death (it doesn't bring Ruby to the place Summer rests) or violence (it isn't Summer's blood that's red like roses). It is simply Summer's color, which fills Ruby's happy dreams. Even if she can barely remember Summer, she still loves her. Not as a hero, but as a mother:
Summer: I love you… just the way you are. Always…
At the same time, Ruby herself becomes someone else's dream. Specifically, she becomes the dream of her inner child (Little). She doesn't need to idealize Summer anymore because she is growing to be her own hero. She is going to take care of her inner child in Summer's place. This is what it means to become an adult.
This is what the refrain of the song hints at. It starts with Ruby begging Summer, but then it slowly changes through the song, until it reaches its powerful ending:
I'm begging, can you Guide my way out Of this place?
Guide my way out Of this place
Guide my way out Of this place (I can guide me, I can guide my way out) Guide my way out Of this place
Ruby herself can guide her way out.
Here comes some quick miscellania thoughts on other tracks.
Chatterbox: I love how it plays when the Jabberwalker appears and it is impossible to understand who is singing. It is a beautiful nod to Carol's original non-sense poem and it ties with the CC and especially Neo's arc
Quiet: The sound of clocks, the reference to Pyrrha and the mention of a miracle as a nod to Jaune's allusion make it a fave. I also love it plays in one of my favourite scenes of the seasons.
Worthy: I like it musically and I love how it describes Blake and Yang's relationship through the metaphor of falling, which calls back to the episode Worthy itself.
Checkmate: It is one of my favourite musically, but I don't have much to say about its lyrics. I think it beautifully introduces the viewers to the season and it calls back to player and pieces in many ways. It also references the chess motif throughout the series.
Inside: I love how its lyrics reference the Blacksmith's speech about living with Balance and beautifully illustrate the theme of the season.
Trapdoor: I like it musically, but I have not much to say about its lyrics. I think it is kind of self-explanatory as a song.
The Edge: My least favourite track. It is good enough, but not my piece of cake.
Thank you for the ask and have a nice day!
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chatterkat · 11 months
I think upon further reflection the line “can you hear me up there?” Is actually still from Ruby’s POV.
She’s saying this to Summer and herself trying to hype herself up, I think based on how later she says she will be her(mom), but more, and that she’s “the one that inspired the fairytale” Can you hear me mom? I will hypnotize the world and defeat my enemies”.
I had thought it was Summer saying this to her like in RLR part 2, but I think it makes more sense at this point for this to just be Ruby’s POV because her mom is gone and can’t give those answers. If RLR part 2’s Summer part was Ruby’s imagination of what her mother would respond with Ruby no longer knows who Summer really was anymore and her image of her is shattered so she no longer imagines her response and instead takes charge of her own life’s direction.
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daniels-rwby-blog · 9 months
RWBY Volume 9s soundtrack is the best so far
controversial I know
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I don't actually listen to music from an iPod btw, no it's far worse I use a btr7.
But to the point, up until now I have said that V3 and v4/5 (in my mind the same volume) have had the best music. With the exception of the absolute classic that v2's boop, caffeine and A Minor Hiccup.
But now V9 is here and the music is different.
Literally in that Casey has taken over but also in that it's adapted to the new setting of the ever after. The setting that like it's soundtrack constantly changes and confuses.
Take why are you still here, listen to the opener and then skip to the last bars and you could think you've skipped songs. And yet like a rush Garcia orchestration the transition is gorgeous.
But there's something off if you watch the show.
OST doesn't add up. Take my favorite of the volume, checkmate (sorry chatterbox) in scene it makes no sense, hits are off beat the chorus is clunky. But that's not the songs fault. The song is perfect.
And yet so is the scene. The chess fight is peak RWBY after V7/8s rather lackluster performance in choreography. A return to big metal shoe or the old days of pre Maya. It flows it has contrast and it shows unique combos. But with checkmate it just doesn't work.
Now let's look at the opposite. The cat fight and Ruby's return. Red like fucking Roses Part 3 literally pushes the scene forward, the 4 colors moving in incredible ways that blend together so well yet contrast during a combo and melt together for the final note.
Thats It, the final note and the action are synched. That's the difference, the balance of music and action.
George Lucas once jokingly told John knoll that it's not the audience won't be looking at the action, they won't be paying attention to the background, they'll be listening to the music.
George was joking but he's got a point, the music, particularly in RWBY with our over the top, wack you over the head with it, metal fights, is driven by musical action.
That's ingredient dos, in a RWBY fight pie.
Thank you for reading please give thoughts and opinions below, ask for clarification and tell me,
What's your favorite volumes soundtrack
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scattered-winter · 2 years
what's your favorite album? or movie? or both, you choose 💫
ough.......I think my favorite album at the moment is True by Avicii. or RWBY volume 4 (most of my favorite music from that show is in volume 4 brrrr) .....ooooh i also love Rise Against's Appeal To Reason
my favorite movie at the moment is Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse because I haven't seen it in wayyyy too long and now I'm rotating it again <3
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