vikintor · 26 days
GITHMAP (Githyanki Stronghold game)
Explore a Githyanki stronghold in this FREE, non-combat, museum-like experience. 
Discover Dungeons&Dragons Original Characters from many other creators, uncover trivia and find secrets in this short one-map GZdoom fangame based on the Githyanki race. 
Inspired by the beggining of "The Lich-Queens Beloved" adventure and using Baldur's Gate 3 as base.
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"Val'ty (Jez'rathki) was investigating the source of the earthquakes threatening her homeland, the city of Tu'narath in the astral plane. 
Following a clue, the Vlaakith's devotee got her hands on a heretical Githyanki disc revealing that Susurrus (Her Queen's palace) is the culprit for the series of tragedies on her land.
However, reporting the findings to his superiors led to the end of the research, the destruction of the disk, and an unfortunate visit from the Queen's inquisitors.
Soon, evidence of Jez'rathki's treason surfaced.
Now, rescued from near death and brought back by rebels, Jez'rathki wakes up in a strange stronghold, but one thing is certain, she still knows the disk's truth, but not sure of what to do with the dangerous information."
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Githyanki resources
Gith Language expansion
Help with cutscenes.
For the lovely Jez'rathki postcard birthday gift. :3
@des-no9 with Vanquish 
@tunarath with Kith’rak Ilu
@ardentkurashk with Ka'zalii, Knight of the Silver Void
Rook( @astraltadpoled - @astralprisms) with Xa'rok and Skaro - The Shield of Shra'kt'alor
@dykeguro with Jamrel 
@piipaw with Gum- Unrenoun Cleric of Mystra 
@remornia with Xy'mox
@warmhealerr with Ta’rath, Ra’sha, and Gaalil 
@leadflowers with Rynessa
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leadflowers · 2 months
[ RYNESSA - Githmap Application ]
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OC NAME: Rynessa
AUTHOR: @leadflowers
1. Greeting message:
Greetings, kin.
2. Identify yourself:
My name is Rynessa, of Creche A’iel.
3. Tell me about your Creche:
A’iel is nestled inside an old tower that once belonged to a wizard of this realm, high up in the mountains. He thought his power would be enough to ensure his safety in his seclusion. *she flashes a predatory smile* He was wrong.
4. I need to know how you fight:
I can fight with blade and spell, though I prefer the latter. This is not the magic one finds in dusty scrolls and crumbling tomes; raw psionic energy flows through me, enabling me to shape the world around me and crush my enemies with my mind.
5. Can I ask a more personal question?
*Her eyes narrow slightly, but she nods* If you wish.
6. What is your relationship with the divinity?
*She frowns* This is a…peculiar question. I serve and honour our Queen Vlaakith, as is my duty.
7. What do you usually do in your free time?
I rest. I train. I work on my research. And, I read. This plane, for all its faults, does have some fascinating literature. *a smirk crosses her lips* Some of it is positively obscene!
8. What is your life goal?
I was apprenticed to a famed scholar who studied strange, distant planes and nameless artifacts never before touched by mortal hands. His knowledge of the multiverse is vast, his power prodigious. One day, I will surpass him.
9. How is your relationship with your allies?
They watch my back, I watch theirs. Furthermore, their company is not…unpleasant.
10. Do you have someone special in your life?
I...Once there was someone, yes. *she suddenly looks away, and says no more*
11. Say something you would never do, and why?
I would never sell my honour. This is something only cowards do.
12. What is a perfect day to you?
When nobody interrupts my experiments and all goes according to plan, then I can end the day with a good book. *she scowls, suggesting this is not a common occurrence*
13. How do you celebrate a victory?
With a feast, preferably one that includes some of that ‘strawberry treacle tart’ which I found in the last village we raided.
14. How do you deal with defeat and losses?
By rallying my forces and preparing my revenge. As long as I’m alive, all is not lost.
15. How do you think you will be remembered after death?
*She stands a little straighter* As a famed planewalker and ghaik-slayer, whose deeds are recorded in stone.
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@vikintor *waves* Following your invitation from FB 😇
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ettisims · 9 days
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Rynessa in "KillBy Girl"
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diners, drive-ins, & dragons: session 1
the cast: soren @transgirlthor as tove, half-orc hexblade warlock lex @fareexa as shel, orc barbarian dean @queerjew as screech, kenku bard  avia @patrexes, DM
the source material: princes of the apocalypse & blatant disregard for PotA’s actual intended plot
we begin our scene in red larch, a small town several days journey from waterdeep, in a bar. tove, shel, and screech—being, as they are, late-teen queer and trans kids—have been here for many, many hours, they’ve been loud, and they’ve been really fucking cheap. so they’re quietly asked to leave.
they get a room at the local motel, sleep off their hangovers, and wake up to a Fantasy Continental Breakfast with some alarming components. tove just starts eating eggs whole. just swallows them. she just vores the goddamn eggs. why not?
the proprietor of the inn, a widowed middle aged woman who’s a bit… well. she senses auras, and she thinks there’s something shady going on. a few of her chickens have gone missing, and she’s pretty sure there’s a nefarious plot at hand. she heard the tarnlar kids were talking about a plague, too, and not to be Fantasy Racist but she’s pretty sure there’s some kinda warlock or wizard to blame.
the trio heads out to the tarnlar house and meet mrs tarnlar, rynessa, who’s a little transphobic but it’s….whatever. her kids have, in fact, been talking about a plague out by lance rock, but they heard it from somebody who heard it from somebody who heard it from somebody, and you know you can’t really trust anything that innkeeper says. she’s not right in the head, you know. in any case, the trio asks to talk to her kids, and they’re waved over to anna, age 7. anna has a very high dex and dreams of becoming a thief one day. she pickpockets one of tove’s daggers.
now, a quick bit of scene setting: tove is a 6 foot tall half-orc with a horrifying str of 22. shel is 8’5” and has the highest wis of anyone in the party but also has 4 int and 1 cha, so that’s where she’s at. she’s really just a farm girl who wants a girlfriend. screech, the kenku, has 2 str. They literally can’t hold themself up on their own legs. they ride on the Tall Girls’ shoulders in turns.
tove tries to grapple the child. fails. screech casts mage hand, gets a nat 20 on a sleight of hand roll, and deftly plucks the dagger out of anna’s hands and lets it hover in the air out of her reach. she jumps for it a bit, unsuccessfully.
tove goes to retrieve it. screech lets it hover a bit higher. tove jumps for it, unsuccessfully.
anyway, anna is enamored by the fact that they’re adventurers and also by the fact that tove and shel are very, very tall. she tries to trade information for the dagger, but is ultimately way too excited and explains that she and her brother kai heard from the milliner that there’s a curse and/or plague out at the cliffs by lance rock. the crew takes some “you’re not chicken, are you?”ing from the seven year old before they eventually decide to bite the bullet and head out to lance rock.
there are a lot of warning signs at lance rock. unfortunately, the only person in the party who can read common is the kenku, who can’t talk, so they continue onwards more or less unknowingly. at this point, your humble DM makes the horrible, horrible mistake of introducing a swarm of spiders as a low level, easy battle to introduce these new d&d players to the mechanics of attack rolls.
tove had to make a death saving throw. shel at one point barrel-rolled and somehow not one single spider got caught under her 8’5”, 450lb frame. screech somehow makes it through this unscathed.
the zombies in lance rock are pretty boring. the crew makes it through well, killing two zombies and very pointedly avoiding waking up any of the rest of them. tove shows off how strong she is by picking up an entire sacrifical altar for literally no reason. they find the signet ring of a noble household from waterdeep on a severed arm and pocket it for a sidequest somewhere further down the line. they sneak past some zombie furries cosplayers. tove tries to convince shel they should put screech in an iron trunk and leave them.
then they get to the endgame of this tiny tiny little encounter casually borrowed with a few changes from princes of the apocalypse and are sneaking up on the mad wizard oreioth in his workshop. how they managed to sneak up on him in the first place? we just don’t fucking know. in any case, screech decides to start this encounter off by using mage hand to knock over a jar on a shelf on the opposite side of the cavern.
your humble DM makes their second mistake: letting dean describe the jar’s contents. it apparently contains a faintly glowing purple liquid, very thick and viscous. 
i shrug. it falls on the floor, the jar shatters, and where the contents fall, a portal to the outer planes opens up. think the spell black tentacles. blackness seeps into the room. everything goes cold. a zombie gets grabbed by a few of the undulating, many-eyed tendrils, and pulled in, disappearing fucking instantly. the wizard oreioth screams, very loudly, and takes a couple uncertain, worried steps forward.
roll initiative! or, wait, don’t, i guess, because halfway through shel’s preparation to throw her javelin, tove gets the grand idea to talk to the guy. “hail and well met!” she doesn’t actually say in her vaguely-british accent, but absolutely does in my head since she’s soren @transgirlthor’s baby and is pretty much what it says on the tin. “i’m a warlock too and that totally wasn’t my fault, and um, anyway, we’re kind of? lost?”
tove is nobility. oreioth is also nobility. they’re also both trans, which you had to see coming from a name like oreioth, let’s get fucking real. they knew each other in high school! oreioth is super offended that tove would suggest he was a warlock, like he was anything like her family… doesn’t she remember him?
tove rolls for it. apparently she does.
(screech and shel, who know absolutely nothing about tove’s background, look on in confusion)
the conversation goes downhill! turns out summoning an eldritch abomination and then trying to play innocent doesn’t really tend to... work out. shocker. also, three zombies are shambling their way down the corridor some 60 feet away, and there’s a goddamn eldritch abomination. the DM, very aware at this point that they almost died fighting fucking spiders, is more than a little worried. but hey! maybe it’ll work out!
remember when they rolled initiative, like, ages ago? yeah, so shel rolled 17, the eldritch abomination rolled 16, and tove rolled 14. none of the other numbers matter.
shel throws her javelin. hits oreioth for an amount of damage i no longer remember. as a reaction, oreioth shouts a command word and awakens four more zombies! DM casually begins preparing to five-second foreshadow a deus ex machina while desperately trying to find a spell an eldritch abomination would cast that wouldn’t be a completely inescapable TPK.
dean raises their hand.
dean: talking is a free action, right? avia: yeah dean: cool! i say hello avia: um dean, whose kenku has the haunted one background and some experience with great old one cults: in primordial
so after a mostly-telepathic round of bargaining with a great old one that deals psychic damage to everyone in the room save screech themself (they have a haunted ring of mind shielding, which will absolutely not come up later, definitely not), a deal is struck: the GOO kills everything here, except for the party. in return, screech’s soul? ha. hahahaha. when they die, that’s getting fucking eaten, no take-backsies and no getting brought back.
they are still, at this point, level one. two hours ago they couldn’t even kill spiders.
the eldritch abomination casts, like, a modified version of incendiary cloud. every undead drops, instantly. oreioth is on fire and will be dead by the next round because he has like four HP left. tove’s next in the order, and casts eldritch blast.
oreioth dead in miami
the eldritch abomination pulls their dimensional portal shut with some truly alarming physics that sounded pretty damn cool when i described it three hours ago and don’t really know how to repeat. the crew are left alone to explore the workshop and study. they loot everything, obviously. tove even takes the curtains.
but we’re not quite finished yet. there’s a bloody shrine in the study, see, with a sigil tove recognizes but can’t quite place carved into it. also some severed limbs, which are carefully removed and any jewelry looted, including a beaded friendship bracelet. it’s got two heart-shaped beads and between those, letter beads spelling out the name jemma. screech puts it on their ankle immediately and then splashes some holy water on the shrine. then all three of them touch the fucking thing, in unison, and like—?
listen. i know i’m the one who put it there in the first place, specifically for this to happen. but i didn’t think they’d actually, like, do it.
anyway, screech hasn’t taken any damage this whole time. tove and shel very much have. their wounds, now, reopen. their blood, seemingly of its own accord, finds its way into the engraved sigil. and when the bloody sigil is complete, they drop to the floor. dead? unconscious? simply unoccupied? who knows. 
at least they’re level 2 now. and screech is—probably—fine.
a raven crows behind them. shel and tove, in their astral forms, turn around. they roll insight. shel, not particularly quick on the uptake, recognizes something is very, very wrong about the prepubescent half-elf with the raven perched on her shoulder, not there only seconds before. tove recognizes her baby sister.
“mother’s going to kill me,” says lothar.
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nessakeeling · 9 years
Happy One Year Anniversary to my Best Friend, Boyfriend, and Soul Mate! Without you life would be dull, but you make my life so colorful each and everyday with your love for me. Every moment and memory I've had with you so far have been nothing less than perfect and amazing and I can't wait for more to come. I can honestly say you were meant for me because you are just as weird as I am and I love that so much about you. I love that you love me for who I am and you don't judge me on what I do, look like, say, think, or like. I love how you can get me to like some of the weirdest things even when I say I won't, like Hockey and many other things. I love that you make me feel better when I'm sad or having a rough day. I love that you make me feel like I'm home when I'm in your arms. I love that you can make me laugh so easily even when I'm sad. I love how you don't know much about technology I find it kind of adorable but your so book smart at the same time. I love when you play with my hair or rub my back when we cuddle. But most of all I love you for you including all of your flaws like your scars because without them you wouldn't be my Ryan. You are so amazing on both the inside and the outside; you have such a wonderful big loving heart and I just feel so lucky to have you as mine forever. You are also very handsome/hot which is just a plus to me but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate or admire you for it. Thank you for the wonderful year we have had together wether if we were together in person or thousands of miles away, each day with you is like heaven on earth and I can't wait for many more days with you. Thank you for all your love and support because of it I've accomplished so much that I never thought I could. I can't wait to see you in just two weeks and two days and spend almost four weeks with you. I love you with all my heart too infinity and beyond. Love Always, Your Nessi 💕😘😍💏👫 #RQW #RQWandGAKforever #Rynessa #ILoveYouTooInfinityAndBeyond #HappyOneYearAnniversary @ryanwitucki
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cessdatgamer · 10 years
RP Development, Rynessa Star, 001
OOC: I meant to roleplay from day 1 in FFXIV. I never quite stepped out of the way to make it happen as I had many other goals. I've put forth a minimal amount of effort in this, but I'm just gonna brainstorm some ideas here to see how they transcribe to Hydaelyn lore. About Ryn: Eloryn has a sweet and tan skin tone, red eyes, and vibrant red hair. She is fit, with a strong sword arm, and swift in her reflexes. She played a role in saving a dragon-descended tribe who reverred the stars in her respective story. Her favored weapon is the great sword wielded with unnatural strength and finesse. She has used a bow for hunting and a sword and shield in her earlier combat days. She does not traditionally use magic, though has been curious. She traditionally does not participate in any trade, but likes to oversee the forging of her sword and often enjoys varied types of clothing and armor styles. Enjoys the respect that she perceives male warriors receive and values independence, does not like being treated like she is fragile or needs dependence. Metagaming: To avoid being called Elo, I've changed the name to Rynessa. Though I've been called Nessa sometimes as well. Transcribed to Hydaelyn: Rynessa. Taken surname "Star" in reverrence to star-themed dragons, but without dragon influence since its controversial in Eorzea. Dragon-themed background, may have some affiliation with Coerthas. May sympathize with anti-Ishgardian efforts or may have been part of a movement that turned into a Dravinian cult. Faith in Nymeia and Halone. Nymeia for her affiliation with the stars. Halone for being a female warrior. Nymeia's affiliation with the thread and meta fascination with clothing, will have pursued weaver. Sword-themed background, pursues the way of the sword as a gladiator. Hunting with the bow, pursues the way of the bow though not as dedicated as the sword. An archer. To develop her physical form, work as a miner, perhaps in Ul'dah for the brothers.
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vikintor · 1 month
The Githyanki Stronghold will be out this AUGUST 25!
The first Doom map I designed. D&D + Doom. Explore a Githyanki stronghold in this short map, chill around and meet DND characters from many other authors. Inspired by "The Lich-Queen's Beloved" and using assets from Baldur's Gate 3.
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"Jez'rathki was investigating a clue that would reveal the origin of the earthquakes threatening Tu'narath, her beloved land. She found a heretical Githyanki disc blaming the Palace of Whispers for the series of tragedies. However, reporting her findings to her superiors led to the research being canceled and the disk destroyed. Soon, evidence of her treason surfaced. Now, rescued from near death and brought back by rebels, Jezrathki wakes up in a strange stronghold, far from home, but one thing is certain, she still knows the content of the heretical disk."
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It includes special guest characters from many creators.
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@wanderingnork [Githyanki resources] https://wanderingnork.neocities.org/githyankisources
@des-no9 Gith Language expansion
OCs FEATURED @des-no9 with Vanquish @tunarath with Kith’rak Ilu @ardentkurashk with Ka'zalii, Knight of the Silver Void Rook( @astralprisms) with Xa'rok and Skaro - The Shield of Shra'kt'alor @dykeguro with Jamrel @piipaw with Gum- Unrenoun Cleric of Mystra @remornia with Xy'mox @warmhealerr with Ta’rath, Ra’sha, Gaalil @leadflowers with Rynessa
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vikintor · 2 months
Githmap update (work in progress)
Welcome Rynessa by @leadflowers. Thanks for allowing your child to visit our stronghold 😊.
I'm still working on the alpha so people can find their OCs on the map, explore the stronghold and make Jez'rathki jumps everywhere (it works well with gamepad tho).
A reminder: You don't need to own a copy of Doom to play it.
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thenugking · 6 years
What is the biggest similarity and difference between the set of protagonists you created first, versus your newest ones?
So worldstate 1 is Therlia Surana, L. Hawke and Kas Surana, while my most recent Warden, Champion and Inquisitor are Seren Surana (worldstate 14), Millie Hawke (worldstate 6) and Rynessa (worldstate 7).
Therlia and Seren are obviously both Suranas, and I think most of their decisions are similar? They both save Redcliffe and the Circle, side with Caridin, make Bhelen king, and kill the werewolves. I haven’t played that far with Seren yet but I suspect that like Therlia, she’ll let Isolde die to save Connor. They approach those decisions differently though. Therlia regrets killing the werewolves and only did it because she didn’t want to risk hurting the elves by turning on Zathrian. She killed him after discovering Lanaya could also cure them. Seren was maybe not 100% behind Zathrian, but there was still no question on whether she was going to side with him or not. He deserved his vengeance, she felt. She’s also more enthusiastic about Bhelen as king, compared to Therlia’s “uhh, I guess he sounds a bit better?”
Their personalities are also fairly different, Therlia is very cautious, while Seren is very Not. Therlia starts off with Isolationist leanings and while she’s always been angry at the way mages were treated, she only starts Saying things about that after the end of Origins. Seren meanwhile is a Libertarian from the beginning, and after being told Duncan will take on responsibility for her actions, she punches Greagoir before leaving the tower.
I kind of feel like the main difference between Lucy and Millie is just how I’ve changed in building my stories. Back when playing Lucy Hawke I was keeping everything to close as canon to possible with “well, if I’d known in advance I probably wouldn’t have let Carver die in the Deep Roads, but it Happened and now my story needs to build from it”. Millie is the Kid Hawke I mentioned the other day and started playing a few hours after, so with her we have “ There’s nothing new I can Do with the canon Hawke backstory, so let’s give Leandra and Malcolm a younger kid for a new perspective. And then older Hawke sibling - let’s go with fandom’s purple Garret Hawke - can die escaping Lothering so I don’t have to deal with them getting in my protagonist’s way. And actually if he dies, does Bethany really need to? I haven’t had both twins survive before and that creates new interesting possibilities, let’s do it!” Also, back then my Hawke was just called Hawke and didn’t like using her first name, whereas now I have enough Hawkes that it gets confusing.
Lucy Hawke is also the most similar Hawke to Fanon Hawke that I have, whereas Millie isn’t even the person the game thinks is the protagonist because she was born about 14 years after them. As for similarities, uh, they’re both very pro-mage? Although Lucy more actively so, and Millie is a lot more scared of templars. Like Lucy Hawke, Millie is purple at the moment, but she’s going to be red in Act 2 and green in Act 3. They both try desperately to be cool while failing to actually be cool, I guess. Although by the time Millie is Lucy’s age, she’ll likely have learnt how to be.
The biggest difference between Kas and Rynessa is that Kas is a sweet cinnamon roll and Rynessa is a monster. Kas is as nice as possible to almost everyone she meets and always tries her best to not kill, if that is a feasible option. Rynessa is a dick who doesn’t give a shit about whether most people live or not because they’re mortal, so it’s not going to make a difference whether they die now or in a few decades.
Similarity-wise, I guess they’re both very dependent on Cole as a moral compass. Although in Kas’ case, that’s because she has far too little faith in herself, while Rynessa has exactly the right amount of faith in her own moral compass and knows she’s the Worst. They’re also the two Inquisitors who, despite making him more spirit, have Cole stay with them after Trespasser, because they need his help too much for him to go to the Fade.
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thenugking · 6 years
gallifreyanathearts said: I have played all the DA games and this is Good! : D thank you
gallifreyanathearts said: Also my solasmancing inquisitor also called him da’len at first (she is not immortal, but she’s like 55-60 and anyone below the age of 50 is da’len to her) I am glad I am not alone in this
I am glad you enjoyed! :D
Your inquisitor sounds great! I love older protagonists. And honestly there is nothing better than Solas being called da’len and not being able to say anything because it’ll break his cover. Rynessa calls all mortals da’len. And then when she finds out, she Still calls Solas da’len, because it’s just funny.
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thenugking · 7 years
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Got more nerds now
DA protags part 1
part 2
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thenugking · 7 years
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thenugking · 7 years
[asks from charamei, who has not used tumblr in Eighty Years]
'If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?' for... hmm. lacha? and also rynessa just for the lols
'How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?' for vari and... hm... corinne
Lacha:  If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
I think “i want another Zevmance” was where Lacha came from, so a lot, I guess. Although I do think that Broscas canon backstory is just really compatible with Zev. “This guy tried to kill us, because that's what the organisation he belonged to told him to do, and without them he'd have Nothing and they'd probably kill him. Yeah, I know that feel.” I just played on that a lot. 
I also was also getting pretty squicked out at the time for how a lot of fandom zevmances go, and needed a character who was incredibly aware of the fact that Zev swore an oath to serve them in exchange for his life, and worried of taking advantage of that. And again, I think Brosca works really well with that because they've never been in a position of authority in their life before and may not know how to handle that. So the basis of Lachas personality, “tough thug whos never been given the opportunity to be anything else” and “really worried about abusing her new position of authority and being like all the  people who've spent their lives hurting her” came from Zev.
Rynessa:  If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? 
I mean her character is more tailored for it to be Hilarious that she romances Solas, rather than necessarily all that compatible with him. But you know, Rynessa is an immortal asshole who thinks she's better than everyone else, Solas is an immortal asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else, they are pretty compatible! And I have had to make sure she won't be too annoying for him. They have some lovely pretentious Intellectual discussions.
Vari: How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
I try not to think too far ahead because DA4 could just fuck everything up. The main thing I've got is Vari and Zev breaking into Josie and Estella's house to hide from Crows fairly often, and occasionally crashing family dinners. I'm considering the idea of it coming out (in a very Dramatic Reveal) that shes the Dark Wolf, but idk if I will actually do that. (But if it does happen, it needs to be the same time everyone finds out Solas is the Dread Wolf, so everyone gets them confused and Solas gets really pissed off.)
Corinne: How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
Well, I know that she spends over a year planning her and Josie's wedding, and also that she wants to make sure the world is going to not be in the middle of falling apart when they do get married because she needs to be able to devote all her time to making sure the wedding is perfect and she can hardly do that when she's needed to save the world. And if there are people dying in this world falling apart nonsense, that might mess up the seating arrangements. She has to know who's still going to be around before she plans much of it. And it has got to be better and more elaborate than her wedding to Sebastian. So yeah, idk exactly when the wedding will happen, da4 should help me work it out.
Other than that, I know she'll still continue working for the Inquisition, and writing her romance novels. And one day Varric and Rynessa are going to go “Hang on. Corinne is?? the most interesting person I have ever met?? Fuuuck.”
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thenugking · 7 years
My Dragon Age PCs are such mess like hi these are my Inquisitors, Kas Surana and Rem Brosca, and this is my Hawke, Rose Amell.
Also Corinne is a Hawke but is actually dithering about whether she wants her surname is Amell or Vael or Montilyet.
Mihren’s surname is Ghilain. Not surana.
Elora doesn’t actually use the surname Aeducan anymore and refuses to answer to it. I just have to call her that so that she has one, and so she doesn’t get confused with her alternative Time Lord self, Elora of the House of Whiteriver who refuses to answer to the surname Whiteriver.
Meanwhile Mahariel won’t ever use his first name, L. Hawke will fight you if you call her Lucy instead of Hawke but needs to be differentiated from other Hawkes somehow, and A. Hawke’s first name has become a deadname and now just has to have A. as a weird first name, which just makes things more confusing for Amber Hawke and Amity Hawke.
The games have given Rynessa the surnames Andras and Lavellan but neither of these are her actual clan, and she doesn’t actually use a surname.
I hate them all.
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thenugking · 7 years
Best Rynessa things
Condescending immortal elf who looks 20 but still calls everyone da’len
Condescending immortal elf who calls Solas da’len and he can’t say anything or he’ll give himself away
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thenugking · 5 years
Also since this’ll take forever and I have So Many OCs, feel free to suggest any you’d like to see descriptions/bios of sooner (I’m probably gonna stick to Dragon Age OCs for a while, but I’ll definitely take suggestions for any others).
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