evergardenwall · 1 year
21 and 29 for the non-Americans asks! (hi Sam <3)
hi rynna<33
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
a baguette, obviously -- cannot escape that one! --, and uhhhh ...watercress ? it's a local specialty from where i live (in france, this plant is mainly cultivated in my home department and the neighboring one)
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
i don't know if it quite counts as 'beef', but inhabitants of the 'grande couronne' departments of paris' region often tend to be seen as parisians and teased for it by french people from other regions... while parisians don't see us as parisians at all, and more like 'country/provincial people'... but none of these two stereotypes are completely true, imo
i mean... on one hand, because paris is the economic center of both the region and the country, we are inevitably intertwined with it : three of our departments, including my beloved essonne, were created in the 1960s by the loi n° 64-707 du 10 juillet 1964 portant réorganisation de la région parisienne (law no. 64-707 of july 10, 1964 relating to the reorganization of the paris region) in order to respond to a demographic boom due to rural exodus of people from other regions + immigrants, all searching for jobs in the capital or its close suburbs but unable to afford housing there (i'm kind of simplifying, but you get the gist of it!). we share a public transit network and the same transport card (the pass navigo), a common slang/accent, cultural references, etc... but, on the other hand, i would still argue we are different, and ultimately don't face the same problems nor are the same kind of territory, socially and economically.
i could use many examples, but the topic i know best is the way we are connected to the rest of the region : we are even further from paris than people living in the close suburbs, and that means can get really isolated when there are renovation works on the rer/transilien (which. happens often. like really.). it's a whole issue, how we genuinely cannot get to paris or the suburbs (because the network is so paris-centred -- it's star-shaped --, most of the time, when you want to go from a suburb to another, you have to take a connection in paris) when the lines are closed in the evenings (and by that i mean the evenings on weekdays, sometimes starting from 8:30pm) and weekends, the infrastructure on many lines (c and d especially) is old, and unlike with the subway, you don't get a train every five minutes (it's a train all 30 minutes or every hour, and that's when they're not cancelling them lmao) :'D and as someone who lives in a more rural corner and has been going to uni, working, and seeing friends in paris... i have been experiencing it daily. people commute for hours every day to get to work because they don't have the choice... and the regional council (presided by valérie pécresse </3), which is in charge of the public transport, doesn't do anything to improve the situation...in fact, the quality of our public transport has been degrading since her coalition won the regional elections back in 2015 and has been reelected since because there is a very low turnout so. yeah. (also tbh whilst we have an extra struggle due to distances in the 'grande couronne', this obviously applies to the closer suburbs as well, especially the poorer ones like seine-saint-denis.)
honestly, while not ignoring the fact that this city also has inequalities within it, just living in paris itself is a privilege that most ordinary parisians (not just the upper-class ones!) don't realise. it immediately gives you a wider array of opportunities and access to a lot more services and institutions! like, a parliamentary investigation has once showed that even the least reputed schools in paris' working-class districts receive more funds than the best-ranked schools in the neighboring department of seine-saint-denis, which is one of france's poorest departments ; there are almost no food or medical deserts (even though the public hospitals there are also being fucked over by the government's policies like in the rest of the country, ofc), and wherever you are in the capital, you will have a subway/bus/tram, and a plan b if your line is closed, etc. anyway yeah tl;dr: there is no universal experience of living in the paris region, especially if you live in a poorer department with shitty infrastructure and public services that are even more underfunded by the state / in a rural area, but we are still linked to paris whether we want it or not. schrödinger's parisians or something, idk👍(also, i'd say the shared trait in the whole paris region is that people are rude. our fellow countrymen from other regions are right about that one.)
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
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femmies · 4 months
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pandra-box · 9 months
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niko-ur-local-moron · 2 years
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The Bellic cousins (must be protected at ALL costs)
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griseldabanks · 1 year
I decided to kill two birds with one stone, so I wrote this to fulfill a prompt for my Let Me Count the Ways ask game as well as @ficwip5k's 5k AU challenge.
Requested by GracielleGrace
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human Characters: Kara and Alice Prompt: "Stay with me for a while."
(Note: This is a post-game AU in which Alice is a human like she should have been all along.)
The car pulls up to the curb, and Tom looks over at me. “Sure you don't want me to come too?”
I smile, trying not to betray the flutters of inexplicable nervousness in my stomach. “No, I'll be fine. You know how she gets sometimes.”
A hint of sadness in the warmth of his kind brown eyes. “Think she'll ever be comfortable around me?”
I take Tom's hand in mine, squeeze it hard enough he can feel my ring through my glove. “Just give it some more time. She'll come around.”
It's what I always say. I'm still holding out hope that one day it'll be true.
I open my door and step out into the frigid February air, watching my breath form a cloud in front of me. It's probably weird of me, but I really like bitterly cold days like this. They make me feel almost nostalgic—though not nostalgic for snowball fights or hockey games or mugs of hot chocolate like most would probably assume. No, it makes me think of sore, frozen feet trudging through the snow. Lying on the hard floor in front of a pitiful fire. A beautiful carousel, all lit up in the night, the same face repeated a dozen times, spinning all around me....
Jerking out of my daze, I turn around and see that Tom has already taken Ryn's carseat out. Her eyes are open, blinking sleepily from the middle of her blankets.
“Sorry.” I take the carseat from him. “Thanks.”
Tom shakes his head with an amused smile. “Always with the 'sorry-thanks.'” He leans over our daughter to place a kiss on my lips.
“Just thanks, then,” I say with a grin.
“Much better. I'll pick you up after the gig, then.”
“Right. Love you.”
He pauses with his hand on the car door and gives me one of his winks that sends warmth shooting all the way down to my toes. “Love you more.”
I wait until his car glides down the street and turns the corner, then turn to face the apartment building at last. It's an old building—built sometime in the 2010s, I think. The siding is peeling away, and I can see streaks of rust dripping down from the metal railings on the stairs leading up the side of the building to the second floor. There always seem to be problems with the plumbing, or the heating, or a window that won't quite shut.
But to someone who's slept in abandoned houses, gutted cars, dingy basements, park benches...this place is a palace. I have to remind myself of that every time I feel sorry for Kara.
Taking a deep breath so my lungs fill with the icy air, I go up the stairs and make my way to the door bearing the number 205. I press the doorbell, then peek through the blankets to make sure Ryn is still doing okay.
In moments, the door swings open, and there she is. Kara. My mother. Or the closest I ever really had to one that I can remember, at least.
She looks the same as ever—same smile, same short blonde hair, same blue eyes alight with pleasure the instant she sees me. “Alice!” she cries, pulling me into a warm hug. “It's so good to see you!”
“You too.”
Ushering me inside, her eyes are immediately drawn to the carseat in my hands. “Is that...?”
Beaming, I pull down the blankets a little so Kara can see those chubby cheeks and bright eyes better. “This is Rynnae. And...her middle name is Kara.”
Looking up from her awed inspection of the baby, Kara stares up at me. In that moment, I realize that, outwardly, we probably look about the same age now. She's never going to develop wrinkles, and her hair will never turn grey on its own. And yet, to all intents and purposes, she's now a grandmother. When Ryn grows up, when she's my age...Kara will look exactly the same as she does now, exactly the same as she always has. I'd never really thought of that before.
Kara straightens up and pulls me into another hug—longer, holding me tight, like she used to when I had nightmares and she would hold me close. “Thank you,” she whispers, sounding on the verge of tears. “No one's...ever...thank you.”
No, probably no one's ever named their child after their android housekeeper before. But not many people could say their android housekeeper went deviant and risked life and limb to save their life and raise them as refugees in a foreign country, either.
When Kara steps back, her eyes are dry. “Here, let me take your coat,” she says briskly, falling easily into the routine. “Have you eaten? I can make you some tea, and I think I still have some of those cookies from last time. You know my temperature sensors aren't what they used to be, but let me know if it's too cold for the baby....”
As she bustles around the corner of her tiny apartment that serves as the kitchen she barely uses, I can see the slightest jerkiness in her movements, like her joints need oiling or something. At first glance, no one would suspect her of being anything other than human, but someone watching her carefully would probably realize before too long that there's something mechanical about her. As things start to break down in her machinery, that becomes more and more obvious. Parts and blue blood are hard to come by these days, and Kara's never been keen on asking for help with such things. Not after seeing what many people think of androids.
“Kara,” I say, as I set down the carseat and lift Ryn out, along with her blanket. “Would you like to hold her?”
Kara freezes, then slowly turns around, her face a picture of delight and a surprised wistfulness, like she'd never realized how much she wanted exactly what I'm offering her now. With a shy smile, she holds out her arms and nods.
I don't have to remind Kara to support Ryn's head or anything like that. Kara takes the baby into her arms with the ease of a mother who has done the same thing a thousand times before. She wasn't there when I was born, and as far as I know, has never taken care of babies, but it's all there in her programming. I don't have the slightest fear for Ryn's safety as I hand her over.
“Hello there, Rynnae,” she says, rocking her slightly and gazing down with such love and devotion it takes my breath away. Ryn stares back, and even though I know in the back of my head that she's too young to recognize faces, I like to think that she knows the look of love that Kara is giving her right now.
It's the same look she's given me, time and time again.
“Kara,” I say on impulse, blurting out a thought I haven't even passed by Tom yet—though I know he wouldn't object. “Stay with me for a while. My maternity leave is up in two weeks, and then I'll have to go back to the office. Tom is home a lot, but he also has lessons and gigs...and I would feel so much better to have you around to take care of Ryn, instead of a babysitter or something.”
“Come...and live with you? And...Tom?”
There's something so vulnerable in her eyes right now, like suddenly she's the little girl who needs comforting. She never seemed completely happy about me dating Tom, or getting married for that matter. Maybe she was worried I'd stepped into the path of another man who would hurt me. Maybe she felt abandoned when I wanted to go live with someone else. Maybe she was sad that I no longer needed her to take care of me all the time.
“At least for a little while,” I say. Maybe forever, I don't say. Maybe we can help you with maintenance. Maybe just because you don't need food and warmth to get by, that doesn't mean you don't need a home and a family.
“Well...if you really think I can help....”
Just then, Ryn starts fussing and squirming around. I step forward, ready to take her back, but Kara starts rocking her again, humming a little tune that used to soothe me to sleep. Immediately, Ryn settles down again, her tiny fingers curling around Kara's thumb.
I put my arm around her shoulders, and together we watch Rynnae settle back down. “Please stay,” I whisper, leaning my head against hers.
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kieras-scrapbook · 9 months
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rynna doodle
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abominating · 3 months
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Elden Ring Names .ᐟ
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loominggaia · 8 months
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Hey, look what the homie Chey (@asktheminecraftcrew ) made! These are her Looming Gaia fan characters, Alma and Rynna. This is quite different from her usual art style, but I really like it! I'm especially digging this hairstyle for Rynna. They look awesome Chey, thank you so much for sharing!
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Read the Series
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Hi Lena! You are so awesome to do the questions for Oc game. I can't imagine writing all the reply on top of working in your game. 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
If you still have some spare time, could you do question 16, 18, and 22 for Riel please?
16. What makes their stomach turn?
18. What embarrasses them?
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Hi rynna, thank you so much as always for your kind words and support, I really appreciate it! 💖💖💖 And sure!
16. What makes their stomach turn?
Riel is a pretty big germaphobe, so lots of things he perceives as unhygienic give him a nauseated reaction! He does okay with things like mud and dirt (he was annoyed but functional during Chapter 8 when he had to traipse around in the woods in his good shoes and suit) and even to an extent doesn't bat much of an eye at blood, but other stuff, like sitting at the opera while someone furiously scratches their scalp in front of him and he sees dandruff flaking off, finding hair in his food, sitting next to a stranger who coughs or sneezes without covering their mouth (god help them if they happen to cough or sneeze on him) really makes his stomach churn. (I had a flight yesterday and was sitting across from a lady who kept filing her nails at the gate and then loudly blowing the nail-dust everywhere, and I kept thinking about how Riel would have apoplexy if he were there.)
This also goes for asymmetrical things (content warning for people who are also bothered by that kind of thing) like this:
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"Stomach-turning" may sound like an exaggeration but he experiences a very real, visceral feeling in his gut when he encounters stuff like this: it's similar to what people with trypophobia might feel when looking at stuff with lots of little holes/pores? While he's learned to forge through it when it's just not possible to fix it, in the past he wasn't able to concentrate because of that feeling and would just fixate: he once quietly hired a stonemason to fix a public walkway overnight because the cobblestones were out of place!
On a more serious note, failure or being bested really makes his stomach turn. I think it makes him physically sick to lose, especially to an opponent in a serious situation (not like playing chess with someone, like an actual high-stakes scenario where he wasn't expecting to lose). The whole conflict with Thieves Guild and Merchants Guild where Chase kept successfully raiding his caravans and eluding the authorities kept him up for weeks! Aerin was convinced he was going to develop an ulcer...
18. What embarrasses them?
Surprisingly, not much, he doesn't care a lot about other people's opinions so he just does what he wants and rarely feels "embarrassed"; if he's taking other people's opinions into consideration, it's because it ultimately serves some ulterior motive for him, not because he's a people-pleaser by nature! If he does feel embarrassed, it's often a second-hand embarrassment by proxy, like if he brings you to a fancy party with a bunch of politicians he needs to impress and you start stuffing your face with canapés and belching; but I think that's a "lack of control over the situation" discomfort and embarrassment rather than "I care so much about these people's opinions and now I want to melt into the ground and die" if that makes any sense!
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
I think if we're talking about romantic jealousy, it depends on how the object of his affections is handling the situation! If it's like "my crush has genuine banter and rapport with a friend or romantic rival and I'm jealous of their dynamic/closeness," I think he goes right into denial that he's jealous and tries to act like he doesn't feel anything about it because that sort of emotion would be ridiculous!!! So he'd throw himself into his work with an unusual vehemence and be extra irate and snappy and foul-tempered. If he's, like, in an official relationship with his partner and someone is flirting heavily with them and they flirt back/entertain it more than Riel would think is appropriate, he would become very cold and tart towards them in his jealousy, like "okay cool I don't care" and would essentially give them the cold shoulder and act extremely aloof and chilly, almost like they're strangers to each other, he doesn't care that much. I think he does experience possessive feelings but doesn't show them outwardly by trying to "claim" or cling on to the object of his affections in that way; he'd find such behavior embarrassing for both parties, him and his lover!
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tgirlbeautymedia · 6 months
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femmies · 4 months
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niko-ur-local-moron · 2 years
Naw but imagine if there's gonna be a character in GTA VI that goes "oh yeah remember Gay Tony? The king of Liberty City? It's been a while since his death, huh?" I LITERALLY WOULDN'T SURVIVE HE IS MY FAVE COMFORT CHARACTER I'D DIE
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telodogratis · 2 months
Il cosplay di Tatsumaki da One-Punch Man da Rynna è una forza della natura
Il cosplay di Tatsumaki da One-Punch Man da Rynna è una forza della natura Si torna a parlare di One-Punch Man sulle nostre pagine in attesa della terza stagione dell’anime, grazie al cosplay di Tatsumaki realizzato dalla cosplayer Rynna. Powered by WPeMatico Si torna a parlare di One-Punch Man sulle nostre pagine in attesa della terza stagione dell’anime, grazie al cosplay di Tatsumaki…
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lynx582 · 2 months
Last Story Concept I'm gonna queue and its one I might actually pursue:
(Again placeholder title because I suck at titling)
Rynna has felt trapped at her family's inn for years. She has always dreamed about exploring the world and all it has to offer. Finally, she decides to pursue her dream and runs away from home. With no goal or plan in mind she sets out into a magical world and is quickly made aware of its hostilities.
While running from murderous Orcs, she happens into a cave where a mysterious amulet speaks to her. It promises power if she agrees to let the powerful soul trapped within to travel with her and expereince the mortal world once more.
Emboldened with eldritch magicks, Rynna embarks on her journey, where she will be pressured to take risks by the soul living vicariously through her. Along her journey she will meet many companions, including an unlikely one that captures her heart.
I originally started writing this as a companion piece to the homebrew D&D campaign I was running. I figured any worldbuolding I used in this could be used at the table (once sanitized...)
I really came to love this concept a lot. Its one I return to more often than the others, so maybe I'll pursue it for real.
There is so much I could do with an open ended story starring a human warlock in a high fantasy setting.
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bookjunkiez · 5 months
Beyond Stonebridge Blitz
  Ghost Story Romance Date Published: 04-22-2024 Publisher: The Wild Rose Press     In this sequel to Stonebridge, it is 1959, and Rynna Wyatt’s abusive husband Jason has fallen to his death after a fight with his bookish, disabled cousin Ted Demeray. The police would like to know exactly what happened, but Ted and Rynna can’t tell the whole truth. Jason’s death doesn’t end his relationship…
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loominggaia · 1 year
(This may be the stupidess thing i asked)
What if the FGG meets the merciless Amazons?
I think that's a fun question! (The Merciless Amazons are Chey's Looming Gaia OCs, check them out!)
I'm not super familiar with their personalities, but I do know that Alma and Rynna were Kelvingyard slaves, so I feel like Elska and them would have a lot to talk about. Something tells me Elska and Rynna would be great friends.
Of course Evan and Eleanor would want to catch up, being family and all, and I imagine Eleanor's interest in magic would concern Evan. "Commoners weren't meant to do these things," he'd tell her. But if Eleanor is an Atlas, then she's stubborn as the day is long and she's gonna do what she's gonna do.
Lukas and Alma could practice archery together. Lukas would probably have a big fat crush on her.
Isaac would keep asking annoying questions about Themis' eye until Jeimos told him to stop being rude and go play outside. Then he and Chey could wreak havoc in the skies together. I think Isaac and Chey would bond because the FGG told Chey she was too "small and weak" to join them, and Isaac can relate because they don't let him do more dangerous contracts with them. Chey and Isaac could have their own adventures together...and probably get themselves in trouble and have to be rescued anyway.
The crew would have to convince Elska that Themis is a nice cyclops and beg her not to start shit with her.
Alaine and Glenvar would try to convince Aine to brew some drugs for them.
If you have any more ideas send 'em on over, I'd love to share them!
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