#s is an enigma
Would Mrs S play Pizza Tower? Askin’ cause I feel like she would
well actually its funny you say that considering ive been messing around with figuring out how she'd look in the pizza tower artstyle
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i think she could have an interesting pizza tower style boss fight tbh
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basoogil · 3 months
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so. yk that one henry hoover called james that everyone forgets about. yeah.
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
Or: Somebody is attacking members of the Federation of Heroes, and Cellbit is, for once, not the killer
(TW: Blood, Self Harm [by technicality])
Cellbit first hears about the attacks from Bagi while they're getting lunch together for the first time in almost a month.
"I've just been so busy," she sighs. She looks about one insult away from slamming Cellbit's face into the table, and she looks about one wet piece of lettuce away from slamming her own face into her salad.
Cellbit hums in response. He's been busy, too. Not with police work, but photo editing is fucking hard, okay? Especially when your apartment is a fucking war zone thanks to yet another patented Richarlyson Temper Tantrum.
Only a little annoyed, Cellbit pokes at his barbecue hard enough with his fork to scrape it against the plate.
Bagi scowls and kicks Cellbit underneath the table.
Cellbit kicks Bagi back, with purpose.
"Fuck you!" she snaps, stomping down hard on his foot.
Cellbit responds by snatching her glass of water from next to her plate and turning it over above her salad.
"What?" Cellbit casually asks as Bagi starts visibly shaking with rage. "At least I'm not stabbing you this time."
"You-" Bagi cuts herself off with a frustrated groan.
She reaches across the table and steals his plate; he lets her, the meat is a bit too well-done for his tastes.
Cellbit leans back in his seat and watches her stab into the barbecue with the rage of a goddamn beast.
"Aren't you vegan?" he asks her.
"Fuck you," she tensely responds. "I don't have the patience for this today. Between you and those fucking- the Federation, I'm going to lose it."
Cellbit tenses at the mention of the Federation- the Federation of Heroes: Q City's defense against supervillains and petty criminals alike, the unofficial backer of the city's educational system and the police force and the courts, and Cellbit's unrequited worst enemy.
His nose wrinkles in distaste. "What do they want?"
"What don't they want?" Bagi sighs. "I don't see why they need us to solve this if they're in charge of literally every superhero in the city. It's just a couple of assault cases, that's it."
Casually- oh, so casually, Cellbit rolls his eyes and cracks a grin.
"What, is someone going around and beating up Federation guys again?" he asks. "I thought Enigma was dead."
Bagi nods, annoyance written all across her face in big red letters. "He is, I was there when he died! But freaking Foolish-"
"Oh, God, Foolish is on this case?"
"The Federation requested him specifically, but he's like-" (She screws her voice up into something approximating her coworker's.) "'Oh, no, Bagi! It's the dead guy assaulting all these Federation guys!' Like? Enigma is dead, how the hell is he still getting assault charges?"
Cellbit shrugs. "You know how Foolish is. He's probably still pissed about never actually getting to figure out Enigma's secret identity. He's just salty."
"Yeah, well. Whatever."
"Whatever," Cellbit echoes.
Bagi, somehow, looks much closer to death. She looks tired, but that's just what happens when you're stuck dealing with Cucurucho for an extended period of time; Cellbit swears he only gets sleep when Cucurucho is out of the city on official Federation business.
Now, Cellbit should probably be grilling his sister for more information. Any enemy of the Federation of Heroes is a friend of his, and he's got some contacts that he might want to hook this mystery person up with.
Smile softening just slightly, Cellbit asks, "How has Empanada been? Is she doing better at this new school?"
Bagi's entire being brightens up, and she starts talking about her daughter's first day at her new school and how Empanada had the best time and how the school is actually accommodating for her disabilities and how... Well, Cellbit stops listening after a couple of minutes while he starts thinking about his own child.
Oh, Richarlyson.
He's so grounded.
But, funnily enough, it's while he's walking Richarlyson to school a week later that Cellbit finds the first official murder victim of Bagi's mystery assaulter.
"Oh," says Cellbit, looking down at the corpse lounging in front of his apartment building surrounded by its own brains and blood.
He blocks Richarlyson from following him out the door, much to Richarlyson's annoyance.
"What is it?" Richarlyson asks, squirming and trying to slip under Cellbit's arm. "I wanna see!"
"I think your other dads would kill me," Cellbit replies. He glances over his shoulder and down. "Can you go get my camera for me? I'll let you carry it to school."
Eyes widening excitedly, Richarlyson turns on his heel and bolts up the stairs.
As soon as he's gone, Cellbit looks back at the corpse.
It isn't a particularly good corpse. It's... messy. Too many wounds, too random. Skull fracture and cave-in seems accidental based off the location of the fracture and the location of the body; the killer probably smashed the victim's head against the building's railing and killed them just like that.
It's early in the morning. Early enough that Cellbit's street is basically empty; the Favela isn't really ever quiet, but people are smart enough to stay off the streets from sundown until sun-up. And the Federation of Heroes isn't dumb enough to try putting cameras up in a place like the Favela; it'd be a waste of money with how many times they'd have to replace them all.
So nobody is there to watch as Cellbit crouches next to the corpse and sticks a finger in the puddle of blood.
(Water holds memories, and blood is ninety-two percent water, so...)
The blood ripples like a lake after a stone was tossed into it, waves moving from Cellbit's finger outwards.
And then-
"Pai! I got it!"
Cellbit swiftly stands and turns and hides his hand in his coat pocket and smiles a thanks at Richarlyson. Damnit.
"Did you remember to lock the door behind you?" Cellbit asks.
He tries to block the view of the corpse again, but Richarlyson just barely manages to squeeze past him and out the door.
Cellbit sighs, "Don't tell your Pai Pac I let you see this. He'll kill me."
Richarlyson stares down at the body, frozen in shock.
Well. At least he isn't screaming?
Cellbit slings his camera bag over his shoulder and pulls his camera out. He's got work to do.
"Why do their brains look like that?" Richarlyson asks, nose wrinkled. "Gross."
"Brains don't look like they do in the movies," Cellbit explains, moving past Richarlyson and turning his camera on. He points it at the corpse's face, and he clicks the button. "They're a lot more... gooey. Not as solid as you'd think. It's mostly just the skull keeping them together."
"No, this is just kind of fucked up."
Richarlyson sits on the steps, arms crossed across his knees. He watches Cellbit work, not as disturbed as Cellbit thought he'd be. But, well, he is Richarlyson. He's seen worse than loose brains and a bit of blood. This is nothing.
"I think I know them," Richarlyson says after a bit.
Cellbit glaces up at him, camera focused on the bloody railing.
Richarlyson thinks some more, and then he nods. "Yeah, okay, so I don't know them, but I know their face! They were on the news last week! Super Hamster!"
Super... oh, right. Super Hamster, one of the Federation's newest recruits. Super low-ranked hero who spends their patrols getting cats out of trees and doing battle with a similarly low-ranked villain named Mongoose Man. Kind of stupid, but in a dumb college student way. Weird interviews. Weirder costume.
Cellbit lowers his camera and looks the corpse in the face. Super Hamster wore a mask over their eyes, but the cheeks and chin look the same...
Oh. Oh no.
God. Damnit.
Okay, so.
Once upon a time, there was a supervillain named Enigma. He was a bit of a serial killer, but he only attacked and killed those affiliated with the Federation of Heroes: office workers, doctors, weapons suppliers. Heroes.
He did this for years. He founded the Order of Villains alongside fellow villains: the Demon and Crow Man. He killed dozens upon dozens of people, took down seemingly-endless numbers of rookie and professional heroes alike, made himself a reputation as the worst villain Q City had ever known.
And then he died.
There was an explosion during a chase he and the Federation's Sharkboy were involved in. Sharkboy was sent into early civilian retirement. Enigma was sent to his grave.
Cellbit slinks his way down the alley with his camera bag slung over his shoulder. He's wearing sunglasses and a black surgical mask leftover from the last time Richarlyson was sick, and his hair is mostly hidden under a borrowed baseball cap.
Recently, according to both Bagi and the evening news, people seem to think that Enigma has done the impossible and risen from the grave. Somehow.
The thing is, the new guy doesn't kill the same way that Enigma did. Enigma used weapons the color of fresh blood. All reports from surviving victims of "Enigma" mention someone with a black sword and-slash-or a steel baseball bat.
Honestly? Cellbit wishes this new killer all the luck in the world. Going up against the Federation is risky business; that's why Cellbit retired in the first place: his family was at risk.
But, really, Cellbit can't have the rumors about Enigma's return continue to go around. They're making everyone pay too much attention to everyone else, and Cellbit really doesn't like getting stared at.
He really, really doesn't like getting stared at by Pac of all people.
So. For Pac's sake, and for Pac's sake only, Cellbit is on the prowl tonight. He's been studying up on the assault cases that Bagi has been investigating, and he's determined that nearly all of the assaults happened within a three-block circumference of the Federation's main building downtown. The outlier so far is Super Hamster, who was apparently Cellbit's upstairs neighbor before their death.
So. Downtown.
Cellbit doesn't have much on him. He has his phone and wallet, and he has a pocketknife and a pocket first aid kit. He's wearing gloves to hide his fingerprints, and because he knows better than to make skin-to-skin contact with an unknown super. (Because the new guy is a super, Cellbit can just tell; who else would have the balls to fight other supers hand-to-hand?)
And, of course, he has his camera. He needs to get proof for Pac, and then he'll get Pac to deliver the pictures to the right people.
Enigma might be dead, but "Enigma" would fit right in with the Order of Villains.
Cellbit steps out of the alley and looks up at the imposing Federation building rising above the buildings around him. It's big and white and glowing and shaped like the letter 'F' and it's fucking ugly, but it's also absolutely terrifying.
("Dispose of him.")
A helicopter lands on the Federation building's roof. Cellbit hopes it fucking crashes after takeoff.
With a sigh, Cellbit turns on his heel and starts down the street towards the building. He looks suspicious as hell, but he also has his P.I.'s license in his wallet if he needs to pull it out.
(He may not be an investigator anymore, but the license doesn't expire for another couple of years. Thanks, Federation!)
There's an itch on the back of Cellbit's neck. A mosquito, probably; it's summer, unfortunately.
Cellbit raises his hand to swat the bug away.
He blinks, and there's a figure in front of him standing beneath a streetlight in all black: hoodie, cargo shorts, what are probably athletic leggings beneath them, gas mask, and- for some reason- a medieval-style cloak with the hood pulled up.
Their hand rests on a sword hung on their side.
Cellbit doesn't so much as blink. Interesting outfit; the gas mask is a nice touch. Probably hiding a voice modulator inside it.
The sword almost seems to sing with all the blood coating it. Fresh blood, still dripping.
Slowly, Cellbit lowers his hand.
"Hey," he lamely says. "Nice cloak."
The killer's head slowly tilts to one side.
A deep, gravelly, very artificial-sounding voice drawls out, "You are not one of theirs."
Oh, so the killer is a nerd. That's cool. They'll fit in great with the Order.
Cellbit shakes his head. "No. I'm not. I'm on your side, actually. I'm just-"
The killer laughs, long and drawn out and painful sounding.
They shake their head slowly. "Don't fuck with me. No one is on my side."
Oh, so the killer is a depressed nerd. Who has obviously read a few too many comic books with how they're talking.
"No," Cellbit quickly says, "but I am. I hate those guys!"
The killer is silent. Still.
Cellbit watches them just stand there.
Swallowing a lump of anticipation in his throat, Cellbit continues:
"The Federation sucks. Everyone who works for it, or with it, deserves to die. I agree with you! But you-"
He cuts himself off with a gasp of pain as the killer vanishes in front of him and as a sharp blade stings along his ribcage from behind.
"Shit!" the killer snaps, voice modulator staticking in panic.
Cellbit staggers forward and throws himself onto the ground, careful not to crush his camera back. His sunglasses come flying off, but fuck them, he stole them, anyway.
His hand flies to his side, and it comes away bloody.
He grins. Perfect.
The killer lunges at him with his sword, aiming right for Cellbit's chest, but-
Cellbit raises his hand to catch the sword, hissing as the blade sinks into the palm of his hand. It cuts right through his glove like it was made of butter, but fuck the gloves, he stole them, anyway.
The killer freezes, confused as Cellbit drags his hand up the length of the blade. His blood drips down onto his hoodie, staining it dark.
"I told you," Cellbit growls, clenching his hand down and grinning. "I'm on your side."
And then Cellbit jerks his hand back and rolls to the side, narrowly dodging a stab to the chest. He raises his hand just in time for the blood running down his arm to ripple and start running backwards.
The killer must catch the movement, because they swing their sword towards Cellbit's wrist. Smart thought, but too late.
Steel clashes against iron with sparks and nausea as the killer's blade meets Cellbit's own.
Vaguely, Cellbit can see the killer's eyes widen through the goggles of their mask.
Cellbit swallows down a fever as he pulls the blood off of his hoodie and forms it into a tiny buckler shield. (If this other guy wants to go medieval, so will Cellbit.)
And then he pushes upwards with his blood sword with all his strength, forcing the killer to take a step backwards to keep themselves from falling on their ass.
"The cameras in this part of the city don't work," Cellbit breathes, pushing himself to his feet and desperately trying not to collapse under the weight of his own being. "You know this, but how? Only the Federation knows. They planned it this way. Job security."
"How do you know, culero?" the killer snaps.
They spin their sword once, look Cellbit over, and freeze.
Cellbit frowns. Just like before...
But then what happened before was-
Eyes widening in realization, Cellbit ducks to the side, just barely getting grazed by a sword skimming across the back of his neck.
The killer groans and tries again, this time catching the meat of Cellbit's bicep.
Cellbit groans, but he forces his blood to push the sword out of his body. It does so with a little protest, too weak to do much, but it manages.
"Enigma," the killer breathes. "You're supposed to be dead, man!"
"I am," Cellbit lowly says.
He hunches over slightly, more than a little out of practice. He holds his shield in front of himself, his sword quivering and at the ready.
"This is great!" the killer excitedly says. "Now that I know it's you..."
They lower their sword and sheathe it, practically bouncing on their toes. Their eyes glitter behind their mask, but they betray nothing.
"...we can team up!" they finish.
They reach a hand out.
Cellbit steps back warily. He holds his sword level with the killer's throat; it drips onto the sidewalk, blood splattering everywhere.
"I'm dead," Cellbit snaps. "You weren't supposed to even see me tonight! I just- oh, fuck."
He groans as a wave of heat washes over him. Pre-faint symptoms, he's close. He used to be better at this, fuck.
He staggers, both his sword and shield splashing onto the ground as he loses his hold over their forms. He braces himself against a streetlight, the same one he first saw the killer under, and he tries not to vomit.
The killer rushes towards him, gloved hands hesitating awkwardly next to his shoulders.
"You okay?" the killer asks. Even through their modulator, they sound concerned. Okay.
"I'm fine," Cellbit wheezes. He waves them off with a glare. "You just- I need proof. That it isn't me this time."
The killer stops breathing. They stop breathing for a long time.
And then they're next to Cellbit rather than in front of him holding his camera.
Cellbit's eyes widen. "Hey, no! Put that back!"
"Relax," the killer says, smile evident in their voice. "I'm getting you proof."
Cellbit's head spins. He hears the camera snap, and then he's on the ground. Oooohh, he's out of practice. (But isn't that a good thing?)
Another camera snap, and he's dry heaving. He hasn't eaten enough to be able to actually throw up anything, but his body sure wants him to try.
"Shit, hold on!" the killer exclaims, and then Cellbit knows nothing.
He wakes up to the familiar sound of the beeping of a heart monitor. There's a familiar alien sensation in his arm- I.V. drip, okay.
Okay, he's at the hospital.
Eyes flickering open, Cellbit lets out a sigh. Bagi is going to hate this.
"Fuck," he sighs, staring up at the ceiling.
Once upon a time, Enigma was the most feared villain in the city. But then he got a son, and he found his long-lost twin sister, and he realized that dying either from blood loss or from Federation execution wasn't the ending he wanted anymore. He wanted to live, and so Enigma had to die.
Cellbit hasn't passed out from blood loss since he was just starting out as a villain. It's been almost a decade since then, and he's definitely lost his touch. But that's for the better, really. He doesn't need to use his powers for that kind of stuff anymore. He can heal his son's wounds. He can read the lives of the deceased.
...Or, he would if he could.
He's startled out of his thoughts as someone comes into his room with an armload of vending machine snacks.
"Oh!" the new person exclaims, eyes widening. "You're alive!"
Cellbit doesn't know this person, but he thinks that he wants to.
"Who are you?" Cellbit croaks. "What happened?"
He was with the killer... and then he passed out... and...
"Oh, yeah, so I was walking home from work, and I found you all bloody and passed out on the sidewalk," the man explains.
He sits in the chair by Cellbit's bed, and then he dumps his snacks on the bed and lets out a sigh.
"I'm glad you're okay," he continues. "I was seriously worried."
Cellbit blinks. He's tired, God.
"My camera?" he asks.
"Over there," the man replies. He points towards the other side of the room with his head. "That Hombre Misterioso left it behind when he saw me there."
Cellbit frowns. "Hombre...?"
"Hombre Misterioso. The guy killing all those Federation workers? Apparently, he took a bunch of pictures of himself and managed to send them to the police. That's what they're calling him."
Cellbit's brain ticks away. "Doesn't that just mean 'mysterious guy' in Spanish?"
"Ay, you know Spanish?" The man grins. "That's cool!"
"I'm Brazilian," Cellbit murmurs, not really answering.
He gives the man an appraising look: brown hair, soft looking; dark eyes, glittering; red t-shirt, form-fitting; blue bandana, goofy. Biceps.
The man catches his gaze and winks.
"I'm Roier," he says.
Cellbit gives up on his analyzing; he'll get back to it when he isn't still so drained from losing so much blood.
"Cellbit," he replies. "Thank you for saving me."
"Nah, it's nothing."
(Roier's smile is sharp-toothed and positively breathtaking [or maybe that's just the blood loss talking.])
"Thank you for waking up."
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know if you liked this and if you want to see more by reblogging, commenting, sending asks, etc! Let me know what you liked!
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saika077 · 7 months
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Made more of these bc why not (bonus pavzima bc this ship kinda funny ngl)
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Reyna, about Lester: For pronouns, he selected he/him. For gender, however, he wrote “No”.
Reyna: For sexuality, he wrote nothing.
Reyna: For religious affiliation, he wrote “Sure, why not?”.
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dangerousdesiress · 1 year
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Divine. Beautiful. Inspirational. Unforgettable 💕
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I realised Theres a pattern in the fandoms I like and I interact with.
Shounen with innocent and sweet teenage boi’s or adults.
One armed monkeys or just power arms in general.
Manhwa guys with suicidal thoughts who are also single fathers of one or more powerful children.
And then there’s one punch man.
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triglycercule · 3 days
i mightve found the only other undertale fan in my entire school and he's playing one of those roblox ut fighting fan games. and then i saw his avatar and i'm like 80% sure it was dust but i cant tell because theres an undyne head over the avatar. man what the hell
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cinematicjourney · 1 year
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The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974) | dir. Werner Herzog
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konakoro · 1 year
I adore the Welcome to Raccoon City Leon. Absolute pathetic wet rag of a man. Can't do anything right. No respect. Zero thoughts. Still has amazing hair. I love him, this is how Leon should be
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
when i made an underrem 'height' chart BUT theyre like smallified versions SO I CAN DRAW THEM BETTER AND CONSISTANTLY THUS NOT A VERY USEFUL CHART.
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fauvester · 2 years
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replace "state" with "planet" and even the old cardassian moral tales are relevant for the post-Fire world
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𝔈𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔪𝔞 (յգԴօ) 𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔶 𝔇𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔡 𝔄. ℌ𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔶
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irrelevantfox · 2 years
Jeff Hardy
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myvinylplaylist · 8 months
Hurricane: Over The Edge (1988)
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Enigma Records
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4749-82 · 11 days
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