#s1e9 rewatch
arthurslesbian · 2 years
if there's one thing i can't stand it's the mischaracterizatiom of uther in fics
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agendertoph · 4 months
Can I just say that rewatching "The Waterbending Scroll" as a 24 yr old, legit 12 yrs after I first watched it, was such a crazy experience bcus, so like the thing is that I'd dropped off zutara some years ago now, not bcus of any thing in particular, just that I'd drifted from the general atla fandom over the years, but still thought about the ship fondly from time to time
so anyways like. so I get to the ep on my rewatch n I'm thinking "oh hey! isn't this the ep w the pirates and Zuko and Katara? that's nice :D" but bro omg I wasn't prepared
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bro I wasn't prepared at ALLL BRO LIKE!??!?!? "I'll save you from the pirates" HE SAID HE'D SAVE HER FROM THE PIRATES?!?!??!
AND THEN!!! When Katara's tied to the tree, we see Zuko smiling for like the first time ever, n like yeah ok he's trying to get in on her good side by appealing to her emotionally open nature, but vnkjnvjksdf omg he smiled for her?!?!??!
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AND JUST THE REVEAL THAT HE HAS HER NECKLACE?!?!? Like we knew he had her necklace since "Imprisoned" but omg to see it being offered to her as a broker piece, like yeah of course he's going to taunt her w it, but also like!??!?! the fact he CHOSE to reveal he has her necklace LIKE THIS!??!?! LIKE HE'S PUTTING IT ON HER?!?!?! LIKE WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A WATER TRIBE BETROTHAL NECKLACE?!?!?!??!
oh my GOODNESS, God almighty, bro. bro!!! oh my God, u never really stop being 12 yrs old at heart, huh? this ep had me blushing n squeeing n kicking my feet like I had done so 12 years ago
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nirby-wirby · 1 year
Five sitting there sipping on his margarita as Diego and Hazel fight is SO funny. He looks totally unimpressed and unbothered, even when Hazel looks at him like, “a little help??” He even winces when Hazel gets stabbed in the leg and goes, “That’s gotta hurt,” but does absolutely nothing to help. However, as soon as Diego bites Hazel’s ear he’s like, “I draw the line at biting.” Like????
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robotshellyeah · 6 months
some thoughts about Deathwalker:
my favorite thing about babylon 5 has always been the conversations between the ambassadors and their aides. the show is not always a story from the perspective of the human characters - sometimes you get a window into how the aliens interact with each other when humans aren't around. I really liked the scene between Na'Toth and G'Kar about why she attacked Jha'dur. if it had been her explaining herself to a human like Sinclair or Garibaldi, the cultural practice underlying her desire for revenge would have been portrayed as "alien" and less legitimate. but instead she tells it to G'Kar, who understands her completely and tells her that her behavior was right (he says that she wouldn't be narn if she felt differently, and that he's proud of her!) and therefore we the audience are reassured that her motivations are not to be dismissed. it was refreshing to see G'Kar take her side and only tell her to wait because it was necessary for political maneuvering
the plotline with Talia was kind of upsetting - I don't think I appreciated when I watched the show for the first time in college how violating that experience would be, and Sinclair and Garibaldi were so nonchalant about it at the end. Talia was like "Kosh hired me under dubious circumstances, exposed me to terrifying stimuli, and recorded my thoughts without consent presumably with the intention of using them later to hurt me" and Sinclair and Garibaldi were like "lol yeah he's a wild one". I guess there's nothing they can do about it but still yikes
why was Garibaldi allowed to go through Jha'dur's stuff when she was unconscious, seems ethically questionable
my opinion of G'Kar is so heavily influenced by how he is in the later seasons, I forgot how slimy he is in season 1. I think he experiences the most character growth of any of the cast.
Lennier is the guy we all know who's way too into military history
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
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atomicradiogirl · 7 months
hold on why am i about to cry i completely forgot how good no GREAT of an episode DNR is. dare i say one of the best house episodes of all time? holy moly. i need 2 business days to process this episode. “i’m in pain.” “aren’t we all?” ARGHHHH
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The TRAUMA of these fucking guys
I love that the showrunners just forces them to deal with it too? Well. Deal is a hard word lol
And they're breaking dean's macho persona do fucking quickly as well, it's FASCINATING
We dont have garbage disposals in my country but if we did, there would be absolutely 0 percent chance i'd EVER put my hand down one
Something's starting alright, 15 years of bullshit
I love Missouri so fucking much
And i didnt remember that psycic sam was so early
Sam is his dad mmm something something
Im literally so excited for the later seasons when they actually bring her back
Johns a bitchhhh
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goldenhourfishbowl · 1 year
we as a fandom don't talk enough about Cha Cha's cartoonishly villainous contraption for killing Agnes
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thefloatingwriter · 7 months
okay little thing i don’t like about tvd: bonnie just expecting caroline to believe her being a witch. when they haven’t told her literally anything about the stuff that’s going on. like hello?? you yourself told care that sheila was drunk when talking about you being a witch and now you just expect her to believe you when you say it now? if my friend randomly told me she was a witch i wouldn’t believe her either. it never made sense to me.
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ravendruid · 1 year
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Wait, what? Now? I mean, this is, like, the worst time!
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agendertoph · 4 months
On "The Waterbending Scroll"
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Aang and Zuko are both training!
Zuko's of course just honing and practicing his firebending, since we know he has much control n mastery over fire. Aang, instead, is learning for the very first time how to waterbend! They're doing the same action (training) at different points in their bending journeys
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nirby-wirby · 1 year
What did Harold think would happen if he riled Viktor up?? Did he think he wouldn’t end up at least hurt or at worst dead??? Come on, man.
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styxbugg · 1 year
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nothing to see here, just two girlfriends going on a date to the rainbow caverns together
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
so sad leonard got kitchen utensiled to death
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eepy-pleepy · 2 years
Season 1 Episode 9 "Home" rewatch recap:
FUCK John Winchester
GOD BLESS Missouri Moseley
HUGGING Dean so tight wrapping him in blankies kissing his forehead biting anyone that comes near (except Missouri she's allowed 😌)
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pealeii · 2 years
watching episode nine and seeing Ed wait on the dock, the closeup on his face as you see the purple light of the sunset creep on his face…what if I just died right now.
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