#s4 heir
sim-carelle · 1 year
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Onwards to a new legacy challange! I’m doing the Coin Flip Legacy Challenge made by  @diamondsandplumbobs This is my Heir, Melissa Williams, I made her bee themed because the recent posting of my wallpaper pack!
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heir-of-the-chair · 2 months
I don’t care what anyone in the fandom says, s4 of TDP is really good and you can fight me on this
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alxandergoth · 11 months
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happy b'day julian!! 🎂✨🎉
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all-pacas · 4 months
CHASE: [walking into House's office] You sabotaged Foreman's job interview, didn't you? HOUSE: Foreman's already been over this. It wasn't me. CHASE: Everybody's chasing ghosts over this. Which means either nobody did it, or somebody wants everybody chasing ghosts. Now who does that sound like? HOUSE: [almost smiling, growing serious:] Now, why would I do that? CHASE: Because as long as Foreman thought you were guilty, he was gonna be useless around here. HOUSE: [laughs] Sometimes, I forget why I hired you.
(they then proceed to have a short and completely honest conversation about why house did it, no bullshit at all.) just!!!! first of all, this is the nicest thing house has ever said about chase. but also! chase is sharp as hell. he is pretty consistently good at Getting house, at reading people, and in turn house actually gives chase quite a lot of honesty -- maybe because chase so rarely pushes for it. chase in s8, after being stabbed. knows and explains that house was worried, that he was making up excuses to visit. chase in s5, promising to do surgery if house tells him why; house telling him the truth -- that the patient reminds him of himself. in the same scene, house asking chase to manipulate his boss: house at other times calling chase sneaky. a schemer.
house, despite the "his dad made a phone call" line, admitting with a proud little smile: this is why i hired you.
one scene earlier, house and foreman have an argument over treatment. house says foreman has two choices: a futile argument with house before doing what he's told, or just going ahead and doing what he's told. foreman throws up his hands and goes to obey, and house calls him out: he had a third choice, to not do what house asked. but he wouldn't, because foreman trusts house's instincts more than his own.
cut to chase in house's office. house says no, it wasn't me!. chase says yes, it was, and here's why. he knows he's right. house knows he's right. it's the next scene.
(also: in the first ten minutes of the episode, the patient complains to foreman he can barely bend his fingers. this turns out to be the Big Clue that leads to his diagnoses, but it takes house realizing it on his own in the last five minutes: foreman apparently forgot to mention it or didn't think it was important. another sign he's not Ready)
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brother-emperors · 10 months
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The Art of Dreams: Reflections and Representations
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The Tomb of Caterina della Ratta and the Iconography of the Reclining Reader in Renaissance Sepulcharl Art, Yonni Ascher
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Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture, Harriet I Flower
okay so just. play connect the dots with me for a second. Girolamo Basso della Rovere is Giuliano della Rovere's (Pope Julius II) cousin. Ascanio Sforza was a long time rival, and later ex-enemy of Giiuliano's. this kind of familial mirroring in the tombs, the way that Ascanio is being subsumed into a matching visual with someone of della Rovere's family is. interesting. because it goes well beyond the expected patron-client relationship between the pope and his cardinals. like, these were companion monuments.
there's also a kind of tragic romantic violence to it, given Ascanio's persistent loyalty to his family and Milan, and Ludovico's plans to have Ascanio's body brought back to Milan in the event of his death and interred in the same chapel as Beatrice d'Este.
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averyxsims · 2 months
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Life as a teenager for the girls has mainly been studying but it paid off as they were both able to graduate early!
Now it’s time for them to age up and move out on their own! ✈️🩵
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funkyllama · 2 years
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Her Royal Highness, the Princess Eloise, Countess Celle
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fasttiger · 2 years
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according to Time Magazine tomgreg is “homoerotic” and “psychosexual” 10/10 incredible
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cvriosities · 1 month
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marisol is sick with sinusitis so she missed school but clearly has enough time for mischief
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muadweeb · 1 year
LISTEN. succession girlies. now. who's gonna make a gif comparison of s1 when logan's in the hospital and shiv says to ken "who put you in charge?" and now this episode where ken goes "i see you all looking at me". yeah. OK please do that gif
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pixel-bloom · 11 months
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Take care of your mother. She’s been through so much, I’m not sure how life will be after I’m gone. Tell her to plant this orange tree in the yard, it’s like, my soul or something. I’ll be watching over all of you. Don’t redecorate my kitchen. Okay that’s all I got. Love you and the grandkiddos to pieces. Take care. Love, Your Father
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heir-of-the-chair · 1 year
Okay so the line “I hate it when you do your Oto impression” was tailor made to hurt Me Specifically…
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alxandergoth · 2 years
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baby boy of the year award goes to .. himb
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
Post season 3: hi sorry for the unexpected hiatus, I was kidnapped. Anyways, the next video should be up tomorrow
so that’s what Macky was doing all of s4!!! catching his channel up with his stories *nods*
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thematicparallel · 1 year
decided to take a quick visit to the black sails tag to see what else is up & uhhhhhh. it's bleak 👍🏽
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confinesofmy · 1 year
btw i fucking SAID that kendall was impotent and wasn't iverson's father. and then iverson happened to be autistic anyway. he couldn't even raise an heir, even after someone else had done the work he couldn't.
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