#sabo is neurodivergent
xamaxenta · 2 years
Something cute I just thought abt, modern au stuff, I guess college ages here
Sabo frequents an arcade and regularly makes first on the leaderboards
Until a new name thats just AAA pops up in the first slot on most of his favourite games, incensed Sabo wants to find the fucker ruining his streaks and challenge him or her fair and square
Koala thinks he’s being stupid but Sabo holds his grudges and needs to know, figures out by the times hes gone and taken first place back that when he returns after dinner rush at the diner he works at, the AAA fucker was back and learns through small cues that this person must also be a student, has a membership, and is extremely good at dance games
He starts asking the staff if they’ve seen a new regular around, roughly his age, what do they look like
Gleans new info until his Biochem professor has them all pair up for a project that will calculate towards the entirety of their grade this year and a guy named Ace ends up matching his number pair, Sabo stares him down, from look alone, Ace fits the “new regular nerd on the block” descriptions from the arcade staff
And the first thing out Sabo’s mouth is something along the lines of: Are you the bastard that keeps beating my score in Time Crisis?
And Ace looks at him in confusion, “time what?” And Sabo hates that he thinks he’s cute
“AAA?” Sabo knows its him, can feel it in his bones.
“I dunno what you mean.” Ace replies, and has the audacity to look away to root around in his bag for something clearly unimportant to their conversation.
“Besides, why do you care, are you like some mega nerd who cares about keeping score?“ Ace asks blandly, pen in hand as he hunches over their project outline.
Koala stifles a laugh from where she’s seated behind them in the auditorium. Sabo makes a rude gesture at her from behind his back.
“That’s funny, considering you keep beating me, which makes you an even bigger nerd!” Sabo retorts, unwilling to let this go now he’s found his perp, “you’ve beaten me in everything from Starblade To Nightslashers?”
“Are you SBAO?“ Ace asks suddenly and Sabo squints at him suspiciously.
“Holy shit, you spelt your own name wrong?“ Ace snickers and circles something Sabo can’t be bothered to check just yet.
“Says the guy who registered under AAA.”
“Nah you can’t blame that on me dude, AAA is my little brother.” Ace sits back against their bench, his smile half amused at how seriously Sabo was taking all of this.
“I just provide the wallet he needs for the membership but I tag along to watch him play. I’m shit at videogames.” Ace explains and Sabo flusters slightly, both at how cute Ace looked when he smiled but also at accusing him so strongly, he can practically hear Koala’s radiating smugness.
“Wait. How old is your brother?“ Sabo asks with growing trepidation.
“He’s twelve.” Ace says and signs off his name at the bottom of their project sheet, sliding it over to Sabo to add his own.
Sabo visibly feels the blood drain from his face, that can’t be true, there’s no fucking way—“you’re telling me your kid brother is kicking my ass at Dungeons and Driveout?”
“Yeah.” Ace looks awfully proud of this little brother of his.
“Are you his guardian?“ Sabo switches tracks, trying to find some kind of flaw with the cute guy smiling up an adorable storm beside him.
“Yup.” Ace tucks his pen behind his ear for safekeeping, which Sabo finds enormously endearing but he will never ever say it, this guy and his kid brother were the enemy!!
“And you let him play video games for that long?“
“What we do with our time is not really your concern.” Ace says smoothly, “And I don’t need anyone telling me how to parent my brother. He’s a good kid and I want him to have fun.”
Koala kicks at Sabo from under the bench, forcing him to apologise for his insensitive mouth.
“None taken.” Ace relaxes visibly, and Sabo kind of likes how he was so ready to protect the things he cares about.
“Alright, I need to know one more thing and then I’ll sign your stupid form,” Sabo flicks at the corner of the page Ace has been wiggling at him from across the desktop for the past ten minutes.
“Shoot.” Ace indulges him.
“The dancing games. There’s simply no way a twelve year old is gonna get those combos.”
“You’re right. Those are my scores.” Ace smirks and Sabo feels vindicated at last.
“So you are AAA!”
“In a sense. But we share the account, I can’t afford more than one.” Ace has the nerve to look sheepish over that, of all things.
Sabo can’t help but glance him over, takes in his build and the long sweep of his legs—
“My eyes are up here dude.” Ace drawls and Sabo glances back up with a scowl, annoyed that he was caught looking.
“Ugh. Give me that.” Sabo slaps a hand over the form and drags it over to scribble his signature along the base so they can finally pass it back down to their professor.
“You me, Dancerush Stardom at 7?”
“Without dinner first?“ Ace asks in mock surprise.
“Dinner after,” Sabo shoots back and stands noisly from their bench to take the sheet back down to the front of the hall.
“I think he likes you.” Koala says conversationally, leaning over the gap Sabo’s made and Ace turns to look at her thoughtfully.
“Think so?”
“Yup. He’s obsessed with you actually.”
“I’m not fucking obsessed—“ Sabo shouts from the base of the stairs.
“Yes you are sweetie!” Koala hollers back at him before smiling at Ace who shrinks back at the leer in her eyes.
“Be nice to him, he’s got like zero friends, excluding me.”
“Uhh okay?” Ace glances between the rapidly approaching Sabo and the girl behind him.
“He’s just excited to talk to someone his age with the same interests, he doesn’t bite.” Koala adds when Sabo vaults over their bench row with the intention of silencing her.
“Shut the fuck up,” Sabo seethes after wrangling her into a not so gentle headlock.
“Or what?“ Koala goads and then promptly elbows her friend in the stomach.
“You’re gonna scare him off by being fucking weird again!”
“Hey, I’m still here and I’m getting pretty hungry.” Ace cuts in, his pale silvery eyes creasing up in what Sabo recognises as a positive emotion, he can work with that.
“So dinner?“ Sabo repeats and Ace nods, Sabo glances at Koala who sticks her tongue out at him.
“Uh now?”
“It is almost seven.” Ace says agreeably.
“Oh shit. Yeah okay.” Sabo holds out his hand for Ace to take, and then regrets it because his palms are so so damn sweaty—
“Awww. You two be nice to each other now.” Koala looks between them as her tone takes on a sugary kind of quality.
“I want him home by ten.” She addresses Ace first who looks caught out for a brief moment before playing along, salutes her charmingly with his and Sabo’s linked hands.
“And you, you be nice. I don’t wanna have to bury another body okay?”
“Wait what—“ Ace tries to process that quip as Sabo drags him out of the auditorium, Koala waves them out, neither confirming or denying her statement.
Cuties. She thinks this relationship will last.
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dark-dimare · 1 year
Imagine seven year old Luffy seeing some baby animals (maybe wolves?) play-biting out of affection and deciding to do the same. So he goes up to Ace and just gently *nom*.
Ace is confused, cause what? He asks, and Luffy just says that he saw someone else do that to their siblings. Ace, not realizing that Luffy saw baby /animals/ play-bite their sibling, and runs with it. After all, Luffy has the most experience with kids their age between the two of them. (Sabo’ as experiences don’t count to them because “Nobles are weird”)
So the two (or three if it happens before Sabo’s accident) just start biting each other as a way of showing affection. No big deal, just average wild child stuff, only it continues once they’ve set out and gathered crew.
I imagine Ace ended up gathering the Spades in a similar manner to Luffy, one by one kind of way but no more than two at a time. By the time the next Spade joined, the previous one was not only accustomed to but joined in with affectionate biting. It wasn’t much, or often, but still present enough.
Ace doesn’t even realize that it’s not a normal thing until after he joins Whitebeard, when he affectionately bites Thatch for bringing him food. A whole shenanigan-esque scene happens where they try to explain to Ace that No, humans do not tend to bite each other in affection outside of lovers in intimate situations. Once it finally sinks in, all he can say is “Oh no, my brother’s poor crew.”
Luffy doesn’t hesitate to affectionately bite his nakama, and they just take it as part of him, just like how he’s rubber. It mainly becomes a thing when the other Straw Hats start doing it as well.
Zoro, I imagine, would be the first, and would first do it to Sanji. Like, he just woke up from a nap, and sees Sanji handing him a bottle of booze. So, as thanks, he instinctively gives Sanji a gentle nip on his wrist as he takes the bottle. Sanji is so shook he doesn’t even start a fight over it, and just numbly walks over to the girl(s). “You know how Luffy keeps biting us?” “Yeah, he’s like a damn mosquito, only he doesn’t draw blood.” “Zoro just bit me. Like how Luffy does.” “…What?”
From there, it spreads. Gentle nips as thanks, worried noms for those injured, soft bites as just general “I’m glad you’re here”. Every one of the Straw Hats bite each other. (I imagine Brook has a bone in particular that he lets them nom on because he’s so tall, and they don’t want to upset him by making him feel like a chew toy, and it just has various teeth marks simply because of how many times they’ve gently bit him. He’s very thankful for it, because on nights when he can’t sleep because he’s suddenly thrown mentally back into isolation, he can feel their marks on his bone and remember that he will never be alone as long as they live.)
The Whitebeards are thrown through a loop if/when they meet a small crew captained by their Second Division Commander’s precious baby brother, and finds that a l l of them have the same way of showing affection, and none of them brought up how weird it is.
(If Sabo was still around when Luffy came to this conclusion, I imagine it’d gotten stuck in Sabo’s instincts to nom with affection. Koala is the first -and only for a long time- person he bites, and she doesn’t question it because “maybe it’s an amnesia thing? Like him not even knowing his name?”, and doesn’t even bring it up. The others only find out once Hack gets bitten for delivering a tired and hungry Sabo a snack after training. “You know I’m not food, right?” “Yeah?” “So then why did you bite me?” “I bite Koala all the time?” “I thought it was an amnesia thing, is it not?” “No, it’s not even really a human thing, with some very age-specific exceptions.” “Huh. Normally, I just feel like biting, so I bite. Normally, it’s a ‘I’m glad you’re here’ or ‘hello/goodbye’ bite. That was a ‘thank you’.” “…all right.”)
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theweirdhybrid · 9 months
Can someone shoot me with a tranq dart strong enough to knock an elephant on its ass because it's 3am and I've been thinking about my own fic about Ace for the past two hours and if I don't stop I'm going to cry again over how I had Sabo and Ace meet for the first time as kids and how I tied that into them meeting again later as adults okay. do you understand. do you understand me. it's a canon-compliant fic. that means that even though they met as adults Ace still died. are you picking up what I am putting down. ARE YOU. because my brain will not stop thinking about it. I'm going to go insane. I am going to go INSANE over Ace's pov of their meeting as adults. someone needs to sedate me right now or I am not going to be able to SHUT UP ABOUT THIS FUCKING FIC THAT ISN'T EVEN FULLY DRAFTED YET
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goose-duck · 7 months
One Piece incorrect quotes :D
Decided to do this bc I have a bunch of quotes in my notes app from my friends
Law: You're like sparkling water...you look sparkly and fun but really you're just disappointing and annoying.
Doflamingo: well, excuse me then??
Sanji: You're so pretty I could stare at your face for hours and never get tired of the view...
Ace: 0///0
Shanks: I know the penis from my heart
Buggy: you know what now?
Shanks:...the penis...from my heart...
Mihawk: I dont...i...what is wrong with you..?
Luffy/Marco/Whitebeard: Why do you need a reason to be loved?
Ace: *bursts into tears*
Koala: That's a weird combination of things you have, a lighter with no lighter fluid and a box cutter in the shape of a flower, what mental illness is this?
Sabo: Depression.
Zoro: *talking about how he'll be the greatest swordsman and beat Mihawk and how strong Mihawk is*
Perona: you're like a fangirl obsessed with their idol...
Luffy: *being chaotic*
Law: is he neurodivergent?
Nami: He probably doesn't even have a neuro to diverge from...
Sign: *do not touch*
Luffy: *trying to touch the thing*
Sanji: luffy, it says "do not touch"
Luffy: yeah yeah I'm only gonna look at it with my hands...
Sanji: luffy!!
Nami: *telling Zoro to go do something*
Zoro: *doesn't do it*
Nami: Zoro...the thing I told you to do..? Is it done?
Zoro: oh...i was supposed to do that?
Sanji: toe eyed cabbage
Zoro: 🤨
news reporter: so, Mihawk, tell us, why did you leave the Cross Guild?
Mihawk: I got bored of listening to people ignore eachother.
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Hello Whery
First I love the recent page
Second, Baby noooo :(
Third (serious): Does Sabo have Schizophrenia, Double personalities disorders or any mental illness? I mean, we can see two types of blue like he is talking to himself but as different persons? If not, I'm sorry for my bad interpretation 😭
Hello Somwhone
Thank you im glad you enjoyed
The baby must suffer.
Nah he’s just talkin to himself👍 You’re completely fine, if you wanna interpret it that way go ahead, im always willing make Sabo more neurodivergent
That man def has ADHD but thats unrelated to the instance youre inquiring about
Thanks for the ask!
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gumpistol · 5 months
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            *** here all character notes ( outside of what's written in his card ) and dash games for Luffy will be linked. more will be added as it is written and links will be updated as needed. things listed without links are currently in progress.
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
I remember a couple things about my parents. This is pretty bad stuff, just as a warning.
They mostly ignored me, for starters. I think the tutors they hired to teach me and the staff did more parenting than they ever really did. My mother was too busy shmoozing other nobles, and my dad was too busy doing business stuff all the time. I was supposed to stay out of his offices. I think my mother forgot my name sometimes. She'd say something close, or she'd blink a few times like she was cycling through information before arriving at the correct name. It was lonely.
The tutors would get annoyed with me for not really being able to follow along with their lessons. I'm like. Pretty sure I was neurodivergent in some way. And it made studying really hard for me. They'd tell my mother I was slacking off, and she would slap me over it. At least one time, she locked me in a room for a couple hours with a stack of books and nothing else. Normally, when the tutors were there, I'd doodle while I worked or while the tutors talked, and they would snatch my paper away and make me fully restart (if it was work) or sit on my hands (if it was lecture).
I liked to draw quite a bit. In the anime, I showed one of my drawings to my father and he ripped it up in front of me and told me to go study. In my memory, this was a multiple-time thing. Eventually, I stopped showing him. Somehow, my mother kept finding them and throwing them away. I started hiding the ones I was proud of because I was scared of losing them. I hid my colors, too.
I think I took a notepad of paper with me when I ran away. To draw on. I don't know if I ever showed Ace or Luffy. I think I would've been too afraid of them ripping it up like my parents did.
-- Sabo (One Piece)
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charkyzombicorn · 2 years
Neurodivergent vibe check, Luffy edition:
Luffy: Wah
Zoro: Fair
Vibe: ✅
Luffy: Wah
Nami: What was that?
Luffy: Wah
Usopp: --luigi
Luffy: Wah
Sanji: Can you at least use words? I don't have time to decifer babbling.
Luffy: Wah
Chopper: Huh--oh! Wah!
Luffy: Wah
Robin: Insightful.
Luffy: Wah
Franky: WAH!!!
Luffy: Wah
Brook: Is that a middle C, my captain?
Luffy: Wah
Jimbe, not looking up: *nods*
Luffy: Wah
Ace & Sabo, both well versed in 'Luffy': Wah
Luffy: *continues doing what he's doing without a word*
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uchiha-simp · 2 years
Hello fellow weebs 💜
Welcome to my (completely unplanned for) tumblr account !
I only made this bc the anime brain rot is too strong, and writing fanfics only for myself and not sharing them is very boring. If I obsess over smthg, then ppl have to suffer with me :)
About me (not that anyone cares)
Call me Yamao. She/her
Been watching anime since I was 5
Obsessed with Naruto and One Piece (tho I do watch other anime dw)
I don’t like molten cheese
I have too many anime husbands
Everything I write is a direct result of a brain rot
Muslim 🌙
My absolute fav ships
Luffy x Hancock
Sanji x Pudding
Mihawk x Hancock
+more, these are just the ones I remember rn.
BTW it doesn’t mean I’m gonna write any fanfics abt them, I just thought it’d be great to let ppl know what I like 😗
What I write about
Fandoms : One Piece, Naruto, Kny…(might write abt others in the future)
Characters : (I write y/n x canon and canon x canon. Might include OCs in the future)
OP boys : I write abt all the attractive ones, but here are my favs : Luffy, Sanji, Mihawk, Doffy, Kaido, Shanks, Ace, Sabo, King, Akainu, Kizaru, etc…
Naruto boys : I’m such an Uchiha simp so I WILL be writing mainly abt Itachi and Sasuke just bc I want to. I also write abt Gaara, Naruto, Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi, Sai, and all the Akatsuki bc they deserve it. I hate Tobirama so he’s the only one I refuse to write abt :)
Kny boys : All the slayers except the blind one and Obanai (I just don’t like him). I also love my demons, so Kokushibo, Muzan, Douma and Akaza are a big YES. Might sprinkle so Yoriichi while I’m at it
Other : Honestly idk yet so if you have smthg to request just shoot your shot, might make it my next obsession 😗
What I write :
Headcannons : I love them so much it’s my fav thing to write
Short fics/one shots : Also love them, might write part 2s or more if I like it
Series : I have one long ass series (the snake & the dragon) I’m working on. I love it too much and I have like 3 arcs planned (it’s abt Sasuke and his kids btw). I’m also down for headcannon series, they’re the best (I have a few ready/planned, more on that down below)
Tropes : anything with angst, domestic AUs, mainly toxicity, yanderes, twisted things and morally bankrupt characters. Mature themes but I’ll put tw don’y worry :)
What I DO NOT write :
Smut is a no no (but I don’t mind anything suggestive as long as it isn’t overly graphic). There are plenty of NSFW writers on here so dw
Anything too lovey dovey. We like fictional toxicity on here, pls and thank you 😗
An idea? Drabbles? A random thought? A trope? JUST SEND IT TO ME DON’T BE SHY
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you wanna talk abt anything manga or if you want to make a detailed request, I love it <33
Writings :
Below is a masterlist of the things that I wrote/am writing/will write.
I just made this acc so if it’s still empty it means that I’m still searching/working on old fics. Tryna get as much content on here as fast as possible so bear with me 😅 (click on the masterlist )
//Yamao’s masterlist✨//
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
About me ♡
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Picrew credit 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ♡ General Facts ♡ - You can call me : Kirarin / Kira sama chan / Rin / Dolly [Your highness is fine too :)] - Sign and MBTI : I(E)NFP and Aries ! - Pronouns : She/her - Age : 22 - You can communicate with me : In French - Arabic - English. English is my third language so I do my best ! - I am a Masters French Language (Literature) student - Fandoms : One Piece - JJK - BNHA 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ♡ Other Facts ♡ - I am bipolar and neurodivergent - My favourite colors are pink and yellow. I love cute stuff. I like Harajuku fashion and will happily discuss it with you ! - My favourite characters to write about are Sabo and Koby. - I'm pansexual - I love language learning and I am currently learning Japanese ! - I also write in french ~ - My inbox and Dms are always open for chatting or discussion :3 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ♡ Selfship ♡ - I selfship with Sabo. I am open to discuss selfship with anyone who is interested. I am okay with other people selfshipping with Sabo as well. Just do whatever makes you happy but please respect my selfship and feelings ♡ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ♡ Get to know me better ? ♡ ♡ You are welcome to ask anything if you're interested. Gush about certain characters, or ask me one of these questions ~ I like games and interacting with my followers ! ♡ Proust's questionnaire~
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