#saffie asks
ecoforesttreehills · 8 months
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aghh ahhhhhh the lesbians are here theyre coming right at you aahhhhhhh agghhggghggh
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1driedpersimmon · 4 months
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Curiouser and curiouser…
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penguin--person · 7 days
u need to be stopped
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nuh uh
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
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RAFFI MUSIKER + seeing Seven of Nine
(S02E06 vs S02E09 vs S03E06)
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sa1808fi · 3 days
finally rewatched tlm2 and been thinking about this scene ever since, but thoughts on Emmet essentially admitting to Rex the second he met him that the reason he's had so much trouble "getting on with the times" and "getting tougher" was because he heavily struggles to cope with change? And secretly really misses how simple living in Bricksburg was, despite now knowing it was a giant brainwashing scheme?
I mean Bricksburg was Emmet's home for a long time. I like to think that it’s also his hometown, where he grew up, so obviously he has a deep attachment to it and would probably be devastated to see it get destroyed.
Emmet is used to the structured lifestyle Bricksburg provided, and unlike other master builders, he actually enjoyed it a lot. So I guess you could say that he's a creature of habit, and he takes comfort in said habits.
Apocalypseburg isn't really an environment he can thrive in, because of how disorganized it seems. There definitely is some weird form of a system, but it's not exactly one that Emmet is the most okay with following.
Now I'm not saying Emmet is incapable or resistant to change. Quite frankly he seemed to adapt to the new environment pretty well, just not in a way that was accepted. (Adding on, he also adapted to being a master builder quickly too, especially considering what his life used to be like)
What people expected was for him to change himself to fit the new lifestyle following the destruction of Bricksburg. But instead of that, Emmet stuck to what he knew, and that was the habits he developed in the years he lived in Brickburg. His first home.
He struggles with the expectation that he has to change everything about himself to make others happy. Really, he only thinks he struggles with change around him. In reality, he can't handle the idea of having to change his personality.
You could consider the house he built for Lucy as a way of him tying himself down in his past, trying to cling to the last remaining vestiges of Bricksburg he could. But it's also him using his new skills to build a future for him and Lucy. One that doesn't have to abide by how he's expected to act.
I think after the first movie and finding out about the brainwashing scheme, he does look back in a bittersweet way instead of just sadness. Even though a lot of his life there ended up being influenced in a way that made everyone obedient to the rules, it was still his home.
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synthville · 2 years
“It’s good to see you.” / “It’s great to be seen.”
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awwordnd · 2 days
All members of the party have some of that tasty tasty trauma. Who would they be right now if that had not happened to them?
Koh: Ateris... would still be a Paladin. Likely pretty high up in the ranks by now too cos she wouldn't have completely broken not only her oath but her complete connection to Helm that threw her to what was starting over as (above table) level 1. So yeah, probably level 20 paladin with a happy healthy adult son.
Dee: I had this answer thought up already. With no accident, Rhaya would’ve never met Norick, or at least wouldn’t take him up on the offer to go to Derlusk. He wouldn’t have the one person who started believing in him. And he would grow up as a fisherman with a small boat to his name. He would be friendly with everyone, and they’d have nothing but good things to say about him. And yet…
Rhaya wouldn’t have anyone he’d consider close. His remaining family would be content to have him out of their hair; one less annoyance for them. No one would’ve supported his dreams of wanderlust and travel, so he stop dreaming. His hometown would only have so many secrets and little wonders, so life would be monotonous. He’d have no one who’d truly understand him, so a deep pit of loneliness would be his companion despite the countless people he knew. Slowly but surely, that light, that drive he would’ve fought so hard to keep alive would be an ember. Thankfully, he’s practiced enough with smiling to hide it all. The tenebrine would live a life that wouldn’t be worthy of a footnote in anyone else’s story. Just waiting for a beginning that will never come.
So in a twist of irony, the day he DID die was the best thing to happen to him. Tough shit, possum.
Foxx: Saffy and his family would have just been random citizens in Yallasch. Saffy probably would have applied to the Magic School, flunked out cuz it was way more complicated than he expected and became a florist. He would've still had Nepeta who would be his little assistant around the shop! He would try and get his siblings to work in the shop with him, but probably only Awsh would stay since she likes doing the books.
Yes, Saffy would still deal weed, but now it would be the super deluxe stuff because he could actually cultivate it.
Midge: Alligan's true trauma all happened in the story, he's got a smidge of trauma from the school kidnappings, but other than that he's A-Okay.
So, I guess still teaching and living happily with Sam?
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cunning-weaver · 2 years
When we get our reunion,
I hope it answers for each of them: Am I real,
am I safe,
am I Ioved?
I hope Raffi says Seven and Seven asks her to say it again
I hope for meaningful eye contact
I hope Seven doesn't play it too cool (at least not once they're alone)
I hope for a desperate, clingy hug that goes overlong -they just linger, breathing each other in
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browzerhistory · 9 months
btw i have not stopped thinking about faith btw. just so you know. its on my mind. in my brain. i just odnt know any thoughts about it.. you know how it is...
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YAYYY SAFFIE!!! and don't worry i'm also always thinking about faith. amy martin haunts my mind like a vaguely annoying poltergeist. knocking shit over and such. producing no coherent words or analysis though
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myopicfascination · 1 year
What do you think will happen in these last two episodes? I’ve been trying to come up with something but I have no idea because their break up seems really final.
So I don’t usually allow myself to think about what will happen, as I like to be surprised or not have expectations going in for shows (mostly).
I think that Seven and Raffi will get back together, but only because Michelle Hurd in interviews seemed to always be confident that we would be happy with the ending.
Though I’m not sure if we will get more than the two of them being relieved they survived it all, looking at each other lovingly, and admitting they have a lot to talk about and need each other in their life. Maybe Raffi inviting them back to the desert! I think this is my realistic version of what will happen.
Do I hope we get more than this? Hell yeah. I want so much more, we all do. It’s been a so long of nothing, two crumbs I feel.
Do I think any amazing ending will make up for the season so far? Absolutely not. Shouldn’t have to watch 8 episodes of a 10 episode season for 2 main characters to interact in a meaningful way.
But I do believe in Michelle, so hope we get something in the end at least. Then I’d be happy with another audio drama or some books/comics with them. (Hopefully that fixes a lot of season 3 or explains the characters actions in a realistic way)
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ecoforesttreehills · 1 year
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penguin--person · 6 months
Boy why you having a character arc on my poll
WUEGHHH SNIFFLE!!!! AUGHHHHH !!! Saff... save me saff
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
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the way this shot is the closest we'll ever get to seeing seven and raffi in bed together
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sa1808fi · 10 months
Headcanon that Emmet was kind of like a less toxic REX when he was younger, but hid that part of himself to fit in.
OH! I feel like this would fit more under being an AU, but it’s still a pretty cool headcanon.
Emmet and his desires to fit in and have friends would make him change himself and follow the instructions more to not feel left out.
His 'Rex personality' probably didn't match up, or follow the instructions. And because the general population of Bricksburg follow them, they would think that his way of thinking and acting was weird, and just ended up avoiding him because of that.
Now we are still talking about Emmet, so this avoidance would cause him to attempt to change himself to fit in more. Rex was damn good at changing himself from Emmet to be unrecognisable, so who's to say he wasn't as good at flipping his personality to be as generic as possible.
Even if it worked a little too well
And then during the apocalypse, he doesn't revert back to that personality because he thinks knows that his friends need a bit of positivity in their life when going through these tough times. So he continues giving them reassurance, telling them they're awesome, even if he keeps getting put down for his attitude.
In the original timeline where Rex crashes into Undar. The abandonment is going to hit even harder, because he changed himself once to fit in with everyone, but then after a while they want him to change again. The wonders that's doing to his mental state.
So eventually when he snaps, he decides to go back to his first (and i guess default) personality, just this time it's a bit more toxic after going through the things he has.
Yeah, fun headcanon!
Has a lot of potential for tons of scenarios! I just tend to think of angst first.
I might write a little something for this at some point.
Just a little mini thought.
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curator-on-ao3 · 2 years
“ why can’t i come with you? ”  for raffi, seven and elnor! your fics are fantastic btw!
You are so kind, anon! 💕 Thank you! I hope you’re in the mood for some extreme fluff because, with that question as a prompt for those three characters, I simply had to go for a super-duper happy story.
For those who prefer AO3:
For those who prefer to read here:
The Paperwork Witness
It’s obvious that Elnor notices when Seven and Raffi can’t help but whisper about their plans, a poorly concealed giggle here, a shush there — Seven usually the one shushing, Raffi’s excitement too contagious for them both.
It’s been a happy coincidence that Starfleet kept the three of them on Earth as Seven trains and Elnor completes post-graduate courses. Raffi splits her time between duties at headquarters and socializing at the Starfleet housing tower where Seven was assigned a room that just happens to be on the other side of a common area from Elnor’s room. As if Starfleet — cold, uncaring Starfleet — somehow knew that Seven could use a friend to meet in the common area to share his knowledge of Starfleet’s training quirks, as well as a partner to be there when Seven and Elnor both want to talk about duty or fun or just … life.
And while the trio always separates at nighttime with Raffi and Seven staying together and Elnor going to his room, they know each other well enough as a group that Elnor’s eyebrows rise at a change in routine — Raffi stepping into the common area entryway earlier than usual, Seven immediately standing to leave with Raffi — and he asks, “Where are you two going?”
Seven’s shoulder brushes Raffi’s, their fingers lacing. “Starfleet business.”
It’s true.
Elnor rises from his chair, steps toward them, congenial, friendly. “I’ll accompany you.”
Raffi’s head shakes. She and Seven have discussed this. Just the two of them, that’s what Raffi wants and Seven agreed.
And Elnor doesn’t seem offended by Raffi’s head shake �� that’s not in his nature — but, despite his time on Earth, Elnor still tends to expect a certain level of candor, so he asks the obvious question: “Why can’t I come with you?”
“Honey,” Raffi’s voice is soft, her gaze gentle with affection for Elnor, “it’s just a bunch of paperwork.”
Elnor’s forehead furrows, confusion, and Seven … Seven doesn’t want to tell even a lie of omission to Elnor, and, yes, she and Raffi wanted to do this on their own, but Seven’s hand tugs at Raffi’s and there’s a quick discussion comprised of glances and head tilts, the secret language of beloveds and deeply trusteds, then two soft sighs of agreement and they turn to face Elnor again.
Raffi begins: “Elnor, we’re going to the Personnel Office …”
Seven continues: “… to name each other as next of kin, medical contact, and all that before I get my first Starfleet assignment …”
Raffi finishes: “… so you’re not really going to miss anything but some signatures.”
There are a few silent seconds of consideration. Elnor has always been a deep thinker. Then a grin spreads across his face — bright eyes, lifted lips, a chin tilt of satisfaction. “You’re getting married?”
Oh, that grin must be contagious.
“Sort of.” Raffi’s hand squeezes Seven’s. “We — I — didn’t want a wedding. It didn’t feel right without Cris there. Maybe someday. But, for now: paperwork.”
There’s that pause of deep thought again, and Elnor’s head bows slightly as if in prayer, one of the many small reminders of his upbringing among the nuns. “I respect your wishes to complete your paperwork alone. I will be honored to witness your wedding when the time is right.”
And Seven can’t do this, can’t leave Elnor out when this is a wedding — not a party, but something legal and meaningful and important. She turns toward Raffi, belly filling with breath to speak, to argue, but Seven doesn’t have to fight this battle. The secret language of glances and head tilts is even faster this time, and Raffi nods for Seven to be the one to say it.
“Elnor,” Seven’s chest lightens with happiness, “would you mind coming along to witness our paperwork?”
And it’s not just Elnor’s grin that is contagious. His smile — so pure and dazzling — flows to Raffi, then to Seven, and the trio set out to the Personnel Office, and Seven … with her next-of-kin-to-be on one side and her witness on the other … Seven can’t help but feel like a bride.
Send me an ask with character(s) and a prompt and I’ll do my best to write you a little something in a not-so-secret language. ❤️
✨ All prompted Picard ficlets are also available on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43315549/chapters/108880510 ✨
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isassifras · 2 years
Hello!! I just wanted to say that I read your Undertale fic "the last mage" last night, and I absolutely loved it!!!
I was a bit skeptical at first but it absolutely pulled me in as I read more, I love how you wrote Iris & the other characters, and the plot was pretty clever and a very interesting idea! And it was very fun to make the choices and find the dialogue Easter eggs
I got the starshine ending on my first go, and I'll admit I haven't checked out the other routes, but damn that ending was everything I had hoped for and more!! It made me so happy that everyone got a happy ending (well, except Asgore. Rip) and I loved the relationship with Sans and how it progressed so so much.
It has absolutely become one of my favourite fics ever, and I am going to treasure it forever. So, thank you so much for writing such an amazing fic.
And a side note, the cover art was indeed absolutely gorgeous! And it helped having an image of iris in my head I read. You've a very talented friend and it's so great you've commissioned them to draw such a stunning piece.
P.s I may have accidentally sent an ask before this by accident, as I wasn't finished typing. I don't think ive even got past "hello!!" So uh woops? I'm sorry, and I would very much appreciate it if you ignore that & delete it (especially since it may have turned off anon, this is a alt blog anyway, but I'm especially shy 😅)
Oh my gosh thank you so much for saying so!! I very sincerely enjoyed writing it even though I knew it wouldn't be everyone's first choice of something to read, so I'm very pleased you gave it a chance! Iris is still one of my favorite reader characters I've ever written and I had such a blast writing the Undertale cast. Starshine is my personal favorite ending and even though it's kind of strange that Undertale in general has a Thing™️ about not reading the other routes, it's kind of unique to the fandom and a precious sort of meta-trust to just leave the other routes as they are despite the fact that we know all the characters are fictional. I wrote the thing and I still only re-read starshine when I read it! I'm so so pleased that you took such a liking to my fic and it's such an honor and so lovely to hear that it's one of your favorites, you have no idea how encouraging that is and how long that sticks with a writer, no matter how big or how small their following, we come back to comments like these on good days and bad ones and just remember that somewhere out there there's someone who took a chance on a fic they were skeptical of and now it's one of their favorites and a treasured memory and if that's not motivation to keep writing - what is? I'll definitely pass on your comments about the cover too!! I'm lucky to have such a talented friend in the Undertale artist community haha she's just so good! And you're right, having that image of Iris definitely helps when having a named reader since it's a little out of the ordinary for a second-person perspective story! P.S. No problem haha you're all good - sometimes people "test" my mailboxes by dropping a greeting or something first to see if it works and then leave a longer ask, so I answered it right away, but I deleted it since you requested me to! 💗
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