#sage marigold
sae-mian · 1 year
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biting is a valid way to greet your friends, actually
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
ft. @imyour-marigold's Sage (─‿‿─)♡
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protagonist-art · 5 months
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i may have problems and issues 🥳
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ghostsessioned · 6 months
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i want to do everything !
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not her type but other oc interested
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charlesreeza · 1 year
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Rudbeckia in my humble pollinator garden, now in its third year
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ticklemerainbows · 3 months
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full house.
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cecils-dragons · 2 years
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FINALLY! Finished off the portraits of the dads of Ever Autumn. I’m now gonna work on the ranking thing now :3 heehoo I love charts and rankings.
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agentwashingcat · 1 year
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Name: Ayla Marigold
Pronouns: She/they
Race: Half wood elf
Class: Rogue - Arcane trickster
Background: Sage
Romance: Gale
Personality: Friendly and affable. Due to increasing isolation as a teenager, developed a bit of a people pleasing streak, especially amongst friends and family. Will 100% commit to the bit and doesn’t think twice about using her rogue deception skills against other scoundrels and thieves. Due to her upbringing is generally wary of humans, and takes longer to warm up to them than to others. Endlessly curious and sometimes ends up in places she shouldn’t be because of it.
Backstory: Born to a wood elf mother and a human father, Ayla was primarily raised in the Cloak wood south of Baldur’s gate. Their childhood was relatively happy, although she grew increasingly discontented as she matured and her peers around her did not. Shortly after her 20th birthday they decided to leave and explore the world.
She ended up in Baldur’s Gate, spending much of her time reading and learning everything she couldn’t learn in the forest. While there they met up with their father, who taught them everything they knew about being a rogue. Unfortunately it ended badly when he left her high and dry after a job went wrong. They escaped, but was left with a sour taste in her mouth. She hadn't yet decided on what to do next when she was taken by the nautiloid, which quickly decided their path for them.
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Sometimes, something doesn’t turn out quite right. In the spirit of Bob Ross’ wisdom, we don’t call these “mistakes,” we call them “Happy Little Soaps," and we offer them in discounted bundles.
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fernfolly · 1 year
Got toes & nails done today and now I’m soaking in a protection herbal bath. Vegas tomorrow! 🖤
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13thalcoragent · 2 years
Immortal Hearts
Weiss awoke with a start with bats fluttering in her stomach. It was the day of the covenant ceremony - the day she'd always dreamed of. Weiss had barely slept the night before and she knew her eyelids must have been droopy. Weiss splashed water on them to try to revive her face. she drank her coffee and paid pleasantries to her family. But she couldn't even call Neptune. Weiss knew he was lying in his coffin - like she would be only a day from now. Her life would finally be different.
Weiss called Pyrrha and she tried to calm her nerves. Weiss paced and watched the clock. When would the sun set? Why was it taking so long? She decided to try to enjoy her last hours of sunlight and hung outside on a swing set, soaking in the last few rays. But Weiss was still preoccupied by the sun's slow descent. The minutes seemed like an eternity.
Neptune was going to take care of all the covenant altar amenities, and Pyrrha and Luna were going to meet Weiss at the cemetery with a basket of black roses.
Weiss was usually late to school, but for this she was early. Neither Pyrrha's truck nor Neptune's Mercedes were parked at the cemetery yet. Weiss did her best to climb the fence and not snag any of the lace or seams of her dress. Once she was safely over, she breathed in the cool night air and took in her surroundings as if she were in the cemetery for the first time.
The tombstones seemed to be welcoming her, and the stars appeared to have an extra twinkle. Weiss felt a warmth come over her as if she was doing what she was meant to be doing her whole life. She'd waited for this moment since she was a little girl, so Weiss took in the sights and sounds around her. It was quiet and eerie, and the crisp night air gave her an extra chill. She was loving it. This was her night. Their night. And she felt like she couldn't get to the altar fast enough.
Glistening candles began to illuminate her way to Neptune's grandmother's monument, and her heart was beating in overdrive with excitement. Next to the statuesque monument was the enchanting covenant altar. It was spectacular. Dozens of candles lay in a circle around it. Ivy wound itself through the dark wrought-iron trestle. A black coffin lay underneath with a lit candelabra and two pewter goblets. Weiss only needed Neptune.
And then she saw him: a dark-haired figure with his back toward her in the distance just behind one of the sides of the trestle. He must have been making the final touches for their ceremony. Weiss raced over to him. She took a deep breath. This was the moment she'd waited for all her life.
When she reached Neptune, he turned around.
Weiss gasped in horror. Brown eyes were staring back at her. It couldn't be. Not tonight. Not this night.
Henry Marigold was as gothed up as she was. His normally unique-blue hair was newly dyed jet black and was gelled up and spiky. Several silver-studded earrings flashed from his earlobes. His fingernails were painted black. And he wore a menacing grin.
He leaned on the trestle as if he owned the cemetery. "It's what you've always wanted, Monster Girl." Weiss was stunned. First of all, she was expecting Neptune. And second, not in her wildest imagination was she ever expecting to see Henry Marigold dressed this way. Henry was hot and seductive. Part of the attraction she had felt for him before had been that they were opposites. However, with him staring back at her while dressed like a gorgeous goth, it was hard for her to take her eyes off him. But as attractive as he was, he wasn't the reason she was here.
"What are you doing here?" Weiss asked. "Where is Neptune?"
"That isn't important now."
"You need to leave. Like now," Weiss urged.
"I'm right where I need to be," he said.
"How did you know about this?" Weiss asked.
"I have my sources."
Weiss paused. Who could have told him? Pyrrha, but she wasn't even here yet. Sage? Did he have loose lips after all? "You don't even know what this is about," Weiss challenged him.
"I do," he said confidently. "It's about becoming a vampire."
"What?" Weiss was even more shocked. And slightly frightened that Henry knew why she was here.
He grinned down at me. "It's why Sun took you up on the altar - and Miltanie did with Sage. It's about bonding with another for eternity. On sacred ground. And this place is sacred enough for a hundred humans to turn into vampires."
Weiss was even more taken aback by his knowledge of the evening. "Who told you that?" Weiss asked.
"I told you, I have my resources. Or, rather, vampires."
"Ruby?" Weiss wondered. She wasn't likely to tell. Or was she? "But she didn't even know about tonight."
"Look what I've done for you." He rolled up his black sleeve. It was a tattoo of a snowflake.
"It's permanent," he said. "And I'm hoping we'll be, too."
Weiss stared at his tattoo. What was Henry doing? And what was he suggesting?
"What are you doing here?" Weiss yelled. "Trying to ruin my night?"
"No," he said. "Trying to make it last forever."
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Weiss shouted. "You aren't even a vampire!" Then his fangs flashed in the full moonlight.
Weiss gasped again and stepped back. "No...this can't be! You can't be."
She was living a nightmare. Henry Marigold, her nemesis, a vampire? And they were standing together on sacred ground.
Weiss picked up her dress and inched back. "Who turned you?" Weiss asked, breathless.
"That doesn't matter now. It's time to be talking about us. You and me. And eternity."
"There is no you and me!" Wiess stepped back again, but he drew closer.
"I think there is." He took her arm and pulled her in to him and laid a riveting kiss on her. Weiss was shocked and, for a moment, lost in the embrace. She felt like it had more than a year ago when he kissed her on the lawn of the Mansion on Halloween and several times before. He knew how to kiss and make a girl feel happy against his lips, but it was hard to see into his soul - if he had one. Tonight Weiss felt something even deeper. She really felt in his lips that there was something more to his feelings than trying to seduce the goth girl. Weiss felt that he loved her.
Weiss wanted him to leave. She had assumed the Xiongs might have disrupted their evening, but she'd forgotten about the bigger threat - Henry Marigold. Though he was attractive and they had a lifelong connection, Weiss was angry and sad for him that he was spoiling her big night. On her end, she was kissing the Monster good-bye.
Weiss pushed his face away from her.
It was the one night she'd thought she didn't need my garlic. Weiss didn't have anything to defend myself but me. she had to get him off of her and escape this situation. Weiss kicked him in the shins as hard as she could. They must have taken a beating over the years of playing soccer, because he winced in pain and drew back, though he kept a tight hold of her arm.
Weiss bared my teeth and was ready to bite at his arm when she saw a commotion by the tomb.
"I thought you were waiting for me-" Pyrrha said as she approached the altar with Jaune at her side.
"I am! This is Henry!" Weiss yelled to her. "Not Neptune."
Weiss heard her gasp. "No, it can't be!"
Luna emerged, holding her black satin basket of flowers. "I told Neptune he couldn't trust that guy! What is he doing up there?"
"What is he doing here?" Vibrant red hair came out from the shadows by the tomb. Ruby's angry face matched the color of her hair.
Weiss was surprised to see Ruby. It was one thing to see Jaune, but Henry and now Ruby, too?
"This was supposed to be private," Weiss mumbled. "What is going on?"
"Why is Henry up there with you?" Ruby asked Weiss.
A surprised Sage stepped out, too, into the moonlight along with Yang.
"He's a vampire," Weiss said to her, "and now he plans to turn me."
"No-" Ruby said. "It's not true! Don't listen to him!"
Henry gripped Weiss even harder.
"Then if you didn't, who did?" Weiss asked her.
Just then a pink-haired girl stepped out of the shadows.
"Miltanie!" Weiss said. "You never quit, do you!"
She seemed shocked to see Henry up at the altar, just as Weiss was shocked to see everyone here at the cemetery.
"But I do!" Miltanie said. "I don't know what you're talking about. Why is Henry here?" Junior had been holding her hand, but then he moved away. "You turned him?"
"Of course not!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her. "I thought she was going to be here with Neptune." Sun and Scarlet appeared, too, seemingly shocked by Henry and Weiss at the covenant altar.
Henry continued to grip Weiss. She didn't feel the physical pain of his grasp as much as the emotional one of him threatening to bite her.
"Well, he's a vampire now and thinks he's going to turn me!" Weiss shouted to them.
"No." Pyrrha said. "She was waiting for Neptune!"
"You can't do that!" Sage yelled to Henry.
"This got out of hand!" Pyrrha said. "I'm sorry, Weiss, I only told Jaune about tonight."
"Well, word travels fast in a small town, Monster Girl," Henry said, drawing Weiss close to his side.
"Let go," Weiss said to him, "or I'll be going for your throat!"
Henry looked at his new audience - who were only a few yards away. It was hard to make them out from the flickering lights surrounding them. But when her eyes adjusted, it was clear to Weiss. Everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do. Her nemesis was brimming with confidence and pride. Then he looked at Weiss. "I'm going to prove to you and everyone else that it's me you really want."
Henry grinned madly and showed his fangs. He leaned back, ready to bite her neck. Weiss was ready to kick, punch, and scratch her way out when she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Sun and Sage rushing toward them.
All of a sudden a force from behind Weiss pushed through them, and Henry was thrown a few yards away from her and was lying by a tombstone as she fell back on the ground.
Weiss looked up when a strong hand reached out to her. On it was a familiar ring.
She was overcome with emotion. "Neptune!" Weiss exclaimed.
He appeared out of the night, shined a brilliant smile, and took her hand. Neptune was as gorgeous as she'd ever seen him. His cobalt hair flopped over his blue eyes and hung down seductively. He was a magnetic presence in a dark silk suit, orange tie, and matching pocket handkerchief. He helped Weiss to her feet and gazed at her in her dress.
He really examined her and lit up with delight. "You are breathtaking," he said. "I couldn't have imagined you any more beautiful than you are now."
Weiss was so pleased with his reaction and stared up at the handsome vampire before her.
"Are you okay?" Neptune asked.
"I am now," Weiss said, squeezing his hand.
"It was supposed to be just us," he said with a sweet smile as Sun and Sage returned to the watching crowd.
"I know. I guess everyone found out. But there was one person who I didn't ever think would be here." We both looked to Henry, who had just gotten back on his feet.
"Don't even think about it." Neptune said to him angrily. Then he looked at me with soft and engaging eyes. "I have had just about enough of other guys trying to turn you, Weiss. There is only one vampire who will," he said confidently. "The one who you were always meant for - me." Weiss melted inside. Neptune was as dreamy as ever.
"I want to ask you one more time," he said, pulling Weiss close. "Is this what you truly want?"
"Yes!" Weiss assured him.
"It's not too late to turn back," he said.
"Don't even think about it."
He smiled an alluring smile. Weiss could think of nothing else but being with him forever.
Her hands began to shake, but Neptune took them in his and drew her closer still.
"No!" Henry cried. "Don't!" He fell to his knees, his right hand opening, revealing two fake fangs.
Henry hadn't been turned. Weiss should have known. He was just trying to stop her from being with Neptune.
For a moment, Weiss felt for her nemesis, who had tried to declare his love for her and prove to everyone that it was he whom she belonged with. But she didn't belong with him. And that kiss that they had just shared was, for her, a kiss good-bye.
Weiss glanced at the crowd of friends all warmly watching her. Pyrrha, with joyful tears in her eyes, leaning against a handsome Jaune; Sage, with his arm around Yang; Miltanie, holding hands with Junior. Ruby looked as happy for them as she was angry at Henry. Sun, whose elbow rested on Scarlet's shoulder, gave them a friendly nod. Then she saw a familiar threesome: her brother, Whitley, with his best friend, Oscar, and a grinning, adorable Luna.
Neptune nodded to his sister, and she and Pyrrha came toward them. Luna sprinkled the flowers around them and the coffin, and Pyrrha helped Weiss fan out her dress. Then they both stepped back.
Neptune said a few beautiful words in Romanian, and they both sipped from the goblet.
Then Weiss gazed up at Neptune - her gothic prince, her knight of the night. Her true love.
He looked into her eyes and she knew the time was right. This moment they both were ready. And they both beamed happily.
"I will love you for all of eternity," he said.
He gently brushed a few strands of hair away from her shoulder. Chills danced along her flesh from his touch. He smiled and drew her close, then leaned in to Weiss. He slid his fangs against her neck ever so slowly, causing her heart to race in anticipation. Then, as if they were always meant to be there, his fangs gently pierced her neck. They slid into her flesh like a thousand kisses on wanton lips. It was as if he was breathing new life into her veins. Weiss felt euphoria soar through her whole being. Her skin tingled, her senses were heightened, her heart flooded with love. Then, when he drew her blood as his own, Weiss could feel him breathe her into him. It was truly magical, like he was drinking in her soul. Weiss couldn't have imagined such an amazing feeling and here it was, coursing through her every cell. They were finally one. Weiss wasn't undead. In fact, she felt more alive than she ever had before.
Weiss was electrified. She was filled with true love.
He smiled a brilliant smile and licked the remaining blood from his lips. Weiss could smell it. It was sweet, like honey. And suddenly she craved his blood, as if in his veins flowed the most delicious nourishment.
He squeezed her hands affectionately, and he then leaned in to her again and they kissed for an eternity. They both were consumed with bliss.
As they drew apart, Weiss realized she could hear noises that she hadn't detected before, the sounds of birds and bats far away. The moonlight was brighter than she remembered, and she could feel it dancing on her skin. And she could see through the night - dusk instead of complete darkness - trees and tombstones once out of view after sunset were now visible.
Weiss slid her tongue gently along my teeth and she felt something she'd never felt before - two pointy fangs. Weiss was overcome with joy.
Neptune and Weiss were connected in a much deeper way than they ever had been. She was truly bonded to him, as if their two hearts beat in rhythm and their blood circulated in harmony. It was like being one. They embraced, and then he held her in his arms. Weiss melted against him and gazed into his dreamy eyes as he joyously gazed back into hers, cherishing what he did for her - what he did for them.
They turned back to their friends and family, who appeared as happy for her as she was. Weiss knew she was the same person - but she was transformed. Weiss was now a vampire.
Once again she remembered the time her kindergarten teacher had asked me what she wanted to be when she grew up and Weiss had told her emphatically, "A vampire." If only she could see her now.
This was the life she'd always wanted and the life she was thirsting to live. And Weiss couldn't wait to begin it as a vampire in the Mansion on top of Cherryton Hill with her true love, her handsome and mysterious vampire, Neptune Vasilias, for all of eternity.
The End
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sae-mian · 1 year
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What's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? Every minute and every hour, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more.
commission that's been DEVOURING my brain for @imyour-marigold, FINALLY complete (♡‿♡)
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ghostsessioned · 9 months
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take a mental picture catch you in the perfect light.
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tenpolegardener · 3 months
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June in the garden
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I have thyme, sage, marigolds; the thyme and sage flowers are beautiful.
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My cherry bush tree is making a comeback.
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cselandscapearchitect · 10 months
Creating a Colorful and Biodiverse Garden: Companion Planting with Firecracker Penstemon
Welcome to our gardening blog, where we explore creative and sustainable ways to enhance the beauty and biodiversity of your outdoor space. Today, we’re excited to delve into the world of companion planting with Penstemon eatonii, commonly known as Firecracker Penstemon. This stunning native plant with its fiery red blooms can bring a burst of color and attract beneficial wildlife to your garden.…
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ticklemerainbows · 6 months
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