#henry marigold
hadesisqueer · 2 years
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rwbybutincorrect · 2 years
Henry: Have I done something to offend you?
Weiss: Only every time I see you.
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If we absolutely have to have the Token Abusive Ex-Boyfriend plot, I wonder if it'd be better to give that arc to Weiss. Give her some high-society sleazebag ex to clash with after returning to Atlas, and let Blake and Adam's conflict be ideological instead of the nonsense we got about how racism is solved by stabbing an incel.
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shinobirain24 · 11 months
Iceberg - If Beacon Never Fell
Weiss was waiting in front of the courtyard for a date she was asked out for. While awaiting for the boy of her dreams. There is someone showing up in front of her, but not her date. She felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Miss Schnee." No, it wasn't the person she was expecting. But someone she knew from her past. It was a young man her age dressed in a suit and vest. Presenting her with a huge bouquet of roses, lilies and carnations.
"Henry Marigold, what are you doing here? In front of Beacon Academy? You're not a huntsman student, in fact, you don't have any training." Weiss scoffed.
"Just here to pick you up. I had been waiting to ask you to come to dinner with me." Henry smiled as he knelt down, expecting Weiss to say yes to the invitation.
But to his dismay, she frowned and sighed, "No way." Henry shook his head and went wide-eyed.
"B-but... " Henry collected his thoughts and became very insistent. "Hey, look. You are alone and won't be able to find someone like me. Face it, you and I are in the same circle. Forget these low-lifes of Beacon and come with me."
Henry then grabbed her hand, and Weiss quickly snatched it back from him. And steps backwards. "I SAID NO!"
"Snow Angel, are you okay? I thought I heard something." Neptune came just in time with a single white rose in his hand and a box of chocolates. Weiss is relieved that her real knight in shining armor arrived.
"And who is this guy?" Neptune asked. Turning to Henry, thinking he is bothering Weiss. And would do anything to protect her.
"He's been bothering me no matter how many times I told him no."
To show Henry their point, Neptune then narrowed his eyes and told him off. "Listen, man. If a lady says no, she means no. Besides, you don't know a thing about her." Neptune lightly pushes Henry away from Weiss and stands next to her.
Neptune then knelt down and held up a one rose and chocolates. It was just a single rose. But it was enough for Weiss to feel enamored towards Neptune even more. Weiss takes the rose from Neptune and smiles.
"Neptune... " Weiss said, dreamily. Henry stood shocked. He has 100 flowers on a bouquet. But Weiss chose the rose from Neptune.
"Shall we, my Queen?" Neptune stood up and offers Weiss his hand. Weiss happily takes it. "Of course." Then Weiss held onto his arms and walked with Neptune. It was a total loss for Henry.
"What? You and that loser? Why him?!"
Then Cardin came out in front of Henry and shouted out. "Hey everyone! This guy asked Weiss Schnee on a date and got totally rejected!" But it was only because Cardin hates Marigold for being a show off with money and his father for shading dealings as Jacques Schnee wasn't the only one who dealt with backlash. Everyone present in the courtyard heard it and laughed at him.
Henry stood frozen. Embarrassed and in the state of shock. Sun then puts an arm around Henry and said to him, "Man, girls must really hate you. You may have the looks and the money, but you have no soul, whatsoever."
Ruby joins Sun, as she also sees the kind of person Henry is. "I know, right?!" Ruby laughed.
The next day, after a wonderful date to the movies, Weiss and Neptune held hands together as they were no longer afraid to become a couple. Two teens from different classes fell in love. Neither could care less of what either of their families would say. But Neptune's father did approve by the time they coincidentally met him around the city.
Whispers can be heard. Some agreed on how good they are together. Others disagree because of different backgrounds or the outcome of the relationship. But Weiss and Neptune are too busy being happy with each other to care.
Weiss confidently kissed Neptune on the cheek. Neptune smiled back as he continued to walk with her.
Nora, who sees the couple, fist pumps in joy. "YES! I knew those two would end up together!" She shouted in joy.
Author's note: Nora is a shipper and predicted Neptune and Weiss becoming a couple.
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13thalcoragent · 2 years
Immortal Hearts
Weiss awoke with a start with bats fluttering in her stomach. It was the day of the covenant ceremony - the day she'd always dreamed of. Weiss had barely slept the night before and she knew her eyelids must have been droopy. Weiss splashed water on them to try to revive her face. she drank her coffee and paid pleasantries to her family. But she couldn't even call Neptune. Weiss knew he was lying in his coffin - like she would be only a day from now. Her life would finally be different.
Weiss called Pyrrha and she tried to calm her nerves. Weiss paced and watched the clock. When would the sun set? Why was it taking so long? She decided to try to enjoy her last hours of sunlight and hung outside on a swing set, soaking in the last few rays. But Weiss was still preoccupied by the sun's slow descent. The minutes seemed like an eternity.
Neptune was going to take care of all the covenant altar amenities, and Pyrrha and Luna were going to meet Weiss at the cemetery with a basket of black roses.
Weiss was usually late to school, but for this she was early. Neither Pyrrha's truck nor Neptune's Mercedes were parked at the cemetery yet. Weiss did her best to climb the fence and not snag any of the lace or seams of her dress. Once she was safely over, she breathed in the cool night air and took in her surroundings as if she were in the cemetery for the first time.
The tombstones seemed to be welcoming her, and the stars appeared to have an extra twinkle. Weiss felt a warmth come over her as if she was doing what she was meant to be doing her whole life. She'd waited for this moment since she was a little girl, so Weiss took in the sights and sounds around her. It was quiet and eerie, and the crisp night air gave her an extra chill. She was loving it. This was her night. Their night. And she felt like she couldn't get to the altar fast enough.
Glistening candles began to illuminate her way to Neptune's grandmother's monument, and her heart was beating in overdrive with excitement. Next to the statuesque monument was the enchanting covenant altar. It was spectacular. Dozens of candles lay in a circle around it. Ivy wound itself through the dark wrought-iron trestle. A black coffin lay underneath with a lit candelabra and two pewter goblets. Weiss only needed Neptune.
And then she saw him: a dark-haired figure with his back toward her in the distance just behind one of the sides of the trestle. He must have been making the final touches for their ceremony. Weiss raced over to him. She took a deep breath. This was the moment she'd waited for all her life.
When she reached Neptune, he turned around.
Weiss gasped in horror. Brown eyes were staring back at her. It couldn't be. Not tonight. Not this night.
Henry Marigold was as gothed up as she was. His normally unique-blue hair was newly dyed jet black and was gelled up and spiky. Several silver-studded earrings flashed from his earlobes. His fingernails were painted black. And he wore a menacing grin.
He leaned on the trestle as if he owned the cemetery. "It's what you've always wanted, Monster Girl." Weiss was stunned. First of all, she was expecting Neptune. And second, not in her wildest imagination was she ever expecting to see Henry Marigold dressed this way. Henry was hot and seductive. Part of the attraction she had felt for him before had been that they were opposites. However, with him staring back at her while dressed like a gorgeous goth, it was hard for her to take her eyes off him. But as attractive as he was, he wasn't the reason she was here.
"What are you doing here?" Weiss asked. "Where is Neptune?"
"That isn't important now."
"You need to leave. Like now," Weiss urged.
"I'm right where I need to be," he said.
"How did you know about this?" Weiss asked.
"I have my sources."
Weiss paused. Who could have told him? Pyrrha, but she wasn't even here yet. Sage? Did he have loose lips after all? "You don't even know what this is about," Weiss challenged him.
"I do," he said confidently. "It's about becoming a vampire."
"What?" Weiss was even more shocked. And slightly frightened that Henry knew why she was here.
He grinned down at me. "It's why Sun took you up on the altar - and Miltanie did with Sage. It's about bonding with another for eternity. On sacred ground. And this place is sacred enough for a hundred humans to turn into vampires."
Weiss was even more taken aback by his knowledge of the evening. "Who told you that?" Weiss asked.
"I told you, I have my resources. Or, rather, vampires."
"Ruby?" Weiss wondered. She wasn't likely to tell. Or was she? "But she didn't even know about tonight."
"Look what I've done for you." He rolled up his black sleeve. It was a tattoo of a snowflake.
"It's permanent," he said. "And I'm hoping we'll be, too."
Weiss stared at his tattoo. What was Henry doing? And what was he suggesting?
"What are you doing here?" Weiss yelled. "Trying to ruin my night?"
"No," he said. "Trying to make it last forever."
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Weiss shouted. "You aren't even a vampire!" Then his fangs flashed in the full moonlight.
Weiss gasped again and stepped back. "No...this can't be! You can't be."
She was living a nightmare. Henry Marigold, her nemesis, a vampire? And they were standing together on sacred ground.
Weiss picked up her dress and inched back. "Who turned you?" Weiss asked, breathless.
"That doesn't matter now. It's time to be talking about us. You and me. And eternity."
"There is no you and me!" Wiess stepped back again, but he drew closer.
"I think there is." He took her arm and pulled her in to him and laid a riveting kiss on her. Weiss was shocked and, for a moment, lost in the embrace. She felt like it had more than a year ago when he kissed her on the lawn of the Mansion on Halloween and several times before. He knew how to kiss and make a girl feel happy against his lips, but it was hard to see into his soul - if he had one. Tonight Weiss felt something even deeper. She really felt in his lips that there was something more to his feelings than trying to seduce the goth girl. Weiss felt that he loved her.
Weiss wanted him to leave. She had assumed the Xiongs might have disrupted their evening, but she'd forgotten about the bigger threat - Henry Marigold. Though he was attractive and they had a lifelong connection, Weiss was angry and sad for him that he was spoiling her big night. On her end, she was kissing the Monster good-bye.
Weiss pushed his face away from her.
It was the one night she'd thought she didn't need my garlic. Weiss didn't have anything to defend myself but me. she had to get him off of her and escape this situation. Weiss kicked him in the shins as hard as she could. They must have taken a beating over the years of playing soccer, because he winced in pain and drew back, though he kept a tight hold of her arm.
Weiss bared my teeth and was ready to bite at his arm when she saw a commotion by the tomb.
"I thought you were waiting for me-" Pyrrha said as she approached the altar with Jaune at her side.
"I am! This is Henry!" Weiss yelled to her. "Not Neptune."
Weiss heard her gasp. "No, it can't be!"
Luna emerged, holding her black satin basket of flowers. "I told Neptune he couldn't trust that guy! What is he doing up there?"
"What is he doing here?" Vibrant red hair came out from the shadows by the tomb. Ruby's angry face matched the color of her hair.
Weiss was surprised to see Ruby. It was one thing to see Jaune, but Henry and now Ruby, too?
"This was supposed to be private," Weiss mumbled. "What is going on?"
"Why is Henry up there with you?" Ruby asked Weiss.
A surprised Sage stepped out, too, into the moonlight along with Yang.
"He's a vampire," Weiss said to her, "and now he plans to turn me."
"No-" Ruby said. "It's not true! Don't listen to him!"
Henry gripped Weiss even harder.
"Then if you didn't, who did?" Weiss asked her.
Just then a pink-haired girl stepped out of the shadows.
"Miltanie!" Weiss said. "You never quit, do you!"
She seemed shocked to see Henry up at the altar, just as Weiss was shocked to see everyone here at the cemetery.
"But I do!" Miltanie said. "I don't know what you're talking about. Why is Henry here?" Junior had been holding her hand, but then he moved away. "You turned him?"
"Of course not!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her. "I thought she was going to be here with Neptune." Sun and Scarlet appeared, too, seemingly shocked by Henry and Weiss at the covenant altar.
Henry continued to grip Weiss. She didn't feel the physical pain of his grasp as much as the emotional one of him threatening to bite her.
"Well, he's a vampire now and thinks he's going to turn me!" Weiss shouted to them.
"No." Pyrrha said. "She was waiting for Neptune!"
"You can't do that!" Sage yelled to Henry.
"This got out of hand!" Pyrrha said. "I'm sorry, Weiss, I only told Jaune about tonight."
"Well, word travels fast in a small town, Monster Girl," Henry said, drawing Weiss close to his side.
"Let go," Weiss said to him, "or I'll be going for your throat!"
Henry looked at his new audience - who were only a few yards away. It was hard to make them out from the flickering lights surrounding them. But when her eyes adjusted, it was clear to Weiss. Everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do. Her nemesis was brimming with confidence and pride. Then he looked at Weiss. "I'm going to prove to you and everyone else that it's me you really want."
Henry grinned madly and showed his fangs. He leaned back, ready to bite her neck. Weiss was ready to kick, punch, and scratch her way out when she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Sun and Sage rushing toward them.
All of a sudden a force from behind Weiss pushed through them, and Henry was thrown a few yards away from her and was lying by a tombstone as she fell back on the ground.
Weiss looked up when a strong hand reached out to her. On it was a familiar ring.
She was overcome with emotion. "Neptune!" Weiss exclaimed.
He appeared out of the night, shined a brilliant smile, and took her hand. Neptune was as gorgeous as she'd ever seen him. His cobalt hair flopped over his blue eyes and hung down seductively. He was a magnetic presence in a dark silk suit, orange tie, and matching pocket handkerchief. He helped Weiss to her feet and gazed at her in her dress.
He really examined her and lit up with delight. "You are breathtaking," he said. "I couldn't have imagined you any more beautiful than you are now."
Weiss was so pleased with his reaction and stared up at the handsome vampire before her.
"Are you okay?" Neptune asked.
"I am now," Weiss said, squeezing his hand.
"It was supposed to be just us," he said with a sweet smile as Sun and Sage returned to the watching crowd.
"I know. I guess everyone found out. But there was one person who I didn't ever think would be here." We both looked to Henry, who had just gotten back on his feet.
"Don't even think about it." Neptune said to him angrily. Then he looked at me with soft and engaging eyes. "I have had just about enough of other guys trying to turn you, Weiss. There is only one vampire who will," he said confidently. "The one who you were always meant for - me." Weiss melted inside. Neptune was as dreamy as ever.
"I want to ask you one more time," he said, pulling Weiss close. "Is this what you truly want?"
"Yes!" Weiss assured him.
"It's not too late to turn back," he said.
"Don't even think about it."
He smiled an alluring smile. Weiss could think of nothing else but being with him forever.
Her hands began to shake, but Neptune took them in his and drew her closer still.
"No!" Henry cried. "Don't!" He fell to his knees, his right hand opening, revealing two fake fangs.
Henry hadn't been turned. Weiss should have known. He was just trying to stop her from being with Neptune.
For a moment, Weiss felt for her nemesis, who had tried to declare his love for her and prove to everyone that it was he whom she belonged with. But she didn't belong with him. And that kiss that they had just shared was, for her, a kiss good-bye.
Weiss glanced at the crowd of friends all warmly watching her. Pyrrha, with joyful tears in her eyes, leaning against a handsome Jaune; Sage, with his arm around Yang; Miltanie, holding hands with Junior. Ruby looked as happy for them as she was angry at Henry. Sun, whose elbow rested on Scarlet's shoulder, gave them a friendly nod. Then she saw a familiar threesome: her brother, Whitley, with his best friend, Oscar, and a grinning, adorable Luna.
Neptune nodded to his sister, and she and Pyrrha came toward them. Luna sprinkled the flowers around them and the coffin, and Pyrrha helped Weiss fan out her dress. Then they both stepped back.
Neptune said a few beautiful words in Romanian, and they both sipped from the goblet.
Then Weiss gazed up at Neptune - her gothic prince, her knight of the night. Her true love.
He looked into her eyes and she knew the time was right. This moment they both were ready. And they both beamed happily.
"I will love you for all of eternity," he said.
He gently brushed a few strands of hair away from her shoulder. Chills danced along her flesh from his touch. He smiled and drew her close, then leaned in to Weiss. He slid his fangs against her neck ever so slowly, causing her heart to race in anticipation. Then, as if they were always meant to be there, his fangs gently pierced her neck. They slid into her flesh like a thousand kisses on wanton lips. It was as if he was breathing new life into her veins. Weiss felt euphoria soar through her whole being. Her skin tingled, her senses were heightened, her heart flooded with love. Then, when he drew her blood as his own, Weiss could feel him breathe her into him. It was truly magical, like he was drinking in her soul. Weiss couldn't have imagined such an amazing feeling and here it was, coursing through her every cell. They were finally one. Weiss wasn't undead. In fact, she felt more alive than she ever had before.
Weiss was electrified. She was filled with true love.
He smiled a brilliant smile and licked the remaining blood from his lips. Weiss could smell it. It was sweet, like honey. And suddenly she craved his blood, as if in his veins flowed the most delicious nourishment.
He squeezed her hands affectionately, and he then leaned in to her again and they kissed for an eternity. They both were consumed with bliss.
As they drew apart, Weiss realized she could hear noises that she hadn't detected before, the sounds of birds and bats far away. The moonlight was brighter than she remembered, and she could feel it dancing on her skin. And she could see through the night - dusk instead of complete darkness - trees and tombstones once out of view after sunset were now visible.
Weiss slid her tongue gently along my teeth and she felt something she'd never felt before - two pointy fangs. Weiss was overcome with joy.
Neptune and Weiss were connected in a much deeper way than they ever had been. She was truly bonded to him, as if their two hearts beat in rhythm and their blood circulated in harmony. It was like being one. They embraced, and then he held her in his arms. Weiss melted against him and gazed into his dreamy eyes as he joyously gazed back into hers, cherishing what he did for her - what he did for them.
They turned back to their friends and family, who appeared as happy for her as she was. Weiss knew she was the same person - but she was transformed. Weiss was now a vampire.
Once again she remembered the time her kindergarten teacher had asked me what she wanted to be when she grew up and Weiss had told her emphatically, "A vampire." If only she could see her now.
This was the life she'd always wanted and the life she was thirsting to live. And Weiss couldn't wait to begin it as a vampire in the Mansion on top of Cherryton Hill with her true love, her handsome and mysterious vampire, Neptune Vasilias, for all of eternity.
The End
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Twin Snowflakes 46:Weathering the storm
Pt 45 <- here
As wind and ice increased, seeping through bricks and metal, the famed heroes of the world only gained more to deal with. In the eyes of a seasoned knight and leader, Jaune didn’t falter in the face of the elements. However, his body trembled. How badly he wished to blame the cold, but that was not the case. He had made it back home where he was sitting by a fire, a journal in his hands filled with the most soul chilling things to come from this experience.
Ruby and Weiss sat quietly in the room as he read one of Shiva’s many books. They had told him what went down the moment he walked through the door. From the journals’ insight about their daughter, to the ravaging confessions of Veronica.
It was strange, ironic even. The words Summer wrote cut into his heart, yet deep down he had gathered she was struggling. After all, he hasn’t forgotten the misery and outright despair saving the world inflicted on him. Jaune, Whitley, Weiss, Ruby, and even long ago with Blake and Yang dealing with the fall of Beacon, they all knew the feeling of falling into depression. Some even struggled with more dangerous thoughts similar to Summer’s, and yet it still snuck up on them despite their best efforts and support. He could make a good assumption that a similar realization had hit Veronica which was too much to handle. In the midst of her own darkness, she didn’t realize not only the extent of Summer’s, but that she added to it. Jaune had only gotten through three journals, but he had a feeling with so many, it was only a matter of time before everyone found their name in one.
He closed the journal and sighed. “When it rains, it pours.” He rubbed his face in exhaustion.
Weiss didn’t hesitate to get closer and drape her arms over him. He didn’t hesitate to hold the hands resting on his chest in response. Weiss wasn’t blind to the past several days. Jaune had been strong for both of them. Now she wanted him to rest.
“Don’t forget to lean on me too. I’m here for you.”
That alone made his eyes tear up, but he did not cry. Not out of stubbornness or fear, but because there was still so much to sort out. “Thank you, Weiss. I’m just getting overwhelmed fast.”
“Take your time.” Ruby said, locking her fingers together. “Nobody is ready to move after today.”
“How is everyone else exactly?”
“Winter is with Whitley near the garden. They wanted some time to…internalize it all. I can’t imagine Oscar, Qrow and Sparrow not being here has made things easier for Winter.”
“Ren and Nora?”
“With Valerie, patching her up. She took a pretty hard fall in the fight. As for the other three…”
Up in Veronica’s room, the lights were out. Not a word was said to break the silence of the raging blizzard. Only slight breathing from tear stained faces as Veronica slept in her bed, both her parents holding her hands as they slept beside their daughter.
“They have each other. I don’t know how any of them will feel later on. Only time will tell.”
“That’s fine.” Jaune looked over at the boxes of journals.
“That can wait.” Weiss said sternly. “Believe me, I want nothing more than to go through them all but not when we’re all like this. We’d just be torturing ourselves.” She tightened her embrace. “So the surgery has started?”
“Yeah…all that’s left is waiting.”
Something that was increasingly getting harder to do. You’d think they’d be used to it and how there’s only so much to do before it’s left to fate. Nope. It’s never easy. Not one bit. Ruby stood up and grabbed Crescent Rose.
“I’m gonna make sure the landing pad for supplies is still good. We should be getting another shipment before dark.”
Weiss and Jaune both looked at her ready to stop her but their dear friend cut them off before they could get a word in.
“I know, I know, alone? Yes. People are depending on us. This isn’t just our problem. All I’m doing is dashing over there, then coming back.”
“And if Shiva decides to say hello?” Weiss frowned.
“Trust me, one positive today is Shiva may be strong, but is no veteran huntsman. She can’t keep up with my strategic withdrawal tactics. I’m perfect for this.”
It’s true if anyone had the best chance of running away then it’s undoubtedly Ruby, but they still like the idea.
Ruby crossed her arms and assumed her leadership pose. they all knew and put up with. “Rest up. I’ll handle this.”
They let out a sigh of defeat, knowing she won’t budge. Jaune looked at her seriously. “Please don’t give anyone more reasons to cry.”
The Reaper smiled, “Heh, you’re talking to gal that went toe to toe with Cinder. What’s a little ice after all that fire?”
True to her word, Ruby intended to keep this an in and out job; choosing to perch herself on top of a roof that overlooked the sight. It should arrive any moment. Not to her surprise, the landing zone was unbothered. It might honestly be possible to leave the supplies here in the frigid weather until tomorrow. Not like anything would spoil. The thought crossed Ruby’s mind and it definitely was a safer option. However, battle prowess wasn’t all that Ruby accessed in today’s brawl. If one thing she and her friends did wrong, it was their failure in acknowledging Shiva’s persistence in observing them. They never skipped out on an opportunity.
Ruby thought of the events of not only recently but the build up to this situation. Rampages, check ups, school, tournaments, etc. She was done underselling Shiva. Especially when it came to surveillance. If body heat was a dead give away and at the speed Ruby moved to get here…the lady of frost was sure to have noticed.
“I know you’re close.” Ruby said, looking across to another building. Her words were enough for Shiva to walk out from behind a broken heater with hands behind her back and a sway in her walk.
Shiva’s confidence in revealing herself would be respectful if not unsettling. She stood on the edge of the roof with a blade in hand and more composed than before.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Ruby. The upright stance, the way one foot was a bit more forward while her breathing remained calm yet alert. Ruby had a feeling if she tried to sweep Shiva’s legs, all that would happen is a graceful back flip.
“For years you berated my goddaughter. Now you adopt her fighting stance?”
Shiva flashed a smirk. A fair but rather silly question. “Your goddaughter was weak and foolish in many ways, but I don’t remember criticizing how she moved her body. Even I can’t claim to know it as well as her in terms of physical prowess. I take that it was my last stunt near the end of our earlier squabble that put you on alert. Nothing gets past you. Well, almost nothing.” Referring to the depths of Summer’s misery.
Ruby wasn’t gonna be baited so easily. Shiva most likely revealed herself for similar reasons to why Ruby chose to come out here. Information. It was already potentially paying off with Shiva admitting she doesn’t know the limits of Summer’s body; or rather how to use them. However, the fact that she’s taken an interest in mimicking them…
Ruby’s eyes narrowed. “Do you really think sifting through her memories will be enough?”
“She’s fought you all more than I. Afraid a little muscle memory and superior power is gonna do you in?”
“If it was then we wouldn’t be talking now would we? You’re taking a risk just being this close, but you’re banking on me not wanting to harm Summer.”
“Don’t get too cocky. We both know as things stand, we’d be dead in the snow. It’s pretty comical. Your scythe around my neck in the blink of an eye, it would make you a hero to everyone but your family. Not very heroic to weigh personal feelings more.”
“I find it odd that someone hell bent on victory has offered reasons for me to kill them. It’s even more strange that I haven’t counted a dead body yet. It’s not like you can’t feel the warmth of every person here. Makes a girl think.” Ruby stood up.
Shiva could tell Ruby was looking for something she wasn’t gonna find. “I thought I made it pretty clear she can’t see or hear you? As for your curiosity, it’s not like I hate those civilians. They’re just caught in your mistakes. If you want to run yourselves ragged then be my guest.”
“So that’s it. You know better than to have our undivided attention. It’s why you allow supplies to get through even if it hampers your goals.”
Shiva’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t think I’m scared of you.” Her tone was low yet murderous. “I’ve come too far to make mistakes now. You all will pay soon enough.”
It wasn’t as if Shiva didn’t make her reasons clear, and yet Ruby couldn’t shake this feeling inside. There was more to learn; always was. Everyone spent so much time trying to learn about Shiva. Time to ask about Summer for a change.
“Did she hate us too, Summer that is?” Ruby said solemnly.
“Hmm?” A shocking question to say the least “Does that even need an answer? Of course she hated you all. I thought that would be obvious. Though to be fair…I suppose resentment is a fitting word. Surely you knew that. It’s what’s made this so damn easy.”
Amused by the question, Shiva relaxed a bit by lowering her blade. “All you people ever did was tell her to bear with things without producing meaningful results. You think all those smiles she gave were real? The fool was just too tired to scream her head off. Day in and day out she cried, whinnying in her pity party. It gave me such a headache. Good material for egging her own though. An assault on all sides. Couldn’t do it without you all.” She chuckled, too herself.
“Are you really pinning the blame on us and not your constant torturing? All we ever did was try!”
“See!? That’s the best part. It’s why this is such a hopeless situation for you. It’s not that nobody cared, but the opposite. All that love and effort shown, and yet nothing changed. You all are so useless!” Shiva watched Ruby’s eyes grow wide. “Oh what? Never thought of it like that. Summer isn’t delusional. She knows love for her is real. It’s just worthless. You’re worthless. The heroes of Remnant, her family, they’re nothing but failures who let a little girl cry for years. Why wouldn’t she try taking matters into her own hands? Too bad she forgot she’s the child of failures.”
Ruby shot a glare more chilling than the snow. “Do not speak ill of her parents. Especially in front of me.”
“Calling it like it is. I didn’t sow these seeds, I just reap them. That’s the beauty of it. Let’s entertain for a moment you get the better of me, what then. All you have left is a broken child who’s lost faith in you for years, and killed her brother. It's so terrible that even I’m shaking right now. How could you be careless with someone so close? There is no fixing this. You’re fighting for a broken mirror. You’re never gonna see what you want out of it and yet you decide to stay anyways? It’s so laughable!”
A gust swirled around the girl as she tried restraining a laughing. Her pupils shook and despite who she was, her blood boiled. “Giving up would make this a whole lot easier! Chalk it up to a lost cause, but no! It’s not in your nature! Do you have any idea that nugget of knowledge was echoed in this head!? I-”
Her temper wavered, it’s festering stalled by Ruby’s tears. The reaper quickly wiped them. Even she was caught off guard by her own emotions.
Ruby pulled her hood up and cleared her throat. “Ya know…I do wish circumstances were different. I wouldn’t know how they’d be, and frankly there’s not much of a point dwelling on it. What can I say? You are right about a few things. We’ve failed Summer. Even so…who are you to decide she’s weak and frail? Enduring as long as she did, that sounds like pure strength.”
Ruby turned her back to Shiva as the lights of the supply truck grew closer. “You were also right about none of us giving up on her. We’ll get her back, and when we do, I’ll accept all the hate she has for me. Sure it might hurt but I’ll choose that any day over losing her.” Her words brimmed with confidence.
The response moved Shiva in a way she couldn’t comprehend. Ruby didn’t say anything she wouldn’t normally say, but hearing those words spoken, it was….frustrating. Shiva’s eyes darkened as they narrowed in on Ruby’s brilliant silver gaze.
“You never change.”
A flurry of snow swept wind came between them, and then Shiva was gone. Ruby looked around but no longer felt in immediate danger.
“Never huh?” Ruby had a feeling she moved herself to the top of Shiva’s list of least favorite people.
The ship finally landed, the last rays of light still piercing through.
Nearly two days passed before Veronica rose from her sleep steadily. The girl looked around to see no one in her room. “Where are-” she remembered her last interaction with her parents; with everyone. Cat ears fell down and her heart began to ache at the memory. What could they all possibly be thinking? What was she thinking? What if they read all of the journal…? Veronica didn’t want to think about such things. True or not.
A click at the door as the knob twisted open caught her attention. Winter and Penny entered with fresh towels and water.
“Ummmm” was all Veronica could muster.
Penny perked up seeing the child sitting up in bed. “You’re awake!”
“Why wouldn’t I- agh!”
A thermometer was popped into her mouth and towels placed on her nightstand where she spotted a few pill bottles. The heck was going on!?
Penny took away the thermometer and was happy with the results. “Splendid! Had me worried for a moment.”
“About what!?” She desperately asked.
“Oh, you got sick. Been out nearly two full days due to extreme stress, dehydration, exhaustion, and being out in the weather probably didn’t help.”
A blank stare burrowed into Penny as Veronica tried wrapping her head around what was just said. The young girl leaned forward to look at Winter with a look that asked for confirmation.
“Yes. You cried yourself to illness.”
Penny pouted, “Don’t phrase it like that Winter. Anyones’ immune system gets significantly weaker when under high stress physically and mentally.”
“So I cried myself to illness?” Veronica said bluntly.
“Ummm…yeah….” Penny gave in. “I thought that might sound insensitive or embarrassing.”
“Oh it is.” Veronica layed back down
Winter walked over to the bed . Below her was a miserable mess of hair. The sun kissed skin of an islander looked unnaturally faded when dark circles made themselves known under Veronica’s eyes.
“Did you know you cry in your sleep?”
“I’m…vaguely aware that’s a thing I’ve been seen doing. What of it?” Veronica turned away from the helpers. “Gonna tell me I can’t escape guilt?”
“I don’t have to tell you things you already know. Instead I’ll tell you what you don’t.” Winter sat on the edge of the bed. “Summer thinks so highly of you.”
Penny watched Veronica stiffen. “Winter, is this really the right ti-”
“It’s the perfect time. A record needs to be set straight. Veronica it’s no secret we aren’t each other’s favorite person.”
“You’ve never liked me. Though…I guess I can see why.” Her voice trembled.
“I never said I didn’t like you. I’m defensive of my family and well yes, I thought you did more harm than good as an influence on both of them. However, the truth is more complicated than that. Especially with Summer.”
“Those journals say otherwise.”
“Can you please just listen for now?” Winter said with a sigh. A single cat ear shot up, signaling her to continue. “I did my damnedest to keep Summer on a schedule when it comes to eating, school, and anything in between. Never stuck. Maybe I’m softer than I think but you got Summer to move when no else could. Believe me, I’m in no way excusing the nastier parts of your relationship, but it’s foolish to see it as completely horrible. When it came to you, Summer was envious and wanted to be more like you.”
“Why would she ever want to be like me when she has the kingdom in her hands?”
“Because you’re beautiful to her. I know even if you don’t see that in yourself, she certainly did in many ways. Summer stuck to the diet to impress you. Not once did she want to lose to you. You told her she was holding back and then she trained harder. You pushed back against her bullies; Summer told me about that. Also how it annoyed her so she finally pushed back too. Said it felt exciting and how you laughed she put that Amber girl in her place. She also said how it was your voice that saved her at the lake. That she dug deep to save both of you because you called out. Your relationship is not perfect. I’m aware both of you have said hurtful things to one another. But if I’m being honest with you…I think Summer wanted nothing more than you in her corner as a friend.”
“How could you think such a thing? After all our history? It just doesn’t make sense.”
“How? Simple, because it took nearly two decades before I realized my own brother only wanted my support the way I wanted his. We were just too busy in our own pain to notice the signs we gave one another. It’s not the exact same situation, but I don’t think I’m wrong when I say you don’t hate Summer. Not really.”
A silence lingered. Veronica sat back up and looked down at her lap. Facing Winter felt wrong for some reason. Talking in general was strange, yet not as difficult as expected.
“I’m sorry for all the troubles I’ve stirred up.”
“Don’t tell me that. It’s better saved for Summer once we get her back. Winter got up from the bed and went to leave, stopping at the door. “Trouble or not, I’m glad I know you.” She walked out.
Veronica directed her attention to Penny. “Parents out being heroes I take it?”
She nodded, “Always. Don’t worry though. Nothing dangerous these past couple days.”
“Shouldn’t you be at the hospital, or am I causing problems for you too?”
“Please don’t talk like that Veronica. The bulk of medical work has been finished for a while and even if it wasn't, I’d always make time for you.”
Veronica looked into Penny’s sincere eyes. She couldn’t understand it, the woman’s gentleness. It wasn’t learned through tribulations. Penny was nice; plain and simple.
“I say this as a compliment Penny; kindness like yours could only be programmed.”
“I respectfully disagree. My father was a gentle soul. That’s all there is to it.”
“Wish I could’ve met em.”
“Hehe, I’m sure he would’ve loved you. Now then, Veronica, I’d like to discuss something with you.” She said cautiously.
Veronica could tell at a glance what it was about. A doctor should have as much information on their patient as possible, and no way the grownups wouldn’t tell Penny what went down.
“Does the Goliath in the room really have to be addressed?” She retreated inward.
Penny frowned. “Veronica…”
“Fine. Yes, I tried taking my life. That what you wanted to hear? I already know you all are going to look at me differently and that’s whatever, but can we not have a drawn out conversation over it please? I just can't, okay?” Her ears fell back down but Veronica kept eye contact. Penny needed to see how serious she was about this. “Please?”
The tremble in Veronica’s throat made Penny’s heart ache. “Nobody is looking at you differently. I’m also not Oscar; I can’t offer you any help in a professional capacity. Nor would I try to. It’s not what I was going to attempt with you.”
“Then…what exactly is it that you did want to say?”
“A different perspective I need you to hear. I’m case it was something you never really thought about. Our struggles in life are different and similar at the same time; I get that. Still, we looked for belonging, tried to fit in, hoped to understand those different from us, and wondered why people kept treating us differently. It causes a lot of doubt, darkness. I can’t begin to know the intricate details and depths that got you to such a merciless breaking point. However, I need you to understand how incredibly strong you are Veronica. Even in all that darkness…you gripped tightly to the light left inside. You chose to live in the end. That’s a strength never to be downplayed. That strength is beautiful.”
Truly…Penny was too kind. Veronica couldn’t keep up her tough girl act or brush off such words. Her reserved expression broke down into tears, her body lunging forward and pulling Penny into a hug.
It takes the robotic girl off guard for a moment before she wraps both arms around Veronica, rubbing her back.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” Vee wept.
“A doctor takes care of their patient, and a friend always reaches out. Thank you for letting me help. I know it’s not always easy to do.”
“Can I ask you a favor?” Veronica let go and wiped her face. “Help me get dressed? I wanna go somewhere.”
“Okay. But ummm…” Penny cocked her head to the side, “Where?”
“In retrospect, I should’ve known it was the hospital.” Penny said, leaning against the elevator wall. “I was half expecting somewhere iced off.”
Veronica laughed to herself. “Haha, yeah I can’t blame you. If I had the confidence then I would’ve asked you if sneaking in the school is possible, but that’s probably out of the question.”
“What’s at the school?”
“I went into Summer’s room a couple times after everything went down with her, then when Val woke up and told her story I remember noticing Summer’s bag wasn’t in her room. It’s probably in that meeting room.”
“Is there something relevant in there perhaps?”
“Not sure how relevant to be honest but Summer would take a journal everywhere she could. Kinda like me…” Veronica never really thought much about that detail before. “Odds are there’s one in her bag. It would be the most up to date.”
“Hmm you’re not wrong, but Almanac is very much the den of Shiva. That’s way too dangerous for potentially gaining nothing. For all we know Summer could’ve only been on page one. Even a full one might not have anything useful for our immediate problems.”
Veronica let out a sigh while rubbing her still messy hair. She didn’t really care much about her appearance right now. She could tell Penny was enjoying her temporary look however. It had gotten so cold most of Veronica’s designs that she brought weren’t really fit for Atlas weather anymore. Fortunately for her, Penny’s lived here forever and made clothes focused on extra warmth ever since Shiva was around.
Standard black tights and long sleeves infused with flame dust. That wasn’t the kicker though. Those close were underneath as insulation. What pretty happily flew off to get before they left was her old outfit back in the days when she was known as The Defender of Mantle.
“Nothing is too tight is it?” Penny asked.
“It’s alright. Not like there’s many options for clothes that handle immense windsheer. Aura feels normal too. Think the only problem is that shamrock isn’t exactly my color.” Vee quipped.
“You must be tired of me saying this but I think you look wonderful.”
Penny’s smile lit up the small space. Genuine to fault. Vee couldn’t help but tease a tiny bit. “Why do I get the feeling I’m fulfilling some sort of little sister wish you’ve always had?”
“Hehe, I wouldn’t go that far. I just always liked to see you as my little niece. Though if you want a big sister then I’d be more than happy to be!”
A hint of red came to Veronica’s face. Looks like she was the one getting teased in the end. Vee turned her head towards the door. “I’m good with niece.”
Penny couldn’t help but giggle. One minute Yang, the next minute Blake. It was hard to know who Veronica spent more time with.
The door finally opened and they walked out into the stuffy area. People were as restless as ever. It almost made Veronica’s ears ring.
“You think Nick’s allowed visitors?”
“He isn’t in any operations right now. If all is going well then he’s stable and in bed for the time being.” Penny let a frown show. “His coma is wearing me down a little however. Even with his body slowly recovering, it’s dangerous for anyone to be out for too long.”
“Aren’t there stories of people in a coma for years until recovery?” Veronica saw the look of shock hit Penny. Vee immediately wished she didn’t say that. “Not that I’m saying that he will be! All I meant was is there any reason to be worried after a few days?”
“No. I don’t like it is all. Call me greedy, but saving his life would be bitter if he loses so much time.”
“That’s not greedy at all. Any doctor should want the best outcome.”
“You know…you’ve taken Nick’s condition better than the rest. I’m a little shocked if I’m being honest.”
Vee shrugged, “Hard to explain. Guess I can’t really picture someone like him not making it through this. Val said it herself, he was trying to save his own life right up until he passed out. In a way that’s pretty terrifying.”
A perspective like that made it easy to see why Shiva would go for him first. Penny was sure there was more reasoning but that had to be a major one. After all, nobody has been quite themselves ever since. Speaking of which…
Penny nudged Vee and pointed. “Hey, look.”
Vee turned her head and spotted Valerie, sitting alone in what used to be a waiting room. Her usual vigor was gone and she was hunched over with a gaze that was clearly not looking at anything. Veronica looked at Penny.
“You knew she was here, didn’t you?”
“Of course. Valerie actually has been here since the fight.”
That couldn’t be good. Veronica winced, “Don’t tell me her arm is worse?”
“Oh no. Despite the best attempt between both of you, that arm endured the abuse. Valerie couldn’t stand being in the manor unfortunately. I heard you two said some…not some nice things about each other.”
Veronica got the picture. She wasn’t exactly happy about it, but…it would be a lie to say their last fight was like the rest. It was no secret why Valerie wouldn’t want to stay. Not after all the things said. Veronica thought about telling Penny she wasn’t up for more drawn out talks, but if Winter could give her the time of day, then there’s no real excuse not to confront Valerie.
“Guess I got no choice…”
“Please no more fist fights.” Penny warned.
“Penny, this is a hospital.” Veronica walked over to her target.
“Eh, it had to be said just in case.” Penny went on about her own business to check Nick. If she remembered correctly, Ren and Weiss should be around somewhere while the others are patrolling or tending to other locations right about now.
In her own world, the young Valkyrie stared at the floor, adrift in thought. It was only when puffy black boots obscured the glare off the hospital’s tile floors that she raised her head to see Veronica standing before her. The two spoke no words, only a minute long stare before Veronica sat in the seat next to her. Silence between them remained while the world kept moving along. Parents bundling kids, nurses pushing wheelchairs, the near and distant murmurings of peoples’ distress over anything and everything. For Veronica it was sensory overload if she focused too hard on it, yet she since the appeal of Valerie being here over anywhere else. What a perfect place to be miserable and drown out your own thoughts. Then there was the obvious reason as well.
“You see him?” Veronica finally spoke, but was given no immediate response. A low grunt left her lungs as she exhaled, choosing to sink into the chair.
“Did you know…Nick hates hospitals?” Valerie asked, breaking her silence with a dry, somber voice. “I always thought I understood why. He spent a lot of time seeing Summer here.”
“Not hard to figure out.”
“That’s what I thought, but no. Now I think I’m really understanding why. Seeing a person you care about so vulnerable is already a lot, but being there when things go wrong…”
Veronica slowly sat up and looked at Valerie with shock. The athlete’s hands were shaking, eyes filled with tears.
“Only a few days here and I’ve seen Penny, nurses, and other doctors rush into that room as he started seizing.” She held her hands together tightly. “I don’t want to hear that flatline again.”
“That’s it, I’ve heard enough.” Veronica got up and stood in front of Valerie. “Is this what you think you deserve? You’re so called punishment. I can tell you right now there’s not a soul that would wish this on you. Especially your parents. The hell are you doing!?”
“Just leave me alone.”
“You don’t get to say that after telling me that willingly. Do you think Nick would want-”
“When have I actually ever done what Nick asked for me!?“ she nearly yelled. “I’m a selfish person, remember? Not even a real friend towards either of them. By all means, this arm being hurt doesn’t begin to be a consequence.”
“In case you forgot, I’m a hundred times worse. Wasn’t even friends with one.” Vee sat back down. “If Shiva fucking up your arm and immense guilt isn’t enough karma for your screw ups, then by that logic, guess I’m gonna end up dead for sure by the end of all this. Ironic, but probably deserved all things considered.”
Veronica turned to see Valerie’s uncomfortable and sympathetic look. Suddenly she felt like instead of putting the problem in perspective, it was wrong entirely. Valerie probably couldn’t get the image of painful crying in the garden out of her head.
“Too dark? Guess I can’t say those kinds of things lightly anymore around people.” Veronica huffed. “Listen, I’m not really good at talking like this.”
“You’re a public speaker.”
“Talking about equality is a bit different than this mess.”
“From where I sit, I’d say we’re equally shitty. Hate to admit it…but you were right about me. I just didn’t want to acknowledge it. I’m selfish. Simple as that. I stopped considering their true feelings for the sake of my own and half the time I didn’t even realize.”
“Don’t mean to drive the knife in deeper but are you aware why Nick is so fond of you?” The lack of any kind of response said enough. “He told me how you inspired him to stop thinking about all the prying eyes. You gave him the answer to reclaiming joy in the things he loves to do, all by being that example. What happened to that girl? I certainly never got the chance to meet her.”
“I don’t know. We got older? The eyes on him looked at me but not really. Bit by bit…it all became so confusing. Nothing feels like when we were kids. I don’t feel like myself anymore. All that talk about being the top and the one people look to, yet here I am now. The twins are gone and now it’s really starting to sink in that I don't know what to do. I really did need them around after all. I…didn’t even get the chance to tell them I’m-”
“Can you stop talking like they’re dead?” Veronica spoke in a stern yet wavering tone. “And do you mean you don’t know what to do? Take a look around. People need help and you damn well those two would caffeinated out of their skulls and get to work. Listen, I can’t tell you that they’ll forgive you for sure and I can’t lie to myself and say I completely understand you because let’s face it, we don’t know each other well. Not really. All I know is we need to get our act together. I’m tired of worrying my parents. Let’s stop thinking about us and start thinking about everyone else for once. I mean hell is freezing over at this rate. Might as well play along.”
Her logic was flawed yet correct. Unreasonable, but somehow compromising as well. Valerie was unsure if she’d ever get used to how Veronica did…well, everything. But maybe she didn’t have to. At least not right now. Like she said, hell was freezing over. That took priority. Valerie found herself sighing with a glimmer of peace finally on her face.
“Fine. You win. I’ll pick myself back up again.”
Behind both of them, a voice called out. “Oh? Were you knocked down? Figures…”
Val and Vee both turned around and gasped. For the first time since this mess started, the two of them saw Eliza. Not only did she wore her battle clothes from the tournament, but she carried a bouquet of her namesake in her hands.
“Eliza!?” Valerie yelped.
“Why are you still here!?” Veronica added.
The young witch raised an eyebrow. “Odd question. Atlas is my home and my people need help. They haven’t been getting by on dust alone you know?” She made a tiny flame on her finger before blowing. “Anyways, are your families okay?”
“Alright. But uhh…” Veronica pointed at the marigolds. “I feel like we should be asking you that. Your dad isn’t hurt is he?”
“Heh. Thank you for the concern but these aren’t for him. He actually came with me here. I got a feeling I’m here for the same reason you two are then?”
Just then, Weiss came from down the north hallway. “Veronica? Eliza?” Her eyes shifted towards the back near an exit to see Henry leaning near a lamp. If she wasn’t tired, Weiss would’ve groaned. Ignoring him for now, she walked over to the girls. “Come to keep Valerie company?”
“Not particularly.” Veronica said bluntly, earning a huff from the girl.
Eliza presented the flowers. “I probably should’ve asked first, but is Nick allowed flowers? The other day, I actually saw you and some others here looking…not yourselves. Valerie told me bits and pieces when I found her in the school, so I put two and two together.”
No one had noticed Eliza around several days ago, especially Weiss. She looked at the flowers and smiled gently. It was nice knowing more people were thinking about Nick than she realized. “Flowers would brighten up that room nicely. Thank you.”
“I can put them in there for you.” Veronica chimed in. “I actually came here to check in briefly. If…that’s okay with you?” She asked Weiss. It was hard looking at her now. Was it gonna be like that for everyone? Veronica couldn’t tell if it was guilt, embarrassment, or both.
“If Eliza is okay with it.”
Veronica’s head peeled up. Weiss showed her a compassionate smile before walking off towards Henry. Vee felt her heart become at ease. Eliza handed over the flowers.
“Knock yourself out. I can tell this means more to you than me.”
“Thanks. By the way, you wouldn’t happen to know any problems that we could help with?”
Valerie crossed her arms. “Look around you. What happened to that mentality?”
“I still have it! A list is just more efficient.”
Eliza thought for a moment. “Well…I can think of several things. However, it’s gonna cost you both.” Both stared at her silently. “Got your attention huh? Good. Now can you kindly tell me what I don’t know? I’ve been quite reasonable with everyone, including the twins when it came to helping in complicated circumstances. But I’m through with being in the dark. This is bigger than a household issue. Even if that house is a manor.”
Eliza was correct, and downright reasonable like she said. Without ever knowing the full scope, acting accordingly was never an issue for her. Veronica looked at Valerie, putting the athlete off.
“What? You should be the one filling her in. I didn’t know jack shit before this visit. Have fun, lorekeeper.” Veronica waved with the flowers and walked off.
“Hey!?” Valerie looked at Eliza, who’s eyes were as serious as a grimm’s. Suddenly the witch attire felt intimidating. “Take a seat. It’s gonna be a minute.”
Weiss stood in the back next to Henry as they watched the kids and the rest of the people. Weiss’s arms were crossed and her mood not the greatest while Henry kept his hands in his pockets.
“What’s your game?” Weiss finally spoke rudely.
“My game? Haha, still shrewd. Here I thought you’ve lost all your edge with you not being as public or active these several years.”
“It’s called being a parent.”
“All well and good, but that doesn’t reduce the amount of eyes wanting to see you or public image. By all means you’re still seen as this city’s Queen in many perspectives.”
“You haven’t answered my question yet.”
“My game isn’t anything. Contrary to what you may believe, I’m very much in the passenger seat when it comes to the affairs of our children.”
Weiss rolled her eyes. “Why do I find that hard to believe?”
“Don’t misunderstand me. Eliza is highly aware that I want her to achieve greatness and that I personally would love to move our family higher up in status given our…decent. She’s already done wonderfully. I mean her very birth is a gift.”
“Would you say that if she couldn’t use magic?”
“Absolutely. I don’t have an heir. It’s also pretty boring alone. Children seem to be the spice of life in practically any environment.”
“Hmph, well, that’s one thing we can agree on.”
Henry sensed the lack of energy in her words. “…I do wish the best for Nicholas in this difficult time. He is an honest and good kid.”
“Thank you…”
“Where’s the other one?”
“…She’s dealing with a lot right now.”
“Fair enough. Eliza was actually the one to tell me Nick was hurt and that she wanted to do something. If it were up to me I would’ve left, but she insisted.”
“Saving face are we?”
“Like I said, I’m a parent too. If there is any angle here it’s the simple benefits that come from my daughter helping people in this trying time. I wonder if it’ll sway opinion about your family?”
Weiss shot him a side eyed. “Excuse me?”
“I never told Eliza to be competitive with your kids. She found reason to see them as rivals based on them as people. That being said, those children are Schnees, and like I said, there’s an expectation and power with that. One that seems to be carried more and more by the new generation because the King and Queen want to play parent only.”
“My children are not here to play some chess game for status quo and power.” Weiss said firmly. “Screw what any media outlet says.”
“Oh we both are too old to act like it’s not completely meaningless or possible to avoid. I’ll be frank. Right now you have no moving pieces on your board. All that power, and nobody’s feeling it. That’s bound to cause problems for your family one way or another when this is all over and nobody can really say how the Schnees helped; then again I guess that’s normalized. Kids take after parents, and your parents-”
“I will give you ten more words so choose them carefully, Henry Marigold.” A vigor reignited in Weiss. Too bad it was fueled by irritation of all things.
Henry smirked, “Act like a Queen to spare your kids.” And with that, Henry walked away.
Weiss didn’t have to search for some hidden meaning behind the words. She was just upset that of all people, Henry had to say it. “You still have two words.”
“Good luck.” He said casually.
Damn him. Being a father might’ve reshaped him over the years, but he is still petty and disrespectful as ever towards her. Though it goes to show it only extends to Weiss ,and her siblings. Not even Henry would be immature or idiotic enough to dislike the twins. Weiss wouldn’t be shocked if his only problem he saw with them is being her kids, but that’s merely an assumption. One that angered her nonetheless.
Weiss took a deep, slow breath through her nose and out her mouth. Silently to herself she whispered, “No more tears.”
Back in the hallway, Veronica walked in silence as she reached Nick’s room, walking in immediately to not psyche herself out. As Valerie said earlier, machines beeped, a distinct smell of medicine, and bright lights that somehow made the room feel dim. Nicholas laid peacefully in a hospital bed with the headboard against the middle of the wall. His skin looked a little more colorful than before but Veronica could already tell by his fingers and forearm that he was getting slimmer. Hopefully Penny already has a plan to keep his nutrition okay. Aside from the obvious oxygen mask and needles in his arm, one would mistake his condition for beauty sleep. Veronica could only guess how long he’ll slumber.
She got closer to the nightstand beside the utilities and placed the flower in a vase next to what must’ve been on Nick before operating. A wallet, his scroll, keys, and what caught her eye, a golden cross necklace. She remembered their conversation about prayers but never knew he had this. She picked it up gently and let it dangle from her fingers before letting it fall softly in her left palm. Veronica was never one to pray but…
“Not him.” She said softly, closing her eyes and closing her hands together. “You don’t get to have him. Not when there’s so much he still wants to do. If this can’t end perfectly then …put the ice in my heart.”
Friends, strangers, enemies, loved ones; despite the situation, everyone hopes for the best in this blizzard. From the vigilante, to the unconscious…
In a place unknown and unseen, something stirs; clinging to what is and maybe all there ever was. A boy, a knight, a prince. Nicholas opens his eyes and sees nothing but a chilling fog that engulfs all as he stands motionless and confused. Weakly he ponders…
“Where…am I?”
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but-a-humble-goon · 2 years
Another unlikely comedic ilia in vacuo idea
Henry marigold attempts to flirt with her,
Broken teeth all round then.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Ship name for Henry Marigold and Neptune Vasilias?
sea gold!
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marcmarcmomarc · 2 months
RWBY Volume 10 predictions
Voice cast: upper class Atlas citizens
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Henry Marigold: @alejandrosaab
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Councilwoman Camilla: @anairisq
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pbjelly90art · 3 months
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Flat colors for two of the musical characters in JR, Haruyoshi Shimomura and Henry Claremont. I referenced Haruyoshi's manga design for this portrait. We learned more about these two and their musical collaborations in volume 8 and I loved reading about their friendship, so it made me want to include them in this portrait series. Love these boys!
Haruyoshi is featured with his flamenco guitar, along with marigolds to represent warmth, creativity and passion. Henry is at his piano, along with violets to represent strength, inspiration, leadership, royalty/nobility and humility.
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floral-art-prints · 3 months
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Marigolds by Ignace Henri Jean Fantin Latour (1893, oil on canvas)
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nkp1981 · 1 year
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Dev Patel
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alicestrange98 · 2 years
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SUKESH KHOSLA as Rajan (Airline Agent) in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
I love Charlotte and Henry and they're super underrated. And I would VERY MUCH like to hear the headcanons whirring about in your brain.
Oh well buckle up cause literally all I think about is head cannons. Like, you know how cells replace themselves every few years? Mine have replaced themselves with head cannons. *Sorry it took me a hot moment to answer this ask, I was busy howling into my pillow whenever I tried to articulate thoughts.*
First of all, they’re very cuddly. They basically sleep on top of each other (Charlotte hasn’t needed a pillow in decades). Henry cant sleep well without Charlotte in his arms and Charlotte can’t sleep well anywhere other than Henry’s arms so it works out. Plus, they both do that thing where they jerk awake like the world is ending and scare the shit out of each other, so sleeping in a hug that basically pins them both down saves some energy at 2am. Henry’s perpetually cold and sleeps under like, four blankets, so Charlotte just wears summer nightgowns all year and wraps herself around Henry like a koala.
Naturally there’s an angsty side to the incessant cuddling because that’s just the way I role.
Charlotte sleeps with her head on Henry’s chest so she can always feel him breathing because, by the angel, she remembers when he wasn’t. She sleeps with a hand on his pulse point because she wakes up in the middle of the night and she’s still half asleep they might as well be on the floor in that mountain and she might as well still be desperately swearing she didn’t imagine his heartbeat.
While on the topic of soul crushing feelings of guilt, y’all remember from Clockwork Angel that Henry was the one who told Mortmain what a Pyxis was? And he wanted Charlotte to tell the clave that and she wouldn’t because “they already treat him so badly”? Because I do. And so does Henry.
(I’ve got a whole WIP that I love very dearly about this head cannon and this chess game hehe) There’s one random old tutor who goes to the London institute once a month-ish, basically to hand out a few weeks of homework to any shadow hunters who don’t have their own tutors. Most shadow hunters who live in a more rural area show up a few times a year so the clave knows they’re alive and at least somewhat literate. Charlotte attends them every month since, you know, she lives there, but Henry lives somewhere around Yorkshire so he shows up every few months. The professor is kind of a dick ngl. He doesn’t help Charlotte with any school why would a woman need to be so well educated? “Go on find a husband and stop worrying you’re pretty little head” sort of shit. Henry drives him insane because he’s a) some random kid who’s smarter than him and b) didn’t use any of the professors materials to get that smart. Professor Douche is constantly trying to get him to be wrong about something, or at least flustered about something and he doesnt ever do either of those things, and even more aggravating he refuses to get upset. (He honestly just assumed the professor wasn’t that smart.)
Charlotte’s a really good student of course, but she’s having a shit time with some mathematics and the professor absolutely refuses to help her with it. Eventually she asks Henry if he wouldn’t mind helping her with it, which he’s happy to do (once he figures out that’s what shes actually asking lol.)
Charlotte is incredibly distracted the entire time by Henry’s freckles (and eyes. And hands. And the way his hair curls on the nape of his neck. And the spots of gold and green in his hazel eyes that flashed as bright as the sun when the light catches them. And-), but they get through it in an hour or two which leaves them alone in a deserted wing of the institute. They end up playing a game chess. Charlottes a decent player and thought since Henry had never showed any interest in chess it would be a probably be an evenly matched game. She didn’t know what hit her. He beat her in like, eight minutes, eighty percent of which were spent on the last two moves by Charlotte who, upon realizing she was fucked, spent five minutes staring at the board trying to figure out when he even started beating her. She was sitting there having a whole crisis, (she’d been distracted by a man who probably doesn’t like her, and certainly doesn’t think much of her now after a pathetic loss like that and now she’ll have to sit hear and wallow in failure-) just preparing for him to start that whole smug gloating thing men do when they win and Henry you know. Didn’t. He just put the pieces away and thanked her for the game, in that very genuine way, with the gloomy London evening light casting a depressing shadow across the room, a shadow that he stood out against all gentle, kind, bright and brimming with a sort of barely contained passion. If Charlotte had ever doubted that shadow hunters had come from straight angels then sitting there, looking at a boy stained in soot, who she loved more than anything else to walk the earth, she would never doubt it again.
(It wasn’t until after Henry won and noticed Charlotte hadn’t said anything in a while that he remember people don’t like losing. Honestly he was playing just to be around her and he would have thrown the game if he could conceptualize how to do that on the fly. They spent like five minutes in autistic silence waiting for the other to stand up and declare newfound hatred.)
In true British fashion the a modern tea bag would kill them both.
When they were both 13 or 14 Charlotte mentioned she was dreading winter because it’s so bleak and dark (and her mom had died a few winters before, though she didn’t drop that in casual conversation). Anyways, come winter Henry brought her a marigold preserved in something like resin. She kept it in her jewelry box for years and after they got married she found out he had literally dozens of them. Whenever he came across a particularly bright flower he preserved it and set it aside. He was never quite brave enough to give them to her pre-TID, but he now leaves them for her when she’s particularly sad or stressed. She keeps them all in a drawer- they fit together like little tiles, and still look as fresh as they would had they just been plucked from the ground.
Somewhat surprisingly Henry doesn’t really lose stuff, with the singular exception being his own medical equipment. He’s lost the leg braces he wears every single day of his life before. Charlotte’s not usually speechless but she wasn’t sure what to say to that one.
Henry gave Charlotte a watch with a hands and numbers that can glow the same way a modern day one would. It’s absolutely beautiful, durable and accurate, even if Henry set himself on fire at least four times making it. (They can say with confidence that that watch is fireproof)
Honestly, I could go on and on, then on some more, but technically I’m supposed to be writing a paper on gut micro biomes that’s due tomorrow, so I figured I’d cut myself of. In conclusion, I love them dearly, they love each-other dearly, they deserve the world, all I can think about is them, and the world can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
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fauvester · 5 months
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stay gold ponyboy. ponyhawk. wh
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whatwouldvalerydo · 1 year
Rebel year - ch 4/6 - Storyteller
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Since Gareth cannot participate in an event due to his family, he opts to hand the task over to his friends.
Henry belongs to the lovely @lifeofkaze , Marigold to the amazing @that-scouse-wizard
Leila’s words that he was chasing ghosts stuck and dug deep in Gareth’s mind. However, despite the burn of them, he chose to march in a different path and continue his mindless search for information. By that point he knew it was not about Ruby Taurus and it never had been.
It was exactly about ghosts. About losing family, himself and all his dreams in the process. He had imagined that all his life he would be the “what if” card, the “in case of something goes wrong” child. Free to live his dreams, marry someone of semi-important status and just enjoy a privileged life, following his own hobbies.
But no, instead he got everything destroyed right before his very eyes, in a short amount of time. Lighting up a cigarette from a pack procured with far too much money than it was worth, he lit one, sticking his tongue out as he puffed “Awful.” He frowned, yet still placed it between his lips a second time as he took a deeper drag, coughing the very next second. Calming down, he tried again, adjusting his posture in the mirror, trying to replicate what he had seen at parties. Surely the men he had seen smoke knew what they were doing and it just took some getting used to.
With a fuzzy head and robes smelling of tabacco, Gareth made his way to the library in search of a familiar face that used to give him peace of mind with his stories or selection of books he placed in his hands.
Managing to locate Henry Lovecraft in the distance, his attention fell on another face, though granted not so familiar. Recalling the name, he approached the girl stealing glances at Henry “Can I help you miss King?” Jumping, Gareth placed a hand over her mouth before she let out a startled scream “So tell me my detention friend, who are we spying on?”
Her eyes widened at the accusation, cheeks coloring. Initially he figured it was embarrassment, however he soon discovered it was anger. Angela scrunched her nose, imitating spitting underneath her blouse three time, no more no less, before she collected herself “I will have you know that wasn’t my fault. Peeves locked me in the bathroom and before I was out it was already pass curfew.”
Lifting his brows at her peculiar display, he pointed over at Henry, brining her back to where he wanted “Fancy him?”
“What? No.” she genuinely appeared shocked by the accusation “If anything I’m fascinated by his mind. Have you ever heard her tell stories, or talk? I was just interested in what he was reading. Nothing more.”
Lifting his hands up, he smirked “I believe you. I know him, can introduce you to him.” His eyes squinted as her gaze travelled to the books next to them “Get you in the books club, recommend you.”
Her eyes instantly shot up to him, Angela shaking her head “Nonsense, what good would I ever do there?”
Pulling a face, Gareth leaned against the bookcase “Ummm, read? It is what is generally done. That and some discussions, however mostly are too engrossed in their own books to actually participate. Do you not like reading?”
“I like stories.” She sheepishly admitted, the only admission Gareth required.
“Perfect, you help me, I help you.” Placing his hand on her lower back, he guided her over to Henry who half expected for someone else to interrupt him. Glancing at the odd pair, he inhaled deeply, not even asking.
“Henry meet Angela, she is quite fascinated by stories, admires your brilliant mind.” Managing to get Angela to sit down at the table, Gareth leaned in “She is just a tad shy.”
“I can speak for myself.” She mentioned, eyes lowering when the attention was on her.
“Would you mind showing her around the book club one day?”
Offering a small smile, Henry nodded “Of course, it’s always a pleasure to have new members. Is there a particular writer you are fond of?”
Looking over at Angela, Gareth intervened seeing as she was not answering “Perhaps you can guide her, show her what is best to read before diving into the unknown vastness that is knowledge.” Receiving a nod from Henry, Gareth went on ahead to the reason of his visit “Now that I have two wonderful story aficionados, how would you feel about helping me with a task?”
They needn’t know how he spent the last month, two weeks and five days planning for it. How he learned, barely, about the ball taking place. How he managed to convince one of the ghosts to let him take care of the arrangements. How he could not get the smell out of his nostrils from the rotten meat he stole from the kitchens. How he was about done with everything and everyone until he received an invitation and was told he could bring a friend if he wished. However his father sent a letter, requesting his presence in that weekend for a ball they were hosting.
A perfect opportunity for his family to flaunt him to all the ladies.
Yet he could not say no, he required them on his side if he was to hold his end of the bargain and what better way to do it than face to face with his father?
So he needed allies on his missions, even offering his invisibility cloak in order for them to sneak around properly. And who better than two people enamored with knowledge, stories and the prospect of learning more from people who had lived long ago yet still haunted the halls?
And they agreed, on the task, on the late night rendezvous, on them also asking questions about Ruby.
However that was not the only task Gareth had to perform. Learning that Angela had no proper dress for such an event, he had to use what little time he had left to coax one of his Slytherin colleagues to help. And who better than Marigold Sterling herself?
“What’s in it for me?” the redhead looked over at Gareth who appeared to be about done with everything.
“The gratification you would feel upon helping a not so fortunate soul?”
Lifting her brows, she smiled “Try again.”
“Fine. One of my mother’s dresses. Hand delivered by yours truly.”
Looking at him, her lashes fluttered as she went through all the garments she knew the duchess of Grafton wore.
“Perfect, however I have a specific dress in mind.”
Letting out a heavy sigh, he agreed to deliver, Marigold happily shaking his hand, promising to dress Angela to the very best of her abilities.
And so it was, on the night of the phantom ball, Angela paced the lower level corridors, waiting for Henry, feeling as if the corset was far too tight and her hair far too stiff. She bit her nails listening in to every sound, hiding when she heard footsteps making their way to the agreed location.
“Miss King?” a voice whispered from under the invisibility cloak. Revealing herself, she ushered him over to her corner, Henry revealing himself.
She nodded, nervously tugging at the dress as he placed the cloak in a secure location “Angela please. So just a couple of hours right?” she asked eyes the door they were supposed to walk through.
Seeing how nervous she was, he offered her a small smile offering her his arm, Angela taking it.
A gentle soul Gareth called her when they were left alone in the library. A wise soul was what the royal called Henry. A curious one was what he called him.
While doubts existed, once they entered the high room, they both stood in awe, both watching the silhouettes levitating above them to a song none of them heard, yet somehow could catch on as they witnessed the dance taking place. Beacons of untold stories right above their very heads, whispering, each and every one of them as they sway in their unperturbed dance. And yet they exist among the living. Ghosts.
“Do you think they’re sad? To be stuck like this between life and death I mean?” Angela’s grip on his arm tightened a fraction before she relaxed “Or do you think they are happier being like this?” she asked watching in fascination the graceful silhouettes. Looking at him, she gently tugged at his arm, Henry appearing to wake up from a daze “Did you hear what I said?”
Shaking her head, she smiled letting go of his arm bowing as a ghost greeted them “It’s fine. I was saying that…” her eyes widened when another one of the apparitions approached them, a curious stare directed at both of them. Waving her hand, Angela greeted the young man, Henry closing his eyes for a moment, inhaling softly, forehead creasing slightly “Are you alright?”
Opening his eyes, he nodded “Perhaps we should mingle.”
Taking a seat at a vacant table, Henry watched, listening to the whispers guiding his mind, letting them settle, at one point a ghost floating next to him, the young boy looking in his eyes “Do you wish to talk?” the ghost nodding.
By the time they left, both were dealing with different emotions, however they remained silent as Henry walked with Angela up the old stairs “I don’t have time to join extra curricular activities.” She admitted as she glanced down at her dress, noticing the dust she managed to gather from the room “But I would like to come around if I can. When I can.”
“Of course.”
Looking up at him, she smiled, eyes filling with worry a moment later “Are you alright, you didn’t move from your spot tonight.”
Contemplating on his answer, he nodded before speaking “It was still an eventful night.”
Both of them stopped walking, realization hitting them. While inside the room, both forgot to ask about Ruby Taurus.
Inside the Grafton manor, Gareth had just finished securing the dress for Marigold. Not like his mother would miss it, she had not wore it for five years. However what he had to do next required his father’s seal on a specific letter.
But above all that, it was spite. He detested being at the ball. So when he entered the office, he told his father everything he had been up to since the beginning of the fifth year alongside the demand of a letter towards headmaster Black, requesting to bring back Quidditch before the end of the year or else he would not be providing anymore funds.
A hard slap followed, Gareth’s cheek burning, however he still looked at his father “I would be careful if I were you, after all you would not wish to damage the face of your only heir.”
It was further spite refusing to heal his bruised cheek. However he walked with his head held high and the letter in his pocket. After all he was right, his parents could not deny him. And as long as he played his cards just right, they could not disown him. They would consider he was just rebelling, being a teenager and that he would fall in line eventually.
Walking inside the library, he witnessed Angela running towards a table, the librarian scolding her. Grabbing a book Henry extended to her, she hurriedly thanked him before she made her way past him, only offering a small hello.
Sitting down at the table, he asked about the ball, mouth swinging open when Henry told him there was no information they gathered on Ruby Taurus. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Gareth sighed “Well, if not even ghosts know about her, I am truly a fool. Fool for pursuing this, for trying, for…” stopping himself, he breathed out “My apologies, I am not myself. Thank you for everything.”
Stopping him, Henry spoke “Perhaps it would be best to speak to someone about what’s eating at you.” He offered winching internally as he realized the royal might actually pour his soul out to him.
“I have nothing to say, but I will one day. No offence.”
“None taken.”
Marching inside his dorm room, Gareth slammed the door, cursing, his owl startling, dropping the letter in its beak. Opening the note, his brows knitted together “I heard you were asking about me. Meet me by the common room entrance tonight. Ruby Taurus”
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