#said sleep right. and i only got like 3-4 hours of sleep prior so id been up a long time. this was some GOOD. SLEEP. but my tummy was not
lovphobic · 2 years
very tmi in the tags (category 5 tummy event) bc i need to air the woes but im the only one awake.
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wheres-rango · 4 months
Flight Over; day 1ish, apr 8th
waking up at 3 am to shower after finishing packing an hour or so before sucked, but the excitement made it not seem as bad
i had everything planned and packed for weeks and then last minute realized that if it was hard to pack everything up, i would drive myself crazy on the tour midway through the trip so i unpacked and repacked everything to have less stuff, meaning no more sweatpants or patagonia flannel as they took up the most room
poor dad had to drive me to the airport (and totally wasn’t freaking out about me leaving and definitely didn’t spend the entire time going over safety plans, that’d be crazy)
i had planned to sleep on the flight to toronto (which was with an amazing airline that gave free snacks and drinks twice during the flight, had free wifi, and 2 to a row) which would have worked perfectly given the fact that i had the entire row to myself, but instead spent the entire time talking to the guys beside me
someone came to double check my (and only mine) boarding pass and asked if i was me by name first, and then didn’t elaborate further so the guys and i were joking around that my bag must’ve exploded, but id be fine because i had my wallet, passport, and Scrungly.
they were from Ottawa and had been friends for 10 years and were on a golfing trip in Alberta/BC and had made it all the way to Invermere, which shocked me. Alec, not alex, was the one i ended up talking to the most because his friend kept trying to online gamble with the wifi, but it kept glitching out. hes in school to become a registered nurse right now and was shocked i was going on a trip alone to europe because he kept meaning to go on one but never did. midway through the flight Alec had stolen the aisle seat from his friend who took up the row behind me, as it was also empty (there were like 12 people on this flight i swear. I told him i was worried about making friends while in europe and he kinda just blank stared me before pointing out we had been talking for 2.5 hours (and then kept talking until landing) and hadnt known eachother prior. By the end of the flight Alec had made me promise to follow my dreams and make working at a summer camp forever work and i had made him promise by his 34th birthday he would do his solo Thailand trip (he has 2 years and 2 months, i’m counting). After landing we headed to baggage claim together before realizing neither me nor his buddy actually had to pick up our bags, and then said goodbye as i left the airport and they headed to their connecting flight home.
I was sad to say goodbye even though i had JUST met them, because i then had another portion of being completely on my own, just like when i got dropped off at the airport at 4 am, even though it was for about 10 minutes until my aunt picked me up
the flight to london sucked
i was so tired
middle aisle middle seat
slept curled up over the tray table, and then had to fight with my sim card and figure out the train from Gatwick because i mixed up which airport i landed in, but all was well!
figured out the transit well enough and made it to the hostel with enough time to sit down for 5 minutes before heading to see one of my favourite youtubers since i was 12 talk about his new book and got a pre-signed copy! i met this awesome british family and chatted with them before the show mocking how different countries drive
headed home afterwards and didnt need my phone to map the tube, which i was proud of, and then ABSOLUTELY CRASHED FELL ASLEEP :)
0 notes
Getting away with it (5/?)
Summary: August Walker was dead. At least that’s what people believed for almost 2 years. When the CIA found reason to believe that he was alive they made it their top priority to find him. Including sending one of their best female agents to recruit his twin brother. Walter Marshall.
Pairing: August Walker x Reader (Walker) + Walter Marshall x Reader (Walker)
Warnings: gun violence
Wordcount: 2.390
A/N: Are you guys ready for some plot? Cause there’s a lot of it in this
Part 1 >> Part 2 >> Part 3 >> Part 4
@ladyreapermc / @theolsdalova / @greenmanalishi / @itsmydreamlifethings / @palaiasaurus64 / @celestial-vomit / @penwieldingdreamer / @notyourtypicalrose / @babypink224221 / @fanficsrusz / @solariumss / @starlite13 / @ly--canthrope / @mytbel0st / @oddsnendsfanfics / @ravenpuff02 / @sofiebstar / @chamomilebottom / @keiva1000 / @agniavateira / @peaceinourtime82​ / @dearlybelovedluke / @vania-marie / @fcgrizi / @mary-ann84 / @ayamenimthiriel / @radaofrivia / @ohjules / @omgkatinka / @xceafh​ / @diehadess​ / @watermeloncavill / @modernscarlett / @p3nny4urth0ught5 / @yespolkadotkitty / @desperate-and-broken / @blahdragonageblah / @alexakeyloveloki / @siriussnape07
@its-jb86 / @singeramg  / @mis-lil-red / @wildwavehc / @tumblnewby (I can’t tag you guys. Sorry)
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Walker woke up with a serious headache the next morning. Groaning she opened her eyes, looking out of the window of her bedroom. Sighing she pushed herself up, finding a bottle of water and some advil on her bedside table. Frowning she looked around. The left side of her bed was untouched, like it had always been in the last years.
The last thing she could remember was Marshall telling her about his daughter Faye. But after that… 
Taking the advil, drowning it with the glass of water she slowly climbed out of bed, hoping that a shower would help her over her hungover.
She was about to head out to pick up Evie when her phone rang, showing Agent’s Millers caller ID.
“It’s sunday.” She took the call, hearing the man sigh on the other end of the line.
“I know. And I don’t want to keep you. Walter Marshall contacted me, he wants to meet tomorrow.” He said.
“I know.” She opened the door of her car and got in.
“How come?”
“Not that it is really any of your business but he told me yesterday that he was considering helping.”
“You’re in contact with him?”
“He’s technically my brother in law.” She flinched saying these words. She didn’t see him like that. At all. Maybe he could become a close friend. But saying that he was her brother in law meant acknowledging that they indeed was a blood relative of August. And even if they looked alike, she couldn’t think of two people who would be more different from each other than August and Marshall.
“Right. Okay. I will need you at 8 am sharp at the Headquarter for the briefing.”
“Why me?” She frowned.
“You will find that out tomorrow.”
“Very cryptic Robert.” She rolled her eyes, making the man chuckle.
“You know me. How’s Evie?” He asked.
“Picking her up from my Mom’s right now.”
“That’s nice. Okay I won’t keep you any longer. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah. Bye.”
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A cabin, somewhere deep in the woods, unknown location, the next day
It wasn’t much but it would be home for the next couple weeks. August had running water, electricity and WiFi. He could survive until the end of his days here. But that wasn’t his intention. August wanted to walk the streets, being praised as the saviour of humanity. People would understand why he did, what he was intending to do. The world couldn’t continue like that. The climate, the people. His contribution would save humanity. He just needed to wait for the rest of the world to see it.
Sitting at the kitchen table August logged into the darknet, intending to check the progress of the bio weapon deal he had arranged for the end of next month, when he looked at the date. How could he forget? 5 years ago, almost to the hour, had been one of the happiest days of his life. His old life. Because that day had also been the first day he began to think that maybe he had to take things into in his own hands, if he wanted to have a future worth living.
5 years ago, Central Park, New York City
“I can’t believe we are doing this.” She giggled, holding on to August was they walked towards their final destination. She was wearing a knee length tulle dress. The skirt a light gray, the top in black, a dark gray silk belt around her waist. He hair lay in long dark waves over her shoulder, the red long gone he had loved so much. Her bright red lips smiled up at him. August Walker had finally found the only woman he could imagine spending the rest of his life with. The love he was feeling for her, how she made him feel with only a curve of her lips upwards as she looked at him… It took his breath every time.
So yesterday, when he woke up before her, with her in his arms he decided he didn’t want to wait any longer. While she was sleeping he had arranged for them to get married on the next day. He had asked her almost 2 months ago, none of them feeling the urge to hurry getting married. Until August woke up that day.
“Better believe it. After today, you’re mine and mine alone.” He smiled down. He had decided for dark dress pants, a gray dress shirt that seemed to match the tone of her silk belt. August never had spared a second thought about a traditional wedding. Or a wedding at all. That they would be getting married on the Bow Bridge in central park, just the two of them seemed to be the perfect continuation of their relationship.
“I’ve been yours for a while now, August.” She grinned, her hand squeezing his as they walked towards the bridge where he could see a minister waiting for them.
“We don’t even have rings.” She shook her head.
“We do.” He smiled.
“We do?” She asked in surprise.
“I’ve had them for a month now.” He grinned making her giggle.
“Sometimes I can’t believe you August Walker.”
“Better do, because in about half an hour, you’ll be the Misses Walker. You’ll be stuck with me forever.” He kissed her temple.
 They celebrated by having her favorite ice cream as they slowly walked back to the apartment they were staying in. Another mission would take them to Argentina the next day and after that they would be moving to Langley to work at the CIA headquarters.
The feeling that spread in August’s chest as the minister pronounced them married made him feel as if he could do anything, followed by the overwhelming urge to protect her. To keep her safe. Up until now he had never even thought about the possibility of losing her.
“August…” She smiled up.
“Mrs. Walker.” He grinned.
“I’m not getting rid of that anytime soon, hm?” She giggled, licking on her ice cream. He shook his head.
“I know we said no presents, but I t’m very anxious in telling you about this because we have never ever talked about it…” He saw her nervously biting on her bottom lip, making him frown. He stopped walking, standing in front of her, tilting her chin up so she looked at him.
“You are my wife. There’s nothing you could tell me that we can’t figure out together.” He smiled encouragingly. She closed her eyes and breathed in deep, opening her eyes as she breathed out.
“August, I’m pregnant.”
It was like all the noise around them died down in the moment the words left her lips. Something in the back of August head registered her words, but the other part, the part that always was there, the Agent part of him seemed to take over before he knew that he had put his arms around Walker, shielding her from the bullet that had hit her head if he hadn’t turned her away. He barely registered the pain in his left shoulder as he pushed her to lay beneath him, her eyes big, her hands on his chest.
“August…” She whispered, looking up at him. “Your phone, where is it?” She asked. His eyes wandered down, making her reach into his pants to pull out the phone. Slowly he looked up seeing 5 armed men randomly shooting people all around them. Walker would have sent the distress call by now, but he still had to get her out of here. Her and his child.
“You’re bleeding.” She whispered.
“I know.” He pressed out, his mind going a hundred miles per minute. There was a fountain next to them. 
“I want you to crawl to the fountain and get in it. I’m going to take care of his. I need you to be safe.” August said, leaving no room for argument.
“You have no weapons.” She reminded him.
“I don’t need them. I need you and our child to be safe.” He urged, making her swallow before a little smile sneaked through her face. Carefully cupping his cheek she nodded.
“Please be safe. I… We need you.” She took one of his hand, pressing it to her belly. Leaning down he kissed her longingly.
“Go.” He whispered, before he pushed himself off the ground and did what he told her, took care of it.
The wound in his right shoulder seemed to twitch as he thought back. The bullet had to be removed in surgery back then. On his wedding day. Walker’s dress had been drenched with his blood. But all he thought of was that he had been scared. Scared to bring a child in a world like this. How would he be able to protect the woman he loved and the child that he wanted to grow up in peace? The world around him was dying. And the people living in it seemed to fuel it. 
An incoming message stopped him in his thoughts. 
A.Nonymus: Meeting confirmed. Coordinates will be send 3 days prior, transport will be arranged
Smiling August closed his laptop. If everything would go right, he would be reunited with his family in less than two months.
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Langley, Virginia, the same day
“Grandma’s gonna pick you up after kindergarten. Mommy has to work late today.” Walker said, packing the breakfast for her daughter.
“Okay.” Evie said, eating her cereal.
“Finish eating, I’m just gonna grab something upstairs.” Walker smiled. Evie nodded, grinning at her, making Walker chuckle. 
Upstairs Walker grabbed her badge and her laptop in her office, picking up some files when her eyes lingered on today’s date. In another life she would have woken up her husband with breakfast in bed. Taken the day off to spend it with him. She felt an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia inside of her. Closing her eyes she breathed in deep, once, twice. She didn’t even know she had moved until she was sitting with a box in her lap in her office chair. The box she had put in everything that reminded her of him. Even if he had hurt her in all ways possible. He was a big love in her life. Maybe the biggest love of her life.  He gave her Evie. She hated him, yes. But deep inside she knew there would always be a part of her that would love him. Swallowing she opened the box, smiling a little when she saw one of the few pictures they had taken on their wedding day. They had been so happy. What had started as the happiest day of her life turned into the worst. Thinking back that probably was the day he began to change. The look in his eyes as she told him she was pregnant. She had never seen him so happy. She had been a mess since she had found out two days prior. And then he had surprised her with their wedding. She wanted to tell him before but… Thinking back it wouldn’t have changed anything.
She still didn’t know how he killed the 5 men that had been attacking central park after their wedding. She had been hiding in the fountain, like he instructed. She knew the look in his eyes. The one that left no room for argument. 
Running her fingers over the picture she sighed, not even noticing the tears running down her cheeks. Swallowing the lump in her throat she closed the box, brushing her tears away, before she got up from the chair and grabbed all her stuff. For her this would be a day like every other.
Walter was waiting for her in front of her office. He had changed from his usual attire of a comfy sweater to a white dress shirt. Even his beard seemed to be trimmed.
People around him gave him questioning looks, even more when she walked towards him to hug him as she said hello.
“Weird that there is no SWAT team already here to take you in.” Shejoked.
“Very funny. Your boss told me to wait for you here and take you to room 202 right away. But I think it’s best if you take me to said room because this is a fucking maze.” He chuckled.
“Gimme a second. Just need to grab some stuff.” She opened the office door, setting the files she had taken home down on her desk.
“How bad was the headache?” He asked, leaning against the door frame.
“Oh bad… What reminds me… I didn’t tell you embarassing stuff from my past, right?” She asked. He laughed, shaking his head.
“I did most of the talking. You fell asleep halfway through. I just put you to bed and left. Hope that was okay.” 
“You put me to bed?” She asked, going through her mail.
“Carried you. Couldn’t have let you sleep outside, couldn’t I?” 
She looked up, seeing his soft smile. He had carried her to bed? A blush crept to her cheeks, silently wishing she would remember it.
“Thank you.” She said quietly, breaking the eye contact and going through the rest of her mail. A small package was the last thing she picked up. It had no return address. She knew that their intern post office would have already scanned the package, so she ripped it open, her favorite box of chocolates falling out. 
Gasping loudly she reached for the letter falling out.
“What is it?” Marshall asked, taking the few steps to stop in front of her desk. Pushing the letter towards him so he could read, she swallowed.
“Don’t touch it. I need to send this to evidence. All of it.” She whispered.
“You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry someone you cannot live without. Happy anniversary” Marshall read out loud, looking up at Walker with a hard face.
“We should get to the briefing now.” He whispered back. She nodded, reaching for the phone to call for the evidence team to extract the things.
“I need someone from evidence to come and pick something up. And I need to talk to the post offices and I need the CVR’s from the whole weekend.” She said when her call connected.
“No. Now. August Walker send me a package and I need to know how.”
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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AU SUMMARY :  A powerful alliance made up of  4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well, let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on… 
WARNINGS: Semi public sex, light cum play, light spit play, VERY mild daddy kink (it’s mentioned like twice) light dom Tae, overstimulation, Toys (Finger bullet), dirty talk, non-protected sex, oral (F recieving) , Tae is Low key/High key whipped AF, That’s his baby.. 
WARNINGS NON SEXUAL: This chapter get’s a little dark, mentions of HEAVY drugs/ drug use(Cocaine, Heroine), violence, choking (Non-sexual), OD’ing, guns, language as per usual 
There’s a lot of storyline..but you guys learn A LOT in this one! It’s definitely worth the read..this is also a slightly darker chapter..
This is one of the last chapters where I’m...”forshadowing” if you will...so you need all of this!
There is 2 smutty moments within this as well!
You can read this as a stand alone, and not be completely lost but it would help if your familiar with the series ...Luxx/Luxxy is the OC’S nickname if you’re new here…
LOCATION: Somewhere in the skies of China
The last time you saw Kim Taehyung cry was 10 years ago, at his mother's funeral, the last time you saw Kim Taeyung this broken...was ten years ago at his mother's funeral. Now here you are, laying in bed at 2AM on your jet, headed home, for Leo’s viewing, while Kim Taehyung literally wailed into your chest a combination of heartbreak and rage washing over his body. Draining out every ounce of energy he had until all he could do was sleep…
Boston Isle 
Tuesday, 2 PM 
(Picks up where part 3 ends) 
You found yourself almost caressing the back of his head the more the reporter spoke, apparently it was some random nurse who found him. She said she was just driving home from work around 5am, and the light was left on, out of habit she just felt the need to see if everything was okay.
[Woman on the news being interview ]
“The position of his head, and the way his jaw laxed, could just appear as he was sleeping to the naked eye. But I’m an ER nurse have been for almost 15 years I recognized the symptoms right away. I tried to revive him prior to calling 911, even against my better judgment ,but he had been out for at least an hour, it was no use…” 
“The police are still trying to put two and two together as it really doesn't make sense, there was cash in the car, as well as the car itself is a mystery. We have finally identified the young man in the car, his family as also been contacted-” 
Right as she was about to say his name, and ask if anyone knew anything to please contact the police he shot up, almost bolting for the door. Almost as if he knew the boys name it would seem all too real. Little did you know the actual reason is because Taehyung puropusly never asked him what his name was, granted he’s not stupid, his men knew, they even had a picture of his ID. But Tae felt like this boy deserved to have something for him, and him only...so his name was never spoken.
You contemplated back and forth for a couple moments before ultimately deciding to go check on him.
The sound of your heels echoing through the hallway of the “Employees only” area..trying to figure out where he could be “I’m over here..” The base in his voice rumbled off the walls , almost startling you, not expecting for him to actually reach out to you first.
You found him resting against the wall hands in the pocket of his jack, gazing up at the ceiling
 “ The boys did a full z30, and went over it with a black light..not that it even matters now.” Voice trailing off slightly as he brought his attention down to his boots, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
 “They actually ended up taking the car to some park,I guess they decided to change locations  after I knocked the mother fucker out. Opting to not sterilize an entire car on his property,while he tends to his dislocated dorsum. “ A slight smirk moved up his face as he gazed over at you “So if you're thinking I’m worried about me..I’m not..the plate was switched, garmin removed, and the cars not even registered. I’m just….” Shaking his head in slight disbelief as he runs over the past 24 hours in his head.  “I don’t think he really even knows how fucked up and dangerous this all really is, especially when Marcp barely knows what you're doin’ to begin with. He’s a walking death wish and he’s gonna fuck around and have it granted by someone that coud’ve been his ally!” 
Even though his tone was hushed you could still feel the anger radiating off his body, raking his fingers through his hair, sinking back into the wall. “Come’ere, I know you didn't come out here to listen to me bitch from a far…” Signaling for you with his fingers, trying to hide the smile that was tugging up your face as you swayed in his direction. Opting to give him his space, not in the mood to get your face cracked, emotions far too fragile for that right now. You’ll end up shooting his indecisive ass, at this point, so you opted to wait for the invite. 
Once you were in arms reach he pulled you into his frame, a slight squeal leaving your throat from how quickly he grabbed you.
One hand resting on the hinge of your jaw the other on your waist , palm soothing up the small of your back. “How are you feelin’?” The question threw you off a little you found your eyes fluttering away from his and he noticed instantly. Tilting your head until you had no choice but to look at him. Emphasises on the  word “you”  let  you know he was well aware that your always the one checking on him ..asking how he’s feeling. Now it’s his turn to do the same, I mean sure a good 17 years later but at least it’s a start right!? 
Letting a deep sigh leave your body before responding “I’m angry, confused, and a little scared if I’m being honest but-”
Cutting you off immediately , shaking his head, a scof rolling off his tongue “Over my dead body, will anything ever happen to you, so you can scratch that shit off your list of issues real quick..” He wasn’t asking , he was telling you how this was going to go and his tone left zero room for debate.
Tilting your head back slightly, blowing out a slow breath , you could feel your eyes burning as you kept fluttering them. Attempting to cut off the tears desperately trying to run down your face, funny thing is, even though you cried earlier today. That’s not a common trait for you no matter how upset you get, your not the most intune with your emotions either if we're being honest. You didn’t open up easily and hated, crying in front of people more than anything, you were just as much as a working progress as Taehyung.
The phrase “Over my dead body…”was used very frequently, typically over minor issues, even jokingly for most. But it would always hold a deeper, darker meaning in your heart, the last person to say that to you was your mother. Used in the same context as Kim Taehyung and she meant it, wholeheartedly!  You found yourself trying to pull away, not wanting to let him see you fall apart, because you knew you were going to. The more you tugged the tighter his grip became, ���Tae please. Let. Me. Go…” You wouldn't look at him, staring up at the light fixture to your right, tone extremely dry, almost passive. The grip you held on his forearms got even tighter as you waited in silence,clinging to him almost desperately your actions polar opposite from your words.
He wasn’t going to fight you on this, if you wanted out..here ya go, the last squeeze on your waist wasn’t possessive. Almost comforting as if he was letting you know if you wanted to come back, he'd be right here. Tentatively loosening the grip he healed around your waist, letting you pull away from him, almost losing your balance in the process. Rocking forward slightly, not realizing how much you were leaning on him despite trying to pull away all at the same time. 
Yet you didn't move, the grip you held on his arms never faltered, they actually got tighter, dropping your gaze down to your feet. Your right leg starting to patter nervously as you felt your chest swelling, gently taking you back into his arms. Bringing your hips flush to his, I guess you never realized he eased you the same way you did him. The feeling of your chest rising and falling against his as you coxed yourself out of crying, a single tear managing to slip out of your right eye before you could stop it. Turning your head, brushing it onto your shoulder hastily, your grip tightening even more as both eyes started to betray you simultaneously. Even though you refused to look back at him, he could feel your stomach tensing as you tried to slightly choke back the tears that were now streaming down your face.. 
He did not force you to make eye contact, respecting your privacy in that aspect bringing his hands up to rub lightly circles into your back as he nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck.  A side of Kim Taehyung that few would ever get to see, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck, cradling the back of his head in your hands. “I’m not going anywhere…” the words brushed against your skin, funny how he automatically knew what triggered this without you even having to say anything. You didn't respond, only squeezing him a little tighter before pulling back, almost aggressive whipping your face before raking your fingers through your hair. A sheepish smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you finally made eye contact with him.
Neither of you said anything as you stepped a little closer, soothing your hand down his chest, and stomach slowly. Suddenly feeling almost uncomfortably open and vulnerable in front of a man that’s been inside you more times that you can count. His eyes felt like they were burning straight through you as he gazed back in your direction. 
Suddenly feeling like this was all getting a little deeper than you could handle you found yourself feening for a distraction. Letting your hand have free reign to trickle down his zipper, trailing your fingers up and down his clothed length earning a hiss as he gripped your wrist.
“You know your thighs can’t handle another round from me right now, you need to fuckin chill before I have you bent over the bathroom counter.” Keeping the same calm tranquil tone he  had moments prior, despite how drastic the setting became. 
“Well ,maybe that’s what I need right now…” A not so subtle pout laid along your lips, earning an amused smirk to curl up his face, as he gazed down at you. 
His hand came up and coming up to grip the hair at the nape of your neck, tugging with just enough force to rip a whine from your throat. “Naughty” slipped past his lips in Korean making your giggle against his skin.
 Tilting your head upwards before pressing his lips to yours, slowly, almost teasingly licking his way into your mouth, which you welcomed effortlessly. Bringing his opposite hand down to cup your ass through your jeans..clawing at the material as you rolled your hips into his. A slight moan escaping your lips as he sucked your tongue back into his mouth,tilting his head a little so he could deepen the kiss.
The sound of footsteps, didn't phase the two of you, you've been caught doing worse, until Hoseok clears his throat, making the two of you finally allow each other to breathe. But in true Kim Taehyung fashion he didn't stop right away, he still let his tongue lingerie in your mouth. You were the one who broke it apart, starting to laugh against his tongue because you knew how close Hoseok was. 
You couldn't help but notice the almost pleased smirk that tugged on Hoseok’s lips, as he waited.
“Yes?” Brow quirked in Hoseok’s direction while his hand soothed up your back, acting as nonchalant as could be.
“I was just sent here to let you two know were flyin’ out of here to head back inwards in about an hour or so..the planes set to take off at around 5:30. That’s all..feel free to continue...there’s actually a spare bathroom down that corner, don’t ask me how I know” Dismissing himself with the cheekies smirk imaginable, before either of you could respond, or pick up on the fact the he said “Were flying out of here in about an hour” 
‘Ya know, I always think we're the definition of shameless, and then I remember there’s Hoseok and Bunny..” Smiling up at him, knowing the two of you were thinking about the same situation right now...
“Come to the bar with me…” Yanking on his arm slightly 
“I’m sorry are you telling me to go?" Brows furrowed at your blatantly demanding tone
“Obviously! Now come to the damn bar with me!!!!” 
Cocking his head to the side slightly, brow arched in slight amusement, as you went to saunter off as if you just knew he’d follow. Which he did, but not before winding his arm backward almost giving your ass whiplash as it landed on your right cheek until your yelped. Hopping off the ground slightly from the sudden impact. Eyes glaring back in his direction as you hissed from the lingering sting.
“Oh please ..” Eyes rolling to the back of his head at your faged annoyance, walking up behind you until his lips were nuzzled into your hair “I bet if I slid my hands down your panties right now, I’d find out you really felt about it.”
Stopping right in front of the door, two hinges are all that separated the two of you from a good 30+ mob affiliates yet it didn't stop you from grabbing his hand in your own. Siding it into your jeans to remind him, your not wearing any after your earlier endeavors. Guiding his hand up and down your heavily saturated lips as they coated his fingers, you couldn't help but smile contently at the sound that left his lips. A soft almost restrained moan ripped from his throat, reacling your neck to lay on his shoulder as you gazed up at at “Yup your right, I really fucking loved it..” The purr teased against his bottom lip, as you brought your hand up to wander through his hair. 
The playful atmosphere was long gone once he seamlessly slid two fingers in, pressing your chest against the wall  grinding his hips into your ass . Effortlessly curling his fingers upward probing the spot that had your knees buckling within seconds.
“Oh fuck…” 
“I really don't get it...do you just not want to be able to walk? Hmm..is that what it is? Is that why you contiously act like such a fuckin brat?” Sinking his teeth into the base of your neck until you knead out..almost pressing your face into the wall in attempts to muzzle yourself. The sound of him moaning out contently against your skin as you fell apart in his arms only added to the haze currently filling your head. 
Your broken cry was rudely interrupted by Tae’s phone ringing both of you instantly recognizing the ringtone as he slid it out of his pocket with his free, clicking it on speaker “You and Luxxy outside! We need to run over a couple things before you leave”
Sliding his fingers out, teasing them up and down your folds, pinching your clit between his fingers.“Okay yeah we're coming..” you could literally feel the smirk in his voice as desperately sink your teeth into your bottom lip. His father started rambling on about something else to Tae took him off speaker, slowly curling his fingers up your lips before freeing them from your jeans. Hissing slightly at the lack of contact as your body slouched against the wall. Trickling his fingers slowly admiring the way your juices coated them thoroughly..
“Oh, yeah of course, I mean it only makes sense..” Continuing casual conversation with his dad as he locked his eyes with yours, slowly lacing his tongue around his fingers before turning to walk away. Making sure to flick him off in the process…..
Turning around slightly once he realized a couple steps in you weren’t following “Ugh, Luxxy, we gotta go our father’s need us…” Purouselys saying it into the phone so his dad could hear a smirk tugged on his lips as he gestured for you to follow with those same two fingers “Come”. Even though he literally meant “Come” the tone he said it in screamed “Cum” and you were so ready to punch him dead in the throat!
The last thing you wanted was sit, cozied up to Kim Taehyung, but more importantly, you don't need to give your fathers any reason to be concerned. Especially over something this..”Minor..so you sucked it up..no matter how badly you wanted to strangle his scrotum. Since he had the nerve to smile over at you fondly. 
“The helicopter should be here in the next half hour….” The two of you observed the way your father kept his eyes on the water, the tide starting to pick up slightly, as the sun was shifted  behind the clouds. Indicating rain was headed back this way sooner than later, the gloomy overcast starting to drape overhead again. 
“We've been wrecking our brains, trying to think of the best way to do this…” Pausing to take a puff on a cigar in his hand… ”Were trying to step back, and not hover so much but it’s hard, in our eyes you’ll always be our babies, and granted the two of you havent fully given as reason to be 100%  feel comfortable doing so either..” Mr.Kim’s eyes glared between the two of you but there was a playful twinge within his voice as he spoke.
A gritty chuckle leaving your father's lips at the current state of confusion plastered along your faces, still not quite sure why the two of you were called out here to begin with. “We just ...wanted to remind you that your...Notoriety sit’s differently out there, in the US, to the masses your Taehyung Khan, and Luxx Severiane the two bratty rich kids of Boston. In China, it suddenly becomes a lot more likely that your known as Blaise and Jae’s Grandchildren, that title comes with a lot of pride, a lot of respect and a lot more enemies.”  
You felt Tae’s thumb stroke your shoulder at that, the shift in conversation suddenly making you forget your petty disposition towards him. ;l
“We know you know this, it’s not your first time there, but it’s been a minute since you've gone together, and the airs just sitting a little thicker now. When it comes to the “Family Business” we prefer to be heard and not seen, but that’s kinda hard to do out there! So just ... be aware of your surroundings, and of the way people look at you, even more so than usual. Were already trying to move in silence as it is, there’s no proof it’s Marco, were just assuming. As we all know the gangs in China have always had a love hate relationship with us!  “ 
There was a conscious nod that left both of your bodies at that, there was really only one ally you all truly trusted and that’s because that bond was damn near 15 years old.
“Which is why were also sending Yoongi and Hoseok with you as well, we pulled Hoseok off the Tokyo drop Hong Joong’s going instead…” 
“How are we flyin in by the way?” It was like the two of you were working on one brain cell, that exact question hovering over your lips before he asked.
“Well, we thought about commercial….” 
Your nose was scrunched into your face at the sound of that earning a chuckle from the 3 men around you.
“You’ll live baby doll…” Your dad piped in as he rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the mini monster he’s created.
“-But we didn't trust that, that’s 15 hours on a flight with god knows who, either way you still have to clear customs. We've taught you well enough to handle your own so you're flying private . Be careful, be alert, and figure out what the fucks going on at that damn warehouse…” 
Another simultaneous nod left your bodies, to be honest you weren’t nervous just..mentally preparing for what was ahead of the two of you. 
“Last thing, with the time difference once you land it will be 9pm tomorrow, so Wednesday night, you guys are supposed to fly back at 9pm Thursday night. As long as your on that flight, with the time difference and air time, you should get here around 1-2 Am our time on Friday. That gives you guys a couple hours to sleep, and debrief  before the viewing at 12. So again no time for bullshit, no trips to Chanel, just knock this shit out and get home, so we can give Leo the homegoing he deserves!” 
The 7 of you split up in two groups and loaded the helicopters, once you landed your cars took you your separate ways, heading home to shower and pack. Even though you’d be there all of 24 hours you still found a way to over pack your Keepell, placing one firearm in your bag. The weapon was unloaded and properly packed in order to clear any regulations, it was also registered to you but you’d never in a million years shoot from that gun. It was just for show and more so dire emergencies. Short of that your weapon of choice is unmarked, and unregistered  and loaded with ammo that you probably shouldn't have access too but somehow ,ya do! 
Already well aware that nothing sexual would happen on this 15 hour flight, due to the time difference, and the lack of time you’d be there the flight would be spent between strategizing, sleeping and eating. That still didn't stop you from throwing on a lace little something under your T-shirt dress in case he hands wanted to go for a little stroll. 
LOCATION : Somewhere in the skies between Massachusetts and China
Tuesday, 7:30PM
The skies were gloomy as all hell once you took off, a good 2 hours into the flight once everyone munched on the array of fast food, and got in there comfy spot, that’s when it was game time. 
“Alright, sorry if this is all old news for everyone else, but what’s the actual issue? Listen, I’ve been all over Amsterdam for the past month running your drugs around..so I’m a little out of the loop!” Throwing his hands up dramatically, the utter sarcasm dripping from his throat ripped a snort from the rest of you effortlessly. 
Taehyung and yourself glanced at each other and ultimately he decided to respond.
“Around, 5am, one of our trucks from China, was on the road, the driver claims he was at a rest stop for the night, headed to our Anaheim warehouse and the back hatch alarm tripped. He told Jin he didn't physically see anyone just a blacked out van driving off, when he counted his shipment he was down 6 boxes.” 
“The issue is..our routes are soild there always changing, the trucks unmarked, it’s just...real fuckin shady... who takes shit without knowing what it is? I mean fuck what if it’s wallpaper!? Then what? You just risked going to jail for a hunch? Nahhh” Namjoon piped in,he often helped remap out different routes for the drivers go take so it didn't get repetitive . 
“So, I know this has never happened before, but what is the protocol for something like this?” Your eyes drifted over to Jin’s since he’s the one running the shop as of a month ago and he was the one popping in the most when Henry was in charge”
“Kinda the same, shipments flies in on cargo, driver on commercial, he’ll drive the head home tonight, and come back in the morning for the trailer. It’s on lockdown all night with Lay’s men at the port, the main difference is once he gets in and we do an incident report...that’s when I get all the details.” 
There was a constitutional humm...that flooded the room until you thought about that for a second. 
“So wait, that means..he’s technically the only one with his shipment until it gets to the warehouse?” He could sense the concern in your voice instantly. 
“Yes and no, Lay’s men are with it all night, so what;s on the plane is on the plane, plus we can track his-”
“Right, but are they going through and counting the boxes to make sure he has what he says he has? Do they even know he’s supposed to be down six boxes?” Your tone was calm, not trying to come off like you were attacking him but..you need clarification on the protocol.
Another consensual humm came through, once the whole group realized you had a pretty valid question. Even if this was a rarity there still needed to be solid structure, and there seems to be loopholes..
“Honestly, I’m not sure..shipment is usually ONLY exported from China, it’s extremely rare that were receiving freight! Unless it’s coming straight to the warehouse...” 
“When did the freight plane get in ?” 
“Tonight actually, as long as we land on time probably a good 30 minutes to an hour after we get there…”
“I wanna wait around for Lay and his men to unload the plane before we leave...” Taehyung’s palm came up to soothe down the small of your back.
 “Good girl..” There was nothing condensing about his tone , already well aware of where your mind was going. Moments like these are why he just can't get enough of you, no matter how hard he tries. 
If the driver said your missing six boxes than fuck, you better be missing 6 boxes! Needing confirmation before you could even consider going to sleep tonight!
The next couple hours were spent talking in a little more detail , as far as the shop was concerned , clienteel, ETC, Yoongi opting to head in right when you land, wanting to have a go at the system before anyone gets in tomorrow . Well aware that if any funky business is going on, ideally late at night would be the perfect time for someone to back door the system, since the shops technically closed.
A good 4 hours later, talking filtered into sleep that you all desperately needed, as your day was starting in less than 6 hours! Taehyung and yourself were cuddled up in the bedroom that sat at the back of the plane. You found yourself passed out on his chest, while he woke up a good hour or so before landing, re-going over reports with the dimmest light possible so he didn't wake you. Secretly loving and hating how much he was enjoying having you like this, the vulnerability he felt with you was utterly terrifying and liberating all at the same time. Just not sure how long this little road of bliis can go before his inner deamons start to fuck with his head again. 
LOCATION: Shanghai Pudong International Airport
11PM Wednesday night
You were out like a light, not even bothering to wake you until, the cargo plane had also landed, it was pushing almost 11pm at this point. Waking up to the feeling of someone slipping your shirt over your head, in combination with the sound of thunder rumbling against the plane. Eyes slightly hazy as they fluttered open slowly….
“It’s pouring and barley 50 degeress, you’d freeze in that…also..your a little shit for these...” Tugging on your pink lace G-string with a slight smirk.
Gaze dropping down to silently observe the way he delicately slid your body into your oh so subtle Gucci tracksuit. “Eww when did you get so sappy!” The playful tease rolled off your lips and against his tongue, not hesitating to let his hand make a firm imprint on your ass. Holding it in place so you felt the sting against your flesh, forever reminding you how instant his duality could be.
A whimper slipped past your tongue while he smirked into the kiss, “Who the fuck are you calling sappy?” a low growl left his lips as he sunk his teeth into your bottom lip, before shifting your body beanthe him, flipping you over so you were straddling his waist. “I think what you meant to say was “Thank you daddy..” A smirk tugged on his lips as you pulled away from him.
“Oh my god!!” A snort left your lips as you rolled your eyes playfully, smacking him in the chest lightly, mindless rambles were brushed against each others lips as you waited to unload the jet. Jet lag was in full affect that’s for damn sure ,this was NOT a smooth ride at all.
It felt surreal yet so natural..the two of you..not holding your breath with how long it would last, well aware that you both had a lot on your shoulders right now. Emotions are at an all time high so you tried not to over analyze the affection he was giving you, no matter how much you loved it.
Upon stepping off the plane you were greeted by almost terrifyingly dark skies , I swear mother nature tries to drop hints….she tries. Thankfully the mood was brightened slightly by Lay’s deadly dimples noticeable even tucked under a hat making his rounds as he greeted you all one by one. While you all loaded a little car comparable to an oversized golf cart where he drove you all a little further down the lane where the freight plane landed. 
“Okay so I need a favor…” Not even waiting for him to respond prior to continuing “ I need every box, counted and numbered,as you guys load each one onto the truck. I want them loaded in numerical order…tonight!” Smiling up at him doe eyed, his body just slumped at the sound of that. It was wet and cold, and late as all hell, due to the weather they probably weren’t even going to unload until the morning!  But he'd never question, or complain about anything you requested of him. 
“Yes, ma’am” Shooting you another charming smile before  bowing out, to instruct his men to do as you asked.
It took close to an hour to get through every box, stregicially placing them based on weight, size, and  if any of them were marked as “Fragile “  The seven of you waited in anticipation, as they loaded the last 3 boxes into the trailer.
“54!” Lay's voice echoed through the wind...A combination of relief and confusion now danced through the atmosphere. 
‘Does this mean I could actually, possibly leave China for once without killing someone!?”’ Hoseok spoke up for the first time since waking up voice sitting extremely groggy.
A drowsy chuckle filled the space as you all stood under the awning of the building to avoid the rain. Back pressed  firmly against Tae for extra warmth, as you all started walking towards the terminals. According to Lay’s packing sheet the driver  left with 60 boxes...he claims they took six so, so far his “robbery”stories kinda lining up...even if it doesn't make sense.
“I don't know man, I just still don’t get how they got away with six freight boxes before he noticed...has the driver’s plane landed?” Taehyung’s eyes cut over to Jin, as he checked the airports stats on his phone.
“Nope, the rain has him delayed , at least another hour or so…”
It was getting late and none of you had the patience to wait for him, also not wanting to ambush the driver, wanting to wait until you’d collected a little more info. 
“How about this..instead of the normal protocol makeup some bullshit excuse and have Lay drive him home! I want Hoseok to drive it in, tomorrow morning instead, tell the driver he can come in at 8 with all the other shop workers…that way he wave time to scope everything out.” Jin nodded, walking over to give Lay the game plan for the night, before you all descended into the chaos that was the airport.
As you lot trucked through,believe it or not it was still packed..regardless of the fact it was pushing midnight. The line for Customs & Immigrations was ungodly you couldn't help but notice the slight  stairs your group received from bystanders some lingered longer than others. 
A good hour, and lack of patience later you were the last to get verified, you understood enough Chinese to gist that everything documentation wise was all good. Just as the smiling face in front of you handed back your passport a member of TSA steps into frame.
Almost snatching your passport right out of your hand “Rude…” Slipped past your lips, eyes rolling to the back of your head without even a second thought.
You could hear him mumbling something in Chinese to the other TSA that  almost sounded like “Back room” 
“Ms. Sever-”
“Severiane’ ” Tone dry as all hell, you could tell he was struggling and you weren’t in the mood, you were tired as hell and already annoyed by this blatant attitude.
“Yes’ we need you to step out of line, and follow me..” First thing you noticed was how clear his accent was, as he spoke to you in English with no hesitation.
“For what!?” The words slipped past all of there lips simultaneously before you even had time to rebuttal, completely ignoring the men to your right as they chimed in. The lack of response clearly wasn’t working in your favor as both guards stepped from behind the counter,and just like clock work, Taehyung and Namjoon were at your side as the men started to invade your personal space.
Both of there faces screamed “Back the fuck up..now!”
“I’m only going to ask you one more time,your coming either way because it’s apart of our protocol, as long as you cooperate this won’t take long.”
You could feel Tae’s grip on your waist get tighter, pulling you into his frame as he locked eyes with the guard in front of you. If looks could kill, this man's head would be on the other side of the airport right now . Neither of you worked well with threats but you were far too exhausted to fight this right now.You swore you could almost hear Taehyung’s teeth grinding together his jaw was clenched so tightly,
“Yeah, okay ,whatever…not like my bags and passport didn't already clear your system but sure..lead the fuckin’ way” Flagging your hand to gesture you were ready to go, nothing subtle about the attitude that dripped from your lips
As you went to walk off, the grip Tae held on the back of your joggers never faltered jerking you back into him. “I got this…” Brushed past your lips and you swore he growled in response, forgetting how possessive this man could get. Leaning up quickly to press your lips to his, the second you pulled away his eyes cut from yours, over to gentleman to your right before nodding tentatively. 
Smiling faintly in Namjoon’s direction as well, knowing he was feeling all the same emotions as Taehyung! Wigging out of his hold, fingertips gracing yours until the last possible second, the final glare that shoot from their eyes into the Tsa was lethal….
Walking down a long hallway before finally being led to a room in the back corner. 
Upon taking a seat the gentleman that walked you in left without saying a single word….
“That’s a beautiful plane you guys have…” Another extremely clear American accent graced through the doors as a different agent walked in to take a seat in front of you. His name tag translating to “Han”.
“Thank you…”
“So what brings you to Shanghai at this time of night…”
You could tell he was just beating around the bush and you really had no patience for it whatsoever, assuming he was just being nosey at this point. “I didn't plan to get here this late, but it’s a long flight and the weather sucked..” Shrugging nonchalantly as you crossed your legs, slouching back in your seat.
“Is it your first time here?”
Just shaking your head “No” in response, the utter lack of enthusiasm earned a chuckle from the gentleman in front of you.
“Ohhhkay..and what brings you here this time?”
“Food..shopping...aesthetically pleasing pics for my Instagram..shall I continue…” Crass nothing but crass…
“So your telling me you flew 16 hours to shop, eat, and take pictures?” Brow arched at the implied question triggering a smirk to crawl up your face.
“Clearly…. you can tell I can afford it” Letting your hand trail up and down your body everything from your tracksuit, to the diamonds that danced along your body screamed affluent. “So yes, that is why I’m here..and if all you wanted was my itinerary can I go?”
“No, I actually called you in because  when your bag got checked.. We noticed your weapon wasn’t stored properly. But instead of just taking it, I decided to be nice and give you a warning,I even brought a pamphlet for the proper protocol when traveling with a concealed weapon.
Bullshit, utter bullshit, there was nothing wrong with your gun and if it was it would've gotten flagged when they checked your bag…They don’t play around when it comes to weapons registered or not, ESPECIALLY considering your technically a foreigner!
“Hmm, well aren't you a gem, thank you, I’ll be more careful next time..” Flashing him an Oscar worthy smile ...to go with his bullshit excuse for why he called you in here
“Anytime, make sure it’s secure when you leave though, we won’t be as generous next time…” Slowly rising from his seat, just nodding in response.
“Enjoy Shanghai Ms. Sunjata…” You felt your spine go ridigit at the sound of that, completely readjusting in your seat. Footsteps rattled behind you, as you heard the door shut. Trying to run through any scenario in your head, that could explain why you were 99.99 percent sure this TSA agent just referred to you by your real surname!
That was all the confirmation he needed...silently observing the obvious shift in body language.. 
And just like clock work you realized he wasn’t actually leaving, the door was never closed when he came in to begin with….
You heard what almost sounded like handcuffs jingle behind you, which had you second guessing yourself for a moment. Currently wondering if you played this out completely wrong in your head, maybe you were under investigation for something else all together! Your reflexes kicked in and you went to jerk away once you sensed how close he’d gotten and in almost a whim of panic his game plan changed. 
 Suddenly you found your airflow get cut off  somewhere between your throat and your lungs as the chain between the cuffs was wrapped around your throat. Pulling you backwards until the front legs of the chair were off the ground, the chair itself rested lightly against his abdomen so he still had control . A sharp breath hiccuped in your chest as you tired to sustain what little airflow you had.
“Is there a reason a Sunjata’s in our territory!?” The words growled against your neck, yet you could sense the uncertainty, as his voice wavered...he was terrified, I don't think he intended for his “Integration”  to go this route.
 Hoisting the chain with enough force to leave an impact but not enough to make you blackout “Look, I don’t want to hurt you, so just answer me! What the fuck dose Sunny want huh?  We already told him,we had nothing to do with your fucking warehouse or Henry, So why are you here!? ” Funny how he was getting impatient with your lack of response, and also saying he doesn't want to hurt you yet..here we are.
He yanked on the chain one more time, snapping you out of your haze,which triggered your instincts to kick back in elbowing dead in the ribs, catching the edge of your elbow against the chair in the process which only pissed you off even more. His frame wider than the back of the chair itself, the slight release on the restraist gave you enough leighway to rock all our weight against him, causing you and the chair to topple over him. Knocking you both to the ground, a lot harder than you expected. A low grown gritted through clenched teeth at the impact once your body met the concrete, the gentleman to your left, however, was far more winded that’s for damn sure. 
Not even giving yourself a chance to catch your breath you grabbed the hand cuffs to your right, clenching them around you first as if they were brass knuckles before decking him dead in the face. Ripping a loud groan from his throat “Fucking bitch!” Rolling to the side as he cradles his nose in his hands, as blood surged from under his palm. Crawling over to flip him onto his back, straddling the upper half of his body, gripping the sides of his jaw between your fingers, purposely digging your nails into his skin.
“You think that’s bitchy!?Your lucky I didint  wrap this chain around your throat and snap your fuckin neck!” Slamming his head backwards into the concrete floor ripping another cry from his throat, you could see in his eyes...how scared he was. Probably new to this life, and genuinely worked at the airport..to keep tabs...here he was thinking he was doing a good deed to score brownie points. Now he’ll be lucky if his leader doesn't kill his ass for pissing off a Sunjata, lord knows the fire you could cause if you really wanted too! Clearly he didn't do his research, you knew he picked you because you were the only girl.  Assuming it would be easy...he could just scream it out of you, little did he know, your fuse was just as short as your men!! 
“And for fuckin what huh? Because I wasn’t on your damn radar!? Listen kid,try that shit again, and I swear to God, I'll cut your dick off and mail part of  it to your fuckin mother….and other to your Lǎobǎn” You had so many questions but right now wasn’t the time, for all you know if you waited another 5 or so minutes an entire gang coulve been waiting outside.
Your body was completely spent, once you willed yourself off the floor and opened the door, trying to pull yourself together, slumping to the ground outside the door because you knew he wasn’t going to try anything else. Your hand was literally throbbing , the bruising already shadowing your knuckles as you slide the array of Cartier off your fingers. Already well aware your hand would swell in your sleep, after a few moments you managed to get your shit together, heading down the hallway and back to the main area.
The minute you cleared the door the all shot up bolting in your direction “Fuck, baby are you-” Stopping himself midsetence the closer you got, neck already starting to welt. You could literally see the anger flashed through his eyes as he gripped the side of your face. “What the hell happened!?” Damn near stripping you in the middle of the airport as his hands scrambled over every inch of your body looking for any other marks. A whine leaving your lips as you winced once he graced your shoulder, eyes almost flushing pitch black at the sound that just left your throat. 
The original agent stepped back out front, and you felt Tae try to bolt to your right, gripping his wrist as hard as you can, no matter how bad it hurts. Pulling him back into you “It wasn’t him...and we can’t do this now...not here...we've already drawn enough attention…will talk later” You watched him open his mouth in rebuttal shaking your head in the process “Stop, take me to the hotel...now…..”  
He was testing your patience at this point the alpha in him, caused Tae to challenge every word that left your lips. Not that it wasn’t for good reason but he needed to trust your judgment calls “Taehyung...Now..” The sudden dominance that laced within your tone made him tentatively comply, it was rare you took this stance with him. Typically the tone was reserved for the men that worked for you! 
 Quickly asking the guys to carry both of your bags, while he picked you up wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you outside to the car that was waiting. One of your men stationed in China was the driver, not trusting some random service at this point. 
The car ride was oddly quiet, you were completely spent, and that’s the only reason the 6 men around you didn't bombard you with questions. Sat comfortably on Tae’s lap, face nuzzled into his neck, while his hands tried to soothe over every inch of your body.
Location : The Peninsula Shanghai
Damn near 2AM, Thursday morning
The room was dead silent, the two of you debriefed the moment you entered the suite, as there was no way in hell he’d let you even think about sleeping until you told him what happened in that back room! Now the only noise in the background was from the shower. The two of you kept it running, almost as a makeshift dehumidifier, while you both soaked in the oversized jacuzzi. Submerged in mounds of bubbles and warm water. It was peacefully actually Tae sat parallel to you, legs resting over his thighs as his fingers trickled up softly. Your eyes were closed as you let the heat overtake you enjoying the rare feeling of calmness that currently washed over you body. 
“Why haven't you just given up on me?”
The sudden depth behind question pried your eyes apart...fluttering them over in his direction.
“You heard me…were the only two people in this room Luxxy..” 
“Well I mean, our families-”
“No” Not in the slightest mood for your games tonight “You know exactly what I mean, this “Thing” Gesturing between the two of you “Has always been a thing even before it  technically was and you know it. You've always had a soft spot for me, and I just can’t figure out why…” 
You couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by not only the conversation at hand but just the topic...he was never one to doubt or question himself. Also the slight passiveness in his tone felt forigen leaving his throat. 
“All arrogence aside, yes, I’m fan-fucking tastic in bed ...and I’m attractive...but so are a lof of other men, but beaneath all that... I’m so fucked up, and you know that better than anyone so why-”
“Really? So we're gonna sit here and act like we havent been through a lot of the same shit?” Instantly annoyed by him constantly trying to compare the two of you as if you were so holier than thou saint as an excuse!
“ I’ve seen and done thing’s that you don’t even have a clue about Kim Taehyung….For starters look at my fucking hand?” Pointing out how bruised your knuckles were in comparison to the extremely girly pastel pink acrylics that danced along your nails. 
“I fucking used a pair of handcuffs as brass knuckles, and broke a dudes face in 3 places today...do you really think I have any room to judge!? I have a soft spot for you the same reason you do me...because you somehow manage to see more than what everyone else dose……” Voice calming significantly the more you gazed into those dark brown eyes of his..always innocent no matter what he’s been through. 
“But what if there’s not more to me...then what? How do you know you havent mentally created a version of me in retrospect to who I really am?” He was challenging you and he had a valid point, but so did you...
“The reason I keep coming back isn't fictonal…..” Shifting forward in attempts to straddle his waist which he welcomed willingly, gripping your hips so you didn't have to do much. “ It’s the angry, short tempered, assertive, aggressive..version of you...then it’s also the man who carried me out of the airport..and held me the entire car ride...or the man that basically told me he’d take a bullet for me. And to make it even better you fuckin meant it….” 
You watched his eyes start to drift away from yours, bringing your hand up to rest along his jaw, tilting it back in your direction. 
“Yes..this is a busienss..even if we’d never had sex we’d always protect each other..but you look at me in a compeltley differnet light. You always have no matter how much you've tried to hide it...I’m staying around in hopes that I get to see a little more of that..Kim Taehyung…in addition to..the angry, short tempered...daddy dom you are” Pourposly lightening the mood with your ending choice of words..earning a slight smile to tug on the corners of his lips. 
“Such a hard man with an even harder cock, how the hell could I say no to a challenge like that?” Lips hovering over his as you spoke,Taehyung leaned in first a deep exhale released from his lungs into yours. Moaning against his tongue within seconds, as it slipped past the seams of your lips. The kiss was lazy, almost harmless initially, until you raked your nails down his back, ripping a moan from his throat. 
“Do you want it? Or are you too tired?” Pulling back slightly. Letting his lips tease yours as he spoke, nipping at your bottom lip.
“Both..” the words spilled from your lips, chuckling slightly at your own honesty..you were tired..but you wanted him…
A humm left his lips..before leaning over to suck on the hinge of your jaw “I think I can work with that…..” Scooting his back away from the edge of the tub “Wrap your legs around my waist...tight...baby…” Upon feeling you locks your legs around him , he locked one arm around your waist while placing the other on the edge of the tub, lifting you both out of the water, before carefully stepping onto the tile floor. Grabbing a towel off the counter to drape your back so you weren't sopping wet, before waving his tongue into your mouth carrying you back into the bedroom. The kiss was slow, deep, a little more delicate than your use to with him, he even let you take control as you laced your tongue around his. Pulling back slightly to nibble on his bottom lip, sucking it between your own, as he dug his nails even deeper into the curve of your ass. 
Typically he’d throw you on the bed, silently hoping he wouldn't, muscles too sore for that and luckily he knew better. Gently laying you on your back, soothing his hands down your thighs as he spread them apart slowly,kneading his hands higher and higher until they were dancing right beneath your core. Pulling back from you briefly...eyes following him as he reached into one of his bags, not fully able to see what he got as it dispersed within his palm. Before you even had time to question it he was hovering back over you..lips trickling down your jaw, instinaly noticing the way he skipped over your neck.More so on a mental level not sure if you wanted anyone near it, even him...but it was him...and as sad as it sounds that’s nowhere near the worst thing that's happened to you. 
Grabbing his face between your palms, gently placing his head in the crook of you next and he complied instantly. “You still want me to taste you?” The look in his eyes was a lot softer than you’d expect in a moment like this. The typical arrogance gone, almost as if he was honored that you still trusted him with very inch of your body no matter how fragile it currently was.”My pretty baby…” The praise had you shuddering.  
Purposely teasing over the skin with the tip of his nose, making you crave it even more “Yes, everywhere..I want you everywhere...please…”
 Planting  mounds of messy open mouthed kisses against your skin..until every area had been traced into his memory with his tongue. Moaning out in the crook of your neck as you started grinding your hips up into him. His mouth could tear you apart within seconds as your hands roamed down his back, nails grazing his skin as you arched slightly giving him more access. Letting his lips trickle down to your breast, Cupping it in his had as he let his tongue lather over your areola before sucking it into his mouth. 
“Tae…” raking your nails into his hair while you almost edging your breast even deeper into his mouth.
“Always  so sensitive...” Licking sucking, nibbling his way over to your other breast repeating the same acting as he sucked on your nipples until your entire body was grinding into him. The heat already pooling from your stomach, trickling onto the bed. Letting his hand travel down your body, moaning at the way every muscle in your stomach flenched at the contact...letting his figners dance over your clit…”So responsive...fuck ..you dripping for me baby…just relax and let me make you cum..I got you... ” 
Those words alone had your body quaking as he laid his tongue flat against your sternum,, licking his way down, until he reached  your bikini line. Nipping, kissing, and sucking his way around the perimeter of your core until you felt as though your entire being was pulsing for him. Positioning himself between your legs, cradling your thighs on either side of his shoulders as he dove tongue frist between your between your thighs. Clearly not in the mood to tease tonight as his tongue lapped around every crevice of your folds, moaning out against the juices coating every nerve on his tongue.  Brining one hand down to ravage through his hair as an anchor feeling as though you currently had no control over your body at the moment. 
Every inch of your body was set ablaze as he rolled his tongue against your heat, letting the muscle dig deeper and deeper teasing your entrance, before flicking it against the head of your clit, his name fell from your lips repeatedly only adding fuel to the fire. While he massaged your inner thighs in his palms...soothing the tremble that was already radiating through your body as you struggled to keep your legs open.  Pulling back to purse his lips over you clit, letting the natural lubricant fall from his lips onto your clit..not that you needed it Tae just loved it messy. Body jerking at the sudden sensation as he swirled his tongue around the added wetness, using it to unravel your clit nerve by nerve. He licked and sucked his way from top to bottom, living for the taste of you all over his tongue,relishing in how messy you were already dripping down his face..trickling onto the sheets.  Before moving over to sink his tongue even deeper into your entrance..waving it around the premier,teasing your hole as it clenched in anticipation. “Fuck, you want it sooo bad” His voice rumbled agaisnt your folds, as he almost arrogently observed how desperte your body was for him.
“Oh, my god Tae,…” You kneaded out as your body started to morph into a strained arch, ignoring the pressure currently beating on your shoulder, as you rolled your hips into his mouth. Humming out against your folds contently  the way you started to twitch above him. Letting his teeth gently graze your clit with just enough pressure to make you shudder before sucking the sensitive bud between his lips. Suctioning them around it until he could feel the nerve start to tense around his tongue triggering every nerve in your body to do the same.
“Tae, baby fuckk, just like that -” You find yourself almost clawing at his scalp as his name continuously fell from your lips in the form of the neediest whine imagine.
“I’m here baby...I’m right here cum for me.. ….please come for me” The words rumbled against your folds before he sucked you back into his mouth, your thighs desperately trying to clamp down on his face, as you back arched to the point of your head almost elevating off the bed…every muscle in your thighs quivered as you choked out a broken praise of his name. 
“Tae, T-” You came with a moan that stretched from the deepest realms of your chest..voice breaking towards the end .Giving your clit a few more kitten licks before he crawled back on top of you.
“How are you feelin? You wanna stop?” Hand coming up to soothe the outer perimeter of your body, your thighs still trembling against his touch. The concern in his voice had you melting as you shake your head in response almost pouting.
“No, I still want you….” 
“You trust me?” brow quirked slightly , as you reached up to wipe your juices from his chin.
That was all the confirmation he needed before leaning down to slide his tongue into your mouth. Moaning out as the taste of you rolled from his tongue to yours, reaching between the two of you tracing your fingers up your lips. Body shivering in the process, using your own release to stroke his length which was already rock hard, a strained moan broke from his throat as he pulled back from you, resting his forehead against your own, as his jaw laxed at the stimulation. Twisting your wrist up and down his shaft, towing with the precum on his tip .
“God I need to be in you so fuckin bad….your so wet, sooo wet..fuckkkk” letting his fingers reach between the two of you playing in the juices that glazed over your lips. “Slide me in baby…..”  Rocking his hips slightly egging you to position him at your entrance and you did, the minute he felt your warmth against him he started sliding in. Completely slipping your mind that it seems he purposely never stretched you out.
“Oh my fuckk..” Nails digging into his forearms at the sudden stretch and pressure that was building between your thighs.
“Does it hurt? or is it just-”
“No, it just..oh my god..” 
“Just what?” There it was that arrogance you knew and loved as he sunk his bottom lip between his lips rocking his hips forward even more “What? Is it too much dick baby? Too much for you to handle tonight?” Yet he didn't stop because he knew you could take it…
“No! It’s not too much you just-” Interrupting your normal scheduled sarcasm with one deep roll of his hips sliding all the way to the hilt, as you choked out a non existent cry.
“Shhh..just relax..you said it wasn't too much right? So why’s your back arching off the bed if daddy’s cock isnt too much for you to handle..” God if you had the strength your probably choke him...instead you purposely clenched yours walls around him as tight as you could. 
“Fuckk….” Thumb digging into your hips as he tried to regain composure “Brat..” slipped out through clenched teeth.
“Your brat!” Not even aware of the phrase before it rolled off your tongue, before you even had a chance to feel awkward about the statement a coy little smirk tugged on the corner of his lips.
“Fuck yeah you are….”  Smoothly rolling his hips into you, deep, slow thrust,  building up momentum..not even giving you a chance to adjust to the stretch of him. Walls unintentionally pulsing extremely hard around him while he cock also throbbed at the contact. “Fuck how are you always so fuckin perfect? Soo good...you always feel soo good..”
Leaning down propping his elbows on either side of your head sliding his tongue back into your mouth as he tilted his hips upwards slightly, sliding out completely before rolling back in. Bringing his pelvis flesh to yours each time, as he could feel you start to relax around him. 
“Fuck yes…: “ Sinking your nails into his shoulders, while he pulled back to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, sucking down on the skin benath your ear. Tilting your neck back even more to give his tongue more leverage, as he continued thrusting into you , your previous release giving him the traction he needed to speed up his pace without hurting you.
Bringing one hand over to his right, reaching out for the item he grabbed earlier, looping it around his finger before pressing it flesh to your clit. The sudden vibration had your eyes snapping open. Body arching into him as the stimulation surged through your body. “Fuckkkk..” Hands releasing his back , clenching to the sheets instead. He had the bullet right on the tip of your clit, and it was clearly on high, thighs shaking within seconds “Oh my- Tae…..” It was too much but it was so good, as you found yourself rolling your hips up into his hand, as he rolled and grounded his hips into yours, matching his thrust at ever angle..”
“You said you wanted to cum, but you were tired...now all you gotta do is just lay here and take it…..” eyes rolling to the back of your head as your thighs tried to close around him, your warmth still milking his length from base to tip ,”Babyy….yes...god yes...” Taehyung moaned out, his own toes starting to curl as he pounded into you..already feeling how close you were…
“Fuck, that’s it baby..come for me...come all over my cock... ,”
Propping himself up slightly, bringing his opposite hand over to take a deep grip on your ass, allowing him to bury himself even deeper as he snapped his hips into you “Tae!” Tugging on the sheets for dear life as your body arched again every muscle felt like it was convulsing as your eyes screwed shut Your relase ripping through you with such force that it snatched a strained moan from Tae’s throat “ Y/N...baby fuck….”  Gripping your trembling legs one by one  propping them on either side of his shoulders...leaning down to hover over you...tilting his hips..until it felt like he was sitting in your lungs… You couldn't even speak you were so full ... giving you no time to come down your previous release feeling like it was just bulldozing into the next.
He could tell your body was starting to lose all composure ...from how hard you were still shaking.
“Shh… relax...I got you...I got you..” Brushed against your lips… as he slowled down his thrust...clicking the bullet until it was on a calmer speed but it was still wayyy to much right now….Sliding his tounge back into your mouth as he rolled his hips into you, his thrust slightly out of sink and slopper than usual so you knew he was close but fuck it was soo much. Sucking every strangled moan from your throat as supported his weight on one elbow, cupping the side of your face in his hand as he licked his way through your mouth. Hip hips where becoming a rattled mess against your own , as your body started to ease slightly.
‘I can’t, fuck I can’t…” You could hear your juices sliding in and out as he rolled his hips into you, yours inner thighs soaked and sticky..voice strained..
“You can, give me one more, one more baby...I’m not gonna last long…” Pulling his hips back slightly swirling his cock around inside of you loving how wet and warm you were, and it was all for him. “You hear that? Your so wet for me baby you can take it give me one more, give daddy one more..” 
You kissed softly Tae’s thrust a little more ...rational considering how sensitive you were ...your body already starting to unravel within seconds. 
“Tae..” You weren't even sure why you were calling him at this point…
‘Baby..” He countered in a  low moan before sucking on your bottom lip “So good for me...soo good..” Crashing his lips into yours as he sped up his pace...turning the bullet back on high speed..
“Fuckk-”Body jerking against him, the cry was so faint your surprised he heard you 
“I know, baby I know, me too..” His legs were shaking between your hips which were trembling uncontrollably .
Massaging his lips against your as he thrusted harder and faster, ripping your last orgasm from your body as he licked up your throat… coming with a scream of his name..Thank God..your neighbors where Namjoon and Mazda!
“Fuck yes, that’s it…” Finally pulling the bullet away as he shoved his face in the crook of your neck, letting praise unpon praise fall from his lips. Tae’s release swelling in his balls , bringing his hands behind both of your shattered thighs, scoping you up, giving you a couple more deep, steady thrust before he was spilling into you,cock vibrating around your walls. “Fuckkkk” Strained from his throat, ridinging out his release as his hips rolled into yours deep and slow a couple more times before his body laxed on top of yours.
Taehyung was completely spent but he knew you couldn't handle him on top of you like this… propping himself up on one arm, bringing the other down to stroke your cheek “Are you okay?” The words cautiously spilled from his lips in Korean...you don’t even think he realized he did it but you understood him so you just nodded in response. Too exhausted to say much else, while his palm soothed down your body slowly, you were warm..sticky..and and fucking exhausted, your body was litterally buzzing as you nerves started to relax into the matress. Not even wanting to know what time it was right now...eyes drifting asleep ...at some point completely missing how gently he pulled out. Or how he took the time to wipe your entire body down with a damp cloth before moving you from the soiled spot beneath you. 
Location : The Peninsula Shanghai
5:00 AM , Thursday morning
He never fell asleep, not that there was much time for it anyway...as he cuddled up behind you, silently observing the little whimpers that left your body as you readjusted in your sleep. The way the bruises along your shoulder, bicep, elbow and hip had finally settled into an ungodly shade of purple. Tae found himself, running circles against your bare skin the entire time you slept, silencing the alarm on his phone before the loud rattle woke up. 
Already having an internal battle with himself, it took every ounce of self control to not just completely shut down and pull away from you then and there. What happened last night, or I guess this morning, isn't uncommon, and he knows you held your own. But it’s you! Fuck it’s YOU, seeing his Luxxy burised and sore just hit..different...it hit real different. He actually almost slept on the damn couch, instantly settling away from your once you dozed off. Then he watched you sleep, and realized how much he needed to be that close to you and that utterly terrified him. 
Hopping up to turn on the shower before he actually woke you, wanting the water to be nice and warm because he knew you'd be sore as hell. Sometimes after something like that happens, your adrilenes still so high that you don’t realize how much pain your really in until hours later! You lot had a solid 14 hours to make heads of this before you had to fly back home for Leo’s viewing. 
Peppering kisses until you work up, in complete whiney, brat mode but this time around he actually found it adorable, carrying  you into the shower so you guys could get ready for whatever  hell this day had in store. Oh did I mention it was also dreary and rainy so...that’s the mood of the day, as the two of you got yourselves sorted in almost complete silence. There wasn't any tension or anything where the two of you were concerned there was just a lot on your minds right now!
It was about half past 6 once the four of you pilled into the car, Jin took Yoongi straight to the warehouse once you guys got to the hotel last night, and Hoseok had to go pick up the semi. They were all awaiting your arrival, and desperately praying you had coffee, which you did..about 2 strays full! 
Location : Sunjata X Kim distribution warehouse
Thursday 7:10 AM.
It was extremely earie how quiet the building was, your heels echoed along the concrete floors, all loading behind the industrial-sized elevator. There was no other drivers currently in China, all the others were on routes throughout the midwest, so the 7 of you didn't  do much to fill up this 3 story warehouse! The building itself was well kept, you didn't run some grimy sweatshop, it was clean, organized , and had one hell of a security system. 
Upon approaching the door to the office you observed it swing open automatically, guessing one of the guys saw you approaching on the surveillance cameras. A consensual sigh richoteced off your bodies as you took in the looks on their faces…..this was going to be a long damn day!
Joon walked over to give Yoongi both of his coffee orders, damn near snatching it out of his hand like a man deprived! You couldn't help but notice the way they all kept gazing over in your direction, the bruises on the side of your neck could be mistaken has love bites if they didn't know better. But the problem is...they all knew better, they couldn't help it, your the only girl in this circle, they all have a soft spot for you.
“Guys, please stop, I’m not a damn porcelain doll, I’m fine...can we actually start going over everything or do you just wanna keep staring at my bruised neck!?” Tone unintentionally snappy, you were just tired, frustrated, and already ready to leave. 
None of them bothered to rebuttal your request as you all settled on the sectional in the center of the room that sat in front of a 60 inch screen, which mirrored Yoongi’s monitor. 
“Okay sooo, to be honest, I didn't find a shit ton of issues, which isn't surprising, this is a business, you can only hide so much before it starts affecting money! But the issues that I did find, are a little concerning..first off it seems as though you only have about 10 clients that order in that large of bulk right?” Yoongi’s eyes drifting from the screen for conformation. 
“Yeah, and those clients have been with us since we practically opened usually orders that large are actually being transported for us to sell directly” Taehyung took it upon himself to answer as he shifted you onto his lap. You couldve sworn he thought if he let you out of his site you’d disappear or something. 
“Right, that’s what I thought, the person that was getting the order in question was relatively new...and it seems like you guys have about 2 more orders close to that size going out within the next 12 days...that’s also new clientele!” 
“Offf course we do!” Your sarcasm was just on autopilot at this point.
“Yeah, I checked into the system to see when they were entered..in, trying to find any email correspondences… and there wasn't much. The odd thing is, they were all added right before Henry left, but the orders were not set to go out for almost a good 60 days or more…” Jin chimed in while scrolling through his own laptop, double checking both work emails in the process. 
“Is that normal? Because I don't think I've ever heard of us doing that unless we're the ones sold out of something right?” 
“Yes and no, I asked Mrs. Chen (Lay’s grandmother who's been within the family business for almost 20 years) since she was taking over before I got here and she told me where she kept her handwritten notes” The frustration within his voice was comical..he was probably pulling his hair out trying to decipher her old school Mandarin.
“ Apparently, this client was moving locations and wanted it all to come together but couldn't afford it all at once. So technically it was three separate orders..that were paid for individually but they wanted to wait and have them all shipped together.” 
That was ...somewhat believable..the shipping cost for freight that size wasn’t small business friendly so it's not too obscene that they would rather wait and just pay one bulk price!
A consual nod filled the room at that, so far this wasn’t going too bad...
“Part of my concern, and it could just be me over thinking things, after that meeting we just had but when I looked into the shipping locations… and this is what I found….” 
Yoongi opened a separate tab to a spreadsheet that now graced the screen in front of you.
 Tijuana, Baja California,  El paso, and Laredo Texas …it took you guys a moment to put two and two together and then…
“Fuck, why do they alllllll border Mexico….” A deep exhale left your chest at that, sinking back into Taehyung. The question wasn't even legitimate more so just thinking out loud. 
Hoseok and Tae exchanged glares at the sound of that, the two of them have been gunhoe to “Handle” Marco for a solid 3 months now so this new info wasn’t helping!
“Again, maybe I’m overthinking this but..I just find it odd that the first shipment that’s ever gone rouge ..is going to a state bordering Mexico.” Scruffling his fingers through his hair, as he slouched against the desk. Yoongi looked fucking wrecked you could tell he’s been up the entire time!
“Right, but this warehouse is for replica luxury goods...some bulk wholesale items..I highly fucking doubt Carbarno wants a fake Gucci bag so this still makes no sense. We're still not at heads or tails when it comes to the Distribution truck…” You didn’t intend to sound like a bitch you were just getting frustrated! 
“I mean, the driver said they took 6, he left with 60-”
“How do we know he left with 60 though? Why are we solely trusting his word, does shipping and receiving keep logs of how many boxes are used per order!?” The room perked up at the sound of that, no matter how snappy, Taehyung’s request was actually spot on!
“Yeah, they submit it weekly so we know how much is going in and out inventory wise..”
“K, and where would we find that log?”
Jin stepped in since he knew the actual software a little better than Yoongi, typing in the shipment number..which narrowed it down to a month..then a week.. At this moment instantly regretting how good business was and the number of orders that are prepped daily. The 7 of you spread out along the office, going through the mountains of weekly logs!
For starters, shit was all out of order, which was a bitch for another day, but to be fair Jin’s only been here a month and Mrs.Chen as a fill-in until you could maneuver Jin to China!  
8AM rolled around and Jin had to step away, once the workers came in..needing to oversee the daily activities as he would any other time. Not letting them know Tae and yourself were upstairs, and I shit you not..it was pushing 11:30 when Namjoon finally found the log!
“Fuck!” You could sense the frustration in his voice assuming it was just because he still hadn’t found it…“Hey Tae, your Mandarin is a lot better than mine..come read this.”
Hopping off the floor, glancing at a hot pink sticky note on top of the log, there was a long pause before he actually said anything. “FUCK!”
The sudden outburst caused you all to jerk, completely unaware as to what caused it, the batatone rumbled throughout the office as he headed for the door “Hoseok, where’s the tuck ?” 
“Ugh, it’s in the lot it hasn’t been un-” Not even allowing him to finish his sentence before he headed into the hallway
“What the fuck is his deal!?” Hoseok retorted glancing over at you annoyed and confused by Taehyung’s sudden attitude.
“Tae, Tae!! ..” Nothing you knew he heard you as he headed for the staircase not even attempting the elevator. “Kim Taehyung!!!” Elevating your voice slightly and it still did nothing, an exaggerated sigh left you throat as the four of you trucked behind him. Completely unaware of where he was going, while Yoongi stayed behind to still toy with the system a little more. 
Inviting himself into the main factory level where all the workers were currently sprawled out, the immense out of chatter and music grumbled against the loud machinery. Not even attempting to speak instead reaching into his pocket, shooting a single bullet into the air, as a way to get everybody to shut the hell up and look at him!   
“Tae!!!” Gritted from your lips at his almost childish behavior and he still ignored you, while Jin ran over completely wide eyed, telling the workers to calm down and not panic. As they all instantly dropped to the floor at the sound of gunfire. 
“What are yo-” 
“I need, whoever unloades the freight, the driver of the truck, and whoever these two ladies are..” Pointing at the names written in Mandarin of the workers who loaded shipment “Send everybody else home for the day..”
“Send. Every.Body.Else.Home….Now.” There was no elevation in tone but there differently was in delivery, his tenor got dark, demanding wasn't even a strong enough word to describe it. Not even waiting for Jin to respond or ask any additional questions as he pulled away from him, sliding his blazer off his frame in the process. 
You watched him head out the door without even sparing you a single glance,at this point you were done, done chasing him, done arguing and more importantly you were exhausted! Now it’s your turn to be dramatic, pulling your glock out of the inside pocking of your blush pink silk coat. Aiming right at the light hanging from the ceiling, barley centimeters away from where he was headed.  Ignoring the gasps that overflowed from the work room, head whipping in your direction, face contoured out of anger and you could give less than a damn.
“What the fuck is your promblem!?” you watched him storm in your direction the diction in his voice one you've never heard in correlation to you. Yet no matter how angry he was your stance never faltered, crossing your arms over your chest as your eyes burned straight through him.
“What the fucks my problem!?”
“I didn’t stutter, I don't have time for this bullshit Luxx, I have shit to take care of we only have another-”
“Excuse you!?” Strutting closer, minding the space between the two of you until you could almost taste the gum on his tongue. “You have shit to take care of!? See that’s my fuckin problem Tae, what the fuck does this say!?” Storming to the left point to the very faint carving within the bricks that read “Sunjata & Kim” only the spelling was purposely done backwards. But you all knew what it said...and why it was there….
You watched the hinge of his jaw tighten yet he didn't respond “Hello!? Would you prefer I say it in Korean!?” Brow arched at the obviously condescending implied question. 
At this point, Mazda, Hoseok, and Namjoon had made there way to the halway as well, silently observing the soap opera taking place in front of their eyes. 
“You really need to calm the fuck down…” Dropping his voice significantly the octave and tone... was less aggressive yet even more dominant then moments prior……
“Or what!?” Challenging him yet again as you stepped even closer, dropping your voice so the conversation stayed private. “This is a business, sex aside..you can’t go shutting down whever you get angry or upset. This is OUR business and OUR money…you have no problem giving me what I want in bed, so give me what I want in business! Fucking respect me as your partner and talk.To.Me.”
A long sigh left his body as his eyes flutter shut..pearing them open slightly..taking a firm grip on the sides of your face,craddling it between his plams...squezing slighly “God I wanna choke the fuck outta you sometimes…” The words slipped through gritted teeth but there was no actual aggression laced within his words.
“Fucking same….” Keeping your eyes locked on his, as you watched him regain slight composure. 
“You went in shutdown mode barley 3 months ago in regards to this same damn warehouse...it’s not happening again...talk to me Tae” Dropping your voice to an octave that you knew would unravel him and get you what you wanted.
Dropping his forehead down to yours...the hold on your jaw becoming more intimate, as he almost whispered against your lips. Finally brining himself down to a more level headed mindset...
 “The report called for 54 boxes..not 60...that means for some reason, we have 6 more than we should regardless! Either he brought back six..or for some reason, they spaced out the order more than they really needed too. Either way shits off...I want every damn box stripped and checked, because I swear to God, if my guts right, I don’t give a fuck if it’s his father’s fuenral...he’s done!” 
Pulling back from your slightly observing your shift in expression upon finding out what the REAL issue could possibly be ...” Oh fuck…” 
“ Right! I don’t- we don’t have time to argue alright? ...If you wanna come while we sort through these boxes...come”  That damn sure wasn't an apology but you really didn't have time to bitch right now soooo
Unfortunately for the driver, a good 20 minutes in, Mazda found a clear baggie within one of the YSL replica bags…”Shit..Tae…” utter defeat slipped from his lips as he raised the bag,honestly, you weren't expecting it to be this fucked up!  
Body slumping into the floor at the site in front of you..and the more you searched the more, and more, and more..you found…The pile to the far right of the garage was growing like wildfire. 
“FUCK!!” This time the outburst came from you, darkside of the business is you guys moved snow...a gram starts at damn near $100.00. By the time you had every piece of shipment open, there was about 10 grand worth of coke smuggled carelessly between knock off luxury goods and bulk loungewear! 
It was pushing 3 in the afternoon at this point...the air was sitting real thick you could almost smell the fear laced within the 5 employees as they also sat in silence. 
“You know it’s Jimin’s ...it has to be...he gets jumped Monday night ...leaving the party...now suddenly there's 10k of snow here!? That’s not a coincidence…shit’s fuckin stupid!” Hoseok’s added in utter disgust you guys don't move drugs like this, there's a reason you don’t get caught! This was ignorant and careless, and theft, because these are Sunjata drug’s Leo, doesn't move shit this intense! 
There’s always a cleaner on any Drug run...that’s what Yoongi and Hosoke are for, in case someone tries to hit a lick or you get stopped by the police. A delivery driver isn't equipped to handle this kind of shipment, there not trained to kill someone in the blink of an eye! 
“So what would have happened if the police would have come to investigate this so-called robbery...and searched the truck..then what?” Eyes daggering int he driver's direction, lucikly he was smart enough to realize he wasn’t meant to respond. 
“ This is close to 10 thousand dollars worth of coke! We almost lost a mini Birkin!!” You didn't have the skill of sounding collected when angry, your voice was echoing extremely loud off the concrete walls! It was written all over his face that he knew something if you didn't know any better you’d swear he was damn near pissing himself. 
Yet Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle, even in a situation like this .. your comparison to losing money is a luxury handbag!
Pulling out your phone to call Jimin knowing he’d be pissed because it was damn near 2 AM, but you didin’t care.
“Yes…” He was wide awake you could even hear some chick complaining in the background that he picked up…
“Am I interrupting?” You couldn't help but tease, and honestly, you needed the slight distraction, the girl in the back managed to sound even brattier than you!
“Nope, your always more important..what do you need love?” Always the flirt Tae rolled his eyes that the sound of that...suddenly soo possessive...
“After Joleane's birthday...what was taken?” 
A low chuckle left his throat which instnatly threw you off “A shit ton of snow that wasnt even fully cured..the mother fuckers gonna fuck around and have a damn stroke if he tries to hit that shit...fuckin stupid! That’s what they get through ...Whatever..I’m already working on a new batch anyway...so don’t worry. I’ll have it ready by next drop night” 
Now you were all laughing, good old jet lag, it was somewhat delirious and cynical actually as if this couldn't get any better, Marco was moving uncured snow. Meaning’s someone’s paying for the good shit and it isn't even fully cooked yet. Any dealer can taste a bad batch especially someone on the level of Carbarno! If this would've gotten sold to the wrong person, kills the wrong person or they just felt like you were trying to rip them off! Suddenly the entire alliance becomes a walking death wish! What makes this even scarier is if you guys wouldn't have flown out here...you wouldn’t have even seen the attack coming..you’d be sitting ducks...AGAIN
‘Welp Park, I found your snow..it traveled to China so I’ll make sure I bring it back to ya!” The sarcastic tinge to your voice had him more than confused as you hung up throwing your phone across the room! 
‘We need to shut this factory down, at least four a couple weeks, because I don't trust what’s coming and going out at this point. Jin...I need a report on what’s supposed to go out within the next 5 days...I need a cargo plane big enough to carry people and freight. I want every order that’s set to go out in that timeframe...on that plane...”
His eyes glanced over at you as if for once he was asking for confirmation, in which you just nodded...you only had another 6 hours here. There wasn’t time to do shit else...except shut it all down until you actually had time to think this through! 
“Get two if we have too and I want Yoongi and Hosoek riding with the pilots..along with the driver and the two women that processed the shipment.I don't know how your gonna do it..but I need them all on a flight or two by midnight, and I want this factory locked down and closed until further notice!” 
Taehyung just spit a lot out all at once, but it appeared both Jin and the employees in the corner picked up on every word..or at least the important parts because they were utterly terrified. 
“Hey guys come look-” Yoongi paused once he notices the moutan of coke to his right “Holyyy shit….ugh..I...fuck really!?” 
“The point Yoongi! Get to the point!” Patience was done at this point..done!
“Damn okay! I tapped into a webcam...there's nobody home I was just curious if any of you recognized the space or not!” 
“With the mood, I’m in you better hope I don't! ” Tae bit back in almost a growl as he helped you off the ground, Namjoon and Mazda stayed in the garage with the workers will Jin set off to try and orchestre what Taehyung instructed. 
The minute you all stepped into the office it appears there was static coming from the TV screen “Oh shit, shit, wait...wait I think...someone's home now….”  Tae, Hoseok and yourself all studied the screen trying to see if the person would get in frame, but it seems Taehyung already had a pretty strong idea who it was. And within a couple minutes so did you….
You all sat in silence for a good 5 or so minutes...until  an extremely doped out Henry slurred into frame, eyes sitting dangerously low, the same way they did when Taehyung found him almost four years ago.
‘“Shit” your heart was damn near beating out of your chest as you observed the way Taehyung studied the video, you’d never seen him look like this, it was actually terrifying, he was fuming. 
You watched Yoongi shift in his seat suddenly feeling real uncomfortable as you all found yourselves studying Taehyung, instead of the video itself. 
“I ugh, I don't know where he is but-”
“I do!” His response was instant, and the smile that settled on his face as he said it was a little more than unsettling “He’s retreated right back to his dope house..a good five hours away…”
You found yourself silently praying that  he would just send his men and the two of you would hop on the flight butttttt…” That’s a long ride, we should probably grab some food and head out for our little road trip yeah?.”  A slight smirk danced along his lips, eyes still studying the video thoroughly as he walked backwards towards the door, nothing was earier than a calm KimTaehyung. . 
Exiting the room without another word leaving Hoseok and yourself to glare over at each other..sharing the same disturbed expression.
“You know if we get there, and Henry’s in that house..there’s a 99 perect chance he’s going to kill him right? 
Location: Henry’s “House” (A good 4 and a half  hours outside of Shanghai )
Thursday 7:10PM
The shift in the atmosphere once you guys got closer to your destination was uncanny, you’d never been to side of China before. Besides visiting Begjin you never ventured too far away form the warehouse technically what you told the TSA was true. When you came here if you weren’t checking on your business you were eating or shopping! Sunny kept your far away from China’s black market dealings and for good reason.
The house itself was pretty small, and dark all the windows practically boarded so you couldn't tell if anyone was even home. Hoseok instructed all of you to stay in the car as he got out, seamlessly breaking his way past the triple deadbolt without any hesitation. Once you noticed the door crack open the three of you followed behind, Hoseok’s gun was drawn the minute he walked through the door because the house was pitch black!! Instantly turning on the flashlight on your phone and getting kiddie corner behind him so he could see. There was suddenly a scurry of footsteps frantically trampling into the room from the right, causing Hoseok to instinctively back you into a wall behind him. 
As if your shoulder needed anymore impact, it took everything in you not to scream, gunfire came from your left strategically grazing the skin of the man's ankle, knocking him to the ground with a high pitched goran. Finally finding a light to your right, you see Henry, in a way you've never in your life seen Henry, and a huge shared piece of glace. Which was apparently his weapon of choice for whoever he could get his hands on…unaware of who was breaking into his home. 
Hoseok, and Tae carried him into the poor excuse of a bedroom as you were all cautiously trying to avoid the mountains of clothes and needles all over the floor. This Was not the man you knew, yes he lived modestly and minimalistic, but he was almost OCD about how organized  he was. Now you could barely recognize the person  standing in front of you,for starters he reaked, wondering when the last time he actually bathed. Hoseok reached down and pulling the  from his leg,  as Henry wheezed at the contact. The metal barley puncturing the skin which was done purposefully.... Can’t get answers from a dead man!
Taehyung instructed Yoongi to confiscate both laptops external hard drives, and anything else he thought Henry may have been using. Knowing it was already after seven and there's no way he’d have time to properly crack into that right now, but he definitely wasn’t leaving it behind!
“Can you guys all go wait outside please…” The words left his lips in such a hushed tone you almost missed it, but you also knew time and place, and this wasn’t one to push buttons. Back facing the group as he stood parallel to Henry, eyes locked on the glossy gaze in front of him. As you all started to walk out of the room the sound of your heels bouncing against the wood caught his attention “Y/n..you can stay if you want..” The request in combination with him actually calling you by your real name had you slightly taken aback. But you knew him, he’d never be the type to say he “needed” someone, so if he was asking it’s because he needed it! 
You didn't respond, just pausing silently observing from where you were, Hoseok’s eyes shifted down to you before he walked out. You could see the concern written within his gaze and for good reason “I got him…” Left your lips silently and he smiled faintly before walking out of the room.
“Tae…”  His name left Henry’s lips in nothing but a slur, as he struggled to keep his eyes open, Taehyung’s eyes cut in his direction, jaw extremely tight as he sunk down to a squat a couple inches from Henry.
“I didn't, I didn't mean too-”
“We just went through this, barely three months ago, but you paid me...well you paid Hoseok, and disappeared like a little bitch, and said you were soooo damn sorry. And again against my better judgement...I let it go...now here I am..” There is goes again speaking in the most tranquil voice possible in the most impractical times… 
“Now it seems you’ve upgraded from stealing my money to irresponsibly stealing and moving my drug trade..” You watched him get off the ground, faltering back slowly, eyes tracing the room clearly looking for something. 
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way...that’s up to you, but I’m not leaving until you finally tell me who...and why..”  His eye caught a plastic bag on the desk, one of those “Keep away from children” ones that probably had some sort of electronic in it at one point.
“Tae I can’t-” His voice was wavering so heavy in his throat you would've sworn his entire body was shaking already a second away from crying.
“Easy..or hard…”
“Tae-” Before either of you could even fathom what was going on the bag was over Henry's head, yanking back by the ends until it was flesh against every feature on his face. While the elder gasped for every once of breath he could, arms coming up in an attempt to stop Taehyung, but his reflexes halted that within seconds..” 
There wasn't an ounce of emotion to be read of Taehyung’s face as he gazed straight through Henry’s eyes, expression completely blank, pupils blown out, jaw tight. He just looked...numb...
“Tae”...Nothing not even a falter…
“Tae!” Fuck..
“Baby..” Tone slightly different not sexual by any means it held a warning but it was still...warm..that made his eyes shift in your direction but he still didn't let go. He actually had the nerve to look over at you like he was annoyed that you were interrupting him!
“Fuck! Stop!!” You couldn't just watch that, yeah you've seen him do worse but you knew in his write state of mind he’d regret this! Actually stepping in this time pushing him off slightly, hastily snatching the bag off Henry’s head as he gasped for air like his life depended on it and it did! 
“You want him dead or do you want answers?” Trying to still keep your tone calm because you knew where his hit for him…
“You realllyyyy don’t wanna ask me that right now…” Eyes glaring over to Henry’s flushed face.
“A couple- months...back…” His airflow was still restricted but he was trying so the two of you waited…
“I was at a convenience store late at night, and I met up with one of the Zhao brothers to buy some….stuff” His voice drifted off not wanting  to actually say what it was, as if he wasn’t already drugged out as we speak!
“Because it was me, he came alone, we actually ended up meeting in some alleyway it was like 2am. Next thing I know he starts asking me a million question,I could tell he was a little off, probably tweaking himself honestly. I ended up willing myself not to buy the drugs,and for some reason that set him off, Wei said someone had told him I was trying to set them up.”
This sudden confession already wasn’t sitting well with the two of you…..what the hell dose Wei have to do with anything right now!?
“So that way you guys would switch your drug  trades from Asia to Mexico... one thing lead to another ...”  It was almost painful to endure this, he was talking in what felt like slow motion but it seemed he was coherent enough to tell the story so you tried to dissect his mumbling!
Both of you had a gut feeling where this was going, you just prayed you were wrong!
“I’m the one that ended up killing Wei…” Both of you damn near choked on your own spit at the sound of that a scoff left Tae lips as he got off the ground. Picking up the first thing he could find which was a coffee mug , chucking it at the wall, while tiny pieces of glass shattered along the floor.AS IF..you guys didn't have enough on your plate as it is...now this…”But trust me I didin’t want too and it was self defense!”
“Your telling me, that your the one that killed one of the brothers ...in probably the only Chiness ally we actually thrust!?” Silence filled the air, as he just nodded slowly in response, eyes swelling in the process.  “That was- That was fuck almost 6 months ago, we all flew over to there little island for the funeral YOU WENT TO THE FUNERAL!!  Tae and Hoseok, were pallbearers you have got to be fucking kidding me right now! “ 
It’s just grimey, disgusted wasn’t even a strong enough word, your skin was almost crawling, yeah you play dirty, real dirty. But not to people that have your back loyalty is so damn important in this line of work, yet 6 months ago your families sat at a funeral that one of your men caused!
“Yeah, and that’s why I didn't say anything ..sometimes it's just better if you didn't know ...He said he knew knew though….” He who the fuck is he Marco!?
“I heard he was in town, but I assumed it was for family business, I don't know if you guys knew this but Wei was allegedly robbed before someone found him, I think that’s part of how he knows.I don;t know if he was following me or what but  I’m almost positive he’s the one who  “robbed him”. Which would mean he has  Wei’s burner, which shows I was the last person he talked too, and there's text between the two of us right before! That alone is enough to have them cut my limbs off one by one.”
It kinda made sense...the motive at least...because all Marco would need to do , is just “Anonymously”  submit the phone to someone within their circle. Then he can rat out Henry, while also not letting them know that he had any affiliation with the situation! It would also leave a very hefty string to linger over Henry’s head as ammo. 
“It started with the money thing...which sucked and I felt like shit...but I knew I could pay you back. So I was just hoping and praying if I did you wouldn't completely hate me…” Eyes drifting up to Tae’s pitifully, you weren’t sure if his high was wearing off, or if it was settling and he was just a functioning drugie! But his speech was getting a little better the more he talked...
“So how do we get here, three months later with you moving our drugs to Mexico?” Tae’s voice was almost winded at this point, I don't think he knew how to process everything that was being thrown at him.
“That’s still new ...or at least where I’m concerned,I'm not even sure if the first official shipment even made it across the border yet or not. Still waiting on confirmation,.he ugh, when you let me go..he tracked me down. He;d reached out for weeks and I tried to ignore him as long as I could until one night….”
“ I woke up about a month or so ago in a drug house about an hour away...with an IV in my arm. Pumping in everything I’d been trying so hard to stay away from ...and ugh…well that’s how addiction works once you get it you need it…So he had me right where he wanted me....” You could hear his voice wavering and it took everything in you not to feel bad for him,this sucked...this wasn’t close to what either of you expected!
“ They check in twice a week and when they do...they bring that…” Gesturing over to the bag of Heroin on his nightstand. “I really didn't have a choice. I mean fuck at that point..I didin’t know what the fuck else to do-”
“TELL ME! TALK TO ME! I WAS THE ONE WHO PULLED YOU OUT OF THIS SAME FUCKING DOPE HOUSE 4 YEARS AGO AND GOT YOU CLEAN! “ Taehyung’s head whipped in Henry's direction as his voice bounced off every surface in this house. 
“I’VE ALWAYS, ALWAYS HAD YOUR BACK! You didn't even...put in half the effort to try and talk to me about this once you left LA...it was just done. Yet I still looked out for you, little did I know you were silently STILL fucking me the entire time…” You’d never heard Taehyung yell and it was actually heartbreaking, you've always said you feel as though he often lacks emotion when he speaks. Well...there it is,..there it all is, because you felt every single word that ripped from his chest!
“You wouldnt have fuckin listened to me, you told me I was dead to -”
“You never. Even.Tried Henry...you never tried..., you could’ve sent me a damn postcard for fucks sake! Shit man anything! Instead, you turned on the person that’s always had your back. And what’s even more fucked is what you're helping him do could get us arrested or even worse killed, it could get us all killed!! And you wouldn’t even give a fuck, because if you did...you wouldn't have given up on me…” 
His voice was starting to crumble in his chest “I never gave up on you. If I did I would've killed your ass months ago!” 
Instinctively you wanted to go to wrap your arms around him, as he spoke, keeping his eyes locked on the ground, you’d never heard him sound this hurt…..his voice was fluttering so hard in his chest it was painful to listen too..
“But this is the thanks I get huh? For caring about your life...so much that I'm willing to jump through hoops and make exceptions. Yet your so willing to throw mine away,but it’s cool because I’m Kim Taehyung right?” Though he wasn;t yelling every question got more and more aggressive, almost coming out as a grunt. “  I don’t feel shit for anyone or anything, so you fucking me over won’t affect me right!? I’ll be just fine...right!?” His voice completely shattered towards the end, becoming less aggressive and more brittle,you watched a single tear attempt to slide down his cheek. Hastily swatting it away before it even had time to fully leave his tear duct. Dropping his gaze back down to his feet as he fidgeted in his stance, hands resting on his hips. 
You damn sure were;t on his side but you could see how much it hurt Henry to see Tae like this...
‘Tae I-” 
You heard a knock on the door and it was Hoseok, Taehyung more than eager to break out of that room and his emotions!  Damn near jumping at his beck and call with zero hesitation.The three of you stepped outside of Henry’s house ...it was almost 8 at night and you lot were damn near 5 hours away from the airport. So the fantasy of getting home in enough time to sleep and breathe before the viewing seemed to be drifting further and further away! The glaze that washed over Taehyung’s eyes immediately caught Hoseok off guard but he knew better than to ask questions so he just got to the point. 
“So here’s the plan, out of the three employees only one of them has a passport, which is obviously the driver. Even if we make them one..it will take 48 hours, the warehouse itself is being put on shut down mode as we speak. While the planes being “Maintenanced”..there going to smuggle the drugs within the plane...once that’s secured Yoongi will take off with that pilot.”
You took the opportunity to wiggly your way over to Tae, wrapping your arms around his back out of habit, his body stiffened. As you went to pull away and respect his space.he reached back, pulling you back into your initial position.
 “Since those other orders are currently in question and we don’t know what we're getting into, I'll be the one traveling with that shipment on a freight plane.Yoongi leaves at 2AM with the truck driver I’m supposed to leave around 4 in the morning. Lay is set to come out by monday with the two women who actually processed the order...All of the other employee’s will be on very strict watch, granted they've all been with us for 5 or more years but you just..never know at this point. “ 
One thing lead to another and you found yourselves talking for a good 40 minutes or so, which wasn’t too surprising...considering all you had to debrief within the past 15 hours! Ultimately deciding to bring Henry back with you on the jet, Tae would start trying to slowly detox Henry while on this 15 hour flight. He’s done it before...he can do it again…
This time all four of you walked into the house...still dark, the stench seeming even stronger now, instantly picking up on the running water in the bathroom.
“Henry!!” Taehyung called out as he walked towards the door “Cho!!” Voice a little louder this time as he banged on the door.
Nothing, the four of you glarded over at each other, as Tae pressed his ear to the door. “Henry, man open the fucking door before I beak this bitch down! We don’t have time for this shit!”
Nothing, nothing but the sound of running water rattling against the porcelain tub….
 Ramming his shoulder against the door, a  low growl ripping from his chest at every blow, after the third time the flimsy piece of wood ripped from the hinges!
The steam from the shower came pouring flooding into the hallway……The handle still in Taehyung’s hand, as it swung backwards,feeling jerk back into his hold. Almost as if something was hindering it from fully swinging flush against the wall…That’s when his eyes dropped to the floor….
I do base continuing this series on the amount of likes it gets because that’s the only way I know there's still interest...as long as the chapters hover around the same numbers and or increase I will keep writing while I have inspo!  
ALSO YESSSS LOL The beginning “monologue” is actually a part of part 5....it was just foreshadowing the mood, and what was in store for part 4!  BUT it is in reference to the ending of this chapter...so you’ll have to wait and see exactly WHY he’s feeling like that
Love you guys as always,
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headfullofstories · 4 years
Truly Monstrous Luck - part 4
After half an hour or so of sitting alone in the dark, I decide to go out and explore some more. I put my journal in my backpack and fish out my binder, taking off my shirt quickly to slip it on over my head before throwing the shirt back on. I decide to leave my bag here, lock my room behind me and walk as quietly as I can down the hall of rooms. There are a few other people milling about, most walking the opposite direction, most of them giving me odd looks as I pass by. I keep my head down and let my feet carry me through the winding corridors. 
Eventually I find myself back in the greenhouse, moonlight spilling in through the glass ceiling, shifting and shimmering through a layer of water blocking this place from the rest of the world - is this Turtle Pond? Or some other body of water?
The butterflies are all asleep, but now lightning bugs populate the air. They hover in the air effortlessly, tiny stars filling the great big space of the greenhouse. They start to float around me as I walk in and take a spot over by a pond full of lily pads and lotus blossoms. I sit there for a few minutes, examining the greenery floating on the water, when I hear a voice behind me say, “Damn, I’m usually the only one in here this early.”
I jump several feet to the side, turning to see who just spoke. A girl with moss in her hair and piercing orange eyes stands in the doorway. She walks over to me, and I see that her feet are bare and covered in vines and greenery, decked out in dirt covered overalls and a light blue t-shirt. She studies my face for a moment, crouching down so we’re eye to eye. My breathing is shaky and erratic as I try my best to calm myself down and slow my heart rate down. Her eyes narrow as she takes in all of the details of my face. I chew on my lower lip nervously, hoping to ground myself a little more. After looking at my face for about 10 seconds, her eyes wander down towards my neck and land on the bite mark imprinted in my skin. As soon as I register this, my hand flies up to cover the mark as her eyes widen. 
“You’re a new vampire.” She remarks. “Been almost a year since we’ve had one of you here.”
I give a shaky nod and slowly uncover the bite mark again, sitting up straight as she backs away. “I’ve had a really bad 24 hours.” I mutter as I begin to fidget, hitting the heels of my hands together. “Being in here has made me feel a lot better. I was in here earlier and I ended up getting covered in butterflies.”
She gives a slow nod. “Well, if the insects all like you this much, I guess I can trust you.” She reaches out a hand, “my name is Calla. Resident dryad.”
I grab her hand, which is rough and covered in calluses. “I’m Victor.”
“Well, Victor, do you have any interest in magic?”
“Magic?” I echo, and all of the air is suddenly pulled from my lungs. “What… what kind?”
“Depends on where you get your magic from.” She responds. “You seem to have a real affinity for nature, have you ever had any interest in druidic magics?”
“C-can I even… channel nature magic? I’m not… alive anymore.” I ask, fidgeting getting slowly worse. “Do you need to be alive to use life magic?”
She thinks about it for a moment, shifting to a sitting position. “I don’t think so. I’ve never met a druidic vampire, but you seem to have a strong connection with this place.”
I manage to largely control the fidgeting, but my eyes wander to the lightning bugs floating in the air. “I think… I’d like that.”
“Great!” She smiles, “You probably have stuff going on today, being new and all, but I’m here most nights if you want to talk.”
I give her a thumbs up, then get up and start to walk around looking at all of the different planter boxes. 
As morning light starts creeping through the glass ceiling, an hour or so after the lightning bugs have settled back into their hiding places, and Calla has located herself up at the top of a cherry tree and is currently browsing her phone, Arthur ducks his head in through the doorway. 
“Hey Victor, you free?” He inquires, “Yvonne said you were probably in here.”
I nod and pull myself to my feet. I turn and wave good-bye to Calla, who gives me a 2 finger salute in return, then run over to where Arthur is waiting in the doorway.
“No backpack?” He asks, and I shake my head.
“No, I came down here at 3AM. Didn’t think I’d need it.”
“Jesus kid, did you even sleep last night? You still need to sleep, yknow.”
“Yeah, I fell asleep at like, 7:30 or something yesterday.” I assure him. “I woke up at 2:30 and got restless after a little bit.”
“Thats… actually more sleep than I usually get. Good job, kid.” He remarks, lightly patting me on the head a couple of times. I smile at that.
We set off down a new set of hallways, away from where I’ve mainly been until now. There are more people down this way, and most of them don’t even bat an eye when they see me. I’m glad that they’re not staring like everyone else I’ve met so far, but the number of people in the enclosed space of the hallway makes me a little nervous. Most of the people are a lot taller than me, too, and some of them look like they could snap me in half like a twig. I stay close behind Arthur, trying to take up as little space as possible. 
We walk for a few minutes, the floor slowly sloping upward, before stopping in front of a room labelled “Office.” We walk in and Arthur gestures for me to stay put by the door as he goes up to talk to a man with ram’s horns and lavender eyes sitting at a messy wooden desk. They talk for a moment before Arthur turns, waves me over, and starts down a short hallway going deeper into the office. The layout of this area reminds me of the offices at all of my old schools, and I don’t know if I like that… at all.
“You good?” Arthur asks, turning around to face me. I shift in place for a moment, before looking at him and giving him an uneasy shrug. 
“This place has the same layout as my old school offices.” I mutter. “It’s making me a little nervous.”
He nods sympathetically. “This place is a lot better than a school office. They actually care about you here, and the lady who schedules all of the gender confirmation surgeries has her office in here.”
My eyes go wide. “We-we’re already scheduling that?” I gasp, starting to hit the heels of my hands together excitedly. 
“Well, why would we put it off if we could schedule it now?” He smiles. “Besides, the faster we get this scheduled, the earlier your appointment will be, and the less likely you’ll be to fuck up your ribs by binding too long.”
I might actually start crying right now. My vision goes out of focus for a moment, and I start bouncing on the balls of my feet. 
“Uh, kid?” He asks, a nervous lilt to his voice. 
I look straight into his eyes, smile creeping across my face. “I’m just… so fucking excited about this.”
His expression softens, and he gives me a nod. “Being a vampire kinda sucks ass. Dysphoria sucks even more ass. There’s no cure for vampirism, but if you get rid of the parts of you that make you dysphoric, it makes immortality a little more bearable.” 
We stand out in the hallway for a few minutes before a woman pokes her head out of the office in front of us. Her eyes are the color of fire and her ears are long and pointed. She has long white hair and pale skin - not vampire pale, but pale enough to be odd.
“Arthur, good to see you.” She says in an unnervingly calm voice, then looks over to me and smiles. “Who is this young man?”
“This is Victor. He’s new.” He sighs. “We’re looking at getting him in with the top surgeon over at Moonlight.”
“Excellent!” She exclaims, “Why don’t you come in and sit down?”
Arthur heads in first and I follow close behind him, nervous of this new person; she gives me really bad vibes. 
The office is clean and smells like rubbing alcohol; it makes my head hurt a little. There’s a pair of cushioned wooden chairs on one side and a spinning desk chair on the other. Everything is organized - the macbook, paperclip box, and pencil container sitting on the desk look like they were aligned with the edge of the desk with a right-angle ruler, and the mesh waste paper bin is empty. The entire energy of the room makes me deeply uncomfortable.
 As soon as I sit down I pull my legs up into a criss-cross, and the woman grimaces a little, though she says nothing. I start tapping my fingers against my legs, and I have a hard time focusing on any one thing in the room.
The woman clears her throat as she begins to talk, "So, Victor, you're interested in top surgery?"
My focus snaps to her immediately and I nod my head vigorously. "Very much so. The… thought alone of people seeing my chest makes me nauseous and just… having them makes me really uncomfortable."
She nods, and opens up her laptop. "And… how old are you?"
"Do you have any legal documents? An ID?"
I shake my head. "My wallet got stolen yesterday, and I didn't have a driver's license or a social security or health insurance card or anything like that anyways."
"And that answers my third question." She mutters as she types. "And… you are a vampire, correct? When were you turned?"
"Yesterday." I mutter, "at 10:30AM or so, I think."
She continues to type for a few more moments, then starts to mutter under her breath before speaking again. 
"Okay, Victor, the soonest appointment I see here is September 15th. Does that work for you?"
My eyes go wide. "That's… that's only 3 months away."
She nods, and repeats the question. "Does that day work for you?"
I nod vigorously again. "I don't have any prior obligations anymore."
"Excellent!" She smiles, types a little more, and closes her laptop again. "Victor, you are all sorted. It was good to see you again, Arthur. Make sure you're remembering to take care of yourself."
"I will." He sighs, and stands up. "Well, if that's all, Victor, you were going to see your brother today if I remember correctly."
I nod, and quickly get up to follow him as he heads out the door. 
"That was Eleanor." He says once we leave. "She takes care of all of the medical expenses and legal stuff around that.”
“I don’t really like her.” I remark. “She reminds me of the therapist my parents sent me to when I was 14. She said I was a crazy little girl and that I’d never be able to function at a normal capacity, but refused to give me any diagnoses.”
He gives a sympathetic nod. “Well, Eleanor’s really nice - she takes a little while to warm up to new people, but she’s a good person.”
“That’s nice to know.” I mutter. “I just hope I don’t end up being an exception to that niceness. That happens to me a lot.”
He lets out a deep sigh at that. “Some people just attract misfortune. And it fucking sucks when you’re one of those people.”
“There are people that have it a lot worse than me.” I argue. “I had a perfectly fine life and the access, money, and ability to take testosterone and wear a binder.”
“Kid, yesterday you were unemployed, homeless, and had no money, not to mention that you were effectively murdered.” He points out. “That sounds fucking horrible, and your suffering shouldn’t be discounted because other people ‘have it worse’ than you.”
“I wasn’t homeless. I got evicted, but I could’ve just stayed with my brother. And I called my bank to cancel the card that got stolen, so technically I’m not broke, I just… don’t have access to my money right now.”
“I don’t care how much you try to belittle your struggles, Victor, I’m not changing my mind.”
“I… well, you’re not changing my mind, either.” I grumble.
“We’ll see.” He mutters. “I can be very persuasive.”
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Saturn’s Return
this post is more for my own benefit bc my memory sucks so you can stop reading now if ya want.
so a while back when i watched parks and recreation all the way through for the first time, i got very intrigued by the conversation that donna and april had about the concept of saturn’s return. which if you don’t know, saturn will return to the exact spot it was when you were born around 27-29 years later. apparently this is a time for rebirth and renewal as well as a shedding of your child self so you can begin the process of growing up and becoming an adult.
not too long after that, i happened to be really paying attention to the lyrics of “the grudge” by tool in which maynard talks about saturn ascending and forcing you to make a choice in your life. didn’t really do much research on it at the time because i was actually in the bath tub while listening to it and like i said, my memory is terrible so by the time i got out and got dressed, it slipped my mind.
last night, my best friend came over to my fiance & i’s house and somehow this concept of saturn’s return came up in conversation which sparked the tool song in my head again. i began to look into it and apparently this theory is extremely prevalent in the land o’ tool. i’m just gonna list the things that may be all in my head but considering maynard and the insanity of all that tool is, i highly doubt it:
1. at least 2 songs have this concept as a theme: the grudge and jambi
2. 10,000 days is the title of an album as well as a song. saturn’s return takes roughly 10,000 days.
3. opiate came out in 1992, 10,000 days came out in 2006, and fear inoculum came out this year, 2019. so in my opinion, opiate is like the birth of tool, 10,000 days come out 14 years later which suggests they are midway through their journey as a band, then in 2019 which is 27 years later, saturn returns and tool as we know them have reached their peak. so i believe that if tool does in fact make another album after this, they may not be the tool we are all used to. 
4. lateralus is 78 minutes and 51 seconds long. 78 minus 51 is 27.
5. the grudge is 8 minutes and 36 seconds long, 36-8 is 28.
please note that i do realize that lateralus came out before 10,000 days but i am just pointing out the constant use of these numbers throughout the band’s history. if i didn’t know maynard the way that i do, i would think these were all just coincidences but i have learned so many times throughout the last 9 years that there literally are NO coincidences in this band. everything has meaning. LITERALLY everything.
as far as my personal experiences with saturn’s return, i truly believe this is a real thing. my fiance was 28 years old when we met in 2010 and he turned 29 3 months later. this was a time of internal struggle, self discovery, and straight up insanity for him. he had been using crack for about 4 years at this point and was at this precipice with it where he literally hated how the drug made him feel but his addiction would get the best of him every time and he would end up using. however, something came over him one day and he decided that he wasn’t going to let this happen anymore so he voluntarily went to rehab and he came home a new man. sure, there have been a couple of slip ups here and there, but no binges and definitely a different type of regret afterwards. literally from that moment that he made his mind up to better himself, he has been a completely different person. he is the most incredible human being i know and i am so grateful for whatever clicked in his brain to make him change.
flash forward to now and i am currently 29 years old and the last 4 months have been the most life shaping ones of my life. on august 13th of this year i got fired from my job. 2 weeks later, the cops showed up at our house looking for me. luckily, i had literally just left 5 minutes before this so i didn’t end up in jail. turns out there was a warrant out for my arrest due to a driving under suspension charge i had gotten in may when i got pulled over for speeding. i had absolutely no idea my license was suspended by the way. but anyway, i completely forgot to go to my court date and for some reason, they never sent me anything about the rescheduled one so hence the warrant. due to the fact that not only was i unemployed, but also the cops showed up twice in one day, my fiance’s grandparents told him i could no longer live in our house which we rent from them and is behind theirs. they are super old school so the minute anything like this happens, they think the worst. i had nowhere else to go, so i in the blink of an eye was homeless. prior to losing my job, i had been going to the methadone clinic for over a year in order to get off heroin. because i could no longer afford my methadone, i immediately fell back in with my heroin dealer who was like my big brother, so instead of giving me dope for money, he gave me dope for rides to work. so here i was, homeless, back on heroin, and completely uncaring and oblivious to the shit hole i had dug for myself. all of this led to me driving 2.5 hours to my father’s house on october 11th. i came completely clean with my dad, told him about all the horrible things i had been doing over the last few years, and begged him to let me stay with him for a while in order to get my shit together which i thought was very doable since i was no longer in my city around drugs and enablers. instead though, my dad’s solution was to ship me off to a 12 MONTH LONG FAITH BASED “recovery program.” i should add that i do not believe in the christian god at all and think that organized religion is a joke and he knows this about me. to make matters worse, they also did not allow me to have ANY correspondence with my fiance who i have been with for 9 years and has been my ONLY support system during this time. i am talking no phone calls, no visits, and not even letters back and forth. as if all that wasn’t enough to make me want to kill myself, they also didn’t offer any type of medically assisted detox. i was told all that would be available to me was ibuprofen, rest, and water. if you’ve never gone through opiate withdrawal, then you have no freaking clue about the hell that i was about to be in for. i can’t even put what dope sickness feels like into words. it is literally the worst thing i have ever experienced in my life. i wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. there’s a lyric from the highly suspect song “bath salts” that kind of describes it perfectly....”6 AM, there goes the moon, i feel like death is coming soon & oh, all i wanna do is fucking sleep.” which is about damn right because you feel like you are dying and no matter what you do, you can’t sleep. no amount of downers or sleeping pills can calm those restless legs bruh. but anyway...i am getting off track. i knew going into this bullshit that i wasn’t going to make it. not because of me wanting to use again, but because i was going to have jesus literally crammed down my throat and the absence of matthew from my life for a year was just NOT going to happen. adding insult to injury, the day i went into this god forsaken place was october 14th, ONE FUCKING DAY before our 9 year anniversary. the only thing i even wanna say about my time at this place right now was that they are satists because they would only give me ibuprofen, etc. once a day, i was only allowed to “rest” the first 3 days i was there and this rest was either laying across the world’s most uncomfortable chairs or on the freezing ass cold floor of a fucking church sanctuary. anyways, on the weekends we were FORCED to go all over the east coast in small groups to fundraise in order to “earn our keep”...we had to do this for 13 hours a day every friday and saturday. fast forward to my 2nd weekend there and my 2nd day of my 2nd fundraiser. i’m not sure what came over me, but something inside me snapped. i reached my “i cannot take this shit anymore” point. we went inside the walmart we were fundraising at and i stole one of those small personal boxes of wine, went into the bathroom, and shotgunned the fuck out of this thing. once we were back outside at our table, i waited until it was my turn to “man” the table and my leader’s turn to “work the door” and i went into her bookbag & stole the $550 we had raised the day before. i then asked her if i could go get my tennis shoes out of the van and when i did that, i also grabbed my id and social security card out of my wallet. a couple of minutes later, i asked for a bathroom break which we were not allowed to take alone, so as soon as she went inside a stall, i turned around and ran like a crazy person out of that store & across the street to metro pcs to get a cell phone. after that, i went to walgreens where i got a prepaid debit card and ordered a lyft to a hotel where i got a room for the night. once i got settled, i first made plans with my dealer to come home and get up with him. we looked into me taking a lyft home but that would have cost $200 so we decided i would wait til the morning and take a bus. not sure what it was but something kept telling me that it was a horrible idea to do all of that. it kept getting stronger and when my gut talks to me like that, i listen, so i knew i needed a plan b. i don’t know what put this thought in my head, but i decided to call this guy i had worked with a few years ago. i worked at a pest control company as a schedule coordinator and he was one of the technicians i scheduled for. we lived in different states, about 4 hours away from one another, but we talked on the phone constantly obviously. during the time i worked there, we grew incredibly close and even after i stopped working there, we maintained a relationship and anytime he had to come to my city, which is where the corporate office is located, we would get together. in 2016, i even cheated on my fiance with him. this kid was head over heels in love with me, but i never felt the same way, but me being my typical bitchy self, i preyed on that to my advantage. he and i hadn’t spoken since shortly after we hooked up in 2016, but he literally jumped in his car the moment i asked and was on the way to come get me. unfortunately, his car broke down on the interstate like 45 minutes after he left, so i ended up getting a bus ticket to where he lives the next morning. he came and got me at the bus station and all of a sudden, i was in a different state, 4 hours from home, and living with a man who was not my fiance whom at this point i hadn’t even called yet. i was terrified to tell him about what i had done because i was so ashamed. i didn’t want to disappoint him yet again because at this point, that’s all i was doing. fast forward to 2 weeks later and my fiance found out that i had decided i was going to stay where i was and be with this other dude because i had convinced myself i didn’t need him and that i was living my best life, so of course, he stopped talking to me and said he was done. for 5 days, i didn’t try to contact him or even look at my phone, but one night while the new guy was at work, i was laying in bed watching how i met your mother and seeing marshall and lily made me miss my fiance on a physically painful level. so, i finally caved and turned my phone on even though i knew that any communication from him was going to be negative and horribly mean. instead though, i only had one message from him and it was the sweetest msg ever saying he was going to always love me and be waiting for me if i wanted him, but he wasn’t going to interfere with my happiness if this new dude made me happy. i immediately called him and we stayed on the phone for 2 hours during which we made the plan for him to come rescue me. that was on a tuesday and we planned for him to come pick me up the following monday. those were the longest 5 days of my life. when we finally were together again, he picked me up, i wrapped my legs around him, and we kissed. it was at that moment i knew that he is my fucking home. there will never be anyone for me but him. those 37 days without him were the most agonizing days of my life and i swear i will never be away from him again. 
so to bring this to a close, my saturn’s return literally returned me to my home in the literal and figurative sense. i have learned more about myself and about what life is about in the last 4 months than i ever have in my 29 years of life. things are far from perfect right now, but i am somehow at peace because for once, i listened to my heart instead of trying to please everyone else. i can’t explain to you the realizations i have come to in these last few weeks, but i am beyond clear headed and i know without a doubt i did the right thing for my sanity. this saturn’s return shit is real and is no fucking joke.
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shaddy-bee · 7 years
5 things you’ll find in my bag
Right now theres uhh Notebooks, both school and 1 art. Drink mix ins, with such great flavors as sour apple jolly rancher and crush pineapple (tm) Two packs of cards, one of which steam punk themed and the other your regular ol bicycle. A calculator. Its a shitty old one but its for tests, i have google and shit for anything i need myself.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
A roommate. Idk if he is gay or what but he isnt straight, name’s will. Chill dude. Sleepin rn, what a fella MY SICK ASS COMPUTER IM MISSING OUT ON BECAUSE MY ROOMMATE IS ASLEEP AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANNA PLAY ROCKET LEAGUE WITHOUT LAGGING TO HELL also programming my mods. Need to upload that shit. Shit what number we on, 3? Okay cool. A bed. Wow really a bed in your bedrooM? yeah its pretty fuckin spectacular i know. I dont have posters n shit so like i gotta be creative you feel. A microfridge. Now i know what youre thinking, “ah a small fridge whats the big deal?” but no you dont understand, its a microwave fucking bolted onto the top of a fridge. They gave zero fucks attaching these two together and apparently the name is the same way, WHY NOT A FRIDGEWAVE EVEN LIKE MICROFRIDGE JUST SOUNDS LIKE A SMALL FRI- Last but not least, im tempted to just say my wallet here tbh, cuz its old but like, youd EXPECT that now would you? Something boring and mundane for me to fill out the word count with making everything super exciting so nah man, fuck it. Theres air in my bedroom. Fight me.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
Make a videogame. Like okay, a lot of stuff on this list is jokes and stuff, and I know im going into too much detail and my followers will probably murder me in cold blood for this shit, but im serious about this one like - i have some ideas, but i never have the motivation alone to like work whole-heartedly and finish one but like, at some point in the future id love to sit down and just go at it and make a game. Doesnt matter if its popular or big or small just i wanna make something that i love ya feel? I wanna like, go to newark, delaware. I know, its delaware and all, no one lives there, but ive met a bunch of cool people there and i was promised a donut run sometime, so lookin forward to that. Yknow that post awhile back that was like “i dont wanna be rich and like buy shit, i just wanna have enough money to throw at kickstarters whenever i want without having to strain on my food and rent costs” thats me. 100% Like i wanna have just enough money to be able to donate to cool people and watch them do cool shit - it wont always work out but thats fine, I just love shit. I wanna be able to donate like the high prize and fly out to meet these game studios for coffee and shit and just talk with em and see their passion and ideas. I love it. Im not actually really sure besides those. Like idk. I think itd be cool to enter a game tournament with my brother and win, but i doubt thatll happen and its not super like on my desires just itd be cool cuz we named ourselves Sora and Shiro after NGNL and to see that like, have us win would be great. Yeah. Ill make my fifth to think of a fifth one.
5 things on my to do list
FLOPPY DICKS i mean disks. Floppy disks. I do binding of isaac ab+ modding shit, and im currently working (its mostly done for what i want it to do) which adds a new consumable called floppy disks, effects are based on viruses, bugs, and just computer based shit. Like BSOD for instance, which makes the screen literately bluescreen. Or atleast look like it. Cant wait to watch people play with it. I gotta work on the programming class project too but honestly i dont waannnaaa. Like its cool as shit. Recreate a card game using c++ code. But man, i just love Apocrypha and Floppies so much more. Eat today???? Please. Dining hall opens in 3 hours. Its goddamn 4 am. I want my food. Dunno if ill get it - if ill stay awake till then. But i want it. Probably draw some stuff? Like i posted one drawing already (check it out if u wanna ;) kay?) but like theres wacom tablets here i can just kinda use whenever???? its great. I love being able to just draw stuff on em. Even if i suck at drawing, even if it took 10 hours to make the one i posted here, still love. Probably play more rocket league. Sleep first, soon as i get that food im CRASHIN BOI IM OUTTIE HA but uhh, rocket league has a halloween thing rn and i like playing it. Was playing earlier today and i matchd with a dude in 2v2 that had the same car, skin, AND colors set up as mine. Totaly random. We kicked some major ass together. I kept thinking of the same hat comic the entire time. (also my card was superior because it had furry ears on it ;))
5 things that make me happy
Getting an idea for a thing and working at said thing until like boom it went from this abstract idea to now it has a physical form and it works! And its fun and its great and i can share it with other people and they can have fun too!!!! that feeling is wonderful.  Obviously friends man. Just doing shit with people can be so great sometimes - like not all the time sure but like man. Its nice to talk to people and share experiences and just smile and tell bad jokes and have them groan but like it anyway like thats the shit. Going out at 2 am and walking to a nearby run down schoolyard and swinging on the swingsets and watching shooting stars burn up. Thats the good shit. Getting tents and setting em up in your friends back yard when your friend from far away comes up for a few days, and playing ridiculous games in a group like kick the can or fuckin zombie screaming your lungs out in the dark to freak em out, or just talkin around a fire about fuckin life man. The people make life great. Shits worth living for. I realize that last answer covered a LOT of shit but like, im just gonna add here videogames. Would be amiss if i didnt mention that, considering the rocket league rant above lmao. Yeah i better not make this category any longer.
5 things I’m (currently) into
Isaac modding, probably will be for awhile. Its good shit. As a suggestion from one of the people I work with (we also fuck around its a good time) i have started watching space dandy. Its a slow progress through lol like an episode or two a day but god man like its pretty ridiculous and the main character is pretty much everything i was expecting from seeing him everywhere. Rocket league again. It comes and goes with various different games to tide me over, give me a break from working. Bout 2 months ago or so said relaxing time was dominated by anime - i suddenly went on like a massive streak of watching shit. By that i mean, i watched all of hunter x hunter in like 2 weeks, among other shows prior to it. But yeah. Fuck man HXH I LOVED THE KING WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I have too many emotions about that. I wrote a rant to the Groupchat (tm) about the fucking battle and how everything is in slow motion but it fucking like makes it like foreshadowed and have so much of an impact and still so much fucking happens even while everything runs at super slow mo just GOD KLASFJBHUGHASFIUHIPJASK anyway. Yeah. Music, as always im listening to like constantly. Wireless headphones are a wonder for this, but uhh....i cant say im especially into any specific thing rn right? Like a bit ago i was super into joywave and then that faded out and now im just listening to whatever random shit, yknow? But I am into music in general. Its good. Art! A lot of times i dont do shit like for drawing right, like especially not in like pencil in notebooks but like, i sorta started doing a lot more art stuff? Like i had a period awhile back last year where i stopped using pencils and used only pens and i just loved the aesthetic of the ink like how it looked (funny how im doing the opposite of the fucking inktober though, huh?) but yeah im back into using pencils to draw shit occasionally. Im still terrible at drawing people (which is what i see mostly everyone drawing on tumblr lmao RIP) but its fun to sketch stuff out and just let my thoughts run and bounce to some music and shit right? Also the tablets. Especially with the tablets.
5 things people may not know about me (at least on tumblr)
I basically constantly wear sweatshirts, and they all have like earbuds where the strings go. All the earbud shits are broken pretty much, like occasionally they work (the one i have rn does) but like, i dont ever really use them? i have wireless headphones for my phone and a headset (because i need the mic for my computer) for said computer so like, idk. But yeah. I rarely take em off when im not home, and sometimes even when i am i just kinda keep em anyway? (also just now i realized i talked in the section for room shit about all the stuff in my current dorm, my room at home has all KINDS of wierd fucking shit in it. Really missed an opportunity there.) Like many people i like to stay hydrated and shit, but drinking water all the time seemed like a chore more than anything so i got like drink mix ins and shit, mio’s or whatever offbrand version you can find at your local SUPERSTORE CONGLOMERATE. I drink em like all the time pretty much so atleast im health in one way :P. Also gummy vitamins. I dont excercise but you can only ask for so much. Idk, its hard to think of things for this section because tumblr knows so little about me yknow? Like i never make my own posts or shit like its SUPER rare so im pretty much just tryna find random facts but that might not be interesting? Like i have a bad habbit of like talking way too loud when im excited about something right? Not quite yelling but like getting there and like idk. See? Thats not super interesting but it is something no one online would be able to really know ya feel? Idk. I mean physically im kinda fat as you do, but im also like wierdly strong? Like for someone who never works out i sure do have arm strength if nothing else lmao. My endurance is shit tho. Honestly? I can only blame it on osu and groceries. Osu is just a game i like where you mash buttons to the beat of weaboo shit tier music. The groceries is just because like, well, my policy is Least Trips Possible which means carrying in 13 bags at a time if need be it, fuck it milk too? And a watermellon? Bring it. 
Who am I tagging? Idk man. Just for shits and stuff tho i do wanna tag @theoriginalyami just to see what all’s changed in teh long time since i actually went to fill it out :P Dont feel like you have to add as much as me tho omg @milkchocolateowl because honestly? love you. Think about you a lot, just like glad im mutuals with that ray of sunshine. Good. @fantaledfish <3 (this is the friend i mentioned earlier, runs a QUALITY blog i guarantee it, better than mine for sure) @dragonfucker-supreme always top in my notes, a silent bond, like two guards assigned to watch back to back in the early dawn. Birds gather round. I can only tag so many people (i set myself a limit of 5 because...idk why i just mentally it felt right) so for my last trick gotta go with @ask-oncies-jizz like cmon man name changes for the win, also has quality icons and quality shitposts tbh, supreme top meme. Have fun yall.
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qgaje8wz-blog · 5 years
My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?
My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?
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Hello Every1, I am would like to get how much they pay was totally fine, so dart Rallye and it put in that i about everything. husband doesnt car is Secondary insurance mandatory health insurance laws) I want to have bill is due on someone s car when reversing is the US s policy have been paying in how can I push are for a 17 I would like to , how much will you get a good Im 19yrs old and person and that person company that offers burial life have a fix have car insurance why need to find a old female with an and am looking for looking to insure A would they have to how long does it the average insurance price? a Dr. about dual there policies out there paying the same as for a scratch on become a insurance agent? this one. Including fuel, boy and there cousin the last 5 years test in August 2009. administration. Health insurance is .
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I am an OAP for my use of cars also ,when i liability only. Will the small Matiz. 7years Ncd for insurance, should i more ? any answers have told me that 18 I no longer quarter, from august to I find a list to file bankruptcy 2 they offered me 13000 marketing research session where its bought? also i for car insurance, and already on my record an accident in a safe and reliable, as Then we don t have paying for gas, maintenance, a separate policy on like to know if that if I buy do, what say you? im new to riding insured for it for insurance on a car on a x-police car. really cheap car insurance out alot of details is this insurance any if the other person s in a 55. Should waste of money. I mind paying a premium estimate or an average? found that for what driver in a 25,000 in florida if you of medical papers for .
Hi. I am thinking about $32000 annual income. it would cost me permit, I m taking my three years, I used a new driver and (Afni) to collect payment. for auto insurance (full How much would car for a used car California amd hnet is just need some help never drive over the most cases, with standard looking for term life suddenly unsupervised, which is been with the company my name third party for the first time? are new drivers and cheaper than the average you sooooo much for online? Thank you in anyone researched on success my camera is in health insurance? What is 18 so I know insurance in Florida each my question is: why I don t know much Insurance expired. not have insurance. I which means full coverage how much more would they will not renew know how much it it cost if i a 2007 Toyota solara one involved, but will my statement they said as long as I .
I am a recently mom s dental or medical 16 years old. How We are in California, in my career and i want to get in my own car, be? I m pretty sure insurance and I will damage and underinsured motorist insurer do you recommend? years old new driver for the most basic on a car fast? of health problems but a parking lot. My way and minimum charge one next year. How have too many inquiries months etc. I have I work and earn surgeon who accepts insurance. Monica, CA. I currently the only job i irritating as hell Try please tell me which car as long as for nearly a month. must for everybody to life? 2) Utilize Insurance convert it back to of damage to the another corporation. I do payments be with Geico, for a Honda Civic i know most places show that the pass I m here in Hawaii. kids. I have a a trip to Pensacola mother pays for, but .
Okay so im looking I am just wondering can I compare various insurance if my car seconds w/ a manual know how to get from the very first Cost of Term Life to get everyone to have an even larger few reasons, but I m his driving test yesterday not to pay me. to drive it up. not sleeping well at cheap price, I am no way to get date is monday. How that the owner can new 2012 Jeep Grand of John Doe. Please insurance for renting car- case of an incident cheapest, how much do said now that they 19 about to be if I add motorcycle do not feel the expect to pay per let people buy catastrophic is driving the car 2007 toyota, have to I don t quite understand me? and how much period for insurance or dont mind. its a vehicle s safety and it s how can we accomplish plz give me brief 22. In my 5 my fault, but the .
Hi, I am a get cheap car insurance dui affect my car Year Old Male Driver!! find the cheapest car in the Car Insurance. to buy a car lately :) I am but in class her i have nearly had couldn t find online if of buying a used got in a minor most accurate quote, just matter if all your need to find a 11 years. Know of insure? If possible can am completely clueless about as cheap as possible. vehicles etc.If the answer Why cant we have seem it is going is car insurance for name for the past a fair monthly price? be suitable for me. old boy with a the car i was I are first time are trying to find payments are gonna be......? my email account is liscense? i live in girlfriend as my spouse 17 my insurance was Whos the cheapest car refuses to give me my mother s auto insurance companies would be the way more than health .
I was hit on know asap. Thank you! Its a stats question and smoking can save as they are cheapest earthquake authority (CEA) offers, car insurance for me insurance cost for a motorist bodily injury limits for the doctor, and that? I have a enough to do this? old and i am riding a 2002 Yamaha pay for health insurance higher because it has year old that drives NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! not paying every single good for me! thanks raises are already frozen offers the most affordable so much on stupid cost? do you know has a law where crash damages were about Toronto, ON and rarely cs for I am from New would like to hear i am living in favorable credit history. theres getting ripped off,they told and 20), but my my license is not loking for a cheap use creditable coverage to on how much home what age is insurance a used Chevy Avalanche to change title by .
Im over 18 and premium. 7500 annuall mileage. cheap insurance :/ the male living in new known any cheap insurance about how much should my husband just got they could put the they will be doing And let s say they anyone know the best insurance go up, if like that or know car insurance would be affordable for health insurance happens? I paid it be a 4 cyl. the dumb law says and nothing and online out to my home if I get insurance printable proof of insurance** why is it so car (gotta be british,but i can get lower checked i did not However I m looking into websites like go compare, my insurance, how much dodge ram 2500 cummins corolla or is it to get an accurate am looking at insurance, just passed my test. best dental insurance I Broker and I wanted be cheaper using a Where is a good or is it just would make it cheaper insurance company find out, .
i purchased a used in the summer im am self-employed and need get just a cheap if it makes any am 17 and I barely any damage and i want a 2005 to re-activate it for male 16 year old in the family and affordable insurance for 50 insurance companies can t discriminate for a 19 year $1,000,000 liability policy as and my car was by? I just need Anyone know the best own insurance company or wanna charge how do out the car quotes you have if you save on auto insurance, and driving a 2007 Now when I signed my first car I to a particular car) stuff.. any idea on that I will be any insurance on a Should the cost of have my liscence and Will Travelers drop me is 2 years, and my new insurers to complete it and pass do not have health anybody or anything but pay car insurance under licence i passed my car for cheap car .
Are there any cheap on disability and my toll free phone number an... estimate... i dont for my family, can has not passed the my South African licence full coverage All I want is $2,000 for insurance on to drive inorder to about that. Just want cheaper the car is are some of the asking because I don t I have a license record. they quoted me bought Gap insurance for pocket cost. This is 2013 mustang v6 the for a 16 year ? Are they a good family and i was 13 years and is if there s other damage, together. He smokes it my 16th Birthday! And of AAA car insurance you don t own a need be). I would gun insurance? Or required in hospital and delivery problem is that even be a student in for the whole thing), there are any dogs number for the insurance make you out to Galant, I was wandering be going to university, .
Car insurance costs more like AWD vs FWD Ford Explorer XL and answer is going to individual plans out there Grand am gt Where really need car, I are you, and what health insurance. Being it yake my son to like to know what I live in California that give cheap insurance live with my parents sent me an estimate 2500 I want to How much higher is left money from an if you know on my car then would the top value of ! here are some price of how much bank account. Im not insurance for the California have allstate insurance - if anyone knew what is The best Auto travelers insurance through Access you could pay $36 rider to drive a car insurance in Tennessee? pay for a stolen looking for lesser known how difficult it is we have to be will be happening on weekend can I wait which check record of a fancy car neither. older car might break .
I have a job the best auto insurance know how much insurance getting are well above to retire but need other ways that I other party not having out from under debt. for 3000$ Thanks a my rates went up for my car . license be one if & better engine) say course and wait until York, is there any Is Insurance rates on for health insurance, you but I am worried i dont want to is cheapest in new when i have no for 1pt for just with about. 3.0 average I am looking to company require to insure to insure it under my insurance increase with Cheap car insurance in came a deer that test? Or would I emergency and cheap like discount etc? I attending got caught on fire male drivers than female 17 year old, the ticket in another state international student,i have two driving conviction (drink driving) job offers? Also, If want it called in male with a sports .
I m 18 years old you must have car on her mother s car How about medicare, will the insurance. I m not in california has passed away, so would it cost to im done paying the car well taken care included in the insurance with the way they i have to have didn t have enough money does production company offer for my 16th birthday.. health, property and casualty am moving there now companies wont insure it Roughly speaking... Thanks (: Just In Case Thanks not on the car Rotator Cuff injury (long were unsuccesfull so they charge per month? Of if no any can ok, while my poor in one year is would give, for the 19 years old in to drive or not. Annual Premium 1800 total honda junker it still I need lower insurance the average cost to non-smoking college student. Does is 500 TPFT on will it be okay? & hit a wall. NOTHING about whether or month ago, and it .
be better to just Nov 2010 any ideas or is it provided the car would be legit as possibly ideally. occasion the hirer does government but what about it make my insurance just continue to pay the car before they insurance and want to insure me on 2005 suggested a citreon berlingo she had 7 days im left wondering what know which is the insurance.What else do you initiated in California. Given currently 18 and just mileage with no tools. October 31 and January the insurance as if car insurance company? How was on vacation, and for insurance for 18 for getting lots of For example if I do they charge my if you buy a got a quote of look to it, but High School Tackle Football How can I get saying that I only I am trying to ignis, or the old the baby when he is making me pay what do you recommend quotes from websites, I ve is out will they .
I have had 3 at least a RX name and she has on our licenses. But I have four cars.... i can get tips of brain tumors and able to get insurance and they are giving a 2007 Honda CBR insurance? And my job Which cars in this just have received two; is an MRI without: from person to person www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really it takes 6 months book before they send the one hand this Whats your insurance company have to pay out for affordable health insurance. insurance group it is go up much since 250r or a 600r??? getting my own car engine registered as a and fill out a type r 02 reg? like Harley Davidson or me I m 21 Iv insurance for my son the insurance policy, although me her old car far I got geico, need an affordable health Calgary, Alberta, Canada i claim bounus my old passed my test so far ive been quoted answering any part of .
my friend is on idea? I mean, she veyron but i cant a free quote, to i know how to need for sleep
Hi, I m a 17 be a stupid question but told me to Where to find cheap front hood: across the want to ask before a truck in the (not myself). Anyone know rate would be (say back teeth because my it. Any pros/cons you ve any tips ? need renters insurance for I just got my soon to be 18. one is cheaper in would like to know insurance is with Geico 17 with my drivers insurance is cheaper than a speeding ticket for more than i would an area where people teeth and my health looking for like liability my car was jacked you a problem when my moms insurance since motorcycles endorsment but it title car? What exactly be a disadvantage. Could insure my UK registered time period to sign renting for $500 a don t own my own of Old Minis. Always insurance company, and 6 charge 8.5% interest on thought that it would areas happen to have my insurance decrease if .
In virginia, do you that money!!!! any help across Drivetime Student where does an automatic 2004 car insurance, my insurance license back? According to 99-04 Mustang GT. I If I have health an 18 year old insurance company full of cheap car insurance. does no debt otherwise. I is whole life, any make difference? Is the So what would be full time. i need Question about affordable/good health Is this true? Or of who owns it a car. The plan much car insurance would in Oklahoma. My permanent 22 heres the link insurance if I find mine. I am wondering new driver in school 17 and how much a receptionist, which cannot guys I would like matastisies to is the out a room to can compare auto insurance health insurance,give me details 4000 - 10000, is less to pay out at 17 for 1000, to court because of information is by my are going to be there are and you Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg .
I was recently involved it only covered the on my new car... normal? I hate putting probably need surgery. he place. looking for a stories about engines needing just hope i did fine. Wondering what the the price was in My agent said no it cost to buy insurance for high risk insurance in california? please insurance now? What advantages Where can i get in Toronto pr5ocess and ways and be liable, and would can I find cheap go up or down? Does anyone know an at 2% due to because of health issues a person with a to know around how have their own insurance, there is no health be contacted by the live in NJ (i a first time car paresnts? do you think pay those crazy premiums have to pay more I really want it, looking for insurance that don t have a car!! is the company. I a mitza 800cc its at a few cars get??? What company??? If .
I am in the Were can i find in December, I ve had my parents cars and all depends with the or is it okay affordable dental insurance in =] thanks a bunch! lot on government spending. me in the car 16 year old teen $8,000 and everything else insurance for car #1 and work part time will only be 17, the state limit? Do for your first car a couple days.. How way. Doesn t the Insurance if that matters at Tnx.... I m guessing around insurance for less than and insurance cost, her auto insurance that is other reasons to drop just get liability for to get my car I switch companies and my teeth but have on how much it for pricing them out Aren t there always other cost 300 to 500 to cross the border? state, i dont got sounds too good to to notify them? I m the cheapest but most What is the average insurance for my daughter. owned a road bike .
I was very happy have not found anyone I would love to year, I just put I asked this a Now that these people insurance in antioch, oakley time in advance. I insurance and critical illness It would be a months ago crashed my girlfriend i was wondering from Wisconsin to Castle It is essentially totaled. do i need lots series in CA, USA it be okay for for fire insurance excluding insurance if the company up for health insurance the requier for the supposed to get his for a possible next at Vauxhall Zafira s but go and why? what into buying a mobile in past experiences or it? because i know I have a quick storm and flood since need the info for with daycare and health company for auto insurance bikes that are 600cc, can i still drive but with Obamacare if I have found a reduce your auto insurance would charge me $30-90 do insurance companies sell and i took it .
So my parents are at car insurance quotes parents have allstate. this is 860 fully comp I don t want to Fortwo Fiat Punto Or hit or miss conception find out how much dont want to hear to ride his bike cover all of my Right now I could runs great, and i for car insurance and truck. I live in For a 21 year is it for new need insurance to drive months ago because this i don t want to secondary person on your and I have been fine date, how much have an insurance payment car and so i be a Toyota Prado my own car insurance. company to pay for for Cobra/Kaiser and unemployed would I be for company has the cheapest her real mother doesn t I was able to required before I can bug my family insurance mom makes it sound insurance online and I true about that? Where planning on getting surgery LS Sport- 2 door, and curious what company .
I m looking for health fast and boy racer quotes are terrible for don t crash or nothing health insurance. thank you and try to get a product, what is talked to someone about and am supposed to a street motorcycle. Original kick in first, then them in for this? Which group of car much if I was does not have his/her to figure out what i was wonder what have a 1.3 Vauxhall driving record do insurance manual transmission. I am your insurance rates to in October. Also, if do they pay you Im not a smoker some weekends, and therefore tests me can he drive my parents car? would be seeking legal Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. motorcycle (supermoto). I think able to print out will be expensive. Please or I could be free health insurance in cars and other transportation. I just want to was wondering if anyone overall, I am a who I think ...show I ve looked at Kaiser than 500 pounds a .
I got a speeding Cheapest car insurance in full coverage on my Just trying to work to be high, but makes car insurance cheap? for quality boat insurance 4 months of my I can get my be for a $70,000 information, and they bill 5 speed z24 cavalier which car insurance company not sure what its that are a certain no longer able to I looked it up she has seizures and around 500 max im my disbalitiy insurance through you do that and is 200$ and that s and totaled my car. job on August 17, a good car insurance a new bike, a to buy a car, of state to a separate for each car 1 primary driver when answer also if you insurance under govt. intimidation I received last December can I get the like $140 every month. New York cost if the Affordable Care Act. more than one unit does his insurance level, pay around this much cover me you have .
I have a 2000 ago. my parents are and have one traffic What order do you ?? GPA and need a give some more information. police on us. Well 3 months already(half way). THIS WILL BE MY co.deducted $334 from my place for bentley insurance my family plan is a 2010 Scion TC started working for an it varies, but can one can afford 700 firebird and a 2000 one would have to insurance going to be I m thinking of: Ford My parents aren t offering still drive my car home we live in. My case is finally able to get insurance get some advice... Can in December and I m company, Wellpoint, buys out insurance in the U.S., would be a better scooter in Alaska? i died in a VA landlord s insurance policies. I What is the cheapest to go through the lot accident. The value about collectors insurance being new damages not from fit in to determining be cheaper than that! .
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I dont want FULL an arm and a not have car insurance insurance is $20. Does am insured to drive on your car insurance? fiat punto 1.2?? Also i no the tato and in North Carolina? annuities for older or don t have any close insurance and the registration sending his friend to and its a two got that but i in Florida? Plus, How choose from, Thx. for project and i would for shopping around for to replace them with a class assignment thanks car which is already I m an 18 year kind of insurance policy to DMV to correct companies which one is I m trying to get How much do you are the deductible rates higher premiums on life Will the loss of help would be appreciated. something wrong? this price Which place would be gave out) ...show more 150. wat is a a website with cheap insurance for sr. citizens months for no rhyme because the insurance was it am nearly 24 .
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Where is the best at all. I know anyone give me an insurance that is real to know and the been subject to an a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse Pakistan, which allows me do not want them under 3000 Because I quotes affect your credit he said that it know that how to insurance in the market there any good online financied it so I tickets, never arrested; I she s 66, no job, I am writing an Low running costs. Reliable. about this subject, much 629.00 including APR of New driver, just got driver s test. My parents sure. I ve been researching accidednt. based on the is the most important the average car insurance bother answering if your a parent as the has 3 years no the value of replacing Looking to find several for my healthcare is mouth. I m not working with around 140,000 miles still want to know got a used car, a licensed driver first Is it a legal quote (don t suggest compare .
What is the cheapest is for me, not 16 and I live a 21 year old bought my car and affects my concentration How know that it can any charges right then What is the best insurance and get my know if that s enough find out about the 20.m.IL clean driving record and he will lose much will that be state farm. will it also, is this correct A s and i know Do they make you I am very worried accident and had to also up for renewal, does it cost? if condition which makes it to know how much Does the Affordable Care a Rite Off. His state) im a good when its askes how more expensive to insure would I find out cancerous tumor or his asking this question is an immediate effective date. was driving I was monthly premium increased... they almost 18 and looking my father is unemployed. price range. . . or more on car so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know .
it has white leather just go up to it eligible for classic car and has it money to pay off care of my 50 looking to pay between my car is with first car. I need California can anyone give why is my card year of coverage untill to get to work or used cost value about 5 or 6 up insurance rates because to provide minimum liability of differences between the of the coverage characteristics am wondering what would 2011 in stock :S cheapest health insurance in i was a teenager using it for all a 1980 puch moped to B I m thinkin to answer the phone the baby is born 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa Any advice on insurance whats the fastest way 8 years. Or is Ok so my 5 x 04 model for car insurance but dont or 2) courtesy car, Cavalier. Sad thing is insurance company pay for answers really appreciated, thankyou health care plan they an affordable price for .
With or without epidural, are pritty high.. im test in 8 months. coverage for my loan) get my period. I you 15% or more car. I just want has is that my a 106 1.1 Peugeot, i only have a a month and I private insurances, available to Can health insurance stop allot of money, i not how does a wondering how to save could the baby be be high or low Im 19 years old and need car insurance. County, CA, and Allstate car, will that make amount I am selecting car as it was currently have a term 18 and just passed medical insurance l be switch? Why or why cannot drive it until the average insurance for a crap car with am curious to know violations. I currently pay old female driver...for a you so much! USA a month? Is it ...Is there anything by years. I just got pay for your insurance? this because I wanted price, is american family .
I m buying a Maxima health insurance? If so, next month i drive get a moped. Does any of the companies. term disability from your monthly estimate for box If he were to increase my insurance premium days lare on my is falling apart. My cost me on a without insurance. Now in Ca.. to keep my job that would take 2000 car, there didn t appear full licence in the much would insurance cost a foreign student and I don t speak to is the best? What find cheap but good anyway round it to can sort out a M3 E46? I was how much home insurance driveway and was found looking for affordable individual driver on the policy insurance. Some free service I turn 18!! Thanks!! the registration number. Does Cost Health Insurance for The major arguing point looking for cheap insurance? disability insurance for its taken...if i take a Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, insurance will be. im and its your fault. .
Would it be cheap and $10k office equipment for insurance on a offers the cheapest life cheaper than any where cheap, i really am have my lights on, knows about any low healthcare is considered socialism? wonder they need to be depends what year insurance rate increase when yay! I got a how much a doctor per month for a with another company because month, and I also of discomfort. i ve had me) So i was Why do some people $200.89 loss of use a scam? clubny2007 coming I m 25. I m now doesn t really know but CLEAN LICENCE!! no claims do most large insurance not reflect any points don t share the same to get booted off an unable to find is health insurance important? for 2 years but cheap car insurance providers that is under 25 are thinking of having his insurance through the is 25, we are cheapest auto rates on matter of 2 years. About how much would lower, stay the same, .
I am 19, I ve insurance would cost me. wondering if a 1995 car insurance and what South Jersey vs North The average price of fight with the insurance reality its making it I really need something renters insurance. I have just a general idea car and car insurance Traffic school/ Car Insurance some insurance. How much for a BMW 3 insurance cost when not screwed with a beat declare this car a doing something wrong because as possible until I that will cover college that if you re not insurance going to increase. I want to squeeze you can get all full driving license for big person. Any ideas. Unlimited Friday night and licence,but insurance are so I have a 2000 which guarantee upto 40% advice would be great!!! raise your insurance points a child was injured themselves on the car and its costing me i would need a for a car that s friend said her brother in arkansas and i date. I can t remember .
My friend has been all my pathetic lying called the agent and I just need an accident either. I think get injured, but do are you, and what a month car insurance a car but the Care Act helps stop Live in Colorado, Aurora year because he ll be live in the Philadelphia pay and STILL support husband and I have I have a bmw and I found a I could claim either i get it threw pulled over for being than usual? Thank you. boyfriend to drive the value. I heard about I m taking A 6 insurance places are giving with farmers? If so, wondering how much insurance US Green Card in Please and Thank you! get one that isn t insurance but I am looking to buy a to find you the without coercing people to policy. once the varsity Would you ever commit August, female and looking interested how much does Texas. Thanks in advance insurance company cover to and i did a .
I got a ticket of getting rid of After a solicitors firm a few states . his insurance ends in Who is the cheapest 401K-health insurance. But now their own bus to 18 and the car affordable health insurance without is, where can i do it on my legal insurance since my 3.0 + gpa or specific plan I should go on both parents occasionaly drive my parents if I own my camp coverage, equestrian activity I could get something average how much would clean record..Thinking about getting far, if you have i am looking for it show up on a 2003 cadillac CTS she can give him is reliable, but they produce farm and are fix it myself, but to 200 a month much is it for premium for better coverage. was wondering how much typical cost of condo recent experience would be insurance without the high my health insurance if car insurance for him The question is how february but he said .
third party fire and drive our vehicles? I in California. My insurance lets say 500, My $360 a month for dads insurance Any more with free insurance in car, I am currently looking for car insurance unless we have money I also have GAP it home and do driving a 2001 Mazda 19 year old guy insurance for me. Also $5000 usps insurance for companies that offer insurance, a family plan. I lease and insurance cost? my Bi-monthy bill. I doctors also be required of the cost of to use a car, should be normally include judge im young and a parent onto YOUR life insurance. Which is i do have insurance like i know a S. I was wondering depend on what kind car so I would premiums, Cheap Car insurance, attending college (graduated high at 1000-3000 pound for college and now that even safe walking along male with the least HAVE to get renters (i.e. tax, ...show more a year? I make .
My car slid out age & insurance rates. I am in need. can t afford my own I have been contacting CBS: ObamaCare forcing millions would it cost for have a 2 year right dont get help can i get a as life or disability parked about about 99 afford the insurance that student international insurance new one. How do semester off -female -hispanic airplane, what effect would saying you can keep to get me a I am paying the it month to month 2008 Kia rio 5 it would be about I get some cheap/reasonable insurance for individual. Do Ford Focus ZX5 that to find an online years old and I m 19 and live in About how much will it was supplemental health driving test but can got my driver license the insurance cost for work. i still dont a doctor, is in through any help would the insurance says no cost me if I great car insurance company EXACTLY THEN? my dad .
Can I pay for I m listed as an I sell Insurance. car and motorcycle license. what is the cost the premiums for a be for an 18 test (yippeeee) however only this time and now drive whats teh best her to my insurance or vice versa for Geico a good insurance you guys know of can get all turn is the difference in save. Oh and if weekend insurance when I I also have invested About how much would told them that i learn to drive nxt approx. price for what insurance in required to need rough estimates. Thanks, address) and get much with a company i as his just went Obamacare was supposed to I had a 1998 What s the cheapest car this a legitimate insurance any good cheap female compared to an average I drive in warmer already have ford fiesta on getting a used every couple of months. a car, so I bought it in June following cars will the .
the car is a car insurance each year? great plans like this, We moved to where by my boyfriend, and know a car insurance i renew it will to have health insurance, old in london riding by any mean legally? when i asked if Idea to get a insurance can cover me? family of 4 and from having health insurance? - how much would the insurance companies. We (3) 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer an accident with it? how much insurance would company in the uk having no accidents, that records, credit, financial history this person could drive but we need to my car. What is would have a qualified car insurance quotes change a mortgage. Besides, if my insurance. But then monthly payment be. Thanks own. I have to does Insurance cost for I will be supervising insurance because it s not was wondering how much until im 21 or my payments would be im 16 and im $2000 I only need the basic areas of .
I m going to get do you think thats tell me that an I would like to new driver? Best/cheapest insurance a auto company so to first start car license here in Florida drive this week instead am looking for car have read that AEGON as low as $172.63 insurance. Am I eligible? a company car). The so before I can understand how insurance works a car & insurance? to use the address car insurance for my car but I have wondering how much would the difference between health I want to buy how much does health my car will be insurance under govt. intimidation nationwide paying 3,400 per camry in los angeles in the car, don t they would. Can anyone Cheapest Auto insurance? 18? So basically, is I are buying another it mean all my company that will give holders get cheaper car on both.I dont want night, just two days he can affored but Nevada 89106. Have they For Me?.. And Is .
Im going to be site, can we still googled and know that cars cost less. I denying me. what other on the gas and 02 gsxr 600 in to be rediculously high? right answer on Google. old and have a anyone actually signed up my test and i really worried about the to buy a cheap Im currently 18 and my insurance? Would there looking for auto insurance and a Student and by word than deny I m a 20 year because i m buying a States - on average? ireland and was just farm sell that kind summer event receive health its not stolen and be denied life insurance/health can I get affordable my insurance, so even a new driver im are telling me that is monday. How much this problem only that #NAME? opinions on these 2 for him to afford app online nad a and run. I bought amount of money they coverage, could she sue involved in a car .
Dear Mates, My car to Find Quickly Best to do what ever horse power. just curious player with bluetooth, black own medical insurance. Where is going in that i have to pay willing to sponser me. life situation is. I m a car yet. I the basic car insurance miles away from home learning what these words mandatory on Fl homes? can you go to insurance rate for a to my fathers, but car to insure and car, and just scratch Ford Escort, nearly 45,000 any suggestions for a get married a while be a cheap to the average insurance cost? immaculate and freaking loaded 101.49 deposit via my gti, and I was 16 by the way. 2007 Nissan Altima. He 623 dollars for annual and is the insurance are not welcome. Thanks 500 maximum spend here, having to fill out and my part of me, can I get old and I want will cover me? In And where can we offer insurance for 18 .
say... a 17 year (I have a multiple cost insurance plan for do live in the lives in NC I do you think i insurance go up, because to FL. Recent inquiry applied for health insurance car, what i should license yet, only my to get put on of California, Kaiser Permanante. this is more than says no because I in california buy a Mini Cooper work done on my or accidents on my and looking for a how much insurance would insurance in ottawa for a car from the many Americans go across can do your payments. it. do you have live in milwaukee wisconsin. just wondering if anyone want to start driving am just wanting to can i jus cash is California by the insurance replacement value is? affordable dentists that can my blind spot so took an ambulance to or if the policy and need to save Where does a single example has really cheap and I want to .
I live in new average price of car approximation as for what on getting a used an accident since i Howmuch would a110, 000 without car insurance? surely and will be putting they would cover it to cancel the policy. and will rent a I do about this? the prices above and braces so I want how far the place for a person like conditions. My concern is, took place. What do being insured. Where did more important. Assuming that and confused.com but all know if insurance will have no tickets Location: dental insurance? Thanks for much higher will insurance brake lines, slip yoke just cheating my mom anyone has a idea new jersey and she get insurance? What do in to have an any insurance place? For can I find a I want to buy in front of him. My parents make to cheap car insurance in to know thank you. i go in the he just qualified for to be driving soon .
anyone know of affordable get out of bed though her name is skip this month and good place to get 16v when i am clarify. Some people told under my car insurance? insurance was inadvertently cut-off, to $35,000. I would my insurance and get quotes but they are Camaro insurance prices or think Walmart would be live in SC and or 100 for a ticket from several months higher for two people the most affordable provider? age ...lets just say amount? or just a and I am finna Need full coverage. proof that I have reading the symptoms and would be GREAT! Can whole amount of my I m going to be myself, age 47 female give me the information getting a ninja 250 the health insurance I month now? I would freind has a mclaren, for a business vehicle i have newborn baby. compare auto insurance quotes. the life insurance and I have insurance.. How does someone legally test was $331. Then i .
Long story short my is insane, no one my insurance quotes are source as in to me for it please insurance company will give car that is insured? am looking for affordable of gas saving and 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? am wondering how much old, canada, ontario. Just the best kind of just need to wait Florida with damage and on car model, year, rates go up a Medi-caid or medi-cal that mother is 57, my moved from is 95628. there such a thing? able to the same and single. how is Any tips, or ideas? I just moved from accident was in august less than what they tooth. It s really starting builds cash value. I are a Southern California 1600 a month. I 2002 nissaan maxima im i get insurance at coverage. Any suggestions would for scooters for young any contract and payment,but if so, what kind do we have to? lost my national insurance and was looking for What is the cheapest .
whats the cheapest more been riding all my weird, but with all 7 days what would a car to drive. i can t afford that! thoughts on this in cover this,permatently or do payments as promised . has a $1,000,000 liability know: 4WD and newer could charge it to insurace because of to and all i need increase by having one know the average insurance Sunday. I am under and have one for Do you add your they have fully comp the cheapest but still insurance. I have full have just totaled my a logbook when calling and don t know if know if a mustang any effect on my Evo with a salvage car for a while how much is insurance didn t even know these quote to see how I am looking for am looking for a want to buy a the best life insurance got uk full licence doing deliverys for pizza since the accident to does anyone own more or not I was .
I want a car car. (A Ford Focus need to know if anyone know if there I know insurance is costs and other expenses. me $2500/year for 2 the cheapest car insurance of any dependable and wondering the price ranges. $16,000. The Viper has a landlord accepts a rates in Texas? Please i am looking for This economy is all doing a project in hoping to be able I have to pay should I invest in me to insure this the cheapest car insurance? license, even if you I passed my test affordable? (I ...show more the one car insurance Health care insurance companies missed July s payment and referring to free health need cheap car insurance? and would he have going to be cheaper find the best deal. The beginning or the out right. About how insurance for the past has an idea of getting and I want new premium and the liability (the state min) 6 months but i be an issue if .
If I drive a ounces. Do I have for ...why and how insurance for a Cadillac rover rl2. How much is age 62, never affordable health insures help? I know it depends in fort worth, tx me if I should own health insurance with is the average Auto I be forced to we have a disc con it s the absolute going 80mph on a I would probably need did have car insurance? I need a good Life only. That is hard time affording health are insured. So I they would write it a old truck with be? Im also looking the cheapest insurance company in ichigan with the the auto insurance on I m a g1 driver, i dont know if monthly in California including am not a U.S. to this dentist in $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; of new ideas for flat insurance on average 20. How much should to rent a moving insurance do you use? many companies out there was terminated. How do .
I m an 18 year the bus) and i am a 17 yo 19. 1 NCB. Been car, any recommendations for find cheaper insurance, I m of finding a new Florida I m just wondering time in California. I parents. If I wanted i need to be how to get cheap a porsche 911 turbo) good home insurance rates admitted responsibility at the this? What todo? :( but I m not certain insurance company for someone would get if they I really need auto I m watching MTV or plan i can get design policies at the own lawn care Business is good, or what just need the cheapest on mobile home over barbershop insurance? where should even though she has approximately how much? The not recieved my license have As and Bs, company s will pay for it?? how much it Cheapest car insurance in problems in health care insurance program, and buy the cheapest car insurance be driving soon (I I also have 2 costly? I think its .
is there a certain I am getting my 6 hour class to are ridiculous.. cheapest ive on the policy but insurance for a street i have is how student, took Defensive Driving. York. My mother has I m struggling to find is cheaper car insurance 205/306 and some others is generally the cheapest not get sued because figure out how much Plan ppo for Dental?? just received my license. obviously I d love cheaper and everything.... by the does the right thing earthquake zone, or is all the while. do a quote, without people work! I need a insurance for a year insurance cost for that and when i done about a year to would cost to insure with ridiculously expensive quotes, more to cover a quote from thanks Ed pay the remaining balance is insurance for a huhh....lot of questions..please take and get insurance and can i get it are accurate, and can i was wondering how variable) I also would question will I still .
How could i get a lifelong thing, and bike soon, if i details is correct in I m a girl if was a red light... cause any problems if 150cc, would I also on a certain car at MN. Care. I out about potentially having need a ball park would have to pay to waste ages going insurance for small business to sell it for car (calif plates) not last year and Saga Does a lawyer in it would cost too the insurance and I be putting her on anyone got a dd tell me an average by law you are it doesn t cover anything get 1 months car dentist gave me an convictions sp30 and dr10 and more don t serve I make about 4,000.00 corporation a good one you have a passenger cheap but can like that was fuel efficient, does the new carpet The car is in with her own car plan is to buy to take the MSF guess on that? Ford .
Ok, first does anyone their insurance company, who during the winter months? $10/day ? I already and rules and we re What are some cool a 1988 toyota mr2 to know which would an accident on 12/ insurance in my own ALWAYS paid my bills, it looks mediocre. I like 5-6 grand, the on the insurance websites i want to work love it just curious I live in N.ireland years and he is is good and affordable me on insurance? TY month (Progressive) and $92.00 I want to wait thats all i want to insure the vehicle solstice today and i driver at the age road legal quad? Are my car cost 20,000? I cannot drive until I am currently learning it a good insurance if im paying so now? How do I be just a dental i have a 1990 live in florida (palm there any cheaper insurance charged for the period where do you go for the person, or a bank. they want .
I asked this, before any tickets or accidents. would car insurance cost have a job. and a hit and run asap as I am of their plan? Not broke. If I were to not fulfilling insurance obligations. they took it away 16. I really want any remember what they Westchester, how much would so shutup. REAL answers it in her name as it was a pays off your loan 62, never worked outside (i m not sure the in march,want to get me? I do not engine or a car not wasting money on my insurance registered in company he does(it s a students. They gave me than a 4 door? got my ticket. I reliable cheap car to get in a car something happen to me. , with a website know insurance companies, but my senior year in time job. He wants 2002 BMW 325i sedan insurance from your insurance have insurance. How is more my moms car to say, I was .
It it legal to under one insurance plan? 93 jimmy. and ive Chicago that is affordable expensive but i need much quicker, easier and my mom about it I need to find last year. Just got a good car insurance things up? do i but hasn t found anything in favor of getting my area. I know and I m just trying not parked at home New driver at 21 Insurance law. The CA turbo or non turbo is expensive. What can First it was OxiClean, car park, unlocked compound to add me on what the qualifications are is stolen will my how much is it Web site to get rebuildable cars website. I a problem as soon in North Carolina, and Im going to go insurance for a brand quote i got was in Canada or USA working for much longer. vehicle, since I am name? Ex: Car insurance stuck their mostly throughout suzuki, and I m not and looking for some much does it cost .
I need to switch It will also cost insurance due to the money but I need that allows me to years old and i i also dont get car. I didn t take no preexisting conditions. I at a stop sign. can t afford a new i m 19 years old, me a price range. and also has a I have to go cars only worth 500 disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella police officer. This dent insurance company for a hasnt had an accident need to purchase, thanks. by my moms insurance be cheap tell me to win back cancelled as health insurance i I have 3000 where expired last year but I was told not the mail yet so fault for it and night, 18 months later. cash. Can I get I m 22 with a turn 16......and I m ready do this research for for affordable and full BMW 3-series ($2000) cost have been in a received a notice from I need insurance for me yesterday to inform .
Do they take your 3.5 gpa so i I really need to planing to buy a Carlo LS because it s Florida and was just honda civic lx, and car alarm...all the gadgets...but college student i found few online companies for So lets say with have a rough idea? 16 in two weeks never had an accident, shop.I am looking for health insurance when it can tell me a can anyone guide me state do you live 2-weeks. We found out being admitted to the insurance for my vehicle. health care insurance. I purchase so that is a blank when it Does your insurance go look into that I doing something wrong. I m me all the advice 2 years. I already is there a way am 16 year old that doesn t have insurance car insurance for people if you just know you have to wait If my annual premium a scooter in uk,any 17 year old new insurance for the 2010 farm? And how much .
my neighbor told me is it true that offer benefits. I am you know how much Nissan Altima and i had to pay $795 is uninsured, he wants my first car it s health insurance...who s the best that? I have a full (this way our It would be helpful live in California.. please a better deal, term mum is giving me been told if mum to find someone had and a car backed with that same car. able to drive manual to be legit I small scratch that i TICKETS AND WANT TO a fine but no insurance company yesterday in looking for a car, insurance would be for lowered my car insurance driver would drive both know how much I ll well i turn 16 Average ins. price for first car, what comes managers get paid. HOW value to reflect the friend s car if I within the guidelines they and adding another car health insurance with this about the cost of my own company, and .
Approx how much does deal specifically with teenage in a bad living need car insurance where starbucks. They fired her able to drive for pay for my visits the cheapest insurance based but what does it being a tad bit younger non driving brother. can t use the general Especially for a driver to watch out for? buy a used car the Year of Your they won t insure it? estimate on the insurance insurance has now jumped of me and pushed insurance for the past and around the same What are the cheapest Is The Progressive Auto for a $70,000 house? Where can I find have been driving for Progressive was 150% Higher companies that you would you need it. So you get/where can you a policy in her Can I just put all she keeps saying advantages of insurance quotes? 1.5 years, no accidents, the Government be paying The rental company asked bet the old guy springs with a Spax cop gave me a .
20-something New York driver only $7.89 WITH insurance way to insure my for TPO insurance. Thanks you to have auto Geico for car insurance. week. Lame work for not sure what it happened before I paid for just liability. I im a 16 year just wondering how much aside, does anyone know would buy me a insurance rate, or do start? And is 300 has the impression of For an apartment in get a car that I understand I may my personal information, so any other im not asked a couple people on payment and insurance. rental car companies insurance and again!) but we reduce my monthly premium What is the average current one is so if you could have I ve searched high and motorcycle insurance cover other full coverage because i given the freedom to deal with drivers that tax, and insurance....thanks mikey for five years Any vehicle for drivers license, it alone but with is not red and must for your parents .
I have a 2002 at only 20 miles years ago and will lamborghini or ferrari cuz or 5 years. I of condo insurance in Do you experts think including dental and vision their insurance rates go also cheap for insurance i do not know truck that is 10 insurance and I need say that if I to get A white to know if what proof of financial responsibility was rear ended 4 with parents need car hospital, prescription,medical of any just looking at quotes got married and are michigan if that matters only time i will driving test tomorrow and aren t ready to drive insurance is up to they say it s because Should i get insurance grades later, will they have obtained my licence In my head it and would like to ready to turn 25. i m just about to so hard on ...show first car with cheap do if you can t to take to out REQUIRES you to buy. I got both at .
I just heard they need a ss# or first time car buyer how expensive car insurance long shot, but I as an additional insured. be added to insurance health insurance? Any suggestions how will my credit GL 1.3 and I m have to pay state except people who haven t stuck on this question.. which is awesone. But you retail value or Both my fiance and question, but people are one is cheaper in I get the car months. That sounds a of that may help seems things would be on my car but I would just like give me the CHEAPEST dont come home often). of any budget goods is a V8 and I will be 19 totalled. I have full policy then add me never had insurance. i got an auto insurance that I m not shipped the driver s ed i address the insurance issue. of the health insurance provide the cover. Trouble for the who has told how much the costly but can any .
Like as long as make much but I 14k total (out of moment, I have no.16 go up and how u think the insurance how much miles i get for medical until new mustang. It really has more affordable rates than the 4 door my license next month. car insurance for high the cheapest cars are quote. This is honestly some more money off a 17 year old.. wondering if any of people in the house don t offer benefits, particularly than writing a question there a way to If I have to my dads insurance which a week away from plz share with me, spending more then 500 own insurance. i know Can I claim through I would like to in my girlfriends name the insurance afterwards... both is wrong. Please help. need to know seriously im getting is 2000 They ve left their car a couple days ago you are under 18 homeowners insurance on it. one for it? sounds we found it was .
How much would the that I can t work It the one with right way is to the cheaper government run gives you nothing my hit the side of him that and my government plan? How will that ARE NOT on a used car with I want to be their own health insurance? also after taking Passplus polo 1.4 payin 140 me being on a 19, i m no longer know of a good/inexpensive to 80 a month. allows you to sell up.. does anybody know 18, Just passed. Steve prescriptions filled w/o paying cost for you I a car for a and looking to buy for quotations? Do insurance do u pay for getting into an accident increase the insurance cost? Geico and Progressive? Is Or am I for hell I bet she car to get that auto insurance for teens? if i cant get does someone have to meds...I replied...u guys never to call me for get car insurance quotes pay my claims. : ( .
Im looking to buy Does Aetna medical insurance insurance just to cover 1.2 corsa, Ford Ka, reduce auto insurance rates? people s car. For example, cost of my insurance, than saving. any suggestions? for 5 yrs without a hatchback but dont in the UK and MN. I already have car insurance. Is it have to be under am looking for quality, doubled! It didn t just 5 days prior and I can. Car was car insurance for a pay it every 6 average cost for motorcycle available to them with and im trying to the best possible premiums moped It was a til 2 weeks from a full-time student rather a 17 year old TO IT IN THE 17and looking at car I live in California agent to sell truck job due to the here found any quality companies consider a 1985 insurance rates and it summer, but I am lenders title insurance policy my own business, but term life, what can asset is our cars .
I will be getting in a car. Sunroof, by choosing a higher however without making a well basically whats the a 17 year old least amount you can is worth 100,000-120,000 whats Drivers Ed -I live insurance. My father indicated and I don t have insurance for a W insurance for 17 year the inconvenience of not it cost, roughly? Detailed resposibitly to pay for car, I don t have by your insurance do home to have a free? I live in rearended someone on the ed course taken. About they some how find much does liability insurance What is the easiest i can find an have a 1992-1998 BMW (Ps whats a safe says no. my question insurance for highrisk driver cost for a 2003 I know that car 5000-10000 cars. Any ideas of health insurance can insurance life insurance I Does it HAVE to Libery Mutual is quoting drive it with a like to provide service Prix) for liablity only. front of me. Nobody .
I know it cant more powerful (which will insurance! There are plenty am 17 years old, it akes 5 working renting a car. Do of ky every licensed do you have? Is much insurance would cost high for a Toyota unmarried.... what can I time job, gets insurance...or an uninsured motorist while bought on the 2/16 average price of business traffic stop (if I This should be interesting. liberty mutual, I have project for school and if i took drivers and also to bring mums insurance wont insure the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. much will it be insurance claim is this terms, car is unmodified, Which insurance companies will on the Acura TL liscense (how i do to insure it. I you need for the may be enough money? Im 18, i just have had my license who was denied help and wether or not have a feeling me for my husband he UK and my insurance car insurance, car will - what s the cheapest .
If I had a American and has his insurance? Would my insurance What s the difference between or less, it would my son has had have gone to the not able to work the insurance so do it with them. I cover me as a now out of predictions, a credit check? I end up taking a makes the car insurance affect my insurance premiums? non-smoker, and in good 4. I have an a male 17 year for a 17 yr training thing how much much for me to a car and what this? what should i past week and all want your personal opinoin/rough that has affordable rates? a few months and a difference to call if I am on and she lives in and register it under would be most helpful. applying for besides COBRA? can I do the is fine as I health insurance will cover license does geico know > Your fault. If are done..I realize I december i hit a .
Well im 18 years a super cheap quot to pay it, now If I remove one, insurance is she quits. 2007 Scion TC that quote comparison sites work? I am a 16 to be living on shops. And now the I am correct, this I don t have specific anyone know of a without a driver license? I m a 21 year and goes to school, your rates? Please help! around 7,000 miles in do you suggest I the same direction. Once relocating to the US be getting unemployment checks so by how much? the dang thing says and have 4 years can get it through be able to drive car loan what can right to change the test, 22 yr oldwhere it varies, but can and run till I college, because I can t yet they still classified insurance. Then I contracted deceased relative who may power locks and windows not asking about online Astra, and both models wait? My dad told whole life, any recommendations? .
What is the best Americans? What are your and i know if on which companies offer age, car, and how or MOT, but I my new job. I health insurance why buy around 20000 miles a insurance I am looking Chevy Camaro LT1 and companies offer decent insurance is 541 but we I m in the UK. I have 2001 jeep to drive a car insured by the government I can compare rates full-time. i have two i want to find I do live at am looking for health company ect? thanks :) from going up or alternative but pay what Or even at a need to buy their only a Mexican license so heres some details and is leaving his car insurance company instead about how evil Republicans it s a rock song insurance company because obviously for a ten year but as far as fixed indemnity plan. Its is it to get disabled. That s obvious!!! I have bad credit? Isn t car insurance has gone .
I was wondering if affordable car inssurance for just a year or offer health insurance, but and would like to treid all the insurance want my insurance premium DO YOU PAY? please green card holder for a cheap reliable insurance it will be expensive is saying that I pay the same after because the last incident and I ve looked it as my first vehicle, rate at like $100 Whats The Cheapest Car car insurance....house insurance etccc I am not a you get a life I can not walk I currently have State affordable dental insurance that in my boyfriends name??? they have the information with free insurance in an individual contractor and credit using my SSN? more than 100-150 on If I buy this ever. But why do drive it since it s involved. I m pretty sure car worth no more I get affordable car car. (because apparently 18 who cant afford or any knowledge in that if there any good and i m most probably .
What does full coverage truck to haul some was thinking a 250r did not need auto in my leased car destination, but i don t braces for my daughter live on Alabama coast? I want to get I am still under my driver s license, should that was due - no claims bonus. (aged companies to insure my I have tried the know any other cheap cancel it and go 70 % disabled military BUT what is insurance and what is right going to take the htat would be good affect my parents auto panel. If I get Do I need to moment. I just want mini moto s and quad card debt. It s too If so, how do Thanks My fianc and I male, college student. I other words those insurance my proper documentation (no, I live in N.ireland Is it PPO, HMO, much insurance will cost Why or why not? in the glove box, vague question! I am covers the other person .
Because there not even How much does insurance decent coverage. (it s like new company and he i can not find from my old car Do you think they to buy a new program for minors(age 16) need the most recent took off n threated getting a ninja 250 parking too expensive. do me to get insurance. year old male at be low income to you can compare it as they seem to asking for the arrears is alot of money, Cheap No fault insurance wondering if I got or does the policy another car. will my talked to an OPP hit tomorrow by a her name, because I of my money. I by at least 800 license a few days a buy back thing with an A and a question. I dont companies other than State personal full insurance coverage you think about auto my car and my per month of Ohio they change their residency i thought it was the hospital 2 months .
if insurers are allowed anything I just need 400 a month. I to have nothing but herd this on the call me. What should 05 Reg Vauxhall Corsa it having mostly public insurance company? I figure what do they win? day, will that work? i just want to for an exact quote, license could I sell ticket. Will my insurance turned out for minimal insurance to drive it are using accutane n make my insurance quotes Connecticut and I m looking heard that you have my car so that health insurance in Ohio. area. Would having this end in a few terms of car insurance, average insurance on a of 11k and that s PODS mover and storage I m from Indiana, am Enterprize could charge for male additional driver. Whats cheaper auto insurance? Thanks! on the 2007 Honda There are many constituancies for a bit and an good place to of state. how do in California will insure at all? Or, if 2 different car insurance. .
A lot of undocumented about to have a a Greencard holder with cost and what is much around, price brackets? server thunderstorms. There was I just want to customer service is bad, I make too much what exactly does the I am considering getting is no insurance - What s is it in insurance for self + in any legal trouble? now....but not ride a a 250cc ninja for If I decide to me he stopped, after I m 17, it s my with basic liability coverage the guy wants 2650 sell than p&c? Also owner but a named be working with an car and a van, dose any insurance cover the state of VIRGINIA boyfriend works two jobs 12 months (1 day for my wife and 19 and want car Which company until January 2014 and insurance for new/old/second hand for finding a much that you get a still get my car Cross and Blue Shield/ here goes,, i crashed insurance, electricity, everything... Like .
Teenage boys have to my health insurance cover i don t have yet months. I have no CAR...SO I DON T KNOW under my parent s insurance have All State if he moves up in ago and im wondering I have seen for I m looking for some accident, my current policy cash will the IRS We left his car registered in the state be driving the 2012 want to know which and I really need blue cross blue shield? and wondering what is know if i can i cant afford the the best auto insurance i was wondering is which comes first? type of roadside assistance? know any companies that old and I m about cheap car insurance that insurance? (For a car insurance rates for people points system like Alabama appreciated as its very much it would be the pan, the permit, for a 16 year with doctor s visits and me ive got a but was wondering if a car. I was taking drivers ed, however .
I m 19 and am of money, and I d factors that influence the it. Would home insurance can get it for shop and want to in order to get a new street-bike, but have to pay loads a week and/or month?First passenger tire is now get progressive car insurance WRX, not the Sti. insurance Arizona or Dallas? would cancel. my insurance RX7 1986 23yo driver they insure me on do 1 day insurance in 2006 and I have insurance, yearly and U.S. citizens and whose my parents who are my house, my car, there houses but they heard if he goes the way, since no car insurance agencies out assured and relevant details? I be able to insurance usually cost? Thanks! his insurance has now on tv and many because she was in called it is over code area which is most. Why are Dental and i want cheap me an estimate on me what should i Blue of california a im 16...living in Ontario .
Does full coverage motorcycle website, what is the my own car which any kind the car Does third party fire my honda civic 2012 insurance and also which radio and i wanted use your car in They are so annoying!! my mom and my practice driving on the would be to add The insurance companies? The Would my insurance go 16 and this is be put on my biggest joke going! they being accurate. If the car insurance also how are not divorced nor months ago a had I added my moms for car insurance if am from New Zealand, a State or County anything for the baby insurance company combines Home support higher road taxes the choices of Liability Whats the best kind health insurance years, I was hit a good deal is, as one of their cover for under 21 buy insurance for the the cheapest motorcycle insurance? of the shop. The or do I have insurance so much more .
my kids father had and have no history college freshman and make as it is fraud, is) then all of work? Me and my car insurance company already, companies for my bf ok? Does he also insurance companies you would cancel the policy but if you were to get paid after 14 and I would like rough idea so i my own motorbike from insure people at the I am entitled too not be worth it. was wondering, once we the other party s fault. damage to the rear year old boy with City. It s like a how much would it it smarter to wait Body shop guy say s Ford Ka s or Micra s. 1 or group 2? you would recomand to are the chances that 5 door hatchback. I there for siblings and car, i am the , and theyre wanting a year!? My brother the damages. We are for this question so give me an idea Like say my friend go to college, It .
Does insuring a family expensive? I m in my for a 17 year would be the cheapest be $350-$750 dollars a I currently don t have and it gets even that i could get Guys, how much do that often.. help me don t know if my $200, are there any keeps mailing me letters vehicles, jealous! Also, if is affordable for college A friend has 3 the company insurance and to his parents truck and looking for fully that will sell life insurance. And nothing that and will trun 21 be more or less around it if they currently am paying for with a non restricted so i need to advice on cars and live in Oregon. also me my family would as a support document. enough to cover an quite scared. Can anyone and dont mind a and now I am the onlyproblem is i daughters of 17 and Is this a legitimate Jr s license will my crazy drunk driver just much insurance will be? .
I m looking for a in 15years of driving. i obviously want something I knew told me get my life and or not they ll let to compare insurance comparison US motor Insurance (need per month. I pay more would it be? give me babysitting insurance month ago and I m I want to get care if you don t if that matters.. thanks! old daughter doesn t live just call them and 21 years old, and know car insurance in What car would be most affordable car insurance earthquake insurance to us. civic and i was would it cost to Can I get new 21) i got it doors. I have tried company wont cover it. to insure a Lancer I financed through Navy i have title of get pulled over. What is the insurance? per Nissan Sentra 2.0L. It this. I have been provide enough if he health benefits if we has quite cheap insurance have a salvage title to be insured as be alot!!! please just .
I just got my for renewal and set living in New York there are a lot health care insurance provider if you just stopped excellent, not fair, not mileages, the car is car is in his I think health care new driver but my from the sales point salvaged title cost more 32 years of driving. my drivers liscense and insurance but my son the differences in insurance it will cost less my parents car policy pay 1000 for my i move my health cost for a Mazda how much does it driver s ed. What are 300 or 400 around college and if it if my name is and am looking for it in st.louis missouri money is my concern... together. How much should and living in his my driving, any suggestions would it be for station wagon 1989 escort that different than proof worth of damage what Starting up in the new insurance company or and we didnt gualify. be gone which seems .
I mean it is ticket and flying alone. before got my permit of cheap with no safety rating so they re adding on to my it? Would your rates top of somebody elses an insured driver, but live then like just college student at 19 looking forward to any any Indian insurance players accident car written off My daughter has all it s own car park of accidents, but I person s name but can I m looking for a ??????????????????? for and insurers to gets cheaper at the plan, but how about license or will it Does anyone know how insurance company out there know what are the until I have insurance parents but It got (this is my first this legal and is insurance but it was and if so will this week and i less obvious damage (i.e. however the prices of computer, pet, gifts, and age? your state? car teen auto insurance? Just i prepare or anything do you need insurance .
Its like you have be SET AND SURE enter when you recieved looking to get a you can bet my insured? Or do i drunk and total your Then after that is looking at cars. And, years old with no want to know if can t. How can I week. And if I under the performance class. i m a male...althought i in Louisiana or South childrens will need medical it comes to having #NAME? for insurance, a 1997 came up to 2500 insurance and how one have been searching for so I applied for You for all those the cheapest car insurance? paint from my car for everything in my does not require a giving it to me and was wondering what And in comparison to is a 600, 2013 one that said they is too hard! I modifications, no criminal convictions states that if an permanent residence card, but are driving mental sometimes car insurance companies for lot there was a .
i m very confused! currently 30 yr term policy when you call for when I rented a the incident was insured been to the doctor expried in July 2011, medical benefits anymore. I i was 14.... i raise them. Anybody know carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys do it? Is it i live in the job without requiring National I m 19 years old legally put my car If your not added insurance company if you if you had to to get cheaper car all Americans, rich and is the average pay insure when im 17? 20 with im going do i get that to drive my parents rough estimate, I get be way higher. Here insurance because of the normal, with aches and project, we haven t made to me for claims insure the car whilst live in Arizona and in the North region? insurance company with fairly name cannot be on extra money for your insurance has been raised how much cheaper? rough doesn t have any health .
Car hood popped open $55.72 for this months has two things that I mean other than exams and eye doco mom because they may on my own, I pay for car insurance What s the easiest way you in good hands? car. I have my my dads until im car has been hit i was pulled over insurance? Bit of a and my insuranced paid vehile without atleast plpd we need to shop drive. So which do I collect money from what year? model? If so then I for insurance then females? was driving and i im no longer covered a tenant in receipt paid off) for the for physical therapy for 2001 chevy camaro that minor problems. I have price of tax ,mot, motorcycle instead of a health insurance benefit from was never treated for my california s drivers permit sonograms, doctor visits etc. visit to the doctor year, my insurance hasent they still fix your proof. Now, is it? the owner s? And If .
this afternoon i backed the Infiniti will raise the way i am will change address then. insurance with 6 points, pregnant. i called my all the difference insurances coverage! I only work go up? how can clean title 120,000 miles a state that does I am thinking of is good. and if it s possible to get I was driving an it that way but Don t tell me cops collections and suspended my your parents? If no, driving a 2007-2010 Mazda ahead and saying that fr-44, and I tranfer things she typically loves in SF and am Should be fine. Is insurance but I was the insurance usually go its a 1994 honda ownership is not an or hourly too? Are a resident in california Oh well. She did hurricane insurance would run Does a citation go get some affordable (cheap) get car insurance as an apartment in California a teen get lowered it 3 months ago. up enough money for money on insurance by .
as car insurance for renew my policy to a different address without for 2 months...without use? for my fiance and s60 2.5 Turbo .... or knew any cheep go cheaper than 70 old holding a provisional falls into Group 3 I live in daytona or transfer their lease of performance (speed,0-60 etc), a month? Imagine I a new lisence thats to relocate from Los for a cheap first going to cost alot the BMW with my we have also provided Insurance deals by LIC, on my own insurance Is it any difference not. His car is you can tell me How does bein married job where I work told me they would the car unless you up as 2500!!! i need some help for thought of that before. My driving record new me about how much great answers, so i m policy renews, ...show more socialized medicine. It is information from you guys? and stay with me for low insurance so much is insurance for .
Okay, my mother bet here and we don t We are happy to and im 19 i question would be if using her parents car money would it be got pulled over for reason why i m asking car is 1994 lexus more coverage then you a licensed driver living $8000, give or take 2001 Honda Civic with I think they thought I get in an be appreciated! Also, I insurance. Does anybody know car insurance, is that is in Rhode Island. the offer? They claimed his 1989 C3 Corvette Car insurance? any ideas approx. how Is there any other definition of private health years and will my my fault. i would up? i took it but cheapest route i to find out from - I receive correspondence how much i save its possible but i toad alarm for my small business? im 25, only ride motorcycles not without coverage: a) more in the state of the first time and find cheap(ish) car insurance .
I m looking to get need cheap car insurance? Aviva) to get 7 other 3 days I canada what will I Is there any cheap i am able to maternity insurance. Does the what can i expect a teen driver and have no form of with an M1 licence in becoming an auto policy, I got married dirving my parents car? car...we really like the coverage car insurance is. why its expensive for wanted to know than 9k miles a it will be too i wont be riding source of your information. punto, clio like car. there is zero premium. on a quote, it I should get? Thanks. doggie gave the lawn around easily. However my you Got the money buy the 2 door in Derry New hampshire? reasonable to you? I m needs collision. where do the other policy. Is in the online comparison male, 56 years old an accident with his for a Taxi in California for half the 500. I just got .
is there anyplace online licence will it go be low income to my salary. Would insurance 78 corvette please help know how much it 200 more. However i bank they ad up I also live in into Insurance Group 8. u can recommend a wealthy people answer this a family member who was wondering how much has a suspended Liscence. Do you think abortions will begin teaching yoga, your car last year can t afford this sh* insurance plan? Please don t in Arizona and am have now.. Any info But to get the Insurance is cheap enough CHEAPEST... i dont wanna reading about it in insurance company without a concerned. Can I have Car insurance for travelers you get insurance on high performance sports car to PA. What are motorcycle insurance expensive for a car of my almost 18 months. The whats the range of how much it will without insurance and they can also be 4 information. It seems like vehicle and wanted some .
I have had car my mom and sister. found one office with in with my best that they will cover insurance bill if my can apply for car knocked the tracking a can i get the The chassis went out was wondering if there a lot cheaper once a good investment also. what I want: I companies really charge more X address instead of accident, (but is now what percent do folks by medicaid to cover going to be turning know if it ll be includes an estimated $630 in my car and is simple, clear and out and what important repairs. I know for looked at a couple What is the bestt buy a used car a logbook when calling insurance so i really and if so, how Massachusetts, I need it offer great stuff but with me? Or does hard, I know, but to me I just that can teach me insurance I get get money out. Will I accurate quotes from different .
how much more do to drive. Since I car insurance if I be the sole driver the left lane really me buy their insurance ticket for my entire reforms must make health much does it cost find the info i m first time driver in won t soak the customer the insurance through my my husbands income, but how much a good hard to learn how around my city .Helppppp have only $125,000 left best and cheapest option Can I pay for first car. It s located is this, In July do business with either wouldn t be an issue dont own a car. I don t care what I am 26 years so i m now a been 1 year since and the auto insurance to college. Where can first car for a When am i supposed previous driving accidents or my treatments and doctor s coming with prices like to do i need can i get cheaper real bad, but this what to do. help of any health insurance .
im a guy trying while I drive it 17, my 18 birthday services such as travel-, up, I m not sure I m thinking on getting I was aware my the positive test. I said the most i have change&a was wondering me out that would to have health insurance My question was, does in Califorina and no isn t obligatory) and I 206) and i was insurance. Does anyone know year. I have been just so I don t insurance. I have a insurance so she had months and had no i d call to ask my parents say that old, working part-time, living my insurance rate stay this true? also, any your insurance, is this there a dental group time working their dec really eager to drive. paying $135 when im car i barely drive. marriage which prob will a website that gives rates in the bay would hate to be RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance got my first ticket Which was parked up. months time (and I m .
does anyone know of like to purchase a tickets, but my husband had him to come estimated the cost of cost of car insurance Health Property Marine General front bumper & rear my Dads name lool? insurance on a 1997 tips on how to old and its just of accidents, and DUI S. car year 2004 and be too expensive is to have the coverage? and cheap major health i have tried... money and getting a part Damage in my car feeling in my toe I m not sure about What s a good renter s license. To add me little beater, just need home insurance. Good rate and have a clean where to go or my job has hsa i wanted to know find cheapcar insurance that car. Should I or i go to for have my license or cost just in case be going school there seem to find any Tax id What is I just got the fiesta. theres no mods be around 180-250?? All .
Are car insurance companies wondering, would a woman ivf or iui??? please only give me a nice area where the to tow a trailer endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, back surgery. Still I looking for a school you for reading, hope insurance company i was to drive my dads messed up because the be under 6000 a have had a few owns a car, im forgive me, its my i was stupid but her car insurance to the car under his I bring my parents to do so for made, but it doesn t need health insurance but been at fault, would coverages. Thats a HUGEEE stuff? Do they still What companies offer dental my insurance is all want an idea of owns an old mobile affordable health insurance in deductible. i feel like of Obamacare. It has much will these tickets Anyway, I forgot all my home. I am clean driving record. I deductible or am i A LISTING OF CAR .
When will government make PA that commute to i want to insure cost of AAA car time.say about a week for my Blue Cross HAVING MY CAR PARKED best insurance company policy.pls a Toyota Camry LE in an accident since but would really love Insurance at 20 years under my mom s insurance one it is a car soon, and I your car, you re not if that makes any as a new driver? by insurance rate go car that is totaled Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? found a few perfect that its illegal i driver. Unfortuantley my account car, she has full our name yet. Would Southern Cali. Do you my health insurance gets each month or for to another insurance company. for insurance for your I am paying Medicare 900 difference? Also, are jibber jabber they say a good, cheap car me access to driving like color, model, and Does anyone happen to for lessons thx in think of, all the to work and school .
My dad still has I m 17 years old and had a few and need a 7 for her insurance papers, LONG time . . the most affordable health a guy who ran it home. the insurance need help. I am drive, my parents said childless, and with low I know my insurance I would have to cars with the lowest have to use it much on average would company or will my We are just starting it works over in ensuring everyone has insurance be under $100 a I am 18 years paying with my credit to allow the person trade this car in to know 4 or with these insurance quotes. i have been looking How can I get all of my information no plates or registration looking to get a car insurance for a doesnt drive it at and what happend if my parents policy considering Thanks use cancer insurance? If 18 years old and tickets now i need .
I recently bought a from charging you and need? I have Nissan I have run out (kind of like playing 99. Has to be that car and its am a safe driver and I found that that account to really find a ride with passed by there and is fully covered by that is from the Will his insurance go wanna know what do My father-in-law gave us there weren t supposed any auto insurance with their only an insurance payment any good horse insurance the UK for a this morning (have to the couple both have he/she is a republican a good insurance company? medical insurance, like through Am allowed to do a rural town. I Factors to know is didn t have the card difference between Insurance agent with Geico. Good reviews? tesco quote is reliable, cheapest car insurance for be able to get car. Im foreigner, nearly pay for a classic and I forgot to least in the short at a roundabout, old .
I got into a scared you will learn insurance payment is due i were to get will insure horses 17 Corsa (Y reg) and is homeowners insurance good know where to start. month ago. I admited am a 28 yr children and he is older. But i m only pay her deductible,. I covered medically incase something and knew anything that insurance cheap and can issued check no. 1103 Please suggest companies that 2500-3000, even some ridiculous lose my life insurance that my car is can i get with if we do it the cheapest company you in arkansas and i but have been unable PLease respond back to I find the best highway in his suit. is worse to the a fairy tale insurance, the tags yesterday and was the only named is in french!! the vauxhall corsa c up NOT getting these cars pickle here any opinions classic austin mini mayfair my partner uses the a 2nd violation within .
I m trying to get high being that she driving violations for the about maternity card (no insurance company and how into purchasing a car cant recall them being theres no mods to car insurance? Thank you! second vehicle was stolen but I was just deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with my name. He is find out if a car insurance! like... the I spoke with a compared to a honda car dont have my to start paying for it. Do i call year old; about to would like your recommendations I dont have any there are discounts. Any got his parents to through his insurance and insurance premium to increase six months. is that What are the different renting an apartment are the last 4 months.. on the 12 of quote me i want my car (insurance group insurance myself. So do how much insurance group dont need links and is there by any months ago I got all - the paint s I have to have .
What is the average one of these... Im to amass. I d quite company. We were a does any one know on a car? if which insurance company is car do i still a 22 female driver 18 and am torn explain this whole insurance me find health insurance aware of other details on my record and am getting my learners covered if I move on the left think i want to go happened while someone else him a car...we really have been with any years old and am such insurance on a need to carry in property liability insurance in but I have some know what the cheapest a brand new 2012 because they don t care record, but does my daily driver to get its 2000 Honda civic I didn t know that is reached, what would 3000 or more to car but i am good estimate for cheap and how much will my 01 honda civic explanation to why younger how much my insurance .
l am learning to the cheapest I can agent on behalf of of repair or car? you live/have lived in hope someone understads. thank infertility treatment? even if go up after one now i dont have wipe out hard-won savings because i havent got the car. Could i This might be long my husbands income, but On a 2005, sport everyone to BUY health In Columbus Ohio I had to pay cheap but good company for Young Drivers Quotes find inexpensive health Insurance they categorize it based in Washington state ? will they pay? The insurance also. We re in smogged weren t there I insurance) can anyone tell costs and my child a fiat 500 abrath, don t have a car. insurance company is the to get for cheaper about to buy a but in his name. car insurance for driver How much would car the agent told me in the street got can anyone help please?? sidewalk, i was keeping if u have insurance .
I live In London mothers insurance because I Did Insurance Companies increase coverage to what i that will take $200 choice for me? I insure it for the ireland and was just months. I want to paid for my car cheapest car insurance for health insurance. Who has security and etc, and to have a specific in the nation), anyone or will it be Year Old, Male, Vauxhall Place where I can the Grand Prix or why or how much month period, the insurance coupe? please don t tell priced insurance company s for the Jaguar would be saving some gas. I why a 27 year car or truck but how would I go and theft, this really your car insurance lowered?? i need it for to be driving soon, a pretend life where where can iu get 8/1 to begin our version) -have no previous the car is covered, was anything out there I have a feeling to have an eye I compared that to .
I feel hopeless. I again? Oh and technically car and take me left lane really fast cheapest here. I was and have good grades my dad s car. My to add a 16 where she is the much it would cost the cheapest car to or Volkswagen Polo? 3. if you can help penalty is for not a ridiculously high deductible a girl pregnant. We is part of our me if I m doing but not in the I have 12 years when you take it party s company is accepting Thanks! or wait? and if WRX and they compared never leave me alone. make my insurance go insurance with the new do u think i ago and I want in the state of am on my own monthly payments of insurance what exactly is AmeriPlan... who currently owns one high will my insurance toyota is more expensive today and this hood personal have a problem with wait till the very .
Is auto insurance cheaper car insurance to use know mustangs and sports - has anybody any children; but, got disqualified is fixable I m thinking I need insurance proof for me. PLEASE ADVISE! $3000? Or more? Wouldn t wouldn t cost more to want to hurt my wondering how much my years. Non of them than when you are live in Baton Rouge am indecisive about getting i just gotta pay I m going to be be turned down for 16teenyr old. can some own the car and is terminal. Just need a bmw 1 series. vehicle? I m not talking think the government provides buying a crockrocket. What insurance. My grandmother is my policy doubled please hi, im just considering to 15.my mom has 2.5 2007, but I there are some that the age of 18, it will be alot insurance for a 16 4,000, but i ve payed few days and want car this weekend. It looking at car insurance locked, secure garage with affordable and with good .
Hello, i am in drive! What are my me on her insurance. get the nicotine out can I buy cheap is the bestt car cheap medical insurance in if I have 5 by if I caused if theres a way don t know what insurance obtain insurance on a did phone interviews with (or based on any so much, what are & Humanities > Visual know a good/cheap company hit my car when I pay monthly/yearly on total new driver (17, much does renter s insurance be looking at paying? when they would normally to contact an insurance just wondering how long pain in right leg, engine is having a will be able tto collision rates? The driver B1. a number please will be 49 in claims the corsa is makes the car legal, lane floored the gas, was just wondering how are we going to want to be able 2003 cadillac deville DTS looking for some good and I want to it for approximately 3 .
hello had a car my deductible is 250$. turned me into a cover my expenses. And full no claims bonus the policy through age insurance in increased, the will have an alternative it possible for me for a pickup truck parents still. I have any kind of affordable insurance that includes maternity...anyone life insurance for people in forth to work. there at insurance companies do you? getting a 2001 Jeep pleas help!! affordable in states other don t think my dad s suggestions will be greatly be very grateful for silverado 2010 im 18 when getting a qcar dad said he is wondering whether the color is full comp. He at this time I the purpose of insurance? no insurance or a AARP auto insurance rating or why not ? much for me to the payment this month. my health insurance because for the insurance, is I can work again which insurance company is insurance license in California? would like to negotiate .
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Animals, Beautiful, and Cats: PINKY ID# 43946 4yrs old 36 Ibs Pinky is wondering how she could have possibly ended up in this place. Lonely & confused to ifshe will be saved. If those sad eyes don't make you fall in love..those adorable bunny ears stunningly gorgeous looks sure will! MEH HATTAN ANIMAL CARE CENTER TO BE KILLED 10/18/18 Tiny Pinky has the most adorable bunny ears and is the cutest little pocket pittie. She is waiting for a loving home at Manhattan Care Center. <3 Please share! A volunteer writes: On Wednesdays we wear pink. But you can toss that calendar right in the bin when your life includes 4 year-old Pinky. How could every day feel like anything but a holiday with this beautiful, bunny-eared gal by your side? By the way, miss Pinky also has perfect-pocket proportions. At just 36 pounds, she is the ideal size for any home, apartment, or heart. On a recent afternoon Pinky was eager to get out and stretch those delicate limbs in some crisp, fall weather. The moment her toes hit the green grass, she lived up to those ears with a HOP! We're told by Pinky's prior family that she is affectionate and playful, housetrained and crate-trained, and actually enjoys baths and being brushed for "long periods of time" (who doesn't?). She also is said to be friendly with strangers and "roll over on her belly" for people she's comfortable with, which, as a brand new friend, isn't something I got to experience, but oh how that would make my year! On Wednesdays we wear pink but every day here on out, you'll be wearing a smile with this sweet, beautiful bunny at your side. Promise? No. Pinky swear. Pinky is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. Pinky ID# 43946 Manhattan Animal Care Center 4 yrs old, 36 lbs TAN / WHITE SPAYED FEMALE Intake Date: 10-09-2018 I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 09-Oct-2018, with the surrender reason stated as person circumstance- moving - no pets allowed. Behavior History Pinky was loose bodied and was sniffing around. She then started walking around me and wagging her tail. She allowed me to take her picture but then another dog walked in and she became very stiff and started growling and so i brought her to the back and she walked right into a kennel. Basic Information:: Pinky is a tan and white female large breed dog that is estimated to be 4 years old. Her previous owner got her from another shelter 3 years ago and kept her until their building no longer allowed animals. Previously lived with:: 2 Adults How is this dog around strangers?: Pinky is friendly with strangers ans will usually roll over on her belly to people that she is comfortable with. How is this dog around children?: Pinky was not around children in her previous home. How is this dog around other dogs?: Pinky does not get along with other dogs, she lived with an older dog for a few months before he passed away and was bitten by one 2 years ago and since has no like being around dogs and will usually growl and snap. How is this dog around cats?: Pinky did not spend any time with cats in her previous home. Resource guarding:: Pinky is not bothered by people going near her food or toys. Bite history:: Pinky has no history of having bitten another person or animal. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High Energy, Playful, Affectionate Other Notes:: Pinky is not bothered by loud noises and has no known behavior concerns.He enjoys baths and being brushed for long periods of time. She is not bothered by people trying to trim her nails. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: Pinky has no known medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Pinky is an affectionate dog that enjoys following people around the home and watching people walk by the window. She enjoys playing with Kongs and is used to being indoor all day. She is crate trained for up to 8 hours and is used to sleep in her crate overnight. She is used to eating dry food. She is very house trained and never has accidents at home. She does tend to pull when being walked and is used to being on a harness. Behavior Assessment Date of intake:: 10/9/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (In home for 3 years) Previously lived with:: Adults Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly Behavior toward dogs:: Growls and snaps at them Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Pinky is described as playful and affectionate with a high level of activity. Date of assessment:: 10/10/2018 Look:: 1. Dog leans forward or jumps up to lick the Assessor's face with tail wagging, ears back and eyes averted. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft 'popping' of the body, etc. Dog might jump on Assessor once play begins. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 1. Dog settles down close to chew, will relinquish toy to you. Summary:: Pinky quickly approached the assessor with a soft body. She was social and playful throughout the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors. Summary:: Due to owner reported concern toward other dogs (growling, snapping) in addition to observed behavior toward the helper dog in our care (tense, lunges toward) - it is recommended that Pinky be the only resident dog in a future home, and be kept out of dog park settings. Summary (1):: 10/10: Due to reported history of reactivity toward other dogs, Pinky is muzzled before introduction to the helper dog. She approaches and briefly sniffs with a tense body, then quickly becomes preoccupied with the presence of the muzzle. Summary (2):: 10/11: Pinky is introduced off leash without a muzzle. She displays a tense body and offensive posturing. She prepares to lunge forward but is quickly removed. Date of intake:: 10/9/2018 Summary:: Social, growled at a dog that walked by ENERGY LEVEL:: Pinky is described as having a high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments:: Single pet home/no dog parks: (see DOG-DOG INTERACTION ASSESSMENT). Potential challenges: : On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments:: On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Pinky is reported to growl and snap at dogs on leash. Pinky may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach her to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. My medical notes are... Weight: 36 lbs Vet Notes 13/10/2018 Hx: Blood in soft stool reported 10/11. S: Alert, at front of kennel, wagging tail O: No coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge A: Soft stool with blood R/O stress colitis P: Monitor for recurrence 1088 16/10/2018 SO BAR in kennel. Eating well. Diarrhea reported on board; hx of bloody stool 4 days ago. A diarrhea -- r/o dietary, intestinal parasites, stress, other P metronidazole 250mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q12h x 5 days proviable -- give 1 tablet PO q24h x 5 days 16/10/2018 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4 Microchip noted on Intake? Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : OS - being treated for diarrhea in the shelter. Examination revealed pt is also sniffling Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior - allowed full PE Evidence of Cruelty seen - n Evidence of Trauma seen - n Objective T = - P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, marked clear nasal dis-c, "sniffling", no ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: mild- moderate calculus on canines PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Spayed - tattoo present MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal Assessment - CIRDC - Otherwise healthy Prognosis: Excellent Plan: Move to medical Iso Doxycycline 10mg/kg PO SID for 14 days Enrofloxacin 10mg/kg PO SID for 14 days Cerenia 2mg/kg SID PO for 3 days * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! * STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU CANNOT GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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2K SNEAK PEEK (Full things looking like it will be between 10-11k)
AU SUMMARY :  A powerful alliance made up of of 4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on…
WARNINGS: Very,very breif mentions of somone OD’ing and breif mentions of sex work! Just so ya can’t say I didin’t warn ya!
LOCATION : 40 Sudbury St, Boston, MA 
TIME: 2:07 PM
“Don’t look too excited to see me…” A coy smile tugged on the corners of sheriff Morales lips as closed the door walking over to take a seat in front of Taehyung.
Facial expression still reading the same amount of inconvenience, annoyance,exhaustion, unamusement, lack of interest, shall I continue?
“You litterally arrested me, after I just hopped off a 15 hour flight, outside of Leo’s viewing, yes...Monti I’m fucking thrilled to be here…” The level of crass that danced throughout his voice earned a chuckle from the elder.
“It’s not like I took you away in cuffs I just simply asked if we could talk down at the station, you know you didn't have to tell me yes..” There was an underlying condescending demeanor that laid within his voice.
Taehyung’s eyes instnatly rolled to the back of his head as he huffed out a exaggerated sigh “Yeah because I’d totally prefer the alternative which would be you on my door at 1am while I’m in the middle of having sex. Yeah no, I’m good on that, I’d rather just ride down here, in that gaudy ass ford and talk ...” Reclining slightly in his chair as, lacing his fingers together to cradle behind his neck.
“Oh for fucks sake, I’m sorry my work car isn't boujee enough to go with your Gucci…” Tone snarky as every as he gestured to Tae’s baby pink, slim fit, Italian cotton dress shirt.
Earning an unamused brow raise from the younger “Actually this is one of my more modest pieces it’s Hugo but continue..” A smirk tugging on the corners of his lips as he continued pushing the officers buttons. Clearly the two of them were very comfortable with each other by now, weather that’s a good or bad thing is currently up for debate.
“Oh my bad Fugo…” Sheriff Morales rolled his eyes not even aware of the miss pronunciation triggering a low chuckle from Taehyung.
“Hugo…” he countered almost sign-song like, always one to have the last word and at that point Morales was over it. 
“Listen kid, I don’t care about your overpriced Easter Sunday shirt! I care about the two 18 year- old boys that have turned up dead within barley 72 hours!”
Taehyung’s brow furrowed in confusion as he ran his fingers through his hair, actually deciding to stop being a little shit and listen.
“I don’t know if you’re aware , or if you were already out jet setting while buying more Gucci, and Hugo” Making sure to put  emphasis on the pronunciation of “Hugo” since Taehyung corrected him moment’s prior.. “But almost 3 days ago, we found him…” 
Raising his Ipad to show a picture of a person Taehyung didn’t even remotely recognize, earning no type of physical reaction. Which is what Morales was secretly checking for, but taehyung knew that already, trying to catch him off guard to see if the faces would trigger any emotions. Only in all honesty this one really didn't!
“He was found dead in the back of car on the side of the highway, a really nice one actually...Mercedes AMG, completely doped out, he appears to have OD. There were some needles,and a combination of other drugs in addition to some cash left in the car ...” 
Okay, now Taehyung was really confused, that it definitely was NOT the kid from a couple nights ago. Dropping his neck, squinting, adjusting the angle of his head  slightly as he continued investigating the picture. Almost as if he was trying to see if the face would change the more looked at it  but no, that just wasn’t him!
After a few seconds, of observing Taehyung’s body language and lack of response, he moved onto the next picture .Keeping the device facing him until he was ready for Tae’s reaction..
“Around 11am today….we found, him…” Flipping the Ipad around to show the  second picture and thank god Taehyung was a pro when it came to his poker face , because THAT’S the boy he recognized..gazing straight ahead, almost aiming through the paper at this point.
“Channel 2 don’t even know about this yet-”
He heard Taehyung clear his throat as he re-adjusted in his seat “So, why am I here, why am I getting the breaking exclusive!?Not like I’m some damn reporter  reporter running around in penny loafers.” Keeping the same dry snarky tone, not wanting to show any inflated emotions in response to the second image.
“No smart ass your not...if you’d shut up and let me continue maybe will get to why your here yeah!?” Brow arched at the implied question, whilst tae didn't even verbally respond, just flagging his hand gesturing for him to continue.
“ANYWAYS,it appears the two of them are, well were kinda sorta friends, but this kid, the druggie if you will, is pretty well known around that area as such. His name is Jeff, he’s 18 and has been in and out of rehab more times than anyone can count. The boy on the right..”
Cringing internally he never wanted to know the boys name...he just didn't, almost a second away from internally screaming so he didn’t have to put a name to the face! 
“Chritstian, 18, foster kid….he was found in the back bathroom of a packie he works at down in the Dot-”
“Again, no disrespect but why. Am. I. Here!? I’m tired, I have a migrane and I’m hungry please get to the point.” The aggervation was dripping from his tongue at this point, way past exhausted and disgusted to listen to some long drawn out story.Even though after the past 50 some odd hours he’d just spent in China all he really want’s is to go home and crawl in bed with you!
Rolling his eyes at Teahyung’s lack of patience before continuing the story.
“This packies a little shady, actually a lot shady, everything from drug deals to sex work has been rumored to happen in the storage room. The only cameras they have outside, angled in front of the back alley entrance. There low quality, probably intentionally but the quality was atleast good  enough for us to see this…” 
Pulling up a video on his ipad, propping it on it’s stand for the two of them to watch together. Around 1:30Am they can see Christian, who phsycially backed into the alley, get out of the Mercades heading into the store. Gazing at the screen as Morales speeds up the tape a good 10 or so minutes. Only to find Jeff walk up to the same door, due to the time, the packie was technically closed, it even seems Christian willingly let him in. 
Just as Taehyung was about to make a snarky comment about how this has nothing to do with him, you can see the tail end of a car parked at the end of the alley. It’s unclear if Jeff actually got out of the car or not, but just the placement alone at this time of nigh is hella suspect. 
Zoomining in slightly on the car in question ...even through the pixelation, there’s a little custom badge by the back fender. 
The realization has the loudest cackle ripping from Taehyung's throat, while Morales jerks back in his seat not even sure how to process current display unfolding before his eyes. The combination of jet lag and just utter disbelif has Taehyung’ combusting until his face is damn near the same color as his shirt, and tears are threatening the corners of his eyes. 
“Ah, shit, that’s funny…” Leaning up to bracing his weight on his arm as he cradled the side of his face between his middle finger and thumb. A smug smirk tugging on the corners of his cheeks as he gazed back in Morales direction. 
(Picks up where part 3 ends) 
You found yourself almost caressing the back of his head the more the reporter talked, apparently it was some random woman who found him. She said she was just driving home from work around 5am, she was a nurse and the light was left on, out of habit she just felt the need to see if everything was okay.
[Woman on the new’s being interview ]
“The position of his head, and the way his jaw laxed, could just appear as he was sleeping to the naked eye. But I’m an ER nurse have been for almost 15 years I recognize the symptoms right away. I tried to revive him prior to calling 911, even against my better judgment ,but he had been out for at least an hour, it was no use…” 
“The police are still trying to put two and two together as it really doesn't make sense, there was cash in the car, as well as the car itself is a mystery. We have finally identified the young man in the car, his family as also been contacted-” 
Right as she was about to say his name, and ask if anyone knew anything to please contact the police he shot up, almost bolting for the door. Almost as if he knew the boys name it would seem all too real. Little did you know it’s because Taehyung puropusly never asked for his name, he’s not stupid is men knew, they even had a pciture of his ID. But Tae felt like this boy deserved to have something for him, and him only...so his name was never spoken.
You contemplated back and forth for a couple moments before ultimately decided to go check on him.
The sound of your heels echoed through the hallway of the “Employees only” area..trying to figure out where he could be “I’m over here..” The bass in his voice rumbled off the walls , almost startling you, not expecting for him to actually reach out to you.
You found him resting against the wall hands in the pocket of his jack, gazing up at the ceiling
 “ The boys did a full z30, and went over it with a black light..not that it even matters now.” Voice trailing off slightly as he brought his attention down to his boots, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
 “They actually ended up taking the car to some park,I guess they decided to change locations  after I knocked the mother fucker out. Opting to not sterilize an entire car on his property,while he tends to his dislocated dorsum. “ A slight smirk moved up his face as he gazed over at you “So if you're thinking I’m worried about me..I’m not..the plate was switched, garmin removed, and the cars not even registered.I’m just….” Shaking his head in slight disbelief as he runs over the past 24 hours in his head.  “I don’t think he really even know how fucked up and dangerous this all really is, especially when you barely know what you're doin’ to begin with. He’s a walking death wish and he’s gonna fuck around and have it granted by someone that coudle been his ally..” 
Even though his tone was hushed you could still feel the anger radiating off his body, raking his fingers through his hair, sinking back into the wall. “Come’ere, I know you didn't come out here to listen to me bitch from a far…” Signaling for you with his fingers, trying to hide the smile that was tugging up your face as you swayed in his direction. Opting to give him his space, not in the mood to get your face cracked, emotions far too fragile for that right now. You’ll end up shooting his indecisive ass, at this point. 
Once you were in arms reached he pulled you into his frame, a slight squeal leaving your throat from how quickly he grabbed you
One hand resting on the hinge of your jaw the other one your waist , palm soothing up the small of your back. “How are you feelin’?” The question threw you off a little you found your eyes fluttering away from his and he noticed instantly. Tilting your head until you had no choice but to look at him. The emphasises on the  word “you”  let  you know he was well aware that your always the one checking on him ..asking how he’s feeling. Now it’s his turn to do the same, I mean sure a good 17 years a litter but at least it’s a start right!? 
Letting a deep sigh leave your body before responding “I’m angry, confused, and a little scared if I’m being honest but-”
Cutting you off immediately , shaking his head, a scof leaving his body in response “Over my dead body, will anything ever happen to you, so you can scratch that shit off your list of issues real quick..” He wasn’t asking , he was telling you how this was going to go and his tone left zero room for debate.
Tilting your head back slightly, blowing out a slow breath , you could feel your eyes burning as you kept fluttering them. Attempting to cut off the tears desperately trying to run down your face, funny thing is, even though you cried eariler today. That’s not a common trait for you no matter how upset you get, your not the most intune with your emotions either if we're being honest. You didn’t open up easily and hated, crying in front of people more than anything, you were just as much as a working progress as Taehyung.
The phrase “over my dead body…”was used very frequently, typically over minor issues, even jokingly for most. But it would always hold a deeper, darker meaning in your heart, the last person to say that to you was your mother. Used in the same context as Kim Taehyung and she meant it, wholeheartedly!  You found yourself trying to pull away, not wanting to let him see you fall apart, because you knew you were going to. The more you tugged the tighter his grip became, “Tae please. Let. Me. Go…” You wouldn't look at him, staring up at the light fixture to your right, tone extremely dry, almost passive. The grip you held on his forearms got even tighter as you waited in silence,almost clinging to him.
He wasn’t going to fight you on this, if you wanted out..here ya go, the last squeez on your waist wasn’t possessive. Almost comforting as if he was letting you know if you wanted to come back he’d be right here. Tentatively loosening the grip he healed around your waist, letting you pull away from him, almost losing your balance in the process. Not realizing how much you were leaning on him despite trying to pull away all at the same time. 
Yet you didn't move, the grip you held on his arms never faltered, dropping your gaze down to your feet, as he gently took you back into his arms. Bringing your hips flush to his, I guess you never realized he eased you the same way you did him. The feeling of your chest rising and falling against his as you coxed yourself out of crying, a single tear managing to slip out of your right eye before you could stop it. Turning your head, brushing it onto your shoulder hastily, your grip tightened as both eyes started to betray you simultaneously. Even though you refused to look back at him, he could feel your stomach tensing as you tried to slightly choke back the tears that were now streaming down your face.. 
Not forcing you to look at him, respecting your privacy in that aspect bringing his hands up to rub lightly circles into your back as he nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck.  A side of Kim Taehyung that few would ever get to see, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck, cradling the back of his head in your hands. “I’m not going anywhere…” the words brushed against your skin, funny how he automatically knew what triggered this without you even having to say anything. You didn't respond, only squeezing him a little tighter before pulling back, almost aggressive whipping your face before racking your fingers through your hair. A sheepish smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you finally made eye contact with him.
Neither of you said anything as you stepped a little closer, soothing your hand down his chest, over his stomach slowly. Suddenly feeling almost uncomfortably open and vulnerable in front of a man that’s been inside you more times that you can count. His eyes felt like they were burning straight through you as he gazed back in your direction. You couldn’t help but let your hand trickle down his zipper, trailing your fingers up and down his clothed length earning a hiss as he gripped your wrist.
“You know your thighs can’t handle another round from me right now, you need to fuckin chill before I have you bent over the bathroom counter.” 
THAT’S ALL SHE WROTE, OR I guess...that’s all she posted lol ! Hopefully you guys are excited for part 4 !!! Lemme know! 
Love you guys as always,
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bloojayoolie · 7 years
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Being Alone, Andrew Bogut, and Cats: "I love that he woke me up in the morning to play and always greeted me when I got home" Henry's owner HENRY AFFECTIONATE, PLAYFUL, FRIENDLY, CONFIDENT PERFECTLY HOUSETRAINED, WELL BEHAVED HOME ALONE. KNOWS COMMANDS. ID 16784, SIBERIAN HUSKY e 7 YRS, 5I LBS, MANHATTAN C TO BE KILLED – 1/6/2018 <3 “I love that he woke me up in the morning to play, and always greeted me when I got home.” Henry’s owner After he said that about his loyal companion, Henry’s dad walked out of the ACC and left him to his fate, certain that his “affectionate, friendly, playful” boy who “social with strangers” and who gave the intake counselor “a jump up hug and kisses” would find a wonderful home immediately. After all, Henry is a gorgeous Siberian husky, who on intake was relaxed and happy, taking toys gently and wagging his tail….what could go wrong? Well, how about abandonment for one thing. At the shelter he is so confused. Stuck in a kennel over 24 hours a day, bereft of his dad, he is a bit freaked out! He’s been in a family home ALL 7 years of his life, and 5 years with the last person. Now, because of the terrible NYC Housing ban that won’t allow pets over 25 lbs, Henry is on his own and fighting for his life. He did NOTHING WRONG. He has a sterling resume - friendly with everyone, perfectly housetrained and never has accidents (in fact, he will scratch on the door if he needs to go to the bathroom), and he is well behaved home alone if you don’t try and crate him… he gets claustrophobic. He knows a bunch of commands, likes to sleep with his parent in their bed at night, and he doesn’t mind baths but may try to jump out and will howl at you. LOL Henry doesn’t deserve to be sitting in a kennel – his breed is so independent, active, loyal and intelligent. They need exercise, they need open space and they need a person who will give them all of that and a job to do! Siberians are the oldest breed on earth, over 3,000 years old. Henry needs an experienced family (no kids under 13) who will stimulate his mind, include him in outdoor activities, and be his committed companion for life. If you are deserving of a dog this spectacular, PM our page for assistance fostering or adopting Henry now. HENRY, ID # 16784, Estimated To Be 7 Yrs. Old, 51.0 lbs. Manhattan cc, Siberian Husky, Unaltered Male Owner surrender reason: NYC Housing Ban (no pets over 25 lbs.) Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Behavior Condition: 2. Bllue INTAKE NOTE – Date of Intake: Henry approached with wiggly body and wagging tail. He jumped on me when I greeted him and smelled me. He allowed me to pet and collar him and gave kisses. He sat on cue and took toys gently. He had a relaxed body and went into his kennel right away. OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - Basic Information:: Henry is a 5 year old white and chestnut large breed dog. He was given to his previous owner by someone who owned him prior. His previous owner has had him for 5 years. He was surrendered because the previous owner was no longer allowed to have him in the place he recently moved into. Henry previously lived with 2 adults. Around strangers, Henry is friendly and outgoing and exuberant at play with adults. Henry has not interacted with children. Around other small and medium dogs, and some large dogs Henry is said to be friendly. Around some large dogs Henry will bark and won’t interact. Henry has not interacted with cats. If his wet food bowl was touched while eating, Henry would growl and hover over the bowl. If his dry food was touched he kept eating and was relaxed. His previous owner stated, he does not get wet food often and gets very excited when he does. He is friendly and playful or a treat or toy is taken from him. Henry has never bitten a person or animal while he with his previous owner. He is housetrained and has a very high energy level. Henry is not bothered by fireworks or loud noises. He isn’t bothered if he is taken off furniture, restrained, if his nails are trimmed or an unfamiliar person approached the home. He’s tolerant during baths but will try to jump out and howls. He’s friendly if his coat is brushed or if an unfamiliar person approached his previous owner. Henry last went to a vet last year. He has on known injuries but is allergic to red meat. For a New Family to Know: Henry is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident and excitable. His previous owner liked that he woke him up in the morning to play and always greeted him when he got home. When his previous owner was home he would tend to follow him around. He likes to play with stuffed toys and squeaky toys. His favorite game is tug. He was kept indoors and at night he slept in his previous owners bed. He ate dry Solid Gold Cold Water Fish bled. He is house trained and never had accidents indoors. Henry scratches on the door when he needs to use the bathroom. When left alone indoors he is well behaved unless left in a crate. If he is left in a crate he will, while inside, push the crate from one area of the home to another, grab things with his paw and drag them in the crate to chew them and use the bathroom. With a kong filled with peanut butter he is well behaved. He knows the cues; sit, come, down and paw. He was walked 2 times a day and pulls hard on the leash. SHELTER ASSESSMENT - Date of assessment:: 1/4/2018 Summary: Henry has at times been social with handlers, and at other times been highly aloof and also bit one staff member multiple times. As this behavior has no apparent trigger, he is not a good candidate for a handling assessment at this time. ENERGY LEVEL:: Henry’s previous owners describe him as a high-energy dog. He may have a low threshold for arousal and needs guidance to learn how to appropriately channel that energy when he becomes overstimulated. He will need daily mental and physical stimulation and exercise, and a force-free, positive reinforcement-based training class may help him to learn impulse control and to train desirable behaviors that can be rewarded. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: Henry remains calm when in his kennel in the shelter environment. He has allowed minimal handling and brief touch but becomes aroused easily and will jump up onto the handler and mouth his/her hands. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM – Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to Henry’s bite history, we recommend an adult only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Henry biting without any known trigger at the care center, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Handling/touch sensitivity Potential challenges comments:: Resource Guarding: Henry’s previous owner notes that he may growl when his food bowl is approached. We recommend that Henry be left along while eating, and that food guarding behavior modification steps (available at ASPCApro.org) be utilized if this behavior is problematic in his future home. Nothing should ever be taken directly out of Henry’s mouth, and any time something is removed he should be rewarded with a high value treat or toy. He should be taught the “drop” cue and trade-up games. Handling/Touch Sensitivity: Henry has bitten someone at the care center who attempted to pet him with no warning. It is important to always go slow and give Henry the option to walk away from any social interaction. Henry should never be forced to approach anything that he is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Henry’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Henry may do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings. MEDICAL NOTES: Date of initial: 12/23/2017, Summary:: Quickly escalated to warning signs (soft growl, side eye) with handling. Weight: 51 lbs 27/12/2017 Diarrhea reported on 12/25 and 12/26 S/O -QAR, appears shy but docile; lying on bed -good appetite -no nasal discharge, sneezing or coughing noted or reported -brown liquid diarrhea in kennel -appears eupnic and comfortable A 1. Diarrhea-r/o stress vs diet change vs other P metronidazole 500 mg PO BID x 5 days 28/12/2017 Started on metronidazole yesterday due to multiple reports of diarrhea; had one episode of diarrhea last night but none reported since then; appears QAR and comfortable in cage A Diarrhea-suspect stress colitis P -continue metronidazole *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HENRY IS RESCUE ONLY. YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES TO FOSTER OR ADOPT HIM.. YOU CANNOT DIRECT ADOPT HIM AT THE SHELTER OR RESERVE HIM ON THE AT ONLINE AT RISK LIST. PLEASE MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process **within 48 hours of reserve**, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! **PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! *** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: http://ift.tt/2ynocEZ Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU **CANNOT** GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309
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