#i have never. in my life. had a shit session where it left me walking stiff legged barely moving. until just now
lovphobic · 2 years
very tmi in the tags (category 5 tummy event) bc i need to air the woes but im the only one awake.
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onelittlespiral · 9 months
You should definitely do a preppy boy tf!
FML: Contact
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I knew I should have charged my phone before I left, but I was running late and didn’t want to miss my study session. I know, I know it was stupid. But the walk was only supposed to be a few blocks. I have no idea how I got this lost. It felt like I was wandering for hours, but I kept just going around in circles and ending up in front of this gym. Great, just what I needed before finals week. Maybe I should stop an- ugh. My bag spilled out in front of me as I wa a knocked to the ground.
“Hey, sorry bro.”
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It seems like on about my third time around the block I finally ran into one of the gym’s patrons, idiot. For the life of me I will never know how those guys will walk out in shorts in December. I started to scoop my belongings back into my bag.
“Here, let me help- Ah fuck, that could be bad.” He picked up my laptop and handed it to me. Thankfully it seems that there wasn’t any real damage, but a few deep scratches were carved in the metal and the screen was definitely cracked.
“Just what I needed today! Look where you’re going next time!” I was nearly in tears. I was lost, I was frustrated, I think the fall tore a hole in my khakis, and now my computer would be busted till after finals.
“Hey, I said I was sorry. Didn’t mean to knock a shrimp like you down. I didn’t even hit you that hard…”
“Well sue me if I don’t have time to get swoll bro,” I spat, “but some of us have finals to study for.”
“Oh dang, that’s where I know you from! English 110, with Professor Kim. Yeah, you’re always in the front and answering shit.” Immediately the puzzle pieces clicked. I can’t blame myself for not recognizing him. He must have been one of the dudes who sat in the back, and they all basically acted, talked, and looked about the same. A bunch of gym rats struggling through the gen eds. I’m genuinely surprised he can to class often enough to recognize me. “Hey man, are you studying for this final later? I’m just like not getting this stuff. Like, why are they having Exercise Science majors out here studying English anyways?”
“Uhh, yeah maybe.” At this point I was past the point of caring about this conversation. It was such a simple class I hardly had even glanced over the study guide. I had packed my things and was making to get up and leave.
“Here bruh, lemme help you up,” and he extended his hand to me. I grabbed hold as a small shock passed between us. It was just a split second, but as his calloused, sweaty had grasped mine, I felt a jolt that stuck my hair on end. I hardly had time to notice as he hoisted me up. “Hey, if you do end up reviewing later, maybe give me a heads up. We could do a study session or something.” He pulled out a pen and scribbled on the back of a receipt. Grabbing my hand again, and pulled me into a bro hug before I could protest. Up close he was warm and humid, sweat cooling in the cold winter air. He left the paper in my hand when he pulled away. He smirked, “You should ask inside, they may be able to help. I’ll see you later tonight.” There was a confidence in his voice that sent a chill down my spine. Before I knew it he had booked it, and I was left with a piece of paper, a broken computer, and a sinking realization I was still lost.
With few options left, I popped into the gym my classmate had just come out of. Maybe they would have a charger I could borrow or be able to help me with directions. At least it was warm inside. I walked over to the man at the desk, asking “Hey, sorry to bother. Do you all have a phone charger? I am completely lost and out of juice.”
“You can bother me any time,” the attendant said with a wink, “We’ve got some chargers in the locker room, but management is struck about people using facilities without paying. You already a member with us?”
“No, do I look like a member with you all? Please, I’m tired and at this point I just need to get home.” I groaned.
“Well sorry bro, you’ve gotta get those gains somewhere… let’s see, a day pass only runs about $5,” he slid the card reader to me.
“Fine.” I thrust my card into the machine and grabbed my receipt, storming off towards the locker room.”
“Enjoy your time! Oh, sir. Those aren’t the locker rooms they are the changing ro-” and the swinging door cut him off. I cut to the first door on my left. The overhead lights activated as I walked in. The inside was warm, hotter even than the lobby. For locker rooms, there were very few lockers. Just cooler with some sports drinks, some mirrors, and a charging station. No one else was inside, so I sat down on a bench and set my phone down on the charging station. With the heat I quickly began stripping layers, till I was down to my sweater, but I was not going shirtless in this place. It looked like it would be a while before my phone would be charged. I tried to put the whole situation out of my mind as I laid back and relaxed, carried to sleep in the thick heat…
I woke up a while later, disoriented and thirsty. It may have been a bad idea to sleep in the sweater, the thing was practically dripping in sweat now. I began to pull off the damp thing when I was shocked to see what was underneath:
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Abs. Pecs. Abs and pecs. I had to be dreaming, when did I go from a stick to having abs and pecs. Not only that, but my arms. Thick and smooth, my arms looked swollen, as though I had been working them out for years. And my legs, they felt like lead beneath me, so heavy I could hardly move them. I could crush a melon between my thighs. And my poor shoes, they were practically in tatters on the floor. My toes poked out of the remains, leather torn between my meaty soles. I looked in the mirror to get a full picture. If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t have believed it, I was a whole different man.
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I grabbed my phone and booked it out the door back to the front desk. The same attendant was there, looking me up and down as I passed by:
“Well hey there handsome. How are you enjoying our amenities?”
I just about strangled him, “What the hell happened? What did you all do to me?!?”
“I did try to tell you. Locker rooms are the other side. Those are the changing rooms.”
“What’s that supposed mean?”
“Well, look at yourself. Must have gone for the muscle enhancement, eh? Not a bad look on you.” I could just about wipe that smug look off his face.
“Cut the bull crap, I didn’t ask for this. If you all changed me into this change me back.”
“So sorry,” the apology dripped from his lips, “but things don’t quite work that way. For more specialized changes you have to get a full membership.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” I shouted, “You never said shit about this. I don’t need your membership. Change me back, now.”
“Woah, calm down there hot stuff, no need to get so worked up. How about this. My boss is home for the night. I know what you looked like when you came in. I can sneak you back into one of our specialty changing rooms, and I’ll calibrate it myself. Deal?”
I was about in tears, “Deal.”
He took my hand and lead me to the changing room all the way in the back. Same set up, same bench in a mostly barren room. This one was maybe a tad smaller. His voice came on over the intercom:
“Alright, now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.”
This time, deep red lights came on and that same heat began to fill the room. It somehow felt a bit different. The other heat wrapped around, this one felt like it pierced. In moments my body was flooded with warmth. Sweat rolled down my body as the room began having its effects. But something wasn’t right. Instead of shrinking down to my lithe self, my body felt like it was bubbling, and began to swell even more.
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“Hey. HEY! What the hell! What are you doing out there? Wrong way asshole!”
He chuckled into the intercom, “What? I think it’s a good look on you.”
“You’re supposed to change me back!” I shouted
“I said I would calibrate the room. I didn’t say how. You should feel lucky, you’re getting the VIP treatment for free!”
Everywhere sweat rolled my muscles stretched as my body began writhing under the feeling of its growth. It felt… it felt… oh god it felt… so…good. But it had to be stopped. I couldn’t keep going like this. I put all my effort into standing up and lunged for the door handle. It didn’t budge, locked from the outside.
“Oh, is this not to your taste?” he teased “Well, I already did smooth jock tonight. Fine, let’s try this then.”
The red lights switched off as dull LED’s took their place. At the same time, a mist began pouring into the room. The smell made me dizzy as I slumped back on the bench behind me. The haze curled around me and stuck to my skin. It smelled like aftershave, sharp and fresh, with a coolness that made me shiver. My skin began to tingle wherever it touched. I watched as my skin turned to goosebumps, then slowly a fine layer of fuzz began to coat my pecs. It grew and curled wherever the mist lead it. It blazed a treasure trail down my abs and branched out to cover them. I could only moan as my body pushed out my new pelt. It curled around my back as a forest erupted behind me. Working it’s way up, I felt a tickle on my jaw and cheeks. It caressed my face as a five o-clock shadow pushed out from my smooth face, and in moments a full beard was pushed out. It’s curling tendrils even worked on the hair I already had. I felt the hair on top of my head stand on end before following the mist into a thick mop. It worked it’s way into my gapping mouth too, and I felt my throat stretch and adjust, my moans coming out much deeper. Then it concentrated on my groin and pits. My previously trimmed bushes grew wild, quickly becoming a tangle. As my pubes grew around, it felt soooo good. I began getting hard, but the mist only took that as an opportunity. Something else to grow and curve. It stretched 6, 7, 8, 9 inches straight out before curving distinctly up. I was in pure ecstasy, with only the thought of the man outside watching keeping me from fully jacking off.
“Wow, what a grower. I knew you had potential but, woof.”
“You… won’t… *gasp*…get away… with… with this!”
“Oh, still a little rebel in you? Maybe we can bring that out a bit.”
The mist receded, and overhead the lights began to strobe and a loud white noise began to play. The pattern was disorientating and it hurt to watch. But even when I closed my eyes I couldn’t escape. A splitting headache developed as my emotions all turned to anger. I tried to shout, to call for it to stop, but my words didn’t even reach my ears. I watched in glimpses as I began to scream, deep and primal, rage in my eyes. My arm clenched into a fist and I ran up to pound the door down. It still didn’t budge but the shock sent a ripple down my arm. In the mirror I watched as in slow motion a full sleeve tattoo stretched down my arm. I sat down in pain and fear and anger as I grew close to tears. But the back of my mind knew that I could not cry, not anymore. Then, all at once it stopped. I realized I was still shouting. I felt pissed off, aggressive. When I got out of this room, I was gonna pummel that twink into submission.
“God, that one always gets me. I love a man with tattoos.”
“Fuck OFF” I growled. I looked in the mirror at the monster I had become:
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My mind was being flooded with emotions, a sense of loss for the person I was, a rage at the man who had done this to me, an animalistic horniness from my sizable new cock, and a deep terror for what else could happen. I channeled that fury and made one last attempt on the locked door. I yanked and rattled the door with all the strength this new body could muster. I felt the handle flex beneath my grip, before a loud *snap* sent me plummeting to the ground. The handle had come off the door. I banging against the door, shouting for anyone to come help me.
“Hmmm,” the attendant contemplated, “I may have gone too far with the rage this time. You’re a beast bro, but let’s reign it in. A healthy dose of this should help.”
A new cloud filled the room, this one thicker than the last. It was damp and sticky and clung to every inch of me. This one smelled rich and acrid, like an arm pit that had long since sweat through any deodorant. It was as though every patron of the gym had joined me in the room fresh from their workout. The fog was so thick I felt as though I was beginning to choke. It slid heavily down my throat and made my eyes water. That’s when I felt it begin to corrupt me. My enraged mind became calm, then addled as my brain filled with the all consuming fog. Memories flashed before my eyes as I felt them slip from my mind, replaced with false copies. I felt my college experience shift from books and classes to working out and tutoring sessions. My classes in journalism and writing were swapped for work out routines and remedial math. Then my cock began twitching as memories of hot workout sessions with my bros filled my mind, replacing my book club. As my mind relaxed and the new memories came to me easier and easier. My IQ was slipping down quickly, resting now somewhere around 75. As my mind relaxed I felt my body do so too. The cloud began seeping into my pores, filling me with its corrupting influence. My body betrayed me, greedily sucking up the cloud until the room was completely clear. I felt warm and tingly, my body pressed flat against the cold floor. I lifted my arm to get a good wiff of my funk. My cock jumped in response. God I needed to fuck. The cloud had saturated me, inside and out, soaking me in a new identity.
“How are you feeling in there big guy?” a voice was on the other side of a speaker in the room.
“Aight I guess man. I’m tired. Guess I passed out in here,” I replied. God, just waking up from a nap and I had my morning wood. The door opened, a cute bro was on the other side.
“Have you enjoyed your day pass sir?” He asked.
“Hell yeah Lil’ bro, it’s been good. This gym is stacked. I haven’t felt this worn out after a workout in a while!”
“Have you considered upgrading that day pass to a full membership? I know I would love to see you around,” he said with a wink.
“Mmm, wouldn’t mind seeing you every day. Gimme the forms.” He led me out to the lobby, I signed a few forms, and handed me a card.
“Now remember next time, locker rooms are over there,” he smirked. “Here, this is free with your sign up.”
He threw a tank top over to me. Good thing too, I think I forgot mine at home. It fit snugly over my huge chest. It made my arms look huge too. Just a shame I sweat so much after a workout, I already had some pit stains going. Shit, I was rank.
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“Thanks bro, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I strolled out the door into the cold winter air. I flexed, feeling the breeze wick some of my sweat away.
“Hey, excuse me?” Some dork walked up to me, looking desperate. I felt like I knew him from somewhere, though I couldn’t place it. “Would you happen to be able to help me? I have been going around in circles and can’t seem to find my way. I have an exam in just a few hours.”
“Nah, sorry man. I’m not quite sure I’m able to help. Never been good with directions huhu,” that’s when it clicked, “Hey, you’re in my bio class aren’t you? Ah shit, is that exam today?!? Fuck, I’m never gonna pass that crap.”
He looked a little flabbergasted, but made some excuses and was about to move on when I grabbed him. I felt something pass between us, as his gaze fell onto me, unblinking, “You should check in the gym bro, I know they can help you out.” I pulled away and the moment passed. I reached into my pocket and pulled out two receipts. The first was my receipt for my day pass. I scribbled down my contact info, and handed it off to the nerd. “Here, if you want to talk about lifting with me and my buds later you should give me a call. Looking a little scrawny bruh.”
He took the receipt before wandering towards the gym entrance. I then looked at the second paper I pulled out. Oh yeah, it was that hot gym bro from earlier. Yeah, I could meet up with him for sure. His name at the top rang a faint bell. For a split second, I remembered a friend I would sit next to in class. Smart, nerdy, nothing like the man I had met on the sidewalk earlier... But just then I felt my brain pounding, and I couldn’t focus on… whatever it was I was thinking about. Oh, right. Hot jock. Yeahhh, I’m gonna go see if he wants these rank pits shoved in his face while I ride his cock.
Maybe not what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy anyways ❤️
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slttygeto · 27 days
Hello lovely human :) First off, I hope you are well you are having a nice cozy summer and life is treating you well, as you deserve ^^ I have been reading your jjk stuff for a while and saw your requests are open so i got the courage to give it a shot :) Long story short, what i had in mind is reader having feelings for Gojo but also being bad a direct interaction, so she shows her love to him by trying to make his *busy* life easier (which Gojo never experienced from someone) like: giving him food/sweets, making sure he sleeps, asking about his day and secretly taking on missions from him so he has more free time (to live his life, like??? helloo). He notices these things at some point, considering that is almost always he who does stuff for others, and giving the fact that he mayyyy alsoo like reader/oc he decides that maybe he should do something about his growing feelings too :D I thank you from my heart if you choose to write this! Thank you soo much :)
subliminal message | satoru gojo.
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note: first of all! thank you so much for the sweet message, this truly made my day/week! and second of all, I have been struggling with writer’s block for a while so I hope you still like this as it somehow/slowly got me out of it. i had fun writing for satoru so thank you so much for this request!
word count: 1,6k
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For a guy who prides himself on using infinity, the space on Satoru’s desk suddenly feels limited. The bento boxes piled up on his right tumble over with an accidental brush of his hand. Then his eyes shift to the food crumbs on the carpet. It suddenly sinks in. Satoru has been having proper meals lately. 
But the strongest doesn’t know what to think of it at first. His six eyes point out almost everything, so it is surprising–perhaps even unusual for him to not notice things right away. Even more so when it is six bento boxes in total. 
His coffee splashes as he walks down the corridor and into the teacher’s lounge where his eyes land on your approaching figure. With a pile of documents in your hands, you fail to notice the pair of blue eyes following your every move. 
You were a talented sorcerer, a few years younger than Satoru so you didn’t witness his highschool years or knew of the awful friendship breakup that he had with his old best friend. All you knew was that he was called the strongest for a good reason, and that he welcomed you so warmly that it left you yearning for the man’s attention and friendship since day one. 
“Oh, good morning!” you say cheerfully and Satoru returns your greeting with just as much excitement. You say something about too much paperwork, a comment regarding the students making a mess in the cafeteria and then you were heading towards your office. Satoru looks back, sees your retreating figure disappear into the hallway before proceeding towards Yaga’s office. He still can’t figure out where the bento boxes came from. 
You learn of Satoru’s unhealthy lifestyle shortly after you join–it’s not hard to notice when the man was never there during lunch or dinner. He was the first person in the teacher’s lounge and the last person to leave. Plus, you are certain that the man has never slept in his dorm room. 
A few weeks ago, and after a long tutoring session with Yuuji, you found yourself packing your things and getting ready to head back to your room at 2AM. As you were locking your office, you hear rustling coming from Satoru’s office and see that the lights were still on and the man could be heard mumbling to himself something about his upcoming missions. 
“I stayed up.” He tells you at 8AM, heaving out a sigh that leaves your heart tightening and your eyebrows furrowing in concern. 
That’s bullshit. Because he was allowed to rest just as much as you and Nanami were. Your eye twitches whenever you hear him reaffirm his status as the strongest–that title was starting to irk you. 
The higher ups were full of shit and you were starting to think that the Jujutsu society was taking Gojo Satoru’s selflessness for granted. You were well aware of your lack of influence in a society where power and status mattered the most, so you chose the next best thing to do in order to remove some of the weight off of Satoru’s shoulders. 
Making bento boxes isn’t exactly complicated–however, it is time consuming and you hate doing things while half asleep. The only thing that kept you awake at 5AM while you were placing the carrot and fruit slices was the thought of Satoru going on missions with the same amount of sleep as you. Four hours to be exact. 
You prepare six bento boxes–leave the seventh one empty in case Satoru doesn’t need them and starts going to the cafeteria when he realizes the amount of free time he suddenly has. But that could only happen after you move onto the next part of your plan–which was to talk to Yaga. Your relationship with the principal wasn’t all that complicated. You respected him as your previous teacher, and he admired the fact that you came back to work for the highschool years later–even after you managed to fall into a rather peaceful lifestyle, away from curses and the constant fear of getting killed on a mission. When you approach him with the idea of taking on missions for the strongest–it is only natural for the older man to reject.
“Do you realize how dangerous it is?”
“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be sitting here and confidently asking you to let me do it instead of him.”
“What would you get out of it?”
“Is it bad that I care for him?” 
How couldn’t he have noticed that? How did his six eyes miss the residue of your cursed energy on the bento boxes? It is a bit too late to be asking these questions, but Satoru’s brain refuses to shut down. His six eyes, like a leaf being tossed around in the wind, were out of control. He could feel your cursed energy–but he could also feel, even smell the residue of the same curse that had attacked you earlier that day. 
Satoru doesn't know what to say as he watches Shoko bandage you up, your reflective eyes refusing to meet his own blue ones—almost as though you were ashamed that you had failed not only as a sorcerer, but as a friend as well.
SAtoru can't seem to find the right words for this situation—he wasn’t necessarily mad at you, he wasn't disappointed either—perhaps a little surprised that you had gone out of your way to do something like that. and maybe he was wondering what the motive was. what would you get out of helping him? when he didn't even know that it was you? were you just that nice to everyone else?
Were you doing it so casually? And does that make him not that special to you?
He wants to brush off the lump that forms in his throat at the thought of all of this being casual to you, not that important—that you’d do it to someone else, but he can’t. Not when his growing affection towards you was starting to get out of control and he was failing to hide his own favoritism towards you.
He wants to say that it’s only because you react to his jokes with so much passion, so much excitement—that you know he likes kukifuku and make sure that his drinks aren’t too bitter. a part of him, buried deep under a pile of unresolved personal issues and failure to recognize those who actually love him or not, wants to scream every time you pat his shoulder when he almost drifts to sleep, noticing that the strongest had failed to get the right amount of sleep yet another time. that it’s just how you are with everyone else.
That he wasn’t special.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” Thankfully, Shoko chooses to step out of the room—mumbles something about this being too awkward with a cigarette between her lips—and you find yourself alone in a room with satoru gojo.
“On what?”
“Whether or not you’d think it’s weird.” 
“I don’t think it’s weird, just a little unusual.” Satoru admits, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his broad chest. He refuses to take off his blindfold but you know that his six eyes were staring deep into your soul.
“You care for me so openly,” he then confesses and it almost breaks your heart. He is now staring at the door, bracing himself forward so that his elbows are on his knees.
“I like you.”
The room goes silent.
You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline, or if it was your heart beating as though you were being chased by 3 bulls at once—you spill out the words and then stare wide-eyed at satoru. lips trembling, fingers shaking, you can’t bring yourself to say anything else but those three words. It was supposed to be a silly crush, I mean—who wouldn’t have a crush on him, right? and it’s not like you were the first person to ever like him but—
You were panicking. Because the silence was stretching longer and longer and longer—or perhaps it was your quickening breath and your heightened senses making you far more sensitive to things simply because you had spilled your growing feelings to the same man who was sitting frozen on his seat.
“y-you don’t have to say anything in return—“ your throat has gone dry and you wipe your tears with the back of your hand. “I just figured telling you would—I don’t know, fuck—“ your cover your hot face in shame, ears burning in embarrassment because you didn’t know what to do. The humiliation of confessing to a crush stays even as an adult, you were discovering.
“Can I talk now?” you feel a hand resting on your knee and you stare at him with teary eyes. you hear his chuckle, this hand other hand travels up to your face where he wipes your tears and strokes your cheek with his thumb.
“You just figured telling me would, what?“
“Make it easier for me to move on.”
“You want to move on from me when we haven’t even dated?” he says with a playful pout, his blindfold no longer hiding his eyes and you see that the tip of his ears was turning a beautiful shade of pink.
But it also sinks in that the strongest was also confessing to you.
Using his own words, he was letting you know that he would gladly welcome you into his arms—into his world. It would no longer be just him, this next journey would involve you and him both—embarking on a new adventure. 
“But no more going on missions for me, okay?”
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2024 © all works belong to @slttygeto. do not repost, translate or steal any of my works.
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queenimmadolla · 11 months
Hey hun, Ive got a horrible chest cold AND im on my period at the same time, so as you can imagine I feel like a dumpster shit fire right now. If its possible could you do a little drabble where Eddie is nursing a sick reader. If not i totally understand I know youve got a lot on your plate atm. Thanks hun, love ya ❤️
happy to drop everything to nurse one of our own back to health 🫡. hope this helps make you feel better!
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“I’m dying.” You whined from the mounds of blankets you were surrounded by, with a pathetic sniffle.
  “You’re not dying.” Eddie refuted, as he measured out your medicine, pouring the bitter syrupy liquid into the cap you’d have to throw back. He was also trying to hide his grin.
  It’s not that Eddie liked it when you were sick, but now that the two of you lived together—in a crappy one bedroom apartment that was the best thing in the world because it was yours—he could nurse you back to health, take care of you. And if you just so happened to be extra cuddly whenever you were sick, that was just a plus.
  It was domestic. 
  Eddie loved living with you, even if you left all the bottom cabinet doors open whenever you retrieved something and he’d bust his knee against them, loved that you were the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes in the morning and the last thing he glimpsed before falling asleep. Loved brushing his teeth in the mirror with you at his side doing the same thing, loved how he had a five minute window to convince you it was a good idea for the two of you to just stay home together instead of parting to go out into the world. Most of all, he loved being able to look up from whatever he was doing, be it planning out future Hellfire sessions or working on a new song or even catching up on his reading, to see you curled into the loveseat, or in the kitchen, hear you humming as you walked down the hall. 
  Existing around him.
  Co-existing with you was something Eddie wanted to do forever. If this was married life, Eddie would be on his knee the second you felt better. 
  “I’m dying.” You reaffirmed, scowling when Eddie turned around and you caught sight of the yellow–never a good tasting color for medicine–liquid filled measuring cap in Eddie’s large grasp. 
“You’re not dying on me, baby. I refuse to let that happen. Now, take your medicine so we can make sure it doesn’t.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, medicine held out to you.
  Gingerly, you grasped it and when he reached for the orange juice on your side table, you switched up, “You know what? You’re right. I’m not dying. I feel better already.”
  “Drink the medicine,” Eddie smirked, handing you the glass. 
  “But it’s Prescription.” Your frown deepened, tongue already assaulted by the idea of what it would taste like. Eddie had taken you to the doctor’s yesterday morning and picked up your prescription after so you’d had the pleasure of taking it three times already. 
  It was a nasty son of bitch.
  “Which means you’ll get better faster. Drink.”
  You gave him one last glare before downing the medicine like a shot. Your face contorted in disgust and Eddie chuckled as you hurried to take a drink of your orange juice to wash the taste away.
  “That’s poison.” You croaked, handing Eddie the juice and empty medicine cup before settling back into your pillows with a pout just as an onslaught of coughs hit you, sending you into a fit you muffled against your inner elbow. 
  Eddie could hear your chest rattle with them and placed your medicine cup and glass down on the bedside table so he could rub your back.
  Once your coughing fit had subsided, you took a couple of shaky breaths before glaring up at him again, “It didn’t work.”
  Eddie rolled his eyes and nudged you over, much to your surprise. The bed was littered with your used tissues, some having been coughed into and others containing your snot. Not exactly the place to want to be.
  “My poor, sweet, gross baby.” He cooed as he settled in behind you, pulling you right into his chest.
  You ignored the gross comment and protested even though you were curling right into him, nose nuzzling against his hoodie covered collar bone, eager for his warmth. Of course you’d gotten sick just as winter settled.
  “Eddie! You’re gonna get sick.” A pitiful argument considering you were already settled on him like a cat having found their new lounging spot. 
  “Oh, I know I am. Who cares? I slept next to you last night and woke up to a hill of your snotty tissues in my face so it’s already in my system. No use in denying myself the love of my life.” You felt his hand drift lower until he was patting your ass cheek. He wasn’t trying to start anything, it was just one of Eddie’s many love gestures. When he’d ask if he could squeeze your ass like it was some sort of stress ball to comfort him—that’s when he was going for it. 
  “It wouldn’t be in your system if you hadn’t insisted on still sleeping with me last night.” You reminded him and felt him shrug under you in response. You peaked up at him to see him relaxed, one arm propping his head up with the other holding you to him. His eyes were shut and a look of utter content was on his face. It was almost like he’d been the one to take the codeine. 
  “We didn’t move in together so I can avoid you, this is just some more experience for us. You deal with my morning breath, I deal with having our bed covered in germs when you’re sick.”  His hand began to stroke up and down your back and your eyes fluttered shut, the codeine making quick work of your system. 
  “Why am I the one suffering in both of those scenarios?” You slurred out.
  Eddie shook with laughter underneath you, “Shut up and go to sleep. I’ll make you some soup when you wake up, you jerk.” 
  You did fall asleep. And when you woke up, Eddie insisted on carrying you—because a chest cold apparently meant you couldn’t walk yourself anywhere—to the living room where you watched some television while he did his best to follow a recipe your mother had given him for a homemade soup she’d make whenever you were sick. 
And three days later, when you’d made a full recovery, Eddie developed a rattling cough. The ring he’d hidden in a pair of his shoes would just have to wait until you nursed him back to health.
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theoriginalsinner28 · 25 days
So I saw Hayden Christensen at the tampa bay comic con friday and I was sooo shy. First off, I thought he was going to be out in the celebrity row area where you can see him giving people autographs. I was really hoping to walk by and lose my shit before I actually met him for the picture. But I guess not! He was in a different room where we had to line up and there were different sessions. So I get in the line and instant shaking. And this couple was talking to me and they said he's super sweet they saw him before. So then It comes to be the girls turn in front of me and I peek my head around the wall to see him and oh my God he's even more beautiful in person! So I covered my mouth with my hand and squealed a little. Then it was my turn and he shook my hand and I told him my name and asked if we could hug and he smiled and hugged me for the pic!!!!! I died because we r literally holding each other in the pic!! When I went to go get the pic, the couple I saw in line was trying to tell me how to get my digital download and I told them they r gonna have to repeat that because my head was in a whirl and I was dying! My hands were shaking sooo bad! Then I was trying to decide for an hour if I wanted to do the autograph and I decided to do it. It was worth every penny! So when I went back for the autograph, I was less nervous but still nervous. The first thing he did was pick up the picture and he said "this is a really good picture!" And I died even more! Ahhhh! I Then said yes it was great! I asked him if he rode horses since he has a farm in Canada and he said he doesn't have any on his property right now but he does ride. I asked if he rode western or English and he said western and I smiled and told him I did both but I grew up on a small farm. I started to get red and he didn't respond but looked in my eyes then at my cheeks because I was turning red and then smiled a sort of shy smile and I thanked him and left. Omg I can't believe I was so shy and tried to hide it. I'm sure he saw through it and idk if he thought I was wierd or was caught off guard cuz I asked him something that wasn't star wars related or what he was feeling so im currently going coo coo. Lol! I think he was just being shy but idk! I just can't believe we were holding each other and I got to talk to him for a second! They best time of my life! That morning of the con I literally woke up at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I've never been more excited for something in my life! I'm so happy and thankful I got this experience and it was worth every penny! Once in a lifetime! I have tickets for all 4 days of megacon in orlando in February and I will deff be cosplaying then for the first time and I will not be shy! I really wanted to tell him how special his character is to me but I was sooo shy. Next time! I worked out all month and ate super healthy just to prepare for this and I drove 2 hours to see him. I'm super into fitness anyways but this just motivated me even further. I love him so much and I'm beyond thankful that I got to have this experience. My dream come true! ❤️
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forwhatiam · 2 months
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Happy 28th! <3 Here's my favorite fics I read this month, organized from longest to shortest. Fics with a * before them found their way into my bookmarks!
*One More Time Again by orphan_account (E, 232.2k)
On the morning of his second sold-out performance at Madison Square Garden, Harry wakes up to find that he's sixteen years old, on The X Factor, and that he has a chance to make things right.
A canon-compliant fix-it fic (sort of).
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12 (NR, 208.5k)
Harry's new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
Half Agony, Half Hope by asphodelknox (E, 132k)
Harry's had enough of his shit year. Had enough of his shit ex and the fact that he graduated from university with no idea what to do next or what to do with the grief. Ed dares him to spend a month at the crumbling Tomlinson manor, and Harry goes cause what else do you do when your life's fallen apart?
It's not really haunted anyway... is it?
*a cycle of recycled revenge by brokenbeaks (E, 103.3k)
In the heat of summer, wreathed by pastures, rolling knolls, and thatched-roof cottages, Louis takes on a new job: caretaking for a recently blinded man named Harry. As it begins, what seems like a simple task turns into a quest that costs him every last bit of his pride and tolerance. Harry is, in practice, a two-legged curse. And Louis is just gonna have to put up with it.
Or: The one where Harry likes to infuriate Louis almost as much as he enjoys straddling his lap.
Face Your Fears by SadaVeniren (E, 92.2k)
Harry is a single father, pretending to be a beta after his alpha mated him and left him. He’s getting by just fine raising the twins when Louis walks into his bakery. Too bad him and Louis will never be a thing.
Gemma's Dad (Could Use a Guy Like Me) by lululawrence (NR, 82.9k)
The summer before Louis and Gemma's senior year of college was supposed to be their last big hurrah before they graduate college and become Real Adults in the workforce. They had it all planned and it was going to be filled with mornings skateboarding, afternoons at the pool, and evenings hanging out with as many of the neighborhood kids they grew up with as they can.
Of course, Louis wasn't planning on getting home and learning that Gemma's dad had gotten the house in the divorce and was dealing with things by focusing on work, the house, and his newly planted garden. It becomes obvious early on that Harry is a bit lost and Gemma is worried about him. To help both of them, Louis is more than happy to help Harry find himself again.
As the summer goes on, the adventures and day to day happenings allow Harry and Louis to spend a lot more time together than either of them ever anticipated and Louis finds it more difficult to keep his growing feelings in check than he ever thought it would be. After all, there wasn't a chance that Harry would ever be interested in Louis... right?
Here's Your Perfect by brightgolden (E, 54.1k)
In the world where mates are assigned to everyone and deposited to their door when an agreeable partner is found for them, Alpha Louis has recently been given his. However, he is nothing like the type of alpha that the omega academy prepares Harry for.
The Space Between by alltheselights (E, 39.9k)
Harry Styles is the alpha rockstar who can’t sleep and doesn’t know why.
Louis Tomlinson is the omega PhD student who helps him figure it out.
*everything of mine is yours by blueskiesrry (E, 33k)
With Harry in New York finishing up his PhD and Louis in London working as a solicitor, they try to navigate their eight year situationship including almost-daily phone calls, the occasional indulgence of casual phone sex, and endless gossip sessions as the feelings they have for each other get harder to ignore.
No Surprises by louislittletomlintum (E, 21.8k)
An office AU where Louis is a loveable brat and Harry is working himself out.
your rainbow will come smiling through by hazkaban (T, 17k)
When Harry isn't working at his stepfather's cafe, he's trying to make swim captain and trying to finish all his coursework on time. When he's not doing any of those things, he's talking to the boy he met on the Oxford Hopefuls subreddit. When they decide to meet, he's elated. He finally gets the chance to meet the boy he's been crushing on! When the day comes to meet his prince, he learns that his online crush is none other than Louis Tomlinson, captain of the football team and friend of his terrible stepbrothers. Now Harry has to decide whether telling Louis the truth is the right choice or if it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie.
Loving You's the Antidote by lululawrence (NR, 11.2k)
The one where Harry and Nick have been able to keep Harry's disorder at bay over the course of their relationship, but when they move to London and away from their support system, they find themselves in desperate need of help.
Normal Thing by sweetlarrybaby (E, 4.2k)
"I don't even know your name," Harry said, puffing difficult breaths in and out.
"Already at the final wishes, are we?" The beautiful man laughed. And, how could he laugh in such situation? They were about to die. The plane was about to crash and it was going to set itself on fire before they'd even hit the ground, and every last one of them would be dead. "I'm Louis, there you go. All your wishes are granted before your imminent death."
Peculiar Ugly Duckling by LadyLondonderry (GA, 3.7k)
Loowee is a fish.
Loowee is a fish born to a family of FOUS fish. You’ve heard of FOUS fish, haven’t you, reader? Yes, of course you have. Fish Of Unusual Size Fish, of course.
(There’s no need to tack the word fish onto the end of FOUS like that, but they simply do. It’s like having an ATM machine).
FOUS fish are all quite big fish, unusually large in size compared to the average fish of the ocean.
Loowee the FOUS fish hates being big.
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xsweetcatastrophe · 1 month
You Broke Me First
Part 29
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I keep messing up names but nevertheless we persist even though I am so disgustingly embarrassed and want to never write again lmao xx
Zoe wiped her brow with the back of her hand, sighing as she looked at the mess that was in front of her.
She was at Cillian's new home, surrounded by boxes, packing peanuts, open tool boxes and men putting together furniture. She was aware she had to be here for the deliveries, but she didn't know she had to tell them where to PUT the furniture. She did her best to arrange the couch and coffee table nicely in a way they would compliment the shape of the Great Room, but she was still hesitant in if Cillian would like it. She figured she would facetime him later when he was free and show him, and she can move it herself.
"All set, ma'am," The delivery man said, walking up to her with a clipboard. "Just need your signature here. Here's your receipt, your warranty, and bottom copy is yours for your records."
Zoe took the clipboard, went to sign and hesitated. The line she was supposed to sign on had CILLIAN MURPHY below it.
"Uh.. Should I..?" Zoe started, pointing at the line with her pen. Does she sign her name?
The delivery man looked over and smiled. "You can sign your name on his line, no worries. Happens all the time, we deal with a lot of assistants signing for their bosses."
Zoe signed, and handed the clipboard back before realizing what he said. "Oh, I'm not his assistant, I'm.. I'm his girlfriend," He said, voice drenched in doubt. That's what she was, right?
The delivery man took the clipboard from her and nodded. "My apologies. Let me know if you have any questions, have a good afternoon," He said, before grabbing his toolbox and walking out the door, followed by his 2 helpers.
Zoe followed them and closed the door behind them, locking it. The alarm guy was supposed to come by around 2pm, which left her a couple hours to herself in the house. She went to go get Scout; who was barricaded upstairs so he wouldn't bother the men putting together the furniture. He made a beeline for the living room, sniffing out the new couch. He promptly hopped on it and stretched out, which made Zoe laugh. She took out her phone to snap a pic. She promptly sent it to Cillian:
zoe: someone likes the new couch.
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cill: Lucky bastard. Dog has the life. cill: I miss you. I wish you came with me. Zoe: I miss you too. how was your flight? Cill: It was fine. was gonna try and sleep but Hannah was talking my ear off about all the stuff coming up. Heading to hotel now to relax, have a read through later this afternoon, then i'm free. Start shooting tomorrow, i'll order room service and go over the script tonight. Zoe: can you squeeze in a call later on tonight? Cill: my entire night is based on squeezing in a call with you. Let me get settled and I'll touch base with you later. Zoe: :) sounds good. I'll talk to you later. Cill: Hey - Zoe: ? Cill: I love you. Zoe: :) I love you too.
She said it. She said it!
Didn't she? Technically, she did.
She put her phone away and plopped down next to Scout. She looked out over the sea of boxes, plastic, packing paper...just a mess. She looked over at Scout, who was fast asleep, and sighed yet again.
"Might as well be productive," She said to herself as she opened her Spotify and cranked up the volume.
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about an hour later, the phone ran and interrupted Zoe's dance session in the kitchen. Her heart skipped a beat, thinking it was Cillian, but it was just her sister.
"Hello?" She said, putting it on speakerphone.
"oh hi, is this my sister? the one who was supposed to call me and her niece last night and the night before???" Jen yelled.
oh shit.
"Crap. i'm sorry Jen, I have so much happening -"
"What is going on with you?" Jen cut her off. "You used to call all the time to talk to Soph. Miss a day here and there, fine. but come on, man, don't tell her you're gonna call and then don't, because I'm the one who has to deal with her crying."
Double shit.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I feel like shit. I'm sorry. Is she around now?"
Jen sighed. "No, she's at ballet practice, I wanted her out of the house so she didn't hear me ripping you a new asshole"
"Give me a break, I have so much shit going on here I'm forgetting everything, it's not just you guys, I'm forgetting deadlines at work, I'm forgetting where I put stuff, it's like I have amnesia." Zoe snapped, wiping down the counter.
"What is going on?"
"I'm helping Cillian move into his new place while he's gone."
"Gone? Gone where?"
"He's filming. He bought a new house, I'm here and arranging the furniture deliveries and unpacking and shit."
"..Zoe.. why?"
"Jen... because I want to?"
"Zoe what's going on between you two? I thought this was a contract and it's done now so you guys are done."
"I know but.. we are still together. I don't want to talk about it." Zoe said, trying to shut it down. She could tell Jen was going in protective sister mode. It wasn't needed.
"Zoe, don't be blinded by anything. Be realistic-"
"Jen you don't get it. You dated the same guy since high school, can you please back off and let me be happy for once?" Zoe snapped.
"Fine. Fine. But just know if he hurts you I'm kicking his ass back to Ireland."
"I'll give you 10 bucks if you can point out Ireland on a map." Zoe laughed.
"I don't care. I'll use google maps."
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Cillian put down his glass and looked for the bartender, hoping he would notice him. He desperately wanted to go upstairs, call Zoe, and go to sleep.
His plans were altered by Hannah. She wanted to grab some food at the hotel bar after the script readthrough to go over schedules. Cillian said he didn't understand since he already had the filming schedule, but apparently there was press that had to be done in between.
"I also have a dinner scheduled for you with Lizzie Hughes," Hannah said, downing the rest of her wine as she closed her planner. "It's scheduled for this Friday at 8pm."
Cillian gave her a look. "Sorry, who's that?"
"She's a new model for Versace. We just signed her as well, she's blowing up and she's in talks to be casted in the new Wicked movie."
Cillian was still confused. "Okay.. does she have a role in Peaky this season, or...?"
"No, no role."
Cillian was annoyed. "Okay, so what am I supposed to be doing with her over dinner?"
"I just thought it would be nice! Get you out there-"
"Get me out there? What are you talking about?"
Hannah spoke carefully. "You know, with the breakup, get you out there dating again."
"Hannah." Cillian spoke firmly. "We are not broken up. We are still together. In fact, I was supposed to call her, so if you'll excuse me," He said, getting up from his barstool.
"Cillian, you can't be serious about this girl. She's a nobody. She's not going to help your image -"
"Hannah," Cillian said, now angry, spinning around to face her. "She's not a nobody. She's Zoe. and I love her. I don't give a fuck about my image. If you have a problem with that, I told you -"
"I got it, I got it," Hannah said, internally rolling her eyes. "First call is tomorrow 8am. I'll come get you? I'll grab you some tea," She said, trying to change the subject.
Cillian stared at her, then just turned around and walked away. He was entirely too tired for this, and just wanted to go talk to Zoe. Well, he wanted to go home, but talking to Zoe was the next best thing if he couldn't go home to her.
Hannah watched Cillian get into the elevator with the doors closing behind him. She sighed and put her head in her hand, frustrated.
Hannah's goal was to have the most elite client list in the industry. She had a fantastic portfolio, managing the best of the best and churning out the juciest stories to the tabloids, wether they be fake/PR or not. She did what she had to do to push her clients to be the best they can be. In turn, it was more money in her pocket and more face recognition amongst her peers in the industry, earning her more respect.
Cillian dating a loser journalist was the complete opposite of what she needed him to do. Him dating her wasn't anything scandalous, but it was like an annoying mosquito that wouldn't go away, no matter how many times you swat at it. Hannah hated things getting in her way.
She hated annoyances and pests.
She definitely hated bugs. That's exactly what Zoe was to her, an annoying, pesty bug.
And what do you do with bugs?
You squash them. And that's exactly what Hannah planned to do.
tags: @lau219 @borntodiemp3 @shopgirl6us @cillianmurphyvevo
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durmom · 4 months
Its Useless
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Part 2
Part 1⬇️
The next morning you were up at nine ready to train. Walking into the gym you see the boys dressed in sweats and wife beaters. Damn they didn't show this in the show. It’s hard to not find them attractive, I mean they are looking so good. You are wearing leggings and a loose crop top with socks and converse. They tell you to take your shoes off, you realize they were also just in socks. As you take your shoes off and move to put them out of the way one of the boys grabs you from behind and throws you on the floor. As your back slammed on the mat you groan. You didn't even have time to say ‘what the hell’ before Dean was on top of you throwing punches. You took two punches to the face before dodging the third and fourth then pushing your elbow into his ribcage. He folded over and you used that time to punch him in the face, it was a weak punch but a punch nonetheless, he leaned to the side and you used that momentum to thrust your hips to the left leaving him on his side. You acted fast jumping up, jamming your heel into his hip leaving him on his back. You straddle him now throwing punches that he was dodging, you flex your legs squeezing his sides keeping him in place. He squirmed around and you finally got a good hit in. Dean shocks you by head butting you, sending your head back and releasing the tension in your legs which he used to get you off of him. You had a second to get up before Sam swiped at your legs which you barely dodged, he throws a few punches which you took and then threw back. You laugh for a second, “How am I supposed to punch someone a full foot taller than me.” They chuckle and you throw a punch at Sam which he dodges then he does some weird ass move that ends with you on the ground legs wrapped around his waist and him pinning your arms down. If you werent fighting for your life this would be very hot but you were fighting for your life so you wrap your legs around him squeezing his sides with your thighs, locking your legs around each other and squeezing with everything you have. He coughs, struggling to breathe he lets go of your hands and you maneuver with everything in you to twist him on his side. You both lay there on your sides, you still squeezing his sides, a few seconds pass then you hear him hit the mat three times. You smile, breathing heavily and roll on your back. Holy shit he tapped out.
“Pussy.” is what you decide to say to him. They both laugh, Sam still on the floor catching his breath. You hop up and help Sam to his feet.
“Dude where did that come from?” Sam asks.
“My dad was a wrestler and that move was the only one I remembered.”
“You punch like shit but damn that… that move is.. I don't even know.”
“Yeah y/n I had to resort to a head butt.” Dean steps in.
“Yeah, not too happy about that dickhead.” You reach up and feel the blood at the top of your head. “You bitches caught me off guard. How was that fair?”
“Fighting is never fair.” Dean says.
“Okay cheesy mcgee, this was supposed to be a training session not an attack.” You laugh, “Still mad at me? Think I’m useless?” You tease but Dean's smile drops.
“Dean I’m fucking with you. I know who I am.” He laughs a bit, eased knowing you were fucking with him.
“Anyways y/n, you did good. We will work on your punching but I mean you got me to tap out.”
“Thank you, thank you.” You take a bow.
“And next time we will add weapons, if you're gonna fight a vamp you're gonna have to do it with a blade.” reminds Dean.
“Oh shit yeah.”
“ I can take you to our weapons room and show you around?” Dean offers, which is shocking but again it's an effort.
“Yeah, let's do it.” You move to grab your shoes before turning around, “Dont attack me please.” They both mark crosses over their hearts. You grab your shoes and walk out with the boys. Dean looks at you as you walk, when you look up at him he makes a face,
“Let's clean you up first.” You two and Sam split up as Dean leads you to the infirmary. This is normally when the reader and Dean start to have feelings for eachother. You think as you sit on the bed. I mean I already like Dean but he hates me. Well not hates. Just don't like me. Dean sits on a stool in front of you. He pours alcohol onto gauze. You look up at him and you must look worried because he says, “don’t worry it’ll be quick.” He grabs your jaw and dabs the wound. Internally you laugh, you aren’t worried, you were a nurse and could do this yourself. You’re worried about Dean and talking to him.
“How are you not reacting?” Dean asks, pulling you out of your thoughts. Oh shit.
“I mean I was a nurse, and I have chronic pain so this is like a mild sting. I’ve had worse.”
“You were a nurse?” He pulls out bandaids, “princesses or Spiderman?”
“Both.” He laughs
“Yeah I was a nurse for a while but I had just quit and was working a serving job when I got pulled here.”
“Why’d you quit?” He puts the first bandaid on your forehead.
“Um, I mean it’s a hard job. I work twelve hour shifts overnight. I was constantly getting punched, bit, spit on, in general just threatened. After a couple years you get jaded and depressed and anxious so I quit,” he puts another bandaid on your cheek from where he punched you, “ I was just tired of living the same day over and over. I mean I wasn’t living.”
“So hunting is the next step?” He laughs.
“I mean not really. Like I guess it’s kinda the same but I think the reward is greater. Also the bond you have with people is better. I mean I had no one back home. My coworkers were snobby and rude so I was a loner. So even just having two people to go through it with me will make a huge difference. And I know we aren’t close yet but I hope one day we will be.”
“Yeah, I think the reason I’ve stayed in it so long is because of Sammy.” He starts putting away all the supplies.
“I mean that and you’ve never known anything different really. I mean you did leave for a while, had a family. Would you ever do that again?” He sighs.
“Uh I mean maybe but there’s too much going on. I just don’t see it happening for me.”
“Yeah.” Is all you can say because you know how it ends.
“Welp. You’re all done.” He snaps the supply kit shut. You hop off the table and go to look in the mirror. A rapunzel band aid covers your forehead, how did he know? Then a Spiderman bandaid on each cheek.
“You like em?” He laughs watching you examine your face.
“I mean I obviously look badass as hell” you share a laugh.
“Alright spidey let’s go over weapons.” He guides you out the door, you turn to him all excited, “did you know, tangled is my favorite movie of all time?” Obviously being sarcastic as he knows nothing about you.
“I’m glad I chose the right bandaid princess.” Even though he meant it as a joke your heart stops, it’s Dean he says shit like that all the time. He’s just trying to be nice. As you walk into the weapons room and he goes over all the weapons and what to use them for you keep thinking about him calling you princess. I mean why did that get to you?
“I asked you a question.”
“I-uh.” You focus back on and see a gun, his gun, on the table. It’s all taken apart, the magazine is out, bullets laying on the table, safety is off. You just move without thinking, turning the safety on, loading the magazine and putting it in the gun.
“Nice, do you want to shoot today or we can do it later?” Thank god. I did what he wanted.
“Let’s take a break. I’m hungry.”
“I can eat!” He says giving a goofy smile.
“You can always eat, Dean!” You walk into the kitchen grabbing him a beer. He sits at the table.
“Not true princess! One time I got a stomach bug from Sammy and didn’t eat for two days!” You hand him the beer, “thanks” he cracks it open putting his feet up on the table and taking a swig. “Do you not drink?”
“No I do, just not beer.” Opening the fridge you see it’s empty, “someone needs to go on a supply run,” you look up and see Sam walking into the kitchen, “123 nose goes!” You put your finger on your nose and see Dean do the same. Sam didn’t even know what hit him, he was so behind. You laugh, “awe poor Sam!”
“What?” He turns and looks to Dean who is giggling to himself, “what?”
“You are the sore loser who has to go on a supply run.” You lean against the counter.
“What?” He groans.
“Sorry Sammy.” Dean laughs.
“Well anything on the list?”
“Beer.” You roll your eyes of course the only thing Dean wants is beer, “and princess here doesn’t drink beer so whatever she wants.” He tilts his beer toward you. You cross your arms, again with the princess.
“Just Rum and coke. Like cans of coke, the bottled shit is gross.”
“Woah! Princess drinks rum and coke?” Dean sits up now.
“Yes Dean, if I’m drinking I’m tryna drink.”
“Well you heard her Sammy! Better get going.”
“Fine. I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Be safe!” You yell as he leaves.
“Be safe?” Dean asks all weirded out.
“Yeah, be safe. Like drive safe, don’t do anything dumb? It’s nice to tell that to people you care about.”
“You care about Sam?”
“Really Dean?”
“What? You’ve known him for like two weeks and one of those weeks you didn’t leave your room.”
“Hey! Need I remind you I’ve been watching you boys since I was a kid? Of course I love and care about you!”
“You love us?” Dean smirks.
“Yeah even though you’re a dickhead, how can I not. And one day,” you walk over to him and get in his face, “you’ll love me just as much as I love you.” You poke his chest, smile, and leave him sitting in the kitchen. Where did that come from?
That night you all get plastered, you’re sitting in the dean cave wearing gray sweats and one of your bluey shirts.
“Wait!” You yell laughing as they talk about when they met the mystery gang. You get up and run to your room to grab your computer. Out of breath you come into the room and connect your computer to the tv, “okay listen this is gonna be hella meta but! That is an episode in supernatural and one of the best ones so I illegally downloaded it and it should still be on here!” You go to your files and there it is.
“No way!” Dean gets all excited.
“Yes way!” You pull up the episode and are about to hit play.
“Wait, should we even watch this!” Sam asks being the responsible one.
“Shut up Sammy” you and Dean say simultaneously. He holds up his hands, “I’m just saying!”
“Okay wait, Sam is right. I should give you a warning, it’s not all cartoon, so we are gonna just skip to the cartoon part.” you fast forward and hit play.
“Hey that's not what I meant!” Dean hits Sammy in the chest
“Shhh it's starting.”
You jump back on the couch next to Dean and grab the popcorn sitting on his lap. You all watch in joy laughing at the episode, I mean you've never seen Dean laugh so hard. Sam is enjoying it almost as much as Dean, you spent most of the episode watching them. You get up to go to the bathroom, it being like the fifth time.
“Another bathroom break princess?” Dean looks at you as if in shock.
“Yes Dean, I’ve been drinking. I gotta piss.” You walk down the hall, not going to the bathroom, just taking a smoke break. You close your eyes and vape, after a few seconds you're blowing out your last puff when you open your eyes and are met with Dean staring at you.
“Shit.” you put the vape in your pocket.
“No Princess dont stop on account of me.” You smile weakly, feeling awkward.
“Sorry, just an old habit.”
“I don't mind. At least it doesn't smell like cigarettes.” you scrunch your face up thinking about the smell.
“Okay.” is all you say and then you stand there in the hall awkwardly staring at each other. You take in his face, his eyes actually have some life in them. He is wearing plaid pj pants and a black tshirt. He's got his robe over top and some slippers. He looks dorky as hell but adorable.
“Guys hurry up!” Sam yells out from the room breaking you out of the daze. Dean coughs, “I’m just gonna go to the bathroom.”
“Yeah, see you in there.” You smile and walk back to the room.
“What were you two doing?” Sam’s eyebrows raise. You go to sit back in your spot on the couch.
“Oh, Dean just caught me smoking.” You say nonchalantly.
“You smoke?” He turns to you, tucking his hair behind his ear.
“Uh yeah, not cigarettes though,” You pull out your vape, “I just vape, it's similar but doesn't smell.”
“Oh well you don't have to hide that from us.”
“Well I didn't know what you guys thought and I want you boys to like me.” you smile, thinking about how the last few weeks you’d been sneaking away to smoke. Wait till he finds out about the weed. Sam grabs your hands, “Of course we like you, also a lot of hunters smoke. Jodi, Bobby, Rufus.”
“Wait really? They don't show that in the show!”
“Yeah! That makes me feel alot better.” Dean comes back in, Sam lets go of your hands to let Dean sit.
“ She tell you about her bad habit?” He smirks.
“Yes I did Dean, you ass.”
“What about your other one?” He teases, “Yeah Sam she-” You cover his hands with his mouth, he fights back and then you two are fighting on the couch, you trying to cover his mouth and his trying to get your hands away. Dean unfortunately wins, “She smokes weed Sam! Weed!” He laughs exasperated.
“Dean!” You hit him in the chest, he pretends to be hurt.
“Okay?” Sam says almost as a question. He doesn't care that you smoke weed, he's just confused why you guys were fighting over that, and the fact you two had a shared secret and even got close enough to fight.
“You don't care?”
“No y/n we've partaked a few times.” He looks at Dean, almost scolding him.
“No shit! When?” You sit up fully crossing your legs and pushing Dean away from you.
“Back in highschool, and I did in college. How did Dean know you smoked weed?” He says acting like it's no big deal more curious with this secret between you two.
“When I went to apologize Princess here, was high as balls. Singing, doing her room up all pretty.” He teases you and you again hit him.
“I was not high as balls!” You defend, laughing.
“Dude your eyes were so red, you smelled like weed, and the entire time you were staring at me so intensely.”
“I was not!” again you hit him.
“Stop hitting me!” He covers his chest all defensive.
“ fine.” You turn and face the screen, hitting play. Dean leans down and whispers in your ear, “ You were so high princess.” Your whole body heats up, you pinch him in the side, “OW!”
“Stop it you two! I'll turn the car around!” Sam jokes. You both stop and finish the episode, you all are laughing as it ends. You all have been continuously drinking and it was clear as all of your words were slurred.
“Come on, Cas looked hot as hell in that episode!” You shout, all debating who looked the best.
“He did but come on I looked awesome!” Dean claims smiling like a dork.
“You all looked good but Cas… mmm”
“You got it down bad for the angel!” Sam points at you laughing.
“Hell yeah I do! Look at him!”
“I can hook you up princess.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“Ew no!” You lightly hit his arm, “it's more of a crush, I don't want to actually sleep with him. It cas! It’d be all awkward! And does he even have junk?” You laugh.
“He definitely does.” Dean says his eyes widening.
“How do you know?”
“I'm not saying!”
“Come on!” You now are hitting him repeatedly.
“Stop! Stop!” He laughs. You look at Sam begging him for answers, he looks towards Dean, luckily Dean was facing you, facing away from Sam. So Sam just nods his head.
“I KNEW IT!” you shout standing up on the couch and pointing at Dean.
“Sam you bitch!” Dean turns and lunges towards him. He gets him in a headlock and they rough house a bit before Dean is bent over hand on his knee gasping for air. He holds up a hand, “I'm gonna yak.”
“Bathroom!” You and Sam yell, you hop off the couch, you and Sam grab Dean and drag him down the hall. Barely making it to the bathroom as Dean throws up in the toilet. Seeing him throw up makes you want to throw up, you gag. You suddenly get hot and your mouth waters, you turn to the bathtub and throw up. The smell, and sound of you and Dean throwing up gets Sam and then he's next to you also throwing up in the tub. After a minute you catch a break looking at the tub, “ fucking gross.” You reach behind Sam, who is still throwing up, and grab the shower head. You turn on the water and wash the vomit down the drain. You look over at Dean who is resting his head on his arm on the toilet. You get nauseous again and throw up. About 20 minutes of on and off vomiting for all of you before you all were able to leave the bathroom. You were all sniffing, breathing shakily, and holding onto each other for balance. You were the least shaky out of all of you so you guided them to the kitchen.
“No! Bed!” Dean says head hanging down.
“Hold on.” You sit both of them down and grab six glasses and fill them all with water. Once all the glasses are on the table you take a seat, “Okay two glasses each, no bed until all of them are gone.”
“Why? Princess, Why?” Dean groans.
“I'm with her on this.” Sam is the first to take a sip.
“ You’ll thank me in the morning.” You all sit there for an hour struggling to get this water down, constantly taking pee breaks. By the end though you all were feeling a bit better. You walked the boys to bed then made your way to the other side of the bunker to your room. The second your head hit the pillow you were out.
The next morning you woke up around nine am. When you walked out to the library you saw Sam typing away on his computer drinking more water.
“Morning.” You walked past him ruffling his hair. You could hear him laugh as you walked down the hall to the kitchen. You grabbed some water and joined Sam in the library.
“Rough night huh?” He asks looking at your bed head and last nights clothes.
“It was fun tho, I’m surprisingly not hungover.” You run your hands through your hair before putting it in a low messy bun.
“Really? I feel like crap.” He takes a sip of water.
“Must be my new twenty two year old body!”
“I forgot about that.”
“Me too until this morning. I’m starting to love it! You oldies and being hungover,” you huff putting your feet on the table hands behind your head, “couldn’t be me.” Sam laughs
“You’re still 29.”
“Shut up.” And with that you hear Dean shuffling in. Still in his pjs and robe, disheveled but still looking good.
“Morning sunshine.” You smile up at him as he walks behind you and steals your water, downing all of it.
“Morning Princess, Sam.” He shuffles towards the hallway.
“While you’re in there get me a new water!” He waves his hand and heads to the kitchen.
“So whatcha working on?” You lean on towards Sam.
“Oh I just found us a case.”
“Cool. What is it? When we leaving?” Sam laughs, “uh its vamps and I don’t think you should come.”
“Awe come on! I’ve been practicing with you boys every morning! I don’t even have to get in all the action, I can stay at the motel!” He contemplates for a minute when Dean walks in, “take it up with Dean.”
“A vamp case. I’ll stay at the motel!” You plead giving him your best puppy dog eyes. He stares for a moment.
“Yes!” You slap your hands on the table sitting back in your seat.
“But! You stay at the motel unless we say.” He gestures between him and Sam.
“Fine by me!”
Part 3⬇️
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powderblueblood · 7 months
You know what's just burrowed into my head? given how often poor Camilla was forced to say the word daddy on that show it made me picture lacy saying it to Eddie but in that I'm clearly making fun of you, I'm not into that stuff kind of way but he's our beloved pervy loserboy so of course he short circuits over it anyway. I hope she finds out just how much of a perv he can be now that they've done the do. I mean the whole thing with her pen in the very first chapter? and the shower scene when she had to stay over? I would love to know how she'd react
18+ MINORS DNI i accidentally went crazy on this? god bless you anon happy valentines day
l i t erally she is shoving eddie out the door of the newspaper room after a heavy makeout session where she's got him all wound up and whining on purpose, sing-songing something like, "c'mon, hurry up! everyone in the drama room is gonna be looking around that dungeon, wondering where-oh-where is daddy?"
and eddie just shoves himself between the jamb and the closing door (painfully, for a multitude of reasons) (reasons pertaining to his cock) and hits lacy with the prey animal stare.
"huh? come again?" you'd like that wouldn't you badum tsss etc
but lacy like, knows and like, eats it right up, the way she draws out every syllable with a dirty little mockery of a snarl.
"better run along now, da-a-addy."
eddie manages to wrangle her in for one last kiss, stomach all butterflies and dick all cardiac arrest, "i'm gonna get you for that," and lacy's squealing into his ear, "and your little kitty too! shit! evil!"
"first and last time you'll ever hear it, i guarantee you!" liar!
but, evil actually comes in the form of lacy lifting a pair of her panties from the glovebox of the van later that night.
"hello? have you been doing my laundry or what?"
eddie gets a laceful in the face as she flings them at him. immediate snow white blush on his cheeks, this guy, because he's still toeing the line of being a little bit of a pervert with her. testing the waters. though, she had perched in his lap and watched him jerk off the other day, after specifically asking to which naturally made him cum neatly under the runtime of zeppelin's dazed and confused.
i wanna see how you do it. how do you touch yourself when you're thinking about me?
and she'd been all sweet, tits out and skirt on, running her hand up his chest as he pumped his cock in his fist (he hadn't been allowed to touch her), telling him how pretty he was, how much she liked watching him make himself feel good. eyes never leaving him. studying him like SAT prep. not putting as much as a fingertip on herself, but squirming against his thigh.
this is about me, he realized, heart warming, dick throbbing. she wants to make it about me.
eddie had cum, and had possibly narrowly avoided a hemorrhage of the brain due to how fucking hot that was, and was soon springing to back to life in lacy's palm. she had that effect on him; just when he thought he was spent, boom, he is risen.
he needed a solid fifteen minutes to process the aftershocks after she rode him til both their eyes were streaming, lacy stroking his hair and pretending like she wasn't trembling as much as he was.
if that girl isn't careful. he swears to god. wedding bells. big 'uns.
but. anyway. panties. panties he had been actively using as a gag when he jerked off on the rare occasions she couldn't come meet him. sure. whatever.
"you must've left 'em here!" eddie shrugs (wide-eyed, beautiful, you know the vibes), tossing them back at her, to which lacy rolled her fanned-out mascara'd eyes.
"and walked around commando? when have you ever known me to do that, smartass?"
true. she liked making him take off her panties with his teeth too much, and he liked watching the way she slid them back on. that little jump she did that made her ass shake.
which could be a part of the whole stuffing them in his mouth thing. listen, he didn't have time to ruminate on it.
guilty as all hell, he shrugs again, slapping his hands on the wheel. but eddie's heart is like, hammering. was that a step too far? nabbing her panties out of her room the last time he'd snuck in there?
there's this silence in the van for a couple beats that he hates, even though lacy resumes looking for a tape in the glovebox she's probably never gonna find.
"you know," she goes, eyes downcast, "if you wanted to borrow a pair, you could've just asked."
a stutter in the air. she knows just how to make his record scratch.
"whassat now?" eddie leans in, gripping the steering wheel for dear life.
"you heard me," and her mercurial eyes flash at him, gaze drawing down his body in that way that makes him sure he knows what it's like to do heroin without ever having tried it.
"just, tell me if you ever wanna try 'em on," lacy smiles, and eddie smiles, and eddie also dies somewhat, "i wanna see how cute you look when you're hard in them."
and look, we haven't even begun to think about lacy's reaction the first time he jokingly calls her mommy.
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canirove · 3 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 7
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“Olga, do I really have to go with you? I want to go home, I'm shattered.”
“It'll be just a minute. I'll check if I left my wallet in the kitchen and then we can go” she says. “And stop complaining, Liv. You are turning 25 tomorrow, not 80.”
“Feels like it” I sigh. Because today has been chaotic. 
There was a double training session and some meetings going on, which means that I've spent most part of my day making coffees for everyone, going up and down the stairs to deliver them to the offices, and taking meal orders since one of the waiters called in sick and Olga needed help. And as if that wasn't enough, since the game at the Emirates I've been sleeping like shit, constantly having nightmares where my dad finds out about me and Declan and kills him. Literally. In last night's dream he used an axe to do it. 
“I promise I'll be quick” Olga says, opening the cafeteria’s door.
“You better” I reply, following her. 
“Happy birthday!” everyone screams as I walk in.
“Bloody hell!” I yell, my heart on my throat. “What the fuck?”
“Language, Olivia” Madders says. “This is a birthday party!”
“A what?”
“Surprise!” Olga says while hugging me.
“You… you… what?”
“I know your dad said that you don't like celebrating your birthdays, but you only turn a quarter of a century once!”
“Wow, those are some big words for you, Maddison” I laugh.
“So funny, Liv” he replies, rolling his eyes. “Everyone is dying to wish you happy birthday, you know? Sonny made you a card, and I think a certain Spaniard even got you a present…”
“You all seriously need to stop with that.”
“I was talking about Bryan, Liv” Madders smirks. 
“You… Idiot” I say, hitting him in the arm.
“It's not my fault Spanish dudes love you!” he laughs. “Though you prefer them half Irish, don't you?”
“Shut up!”
“Half Irish? What did I miss here?” Olga asks.
“Nothing. James is talking shit as always.”
“Yes, I am” he laughs again. “Anyway, are you coming or not? I can't wait to try the cake. Alex told me it is your favourite, and knowing how obsessed you are with anything with chocolate, I'm sure it'll be amazing.”
“Wait, Alex is here too?” I ask.
For the past few weeks he's been behaving super weird around me, basically ignoring me, and I still don't know why.
We've known each other our whole lives since my dad and his are best friends and  we live close by, and even though we've had our ups and downs (especially because of my dating life and him not liking any guy I did), he had never been like this. 
“C'mon, Liv. Let's go say hello to your guests” Olga says, linking her arm with mine and walking towards where everyone is. 
“Happy birthday, dear Olivia… Happy birthday to you!”
“Don't forget about making a wish!” my mum says.
“Done” I smile.
For my actual birthday I'm having a small gathering with my parents, Alex's and him, the usual every year. After partying way past midnight with everyone at work, it is what I needed. Something chill and at home where I can wear my pyjamas, have crazy hair, and where no one will give me a weird look. Though this year my mum forced me to actually look nice since it is a special number.
“I can't believe my baby is 25 already” she says while hugging me. Or while squeezing me against her. “Where has time gone?”
“She was a tiny loud baby not that long ago, and now look at her. My darling is a beautiful, intelligent and wonderful woman I'm very proud of” my dad says.
“Oh, stop it” I say, trying not to get emotional. 
“Should we start with the presents before everyone starts crying?” Alex's mum chuckles.
“I told you I didn't need anything, guys.” 
“This is just a little detail” she smiles.
After opening a few more presents, it's time for my dad to give me his.
“I'm a bit nervous about this” he laughs, giving me a small box. “Hope you like it, darling.”
“Thank you” I say, slowly opening it. Inside it there is a car key, one that obviously has a Tottenham keychain. And under it, there is a note. “Look out the window? What does it mean?”
“It means exactly that. Look out the window” my dad says, nodding towards the big one in our living room.
“Ok…” I say, walking towards it. And then, I see it. It can't be. “Dad, is that… Oh my God, is that a Mini?” 
“It is, darling. Your Mini.”
“It's yours, Olivia” my mum says.
“But I… you… how?” I mumble, looking from the car to the key in my hand.
“You've always been obsessed with that car for some reason. So much, that when you got your driving licence, I bought you a small replica of it” my dad says.
“You did, yes” I chuckle. “I still have it in my room.”
“Do you remember what I told you when I gave it to you?” 
“That one day… Oh, dad!” I say, running towards him and hugging him.
“I told you that one day I would buy you the real one, not just a toy. And that day has come” he says, hugging me back. “It isn't new, we couldn't afford it. But it is better than that thing from the Pleistocene you were driving.”
“It is perfect. The Mini, I mean” I say, moving to look at him. “It seriously is. I love you so much, dad. You too, mum.”
“Oh, Olivia” she says, joining our hug. 
“Did you film all that?” I hear Alex's dad say.
“I did” he replies. 
“I probably look so stupid” I laugh.
“You look beautiful, Liv” Alex says. And that was… odd. But whatever. 
“Why don't you kids take the car for a spin?” my dad suggests.
“Now? What about the cake?”
“You and your cakes, Olivia” my mum replies, rolling her eyes. “It will be here when you come back. Just be careful, ok?”
“Ok” I smile. “Thank you. Again” I say, giving my parents another hug. “I love you.”
“And we love you too. Now go, darling” my dad says.
“And Alex, don't let her go too fast.”
“I won't, Mrs. Chapman” he chuckles.
“Liv, what did your mum say?” 
“Shhh” I reply, speeding up a bit more. 
“If you crash your car on the first day…” Alex laughs.
“That won't happen. I'm gonna take care of him as if he was my son.”
“Is it a boy?”
“It is a boy” I smile. “The most beautiful one.”
“You'll have to give him a name, then.”
“Urgh, I suck at choosing boys names.”
“Is that why all your pets growing up were girls even if they actually weren't?”
“Then you better not have a son in the future” he laughs again. 
“Yeah” I smile. “I've missed hearing you laugh. Are you ok?” I ask him, slowing down now that we are back in our neighborhood. 
“You've been avoiding me, Alex.”
“No, I just… I've had a lot going on and to like… Organise my feelings and thoughts.”
“Oh, I see. But is everything ok?”
“Yeah, don't worry. Park over there, I want to give you my present.”
“Ok” I say, doing as he has asked me.
“So… ummm… Liv” Alex says, nervously playing with the small box in his hands. “There is something I have to tell you.”
“I'm all ears.” 
“I… You… We…”
“C'mon, Alex” I say, playfully hitting his arm. “It's me.”
“Yeah, I know. That's why saying this is so difficult. Because it's you.”
“I don't understand.” Why does he look so nervous? I think the last time I saw him like this was when he dared to ask out the hottest girl in our class and she… No. No, no, no, no. He isn't going to…
“I love you, Liv.”
He is. Oh, my God, he is doing it.
“And not like the way you love your dad or a friend. I love you like something else.”
“Alex, I…”
“When I told you that I was trying to like organise my feelings and thoughts, I was talking about you. About what I feel for you. Because I… because I've realized that I've always been in love with you, Liv. That if I've been a prick and disliked all the boys you've dated or been around, it's because I was jealous. Because I wanted to be them. Because I love you.”
“Alex, listen…”
“This is for you” he says, opening the little box and showing me what is inside. A ring. He got me a freaking ring, and one that doesn't look cheap. 
“I can't accept it.”
“It is just a birthday gift, Liv. Nothing else.”
“Nothing else?” I laugh. “You just told me that you love me and now are giving me a ring, Alex. This totally looks like some kind of proposal.”
“Well, if you think about it like that… Then yes. It is a proposal. Liv, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
This can't be real. This has to be another of my nightmares. They all start the same, with something really good happening, and then boom! The killing starts. 
“Alex… I… No.” 
Have you seen that episode of "The Simpsons" where Lisa is dating Ralph, she breaks up with him while being live on tv, and when they are watching it again Bart says something like, look, if you slow it down you can see the exact moment where you break his heart? Well, that is happening right in front of me. 
“I'm very sorry, Alex. But I don't love you. I just like you as a friend.”
Wow, Olivia. Wow. You just delivered the most cliché line ever. 
“I see…” he says, closing the small box and putting it back in his pocket.
“I'm sorry.”
“I heard you the first time, Liv.”
“Ok, umm… I should drive us back home.”
“Is there someone else?”
“Are you seeing someone?”
“Maybe...” I say, biting my lower lip. 
“Is it the Spanish guy? The one everyone keeps talking about at work.”
“Who, Pedro?”
“Yeah, him.”
“He isn't anyone from work or related to it.” Which is a lie, but it is best if he doesn't know.
“Oh, ok.” And those are the last words he says to me for the rest of the day.
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rowanoke · 2 years
One thing about me is that both in video games and real life, I struggle with inventory management. I want to carry everything.
I got a mod for skyrim to multiply the carry weight and it asks on installation what you want the multiplier to be. At first I thought I could maintain a reasonable inventory I just needed a little room, so I chose the lowest setting which I think was 2 or 3 times. I hit that almost immediately and adjusted it up to the next step, which was 10x. That lasted me about one play session and early into the next one I hit the cap again. So I changed it again to the highest setting, 100x, and had to start putting more points into stamina when I leveled up because each level would give me 1000 extra carry weight and it would hold me over for a few levels and I could still get the attributes I needed, but I did stay consistently close to the cap.
In addition to the carry weight multiplier, I also had a mod that adjusted the weight of many items to make them easier to manage. It made things like lockpicks and potion ingredients weightless, dragon bones and scales only weigh 1, and made most misc items and potions either very light or completely weightless. And I was STILL hitting the already ridiculously high cap.
I want to carry E V E R Y T H I N G.
In real life I like clothes with lots of pockets and big pockets. Which unfortunately lends itself to me building a pretty masculine wardrobe. But like, I love me some baggy cargo pants and jackets covered in pockets and hoodies with a single giant pocket on the front. I fucking love pockets. I want a cute femme outfit with lots of pockets.
But no matter how many pockets I have, I will fill them. It is inevitable. I need an infinite fucking inventory pocket dimension because there is not enough room on my body to carry everything I want to keep with me. Let alone things I may need to carry temporarily.
I went to a house party last night and my outfit had 10 pockets, all of which were full. Please allow me to list the contents:
My bigass keychain with 11 keys, 2 dead keyfobs for my non-functional car, a bottle opener that I never use, and 4 loyalty cards. 2 of which are for my current workplace, one from my last workplace in a different state, and one that I found on the ground outside of a bar one night.
My inhaler. It ain't easy being wheezy.
3 vapes. The one I had felt like it was about to die and when I went to buy a new one they had a 2/whatever deal.
My Swiss army knife. I've carried one at (almost) all times since I was like 12.
My bag of rocks, which contains 3 rose quartz and 1 tiger's eye.
My mask
A hairtie
My wireless earbuds
My wallet
My phone
A bottle of Jaegermeister
A bottle of gray goose
A bottle of water
A bottle of Dr. Pepper cream soda
3 prerolled joints
A lighter
A really cute pair of fingerless fishnet gloves that I love but didn't end up wearing bc they weren't a part of my costume
A receipt from work where I stopped to get a drink on the walk over to the party and I kept it bc it had coupons
$10 outside of my wallet because the thing I saw for the party said $10 at the door but I ended up slipping in the side door when some people came out to smoke 🤙so I put that $10 in the bands' collection bowl before I left
So yeah for most of the party I had some bottle or another in my hands because I just didn't have enough pocket space to carry it. I just kept thinking to myself "you are overencumbered and cannot run" and it pissed me off so bad. Like I wanted to grab some snacks on the way too and I was like ah shit where would I even put them. I need more pockets.
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plaindangan · 8 months
a very bored and very horny miu and kaede watch very lewd porn together for their usual masturbating sessions, and stumbles upon a 5 hours long video of their good friend tsumugi the ultimate geeky nerd having Paid LUDICROUS amount of money to hire 2 ultra thicc and hot (only rivaled by the original) sluts that look veeeeeery close to the 2 blondes, before the bluenette fuck them so much the 3 girls look like sex is the only thing their minds can comprehend. How do they react~ ?
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"L-look at this shit! Hah! 'Futa Nerd fuck brainy bimbos silly'?' Fuckin' Hell sounds like shit Tsumuggy watches!!"
"H-hey, be nice, M-miu!...Though I am curious." It was something both girls had been participating in for a while. A mutual masturbation session, with both laying in bed, getting themselves off to raunch videos. Both were pervs, albeit Miu was a bigger one, and it just so happened that rubbing themselves next to each other was a shared kink - so it was really just both trying to help each other out!
After a stressful week, they just want to kick back and enjoy some cheesy porno's for a bit and they'd thought they had the answer with this one...
Just neither expected what they saw next. On screen was a busty blonde actress in a set of pink overalls that could barely cover her set of, likely, silicon filled tits. She had a punkish look and was walking about a rather familiar dressing room like area. With an irritated look, she stuck her head out of the room.
"Hey! Kay-slow-ye! Hurry your ass up! It's bad enough that geek is late, its even worse with you two - flytits!!" Entering the room with an annoyed frown was a blonde actress wearing a pink, musical themed, fedora on her head and a dark blue dress.
"B-be quiet, Mia!! I'm telling you, my tits are about as big as yours!! Even then, who'd want boobs you cow!!!!" she yelled, causing Mia to shrink back with a whimper.
"D-don't yell at meeeeee!" sighing Kaye looked about the room.
"Though I do wonder where's Sue? She told us to meet her here..."
"Sorry, I'm late ladies~" Both turned around at the door and the Ultimates blondes could see the actresses face turn bright pink. In the doorway, was...Tsumugi?! Even if her hair was dyed brown and done up in a ponytail, even if she had altered her usual uniform to be wearing shorts instead of a long skirt...no matter how you slice it that was Tsumugi Shirogane. The question left to remain on their minds...how and why was she in this porn vid?!
Well, that and and how the Hell was she able to fit that long, girthy, erection in her pants and act natural about it?
"I-I had to arrange for another meeting for later on and free up some space for this one. See...I'm in need of some inspiration..." As she said that, she dropped her shorts to reveal her pre-cum slick cock. "You'll help me get some...right~"
1 Hour: Tsumugi was having her dick sucked by Mia and Kaye like their lives depended on it. Mia was more aggressive and eager, happily deepthroating her shaft noisly. As for Kaye, she was more subtle with her perviness, kissing at Sue's plump balls and tip more often than sucking. Both methods that hit home for the masturbating ladies at home. About halfway through the halfway hour mark, Tsumugi came right on their faces, but it was clear she wasn't done. No, instead, both blonde actresses began to give her a titjob that could make Miu and Kaede's combo a run for their money (though Miu would never settle for defeat by some randos!!. Though as one can expect, after splashing their faces with spunk once more, Tsumugi had decided to switch to incorporate her method of spicing up her bedroom life - cosplaying!!
2 hours: The video cut to a...rather familiar looking school. Kaye was now in an ill-fitting school girl outfit which had a lot of underboob showing and a mini-skirt that barely covered her perky, white thong wearing ass!! As she took a book out of a locker, she looked in surprise as a 'delinquent' was right in front of her. It was Tsumugi wearing bandages over her chest, white mask and a long black skirt that still had a throbbing cock underneath. When Kaye didn't want to fork over her test, Tsumugi decided to 'convince' her the only way she knew how - taking her in the girl's stall and fucking her in a full nelson there until the girl is begging to give everything to Tsumugi in exchange for her spunk!
3 hours: Now it was Mia's turn and she was currently jogging in a pink sports bra and a white pair of shorts - both doing a piss poor job at covering her privates! As Mia stopped to tie her shoes, Tsumugi (in a light blue shirt and black jogging shorts), came up behind her and grabbed her plump booty. Offering the woman some 'new excercise'. An exercise that had Mia under the bleachers, pants down and getting fucked in the ass by a very pent-up Tsumugi.
4. hours: The scene shifted back to class where Kaye and Mia were getting a sex education lesson from Tsumugi dressed as a certain teacher - down to even the blue dress and pink apron. Today's lesson: mating presses and cowgirl style. Both the teacher gladly demonstrated on her slutty looking, bimbo students. She mating pressed the begging, near broken Kaye on the teacher's desk (while Mia graced the camera by fingering herself), before laying on her back and fucking Mia who rode her cock like her life depended on it.
5 hours: Finally, both were in the principal's office to a Tsumugi wearing a purple suit akin to Jin Kirigiri. She listed off all their 'deviany' misdeeds of the day and was determined to 'punish' them. Punishment that involved gagging both, having them bend over his desk and testing out a leather paddles with holes on their jiggly butts. And when she got bored of that? Why have fun inserting dildo's or buttplugs in their asses of course!! But when she got tired of teasing them like so...well~ Finish them off by mercilessly going back and forth between each one, pounding away at their pussies until the entire office was covered in copious amounts of cum these girls were releasing.
For those who were watching this, each hour was so hot, Kaede and Miu had cum multiple times to the point they looked just as mind broken as those lucky actresses in those films. The thought of confronting Tsumugi about this to, potentially, stop her? Gone like the wind! What replaced it? Thoughts of making this on-camera threesome, a very steamy fivesome!!
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stories-and-chaos · 5 months
Tarnished pt 26
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 26/?? Word count: 1575 Cw: language, mention of drug abuse]
There was an extended silence as Blitzø absorbed this information. “Ohshitohshitohshit, what the fuck do I do, are you girls sure, holy fucking shit I wasn’t even sure she was alive.” Blitzø dropped his burger and grabbed the sides of his head. His eyes went huge as he stared into nothing. “You’re absolutely sure it’s her?”
Dina nodded. “Pretty sure. If it weren’t for the horns I’d have thought you snuck into my group.”
“She sounds like you too. Never thought I’d hear someone else cuss like that, besides you,” Loona added. “I heard her checking in, said her name’s ‘Barb Buckzo.’”
Blitzø stood up, still not really seeing anything. “Fucknuggets, that’s gotta be her. I haven’t seen her in decades. She might not even remember me now, we were just kids…” He gripped the back of his chair, claws making scrapes in the finish. “Wait… if she’s in your group therapy Dina…”
Dina took a sip of drink before answering. “Yeah. Sounds like she’s been through some shit. And um,” she hesitated before continuing what she wanted to say, “she mentioned her brother during the session. But…it wasn’t anything good Dad.”
He took a deep breath. “I think I can handle it.” Whatever Barb had said about him couldn’t be worse than the other crap that had happened in his life, right?
“She said her twin was a ‘traitorous royal cocksucker’ and that he ‘abandoned his family to be a rich boy’s pet as soon as he could.’” Seeing Blitzø stiffen as if he’d been struck made her wish she hadn’t said anything.
Hearing what Barb thought of him, it made the bottom drop out of his world. He hadn’t expected her to be thrilled with him, but this level of animosity wasn’t expected. What in the Seven Rings had Cash told everyone? Was that why Fizz never responded to his mail?
Did his mom hate him too?
“I’m sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything-“ Dina started desperately apologizing. The imp cut her off.
“Not your fault Di. You warned me too.” He shook his head harshly. “I- I gotta get out for a bit. I’ll be back later girls.” He scooped up his phone and keys as he dashed out the door.
Loona opened a window to yell at him, “No driving the accident-mobile Dad!” He’d been about to hop in the van; instead he slammed the door shut. “Goddammit Loonie, FINE!” He jammed his hands into his coat pockets and walked off into the darkening night.
Dina, still at the table, was hunched down with her ears laid back. “Loona? Is everything gonna be okay? Feels like we shouldn’t have said anything.”
Her sister plopped back into her seat. “Nah, Blitzø is always kind of a mess. He thinks he’s a hot mess. He’ll be back.” She ran her hand through her hair and tossed a fry into her mouth. “I know I wouldn’t have been able to keep quiet about all this shit. And he’s such a busybody that he’d keep prying until we blew up at him.” Dina sighed and they finished the meal in silence.
Loona cleaned up the dishes while Dina put away the leftovers. They each took a side of the couch but left the television off. Instead they chatted about a web novel Dina had started reading while at rehab. Loona was catching up on it now and the sisters enjoyed discussing the plot and characters.
Neither of them wanted to head to bed until Blitzø got back. Dina mentioned that she almost felt like the parent right now, waiting for their kid to come home. The hours crept by with no sign of the imp. Just in case, Loona sent a text to Stolas. She didn’t go into details but let the prince know Blitzø had left the apartment upset.
Stolas replied that Blitzø wasn’t with him and not to worry unless he wasn’t back by morning. That wasn’t terribly reassuring for the Hellhounds.
Both girls ended up falling asleep on the couch before Blitzø stumbled back in around two in the morning. He was drunk and had gotten into some sort of fight. The lights were mostly off so he didn’t see the pair on the couch. Neither hound woke up; not even when he flopped on top of them.
Dimly, Blitzø realized the couch was both lumpier and fuzzier than normal. Those facts didn’t really stick with him as he passed out.
In Sloth, Barb got back to her dormitory. She was staying at a sober living facility for now. She didn’t really have any place else to be or anyone to be with. Most of her friends were addicts and none were trying to get clean. Barb knew if she spent any time with her current circle of acquaintances, she’d be right back to square one.
The imp didn’t know who was footing the bill for her rehab. When she’d gotten sober enough to question the money situation, she was politely informed that an anonymous donor was taking care of it. While that was suspicious, she wasn’t in a position to question it. And what would she do otherwise? If she insisted on paying herself, she’d be neck deep in debt or kicked out.
Barb was suspicious, but not stupid. If this demon wanted to pay for her recovery, let ‘em. If they came looking to collect later, she’d deal with it then. At least she’d be sober for whatever came her way.
She had been thinking about who it could be. Not Mammon, that was for damn sure. Maybe Fizz? But she was pretty sure he hated her guts now. Cash wouldn’t be; she hadn’t been able to find out if her father survived the fire. If he had, he’d disappeared. Not likely he’d be paying for her medical bills if he was alive.
Her mom… Barb gripped the choker that she wore, that had been Tilly’s. Her mom would have.
Maybe one or more of the hospital staff she’d interacted with during Fizz’s recovery all those years ago? That was a long shot.
Blitzo? She snorted to herself at the thought. The jackass and his douche prince would have the money, but her twin had shown how much he cared decades ago. He didn’t even know she was still kicking, from what she remembered of the mail he sent Fizz.
There were other demons she’d encountered over the years. She’d worked odd jobs to fund her habit, with the legality of said jobs being questionable. She didn’t think she had made a good enough impression on anyone to warrant this however.
It gave her a headache to keep thinking about it and without more information, she didn’t have enough to figure it out. Scrolling her phone, she pulled up the pics she’d sneakily taken earlier. The Hellhounds she’d encountered at group therapy.
Barb had snapped at the first girl for staring. At the moment she’d brushed the girl looking at her so intently as listening in to her rant. Then she saw the other young Hound woman in the meeting room. Dina, as she learned at the introduction round, tried to hide looking at Barb. But the imp kept feeling her glancing over during the session.
After they broke apart for the day, Dina trotted up to the Hound in the waiting area. Seeing them side by side, it was obvious they were siblings and maybe even littermates. The only difference between them was height and hair length. The pair was very much trying to not look at Barb. The imp’s spines were raised and she glared at them before heading towards the dorms.
But she doubled back once she was sure the girls weren’t following her. She caught glimpses of them as they walked away. Then the girls slipped into a space between two buildings and Barb saw colored lights glow from the gap. She ran to the spot as the glow faded.
No sign of either Hellhound. A portal? For a couple Hounds? Most magick wielding demons were royalty or working for royalty. Imps, Hellhounds, and Hellborn in general didn’t have much to do with magick. Succubi on assignment to Earth used portals and illusions.
Whoever these girls were, they likely had a connection with blue bloods. And they were interested in her. Barb doubted they were connected with who was funding her therapy. Both Hounds seemed like they didn’t expect to see her. Like they couldn’t believe their eyes.
She scribbled down her thoughts in a notebook she kept in her room. Maybe because of the years of drug abuse, but she had difficulty keeping track of things. She was getting in the habit of writing down whatever was on her mind, since her notebook had a better memory than she did. During the day, Barb typed stuff into a notepad app on her phone, then reviewed it at night.
She was not up for any fancy journaling. No decorated grids, stickers, different color pens and fancy tape between entries. The words were lucky if she followed the lines on the page. Anything particularly important got circled or highlighted so she could find it easily as she flipped through the pages.
The Hellhound girls were an odd enough occurrence that she circled and highlighted her bullet list about them. If Dina was still in her group next time, she could try to find out more.
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so, ik not a single person gives a shit, but fun fact/story time about me: i've never actually, in full, watched the last three episodes of merlin. i've been in this fandom for about a year, and have even written entire analyses on specific scenes in the last episode, so let me explain my madness lol.
when i was younger, maybe like 10 or 11, my mom was OBSESSED with this show. like, she'd watch it all the time. i could distinctly remember random scenes i walked in on, like when they try to execute Gwen and the soldiers pull Arthur and her apart, or that one random episode when Arthur is placed on that wheel with an apple in his mouth and knives are thrown at him, or, the one that probably left the most impact, was the entire ending of the show. i watched probably the last ten minutes of the last episode, and watched Arthur die and Gwen be crowned sole ruler of Camelot. i didn't really care tbh lol.
but because of that, i knew exactly how the show ended. i had also seen bits and pieces of the two episodes before, so i just generally had a vague idea of the final three episodes, arguably the most important in the entire series.
but then, i got older, and got more and more interested in fandom. and yk which fandom i saw in every corner of the internet? that goddamn show my mom used to watch as a kid. i always told myself i'd watch it at some point, but i didn't get around to it until they announced it was being taken off netflix. let me tell you, that was the binge session of my LIFE. i watched all five seasons (except for the last three episodes) within a week and a half. but when i had around half a week left to finish the series before it was removed, i completely avoided those last three episodes. i buried myself in fanfic, tumblr posts, and the like. then i found them all free on youtube, around two days before it got removed, and i just told myself i'd watch them later. newsflash: i didn't.
i've been VERY active in the fandom ever since (honestly way too active, im like mentally ill lmao) and still havent seen those episodes. i wrote an entire 3k word essay (that i had to cut A LOT from lol) about the series and even analyzed the scene where Arthur dies in a portion of it. now, i keep saying i still haven't seen those episodes, but that's actually untrue. because as of ten minutes ago, i watched them.
so what does that make this post? well, it makes it a warning, because i am going to be so completely insufferable about this series i am 100% sure someone is going to poison me within the next 72 hours. be warned—i am a changed woman now, and i am absolutely unstoppable.
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cravingbro · 1 year
Photo Strips
siblings oneshot au : 1,6k words — slice of life, love hate relationship, city walk, quality time, public argument, childish, lots of sarcasm.
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My brother was queuing for our chocolate ice cream at the cashier, while I stood in front of the glass facade, facing outside where I could see a photo booth across the street. Every time I looked at him, his eyes were always pinned onto his phone so I could not tell him how much I wanted to go to that photo booth. Even when I waved, he did not see me. Others did. And that sucks.
When we finally had our ice cream, I just went silence. I had no energy left to communicate nor to receive the possible never-ending roasting session from him if I stated my wish. So I just ate my ice cream without zero eye contact.
“You should’ve joined Mom. You might get a new dress or something,” he uttered, followed with an annoying pout. For sure I knew he was not welcoming me that day, so I replied, “The fuck you want me to do? I wanted to stay at home and mom dragged me out. Now she’s leaving me with you for a while, and it’s suddenly my fault?”
“I could’ve talk to my friends if you’re not clinging around me, demanding for chocolate ice cream, pulling me here and there, like gosh … give me a short break. You’re putting me … in awkward position,” he mumbled with such serious expression. He could have literally told me to stay away for a while if he really wanted to talk to his friend or his crush or whoever he saw, but he chose to fight me instead when all he did was not communicating his will at all.
“Go to talk to your friend then. I can handle myself alone,” I raised my voice as I tried to control my anger since we were in public place.
“If you’re gone, Mom’s gonna blame me, so … no,” he said while shaking his head gently. No sign of guilt drawn on his face and it so sickening to see him acting like a total jerk.
“You’re so annoying. You’re always annoying! Why are you my brother? I didn’t ask for any of this shit. Do you even want an ice cream? Ugh—“
“I bought these ice creams and finish it—“
“But it was my idea to buy chocolate ice cream,” I pointed at myself as my eyes opened wide. Meanwhile he sighed and replied, “Yeah … and I said cool. Although I never plan to eat ice cream today.”
“You hate me so much, don’t you? I hate you too!” I whispered as well as emphasizing the word hate. If he was not into my idea, how could he said yes yet still complained afterward? I was so mad that looking at his face for longer than a second might turned me into a Hulk. So later when I finished my ice cream, I immediately left the ice cream shop while he followed me right behind.
“Do you want something else?” he shouted and checked his phone at the same time. I, who was a few steps forward, looked over and raised a middle finger up, then shouted, “No!”
“I wanna go take photo— there … a photo booth across the street, you sure you won’t join?” His words made me stop walking, but I was already annoyed so I could not say yes right away. “You always collect strips from photo booth. Let’s go there!” he added as he came and grabbed my wrist.
“Why?” I asked. He just gave a confusing wide smile and wink which got me jokingly slapping his cheek right after. “Can you at least say sorry first?” I demanded.
“But I’m not sorry for what I said back then. Should I apologize just to make you feel better? How about me?” he rolled his eyes as he spoke.
“You’re so selfish,” I protested, followed with a deep sigh.
“You have no idea how selfless I have been all these years after you were born. Don’t say that,” he stated.
“What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow as we walked closer to the photo booth. “You could’ve say something like … I wanna greet my friend for a few minutes, can you wait here— or I don’t know, you tell me … instead of grumping like a boy—“
“You wouldn’t allow me—“
“Oh, come on! I’m not a kid anymore, Jung Jaehyun! I can give you few minutes if that’s what you need,” I raised my voice but then ended my sentence in whisper since people silently looked at us. Meanwhile he sharpened his eyes as a sign of doubt. Later he shook his head, disagreed with my statement to the core it seems.
“Where’s your friend now? Let’s greet them before we take photo, how about that?”
“But they’re on the other side of—“
“So what?! You wanna see them so much anyway, what’s wrong with walking back and forth? I’m fine with it. I had my ice cream at least,” I rambled while pushing him away from the photo booth which was steps away from us.
“No no no, photo first, friends later. It’s okay,” he took turn to push me towards the photo booth. I gave him a frown and judgmental side-eye, so he added, “Alright, I’m not mad at you anymore. We’re good now.”
He tried to pull me in to the photo booth after he paid for two strips, but then I pulled him out instead. He immediately shouted, “What?”
“Wait here. I don’t wanna take photos with you,” I whined as I stepped inside by myself. He rolled his eyes before he turned away and looked at our surrounding. “You bee—“
“Bitch? I’ll tell Mom that you called me bitch,” I cut him off right as I closed the curtain before he could respond. I heard him grunted while I took my own photos. To be honest, I felt at ease whenever I annoyed him. Maybe I do have revenge issue. Maybe it was just my toxic trait I developed by growing up as his sister, but it felt good. So I kept doing it.
“Can you pay for another strip? I wanna do a different template,” I asked with overly cute voice. He stood outside looking pissed off. His gaze were intense but he eventually handed me his phone.
“You’re not coming in?” I giggled. He rolled his eyes again then replied, “I’ll ruin the photo anyway.”
“What do you mean, Bro? You’re the Nation’s High School Crush of The Year—“
“Oh, fuck … not this bullshit again,” he yelled while I dragged him into the photo booth. Fortunately, he just obeyed me like he usually does. He even threw a big smile whenever the countdown started. Although the smile was gone split seconds after, replaced with sharp glares.
“See? We look good,” I complimented the strips as I stared at it. Later I gave him one of each strip I took and kept the other one in my wallet. It took quite a while before he kept his photo strips in his wallet.
“Let’s go see your friend. I hope they’re still around,” I said as I dragged him out of the photo booth. He yelled gibberish as we walked out, yet he did not try to stop me at all. He let me pull him by grabbing his index finger. I could saw his thin smile on the corner of his lips which I did not understand. Why would he keep yelling and annoying to me if he looks like he enjoy this?
“Explain that smile,” I demanded, pretending I was a master and my brother was a slave. My brother, however, just chuckled before he answered, “What to explain? That I look kinda satisfied after I’m madly mad at you?” I nodded and he bursted out laughing right away.
“You need a younger sis or bro to understand. I can’t explain—“
“Hey!” I screamed which got him covered my mouth right away.
“Stop it, hey! They’re gonna think you’re in danger,” he whispered as he embraced me out of nowhere. I supposed he needed to convince those eyes that were silently starring at us if we were actually not in dangerous situation.
“Oh My God, why is it so hard to be your brother?” he complained not so long after.
“I don’t understand— no, I never understand your doings, like … you’re just so weird. One second you hate me, the next second you care so much, later on you just pissing me off like I’m your personal entertainment,” I yelled while he gently stroked my hair and immediately replied, “You are. Yes. Exactly. You’re my personal entertainment. God damn it, you’re so right.”
“Hey, Jae,” a girl shouted from across the street. My brother froze immediately as he whispered, “Shit.”
“Going on a date with your girlfriend now? So cool,” the other stated as they all crossed the road.
“Ugh, well …,” my brother shrugged without trying to correct his friend’s statement. So I locked my eyes on him the whole time just to watch his micro expression while he was chit-chatting. At the same time, he tightened his grip over my wrist which he hid behind his back. I had no idea why he did that until one of his guy friend said, “Just in case you break up with Jaehyun, call me, okay? You look good.”
I did not respond except giving him a sharp glare until all of his friends were gone. My brother waved at them while he whispered, “Now you know why I don’t want you to meet my friends, right?”
“That’s your friend? They suck!” I protested and he nodded right away.
“I know, but look at the girls— that are always with them— I mean if I could date …,” he uttered but then stopped midway as he scratched his eyebrow and sighed.
“You’re so pathetic, Bro. You need therapy,” I stated as I patted his back then walked away.
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twistsandtwizzles · 2 years
First Kiss #3: Turning Onto You
Author's Note: This is the last story I got through before real life so rudely burst my fic-writing bubble. I'm taking a little hiatus from writing fic but will still be around to talk all things skating. (And also I do still have the other prompts and hope to get to them someday!) Thanks for reading and sending in prompts for the challenge!
Prompt: Mariah catches some feelings and makes the first move on a surprised Nathan
She doesn’t tell Nathan about Romain until it’s all over, her ring finger bare and dark circles under her eyes. She rehearsed it on the plane ride back from France, wanting to sound steady and fair, to allow space for Nathan and Romain’s friendship - even if it’s more than her ex deserves at the moment.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Nathan asks. 
She shrugs. “He’s your friend, you know? I didn’t want to put you in a weird place.”
“Okay, but . . . you’re my friend. It wouldn’t have been weird - I would have been here. You know that, right?”
She does, but it is nice to hear him say it anyway.
A few weeks later, Mariah has to almost physically restrain him from helping her move. It’s sweet, she supposes, but also exasperating.  
“I would never be able to show myself at a rink again if Nathan Chen pulled a muscle trying to lift my couch,” she tells him. “I’m hiring movers, we’ve got it handled.”
Of course, he shows up anyway, with McDonalds for her and pizza for the movers. She thanks him and then shuts herself in the bathroom and cries, touched by his thoughtfulness and infinitely grateful not to have to go through the day alone.
That night, standing in her new living room surrounded by boxes, she tells him that she hadn’t realized just how much she needed this fresh start, a home where she won’t picture Romain at every turn. He slings an arm around her shoulder and says that he thinks the place feels like her.
Nathan doesn’t push her to go back to the rink, but the delighted smile he gives her when she walks back in after nearly a month immediately calms her nerves. He sticks close to her that day - she’s guessing he wasn’t intending to spend the session just working on spins and footwork - and she’s grateful for his calm presence as she gets her feet back under her.
There had been a small part of her worried that their friendship wouldn’t be able to bridge the gap that Romain had left, despite Nathan’s assurances; she had wondered if Romain had been right when he joked that he was the glue that held them all together. She’s relieved to find that this, at least, is one thing she did not need to worry about. That she and Nathan are the same as they have always been.
Except, if she’s being honest, that is not exactly true.
She first realizes it as they are settling in for one of their semi-regular movie nights. He is absently scratching Nala’s head with one hand and clicking through the titles on the screen with the other, one dark curl falling across his forehead, brow furrowed in concentration. 
She is unprepared for the warmth that suddenly fills her chest as she watches him.
He senses her staring, looks over at her. “What?”
She blinks, shakes her head. “Nothing. Find the movie already, gosh.”
“You’re just going to fall asleep anyway,” he mutters. “Not sure what the rush is.”
She tosses a throw pillow at him, and he laughs, and her traitorous stomach explodes in butterflies. She sinks back into her corner of the couch. 
Well, shit.
For a while, she tells herself that she is imagining things. That she and Nathan are friends, have always been just friends, and she is getting contentment confused with something else. She certainly does not have a crush on Nathan, of all people. 
And her heart doesn’t occasionally skip a beat when he shoots her a half-smile after Raf says something that they’ll make fun of him for later, and she never finds herself lingering in their goodbye hugs just a bit longer than she used to. Never fights the urge to call him just to hear his voice.
They are chatting on the bench as he changes out of his skates. Nathan’s frustrated with his lutz, annoyed with Raf, and she’s relieved that she’s able to coax a laugh out of him before he takes off for the day. She steps onto the ice, still smiling a little, and finds Adam watching her.
“Oh my god,” he says. “Well, this is an exciting twist.”
“What?” She busies herself with some arm circles, already feeling the color creeping into her cheeks.
Adam leans forward and whispers conspiratorially, “You and Nathan. You like him.”
“Stop,” she says, trying to keep her voice even. “I do not.” 
“Oh my god,” he says again. “You’re blushing! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. When did this start? This is great for you. I’ve told you a hundred times, you’ve gotta get under someone to get over someone.”
She smacks him on the shoulder. “No one is getting under anyone, because nothing is going on.”
“Well why not? The poor guy’s been in love with you since he was a teenager. Throw him a bone.”
“He has not,” Mariah says reflexively. “Don’t be silly.”
Adam is suddenly serious. “Mariah. You have to know that Nathan is crazy about you, right? If there’s something there, why don’t you say something?”
She tilts her head back and stares at the rink ceiling for a moment. “Okay,” she sighs. “Let’s say I have been having some . . . feelings.” 
Adam nods. “Which I have said, because it’s true.”
“If - that’s if - it is true, there’s too much on the line to do anything about it. I need to have a decent Grand Prix to have a shot at the Olympics, and I already got a late start to training this year because of my messed up personal life. And you know what this season means for Nathan. If I said or did something and screwed things up, for either of us, I’d never forgive myself.”
“So your plan is what, exactly?”
“Basically just ignore it until it goes away?” 
Adam lets out a long suffering sigh. “And force me to watch you two idiots flirt and pine everyday for months? This is a terrible plan.”
“Asking you to coach me was a terrible plan,” she grumbles.
He laughs. “Girl, I am doing you a favor and you know it. Now let’s get to work.”
She rolls her eyes and skates toward center ice. Adam shouts after her, “For the record, I actually think it would help! You’re both wound so tight you’re going to pop!”
She holds up her middle finger as she waits for her music to start.
Adam is right, though she’ll never tell him that. Ignoring her feelings is not a viable strategy. So more out of self preservation than anything else, she starts to steer clear of situations where it is just the two of them. And since Nathan is juggling about a hundred Olympic promo shoots and interviews with his training anyway, she’s fairly certain that he hasn’t even noticed.
She’s on her way out of the rink when she hears him call her name. His voice echoes a bit in the empty hallway. “Mariah, hang on a minute.”
He’s jogging to catch up with her, still in his skates and guards. She turns, waits for him to reach her. “What’s up?”
“Um.” He seems suddenly uncertain. “You’ve just . . . rushed out the last few days, so I wanted to check in. Are things okay?”
“Oh.” She adjusts the bag on her shoulder, doesn’t meet his eyes. “I’m fine. I just have -“
“Plans,” he finishes for her. “Yeah.” He shifts his weight a bit uneasily, adds, “It feels like it’s been awhile since we hung out.”
“I know,” she says. As always, he’s more observant than she gives him credit for. She reaches up and gives him a soft squeeze on the shoulder. “Movie night soon, okay?”
He nods, and she turns to leave. 
”Do you have a date?” he asks suddenly.
She laughs, surprised. “What? No.”
He looks sheepish. “You’ve just had lots of plans lately and you haven’t really said what they were, and I thought maybe - nevermind.”
Something stirs in her chest, and she can’t stop herself from asking, “What if I did have a date?”
“Then you’d be going on a date, I guess,” he says. “I don’t know. Whatever.” 
“Whatever,” she repeats, suddenly annoyed. “Okay, sure. So if it would just be whatever, why did you even ask?” 
“I don’t know. I wish I hadn’t, now.” He runs a hand through his hair, lets out a frustrated breath. “I should get back to practice.”
But she is unwilling to let this go. “So if I was seeing someone, it wouldn’t bother you at all?”
“No! I mean, I don’t know.”
“Stop saying you don’t know!” The volume at which she says those words takes them both aback. She takes a deep breath and looks down at her shoes. This is ridiculous. She’s acting like a teenager.
“I shouldn’t have asked, I’m sorry,” he says. “It’s none of my business.”
“No, it’s not that.” 
“What, then? I feel like I’m missing something, here, Mariah, and it sucks. You’ve been avoiding me, and I miss you, and -”
She kisses him. 
It’s not perfect. She’s failed to correctly factor in the extra height that his skates give him, so her angle is a bit off. And she still has her stupid bag on her shoulder, which swings into his side as she leans into him. But it takes him just a moment to recover from his surprise, his hands circling her waist and lifting her the fraction of an inch needed for him to deepen the kiss, and then she can’t remember why she was fighting so hard to not let this happen.
He pulls away first, looking a bit dazed. For a moment they are both speechless.
“So here’s the thing,” she says. “I have wanted to do that for weeks.”
His lips quirk upward. “So you don’t want to plead temporary insanity and run away?”
She shakes her head. “But I know the timing is terrible, so if you would prefer that we just pretended that it never happened, I’d understand.”
He tips her chin up with a finger and presses his lips to hers. The kiss is gentle but sure, and she can feel them crossing a bridge to something new. 
Eventually, they will talk. He will confess the years that he spent dreaming of her one night when he thinks she is already asleep; she will tell him that she loves him as they drive to the rink on an otherwise unremarkable December morning. They will laugh and they will fight and they will skate and they will figure this out, their new normal.
Today, though, he just smiles and says, “I really do have to get back. Raf is going to be so pissed.”
He gives her one more quick kiss and heads back down the hallway. He turns and calls, “Hey, you don’t really have plans tonight, do you?”
“I better have some now!” she yells back, laughing. 
He grins. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
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