#sailor socialist
I know Red Scare took a turn for the worse, whatever, this video still is an absolute banger and gives me hope. Critical support to Dasha Nekrasova. “But I just told you they’re eating rats!” Lmao
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testure-1988 · 6 months
About Me
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Name: Al /Ali
Age: 34
Sign: Taurus
Pronouns: she/her
Neurodivergent (ADHD, APD, anxiety)
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-This is a SIDE BLOG. I will follow you with my main (nivekogresimp)
DNI if you're:
A TERF or SWERF (or just transphobic and against sex work in general)
a fascist/nazi
hardcore Christian
TCC/a Columbiner
into pedophilia/ a MAP (or if you like Lolicon/shota or DD/LG)
Also don’t even bother following me if you’re a zionist/Israel supporter
-I post NSFW stuff sometimes, so minors should take note.
-If you see something (artwork, a photo) that belongs to you, please let me know so I can credit you or remove it.
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What I'm mainly interested in:
The Goth subculture/ trad goth stuff
Music in general (I love Industrial Music, Experimental, Noise Music/Harsh Noise Wall, Goth Rock, Post-Punk, Punk Rock, Grindcore, Doom Metal, all kinds of Electronic Music, 80s New Wave/Synthpop, City Pop, 90s/80s Hip-Hop and a whole bunch of other genres)
Skinny Puppy
The 1980s
Horror Movies
JTHM (and Invader Zim...sometimes)
Art & graphic design
Dark/horror/ gothic/religious aesthetic posts
goth fashion
Leftist/democratic socialist stuff
bats, cats & rats :D
Anime (Berserk, NGE, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Hellsing, Studio Ghibli, etc.)
Little Nemo In Slumberland (the comic strip)
Mythology (Norse, Greek & Egyptian mainly)
Elvira, Mistress of The Dark
The Addams Family
Edward Gorey
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Some of my favorite bands/artists:
Skinny Puppy, Godflesh, Tom Waits, Einsturzende Neubauten, Meat Beat Manifesto, Coil, The Cure, Front 242, Bauhaus, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Severed Heads, Alien Sex Fiend, Acid Bath, Throbbing Gristle, Cabaret Voltaire, Depeche Mode, Japan, Tears For Fears, Type O Negative, Clan Of Xymox, Virgin Prunes, Cocteau Twins, Aphex Twin, Boards Of Canada, Massive Attack, Autechre, Merzbow, Agent Side Grinder, The Klinik, (old) Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, (old) KMFDM, Front Line Assembly, Fad Gadget, Revolting Cocks, SPK, Clock DVA, :wumpscut:, Christian Death (Rozz only), Swans, The Sisters Of Mercy, Joy Division, Dead Can Dance, Sleep, Black Sabbath (with Ozzy only), Electric Wizard, Neurosis, Cult of Luna, Isis, Ningen Isu, Yoko Kanno, Church Of Misery, Bongzilla, Phobia, Doom, Pink Floyd, Altar De Fey, TR/ST, Boy Harsher, George Clanton, Ulver, Kraftwerk, Dissecting Table, Anaal Nathrakh, Lycia, Tim Hecker, Akira Yamaoka, Deftones, Porcupine Tree, Hello Meteor, The Devil & The Universe, Wardruna, Goldie
Current favorite bands/artists ATM:
Jim Kirkwood. Klaus Schulze. Severed Heads
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umnitsa · 6 months
The Sailor's Knot - 2
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Summary: Joel slowly makes things better, even if you don't notice.
A/N: Sorry, guys. I take too long to write, tag and everything, but I'm writing <3 I hope you enjoy this! Banner from @cafekitsune <3
Written with unholy eagerness and no proofreading! No beta, we die like english is my second language (and it is! xD).
Pairing: ADHD!Reader x Joel (Reader is also plus size, it just isn't an issue yet. Reader is about Joel's age.)
CW: Depression lifting by the way of serotonin delivered by a handsome man. Reader is also nerdy. First part is here!
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The kids kept coming into your house. They would stay at the door and books would exchange hands as they tried to peek inside, just to get a look of the dog sleeping at the floor.
The dog slept a lot. Often over and around you.
Joel started building the fence as soon as the ground permitted, and you joined him, making holes, hammering poles and encouraging him to take breaks and sit inside, whenever he looked in pain.
Which it was all the time.
So you two spent the days inside, talking quietly about unimportant things.
The fence almost started feeling like an excuse. It felt even more of an excuse when he started joining you on walks for the dog’s necessities, while your talks got more philosophical. More profound.
“I can’t believe you’re actually listening to me.” You said, amusedly, after a particularly entrenched defense you feel you’re experiencing Star Trek, in some way, being in an utopic socialist commune. “Most people find this shit tiring.”
“You’re just a nerd.” Joel scoffed, smirking at you. “I knew it the moment you heard my name and made a Mystery Science Theater 3000 joke.”
“You recognized it! I knew it! And what does it says about say about you now, sir?” You bumped Joel’s arm with your shoulder, laughing. The dog jumped, tail waggling. You crouched to pet the dog, gently tousling his fur. “We need to get him a ball… Or something for a tug of war. I think he’s starting to feel better, and without the fence he can’t run.”
Joel nodded, kicking the ground.
“I like bad movies.” He says, almost shyly. “Cheesy ones. A few tapes reached some friends, and we had some fun.”
“That didn’t made you less cool then and doesn’t make you less cool now, sir.” You say softly, standing up. “And your secret is safe with me.”
Joel laughed.
“I’ll try and get him a rope. And we can make a ball with scraps of old fabric or leather.” He continued breathlessly after his laughter. “I know what you’re doing.”
“Hm?” You ask, absentmindedly walking towards your home.
“You make me stop working when I’m in pain.” He completed, quietly. “You let me rest.”
“I do?” You smirked, leading the dog inside, and holding the door for Joel, silently inviting him inside. “Hm. I hadn’t noticed, I thought it was just being a socialist.”
Joel shook his head, his expression fond, sweet. He stayed at the door, holding the handle.
“I should go back to the fence.” He says, and you can hear the regret in his voice.
“I found a brush.” You say, caressing the dog’s chest. “We should brush him.”
“We?” Joel entered, taking your excuse for him to stay. It made you smile, your chest filling with warmth. You didn’t want him to go, and he didn’t want it either.
“He’s a big dog. It’s better if it’s four arms. Do you have a tshirt on?” You ask, and he looks at his flannel. You could see the undershirt peeking. “It’s hard work, you will get overheated and you will lose whatever you’re wearing for the furstorm, and you will prefer if it is your undershirt.”
“I hope this isn’t some trap to get me half naked.” Joel smirked.
“Don’t tempt me.” You deadpan, which makes Joel chuckle, blushing, and look down. “Also, we need to make him enjoy this, because it’s something he will have done often and it’s better if he agrees to the whole proceedings. I also got good scissors to take care of his beautiful paws.”
“Do you cut hair?” He asked, grunting as he sat on the floor, his hands on the belly of the dog, gently scratching, soothing the animal into a relaxed state.
“Without any style.” You giggle, entering the bedroom, Joel’s chuckle following you. After some rummaging, you came back, in an old, rattled tshirt, holding the brushes. You sat by Joel’s side, crossing your legs and letting the dog sniff the brush. “I just know we have to trim his paws, don’t get excited for a nerdy haircut.”
“He needs a name.” Joel buried his hand on the fur and the dog offered his belly for petting. You started brushing slowly, carefully the dog’s neck and he closed his eyes, relaxed. “We should had thought of that.”
“You’ll hate all my ideas. Damn, I kinda hate my ideas.” you chuckled.
“Tell me.”
“Well…” You hesitated. “First one was Clifford.”
“He isn’t red, but damn he is big.” Joel chuckles.
“Yeah, but he doesn’t look like a Clifford to me. So… Cujo.” You cringe, chuckling. “I thought the irony of calling this sweetheart Cujo would be funny, but with those big eyes? I can’t bring myself to do it.”
“I see that.” Joel chuckled.
“I’ll call him Dog.” You say softly. “After another book.”
“Yeah?” Joel scrunched his face, focused, trying to find the reference.
“Yeah. Walt Longmire. I really liked those books.” You started picking the loose fur and piling it to the side. “Shame I didn’t get to read the last one before... you know.”
“What is it about?” He asked, carefully watching you combing Dog’s neck as he stretched.
“It’s a western neo noir. A detective series.” You nodded, holding Joel’s hand. He stared into your eyes, tense for a moment, as you push the brush on his hand. “He’s the sheriff of a small county in Wyoming. I like that not all the mysteries are murders.”
You held Joel's hand and guide it over Dog, in long brushes. Once you see he got the hang of it, you stand up.
Under Joel's curious and confused stare, you got into your trove of books and picked a small paperback, bringing it to Joel.
“I really think you would like him.” You placed the book over his flannel on the couch, then sat back beside Joel, the pile of fur just getting bigger beside you.
Dog grumbled, stretching.
“Yeah?” Joel asked softly.
“He is also an older, poetic soul, marred by war and loss.” You nod, your hand brushing over his as you pull loose fur. You continued, quietly. “Like us.”
Joel nodded, quietly, extending the brush to you. He held your hand as you pick it, then tugged you forward. He kissed your forehead, his nose pressed against your hair, both his hands around yours. You close your eyes, breathing deeply, willing to stay in that position for as long as he held you.
Dog grumbled and snorted, raising his head.
You felt Dog’s wet, soft tongue on your cheek, moistening the skin. You chuckled.
“Two handsome dangerous-looking gentlemen kissing me. Feels like I’m blessed. No danger shall reach me.”
Joel pulled back, smiling fondly. He caressed your cheek, then patted Dog, who laid down, offering his belly. With a chuckle, he went back to pulling the fur. ***
Joel appeared the next day with Ellie, Maria, Tommy and some others. While Maria checked on the dog, Joel led everybody else to the fence. It was finished that day.
You thanked everybody involved, promised things that didn’t matter. People agreed you looked better. You could see they looked relieved you were alive and looked well.
Something snapped inside your heart the moment you realized Joel would go back to his life and you suddenly had no excuses to keep him around you.
As people said their good byes, Joel stayed back.
“You didn’t get rid of me.” Joel bumped against your arm, jostling you playfully. You turned to him, wide eyed, facing his pleasant grin. “Now we built the headquarters, the meetings start.” You just stared, wide eyed, completely taken by his playful expression.
You had never seen Joel like this.
“I don’t understand.” You said, distracted by his eyes.
“Talked to Dog and we are gonna start the ‘Handsome Dangerous-looking Old Gentlemen Club’.” Joel placed one hand on his pocket, head tilting towards you. “We have daily meetings.”
You laugh, patting his chest.
“Wanna have the first meeting now? I bet Dog would love to fetch his ball in the yard.” You point at the door, Joel nods, following you. “Thank you.”
“I’m just glad you’re coming back to us, Sunshine.” He said softly, holding your shoulder and kissing the top of your head.
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nanshe-of-nina · 2 months
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Women’s History Meme || Virtually Unknown Women (8/10) ↬ Aleksandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (1872 – 1952)
One woman, and the least likely, was singled out by Stalin for a real political role. Aleksandra Kollontai, daughter of one Tsarist general and, by her first marriage, the wife of another, left her husband and child in 1898 to become a feminist, a libertine, and a Bolshevik. Exceptionally beautiful and a talented writer, although six years older than Stalin she enchanted him, as she did many men and women. She suspended his Georgian predilection for discreet, silent, and chaste women. Trotsky loathed Kollontai, and perhaps Stalin loved her for this alone. When revolution broke out, she began a torrid affair with a man seventeen years her junior, Pavel Dybenko, a muscular Ukrainian sailor who became commissar for the navy. Sailors ignored orders from Trotsky unless Dybenko confirmed them and Trotsky had Dybenko court-martialed. Kollontai, now commissar for social security, begged prosecutor Nikolai Krylenko to release Dybenko. Krylenko made her abjure her principles and become Dybenko’s wife. Kollontai’s love letters were copied by the Cheka to the Politburo and the couple inspired scabrous verse in Petrograd … Kollontai had to be sent away until the scandals died down. Stalin appointed her a semi-official envoy to Sweden and Norway; the latter was persuaded to recognize Soviet Russia partly because it had herrings to sell. Kollontai—an exemplary socialist—charmed the Scandinavian bourgeoisie and proved herself the Soviet Union’s most effective diplomat, even though the Swedes expelled her for political and sexual profligacy (she had long since cast off Dybenko). Thanks to Kollontai, the USSR secured half a million tons of Norwegian herring, and a grateful fishing industry stopped the Oslo press calling her a whore. — Stalin and His Hangmen: The Tyrant and Those Who Killed for Him by Donald Rayfield
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exchequershouse · 4 months
Every leader’s puppet summed up in one sentence. At least the ones that appear on SI.
Harold Macmillan: No one knows what he’s saying but his heart is in the right place
Alec Douglas-Home: He’s Prime Minister, you know
Edward Heath: All he wants to do is be a sailor
Margaret Thatcher: All one needs is a useless cabinet, crocodiles and an affair with Reagan
John Major: The true grey man - now available in light and dark grey
Harold Wilson: Has anything good happened to him ever apart from that holiday
James Callaghan: He’s probably a founder of some small time hitman agency where the hitmen are dogs
Michael Foot: Sometimes you just want to be a socialist
Neil Kinnock: Everything will be alright as soon as the roses are installed
John Smith: He did not sign up for any of this torture
Tony Blair: Someone should throw him in the air for fun
Liberals / SDP / Lib Dem
David Steel: What a nice tiny man who deserves the world
Roy Jenkins: David took the party leadership in the divorce
David Owen: Killing a man should be legal but it’s not so I must suffer
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On November 7, 1917 (October 25 by the old Russian calendar), the workers, soldiers and sailors of Petrograd stormed the Winter Palace and put power in the hands of the revolutionary soviets led by Lenin’s Bolshevik communist party. 
The world’s first successful socialist uprising literally changed the world – inaugurating the era of national liberation and socialist revolutions.
All Power to the Soviets: a resource on the Russian Revolution The website “All Power to the Soviets,” assembled throughout the revolution’s centenary in 2017, is a great resource on this world historic event that continues to inspire revolutionary workers and oppressed peoples around the world.
"Ten Days the Shook the World" By John Reed
"The History of the Russian Revolution" By Leon Trotsky
"Lessons of October: The Struggle Against Imperialist War" By Sam Marcy
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krysmcscience · 3 months
Intro post I will prolly edit later, lol
Figured I needed to make a pinned post at some point for people checking out my page.
Here's my ko-fi - And yes, I do commissions. The prices are based on the time and effort it takes me. If you want something cheap and low-effort, I offer '$1 per minute' sketches. I can do more with that time than you might think. (Granted, I also worry way less about pesky things like anatomy and outfit details.)
Here's my Ao3 - My stuff is dark and unpleasant, because my life has been dark and unpleasant, and thus what I write is not meant for either children or people who think censoring dark and unpleasant things helps anyone. :) My stuff is also Pretty Dang Queer.
Here's my original art tag - I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Breach, and a bit of Heavenshine. On hold is The Spirit Marauder, Starlight Killer, and Bleached Canvas, among other stories that I may or may not have posted about. Sometimes I forget to tag character and story names and such, though, because I am bad at tagging.
Here's my fanart tag - Again, I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Cult of the Lamb, and a bit of Among Us. I may sometimes still draw for Pokemon, Zelda, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, and Tokyo Mew Mew, among other things, but most of my older stuff doesn't have the fanart tag (because again - I am bad at tagging). I no longer draw for Homestuck, though I may still reblog posts about it that I find funny, and while I don't think I ever posted art for it here, anyway, my InuYasha hyperfixation died the moment my comfort character was turned into a pedophile. It is liable to never recover. u_u
Here's my art reblog tag - I very rarely reblog other folks' art. Not because I don't like it, but because if I reblogged every bit of art that I liked, I would probably overwhelm all my followers' dashboards. 8|; If you want to see all the stuff I like, anyway, my likes are public.
Here's my everything else tag - I'll usually stick this onto my ramblings, or on reblogs of stuff that isn't other folks' art.
Quick n' dirty deets about me: Filthy socialist (meaning ACAB, fuck MAGA, terfs can GTFO, from the river to the sea, and so on). Also, gendervoid aro-ace aegosexual with rampant AuDHD.
NO, I do not do drawing or writing requests. I do not have the time or energy. I may do random gifts for other artists or writers if I get the inspiration for it, but that's at my own discretion.
NO, I will not mark any of my posts as mature. I do not post smut art, I make clear what my writings contain in both the writings and posts themselves, and the internet is not a safe space for children. If you're a minor, best to steer clear of my page, and if you choose not to - because goodness knows I would have done the same at that age - then heed the provided warnings and proceed with caution. I am no one's parent or babysitter, and no one on the internet should expect me to be.
NO, I will not turn on anonymous messages. The moment my InuYasha comfort character was turned into a pedophile and I spoke out about it, I was harassed en masse by the grossest part of the fandom. If you want to be an asshole at me, you can do it with the full knowledge that I'll be outing you for your assholery the second you do. :)
YES, you can message me, provided you've been following me for more than a week. I don't always know what to say, though, so if I don't reply, that's on me and not you. (It tends to take me a while to reply to things, anyway. I am consistently tired and overwhelmed, plus a massive introvert.)
YES, you can draw or write stuff based off of what I've drawn or written! Of course you can!! Please do!!! Just share it with me first!!!!! OuO
YES, you can spam me with likes and reblogs, I do not mind at all. I don't even care how old the post is, so go nuts, my dude - like and reblog to your heart's content.
Krys is pronounced the same as "Chris", not "cries". If we start chatting and get to the point where we start talking over mics and you call me "Cries", I can promise that I while I WILL roll with it, I will also NEVER let you live it down, so if it's easier for you, just call me Terri. It's pronounced like normal, but short for Terrible.
I know it says 'she/them' in my bio, but gender is a nebulous void for me, so I don't actually care what pronouns you use for me.
As of June 17, 2024, I am 36. And yes, I feel fucking old.
Don't bother me with pro/anti-shipping garbage. I do not care about shipping wars. I cannot possibly care about shipping wars, not when half of my own ships are toxic garbage. What I do care about is whether or not a toxic garbage ship is framed correctly, especially when it's aimed at a young and impressionable audience. (LOOKING HARD AT YOU, YASHAHIME.)
If you know me from DA, NO YOU DO NOT. I just went through all my old posts on there, and good GRAVY was I fucking annoying. I should show all that shit to my mom and be like, 'Are you SURE I didn't have ADHD growing up??? Cuz it sure READS like I had ADHD growing up!!!'
I don't know what else to add here at the moment, so I'ma go back to recovering from weeks worth of working on comic stuff now. <:]
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tilbageidanmark · 17 days
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TRANCES (1981) is an infectious documentary about the influential Moroccan avant-pop band 'Nass El Ghiwane'. It's like 'The last Waltz' but in Casablanca. A must for fans of traditional Arabic music.
This was the first film that Martin Scorsese restored when he launched his "World Cinema Foundation" in 2007. My 4th Moroccan film. A transcendental experience [with one caveat: They gave amazing concerts to large, ecstatic crowds - and not a single woman in the audience!] This is the 9th film from the Scorsese's list that I've seen. I must remember to come back to it very soon.
(Another concert, but of a completely different kind: Andrea Bochelli's LOVE IN PORTOFINO. This is for the folks who like to sit in the square by the water when the evening falls, dressed in white cottons, sip white wine while eating fried clams or seafood pizza, while listening to Bochelli's frothy, sentimental baritone.)
POOL OF LONDON (1951), my 5th drama-Noir from mostly-forgotten master Basil Dearden. Sailors on leave and a jewel heist, as well as a sensitive interracial romance, the first white and Jamaican relationship in British cinema. Crisp on-location scenes and good character development.
Next: His 'The League of Gentlemen'.
I've developed an interest in the emerging sub-genre of 'Domestic Workers’, mostly movies from South America and Southeast Asia. Many of these are fantastic; 'Àma Gloria', 'The second mother', 'Lina from Lima', 'Roma', 'The maid', 'Ilo Ilo', 'The chambermaid', Etc.
But I did not expect for the documentary YAYA (2018) to emerge as the most touching of this week's movies. A young filmmaker in Hong Kong, Justin Cheung, turned the camera on his own family, to explore their relationship with the woman who took care of him the first 22 years of his life.
Philippine Au-pairs in Hong Kong are some of the most exploited and abused workers in the world. And while his helper-maid was not mistreated, she gave up her own life to take care of somebody else's kids. Recommended! 8/10.
🍿 (I have no idea why I never seen this masterpiece.) LA STRADA (1954), is the sad and poignant story of simple-minded Giulietta Masina, who was sold to 'brutish strongman' Anthony Quinn for 10,000 lire. She's a mythic, Chaplinesque 'Fool' who's being abused and mistreated as she joins him traveling round the countryside in their little freak-show. Until she dies of a heartbreak. Its tragedy is accented by Nino Rosi's sentimental score. 8/10.
🍿 THE MAGIC HOUR (2008), my second screwball comedy [After 'Welcome back, Mr. McDonald'] by Kōki Mitani, "The Best Japanese Filmmaker You've Never Heard Of". A failed bit actor gets a job to play a mysterious hit man, not realizing that the movie he's starring in is going to be 'real'. It's a lighthearted meta-film about making a movie, not unlike 'Day for night', but set in some seaport gangster-land. It's like 'Casablanca' but with a Nino Rosi like score. Includes a cameo of director Kon Ichikawa, the last before his death.
🍿 THE OLD OAK, the latest (and probably his very last film) from the 88-year-old socialist Brit. A warm and 'humane' story full of small and heartfelt emotions, it kept me in tears from opening to the end. Ordinary people who suffer in so many ways. The inhabitants of a decaying ex-mining town can barely manage to hang on, and now they have to deal with a group of Syrian refugees - "Foreigners!" - who had lost it all in the war, and are being repatriated to their midst. Loach's films are usually about working-class Brits who's been getting the shaft for generations, and sometimes retain their humanity. And so is this one. 9/10.
🍿 “First they called you a terrorist, they they called you a hero”.
11′09″01 SEPTEMBER 11 is an anthology film from 2002. Eleven filmmakers contributed each a segment of 11 minutes and 9 seconds with different perspectives on the World Trade Center attacks. Some of the productions were better than others. Ken Loach had a Chilean exile in London write a letter to the families of the victims with the story of the Chilean September 11 attack of democracy (1973/CIA/Kissinger/Pinochet). In the Iranian segment, a teacher in a refugee camp was trying unsuccessfully to tell her young pupils about the attack. A poor boy in Burkina Faso imagined that he saw Osama bin Ladin in the market, and that he can use the $25M reward money to help his dying mom. Claude Lelouch told of a deaf French woman who sits next to the TV, but misses the news because she can't hear it. A Bosnian woman goes to the scheduled demonstration about the Srebrenica massacre. Etc. A mixed bag.
🍿 TIME TO GO is his 1989 documentary, pushing for British withdrawal from Northern Ireland. I actually don't know more than the average laymen about Irish history, so I need to take a reading course about the "Troubles" and what brought it.
Another first watch: TRAINSPOTTING (1996). There were half a dozen films which I avoided until now, because I felt, rightly or wrongly, that they are too distressing: 'Requiem for a dream', Lars von Trier's 'Melancholia' (actually, all his movies), 'Salò', 'Funny Games' (both versions), 'A Serbian film', 'Kids', Etc. But now that I crossed 'Come and see' off this list, I also took a stab at this disgusting Scottish Heroin-chic shite-storm. Now I can say that I saw it too.
Well, I like Kelly Macdonald, and didn't expect her debut in an under-aged sex scene... Another plus, an appropriate use for Lou Reed's 'A perfect day'.
TIME PIECE, a terrific experimental 9-minute short by Jim Hanson which was nominated for an Oscar in 1965. A rhythmic masterpiece: "Help!" 8/10.
Extra: ROBOT (1963), another prophetic Hanson short, precursor to 'HAL9000'. I'm sure that both these films will be mentioned in his new bio-pic.
🍿 THE WHITE BUS (1967) told of a a taciturn young woman without a name who takes a double-Decker bus tour in a city without a future to experience some bizarre scenes without any rhyme or reason. It includes some surrealistic flourishes (A sudden tableaux of 'Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe', a fantasy about suicide, a long tour in the library where the pompous major keeps complaining about filthy books...). But what is the point of it all?
It was edited by Kevin Brownlow, and filmed by Miroslav Ondříček, But it will mostly be remembered as the film debut of one 30-year-old Anthony Hopkins, as a German Thespian reciting Brecht. 2/10.
🍿 O DREAMLAND (1953) is a macabre documentary short about a loud amusement park in Margate, Kent, and the multitudes of middle class patrons (and their many children) who visit it without much amusement in their eyes. It's melancholy and miserable and dour. 7/10. A fun Fair without the fun. (Screenshot Above).
"This guy is a one-man crime wave!"
FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE (1926), one of Harold Lloyd's most successful films. Including some great chase and slapstick gags.
The first time I saw DEREK DELGAUDIO's IN & OF ITSELF, I was blown away. The next 2 or 3 times I thought it was great. There's something that compelled me to return to this Magician-"Mentlist" installation piece again and again. But after 4 or 5 times, i realize what he's doing, and his shtick is not as polished as f. ex. Derren Brown's. Yes, he has a few numbers that looks fantastic (A random audience member picks a random letter from a pile, and opens it to read a personal letter from her dying father... The final sketch where he "knows" what secret cards did each and every member of the audience had picked), but for the rest, he's mostly manipulates us with shaggy anecdotes and tall tales of personal pains. And really, they are not as profound as he wants us to believe they are.
Hiroshi Teshigahara's HOKUSAI is a 1953 documentary about the woodblock artist, but a bit too old fashioned. I recently saw his 'The face of another', and should have watched 'Woman in the dunes' instead.
THE SUITCASE was episode 7 of 4th season of 'Mad Men', the exact middle of the series (46/92). I've seen it numerous times, and it's still one of the most emotionally gripping. Jon Hamm will never be as perfect as he was as Don Draper. And it's pretty amazing that he and Peggy Olsen never even kissed, let alone sleep together. 10/10. Re-watch ♻️. [*Female Director*]
"If there's one thing about me, it's repetition"...
My first by British comedian Steward Lee, his latest LIVE AT THE LOWRY came recommended by Hoots maguire, so here I am. Lee is a different kind of a stand-up: Dry, self-referential, erudite, and circular. His improvisations are jazzy. Recommended.
🍿 THE FINAL EXIT OF THE DISCIPLES OF ASCENSIA (2019) is a strange - and weird - story made by one young Jonni Peppers. It is done very much in the aesthetics, and spirit, of Don Hertzfeldt's 'World of Tomorrow', although it's far from being that coherent. A confused young woman joins an all-women UFO-cult, which, like the Heaven's Gate dudes, eventually "ascends". It doesn't really have a clear message, but it has quiet a few moments of beauty. Peppers is working with Victoria Vincent, whose film 'A dog that smokes weed' I've admired. The two songs she plays are very pretty. [*Female Director*]
🍿 HOW TO FIND LOVE IN AN UNBECOMING AGE, a first film by a young lesbian about hot dating today. Could become a series. 7/10. [*Female Director*]
🍿 3 MINUTOS (1999), a short Brazilian masterpiece. The phone rings in a kitchen, and the answering machine picks it up. A woman's voice is telling him that she decided to leave. Recommended. 9/10.
[This is actually the second film by Ana Luíza Azevedo I've seen. She co-directed 'Barbosa' with Jorge Furtado.]
🍿 LIKE TWENTY IMPOSSIBLES, my first by Palestinian Annemarie Jacir. A small Palestinian film crew is trying to cross a border checkpoint, and is subject to humiliating abuse by the Israeli soldiers. There were other films about the exact topic, the grinding brutality, the hopeless struggle just to stay human - "The cruelty is the point". And this was made in 2003, before the whole occupied territories turned into the big concentration camp it is today.
I promised myself that I will stop watching these traumatic films, and I will. But surprise! When the credits rolled, it appeared that this horrible true-to-life documentary was actually "Fiction"! The ugly film was so realistic, that it was a huge relief to discover it was "Only Art". 8/10.
🍿 THE INCREDIBLE THEFT OF CELINE'S BELOVED (2020), a cute French love letter to Wes Anderson. A 14 year old girl receives a surprise package in the mail. It's as if girl herself directed this story. 6/10. [*3 Female Directors*]
🍿 I started watching his heist story 'The Brothers Bloom', but couldn't finish it. Maybe I'll do it next week. Meanwhile I tried -
In BEN BOYER AND THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF AUTOMOBILE MARKETING, the voice of Carl Jung approaches a guy taking a shit with an archetypal explanation through the air-filter vent. The topic? The subconscious meaning of car brand logos. Made for $99 in 2001. With Pink Floyd 'Atom Heart Mother' score.
🍿 In THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DREAM ANALYSIS (2003) a young woman dreams somebody else's dreams. A student film that feels like one. 2/10.
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A liberal anarchist Luxemburgist Titoist IWW member professor and Rojava foreign fighter was teaching a class on Irving Kristol, a known Trotskyite.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Kristol and accept that he was the most class-conscious being the world has ever known, even greater than Thomas More!"
At that moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-worker Spetsnaz champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of Socialism in One Country and fully supported all military decision made by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics stood up and held up the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
"Why did Stalin invade Poland?"
The arrogant professor smirked quite Ukrainianly and smugly replied "He was a fascist, you stupid tankie"
"Wrong. He invaded to save eastern Poland from Hitler. If he was a fascist, as you say, why didn’t he declare war on Germany in 1939 like the fascist imperialist states of France and Britain?"
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears. The same tears American pigs cried for the "kulaks" (who lived in such luxury that most owned combine harvesters) when they were sent to face punishment for their crimes against the people in corrective-labor camps. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Noam Chomsky, wished he had joined the Stalin Society and become more than a bourgeois liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he wasn’t a member of the Communist Party!
The students applauded and all registered Communist that day and accepted Enver Hoxha as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Withering away of the state" flew into the room and perched atop the Red Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The Internationale was sung several times, and Kim Jong-un himself showed up and incited a new Intifada.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired after the ensuing Second Bolshevik Revolution. He was arrested by the Militsiya and sent to Siberia where he was executed with an ice axe to the head.
An ultra-leftist anarcho-liberal zionist professor and trotskyite wrecker was teaching a class on Amadeo Bordiga, a known revisionist.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Bordiga and accept that he was the the greatest communist theorist the world has ever known, even greater than Lenin!”
At this moment, a brave, nationalistic Red Army tank commander who had killed 1500 Kronstadt Sailors and understood that famines happen all the time because of material conditions and fully supported all military actions by Putin stood up and held up an AK-47.
”Who uses this weapon, ultra?”
The arrogant professor smirked quite revisionistly and smugly replied: “State capitalist imperialists, you stupid tankie”
”Wrong. It’s a weapon used by freedom fighters the world over. From Russia and Iran to our comrades in the Islamic State, this gun is a symbol of REAL AND ACTUALLY EXISTING socialist movements”
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Conquest of Bread. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears. The same tears ultras cry for the “Kulaks" (who lived in such bourgeois luxury that they had bread to eat) when they jealously try to claw justly earned labour vouchers from the deserving vanguard. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Leon Trotsky, wished he had learned the importance of dialectics and become more than a sophist leftcom professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself in embarrassment, but his undialectic anarchist commune forbid weapons!
The students applauded and all registered CPGB-ML that day and accepted Lenin as their lord and savoir. An eagle named “The Dictatorship of the Proletariat” flew into the room and perched atop the Soviet flag and shed a tear on the chalk. Several saying were read aloud from Maos book, and Stalin himself showed up and gave them extra bread rations for a week.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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Mary Elaine LeBey
Another moment for today - 80th Anniversary - December 7th, 1941 - of all the heroes and moments from Pearl Harbor that will get shared today, I will share this one, of women firefighters doing their part, as planes with bombs soared over their heads.
* * * *
December 7, 2023
DEC 8, 2023
On the sunny Sunday morning of December 7, 1941, Messman Doris Miller had served breakfast aboard the USS West Virginia, stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and was collecting laundry when the first of nine Japanese torpedoes hit the ship.
In the deadly confusion, Miller reported to an officer, who told him to help move the ship’s mortally wounded captain off the bridge. Unable to move him far, Miller pulled the captain to shelter. Then another officer ordered Miller to pass ammunition to him as he started up one of the two abandoned anti-aircraft guns in front of the conning tower. 
Miller had not been trained to use the weapons because, as a Black man in the U.S. Navy, he was assigned to serve the white officers. But while the officer was distracted, Miller began to fire one of the guns. He fired it until he ran out of ammunition. Then he helped to move injured sailors to safety before he and the other survivors abandoned the West Virginia, which sank to the bottom of Pearl Harbor.
That night, the United States declared war on Japan. Japan declared war on America the next day, and four days later, on December 11, 1941, both Italy and Germany declared war on America. “The powers of the steel pact, Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany, ever closely linked, participate from today on the side of heroic Japan against the United States of America,” Italian leader Benito Mussolini said. “We shall win.” Of course they would. Mussolini and Germany’s leader, Adolf Hitler, believed the Americans had been corrupted by Jews and Black Americans and could never conquer their own organized military machine.
The steel pact, as Mussolini called it, was the vanguard of his new political ideology. That ideology was called fascism, and he and Hitler thought it would destroy democracy once and for all.
Mussolini had been a socialist as a young man and had grown terribly frustrated at how hard it was to organize people. No matter how hard socialists tried, they seemed unable to convince ordinary people that they must rise up and take over the country’s means of production.
The efficiency of World War I inspired Mussolini. He gave up on socialism and developed a new political theory that rejected the equality that defined democracy. He came to believe that a few leaders must take a nation toward progress by directing the actions of the rest. These men must organize the people as they had been organized during wartime, ruthlessly suppressing all opposition and directing the economy so that businessmen and politicians worked together. And, logically, that select group of leaders would elevate a single man, who would become an all-powerful dictator. To weld their followers into an efficient machine, they demonized opponents into an “other” that their followers could hate.
Italy adopted fascism, and Mussolini inspired others, notably Germany's Hitler. Those leaders came to believe that their system was the ideology of the future, and they set out to destroy the messy, inefficient democracy that stood in their way.
America fought World War II to defend democracy from fascism. And while fascism preserved hierarchies in society, democracy called on all people as equals. Of the more than 16 million Americans who served in the war, more than 1.2 million were African American men and women, 500,000 were Latinos, and more than 550,000 Jews were part of the military. Among the many ethnic groups who fought, Native Americans served at a higher percentage than any other ethnic group—more than a third of able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 50 joined the service—and among those 25,000 soldiers were the men who developed the famous “Code Talk,” based in tribal languages, that codebreakers never cracked.
The American president at the time, Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt, hammered home that the war was about the survival of democracy. Fascists insisted that they were moving their country forward fast and efficiently—claiming the trains ran on time, for example, although in reality they didn’t—but FDR constantly noted that the people in Italy and Germany were begging for food and shelter from the soldiers of democratic countries.
Ultimately, the struggle between fascism and democracy was the question of equality. Were all men really created equal as the Declaration of Independence said, or were some born to lead the rest, whom they held subservient to their will?
Democracy, FDR reminded Americans again and again, was the best possible government. Thanks to armies made up of men and women from all races and ethnicities, the Allies won the war against fascism, and it seemed that democracy would dominate the world forever.
But as the impulse of WWII pushed Americans toward a more just and inclusive society after it, those determined not to share power warned their supporters that including people of color and women as equals in society would threaten their own liberty. Those reactionary leaders rode that fear into control of our government, and gradually they chipped away the laws that protected equality. Now, once again, democracy is under attack by those who believe some people are better than others.
The once-grand Republican Party has been captured by the right wing. It has lined up behind former president Donald Trump and his cronies, who have vowed to replace the nonpartisan civil service with loyalists and to weaponize the Department of Justice and the military against those they perceive as enemies. They have promised to incarcerate and deport millions of immigrants and children of immigrants, send federal troops into Democratic cities, ban Muslims, silence LGBTQ+ Americans, prosecute journalists, and end abortion across the country. They will put in place an autocracy in which a powerful leader and his chosen loyalists make the rules under which the rest of us must live.
Will we permit the destruction of American democracy on our watch?
When America came under attack before, people like Doris Miller refused to let that happen. For all that American democracy still discriminated against him, it gave him room to stand up for the concept of human equality—and he laid down his life for it. Promoted to cook after the Navy sent him on a publicity tour, Miller was assigned to a new ship, the USS Liscome Bay, which was struck by a Japanese torpedo on November 24, 1943. It sank within minutes, taking two thirds of the crew, including Miller, with it.
I hear a lot these days about how American democracy is doomed and the reactionaries will win. Maybe. But the beauty of our system is that it gives us people like Doris Miller.
Even better, it makes us people like Doris Miller.
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roman-roy-monkey · 1 year
Some Thoughts on Dasha Nekrasova (comfrey from succession) and The "Irony-Pilled Micro-Celebrity, to Borderline right winger" Pipeline.
This morning I fell down the Dasha Nekrasova (of HBO's succession) rabbit hole.
I've taken a particular fixation on a pattern I call: "irony-pilled leftists turned borderline right wingers." I've found that it almost exclusively plagues white women online.
If you haven't heard of her, Dasha is an "internet micro-celebrity" who's gone from a full fledged socialist; being featured in a viral info wars clip, advocating for Bernie sanders and universal healthcare, in full sailor moon garb; to hosting a podcast called "the red scare," being vehemently pro anorexia, becoming a catholic "ironically," and shouting slurs with Ivy Wolk for an "avant-garde post modern movie" about 4 Chan and cancel culture.
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Neither Ivy Wolk nor Dasha Nekrasova are the fixation of this sub stack piece, but they are mentioned a few times, and the impression they leave is definitely sour. If you're at all interested, it's an insane read that I really recommend. I had nothing better to do and actually bothered reading the entire thing, if you're a normal person you can probably skip the majority of the beginning and still retain it's story and messaging.
On the topic of her acting career, Dasha most notably had a cameo-esque role as, Comfrey, in the hit HBO show, Succession. I'm a huge fan of the show and took notice to her absence in the fourth and final season, as did this twitter user:
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Citing her recent pro anorexia twitter ramblings and a controversial podcast interview with the right wing extremist, and conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, as possible reasons for her absence in most recent installments of HBO's Succession.
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In November 2021, she posted pictures on Instagram of her and her Red Scare co-host posing alongside Alex Jones. In the subsequent installment of her podcast, she called him an "incredible entertainer."
The right has seemingly welcomed her with open arms. Dasha has risked allegedly losing her most tangible role in television, for the sole opportunity to grift among figures like Alex. She posits herself as an intellectual, but in an ironic artsy way that you just couldn't understand.
In actuality she's a public figure steeped in post ironic filth, with no self awareness or care for the marginalized communities she's potentially sacrificing.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 4.19 (after 1940)
1942 – World War II: In German-occupied Poland, the Majdan-Tatarski ghetto is established, situated between the Lublin Ghetto and a Majdanek subcamp. 1943 – World War II: In German-occupied Poland, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising begins, after German troops enter the Warsaw Ghetto to round up the remaining Jews. 1943 – Albert Hofmann deliberately doses himself with LSD for the first time, three days after having discovered its effects on April 16, an event commonly known and celebrated as Bicycle Day. 1956 – Actress Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier of Monaco. 1960 – Students in South Korea hold a nationwide pro-democracy protest against president Syngman Rhee, eventually forcing him to resign. 1971 – Sierra Leone becomes a republic, and Siaka Stevens the president. 1971 – Launch of Salyut 1, the first space station. 1971 – Charles Manson is sentenced to death (later commuted to life imprisonment) for conspiracy in the Tate–LaBianca murders. 1973 – The Portuguese Socialist Party is founded in the German town of Bad Münstereifel. 1975 – India's first satellite Aryabhata launched in orbit from Kapustin Yar, Russia. 1975 – South Vietnamese forces withdrew from the town of Xuan Loc in the last major battle of the Vietnam War. 1976 – A violent F5 tornado strikes around Brownwood, Texas, injuring 11 people. Two people were thrown at least 1,000 yards (910 m) by the tornado and survived uninjured. 1984 – Advance Australia Fair is proclaimed as Australia's national anthem, and green and gold as the national colours. 1985 – Two hundred ATF and FBI agents lay siege to the compound of the white supremacist survivalist group The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord in Arkansas; the CSA surrenders two days later. 1987 – The Simpsons first appear as a series of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show, first starting with "Good Night". 1989 – A gun turret explodes on the USS Iowa, killing 47 sailors. 1993 – The 51-day FBI siege of the Branch Davidian building in Waco, Texas, USA, ends when a fire breaks out. Seventy-six Davidians, including 18 children under age 10, died in the fire. 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing: The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, USA, is bombed, killing 168 people including 19 children under the age of six. 1999 – The German Bundestag returns to Berlin. 2000 – Air Philippines Flight 541 crashes in Samal, Davao del Norte, killing all 131 people on board. 2001 – Space Shuttle Endeavour is launched on STS-100 carrying the Canadarm2 to the International Space Station. 2005 – Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is elected to the papacy and becomes Pope Benedict XVI. 2011 – Fidel Castro resigns as First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba after holding the title since July 1961. 2013 – Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is killed in a shootout with police. His brother Dzhokhar is later captured hiding in a boat inside a backyard in the suburb of Watertown. 2020 – A killing spree in Nova Scotia, Canada, leaves 22 people and the perpetrator dead, making it the deadliest rampage in the country's history. 2021 – The Ingenuity helicopter becomes the first aircraft to achieve flight on another planet.
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newyorkmylife · 6 months
What is it like to be a man and a father?
I haven't written in too long. It's 2am again.
Beautiful, beautiful things have happened. I was in Japan for 2 months and I ought to write a beautiful, long blog post about it - soon. I wanna tell you all the adventures, big and miniscule moments of life in Japan and what it felt like to make a dream come true.
Also, some bad things have happened. Luckily, I'm physically ok and I'm immensely grateful for that. I just have to deal with helping my dad from across the world. As I go through the 25th year of my life, I realized that he is just like me. Truly. When he was around my same age he lost his dad. He mourned and suffered a lot. Born in a socialist country that shattered into pieces. Alone without a brother or a grandfather, left by himself to contemplate what has remained of his life.
A brilliant mind that searched for refuge. Who worked as a sailor, construction worker and warehouse worker for many years. Always holding close his inner child, pursuing the whimpering flame of his dreams. He tried to launch a few websites - including online shops and funny ideas - but could never turn that into the job that would free himself from a life sentence of labor.
I can only imagine what he feels like. What did he feel like to lose your dad and national identity? What did he feel when he moved to a new country before the internet with the hope of a better life but finding himself in trouble? How many things has he withstood and witnessed in more than 50 years?
I can't forget the first time he had psychosis. I was only 12 and although I felt that he was a bit more stressed out than usual, I still believed he was himself. I knew that he was still the dad that I know.
I wonder if I had the knowledge and capacity that I have now - how would I have helped him? How would I have prevented the start of a cycle of ups and downs, depression, drugs and psychosis, that has repeated itself for more than 10 years now?
My aunt blames him for taking drugs. But can I? Can I blame my own father for seeking refuge from a world that has no mercy for those who wish the walls were a little softer and the harsh winters a bit warmer?
Yes, drugs are destructive. Despite that, I feel I understand him.
What can I do to help him now?
He brought me to the beach when I told him I wanted to see the sea.
He brought me to a small town when I told him I wanted to meet a girl from an online app.
He brought me to another city a few hours away when I wanted to see the Iron Maiden's concert - even though we didn't have money to actually buy the tickets. We listened to the open-air concert behind a metal mesh. We stayed up the whole night sitting at a bench in front of the train station because we didn't have money for accommodation. Yet, we were there, and that's all that mattered to me. I had seen Iron Maiden perform live.
He brought me chocolate bars and peanuts when he returned home in the night at 10pm after a long day.
He always supported my anti-establishment views and my desire to seek a greater meaning for myself.
Even though he's not perfect, even though sometimes he put himself first. I know he was working hard every day. A brilliant mind trapped into repetitive, heavy jobs. Gasping for a better future but never quite reaching it.
Now that I'm 25 - now that I'm wiser and older - now that I'm a man. How can I save my dad?
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artificialalienn · 1 year
Ummm woke but ellsworld paula and patricia would be sailors instead of pilots :3 and their pirates… tori is a socialist yes they all told me this personally cos im their bestie 😛
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a-force-dyad-in-space · 10 months
Nine People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Tagged by: @spidey-loving-starkid
Reylo (Rey × Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Star Wars)
Harusagi (Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon × Tenou Haruka/Sailor Uranus, Sailor Moon)
SongXue (Xue Yang × Song Lan, The Untamed)
1st SHIP (I assume, the first ship I ever shipped?)
"Do You Hear What I Hear", performed by Pentatonix and Whitney Houston (listening to my PTX Christmas playlist atm 🎅🏻)
Snowpiercer (I recently finished the Snowpiercer TV show and wanted to rewatch the movie to compare; pretty different in tone and I like how the show expands on the world building; both stand very well on their own)
I actually haven't really been doing much reading recently, I couldn't really focus while I was sick, but here are the books that have Currently Reading status according to my StoryGraph in no particular order:
Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule
Palestine Speaks by Cate Malek & Mateo Hoke
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction by Sumaya Awad & Brian Bean
Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
'Salem's Lot by Stephen King
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty
The Zeppelin Deception by Colleen Gleason
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
New Amsterdam (Season 4)
Riverdale (Season 1; I started rewatching it recently, this time prepared for the madness)
Doctor Who (newest episodes; seeing Bernard Cribbins as Wilf one last time was so sweet 🥲)
I actually haven't eaten anything yet, so I'll go with a consumption of another kind
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Nothing really, Covid more or less ruined my appetite 🥲🥲🥲
No pressure Tags:
@byallaccountsitdoesntmakesense @kylosroboarm @cenedrariva @calamity-queen @miguellohara @prince-and-scavenger
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9 people you’d like to get to know better
got tagged by the lovely @arinaxiv thank youuuuuu (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡
Three Ships:
Maedhros/Fingon (Silmarillion etc) (The Most Ship. the whole drama, oh Eru. Unnumbered Tears indeed.)
Tennou Haruka/Kaiou Michiru (Sailor Moon) (ethereal. perfect. actually in a healthy relationship. also that scene towards the end of the battle against Galaxia, where everyone dies (for the n-th time) and they use their last bits of strength to reach for each other's hands broke me)
Aranea Highwind/Ignis Scientia (FFXV) (they don't even have much shared dialogue in the game iirc but the bits they do have completely rewired my brain. they compliment each other's character so well. i just think they're neat.)
First Ever Ship: huge supporter of Kunzite/Zoisite in Sailor Moon since age 6 (and unknowing fujoshi, thanks german synchro, i owe you so much)
Last Song: On the Dark Waters by Amorphis (i listen to music almost all the time, this is just what was playing as i typed this. it’s also really good tho. the entire album is really good imho, i basically have it on repeat atm.)
Currently Reading: i have that sickness where i read multiple books at once. the one in my hand bag, meaning most actively being read, is The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner. (victorian ladies solving murders by asking ghosts who killed them how awesome is that)
Currently Watching: just finished Moriarty the Patriot. (Apparently the only way to make Sherlock Holmes palatable to me is transforming it into a bishounen anime and make Moriarty a murderous socialist and also the protagonist)
Currently Consuming: ungodly amounts of baked goods (sadly not in this moment but in general) and yarn (i’m not eating the yarn i swear. must. make. sock.)
Currently Craving: freetime to make things (i need more socks. my feet are cold.... so cold…. also let's not talk about the fabric stash)
Honestly don't know who to tag, i'm feeling very self conscious about poking people at the moment, esp about personal stuffs 🙊
If you see this sliding across your dash and love filling questionnaires feel free though <3
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