#saimon x reader
nian-7 · 6 months
Hii can i have some jealous headcanons for saimon, yohei, hajun and dongha? :'00 thanks in advance
hi! i don't write for dongha sadly but i did the other three! enjoy!
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Saimon, Yohei, Hajun x gn!reader
✧jealous headcanons
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-Saimon doesn't really get jealous at all, he's mature and can understand that you're allowed to be friends with whoever you'd like. He trusts you to be able to stop any advances someone tries to make on you.
-Now, if he were to get jealous it'd be very subtle. He might just pull you closer to him when someone seems to be flirting with you and you don't notice or do anything about it. Just a subtle way to tell them that you're taken.
-He's just not a very openly jealous person when he does get jealous, he tends to keep it under wraps and won't even mention that he did get a bit jealous.
-He's not the type to get jealous over something like you giving someone more attention than him. He knows you'll give him attention later so there's no reason for him to get jealous over it.
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-Similar to Saimon, he doesn't usually get openly jealous but he does get jealous much easier than Saimon. That's not to say he's good at hiding it though, it can be a bit more on the obvious side if you were actually trying to make him jealous.
-He usually will tell the person off who's trying to flirt their way into a date with you and clearly show that you're taken by having an arm around your waist.
-Yohei doesn't take lightly to people trying to get with you especially when he's around to witness it. As much as he'd like to let you take care of it, he can't help but step in just because of the twinge of jealousy he feels when you're trying to nicely brush them off.
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-Hajun literally just deflects it back onto you. He could either change the subject completely or bring up the fact that you're just trying to make him jealous because you're jealous of his fangirls.
-Really annoying about it.. He never will deny being jealous and instead he dodges the topic. In reality, he does get jealous fairly easily. Just simply seeing you pay more attention to some other guy will cause him to come up behind you and give out a snide comment to the guy.
-It's fairly easy to tell if he is jealous just because sometimes he thinks he's hiding it well enough and he's just not. He gets visibly irked by the fact that you could be paying more attention to some other guy when he's clearly meant to be your prince.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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paraliveimaginesblog · 6 months
the drunk mc rejecting their partners because they didn't recognize them was so cute and funny please <3 was wondering if you can do something similar for iori, saimon, and ryoga, thank you so much!!!
(i'm so sorry to Saimon FASDFASD)
Iori Suiseki:
Now this was an interesting situation. When he sidled up next to you at the bar he expected you to greet him with enthusiasm, but instead he received a side eye like he hadn’t showered in a week. When you purposely get up and put a seat between you, it takes all his self-control to not burst out laughing, hiding his smile behind his hand as he knew you’d find him even shadier if you saw his reaction. He tried to play it cool, calling out your name and reveling in the shocked look on your face; you actually looked like you might call the cops on him, head whipping around to see if there was any security nearby. He popped up a family picture on his phone, zooming in on your happy faces squished together due to everyone trying to cram into the picture. You took a moment, looking between the picture and him a comical amount of time before accepting that you knew this man for sure. There’s a thought chipping away at the back of his mind, the one that reminded him how lucky he was to have you and that this could’ve been his reality (with him just a stranger to you) if he hadn’t reached back out to you after the death of the Suiseki Clan. You seemed to trust him enough to walk you back to your home (which he subsequently had a key for, leading to more panic before the kids stepped in to back Iori up).
Naoakira Saimon:
Saimon is admittedly amused by the situation, hands sliding into his pockets as you clarify that you’re happily taken. You rambled a bit about the situation, hitting a sore point as you talked about how you weren’t sure if he saw you or his late wife when you were together, but you quickly apologized to the stranger as your sad thoughts weren’t meant to slip out like that. Saimon offered to hear you out, having a glass of water delivered directly to you as you both sat back down at the bar. He listened to woes that you could never be direct with, thoughts that scared you because you never knew the answer to them; he feels guilty that you felt like this, having to hold himself back from physically comforting you like he wanted to. He thanked you for putting your trust in him with your words, promising that he would see you home safely so that you have the chance to tell your boyfriend exactly how you feel.
Ryoga Tosa:
Ryoga let out a huff, not knowing if you were just messing with him in your drunken stupor or not. But he knew how you were normally, and the way you pulled yourself away with a fierce glare at a man who towered over you, biceps the size of your head, made him realize just how deep your loyalty ran. He couldn’t admit that it was making him feel some type of way due to the situation at hand, which was convincing you his intent was pure and he was simply trying to see you home safely. He considered just tossing you over his shoulder and running, but he wasn’t looking to add more years onto his sentence should someone call the cops on him. He has a very non-threatening Yuto escort you home safely, not happy he had to ask for help but your safety took priority over his pride.
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mera-k1 · 2 months
Hii!! Can we get a first kiss hcs with TCW and/or AKYR, please? Whether its cute giggly ones or the slow and steady,,,🤲🌹
(((I actually sent an anon ask on this but i got a notif that something went wrong with it lol, but lmk if it actually slides into your inbox:0)))
Have a nice one!
it never did come into my inbox but dw!! hope you enjoy the fluff~ later note: GOT WAY TOO LONG... PUTTING AKYR IN A SEP POST!!
First Kiss
TCW x gn!reader
-fluff, idk u guys kiss 😱, not rlly in order so here's order i wrote in -> yohei, shiki, ryu, saimon
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having to watch your boyfriend clean counters and sweep the floor wasn't the most exciting thing in the world. but.. he didn't look half bad while doing it. with the sleeves of his bartender 'uniform' rolled up and his focused expression, you couldn't help but admire him. well, okay.. you hadn't been dating that long but the crush you had on yohei was... you've had to for a little longer than you'd like to admit. so when he accepted your confession, you were extremely surprised that the cold-fronted man had actually accepted.
besides that, you really just had wanted to spend some time with him lately. after all, he'd been working so much! why not take some time off and spend some time with you? that's what you had proposed but-
"i needa finish cleaning, babe."
those were the only words that had been spoken since you had gotten here. letting out a dramatic sigh, you slumped down onto the bar counter that he had just finished cleaning. the damp, cool counter smelled of cleaning supplies and you wrinkled your nose at the sudden strong smell and lifted your head back up to wipe your now wet cheek.
"what're you sighing for?" he looked over after you had let out the dramatic sigh, cloth in hand as he wiped down the opposite end of the counter from you.
"i just wanna spend time with you!" you put your elbow onto the counter, leaning your face into your hand as you stared at him. yohei returned your sigh with one of his own as he shook his head.
"i told you i've-"
"i know what you told me!" you huffed out at him, a pout forming on your face as he walked over to you.
"tell you what," he started, looking at your pouty face. yeah... there was no way he could say no to you now. he was being a little mean, wasn't he? he briefly leaned down, planting a quick peck on your lips before walking back over to the previously abandoned cloth he had been using to clean. "we'll go out somewhere once--" you didn't hear the rest as your face turned pink as you suddenly shot up, shock evident on your face.
"y-you kissed me!" you covered your mouth, half from shock and the other half... you weren't really sure. "that was the first time you've ever kissed me!" he looked over at you, a faint pink color appearing on his cheeks.
"...mh. i- i guess i did."
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okay so.. maybe it was a little bit awkward, eating lunch with your boyfriend. or well... new boyfriend. not like you've ever had one before but it felt awkward to sit by him during lunch uninvited. but... it's kind of an unspoken thing that you're allowed to do that, right? you had been friends beforehand but... this whole relationship thing was kinda hard... especially with your shy boyfriend.
"uh- uhm- th-thank you for eating with me, (name)..." shiki mumbled, shyly. his face growing pink with blush. you weren't sure if he was flustered by you unexpectedly sitting by him or if he had just remembered that you two were technically dating after that mess of a confession from you. god, you didn't even want to think about it right now...
"no problem!" you gave him a content smile which seemed to make his face go redder. even though it hadn't been long, you were happy that this sweetheart of a guy was your boyfriend. he might be timid but you still loved him!
"ah.. (name)?" he looked over at you, a hesitant expression on his face. it was almost impossible to tell what he was about to ask you with that expression. it almost looked like pity, but you knew it wasn't- but it also looked like shyness? but he was shy about a whole lot of things!
"what's up?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation casual and not think about the possible question.
"w- would you like to go somewhere after school?" he mumbled, looking down shyly. "ah-! with- with me! if that's okay..." he quickly added. as if it wasn't obvious enough! of course you would love to go on a little date with him!
"of course! why wouldn't it be okay, shiki?" you gave him a smile as he almost immediately brightened up too.
"really?!" you nodded happily in response, getting up from your spot on the bench beside him and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before taking your bag and rushing off as the bell rang.
"i'll meet you outside your class after school, okay?!" you called as you jogged away, leaving him an embarrassed and blushing mess as he stared at you disappear in shock.
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some days, you weren't sure if you should regret asking ryu out. deep down you knew you didn't regret it, of course, but times when ryu was running around the room in a dino onesie, pretending to be a dinosaur made you wonder what you had really gotten yourself into when you asked him out.
"ROARR!! i'm gonna get ya, (name)!!" he made a scary face as he ran over to where you were sitting with his arms outstretched, ready to grab you. you couldn't help but laugh at his childishness when he tackled you down onto the carpet. "iiii... got you!!!"
you both became a fit of giggles after ryu tackled you down, cuddling in closer to you as if being on the floor was a normal occurrence for the two of you. "okay, okay.. it's time to actually get up and ready, ryu." you patted his head as he childishly wrapped his arms around you and shook his head with a pout.
"not yet! just a little longer, 'kay? and then we will blast off, captain!!" he declared, suddenly an astronaut instead of a dinosaur now. you couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled up inside of you.
"from dinosaur to astronaut? what a drastic switch!" you playfully teased him before he suddenly jumped up, pointing up towards the ceiling (which you assumed he was pointing towards the sky) and brought his finger back down to point at you on the floor.
"yes! we will be blasting off to the moon! astronaut ryu and (name) are making it to the moon!" he declared loudly as you got up from your spot on the ground and walked over to his excited face.
"i'm sure we will, ryu, but it's time to get ready, okay?" you smiled at him before he sighed, seemingly accepting the fact that he couldn't sit and have fun with you all day in his room.
"one thing before we blast off!" he gave a determined look, his hands on his hips. you raised your eyebrows at him as a silent 'go ahead'. "astronaut ryu needs a kiss before he gets ready!" you would have been flustered by his sudden request but seeing him so determined made you forget the blush that had burned onto your face when he said it. leaning in, you gave him a kiss on his smiling face before he cheered leaving you to look at him with a content smile on your face. yeah, he was definitely the one for you.
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"you don't have to force yourself, love," the deep, comforting voice of saimon sounded beside you as you both sat on his bed. you wanted to take your relationship a little farther and sleep beside him instead of sleeping in another room whenever you visited him. "take your time."
"no, no it's alright. i trust you and stuff, but i'm just nervous..." you sighed, nerves getting the better of you as you fiddled with your hands in your lap. his hand lifted from its spot behind you and rubbed your back, gently nudging you closer to him.
"you don't have to rush anything, love. i'll wait for you to be ready." he assured you as he rubbed your back, leaning down to kiss your temple.
your hand reached up to touch his face gently, leaning up to reach his face as well now and kiss him. for real this time. although it was your first real kiss with him, it felt so natural and comfortable as his hand held yours, thumb rubbing over your knuckles as you both held the kiss for what felt like minutes till you had to pull away for air.
"...sorry! i should have asked before doing that-" he had a soft smile on his face as you rambled on, flustered that you had done that without even asking him beforehand.
"it's alright, i enjoyed it just as much as you did. nothing to fret over, my love." god... this man would be the death of you without even trying..
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seangelfish · 4 months
hii Hii this may sound strange but I would like to ask for TWC (separately) reaction headcanons when they see their mc getting what she wants in restaurants, stores, etc thanks to her "pretty privilege" a double edged sword that helped her survive working as a model but at the same time she was treated as an object when she was a minor unu .
thanks in advance and also thanks for opening requests /hugg
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Featured characters: Naoakira Saimon, Yohei Kanbayashi, Ryu Natsume, Shiki Ando ♡ Tags: Headcanons, established relationships, casual romance, she/her pronouns, not proofread! ♡ Word count: 1,269 ♡ Synopsis: As stated in the request, you have pretty privilege. You could get anything you want for free! But there are limits, and not everyone sees what you see when using this to your leverage. ♡ A/N: I actually enjoyed writing this even though I wasn't really sure how to write it. It was an interesting request though, so I hope you like it~ (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
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Saimon tells you with sincerity that this is morally wrong. He doesn't condone this, lecturing you that this might backfire on you one day.
And for the first time in forever, you feel at ease at these words. You weren't sure why, but it was probably because when you usually get stuff given to you for free, the people around you encouraged it.
It was expected that people only befriended you for your beauty and the privileges it offers. Though, at one point, it was too much, too suffocating.
That's how you ended up with nobody.
Until Saimon, that is.
When you explained why this happens to you, Saimon isn't taken aback because he knows how beautiful you are and it does make sense that these people would offer you all these things for free.
"But do you truly like it when they do?" he asked.
"Well, I can't say I don't," you replied honestly. "I guess sometimes I do feel like I'm doing something wrong though..."
He nodded and smiled. "Then you know what to do," he stated, caressing your hand.
Therefore, the next time someone offered you something for free, you tried declining. However, it was hard, it felt odd to decline their offer after this being a part of your life for so long.
"You don't need to do that," stated Saimon. "I will be the one paying."
You looked up at him, relieved. The server quickly understood the situation and let Saimon pay.
"I guess this will take getting used to," Saimon said with a lighthearted chuckle. "But I will be here for you when you need me."
You thanked him with a warm smile. Over time, you learned how to reject these offers. It truly felt like you were a part of society now, not an object that needed to be worshipped, and Saimon supported you all the way.
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When the bill for the meal you had with your boyfriend was completely discarded, Yohei gets extremely suspicious. But he lets it slide until the second time when you actively ask for a discount with the use of your beauty.
He tells you to stop it immediately, that he can pay for it. However, you don't give in since this was your normality for such a long time, it would be weird to finally pay something in full.
So to Yohei's dismay, you keep accepting the generous offers. Your beauty was your strong point and you were going to use it to its fullest extent. Shouldn't Yohei be happy about this? He didn't even need to use his money on you! You could get everything for free!
But Yohei hated it. He hated seeing men succumb to your charms, to offer you a meal on the house. He hated seeing their eyes fall on your pretty face, their fingers to their lips as they shush you not to tell anyone about this.
"(Y/N), stop this now," he repeated. "Stop doing this."
"But why? Isn't this great? We can get anything we want!"
"Argh, that's not the point. (Y/N), you may think you're taking advantage of your pretty privilege, but one day, you may have to repay that."
You didn't understand what he meant by that.
He sighed. "Listen, one day someone will want something out of you for providing you with free things, and it isn't going to be pretty. So stop it now."
You were quiet. Yohei was right, but what did that mean for you? This was your life leading up to now, and you were just going to stop all of that? Yet again, using your beauty to survive in this world had always made you uncomfortable especially when you were young.
"And anyways," Yohei continued, cutting you off from your flashback. "I want to provide for you... as a boyfriend should."
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As expected, Ryu is going to indulge in this privilege of yours because that means he can get free stuff too!
He doesn't question why people around you are offering these things to you nor does he really care, he just thinks this is neat!
But when you start batting your eyelashes and twirling your hair at the servers, the smile on his face quickly diminishes.
Why are you doing that? he wondered.
Yet those simple acts always result in luxury that he completely disregards it.
For a few times at least.
One day, he asks you the reason why these people are giving you free things. When you explain to him it was because of your pretty privilege, Ryu goes unusually silent.
"So you're entertaining them?" he said coldly which was unlike his super bubbly attitude. "What more have you done with them to get these things?"
This hurt you more than it should have. Why was he being so mean? Was it that big of a deal?
"Ryu, I don't really appreciate that–"
"Neither do I."
But before you could retort back, Ryu had snapped out of it. He recognised the sullen look on your face and asked you what was wrong.
"Do you think what I'm doing is wrong?" you asked him after the long, unbearable silence. He tilted his head like a cat, unsure of what you were talking about. "Of me getting stuff for free..."
"Oh..." he murmured. "I don't know, but it is kindaaa weird!"
"Haha, you think...?"
You didn't think he'd listen, but you clarified the reasons why this happens to you.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry," he said sadly.
"N-No, it's okay! That's all in the past now, but I guess old habits die hard. I'll try to stop it; if not, at least minimise it."
Ryu smiled, engulfing you in a big hug. He stroked your back like the way you'd do for him, reassuring you that all he wanted was for you to be comfortable with what you do, that you didn't need to do that anymore. After all, you were a person, not an object.
But it wouldn't hurt if you did use your pretty privilege once in a while~
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Shiki gets extremely scared when you accept the free meal. He quickly rejects it, stating to the server that he’s already paying for everything. He doesn’t understand why this just happened even when you explained it to him.
He knows how beautiful you are, but this feels wrong. Should he even condone this? Whenever someone offers you something for free, their eyes look longingly at you and it’s something that Shiki fears.
He feels incredibly guilty now that this keeps happening, but he notices from the corner of his eye that you feel a little guilty about it too.
"(Y/N), it's okay to decline their offers if it makes you uncomfortable..." he spoke up. "B-But I know you've survived this long with your looks, so I don't expect you to stop! It's your decision after all..."
It just worries him that one day you’d be the one being taken advantage of. It scares him to think that someone would want something in return for their ‘generosity.’ Moreover, he thinks that the two of you would get in trouble for this, and he doesn't want to be caught up in that!
Due to his anxiety revolving around your pretty privilege, you decided to stop accepting the free gifts.
Sure, people are still going to goggle at you, but you no longer worked as a model who needed strangers’ generosity to survive. Now you can afford these things yourself like a normal person.
Shiki calms down, apologising for the fact that it was a great privilege to be this pretty to get free things. However, he just couldn’t have others gift you with free stuff when he was the one who wanted to do that for you.
"(Y/N), I'm going to work harder to afford the things you want!" he said triumphantly.
"Hehe, you don't need to do that, Shiki. You're all I need."
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Intro page | Paradox Live masterlist | Request rules
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welcometothedopeworld · 2 months
Crochet Obsessed ~ *Naoakira Saimon*
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Summary: You've been in a crochet mood lately, causing your joints to ache. Of course Naoakira decides to take your health into his own hands.
Pairing: Naoakira Saimon X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 848
Warning: N/A
A/N: I've been really into crochet lately. That's why I wrote this.
When Naoakira entered the living area of the apartment above the bar, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. While Shiki and Ryu were sleeping and Yohei was out smoking on the roof, you were sitting on the couch with the lamp bathing you in warm, yellow light. In your hands was a blanket in shades of blue and green. You were crocheting like a woman obsessed. But he thought it was adorable.
"Doesn't your hand hurt?" His voice was soft as he walked over to you.
You glanced up at him, your hand and crochet hook still moving with ease. "A little, but I'll be alright."
"How long have you been working on this?"
"Today?" You glanced at the clock and your eyes widened. "Yikes. Almost two hours."
He shook his head. "I'm sure your hand is killing you. You're just not aware of it because you're in the crochet zone."
You giggled. "Yeah, I guess so."
"C'mon. You can put your work down for now. It's bedtime." He pressed a kiss to your cheek before reaching to turn out the lamp. However, your hand stopped him.
"I'm almost done! Let me finish, please!" You beg, a pout adorning your lips.
Naoakira sighed. "You can pick up the stitch that you're on tomorrow, I promise. But you need to rest. You'll give yourself arthritis if you keep going like this."
Your nose scrunches. "I will not!"
He chuckled. "Yes, you will. C'mon. It's bedtime."
"But I need to finish this! Please!"
"Why are you so desperate to finish this blanket so fast?" He narrowed his eyes on you. "What is this for?"
You bit your lip at his questions. "It's just a special, personal project that means a lot to me. So I need to get it done as soon as possible, that's all."
Naoakira sat down across from you and placed a gentle hand on your knee. "Darling, be honest with me. Are you pregnant? Are you crocheting a baby blanket?"
Your eyes widened and you shook your head. "No! I swear to you I am most definitely not pregnant! This is not a baby blanket, I promise! I swear on my life! Look, I'll even take a test to prove it to you!"
He chuckled as he shook his head. "No, you don't need to do that, darling. I trust you. But what is this special, personal project of yours? What's got you in such a tizzy you can't take a break to rest your aching hand?"
As he reached over to take your hand and rub your joints, which felt much better thanks to his ministrations, you sighed. "Well... the other day, you know how Ryu, Shiki, and I went to get ice cream?"
He nodded. "Yes, darling. Yohei was none too pleased that Ryu spilled his ice cream all over the bar."
You giggled and nodded. "Yes, well, we also went past a pet shelter. Ryu pulled us inside to see the puppies and kittens. And I learned that they're looking for more pet blankets to keep the kittens warm. So I've been crocheting blankets for the kittens."
Naoakira could feel his heart melt at your explanation. Nodding, he replies, "How sweet of you. I do adore that bleeding heart of yours, however, you should still take care of yourself. And that means putting down the crochet for tonight and going to sleep. I promise you will be able to pick right back up tomorrow morning. In fact, we can even take it into our bedroom so Ryu doesn't unravel it tomorrow."
"He would do that wouldn't he?" You mumble, looking down at your almost finished blanket. He could tell you were imagining all of your hard work going to waste and he shook his head.
"I'll make sure he doesn't. Now, will you please come with me to bed? Please, my darling?"
You nod and carefully fold up your blanket before taking his hand. "You promise I'll have time to finish it tomorrow?"
"Of course! And I'll personally take you down to the shelter tomorrow so you can hand deliver it."
You beamed and leaned against his chest. "Thank you, my love. That would be wonderful!"
"And come to think of it," he tapped his chin as he began to think, "that kitten that Ryu brought in a few weeks ago? I think that kitty needs a blanket too."
Your eyes widened and a bright smile stretched across your lips. "You're absolutely right! Oh, tomorrow we'll need to go to the craft store, because I need gray yarn! I want to crochet it in The Cat's Whiskers colors! It'll match with the bar too!"
He chuckled and kissed your cheek again as he helped you into bed. "Sounds like a perfect plan. And Ryu will be so happy too."
"Yes, he will." You clapped your hands together with delight. "Oh I need to get started right away!"
"Sleep first." Naoakira lightly scolded as he gently forced you to lay down in bed. "Good night, my crochet obsessed darling."
"Good night, my love."
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pillow-anime-infos · 1 year
paradox live {masterlist}
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fashion week in milan {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 413 words ; sfw}
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daddy {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 657 words ; nsfw}
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mother (ft. nayuta yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
“please! please, don’t leave me!” {quote prompt number 29 + scenario | 559 words ; suggestive}
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mother(ft. kanata yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
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his lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
“the princess shouldn’t wait, you know?” {quote prompt number 17 + scenario | 581 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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“should ifuck you? so beg for it.” {quote prompt number 45 + scenario | 937 words ; nsfw}
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underlanternglow · 1 year
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anon asked → hii!! I'm happy to find a new paralive blog :'33, if it's not a bother, I would like for TWC (if there are many, you can omit ryuu, sorry ryuu :'v) relationship headcanons, with an egocentric, daring fem reader and a bit of a diva but with a kind heart well something like the attitude of a sassy princess,jsjs I like when opposites attract, I see twc as a chill group and nothing arrogant so to relate to someone opposite, it's interesting idk thanks for everything <33
a/n -  thank you anon <3 this is really cute! every time i was writing shiki’s i kept thinking about the “he asked for no pickles” meme
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naoakira saimon
he really admires your strength and your kind heart, even if the way you show it is different
he tries his hardest to make sure everyone gets along. it works for the most part, but he does ask that you try your best with everyone, too. it’s really important to him that everyone cares for each other!
you two do disagree on how to handle things, sometimes. since your personalities are so far apart, you have a tendency to not understand each other. of course, communicating easily solves that
he finds your princess-like attitude charming, even if you sometimes sass him. knowing what you want and how to go for it was one of the first things he noticed about you, which made him ultimately love you. he thinks that he can learn a lot from you!
yohei kanbayashi
wrangles you half of the time, with the other half letting you wrangle the others
you butt heads fairly often. it’s not usually too serious, but your personalities clash sometimes.
arguments can get a little heated because of this, but once you both had the chance to calm down, everything’s fine. he knows deep down you’re a good person, though
he likes that he doesn’t have to worry too hard about you. one of your biggest draws was your take-no-shit attitude, which he finds very attractive
ryu natsume
fully goes along with everything you say, no question. loves to give you a “yes, ma’am!” 
you two are the biggest annoyances ever. when he’s up to his antics against others, you tend to join him. you quickly tell him to knock it off when you’re the victim (not that it stops him)
some days, he’ll call you a different nickname depending on your interactions. on a day when you were harsh with him, he called you a “demon queen.”
he loves your risk-taking and exciting nature! the two of you are an exciting couple, and he feels that there’s never a dull moment with you. it’s what he loves the most about you
shiki ando
you are the #1 shiki defender
you think he’s a little afraid of you, but truthfully, he wishes he could be somewhat like you. of course, along the way, you teach him to love himself more, and your confidence rubs off on him a little
in a way, you’re his rock. he knows he doesn’t really have anything to worry about when you’re by his side. sometimes he wonders why you like him, but your bold insistence is enough to reassure him
he really loves that he can count on you. to him, even if you’re sassy about it, you’re one of the most reliable people he knows, and he likes the thought of always having you in his corner. he’s always loved how you treated him with kindness!
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
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⋆𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓸⋆
⋆𝓗𝓪𝓳𝓾𝓷 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓷⋆
⋆𝓐𝓷𝓷𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓾𝓵𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓻⋆
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⋆𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓪 𝓨𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓴𝓪𝓶𝓲⋆
⋆𝓝𝓪𝔂𝓾𝓽𝓪 𝓨𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓴𝓪𝓶𝓲⋆
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⋆𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓼⋆
⋆𝓝𝓪𝓸𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓻𝓪 𝓢𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓸𝓷⋆
⋆𝓨𝓸𝓱𝓮𝓲 𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲⋆
⋆𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓷𝓭𝓸⋆
⋆𝓡𝔂𝓾 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓮⋆
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⋆悪漢奴等- 𝓐𝓴𝓪𝓷 𝓨𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪⋆
⋆𝓘𝓸𝓻𝓲 𝓢𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓴𝓲⋆
⋆𝓖𝓪𝓱𝓸 𝓩𝓮𝓷⋆
⋆𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲 𝓘𝓽𝓸⋆
⋆𝓗𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓲 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓴𝓲⋆
⋆𝓡𝓮𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓾𝔂𝓪𝓶𝓪⋆
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⋆獄𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴- 𝓖𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴⋆
⋆𝓨𝓾𝓽𝓸 𝓘𝓷𝓾𝓴𝓪𝓲⋆
⋆𝓡𝔂𝓸𝓰𝓪 𝓣𝓸𝓼𝓪⋆
⋆𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓚𝓪𝓲𝓭𝓪⋆
⋆𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓫𝓪⋆
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⋆𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓰𝓸 𝓨𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓸⋆
⋆𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓪 𝓗𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓰𝓮⋆
⋆𝓐𝓸𝓲 𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓱𝓪⋆
⋆𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓸 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓾𝓳𝓲⋆
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⋆𝒦𝑒𝒾 𝑀𝒾𝓎𝒶𝓂𝒶⋆
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⋆𝒟𝑜𝓃𝑔𝒽𝒶 𝒴𝑒𝑜𝓃⋆
⋆𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓃𝑔𝓈𝓊𝓃𝑔 𝐵𝒶𝑒𝓀⋆
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⋆𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓲 𝓚𝓾𝔃𝓾𝓻𝔂𝓾⋆
⋆𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓾𝓸𝓶𝓲 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓾⋆
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
music & vocaloids month ; fifteenth day.
synopsis: Naoakira loves to pamper you, touch you and love you. He’s a man full of feeling and grace. However, in bed he behaves completely differently.
# tags: scenario; current relationship; romance; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, daddy kink, doggy style, size kink, hair pulling, hard grip, wet pussy, cry with pleasure, pet names
includes: female reader ft. naoakira saimon {paradox live; the cat’s whiskers}
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After a pleasant evening at the restaurant and getting some new gifts (i.e. high heels, earrings and expensive Dior perfume), you returned to the apartment. In no time, you both crossed the threshold of the apartment, and then the whole living room and the way from the bedroom door to the huge bed. Along the way you lost your clothes and your partner lost his jacket, tie and belt; a few seconds later he was wearing only unbuttoned pants and a shirt. Your naked body looked innocent among the maroon satin sheets – the man was delighted.
“Tell me what you’re thinking, bunny.” He said in a low voice, touching your flushed face and you just smiled, snuggling tighter into his warm hand.
“... Hmm... About how good we are together and how much I want to feel your cock inside me, daddy.” You replied with narrowed eyes and he only took a deep breath, looking at your nipples and shaking legs. Who would Saimon be if he didn’t grant your innocent wish?
In an instant, your body was flipped onto your stomach and your hips lifted up, exactly to the height of the man’s hips. His strong hands held your body well and his eyes followed your every thrill of bliss.
“You’re still taking your pills, aren’t you, honey?” You nodded at his question and he smiled. “I’m starting then.” He added after a quick breath as the index finger of his dominant hand slowly traced over your wet, touch-hungry pussy. You pressed your face tighter against the soft pillow, and he just giggled soundlessly. Your muscles tightened as the thirty-four-year-old ran his finger over them one more time. Fortunately, your blissful suffering quickly turned into pleasure; Naoakira took off his pants and also his black shirt. His erect, long dick was ready to give you as much delight as possible.
With an efficient movement, he took his long dick in his free hand, and then brought it closer to your hole, which still wanted closeness and warmth. He ran over her a few more times, dispersing the pre-cum and your sweet juices, and then he entered you with a firm motion, causing you to moan loudly in satisfaction. Your fingers tightened on the soft sheets and your teeth bit the pillow. He took your wrist with one hand and the strands of your hair with the other. His movements, at first calm and long, after a short while changed into much stronger and smoother. Saimon’s rhythm was confident and enjoyable. He moved his hips without much trouble while playing with your body with his left hand; he pinched your buttock, grabbed your hip, ran his finger down your spine. Sometimes he also touched your chest or neck, and in the meantime he murmured a few lovable, heart-warming compliments in your left ear.
Your hot inside gave him by far the most pleasure; the view, of course, too, after all, what man wouldn’t love such a sweet, full of surprises body? Your shoulder blades, breasts, pink cheeks, eyes full of tears and toes that were looking for support, were something amazing, interesting, exciting for him. He slowed his movements as he felt more and more of your fluids drip onto the sheets, instead he began to twitch his hips in light circles, and you grunted.
“Daddy... Mrhm.” Your sweaty forehead fell back to the pillow, and the man only licked his lips at the sight.
“Tell me what you want, princess.” Another tug of your hair made your head rise from the quilt again. “I’ll give it to you, baby.”
“I want more.” You begged, and then you felt a stronger blow against the wall of the uterus. Your body trembled and some saliva flew from your mouth. “Mrhg... Thank you, daddy.” The lust and eroticism in your eyes was palpable. Saimon just sped up his moves, bringing you to your first orgasm of the night.
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previous day ; soshi kagurazaka from soara ♡ next day ; otome tohoten from party of words
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silvanusx · 6 months
Master list
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Allen Sugasano
Hajun Yeon
Hajun Yeon x amab!reader "who cares about him"
Anne Faulkner
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Kanata Yatonokami
Nayuta Yatonokami
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Naoakira Saimon
Ryu Natsume
Shiki Ando
Yohei Kanbayashi
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Reo Maruyama
Zen Gaho
Iori Suiseki
Hokusai Masaki
Satsuki Ito
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paixarina · 2 years
Bloom of Sunflowers
: ̗̀➛ Shiki Ando x GN!Reader
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"a special day for the introverted boy who overcomes himself from his nervousness"
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Shiki finds a birthday celebration quite charming.
However, he didn't like to celebrate it as a big party. Just one sudden pop sound from a party confetti, a birthday cake, a bunch of greets and wishes from Ryu, and smiles from Saimon and Yohei are enough for him.
But, what Shiki sees as special and meaningful during his birthday are the presents. It gives him so much good, pleasant memories. Could you imagine how much happiness he have after he received so many presents from someone he closes with?
Shiki stares at his cactuses, that he also sees as his friends. Even they are just plants who only can grow and unable to talk, the cactuses are always there to brighten his day. He smiles at them with a small blush on his face.
Tomorrow, it's his special day, his birthday.
He can imagine the surprise and the confetti falls on his head, as well as many greetings, birthday wishes and a bunch of presents surrounded him. Oh, the happiness he had, he can't wait for this heartwarming moment that only celebrated briefly in just one day.
Later, Shiki leaves his room and finds out that you are outside the bar, bringing a large paper bag that mostly will contain some birthday presents for him.
He assumed that you came for his birthday. It was tonight at that time, when the bar is still open for business. You came to enter the bar and greet him with a warm smile.
"Shiki, happy birthday! I know it's too early to say this since your birthday is tomorrow, but I hope you have a great birthday!"
You greet Shiki with a warm hug. He smiled and chuckled, later you gave him presents from a large paper bag, a box set contain small pots of cactuses and a sunflower bouquet.
"Here's my present for you, do you like it?" You asked Shiki with a soft smile on your face, full of hope and happiness. He received your presents and thanked you for it.
"I love it... I love the cactuses and the sunflower bouquet... thank you so much, I'm so happy for your presents, I will gladly accept it...!"
Shiki cries in happiness as tears dropped from his eyes, while he smiles after he received the presents.
"Ah, Shiki... it seems like you are crying... I think you are happy for my presents and I'm glad for that" You smiled and gave him a head pat softly as affection.
All the sudden, he quickly hugged you and sobs on your shoulder. He keeps repeating saying thanks to you a lot, while you keep rubbing his back to comfort him.
"Happy birthday Shiki, I hope you will be blessed with a good health and I hope you continued to grow like a sunflower, keep growing to make yourself feel confident"
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nian-7 · 1 month
Some scenario with TCW (separate) where their gf tugs em closer to kiss all over their face out of nowhere, please? 🥹🫶
hi!! this is really cute so i hope you enjoy!
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The Cats Whisker x fem!reader
✧kissing all over their face
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-Saimon has a gentle smile on his face whenever you pull him in to pepper kisses all over his face. The whole moment is just bursting with love.
-Even if he's busy with something, he can't help but give in to you. He loves your affection and can't help but want to soak it all up while he can (as if you'll ever stop).
-He always acts as if he's comforting you as well. Sort of at least. He rubs your back while you kiss his face and kisses you back once you decide that you've given him enough kisses.
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-Although Yohei acts extremely annoyed by your sudden displays of affection, he does enjoy it a lot! He'd never be caught dead saying that out loud to you though.
-He prefers for you to do it when it's just the two of you and won't push you away unless he's busy and needs to finish up something first.
-He loves to wake up to you kissing all over his face, it's just such a pleasant way to wake him up and it somehow makes him less grumpy when you wake him up this way.
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-His face goes red immediately. Shiki can't help but feel flustered by this sudden affectionate action but he doesn't dislike it! He'll always let you kiss all over his face.
-Although he's super shy about it, he'll kiss your cheek in return after you're done littering kisses all over his face! It's always a cute and wholesome moment whenever you both get to kiss each other.
-He tenses up more if you do it in public though, but he won't stop you because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings. He just thinks it's kind of awkward when it's in public.
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-It's honestly a fight to see who can kiss the others face more... Once you engage the kissing with Ryu, he immediately kisses your face back. And then you kiss his face. And so on.
-He always looks forward to you tugging him closer for a kiss and has a small celebration as if it's the absolute best thing that's ever happened to him. He does it no matter how many times you've kissed him over and over.
-Always has to return the favor! Once you're done kissing his face, he's kissing yours right back. You're his girlfriend so he's got to spoil you just as much, right?
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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paraliveimaginesblog · 4 months
Will You Be My Valentine? - BAE + TCW
Allen Sugasano:
Allen doesn’t even realize how close to Valentine’s Day it is. He thought it might’ve already passed but the day was just like any other to him, so it’s no wonder he didn’t pay attention to it. You’ll have to ask him a second time for it to really sink in what you’re asking, the flustered look worth the frustration of having to ask a second time. He didn’t know you saw him like that, kicking at the dirt and mumbling he could probably write something up for you if he had enough time before your date.
Anne Faulkner:
Anne had received many invitations to be someone’s valentine, but they had been patiently waiting for yours. They tried not to squeal as it would be embarrassing to show they’d been waiting for this (for the last week), but they happily accept your invitation. They tease they’re not an easy date to please so they look forward to what you have planned, having their own gifts already picked out for you (since they’d been thinking about this for a week).
Hajun Yeon:
Hajun had to commend your bravery, as you had just watched him deny an entire line of people who were begging to be his valentine. He wondered what made you think you’d be different but he knew that it was the fact that you were friends, more than friends, floating in between the boundary of good friends and lovers. Your relationship might be complicated but there’s no one else Hajun would rather spend this holiday with, telling you he’ll make arrangements for dinner (perhaps renting the place out, just to have some real privacy).  
The Cat's Whiskers
Ryu Natsume:
Ryu has never been more excited in his life! He’d never had a valentine before, and he wondered if that meant he was your second-in-command. It could almost be assumed that you’d invited him onto a real spaceship for an adventure through the stars with how over the moon he was, excitedly bopping around the bar. He doesn’t get the full point of Valentine’s Day but what he does understand is that you asking for him to take on the position of ‘valentine’ meant he was extra special to you, which left him giddy.
Naoakira Saimon:
Saimon, who had already ordered flowers to be delivered to you with the very question you just asked him written out on a cute little card, can’t stop himself from chuckling. When you look confused he apologized, saying it had nothing to do with you and that he’d be happy to accept your invitation. He takes your hand in his own and kisses the back of it, telling you he had set up for a little surprise to arrive the following day and that he looked forward to spending more time with you.
Shiki Ando:
Shiki is a little worried he’s starting to hear things. You? Asking him? He must’ve hit his head when leaving for school that morning, or he’d be woken up by Ryu jumping on his bed at any moment… When you stand before him expectantly, awaiting an actual answer from your hopefully future valentine, Shiki realized he was making himself look silly. He stuttered out his positive response, thinking of the chocolates he had made just last night and how there was no excuse to not hand deliver them to you tomorrow.
Yohei Kanbayashi:
Yohei tried not to show he was annoyed with himself for not asking you first, but he had been talking himself out of it for the last few days. He knew he could’ve just taken the rejection should it come, which he knew it wouldn’t, but there was always something popping up that had him second guessing himself. The fact you still wanted to be with someone acting so wishy-washy… he was eternally grateful yet also wanted to scold you. He’d just have to assure you had the best day ever tomorrow.
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mera-k1 · 15 days
TCW sleeping on f!reader's chest after long day scenario maybe?🤲👀
yes, nonnie.. so sorry this took a while!!
Sleeping On Your Chest
TCW x fem!reader
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-saimon loves to sleep on your chest after a long day. it's comforting to be held once in a while, you know? even if it wasn't a particularly bad day, he still looks forward to sleeping on your chest (although silently).
-if you happen to not have your chest ready to be his pillow some nights, he'll quietly ask if he can lay on your chest in case you're just as tired as he is.
-you both definitely take turns laying on each others chests, i just know it. some nights he offers his chest to you and other nights he wants to lay on yours.
-i wouldn't say saimon's more of a big spoon or little spoon but he does fall naturally into that big spoon category with how tall he is. sometimes he wants to be the little spoon though or at least be held close by his lovely girlfriend(or wife)!
-yohei never acknowledges the fact that he's laying on your chest. he'll quietly come into your shared bedroom and lay himself down on your chest without a word.
-he doesn't like it when you point it out or tease him that he seems to like laying on your chest.. he'll grumble about it and turn over to sleep on the pillow instead.
-although he naturally falls into the big spoon category, i think yohei does prefer to be held sometimes while cuddling so laying on your chest is the perfect excuse for him to have that!
-ryu's definitely a fan of laying on your chest in any scenario. tired after a long day or just for the sake of being close to you? he'll lay on your chest whenever you let him!
-usually, it's not because he had a long day and just because he wants to be close to you. he has a cuddly side that is almost always on when you're around. he just wants to cuddle you all the time!
-as the little spoon most times, he's used to being held close to you but laying on your chest while being held close is 10x better... he can't help but want to be there every night when you both go to sleep.
-shiki nearly explodes when you offer to let him sleep on your chest and he immediately declines out of embarrassment the first few times, saying how he shouldn't do that.
-he does realize that it is actually very comforting when he finally agrees to sleep on your chest. he likes the feeling of being held and hearing your heartbeat when he lays on your chest. it's very calming for him.
-after this realization, he'll never decline your offer again! he now understands how nice it is to lay on your chest. he really should have done it sooner.
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xxairerexx · 2 years
How you met
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- Cafe
- you were drinking [fav/drink]
- a red spiky haired boy asked if he can sit next to you because there were no sits left
- you said yes
- he pulled his headphone out but forgot to connect it with his phone and the song played loudly
- everyone looked at him for a short second and continued on what they were doing
- you asked
- "Hey, wasn't that (fav Hip-Hop song)?"
- he slowly nodded not making eye contact and you started to talk about music
- and you realize how cute he is when he's excited talking about Hip-Hop
- time passed and you said goodbye
- Park
- you really love to take photos with your camera
- and noticed a handsome tall blonde sitting on a bench
- you feel like you have to take a photo of him
- he noticed and smiled at you
- you swore that you saw dark aura around him
- "You know it's rude to take a picture of someone without permission"
- he slowly took your camera away and deleted the photo
- "I'm sorry for that ...... and you know it's rude to take someone's belongings without permission, you could've asked me nicely to delete the photo"
- you grabbed your camera back and started walking away
- Mall
- You and your friends were going shopping
- Got separated
- noticed a group of guys surrounding a pink haired girl
- 'really now?! Leave her alone!'
- you walked towards them and linked your arms with the girl
- " there you are I've been looking for you! Let's go, ok?"
- both of you got away
- "thank you for earlier but I had everything under control, sweetie."
- "They were surrounding you! And you know you should be more careful since your a girl!"
- " hahaha, sure. i have to go to the restroom. You don't have to wait for me"
- and then you saw her entered the male restroom
- 'Wait...what?'
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- work
- one of your students Ando Shiki fainted in class
- you tried to call his parents but he begged not to but he gave you someone else's number
- even though you're not supposed to you decided to call this person and he said he'll pick Shiki up
- after he arrived he thanked you for looking after him
- you have to admit, that he's very handsome
- "well, it's my duty after all"
- Shiki thanked you too and they drove home
- their bar
- you were celebrating you friend birthday and went to a jazz bar
- you know that your friends will get really drunk so you decided not to drink too much so you wouldn't fight because all of you are drunk and can't drive
- "hey [Y/N] that bartender there is hot don't ya think?"
- you looked at the mentioned bartender that had medium length dark blue hair and yellow eyes
- your friend dragged you to him and he/she ordered a drink
- "what about you?" The bartender asked
- "I'll have a coke, it would've been bad if the driver is drunk, right?"
- he chuckled "yeah" and he glared at his co worker that has long white hair that is tied in a low pony tail and lots of piercings and tattoos, because he was a bit too loud
- you decided to stay where you are because you have a clear vision where your friends are and you have someone to talk to
- you were walking home from school
- your friends and you were talking about this latest movie that everybody are talking about
- "Just imagine you are able to live for 800 years and do all of the things you could do"
- while you were thinking for an answer to that you heard a voice behind you
- "oh...it's very fun trust me~"
- you all were surprised by this and some of you gasped in horror
- 'where did he come from?'
- the man just laughed
- "Hi! My name is Ryu and I'm 800 years old!~haha"
- your friends decided to ignore the man called Ryu and called him crazy and so on
- but you thought he just wanted to talk so you smiled and waved goodbye
- "Bye bye to you too, my friendly subordinate~ !"
- ' subordinate? '
- school library
- you were looking for a book that might help with your history homework
- you reached for the book that you found but someone wanted that book too
- "ah! S-sorry...you can have it, [Y/L/N]-san"
- you looked at the shy boy
- " you know me?"
- his eyes widen of the realization that you don't know him
- he tried to explain that you're in the same class and that he sits in the back row while you sit in the first row
- but he kept stuttering and sometimes mumbling which took time for you to understand what he meant
- you ended up sharing the book and did homework together
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- in front of your parents backery
- you were helping your parents backing some fresh bread
- you noticed a boy with white messy hair with purple tips looking at the fresh baked stuff through the window
- he flinched as you suddenly stood if front of him at the other side of the window
- you packed 5 muffins in a box and went outside
- you gave the boy the box
- "My name is [Y/N], what's yours?"
- But before the boy could answer you heard someone called out
- "NAYUTA!!"
- the boy looked behind him and said
- "Aniki! You're here!" It was a boy that looked like the boy but he had shoulder length hair and the inner of his hair is light teal
- you felt like you were a ghost because they seemed to forget about you but you could catch up what was going on
- the boy with messy hair got lost and his brother was looking for him for hours
- "what are you holding?" The older boy asked his brother
- "[Y/N] gave it to me"
- "[Y/N]?" His brother stared at you suspiciously
- you just wave your hand at him awkwardly because his glares looked like it could kill someone
- he dragged Nayuta with him without saying anything to you
- "Thank you for the muffins, [Y/N] - san!" Nayuta said
- on street
- you just finished judo training for today and grumble because you forgot to do your homework
- on your way home you noticed two guys beating a boy with white messy hair with purple tips
- the bullies just laughed at you
- "what are YOU going to do about it?!"
- you grabbed one of the bullies arm, pulled him closer to you, turn your back and flipped him which caused him to feel down to the ground
- they ran away
- you asked the beaten boy if he's ok and pulled your mini first aid kit that you always have and treated him
- he thanked you and asked you to help him stand up and walked him home
- on your way to his house you exchanged your name and he told you that the bullies were after his phantom metal
- you finally reached his...well...house?
- a boy that looked like him probably his twin gasped after he opened the door
- "Nayuta! Where were you?! What happened to you?! Did you do this to him!?!!"
- he yelled at you but Nayuta tried to explain that you were just helping him
- "Thank you for your help, [Y/N]-san. My big brother and I really thankful"
- you're not sure if the statement about his brother is true or he just wanted to be polite because his brother did nothing but glared at you
- but seeing Nayuta smiling made you smile too
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- work
- you work in a restaurant
- you saw a group of five guys
- one has a very built body, one has a feminine looking face, one was very tall, one had a fire pattern sleeve tattoo on his left side and the last one had black hair that had purple tips
- you wanted to asked what they want to order but a man who sat beside them interrupted you
- "Hey, you! How long do I have to wait for my order, huh?!"
- he started to complain loudly and it made you uncomfortable because you were trying to calm the man down and people were watching and your colleagues just stood there and watched too
- the black haired man that you supposed to serve stood up and talked to the man that were complaining
- "Sir, I think ya should calm down. Ya should be patient. Look! I think yer order's comin' "
- the man just stayed quiet and one of your colleagues put down his dish
- you thanked the man that helped you
- "A pleasure, doll face~"
- you blushed at the nickname and took their orders
- playground
- you were looking after your niece at the playground
- suddenly a guy with a built body tapped your shoulder
- "excuse me, but did you see three boys around here? One has pink hair and feminine face, one was tall and had light green hair and the last one has a basketball jersey and a sleeve tattoo."
- you shook your head and apologized but when you focused back on your niece she was a man's arm that wore a cap that hid his face
- the kidnapper started to run and so do you
- then you saw the man that asked for your help earlier also ran towards the kidnapper
- 'huh?'
- before you know it he was in front of the kidnapper and hold him by the hands and pinned him down
- your niece ran to you crying
- the police came and took the kidnapper away
- you thanked the man
- "Thank you, mister! I owe you so much!"
- he said it was no problem and he continued searching for the three boys
- high school
- you're a third year
- your teacher asked you to come to his office
- three boys were standing beside your teacher
- "[Y/L/N]- san, I want you to help these boys raising their grades up."
- "Hi! My name is Maruyama Reo! You can call me Reo-kun~ this giant is Masaki Hokusai and this monkey is Ito Satsuki. And we're all in second year"
- "OI!!WHO ARE YOU CALLING MONKEY HERE?!" Satsuki yelled while Reo laughed
- you look up to Hokusai and damn! He is freaking tall and handsome too...
- "nice to meet you...[Y/L/N]- san"
- He smiled at you and he looked like an angel
- you four decided when you will tutor them and went home
- arcade
- it was summer break you decided to go to the arcade with your big brother because your friends are on vacation and your mom said you should spend more time together with your brother
- you went to the shooting arcade but a boy also wanted to play it
- "sorry, but we got here first" your brother said
- "HAH?! What do you mean?!" The boy complained
- "shut up monkey! Don't yell, you're disturbing the other here" another boy with pink hair told his friend
- you guys started to argue who get to play them first, you and your brother or the 'monkey and his friend
- "how about a deal? If you win we will let you play it first but if you lose we'll get to play" the pink haired boy said and you all agreed
- you stepped forward and the monkey boy too
- "You're going down"
- "We will see about that, monkey" you smirked
- time passed and you won and your brother cheer
- " Wha-!!?? How?!"
- you just shrugged and said "don't know. I'm just better than you I guess, but nice match...uh..?"
- "Satsuki. Ito Satsuki."
- "[Y/L/N] [Y/N]"
- summer festival
- you and your friends are at the summer festival
- but you feel like a ghost because you friends were only talking to their boyfriends and girlfriends
- you got frustrated and walked away without them noticing
- you sat on a bench next to the taiyaki booth
- suddenly a boy with pink hair and cute face jump in from you which made you yelp
- "oh, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"
- "ah...it's ok..."
- "why are you so gloomy?" He tilted his head
- "it's n-nothing.."
- 'he's so cute!'
- he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the taiyaki booth
- "I don't believe you. Come, I'll buy you taiyakis to cheer you up, how much do you want?"
- you shook your head and declined his offer but he bought them anyway
- he bought you 3 taiyakis and you thanked him smiling
- "Aww, you look so cute when you smile! Well then I have to go, bye cutie~"
- your friends saw you and then asked after the boy was gone
- "WHO WAS HE?! I never knew you had a boyfriend, [Y/N]......oh! Taiyakis! Can we have some?"
- ".....no....ask your boyfriend that"
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welcometothedopeworld · 8 months
Are We Friends? ~ *Shiki Ando*
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Summary: Shiki is surprised to hear you call him your friend. However, he feels like there's more to the story than you let on. Especially when you ask him to sneak you into the bar...
Pairing: Shiki Ando X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 595
Warning: N/A
A/N: No underage drinking I promise!
“Hey Shiki!”
The poor boy screeched as you popped up from around a corner. Taking a couple of deep breaths, he greeted you. “Oh, hello Y/n.”
“Hi again!” You giggled. “So, do you think you can get me into the bar tonight?”
He frowned. “Oh. I don’t think so. Saimon doesn’t serve minors.”
You gave a childish pout. “Not even if it’s just to see my friend?”
“Friend?!” He sputtered. You, the cheerful, extroverted girl in his class, thought the two of you were friends? No, that couldn’t be possible. He was just a shy introvert who kept to himself and didn’t leave the back of the classroom. You didn’t notice him.
No, you were just trying to use him to get into the bar with your real friends.
“Well, yeah.” You paused. “You are my friend, right, Shiki?”
He shook his head. “Sorry, Y/n. I can’t get you into the bar tonight.”
Your face fell. “Oh, okay then. Sorry for bothering you.”
As you left, he felt his heart twist uncomfortably in his chest. Maybe you were telling the truth? He shook his head. No, no way! There was no way someone like you noticed someone like him.
However that still didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
That night, while working at the bar, he completely forgot about the earlier exchange with you. He was laser-focused on taking care of his customers. Even Yohei complimented him on his great work ethic tonight. A twinge of pride flowed through him at being noticed.
Only for it to be replaced with dread by Ryu.
“Shiki! Look who I found! She says she’s a friend of yours!” He called out in a sing-songy voice.
“Hi Shiki!” You waved frantically, smiling from ear to ear.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?!”
Saimon narrowed his eyes on the three of them. “Ando, Natsume, you know my rule about serving minors at the bar…”
Shiki quickly directed you to the exit, saying, “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll take care of it right away!”
“Aw, so I don’t get to stay?” You pouted. “Dang. And I was really looking forward to spending time with you.”
Again, his heart skipped a beat, but he refused to give in to false hope. “Look, I’m sorry but you can’t be here. Saimon’s policy about no minors is very strict.”
“I don’t even want to drink! I just wanted to see you!”
“Because you’re my friend!” You said that as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You really think we’re friends?” He asked under his breath.
At first, you frowned. “Yes? Don’t you-” You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands. “Oh no! Have I been reading this whole situation wrong? Oh my God, I am so, so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you about all of this! I’m so sorry!”
Shiki was at a loss for words. You really did see him as a friend. He had no idea why. He was nothing special. Yet, you had gone through all this trouble just to see him. It made butterflies swarm in his stomach. Perhaps, maybe, he could try and be your friend after all.
“Alright. If you give me a couple of minutes to explain, I’ll see if I can get Saimon to let you back in.” He mumbled, not making eye contact with you. “Just as long as you don’t drink.”
“I promise!” You took his hand and smiled, while giving it a playful squeeze. “Thank you so much!”
Shiki had never turned more red in his life.
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