#saint rob
explicette · 5 months
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gellavonhamster · 1 month
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One Piece + Tumblr text posts, 4/?
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zombilenium · 10 months
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"Clos des Fées" (Farm of the Fairies),
Saint-Jouin-Bruneval, Seine-Maritime, France,
Named after a former nunnery the Castle became one of the hottest meeting places of fine society. It was a convent school for girls from the 1930s to the 1970s, but deteriorated over the years until it was bought by the town of Saint-Jouin-Bruneval.
There are plans for the property to become part of a new project for the small coastal community, which is very close to the port of Le Havre. Several apartments are to be built in the château, along with other facilities in consultation with the citizens. The goal is to preserve the silhouette of the dominant main part and to make the interior "contemporary.”
Coordinates: 49.64326° N, 0.16123° E
Words Courtesy: Rob Turner
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disarmluna · 3 months
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basedkikuenjoyer · 17 days
When the Clock Strikes
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Hey hey, 1125 gave us a lot of fun stuff to ponder. Starting with this. Here, we don't need to overdo it...
I'll let that speak for itself, certainly leaves us with a lot of nice intrigue around Stussy going forward which I am in favor of. There's one key thing about this chapter I have to get to and she surprisingly ain't it. Though I still love you Stussy, enjoy your ambiguous fate after an arc of a divided heart. Let's get to the main attraction:
Well well old friend, we meet again. For a good time, and a great taste...slap Garling into the open Gorosei slot. This presents a great opportunity to learn about both him and the elders. We still don't really have a clear picture of how much the average citizen really knows about these upper echelons of the government. Like...do you know who Christine Lagarde is? It's public knowledge, she's a powerful global figure. Head of the International Monetary Fund. Just because there is a fair amount of info about her available doesn't mean most people really think about her much. You probably didn't even know or consider the possibility when reading the previous sentences that...not who's in charge anymore. Her successor took over five years ago.
Point being, Garling represents an interesting shakeup. Most importantly that I will get to pester y'all with Mac Tonight jokes for many chapters to come. Emplemon has a great video on YouTube about the former MacDonald's mascot, he's a treasure that we can hopefully pull out of his brief corruption by internet racist dweebs...or make a lot funnier if Garling predictably ends up a genocidal maniac. Which, in conjunction with Dragon puts forward a really good note on Vegapunk's broadcast. This has a high likelihood of kicking off a lot of conflicts over higher ground. Speaking of Vegapunk...
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It was a choice between badass Edison and the hall of Vegaparts. A very tough choice. Gets us to the title, a callback to a motif for our humble genius. What does death mean for him? Turns out not a whole lot. They don't mention Lilith having a connection like York still would, so I do wonder if hers has been fully cut. Either way, very cool final flourish for Punk Records. It floats away to go dormant until it's needed. Honestly...not unlike Toki's plan with the time fruit. And that gets me to the other big connection to those core aspects of Wano.
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This fascinates me. The spoilers obscured how active Saturn was in this decision. But that's what makes it interesting. A last note of how our decisions ripple. Even ones that made perfect sense at the time.
Ultimately, hard to tell what this chapter represents. We cut away from the main cast, but that's normal to see one or two between arcs. We're still unpacking Egghead though so I can't fully say it feels finished here. If nothing else, we could bring it home by ending with SWORD finally getting to Drake. Who knows? But I'll see you next week, thankfully we won't have to wait long.
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danwhobrowses · 6 months
One Piece Chapter 1111 - Initial Thoughts
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The chapters are taking longer and longer to come out it seems, but One Piece finally dropped its final chapter before another 3 week hiatus.
It's a shame, but it's an understandable route, I think we all had the urge to wrap Oda in bubble wrap after Akira Toriyama's saddening death, everyone has to process it their own way.
Regardless, we have a chapter still to get through, so let's see where we're leaving things?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
A colour spread of chips (or fries for you Americans) and jellyfish with the crew, Kuma, Vegapunk and Bonney, of course Bonney wants more after eating her own
Marcus Mars indeed has breached the Labosphere and Jinbe, sensing the haki, wants to get out now
Zoro's not quite content though, Lucci is beaten but not down
Scarred now at the front, Lucci still stands, angry but stumbling over to the two
With time of the essence Jinbe grabs Zoro and uses a 5,000 Brick Fist to propel them away
I'm sure Sanji stans and Anti-Zoro fans will have a field day of 'Zoro didn't beat Lucci' but guys he looks plenty beat, just because they get up again after being knocked out doesn't mean he's not beat, else we're gonna have to say that Mihawk never beat Zoro or Luffy never beat Enel
Like the moment they left he collapses back into human form
And then proceeds to shit bricks seeing Mars, asking for status on York
The loyal dog (or cat) he is he does give Mars the rundown; York is in the control room, the 5 straw hats above are seeking escape through the south when Zoro and Jinbe reconvene, 2 Vegapunks are up here, 85 CP agents and 4 Seraphim in the basement and 6 minutes before Vegapunk's message
Though, a rare show of sentiment from Rob Lucci, as he requests that Kaku - heavily injured in the control room - be recovered
Also worth noting that if Kaku's bandaged like this it likely means Chopper healed him after he was wrecked by at least S-Hawk
Mars however makes no guarantees, already planning to 'wipe out the nest'
Back to Luffy we see him reunite with the giants
Dorry and Brogy seem to think that Luffy's taking the image of the Sun God rather than actually being Nika
Warcury and Saturn are once again taken aback by the appearance of giants
Sanji has been relaying the messages, having told the giants to help Luffy with escaping
Kinda strange though because Sanji was very isolated for Little Garden, having that little coffee break chatting with Crocodile and breaking the Unluckies' necks, but sure enough
We have a map too, though Oda made sure not to mark any of the Gorosei
Dorry blows a horn, signalling that they got to Luffy, which pulls the giants into a tactical retreat
Warcury readies a retort though, blowing his own 'horn' with a yell of Conqueror's Haki
A yell so powerful it popped most of Luffy's features off his body, including his scar!
But naturally toon force means he can put it back together, he's literally holding his eye scar
'Some Government Big Shot' is so funny when you consider that Luffy literally doesn't know who the five godheads of the world government are
Warcury's got flips too, looking to attack with the horns, but the giants block each tusk with their shields
Warcury's tusks seem to have the definition of swords now, I wonder if that's linked to his powers
He asks for backstory on why the giants are loyal to him and to that we say 'read pre-Timeskip'
A double shield bash knocks the Topman to the bottom
Of all things disturbing about Saturn, seeing his mouth is probably the most disturbing
Much like Magellan, he fires pellets of poison at the trio
Luffy, resourceful and once more entering Toon Force, grabs a palm tree, eats it like a corn on a cob, and paints it into a baseball bat - complete with helmet - both adorned with Go-Mu (56) on it
Ayyyy batter batter swing batter!
Expecting the venom to just hit the Gorosei on the return, Luffy's surprised to see them explode like nukes
The opening is there to leave, but Luffy points out to Brogy that the Gorosei aren't beat, they can't die
Everyone's in a rush to get ready; Luffy, Dorry and Brogy are on the move, Sanji is still running and carrying Vegapunk's corpse, Jinbe is running and carrying Zoro's reluctant ass, everyone but Nami is pulling the Sunny back in position
But Bonney has 3 vice admirals waiting for her
Might be unwise to put yourselves between a long boat of giants and more giants though ngl
Mars finds York though, still trapped and now panicking because a monster is asking her where the room the transmission is coming from
Kizaru meanwhile is being tended to, but he claims his wounds 'run deep' - basically he's thrown in the towel
But through the flames it finally arrives, the giant mecha, unfazed by the elements, bigger than a giant, and it speaks
'Joy Boy, forgive me'
Jeez Joy Boy must have lived in an age of regrets because every time we meet something or someone from his time they have something they regret or are apologizing for; Zunesha, the Nefertari family, Joy Boy themselves, now the sleeping giant? I guess in a way it's kinda poetic, they lived in an era where their dreams couldn't come true, so they live in regret, in darkness, until the dawn rises once more.
As for the rest, I know some people will be miffed that Lucci survived, but it serves as a necessity for Mars to get where he's going, and like I said before he's practically out, even Jinbe says that the fight is already won and I doubt Jinbe would lie. When we first started this portion of the arc I was 100% expecting Luffy and co to have left the island by this chapter, but it seems more like it's the beginning of the final phase, the fights leading to escape much like Enies Lobby and Sabaody did. At the least it seems Mars is more occupied with the transmission than the Straw Hats but his priorities can change, plus he can still activate the Seraphim after them instead. V. Nusjuro - who like Ju Peter was quiet this chapter, given how they both got more shine in the previous one - is still circling the island too, which can still lead to a Sanji confrontation, but I'm more eager to see Franky hopefully get some shine against the Vice Admirals; Nine Chins et al don't seem to be the proper threat in terms of VAs though with Bluegrass and Doll hovering around, plus we did see Tosu get bonked by a giant in one hit so I'm not expecting them to go far.
Watching Luffy go full Toon Force is a joy though - pun intended - it's just delightful rubberhose creativity straight outta Tom & Jerry, even gnawing some wood into a baseball bat is classic stuff, so for me it works in comedy and nostalgia. I might die if he paints a tunnel only he and his friends can run through.
We didn't get much word on Vegapunk's transmission and we won't for quite some time now, but I would like to hope that Vegapunk's smart enough to know where the government would look first. I know there's theories that Dragon has the main signal but I feel like it'd have to exist somewhere more akin to a tree in the forest in order to piggyback off of government Den Den Mushi connectivity, if Dragon had that kinda access he probably would've used it more for intelligence. But it's not something I'm too attached towards being wrong about.
Hope Oda gets some rest and stays healthy, if there's one thing we as fans are known for it is indeed our ability to wait.
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therealsoulking · 7 months
One Piece: Chapter 1107
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We pick up where last chapter ended, with Dorry and Broggy (along with Oimo, Kashi, and the rest of the Giant Warrior Pirates) smashing through the Buster Call!
I wonder what drove the captains to return to Elbaf, were they encouraged by whoever is in charge? Did Shanks have some say in it?
Did they recognize Luffy's new visage as that of the Sun God, Nika?
Who's to say?
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We also get a recap clip of Little Garden and Enies Lobby for the kids who weren't literate back in the 2000s, that's cute.
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Zoro's still brawling with Lucci, who turns out to be a bit stronger than we expected. Then again, he's an awakened Zoan, and they're tough as hell.
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Luffy also got some solid-looking hits on Jaygarcia Saturn, though we'll see if they stick. Maybe Bonney can tell Luffy exactly what's so great about being Nika, other than being able to shape the world at his feet.
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Can you hear it?
Like a thousand Agenda-posters crying out in pain...
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Uh oh.
Looks like Devon didn't steal the identity of any of our allies, looks like she came here to get a shot at the highest-value target imaginable.
What the hell is Teach planning...?
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oh-saints · 2 years
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avid-adoxography · 1 month
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theconjurervfx · 1 year
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skepsys · 2 years
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saint’s (unfortunately unwilling) antagonist arc 😕
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harrowscore · 24 days
a few days ago i (re)watched the 25th anniversary concert of les misérables and. oh god. i forgot how much this musical did éponine dirty
#partly javert too but éponine is the clearer victim#of simplifying complex characters into more easily lovable (or villainous in javert's case) archetypes#so the audience can root or despise them accordingly#(i think cocciante's nddp is also guilty of this but imo there this adaptation choice makes more sense and is better executed)#say what you want about the 2012 movie and you'd probably be right... but at least they tried and partially succeded in giving éponine back#her complex moral ambiguity with not giving cosette's letter to marius and selfishly goading him into a sorta murder/suicide plan#which more or less is what happens in the book#(javert is also allowed to be more than a caricatural villain. i mean... russell crowe's singing is. Not Great#but at least the script show the character's many layers. or it attempts to#nvm that i don't even consider javert a villain. he's 100% an antagojist but far from the main villain of the story#he's both victim and perpetrator. the law and society at large are the villains here. he's actually a good cop... which is the point!)#éponine in the book is a multilayered bordering on grey and easily the most complex female character of the whole book#but god. in the musical she's just there pining for marius and being all Saint Éponine of Saint Michel#it's insufferable. i mean i still like her but she's TOO perfect. i wouldn't have had such an issue with it if i didn't read the book#.... probably. but damn we were robbed. les mis miniseries with actually accurate depictions of the characters/the plot in general when???#(preferably made by someone who *understands* the book. tyvm)#having said that i still love the musical to pieces. the music is great the songs are beautiful the story is touching#and the epilogue makes me uglycry every damn time. but i think we really missed a chance with éponine ngl#val speaks#txt
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iamtryingtobelieve · 6 months
You're Not Quite Satan
But I Really Think I Hate You
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itscontinental · 11 hours
POEMS I WROTE AS CHILD #2 I think I was twenty I thought things were going to get better I thought I was an adult I wasn't Things got so much worse
When I was in grade school I fell asleep to the notion that girls in grade school would have sex with boys in grade school and I could have sex with girls then.
this was not true but it helped me sleep
When I was in grade school I fell asleep thinking about Clarissa.
When I was in jail I bummed the paper from a child murderer which was soggy and did my best to breath through my mouth as not to smell what I believe was piss
Page eight Clarissa valedictorian Tennis champion Graduating, with everyone else.
This is true I could not sleep.
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onepiecefashion · 8 months
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Outfit for Rob Lucci
Saint Laurent Fall 2016
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danwhobrowses · 6 months
One Piece Chapter 1110 - Initial Thoughts
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The five have landed, and TCB had the audacity to not translate until late Friday, making us wait so long, but we're finally here, so let's not waste any more time.
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Our cover story is a Yamato story, he's off to travel Wano just as Oden did, which he tells Momonosuke in this cover. Given the name, I'd expect that he may cross paths with Onimaru since it'll involve an Inari shrine
How ominous a title to have with 'Planetfall' too
The buster call watches on as it notices the similar effects to Saturn's arrival, Bluegrass seems particularly disturbed
The giants sense it too, with Bonney and Franky left to worry about the others
Vegapunk's broadcast involved showing off 'Vega-Coffee', which essentially is something that turns water into coffee
That ad break lasted 3 minutes, so there's still 7 minutes left
Marejois meanwhile is empty though, only the summoning circle appears
But Vegapunk is starting anyway, with the threat that the broadcast could be intercepted it's better to hasten
And finally we got the Gorosei fruits and it all seems to be Zoans, mainly Yokai
Saturn of course is the Gyuki, as we suspected from the design
Marcus Mars is an Itsumade, the 'Eerie bird'. According to research "Saw-like beak" and "talons as sharp as swords"
Topman Warcury is a Houki, not much info on it but that it's a Four Tusked Boar from China
Arguably the most badass design is Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, the Bakotsu. The skeletal horse is a vengeful spirit seeking revenge for being burned to death
And finally Shepherd Ju Peter, the only non-Yokai is a Sandworm. Because Oda definitely watched Dune recently
As Luffy stands down the Five Elder Planets, Sanji rushes off with Vegapunk's corpse ready to warn Nami and the others
V. Nusjuro is first to make a move, turning into a Centaur-like hybrid form as he lays waste to the Mark III pacifista surrounding the island
He was so quick that no Marine saw it either, only catching a faint image of a horse
Not even damaged, partially frozen, their 'neural circuitry' was frozen so he may've cut into their souls
I wonder if this could be a level Brook can attain
Mars is also on the move, but he's going up high
Sanji contacts Nami, telling them to get out now, soon enough Mars charges into the barrier
Luffy continues to dodge on the back foot against Saturn with Ju Peter and Warcury on the outskirts, but he notices that Ju Peter is burrowing
Usopp contacts Sanji, they're ready to leave but Zoro and Jinbe aren't here
The Sunny is safe and sound, but despite Brook's calmness he's getting his shins kicked by Lilith, who reminds him that the Sunny's only safe because of Usopp's bamboo shoots
Jinbe makes his way to Zoro, being within eyeshot
Zoro meanwhile finds himself slightly disarmed by Lucci, who taunts Zoro over his curiosity over the new sources of strong Haki
As Jinbe notes that they're still fighting, Sanji makes an off-comment, calling him a burden
Zoro has been ACTIVATED
Catching the sword that was disarmed, Zoro uses Santoryu against Lucci's leopard spots for the quick KO
The Chapter Notes point out that he references Hahava, the coldest hell of Buddhism
Plot demanded Zoro finish late, so finally Zoro has finished
Luffy meanwhile has been caught lacking, as the Sandworm comes for a bite
Dorry and Brogy have arrived though, much like they did in Little Garden (well one of them) they cut the gullet before Luffy can be swallowed
Luffy is glad to see some old friends, but now the numbers are a little more even
Well the Gorosei are definitely not weaklings
Terrifying creatures all in their own rights, they definitely set themselves up as powerful foes. Makes you wonder though what Imu could be if this is the base line huh?
There seems to be a bit more lines to draw this time around; with V. Nusjuro circling the island down below he may find himself crossing the Giants' ships, meaning Franky, Bonney, Atlas and maybe Sanji, Oimo and Kashii will likely have to confront him. Up above we have Mars looking to break through to the Labophase, which he likely will, leading to the crew having to find an opening there; Nami, Usopp, Zoro, Chopper, Robin, Jinbe and Brook plus Lilith is a greater numbers advantage, but Mars may also use the Seraphim if he's wily, does not look good for the CP agents, York and Kaku though, hope the first and latter got out safe.
Which leaves Luffy and the giants facing down Saturn, Ju Peter (I doubt he's dead) and Warcury. I could sadly see the captains not making it out, or holding off 3 so to get Luffy out. Let's not forget that Kizaru can always pull himself back into it (I hope Sentomaru also escaped). Plus there's still the matter of Vegapunk's broadcast itself.
It's not gonna be clean or pretty, but thinks are gonna get chaotic in the best and the worst way.
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