#saken talks in tags
sillyseaveerablogs · 9 months
Reading the TCEE(@bluejasperbr's mutual fanfic) and was not expecting that the celestials of mech pulled out a machine gun
My mind constantly plays that one part "I GOT A GLOCK IN MY RARI" Tagging some friends who will read this! @skylovingartist @plantsaredabest @paidexpxp @wublinlover @bear-cubs-art-things
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godidontevenknowwhat · 4 months
Lessons of life
Tonowari x Metkayina!Reader (Sequel to Missed Lessons)
A/N: Listen I know I said Missed Lessons was my Magnum Opus but I'm starting to think that writing for Tonowari in general might be my Magnum Opus, also if you saw me accidentally post this unfinished then no you didn't. Also not that anyone asked but Obstacles by Syd Matters and Look at you by Screaming Trees are Tonowari and Reader's songs in my head. Also also the smut is very little of this fic so if you're here for smut without plot this is not for you. And in case you haven't noticed my fics are never beta read so just act like any mistakes aren't there.
Synopsis: 35 cycles, almost 36, of being Tonowari's closest friend was enough to ensure a familiarity with everything in his life. The walls of his Marui, weaved by hand by his grandfather's father contained intricate patterns that you could trace in the sand from memory. The permanent markings covering his body, each with a story you knew from start to finish although it was rare the story didn't involve you in some capacity. The way people looked at him since becoming Olo'eyktan. Before your heat came, before Tonowari laid you in the sand and made you his.. you never would have believed that familiarity would ever fade. The walls of his Marui are now the walls of yours as well, the pattern's swirls seemingly different to how they were in your childhood. His newest marking, familiar? Yes, a marking to show your mating with a matching one adorning your own body but still, it looked out of place in its freshness amongst the faded and settled ones you had seen for many cycles. The way people looked at him, at Tonowari, your Tonowari.. they now looked at you the same way. His mate, the woman carrying his child.
Fic includes: NSFW so MDNI, pregnancy, mentions of childbirth (mostly talk of pushing, contractions etc and then mentions of the baby coming into the world but nothing graphic), pregnant sex, fingering, squirting because I can't write smut without it, p in v, reader on top because she is quite far along, themes of insecurity from Tonowari and Reader (Tonowari's insecurity of being leader that I totally made up and Reader's insecurity of her relationship with Tonowari), hints of a strained relationship between Ao'nung and Reader, hints of Jake and Reader being besties because it felt right in my heart, a little surprise at the end 🤭, 3.6k overall
Tagging: @torukmaktoskxawng @itchaboi-itchyboy @xylianasblog @pandoraslxna @eywaite @neteyamsyawntu @shadowmoonlight0604 @name-saken @anxious7sami @oakbuggy
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Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Contraction. Deep breath. Hold. Push.
Sweat beads on your forehead and covers your body in a thin sheen. The morning sun beats down on you and despite your position in the cool rippling water you are burning from exertion. 
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Contraction. Deep breath. Hold. Push.
Every noise around you seems muffled, as if you have your hands over your ears to block them out. You don’t hear the Tsahik finishing her blessings from Eywa, you don’t hear the encouraging words of your clan from the water’s edge or the rumbling echoes of clicks and bellows from the Tulkun in the deep water. Even your own cries are dampened in your ears as your blood pounds.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Contraction. Deep breath. Hold. Push.
Hands land on your shoulders and you jolt out of the daze of your own mind. Your eyes lift from where they were focussed on the lapping waves against your round belly. Meeting Tonowari's eyes you can’t hold back the sob that rips from your throat, the pain was unlike any you had ever experienced. It was a consuming pain, running through every nerve of your body. You try to distract yourself with the way the morning sun hits his eyes, their beautiful blue hue sparkling with specks of turquoise and deep cerulean. 
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Contraction. Deep breath. Hold. Push.
Tonowari moves his hands to your face, cupping your tear-dampened cheeks in the palms of his large hands. You see his lips moving as he asks you about making the bond with him and despite the pain running through you, you shake your head at the suggestion not wanting your mate to be forced to experience the same pain you are. A conscious part of your brain, not consumed by the pain, is overly aware of the eyes on you both and it aches at the thought of making your mate experience pain so openly in front of the clan.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Contraction. Deep breath. Hold. Push.
Keeping a hold of your face, Tonowari reaches for his kuru and presents it to you, accepting your choice but giving you the option to change your mind if you need to. You stare into the eyes of your mate, his action washing away any negative thoughts your nagging insecurity might have washed to the front of your brain and you nod numbly, accepting his offer.
Tonowari presses his forehead to your own as he connects your kuru with his, the little pink swirling tendrils tying together and connecting you both through mind, body and soul. Eyes clenching shut he embraces your pain as if it's his own, sharing the pain of bringing your beautiful baby into the world. 
Images pass behind your eyes in a way that you imagine is similar to what Tsyeyk Suli had called a ‘moo-vee’ one day while discussing his life before his consciousness transfer through Eywa. Memories and feelings so deeply embedded that they can only be brought forward through such a profound connection. Tonowari’s eyes water, whether from your pain now being shared with him or from the onslaught of memories detailing your life together through every twist and turn, you can’t be sure.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Contraction. Deep breath. Hold. Push.
He remembers the low baritone of his father’s voice vibrating in his ears which lowered in shame at his tone. He’d been caught daydreaming instead of paying attention to his father's words once again. Words of his future, how his father was aging and Tonowari would soon have to lead the clan. 
Pressure, pressure was what it was. A pressure filled promise of a future set in stone that he would never be able to shake, even if it’s all that his adolescent brain wanted.
A deep sigh made him turn to his father, the look on his face making his stomach turn, a look of disappointment that he would one day be just as masterful at dealing out to his own children albeit not without a simmer of shame.
“You may go, your little friend is waiting for you”
Ears shooting up with surprise, his wide eyes looked at his father. He didn’t understand the position he was in back then, not like he does now. If he could go back he always said he would take it easier on his dad, let up on him a bit for being so uptight. 
He remembers running from his Marui, running to you where you were waiting for him in the afternoon sun. Your hair was loose that day, unbraided and unstyled with a rogueness that was uniquely yours. You smiled at him, bright and beautiful as you told him about a place you wanted to take him.
An outcrop, one you had to swim to from the other side of the island where Awa’latlu rested. A place that would hold significance in your lives throughout cycles and cycles. The place where you would create new life to add to yours.
You remember the offended look that Tonowari shoots at you, your hands weaving a delicate shining shell into his songcord with practiced perfection. 
The dark ink of his newest permanent marking is shocking against his skin, covered in a layer of healing salve from the Tsahik. 
He was banned from the water, not allowed to get the marking wet or soak it for the next few days so he’s stuck making up his excess time by attending duties with you, annoying you through your daily tasks.
You didn’t realise at the time that Tonowari was happier by your side, watching you work on various duties, than he was in the water with the weight of being the Eykyu (Leader) of the tarpongu (hunting party). 
You didn’t realise at the time that Tonowari was a different person with you.
He remembers the shake in your voice, the quiver of your bottom lip as you stared up at him and the tears gathering on your lash line that threatened to spill over. 
You were standing off to the side of him and his group of friends who were sitting around a fire. They were talking about something stupid, laughing and smiling. He was relaxed, as much as he could be while knowing he was about to become the Olo’eyktan. 
These friends would soon grow to look at him differently, look at him as their leader and not the boy they grew up with but you.. you never looked at him as anything other than himself.
Laughter roused from the group as Tonowari practically sprinted to your side to check on you. He can’t recall why you were crying, why you needed him but he remembers the panic that spread through him when he saw your tears finally spill over and dampen your cheeks.
He didn’t realise at the time that your tears finally spilled not from what had actually gotten you so worked up but from the guilt of pulling him away from his other friends, from making them laugh at him because of you.
You remember calling Tonowari that as he shifted once more from the feeling of your hands on his body. At the time you were annoyed. Your hands were aching from grinding up iridescent shells to make the unique paint in front of you and no part of your mind would have thought that your best friend of 21 cycles was being so inconsiderately mobile because the feeling of your hands on his body was meaningful to him in any other way than just painting him for his ceremony. 
The swirls you painted were purposefully reminiscent of the weaving swirls throughout his Marui, a place you had spent a majority of your childhood together in, and the paint you had made for this momentous occasion was dazzling. Fit for the Olo’eyktan to be that was sitting before you. 
Fit for your best friend.
He remembers the cheers of excitement from the clan around him, a grin spreading across his own face to match the ones he could see in the crowd as the Tsahik announced him the new Olo’eyktan in the presence and blessing of the Great Mother.
The weight of the ceremonial cape on his shoulders was a fitting physical representation of the metaphorical weight he had worn for cycles before becoming clan leader and that he would continue to wear cycles on from now.
He remembers pressing his forehead to the Tsahik’s in a respectful display before doing the same with his father, who for the first time in his lifetime seemed to be just that. Not Olo’eyktan now, not a leader or a role model but his father.
He turned to face the crowd, eyes meeting yours from a distance and he allowed himself to look at you, really looking at you.
He remembers a shock going through him at how beautiful you were, light shining on you as if Eywa herself had parted the clouds to let it highlight you amongst the rest of the clan.
He wondered at the time when you’d become so beautiful, when he’d become immune to noticing it. Wondered when your hair had grown from the choppy little cut you ran around with as a teenager to the carefully braided and styled way you were now wearing it. Wondered when you had grown into your body, when you’d developed into a woman with enticing softness and eye catching curves.
He was whisked away before he could speak to you, taken to the side by his mother and father. Shown off to the parents of the Tsakarem, Ronal, someone who he'd always known as Tonowari but was now having to get to know all over again as Olo’eyktan.
“Thank the Great Mother he doesn’t look like you, Skxawng..”
You remember the embarrassing shake of your voice as you held Ao’nung in your arms, Tonowari’s first born, so small and sweet. Looking so much like his mother Ronal. You wondered in that moment if he’d grow up to possess the same fierceness as his mother, the same bite in his words and bone chilling scowl that she shot at those who angered her.
You didn’t realise at the time looking down at his small, content face that he'd one day turn his mother's fierceness towards you. Throwing out sharp words just to hurt you, questioning you and accusing you of trying to replace his mother when he found out about the life you and his father had created.
He remembers the whisper of your voice behind him as he looked over the Suli family from the Omatikaya. The way your eyes met his own sent a shiver down his spine. It had been cycles at that point since you had called him by his name, a friendship once as strong as the waves of the ocean beyond the reef now settled like gentle ripples.
Your eyes sent him back to his childhood, to a time where you could speak without saying anything, to a time where he was closest to you.
He didn’t realise at that moment how much he really loved you, how much he had loved you his whole life. How the love he had for you was strong enough to cripple him, make him drop to his knees in front of the clan and scream it until his voice was rendered hoarse. 
He remembers your eyes flicking to Tsyeyk and how he looked at you, pleading. Your eyes took in the children surrounding Neytiri and Tsyeyk, full of warmth and kindness you had gained over many cycles before they shot to his own once again. Without words he knew what you were saying to him and he agreed.
Despite facing away from you to address the clan he could hear the grin in your voice as you spoke to the Suli family and it took the strength of a leader that he had become more used to possessing to hide his own grin at the sound.
He remembers calling you that for the first time not even a full cycle ago. His hands were on your shoulders as he begged you to look at him and calm down.
You had both returned from your outcrop, your mixed scents and day long disappearance a dead giveaway to what had taken place. 
The Tsahik had approached you both to confirm that you had mated before Eywa and before you had time to truly grasp what this all meant there was an announcement to the Metkayina of their Olo’eyktan taking a new mate. Your mind had finally cleared from your heat only to be bombarded by the reaction of your clan.
He remembers you nodding through the words of the clan, accepting offers from the finest performers of Tā moko (permanent marking/tattooing) to design your Moko Kauae (tattoo on lips and chin of women) to represent your new status amongst the Metkayina. Remembers the Tsahik announcing that there would be a handfasting ceremony in the village wharenui (village meeting hall). 
He remembers your breathing starting to pick up, your eyes shifting amongst the many smiling faces before you as you excused yourself and practically ran to your Marui. Practically ran from him.
He approached you a while later, only delayed by having to speak with the Tsahik, finding your curled up form shaking on your bed roll. He remembers gripping onto you and begging you to listen to him. 
He remembers the look of relief that flashed across your face as he called you his love and he vowed in that moment, privately and to himself, that he’d never let you go for another moment without knowing well and true how much he loved you.
You remember the first time it slipped it, the first time you called him yours in front of someone else. 
Your hand was clenched around his own large, rough hand and looking back you’re surprised at the lack of reaction he had to your bone-breaking grip. 
You’d received Tā moko before, different permanent markings covering your body in different positions and locations but your Moko Kauae was giving you more trouble than you had hoped. The Tsahik had warned you before-hand that your pregnancy might make your body more sensitive to stimulation, painful or pleasurable.
You had no time to be embarrassed, no time to overthink about what the others in the Tā moko whare (Permanent Marking/Tattoo building) may think of your exclamation because, before any of that could happen, Tonowari pressed a kiss against the back of the hand that was squeezing the life out of his own. Grounding you instantly and keeping your brain with him rather than with anyone else. 
His eyes trailed the marking being placed onto your skin, a matching Tā moko throbbing on his chest directly above his heart to show his dedication and love for you that he’d experienced for years, finally immortalised on his body.
He remembers the squeal of excitement in your voice as you did your best to make your way to the water quickly, your heavy stomach making your pace more underwhelming than it was in your head. 
You’d joined him on a Tsurak as he guided you both to where the Metkayina’s spirit brother’s and sister's were gathered.
He remembers speaking with his Tulkun, his brother. Telling him the tale of your mating and the baby in your belly that was his for you to bear. Remembers watching you swim with your sister, the water taking your weight and making your movements smoother once more. 
You had waved him over, presented him in front of your spirit sister in a way that made him flush. He had attributed your gushing words about his strength and how much you loved him to your pregnancy making you more emotional than usual.
He didn’t know at the time that your spirit sister was the only one you felt truly comfortable expressing your pure emotions to other than him. Didn’t know that through the polite smiles and nods at the members of the Metkayina that congratulated you both was a crippling insecurity that used its ugly voice to drag you down. 
You remember the tired edge to his voice as he entered your Marui for the night. The puffiness of the bags under his eyes almost brought tears to your own as he sat beside you on your shared bed roll. 
The day had been long, the tarpongu (hunting party) returning almost empty-handed due to an unexpected Akula in the hunting area and Tonowari blamed himself for every lost fish from the catch and every injury that dotted the bodies of the hunters.
Your own day had been strenuous but nothing could compare to the strength of Tonowari’s ability to blame himself for clan matters. 
You remember offering him your kuru, silently telling him you wanted to share his worries and pain while sharing your love and reassurance.
You didn’t realise at that moment Tonowari was convinced you were the most incredibly beautiful thing he had ever seen. Hand outstretched presenting your kuru to him like a gift, large concerned eyes gazing at him with a sea full of love swimming inside them and belly swollen with his child.
He remembers the desperate whimper trembling from your lips as he rolled your overly sensitive clit between his fingers, bullying another orgasm out of you that made your eyes roll back in your head and your legs shake.
It had started when you had complained about your appearance, something stupid about the swell of your pregnant stomach and full breasts that Tonowari had taken personal offense to.
Two of his thick fingers collect the slick drooling from your puffy cunt and teasingly circle your entrance before sinking inside you deep enough to brush against your g-spot on their first thrust. 
He remembers your hands desperately searching for something to grip on to, one settling in his hair where it gripped hard enough to sting his scalp and the other clenching your bed roll into a fist. His lips trailed from your sweat slick neck, heavily marked by his nips and sucks to your full breasts, latching you your tender nipple and twirling his tongue around it in a practiced motion that made your voice weak every time.
Your pussy clenched around his fingers as you begged for a break before you released a heavy squirt, your orgasm dragged out by his insistent press against your clit. 
He had given you room to breathe while he admired the wet spot you left on the bed roll because of him, your swollen cunt twitching with overstimulation and your body trembling from his actions.
Your pregnancy had subdued you slightly, made you a little more pliable and submissive just like the heat that got you pregnant in the first place had but it didn’t subdue you enough to stop you from sending Tonowari back with a shove until his back met the bed roll.
You both remembered the roll of his eyes, the smiles on your faces as you sank down on him, holding yourself up with whatever effort you could muster as you took his cock. The stretch was still a pleasurable burn despite the amount of times he had split you open on him during your pregnancy.
Tonowari stared up at you like you were Eywa herself above him, the evening sun lighting you from behind and creating a beautiful image, one he’d remember forever. 
“N-nga yawne lu oer”
You had beaten him to saying it again.
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Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Contraction. Deep breath. Hold. Push.
A relieved sob rips out of your throat at your final push and you very nearly collapse into the arms of your mate who stands before you, eyes no longer focussing solely on you but also on the beautiful baby that your body had made for you both.
One of his large hands stays supporting you at the waist while the other reaches into the water, helping the sweet little life reach the surface for their first breath. Tears of happiness form in his eyes at the sight of his beautiful baby taking their first big gulp of air.
The Tsahik works quickly to remove the shawl placed around you from your shoulders, a shawl that all of the members of the clan had a form of contribution to, whether through harvesting materials or weaving. Wrapping the baby into the shawl, a metaphorical hug from the clan embracing them as your own arms embrace them in the loving hold of their mother. 
Meeting Tonowari's eyes you pass him your precious baby, the life you made together and you can’t hold back your grin at the way his arms make the baby look even smaller than they feel in your own. 
Looking to the edge of the water, your clan surrounds you and for the first time since mating with Tonowari you don’t question your position. 
Eyes meeting Ao’nung’s you can see the apology and pride for you in his own before he can even consider saying anything out loud. You send him a relaxed smile in understanding, the exchange going unnoticed by everyone except the two of you.
“Have you prepared a name to announce to the clan?” 
The Tsahik’s words send your brain on the search once more and when your eyes land upon Tsyeyk Suli standing amongst your clan, your brother's and sister’s, his mate and children by his side but missing a member, you know that your decision is made.
Tonowari raises his arms above his head, cradling your brand new baby in his hands as gently as he’s ever held anything before. The sound of excitement runs through the members of the clan who can see their Olo’eyktan’s new baby.
The low baritone of Tonowari's voice rings out, loud enough for the clan, the Tulkun and even Eywa herself to hear as he announces the name of your son.
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vintageaustin · 1 year
take me to church
pairing: king Elvis x reader
warnings: the church, uhm god...? Fathers...?
Listen to Salvatore by Lana when you read it trust me
`To many many people in your small town you weren’t anything special just the pastor's daughter, but to the young prince who would soon be king. Elvis Presley, you were so so much more. 
 Even though the only times the two of you talked was when he went to the church let’s just say you made his sundays allot easier, but he only really saw you in church or  when your father would be over to give his Father  advice. He just knew there was something special about you. 
you were sweet as honey and your smile could light up a whole room, it was like you were the giggle at a funeral and you were everything a king could want. The only problem was your father, the pastor and the young prince didn’t exactly get along.  
The church used to help his father rule’ their country , but in Elvis' eyes they were taking his fathers power and Trying to shape his future kingdom to their hand.
but when his father finally stepped down it was his turn to rule. the first thing the king without weaknesses as they thought did. was to remove the church and your father as his royal advisors. Which also led to seeing you less and less until you weren’t allowed to see him at all anymore.
but  he’d find his way to face your father and ask for your hand. He did it all and he stood tall. He was the king after all. Sure some days he’d pray for silence and sometimes he’d pray for you. Eventually after a few days he did see you again, maybe he wasn't that much of a believer but if he could see his girl that way. anyone could take him to church.
After months of asking you out you finally agreed to. go out with the young king. And let’s just say it made you feel ecstatic even if your king would just take you on a walk trough his gardens.
He was your king and you were his future queen.  Months passed.. and you guys sneaked around you even spent nights at the castle and because of those nights you. Your little mistake happened and well.. let’s just say.
Atleast Elvis was sure you were gonna be his queen now. 
Even if your father didn’t like it the three of you were having dinner at Elvis his castle. Your father not even noticing the whole plan behind it. Was simply to ask for your hand 
“So the whole reason I invited you over for dinner sir.” Elvis said as he took your hand “is to ask you if I may have your daughter her hand in marriage ” he spoke and your father looked up from his plate and simply said “no.” Both you and Elvis were to stunned to speak and there was an uncomfortable silence until your boyfriend decided to speak up.
“I’m marrying her whether you like it or not”. Elvis said in quite a demanding voice “she’ll be my wife she’ll by my queen!” He spoke even louder. You squeezd his hand and rubbed it with you thumb as your father let out a laugh.
“No. I am NOT marrying my daughter my only daughter of to a selfish king who thinks he’s the prophecy” your father spoke just as loud as demanding. 
Elvis let out a low chuckle. “Well I fucking ought to be if someone is gonna safe this GOD FOR SAKEN country it’s me and I’m gonna do it with your daughter by my side as my wife as me queen!” He yelled which. Made you flinch you weren’t scared of him but you also never saw him act like this. 
Your father shook his head “I said no there’s nothing you could say to me to that shall change my mind and god is my witness” Elvis laughed. And shook his head 
“You forget that… god isn’t king here I am, besides she’s with child” he chuckles dryly “my child…. Now are  you sure you don’t wanna marry her off to me?” He smirked and leaned over kissing your cheek before  he sat back in his chair.’ And al there was now was silence.
Special tag: @asshlyyyy
so this is the last thing I’m posting for a while..
I need some healing
I lost the most important person I had last night
But I’ll be back goodbye for now 🧡
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acidicacedia · 5 years
they didn’t have to make giyuus eyes go that hard
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daydreamermike · 3 years
My Last Goodbye...
Kanina nagpunta ako ng San Pedro Laguna. Bago makarating dun madadaanan ako ang Olivarez. Nakita ko na wala na pala yung Mcdo kung san kami unang nagkita/nag-date at lagi namin tambayan. Giniba na pala sya tapos may bakod na ng mga yero. Excited pa naman ako makita yung Mcdo kanina to reminisce.
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Last month may nakita akong nka-tag na picture sa kanya, hindi maganda lagay ng katawan nya. Sa ming dalawa, ako yung payat tapos sya chubby. Inaasar ko sya at pinapagalitan at the same time kasi mas payat na sya saken ngayon.
Last chat message ko na pala sa kanya ang "palakas ka and be healthy boss"
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I'm talking about my ex. He was my 1st partner. We call each other "Boss". A common friend, asked me what happened to my ex. Nakita nya kasi MyDay ng ex ko na hindi ko naman nakita so wala akong idea that he got hospitalized. Then, yesterday...he's gone.
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So ayun, kaya ako napadpad ng Laguna kanina to visit his wake. I've been crying for almost two days now. Ang daming flashback na masasayang memories pero mas nangibabaw yung lungkot. Ang dami-dami kong gustong ikwento, isulat, i-share.
As walk closer sa bahay nila kanina, pabagal ng pabagal naman ang lakad ko. Pakiramdam ko nanghihina ako. Then there, I saw his mom, pinapasok ako ng bahay nila. Nakita ko picture ng ex ko, ang pogi nya sa graduation toga nya. Maraming ilaw...maraming bulaklak, then I saw him. Ilang segundo tumigil ikot ng mundo ko.
Boss, be happy up there in heaven <\3
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iintemperiae · 4 years
hello, alya!! i know we don't talk puro tags lang pero i hope you're doing amazing!! and kumain ka na!! sending lovess!!! also take a rest, online class sucks ):< ilyyyy!!ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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wdym online class? kahit online class nagcucutting parin ako CHAR JSKSJDJSJJS KAYA AKO NAPAPAGALITAN NG PRESIDENT NAMEN E HAHAHAHAHA tangina buti nalang cute sha n e way yezzir kumain nako, yung ulam namin kasing sarap ni president CHAR HAHAHAHAH IKAW RIN AICE!!!! hope youre doing well rin with ol classes and shit and wag kang tumulad saken na bumabagsak 🤡🔫 sending PaGmAmAhAl 💌💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
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mwdders · 5 years
By this candle I do sleep, hidden in the night so deep.
Part 2
It was dark, she couldn’t see a thing, let alone the path down the stairs.
“Keep moving!” A prison guard yelled at Hadie before shoving her along.
“Touch me again moron and I’ll make sure you burn in hell.”
“Oh doesn’t that sound familiar.” He shook his head, “You get 10 minutes, and don’t try any of that magic voodoo shit.”
She stumbled forward tripping over her own foot as she saw the bars of the cell. “You have a visitor.” The guard said tapping on the metal bars getting his attention.
He turned around slow, the light blinding, his eyes glowing. “Hadriana, dear one.” Cold sweat was running down Hadie’s neck, the fear was oozing out of her. “It’s Hadie.”
Hadie was defensive it was the only thing she knew when she was around her father. “Hmm you even took away the name I gave you.”
Hades was now right at the bars, hands on them, watering dripping slowly down the metal. “It’s a nickname. Nothing malicious.”
“Why are you here?” Hadie smirked, she’d got his attention. “What? I can’t just come and see you?” Hades smirked and slammed his hands on the bars, “It’s been 10 years ‘Hadie’” He put the emphasis on Hadie, venom almost spitting off his tongue.
“I need something.” She sighed, she couldn’t play games with him. “Of course you do. Now what is it?” He sat down in the shadows.
“The ember.” He stood up, rushed to the bars and pulled Hadie closer to him after grabbing her shirt through the poles. “You want the ember?” He was enraged and she could tell. “You want the ember!” He yelled, eyes glowing darker than she’d ever seen.
“I need it. It’s important.” She shoved him away, he stumbled slightly in surprise as to how strong she was. “Well dear daughter,” Hadie scoffed at his words. “It’ll cost ya.” She rolled her eyes, “Why am I not surprised? What do ya want?” He turned away from her, and outstretched his arms, “Freedom.” She laughed loudly, “You’re locked up for a reason, you aren’t getting out anytime soon.”
“You aren’t getting the ember anytime soon then, are ya?”
“I don’t control the law.”
“Tell me where it is.”
“Get me out.” She was having no luck, and she knew she would regret this. “How about I negotiate and get you out for a day or something?”
“Potentially, make it 2 days and I might consider it.”
“Consider it? You take it or leave it, I’m sure I could find the ember without you.” Hadie starts to walk away, “Wait!” He yelled, blue sparks coming out of his hands as he yelled.
“I’ll take your deal.”
“Thought so.” Hadie signalled to the guard who was stood at the top of the stairs. “Let him out.”
“Have you lost your mind?” The guard shook his head and began to drag Hadie out. “I’m serious.”
Hades stood at the bars still smirking, while the guard just looked from him and back to Hadie. “I can’t just let him out.”
“You can and I give you the order to.” Heads turned to the king stood at the foot of the stairs. “But Sir, this is Hades, we’re talking about.”
“Yes and although your concern is mutual, we need his assistance. Now open the door,” Ben stepped closer to Hadie, “But keep him shackeled.”
The guard followed the orders and unlocked the cell, allowing Hades to step out before being shackeled.
He then jumped for Hadie, but didn’t get very far as Ben and Harry both ran infront of her.
As he laughed he said, “I’m just testing you, I see you’ve got yourself a little protection daughter.” Hades began walking to the steps, Harry still infront of Hadie, he scowled, “This ones a little clingy, how pathetic.” Harry growled in response shoving his hook in Hades’ back forcing him up the stairs, “Take it easy hooky, I’m going.” Hadie rolled her eyes, staying close to Harry as they walked.
They were met with a force, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and Uma and her crew all waiting. “Don’t tell me you’re working with these cowards.” Hadie scoffed, “I don’t think you have the right to call them cowards do you Hades.”
“Ouch, aren’t you going to call me Dad?” Hadie rolled her eyes and shoulder barged past him. “You tell us where the ember is, now.” Mal was forceful. “Easy short stuff.”
“We don’t have time for messing about.”
“You do know, our magic works on the isle right? We’re the only one’s who actually have use on this god for saken island.” Hades stepped towards the group, slowly lighting his hair as he signalled between him and Hadie.
Hadie stepped forward lighting her hair, “Yes, we do know and you better not step out of line because Mal here, who’s magic also works, could tear you to shreds.” Hadie turned to Mal, her eyes already glowing green. “I get it, I get it.”
“You’re wasting my time now and I’m growing impatient, tell us where the ember is.” Uma stepped forward. “Alright fishy, calm your tentacles.” Hades slowly shut his eyes, placing his hands infront of him, smoke began to come out of his fingers and blue powder was pouring into the sky like a powerful cloud.
As the smoke cleared Hades re appeared, hair a light, eyes glowing, ember in his hand. “How dramatic.” Hadie rolled her eyes and grabbed the ember from his hand.
“Damn you’re snatchy.”
“Learnt from the best.” Hadie scowled and walked off, “Lock him back up for all I care. I got what I need.” She yelled before being out of sight.
“You heard her.” Ben said, before the guard grabbed Hades and dragged him back into the prison.
“You can’t do this! We had a deal.” He yelled as he was kicking trying to get away from the guard.
“No, Hadie told you what you wanted to hear. You never officially made a deal.” Hades screamed “You’ll regret this! I’ll have my revenge!” and tried to release blue smoke but was down the prison stairs before he could even try.
“Let’s go and find Hadie.”
Part 3 up later!
Tag list:
@evietoyourmal @heysunsh1n3 @dance-is-life27 @sokkasbae255 @whelderguy @itskittyly13 @xiang-forall @livingwithmythougths @swagbiscuitzonkfish @helloatomicshadow @halfbloodskull @uniquequotesanimecookie @envyme20 @melsheartsthings @tigruskin @alyannasandiego @thelittlesuicideprincess @descendantofthesparrow @nothinglikeadollatall
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
tag your homestuck, imma have a STROKE bc i remember for god for saken homestuck phase. i don’t wanna remember my,,,,,, homestuck,,,, fanfics,,,,
hhhh lmao!! i didn’t really participate in fandom, just reblogged art, listened to music, and cosplayed dave once...
fun story: i did it for halloween and when we went to get candy like the children we were, a person came up with a horrifying and accurate Lil Cal doll to talk to me
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drakmaya · 6 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by @womanoflettersisahufflepuff
A- Age: 15
B- Birthplace: Sweden
C- Current Time: 10:52pm
D- Drink You Last Had: Milk (such a swede)
E- Easiest Person to Talk To: My friend Charlie
F- Favorite song: uuuhhuh atm probably like Its u by cavetown. But all time favourite it’s the Swedish song En Varnlig Dag by Ukrik Munther. It was my first ever favourite song and one reason why I started playing guitar.
G- Grossest memory: idk
H- Horror Yes or Horror No: I actually haven’t seen that many horror films but like yeah it’s fine I don’t get scared easy.
I- In love?: Nope and it feels like I never will
J- Jealous of people: I try not to but I actually get kind of jealous of my friends bc they are so great and I love them so much but it’s ok.
L- Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: don’t ask me about love. I’ve no idea.
M- Middle Name: Maya Linnea
N- Number of Siblings: One
O- One Wish: To get more wishes lol. No but for real like have a great life and continue to have such great friends and travel to Japan aahhh I want to go to Japan!!!
P- Person You Called Last: my mother
Q- Question You Are Always Asked: “Are you really just ___ years old!? I thought you were older.” I love only hanging around older people 🙃
R- Reason to Smile: You live in a world with music and ice cream. You don’t need more to be happy.
S- Last song you sang to: Lemon boy by cavetown (as I played it on guitar, but I suck at singing)
T- Time You Woke Up: 7:05am
U- Underwear Colour: Black
V- Vacation destination: JAPAN, England, also I want to go to Iceland.
W- Worst Habit: Falling asleep every time I try to watch a film.
Y- Your Favorite food: Chili sin carne!!
Z- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
(And three extras because I’m Swedish and we have three more letters in the alphabet(next person can delete this if they want))
Å- Årstid du gillar bäst (season you like best): late summer/fall
Ä- ärligaste saken du erkänt (the most honest thing you’ve admitted): you know at sleepovers when it’s late and everybody say a lot of things they usually hide and I told my friends about a thing I did as a child that made me feel bad bc i regretted it.
Ö- önskar att du kunde (wish you knew how to): speak fluent Japanese
People to tag: well I don’t have many mutuals here but @thegobletofllama
*for some reason k and x are missing but it’s fine
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sillyseaveerablogs · 9 months
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My Sweetest Downfall, always.
"Talaga ba??" Lol. Pero seryoso, coincidence lang. I had zero idea that time na break na sila ng gf nya.
Anyway, yun na nga, single na kame parehas. 🙃
So, eto na naman. We were both working already that time, nagkaroon na naman kame ng communication, we started talking again, this time, mej palavaaaarn na ang ate nyo gurl, kung dati, hindi ko inaamin sakanya yung feelings ko, instead pinaparamdam ko lang, this time, iniba ko ang game plan. Cheret. 😂 Mas naging open ako sa feelings ko, so yun na nga, sweet sweetan sa text & all. Eme eme, MU-MU han ang drama namen. Haha
So akala ko, eto na yun. Baka pwede na maging official yung samen this time.
Well, apparently, akala ko lang pala.
Dahil, nadiscover ko, na may ka aurahan din pala sya that time, schoolmate din namen nung college. Actually, teammate ko pa sa basketball etong girl na ito. 🙃
Paano ko nalaman? Since teammates nga kame ni girl sa varsity nung college, we were following each other on twitter. 😂
So this girl, posted a screenshot of their conversation. 😂 I knew right then & there that it was A. Dude, kilala ko yung way ng pagte-text nya. Hahaha
Kaya palaaaaa. Weeks before that, I felt na unti unti na nagiging cold si A & dumidistansya. He stopped texting me already days before I found out about it.
And I confirmed it was A when the girl posted a photo of them together on FB.
I got carried away & started tweeting about it, how I felt about it.
And since fina-follow nga namen ni girl ang isa't isa sa twitter, narealize nya siguro na I was referring to A. 😂 Hanggang sa nakarating kay A yung about sa tweets ko though I didn't say anything against the girl naman.
That night, nung nalaman ko, A called me.
Ano daw yung mga tweets ko. Nabasa daw nya, wag ko daw idamay si girl kase wala daw kinalaman si girl dahil she didn't know naman yung tungkol samen. Alam nyo yung ang dating saken parang, seryoso ka ba?? like hello?? Wala naman akong sinabing masama about sa girl, I know naman wala syang kinalaman.
Anyway, hindi ko na napigilang maiyak while we were talking & he started apologizing to me na, sorry daw if nagbigay sya ng mixed signals, naguguluhan daw sya.
Though he admitted that he was indeed wooing the girl already. I remember, the girl tweeted pa nga, "Kung may unfinished business pa kayo sa isa't isa ayusin nyo yan, wag nyo ko idamay." 😂
Ayun, antagal din nameng nag usap ni A. Sorry lang sya ng sorry at iyak lang ako ng iyak.
Hindi ko na maalala paano natapos yung conversation namen pero yun na din ang huling pag uusap namen.
At syempre pa, naging sila din ni girl. Their relationship lasted for years din, until they broke up, I guess, around 2014.
March 2015. My 24th bday, I sent an invite dun sa GC namen nung college, & A replied if sya rin daw ba invited, & since okay na naman ang lahat, sabe ko "Oo naman". And he said sige daw pupunta sya. This was after almost 3 yrs. na hindi kame nagkita.
In fairness, may paandar na watch. Haha 😊
That night, after 3 years of not seeing each other, may mga pa HH under the table pa kame. Hahaha 😂
That night as well, we talked. Sa terrace ng house. Sobrang dami naming napag usapan. I-share ko nalang yung recording. Cheret. Lol
He explained everything, and nag sorry na naman sya for all the hurt he had caused me. And he told me, to quote A, "Gusto mong malaman kung ano ang totoo? Mahal kita. Mahal pa rin kita."
While looking right into my eyes.
Trueeeeee baaaaaa. Hahaha
Cheret. Hahaha pero kase that time, parang di ko na kayang maniwala. Sa sobrang dami ng nangyare, paulit ulit. Same old sht.
I wanted to believe him, pero napagod na kong maniwala. Nagsawa na akong umasa.
I remember, sinabe pa nya, nag aalangan sya to pursue me kase nga daw ni reject ko na sya before at nasaktan daw talaga sya nun.
During one of our conversations pa nga prior to that, he even told me, "Siguro kung hindi mo ko nireject nun ang saya saya siguro natin ngayon."
But you know what, maishare ko lang din, A never missed greeting me in every special occasion, Christmas, New Year, birthday, sometimes, tatawag pa yan, kahit nung pumunta na ko dito sa Dubai. Yung pinaparamdam pa rin nya yung presence nya in his own little ways.
Anyway, mabalik tayo nung March 2015 😂
Days after my birthday, someone tagged him on FB...
Bagong girl na naman. 😂 After he told me na ako mahal nya pa rin ako, there he was, dating someone else.
After ilang months, naging sila din nung girl.
Until now, sila pa din nung girl.
I will skip some parts na. Basta, he's still in a relationship with the girl, and mahal na mahal sya ni girl. 🙃
At ako, I unfriended him already on FB.
Hindi ko na alam pano ko tatapusin ito. 😂 Gusto ko sanang tapusin with the lessons I've learned sa buong sampung taon na minahal ko si A, kaso parang dapat ibang entry yun sa dami. 😂
So, sa ngayon. Hanggang dito na muna. Haha
Basta, my heart is so much at peace now. ❤️
PS. At present time, I have completely moved on na. Minsan masarap lang balikan yung mga pinagdaanan ko with him kase they make me realize how wiser & stronger I am now, and safe to say that I'm in such a happier & safer place now. Hihi ☺️ I have learned to love & value myself more. 😊
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ageofadnaloy · 7 years
92 truths
thank you @larrypegacorn​ for tagging me, LEZ GO BITCHES
Drink: H2o
Phone call: none
Text message: none
Song you listened to:  I Feel It Coming by the motherfucking Starboy
Time you cried: 1hr ago
Dated someone twice: Nei
Been cheated on: Nei
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nei
Lost someone special: OMG YES BIMB!
Been Depressed: jada! :(
Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nei
Made new friends: Yes
Fallen out of love: YES BIMB! BONGA!
Laughed until you cried: Yes HAHAHAHAHAHA SHET
Found out someone was talking about you: OO KKLK
Met someone who changed you: Yes!!!
Found out who your true friends are: idk??
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: YUCK EWWW
How many Facebook friends do you know in real life? i don’t use it na 
Do you have any pets? Yes
Do you want to change your name? last name paltan ng Tommeraas
What did you do for your last birthday? Easter so fasting :(
What time did you wake up? mostly 10am
What were you doing at midnight last night? WATCHING SKAM SHET TANGINA YOKO NA
Name something you cannot wait for: Yumaman tas bibilhin ko yung crush ko
When was the last time you saw your mother? 1hr ago
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Wag ako masyado mag
What are you listening to right now? Kit Walker talking. hehehe
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Holland? Tropa yun e
Something that is getting on your nerves? SKAM NOT HAVING A SEASON 5 
Most visited website? Twitter & YouTube
Elementary? yaaash
High School? yesh landian days
Hair color? Black but dyed it brown
Long or short hair? Saks lang
Do you have a crush on someone? OO DAMI
What do you like about yourself? my sense of humor
Piercings? nei
Blood type? A Section A ako ng elem e
Nicknames? JenJen, Jengay, NadineLustre
Relationship status? Taken by Herman Tommeraas
Zodiac sign? Aries totle
Pronouns? she/her
Tattoos? Masarap yun! Tig pipiso! 
Right or left handed? Right handed, bawal mangaliwa
Surgery: when I was 7
Piercing: nung bata meg
Sport: Soccer pero HS days pa 
Vacation: Sa loob ng tyan ng nanay ko for 9 mos
Pair of trainers: Di ko tanda pero sa SOL binili
Eating: Kuko
Listening to: Vi Er Perfekt Men Verden Er Ikke Det by Cezinado
Want: Herman Tommeraas
Get married: Yes to Herman Tommeraas
Hugs or kisses: hugs 
Lips or Eyes: Eyes
Shorter or Taller: Taller
Older or younger: Older
Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms TAS MEDJ MAY UGAT AWOW
Sensitive or loud: Loud ata
Hook up or relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker
Kissed a stranger: Nei
Drank hard liquor: vodka 
Lost glasses/contact lenses: nei
Turned someone down: yes GANDA KO E
Sex on first date: KADIRI AMPOTA 
Broke someone’s heart: yeah GANDA KO BIMB U PROUD
Had your heart broken: Yes TANGINA SHET
Been arrested: nei
Cried when someone died: YES OO NAMAN IKAW KAYA MAMATAYAN
Fallen for a friend: ja
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… (life after love)
Yourself: yes
Miracles: YES
Love at first sight: crush tas get to know the person to love him/her
Santa Claus: yep
Kiss on the first date: AGAD MAGDASAL MUNA KAYO CHAR
Angels: YES!! YES!!
Current best friend’s name: Jonas Noah Vasquez is my dream bff
Eye color: Brown
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
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shoutaboy · 7 years
All Victurio headcanons link  
(The headcanons are quite many & long now so I put them all under tag “headcanon”. It’s best to read them in order)
Victurio headcanon 12: After their first meeting & before their first dating (cont.): 
. Yura acted like normal despite the fact that he started to be aware of Victor’s feelings. He thought a lot about that kiss (see headcanon 11), and he also caught Victor’s looking at him whenever they are near each other. Victor quickly turned away when he’s caught, pretending to do something else.
. Yura was both confused and annoyed. Now he was unable to look Victor in the eye or at his face while talking without feeling embarrased. Knowing that the older man, the Russian hottest and most dreamy man (according to some magazines that he saw the girls and omegas at school squeals over like every damn day), has a crush on him makes Yura uneasy and utterly confused. Until now he only saw Victor as a close friend, idol, and maybe, just maybe, a big brother who gave him good advices and was an excellent game buddy.
. And the fact that he did not feel any hate for Victor’s feelings made Yura close to realize his own feelings. But due to his inexperienced and poor love life, he could not yet figure out.
. One day, Yura had to stay late for practice because his competition was going near. It was quite normal for him to have late practice by himself without Yakov’s instruction because Yura always requires perfection for his own performance. Since his house is near, he usually went home by himself.
. When Yura was too tired & hungry to continue, he decided it was time to go home. His grandpa has texted him (yes he knows how to text thanks to Yura’s patient teaching) that he had hot soup with pirozhki waiting for Yura at home. When Yura was done grabbing his stuff and come out, it was 10pm, not really late. There are still cars running, and some young people heading to night clubs.
. When Yura’s heading down to the metro stations underground, he suddenly heard footsteps following him. There were not many people walking around metro stations at this time especially when it’s on a late-autumn cold night. He thought he was too tired & imagining things and thus he went straight to the great hall underground with some people hanging around there. When he head to his metro line, there was mostly no people (only one or two standing far away). There’s still time until the train comes, so he went to the toilet. When he was washing his hands, there was clicking sound of door opening from another stall, and suddenly, a tall figure of a man appeared behind him.
. Yura was grabbed from behind, his hair was pulled back which made it hard for him to turn back and fight the man. He was freaked out feeling his pant being un-buttoned and slip down. Still pulling on his hair, the harrasser slipped his hand inside Yura’s underwear & started stroking him front and behind. Yura felt his eyes were teary, he tried to struggle but this man was really strong and his head scalp was hurting so much.
. When the man was trying to pull Yura inside one stall, he found a chance and slipped out of the man’s hand, running outside all the way back to the great hall. The man did not follow him this time. His terrible look made the security guard notice, and he was taken to the guard booth for resting. He told the security man about the incident. The police was called. Yura asked them to call Victor to pick him up.
. Victor came 10 minutes after being called, seeing a tired, sakening and scared Yura waiting inside the police station. He immediatly hugged Yura and pat his head to make the young teenager feel more secured and calm. After being done with the police, he drove Yura home. While Yura was taking a bath, Victor talked to his grandpa, explaining things. He stayed with Yura for a while to ease him, and only came home when Yura turning in bed.
. From then on, Victor would always stay with Yura when he had late practice and drove him home. Yura’s grandpa always welcomed them with hot meals. Sometimes he made hot pirozhki for both of them eating in breaks between practices. Victor and Yura stayed with each other for most of the day, from morning practice to late practice. Yura thinks he starts to feel something warm and unfamiliar growing inside of him. He’s close to realize that he’s replying to Victor’s feelings.
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sillyseaveerablogs · 7 months
Vh4mp blocked me.
I deserve it.
I don't even like them anymore.
Me, who just RB their art: ...Okay
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sillyseaveerablogs · 8 months
Velyana/Galvana left.
I know Life is hard for bot, jealousy is really a Killer, and due to the Anon hate and real Life pressuring bot, all bot wanted was to make stories and Art, but bot cant do that anymore.
I am starting to think that it is all my fault. We chatted in DMs a lot, bit would usually vent to me, and I would comfort them. We would send eachother stuff about our AUs or rant about other things. But since bot saw that The Flower Bringer Got Treez's attetion, seeing that my artwork gets more notes than thiers, but started getting jealous of me even tho bot didnt want to. And I probably didnt even comfort bot at all, since i cant express myself very Well and I never comforted a person this much in my Life, and I think i didnt help at all.
I adored Lunar Hearts, its a shame it didnt get popular due to how many People here make MSM gjinkas. I was the biggest fan. I feel like its my fault IT Got discontinued.
I hope for the best for bot, since everything bot Got wasn't deserved, I hope bot doesnt kill botself for all this.
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sillyseaveerablogs · 7 months
Waddup yeah ik ye dont know me but. We kinda have some similarities
We both live in Malaysia
Were both Aisha's friend
We speak english for no reason
We know msm
But uhhh i hope you dont mind me existing here
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All of wat u say is so true
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