#sakia answers
sakialumei · 1 year
What about a Halloween costume for Astarion? Dracula themed, obviously. 🧛 Or Astarion in a costume with tentacles (a nod to the mindflayer tadpole).
Since we already have a Dracula costume, let's do something with tentacles. He may or may not like this hehe
We have a sixth outfit for the Astarion 6 Outfits Game
Thank you all very much!
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ihugmomo · 7 months
i want you to rant about the metalverse outfits because yes
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they look very similar to the outfits wore by babymetal during metal galaxy era, with some differences ofc but im living for it!! the emerald green/blue is so pretty and it fits their vibe so well imo <3
the little curves/swirls on the shoulder bits are such a nice addition and it kinda gives me more playful, energetic vibes to babymetal's more mature
also, the teal/cyan hair extentions/dye the girls have?? badass and so so pretty <333
their new outfits slay and i hope they keep them <3
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bnhaboys · 1 year
“Heeeeeey, Katsuki, you old man.” Oh dear. “What do you want for your birthday, hm? It’s tomorrow, isn’t it?” (ppigtails)
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Who was she calling old? Tch, just wait twenty years-- his mother's glycerin quirk would keep his skin supple and unwrinkled while she turned into a raisin.
"The only thing I want is to not be bothered by you extras."
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redxriiot · 3 years
『 Meme || @ppigtails 』
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dfroza · 4 years
this world will not always be.
but there is a True and pure Kingdom coming that will endure forever. and this is our hope of rebirth that we’ve been given from our Creator that is illuminated in the Son.
Today’s reading from the Scriptures is chapter #2 from the book of Hebrews:
That is why we ought to pay even closer attention to the voice that has been speaking so that we will never drift away from it. For if the words of instruction and inspiration brought by heaven’s messengers were valid, and if we live in a universe where sin and disobedience receive their just rewards, then how will we escape destruction if we ignore this great salvation? We heard it first from our Lord Jesus, then from those who passed on His teaching. God also testifies to this truth by signs and wonders and miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit lighting on those He chooses.
Now clearly God didn’t set up the heavenly messengers to bring the final word or to rule over the world that is coming. I have read something somewhere:
I can’t help but wonder why You care about mortals
or choose to love the son of man.
Though he was born below the heavenly messengers,
You honored the son of man like royalty,
crowning him with glory and honor,
Raising him above all earthly things,
placing everything under his feet.
When God placed everything under the son of man, He didn’t leave out anything. Maybe we don’t see all that happening yet; but what we do see is Jesus, born a little lower than the heavenly messengers, who is now crowned with glory and honor because He willingly suffered and died. And He did that so that through God’s grace, He might taste death on behalf of everyone.
It only makes sense that God, by whom and for whom everything exists, would choose to bring many of us to His side by using suffering to perfect Jesus, the founder of our faith, the pioneer of our salvation. As I will show you, it’s important that the One who brings us to God and those who are brought to God become one, since we are all from one Father. This is why Jesus was not ashamed to call us His family, saying, in the words of the psalmist,
I will speak Your Name to My brothers and sisters
when I praise You in the midst of the community.
And in the words of Isaiah,
I will wait for the Eternal One.
And again,
Look, here I am with the children God has given Me.
Since we, the children, are all creatures of flesh and blood, Jesus took on flesh and blood, so that by dying He could destroy the one who held power over death—the devil—and destroy the fear of death that has always held people captive.
So notice—His concern here is not for the welfare of the heavenly messengers, but for the children of Abraham. He had to become as human as His sisters and brothers so that when the time came, He could become a merciful and faithful high priest of God, called to reconcile a sinful people. Since He has also been tested by suffering, He can help us when we are tested.
The Book of Hebrews, Chapter 2 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 8th chapter of First Chronicles that documents the Family Tree of Benjamin, son of Jacob (Israel)
The Family of Benjamin (Continued)
Benjamin’s firstborn son was Bela, followed by Ashbel, Aharah, Nohah, and Rapha—five in all. Bela’s sons were Addar, Gera, Abihud, Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah, Gera, Shephuphan, and Huram.
These are the families of Ehud that lived in Geba and were exiled to Manahath: Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera, who led them to exile and had Uzza and Ahihud.
In the land of Moab, Shaharaim had children after he divorced his wives Hushim and Baara. From his new wife Hodesh he had Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam, Jeuz, Sakia, and Mirmah—sons who became heads of families. From his earlier wife Hushim he had Abitub and Elpaal. Elpaal’s sons were Eber, Misham, and Shemed, who built Ono and Lod with all their villages.
Beriah and Shema were family chiefs who lived at Aijalon. They drove out the citizens of Gath. Their brothers were Shashak and Jeremoth. The sons of Beriah were Zebadiah, Arad, Eder, Michael, Ishpah, and Joha. The sons of Elpaal were Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber, Ishmerai, Izliah, and Jobab. The sons of Shimei were Jakim, Zicri, Zabdi, Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel, Adaiah, Beraiah, and Shimrath. The sons of Shashak were Ishpan, Eber, Eliel, Abdon, Zicri, Hanan, Hananiah, Elam, Anthothijah, Iphdeiah, and Penuel. The sons of Jeroham were Shamsherai, Shehariah, Athaliah, Jaareshiah, Elijah, and Zicri. These were the chiefs of the families as listed in their family tree. They lived in Jerusalem.
Jeiel the father of Gibeon lived in Gibeon. His wife’s name was Maacah. Abdon was his firstborn son, followed by Zur, Kish, Baal, Nadab, Gedor, Ahio, Zeker, and Mikloth. Mikloth had Shimeah. They lived in the neighborhood of their extended families in Jerusalem.
Ner had Kish, Kish had Saul, and Saul had Jonathan, Malki-Shua, Abinadab, and Esh-Baal. Jonathan had Merib-Baal, and Merib-Baal had Micah. Micah’s sons were Pithon, Melech, Tarea, and Ahaz. Ahaz had Jehoaddah and Jehoaddah had Alemeth, Azmaveth, and Zimri. Zimri had Moza and Moza had Binea. Raphah was his son, Eleasah his son, and Azel his son. Azel had six sons named Azrikam, Bokeru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan. His brother Eshek’s sons were Ulam his firstborn, followed by Jeush and Eliphelet. Ulam’s sons were warriors well known as archers. They had lots of sons and grandsons—at least 150. These were all in Benjamin’s family tree.
The Book of 1st Chronicles, Chapter 8 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, january 7 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A set of posts by John Parsons that illuminates our Hebraic roots in faith & hope:
The name for ancient Egypt in Hebrew is “mitzrayim” (מִצְרַיִם) a word that can be translated as “straits” or “narrow places” (i.e., -מ, "from," and צַר, "narrow"), suggesting that “Egypt” represents a place of constriction, tribulation, oppression, slavery, and despair. The Hebrew word for salvation, on the other hand, is “yeshuah” (יְשׁוּעָה), a word that means deliverance from restriction, that is, freedom and peace. As it is written: "From my distress (מִן־הַמֵּצַר), i.e., from "my Egypt," I cried out to the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me in a wide open place" (Psalm 118:5).
But why, it may be asked, did God tell Jacob: “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt” (Gen. 46:3)? Why did God allow this excursion into “heavy darkness” that Abraham clearly foresaw (Gen. 15:12-13)? What is there about Egypt that prepares us to take hold of our promised inheritance? Joseph become a prince of Egypt; however, he was still a captive to Pharaoh, and later, after Joseph died, a “new Pharaoh arose” that did not acknowledge his contribution to Egyptian history (Exod. 1:8). All that remained of Joseph were his bones – a chest of bones that were carried out by Moses (and later buried by Joshua in Shechem). These “bare bones” of Joseph represented the essence of his faith, as he foresaw the time when God would rescue the family from Egypt and raise him up in the land of promise (Gen. 50:24-26; Heb. 11:22).
A general principle of spiritual life is that we must descend in order to ascend, or the "the way up is the way down" (John 12:24). As Yeshua said, "Whoever would be first among you must be slave of all" (Mark 10:44). Becoming nothing (i.e., ayin) in this world is the condition for seeing something in the world to come. Unless a seed falls to the ground it abides alone (John 12:24). But we become “nothing” by trusting in the promise of God, not by trying to do it ourselves... This is not another venture of the ego. Life in the Spirit means trusting that God will do within you what you cannot do for yourself... We can only take hold of what God has done for us by "letting go" of our own devices (Phil. 2:13). When we let go and trust, we will be transformed, carried by the “Torah of the Spirit of life” (i.e., תּוֹרַת רוּחַ הַחַיִּים, Rom. 8:2), The way is not trying but trusting; not struggling but resting; not clinging to life, but letting go...
God's way of deliverance is entirely different than man's way. Man tries to enlist carnal power in the battle against sin (i.e., religion, politics, etc.), but God's way is to remove the flesh from the equation. The goal is not to make us stronger and stronger, but rather weaker and weaker, until the ego is crucified and only the sufficiency of the Messiah remains. Then we can truly say, "I have been crucified with Messiah. It is no longer I who live, but the Messiah who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal 2:20). The word "Hebrew" (עִבְרִי) means one who has "crossed over" (עָבַר) to the other side, as our father Abraham did when he left the world of Mesopotamia (Gen. 14:13). Likewise it is on the other side of the cross that we experience the very power that created the universe "out of nothing" (i.e., yesh me'ayin: יֵשׁ מֵאַיִן) and that raised Yeshua the Messiah from the dead. [Hebrew for Christians]
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The exodus from Egypt (יציאת מצרים) is perhaps the most fundamental event of Jewish history; it is "the" miracle of the Torah. In addition to being commemorated every year during Passover (Exod. 12:24-27; Num. 9:2-3; Deut. 16:1), it is explicitly mentioned in the first of the Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:2), and it is recalled every Sabbath (Deut. 5:12-15). The festivals of Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Tabernacles) likewise derive from it (the former recalling the giving of the Torah at Sinai and the latter recalling God's care as the Exodus generation journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land), as does the Season of Teshuvah (repentance) that culminates in Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Indeed, nearly every commandment of the Torah (including the laws of the Tabernacle and the sacrificial system) may be traced back to the story of the Exodus, and in some ways, the entire Bible is an extended interpretation of its significance. Most important of all, the Exodus both prefigures and exemplifies the work of redemption given through the sacrificial life of Yeshua the Messiah, the true King of the Jews and the blessed Lamb of God.
The deeper meaning of exile concerns blindness of the divine presence. The worst kind of exile is not to know that you are lost, away from home, in need of redemption... That is why Egypt (i.e., Mitzraim) is called metzar yam - a “narrow straight.” Egypt represents bondage and death in this world, and the exodus represents salvation and freedom. God splits the sea and we cross over from death to life. Since Torah represents awareness of God's truth, Israel was led into a place of difficulty to learn and receive revelation (Gen. 46:1-7). Out of the depths of darkness God's voice would call his people forth. Likewise we understand our "blessed fault," the trouble that moves us to cry out for God’s miracle in Yeshua... Indeed the New Testament states that Yeshua "appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus (τὴν ἔξοδον αὐτου) which he would accomplish at Jerusalem" (Luke 9:31). [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
January 7, 2021
A Help in Sorrow
“And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” (Isaiah 35:10)
Christians have received great joy and hope for the future, but make no mistake, there are troubles in this life. Christ promised that even if we “weep and lament...your sorrow shall be turned into joy” (John 16:20). The third verse of “Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners” expresses this well.
Jesus! what a Help in sorrow!
While the billows o’er me roll,
Even when my heart is breaking,
He, my Comfort, helps my soul.
Our text shows that even when Israel was about to be captured and exiled, Isaiah still anticipated their return and ultimate victory. “Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away” (Isaiah 51:11).
In this life He has not left us without comfort, for Christ promised His disciples, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). Even when death and separation are imminent, “I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13).
And in the next life, the “forever” life, “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4). JDM
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ppigtails · 4 years
My initial otp when I started this blog was AyuBaku, but thanks to a certain mutual I’ve grown fond of AyuKiri.
I’m willing to write just about anything, all you need to do it pitch the idea to me. I’ll most likely be down to write it.
I’ll write 1-2 year age gaps without question, anything else you’ll have to come to me for.
If you’ve followed my blog for a while you’ll know that I’m most definitely not selective with my shipping in the slightest. Shipping is basically my kryptonite so I’ll take any chance to ship I get. Although, it’s easier to ship canon characters with me. Oc’s need a bit more work and chemistry. That doesn’t mean I’m not down for it, though.
Idk if I should answer this question since I don’t normally do nsfw here, buuut I guess.... maybe groping?? Idk I keep watch to see if my partner starts tagging
I’ll ship Sakia with just about anyone. As long as you talk about it with me a bit, I’ll be game.
You don’t particularly have to, since if the relationship builds enough, we’re basically shipping them already. But if you want to ask, don’t be afraid to! I’ll most likely say yes!!
I’m not ship obsessed per se, more like I like building relationships in general.
In the bnha fandom if that’s what you mean, I’ve seen to take a liking to Kacchako and TodoMomo.
Literally just yeet your muse at me. Chances are I’ll be totally down.
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aplaceofstone · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Twin Peaks Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dale Cooper & Laura Palmer Characters: Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks), Laura Palmer Additional Tags: character-typical orientalism, Dreamscapes, Post-Canon, Symbolism, Road Trips, Future Fic, but also past fic! what year is this, trick - Freeform Summary:
Windom told Dale about the dugpas. Dale tells Laura about the dugpas. Laura doesn't say much in this one, already knowing that projection is one hell of a drug. And while they don't talk about it, they both remember peeking under the curtains only to find themselves staring at a vast and starless expanse beyond. In the end there is nothing to say.
My Trick or Treat story for @cerealninjakat!
ETA I’m told AO3 is being glitchy, does this work?
It's another all-night drive to nowhere. Town after town, highway after highway until time and distance lose meaning. Their whole world has shrunk to the space within the arcs of a rental car's headlights, all dark asphalt and road paint. The radio is broken. When words flow out of their throat, they come out heavy and full of static. All they fill the air with is ghosts.
"Have I told you of my encounter with the dugpas?" asks Cooper.
"The what?" asks back Laura, eager to break the silence, not quite sure this is the way to do it.
"Dugpas, Laura." He grows bold, there's an echo of an old story molding his words, it's an easy path to follow. "The dark magicians who are otherwise known as red caps, as Madame Helena Blavatsky describes them in her early theosophical writings. They are an old sect of monks who resisted the yellow-cap gelugpa reform of the fourteenth century - a deeply spiritual affair, the details of which, if I am to be completely honest, mostly elude me - and practice their drunken sorceries in the great monastery of Sakia-jong, deep in the heart of Tibet. Or… in Bhutan." He frowns, losing momentum, struggling to chase back that memory, that knowledge, the abstract idea of a geographical map, finding no help in Laura's distant gaze. "...sources differ. It is said... that they can imbue even common objects with their evil magnetism. It is a fearsome power to be sure. To hex pieces of cloth that they place on the mountain paths that lead to their monastery, so that incautious hikers will step upon them and be subject to a tremendous psychic shock, making them fall to their doom. The high path of knowledge and spirituality is indeed a treacherous one..."
"Oh, yes." She nods, slowly. It's a slow day. "I met those. Didn't think they were monks, though."
"What do you mean?"
"I met those. But I didn't think they were monks."
Cooper nods. Certainties like that, they go nowhere. One day he and Laura herself will find out what she meant by those words, if it was her memory, or his, or something they have not experienced yet, or they will not. Happens to the best of them.
Regardless, he has his tale to tell, a tale which, as he recalls, began when he appeared in the mountains, far, far away. "Laura, the mountains…"
In his memory, which is coming back to him as would a dream, one moment he was not there, the next he was, dragged through the ether by invisible forces. Summoned, is, the word, through obscure magic rituals. The mountains! The stone was old and heavy under the melting snow, banded, folded upon itself in so many layers that traced their parallel lines along the sharp cut of the mountainside; the gray horizon stretched farther than he had ever seen. Cooper stood motionless on a flat, dark rock. The pale six o'clock sun was still high in the sky. Amidst that stillness, a crimson line snaked through the valley, slowly marching toward him. It was a procession of monks, chanting in unison as they walked, and they wore red robes and red hats, and he knew what they were, and he could not move, overtaken as he was by fear. One by one, as they came next to him, they grabbed his face and observed it, tracing their fingers along his hairline and down to his jaw as if to find some secret there, a crack, a fault line. He didn't know their faces and they knew his face and they judged him. He knew, as he knows now, that there were good monks far away, in the monastery which lay at the end of the valley, whose golden domes could be seen on the horizon where the two mountains met. He thought, in his terror, that if he could get away, he would be able to take refuge there and the good monks would look after him. He thought they would show him their truths. But he could not get away. One by one, they grabbed his face and observed him, and they let him go.  Imperfect moon, they said. Imperfect moon. There was no moon in the sky, but that is what they said, and then they left. The valley was empty again. He wanted to run to the safety of the monastery, but as the last monk passed him by, he was not in the mountains anymore. Whatever mystical force had taken hold of him had loosened its grip, or another power had grown stronger. He found himself back in his bed, relieved by the simple familiarity of the objects around him, and went on to get a good cup of coffee, a fact which is positioned as the moral of the story, and maybe it is, he concludes with an awkward smile.
And then: with the gravity of the plate collision that gave birth to the mountains, this moment shifts, morphs, stretches, grows tighter and more brittle.
They linger in their motel room. The desert fills the horizon outside their window; Laura feels that she has seen this place already, with its vast clouds above and constellations of cacti on the ground, and lived this life already, and heard this story already. So it goes, on and on, swirling in the clouds, already written in secret patterns on the ground. They are tired.
"Have I told you of my encounter with the dugpas?" asks Cooper.
"The what?" asks back Laura.
"Dugpas, Laura. That is a name for the darker parts of the self. There is, you see, a tendency in occultist writings to speak in metaphors for the struggle of the human soul, so a text may describe the depraved dealings of a dark sorcerer, but when push comes to shove, what they mean to show is that all men may fall prey to those fallacies. It has long been proven that symbolic images are a way for the human brain to grasp abstract concepts that would be much too difficult to be absorbed directly. And so the Path of the Shadow, or the Left-Hand Path as it is also known, is a dark discipline for the the so-called black magicians of the Occident, but their archetype applies to us all. In a way, it is said, it stands for the selfish choices made by our ego in every little event in our lives, when we move away from universal unity and toward separation."
"Story of our lives," Laura laughs. There is no answer Cooper could offer that would make them feel better, so he offers none. Story of their lives.
Her laughter fades and he has to keep telling his story, to make sense of it. In this particular story of his life, then, the curtains parted and the mountains appeared before him.
"No, no, no, let me start again: I was standing in a small room, back then," he says, and they both know where that  back then is, and that it still looms over them, trembling red in the corner of their eye, chevron reflections in a diner's toilet. It is them. But back then they curtains and the chevron were all around them, they were a place, which usually affords a certain degree of separation from the self. Except all of a sudden the curtains came up to him, sneaking on the floor and rising up against him from all directions. His body was surrounded by heavy red velvet. He tried to fend off the attack, but he saw faces in the fabric's folds, sneering at him. What he had thought to be curtains were rows of men and women dressed in red vests and red caps, some of them old, some of them young, their faces were all harsh and marked by evil, and they were all him.
This sea of red-clad people who were him swarmed to him and parted back, and instead of the room, the mountains laid before him. The mountains! The stone was old and heavy under the melting snow, banded, folded upon itself in so many layers that traced their parallel lines along the sharp cut of the mountainside; the gray horizon stretched farther than he had ever seen. Cooper stood motionless on a flat, dark rock, trembling, feeling naked against the open expanse of the valley. The pale six o'clock sun was still high in the sky. The figures in red had swarmed the ground. A doctor came forward - long face, gray hair, a veterinarian, a distant part of Dale Cooper but a part of him nonetheless - and visited him as he stood there, paralyzed by fear. Cooper knew that this sea of red was not all of him: there was a house far away at the end of the valley, whose roofs could be seen where the two mountains met, where all the good he had done waited for him, wearing different vests and different faces, to look after him and to show him the way.
"Ever had any luck running from yourself?" asks Laura, her interest piqued.
"Oh, they let me go."
The doctor stitched him back up, shaking his head at the end of his exam. Instead of explaining himself, he fell atop him, unfolding like a piece of fabric, leaving behind only the echo of his words: he shall bring others. He was a curtain again, and so were the others, and Cooper was back there, back inside. He spent the rest of that day thinking about those faces, an instant and twenty-five years. But the curtains never showed them again. They were far away.
Once again the moment shifts. It cracks, splinters, gains new mass.
They walk, because a car will not lead them where they need to be. They have been walking for a long time. The day is cold for the season, the snow hasn't fully relented yet, but their jackets are warm and their boots well-worn. The slope is mild and they are not alone on the path, tourists and locals alike enjoying the pleasures of a sunny day.
A row of gaudy little flags planted on the edge of the path catches Dale's attention; he waves at Laura to wait for him and kneels down to check out the closest one. The fabric is smooth under his fingers. The ground is smooth under his knees and he falls off the path, down the cliff. The world goes dark. Eventually, he lands on a different path underneath, one they did not tread on their way up. Laura is following after him, balancing herself with her open arms as she steps on big, flat stones on the mountain's side. With one last hop, she is standing by his side, helping him back up with a steady hand. They look ahead, trying to find their bearings.
The mountains beckon them. The mountains! It comes back to them, as would a dream, or they come back to it, or both at once when seen from an impossible perspective encompassing both ends of the story. The stone is old and heavy under the melting snow, banded, folded upon itself in so many layers that trace their parallel lines along the sharp cut of the mountainside; the gray horizon stretches farther than he has ever seen. Cooper stands motionless on a flat, dark rock, Laura by his side. The pale six o'clock sun is still high in the sky.
There are people walking on the path above; some stop to look at them. There are rows of people on a path higher up still, and yet more on the other side. Wool hats all over, 'tis the season (although which season it is, they could not say); some of them are red. They stare, for a while. Then they walk away, carrying their red hats with them, struck by indifference, keeping their secrets, their vices, their miseries, spreading them into the world. This place does not care. They have fallen into a mirror of itself and see now with razor-sharp clarity the simplicity of it all under the tales and symbols. It is vast and terrifying.
"Have I... told you… about...?" Dale says, and they are among ghosts, and a cold fog covers his words.
"Tell me that story," says Laura with the same urgency in her voice. "How did you get out?"
The valley ends somewhere up North, as all valleys do. But there is nothing at the end of the road, where the mountains meet. No-one has summoned them: no-one has the power to let them go. Evil exists. A desolate crossing place leads into the unknown.
"I don't think I ever did."
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chronozen · 5 years
Prepping for a barrisoka fic
So i was inspired by a piece of fanart of Raikoh Illust that has Barriss and Ahsoka in swapped roles, to a write fic. 
Raikoh specified that it was a time of Galactic peace with Padme as the Supreme Chancellor.
I however love writing conflict and turmoil. 
Lets see if i can bend the “rules” of a peaceful and happy galaxy far far away...
It is a time of peace and security for the galaxy, under the guidance of the recently elected Supreme Chancellor, Padme Amidala. However not all is well for the Jedi during this time. After the Great Exodus, the Jedi remain scattered across the stars, masterless and lost. The shadows of the Darkside surround all, as a new Sith, Darth Sakia puts a long-awaited plan into action.
Why has the new High Council gone to Serreno? 
What mysteries does the planet Exegol hold? 
Who is the Jedi Exile?
...and why are the ruins of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant floating in the sky? 
Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee will seek the answers to these mysteries, while trying to fight against the growing darkness. Things will be discovered, much will be lost. 
Look forward to Star Wars: Keepers of the Peace
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human-monokuma · 3 years
You're no fun compared to your mother. Rin wants an answer to a question Sakia asked, that's if Rin told you when you crawled out of hell.
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sakialumei · 1 year
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
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"I... I'm certain that you had a perfectly good reason for doing that. Forgive me if..." *Retching sound*
Lick it again.
*Nervous laughter* "A-And I'm sure that you had a perfectly good reason for doing it again! As long as the rest of us won't have to lick it, right?... Right?"
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bnhaboys · 2 years
“Todo, hey! It’s your birthday, right? That means I get to treat you, okay? No backing out!” (ppigtails)
"Treat me?"
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"But you're no physician, nor am I sick." What did his birthday have to do with it anyway?
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redxriiot · 4 years
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|| @ppigtails​​​​​​​​ || // 『 Meme || Accepting 』
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@ppigtails​​ answered your ask “fog fog. hearing stay awake as they are carried to safety.  Everything...”
Everything was a blur. Someone attacked her, she tried to defend her, and suddenly, her vision was swimming. She could hear a faint voice, repeating, “Stay awake. Stay awake.”
“I’m… I’m awake…”
“Stay awake. Pl-please.”
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Of course it would be Grip that cornered her during the Training Camp attack while she was on the test of courage with Sakia
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lady-cici · 7 years
taggeroni pepperoni
taaaaaaaaaaaaaaagged by: @sakialumei​ O:
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Water. Usually that, but I sometimes drink lemonade too 2. Phone call: Chey ;w; we had a skype call a night ago heheh 3. Text message: i think sakia did?? but i forgot what it was about now 4. Song you listened to: Ricordando il passato - Akiko Shikata 5. Time you cried: Idk maybe a week or two ago?
6. Dated someone twice: Nope. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: bwegh, yeaaaaa 8. Been cheated on: ya 9. Lost someone special: Yes 10. Been depressed: Yeah. It’s gotten better though.  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope 
12-14: Spring Green, Pink-Orange(?), Pastel Blue
15. Made new friends: hell yea and i love ‘em 16. Fallen out of love: Nah. 17. Laughed until you cried:  I think so, yeah. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Lmao oh yea 19. Met someone who changed you: Definitely 20. Found out who your friends are: Essentially! I’ve been waaaay happier with the friends I have now than ever before 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Some are from high school but the rest are kind of just online frands. 23. Do you have any pets: Sagwa! my precious kitty cat 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah. I wouldn’t mind changing my last name tho. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday:  Watched Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and ate crab legs for dinner B^) 26. What time did you wake up: 11am I think? 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: talkin’ to cheeeeey 28. Name something you can’t wait for: upcoming pathfinder session o:  29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a few minutes ago when she told me good night    30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Maybe having more motivation? o: 31. What are you listening right now: Sagwa meowing at me 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I think so but I probably forgot now. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Sagwa trying to drink my water AGAIN 34. Most visited website: Tumblr and YouTube aaaand the D20 website :P
35. Mole/s: ya got seventeen i think? 36. Mark/s: i got a scar by my eye if that counts 37. Childhood dream: Had a lot! Singer, Nurse, animator, etc. 38. Hair color: Dark Brown 39. Long or short hair: short! 41. What do you like about yourself: I'd like to think that my emotional intelligence is pretty up there and that I can adapt to social situations easily. 42. Piercings: Used to have them, only one on each ear 43. Blood type: O+ 44. Nickname: Cici 45. Relationship status: Single =v= 46. Zodiac: Taurus 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: ehhh i don’t watch a lot of TV anymore but I think steven universe can work 49. Tattoos: None. 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: nope  52. Hair dyed in different color: nope  53. Sport:  nnnnnnnnnnope LOL 55. Vacation: Hmmm, I really enjoyed the Italy one the most probably which was like, five years ago 56. Pair of trainers: wat
57. Eating: apples with peanutbutter :3c  58. Drinking: Water. 59. I’m about to:  reply to an rp with sakia wopwopwpo 61. Waiting for: ...something. 62. Want: To have more energy lol 63. Get married: Sure, why not. But I’m not gonna rush it. 64. Career: I’m thinking psychology with art on the side. Or even do Art Therapy o:
65. Hugs or kisses: iunno, i mostly experienced hugs so i guess that? 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taaaaller 68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms are nice yis 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive i guess??? 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: uh.... hesitant i suppose
74. Kissed a Stranger:  Nope. 75. Drank hard liquor: nah 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yea lmao 77. Turned someone down: Yeah  78. Sex on the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: probably. 80. Had your heart broken: a few times
81. Been arrested: Nope.
82. Cried when someone died: yeah 83. Fallen for a friend: :thinking: 
84. Yourself: I’m getting better at it  85. Miracles: Sometimes 86. Love at first sight: Mmmm, not usually, no 87. Santa Claus: what, no 88. Kiss on the first date: I mean, if I reaaaally liked that person enough
90. Current best friend name: too many 91. Eye color: Brown 92. Favorite movie: Colorful. Really had a huge impact on me ;o;
alright time to tag some peeps sakia hadn’t tagged (and i like seeing around B^))
also optional btw~
@echobows @tsunprincessbakane @stellarwing @blue-power1 @master-of-hamsters @magicians-rad
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ppigtails · 2 years
Unnecessarily Detailed Dislikes
Please repost, don’t reblog.
Answer the questions for your muse and tag some people.
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Muse name: Sakia Ayuko
Least favorite nickname: A few derogatory names I will not list here. 
Least favorite color: Green
Least favorite season: Winter
Least favorite weather: Humidity
Least favorite—hot or cold: Cold
Least favorite holiday: Mother’s Day
Least favorite food: This was hard because she isn’t picky at all but. Anything spicy. 
Least favorite flavor: Lime and Licorice
Least favorite drink: Black coffee
Least favorite scent: Cigarette smoke
Least favorite sound: Silence.
Least favorite book: Nonfiction
Least favorite movie: Documentaries
Least favorite tv show: Shows with never-ending seasons
Least favorite school subject or area of study: Math
Least favorite aspect of their job: Having to obey the law LMAO
Least favorite fictional character: Arrogant types
Least favorite person: Monoma.
Least favorite trait in others: Uptight people who never let loose
Least favorite place: Cramped places
Least favorite thing to talk about: Things that make her sad or anything in general that brings down her mood
Least favorite thing about themselves: Her lack of book smarts
Least favorite sexual position: N/A
Least favorite daily chore: Dishes
Least favorite style of clothing: Skintight
Least favorite activity: Anything that requires minimal movement
Least favorite superpower: Mind control/posession
Least favorite thing about humanity in general: Hypocrisy
Least favorite thing about being in love: She genuinely cannot tell the difference between platonic and romantic love.
Least favorite thing about death: Everything the deceased will have missed out on.
Tagged by: I’m a criminal
Tagging: Be a criminal
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lucienlowell · 7 years
And chapter 10!
This concludes my translating of the Dreamy Night’s Guide event. Mostly because I didn’t play enough to unlock the chapter after this and I don’t care a whit about the epilogue.
Still don’t like Medi either, though I am laughing at the mental image of him drawing so fast his arms are a blur.
A Dreamy Night's Guide Chapter 10
Dumbfounded, the princes of the Country of Poison stared at Medi as he spoke in a lively voice...
Medi "Well then! Let me help you, in that case!"
Sakia "Huh?"
Apis "You? Why?"
Medi "There is only one answer to that. Your feelings have spoken to me!"
Raith "You're pretty interesting. You're the prince of the Country of Art, right?"
Medi "That's right! I am Medi, prince of Fresian in the Country of Art! Passion surges through me! Inspiration seethes within me! I want nothing more than to create something for your sake!"
Apis "That's nice, but this is our problem, so..."
Medi "Don't be so reserved! We're all princes here!"
Raith "Haha!"
Forma "What a strange person...but I sense no ill intent...he really wants to help us..."
As I laughed without thinking...
King of Morphan "Sakia, what do you think you're doing?"
Sakia "Father...!"
Forma "......!"
(Sakia's father? Then...)
King of Morphan "...Today, you're only to show the authority of our kingdom. I will not tolerate any selfish indiscretions. Do you understand?"
Sakia "But..."
King of Morphan "And you lot. Please refrain from planting unneeded ideas in my foolish son's head."
Raith "......"
Forma "Your Majesty, please listen."
Sophie "Um...!"
Medi "Now now, honey. Have you forgotten what they said?"
Sophie "No, but..."
Medi-san squeezed my hand tightly, with a strength not belied in the least by his kind expression.
Medi "In just a moment, an artistic time will begin."
Sophie "Huh...?"
Medi "Enjoy the performance, won't you?"
Luke "Medi, what on earth...?"
Medi "Your Majesty, it is good to meet you. I am Medi, the prince of Fresian in the Country of Art."
King of Morphan "Art...?"
Medi "That is correct. The thing we call art is a process of constant creation and destruction! Even so, I am strong-willed and do not lose heart easily, so I have keenly honed my skill."
King of Morphan "What exactly are you saying?"
Medi "I am saying...this!"
King of Morphan "!"
Luke "Amazing...so fast... I've seen him draw many times on our journey, but this is the first time I've seen him do it so quickly..."
Sophie "Y, yes...same here..."
Sakia "Wow...what a...peculiar drawing..."
Medi "Spring forth...my inspiration...!"
Apis "I don't really get it, but..."
Forma "...That's amazing."
As Medi-san dashed off picture after picture, more and more people began to gather.
Raith "So many people...art really is a wonderful thing."
Medi "Whew! Now then, the rest is up to you, passion guys!"
Sakia "!"
Forma "Sakia, now. Everyone's gathered."
Sakia "...Um...everyone..."
Apis "No one's going to hear you if you don't speak up. Here, stand up straight."
Sakia "Apis...are you sure about this?"
Apis "I'm sure. I'm sick of being everyone's little sycophant."
Apis-san straightened up, standing resolutely in front of the gathered crowd...
Apis "Everyone, we are the princes of the Country of Poison. Please listen to us for a little while. Now, Sakia."
Sakia "Okay..."
King of Morphan "Sakia...!"
Sakia "We came to the World Salon because we wanted to create poisons that would make people smile, that would help them... Well, I say poisons, but...good poisons...medicines, rather..."
Apis "Originally, poisons were meant to hurt people, and to eventually bring about the end of their lives."
Forma "However, poisons have their good points as well. If made just right, they can turn into medicines that ease people's spirits..."
Sakia "We want to do this...because we don't just want people to suffer..."
Raith "Of course, we won't stop making poisons completely...we are the princes of the Country of Poison, after all."
Sakia "So, we want people to see. We want to show them our poisons... And the medicines we've made, as well. For the sake of the future..."
From the silence, the sound of applause began to rise.
Sakia "Applause..."
Raith "We did it!"
Apis "H, hey...! People are still watching, don't just cling to us."
Forma "I, it's too hot for this..."
Raith "You guys did great!"
Sakia "Yeah...so did you, Raith...?"
Raith "Why are you phrasing it as a question?"
Sakia "Sorry...I'm still nervous...I can't think..."
Raith "Well, at least Apis got the ball rolling like that."
Apis "I didn't do anything, all the preparations were already made."
Forma "Yes...we really need to thank Prince Medi."
Apis "Besides...after we said not to do anything, it would have looked pretty bad if we'd failed."
Sophie "......!"
Sakia "...Yes...I thought so too..."
Raith "Sorry, Sophie. We didn't mean to worry you so much."
Sophie "No, it's alright..."
Forma "Thank you for sympathising with us."
In response, I smiled back at them.
Apis "In any case, celebrating can wait. Shouldn't we be thinking about the performance?"
Raith "Right. There's no room for us to make mistakes here!"
Forma "Exactly. Now that we've announced it, we can't mess up, right?"
Sakia "...Let's give it a try. From here on out...is the important part."
Raith "It'll be fine. We can definitely do this. We four make excellent partners, after all."
Listening to the four of them rejoice amidst all the other voices, I softly clapped my own hands.
(I'm so glad...)
Medi "Bravo!"
Luke "Bravo! ...Ah! Medi's enthusiasm sucked me in..."
Medi "I'll leave this drawing here in commemoration! It's my gift to them!"
Luke "That's...a very laudable offer...I hope they appreciate it."
Sophie "They'll love it, I'm sure."
(They can do anything they put their minds to...it'll be fun to see.)
Warm feelings enveloping me, I gazed at everyone...
King of Morphan "Young lady...you are the princess of Träumere?"
Sophie "! Y, yes..."
King of Morphan "...I was rather surprised. You encouraged Sakia...didn't you?"
Sophie "Not at all...I didn't do anything. It was their...the princes' wish. Please, I beg you. Watch over them..."
King of Morphan "...... ...I can remember."
Sophie "Huh?"
King of Morphan "When I was young...I, too, faced all challenges with a smile. Trying with all my heart to do research for the sake of the future, looking ever ahead. Just like Sakia is doing now..."
The king was watching Sakia and the others with a steady gaze.
Medi "Are you all right, my honey? You're worried for them, aren't you?"
Sophie "...Yes. But as long as someone believes, and watches over them, that's all they need."
Medi "Exactly! That's what it means to take pride in what you do."
The butterfly fluttered around us as if pleased.
Sophie "The butterfly..."
Medi "It's guiding us to the next place, is it?"
Luke "Shall we go?"
Sophie "Yes, let's go."
As the butterfly flapped its wings, mysterious specks of light danced in the air. The brilliance seemed to be even brighter than it had been before...
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