#sakusa is on the realistic side
irisintheafterglow · 11 months
do the people want the suguru pulling reader out of an undercover mission fic yes or yes
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joyaphoria · 2 years
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"it's 10:15 pm," sakusa groans, squinting his eyes at the outline of a figure making a poor attempt at crawling in through his bedroom window.
the best course of action would probably have been to jump out of bed and shove the intruder back out the window, but after the first few times it's happened, sakusa learned to simply accept that you're just never going to be normal.
he only rolls his eyes annoyingly when you get tangled up in your own limbs, leaving you to tumble onto the floor. "omi!" you exclaim as you quickly recover, kicking off your shoes as you throw yourself onto his bed. "i missed you soo much!"
"i was only away for a day," he sighs, biting his tongue before he could add 'clearly not long enough'.
"and still it felt like forever," you whine, sprawling out on his bed. "i was all alone at lunch, it was horrible."
sakusa doesn't bother to point out the fact that you could've eaten lunch with your other friends, because he knows how you feel about them already. 'you know how they are,' you'll say, disapointement clouding your usually cheerful eyes, 'you know what they say about me.'
and although sakusa has always been a straightforward realist, never one to beat around the bush, he'd rather keep his mouth shut than to bring up a topic that he knows would ruin your mood.
"did you eat?" he asks instead, leaning over to flick on the lamp on his bedside table, the tiny bulb lighting up the room.
you nod cheerfully, before pulling out a container of oreos from behind your back. "i brought these for us today, but when i couldn't find you i decided i would just bring them to you instead!"
he doesn't bother to tell you that he’s never liked oreos, the filling far too sweet for him to enjoy. he takes one anyways, carefully pulling apart the cookie and plopping the part without the filing into his mouth.
“no eating on my bed,” he scolds, watching as you freeze, two of the overly sugary treats already stuffed in your mouth. he absently shudders at the thought of micro sized cookie crumbs sprinkled under his sheets, too small to fish out, but just big enough to drive his sensory issues through the roof.
you nod apologetically and finish chewing the cookies in your mouth, placing the plastic container on his bedside table. then, you lie flat on your stomach, plop up your chin on your arms, and stare at him.
“what?” he bites out, pulling his bedsheets up higher to cover his chest, all of a sudden aware of the fact that he was only in his boxers.
you notice the subtle gesture however, and when your eyes quickly dart down to catch his bare shoulders, the corner of your mouth twitches up. 
“omi,” you purr, as your eyes narrow to slits and the smirk he’s unknowingly grown weak for appears.
“you’re absolutely insufferable,” he huffs, picking up one of his pillows and launches it at your head, though you dodge it with your arm.
you push yourself up on all fours, slowly crawling towards him with that same look in your eye, the one that knocks all the air out of kiyoomi’s lungs and leaves him shuddering. still, he refuses to back up or turn away as you reach him, leaning in closer until you’re practically sharing the same air as him.
his heart pounds rapidly as he wills himself to hold out, to keep a straight face even though you’re so, so close, your hands on either side of his hips, your knees between his legs, and your mouth, your mouth—
your eyes dart down to his lips. his eyes dart down to yours.
he shoves you off quickly, scoffing as he lays on his side and yanks the covers up to his neck. “time to go,” he dismisses you, ignoring the way you’re laughing as the heat creeps up his neck and, well, his crotch.
recovering from your fit of giggles, you move to lie on your side to face him, but he interrupts you before you can crawl under the sheets. “no outside clothes under my sheets,” he hisses, shuddering at the thought of all you dirt you would be dragging into his bed, especially considering you came in through his window.
you arch your eyebrow playfully, and just as he’s realizing what he said, you lift your arms and pull your hoodie over your head, revealing the thin — oh so thin — fabric of your tank top, and the fact that you aren’t wearing a bra. kiyoomi doesn’t notice he’s been staring until you pull off your sweatpants in one swift motion, revealing a hidden pair of boxers underneath.
oh my god.
if he was red earlier, he must’ve been a dark shade of purple by now. 
he turns onto his other side, taking in a deep, silent inhale. his best friend. you’re his best friend. “i said to go home,” he repeats, but his head is screaming, begging you to touch him, to hold him, to run your fingertips up and down his arm, to wrap your hand around his pulsing, aching d—
“i can’t,” you sigh, and kiyoomi curses the name of every single one of his ancestors watching over him when he feels your body press against him from behind, and he has to bite hard into his bottom lip to stop himself from groaning.
what the fuck. grow a fucking pair, kiyoomi.
“then go sleep on the side of the road,” he mutters, inhaling sharply when your hands snakes across his waist, the cool skin of your arm shocking the warmness of his chest.
“oh but you’d much rather me here, wouldn’t you?”
kiyoomi curses once again. in his head, of course. or was it out loud?
“don’t play games with me,” he warns, squeezing his eyes shut when your hand snakes dangerously low.
“but you’re just so much fun,” you coo against the tenderness of his neck, your hand tracing down the fine lines of his chest, down to his v-line, then thumbing at the waistband of his boxers.
“y/n,” he bites out. your hand slips under his boxers. his hips jerk.
in less than two seconds you’re pinned beneath him on his mattress as he hovers over you, chest heaving and a knee between your thighs.
“what’s this, omi?” you call out playfully, lifting your hand between your faces and you spread apart your fingers, the stickiness of a substance stretching along with it.
he’s going to hell.
he pushes his knee upwards, firmly, and you gasp, gripping onto his forearm and your hips jolt and you whimper.
his dick jumps in his boxers.
he watches as you try to subtly grind against his knee, desperate for any kind of friction, the sultry facade fallen.
this is going to be a long night.
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miya-twins · 5 months
the twins, aran, yachi, and ushijima? 👀
thanks for the ask!! I shall copy you and give the bingo and my opinions because the bingo doesn't always encapsulate my feelings,,,
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literally he is the Blorbo. the main obsession. my little guy. I'm thinking about him practically 24/7. I care so much about his chracter arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I want him to suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. ahem. anyway. no surprises. you've seen the blog's name and its content.
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obviously he is Blorbo Number 2. you can't have one twin without the other. I love thinking about his character arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I wanna see him suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. yes I said this before but it's just as true for osamu. also yeah the only difference in the bingo is people are less mean to osamu and I can't fool myself into thinking atsumu wouldn't be too annoying for me to kiss. I can fool myself for osamu tho even tho realistically he's probably just as annoying but that's not my problem.
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what can I say y'all are sleeping on him. he's such an interesting guy and every time someone gives the twins another childhood/best friend I'm internally like hello? they already have one of those? his name is aran???? why are you putting other characters where he belongs? anyway I love how silly he is and how easily he gets swept up by the twins' antics and I'm so proud of him for how far he's come. 10/10 would go on boba date with.
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god I love her like that's my girl!!! she's so cute and relatable and funny and her story in s2 was one of the best in the whole series. literally every time she smiles it's like the sun rises. would vote best girl in any poll. genuinely think about her a lot even though she doesn't have much relation to my main guys which tells you how serious I am about her
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I'm sorry the board looks so empty but frankly none of these options accurately describe my thoughts on him. because I do have a lot of thoughts. genuinely he's such a well-written character, and I love all the relationships he has in the series, with tendou, with his dad, with sakusa, with oikawa!!! but even with all these thoughts and genuine appreciation I don't have that many actual feelings in regards to him... at least not unprompted. I like seeing him around and maybe I'll put him somewhere as a cool side character in my thoughts but I'm just not obsessed with him. but his story is good and he's so important to hq overall... maybe if we'd gotten that shiratorizawa/inarizaki match I'd be frothing at the mouth thinking about him... but alas I just quietly appreciate him
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gatakat · 2 years
surrender | part 1
Love wasn't something Sakusa spent a lot of time thinking about. No. Instead, his mind was filled with thoughts of volleyball.
Training. Strength. Speed. Stability.
He followed a simple routine, and focused on doing his best every day without paying much attention to things that were mostly, realistically speaking, out of his reach. 
Not everyone lived their lives the same way, though. Sakusa was well aware of that. Some people had space in their heads and time in their lives to chase love around in ways that Sakusa deemed as little else than fruitless. Miya Atsumu, the everlasting Casanova, was one of those people, although he wisely kept his love life to himself for the most part.
Then, on the opposite side of the spectrum, Bokuto had decided, as of late, to annoy everyone by becoming even more of an airhead than he usually was, all because of one girl. The new MBSY Black Jackals assistant manager.
Bokuto had taken a liking to you from the very first moment he'd seen you enter the gym a couple of weeks ago. By the time you finished introducing yourself as the new MSBY intern for this year, he was practically drooling all over the floor. 
Even Miya, who at first had been pretty enthusiastic in agreeing with him about you being hot, eventually had to resort to elbowing him in the ribs. Otherwise, he would just not stop goofing around in order to try and get your attention. Bokuto didn’t care, though, and, from that moment onwards, no one on the team had known peace.
It drove Sakusa nuts. 
Bokuto lost track of conversations when you walked past, he constantly goofed around in the court just to try and get your attention, he ran up to you as soon as training was over, he pestered everyone in the locker rooms to take candid shirtless pictures of him for his Instagram… It was an absolute nuisance, and it happened every day; rinse and repeat. All that, and more, just to get one smile from you. And none of it irked Sakusa as much as the way he was calling your name in public right now.
"HEEEEEY!" Bokuto was waving his hands up and down, attracting the attention of everybody on their side of the train platform, while you stayed blissfully ignorant. "HEY! HEY! MANAGER! Over here!!" 
Bokuto, along with Miya, Hinata and Sakusa, were about to take a train to the city center for their bi-monthly burger night, when Bokuto spotted you, standing by yourself on the opposite train platform. Distance be damned, he hadn’t wasted a single second in yelling out your name. Sakusa wanted to disappear.
"What is that guy doing…" Miya muttered.
Miya's comment, surprisingly, wasn't criticising his friend’s antics. Everybody else saw it too:
A creepy guy in his mid-forties was approaching you. Dressed in a noncommittal grey suit, he was walking slowly, carefully checking his surroundings while pretending not to look at you. He then stopped, standing right next to you. Way too close to you, especially considering how much empty space there was left on the platform. When he started talking to you, you visibly flinched. Bokuto felt his eyebrows raise and his mouth fall agape.
“That’s… that’s not…” Hinata stuttered.
You were obviously trying to ignore the man, but he would simply just not go away. He continued to talk to you while he got closer and closer. You would take one step backwards, and he would take two steps forward. He was trying to trap you against a corner. You tried to change directions and he forced you to get closer and closer to the platform edge.
“Why isn’t anybody doing anything?” Sakusa grunted under his mask.
All the people around you in the platform seemed to be purposefully minding their own business.
“Let’s go, c’mon!” Bokuto yelled.
Bokuto turned on his heels and darted towards the platform exit. Closely followed by his three friends in a frantic race, the four athletes climbed up the stairs, then ran across the entire station, and hastily went down the stairs to the opposite platform, the one you were on. Hinata, the fastest of the four, arrived first. There wasn’t even a slight hint of shortness of breath in his voice when he spoke firmly:
“Is this guy bothering you?”
The creep looked at the accusatory finger Hinata was pointing at him and, for a split second, he seemed to consider putting up a fight. It was at that moment that Bokuto, Miya and Sakusa joined Hinata on the platform. 
Three noticeably athletic men looming over him, all around 1,90 meters tall, were definitely more than enough sign for the creep to swallow his protests and drop out of sight leaving no trace behind. As easy as that.
“You fucking coward!” Bokuto yelled.
At the silence that followed, you looked up at your four protectors. Relief washed over your features, although your face was still pale as a ghost. You let out a big shaky breath.
“Thank you, guys…” You said, still frozen in place. “It was fine, though, you didn’t need to bother…”
“It was not fine!” Bokuto bursted out. “What the fuck was wrong with that guy!?”
“It’s no trouble.” Miya said, frowning. He looked like he still couldn’t believe what he’d just witnessed. “Does this happen often?”
“Well, not that often…” You said, unconvincingly, after you took a little to answer.
“Do you want us to come along with you the rest of the way?” Bokuto offered.
“Oh, no! Thank you!” You started gesturing frantically, your eyes very open. “I’m fine! It’s fine, really. It was very kind of you, but you don’t need to bother. He’s gone now, so I’m fine. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” Miya said.
“Yeah!” Bokuto insisted. “All you have to do is ask!”
“Yeah!” Hinata nodded behind him.
“No, for real, guys.” You kept saying, flustered. “There is no need. Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm fine, really. He's gone, now, anyway!”
They still waited with you on the platform, despite your protests, until your train arrived and you departed safely, because it was the very least they could do. And, in the meantime, hoping to cheer you up, Bokuto wasted no time in pulling out his phone to show you funny videos until, bit by bit, your face returned to its normal color.
* * *
The incident at the train station left quite an impression on Sakusa.
He already disliked public transport enough, for social and sanitary reasons mainly, but he couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to have to endure sexual harassment on top of that. And yet, you’d kept telling them, over and over, that you were fine… that it was fine. Like you were used to it, like it was no big deal... How you still braved to take the train every day Sakusa couldn’t fathom.
Sakusa arrived early to the gym the next day, as usual. He changed clothes before anybody else made a mess in the locker rooms and then sat down outside the locker room to wait, as he often did. He checked his phone until he heard the door open. When he looked up, he saw you, and was immediately reminded of what had happened the day before.
Although he wasn't often one to initiate a conversation, something inside of him commanded him to ask.
“Was everything alright in the train today?” He said out loud.
His voice resonated all across the empty gym. You seemed startled to see him address you of his own volition for what was probably the first time since you’d known each other. You locked your very wide eyes with his, and took a long look at his entire figure.
“Yeah.” You finally said. You took a couple of hesitant steps towards him. “Everything alright. Thank you for yesterday, again. I swear it doesn’t happen every day.”
“Good.” He replied. “Just let us know if you ever want us to come with you.”
“Okay, thanks.”
You smiled, and Sakusa went back to his phone.
Practice went as usual afterwards, with no remarkable incidents other than Bokuto and the guys asking you the exact same question as Sakusa, and you replying similarly. 
Sakusa made a dash for the shower as soon as practice ended and he was soon out of the door and on his way home. There were a couple of errands he had to run before he got to his apartment that night, so he took a little longer than normal walking around the block.
There was not a single hint of sunlight in the sky when he eventually entered the train station to head back home despite the fact that the days were already starting to get longer. It was not easy to focus on the sky, though. Sakusa held his breath behind his mask and then released it slowly. This was not his favorite hour to take the train. The crowd at the station was bigger than what he was used to, and it made him use more mental strength to fight the apprehension. 
It made him more aware of his surroundings, too. 
He saw him first, and you second. He was there again, a couple of meters away from you. It was the same creep from yesterday, hiding in the shadows, away from the artificial lights of the station. You hadn’t noticed him yet, but there was no mistaking that disgusting expression, those sinister eyes.
It wasn’t Sakusa’s habit to act on impulse but, this time, his feet put him in motion before he had any idea what he was doing. He scooted over to your side and put his arm around your shoulders, startling you; and then turned his head around to glare at the creep, startling him.
The creep vanished in a flash once again. Sakusa turned to look at you again, only to see you looking right back at him, frightened out of your wits.
“I’m sorry. Did I scare you? It's me.” He said, pulling his mask down so you could see his face. "Sakusa Kiyoomi, from the Bla-" 
“I know it’s you." You interrupted him. "You’re unmistakable.”
“And yeah. You scared me.” You said, matter-of-factly. You were pissed.
“That creepy dude from yesterday was here again.” Sakusa explained.
Your mouth fell agape at his words. The color dropped from your face.
“Don’t worry. He already left.”
You kept silent, most likely assessing the situation. Sakusa could see the fear taking place in your features as you looked around, checking your surroundings and the veracity of Sakusa's words. Sakusa squeezed your shoulder and then dropped his arm from you. You did need some comfort, but you two were not that close to be hugging like that.
“I’ll board the train with you.” Sakusa said.
Sakusa tried to be as reassuring as he could, which wasn’t much. He knew he was naturally intimidating with his deadpan expression and his straightforward words, which probably wasn’t helping in this situation, but he still tried his best. He, of all people, knew very well what it was like to be afraid and have no one to rely on.
“I… I…”
“Don’t try to tell me ‘it’s fine’. I know it’s not.” He said. “Listen. I take this very same train home every day. I just normally do it earlier. I’ll wait for you and we’ll take it together every day from now on. That way you won’t have to worry about anything.”
“I… S- Sakusa-san… You really don’t have to…”
“I know I don’t. Don’t sweat it. It’s no big deal.”
You had a silent trip back home sitting together on the train, you looking out the window, him looking at his phone. Sakusa would've liked to think it had been a peaceful ride and, thankfully, you did appear to be a lot calmer than before, but there was still an unmistakable tension in the air the whole time, the kind that lies between two people who don't have much to say to each other. It wasn't the worst uncomfortable silence moment Sakusa had ever experienced, but that fact didn't magically make this situation any more bearable. He just decided to continue looking at his phone, telling himself that he'd only offered to keep you safe, not to keep you company, and he didn't insist when you rejected his offer to walk you home. He watched you leave with relief after you waved him goodbye with a shy smile. This twenty-minute long ride had been more than enough awkward social interaction for the day.
He didn't regret it, though. He couldn't possibly have been at peace with himself if he just let you take the train on your own.
He briefly considered letting someone else know, so that the responsibility of being your guardian didn't rely solely on him, but it soon became evident that he was the only one who took that train every day. Everybody else lived in different directions. Bokuto probably wouldn't mind taking his place every now and then, though. That was something.
So this is going to be my life from now on, Sakusa thought, taking a deep breath as he moved his eyes from his phone to the city landscape behind the window, relaxing his shoulders into his seat.
He knew he would get used to it, eventually. It really wasn't that big of a deal. It was just going to be hard to endure the first days. 
* * *
The next day, as soon as you stepped into the gym, you made a beeline for him, an alert expression on your face.
Sakusa was sitting in his usual waiting spot as his other teammates gradually started to come in through the door. He looked up from his phone at the sound of his name and, right in front of his face, he saw a flimsy transparent plastic box with cookies inside and a yellow ribbon around it. Behind it, you stood, holding it to him. He held out his hand out of instinct, although not really understanding, and you set the box on it.
“This is for helping me out yesterday. They're my aunt's secret recipe.” You explained, your voice soft as you spoke. "What you did was very kind of you, and you really didn't have to, but I am very grateful for it."
“Uh… thanks.” He said, awkwardly. “You shouldn't have bothered.”
“I know.” You smiled, and Sakusa thought that was a sincere smile if he'd ever seen one. You seemed like a good person.
Then, you simply turned around and left to prepare for work.
“Hey, hey, hey, what the fuck was that.” 
Sakusa lifted his head towards the unmistakable voice. It was Bokuto, taking big steps towards him, followed by Hinata and Miya. He stopped before Sakusa with his arms crossed in a brassy gesture which completely failed to intimidate him. He was smiling, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Are those homemade cookies?” Miya asked in an annoying sing-song voice, with an eyebrow raised and a questioning smirk on his dumb face. He leaned down and planted his face in front of the box, closely examining it. "How nice of her. You must have done something to earn them…" He snickered.
Behind him, Hinata looked like a nervous mouse who would explode if he didn’t speak his mind:
“A- are you dating her!?” he failed to whisper, his hand covering his mouth so as not to, supposedly, be heard by any of the other guys.
This seemed to greatly disturb Bokuto, who opened his mouth to protest. Sakusa interrupted him with a big sigh.
“You guys are pathetic.” He said, standing up. “I shooed that creep away from her again yesterday. That was just her saying thanks.”
And, with that, he left the cookies behind him on the chair and headed to the center of the court to start practice on his own, paying no mind to his teammates' voices behind him:
“‘Thanks’ my ass. This guy is hiding something.”
“That creep was there again?”
“Those cookies look good, though…”
next chapter
thanks for reading!
ill post the next chapter in a couple of days (or you can go ahead and read the entire thing on ao3 now. it's an orphaned work)
i deleted my previous writing blog for privacy reasons. i will be reposting all my works (and maybe rewriting some) under this new blog with a different username
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jinchuls · 3 months
I have a question. I’m sorry if this is rude but I’m wondering on what happened to your prince Sakusa x reader fanfic?
hi! not rude at all dw <3
basically, i’m not even sure i’m going to be writing. anymore and, as much as i love that fic, i just don’t have the rest in me atm. life got busy, i lost interest in fics and fandom a lot.
i’m no longer writing on this blog, i have a side blog i still rarely use but that’s less a ‘here’s the blog guys come join me’ and more ‘if you find it you find it’ but, realistically TIMSV won’t be transferred onto there. maybe in the future but i can’t promise anything
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pan-but-meh-pt2 · 1 year
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So, this has been in my mind for a bit, so I decided "hey, why not make some head cannons of some of the realistic features twisted wonderland boys would have". Ya know, like hooked noses, pimples, that kind of shit, not so much the same face syndrome! So, enjoy!... And I'll try not to bully Ace and Sebek this time! (Freaking Christmas coded @$$es 🤣)
Thick lashes: Vil, Epel, Silver (basically cannon for these three), Riddle, Lilia, Azul
Freckles: Ruggie, Rook (fully body for both, but Rook uses make-up to hide it), Kalim, Cater, Ace (over the bridge of their noses), Jack, Epel (mostly surrounding their eyes), Leona (minimal, so you can barely see it unless you stare at him hard)
Hooked nose: Cater, Rook, Sebek, Idia
Button nose: Epel, Azul, Kalim, Ortho, Floyd (literally the only other way to tell him and Jade apart), Deuce
Upturned nose: Riddle, Jamil, Ruggie, Jack, Leona (give them beastmen easier sniffing access), Lilia, Silver (like father like son even though they aren't related), Ace
Straight nose: Vil, Malleus, Trey, Jade
Moles (not like the noticeable one like Azul, like tiny tiny, would have to look for it to find it): Riddle (On his right eyelid), Vil (one on his ear lobe and two on his neck, almost like a vampire bite 😏), Ruggie (they blend with the freckles, but there is a difference between the two, and they're randomly place, also one right behind his left ear), Trey (two small ones above his left eyebrow Sakusa Kiyoomi looking ass), Jamil (one slightly below his eye), Sebek (one under his right eyebrow and one above his lip on the same side), Ace (right under where the point of the heart marking end)
Stretch marks: Azul, Jack, Sebek (muscles cause stretch marks too, specially if you work out)
Pimples: Ruggie, Leona, Ace, Deuce, Rook (another thing his make-up covers), Idia
If there are any other types of more realistic features I could add! And also tell me some of your own thoughts of what twisted wonderland boys would have what feature. I hope you enjoyed these head cannons! Inbox is open and you are free to ask or request any of the ones listed in my dash! Enjoy the moment! 🥰
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burningthetree · 2 years
1, safe and warm for 5, 10, 34 (or really your favorite thing about your style), and 45 for the fic questions!!
much love 💖
Evie!! I'm booping your nose right back <3
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work?
I think either one of my Sakuatsu one-shots or my longer Sakuatsu fic. I wouldn't recommend the Bokuaka one because it's MCD and also incredibly long. If you like MCD, then by all means, go ahead with the Bokuaka one. Otherwise safe and warm.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about safe and warm?
I put a lot of thought into the character constellations. I struggled a lot at first choosing which characters to write about – I had the idea for the plot, I knew I wanted to write the story, but I had like…I think nine or ten different character constellations for it and I couldn't decide, until I ultimately settled on Sakuatsu + Kuroo (with Iwaizumi and Ushijima as the side characters/antagonists (more or less)). For our main trio, I mainly connected them to their school banners (Atsumu -> we don’t need the memories, nasty of me considering he has amnesia lol, Kuroo -> connect, Sakusa -> effort; and this all neatly connects with their motives and actions in the story), as well as some canon elements (like Sakusa thinking that Kuroo looks like a con-man, so I made him a con-man because it fits his character best). For Iwaoi, I thought that love would be a great motivation, and for Ushijima, he just has a vendetta against Oikawa which is a fun play with canon. There’s going to be more characters but I’m not going to spoil it, but I spent at least two weeks on constructing the characters like this until I was satisfied with it lol
10. How do you decide what to write?
It’s always very much dependent on my mood. Like I need to be in the mood for a certain story in order to actually make progress on it, otherwise it’ll just be extremely frustrating (hence why I often have multiple stories ongoing at the same time). I also never write out of order for a story, so I go pretty much chronologically safe for a few dialogues that might come up at a later point, but never a fully fleshed-out scene. So if I’m in the mood for the next scene in a fic, I’ll write that. If not, I’ll write something else, and if need be, start a one-shot that I may or may not end up posting
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
I draw a lot of emotion from real life because it makes it much easier to write certain scenes. Like, if there’s a highly emotional scene (there were plenty in forget me not), I will connect it to something I had to go through irl and relate it to how I felt in that situation to make the writing process of describing those intricate and delicate emotions as best and relatable, and realistic most of all, as possible. That also leads to me massively projecting sometimes and trauma dumping in my writing but no one will ever really know for sure what is fiction and what isn’t lol
As for my favourite thing about my style, I use alliteration a lot because it makes me ridiculously happy, or any other literary devices like metaphors or similes or asyndetons/polysyndetons, all these kinds of things to convey subtle meaning through language use that I am absolutely obsessed with because of studying linguistics. So maybe that’s my favourite thing.
45. What's something you've improved on since you started writing fic?
I started writing fic when I was ten, so…almost 13 years ago so there’s a LOT that I’ve improved on because obviously age makes a huge difference. I got better at understanding the characters and their ideals and I also got a better grasp on canon, which (I think so at least) gives me the ability to write the different relationships better and draw out the scenes/story a lot more than I was able a couple of years back. I also used to write on a very irregular basis, and I am now actively trying to write every day or at least take notes on my stories each day so I don’t distance myself from it too much if life gets busy. Something I also learned is to properly draft and outline my ideas to assure that massive writer’s block doesn’t happen (it still does, sometimes, but not as bad as before).
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nishipostitz · 2 years
haikyuu men as brother’s best friend
scenario: them meeting you for the first time
gn!reader x multicharacter
part 1 | part 2 | next
tw! none. cliche stories... almost pooing pants in 3rd one. just fluff 
ok! in this case. he’s into older people. like. he could be a high schooler having a little puppy crush on a college student. you’re the older person he fell for. it was actually just a normal day. cliche, sorry. but your parents didn’t want to pick up your brother from practice, and you were just coincidentally running errands. “pleaseeeee!!.. can you pick me uppp.. mom and dad won’t pick us up and yk how far we live. we can’t possibly walk..” his tone guilt tripped you. but you kept hearing the way he talked as if there was another person. so you must keep up a good reputation as a great! older sibling. so you drove over to your old school and picked up your little brother his friend. your brother immediately made himself feel at home in your car. and his friend was baffled. how come you look like this, and no offense to your brother, but you’re clearly the attractive sibling. so now he has this bubbly crush on his best friends older sibling. so every chance he gets, he’ll accept a free ride bc who wouldn’t? but he’s shy :/
noya, asahi, kuroo, hinata, aone, bokuto, goshiki, kindaichi, tsukki, yams, sakusa
you were running a lemonade stand. it doesn’t matter how old you are. this was like a summer side hustle. lemonade is good, selling and making it is fun. it’s a winwin! but the best business deal was going to the park. especially one right by the gym! so not only are thirsty(and hot) gym goers and park enjoyers are craving for something sweet, they have a lemonade stand selling for cheap! so as he was exiting the gym, he saw the stand and jogged over. paying and drinking. it was delicious. after a few days, he decided to just jog at the park to see you more. a beauty who knows how to do business? sign him up! so one day, when he visits your brother, he sees you in the kitchen making the lemonade. “oh you’re the lemonade girl!” he said excitedly. you turned around and recognized his smile, and smiled back. his soul slowly left his body. he was starstruck by you. visiting the park and his friend’s house more! 
atsumu, oikawa, daichi, ushijima, yamamoto, aran, kuroo, tendou, lev, iwa, tanaka, kita, kageyama
was actually talking online with you. you guys were partners with gaming and many other things. so you guys had many mutual likes. one day, he went over to hang out with your brother. a few hours later, you arrived home after a long drive from college to home. he saw you and was about to poo his pants. how did his best friend know you? answer; you were the sibling that was never mentioned! so not only did he meet someone he kinda had a crush on in real life, but they were closer to him than he thought!
kenma, akaashi, osamu, yaku, kunimi, futakuchi, inouka
guys this part was so boring T_T.... i honestly had no motivation... AGHHHH. hopefully it seemed realistic and enjoyable!! 
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the-haikyuu-trash · 2 years
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Matsukawa Issei || “he’s cute.”
tags : just hs crush fluff, she/her pronouns, female reader
a/n: its concerning how im active again in haikyuu, fandom and writing fluff because i want to (65 followers omg… tysm! Im flustered because you guys🥹🫶)—i cant find a manga panel of matsukawa issei and hMp, realistically speaking if any of the hq characters were real, i’ll have a crush on him and sakusa. anyways, hope u enjoy my silly little one shot because of my silly little scenarios running in my silly little mind likes and reblogs are super appreciated!!
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The first time (Name) really had a crush on someone was back then on kindergarten, she couldn’t remember the boy who gave her small flowers every recess anymore.
The second time was when she was in first year of highschool, her third year senior who was a captain of the soccerclub but alas, he had a girlfriend after he graduated, leaving (Name) all pouty and muttering in her class when girls flocked to her sides, showing her a post between the former soccer captain and his pretty girlfriend. “hmp, i’m never having crush again.” Was she said when they teased her for not acting fast.
The third time however…
Her cousin, Iwaizumi Hajime, made sure his words get into her head, drilling them and make sure it’ll never slip out of her mind that she’s not going to visit him in his practice match because Oikawa and her would be an unstoppable annoying duo but (Name) honestly didn’t care and claims to be “the fun cousin” as she prepares herself to hurl herself if she saw her favorite cousin in the practice match.
It was a practice match between Karasuno, her school and Aoba Johsai, her cousin’s school today and (Name) couldn’t miss up the opportunity to see her cousin on action again, after all, her school volleyball club didn’t put up much of a fight anymore but seeing two promising players this year, she was immediately hooked. Also, it’s been a long time since she saw Iwaizumi played and by the talk of her classmates, he’s popular along with Oikawa that makes her proud.
But confidence wasn’t on her side today, standing in front of the unfamiliar school gates with a wince, she grip the strap of her bag and anxiety was filling her up. (Name) could have joined Kiyoko, knowing they’re good close friends but by the looks of it, the manager of the crows is busy, didn’t had the heart to disturb her classmate because she wanted to annoy her cousin for good old times.
She’s shy. Even with the happy exterior, (Name) is absolutely a shy school girl when she’s by herself.
Placing both of her hands in her cheeks, she gives a few soft pats, encouraging herself to walk forward. She could do this, she will not get lost, she’s the fun cousin—
Her eyes suddenly landed on two tall third years, walking together at school and by the look of their uniform, they’re from the volleyball club! Must be Iwaizumi’s teammates! Forget her shyness! Surprising her favorite cousin is her priority! With that, she finds herself walking toward them, placing a practice friendly smile on her lips. “Excuse me!”
Oh My God.
Stopping in front of the two men towering over her figure, she looks up to dark haired who’s looking at her with eyebrows raised in question, his dark eyes looking at her carefully. Unconsciously, she grasp the strap of her bag as she looks at this man features and her mind went blank for a moment because:
“Holy shit, he’s cute.” She thought, (Name) forgot about what she’s going to say but when he tilts his head to the side, waiting for her to speak up, (Name) cleared her throat, fighting the oncoming heat threatening to spread across her cheeks. “I— I, can you please point me the way to the practice match…” giving herself a pat on the back to complete a sentence but mentally slapping herself because she sounded rude and quiet.
Matsukawa heard her, loud and clear, but he’s not going to act blind when he can see the red tinge by the tip of her ears, Hanamaki noticed it too and he shot his bestfriend a knowing look when it’s obvious Matsukawa finds her cute because her confidence earlier was now melting to a shy one and from the way he’s holding back a grin.
Matsukawa Issei heard her but he’s going to prolong their conversation with this cute girl, he’ll make sure he’ll make her remember this time.
(Name) couldn’t handle the blush spreading her cheeks anymore when the tall dark haired attractive volleyball player leaned down slightly to get a better hearing of her words, (his perfume hits her nose, he smelled really good too, can’t this guy have one flaw?) and hummed as if asking her to repeat again— making words lotched up on her throat and screaming at herself to focus, this is very first time (Name) was ready to melt into a puddle of embarrassment.
“Sorry for disturbing you, but I was wondering if you could point the direction of the gym for me? I’m here to visit my cousin.” (Name) said, this time with more confidence, acting as if him leaning down didn’t make her flustered and voice higher than usual, her fingers now playing at the zipper of her bag that goes noticed to the two third years. Hanamaki was eyeing her hands with a teasing smile (making her more embarrassed, was she that obvious?) while Matsukawa fought a grin breaking when she struggled to keep eye contact.
Cute, the tall middle blocker thought.
“Ah,” he stood back in full height, flashing her a smile before pointing the gym not far from them. “Right there, are you going to watch the practice match?” Matsukawa was lowkey hoping she’ll say yes and cheer for (him) his team.
Tall, handsome and his voice is deep too.
This is exactly (Name)’s type—
Before she could answer him, she saw Iwaizumi storming up behind, eyes narrowing at Matsukawa’s head before landing at her, making her wave her hand at him.
She actually forgot she came here for Iwaizumi.
(Name) didn’t get a chance to greet him her cousin who landed his palm of Matsukawa’s back, making him wince at the contact and pouted to see his vice-captain throwing a glare at the both of them.
“Don’t make my cousin uncomfortable—“ she wasn’t though. “—and start warming up, we’re about to start and you, come with me.” With that he grabbed her arm, making the girl yelp in surprise before throwing a quick thanks at Matsukawa’s direction but avoiding his gaze when he finally lets out a grin, making him more ten times attractive.
Out of earshot, (Name) looks at the grumbling Iwaizumi and smiled, the blush was still present on her cheeks. “Bro, your teammate is a total cutie. What’s his name?“ To which Iwaizumi only rolled his eyes, he can’t find his confidence to tell her that his teammate was her first crush back in kindergarten who she keeps telling young Iwaizumi she’s gonna get married and he’s invited when she shows the flowers Matsukawa gave her.
“Hey, isn’t that the girl you had a crush on kindergarten, giving her flowers and corny things like that?” Hanamaki grinned when Matsukawa rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah and for your information, I still have a crush on her, i’m going to ask for her number later.”
Yep, Matsukawa Issei will make sure (Name) hold onto the promise they both shared when they were in kindergarten because even though it sounds corny, he’s still head over heels for (Name) only.
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depressed-avocado · 2 years
have you all noticed how we have an abundance of sakuatsu fics, fanart and stans in the western media but very few and rare doujins served by the japanese side of the fandom?
even the sporadic content we see has a very different take on sakuatsu than we do..
now, take myself as a referance. i entered the fandom with a vengeance against all but suga, avoided sakuatsu and kagehina like it was the COVID epicenter itself but a year and a half later ended up reading one teeny fanfic on ao3 out of dire curiousity and ended up with sakuatsu as my adopted babies.
there was a lot of discussion on this ship on twt, tumblr and the like, but when i searched up for doujins to satisfy my horny hunger, i found none?
the very few and far between were actually AtsuSaku (top atsumu, still not much common with the english speaking world) and SakuOsa (poor atsumu 🤣) and featured sakusa as a very grumpy, tsundere, devil-may-care lover whom atsumu had to ask permission just to kiss. compare THAT to how the western fandom potrays him as the blunt jerk who is nefariously down bad for atsumu, but is still kinda loveable and chaotic in his own steed.
the thing is, sakuatsu is a rare ship. there are hardly 5 panels on interaction for them in the manga, and still quite less info on sakusa available, which gives the people the opportunity to mould him into any shape they want. atsumu has more chemistry with hinata, aran, kita, suna, hell you'd even find more miyacest content in japan than sakuatsu. it all started out as a crack ship, something similar to matsuhana, and exploded exponentially in a span of few weeks like it was set on fire. honestly, covid-19 would be jealous.
in the year 2020, the world recieved so many beautiful fanfics, maybe some of the best in the fandom. the same teenagers once raving after kagehina and iwaoi were now adults and have had enough of bubbly, tooth rotting fluff and circumstancal angst.
iwaoi's biggest potential for angst is them seperating for college, same as bokuaka and kuroken. maybe an external factor causing a rift in the couple. very basic.
they wanted something dynamic, something real, something which allows your creativity to leap out the box and sprint several kilometres ahead.
the salient answer was sakuatsu.
only in sakuatsu, the angst potential come from the characters themselves. sakusa and atsumu are insufferable, totally unlikeable people (though i have met a lot of people like atsumu and they get on with their day just fine). they have no chill, no qualms, no redeeming feature other than volleyball and their looks and maybe this could work out?
two jerks, aint afraid to talk shit, bringing out the best (or worst?) in each other. maybe they could find love afterall? huh.
what's this? a chance for ao3 authors to expand their creative writing skills to new horizons and take artistic liberties indulgently but still have a locus to ground themselves to so that they don't go all hocus-focus?
you bet they'd take this chance.
famous fics like 'a liar's truth', 'hand study', 'burden of blame' were released and it was the explosive and beautifully belligerent start of a ship no one saw coming. riding on the highs and lows of a relationship, depicting exactly how toxic yet fulfilling realistic dating can be, its upto you how you'd end up. these fics depicted the shimmering tension, the passionate abhor and the disastrous clashes.
there was no way a huge chunk of japanese fans, enough to catalyse its popularity, would be able to reach these fics and fanarts, which were usually just characteristics fleshed out in the author's mind. ooc, if you will.
sakuatsu is literally whatever you want it to be. a murder mystery or a romcom, you decide. it is ever changing, ephemeral, dangerous. you need to keep up with every step to find its beauty.
its a pity that the japanese fandom wasn't able to catch onto this sakuatsu fever and create some god-tier content like they usually do with other notorious ships like kageoi or kitaatsu.
also, osaatsu/atsuosa, kitaatsu and atsuhina are already selling there a lot (which makes a lot of sense in hindsight than this sakuatsu, no offence) and view atsumu as a TOP.
also, also the japanese part of the fandom have no qualms with shipping komosaku and ushisaku and do it graciously, so well both characters are satisifed fully with the japanese seperately as far as they are concerned.
well, if the movies come out, there is a good chance that the sakuatsu car ride would be just around the corner again and maybe this time, the japanese fandom can hop on a ride? and show atsumu riding on sakusa too pls i need to see thier bful art ahaha
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jesswritesthat · 2 years
Sakusa Kiyoomi: Demons
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~3k, fluff
• Sakusa isn’t the most expressive, but there’s always little things he does to show he has feelings for you - just as you do for him.
Warnings: none
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Sakusa was a realist, you'd known that for a long time, and you'd affirmed that with every question he asked you. This was a man who thinks with his head and not his heart, who is lead by logic rather than emotion.
It baffled you then why he seemed so confused by the knocking at his front door - he was always prepared, if there was a visitor he'd surely expect them. Regardless, to save him the trouble you went and answered the door considering your people skills were more adaptable.
"Omi-Omi yer gotta— eh, did we get the wrong place?" The familiar blonde halted his rant when actually taking in your appearance, turning to his owlish partner in crime who looked just as dumbfounded.
"Don't think so... but I'll call Meian or Sakusa."
"No no, you've got the right place. MSBY Teammates right?" It was more of a fact than a question, having already recognised them, and so you continued. "Besides, Kiyoomi probably wouldn't answer a call from you anyway."
The blonde issued a pleased smirk at that, leaning on the doorframe with a smug tone.
"Was gonna ask if ya knew him, but with that answer I'd say ya know Omi-Omi really well."
"I told you, stop calling me that Atsumu. What do you want?" Sakusa now stood intimidatingly by your side, twin daggers sent toward his Setter that forced him to sheepishly step back. Yet, disregarding his Spikers remark, he remained brightly charismatic unlike the deadpan Sakusa.
"Yer just moved in to yer new place! Livin' alone can be daunting so we're here to help - unless yer not alone?"
"We haven't even come in yet! So can we?" Bokuto piped in this time, excitement racing through his veins oblivious to Sakusas' attitude as usual.
"You wanna die?"
"Kiyoomi, they came to help like I did. You let me in, and the quicker we're done the quicker they go."
"You're different." It was muttered within a heavy sigh, the ravenette reluctantly conceding  once glancing at your hopeful smile. "But valid point."
So became a sociable day of assisting Sakusa in unpacking, his teammates sharing horror tales of when they'd first moved out - both of them somehow starving? Kiyoomi rolled his eyes after questioning their maturity which prompted Atsumu to seek your alliance.
"Tch. Don'cha get annoyed by his teasing?"
"I tease him too, Sakusa rarely messes up due to his preparedness but when he does I love highlighting it." You proudly admitted, Sakusa sighing by your side and flicking a styrofoam piece at you.
"I know. It's annoying."
"Nice ta see ya get teased too, alright I'm gunna order from Onigiri Miya so we don't starve this time. Lemme know whatcha want~"
"You to go home."
"Aw, but we're not finished yet - we know how you hate leaving things in a mess Kiyoomi." Bokuto grinned brightly, thumbs up sent to the ravenette as he followed Atsumu out to the kitchen.
It was quiet for a bit when you'd continued your task, bemused by how well his teammates knew him with Sakusa opening a new box and pausing slightly at item it contained.
"Could you put this up there?"
It was a multi-frame he was unboxing, presumably the photos going in were already predetermined so you weren't surprised when he'd handed you the near completed photo frame. You'd took a detailed look at it, having filtered through some of his pictures previously, you understood he'd chosen fond memories. There was one of his family, one of him and Komori, multiple Volleyball ones, an older one picturing him and Ushijima as well as one of the MSBY Black Jackals. Except it wasn't the professional Team shot, it was a selfie where they'd all clambered together with varying playful faces after a victory.
"You chose the one where you're all goofing off and smiling."
"It matches the theme more. The professional one has its own separate frame." He'd answered casually, moving to sit beside you whilst his teammates cluttered in the kitchen - he'd scold them later.
"What theme?"
"My personal life, these are ones that make me feel at home. They're important, things I care about - just please refrain from telling Atsumu and Kōtarō that." Careful fingers held the other side of the frame, eyes briefly flicking to the re-emerging pair now carrying beverages grateful they hadn't heard. "Speaking of, I need one of us."
"Us? You have plenty on your phone." Came your blissful smile when locking eyes with him, Bokuto and Miya checking out the object of attention, one frame indeed blank. Sakusa talking to himself more than anyone else.
"They're not right."
"Never thought you'd have something like this! I need one to put a Fukurōdani photo in, oh - and one of me and Akaashi!"
The three of you agreed fondly with Kōtarō, resuming your task of unpacking the last of Sakusas' belongings which turned into quite a nice night.
As far as you'd heard, your favourite Spiker was settling into living alone just fine - a lot better than the dramatics you'd heard from Kōtarō and Atsumu when they'd first moved out alone.
Or so you thought...
"Can I stay with you?"
It was scarily abrupt, spoken the moment you'd opened the door, not even a chance for greetings nor to think as you'd instinctively answered.
"Yeah of course, uh for how long?"
"Forever." Sakusa had claimed as he gratefully entered your home, expression still somewhat unreadable with the presence of his mask.
"Omi what on Earth is wrong with your place?"
He froze on the spot, turning to you with arms wrapped around himself and a disgusted expression accompanying his deadly tone.
"It's been infiltrated by a demon."
"It moved so fast, I didn't even see what it was. I didn't want to. So I refuse to go back there." He'd shuddered as he recounted the recent memory, like he relived a traumatic event.
"Oh? Ultimate Ace Sakusa Kiyoomi is defeated by an unwanted house guest. Isn't this what Atsumu meant when he said you could ask them for help?"
"I'm not doing that." Stubbornly bitter. He hadn't appreciated your sarcasm and muttered his refute with a glare.
"Then we're going." You'd happily retorted, reaching for your jacket.
"We're going to slay a demon Omi~"
"N-no we're not! I won't let you." The speed of volleyball apparently aided in everyday life as Kiyoomi slid into your path with adamant argument.
"Then I'm calling Atsumu."
"Why do you have his number? — Nevermind, tell me later. I'm trying to protect you, you don't need to venture into that hell site."
"Kiyoomi, I want to. You've helped me out numerous times, and vice versa. We balance each other out, so hand me some armour and let's go."
Begrudgingly he'd truly looked at you, if it wasn't for the overpowering war occurring in his body then he’d claim you were a blessing - how could he possibly argue with you looking as beautiful as that, regardless of how he’d wanted to protect you.
When you got there fully decked out with protection, pesticide and traps, you're already assessing the situation with Sakusa begrudgingly waiting outside his front door. You'd told him he could remain as far as he wished (oh how he wanted to) but he insisted that for your sake he'd stay as close as he could manage.
Ultimately you were in and out in no less than 10 minutes once discovering that it was a rather large flying cockroach making residence in his home and disposing of it correctly.
"It's done."
"Thank you..." No sooner was hand sanitiser thrust onto your hands with Sakusa then bowing out of gratitude despite the layer of uncertainty that had laced his tone.
"You can stay with me tonight if it eases whatever..." You gave a hopeless grin, gesturing to his permanently distasteful glare flicking from your form to his home. "This is."
"I'll prepare dinner and breakfast then, we should go shopping on the way home so I can buy ingredients." Sakusa breathed a sigh of relief and fell into step beside you, already loaded with his next question. "Anyway, why do you have Atumus' number?"
Being friends with Sakusa Kiyoomi inevitably meant you'd become acquainted with Komori Motoya who was currently your plus one to the MSBY Black Jackal vs Azuma Pharmacy Green Rockets game.
“Wow he’s definitely on his game today huh?” You leaned against the railing in awe, by the second set you couldn’t take your eyes off of him which Komori noticed with a soft smile, tucking his hands into his pockets before thoughtfully replying.
"Mm, Sakusa puts 100% effort into everything he does."
"I know, it’s paid off."
Motoya looked to you again, this time curiosity knitting his brows as he gently nudged you to draw your attention.
"Haven't you noticed he's putting in a lot of effort with you recently?"
"Say what now?"
"I was with Kiyoomi when he brought your favourite fragrance you were running out of." Your sheer innocent perplexity left him grinning wider, amusement dancing on his features whilst recalling the memory. "He spent 20 minutes in the aisle smelling a bunch of things to find the one that smelt exactly like you."
"Why didn't he just ask what type it was?" It made you smirk in confusion, still bemused either way.
"Wanted to surprise you, even removed his mask to do it - it was kind of amusing to see his reaction."
"Bet he hated that, I can imagine the disgust." You we’re both laughing now, but you felt a warmth in your chest with Motoya finishing the story, it was a side of Sakusa you rarely got to see after all.
"Yeah you're right, but I knew when he found it by his soft smile. Plus the mask was instantly back up."
It also meant you'd become acquainted with the MSBY Black Jackals which Sakusa would have rather avoided, but as soon your name had left his lips even he couldn't withstand their unbreakable persistence.
Hence why Bokuto had immediately jogged up to you when you’d come to meet them after the game considering how many times you’d met previously. It meant you’d missed the searing glare of Sakusa burning holes into Bokutos’ back because he’d greeted you first - wrapping you in his arms no less?! Luckily Komori was there to distract his cousin.
"You watched the whole game right? Did you see my killer cross shot?!" Kōtarō remained oblivious, lost in eager conversation with you since you responded so enthusiastically to him.
"Yeah! You were amazing as always Bokkun, you all were. Kiyoomi seemed really hyped today too."
"Yup, Akaashi used to tell me there was someone admiring me in the crowd to get me hyped up. I didn't think it'd work on Kiyoomi." The former Ace shrugged, finger to his chin in deep thought - even you were sceptical of his comment.
"Oh, he's influenced by fans?"
"Dunno, I just told him you were watching today. That seemed to do the trick." Bokuto nonchalantly claimed, giving you a too hearty clap on the back that almost sent you flying forward - Sakusa appearing out of nowhere to steady you just in case.
"Are you ready?" With a smile of gratitude, Kiyoomi gently bumped your shoulder as he spoke.
"Wha— wait, what's happening? Aren't you celebrating our win?" Bokuto caught onto this exchange, loud voice ricocheting over to the rest of the team and sparking their interest.
"The tournament has just started, it's too early to celebrate." Sakusa exasperatedly sighed, hands fidgeting deep in his pockets and avoiding all gazes, meanwhile you kindly answered the question he’d strategically avoided (motivations unbeknownst to you).
"We're having dinner and watching a movie at his place."
"Movie night at Omi-kuns’? Count me in!" Kōtarō beamed, Kiyoomi flicking to him in irritation.
"Yeah same! When we goin'?" Atsumu chimed in, jogging over with a few other members in tow.
"You're not."
Completely misinterpreting Sakusas’ brutal refute, Hinata brightly responded like a ray of sunshine.
"Oh oh, we should pick up some extra food on the way so there's enough for all of us."
"Great plan apprentice! Thanks for the reminder Omi-Omi, we'll meet you at your home soon." Bokuto followed on, Sakusa sighing once more and tried to derail this apparently unstoppable train of thought that was picking up more MSBY passengers by the second.
"That's not what I—"
Too late, they’d bounded off in excitement and whisked you away with them, exchanging ideas of what to purchase and the fastest route to Omi-Omis’ from the store - leaving Sakusa and Motoya still in the deserted hallway.
"It was meant to be just you two wasn't it?"
The ravenette didn't answer his cousin, choosing to bury himself deeper in his MSBY track jacket with a huff of disapproval (his blush not going unnoticed by a knowing Komori).
It was after their semifinal game that you'd headed to the locker room, their next opponent in the finals being the Schweiden Adlers. You knew Ushjima played for that team, someone Kiyoomi knew and admired, so when you'd met him outside wearing a warring expression the second he locked eyes with you - that's what you assumed to be the problem.
"You seem stressed, worried about the upcoming Finals?"
"No, we've done everything we can to prepare and put in 110% effort. The rest is out of our control." It was confident and steadfast, clearly not the issue then which stumped you slightly considering you knew something was wrong.
It was eerily silent for a moment, an awkwardness lingered like fragile scales ready to tip at the lightest touch.
"...Then what?"
There was a glare first, one that bore through your very soul, but also one that seemed as though he was questioning himself too.
Silence brewed again, this time with you searching his eyes for some sort of unspoken answer, for something you’d apparently missed in all the instances you’ve got lost in looking at him.
"Do you- do you want me to leave you alone then?" You'd internally cursed yourself for the crack in your voice, stilted by the possible meaning toward you.
"Yes— no. That! It's that!” The Spiker shook his head and ran his fingertips through his hair so tentatively. “You make me do this all the time. How do you do that?!"
Sakusa breathed, more for himself than you, and then his voice filled with an unfathomable amount of consideration and sentiment it caught you unawares.
"I'm not oblivious, I'm aware that I have feelings for you. That's why I want you in my life; why I don't want you to leave even though I'm perfectly capable of being alone."
"Kiyoomi… I understand y’know." Despite your soft whisper linked to your own feelings, he became far more passionate as he argued with you.
"Do you? I never really believed in luck yet I constantly find myself thinking how 'lucky' I am to have you. I dislike large crowds and being around others but being around you is fine, and when you're there I guess crowds become a bit more tolerable. You take everything I know and flip it upside down - I hate that I can't prepare for that but if I get to be with you it doesn't bother me... as much."
His breathing was uneven now after spilling more than he ever even considered, more than he knew he was capable of feeling, let alone putting into words - then again, that’s the kind of effect you’d had on him lately.
"Kiyoomi, is this your way of confessing to me?"
"It wasn't meant to be, I had it all planned out but there never seemed to be a perfect time for it. Hence this scenario." The two of you were more composed now, like things had fallen back into place with a sense of untouchability after what had just been said.
"Are you kidding? This is the perfect time. Any time would be. I only care that you've told me and you're comfortable having done so, because quite honestly I've been trying to figure out the best way to tell you that I'm falling for you too."
"You are?" Sakusa seemed bewildered, wistful tone betraying him in that moment which only made you giggle slightly.
"I don't go slaying demons for just anybody Kiyoomi."
The aftermath of the semifinals wasn't his ideal scenario, he'd much prefer the blessing of privacy - but with emotions already running high and a more vibrant feeling burning in his chest, he acted on instinct.
The first was brief, a flicker of fleeting soft warmth like he'd accidentally burnt you, but the second you'd smiled and connected again - he was meticulously passionate in the way his lips met yours, a fiery slow burn that left heat dancing up your skin.
Sakusa ignored the proud cheers of his teammates, their erratic whistles and playful teasing when he pulled back to admire you in this moment. Everything was so wrong compared to his usual standards but he'd be lying if it didn't feel so right.
Sakusa is a man who thinks with his head and not his heart, because his heart belongs to you. Kiyoomi leads with logic whilst you understand emotion - so by his logic, the two of you together are the perfect balance. Something he had never felt the need to ever question.
It was on the way home you caught Sakusa blushing whilst checking his recent messages, and upon noting your curiosity the Spiker tilted it toward you.
An impressively high quality image of the two of you smiling at each other so admiringly moments after sharing your first embrace.
[ Atsumu: For that empty frame 'a yers. 😝 ]
[ Masterlist ]
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can we get just normal yandere headcannons for Sakusa, Komori, Hirogami, and Hoshiumi all from Haikyuu, please? Your yandere writing is amazing on depicting characters perfectly 😍.
Sure, sure, I was honestly waiting for at least one of those guys to be requested. Tbh, I feel like Hoshiumi might just become one of my faves if I just see him a little bit more in the following seasons.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, protective behavior, delusions, stalking, threatening, intimidation, clinginess, touchiness, monopolizing behavior
Haikyuu Hc's
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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😷No one would quite notice the fact that Sakusa has gained interest in darling simply because he is very talented in hiding it, maybe Komori is able to notice it as the only one. The signs he gives are subtle, be that how his gaze seems to linger a bit longer on you or how his interest seems to spark when he hears your name being mentioned. Believe it or not, Sakusa is actually a bit too shy to talk to s/o for a little while, he sets rather high expectations on himself and has yet to fully discover his feelings. Due to his rather protective nature, he still has a harder time staying completely out of their life without at least looking a bit out for darling, to at least ensure that they take care of their daily needs. He settles with watching silently stalking you for the time being and he's actually good with it. He observes, he analyzes and when he notices something that falls into the category "not taking enough care of yourself", he's left displeased, expressing his frustration in small notes he slips here and there into places where you will find them.
😷How he sees his emotions is a little bit funny if we're talking about it. On the one hand he is somewhat delusional since he does not know the boundaries between a healthy love or the rather obsessive and protective one he has. But he stays realistic throughout it all. Let's just say that he is not in the mood to confess and get rejected, so he stays as low as he can for now and focuses on darling, he's wise enough to tare his chances with you out and he's not overly arrogant to declare himself to be the one who is the right one for you. What still drives him is his competitive nature and his pride, he's not someone who likes leaving things, including especially his love, unfinished. Sakusa has a keen eye and he memorizes things he notices about you, your hobbies, likes and dislikes which serves as a great help later on. Just so you know, he knows staying in the shadows and hoping for a miracle won't work, he has to court you if he wants a relationship.
😷He hates admitting when he is jealous and luckily he isn't quite as petty as guys like Oikawa or Nishinoya would be with their jealousy. He's a fairly chill guy most of the times and has no problem with your family, friends and other acquaintances. He refers to himself as a realist after all, so he wouldn't be cautious as long as he doesn't suspect that there is indeed a chance for a possible rival he has to take serious. The moment someone turns out to be exactly this, however, Kiyoomi becomes much more focused and careful around them. He can have his possessive side kick in when a certain person seems to be able to charm his s/o which obviously forces him to act. He can and he will spill your relationship out very clearly to someone if he has too and will end up only more irritated if the person decides to ignore it. Getting in silly arguments is not exactly something he is fond of so if clarifying your relationship to someone is not enough, he's prone to simply pushing darling and himself out of the situation. He stays annoyed and grumpy over it for a long while after. Small side note, he might interrogate you a bit about how you feel about this person.
😷The main way I see him really taking care of someone who he views as a threat who seems to be more stubborn than Sakusa would like is intimidation and his incredible bluntness. Sakusa can very well be a little to honest and blunt, awakening the impression of a jerk. Darling scolded him for it a few times because dear god, he does not hold back when he deems it to be necessary. He says whatever is on his mind without sugarcoating it too much. He is mindful enough to not involve his s/o into the drama too much, he tends to have a little chat with this person in privacy, well, more of an interrogation. His threats are there yet in a subtle way that leaves the other person unable to blame him for it. Kiyoomi, despite not wanting to involve you too much into such problems, will probably still discuss something with you if it really bothers him. He isn't demanding unless it's about your well-being so chances are that you will see what you can do to ease his mind a bit.
😷Putting the fact aside that the only times he can be a bit overbearing and annoying is when you don't do enough for your health, in his eyes, I genuinely don't really see Sakusa being someone to kidnap his s/o. Sure, there is always this "but" with every Yandere, Sakusa still is rather low-key most of the time. If darling needs a bit space, he's willing to give it and he accepts and respects the fact that his s/o has a life of their own as well. If darling is sick, he can change quite a bit and turn far more strict. He wants you to stay in bed, wants you to rest and sleep and not overwork yourself and it's one of the very few times he might be a bit more forceful. He's not someone to make usually a fuss about you, but if you're sick or otherwisely not in a good shape? Yeah honey, that changes a bit to the point where he ends up trapping you in your shared house for as long as you need to recover.
😷Kiyoomi honestly ends up being that husband that nags about everything if something bothers him, mostly it really is him being a bit too worried about your health and he always ends up providing what he deems you to need right now. You haven't had enough to drink yet? Here, he has a bottle of water for you. You ran out of sanitary articles and forgot to buy new ones? He noticed and stored up some new ones already. You're not feeling well and are dizzy? Dear god, stay in bed until you feel better. It can be annoying sometimes, but it ends up being oddly sweet since it's really one of the main ways he shows that he loves you, you end up appreciating it one way or another when he dedicates his time into nursing you back to health. Not a fan of PDA, the most he really agrees to do is holding hands. In general he gets sort of flustered with the touchy sort of affection, though he won't mind too much if you two are alone.
Komori Motoya
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🟡Komori does differ from Sakusa who appears to be a bit more on a anti-social side. Granted, he is a little bit oblivious to his growing feelings at first, though everyone around him seems to realize the one thing he does not. It is not until Sakusa one day just ends up questioning him about his feelings that a light bulb finally lightens up inside of his head and after that he does not waste any time anymore. The libero is not keen on pressuring his darling or making them uncomfortable though, so he does not pressure them into a relationship with him. What is obvious though is that he has started wooing you just as much as it is obvious that he is quite enamored with you. He's delusional, believing his darling to be the only person he will ever feel this way about without being too possessive nor controlling. He's sweet, putting your own happiness and health over his own and granting you happiness and comfort is what he strikes to provide.
🟡He's not into stalking, he much more loves being with darling, he's a bit more clingy than some others and does not hold his affection and adoration back, vocally and physically. Whilst he is not as bad as Tendou or other highly affectionate guys, he's not entirely subtle about it either unless you inform him that it makes you a bit uncomfortable in which case he will tone down his affection a bit. Slightly obsessive and protective, though none of it exceeds to a visibly unhealthy amount. He tends to get distracted since his mind is often filled with you and he does look out a bit more for you than some others, but it is not to the same extent where it is alarming and concerning. The worst he did was snapping a few pictures without your allowance when he thought that you looked really pretty and cute and kept them for himself. The most outstanding trait really is his somewhat lovesick antics.
🟡He has a outgoing personality himself and as soon as he does successfully confesses, he tells everyone he knows about out of pure joy and incredible excitement, he got sort of flustered when you accepted. Wants to leave good impressions about himself in front of everybody you count to your closer circle of loved ones, doesn't matter if it's your family, your friends or your neighbours. Due to his friendly and lenient nature he won't go all scary on someone if they show interest in you, knowing that you and him are together gives him confidence and doesn't cause him to waver easily. He stays polite and friendly even if he ends up dismissing someone in order to stop their tries to court you. It turns a little bit more complicated if he has to deal with someone who completely ignores him and the relationship he has with s/o and goes as far as making you uncomfortable. You see, Motoya can be a gentle and nice person, but he turns scary when he becomes mad since this is a side he rarely shows.
🟡Really wants to be able to not involve you into issues that have turned out to be very uncomfortable. This guy gives second chances as long as someone apologizes properly and knows their place, but if someone pushed his patience too much and made you from all people highly uncomfortable and didn't respect your own wishes, which is by the way the worst, even Komori snaps. And when he snaps he isn't loud nor is he violent, he is cold and shoots a sharp and intense glare at the person. He would never do a stupid mistake which would put him in a bad light, so instead he does his research. If talking someone won't work, he ends up asking friends and family for help and if nothing helps, even friends and family of the person. His sincerity is a weakness as much as it is a weapon and he doesn't even have to lie about his upset feelings nor about the ones of his s/o if someone did storm over the lines.
🟡Being blessed with patience, Komori never gave the thought of abducting his darling much thought. Despite his delusions he knows that there are limits and things he can not do and his heart hurts if he were to imagine how upset and mad you would be with him. His Yandere side is so well hidden and most of the time so harmless that he is highly capable of leading a normal relationship with his darling anyways. He is a social person and even if he loves precious time with his darling alone, he loves taking them just as much out on dates or meeting up with friends and family. There are times where he can be a bit more protective and warily, one example being if you have a person constantly pestering you and not leaving you alone, otherwise he remains respectful of your own privacy.
🟡He likes spoiling his darling every once in a while with small presents or a rather flashy date. Despite him knowing that Sakusa tends to get annoyed with it after some time, Komori can not completely stop himself from gushing and babbling about you in front of the man. Yes, he knows that Sakusa doesn't want to and doesn't have to know everything, but sometimes he really can not keep himself from just talking his friend's ear off. One of the more gullible Yandere out there, he can be very easily convinced by you which is a good thing. Overall one of the tame guys in regards of Yanderes in Haikyuu, though he shouldn't be taken lightly either. Even if his wrath and his scary side is never turned against you.
Hoshiumi Korai
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🌊Hoshiumi is as straightforward as you might believe him to be in regards of his obsession. Because he is completely and utterly obsessed with his lovely darling, it’s honestly scary. They’re like a pill, he has to see them every day at least for an hour and has to interact with them in order to function properly for the rest of the day. He constantly thinks about you, his heart swells inside of his chest when he manages to make you laugh or smile and he wants to know everything about you so he can love everything about you. He runs on high delusions as well, a firm believer that if he tries enough, you will love him as much as he loves you and he is the type of guy who can misinterpreted platonic and kind gestures and words from your side as something else entirely. Let’s hope Hirugami can help to stop a huge misunderstanding more than just once.
🌊Definitely one of the more clingy and touchy Yanderes, where ever you go he wants to be as well. Surely it can lead to him stalking you as well. Hoshiumi much rather wants you to pay attention to him though so he only stalks when even he has become aware that you’ve grown uncomfortable with his constant need to be with you. Long before the actual relationship he grows to be touchy though, grabbing your hand when he wants to show you something, hugging you possessively and clinging onto you when he’s upset and wants comfort. Once there is a relationship, there will be no real boundaries anymore though for him. Despite his rather goofy and energetic behavior, this boy here is possessive and wants everyone to know that darling is his. He might be a bit insecure from time to time about this relationship since he’s witnessed the hardships of being small which only fuels his possessiveness.
🌊Korai…well, he gets jealous rather easily since he’s a little attention seeker and is petty when his s/o gives their attention to someone else for too long. And he is rather fast to try to make you aware of his presence once again, or rather have you paying attention to him once again. He simply squeezes himself in between the ongoing interaction, in a way where no one is able to ignore him and if he’s already at it, he ends up clarifying that you two are a couple and that you are his once again. There is this difference between someone simply talking with you and someone actually flirting with you and trying to get closer with you. It makes a difference in the sense that instead of being a talkative and annoyed third wheel, Hoshiumi starts turning more passive-aggressive as well. He has constantly his hands on you and stares with those big eyes of his at the other person. Whether it’s scary or creepy is for each individual to decide.
🌊He’s as noisy and aggressive as you might think he is. He gets in petty arguments with the person and even with darling since he doesn’t want them to spend time with the person, starts getting paranoid to the point where he blows your phone up and constantly wants to know where you are and starts monopolizing your time entirely. He’s devastated and afraid, maybe even horrified, that this person will be able to charm you and take you away from him and he will use his overwhelming feelings to guilt trip you if he needs to do so. His interactions and talks in private end up turning more furiously and with him raising his voice. Until he finally and truly snaps. And then he stops with his childish tantrums, instead appearing far more calm and collected, at least in public. The creepy and unnerving glares he gives the other person whenever you aren’t looking. This side is far more scary because it seems like your boyfriend tries to get along with them when in reality it’s quite the opposite. But it most likely results in you seeing Hoshiumi in a better light and noticing how the other person suddenly starts acting strange and rude to him.
🌊It’s true that this guy here is monopolizing when he grows paranoid or possessive, next to his already clingy nature. His delusions are a hurdle to overcome as well for even if you would want to break up with him, he wouldn’t believe it and tell himself that you probably are just confused and need a little bit of time or someone manipulated you. Korai is prone to resorting to guilt tripping his darling with tears and gut-wrenching speeches of love and apologies, he does not believe he could ever live happily without you. An effective weapon, but one day you might still turn away from him and leave. Amusing that you think he’ll leave you alone after this. No, instead he’ll constantly try to call you and send you messages, will appear in front of your house and follow you everywhere, begging and crying for you to come back. If he loses it once and for all, what do you think will he do?
🌊I feel like Hirugami will definitely be the first one to realize that his friend’s feeling’s aren’t healthy so he’ll end up trying to help you taming the enthusiastic boy as much as possible. Kind of needy for praises from you and he especially hopes that he’ll be able to astonish you with his skills in volleyball despite his height. When he has one of his more insecure moods, he tends to ask you about your opinion on everything regarding him. His hair, his outfit, the date he went on with you, his volleyball skills and so much more. He’s highly affectionate and when you are the one to initiate affection, he turns every time giddy on the inside and is happy to comply. Also into buying his darling sweets and flowers at least once or twice a week, Hoshiumi gets literally upset if you would tell him to stop. Those are signs of his love after all, please don’t reject them.
Hirugami Sachiro
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✨Hirugami is rather aware of his feelings and he feels equally guilty and bad for them. No one will notice though, he holds a very calm and controlled demeanor and doesn’t really dare to slip up, especially not in front of you, the obsession of his fatal distraction. Lightly obsessive and a bit of a stalker, both mixes nicely together. It’s shown that he seems to be a very observant and calculating person in the Manga so he just picks up on things that might look insignificant or too subtle to others and memorizes it. He seems to be always the first one to notice when you wear new shoes or changed your hair a little bit, which makes you happy to see that someone seems to be paying attention to such things. He’s cautious and thinks about how much he reveals though because there’s a limit between simply paying attention and knowing and noticing too much.
✨His inner perfectionist kind of starts growing inside of him again so he takes his time to confess since he wants it to be as perfect as possible. Friends and you yourself might notice beforehand that he has interest in you and Hirugami never makes it a point to hide his attraction completely either. This little quirk of his to want to make everything as perfect and fantastic for darling as possible stays and causes him to overthink once in a while, he calms down if s/o talks to him and helps him with his problem. Hoshiumi…kind of embarrassed his friend once in a while. He notices as well that Hirugami likes you a lot and tries to play the couple maker which means he ends up talking to you and listing all the good and bad things about his friend and he only stops being so direct after Hirugami caught him red-handed after hearing the rumors and asked him to stop. Korai continued as a shipper though. Hirugami is also on a more protective side, not overly, but he tends to baby you a bit, be it to tease you just a little bit or because he likes to do so from time to time.
✨Despite falling sometimes back into his old habits to be as perfect as he can, overall Sachiro is a very relaxed and calm guy. He wants to be introduced to your family and friends and be part of your life after all, though he doesn’t rush you into revealing the relationship to everyone at first. Perception is one of his strengths though so he will be able to notice the subtle hints someone may drop if they gained an interest in you and he’s polite enough to give a friendly reminder that he is your boyfriend. Intentionally or not Hirugami might be a bit intimidating, he has a rather tall physique after all. Politeness has it’s limits though and even if he would never truly snap or be overly rude whilst you are with him, his smiles turn more forced and fake and within his interactions with the person he starts taunting them here and there with his words. All whilst maintaining his calm and polite behavior, he won’t snap that easily.
✨Since he stays calm, he is most of the time able to deal with problems in a rational way without having to be overly threatening or scary. Don’t get the wrong idea, he gives a firm warning to be careful if someone is really testing his and his darling’s limits and maybe this cold and taunting politeness he even maintains then is what makes him so frightening. He analyzes situations before acting rashly and tries to find a solution without much violence involved. If he thinks that he can’t deal with a problem alone he doesn’t shy away from asking friends and family, if the situation truly calls for it threatening to call the police as well. He rarely slips up, makes almost no mistakes and this collected and almost mockingly tone of his is honestly frustrating, maybe even infuriating.
✨With him being lucid, that throws already another aspect in since he is someone who doesn’t dismiss the wrongness of his feelings. Hirugami is thoughtful, very much, and knows that one of the last things he would want to do on this earth is taking your freedom away out of his own selfishness or paranoia. Since everything looks so normal with him anyways, he doesn’t have a real reason to kidnap his darling. He’s protective, but even that is something darling can manage with since he won’t make such a fuss and be as forceful as Sakusa tends to be every once in a while. Seeing him in a rather intense moment is seldom simply because Sachiro is so careful. The worst scenario would be his darling leaving him and even that would be handled astonishingly calm at first from his side, though he’ll eventually start cracking as well.
✨Please don’t be mad at him, sometimes he just likes teasing and taunting his darling a bit in a loving way, he stops and apologizes instantly if he notices that he has upset you though. His dear friend Hoshiumi kind of tries to get to know a little bit too much about his relationship with you than he should, Hirugami ignores him or simply tells him to stop when the boy starts to become too curious. He gets lightly teased from his siblings, especially his sister Shoko since Hirugami can become annoyed when her boyfriend turns all sweet and sitting so she calls him out for it when she catches him being lovey-dovey and sappy with you.
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chigirisprincess · 3 years
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Starring;  Sakusa Kiyoomi as the Vampire, Y/n as the Virgin, & Miya Atsumu as the Sacrifice.
Featuring; 18+ only content minors dni + Afab reader + Monsterfucking + Loss of virginity + Blood (consumption and loss) + Vampire Turning, Unprotected Sex + Creampies + Infidelity + Cucking + Dubcon + Macabre themes + Unhealthy relationship dynamics + Slight manipulation + Violence + Injury + Premature ejaculation.
Stream Length; 6.9k
User.Angel Eden; This is a repost from my previous blog hence the references and refused banners. this is one of my favourite pieces and i just wanted to share it once more :) please head all warnings and take care <3
❝Your once budding fascination with the old manor on the outskirts of town morph into something more when curiosity leads you right to its doorstep. No one could account for laid before the large wooden doors, but you’d find the mysterious man all too entrancing, roping you before sucking you and your boyfriend dry.❞
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For as long as anyone could remember there was a house that stood tall and proud on top of the hill. Untouched by time, it remained long after the last living soul had passed on its grounds. Curious kids with curious minds weaved tall tales of pretend under the dark of night, hushed whispers twisting into local lore that lived on long past its creation.
Some said the last owner died of heartache, that they rotted away waiting for the day their lover would return home. Others claimed the entire family passed due to consumption, dropping like flies, one by one until there was no one left. But most believed that a vampire graced the grounds of the manor. That’s the story you believed, the one you spent countless nights researching until you ran out of sources. Perhaps it wasn’t the most realistic nor should you have continued to believe it well into your adult years but you did, utterly entranced by the idea of a dark and mysterious gentleman roaming the halls of such a beautiful house, an untouched relic from the past tirelessly searching for another soul that would understand their anguish. It was idealistic and at times pathetic but that didn’t stop you from getting the answers your heart had been searching for since the tender age of ten. Local archives and records were nothing but dead ends, you had no choice but to go right to the source; the manor on the hill.
Questions plagued your mind, plagued your dreams, surely you’d never move on from such childish fantasy unless the house's history was clear as day.
So one fall evening, when the air was crisp and the leaves had gone and turned brown, you dared to trek through the forest to see the house on the hill. It felt different, strange; the atmosphere shifting the moment your boot-clad feet left the soft dirt-laden path and stepped onto the broken cobblestone driveway leading to the front door. You expected to see vine-covered limestone, decrepit walls, and a half-rotted porch but the site which greeted you was far more worrisome than you would have thought. A shiver wrought up your spine when your eyes fell upon the pristine exterior, the well-manicured lawn, and the glossy windows which shone in the fleeting sunlight. It was what you wanted, proof of life,  yet you faltered. Your footsteps slowed as you neared the steps.
It was then and there when you should have turned back, your senses should have kicked in and forced you to return home but you ventured forward against your better judgement. With trembling hands you reached for the polished silver knocker, banging it against the sturdy oak wood door without a second thought. That’s what sealed your fate, but the idea of it all was too exhilarating to stop you.
You didn’t regret what came of it.
On the other side of the door was the stuff most presumed only existed within the realm of dreams.
His name was Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Swathed in crimson crushed velvet and charcoal lace, the man before you was a heavenly sight, one you could hardly believe he was real, not some fanciful mirage, the product of exhaustion and delusion. But he was.
“Are you alright darling?” he asked, a concerned look crossing his bewitching visage, “You seem lost and it’s getting late, won’t you come in?” extending a gloved hand out to you, Kiyoomi smiled at you, “I promise you’ll be home in no time.”
You missed the sharp glint of teeth that poked out of his lips as he smiled at you, blindly taking his hand in yours without a second thought. It wouldn’t have changed your mind because this was what you wanted, wasn’t it?
You’d tell anyone who asked that it was.
“Packing? Why are we packing? I haven’t seen you in months and ya already want to go on a trip?” Your boyfriend Atsumu said, giving you a pointed look as you whizzed around his bedroom in search of an overnight bag, “Can you just stop for a minute and talk to me, sweetheart?”
His eyes swept over your figure, zeroing in on the strange marks around your neck. In all the years he had known you, Atsumu could never recall your skin being covered in those blemishes. With all the time he’d spent memorizing each and every inch of his body, Atsumu knew there was no way he’d ever forget them. But after spending the better part of the year off on some spur-of-the-moment vacation you had returned to him differently.
It was nothing too noticeable at first.
The new pep in your step was something he assumed to be a good thing, you had been so obsessed with your town’s sordid history he assumed the time you spent away dispelled any lingering thoughts of that blasted old manor but it didn’t. He just didn’t know it yet. Casting aside any worries, Atsumu tried to embrace the strange style of dress you had picked up, told himself you must have put in a lot of effort to take care of yourself when he saw you lacked your usual dark circles around your eyes, and even jokingly stuck your hands under his shirt when he noticed they were freakishly frigid.
But he couldn’t ignore how you incessantly pressured him to join you for a “surprise” trip out of town.
“You always talk about how stressed you are,” you muttered, rooting around in his closet, “So I thought it’d be a good idea to take you somewhere to unwind for a bit.”
Turning around to face him, you sighed.
“I don’t understand why you’re so apprehensive, baby.”
Running his fingers through his hair Atsumu frowns, “We haven’t spoken in months,” he said, his brows furrowed in confusion, “I didn’t get any calls or texts from you, it was like you disappeared,” pinching the bridge of his nose, Atsumu inhales deeply, “For god’s sake I filed a missing persons report because I was so worried!”
His head hung low in shame as tears bit at the corners of his eyes.
“And you come back all different, insisting we leave together and you haven’t even told me where you went!”
Shuffling towards him,  you gently lay your hands on his shoulders to soothe him. Your touch is cold and lifeless, goosebumps follow your fingertips as they skate over his body. The chill seeps through his thick woolly sweater, nipping at his skin and sinking into his bones. It’s strangely foreign to him, the feel of your hands on his body. It should have felt like being wrapped in a blanket of warmth just as your touch always did but he felt nothing but cold; like a stranger was mimicking the way you’d move your hands over his broad chest to his shoulders, squeezing them ever so slightly to silently tell him you were right there. Right by his side.
“Why tell you when I can just show you,” you suggest, tilting your head to the side with a smile, “It was supposed to be a surprise but since you’re so eager to know, I wanted to take you to where I spent the last couple of months,” the pad of your thumbs smooth against the collar of his shirt, rubbing against the sliver of skin that peaks out from the neck hole, “Doesn’t that sound like fun?”
Atsumu sent you a displeased looked, biting back a snarky retort. He was more than happy to see you, he didn’t want to say the wrong thing and push you away. Losing you would be something Atsumu would regret all his life, so he mustered up as much support as he could, remaining silent as he stumbled his way to find the right thing to say.
Grabbing hold of your hips he looks up at you with a pout, “Don’t you want to catch up first?” he asks, batting his lashes at you, “I’m not the only one who’s missed you,” there were many people who missed you, but he missed you the most, “Maybe we should go visit some friends and family, my ma’s been asking when you’ll be back to see her.”
“We can!” you exclaim, resting your head atop of his, “But after we’ve gone on this trip, you’ll be in a much better mood when you ‘Samu, I guarantee the evening won’t end in some petty squabble like always.”
The sing-songy tone of your voice could have been more than enough to convince him, the prospect of a peaceful night with his brother an even sweeter deal than he could ever imagine but he just couldn’t trust you. The demure smile you wore was off putting, your insistence anything but reassuring.
“Don’t you think it’ll be nice for the two of us to get away from it all?”
A certain desperation lingered behind your eyes, a nervous energy surrounding you as you pleaded with him.
“Yes,” he said against his better judgement, “It will,” as soon as those words left his mouth he regretted it but the look of sheer excitement crossing your face made his heart pang, “Just promise me you won’t disappear again.”
You nod your head but there’s a faraway look in your eyes as you tear away from him. Wondering back to the dresser you pulled open a couple of drawers, peaking into them with furrowed brows, “Better get packing ‘Tsumu,” you holler, “I want to get on the road as soon as we can.”
His chest tightens as he watches you putter around. Atsumu didn’t like the way you brushed him off but he remained silent, stringing together the nerve to rise from his spot on the bed and join you in packing. You smile at him when you feel his arm brush up against you, the travel bag you tossed to him earlier in his hands. It doesn’t reach your eyes. A shiver shoots through him as his mind wanders to places he wishes it didn’t.
“We leaving in the morning?” he asks, haphazardly tossing clothing into his bag. Nodding you curl up next to him, both of your arms wrapping around his muscular one, “Alright, you set the alarm and I’ll handle breakfast.”
Nuzzling into his side you smile even wider, “Thank you, baby,” you giggle, sighing happily, “You’re the best.”
Leaning close you press a chaste kiss against his cheek, your hand rising to cup his face. Turning his head to face yours, your nose bumps against his. Atsumu freezes up in your embrace, a small gasp falling past his lips as your capture him in a quick kiss. It had been so long since you had been in your arms that he almost forgot the way it felt to kiss you, forgot the way you fit so perfectly against him, but he couldn’t fight the overwhelming feeling that something was wrong. Your frigid fingers sneak their way to his neck, tugging at the soft overgrown tufts of brown hair. His mouth falls open as he whines in discomfort, itching to pry your hand away but you use this as an opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. Atsumu jolts away from you at the feel of something sharp gliding across his plump bottom lip.
He sputters in confusion, tentatively touching the tender skin. A speckle of blood coats his fingertips, his lip pulsing in pain.
“Oh no!” you shout grabbing hold of his face, squishing his cheeks together as you inspect his lip, “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to,” frowning you swipe at his lip, blotting away the blood, “I’ll get you some vaseline, that’ll make you feel better.”
Atsumu stares blankly at your retreating figure, his eyes catching sight of your face in the reflection in the mirror. Your tongue flicks out to lap up the blood on your thumb, your eyes fluttering closed for a moment as you relish the metallic taste. Bile crawls up the back of his throat, unable to tear his eyes away from the mirror even after you’ve turned the corner, your footsteps fleeting as you bounded down the hallway.
It made his skin crawl, the mere thought of you enjoying the taste of blood but his eyes didn’t dare deceive him. The bliss-filled expression dancing across your visage more than telling. Clapping his hand over his mouth, Atsumu groans in disgust.
One overwhelming thought filling his head; what happened to you?
The drive was short.
But that wasn’t what worried Atsumu, it was the silky red scarf you insisted he tie around his eyes to blindfold him. So excited to keep this trip under wraps. He didn’t think to ask for any clues before getting into the car with you but there wasn’t any need to as he’d come to realize. There wasn’t anything more you were willing to tell him, if he questioned you further he’d be met with more excuses, brushed off with little forethought.
Fallen leaves and twigs crunched beneath his boots as he stumbled after you, his fingers loosely intertwined with yours. The crisp autumn breeze shoots through Atsumu, goosebumps prickling his heated skin with each hesitant step he takes. He can feel the excitement bouncing off of you. All you could hear was his heart pounding uncontrollably against his rib cage, nerves causing his fingers to tremble with worry. They say you can smell when someone is terrified, that there’s a uniquely pungent aroma that can only be chalked up to fear, you’d know it if you ever smelt it. Atsumu wondered if you could smell it, the fear rumbling in his chest as he blindly followed your footsteps.
If not fear then perhaps paranoia or the loss of trust that circles his idle mind.
He can’t be sure because before he can ponder on that thought, he’s crashed to the ground, his hands flying forward to catch himself. A loud creak rips through the air as he scrambles to regain his bearings, whatever contraption he’s fallen onto groans under his weight, threatening to crumble beneath him. Your laugh is airy as you skip ahead of him, your footsteps fading away as he fruitlessly reaches out for you.
“Is that you, my dear?” a raspy voice calls out, “You’ve kept me waiting far too long,” the man chastises, “I hope this boy toy of yours was worth the trouble.”
Atsumu rushes to tug his blindfold off, the knot much too tight for him to undo, “Oh, he is!” you squeal, “Tsumu is so fun to play with, I promise this will have all been worth it!”
He only catches a glimpse, much of his vision swathed by that pesky red ribbon; what he does manage to see is swiftly cut off by boot directly to the face.
“Get him inside dear, we have much to do so let’s not waste any time.”
“Yes sir!” you spit out, rushing over to where Atsumu’s limp body lays, “I’ll make sure everything is to your liking.”
The manor falls quiet for a moment as the two shuffle around. It’s peaceful, the state of unconsciousness Atsumu finds himself in, it’s safe and comfortable, a respite. If he could help it, he’d never leave it but it seemed life wasn’t so kind.
Atsumu awoke to the cool constricting feel of leaden metal cuffs tightly enclosed around his wrists, both of his arms bound above his head. His body heavy, head sluggish and spinning, his eyes struggling to focus on his surroundings, the space dimly lit with what appeared to be thick velvet curtains casting out any traces of sunlight daring to illuminate the room.
Footsteps echo down the hall, two voices bouncing off the walls, blurring together until neither one of them was recognizable. In the soft flickering candlelight he’s able to see the faintest outline of two bodies, their figures wrapped up in one another as they draw nearer. Laughter rings out, joyous and light as though the two of you are the only two in the world, on a plane of existence far beyond the antiquated walls of this manor. The candelabra lit up your visage, exposing the starry-eyed expression you wore.
You looked at that man as though he were your entire world, your heart ablaze burning through your chest as you stared back at him. You used to look at Atsumu like that; the entire universe lived behind his eyes. That's what you told him, that it existed there for him to give to you. Now you gazed upon a stranger, with that look you swore was reserved for Atsumu Miya, driving a hole into the pit of his stomach as he sat back like a spectator intruding in on a private affair.
The two of you stumble over to the bed, wax splattering against the ground but neither of you pays any mind to it. Nor do you pay any mind to the hiss of pain that Atsumu makes as a small spat of hot wax melts off the side of the candle, dripping onto the tender skin of his abdomen. Had it not been for the shackles clinking against one another as he squirmed in discomfort you wouldn’t have looked back.
“Oh, sweetheart!” you tsk, hastily shoving the candelabra aside, “Are you alright? I didn’t burn you did I?”
Despite the reservations he holds, he shakes his head, no.
It did hurt, though it was nothing more than a small twinge of discomfort it did still afflict him just as the sight of you before him did. Stroking his abdomen your lip catches between your teeth, something bordering between sympathy and guilt flickering behind your eyes for the shortest moment before a large hollow-hearted grin splays across your mouth.
“Good,” you whisper, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss against his irritated skin, “I’d never want to hurt you even by mistake,” the cold unwavering stare of the man behind you forces Atsumu to remain rigid beneath your soothing touch, reminding him not to allow himself to fall prey to your honeywords, and saccharine smile, “Not that you’d have to worry about that anymore,” you say, “You’ll never be in pain again, you just have to trust me.”
All he can see of the man’s face is the sharp glint of fangs, pine and ash nipping at his nostrils as he silently looms over the bed.
“Do you trust me?”
Climbing onto the plush spread of sheets your chilled fingers clutch and cling onto Atsumu’s body. Every piece of Atsumu screams at him to speak, to say something, anything but he remains tight-lipped. It’s a struggle for him to stay upright, to keep his heavy eyelids open even as his mind races, his heart pounding so mercilessly against his chest. Surely you and the creature behind you must hear it now as he lays limp in your grasp.
It’s all he manages, his throat raw and raspy.
Atsumu isn’t sure why he says it, why some part of him still foolishly wishes to bend to your will but he does know that there is a lingering sense of worry. Not for him, there’s no thought of self-preservation blood-stained in his head, but for you. He worries what horrors may be afflicted upon you should he not offer himself up after all the trouble you went to for this man. Should a horrible fate befall anyone, Atsumu is certain it belongs to him and him alone. Perhaps it was the dying embers of love roaring back to life in the wake of what lays before him or perhaps it was just plain stupidity, Atsumu couldn’t be sure nor could he sit and ponder.
In an instant you were on top of him, your plump thighs encasing his hips. Your movements hurried as though you wished to proceed at this very moment before he had the chance to change his mind. You look like a work of art moulded and sculpted by only the most revered artists Atsumu thinks to himself, his gaze cast upon your bare figure, the golden glow of unsteady flames highlighting each and every curve. He hadn’t noticed it at first, so he took one last chance to admire you. His heart was unwilling to release him from this hell that was you. Catching a whiff of your scent as you lean past him, grappling with something on the bedside table, Atsumu allows his eyes to fall shut.
That was until a smooth gloved hand grabbed his jaw.
“Eyes open for us, Love.”
The man says, his thumb smoothing over his chin as he offers him a smile. He’s handsome, Atsumu can certainly see why you’ve fallen victim to this monster's whiles, in another life he might’ve too. Soft black curls fall over his brow, hiding the two small moles on his forehead, and he too is memorized by Atsumu.
“He’s even sweeter than you described,” the man muses, turning his face side to side to inspect his features, “With such adorably flushed cheeks,” you hum in agreement, hands covers in the thick red liquid which spills over the side of the goblet, “Do I frighten you, little one?”
Chuckling you glance over at them, “Nothing scares ‘Tsumu,” you boast, a familiar heat filling his chest at your words, “He’s the bravest man I know,” and it’s true he was but he’s sure you don’t say that because it holds any weight in this situation, “He’s not frightened, just nervous after all you don’t like surprises now do you?”
He timidly shakes his head, feeling safer under your watchful eyes than the penetrating stare of the green-eyed man.
“Is that so?” he whispers to himself, “Then, I suppose that means you’re ready for the turning?”
His words were merely a formality for the two sharp incisors the man possessed sunk straight into Atsumu’s jugular, his plump lips soft and warm as he gently suckled. It takes far too long for him to realize it, to process just what this feeling is. He’s being consumed, his life force steadily slipping from between his fingers. Atsumu doesn’t even think to grapple for it, to fight against the tender embrace he’s held in. Even as his eyes grow glassy, sweat-sodden hair sticks to his forehead as it grows near impossible to remain upright. Falling slack against his restraints, Atsumu's head lolls to the side.
“Now?” you question, surging forward at the small grunt of affirmation, “Stay awake baby, you need to drink up now okay?”
It’s warm, sticky, the liquid spilling over his chest and chin. It drips down the man’s lips, smearing all over Atsumu’s neck as he sloppily drains him of his blood. Prying his jaw open you hold the goblet to his lips, the taste is metallic, balmy too, it splashes all over his face as he struggles to swallow it. He gags, choking on the taste of blood but you force it down his throat soft coos of reassurance fall on deaf ears. It’s too much for one person to handle, his eyes fall shut, that shiny white light that calls out his name grows dimmer and dimmer until he’s swathed in a blanket of dark nothingness, the indescribable pain fading away until his body felt as light as air.
“Do you think it worked?” you asked, clutching the blood-stained goblet between your hands, “I, I don’t remember the process being so intense,” but you lack the guilt to admit that perhaps this plan of yours was flawed,” Kiyoomi, ah I mean sir, Atsumu will be okay won’t he?”
Taking the tip of his leather glove between his two teeth, Kiyoomi tears it off, exposing his pale slender hand, “You’re alright, aren’t you, my dear?” you nod, your teeth digging into your bottom lip, “So why fret? He just needs time to transform,” he says, smoothing his hand over your cheek, “Do you remember what you promised?”
Licking his lips he offers you a timid smile, “Are you ready to fulfil it?”
“Yes, I am,” you breathe, your lips parting as lean into his touch, “I’m ready to submit to you, my body and soul they’re yours for the taking,” offering your hand to him your breath catches as he lavishes your skin with his tongue, drinking in the sweet taste of blood, “Just as I promised.”
The goblet is tossed aside without a second thought, clattering from the floor as you scramble to reach Kiyoomi. A pang of remorse shoots through your chest as you glance back at Atsumu’s figure, he’s never looked frailer than he does right now, his body unmoving cold to the touch and rigid. Brushing a tuft of his soft blonde hair away from his eyes, you slink off the bed, approaching Kiyoomi. Dressed in his Sunday best he stood tall before you, a prideful look painting his visage. A mellow glow emanated off him, his skin sparkling in the candlelight.
He was undoubtedly beautiful, it was intimidating. To look as though you were handcrafted by the gods themselves.
Swallowing, you brush past him to stand at the foot of the bed, “I once promised myself to him,” you say, a knot forming in your belly, “How ironic, breaking one to fulfil another.”
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” he muses, stepping behind you, “An eternity with him and I?” sliding his hand up your shoulder he pushes your head to the side, “And in return, your virginity is mine,” kissing the juncture of your shoulder and neck, “Have you changed your mind?”
Leaning into his touch you sigh, “I have not,” you say, “Just thinking out loud.”
The apples of your cheeks grow warm; it is nothing more than an apparition, the ghosts of your past life taunting you with a false swelter. But the stroke of nerves that causes your stomach to lurch at the delicate brush of Kiyoomi’s hands on you isn’t. He relishes the way your body reacts to his curious pokes and prods, a contained huff of air exiting his nostrils fanning across your collarbones.
“So much has happened over these few months but I’ve not regretted any of whats transpired between us.”
Your skin prickles at the feel of his teeth scraping against your skin, your mind growing hazy, your eyes heavy, your entire being akin to molten lava as you melt into him. Turning your head to face him, your lips meet his. It’s greedy, lust-filled, and overwhelming. Kiyoomi gives you no moments of reprieval as he all but swallows you whole with his kiss, consuming you as he consumed Atsumu. Sucking on your tongue, Kiyoomi squeezes the meat of your hips groaning a bit his breath grows heavy.
Grappling with the lapel of his jacket, you tug him impossibly close.
“Kiyoomi,” you pant, your lips swollen and slick with spit, “I’m ready for you,” smoothing out his jacket you cast your gaze to the ground, “May we go to your quarters?”
“Aren’t we to keep an eye on him?” he asks, “That’d be quite difficult if we were to leave.”
“How shall we?”
Your start but his commanding hand presses against the small of your back, helping you rest your torso on the plush mattress, positioning you to lay across Atsumu’s lap your bottom in the air, displayed for him.
Planting a wet, open-mouth kiss against your spine, Kiyoomi relishes in the sight, his eyes glowing even in the dark blanket enveloping the room. Glancing back at him your fingers curl around Atsumu’s thighs, your skin prickling with something akin to excitement. You assume that to be the feeling, everything’s awfully muddled in your mind, you can’t discern the meaning of it all. Your shoulders grow tense as the mattress dips under the weight of Kiyoomi, his elbows pressing into the sheets as he crouches to the level of your cunt.
A shiver wracks through you as the blunt edge of his nail grazes your inner thigh. He kisses each one, nipping the leftover bruises and scars that are scattered all over them. Your skin has always been a canvas of sorts to him when it isn’t the greatest work of art. You can’t count the number of times of marks he’s left across what was once largely unblemished skin. Sinking his teeth into the bit of fat that spilled over your thigh-high stockings to bleed dry, his long nails leaving marks in their wake no matter how careful he tried to be. Even if you had chosen to go back on your promise, stepped back into your life as if pressing play on a film; you’d never be rid of Sakusa Kiyoomi he’d make sure of it.
Spreading your lips, he tentatively pokes his tongue out to taste you. You jolt at the feeling, your chest growing tight as he grew more confident in his ministrations. Lapping at you with the smallest of kitten licks, he groans in pleasure, roughly gripping your legs.
“It’s been so long,” he rasps, sloppily kissing your throbbing clit, “My dear you taste simply heavenly.”
Keening at his praise, your cheek squished against the solid mass of muscle that is Atsumu’s leg. The vibrations of his garbled speech and heedy moans against your cunt sends pinpricks of pleasure zipping up your spine. Your legs feel turn to jelly, aching to collapse in on themselves at the feeling of his tongue lavishing you. Kiyoomi slurps noisily, his tongue prodding at your clenching hole to lick up your syrupy essence, unwilling to allow a single drop to go to waste.
Mewling you crane your neck to look back at him, “Feels good,” you hum, your mouth falling open into a gasp, “How are you? Shit … How are you so good at that ‘Omi-”
Your breath catches as he wraps his lips around your clit, swirling his tongue around it. It leaves your body a mess, the searing heat pulsing through you, the foreign and utterly ruined sounds that pass through your lips startling. You don’t even realize you’re pushing pussy against his face until he’s locked his grip on your thighs, keeping you still as he savours your honeyed sounds. You can’t bite back the moan, it seeps out from between your pursed lips; loud and unabashed. Glance up at Atsumu, your eyes nearly roll back into your skull. He’s peering down at your exposed form. The soft brown you’d so often lovingly gaze into replaced by a burning orange. It teeters on the edge of a strong glow not dissimilar from the hearth of the home and embers so bright they could rival the sun.
It’s predatory, the hunger that dances behind his irises.
The chain keeping his hands pinned above his head snaps with ease, confusion all that Atsumu appears to feel as he rolls out his shoulders. His gaze is heavy, penetrating, you’re all he sees and there's a twinge of jealousy permeating the air as he watches another man ravish you, calling out his name with no care or shame.
“Are you cumming?” Atsumu asks, petting your head, “You gonna cum for him, huh angel?”
You’re ashamed of the way you purr in response to his question, your body taunt and ready to snap at a moment's notice. You nod your head without even thinking, a whimper sticking to your throat as your nails dig into Atsumu’s flesh. A tidal wave of pleasure washes over you, the band so tightly wound within you snapping as you came, your cunt clenching around nothing, juices dripping down Kiyoomi’s chin as you gushed. Giving your plush ass cheek a squeeze, he planted a sloppy kiss against your throbbing clit, the aftershocks of your orgasm keeping you tight as livewire.
Wiping the bit of drool at the corner of your mouth you sighed, “You’re awake,” dropping to lay on your stomach you bite your lip, “I’m sorry you had to see that sweetheart but see! I told you, that you’d be fine!”
Kiyoomi’s thick chained coat drops to the floor, his shoes clicking against the wooden floor as he rounds the bed, “I think he enjoyed watching my dear,” pointing one of his slender fingers, a Cheshire grin spreads across his face, “You see that right there? It is not regret on his visage nor is it anger or disgust.”
Swallowing thickly you eye up Atsumu’s bulge, it twitches in need, a visible damp spot soaking into his briefs. He shivers as Kiyoomi caresses his hip bone, their eyes catching in a heated exchange.
“Dear, clean him up would you?”
His nimble fingers work to unbutton his shirt, the ruffles and frills in a state of disarray. The collar is damp, stained by a splotch of crimson and your essence. His shirt clings to his skin but he shows no discomfort as he watches your movent. You’re unsure, feeling more like a gazelle trapped between two starved lions than a person at that moment. Atsumu remained silent, leering at Kiyoomi who made a show of stripping himself bare. Peeling back his soiled garments your breath catches in your chest.
“Come now, don’t let the poor thing suffer,” he says, turning to the bedside table in search of something, “Don’t you think your sweetheart is uncomfortable.”
“Right,” you mutter under your breath making yourself comfortable between his legs, “Is this okay ‘Tsumu?”
He gives you a gruff nod, his touch fleeting as he brushes his fingertips across your cheekbones.
The pit in your stomach grows heavy, sinking deeper as his flushed cock springs out of his garments with a wet smack against his toned abdomen. Wetting your lips you take his length in your change, your tongue lolling out to swirl around the head. It’s a mild, slightly musky taste, not unpleasant in the slightest. He all but purrs under your gentle care, his hands resting beneath his head. Atsumu’s chest rises and falls rapidly, the muscles in his abdomen flexing with each soft suckle. Your hot breath and the warmth of your mouth were too much for his overly sensitive cock to bear.
“Shit,” he grunts, his biceps tensing as he grits his teeth, “Right there angel, just stay right there and I’ll-”
“Good job dear, I’d say that’s quite enough.”
The air grows thick with tension as Atsumu sends a glare at Kiyoomi. He remains steely-eyed, unwavering in the face of a challenge. Striking a match he lights the large waxy candle that sat neatly atop an ornately embellished plate. The smell is airy and soothing, its sweet scent inviting you in for a closer smell. Inhaling deeply you enjoy the pleasant aroma. The moments are only broken when your cheeks are tightly clasped between Kiyoomi’s fingers.
“Lovely isn’t it?” you nod, offering him a timid smile, “I thought you’d enjoy it,” he says, petting your face, “I know you haven’t gotten used to the smell of ichor hanging heavy in the air.”
You hadn’t even noticed it.
“Oh, how you gagged and choked on it that evening.”
Brushing his lips against your forehead he stares at Atsumu.
“But it was all for this, are you happy now?”
Clutching the sweat-sodden sheets below you, you nod, “I am.”
“Then won’t you lay back against him and allow me to have you?”
Settling against Atsumu’s broad chest you snapped your eyes shut for a fleeting minute. He was cold, that was new. Strange and awful because the Atsumu you gave your heart to was nothing of the sort. He was a warm sole, it shone brightly upon your often cloudy skies. But it delights your feverish skin nonetheless, eliciting a shiver as sweat dribbles down your chest between the valley of your breasts. The damp air allowed perspiration to live on your dull and lifeless skin.
He wraps his arms around your torso, hugging you tightly as though should he dare to let you go that you’d slip through his grasp once and for all.
Kiyoomi spreads your thighs over Atsumu’s, staring openly at your puffy pussy. Pushing his glossy black curls away from his eyes, he makes the space between your legs home, candlelight bouncing off his gleaming skin. You spot moles and beauty spots he’d never allow you to be privy of. His cock curved upward, a neat tuft of curly black hair sprouting from his pelvis. There are a few moles there, edging at his hips and stomach. They’re absolutely kissable and you wonder if he’d enjoy watching you search his wiry body for each and every mark.
You don’t allow yourself to venture too deep into fantasy, guilt gnaws at your heart when Atsumu firmly pressed his mouth against your temple.
“Relax hm, I’ll take good care of you.”
His eyes near luminance as he descends upon you, the purplish head of his cock rubbing against your slick folds before slowly plunging into your virgin hole. Kiyoomi’s mouth falls open, your velvet walls fluttering around him all but spinning him into a trance. His forehead knocks against yours and Atsumu huffs in annoyance at the proximity, his breath fanning across your ears. Finding purchase in Atsumu’s arm your nails press into them, a shuddery moan leaving you as inch by inch Kiyoomi sinks into you.
“Take care of us,” you sniffle, bitter tears biting at your eyes as the burn of the stretch grows to be too much, “Just like you promised.”
Your words end in a broken moan as he bottoms, your throat growing sore from the helplessly desperate sounds he continued to draw from you. Kiyoomi’s nose squishes against yours, his jaw slacks as he moans into your mouth. His movements are slow, calculated, and restrained. His veins bulge in his biceps with how he gripped the mattress. It’d be so easy to allow himself to get lost in the vice-like grip your cunt has on him, warm and constricting as it pulses around his aching cock. But there are tears blurring your vision, discomfort is written across your face plain as day. Reprieve, it’s what you’re silently begging for and he gives it to you.
Despite it all, Kiyoomi wants nothing more than your comfort so he grows still against you.
It mattered not if Atsumu saw it, or if he understood Kiyoomi’s actions. You did. Whimpering you flick your hips upwards, “Fuck me,” you whisper, your breath shot, “Please, I’m ready.”
Bit by bit he does, his pace leisurely so he may relish this moment. Committing it to his memory and storing it right next to his own withered heart. And he has too, his senses so filled by you and him that he fears he may burst at the seams should he allow instinct to take over. It had been so long since he had been like this with another. Savouring your laboured breath he grabs one of Atsumu’s hands, guiding it up to your chest. The young vampire needs no further guidance, pinching and rolling your pert nipple between his calloused thumb and forefinger.
You let out a coquettish squeal, squirming between the two men with nowhere to go.
“Oh, don’t ‘Tsumu,” you pant, your brows furrowed together, “If you do that I’ll-”
A chuckle cuts into your words, your eyelids sluggishly falling slack. Kiyoomi feels it, the way your walls spasm around him. You’re so close, your legs twitching around his hips as you wrap your legs around him.
“Cum for me,” Kiyoomi croaks, “You can do it, love, just let go, we’re right here.”
He seldom used that name for you but it felt right, no ounce of regret threatening to ruin the moment. A tear slips down your cheekbone as you allow yourself to fall, your head hazy as pleasure flows through you, your veins thrumming in delight. Your spend leaks down your bum, coating Atsumu’s leaky cock. It’s rigid against your backside, throbbing as you jostle against him. Kiyoomi’s long fluttery lashes tickle your eyelid, spurring a giggle despite the obscene squelching sounds that make your stomach churn and heart pang nervously.
Freeing Atsumu from your grip, you lock your arms around Kiyoomi’s neck, your fingers idly twirling the strands of hair at the back of his neck. He groans into your neck, lightly biting on the flesh to compose himself.
“Kiyoomi, sir,” you sigh, “I want it in me, please I need it.”
You don’t say it but he knows what you want.
And it’s all too easy for Kiyoomi to bring himself to the brink of orgasm, allowing himself to enjoy the way that sponge spot inside you rubs just right against his sensitive head. With a soft moan, Kiyoomi spills inside of you, leaving you hot all over as he fills you up, his hips rutting against yours over and over again until he can’t cum anymore.
Silence envelops the three of you, a comforting blanket to be worn as you catch your breaths.
“My love,” Kiyoomi pants, “I’ll draw you a bath in just a moment,” he says, “I just need a moment with the little one.”
Your head tilts to the side in confusion as does Atsumu.
“I think it’s time he too thank his master for his existence.”
His nail drags against Atsumu’s face, his cheeks flushed and eyes filled with lust.
“After all the price of immorality is a steep one.”
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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chimielie · 3 years
slice of life
summary: Sakusa x Reader. What it says on the tin.
word count: 1.2k
cw: nothing. post-timeskip. established relationship.
a/n: for black heart anon!! i hope this doesn’t disappoint. i listened to my whole life by alina baraz while i wrote this it’s v sappy <3 ending quote is from “our beautiful life when it’s filled with shrieks” by christopher citro.
Kiyoomi is handier in the kitchen than one might expect him to be.
Often, he’s not home in time to cook you dinner, but he always tries to leave you a smoothie and a simple meal for the day. He sends you recipes he finds online, tells you he wants to try it out when he has time.
It’s early June, and the two of you have nothing but time.
He wakes up before you, always, just by a few minutes. In his head, he jokes that his internal body clock is giving him the gift of your sleeping face (Kiyoomi has never been famed for his humor, but he’s trying). He watches you, lashes fluttering and mouth a little slack as you dream. Kiyoomi runs cold, always had to wear his Itachiyama team jacket out when he was in high school. He’s beefed up since then, muscle mass and fat helping to insulate his cold bones, but he shifts a little closer to you, relishes the warmth of your body heat beneath the covers and the little noise you make when you come from unconsciousness to the living world.
“Morning,” he says. His throat is scratchy but he says it anyway.
“Morning,” you say, smiling sleepily at him before stretching and fluidly maneuvering yourself closer to him. “What are we doing today?”
“Not sure,” he says, and Kiyoomi likes to have a concrete plan, but long months away from you and dates all too rigidly scheduled by your jobs have taught him to value this quiet, languorous time. He sleeps on the right side, you on the left (though you’d preferred the right before you started sleeping with him), and often you two meet in the middle. The morning light shines buttery yellow through the white curtains, and he can smell your citrusy shampoo, the one that became his own regular brand three months after you started living together.
“Sounds good,” you say, and it’s not like you’re any less uptight (as Atsumu says) than Kiyoomi, but isn’t a relationship supposed to make things easier? Your mother says you glow, now, and so does his older sister to him. He thinks, sentimentally, that loving you has made him softer, has made his world a little brighter when he peers out from beneath stray black curls. He thinks that if he kissed you, you would taste (realistically) like morning breath, but to him and his love-addled brain, you would be sweet.
He tests this theory, and he’s right.
You don’t like kissing before you’ve brushed your teeth, so you endure a few moments of intimacy, smiling into each others mouths, before you’re pushing back the blanket and walking to the bathroom, the sound of your electric toothbrush audible even from where he is, still half-sitting up in bed. Then he follows, speeding through his skincare routine while you take your time with yours; he’s always had naturally clear skin even with minimal effort, something Motoya laments often.
The two of you eat breakfast sitting next to each other, scrolling through your phones, bumping your legs together occasionally, sharing pieces of news and updates on the lives of your friends.
He may be off of work, but you’re not, so he kisses you, a little slower, a little deeper, winds his arms around you to put his hands at the back of your neck.
“Have a good day!” You call cheerily as you walk out, and Kiyoomi likes to play househusband, so he does.
He cleans, turns on some music he likes at a reasonable volume, hums along as he vacuums, then cleans off desks and tables and shelves, then vacuums again in case any dusty debris knocked off those surfaces escaped his notice. He deep cleans the bathroom, knowing how grateful you’ll be (you do it, often and thoroughly, but it still kind of grosses you out). He goes for a walk around the neighborhood around one, remembering how his grandparents had gone on a walk together every night after retirement. He looks forward to doing the same with you, yet he isn’t in a rush to grow old.
It’s a Tuesday, and the farmer’s market is open from eight to one today and at four to seven on Friday. He buys a few things, puts a box of radishes, two cucumbers, and a smaller bag of oranges in the one he brought from home. It’s too early for umeboshi; he’ll wait a few more weeks to buy it locally. He walks home, the bag tapping against his thigh. He nods in return to the baby in the stroller that wiggles both her arms and feet in his direction as he approaches and coos buh! when he passes. Good morning, he tells her formally, And to you too, to her mother.
He wonders if you would be open to getting a dog; he feels oddly awkward simply walking alone, not jogging, not running. He can imagine your face when he asks.
When he gets home, he sets to work, pulls all the ingredients for stir-fry out of the fridge, starts steaming the rice. The windows are open and the breeze fluttering in. He likes this, the fan loud and the knowledge that this will be a well-done and satisfying meal. In the background, volleyball is playing on the television; he listens attentively as he chops vegetables.
“Tadaima,” you announce, voice ringing into the hum of living noise.
“Okaeri,” he calls back, and you find him pushing around ingredients with a wooden spatula in a pan.
“Smells great,” you say, pecking him on the cheek.
“It’s almost done,” he tells you, and you bump your hip affectionately against his before taking out plates and setting the small table on the patio outside.
“How was your day?” You ask him, and he considers.
“It was good. Uneventful, but good.”
“I’m glad.”
“How was yours?”
“Busy, but good.”
You eat in silence for a bit. The both of you will likely elaborate further after the meal. Conversation isn’t necessary, not when you have been here many times and will be here again, not when this is enough, he is enough. It’s a peaceful moment, overlooking the sunset as you clear your plate. Kiyoomi is handy in the kitchen, and the rare occasions he has time to prepare a full meal for the both of you are always delicious and attractively displayed.
“I bought oranges at the farmer’s market,” he tells you.
“Should we eat some now?” You clear the plates, and he brings you the oranges. You sit on the patio again, your chairs pulled close together this time. He hands you a slice of orange; you laugh when he bites carefully at the end of his own slice and a drop of juice splatters onto your face. He wipes it off with his thumb, flicks the moisture disdainfully off.
This is intimacy like Kiyoomi has never known, at least until he met you. He thinks of the balancing act of a relationship and how it’s been years and you still make him feel like he’s doing acrobatics. This is a good thing, he thinks. You brush your knuckles across the back of his hands. He catches your fingers before they slip away. The air is warm and the colors of the sky are cool.
I love you. I want us both to eat well. 
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kodzukyan · 3 years
11:59 (let’s start the new year right)
notes: merry (belated) christmas, and happy new year, miss yeon! thank you for being such a joy and sharing many smiles and mems with me this past year, and i hope we’ll be able to share more laughter in the upcoming year! @tunamiya
wc: 961
summary: sakusa’s never the one for romantic gestures, but his love is loud all the same.
Sakusa Kiyoomi is a private person, but for someone who is so reserved, you think he makes many exceptions for you. He’s never the one for cliches or romantic gestures, but his love is quite loud.
His love is in the way he indulges you by taking you for an evening walk to see Christmas lights, despite his hesitance for the crowd.
(Since it’s Christmas, he nods, because he usually says no, and you can respect that. But he thinks you outshine all the lights when you excitedly tug on his hand and point out your favorites.)
His love is in the way he’s memorized your favorite coffee order and how you like tuna spread on your toasts.
(You just order the same things despite perusing the menu every time, he bluntly teases you, but you make out the fond smile under his mask.)
His love is in the way that he always crinkles his nose when you mischievously place your freezing hands on his face, but he always ends up interlacing your fingers together and warming your smaller hand in his afterward.
You hum as you hold your coffee in one hand and his heart in the other as you walk home from the coffee shop. You think you can take on the world just a little more with him by your side.
You stop in your tracks as something cold touches your nose. Glancing up, you find the skies filled with millions of snowdrops, and you stare in awe as the first snow of the season gently and slowly blankets the town.
Sakusa stops when he observes your stop from his peripheral vision, and he tilts his head in confusion. He silently tugs your hand, and it pulls you out of your trance.
The snowfall is light, and though it has merely been minutes at most, it contrasts vividly against Sakusa’s black curls.
“Do you believe in the first snow saying?” you giggle as you dust off the accumulating snow in his hair.
Sakusa knows he's a peculiar person, and he knows he can be trying to love. He’s a realist, he claims, and he likes knowing the answer to every question before he dives right in. Love, though, is something he doesn’t anticipate he can ever fathom. You are a puzzle he doesn’t ever think he can answer every question to; he doesn’t ever think he wants to stop discovering and reliving the enigma that is you.
But when he looks at you as you focus on his hair, he thinks maybe love undoubtedly is this. Love is the sun in your eyes against navy blue skies, shining brighter than the sparkling snow. Love is a quiet, rainy city and a home full of books, plants, and sets of two picked out together.
“No,” he conclusively answers when you nod in approval of your handiwork with a gentle smile on your face. He knows he tends to overthink things, but you are the one thing he never thinks twice about, never hesitates about.
He cracks a smile when he sees a small pout forming on your face. He cradles your hands in his gloved ones. Theoretically, he’s the one warming you up, but your warmth radiates all the way to his heart. He squeezes your hand three times in succession to declare the three words he saves only for you.
“But I believe in us.”
He watches as you blink once, twice, before a smile breaks onto your face. As you squeeze his hand three times in succession to reciprocate his affections, he thinks love definitely is just this.
After his quick shower from your walk home, he sees you already curled up in his hoodie over your pajamas. As you sip on some hot cocoa, he recognizes the steaming cup of hot cocoa in his favorite mug, and he smiles.
“I made you some hot cocoa,” you mention as you tear your eyes from the new year program on TV that always airs before the countdown begins.
“Thank you, love.” He places a tender kiss on your temple before he takes a seat next to you. He used to be hesitant to call you as such, but he decides love is suiting because you are love as he knows it.
As if it’s the most natural thing in the world, you lean in and rest your head on his shoulders and his hands find a home in yours. He never watches the show before you because he considers it too loud and pointless, but he watches it now because he likes seeing the light in your eyes and the corners of your lips upturn in soft smiles. He likes hearing you laugh at their antics.
This, he realizes, as the two of you sit in comfortable silence with only the TV playing in the background, as your matching phone cases — his, plain black and yours, clear with the polaroid with the two of you in it — lay on the coffee table in front, as the world around drowns out when the new year countdown begins on TV, is the kind of love he constantly hears about in songs. In love songs that you like, love songs that inevitably end up in his playlists somehow because it reminds him of you.
This, he realizes, is something he always wants to cherish - you, here, with him, sharing this space called home and this time called love.
The red velvet box he bought the other day sits heavy inside his pocket as the thought of you continues to reverberate in his mind.
He wonders if it will be overmuch if he drops down on his knee with the box open as the ball drops and rings in the new year.
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leafsgarbage · 3 years
dutiful pt.2 (end) | s.k.
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A/N: Gahhhh You guys are awesome! I can’t believe how much you loved the first one!!! Makes my heart go ahhhhh.
Synopsis: You have loved Sakusa for as long as you can remember, but there was nothing you could do to have him feel the same.
Genre: Angst and Fluff
Warnings: N/A
Pairings: bestfriend!Sakusa x bestfriend!reader, timeskip!Atsumu x timeskip!reader 
Main Masterlist
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Sakusa always thought you deserved the world, and that if he could not give that to you, he would not waste your time. 
If he’s being realistic, his plan was the most idiotic thing he’s ever done. Did he really want you to wait till his career was over? When you were both going to reach middle-age?
He thought you would wait. He really never calculated that you would fall in love with his teammate. 
Kiyoomi can’t deny that Atsumu treats you well. He always talks about you during practice and boasts about you all the time. He also always calls you whenever he can because he just misses your voice. Even when you come to their practices, he still talks you up all the time. 
“Guys, did you know y/n is going to be a vet?” He would say.
“I haven’t gotten into veterinary school yet, Tsumu.” You roll your eyes.
“Well yer gonna get in, that’s guaranteed!” 
Sakusa knew you wanted to be a vet since high school, and he encouraged you in his own way to pursue this dream of yours.
“It’s just a lot of money Omi.” You sigh and lay your head on the library table. “It’s better if I find a good job in the four year course of college.”
He never heard you talk down about anything before. You always encouraged his aspirations to become a professional volleyball player, even when his parents weren’t on board. It was time for him to return the favor. 
“Well, if you’re going to give up without trying that’s probably worse. If this is what you really want, you’ll make it y/n. Or else you’ll always wonder ‘what if’ and be unsatisfied for the rest of your life.” Despite how it may have come across cold to others, you genuinely appreciated this side to Sakusa.
You smile at him, your mood much different than before. “Ok, Kiyoomi.”
Kiyoomi sees you more often these days. Although, it’s not really how he would have hoped. You’re currently sitting on the bleachers with Atsumu. Your legs are over his and you’re both watching something on your phone. 
He’s taken back to high school again. You would run up to him with a funny video on your phone. While he wouldn’t let you put your limbs on him, he still let you incredibly close which was a huge feat. Though most of the time Kiyoomi didn’t find the videos funny, he still found himself smiling under his mask at your enthusiasm.
Atsumu nods at your phone as you put it down. “Ok, so my arm is goin’ like this,” Atusmu swings his arm in a spiking motion which Kiyoomi can see is slightly bent in the wrong way. “Instead of like this.” Atsumu corrects his swing and you smile at the setter. “Thank you y/n. I never realized that.” 
Kiyoomi stays standing in the corner watching the two of you. You feel his gaze and turn to meet it. A tiny blush makes its way across his face, but he’s so far you can’t see it. “Hi Omi!” You wave to him to come over. He slowly makes his way to you but not before seeing Atsumu place a kiss on your lips.
He is used to having a mask on and not hiding his expression, so he cringes in disgust. You think it’s just because he thinks it’s gross, but in reality, he just really wishes he could do that. “Omi-omi!” Atsumu holds up a hand to high-five and all he’s met with is a deadpanned look. “Y/n! High-five me!” You give the whiny setter what he wants and he rejoices. “Omi-omi, I’m going to practice my serves, can ya try to pick them up?”
The spiker scowls. “As if I won’t be able to.”
Atsumu smirks and nods his head to the court. “Ah, I have to get to work. Good luck you guys! I’ll see you both tomorrow?” You kiss Atsumu’s cheek and wave to Kiyoomi. “Bye, Omi.” A smile graces his eyes.
“Bye, y/n.” 
The first of many.
“Thank you for going out to lunch with me Omi. Atsumu had his setter thingy today.” The two of you sit across from one another opening your menus to a new restaurant that opened near the MSBY gym.
The waiter takes your orders and leaves to grab you some drinks. “I’ll drive us home if you’re going to drink.” Kiyoomi says.
You wave him off and smile. “It’s just one beer, I’m not going to have anymore.”
“I’m still driving.” He ends the conversation there. It was his own little way of caring for you, and as familiar as it feels, it also seems so different now.
You stare sheepishly at him, hoping to make amends with him. “I’m sorry I didn’t text or call as much, I just needed some time away from you.”
Sakusa nods his head. “Do you not want to be my friend?” His hands were fidgeting under the table, but you couldn’t have seen that.
Your head shakes rapidly, fear striking your face. “It’s just that back then... I wanted you more than a friend, you know?” Your face turns red and you cover it with your hands. “Gahh this is embarrassing. I didn’t keep it a secret or anything, but I wanted to stop feeling that way about you. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with being so open about my feelings towards you.”
Kiyoomi nods again, taking in what you said. “Did you succeed? In forgetting how you feel?”
“You were my first love, Omi. I don’t think I’ll ever forget, but I know that it’s not as bad as it was before.” You reach out to grab his hand which he lets you do and you squeeze it. “Thank you for still being my friend after all of that.”
His heart contorts, so he squeezes your hand back. The ache more prevalent than before. “I’ll always be your friend, y/n.” And he means that more than anything in the world.
You scratch the back of your head and grin. “I’m also sorry about dating your teammate, heh.”
Immediately his face drops, to hide his discomfort, he rolls his eyes. “Bokuto would’ve been a better option honestly.” You laugh at his comment and sigh, content. “Is it serious between the two of you?”
You shrug. “It seems like it’s getting there. I don’t know if we’ll work out in the long-run, I don’t really know where we’ll be even a week from now. Atsumu is very unpredictable, but I’m happy and I can’t imagine not being with him so...”
“As long as you’re happy, y/n.” Your food comes and the two of you dig in, very hungry from not eating all day. 
To your surprise, Sakusa pays for your meal and he drives you home. “Thank you for today, Omi. Goodbye!” You wave.
“Bye, y/n.”
“Huh?” Sakusa recoils at Atsumu’s question.
Atsumu wiggles his feet in bed and sighs. “I bought the ring and everything, y’wanna see?” Before he could answer, Atsumu is already pulling out the ring he bought you and showing it to him. “Do ya think she’ll say yes?”
Kiyoomi furrows his eyebrows. “I don’t know, Miya. You should ask her.” It’s crazy how it’s already been almost two years since you and Atsumu started dating. The one who can’t believe it the most is Kiyoomi. 
There have been many instances where he has just wanted to scream out ‘I’m in love with you’ but stopped himself. It wouldn’t do both of you any good. Logically, he knows you love Atsumu and Atsumu loves you and will take care of you. In Sakusa’s head, he can take the best care of you, if only he was given another chance to. 
It was hard to be around the two of you, when every time you kissed, or hugged, or even smiled at one another, he wishes he could have been in Atsumu’s shoes. You’re right there and yet, he has never felt further away. 
“Yer her best friend. I just want yer opinion. Her parents said yes, her mom even cried.” Atsumu chuckles remembering. Kiyoomi could see your mother crying at that. He makes a mental note to apologize to her for not being the one to take care of you. “Do ya think she’ll say yes, Omi?”
He really doesn’t want to answer this question, but he’s stuck. Sakusa has never been a liar, and he’ll be damned if he starts today. “Yea. I think she will.”
The smile that graces his face is immediate and Atsumu gains more confidence to propose to you tomorrow. “Will ya be there, Kiyoomi? I was planning on having a bunch of people hide when I proposed and...”
Sakusa stopped listening for a bit and just listened to the thoughts in his head. Most of them were screaming at him to do something but the other part of him was already defeated. He had lost you a long time ago and its his own fault for not doing something sooner. 
Atsumu proposed in a very Atsumu way. He tells you he’s going away to a foreign team which instantly sparks an argument between the two of you.
“I just don’t understand why you can’t stay in Japan, there are so many great teams here.” Your food is left alone which is saying a lot for the two of you. 
He keeps a straight face... or at least he tries to. “It’s just a change of scenery, and the one who inspired my new serve is there. It’d be awesome to meet him.”
Your boyfriend doesn’t tend to think things through, and this is a big example of how. “Can’t you just go visit for a week, or even a month, but not a whole year!”
Atsumu rolls his eyes at you. “Just let me go, y/n.”
That phrase freaked you out so you grab his arm to keep him with you. “I don’t want to!”
“Fine!” Atsumu yells. He gets up out his chair and comes over to you, then he kneels and opens the box. “Marry me then!” You thump him in the head for having you go through all that just for it to be a ruse. “Ow! Y/nnnnnn.”
“You’re an asshole.” You pout.
“You’re my asshole so yes, I’ll marry you Tsum.”
He lunges at you making the two of you fall over your chair. “I love you.” He breathes into your neck and you hug him tight to you. The rest of the night, you celebrated with friends and family who Atsumu asked to join in on your celebration. 
Kiyoomi spoke to your mother, but couldn’t bring himself to apologize for not getting to you first. Although, it seems like she already knew. “Are you alright Kiyoomi?”
He stares at you, you’re so happy that you can’t seem to let Atsumu’s hand go for one second, a new item placed beautifully on your finger. You look to your side and meet Kiyoomi’s gaze. Your smile gets even bigger and you wave before Atsumu takes you to talk to some other people.
“He’ll be alright l/n-san.” Komori pats his cousin on the back startling the spiker a bit. 
Kiyoomi nods. “Yea.”
You were gorgeous. The most beautiful person he has ever laid his eyes on, and that was an understatement. 
Kiyoomi is awestruck watching you walk down the aisle, your father smiling brightly next to you. He then looked at Atsumu only to see the tears spill down his face. You chuckle at him, but under the veil, you let a stray tear slip down your face.
He doesn’t notice it in the moment, but a small tear also falls down Kiyoomi’s face. He watches the two of you say your -very corny- vows to each other, still wonderful and full of promise, you say your I do’s and its official.
The crowd is then moved to your reception area where Sakusa watches you two come in as husband and wife. Atsumu grabs the microphone to make an announcement. “Hello, I’d like to say that I’m sorry to everyone who brought their spouses here, but my y/n is the best so...” Needless to say, Atsumu waas no longer allowed to grab the mic.
You two danced like two people madly in love. No one would think otherwise because that’s really what it was. So in love that no one else mattered. 
When speeches came about, Osamu started it off. “I’d like to start off by saying that Atsumu still asks me to cook meals for you two, so that shows what kind of husband he’s going to be.” The twins banter and you’re laughing, enjoying the way the brothers interact. Your maid-of-honor makes a lighter-hearted toast for you, hyping you up and wishing you the best in the ship she has been with from the start.
Kita also makes a little toast. “Atsumu is very good at volleyball, I’m sure you know. But he is also not afraid to put his whole heart on the line, and I think. that’s very beautiful of him.”
Komori takes the stage and gives you a little wink. “Now I’ve known y/n for a long time, so please stick with her Miya-san because I don’t know if she’ll survive on her own.”
Kiyoomi doesn’t make a speech. He does, however, send you a smile and mouths, “You look beautiful.” That’s more than anything you could have asked from him. 
The night goes on and you finally pull Sakusa in for a dance. He hasn’t been trying to avoid you, he just avoids large crowds, which you were constantly surrounded by. “I’m glad I got to dance with you before this was over.”
“Yea.” He smiles.
“Thank you for being by my side for all this time. I can’t imagine it’s been easy.” Kiyoomi pales, wondering if you know. “I know I gave you a hard time when we were younger, but I’m so thankful for you.” 
He shakes his head at you. “You were always wonderful y/n. Don’t say those things.”
Before the two of you know it, Atsumu is calling for you to have your last dance. “Ah, I gotta go.”
“Bye, y/n.”
You chuckle at the spiker. “I’ll be back, Kiyoomi.”
With one last wave, he sighs, “I know.”
And he watches you leave for good. 
Maybe if he was more upfront with his feelings, or if he wasn’t so worried about doing it the right way... maybe then you’d be his.
Regardless, you’re happy. And that’s all he’s ever wanted.
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A/N: I’m sorry this took so long ;-; I have graduation tomorrow so I’ve been busy the last two weeks. I love you guys! Hope you enjoyed.
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