#salt stains
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grayisblogging · 14 days
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‘gotham gazette’ newspaper promo for ‘the penguin’ hints at harvey dent addition to the universe— “is our legal system dented beyond repair?” + riddler crumbs :>
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lavenoon · 1 year
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A demon cradling their heart, torn between hiding their nature and reaching out
If you haven't read Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse yet I implore you to try it because I am still insane
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irkedisaac · 20 days
theres one piece of dishonored lore that i want to know more than anything. why did the outsider mark daud?
i don't mean his actual, personal reason though. from what we've seen, the outsider offers his mark to people who have recently fallen from grace or otherwise tasted the bottom of a boot. corvo was framed for the murder of his empress and lover, emily was toppled from her throne by an egomaniacal despot.
but what about daud? did he botch some contract or get backstabbed in the early days of the whalers? what left him sobbing and hollow in the gutter and why was it so compelling to make god offer gifts?
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Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, Utah https://midwesternartlovertraveler.tumblr.com/
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fidgetspringer · 4 months
Røsts collar is so pretty (the one with the orange and blue geometric patern) would you mind sharing where you bought it?
Oh thank you! I'm guessing you mean this one!
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It's from BrynandCo on etsy, the listing is here :)
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abigail · 10 months
my partner got a haircut (they had kind of long, shoulder length hair, it is now short short like normal man hair LMAO idk how to describe hair clearly) and like…. it has revealed how grey their hair has actually got and I .. I am…. Uuuhhhuhhhh……. I feel dizzy.
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dizzying-faust · 6 months
1 and 21
I'll do JJBA for this one
the character everyone gets wrong
Jotaro. I know there are other Jojo characters that have worst mischaracterization, but personally, Jotaro's hits harder for me.
People just makes him a selfish incel who hates women and doesn't care for anyone else or being reduced to Kakyoin's seme lover in jota//kak. Sigh...Jotaro you deserve better.
part of canon you think is overhyped
It's dubious canon, but, pretty much the entirely of Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak.
I was pretty hyped for this story, but between the heavy focus on Part 3 and not enough of Part 4 stuff, them meh plotline regarding one of Kakoyin's relatives (no offense if you like Ryoko, but I honestly don't care about her plot), and how they butchered Josuke, it killed my hype for it.
Especially with what they did to Josuke. Seriously, how could you retcon a major character moment regarding Josuke?!
Choose violence ask game
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ruegracieuse · 3 months
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because we live near the flower markets, we have been tasked with picking up and transporting some flowers for a friend’s wedding 🌾
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cityandking · 1 year
3, 7, 12, 19, 27 for the first two ships that come to mind!
thanks tabby! I'll do the girls and dairef // development questions for couples
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
BRAN/SABINE — it was absolutely sabine getting into a fight. doesn't matter which au; bran saw sabine get into it with a guy at least half a foot taller than her and was like. oh. I want her to come home with me. huh. (I have no idea what swayed sabine but I'd imagine it involved bran being at least a little bit of a cocky sonuvabitch) DAI/ZAREF — some moment of watching zaref with izzy and seeing him like, 80% more chill than normal. the trust was there already, and the admiration, but there was that small and strange period of time in selto where everything was quiet and they could all settle in and daichi saw him without all his armor (metaphorically and also literally) and was like. oh. oh. (word of DM says for zaref it was shortly after they arrived in wiztopia, after they had their talk about zaref hiding the truth of the void from them but daichi being willing to trust him and trust that they'd have each other's backs)
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
BRAN/SABINE — yeah, absolutely. bran loves flirting and putting on a show and grand gestures, and she also likes being liked, which means a lot of wooing. it starts out kind of teasing and fun—bran likes sabine's exasperation and likes it even more when she's honestly surprised or pleased about something—but the longer it goes on, the more it's clear that this isn't just a temporary thing, the more heartfelt and intimate it becomes (I don't think there's actually much feelings talk, but actions speak louder and all that) DAI/ZAREF — there's pretty much no pursuing going on there, tbh. daichi really doesn't flirt, isn't one for grand gestures, and doesn't feel the need to earn anyone's admiration. he's a pretty straightforward person and not interested in chasing after people or imposing himself on anyone (unless he's having a gods talk with ozy I guess), so he was truly willing to let things lie. even their first kiss wasn't really a planned thing, it was just. sometimes you give a boy back months of memories and they're all colored by your admiration and affection and trust in him and then you kiss about it a little, maybe. (they did have a proper talk about it, though. dai is big on talking things out; he needs to know how things lie.) (if there's any kind of pursuing happening, it's dai trying to get zaref to talk to him about his past. which has gone sooooo well so far (jk))
12. How much independence do they prefer in a relationship—do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
BRAN/SABINE — I think they're both good at doing their own thing and coming back together after. bran definitely travels a lot, whether or not sabine comes with. not that either of them would mind sharing things, they're just both pretty independent as people, and I think sometimes they need their space. DAI/ZAREF — dai actively enjoys sharing stuff with zaref and is kind of constantly interested in making space for him. that said, I think they're both pretty content to go off and do their own things, then come back together later—they're both pretty private.
19. Are they okay with public displays of affection? Do they like them?
BRAN/SABINE — bran is pro PDA. that's her wife! everyone should know it! check out her favorite person who she loves!! (I think she probably tones it down a little, especially if sabine isn't into it, but generally speaking yeah, bran will be affectionate anywhere.) DAI/ZAREF — daichi doesn't particularly enjoy public displays of affection. the affection is fine, he just doesn't like the attention. plus the first time he and zaref kissed in public it started a domino effect that led to a horrible blowup fight with his best friend, which was never resolved, so. he's a little PDA shy. (I have no idea what zaref's feelings on PDA are but I'd imagine he's a little less picky about it than daichi, given their past discussions.)
27. They have to apologize to their partner. Is this difficult for them? How do they approach it?
BRAN/SABINE — bran's really good at apologizing, actually. part of her life experience has been fostering good communication skills (can't be captain if you don't know how to work with people!) so she's quite adept at talking about stuff after a fight or misstep. she might need some time to process first, but she'll make sure a conversation happens. DAI/ZAREF — haha wow. this is so relevant. yeah. great. I mean on the one hand, he's good at it; daichi has an enormous responsibility complex and is very good at owning up to things he's done and apologizing for them. he doesn't like to let stuff linger. on the other hand, sometimes you explode yourself right in front of your boyfriend, try to sway him to join your demon army by telling him he'd do well as a soulless soldier of the abyss, and then try to kill him when he turns down your offer, so. maybe sorry doesn't exactly cover that? and you aren't sure how you're going to fix that or make up for any of it? because he's really mad at you (and rightfully so in your opinion)? but you still have to try? (he's gonna go with the straightforward and honest approach and then, uh. see how that goes.)
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lemonduckisnowawake · 9 months
Reading Worlds Behind (spoilers for it and CB to follow) is really making me realize how there are so many people who are simply too hopeless (Athelas) or resigned (YeoWoo) or dead inside (Harrow) to seek redemption. Sometimes, you really Cannot reach out and even try to change...and because of that, you need someone to come to you and reach their hand out to you.
But, "someone" is also human. They're also people with limitations and their own struggles. Some might be able to take on more but there will always still be a limit, and so what if you're the type to have pushed that limit and (as a result, like Athelas with Zero and Pet) push said person away?
And look. I am NOT theologically trained, but I'm gonna say it anyway (though please take it with discretion and Nuance). It's why we NEED Christ. He will not get tired of you no matter how far you've gone. He'll never stop reaching out to you, as long as you're alive (and even when we were dead in our sins, for that matter), even if you don't reach out to Him. It doesn't matter how filthy of a sinner - how repulsive you are or feel to other people - because He WILL keep reaching out in the ways He can. Because He is a person who doesn't have limits on what He can take AND is also a God who will not falter in His goodness and justice and mercy as He deals with sin. Yes, we have to be willing to change and to accept Him; but it's in the same way you accept a friend who is reaching out to you when you're totally unresponsive. You can wake up a little from that care and reject the acceptance....or embrace it and be healed. But, heh, what do I know....
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Hit Stain with the dad might stick :0
... well that just seems mean to All Might...
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ascendandt · 9 months
in denial about the boots ive been wearing for at least 4 years having holes in the uppers and no traction on the sole and now pose a danger to me if i wear them in the winter. feels like a betrayal to need to buy new ones
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chronomally · 1 year
Lin Qingyu is raising several venomous snakes, lizards, and bugs. These are the children of the emperor and empress and the princes and princesses of the empire
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louisevonsalome131629 · 3 months
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i made [hispi cabbage] kimchi for the 1st time!
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mosspapi · 5 months
Good news, I figured out the best way to remove very old, very dried blood stains from white sheets (google lies, it is neither toothpaste nor a salt paste, it is dish soap and a toothbrush)
Bad news, I'm going to end up washing these sheets four times in a single day
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