#salty cosplay
teaorim · 3 months
I was at the ff16 panel today and got the Jill pin and some goodies from the ff14 booth 🥹 it was wonderful. I cosplayed as Cid (I think I was the only Cid today?) And there were so many beautiful Clive, Joshua, and Jill cosplays that were very kind to me
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snudootchaikovsky · 8 months
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swiftsaltsweet · 1 year
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I can’t draw so here’s some manga panels I colored(/lightly edited) cause they looked like Wednesday, Enid, or Wenclair 030 (pretend Enid is dressed up like Alice in Wonderland in the 3rd pic 8U) 
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villaincock · 11 days
on the edge of my seat waiting for a fe photoshoot/meetup to be announced for otakon and yet it looks like there isnt one but TWO hazbin/helluva meeups. like was that really necessary
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hyggehooligan · 20 days
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Going through old family pics for my brother's birthday (today) and I found this cute one of me dressed up as Rainbow Brite for Halloween
I was Rainbow Brite again in my 20s, with a homemade costume this time, but those pics are lost to some SD card or external drive somewhere
The important thing is that I have always been this person 🌈
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
#give taylor his hat back 2023
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stickthisbig · 2 years
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What's up, here with your doomscrolling break, look at a tiefling instead of staring into the abyss
Or: Started getting ready, had a breakdown, bon appetit
So had a truly less than ideal morning; I started doing the airbrush makeup for Prudence and it just... man I don’t know what happened but about an hour in I was like, I absolutely cannot be seen like this. The base went okay other than being a shade too dark, which I could have pulled out of, but when I started contouring it absolutely Did Not Work. So I had a meltdown, canceled my con plans, and went to get coffee instead. Now I’m gonna get in the bathtub with a glass of whiskey and try to get the rest of this paint off.
I really am pleased with the costume otherwise??
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keldae · 1 year
I got to debut my new smuggler costume at a local comic expo this past weekend! I just got approved with The Dark Empire for this costume -- that's a third club for me now, after Rebel Legion and the 501st Legion! It's always a pleasure hanging out with my Legions family at these events. ❤️ (And my mum came out to this expo, too! She debuted her new Jedi costume that I made for her, and loved it.)
Featuring the ever-lovely @legacy-lycanthrope in their kickass Mando!
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posie-larp · 2 years
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fresh feed means i can repost old faves so here is one of my favourite pictures of charybdis 🥰🌊
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
I 100% genuinely love how accessible cosplay has become over the course of my lifetime. I have my complaints about Yaya Han and her overall impact on cosplay/con culture, but damn does her pairing with Joanns help give greater access to cosplay-minded materials and patterns. And then there's the other people working behind the scenes whose names we might never know, getting McCall's to have body suits blatantly styled for BnHA cosplay. Simplicity has an Organization XIII coat pattern!
Kids these days have it a lot better than I did, and I'm glad for both them and me, bc THERE'S NOTHING STOPPING ME FROM ALSO REAPING THE BENEFITS!
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dukedirtfarmer · 2 years
I hope when they bring Mando to Disneyland, we actually get some Pedro voice lines cause his costume does look REALLY good
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kissofthemuses · 2 years
{ with every LO cosplay I see, my bitterness grows 😒 }
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killerchickadee · 2 years
Sometimes I have to bite my tongue so I don't show everyone what an asshole I am about cosplay. But. I just want to say like.... 90% of the fun of cosplay for me is trying to match an actual outfit as much as possible. Like. Making most of it myself, and having things I just purchase outright look as close as possible to what a character is wearing. And then of course, you know, spending hundreds of dollars and hours of labor on putting something together only to have someone who slopped some shit out of their closet is. A little frustrating. Just vaguely matching a character's aesthetic isn't cosplay to me.
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ineffag-swag · 5 months
I really want to go to a Lady Gaga concert once but I don't think that will happen so I guess have no choice but to BECOME HER <- cosplay
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hyggehooligan · 8 months
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Halloween is a HUGE deal in our house. My wife and I usually make our costumes and we keep them a secret from our irl friends and family until the big reveal on Halloween. And I am dying to gush about my costume!!! This year my wife is dressing as Kermit the Frog and I am Miss Piggy, specifically the synchronized swimming outfit from The Great Muppet Caper. I'm buying/finding most of the elements but I am making the purple and silver robe from scratch which has been a fun design challenge so far!
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I've been kind of stressing about my face because I wasn't sure if I wanted to go cartoony, or drag, or realistic, or what. A few years ago I dressed as another Muppet, Dr. Teeth, and my facepaint was very cartoonish and I loved it.
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I tried a similar look for Miss Piggy and the results were horrifying lol. So I tried again doing my usual "going-out" face makeup but leaning heavily into shimmery silvers and purples. Throw on the wig, ears, and nose, and... helloooooo Miss Piggy!!! I am obsessed!! I am going to do another trial with different eyeshadow because I wasn't impressed with these colors and I need it to be much bigger and bolder. I am also going to wear false lashes, which I never do, so I need to experiment with those. But I'm excited!
A look like this feels very "gender" to me because it feels like putting on a comfy hoodie. This is not how I look when I wake up in the morning, it's not how I always want to look, but when I'm feeling it, it feels good! I've been having a confusing gender journey they last few years/decades/my life but I am happy with where things have been heading. There was a time when I felt uncomfortable with traditionally feminine elements like pink, long hair, and makeup because I didn't want to be seen as a "woman." And I still don't want to be seen that way-- but lately I am finding that when I dress up like this, it feels like putting on armor, and it makes me feel safe and comfortable in my skin. There was a time when I was denying myself the joys of tutus and glitter because I didn't like how I thought it would make others see me. But I don't want to do that anymore. I don't care about looking "pretty" or like anyone else but I want to feel comfortable being myself, I never want to lose the sense of fun that comes with dressing up. Halloween is a great excuse but I want to feel like this every day.
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musical-chick-13 · 5 months
Daemon literally choked Rhaenyra on the show and not in a kinky way.
I think I vaguely remember hearing about this?
Which is...certainly something in the face of all the "wife guy" jokes I also and more consistently heard about Daemon.
Also certainly something that the consistent violence by men toward women on GoT was (rightfully) criticized, but I haven't seen reams of Discourse™ about this particular ship.
(Also certainly something else that Cersei was always blamed for every single thing in regard to her relationship with Jaime and you never heard the fucking end of it, but whatever Daemon does is fine for some reason? misogyny the reason is misogyny)
And again. People can ship whatever they want. People can like characters who aren't good people. I don't think this ship (i.e. D/R) would be particularly interesting to me (for a variety of reasons), but I'm not going to say that someone is a Horrible Person™ for shipping it. Just don't try to weirdly moralize a dynamic like this by saying that it has no problems? To the point where it's some strange Exception™ to what you would otherwise consider a completely unacceptable thing to explore in fiction? Genuinely, what does that accomplish. It really is just the hypocrisy for me.
You can like a fraught or unhealthy or problematic or [insert similar adjective here] fictional dynamic. I like plenty of those. But I don't understand this trend of going, "Well my preferred type of Dark Fictional Content is acceptable and fine for THESE arbitrary reasons. The rest of you should burn in hell for the Dark Fictional Content YOU enjoy though," and it is starting to get insufferably annoying.
#multi t(ASK)ing#tw: incest mention#tw: domestic violence#tw: choking#I did not fight in the TRENCHES for YEARS and get HARASSED AT CONS for people to turn around and pull this shit lmao#(still thinking of that one time I got hit on with an incest joke BY A PANEL MODERATOR IN FRONT OF AN AUDIENCE because I was#cosplaying cersei.......truly you can't make this shit up)#you really can just say 'this example of this narrative device worked for me and this other one didn't' and leave it at that. no one#will die if you do that I promise. it's really easy.#you can also say 'I like exploring [x] topic and not [y] topic'. this is also really easy and no one will die if you do it.#and like. again 'a man is flawed a woman is a one-dimensional bitch' we know this we know this is how fandom operates#but I think there's also something to be said here about pRoBLeMaTiC m/f dynamics where the man is considered the worse person#vs where the woman is considered the worse person. the first one is interesting and edgy-in-a-cool-way and somehow becomes#generally palatable to a large portion of the audience. and the second is...you're the devil incarnate for finding it interesting. or at th#very least you will be disparaged/made fun of if not outright harassed for having any kind of positive reception to it. (and then a lot#of times if it's a show they'll extend this behavior to the irl actresses who play these characters)#salty mc13 is salty#and I REALLY don't want this to come across as me saying 'anyone who likes this character is Automatically A Raging Misogynist'#or 'if you find something interesting in this dynamic you Inherently Suck As A Person' I'm just tired of how wildly fucking inconsistent#ya'll (general fandom 'you' I mean) are in regard to how you evaluate and process fiction. either you think this topic is Always Bad#To Write About or you don't. you don't get to say Always Bad Except For The Times I Enjoy It that's not how it works that's not how#media/literary analysis works!!!!!
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