#salzburg festival
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man’s best friend is…donkey???
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gracie-bird · 1 year
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Princess Grace of Monaco attends Salzburg Festival in Austria on August 18, 1981.
Photo by U. Schreiber.
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
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A nice autograph from the Austria Soprano Maria Gerhar (1890-1975). She was from 1923-1939 member of the Wiener Staatsoper and sung 394 performances there in 24 roles. Also at the Salzburger Festspiele | Salzburg Festival she was very successful. Her husband was the conductor Rudolf Gschwandtner.
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vera-dauriac · 1 year
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And here once more we have Jonas on the floor, this time with his Rodrigo. Truly, a picture of a man in his element.
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fotobyandre · 1 year
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petersong2 · 2 months
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Happy Salzburg Festival!🎻🎼
Schöne Salzburger Festspiele!🎻🎼
Joyeux Festival de Salzbourg!
¡Feliz Festival de Salzburgo!
Buon Festival di Salisburgo!
Feliz Festival de Salzburgo!
Fijne Salzburger Festspiele!
Glædelig Salzburg Festival!
Glad Salzburgfestival!
Šťastný salcburský festival!
#mozart #SalzburgFestival #SalzburgerFestspiele #Salzburg #Austria #Österreich #music #festival #musicfestival #classicalmusic #classical #musik #musique #música #musica #muziek #classique #klassik #klassischemusik #músicaclásica #musicaclasica #musicaclassica #musician #musiker #musicien #músico #musicista #musiqueclassique #músicaclásica #音樂 #音楽 #クラシック音楽 #음악 #ดนตรี #संगीत #travel #trip #journey #tourism #summer
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Jedermann play in front of the Cathedral on the Salzburg Festival, Austria
Austrian vintage postcard
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travelernight · 5 months
Uncover Secrets: 20 Hidden Pearls In Austria
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klang21 · 1 year
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Artwork: AH & FB Sync
Taschenopernfestival Salzburg 2023
Ich mag Max Beckmann
Sophie Calle und andere
Pocket Opera Festival Salzburg 2023
I like Max Beckmann
Sophie Calle and others
18. - 21.11.2023
in der SZENE Salzburg
Details to be announced
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edwinstolk · 2 years
The Way the Water Flows -  ‘Conversation Pieces’ @ Supergau Festival
This article is published in German @ Supermag - magazine from the Supergau Festival.
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In June, I wrote a postcard to all Lungau mayors to exchange views on the future of their municipality. Mayor Manfred Sampl of Sankt Michael im Lungau responded right away enthusiastically. The newspaper ‘meinbezirk’ reports about his attempt to make it harder to sell out to foreign investors and stop the flight of young people from this rural region. We agreed to meet at the town hall.
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While most young people leave to study in the city, I wonder how this migration can be reversed. After all, the elements for a good learning environment are present in Sankt Michael im Lungau! Clean air, space & quiet for studying and new sports facilities are under construction. Theresa Santner lives in this market town and took us on a tour. Just imagine if studying in the countryside wins out over the city, perhaps nightlife could also be revived?
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Back in my childhood we went a few times on holiday in Austria. As children we played in the summertime with the stones at a waterfall. Depending on the position, size and shape of these stones, the flow of the water changed. The water itself was of course unstoppable. In Lungau I looked at how we arrange the environment and how this affects our movements...
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Christina Zitz works for Akzente (an organisation dedicated to youngsters), she gave me the Ultimo magazine, a special on "Youth between crises". In it, you can find an essential article on public space as democratic space. Within this environment, we present ourselves to others. Here we actually show who we are. The article mentions also that young people do not have so much to say about this shared environment.
Social geographer Andreas Koch concludes his article with "Public spaces are not neutral in terms of their possible uses. They offer - like stages - a contingent, but not completely arbitrary framework. On the one hand, this means that they must be open to design, to change. On the other hand, this means that it is not the space itself, but the actors assigning meaning to it, who have to ensure creative conflict management - and this among equals."
What is our role in shaping this space? Can we collaborate to change something (temporarily) and see how this affects our 'movements'? As with the stones and the flow of the water, the active imagination and shaping of our living environment?
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It strikes me that young people do get asked for their opinions, for instance with a youth parliament or a summer school, I just cannot find the outcomes anywhere documented.
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In "Between wilderness and leisure park", a pamphlet by Werner Bätzing, is explained how after 1989 neoliberalism affects the movement of persons in the mountain region. Shrinkage regions emerge and 'feral' in several ways. Foreign investors see holiday regions as a revenue model. Where there are hotels built, young people from the region cannot live. Metropolitan areas, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly similar and losing their identity.
In Lungau, you are never alone, Magdalena Egger wrote to me. The air is clean and the nights are wonderfully cool in the summer. Life here is connected to nature wrote Anna Aigner. “Club life is supported in Lungau, many friends, acquaintances in the association who help and support each other, also professionally.”
In the studies "Heidi no longer lives here" a project by StadtLandBerg and "Land without a daughter" by Isabel Stumfol, is mentioned that these close-knit communities can also have a downside. There is high social control, which does not suit everyone. Somewhere else, I read that staying means adapting, following traditions and rituals - 'the course of the river'.
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With Christina Zitz of Akzente I talked about the relatively high number of people who commit suicide. We agreed that this is a difficult topic surrounded by taboo. How do you find the right help when things get tough? In a newspaper article was written that when someone commits suicide, others follow their example. "In the regions, people don't accept help so quickly. People are almost ashamed if they have mental problems or are depressed." In another article is the emergency number 147 mentioned where you can seek for help.
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The mayor of Zederhaus, Thomas Kößler, told me about the rich association life in his nature park municipality. Christina Zitz emphasised that research shows (A3_Fact Sheet_Jugendreport 2020/2021) the need for informal spaces for youngsters, outside the association structure. After all, when your parents are on Facebook, you also prefer to choose another platform to keep in touch with friends.
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With Nataliya Oberhummer I spoke about the special work of the Lungauer Women network. This is an independent platform for women's interests. The studies mentioned earlier both write that the rural exodus is feminine. We talked about the patriarchal division of roles between men and women, the importance of opportunity equality and the lack of suitable jobs for highly skilled women. We also discussed the fact that in Lungau are currently 14 male mayors and only 1 female mayor -- Waltraud Grall, whom I met later that week.
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When I follow the news in Lungau, I see an article about heavy rainfall and flooding in June. Climate change affects us all. The summer was hot across Europe. In the Netherlands, rivers (which originate in the Alps) reached their lowest water levels. The climate is changing across national borders – the rivers connect us.
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In Mauterndorf, young people mentioned the long travel time between their native region and student cities like Linz or Graz. Whereas you drive to Salzburg in an hour and a half by car, from Tamsweg it takes six hours and fifty minutes by train. The planned Tauernbahn was never built. The narrow-gauge railway stops at Club 760 “Verein der Freunde der Murtalbahn in Mauterndorf.” Iris Burtscher writes provocatively in Salzburger Nachrichten "Führt uns die Murtalbahn nach Salzburg?" I talked about this topic with the mayor of Mauterndorf Herbert Eßl.
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The good news is that recently a night bus for young people "Nightline Lungau" is presented. Between our appointments, out on the street, we had an energetic encounter with Ursula Mayr from Hotel Post. We showed her the first idea sketches and agreed to keep in touch.
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Baker Werner Löcker in Zederhaus passionately told us about working and living in Lungau, it's hard to live on just a few cows he ensured us. Before we left the bakery, he also confides a saying to us: "We pray the Lord give us our daily bread and protect us from black and red!" Then we step outside with bread and delicious cookies.
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Dutch architect Floris van Alkemade wrote: "The most powerful engine for change is evoking a desire for change. Imagination is essential here. Not the world determines who we are, but vice versa, with our stories we shape the world." This text inspires me.
The Supergau Festival is an opportunity for me to share these stories by moving 'the stones' (metaphorically), so that it enables us to imagine what happens when we change ‘the way the water flows’. If the one way exodus of young people towards universities concerns you, or the lack of public transportation, or equal rights for women, or informal spaces where youngsters can meet, let this text be an open invitation to get in touch and work together on these aims.
Warm regards, Edwin Stolk
More information about Conversation Pieces:
Contact: info[at]edwinstolk.nl Photographs made by Hristina Tasheva
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gremlingottoosilly · 10 months
Hi! I've been wondering, how would König react if his darling became too insistent into going to see those Krampus events they do in Austria during Christmas?
Oh, he is actually pretty fine with letting you out if it's to see his culture actually getting appreciated by her! I'm not an expert on all parts of Austria, but I headcanon konig to live around Salzburg, so they have these huge Krampus festivals with masked actors even getting into restaurants and disrupting romantic dinners for fools who think it's cool to sit in a diner near central street. Konig always makes sure you're not overwhelmed or too scared, some costumes and animatronics can get pretty scary for a firstcomer ( even if you are prepared to see a lot of spooks around here, he still protects you from anything too gruesome, even though you are getting into more adult part of the festival, with waaay more blood on costumes and alcohol. Did I mention how insane Konig is with huge alcohol intakes? He is so silly while drunk, protecting his culture and his country like a silly dummy!! Even in the first stages of your relationship, he will just get a firmer hand around yours and drag you with him because he doesn't fully trust you with being away from him, but he also wants you to enjoy the outdoors as much as you can! He wouldn't even drag you with a collar, although he can thrown some goat horns on your head and make everyone think you're doing some funny couples costumes because honestly no one even cares around here. But even if you're too scared or overwhelmed, or just want to enjoy more like a Christmas fair part of those celebrations, he is more than willing to spoil you with hot drinks and little gifts and gingerbread with Krampus because he wants you to enjoy this city as much as he did when he was a kid.
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so much going on!
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gracie-bird · 1 year
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Princess Grace and Princess Caroline walking at the streets of Salzburg (Austria) during the festival on August 18, 1981.
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opera-ghosts · 10 months
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This rare postcard from 1937 announces the productions of the Salzburg Festival. At that time, Hans Knappertsbusch, Arturo Toscanini, Bruno Walter and Wilhelm Furtwängler conducted the concerts and many great voices appeared in ten opera productions.
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vera-dauriac · 1 year
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Continuing with Jonas at Salzburg--let's finally watch this 2013 Don Carlo.
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cazzyf1 · 5 months
Some facts and stories about Roland Ratzenberger
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• When he was seven years old his grandmother took him to a local hill climb race at Gaisberg.
• His first word was 'car'
• He was nine years old when year the family home the Salzburg ring opened. He was get through the gates to go watch the cars drive.
• He had a poster of Jochen Rindt on his wall as a kid.
• When he started karting at sixteen years old he had to get a secondary job at a bakery to fund it.
• In the winter of 1991 he married the former partner of another driver, becoming the stepfather of her son, however they were divorced in early 1992.
• While in the UK, he briefly gained some fame for having a similar name to the TV puppet 'Roland Rat'. ITV invited film to film a segment with the puppet for national breakfast television. He raced against the rat (who was in a car dubbed 'Ratmobile') the Rat Puppet ended up winning the race down to cheating.
• F1 author David Tremayne son's who was three years old insisted on calling Roland Ratzenburg-and-chips-and-beans to his face. Roland found it hilarious and became that young boy's hero.
• Described as 'gentle, always unfailingly polite, tall, good-looking, and with a ready smile'
• Journalist Adam Cooper went out drinking with Roland in Japan and at the end of the night they had decided he should come stay in Japan for a year or two to cover the local racing scene. When he turned up and realised the hotel was more expensive than he had planned Roland let him stay in the spare twin bed he had in his room. He was happy to have company.
• One of his unusual goals was to try to enjoy female company in the team motorhome between stints in 24 hour races. Adam Cooper reccounts ' I think the last time we discussed it he’d managed the feat twice at Le Mans, and once at the Nurburgring.'
• One time he used his deep Austrain accent to record a Terminator style 'I'll be back' answer machine message for rival Jeff Krosnoff
• He kept a black book full of 'ladies' numbers
• One time his friend Anthony Reid had an accident in a F3000 race, and had a lot of blood streaming down his face. Roland had to take charge of the scene as the marshals freaked out. He made sure his journalist friend wrote about the shortcomings of safety in a Japanese magazine afterwards.
• At a Formula Ford festival his team either ran out of funds or walked out and Roland was left with just his car and a toolbox. Because he was so well liked mechanics and personnel from other teams helped him prepare his car. He won that festival.
• On one occasion, Heinz-Harald Frentzen and Ratzenberger entered a nightclub. There was a confrontation between Frentzen and another guy which saw a knife pulled on either Frentzen or a random female bystander. Either way, Ratzenberger selflessly stepped in and wrestled the knife away from the man. 
• A documentary has been put out on YouTube about Roland by Levay film production, detailing all about his life. A recommended watch.
• Bernie Ecclestone personally delivered the confirmation of Ratzenburg's death to the Simtek team
• Ayton Senna commandeered an offical car to hurry to the medical center where he learnt of Roland's fate from his friend, Dr Sid Watkins
• Only five drivers attended his funeral
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