#sam did not always handle this well at All but at least he's noticed there's a damn Problem and is trying
ssaalexblake · 1 year
I know nobody cares abt Sam in snw but i find it hard Not to for ~personal reasons, bc I have this friend whose brother is uh, smart. Not “tumblr gifted” or the like, I mean Really fucking smart and his goals in life all perfectly aligned with what their dad wanted him to do and he can literally do no wrong, proud of him to the ends of the earth sun shines out of his ass bullshit. This isn’t a slam against him bc he’s a Really nice dude and knows full well what their dad is like and used the ‘can’t do wrong’ thing to support my friend, and did this even when he was a 16yo boy, so it’s hard to hold it against him. The siblings have a good relationship Because he’s aware the discrepancy for how they’re treated is so widely gaping and that it’s not because he’s so GR8, it’s bc their dad is an asshole. 
But like, my friend is super smart Too. Not Brilliant at math but by no means bad at it either but according to the dad she’s gotta be a math genius. But her talents are in the wrong Kind of places for their dad. She’s a brilliant artist, and biology is her preferred science field, and she was interested in archaeology and had the nerve to find a career that melds those things together. She’s also successful at it, is doing well.
Still ain’t good enough for Mr. Asshole though (I really hate this man, he’s such a rude prick. I had a dream as a teenager and it was to get to tell him to fuck off bc i hated him in general and was sick of having to comfort my friend if he made her cry bc she shouldn’t have been crying to start with!!! I had to have Words with my parents abt how they spoke to him because them assuming he’d be a decent parent got Her the silent treatment at home once because they had the nerve to complement her artistic skills to his face and it put him in a snit). 
and lol, j. kirk has NO clue what’s happening here and it’s not putting him in my good books, especially since Sam is actually Trying to fix some of the fucked up dynamics that their dad apparently installed in them to at least attempt be a decent brother, Jim is like ‘well change what you’re doing it’s not too late!’ like dude get your head out of thine ass, he’s Doing what he wants to and is obviously pretty good at it if he’s on the flagship of the fleet. A couple of jim’s lines i could have smacked him upside the head for. And it rubbed me the wrong way that Jim was validated narratively by being backed up by Spock. 
i want the writers’ sibling dynamics emailed to me stat so i can tell if this is going to improve or be something that annoys me the entire time for the tone deaf takes. I figure it’s 50/50 either way right now. 
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winterarmyy · 10 months
My Person
A series of random Bucky Drabbles that I can't let go but don't have the brain to make the whole complete plot of.
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Summary: In which Sam's question forces Bucky to reveal his true feelings to his so called "friend", Y/N.
Pairing: tfatws!bucky x female!reader
Words: 3.2k++
Warnings: 18+ content, no minors allowed, nsfw, fluff, wee bit of angst, bucky is so adorable in this I WANT HIM SO BAD, also he is a bit feral. I feel like he can be more feral than this but you know, he doesn't wanna scare her away lol. This is just a result from surge of need so might not be too much of plot but I hope you enjoy your reading, anyway.
Inspiration: This post right here by @black-cat-2
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Sam took notice on every single crooks and corners as he followed Bucky's dragging footsteps from behind. It wasn't that he didn't want to help him but Bucky refused the offer right on the bat, saying that the serum will fix him up sooner or later.
The aftermath of their final battle with the flagsmasher was chaotic to say the least. With the splitting sides of public opinions of the new Captain America and the whispers about how the former winter soldier saved a bunch of civilian tonight had been the talk of the town.
But both Sam and Bucky decided not to think of it too much,  especially when both were exhausted from the fight. Not to mention Bucky was injured. Although Sam knew damn well that the soldier can managed himself to a hotel to rest for the night like he always does, but as a worried friend, or rather a babysitter some would say, he insisted to accompany Bucky all the way through.
And Bucky was not in the mood to argue; Sam is as equally stubborn as Steve used to be, so he let the man do whatever he wants.
It was clear Sam was suspicious of where the hell did this terminator brought him to, but mostly he was curious. He thought he would just accompany him to the nearest hotel but nope. After taking an Uber, the next thing he knew, Bucky was leading him into this apartment building, that was obviously not his.
"Last time I checked your apartment was in Brooklyn. When did you get a place here?" Sam asked as Bucky stopped at one of the identical looking doors.
"It's not mine" Bucky replied truthfully as he removed the glove from his fleshed hand and pressed his thumb at the top of the door handle.
Sam eyed him with a look on his face when he sassed at him, "Said the guy who is currently unlocking the doors with his fingerprint."
Bucky simply rolled his eyes before the chiming sound alerts that the door was unlocked. Bucky opened the door to let Sam inside before he himself got in after him. "Seriously, man. If I knew you can afford having two apartments I would've asked you to pay for tonight's dinner. That's the least you can do..." Sam's words died as his eyes scanned the apartment.
Whatever he was expecting the apartment to look like, it was far from it. He surely was not expecting the place to be fully decorated with complete set of furniture in every area of the room. Whether it is the living room area, or the huge kitchen that was also equipped with built-in oven.
Even with the lack of light, Sam could see the color pallette on the walls were definitely not what Bucky would go for. The sentimetal trinkets on the shelves, the sweet fragrant of the scented candles; everything was the very opposite of what Bucky's apartment in Brooklyn looks like, feels like.
This, it felt like home. Warm and inviting. Quiet and serene.
"You know what? I take that back. Whose house have you broke us into?" Sam asked, almost in awe rather than shocked, "I know for a fact that this ain't your house."
Bucky huffed a heavy breath as he remove his tactical gears, "I didn't say it was mine, remember? Or flying with the pigeons in the sky had made you forgot how to undertand human language?" there was an unfiltered sarcasm in his tone that didn't go unnoticed by Sam.
So obviously he got defensive and unknowingly increase his volume as he countered, "Woah woah, that was uncalled for. And for your information pigeons can't fly as fast a my wings, and rest assured that I--"
Bucky swiftly stomped towards him, eyes wide almost in anger, while his metal hand reached to cover Sam's mouth, "Can you shut the fuck up, she's probably asleep and your noisy ass will wake--"
"Bucky?" A tiny yet groggy voice interrupted the conversation causing both of them to turn their attention to the source. The figure peeped itself from the bedroom, her uncertainty made it that only half of her body was revealed through the doorway.
Her squinting eyes indicates how recent she was woken up from her sleep and Bucky flashed a quick glared at Sam for that. Sam simply shrug with his hands the air as a response. He was still confused who is this woman and why were they in her house.
Bucky's tight features softens as he called for her, "Hey, babydoll. What are you doing up?"
Recognizing that voice anywhere her feet made her way to him, "Heard some noises." She answered shortly as her knuckles find her eyes and rubbed it lightly. The closer she gets, the clearer Bucky can see the dark circles under her eyes, signifying how much she was lacking of sleep.
His heart squeeze a little at the sight, "M'sorry, sweetheart." it was as if their bodies were magnets that they naturally found each other. Bucky opened his arms wide for her to find her rightful place in his embrace.
"It's okay" she mumbled against his sturdy chest. "Welcome home." She continued.
You'd be surprise to know how much the former winter soldier absolutely adore the feeling of her lips moving against his skin. Even if it was blocked by the fabric of his shirt. It always felt good and he swore he could not get enough of it.
Bucky leaned down on top of her head, inhaling the strawberry yogurt scent of her shampooed hair, "Yes. I am home, indeed." His hugged got tighter, crushing her just enough to make those pretty little sounds slipped her from lips.
Strings of hushed moan kept purring in her throat when Bucky lightly swayed her from side to side; his fleshed hand drawing invisible circles on the back of her waist, while his metal hand gently squeeze the back of her neck.
If she let him pamper her more than this, they'd probably forget that Sam was in the room. Unabashedly had his mouth agape at the sight in front of him. He was not sure whether he wanted to look away or to continue staring because no amount of explanation will suffice to answer his questions.
Peeking from Bucky's shoulder, she smiled warmly as she finally acknowledge the unexpected guest, "You must be Sam. I've heard a lot about you."
She tried to wiggle an escape from Bucky arms, but it was no avail; he was not planning to let her go any time soon. She ended up dragging the enormous koala bear who was stuck on her back as she offered Sam a handshake, introducing herself.
"Good things I hope." Sam took her hand and lightly shake it as she replied, "Of course." As much as he wanted to keep his eye contact with her, it was extremely hard when the grumpy super soldier that he knew was basically melting in crook of her neck.
"I don't want to be rude but the two of you are..." Sam purposely left his words hanging, hoping that one of them would finish the sentence before he let out his assumption, however both of them remained silent. The woman was blinking at him confused, while Bucky was practically still drooling over the her.
"...Lovers?" Sam ended his sentence with an uncertain tone.
Both of them went rigid to the question but before Bucky could say anything, she answered first, "No!" She almost shouted, taking a deep breath before she rephrase her answer, "No. I mean yes. We're not... like that."
"So, you guys are friends then?" Sam quirked an eyebrow to her answer, and seeing Bucky's silence, he guessed that the super soldier might liked her more than just 'friends'.
"Yup, we are. We first met when Bucky was on the run from Hydra, before you guys found him. It's a long story, really." And by the time she explained the shorten version of their story, Bucky finally drifted his attention to Sam, a deep frown decorated his brows as he was mentally asking, "How much longer are you going to stand there? Get the fuck out."
Sam should be offended by his silent orders but considering he came in the middle of the night, uninvited, he realized that he should leave them be,"Then, let that be a reason for us to meet again. You can tell me all about this meet-cute of yours later. I don't want to keep you away from him any longer. Especially when he is staring daggers at me."
She lightly tapped on Bucky's arms, and quick frown at him followed after as she non-verbally asking him stop glaring at Sam. Needless to say, Sam removed himself from the scene after they, or rather she, bid him goodbye.
As soon as the doors closed, Bucky has her back pressed against the door, wasting no time than to capture her lips. A gasped from her made it easy for him to slip his tongue inside. He kissed her slow yet so hungrily as if he was starved of the taste of her sweet mouth against his.
Bucky broke the kiss momentarily just to whisper, "I missed you so much, babydoll." With his thigh in between her legs, he guided her clothed core to slowly hump against him. "Missed you, too." Her beautiful moans only encourage his cock to swell even more than it already was.
Breaking the kiss, Bucky let her catch a breath as his glazed eyes adored her soft features. He still remembered the day when he first met her.  When he escaped from Hydra's control, he was determined to keep his life down low. Don't attract to much attention, follow the schedule and stick to rules.
And his schedule was never interesting, it was always:
- write his journal entry
- find/do odd and non-permenant jobs for money
- grocery shopping and cooking
- watch the news
- and mostly just stay at home
Obviously, Bucky knows how to use the internet and all those modern devices that they have nowadays, but he never understand them; the 'social media' and the 'viral' things were never really appealing to him. So one day he decided to pay a visit to a small local library; hoping to find fimiliar solace in books instead.
What are the odds that both of them reach for the same book at the same time? After the multiple exchange of: 'Oh, I'm sorry, here take it.' 'No, you take.' 'No, please I insist.' They ended up meeting on a common ground; making a decision to sit down and read together. Turns out, spending a few hours with her at the library was the most peace he had since forever.
Bucky had a strict routine and rules. But the moment she asked him if he want to spend more time with her while she was there, he was ready to break all of it. And he did; for 7 days straight.
She was his first sense of freedom. His first choice in life.
Though, back then he was on a run, for presumably a lifetime, while she was on business trip for a week. So, they lost contact after that, especially when Bucky was running around with the Avengers and fighting aliens, but fate seemed to be on their side when they were reunited again in New York.
It's a miracle that she even recognized him. Little did he knew, he wasn't the only one who got hooked on the first few hours of that reading session had.
Though, he was extremely grateful that she reach out the moment she recognized him; no hesitant, no doubt. Just a confident and cheerful shout of his name in middle of the park that he walks through everyday.
The first thing that came out from her mouth after calling out his name was a compliment of his new hair cut and how she can see his beautiful eyes more clearer now. And that alone had made Bucky absolutely red in blush.
Weeks after that, she often joined him with his daily walk, making it their routine instead of just his. And months into this newly founded 'friendship', they found solace in each other's arms, comfort in each other's touch, and this quickly become their new favourite activity to do together.
Though none of them ever actually discuss their status but their body language suggest that they are more than just friends.
Especially with the way Bucky was rubbing the tip of his leaking cock on her clit; so desperate yet so gentle. Just like how he always does when he makes love to her. But, tonight he felt different. Maybe he was just needy or maybe it was the way she admit that they were not lovers when Sam asked about their relationship.
It was true. But, it felt so wrong.
"Am I just a friend to you, doll? Bucky leaned forward, his forehead met hers, his hot breath tickling her skin.
His tongue briefly passed in between his lips as he spreads her legs further, revealing her dripping cunt for his display, "Do your friends touch you like this, hmm?" His husky whisper as he rubbed his hardened length in between her slit, brushing against her clit.
"Do your friends kiss you all over like me?" She moaned breathily, as he bit and kiss the softness of her breasts; easily leaving his marks as if she was his to claim.
And without any warning, his cock slammed straight into her hole, stretching the walls to his size causing her to yelp in painful pleasure. Bucky let out a satisfied groan as the tightness of her around him, "Do your friends fuck this tight little pussy with their cock like me?"
Bucky couldn’t stop himself from pulling and pushing his hips to meet hers, his fingertips was practically digging into the flesh of her hips, moving her in time with his thrusts, "What am I to you, baby?" Honestly, it was hard for her to form complete thoughts, let alone reply to his question when he was fucking her so good.
Gone was the gentleman she knew for the past years, the koala bear that she spent hours on the couch cuddling to a movie marathon with. Now, there was only this feral beast, hungry for pleasure, insatiable to devour her whole body and soul.
Each roll of his hips pushed her further from her sober thoughts, focusing only on the wild look on his face, his huge body hunched over hers, his throbbing cock kissing her cervix. Any answer she was trying to convey was lost at the tip of her tongue; there were just the mewling mess, as she fell apart underneath him, compliant to his every thrust as his cock ramming within her. "Tell me. Come on, now. Use your words."
Bucky was almost losing his mind, from how bad he wanted to cum and how stubborn she was for not answering his questions. He pushed her legs up and wide as his thrust punctuated to his words,  "What. Am. I. To. You?"
It took her a couple of long moans at his roughness, before she could utter a single word, the only correct answer to his question, "Mine."
He groaned approvingly, pulling back just enough to slide his metal between their bodies. "I'm yours?" Those hard, cold fingers that she loved so much was quick to find her clit. She was already sensitive from all the friction of his rutting, and now was he relentlessly assaulting the swollen nub, "Then, does that make you mine as well huh, sweetheart?"
"Yes, Bucky. You're mine. And I'm yours. All yours. Pleasee"
Her back arches off the bed, toes curling tight as her nails dug into his skin and across his back; To have some kind of a leverage to hold as the overwhelming pleasure surged through her body.
"Yeah, that's right, babygirl. You're mine and mine alone. Mine to love, mine to fuck. Yes?" Bucky taunted her with both his words and the way he rutted into her wet pussy, as if he himself was not close to the egde.
The sound of skin to skin clashing intertwined with the sounds of her pussy squelching around his cock, his girth kept pounding straight into her sweet spot to the point that only lewd whimpers of plead were spewing out of her lips, "Yes, yes yes. Oh Bucky please,, fuck,, I'm cumming!"
"Cum, sweetheart. Let me feel that tight little pussy of mine cum around my cock" He hummed approvingly as he picked a deeper and harsher pace, causing her mouth to fall wide open and her eyes screwed shut as she felt her whole body shook as she came. "Yeah,, that's it, doll. That's my girl. fuckkk,, feels so good baby, gonna make me cum inside you if you keep choking me like that."
"Please, Bucky?" A breathy moan of his name passed her lips as she her walls spasm with need. Bucky groan to the sensation, he was sure that her pussy was already full of his precum, considering how it has been leaking inside her for so long, "Want my cum in you, pretty girl?"
Batting her eyes through her lashes, she stared up at him, pleading., "Need it, please."
"Oh fuck, you got it, sweetheart." Throwing his head back in pleasure, shutting his eyes solely to focus of the feeling of her wet and tight cunt, Bucky's pace quicken as he chased his high, "Hmmm,, fuckk,, gonna stuff you full. You'll leaking for days, babydoll. Then, I'm gonna keep filling you until you can't live without my cum inside your pussy."
Hearing such dirty confessiom only triggers her to near orgasm, "Yess pleasee i want it. Need it, bucky." Surely enough she came again when he hit that special spot inside her.
"Ahh,, fuck ahhh,, I'm cumming shit pussy so good m'cumming fuckkkk", Bucky couldn’t even stop himself from rutting in and out of her sweet pussy as his cock pulsed, especially when her cunt was sucking him in deeper.
His head fall down to watch his cock disappear inside her before squeezing it shut again when the white spurt of cum shoots against her walls. His jaw was loose as his mouth formed an ‘o’ shape to allow his loud groans contaminated the silenced room.
His thick endless cum warm her insides and the honeyed moans hanging off her lips to its own accord as Bucky hunched over her frame, pressing his face in crook of her neck, breathing heavily as she was. After awhile, a broken sound of his voice stopped the silence, "Do you really mean it?"
He refused to look at her in the eyes, afraid of the rejection that might come his way but she proved him wrong by holding him by his cheeks, leading his eyes to align with hers,
"Bucky. You, my dear, are my bestfriend; you are my heart, you are my person. And there is no one in this world that I'd rather spend my whole life with besides you." Her words was nothing but the truth and Bucky knew that.
His heart swelled with joy yet he didn't know how to express it other than, "I love you, doll..." there was pause as if he was gathering the pieces of his soul to offer it to her, "...So much."
And she accepted it with her whole heart, "I love you too, Bucky."
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: I was gone for awhile but never too long. Hope you enjoy this little drabble 👀
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pinievsev · 10 months
(as always requests are open and masterlist is pinned)
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Pyeon sang-wook x GN! reader
Warnings: mentions of blood and wounds, mentions of death, a tiny kiss at the end.
Notes: thanks to my pooks @il-i-sam for helping me edit this, I wrote this at school and it was really rushed and had grammatical mistakes! You're amazing MWAH MWAH MWAH!
© The-Lemon-Boy on Tumblr
Pyeon sang-wook was always a man of few words and actions. He always believed relationships to be unimportant. Especially now.
Sometimes, he didn't want friendships either. He liked being alone, at least most of the time.
There had been times when he'd thought of getting up and joining the others during "dinner" but he was afraid. Afraid of what they saw him as. A monster, a murderer.
So even if he actually wanted a friendship (or more), he didn't have anywhere to start. Well, that's not entirely true. But again, he was afraid. Of what? He wasn't sure either.
But he knew that you'd be his starting point. Though he didn't know how long he had, since he never showed any signs of accepting your silent invitation to a friendship. You'd been there for him since he joined the group, everyone was afraid of him, made remarks about his scars.
But you didn't. You never said anything bad about him, he even heard you defend him once. You'd defended him multiple times. He just happened to have heard you once.
"Oh my god... I can't stand seeing his face. It looks so scary... Who knows what it's from?" The lady with the dog had said.
He'd heard her, but just as he was about to get up and leave, he heard you too.
"With all due respect. You don't know what it's from. And you shouldn't judge. You're a full grown adult woman. And yet you still make assumptions based on someone's appearance." It was what you had said to her.
He left after hearing that. A small smile formed on his face, which he forced down after realising.
Right now it was dinner time, he had stopped eating with everyone a while ago. He didn't mind not eating, but you did. You'd always get him a plate and find him, wherever he was.
He was sitting in the grave room, staring at the ground, when you walked in. You walked over and kneeled down in front of him, handing him his food. You had learned not to try to start a conversation, he wasn't much of a talker. You noticed.
You sat by him, leaving enough space for him to be comfortable. And started to eat.
Imagine your surprise when you heard his voice. Directed towards you. "Why don't you hate me? Like everyone else. I don't need pity."
You shook your head and moved closer. "I don't pity you. I know you can handle yourself. I just cannot stand seeing people be treated in a way they don't deserve. And you don't deserve to be seen as a scary murderer. Even if you don't think that."
He raised a brow at your words, still not looking at you. "I murdered someone. With a hammer right in front of you." He pointed out the obvious.
You turned fully towards him, placing your food down and sitting crisscross. "Most people here are scared of you because they believe the man you killed was innocent."
Now interested in where this was going, he turned his upper body to face you. "And you don't?" He questioned.
"I've lived here since I was little. I remember when he moved in, when my mum sent me to bring him a cake as a welcome gift, and when I found his door open and walked inside that room..." You hoped he'd understand; you hoped he'd seen the room, and you didn't have to explain.
And based on his reaction, he did. His eyes widened—the most obvious showcase of emotions you've ever seen from him.
"I've never run out of a room faster in my life." You chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. But he just shook his head.
He was glad someone understood him. You stood up. Stretching. "You should eat." You pointed out before going towards the door, but before you exited, you turned back. "Oh, and if you ever need anyone to talk to, it shouldn't be too hard to find me."
About a week passed, and he did talk to you almost every day. Even though they were just general chats, it felt good for him to be able to talk freely to someone again.
Right now, you sat there, talking about what you did before this whole ordeal.
Well, more like him hearing you talk. But he didn't mind; he loved listening to your stories.
But your talking was cut short by a terrible screech coming from the hall, accompanied by Su Yeong's screaming.
Immediately, you stood up and rushed over, seeing Mr. Han shooting at the spider like monster that was chasing the young girl. You rushed and picked her up. "Come on!"
You shouted to Mr. Han, who followed you as fast as he could in his wheelchair.
You ran down a ramp, but Mr. Han's wheelchair got stuck, and he fell off of it. You placed Su-Yeong down and told her to go into the room where you previously were with Sang-Wook.
She wanted to help Mr. Han, but you assured her that you'd help him, and she rushed off into the room. You heard her crying to Sang-Wook. Asking for his help.
You spun around on your heel and bent down, helping Mr. Han back into his wheelchair. You ushered him inside the room as well. As soon as he entered the room, the monster quickly jumped on you, stabbing one of its legs into your torso.
You screamed out in pain, but you fought back as much as you could. But the pain was unbearable. You were about to pass out, and the last thing you saw was Cha Hyun-Soo coming to your rescue, and you heard Su-Yeong screaming, everyone else gasping, and Sang-Wook calling out to you. Then it all went black.
Once you regained consciousness, you saw Yu-ri sitting next to you, patching you up.
"Oh, you're up. How are you feeling?" She asked as she finished up her work on your wound.
"Could be better. What happened?" She patted your shoulder, told you about how Hyun-Soo had killed the monster, and assured you that everyone was safe.
You let out a sigh of relief, closing your eyes for a moment before opening them again. But you were met with a different face.
Sang-wook was sitting in Yu-ri's place, and you heard the door close. He looked genuinely worried, which made you smile and sit up. With his help, you managed to rest your back on the wall behind you.
"What were you thinking, huh? You could've died." He didn't sound angry at all. You simply placed a hand on his arm and answered.
"I could have, yes. But I would've been fine with it as long as Su-Yeong and Mr. Han didn't." He groaned at your response and sat next to you on the makeshift bed. Placing his hands on either side of you.
"You might have been okay with it. But I wouldn't." You went to speak, but he hushed you. "Listen to me. Never do something that stupid again."
You smirked and leaned closer. "And why do you care?" He scowled at you slightly. And without a verbal answer, he placed his lips on yours.
You were taken aback; you didn't expect it at all. But you weren't complaining. You've been spending a lot of time together. You would be lying if you said you hadn't developed some kind of feeling for the man.
"Is that a good enough reason for me to care?" He asked. He didn't have his usual cold and emotionless demeanour this time. He looked genuinely concerned, worried, and happy at the same time.
"It is." You said, and hugged the man.
This was an outcome you wouldn't have expected at all. Not the bad kind, though.
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samfrankiszka · 2 years
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Bitter Aperol
Sam Kiszka x female reader // 18+ // minors dni // 2.3k words
Tags: pwp, explicit sexual content, swearing, oral sex (m receiving), piss play, watersports, desperation, olfactophilia, whiny (somewhat) sub Sam, some fluff if you’re into that type of thing
Authors notes: Other authors have written piss play for the twins so I am here to do my due diligence as Sam lane. It’s purely self indulgent and unedited and if you don’t like it, don’t read. 🫡 Also this is a burner account so if you know who I am on other accounts, no you don’t.
Summary: Sam has too many drinks during a show... whining and other activities ensue. 
“Hello, my lovely!” You hear just as soon as you’re wrapped tightly in Sam’s arms when he enters the dressing room. He’s warm and sweaty and the all familiar and comforting post-show stench fills your nostrils as he squeezes you. He leans down and kisses the crown of your head. “I missed you.”
“It’s been, what, two hours?” You reply, not being able to help the shit eating grin that covers your face as you look up at him.
“Well, maybe, but did you not miss me?”
You reply jokingly. “No, I actually enjoy the peace and quiet while you’re gone.”
He rolls his eyes dramatically, changing the tone of his voice to mock offense. “Oh, please, y/n,” he scoffs, “you know that you can’t stand it. You must be so bored without me.”
“Okay, you can tell yourself that,” you laugh, “how was the show? Sounded great from back here.”
He shrugs, “About as good as it could be, considering that Josh won’t let us change it up.”
With Josh facing the most physical strain with the current tour schedule, the other three had to compromise when it came to the setlist, knowing that he could only handle so much.
“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.”
He sighs. “’s alright. We all understand, it just gets boring after a while, you know?”
You nod, looking up at him. He meets your gaze with a soft smile.
“So,” he starts, changing the subject as he runs his hands down your side and rests them on your waist, “the bus is behind schedule and won’t be here until morning, so they’re letting us stay at the Marriott down the street.”
His voice lowers and you notice the feeling of his  growing semi against your hip. “I think that some people are heading over now, but we can go with the next group if you’re okay with that.”
This tour has had its ups and downs, and the bus being behind was the least of their worries when they got perks like this. You definitely couldn’t complain about a night in a hotel bed over a cramped bunk.
“That’s fine, I have nowhere to be.” You respond softly, giving into his scheme as you drag your hand over the front of his pants to elicit a response out of him.
He hums gently, smirking as he says. “Oh, is that so?”
“Mhmm.” You smirk back as you get down on your knees in front of him. “I’m fine right here.”
“I won’t argue with that,” he whines out as you kiss along the strip of hair under his belly button, purposefully ignoring his cock straining under his pants. His fingers brush through your hair as you gently bite the soft skin on his hip.
You lean back and sit on your heels as you look up at him. “Go ahead, take it out for me. Let me take care of you.”
His hands waste no time flying to the button of his pants, undoing it and the zipper as he quickly pushes them down with the waistband of his boxers, allowing for his cock to spring out.
You lick your lips at the sight and look up at him with raised eyebrows. “Well? Keep going.”
He chooses speed over grace as he finishes undressing himself, quickly kicking off his pants and underwear so he can bare himself to you. You admire the way his cock bounces with his rushed movements.
“Good boy, thank you.” You rub your hands up his exposed thighs before grabbing his cock and stroking it once from base to tip. “Always so pretty.”
Sam whimpers above you as you place wet kisses to the tip of his cock. The salty beads of precum coat your lips as you suck the tip into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you look up at him. His chest rises and falls erratically as you take him further into your mouth and let him hit the back of your throat. His post show musk fills your nose and causes you to moan around him and he quivers in response.
“Fuuuck,” he gasps out as he runs his fingers through your hair, “s- so good.”
You pull off to catch your breath, smiling up at him as you stroke his length. He returns the soft smile but it’s cut off by a whimper and his eyes rolling back as you suck on one of his balls and press it against the roof of your mouth. You release it with a loud pop and repeat the action with the other one, keeping a slow rhythm as you continue to stroke his cock.
“You always taste so good,” you whisper as you kitten lick the head of his cock, “especially after a show. I’ll never get tired of it.”
Sam hums in response as you grab the base of his cock and begin to slowly take him inch by inch into your mouth. You use your hands to grip onto his waist for leverage as you sink further down. He hits the back of your throat and you involuntarily flinch and squeeze where your hands are on his waist and your thumbs press tightly into his lower stomach. He yelps and you quickly pull off at the pained response.
You look up at him, panicked. “Are you okay? What happened?”
He breathes in through his nose, nodding with a shuddery exhale, “I’m sorry, I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
You furrow your eyebrows and look up at him, not believing his answer. He cuts you off before you can question him again.
“I’m fine, y/n, truly. I’m almost there.” He states, his voice back to normal.
You’re not convinced, but return to what you were doing, this time grabbing his thighs as you kiss up the back of his straining cock.
Maybe it was because you were on high alert, but you become increasingly aware of his body language as you continue to mouth at his cock. His thighs tremble under your touch and you notice his hands fidgeting.
He pulls away from your hair and instead starts playing with his own, roughly pushing his hair back away from his face and tucking the sweaty strands behind his ears.
He hisses and sucks a breath in through his teeth as you slowly lick up the back of his cock from his balls to the tip. You look up and notice the pained look on his face, one that you’ve seen before.
“Sammy, baby,” You clear your throat and speak to him sternly, looking up at him and meeting his eyes. “How many cocktails have you had tonight?”
Knowing deep down that he probably lost count, you watch as he furrows his eyebrows and tries to remember. “Si- seven?”
“Mhmm. Is that all?” You place a wide lick up the back of his cock as you look up at him.
He chokes back a moan and answers. “A few Topo Chicos, I think.”
“You think?” You shake your head with a tsk. “How many was it before you lost track, hm? You got a little buzz and forgot how to count?”
You cut off his whiny response as you spit into your palm and start stroking his achy cock, being sure to spread the precum around the tip with your thumb in the same way that you know he does when he’s alone.
“And did you not piss before the encore?”
“I did.” He whines defensively. You notice how restless he’s gotten as he squeezes his thighs together for some relief. His hands are on his hips and his fingers are leaving indents on his sides.
“Jesus, baby. And you still need to go this badly? You can’t even stand still and let me finish.”
“I’m sorry, y/n, please.” He begs, his voice shaky and pathetic.
“Please, what?” You let go of his cock and gently squeeze his balls.
“Fuck!” Sam groans out. “Please, I need to take a piss, it hurts.”
“Hmm, well, since you asked so nicely,” you place a kiss to his lower belly before standing and placing your hand out for him to take. “Come on, baby boy.”
He grabs your outreached hand and follows you into the adjoining room where he had just showered earlier that day. “Go ahead, get in. I’m right behind you.”
He furrows his eyebrows in confusion but obliges. He watches you undress from inside of the shower stall, his cock heavy between his legs. His hands have resumed their position on his hips and he’s shaking his knee as a distraction from the ache in his bladder.
Once undressed, you step inside with him and close the shower door. You run your hands up and down his sides and look up at him with a mischievous smirk as you grab his cock and give it a few strong strokes.
With only a few inches between your naked bodies, you lean forward and kiss his collarbone and whisper in his ear. “You okay? Color?”
You feel his hands grab your hips and squeeze as he giggles out, “yellow, ironically.”
You roll your eyes at the joke but can’t help but laugh with him as you give him a few more strokes. “Good boy. You ready to let go for me?”
You press your free hand against his lower belly and press gently, eliciting a loud whimper from him as he nods his head. “Y-yes, please.”
You love how needy he sounds. How desperate. You could listen to the fucked out whining for hours, if he’d let you. But you know that he can only handle so much, and you love him getting his relief almost as much as you like keeping it from him.
“Go ahead, then.” You pause your strokes on his cock but hold it pointing upwards between your bellies. “Don’t be shy.”
He inhales deeply through his nose and sighs as he breathes out, his eyes roll back as you feel a few drops of wetness roll down his cock.
“That’s it, good boy.” You praise in hopes that he’ll fully let go.
“‘m trying,” he whimpers, “kinda hurts though.”
“Shhhh,” you keep one hand on his cock and use your free hand to brush his hair back and tuck it behind his ear. “Just think of how good it’ll feel once you’re done.”
He hums in agreement and closes his eyes. A few deep breaths later, you feel his stream pick up, spraying his lower stomach with the angle that his cock is pointed at. You coerce him gently, “There you go, keep going.”
You gently stroke his cock as he continues with a choked back groan of relief. He swears under his breath as the wetness sprays both of your stomachs and runs down, pooling at your feet on the shower floor.
You can’t help but point his cock towards you, aiming the stream directly above your belly button and feeling as it runs down between your legs. Everything hits at once and you’re suddenly dizzy from the sounds and smell of his relief. You run your free hand down your wet stomach and pubes, quickly swirling your clit for a hint of relief.
“Jesus,” he whispers under his breath a few moments later as the stream begins to slow down. He leans down and presses his forehead to yours, both of you looking down and seeing the last of his piss run out over your hand.
His chest heaves as he tries catching his breath, his sweaty hair hanging down in a curtain around his face. You feel his breath against your lips and lean in to kiss him languidly. He tastes like Aperol, a taste you have yet to acquire but seemingly enjoy if it comes from him.
You break the kiss and sink back to your knees, noting how cold and uncomfortable the puddle underneath you was becoming as you grab the base of his cock and suck the tip into your mouth. He tastes more salty and bitter than earlier, given the circumstances, but not unbearably so.
In his relaxed state, Sam slowly drags his fingers through your hair and lets out a soft moan.
“Your mouth feels so fucking good, I’m so close.”  
Wasting no time, you grab onto his thighs and sink down until he hits the back of your throat. You gag slightly and squeeze your eyes shut as you swallow around him.
You begin bobbing your head slowly, letting him hit the back of your throat each time. A few moments later he lets out a slew of curses and grips tightly onto your hair as his orgasm washes over him, filling your mouth with his salty release.
You pull away from his cock and swallow him down, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you catch your breath and look up at him. He holds his hands out to help you stand back up.
“Thank you, lovely. What do you say we get you cleaned up?” He says with a soft smile as he reaches for the shower knobs on the wall.
You nod up at him. “That might be a good idea, I feel pretty gross.”
He turns the water on flinches as the coolness hits him. His cheeks flush slightly pink as he speaks softly and adjusts the temperature. “That’s okay, I’ll get you all taken care of.”
He motions for you to trade spots so the water can warm you up. “Yeah? You promise?”
“I promise,” he opens the bottle of shampoo, squirting some into his palm before massaging it into your scalp, “but we should probably hurry and get out of here before someone comes looking for us.”
You close your eyes and hum, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in your hair and the warm water rinsing away what will certainly be a topic of discussion at a later time.
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laneynoir · 1 year
In response to your request for writing ideas:
Anything featuring Boromir
Young Legolas sees Rivendell for the first time
Gelir hangs out with Radagast (yes, they were friends and I still need to write HCs about this)
Sam interacting with Boromir (I also sent this suggestion to Callon recently)
And a big hug because everything will be fine! ❤️🫂
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I'm gonna write the rest of these in seperate posts and just tag but
Boromir/reader Word count: 1001
Me on my way to drop this screw up: 🏃
Also this gets a little suggestive? I didn't mean to I swear.
Boromir just missed you.
The crack of wood breaking against wood echoes across the training grounds, multiple sparring matches stop and curious expressions are turned to the youngest who is similarly shocked, staring at the her opponent while holding a splintered training stave.
Breaths are quiet in the still morning, wisps of fog in the air more shallow than they've been since dawn. Suddenly the silence is shaken by a lifted chin as You speak, "Through that entrance ma'am, tell the man exactly what has happened and he will deal with you."
The short woman nods, only the faintest hint of a tremble wracking her body, it is quickly replaced by set shoulders and a steel exterior. When the door closes, You raise an eyebrow at the remaining students. "Standing still will not help you, back to the beginning, position one of Haradrin's style, now."
A flurry of movement answers your command, each studant eager to please, as well as desperate to not be sent off as well.
At the end of another hour, only one more trainee has broken his weapon, he looks near tears when he stiffly walks through the ornate door. Shortly after you announce the end of the session, and dismiss the tired looking youth.
With a sigh, you stretch your now sore arms, gather your gear, and head home. You too your head to the guards that you recognize in the halls, and grin when the two sent away from the training session catch your eye. "And how are the two of you?"
The young woman shakes her head. "Sore and recovering from severe fright, I thought I was being kicked out!"
"I did as well, that was a crule trick, splitting the swords so they would brake after striking in the right way enough."
You take on an expression of fake insult. "Hey now, those took a while to do properly! And really, I do like to see how my students can handle dissapointment, the wrong reaction in a fight can cost you your life."
A few moments later sees you at the entrace to your rooms. The door creaks when you open it -it always has, but since it is on pitch you never fix it- the area beyond empty, so you take the opportunity to pout at the absence of your husband.
At least he cannot poke fun at the length of the bath you take, for it is a good thirty minutes before the water has cooled ariund you and you drag yourself from the water. With vindictive pleasure you pull Boromir's largest sleep shirt over your head, after all he cant use it if he's not here.
With that depressing thought, you set to making a small dinner, and your hands are covered in flour when the sound of horns comes from beyond the window. There is a brief momment where you freeze, and then you are running to the door, slinging a cloak on against the cold.
There is a guard at the door when you arive, they do not speak, simply pulling at the handle and smirking as you race past. The paved pathways are a blur beneath your bare feet, and you take no notice of the occasional stones that prick at your toes.
The gates are already open and soldiers filter in on horses, there is cheering, but it seems quiet. Chestnut curls sway, snatching your attention instantly. You vault over the last flight of stairs, landing already in a dead sprint.
Boromir grins at your approach, steadying his mount, and when you reach his side he reaches down and pulls you up into his lap. He smirks, "Miss me?" You mumble a very eloquent 'shut up' before using his hair as a means to pull him into a deep kiss.
He pulls away, barely, and rests his head against your's. "And here I thought you wished never to make a spectacle of yourself?"
"I havent seen you in six months, heard from you in one and a half," You mumble, "For all I knew you could have been dead. I'm alowed one spectacular display under the circumstances."
"Well this display is one I wish not to see."
You grumble but accept Farimir's hand down. Boromir pulls him into a hug. "As you say my brother. I have missed you."
"Aye," Farimir smiles. "But you've missd y/n a bit more, and in a different way. I'll attend to your horse, you are long over due a bath."
"He's right." Boromir's second in command quips from behind you. "You smell like shit," He pauses and bows without loosing his grin. "My Lord." When Boromir frowns, he waves a hand. "I will take care of the report, tend to what's your's, unless you'd rather I?"
Without a word Boromir swings you out of your stance and into a bridal carry. You yelp, but he ignores your protests and continues in the same fashion until the door to your apartments is firmly shut. Once it is, he puts you down, only for you to find yourself pinned against it with a very very attentive husband attacking your lips. "You know he wouldn't have really. He was only goading you into taking some free time."
He makes a humming sound before nipping at your bottom lip. "Will you be joining me in removing the four from my hair?" You gasp as his attentions turn to your neck. "Do not sound so shocked dear one, as you come before me and my unit dressed in nothing but my shirt and cloak for all to see."
Oh. For you had, in your (compleatly reasonable) haste forgotten your currant wardrobe. " 'Suppose its all yours then," you place a finger against his lips, "Oh no no, it's your's after dinner." You wrinkle your nose. "And a bath, your brother's right you smell horrid."
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Safe & Sound | j.m. | 6
Joel Miller x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: canon violence. Suicide (Henry). Murder (Sam). Mutual pining.
Author’s Note: I am so tired guys I’m sorry honestly
Series Masterlist | Requests are OPEN
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She sat on the worn-out couch in the dimly lit motel living room, her heart pounding so loudly in her chest that she was sure the others could hear it. Sweat trickled down her forehead, a testament to the adrenaline-fueled escape they had made from the clutches of the rebellion in Kansas City. The weight of the night's events pressed heavily on her shoulders, her body weary from the constant running and evading danger.
For a moment, she looked around the room, taking in the flickering light bulbs and the peeling wallpaper that seemed to mirror the crumbling world outside. The air was thick with tension and exhaustion, yet in the midst of it all, she found solace in the presence of Joel. He sat beside her, his face etched with fatigue and their bodies bearing the scars of battle. 
The flickering light from a nearby lamp cast long shadows on the walls, adding to the eerie atmosphere. She glanced over at Joel, who was seated beside her, cleaning his handgun with a look of focused determination on his face. The way he handled the weapon with expertise and confidence intrigued her, but she knew that he was trying to keep his focus on listening outside the door while Ellie, Henry, and Sam slept in the bedroom.
"You okay?" Joel's deep voice broke the silence, his gaze meeting her eyes. His eyes, though tired, held a hint of concern.
She nodded, a mix of relief and fear coursing through her veins. "Yeah, I'm... I'm hanging in there. Exhausted, but I’m fine."
Joel's hand momentarily paused, and he set the weapon down on the coffee table. "You…you did a hell of a job back there.”
A blush crept onto her cheeks at Joel's praise. It wasn’t something he doled out often –if ever –and having him compliment her ability to not get herself killed felt like a win in and of itself. Which was a bit ridiculous, since she didn’t need to be complimented by him. 
“Gotta thank Bill,” she replied, leaning back on the couch as she looked up at him. 
For several moments, they simply watched each other. Joel’s eyes were tired, looking down at her as he tried to relax into the stiff cushions of the dingy couch. Henry had thrown out two pillows –one from Ellie’s bed and one from Sam’s bed –into the living room for them. Joel picked one up and threw it at her as he stood.
“Get some rest,” he finally said, moving to sit in the chair in the corner.
“Honestly, I’m probably gonna sleep on the floor,” she admitted, tossing the pillow on the floor and sliding to the ground herself. Her back pressed against the couch. “But I can take the first watch –you can sleep on the couch.”
Joel stared at her for a moment, hesitating before he moved back to the couch and dropped back into the cushions with a sigh. She knew he wouldn’t actually relax, or properly sleep for that matter, but she wanted him to at least try. The events of the day were too much for all of them, and they had far too many close calls for her to sleep that night anyway.
She leaned against the bottom of the couch, holding the pillow against her chest as she pulled her knees to her chest. Joel’s eyes were closed, but she knew he was still awake because he was moving around to get comfortable. She couldn’t help but watch him, resting her cheek on the pillow as she did so. The world around them was crumbling, but in this moment, she couldn’t help but remember how it felt to kiss Joel. How his hands felt in her hair, or on her hips. It never went further than that, but she always wanted it to –and with Joel’s admission to her about what he did to the FEDRA agent that hurt her��she wondered if he was feeling the same way about her. 
As the night wore on, and she kept watch on the motel room floor, she couldn't help but notice Joel's restlessness on the couch. She knew all too well the toll that the events of the night had taken on him and understood that sleep would not come easily. Despite her own exhaustion, she couldn't bear to see him struggle alone. So she turned slightly, resting her arms on the side of the couch near his shoulders.
There was a moment of hesitation before Joel finally opened his eyes, looking at her with surprise. “What’re you doin’?”
“If you don’t want to sleep, you can just stay up and keep watch with me,” she offered, resting her cheek on her hands as she looked up at him. “I wouldn’t be able to sleep either. Not after today.”
Joel kept his eyes on her before he sighed and nodded once, sitting up before he finally sunk to the floor beside her. She smiled at him reassuringly, sitting up properly again as she pulled her knees to her chest again and hugged the pillow again. The silence of the room was only broken by the sound of their breathing and the occasional creak of the old furniture.
“Can I tell you something?” She whispered, keeping her eyes on the door that separated them from the others. 
“I’m sure you’re gonna even if I said no,” he said. His tone was soft, though. Teasing her. And she couldn’t help the smile that tugged on the corners of her lips.
“I don’t have to,” she countered, shaking her head. But Joel elbowed her, silently telling her to get on with it. Her heart pounded in her chest as she considered her next words carefully. “I missed you, and when you would visit the house.”
She could feel Joel’s eyes on her as she stared at the door still, unable to meet his eyes. If he didn’t want to hear it, if he didn’t feel the same, she could accept that. She would. But she had to admit it, if anything for herself.
“You shouldn’t’ve,” he murmured, turning his gaze away from her.
“Shouldn’t have,” she agreed with a nod, looking up at him again. “But I did.”
She hesitated a moment, flexing her fingers around the pillow in her lap. Then, she reached out and took his hand carefully. Truthfully, she expected him to pull away from her. To scold her, and tell her that she shouldn’t be trying to start up anything again. She knew better, and she knew it wasn’t the best or appropriate time. But the world was shit, and everything was going to go wrong. She had to try, even if he pulled away and refused her.
But then, he didn’t. 
As they sat together, their hands entwined, she felt something shift between them. A sudden feeling of vulnerability overtook her as she realized the depth of her feelings for Joel. She had tried to ignore them for so long, but the events of the night had made it impossible to deny. 
Joel turned to her, his eyes searching hers in the dim light. She felt her heart skip a beat as she met his gaze. She knew what was happening, and she didn't want to resist it any longer. In that moment, they leaned closer together, their faces only inches apart. Without a word, they closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a soft, tender kiss.
As their lips met, a wave of emotions surged through her. It was a kiss born of shared hardships and unspoken longing, a culmination of the unspoken connection that had been growing between them. Time seemed to stand still as their mouths moved in perfect harmony, their breath mingling, and their hearts beating in time. 
In that stolen moment, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace. The weight of the world dissolved, leaving only Joel and the warmth of his mouth on hers. Her fingers instinctively found their way to the back of his neck, threading through his hair, deepening the kiss into something that she had repressed each time he had kissed her before. Joel's hands found their place on her waist, pulling her closer, as if he never wanted to let her go. She quickly found herself in his lap, pressing herself closer to him. His touch sent electric currents through her, igniting a fire that had been smoldering within her for far too long. Their kiss deepened, becoming more passionate, a testament to the desires they had suppressed beneath their armor of survival.
When they finally pulled away from one another, with her arms around his neck and his around her waist, she rested her forehead against his. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Joel’s grip on her waist loosened just enough to drop to her hips, holding her in place against him as he caught his breath.
“Darlin’, this is –,”
She quieted him with another kiss, short but sweet. “Don’t. Just…just enjoy this with me.”
“That’s not what I’m sayin’,” he argued, pulling back to look up at her face. His hand, calloused and rough, reached up and pushed her hair behind her ear. “I’m sayin’ that I ain’t a good person. Haven’t been in a long time. You…you deserve better than that.”
“You don’t get to decide what I deserve,” she countered, one hand running over the salt and pepper beard that covered his jaw. “I decide that. I’m not a little girl, Joel.”
“You were when I kissed you that day.”
“I was twenty-three,” she reminded him, brushing his cheek with her thumb. “Hardly a little girl.”
Joel rolled his eyes, reaching up to take her hand in his again. “This ain’t gonna be easy.”
“Nothing ever is.”
“I have to get Ellie to those doctors.”
“I’m here to help.”
“I can’t give you –,”
“Joel, if I didn’t want this, I wouldn’t still be in your fucking lap,” she cut him off, grinning down at him. “Now shut up and kiss me again.”
The first light of dawn seeped through the cracks of the motel room's curtains, casting a faint glow upon Joel and her, who had found solace in each other's embrace the previous night. She had fallen asleep before him, having found herself laying her head in his lap. Joel fell asleep sometime into the night, unable to control the exhaustion that had taken over. As Joel stirred, the weight of their newfound connection still hung in the air. He gently patted her shoulder, waking her up with a whisper. Their eyes met, a mix of tenderness and uncertainty passing between them, silently acknowledging what happened the night before did, in fact, happen.
Their tranquil morning was abruptly shattered when a low, guttural growl resonated from the bedroom. Ellie’s scream pierced their ears as she threw the bedroom door open, running out. Henry ran out after her. Joel's heart seized in his chest as he turned his gaze towards the source of the sound. Sam, who had slept soundly just hours before, now stood before them, his eyes clouded with a feral haze. Joel pushed himself off the ground and grabbed his gun, but Henry tackled him, taking the gun from him.
In a harrowing moment, and realizing the dire circumstances, Henry raised his gun, aiming at Sam, his hands trembling with the weight of the decision he was about to make. The crack of the gunshot reverberated through the room, a piercing echo of the tragedy that unfolded. But the horror didn't end there. Henry, still reeling from the emotional turmoil, showed signs of distress. Joel's heart sank as Henry lifted the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.
She screamed out, reaching out to grab Ellie and pull her into her arms. Hiding her from the scene before them. Ellie cried out as well, clutching onto her tightly as she buried her face in the older woman’s chest. Joel stood there, unable to rid himself of the ringing in his ears as he stared at the bodies of Sam and Henry, trying to catch his breath.
“We have to bury them,” she whispered to Joel, ushering Ellie towards the door and refusing to let her look back. “I’m going to…we’re going to find shovels. Can you…,”
Joel simply nodded, looking down at her finally as the tears fell over her cheeks. He wanted to reach out, to comfort her. But now was not the time, and he knew there was no use. How could he comfort her when this wouldn’t be the last time that this kind of thing would happen? 
He set a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently, before he pushed her towards the door without a word. 
Taglist (OPEN): @aheadfullofsteverogers @jasminedragoon @buzzing-honeybee @garbo-lesbo @pedr0swh0r3 @boofy1998 @taraiel @mymindfuckery @starkleila @crazyunsexycool @sanscas
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psychofreakforc · 1 year
Angsty core 4 thought because why not?
What if chad and mindy are still grieving for their loss (liv, anika) and they just can't seem to see sam as a trustworthy person? they snap at her a lot and, mindy specifically, has a lot of shady remarks.
Sam doesn't really seem to notice because after what happened in woodsboro they were fine, even when they moved to New york they didn't have a problem with her, so they might be just a little stressed out? Right?
But on the other hand, tara does notice the change.
Whenever sam is around, chad and mindy are not really acting like- well, chad and mindy and that was very suspicious.
At first, tara didn't think any of it, but with the days passing by, this behaviour didn't change.
Actually, it only became worse.
Mindy couldn't really shut her mouth and kept on reminding sam of anika, of leaving tara alone with christina, of her father starting all of this
And chad-
Well, he wasn't like mindy, he didn't have the guts to actually say out loud whatever he thought about sam, but to tara, it was obvious that he wasn't really "okay" with her.
He was basically ignoring her existence, which is just weird asf if you ask tara.
Chad used to like sam more than anybody else when they were kids, and even after she came back, it didn't change, and he even defended her when the two sisters were fighting.
Tara needed so badly to fix all of this, whatever is going on with those 2 idiots needed to stop now.
"So will you two explain to me what the hell is your problem with sam? You've been treating her like shit for the past few weeks and i just don't get it"
Chad and mindy share a look and of course, mindy is the one that speaks up
"Maybe we just figured out that sam is not really someone that we want around"
Tara couldn't believe what she just heard, she was debating whether she should punch mindy or just handle the situation in a more mature way.
She chose the second option.
"Okay, if you feel that way, then you won't have to be around her... but you won't see me either"
"T be reasonable, you have to understand us" this time chad decided to speak up for the both of them.
"be reasonable? She saved our fucking life- multiple times, we would be all buried somewhere in woodsboro if it wasn't for her"
This time, tho, tara did choose the first option and slapped chad. The twins left without uttering a single word.
"What happened? I saw chad and mindy rushing down the hall- weren't they supposed to eat here tonight?"
"Yeah- they're not going to come over anytime soon... for now at least"
Sam had a confused expression, but tara was definitely not going to explain to her sister that her two friends were just not that fond of her. Tara and sam made a promise when they were kids "us against the world," and that's how it will always be.
Some weeks went by before the twins apologised, and tara made sure that they were aware that she was so ready to end this friendship and she won't hesitate to do it again of there's any weird behaviour going on.
And also made them promise to never mention this to sam because she doesn't need to know.
This is tara's way of protecting her.
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justroaminground · 1 year
surprise (Castiel x Reader)
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summary: castiel vanished after all of the souls in his body destroyed him. reader has a dream in which, crowley helps her to find castiel. reader decides not to tell sam and dean right away and does research on her own. things get heated and she ends up having sex with castiel of course the boys find everything out!
PSA: i am so sorry i got kinda carried away! (lol i always do) it's a long one! sorrrrreeehh, but i love your guys!
warnings: NSFW, smut, 18+, fluff/smut, sex
Enjoy! If there are any requests feel free to leave them. Sorry for mistakes i am sure you get the point. ;) xx
another day another hunt. well at least that is what you wished for. castiel gave himself away to the souls from purgatory. unfortunately even though he showed a bit of sanity before he vanished with a huge explosion, it was too late. the souls took over his being and turned him into a monster.
you sat at the end of the bed, holding a glass of rum and sipped on it. tears rolled down your cheeks and there was no way of expressing how you felt right now. you shared a special bond to cas. no matter what was going he was always there. the two of you really grew together like soulmates and now he was just gone.
taking another sip, the alcohol made itself known by giving you a very warm feeling.
how could this possibly be happening right in front of your eyes?! how did you never get he was onto something with crowley and when you did it was already too late. you weren't able to get to him. his mind, his behavior and just he as a being changed. you didn't knew him anymore.
from sips you got to gulps, noticing how your head got heavy and your sight very dizzy. wiping the tears from your cheeks you heard voices and the door unlocking.
sam and dean told you to wait here and they were getting food. within the time they were gone you drank half a bottle of rum. the pain was simply too intense, it knocked you down. you had to get castiel back whatever it costs.
"y/n?!" dean called out, walking over to you and pushed your shoulder softly back so he was able to look into your face.
"leave me alone dean." you managed to slur and pushed his hand away. you placed the glass on the nightstand and grabbed the bottle itself. not being able to take one more sip, dean yanked the bottle out of your hand.
"what the hell?! are you serious y/n?! we all wished it would have went down differently, but it didn't! pull yourself together!" dean's voice got a bit louder, looking at you furiously. the only reason he reacted that way was, because he himself had a very hard time admitting to himself cas lied to all of you.
"guys!" sam warned the two of you and placed the food on the table.
"fuck off dean!" you stood up and pushed him back onto the wall.
dean's faced went completely dark and furious. not being able to even think what you just did he grabbed you, turning the two of you and now he was the one pushing you hard against the wall. he hold you there, looking right into your face.
"touch me like that, one more time and you won't again." he hissed right into your face.
not being able to answer, dean was pulled of by sam and he separated dean from you.
"what the hell you guys?! we definitely need to calm down!" sam's look switched from dean to you. "dean sit down and start eating." sam ordered and went over to you.
dean's face went completely blank in shock, realizing what he just did he rubbed his hands over his face and took a seat.
"are you okey y/n?" sam checked up on you and scanned your arms, face, chest and neck for any bruises.
you just nodded, pressing your lips together and looked up at him. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make any trouble. i just can't handle castiel's disappearance." you explained as best as you could.
"it's okey, we are all overwhelmed right now." sam pulled you into a warm hug and just held you for a few minutes.
you and sam sat to the table like dean and you kept your gaze down onto your lap.
"y/n i am sorry.." dean started, but you quickly interrupted him.
"it's okey. let's just forget about it and eat." you said and nibbled on a few fries.
silence filled the room and the three of you just sat there and ate. the life you lived seemed so out of order sometimes. one minute you're killing monsters and the other you're sitting in a motelroom, eating fries and life seemed normal. sam and dean talked about possible solutions, but you weren't able to join their conversation right now.
pushing yourself from the table you managed to tell them, you were doing your night routine. after you were done you got into bed and simply stared at the ceiling. it got so boring you apparently fell asleep. your night wasn't restful at all. nightmares hunted you down and you woke up completely sweaty. the boys were sleeping and you checked the clock.
you sighed and went into the bathroom, washing your face and then you walked to the fridge taking out a bottle of water. your stomach felt heavy and your head was in pain, at least it kept you busy.
crawling back into bed you couldn't help, but pray to cas like you did every night. finishing the little prayer in your head, your eyes flew shut and you fell asleep again.
"y/n?"" a soft voice spoke to you and stroke your cheek.
not wanting to wake up already you turned away, thinking it was one of the boys.
"y/n wake up" the voice got a bit louder.
tiredly you opend your eyes and sat up. after rubbing your eyes you finally got to see who woke you up.
"cas!?" you couldn't believe what you saw an therefor you stood up and walked away form him until you hit a wall. "you're not castiel!!" you added and noticed the two beds beside yours were empty. "where are sam and dean?!"
"Bingo sweetheart!" cas spoke out and smirked. within seconds his appearance changed and crowley stood there.
you relaxed a bit, but were still obviously confused on what is happening.
"what do you want crowley?"
"mhm.." he pretended to really think of something, snapping his fingers, looking back at you. "i did all of this with cas. which means, i know where he is right now." a evil smirk formed against his lips.
your hands balled into fists. "shut your fucking mouth crowley!" you screamed out and ran over to him, knocking him down and holding the demon knife right at his throat.
his smirk didn't fade and he laid there in front of you and looked up at you. "did i just trigger a sensitive spot?" he asked teasingly and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. "go see yourself." he added and handed the piece of paper to you.
your grib loosened and you took the piece of paper in your hand. "why would you do that?" you looked at him, pure confusion written all over your face.
"those leviathans will grill our asses. we need everyone we can get and maybe even collaborate to shove their asses back into purgatory." crowley explained.
a strong hand gripped your shoulder and you could hear your name once again, loud and clear.
"y/n c'mon you can sleep in the car, we need to go!"
your surroundings changed with a snap and your eyes flew open, only to realize it was a dream you just had. in panic you searched for the piece of paper, crowley just handed you, ignoring sam which woke you up.
"woah woah y/n hey! are you okey?" sam grabbed your arms and held you still for a minute. he inspected you, raising an eyebrow.
your senses kicked in and you realize it was just a dream and calmed down. "yeah, sorry, i just had a very bad dream" you admitted to him.
"good, dean is already in the car waiting for us. we have a case. get ready and we will wait outside." he told you and left the motelroom.
confused on how real it felt you got up and followed sam's instructions. you took a quick shower, got ready and while packing the last pieces of clothing you noticed not just a piece of paper, but the piece of paper on your nightstand.
since you weren't sure if that was just a trap or real you decided to keep it to yourself. you went outside to the boys and got into the car. driving off, sam and dean were discussing the new case. you had your laptop on your lap and searched the address crowley handed to you.
"boys where are we going?" you questioned.
"illinois, danville" sam responded.
"would you mind stopping in fort wayne indiana? since we have a 7 hours drive ahead of us i think it will fit." you smiled softly at the two in the front.
"is there any reason for that?" sam questioned and you shook your head. "no, well maybe.." you admitted. "i have a old friend there which i'd love to visit?" it's not a complete lie. you thought to yourself.
dean agreed to your plan. the boys update you about the new case and it looked like you were hunting down some cursed objects. the ride itself was quiet and you took sam's offer and slept in the car. shortly before you arrived in fort wayne, you woke up.
you read the adress out to dean and you felt your tummy turn in anxiety. you weren't so sure anymore if it was a good idea to do so, but if it meant you'd have cas back, you were ready to pay every price.
"would you mind letting me out just a few blocks away?" you asked dean and prepared yourself, while stuffing the gun into your waistband.
"why would you need a gun?" dean asked suspicious and stopped the car on a side street.
"i always take a gun with me." you said and gave them a smile. "so i will call as soon as i am ready." crawling off the backseat you got out and closed the door.
the two of them drove off to a diner and you walked through the streets. it was the typical suburban life here. almost every house looked the same, the gardens were perfectly made and it seemed like the classic apple-pie-life.
you reached the needed house and it was light blue. it had white highlights and you walked the stairs up to the front door. looking around you, checking the surroundings once more and rang nervously the doorbell.
the door swung open and in front of you stood a woman. she wore her hair open, in curls and had a bright smile on her face. he eyes were sparkling and overall she had a very lovingly aura.
"hello! how may i help you?" she asked friendly and looked at you.
"uhm..hi!" you smiled awkwardly, because that caught you completely off guard. "i was looking for a friend actually and i thought he lives here." you tried to explain and looked at the piece of paper and back up to her.
"well what's his name?"
"you know what, i think i am completely wrong!" you excused yourself and tried to shrug it off, when all of a sudden castiel came up behind the woman. he placed on hand around her hip and smiled at you sweetly.
"is everything okey?" he asked looking at the two of you.
your face went completely blank and you had a hard time finding the right words. "uhm.." you stuttered.
"she was looking for a friend." his wife explained to him and looked over her shoulder to cas.
"i think you are here, because i can heal people?" cas added and looked back at you.
still not finding the right words you simply nodded like crazy and they let you in. cas and you went into the livingroom while his wife made tea.
"my name is emanuel" he said in a calming voice, holding his hand up to you.
"y/n" you said and shook his hand. it was so wrong coming here alone, you felt like you're going crazy.
cas pulled his hand aways quickly and looked at you in shock. it was clear something just happened, but you weren't sure what. you didn't know what was going on but when his wife came back you sat down.
emanuel held his gaze very suspicious on you while you were talking with his wife. she explained how the two of them met and how things went down since then. cas, well emanuel seemed to be a healer and his wife found him right after, he vanished in the water system. the confusion faded and you were able to piece the puzzle together. he forgot about what happened and now he's here, healing people, thinking he's a healer, when in real-life he's an angel.
"yeah so that is the story on how emanuel made his way into my life" his wife finished off and you smiled sadly. it broke your heart seeing them like that, when you wished it would be you and him. also the realization a life like that would never be possible for the two of you.
"how can i help you?" emanuel asked, breaking your spiral of thoughts and you placed the mug you held in your hand, back on the table.
"i don't need help actually" you confessed and gave them a smile. "i-i just hoped to find my friend here, but i think he must have moved." you nodded and your eyes wandered to cas again.
"we are very sorry, you didn't find your friend." his wife gave back and gently squeezed cas's hand.
"i should go." you said and got up. "may i use your restroom?" you asked. she brought you to the bathroom and you washed your hands with cold water. you took a moment and looked into the mirror.
"what am i supposed to do?!" you whispered and bit your lower lip. you thought for a second about it and a knock on the door distracted you.
"just a minute!" you called, drying your hands and opened the door to step out.
"i know who you are." cas spoke quietly and made sure his wife was still in the kitchen. "i heard you pray to me last night." he continued. "i am the friend you were looking for right?" he questioned you.
"we need to get out of here." you simply gave back. "tonight around 10 pm i will be in daneville, illinois" you looked at him and weren't sure what to do. you were unbelievable happy to see him but at the same time so much hate and frustration ran through your body. how was it even possible to feel such opposite feelings about a person at once?!
"we are in indiana!" he looked at you in disbelief.
"if you are the real c-, friend i am looking for you will find a way." you told him and turned your back to him. at the door his wife was waiting and you said your goodbyes. walking off.
dean texted you the address they were at and you walked over. you were glad it was about a 30 min walk since your head felt like it would explode. did you really just meet cas?! did he really remember you?! i would explain the expression he had, after touching your hand. you pinched yourself and made sure you weren't dreaming again.
until you arrived you were able to gather your thoughts. you prayed to yourself you didn't just start the next huge problem and hoped everything would go right for once.
you walked over to the table from the boys and let yourself fall on the chair.
"must have been exhausting?" dean asked.
"yeah kind of.." you laughed and shook your head. "but it was good to seem him again." you added and took deans coke, sipping it.
"is it someone we know?" sam asked wondering.
"not sure yet." you said and he gave you a confused look. you stole a few fries off his plate and you simply smiled at them.
the three of you payed and went back to the car driving off. several scenarios rushed through your mind of what could happen. cas seemed so pure hearted, just like back then when you first met him. it's like he got a reseted. a few hours later you arrived at the next motel and checked in with the boys.
"you're quiet" dean spoke up and broke the silence.
"congrats sherlok" you said back and let the bag fall onto your bed.
"thing's are rough right now. we should focus on the next steps." sam brought up and looked at the two of you.
"i fell like we should go into a bar and take one evening off." dean said and shrugged his shoulders. "i am so tired of this never ending bullshit. i might as well get drunk for once." he added.
you decline. "i'm fine thank's. i think i will get some more rest."
"well, i woun't let you go alone." sam looked at dean and raised an eyebrow. "you okey on your own?"
"sure" you nodded and took your gun out of your waistband. "baby always protects me."
the two of them left and now you sat there in the dark room on your own. checking the clock you got a bit nervous and your gun rested right next to you as well as your bag, which contained some other weapons in case anything should happen.
"castiel, if you can hear me, i am here. you can come. i am alone the boys are gone." you spoke hesitantly and looked around. a breeze made itself noticeable and you stood up, while checking the room.
"hello y/n" cas stood there in the middle of the room and looked at you.
your first instinct was to hug him and ask him so many questions, but you tried to play it cool and pulled yourself together.
"i see you found your second superpower"
"since you visited, i got a lot of flashbacks and i remember everything. well at least i think so." cas explained and looked around the hotelroom.
"we are alone" you confirmed to him.
"i also remember us y/n" he added quietly and stepped a bit closer.
you turned your back on him and looked onto the ground playing with your fingers. "uhm, a lot has happened castiel. you were about to destroy the world. i mean you did either way, but managed to send at least a few souls back to purgatory. i don't think what happened between us matters anymore." you added. the last words left your mouth as a whisper and you were holding your tears back.
"i know what i did. i know i've made a huge mistake, but everything i can do right now is help you and the boys fight what is about to come." you heard his voice closer and footsteps. "i can not forget about us y/n" whispering the last words against your shoulder he softly stroke along your armes until he reached your hands and turned you around.
the words just hit the right wounds and you pressed your lips together. not being able to talk right now you just wrapped your arms around his torso and held him close. he instantly hugged you against his body and placed a soft kiss on your hair.
"i am really sorry for what i did to you." he told you while placing his fingers on your chin, making you look into his eyes.
"show me" you whispered against his lips and your eyes still holding the very deep eye contact.
his hand slipped from your chin to your neck and he softly placed his lips onto yours. you closed your eyes and felt everything tingle in your body, especially your chest. moving your lips against his, your hands rested on his chest and stroke upwards. one hand burring into his hair and the other one wrapped around his neck.
cas bent further down to kiss you and his second hand rested on your hip. his fingers made their way under your shirt and his thumb gently stroke over your hipbone. a wave of heat overcame you, as you felt his hand against your bare skin. you pulled him even closer and deepened the kiss.
cas walked a few steps back with you, holding you safely against his body, until you hit the wall. he pressed you against the wall and his tongue liked along your bottom lip. surprised at his action a whimper escaped your lips and he used the possibility to enter your mouth with his tongue.
hungry for each other the two of you started to undress one another. one piece of clothing after the other fell to the floor leaving you in only your underwear and him in jeans and boxers. still pressing you against the wall his leg pressed against your legs and separated them. his tight rubbed against your sensitive center and you laid your head back against the wall.
"castiel.." needy you moaned out and looked at him with the hungriest look possible.
his lips fromed into a smirk and when you moaned out looking back at him his eyes changed from the known light blue to almost black since his pupils widened. "don't look at me with those eyes y/n" he warned you and started to kiss your neck.
you bit your lower lip and felt yourself getting more wet by every little touch from him on your skin. he lifted you up and threw you onto the bed. quickly undressing his last pieces of clothing, you joined him and got ride of your undies.
hovering over your he spreaded your legs and needy you kissed him again. "i want to feel you castiel. i've missed you so much. "you whispered against his lips.
"i have missed you too. please tell me if i am hurting you" he looked at you serious and placed himself at your entrance. you nodded your head quickly and simply wanted to feel him. pushing your hips gently further up he entered you inch by inch, until he moved his hips against yours and his whole length filled you up.
your mouth fell open, you held onto him tightly, looking up into his eyes. "j-just like that.." you added and bit your lower lip. he started to move slowly. you felt your center adjust to his size and every thrust brought you closer. one of his hands rested on the side of your head and the other on on your tight.
his lips found their way onto yours and needy the two of you moaned against eachothers lips. he pushed your tight a bit further aside and managed to get even deeper. not being able to handle that you moaned out loudly and clawed your nails into his back.
"you feel so good y/n i can't stop!" he moaned out and his thrusts got deeper and harder.
your abdomen startet to tingle heavily and your breath started to shake. "i-i think i'm gonna cum cas." you warned him and looked up into his eyes.
"will you do that for me?" he kissed your forehead and took one leg of yours over his shoulder. every thrust he made, hit the exact right spot. his breathing got heavier and his touches rougher. you could feel him fully using you to his desire.
and with that it was over for you. you rolled your eyes back and couldn't help it. your walls clenched around his length and you froze in shock. your high rolled over you like a train and he made you feel thing's you haven't felt before. his sweaty body pressed against yours, he released himself into you. feeling his cock twitching inside you.
"there are no words in the world to express how much i'd do for you."he whispered out of breath against your lips and looked deeply into your eyes. he placed a loving kiss on your lips and you kissed him softly back. your heart beating like crazy and feelings being all over the place, your phone brought you back to reality.
"oh fuck the boys cas!" you looked at him in panic and he quickly got up from you. the two of you quickly searched for your clothes and put them back on. still out of breath you answered your phone"
"hi sam!"
"hi, uhm did you run or something?"
"run?! haha! you clown really funny. of course not. what's up?!" you laughed nervously and looked over to cas who sat silently on the bed, giving you a akward smile.
"well okey then. i just wanted to say that dean and i found a trace regarding our case and dean will be there any minute to get you."
not being able to answer, the door swung open and dean stood there. his face losing every bit of expression when he saw the two of you.
"what the hell?!" he looked from you to cas and back to you.
"y/n are you okey?" sam asked confused through the phone.
"u-u-uhm i can explain that!" you stuttered out. "it is-"
"it is not what it looks like?!" dean mimicking you he hit the door close and got closer. "well this better be a fucking good explanation y/n or this will be the last motelroom you see"
not being able to say anything you hear a peep on the other side of the phone and sam hung up. probably on his way here as well. meanwhile cas got up and protectively stood in front of you.
"dean calm down." cas told him.
"what the fuck is going on?! the two of you better be explaining this or i will literally freak out!" dean said glass clear and castiel started to explain the whole afternoon in detail. he added all side facts and pin points so dean would understand what went down. throughout the talk sam joined the two uninformed, got enlightened too.
"and then i came here to talk everything out with y/n, because she herself didn't knew what was going on. after that we-"
you cut castiel off and looked up to sam and dean. "sam called and well the rest you know!"
"i think you forgot a point y/n" castiel added and looked at you. you gave him the look and shook your head.
"hold on you.." sam started of and looked at dean, not being able to hide his shocked face.
"remember the pizza man?" castiel asked sam and dean.
you rubbed temples and inhaled deeply. "you guys can we just.." you started of and looked at sam and dean completely ashamed.
"yes please." dean pleaded and nodded quickly.
"anyone a shot?!" sam asked and literally everyone raised their hand. the three of you looked at cas in confusion and he simply shrugged his shoulders gave you a smile.
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seducetheimagines · 7 months
I'm Gonna Take Care of You
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Pairing: Sam Anderson/Reader
Warnings: none
Additional Tags: stress things, Sam being a tsundere, the usual
          You seem to be struggling with stress. It appears that the pressure is getting to you, and you are unsure how to manage it, so you continue to push through. You have been faking it until you make it, and you don't see why you should worry about stressing out since the incubi are always there to help you out. However, this type of stress is something that they cannot assist you with. It is up to you to handle it personally, and it seems like you are beginning to feel burnt out.   
          You worked at a local café in town, and you could not say that you hated it. It was an okay job and it paid well. The only issue was your coworkers. They were complete jerks to you, and you were tired of it. They would shove you around, call you names, corner you after work to harass you, and the list goes on. Putting on a fake smile every day as you continue to break down. Soon enough, one of the brothers noticed.
          Another stress-filled day with an overpopulated café and rude coworkers. At any moment, you felt like you were going to go crazy. The stress was unbearable, but you figured that you had it all covered. At least, that is what you thought until Sam spoke up.
          Rain poured around you as you walked down the sidewalk. It had been a long day, and you were exhausted. Occasionally, thunder roared, and lightning flashed in the sky. Your earbuds played music in your ears as you walked, your head hung low. You just wanted to be alone at this point.
          Finally, you walked into the house with a heavy sigh and closed the door. You kicked off your shoes and hung your jacket up, heading upstairs to get a shower. Once in the shower, you sat down on the floor and pulled your legs up to your chest. You did not even worry about washing up because you weren’t feeling it.
          You weren’t sure how long you were in the shower, but when you got dressed and walked out of the bathroom, you spotted Sam leaning against the doorway in the hall. You gave him a faint smile before heading in the direction of your bedroom, but he stopped you. Confused, you tilted your head.
          “What’s the matter, Sammy?” You asked him. He only allowed you to call him that.
          He had this look on his face that you couldn’t read. Normally, you’d be able to figure out what he was feeling – but now was different. Confused by the stare down, you began to get a little nervous. As you were about to speak up again, he finally said something.
          “What were you thinking?” He asked bluntly. “Do you really think you could push away your stress in hopes that we didn’t notice?”
          Shocked, you opened your mouth to speak but he had other plans. He grabbed your shoulders and looked at you with a worried look – something you don’t see very often.
          “(Y/n), we worry about you. I…I worry about you. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you. So,” Sam trailed off as his hands slid down your arms and grabbed your own. “I’m gonna take care of you. Whenever you come home, I’m gonna take care of you. Please don’t push me away, okay? I got you.”
          Hearing that made your eyes burn with tears. You didn’t even know how to process it. Soon, hot tears streamed down your face as you stared up at him.
          “Please hold me,” you whispered softly as you took his hand and led him to your room.
          The next three hours consisted of his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close to his chest. You had fallen asleep, but he didn’t move. He knew he made you feel safe. So, he stayed with you no matter what.
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borom1r · 1 month
WEIRD fuckin ask but we talked about it once and it would not exit the brain. Flavours of neurodivergence within the fellowship: discuss?
OGH. no, good ask. good ask I love it. AUTISM FLAVORED bc that is my own experience :3
Aragorn— autism of the “I Am 100% A Changeling, I Have No Idea How To Relate To Humanity” variety. like yea being partly raised by elves didn’t help but he absolutely wandered around mimicking people to learn how to Behave Like A Person. autism trait absorption for the win!! comes to Minas Tirith and gets a painful crash course in masking, but never quite figured out how to Not stare at someone like a feral cat when he wants something from them (despite the Stare, HATES eye contact)
Boromir— OPPOSITE AUTISM. very direct. EXTREMELY rigid routines. military history special interest (literally just undiagnosed dad autism). probably has food sensitivities but he’s spent so long as a soldier he can just eat anything now. he hates it and he won’t eat a big portion of non-safe foods, but at least he can swallow them. he IS absolutely 100% undiagnosed and doesn’t think there’s anything wrong but if he doesn’t get to perfectly make his bed every morning he will be in a Noticeably Bad Mood for the rest of the day < does not understand that this isn’t normal
Gandalf— oh there’s definitely something going on there, but good luck with figuring THAT out
Legolas— AuDHD king. the autism/ADHD comorbidity is real and he barely bothers to mask. least of all in front of men?? he’s an elf prince and you expect him to act “normal” by human standards? I love how jacked up the Hobbit film timeline is bc Thranduil implying to Legolas “yeah go hang out in Rivendell with a ten year old” is SO funny. canon to me tho. there was a very significant chunk of time where Aragorn was just Mini Legolas. hell world for civilized Rivendell elves. unlike Aragorn, however, prefers very direct eye contact. WILL fully hit you with the 👁️👁️ almost unblinking for a whole conversation
Gimli— I’m gonna be real here. I think neurotypical but in the sense of like. literally nobody cares. dwarves are craftsmen, artisans, smiths, you think they’re going to risk squandering talent simply because somebody needs some accommodations? are you nuts???? like yea maybe somebody’s a Little Weird Sometimes but they can work the forge just fine or tool leather for straps/handle wraps, or draft designs, or stamp metal for decorations, like?? doesn’t particularly grasp the need for labels when you can just work with ppl to figure out what’s best for them + then everyone’s happy. fully has to stew on the fact that Men Don’t Do That, men are actually very rigid about what is socially acceptable and won’t provide accommodations Unless there is a label. wild.
Frodo— autism/depression hell combination. no meltdowns, only shutdowns. auditory processing disorder!! definitely also has poor temperature regulation (CONSTANTLY cold). hey did u know that’s a symptom of ASD? crazy. WILD. anyways. Sam knows he can barely handle the feeling of mittens/gloves so half the time when they’re hanging out is Sam just holding Frodo’s hands so they actually fucking warm up for a bit. not too rigid about Big routines, most of his are Little (always putting a specific amount of sugar in his tea, for example)
Sam— neurotypical but in the sense of my dad where he was just SO used to me being Autistically Strange that he was just like. “well, that’s Strider!” < blissfully unaware. fully just SO used to whatever’s going on w/ Frodo+Merry that it’s Normal to him. like wdym they’re different?? those are just his friends?? hello??
Merry— ADHDDDDDDDDD. and look ik Tolkien said pipeweed is just tobacco but that’s a lie and we all know it, right? right. self-medicating with pipeweed.
Pippin— neurotypical but Pippin-flavored
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Casual - Another Mike Duarte Drabble
It will be the last. I promise. These are all loose ideas and writing exercises because I'm running like an old car - slow but still driveable even if it feels like it's going to explode.
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This is dangerous because I started to care.
You'd say it was a convenience of the job, a bonus for choosing street work over desk sergeant. 
It had been a hard chase, one of those moments when you were more instinctive than practical, and when you least expected it, you were on the curb with a guy, him just pushed up against a parked car so he could be restrained, after punching you in the face. Usual. 
You didn't even notice that there was blood dripping from your forehead or something when you arrived at the station - you wiped it with your hand to stop the bleeding. When your captain said you'd better go to the hospital, you wanted to finish booking the guy and any further questioning was for the next day.
At least the act of attacking a police officer warranted pre-trial detention.
The doctor was adamant about the recovery, but he gave you the painkillers knowing you wouldn't take them. Professional experience with your 'type'. It wasn't until you got home, showered and sat on the sofa with a beer in your hand, that you came to the inevitable conclusion that maybe your 'type' must have been out of date for quite some time.
Someone knocked. Insistent. 
Your first reaction was to grab the gun sitting on your coffee table. In the background, a random movie that you barely paid attention to was playing, and your eyes stayed fixed on the door, waiting for the next knock.
It came.
“Who’s it?” You asked. 
In all the months you've started dating casually, this was the first time he'd come to your apartment. There were always motels, his apartment, under the justification of being more practical, which was true. 
It was past eleven, he certainly had other occupations besides showing up, without warning, at her house. And without calling over the intercom.
Maybe that instant chock, the fact that you waited long enough to answer, made him grow impatient. 
“... I'm going in anyway.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you will.” 
And he did. 
Duarte didn’t look around in search of anything inside your apartment, nor did one of that arrivings from a lot of politeness. You certainly had stopped caring so much about this type of behavior a while ago.
“Any chances of telling me what happened?” He stopped in the middle of your living room, hands on his hips. 
“You wouldn't come here if you didn't know that,” You adjusted yourself in the couch with discomfort, ready to sip more of your beer. “How did you get into the building?”
“Is this relevant?”
“I like to think it's not that easy to get into my apartment.”
He wet his lips, rubbed his chin and shrugged, like a mischievous boy caught in the act.
“I showed the badge to your neighbor, Mrs. Hastings. Said it was a professional matter.”
“You’re unbeliviable.”
“You wouldn't let me come any other way.”
Well, that... makes sense. Fuck. 
There was a small smile playing on his face with your silent admission, and shortly afterwards Duarte went into your kitchen and fetched himself a beer, making himself welcome at your side.
“Beer seems to solve most of our problems,” He muttered. 
“The doctor told me to stop.”
“Eh,” You shrugged. 
There were a few questions you wanted to ask there, in the pitch black of your living room, but you made sure you did your best. You wanted to ask about the Benson case, about the whole BX9 situation, because he was definitely wasting precious time while he was there with you. 
Also, who were you kidding? Your ego was particularly bruised for making such a reckless decision as if you were an amateur professional. It wasn't the way you should have handled things and it made you feel bad.
“I lost Muncy,” Because you certainly didn't want to talk about your situation, so Mike brought up his. 
You pondered the information silently, staring at the TV and movie knowing he was doing the same.
“The Manhattan SUV is good.”
“I know.”
“And she’s a good detective.”
“It sounds very rehearsed,” He pointed out and that made you look at him. “When we worked together, you didn’t talk much.”
“... I’m not a fan, is all.” 
“Are you not a feminist?” It was obvious that Duarte was teasing you, but you still rolled your eyes.
“Is that why you came? To ask my opinions about Muncy?”
“You don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Of course not,” You got back to the TV, a touch offended. “Just because I agree with feminism, doesn’t mean I need to like all the women in the world. You can dislike a cop but admit they’re good at what they do.”
“As it happened to me.”
Which was also true. You didn't want to assume how those concepts got lost along the way, how his bullshit got more tolerable, or how the two of you became more in tune. And he knew it. He always knew everything. 
“I'm not a walk in the park either,” You said after a time, not daring to see his reaction. 
He didn’t say anything for a good amount of time. Just when the silence was full settled, though, he decided to open his mouth. 
“Don’t do that again.”
You closed your eyes for a few seconds, shaking your head and then pursing your lips to prevent something stupid coming out. Him, on the other hand, seemed more determined, squirming in the couch to turn fully at you. 
“... I needed to catch the guy an-”
“I wasn’t talking about it,” He interrupted. This time, you two stared at each other and perhaps that was the closest you've come to seeing him with no intentions of pissing you off. “You should be careful about it too, but that’s not what I meant.”
“So what do you mean?”
“I heard from a former Captain I had that the more experienced we get in the profession, the more we become those people who react to robberies. As if we suddenly switch sides and relive every day on the other side of the spectrum of what we once were.” 
He touched your shoulder.
“Everyone makes mistakes. We’re not the fucking Robocop or whatever.” 
“No but. I wouldn’t lie, especially because you would know if I did.”
That made you smirk, just as he did right after. When silence hung in the air again, he narrowed his eyes and came to a considerable conclusion, one that made him raise his eyebrows in defeated acceptance.
“It's not just casual, is it?”
Because a casual thing didn't go that far. Because he wouldn't say that to you or be there if it weren't for a feeling of care that went beyond the limits of that casuality.
And with that, you leaned over to the coffee table, put your gun away and picked up the TV remote, handing it to him before making yourself more comfortable on the couch.
“We can watch your Indiana Jones.”
“Who said I like Indiana Jones?”
“I stalked your mother on Facebook.”
He laughed. As the opening credits of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom started to roll, you hoped that was enough for him to know that it was your way of saying that, in fact, it wasn't a casual thing.
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philcoulsonismyhero · 4 months
🌈 👁️💝 🌨️ 💙 for sam!
🌈 - Do you associate any colours with them?
Sam has a couple of colours. The main jokey one is orange, because he's very ginger, and when I was playing him in the campaign the other party members did refer to him as 'the orange man' a few times, which was amusing. But outfit-wise it's white and light blue, since he's first and foremost a doctor and those are the usual colours of irl doctors' coats and scrubs. In-universe, those are the equivalent of red and white as The Medic Colours, and Sam pretty much always wears them because he wants people to know at a glance that he can help. And then the last colour is the colour of his magic, which is typically a warm, sunshine sort of yellow.
👁️ - How do other people perceive this oc? How close do their first assumptions come to the truth?
I don't think people take Sam very seriously to begin with, or at least don't expect much from him. He's gangly and a bit uncoordinated, he's got floppy hair and awkward-looking ears, and yes he's usually wearing medic colours but that just makes him come off as a friendly local doctor type. He looks like the sort of guy who's good with kids and putting people at their ease and knows his way around a bandage, but there's very little about him that makes people think he's in any way tough or emotionally equipped to handle serious danger.
And the thing is, Sam is generally a friendly, cheerful, non-threatening kind of guy, people aren't wrong about that. But you put him under stress, especially when other people's lives are at stake, and suddenly it turns out he's got nerves of absolute steel and is used to being The Guy In Charge in medical contexts. The man was a battlefield surgeon for years and he can switch that back on when he has to, and it tends to really surprise people because he's the dad jokes, sweets in his pockets, tripping over his own feet guy most of the time. So people generally get pretty close to the mark with their impressions of Everyday Sam, but it's rare that someone picks up on his more pragmatic side straight away.
💝 - How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favourite article of clothing?
Sam isn't hugely concerned with how he looks, except in specific contexts where it matters to get people to take him seriously. His clothes are usually old and travelworn but well-maintained (he's very good with a needle and thread) and as clean as he can manage in his circumstances. Most of his money goes into medical supplies, and he doesn't like wasting it on things that don't have a purpose. So he'd buy good quality boots, for instance, because that's practical, but cheerfully make do with the same patched-up trousers he's been wearing for years. Also, the reason he keeps his hair the length it is is that it's easy to maintain and he can just chop an inch or two off every once in a while. Same with the stubble - he stayed clean shaven when he was an army doctor out of a need to look presentable, but once he's an adventurer he finds it a waste of time to shave more than once or twice a week and when he's been particularly busy he can end up in short beard territory without really noticing.
I don't know if he's got a specific favourite article of clothing, he tends not to be very precious about his clothes because of all the various substances that a doctor can end up getting on himself. But he did develop an appreciation for the practicality of spats while he was with the military, so you can usually find him wearing those so he doesn't have to deal with getting mud or blood out of his bootlaces.
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
That's a very good question, because I don't know if he knows. When he was a kid, he was a huge reader, but that was mostly non-fiction and mostly in pursuit of learning as much as possible because he decided very young that he wanted to be a doctor. (He kind of attached himself to the doctor who used to help out at the orphanage he grew up in, and the man was too busy to adopt a child but he did take up a very deliberate mentor role in his life.) Spending years in the high stress environment of a military field hospital turned him into someone who Has to be Doing Something, and he's got a very bad habit of going and finding more responsibilities when he's at a loose end. But I think if you sat him down and told him that under no circumstances was he allowed to try and be useful to someone else today, he'd probably take himself out for a walk in the nearest middle of nowhere that he could find and spend the whole day looking at interesting rocks and clouds and trees. He'd also happily go for a walk through a town or a city and look at interesting things, but that's an environment in which he'd have to actively stop himself from trying to help people out and that would be stressful, so leaves and moss and butterflies it is. He's incurably curious about the world around him, and he's never happier than when he gets to Look At Stuff and Learn Things. Actually, on that note, he would fucking Love museums of any kind, he could spend a whole day in a single natural history museum, no problem whatsoever.
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
When he's doing the adventuring thing, Sam obviously doesn't have a bedroom. But he has had a bedroom at a couple of points in his life, and he generally lives in a state of organised chaos. No one else could tell you where to find anything in all that mess, but Sam knows Exactly where everything is. That was the same whether it was the area around his bed in the orphanage, or the room he eventually moved out to over his mentor's doctor's practice (which eventually became his practice as well once he was fully trained). He's never had a lot of personal belongings, though, so most of the clutter was always books. When his 'bedroom' was half a tent in a hospital camp, he still managed to get books and probably also socks all over it, but I don't think he ever went out of his way to personalise his space. It's not that he thought it was a temporary situation, he didn't want to be there but was still determined to stick it out until the end of the war when he was no longer needed, it's more that he never really spend a lot of time there. It was just a place to sleep, and he had more important things to think about. Sam's not very good at thinking about himself, tbh. He probably would have benefited from making his space a bit more pleasant in any way he could, but that would have taken time and mental bandwidth away from thinking about his patients. He probably encouraged the other doctors to personalise their tents, the big well-meaning hypocrite, but he never got around to it himself.
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Chapter 22 - His Room
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Warning: anixety, fluff
That's what it was like not having Loki around or at the distance. It was tough the first day without Loki Alice was in a state of hysterical panic. She had confined herself to her room, crying off and on all day a few moments of clarity in between everything. Eventually, she cried herself to sleep. The next day when she woke up she was still anxious and a bit light head but more settled, all be it sad, she was functional enough to move properly at least.
With Loki gone, Alice was free to walk around the tower but no one she was comfortable with was around. Bruce was here earlier but after Sam got injured and they got more intal they quickly came back and switched him out for Bruce.
Alice was left with Sam and Bucky, and they clearly didn't like each other.
She tried to go to the common room a few times but found them arguing or in hostile silence, she had no clue what they were arguing about and didn't want to stay to find out. And quietly as she came she left unnoticed, as always.
She calmed down enough to actually breathe once she was in the elevator. Closing her eyes, she leaned up against the elevator's cool metal walls it felt nice against her skin, something she really needed.
So consumed with trying to calm herself down, Alice didn't notice when the elevator stopped. But once she did, her anxiety returned. She tried to press a button for another floor, but the doors didn't close, she tried again, but the same thing happened. Sticking her head out of the elevator, "Hello?" it appeared to be an apartment floor, and no one was home. Stepping into the apartment, she found a sword on the floor. Picking it up off the floor, she set it against the wall.
Looking around, the layout of the apartment was just like hers but the color furniture and items lying around weren't. The Color scheme was black and gold. The furniture had somewhat home but a royal feel to her. The kitchen table had a black top and gold legs, and the chairs were the same. The couch was black, and the coffee and side tables were gold. The curtains were black with gold edges.
The apartment was like two different worlds colliding, one of a warrior with weapons, swords, shields, and spears littered around. The other of a scholar with books and artifacts carefully placed on the shelves. Very different worlds, but they seem to co-exist very well. To be honest, Alice guessed whose floor this was by the swords, but curiosity got the best of her and would no doubt leave her in trouble. At least she was no longer anxious.
Snooping around Alice found a photo of the brothers they were standing in this very room. Thor was giving his million dollars smile his left arm thrown lazily over Loki's shoulder. Loki was giving a small but genuine smile with his arms crossed they were both in casual clothes this was probably when they first moved in. Putting the photo back she decided to do some more snooping.
Coming to a hall, Alice found two doors with plate names. One with thick stone letters
Another a bit further down in thin golden cursive letters.
She hesitated for a moment standing in front of Loki's door handle. She wanted to see how he lived, how he slept, what entertained him, and what his room was like. All their time together was in her room as it was the only ever in her room and a few times they'd go to the beach too due to it being the only place without security. His room was uncharted territory and she kind of feared the consequences of going in without permission.
Her father had drilled the word 'no' and 'don't' and the idea of consequences into her at a very young age. For someone with a rich father who was barely around, "no" and "sorry" were the most common words she heard from him. With the idea of consequences drilled into her head, permission was always a must.
Alice never did anything that would invade anyone's privacy, and she wasn't going to start now. This adventure of hers had gone too far already. The anxiety was crawling back into her skin she stepped back from the door. Maybe she could ask when he came back.
As she turned to walk away Alice heard a click looking back she found Loki's door open.
It's okay. Go ahead. A voice said
For a moment, Alice thought she heard voices in her head, but then she recognized the echo, something similar to Jarvise, meaning an IA. But it was not Jarvis this was a female voice. Maybe her father made a companion for him. Her tone was far more gentle and calming than Jarvis usually was. How could she say no to such a Voice.
Alice took a deep shaky breath before slowly peaking her head into his room. His room was very different from what she expected.
The carpet was white, so white she scared with each step she left a stain. His bed sheets were emerald green with black and gold pillows. In the corner of the room was a black desk with its stylish and royal stationary for creativity. A little ways away was a bookshelf stacked high with what she recognized to be a few of his favorite books and more. This room was very...Loki.
Alice rubbed her arms, her thin sweater did her no good in the coldness of Loki's room. A gold Blanket was folded on the corner of his bed she took it upon herself to use it for warmth. Wrapping it around her shoulder, she sighed as it smelt like him.
Spotting a door to the side, it was left ajar, showing it to be his closet. Stepping inside, she found one side of his closet was covered in normal clothes and the other side earthly clothes but suits and other expensive earthly clothes. The man has got expensive taste. Alice left the closet, getting to his bookshelves slowly, she ran her fingers over each and every book she could tell which one he read the most by the dust each book did or didn't collect. Shakespeare and 50 Shades of Gray seem to be getting the most attention.
Alice bent over, looking at the third to last shelf, when she felt someone behind her, she stood up straight, feeling hands on her hips " What are you doing in my room, love?" Alice let out a sigh of relief hearing his voice, she let him continue to let his hands slide under her shirt and wraps around her waist.
"I've missed you so much. " Alice spun around in his arms "You were gone for too long"
"Only a few days," he chuckled.
"A few days too long," she whispered against his lips. He gave her a peck and then asked again.
"What are you doing in my room?"
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she removed the blanket from her shoulders quickly "I just -"
"It's okay, love. No harm was done. I just want to know how you got here"
"The elevator stopped on the wrong floor, and I got curious. Sorry for poking through your things and invading your space," Loki laughed.
"I've been invading your space for the longest. I've been wanting to bring you here for quite some time. But with your father and the fact Thor doesn't knock..." he trailed off Loki leaned down letting her wrap her arms around his neck and let their foreheads touch
"I love your room, it is very much you. " Alice said then her thought process caught up with the moment and she realized " You're back. The others are back... My dad's back!"
Immediately Alice pushed Loki away and ran out the room. If her father was back then the first person as always would be her and the first place he'd look for her would be in her room. Alice fixed herself in the elevator making herself more presentable and not like she had run all this way, the run wasn't that far but she seemed to have winded herself.
" You're back. Are you okay?" she immediately ran into her father's arms.
"He, sweetheart, where have you been why weren't you here?"
"The Library," she spoke her lie quickly, well, it wasn't a lie she was in the library Loki's personal library, and this kind of helped her brush off the guilt.
Tony stared at her for a moment, Alice thought he saw through her lie. " Okay. Everyone is sort of okay. Clint got hurt, but he's getting fixed up as we speak. We got what we were looking for everything is okay... Where did you get the blanket?"
She looked to see Loki's blanket still in her hand.
"... The Library. Are you staying?" she quickly changed the topic and began to pull him along to the couch "We can watch The Beauty and The Beast again, the Live-action" Alice smiled he wouldn't budge.
"No, I'm sorry honey. I still got work to do" Tony gave his daughter a kiss on the forehead and a squeeze of the shoulder. And then left to experiment with Loki's scepter.
Alice didn't say anything as she watched him retreat she expected this he never stay for more than hello and goodbye these days. She didn't even bother to remind him Pepper was gone until next week.
She sighed, walking over and plopping herself on the couch she smiled as she felt a hand on her shoulder " I'll watch it with you," Loki said, kissing her cheek she giggled.
"Prepare to sing along"
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tenebraevesper · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Nothing Remains, Night 3: After Show
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''You keep us displayed for entertainment like it's a game, you cover up the bloodstains. Well, buckle up, 'cause it's time for a change. Built for destruction, do what we must, all thanks to you, forever unloved. How long till you finally run out of luck? Till we've had enough, till we've had enough of the roles you make us play. Welcome to the aftershow! The time slow where we have control. Exclusive look behind the scenes of how it feels to rot inside the mask. Welcome to the aftershow, sit back, relax, we're in control!''
– After Show by TryHardNinja ft. Chi-Chi (Five Nights at Freddy's)
''So, you want to tell me that you were planning on spending the night at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, again,'' Emma said, her eyes narrowing as she stared at Sam and Springtrap.
''Yeah,'' Sam said, both her and Springtrap feeling a little tense. After all, it had only been a few days since the two told Emma what happened at the Machinations Factory and both still feared that she would argue with them over their decision.
''Why do you even want to go there?'' Emma asked, taking a bite of the pizza Sam had brought home. ''Don't tell me that those animatronics are haunted.''
''I can assure you, they aren't,'' Springtrap replied. ''Nevertheless, we wanted to check on them. This is Fazbear Entertainment we're talking about, after all.''
''I see,'' Emma muttered, narrowing her eyes as she glared at Springtrap. ''Is there anything else I should know, Afton?''
Springtrap looked at Emma, noticing her icy gaze. Her eyes were the same shade of brown as Sam's, with Springtrap feeling as if she was staring right at his corrupted and broken soul. While he did feel anxious, if not even intimidated, he locked eyes with her. He wanted to show her that he wouldn't waver under her questioning gaze, even though he wanted to avert his eyes. He knew that, for all Emma knew, he was just giving her empty promises, but he had shown that he was trustworthy when it came to Sam's safety. While there were times where he couldn't do anything, he always had managed to return her home unharmed. Isn't that enough?
''As we already told you, we're going to stay at Freddy's to examine the animatronics,'' he said in a steady tone.
He knew that Emma was suspicious about his intentions, aware that there was probably more to it. However, technically, he was telling the truth. He wanted to examine the animatronics in detail and then teach Sam the basics of the endoskeleton structure by using those animatronics as an example. Nevertheless, he did feel that the part about him teaching Sam robotics should be kept as a secret, at least for now. He knew that he probably should tell Emma what was going on, but he wanted to see how Sam would handle his lessons and, if everything went well, he would reveal to Emma what they were doing.
This doesn't make me really trustworthy, though. Nevertheless, she did say that she would leave it to Sam to decide what she wanted to do concerning any situation I'm involved in, and Sam had made her decision. Still, there are a few other things that we need to discuss…
He had noticed Sam and Emma staring at him, Sam with a look of concern on her expression, while Emma was frowning, obviously suspicious of what he was up to. There was a moment of silence, with Sam's eyes flickering between her mother and Springtrap as she waited for any kind of response. Eventually, Emma leaned back, sighing and crossing her arms.
''Fine, just don't get caught,'' she told the two.
''I think getting caught is the least of our worries,'' Sam muttered, only to keep her mouth shut when Emma glared at her.
''Emma, trust me, I know what I'm doing,'' Springtrap said, drawing her attention. Emma rose an eyebrow as she looked at him, snorting.
''You always know what's you're doing, Afton,'' she said in a mocking tone. ''Yet, you always somehow end up getting yourself in trouble. How can you be so sure that this won't be another decision you would probably regret later on?''
''I don't know,'' Springtrap admitted, feeling a little frustrated, only to lock eyes with Emma. ''However, I am determined to go through with it.''
''So, there really is something you're not telling me,'' Emma said as she frowned. Springtrap felt anxious, but the anxiety was soon replaced with a resolve to carry on with this conversation.
''You're right,'' he said in a quiet, but determined tone. Emma didn't look really impressed by his response, while Sam was worried, fearing that this might not end well. Still, she kept quiet, curious about where this conversation was going.
''So, do you want to confess what you're now up to, Afton?'' Emma asked in an icy tone, with Springtrap feeling cornered. Every desire to keep his plan secret vanished, as he realized that it wouldn't have worked regardless. After all, Emma had figured out who he was on the very day they had met, so was it really possible to keep anything a secret from her?
''The reason why I didn't want to tell you anything was because this isn't the same situation like the one we had with Connor,'' he replied, lowering his head. ''Although, I do admit that this is a bit personal.'' He briefly glanced at Sam, who just nodded in encouragement, and then looked at Emma. ''I thought about teaching Sam robotics.''
Emma rose an eyebrow. ''That's it?''
Springtrap stared at her in stunned silence, clearly having expected a different reaction. Emma smiled mockingly, shaking her head.
''I thought-''
''You thought wrong, Afton,'' she told him. ''The way you were acting, I had actually believed that it would be something serious, but teaching Sam about robotics doesn't sound like much of a big deal.'' She noticed that Springtrap still looked surprised by her response. She smirked. ''I guess that the argument we had a few days ago made you really reluctant about telling me anything, am I right?''
''It's undeniable that you can get quite scary when you're angry,'' Springtrap replied. ''I know that it wouldn't be smart to make you mad at me.''
''You're right,'' Emma said, then frowned. ''Seriously, though, I was furious because you were putting my daughter in danger without telling me anything about the situation. Have you even thought about how I would've felt to hear that Sam had died?''
Springtrap kept silent, knowing that there was no reason for him to continue with this argument. Aside from a vague warning, he left Emma without any clue on what was going on. He understood that it was foolish of him, but he didn't feel as if he had any other choice.
''Emma, I told you that I wouldn't have let anything happen to her-''
''That's not the point, Afton! If you really think you care about Sam than I do, then-''
''Mum, Will…'' Both Emma and Springtrap's attention was drawn by Sam, who looked uncomfortable. She was staring at the table, fidgeting, then looked up at them with a pleading look on her expression. ''I'm fine. You don't have to argue because of me.''
Emma and Springtrap exchanged glances, suddenly realizing that during their argument, they had been almost completely ignoring Sam's opinion about the situation, despite claiming that both of them wanted only the best for her.
''Sam...'' Springtrap muttered, only for Sam to shake her head.
''It's okay,'' she replied, looking at them. Both Emma and Springtrap felt a sting of guilt, with Sam leaving, going upstairs to her room. The two were sitting in silence, then looked at each other, only for Emma to suddenly stand up and go after Sam.
''Emma-'' She turned around, her eyes narrowing as she stared at Springtrap.
''I know you're worried, but could you let me talk to her about this?'' he asked as he stood up, noticing how reluctant Emma was.
''Honestly, that should be my job,'' Emma replied, crossing her arms and lowering her head. ''Not that I can deny the fact that you had managed to help her.''
''Emma, I know that asking for your trust is-'' Springtrap was surprised when Emma suddenly walked past him, her arms still crossed and her expression stern.
''All I want is to see Sam happy and safe, remember?'' she replied, then left him.
Springtrap was stunned by Emma's response, only to smile. He doubted that Emma would ever completely trust him, but he was glad that she was putting faith into him. However, that smile faded as an icy sensation spread through his chest.
Somehow, things are falling apart…
''Anybody here?''
Springtrap was looking around as he walked through Freddy's. He and Sam had decided that he should go check whether Freddy's had a night guard. As an animatronic, he probably wouldn't draw much attention as Sam would. In case there was someone inside, they would leave, despite the fact that both of them wanted to stay there for the night.
However, it seemed that no one was there. Springtrap had gone through the entire place, looking around for any signs of activity, but the restaurant was completely empty, save for the animatronics, and him. He sighed in relief, then went to the back entrance, where Sam was waiting for him.
''No one's here,'' he told her, with Sam nodding in acknowledgement. Technically, even with the lack of security, the restaurant was locked and nobody should've been able to enter it. The only reason why he and Sam had access to it was because they had found the keys a while ago and Sam had made a copy of them.
Speaking of Sam, she had been rather quiet, not mentioning the argument he and Emma had. She didn't seem to be upset, but Springtrap knew better. He knew that he would have to eventually bring it up, as he wanted to make sure that Sam was okay and wasn't concealing her feelings again. After all, they had both agreed to be honest with each other, even though it often proved to be quite difficult as there were things none of them wanted to talk about.
As they walked inside, Sam turned the flashlight on, illuminating the hallway. Considering that the blinds were all down, no one should've been able to see the flashlight, but she was still unsure whether they should turn on the lights in the restaurant. She turned to Springtrap, whose eyes were glowing in a silver and green colour, signifying that he currently didn't feel excited nor aggressive.
''So, now what?'' Sam asked. Springtrap gave her a sheepish look. While usually, he would let Sam decide what to do, this whole thing was his idea, meaning he would have to take the lead.
''We'll first go and check on the animatronics,'' he replied.
Sam nodded and followed him to the main area, walking over to the stage. Freddy, Chica and Bonnie were on the main stage, while Foxy was on his own little stage a bit further away. Puppet was meanwhile in her box, which was closed. The two could hear quiet music playing nearby the box, recognizing the melody as a music box variant of My Grandfather's Clock.
''Do you think that they might be using the animatronics as the night guards?'' Sam said, glancing at Springtrap. ''At least the previous generation had proven that they're more than capable to deal with intruders.''
''True, but the previous generation was also haunted by a bunch of angry children,'' Springtrap replied. ''Besides, if you know how to take them out, they aren't much of a challenge.''
''I guess you're right,'' Sam muttered, stepping closer to the animatronics and pointing her flashlight at them. The animatronics had been turned off for the night, giving her a blank stare. Sam figured that they weren't programmed to roam through the restaurant during the night. She then felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to Springtrap, who had a rather serious look on his expression. ''Spring, what's wrong?''
''I wanted to talk to you about something,'' Springtrap replied, with Sam feeling concerned.
''Sure,'' she muttered, with the two sitting down at a nearby table. ''So, what is it that you want to talk to me about?''
''It's about the argument Emma and I had,'' Springtrap said, noticing Sam frowning. ''We both feel bad about neglecting you.''
''No, it's not that you were neglecting me…'' Sam said, shrugging. ''I just said stuff without even thinking about it.''
''I don't think so,'' Springtrap replied. ''All you wanted is for us to stop arguing, right?''
''Yeah,… I guess I'll have to talk to Mum about that,'' Sam said. ''I mean, even though you didn't tell her about Connor, you did your best to make sure that I was safe. I understand that she's upset, but still, you kept your promise, and that's what matters, doesn't it?''
''I know,'' Springtrap replied in a comforting tone. ''Although, I don't believe that we'll ever stop arguing.''
''That's true,'' Sam said, then gave him a bitter smile. ''Ironically, both of you are only arguing because you really care about me.''
''Right,'' Springtrap nodded. ''Speaking of which, I honestly thought that she'd refuse my idea. I mean, I just feel like an idiot for avoiding telling her that, but how would've I known what her reaction would've been? Besides, I thought about telling her everything later, if things went well.''
''You two really need to learn to trust each other more,'' Sam said.
''I agree, but let's be honest – who would even want to trust me?'' Springtrap asked, with Sam rising an eyebrow. He gave her a bitter smile. ''Aside from you, of course.''
''Well, you did show me that I can trust you,'' Sam replied.
''I did, but only to you,'' Springtrap said, lowering his head. ''Although, I fear that I don't deserve your trust either.''
''Why?'' Sam gave him a questioning look.
''Sam, I know I told you that I told you that I wanted to teach you about robotics,'' Springtrap said, sounding a bit reluctant, only to give her a determined look a moment later, clenching his fist. ''However, I neglected to tell you that this would include teaching you everything I know, including my own discoveries.''
''I already had a feeling that you would tell me that,'' Sam said, with Springtrap looking at her in anticipation. ''I mean, when I asked you whether you wanted me to become your successor, you just gave me an anxious look and told me how wrong it was to say that, so I figured that there's a lot more to it than just fixing robots. I was aware of the implications, but I still wanted you to tell me everything.''
''I really messed up, didn't I?'' Springtrap muttered, groaning as he lowered his head, feeling a surge of anxiety. Calm down for once! It's not the end of the world and, besides, you had much worse things happen to you. He looked back at Sam, who was staring at him with a mix of concern and curiosity on her expression.
''You didn't mess up anything,'' she said, noticing how frustrated Springtrap was. ''The only thing that happened is that you had started to assume things based on your previous experience, causing you to panic.''
''You're right,'' Springtrap said, frowning as his eyes started to glow in a faint purple. ''Now, about my request…''
''You don't really expect me to turn into a murderer, William,'' Sam said bluntly, staring Springtrap dead in the eyes.
''No, of course not!'' Springtrap protested, his eyes flaring up purple as he stared at Sam. Sometimes, he'd forget how straightforward Sam could be when it came to addressing topics both of them were uncomfortable talking about. ''I had told you already that I'm not going down that path again, and I'm certainly not going to let you experience the same. I mean, this is what destroyed Elizabeth and everyone I was close with. This is what drove me into madness…'' He trailed off, his eyes narrowing. ''I don't want you to be like me…''
''Will, I understand that you're afraid, but you don't have to worry about it,'' Sam replied in a comforting tone, with Springtrap realizing that she was rather calm considering what they were talking about. ''I know you wouldn't go so far to force me to do something horrible, but I needed to hear that from you.''
''I'm sorry, I should've been more straightforward about it,'' Springtrap replied.
''It's fine, I'm just glad that you are keeping your word,'' Sam said. ''Besides, it's not like you just came up with this out of nowhere.''
''I didn't, although, when I kept thinking about it, a part of me was questioning whether this was the right thing to do, while the other part wanted me to tell you about this idea,'' Springtrap admitted. ''You can already guess which side I decided to listen to. Although, considering my track of making impulsive decisions, is it really that surprising?''
''The least we can do now is to make sure none of us will regret it,'' Sam told him. Springtrap tilted his head.
''Are you completely sure you want to go through with this?'' he asked.
''Yeah, I am,'' Sam replied, a determined look on her expression. ''I mean, imagine someone like Connor tampering with the animatronics again and you're not here. If anything, at least I would know how to deal with them.'' She smirked. ''Although, I have to admit that this isn't the only reason why I agreed to this. I've been actually interested in seeing how an animatronic would work ever since I've been introduced to Freddy's and I'm really curious and excited about learning more about them. Not to mention, I'll be also learning from the very person who had the most experience with them.''
''I guess that settles it,'' Springtrap said, then smirked. ''I have to admit, I am glad that you agreed to this.''
''You know, Will, you did say that one of your reasons is for me to learn how fix or deactivate an animatronic on my own. You also said that you wanted me to become your successor, but not in the same manner as Elizabeth,'' Sam said, tilting her head. ''However, I still feel that you have another hidden motivation for this.''
Springtrap looked somewhat flustered. However, he knew that the only way to get rid off this sense of anxiety that was creeping up his spine was to be completely honest with Sam, and with himself.
''Is it really that wrong to say that I want to spend as much time with you as possible?'' he said, lowering his head as he leaned against the table. ''I had told you that I see you as my daughter at this point, and since my family is gone, I don't want to make the same mistake with you as I did with my own family. I had decided to use use the chance that was given to me to make you happy and I intend on going through with it, even if my methods do seem to be strange.''
''Well, I'm not complaining,'' Sam replied, with Springtrap glancing at her, noticing that she was smiling, looking quite content and relaxed. ''Besides, working on animatronics is something you're comfortable with, right?''
''It's not only that…'' Springtrap muttered, falling silent for a moment. He remembered that haunting voice he had heard as he lost himself again during the panic-induced hallucination. I cannot let it take over me. This is not me returning back to my old habits, but focusing on making things right.
He heard Sam calling him and glanced at her, giving her a look of calm determination.
''Don't worry,'' he replied, sounding rather confident. ''I had already told you that there is always a way to learn from your mistakes, hadn't I?'' His eyes flared up purple. ''There are still things I need to deal with, but for now, let's just focus on what's currently important.''
''If you say so,'' Sam said. ''However, don't forget that you're not alone in this.''
''I'll keep that in mind,'' Springtrap glanced at the animatronics, who were still giving them the same blank stare. They looked completely innocent, but he just couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong with them.
''It feels weird, doesn't it?'' Sam said, with Springtrap glancing back at her. ''The fact that Freddy's has opened again and that the animatronics are here… I can only imagine how Henry would feel about this, especially with you here.''
''He certainly wouldn't be delighted about this,'' Springtrap replied. ''However, it's not as if much can be done, right?''
''You're wrong about that! You shouldn't be here!''
Sam and Springtrap got on their feet, exchanging annoyed glances. Springtrap then addressed the person that was currently trying to make his life a nightmare.
''I haven't heard from you in a while. I thought you had left,'' he said.
''Well, obviously I didn't!'' the kid replied angrily. ''Someone needs to make sure that you won't do anything bad.''
''If you had payed attention, you would've noticed that I almost had another mental breakdown over the possibility of slipping back into the mindset of a murderer,'' Springtrap replied in a frustrated tone.
''There's also the fact that none of the animatronics are possessed or otherwise tampered with,'' Sam added. ''Unless you want to use them against us.''
''I would use them against him, but I can't,'' the kid said.
''Why not? Are you afraid that you'll get stuck in a suit if you possess one of the animatronics?'' Springtrap asked in a mocking tone, only for the smirk on his expression to vanish when he saw Sam's annoyed glance.
''No!'' the kid yelled at him angrily, then added in a frustrated whisper, ''These animatronics are just weird.''
''What do you mean?'' Sam asked. There was silence, with Sam and Springtrap waiting for an answer. However, they didn't get any. ''Hello?''
''I believe that the kid had left,'' Springtrap said. ''They just appeared here to protest.''
''I guess you're right, but still, why would they suddenly say that the animatronics are weird?'' Sam asked.
''Probably because of the same reason I wanted to come here,'' Springtrap said, glancing at the stage. ''Call it paranoia, but I do feel that something might be wrong with the animatronics.''
''There is a possibility, but it's not like we have any evidence that something is wrong with them,'' Sam said.
''You're right,'' Springtrap said, sighing. He then turned to Sam. ''We should go check on that back room. I believe that there's a spare endoskeleton there that we could work with.''
''Okay,'' Sam said, following him.
They went towards the back room, noticing an endoskeleton lying in the corner. There had also been shelves and a table with tools, animatronic parts and suits placed in the room. Springtrap approached the endoskeleton, crouching down. He tilted his head, observing it.
''What is it?'' Sam asked as she approached him.
''I was just trying to see how the endoskeletons differs from the ones Henry and I made,'' Springtrap replied. ''Not to mention, how it differs from the ones I made by myself. I wish I had one of those for comparison.''
''So, not all endoskeletons are the same?'' Sam asked.
''No,'' Springtrap replied. ''They may have a similar design, but it depends what kind of animatronic you want to make, as well as what kind of features you're going to give them.''
''You mean, like with the Funtimes?'' Sam asked. Springtrap nodded.
''The most basic thing you should know about an endoskeleton is…''
''That it should move like a real human skeleton, I know,'' Sam replied. ''You said that when we examined the endoskeletons at Machinations Factory. Connor had made them unable to move, as well as keeping them in a poor condition.''
''I see that you had payed attention,'' Springtrap said, smirking. ''Anyways, it's true that the endoskeletons technically shouldn't do anything a human skeleton can't, but that's not always the case.''
''Yeah, because humans don't have giant claws inside their stomach,'' Sam said in a snarky tone. Springtrap sighed, lowering his head.
I don't even need that kid to take a jab at me, Sam's already good enough at that.
''Anyways, I wanted to add that Fazbear Enterainment had reused the endoskeletons at some points, or at least, several animatronic parts,'' Springtrap explained.
''That were the Withereds,'' Sam said.
''Yeah, they attempted to repair them, even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology, but they gave up on it and decided to create the Toys,'' Springtrap added. ''Not that that lasted.''
''Well, hopefully these animatronics will last longer,'' Sam said.
''That would depend on several things,'' Springtrap replied. ''One of them being how well the animatronics are maintained, which also depends on how Fazbear Entertainment is going to manage the restaurant.''
''I guess we'll have to wait to see how that will turn out,'' Sam said, crouching next to him. She looked at the endoskeleton. ''Speaking of decisions, how would an endoskeleton of a springlock animatronic work? I mean, I know that there are spring locks that keep the endoskeleton from unleashing and slicing the performer, but still, how do you even make such thing?'' She narrowed her eyes. ''Or rather, why would you even make such thing?''
''I believe that I had already told you that creating the hybrid suits was Henry's idea, while I just helped along,'' Springtrap replied. ''As for the endoskeletons, there are several individual spring-powered locking mechanisms inside it and if you want to change the springlock suit from its animatronic form into its suit form, you would have to insert a hand crank into it and turn the spring locks into their suit position, causing the endoskeleton parts to be compressed and locked around the sides of the suit.''
''I know,'' Sam said. ''Not to mention, if you don't want to get impaled and suffer a slow and painful death, you must be careful to not touch or even breathe on the spring locks, as that would set them loose.''
''Exactly, although, if the animatronic itself is well-maintained, that shouldn't happen,'' Springtrap replied. ''Before my death, I had used these springlock suits many times and I had only one accident with them, ending up scarred. If you use them properly, they may be uncomfortable, but are relatively harmless, at least from my experience.'' He glanced at the endoskeleton. ''As for how to create one, if you know how they work, you could make another one.''
''Not only that, but it also depends if you want to make another death trap,'' Sam said. ''Although, it seems that Fazbear Entertainment has discontinued the springlock suits for good, so at least we won't have to worry about that.''
''Unless they decide that they would bring them back for some reason, which I hope they won't,'' Springtrap muttered. ''On the other hand, with the incompetence they had shown, I wouldn't be too surprised if they come up with something stupid.''
''I gues that that remains to be seen,'' Sam said.
Springtrap went silent, staring at the spare endoskeleton. He could still remember how he and Henry had worked on it, on their first animatronic. It took them a bit of trial and error to figure out how to create one that fit what they had imagined, but it was worth it.
''You know, what Henry and I had created was quite an achievement,'' Springtrap said, glancing at Sam. ''Sure, while he was the one who came up with the hybrid suits and an animatronic that would also act as a security system, he wanted to keep things simple. They were only supposed to perform. Meanwhile, I decided to take it to the next level, making them more complex. Even without that claw, Circus Baby was able to perform, dispense ice-cream and inflate balloons.'' He snorted, shaking his head. ''It sounds as if I had tried to outperform Henry when it came to creating new animatronics.''
''Say, Will, you were jealous of Henry, right?'' Sam asked. Springtrap, lowered his head, nodding.
''It wasn't only jealousy, but it was part of the issue,'' he said darkly. ''There's a lot more to it than you think.''
''Considering what you had already told me, I figured that there are a lot of issues you still haven't talked about,'' Sam said. ''Nevertheless, you can talk to me about it.''
''The same goes for you,'' Springtrap told her. He patted her on the head affectionately, with Sam smiling. Suddenly, static flashed in front of his eyes and he sat down, closing his eyes and clutching his head.
Why is this happening?
He opened his eyes, but the static was still covering his vision, with him feeling his anxiety skyrocketing. An icy sensation spread through his chest, as he heard a haunting voice echoing through his head.
Now we can do what we were created to do.
He shook his head, trying to understand what was going on and why he was hearing this voice.
''William, what's wrong?''
The static had finally cleared as he looked at Sam, who looked quite worried.
''I don't know,'' he replied, still shaken by what just happened. ''I just saw static, but I don't know why. I mean, it usually happens when I feel anxious, but…'' He sighed. ''Not only that, but I just heard that voice again, and I don't know whether it's a memory or hallucination, or perhaps something else.''
''Will, you have been put under a lot of stress lately,'' Sam said. ''Nevertheless, you're still holding well.''
''Yeah, but the question is for how much longer,'' Springtrap replied dryly. He sighed, still feeling anxious.
If I get myself consumed by self-doubt, by fear and paranoia, everything I had achieved will be for nothing. I can't let that happen.
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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dontkickmyshin · 2 years
Chain of Command Chapter 3
Though Yeongdeungpo was by no means a great neighbourhood- with its graffitied walls and copious amounts of street violence- Bambi was unable to get used to the crumbling walls and dirty streets that were distinct features of the area surrounding Hyeongshin.
The school itself seemed a little dingy, with shabby furniture and even shabbier students, so unlike Yeo-il’s pristine hallways and spotless floors. She eyed an overflowing trash can at the side of the corridor as she walked through, before turning away and sighing.
Whatever. She wasn’t a judgemental person. (She was).
She was headed to Hyeongshin’s meeting room, the usual meet up spot for when she came to do business with Forrest Lee. Despite the not-so-stellar quality of the school, she was in a good mood, as she always was when she was about to meet up with Forrest Lee, though it was a little dampened by the news she was about to deliver to him. It had something to do with business decreasing, which would’ve been fine if it was Ganghak, or Yoosun, or anybody with a reputation accumulated after a long time.
But for someone who just lost to another school and had their management changed in the short span that they were an executive (a position that they only gained through snitching on their ex leader), it would not have been the best thing to hear.
The boys from Hyeongshin were already losing part of their commissions, who knew what Donald would do if they continued to mess up? She frowned. Donald’s wrath was something she did not want to be on the receiving end of.
By now, she was nearly off the first floor, halfway up the staircase to the second storey where the meeting room was located, right at the end of the hallway. Though it wasn’t her school, she was well acquainted with Hyeongshin’s layout due to the numerous times she’d visited.
Like Yeo-il, there weren’t many students still lingering in the hallways, most having already left the school to go to karaoke or the pool hall, or perhaps even a cram school. (She snorted a little at the thought.) However, whatever little students were left identified her immediately and soon she had a small crowd of students whipping their heads towards her at breakneck speed, giving themselves a millisecond to gawk before directing their gazes to the ground, arms stiff by their sides.
In other parts of Yeongdeungpo, when people realised of her affiliation to the Union, they tended to stare and whisper amongst themselves.
But in Hyeongshin, when the boys saw her, or any other Union member, they all grew very silent and still, parting before her like Moses and the Red Sea. It seemed like Myles Joo had them trained well.
Before he left, of course.
She paid no mind to them, walking through the now cleared path (though there weren’t that many people in the way in the first place) and quickening her pace as she approached the meeting room, reaching for the handle.
Hyeongshin High’s meeting room, though smaller than a regular classroom, was spacious, with a long table on one side and two couches on the other. Though, officially, its purpose was to serve as a room where the student council would gather (and that was what it was used for, at least to the knowledge of the teachers) but the students of the school were all well aware of what it really was; the gathering area for the school head and his friends.
And there the school head was, sitting across the room quietly, frowning and presumably deep in thought.
“Hey,” Bambi tossed her bag onto the couch opposite Forrest Lee, making herself comfortable, before she noticed the unusual silence in the room and the absence of two certain someones. “Where’d they go?”
Forrest seemed to immediately know who she was referring to.
Robin Ha and Sam Lee (or better known as Grape) were Forrest’s second and third in command, though they seemed to be in disagreement about who was who. The two of them followed Forrest everywhere, and it felt strange when they were gone. Grape, who earned his nickname from his curly purple hair, was the shorter and more talkative one of the duo, with a cocky personality and an overt eagerness whenever it was time to get into a fight. Robin Ha, though less talkative than his friend, was by no means less sadistic or willing to punch somebody in the face.
“Hey. Robin went for a smoke, and Grape went to look for him.”
Forrest paused a little before he continued, and the look on his face told Bambi he was only expecting the absolute worst.
“So why’d you come down here today?”
She grimaced a little; it was too bad that she was going to have to validate his fears.
“It involves KHG industries.”
“Hyeongshin’s uniform sales have dipped after your loss to Eunjang. It’s not so bad for Yoosun, since Jimmy Bae’s in charge, but you haven’t been school head for long so…”
She studied his face, and when he stayed silent, she continued.
“Anyways, just get your boys to beat a bunch of guys up, or whatever. The method doesn’t really matter, as long as Donald doesn’t lose his commission.” Bambi pursed her lips; she usually never had trouble relaying instructions, but watching Forrest Lee’s cressfallenness made her feel a little guilty. “It’s better for all of us anyways, for sales to be high.”
Her attempt to lighten the tone didn’t seem to work very well, as Forrest continued to stare down at the table in front of him, his eyes never meeting hers. There was a grim yet pensive look on his face, like he was slowly processing the information.
After a moment, he finally responded.
“Yeah, okay.”
Bambi raised an eyebrow.
She’d been around Forrest long enough to put a name to each of his mannerisms, and the tone of voice he was currently talking with was the one he used when he was down- dejectedness badly disguised as impassiveness.
Usually he was brimming with confidence, making small talk and laughing with her, the large smirk on his face one of someone who knew he had power. But today it was different. She thought back to the events of the last Union assembly, sighing inwardly as she observed his downcast form.
She didn’t have to guess to know why.
“Has Ganghak come over to collect the files yet?” She inquired, neither addressing nor ignoring the elephant in the room, choosing to awkwardly skirt around it instead.
“Robin offered to pass them to Wolf, but I’m not sure if he’s arrived yet. I’ll check later.” Forrest’s grim look seemed to worsen at the thought of Ganghak’s leader.
To be fair, who could really blame Forrest for being disheartened? Bambi certainly didn’t, but she was never really good at situations like this; she was more used to just saying something snarky and leaving.
She directed her gaze back to Forrest Lee, who was now staring at the wall behind her. His eyes were narrowed, like he was contemplating something, and she sighed again, out loud this time.
“Look, man.”
Forrest finally directed his gaze towards her, seemingly apprehensive about what she was going to say.
“I don’t like this new shift in management either. But if you and Jimmy Bae handled the situation with Eunjang better, this wouldn’t’ve happened. Not to mention what happened with Myles…”
Forrest Lee flinched, and for a split second both of them recalled the events that came before Myles Joo’s excommunication.
Bambi had already been suspicious of Myles after his show of displeasure at being demoted after Jake Ji’s arrival; his obvious anger at Jake and Donald Na, and even his hostility towards her and hesitation to follow orders, which had never been a problem before. She had the observers planted around Yeongdeungpo to report to her if Myles Joo was caught acting out, before Forrest Lee came to her all of a sudden with evidence that Myles was betraying the Union.
She narrowed her eyes.
She was pretty new to the Union too at that point of time, so Forrest’s information had definitely helped her in gaining Donald’s trust. Perhaps it was considered cowardly, or disloyal, to go behind your leader’s back to rat him out, but so what? The Union benefited from disloyalty.
If the boys were just going to sit by as their leader plotted a coup, it could end up leading to the downfall of the Union. And she couldn’t let that happen, could she?
“But I guess I can’t complain, since it was beneficial for me, too.” She finished, and Forrest nodded quietly. He seemed relieved that she hadn’t drawn the topic out any longer. Nobody wanted to think about the punishment that Donald had bestowed upon Myles, and the betrayal that had led to it.
“I’m gonna go now. Don’t forget to make sure the files are handed off to Ganghak. See you.”
She caught a glimpse of his face as the door slammed; his expression had shifted into something steely, like the gears in his head were slowly turning.
The sky outside had turned a dark blue while she was in the meeting room. She made her way down the stairs and out of the school gate. Though the school was empty by now, the streets were busy, cars rushing past her in a stream of colour.
She stood there for a moment, idly watching the traffic before a loud roar came from behind, forcing her to jump to the side as a group of motorbikes sped past her.
(God, she fucking hated motorcycles. Every goddamn Union assembly was full of them, leaking exhaust and polluting the air.)
Bambi glared at the bikers, her eyes catching sight of their red blazers and gray slacks. Could it be?  Her eyes narrowed in on the boy at the front of the group, his messy purple hair slowly becoming less visible as he sped away into the distance, turning a bend and disappearing. She grimaced.
Seems like Ganghak did come over to make a pick up after all.
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riverstardis · 1 year
series 33 episode 4:
it's sam's funeral :(
duffy's phone ringing😭
dylan interrupting iain and saying that it's his fault they're all there😬
i still love connie and ethan's weird friendship!!
lmaooo connie says she's put some money behind the bar for after the funeral and ethan's like "that's very generous?" and she goes "well, don't act so surprised" and he looks amused
ruby's working instead of being at the funeral? actually nevermind i suppose she wasn't exactly close to sam was she
aw gem trying to convince iain that dylan was just taking his pain out on him
iain then offers to take gem back to work but she can immediately tell that he just wants to go looking for dylan😭
damn elle looks good
alicia <33333
this guy's reaction to his wife having a miscarriage is to shout "how could you do this to me AGAIN" and run out...... bro what??????
looks like gem wasn't successful in convincing iain not to go to the hospital
ruby <333
lmao this dad telling his son that bullies are just cowards so he should always fight back and david's like "i always ran" and the dad's like "did it get you anywhere?" and david's like "er yeah. a lot further away" sjsjdjsfj
iain confronting dylan and pushes him (both verbally and physically) until he has a go at him "you're an animal. sam deserved so much better than you, and you shouldn't have even been-" and iain punches him and his head hits the bench😭😭 i swear every single time anyone punches someone in this damn show there's always some object that just happens to be placed strategically in the path of their head😭
oooooh yeahhh scibbles time!!!! their banter >>>>>
ethan goes "well, i actually thought that was pretty good teamwork" and alicia goes "ohh you're on my team now are you?" "your team?" "stick with me ethan, you will learn a lot" ethan laughs and goes "right" sjsjdfjf i love themmmm
ethan says "i was wondering, actually, if... are you gonna go to sam's drink later?" and alicia goes "why, do you want a plus one or?" she's still speaking in like a flirty/bantery way but he's like "it wasn't meant to be like that" "i'm only joking" "sorry, i shouldn't have said anything" and she kisses him and then takes his hand and says "thank you" THEM <3333333 ethan looks pleasantly surprised sjsdjsjf
omg the background nurses are at the pub too! i've never noticed them go to the pub before
iain's tribunal went well
so why was sam's funeral only such a tiny part of the episode? we didn't even get to see the paramedics holding their radios up like at jeff's💔 hey at least she actually got an onscreen funeral though, unlike lev, fenisha, and robyn (and noel but i understand there wasn't really anything they could do about that cause of covid)! this was the start of the problems with handling character deaths on the show that i keep going on about! everyone was so mad about this at the time and it has only got worse since, we've just stopped being so surprised about it! i remember someone saying that at least lev and fenisha not getting funerals meant that they couldn't fuck it up like they did with sam and duffy😭
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