#sam x Janet
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twtd11 · 2 years
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
Sam and Janet raising moody, teenage, Cassandra, together in 'Rite of Passage' is such a good gay time.
These women co-parenting this child and Sam being like 'Don't call her Dr Fraiser' and Cass looking at Sam with the most perfect eye roll of 'Whatever, Mom' is so delicious.
Love the science wives and their space daughter.
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And that's what we appreciates about her.
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silerismyblorbo · 9 months
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Moments together away from the party
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jukeboxjunebug · 1 year
New story! This one is for Sam/Janet of Stargate SG-1, a recent fixation for me. Whump and injury descriptions ahead.
Chapter 1/5
A mission gone wrong, an injured Sam, and a heavily guarded stargate keeping them from home. What else could go wrong?
She didn’t feel the pain, not at first. Before the stinging and the searing, before the agony, she only felt the adrenaline coursing through her body and desperation to reach the gate. She hadn’t even stopped running. She’d felt something thump against the back and side of her rib cage, but ignored the insignificant sensation in the interest of continuing their frantic sprint to find shelter and return fire as she and the rest of her team retreated.
Off in the distance, the sound of their teammates’ gunfire grew louder once again, signaling their approach to the clearing as well. With any luck, they’d all make it home only a little worse for wear.
If the damn chevrons would hurry up. They'd never taken so long for all seven to lock into place, as though the rotating inner circle had slowed to a crawl. Meanwhile, the spinning in her head grew faster and faster as she slumped all the more heavily against Janet's support. The muscles of her neck were losing the battle in holding her head up, fighting the dangerous loll that pulled ferociously at her consciousness. Eventually, Janet was able to enter the seventh symbol, depressing the stone into the dial pad. The symbol on the gate glowed, and the ring swirled around to position the symbol at the last chevron.
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
There’s no one I would rather be lying beside
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sam Carter/Janet Fraiser (Stargate)
Characters: Sam Carter (Stargate), Janet Fraiser (Stargate)
Additional Tags: Ficlet, Bittersweet, Femslash
"Atlantis really suits you Sam. The longer hair, the expedition uniform, the sea and sunlight. It's doing you a lot of good."
"I wish you could stay here, with me."
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New chapter of Pins and Needles tomorrow? (That’s been sitting unedited in my files for a year now) 👀
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comfortcomes · 5 months
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elliott, neil gust, & sam coomes (heatmiser) with janet weiss (sleater kinney) 🖤
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Heroes is the best damn episode of Stargate.
The political intrigue, Hammond as the proud papa who just wants to protect his people, emotional AF, the complete heel faced turn of not only this episode but the characters.
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emotional AF, 😭😭 Janet just dies suddenly out of freaking nowhere it's completely unexpected but oh so devastating, Jack almost dies and scares the absolute shit out of Samantha Carter. Everyone dealing with the death of Janet in their own particular way.
the complete heel face turn of not only the episode but the characters. Because let's talk about that. The episode starts off as some rather annoying reporter trying to get a scoop. It starts off relatively light and comedic. Then delves into emotional, political and at the heart of it, what it says about sacrifice and the importance of freedom of the press. 🙆🏻‍♀️ The very best of Stargate episodes deal with ethical quandaries like this.
So interesting seeing how each of SG1 deals with their interviews which ultimately feel utterly in character for every single one of them.
Jack and Teal'c both have no time for this kind of bullshit. Teal'c just decides to sit down because he's ordered to but, boy that doesn't mean he'll actually answer the questions. 😆 Jack just deals with it by avoiding it until Hammond (or maybe Daniel 🤷🏻‍♀️) ultimately change his mind.
Daniel fucks with Bregman something good. "Why are you running?" "I just wanted to see if you would follow me." 🤣🤣🤣 Gotta love Daniel for doing it and then proceeding to mess with Bregman the entire time. Even when he's answering the questions he's being deliberately obtuse.
Sam is the only one open to the interview and she's awkward AF on camera. 😆 I think the assumption is that because Sam is beautiful and smart they think that means she's going to be instantly great on camera. One of my favorite things about Sam is that she's kinda socially awkward. Because Sam is such a super woman already it makes her feel more realistic as a character. And really explains how a version of Sam could be as awkward as Mobius Sam.
Even though I saw this show years after it ended (I'm a relatively new fan). I was still scared that Jack had died even though I knew he was going to be a guest in the later seasons of the show.
Sam getting hugs from Teal'c and Jack. 🥺 Both of these scenes are equally heartfelt. Sam must have been so conflicted about how she felt, sadness over Janet dying and relief over Jack not dying.
I really thought it was the right call for Sam to list the names of the people that Janet saved and how that's who she was and what her legacy is all about.
While I thought it was a great idea to end the episode with Jack finally sitting down to that interview. As a wonderful heel face turn/full circle kind of moment. I was utterly disappointed that we didn't actually get to see his interview. Because the entire episode leads us up to this moment only for us to not actually see it. 🤨 But that's a small nitpick in an otherwise amazing episode.
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stargaterevival · 1 year
SG1 Singularity (1.15)
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the-goofball · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Carter & Janet Fraiser (Stargate) Characters: Sam Carter (Stargate), Janet Fraiser (Stargate), Cassandra Fraiser (mentioned) Additional Tags: Fluff, Short & Sweet Series: Part 2 of Stolen Moments Summary: How to get two birds with one - turtle.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
(Adding this just incase lol, it talks about low confidence and briefly mentions toxic friendships) What about a stargate fic where reader is Daniel's younger sibling and Daniel thinks back to when he and reader were kids and how confident reader used to be and he looks at reader now and realises that reader has lost a lot of confidence over the years (maybe through some harmful/toxic friendships or something) and it's him maybe going to Jack or something for some advice on what to do (because Jack's a dad and he most definitely knows what to do in this situation) and it's the team trying to build up the confidence or reader and reader has no clue what's going on? It's no worries if you don't fancy it! :)
a/n: I’m living for all the stargate requests just so you know! Sorry they take me so long, though! I actually have a lot of personal experiences with toxic friendships so if this fic feels like I’m projecting…it’s because I am edit: i took out some projecting parts so y’all wouldn’t think me crazy
word count: 1.3k
warning(s): mentions of toxic friendships - not a warning but team being a supportive family - i have a very limited understanding of how military bases are, like, structured? I made up terms so yeah :) title is just a vibe, sadly isn’t a line said in here…
They Can’t Take Your Smile
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Daniel sat in the commons hall, elbows on his knees as he watched you worriedly. You sat at a table by yourself while surrounding tables were filled with loud soldiers, joking and bragging about past accomplishments. Poking at your food, you gave periodic glances at the soldiers, a longing look in your eyes. Daniel remembered a time where you would’ve stood up and sat at one of the tables, immediately making new friends and creating howls of laughter from your peers. He watched you stand up somewhat solemnly, tightening your jacket around you before picking up your trash and walking out of the room. Daniel shook his head, running a hand through his hair the adjusting his glasses.
“I can’t believe I’m about to do this.” He murmured to himself before standing and heading to the one person he believed could help him.
Daniel used to admire you. Admire your strength, your confidence. How you could make friends in an instance while he always stood off to the side, reading a book about a long forgotten religion.
He still admired you now, but more often than not, he worried about you. He watched as overtime you returned to the cocoon that you were trapped in the years after your parent’s death. He watched as your confidence trickled away with each harsh word they said, watched as they slowly rebuilt the walls you had worked so hard to break down.
It started when Daniel was in college, you your senior year of high school. He noticed you started hanging out more with a crowd of people that left a nasty feeling in his gut. Normally, you would parade around the house, wearing whatever the hell you wanted, laughing as you danced around to music only you can hear. It wasn’t noticeable at first, not like it was now. You started caring about what you wore, what the trends were, you watched your weight, and Daniel swore some nights he heard you crying yourself to sleep.
He heard them one time, while he was studying for a mid-term. Apparently, your friend group had planned to go see a movie. This wouldn’t have been a problem, however they didn’t invite you. Yet here they were, in your room, giving you crap about how you weren’t ready on time, how they called and emailed repeatedly, how you were making them late.
“…i mean come on Y/N!” A voice got louder as the group exited your room, you following quickly behind, attempting to hurriedly pull on a jacket.
“Could you be any more of a burden?”
It was an offhand statement but he watched as it broke you inside. He turned his head to say something but when he made eye contact with you, your eyes pleaded with him to be quiet.
And so he did. He stayed quiet. He stayed quiet while the people who were supposed to be your friends, broke you into a million pieces and refused to pick you up. He stayed quiet as he watched the repercussions of their words play out in your life, how you now let people walk over you, you write mission reports for planets you never even visited. He stayed quiet all these years, but not anymore.
Daniel was done being quiet.
Sighing, Daniel knocked on the door to Jack’s quarters. He waited awkwardly, hands in his pockets, silently nodding to passing soldiers. Finally, the door opened, revealing one very shirtless Jack. Daniel’s eyes widened as he looked away, shaking his head.
“Jack, what the- come on, I need your help.”
Jack pointed to his still bare chest, like he had heard Daniel wrong.
“Sure thing Danny-boy, I’ll just throw on a shirt before you bare your soul to me.”
Daniel rolled his eyes yet still smiled at the Colonel. Soon, Jack had a shirt on and Daniel was spilling everything.
“God Jack, they used to be so..so free, ya know? I remember,” he laughed as a memory surfaced in his mind, “I remember one time, in middle school, when they had a giant presentation to do in front of the school and while i would’ve panicked the whole time i was up there, they wore the silliest outfit. They said that if they knew they were focusing on their attire, no one would really notice the mistakes in the speech!”
Memories of you laughing in your crazy bright blue and yellow suit with the red shoes and green tie while dancing with your brother in front of 12 year olds after receiving the highest grade in your class filled his mind. He missed when you didn’t care, when you loved yourself and didn’t second guess every action.
Jack nodded, standing up and slapping a hand on Daniel’s shoulder.
“Y/N needs to know we’re here for them, that we’re not just co-workers, that - well besides you, cause you’re automatically included in this - that we’re family. If you want to rebuild something that’s broken, first you need to gather all the pieces. Now, let’s go get Sam and Teal’c, we’re having a game night!”
The colonel walked out of his room with a determination and energy Daniel had never seen before. He sat in his chair for a moment, soaking in Jack’s words. Nodding to himself, he stood up. He was going to rebuild your confidence, even if it takes him the rest of his life.
The team was acting weird.
First, Daniel burst into your room, sitting criss-cross on your bed. Then Sam appears out of basically nowhere, snacks in hand. Jack also barged in at some point, arms overflowing with board games. Teal’c now sat on your bed as well, spreading out the different game boxes methodically in front of him.
“What game are we to play, Y/N Jackson?” He asked you, making you finally take in what was happening. You held out your hands in a shrugging position, shaking your head.
“I don’t- I don’t know? What is going on?”
You looked at everyone in the room, squinting at your brother as he stuffed his face with gummy worms.
“Game night.” Came Jack’s answer, not so subtlety pushing the boxes closer to you. “Now, which game do you want to play?”
“Why are you asking me?”
You didn’t even have a second after asking before Teal’c looked at you intensely, his voice monotone.
“Because we care about your opinion.”
You nodded slowly, still freaked out by what was going on. You were sure they were pranking you or that this was one weird segue into telling you that you were off the team. You pointed to the Game of Life, causing cheers to erupt from the group.
“Great choice, Y/N!”
“I love this game!”
“My sibling, always the smart one.”
“I am sure I will enjoy this Game of Life you speak so highly of.”
Weirded out, you merely set up the game, slight excitement building up inside you when you saw the colors of the board. You hadn’t played this since…well, since they told you it was a child’s game - meant for those who had to rely on a cardboard box for an idea of a future. Everyone grabbed their little figurine and started the game. you started out quiet, only laughing slightly when Jack complained about what square he got, or which number he rolled. But you didn’t realize your brother was watching you, watching as you slowly started showing your real smile. He saw you tease Teal’c for loosing money to you, doing your little victory dance. He saw how the light returned to your eyes with every spin of the wheel. And when you won, inevitably, everyone celebrated.
Imagine General Hammond’s surprise when he went to retrieve SG-1, only to find them all dancing on your bed, game pieces scattered everywhere, your face lit up with a smile the Compound had never seen before.
a/n: i might’ve…kinda…rushed the end bc tumblr was being kinda mean and i didn’t wanna loose my fic bc that happened while i was writing this and yes i did cry. Hopefully this wasn’t terrible and thank you for reading! 2nd a/n: i love the mental image of Teal’c sitting criss cross on a bed playing a board game then jumping on a bed, idk why it’s just important to me
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incoming-wormhole · 8 months
In honour of Femslash Feb, shout out to the F/F shippers in this fandom. You guys are literally the strongest people i know
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Captain Samantha Carter is a little lonely underneath Cheyenne Mountain trying to figure out how to dial the Stargate. She's tired and frustrated and one day one of the other scientists makes some wiring mistakes and she doesn't notice until it blows up in her face. Next thing she knows, she's in an infirmary bed, looking up into the face of an angel. Wait, no, that's Dr. Fraiser, the new chief of medicine, and she's gently teasing her for getting zapped. Sam knows she's in trouble now.
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riverageleis · 1 year
Broken - Chapter 1 - H_River_Ageleis - Stargate SG-1 [Archive of Our Own]
This was my very first ever Stargate fic. Thought it would be fun to share it here. I never realized it didn't get a single comment.
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