#same w tommy but that just hurts to think abt
canpandaspvp · 9 months
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horatioo · 4 months
to add my own two cents on the current wilbur soot situation + people who are ragging on some of the other creators on youtube:
i understand when its adults, and adults who werent being mistreated by him. but people who are ragging on tommy (and saying tubbo and ranboo arent doing enough/speaking out enough or sth) are not really understanding what its like to have someone like that try to get close to you
if you watch wilburs early content with tommy, he is incredibly verbally abusive and constantly screaming at tommy as a "joke". and apparently this continues and even escalates in later content to the point of actual physical abuse (there is audio of him slapping tommy ON STREAM).
tubbo didnt get close to him but given how hes acted about tubbo in roleplay (and his roleplay persona seems less and less like a persona) i dont doubt he wouldve done horrid shit. i dont know ranboos situation but i can still see why itd be scary, especially knowing tommy, tubbo and ranboo are friends.
it is equally terrifying to know someone is physically injuring your friend and you cant do shit about it. i would know, i used to be genuinely scared people i knew were going to die because they were being abused so badly.
wilburs behavior never really made me comfortable. its part of the reason why i fell out of the fandom so fast
i didnt ever really pin down Why i didnt like watching his content w tommyinnit at the time and never really thought abt it after i stopped watching either of them. because ykw, it wasnt something that PINGED as wrong to me.
you wanna know why?
the vast majority of the people who have abused me acted the same fucking way as wilbur. and i am terrified of several of them to this day.
my most recent ex would yell at me and berate me as a "joke". an ex-friend would make fun of me as a "joke". fucking hell my abusive uncle used to scare me in person because he thought it was fucking funny and i dont doubt more physical things happened there that i dont remember.
it is fucking terrifying. it fucks with your head. you start thinking theyre right, youre being stupid and overreacting, and you ESPECIALLY start thinking this when it starts escalating and everyone around you still sees nothing wrong with it.
you start thinking nothings wrong with it and its just normal.
and then when you realize its not, sometimes its too fucking late and youre just stuck.
so yes, its terrible that none of the adults are actually supporting shubble as much as they are farming karma. (save for a select few, but i dont actually know anything about those ones, theyre newcomers to me.)
but for fucks sake, the people who he met as KIDS, who he manipulated into being closer and closer to him, are not "farming brownie points" or "avoiding the topic" and ESPECIALLY not tommy - i think people have forgotten that tommy is still close enough to wilbur location wise that he could genuinely be in danger if he did.
i dunno. it rubs me the wrong way when people think you can just magically come out against your abuser and there will be no consequences whatsoever, especially when you LIVE near them. nope! not how it works!
anyway, support shubble, support everyone else wilburs hurt, fuck wilbur soot, all that jazz. im not even into mcyt anymore, this is JUST from what i know from 2020-2021 and from posts on the situation on tumblr.
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dr3amofagame · 1 year
fuck it. c!punz + c!dream manifesto bc what else am i going to do at university. study ? nahhh 
the first thing i want to be clear about is that i like c!drunz. they’re a very important duo (they were explicitly paralleled with c!CLINGYDUO for god’s sake) and the point of this isn’t to diminish their importance to each other. i ALSO want to say that the point of this isn’t to be like, super aggressively /neg towards any one character (even tho i am, admittedly, a self-proclaimed c!drolo) or to demonize them. and finally, that this is just the way i see them, not necessarily the views of anyone else (though i’ve very much been inspired by talking to certain friends abt the Blorbos (tm) for obvious reasons.)
all of that out of the way, onto the c!dream and c!punzisms . i have no plan for this post it’s probably gonna be messy as fuck . but i think first and foremost it’s important to acknowledge that c!dream and c!punz, each are characters with their own goals. a lot of the finale is about c!dream’s side of this, especially in terms of how much he lost sight of what he actually wanted (and i still have to do a rewatch of the 3rd finale stream just to parse through ALL THE SHIT HE SAID bc jfc man . what.) and how a lot of what he wanted were a lot simpler than he allowed himself to realize. 
but on the flip side of this, obviously, is c!punz. who also has his own motivations, and as is shown in the finale ... these motivations exist in a space that is . in a lot of ways. directly incompatible with what c!dream actually wants. c!punz is representative of The Plan. he calls the desires that c!dream and c!tommy share “simple-minded.” he wants to unlock the secrets of the universe just because he can. 
(and it’s worth recognizing that c!dream’s initial reaction to the existence of supernatural powers beyond his understanding on the server was to freak the fuck out, to the point of the prison’s construction being EXPLICITLY as a result of said discovery. Does c!dream want to understand things in order to Fix Them? Certainly. but i would hardly characterize his initial response to the supenatural as being, uh, impassioned curiosity of the unknown, so to speak.) 
c!punz has motivations that aren’t c!dream’s motivations. that’s ,, kind of the point of a lot of what was going on in that last finale stream! c!punz wants to Know Shit. he wants to elevate himself above simple-minded desires. he really,,, wasn’t convinced or swayed the same way dream was when tommy tried to get him to have a heart to heart, and actively discouraged him from continuing to talk about what he actually wanted. and again this isn’t to say that c!punz didn’t care or that he was trying to hurt c!dream or otherwise was trying to act in a way that was malicious towards him but all that still happened you know and speaks to a fundamental difference in the driving forces between these two characters. c!dream and c!punz are each characters with DESIRES and MOTIVES and they’re,, not always on the same page w/ regards to what said desires and motives actually are. 
and, yk, it’s not to say that two characters with different motivations can’t work together or have a relationship that’s rendered completely impossible by their differing desires. but a lot of what defines c!dream and c!punz has a lot to do with c!punz As The Plan, which is significant when you consider how much of The Plan is about both outward and self-destruction for c!dream. this in itself doesn’t completely throw their relationship over a cliff, even if it’s a huge disparity that has a lot of implications when we consider how unaddressed it was by the characters until the last stream of the finale, where c!dream and c!punz are markedly NOT on the same page about what they want. but that kind of brings me to my other point of what’s...really important to c!drunz, at least to me. which is how it’s so often defined by inaction. 
because, yeah, c!punz was always on c!dream’s side (except for that period of time in Pogtopia where he wasn’t, lol.) and yeah, c!punz was the one person he trusted with a lot of the details about his plan to Save The World and whatever. but also the separation between the two was so important that it was quite literally the cornerstone that ended up ensuring their joint survival; it was crucial post-staged finale that no one knew they were working together. c!punz started on c!dream’s side because he was a mercenary for hire. a degree of alienation has always been a part of their dynamic down to the finale, and is also an extremely IMPORTANT part of their dynamic if we consider c!dream’s silence to c!punz calling them friends. 
i find the post-prison era to be most damning about this point in particular, but just look at staged finale in itself: one one hand, c!punz and c!dream were in on a plan to fool the entire server, which spoke a lot to the level of trust involved there. on the other hand, c!punz took a very active and physical role in literally locking c!dream up in his personal hell. c!ranboo took a more significant role after he was locked up than c!punz (which, like, again makes SENSE re. security. but. like. that absence still speaks volumes)--like c!punz as an enabler, c!punz as someone physically cut off from c!dream...that’s a pattern. 
and again, when we look at the state of them after the prison, the absence is even more damning. c!punz specifically (even when considering c!dream’s obvious role in the planning) gets c!dream killed twice in staged finale and then you know, has him metaphorically killed when he’s put in the prison. and then AFTER the prison, we have three specific cases at the very least: c!punz’s signal in the scrapped lore is what ends with c!dream being trapped by both of his torturers, c!punz’s involvement in the Las Nevadas revenge plan nearly gets c!dream killed either by the slime army or if he was in c!purpled’s position at the top of that tower, and his running away from Las Nevadas is explicitly what allowed c!tommy to stalk him for weeks and end up breaking in and killing him. Not to mention how that ends up leading up to both of them getting trapped in the prison with a nuke about to come down over the server. 
and obviously c!dream almost dying/literally dying in all of these post-prison scenarios isn’t Part Of The Plan or something that c!punz actually wants, right, but also...where was he? what did he do to prevent this from happening? c!dream was stalked for literal MONTHS after las nevadas and we see no mention of c!punz being around,,, at all? (we KNOW he wasn’t visibly around in any way considering c!tommy thought that c!punz was still on his side, even.) c!dream didn’t LEAVE the prison for weeks after LN and c!punz wasn’t around? this is with c!punz obviously knowing that c!dream was going to confront his TORTURER. and he wasn’t watching from the sidelines? like, forget c!tommy, c!sapnap found about c!dream’s place of residence IN JANUARY and was apparently still harassing him outside IN JUNE. people broke into that prison to threaten dream multiple times !! like ? 
and god it’s not to say that c!punz didn’t care--his anger speaks for itself--but it’s important to acknowledge that that distance existed and was actively detrimental to c!dream’s safety. fuck, the ANGER in itself was detrimental to c!dream. c!punz’s defining characteristic according to the cc is his anger, when he’s not putting on a persona for the rest of the server,,, and this anger was doing c!dream no favors. we could see that in the finale. we could see that as he literally spent months upon months wasting away in the prison AFTER RECLAIMING THE KEYCARDS and apparently just spent all his fucking time in that place. we can see that when c!punz’s anger leads to c!dream confronting LN which ends up with him staying in the prison without moving for weeks on end, when c!punz’s anger leads to him reviving c!dream minutes after he dies in front of c!clingyduo which ends up leading to the events that prompt them to nuke the fucking server. 
like, ultimately, c!dream and c!punz are characters that had each other and only each other in terms of people who knew the truth abt each other’s plans. they care about each other’s safety. they also have inherently incompatible individual motivations and were severely alienated from each other in ways that carried out throughout their relationship into the finale, and these differences are what defined finale c!dream and c!punz the way they ended up being. and yes, a lot of these decisions were exacerbated by the hostility of the environment they lived in and how being c!dream’s ally was a death sentence. yes, a lot of this has to do with the logical benefits of standing apart so that they could revive each other in case something went wrong. and yes, this has to do with c!dream’s being extremely fucking mentally ill and delusional from the beginning of when their partnership became more defined, after c!dream received the revive book, lost every other ally, and went on a paranoid spiral that ended up with him in pandora. but it’s the differences and the isolation that to me, make this pair in particular so compelling and IMPORTANT in canon. 
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rebelpeas · 2 years
dee can we talk abt tubbo calling himself indestructible. can we. something about it makes me go soooo insane like combined w how ready he was to die in the disc finale??? something something so many people hes close to have died but he never seems to something something
LIKEEEE he gets so close to death! he loses so many people to it! it’s always right there looking over his shoulder, but it never quite sticks. not for him.
it’s like. okay, so, tubbo is a rock, right? steady dependable the one at your side. he’s tommy’s sidekick and he’s wilbur’s spy and he’s schlatt’s right hand man and he’s l’manberg’s president and he’s just… he’s steady. if something goes wrong, he’ll patch it back up. every time. tubbo’s fucking indestructible, but not because he ever tried to be. he’s tired filed down all worn edges burning quiet angry. and even when he’s angry he’s still the same! he snaps and then he goes back again. doesn’t ever actually break. he’s a rock.
tubbo’s indestructible because a hundred things have tried to kill him before and if they didn’t work, what makes you think you’re so special? tubbo’s gonna live forever on a server where death touches everything he loves. no matter how much it hurts, he just keeps going. he’s indestructible. he’s a rock. he’s still going.
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doodlebloo · 3 years
Hello everybody I'm thinking abt Michael_B again so you all get to be subject to my thoughts (all /rp)
Ranboo loves to dress Michael up in like little sweater vests and collared shirts and such, like not outfits that are uncomfortable just little stylish ones cause he thinks it's cute; Tubbo also thinks it's cute but he is Not putting in the effort of wrestling a toddler into the clothes so Ranboo will dress Michael in a very nice outfit then leave for the Arctic then come back 3 days later to Michael in a stained oversized t-shirt and two different socks (he looks happy though so that's all that matters)
Michael can't drown in water but also can't drown in lava (though fire does hurt him somehow?) so temperature is weird for him. He likes REALLY hot baths (bc y'know Nether Child) but Michael will literally sit in the bath till the water is like cold begging for five more minutes to play w all the bubbles and/or his toys
(When Michael becomes old enough to understand the concept of fertilized vs unfertilized eggs they do explain it so they can be allowed to eat eggs around him without him freaking out thinking they're eating a chick, Michael is a bit upset that his two beloved hens did not have a baby Together but he is cheered up by the photos of Ranboo with torn clothes and fucked up hair and an angry rooster behind him)
Michael gets so excited every time his chickens lay an egg and eventually Michael is able to communicate that the reason he's so excited is bc he wants them to have a chick, but both his chickens are hens & Ranboo and Tubbo both feel so bad... so they end up picking a weekend where Tubbo takes Michael to stay w Tommy while Ranboo finds a rooster, and it's a very cartoonish Ranboo vs A Rooster struggle to get it in the same room as Michael's hens like Ranboo gets beaten up by this bird several times In A Row but it does end up working and neither of them have ever seen Michael as happy as he is when he screams for them to come look at the new baby bird in his room
If Michael isn't a shapeshifter I think he dyes his hair at a fairly young age. Ranboo just comes home one night and Tubbo has Michael sat on the counter w tinfoil on his now red hair and Ranboo is like ok... I left for. An hour but ok. And six year old Michael is sooo excited bc the red will make him look so cool but also kind of like his chickens but also kind of like Uncle Tommy! And Ranboo is like ... You know what that's great. You look awesome. & He doesn't even chew Tubbo out abt it later bc Michael is just so happy abt it and so excited to get to choose his very own hair color!
Ranboo LOVES reading to Michael like so much, he always gives 110% and like does all these voices and adds in jokes that only Tubbo who is half dozed off on his shoulder will get. And Michael loves it a lot too, he laughs at the voices and interrupts with his own nonsense jokes and reacts in an overdramatic way even though he knows the ending. As Michael ages and outgrows the children's books Ranboo starts making stories up, and sometimes Tubbo will join too and they'll just roleplay back and forth to build a story. Michael is around eight when Tommy decides he can tell a better fuckin' story than Ranboo, surely, and starts weaving some adventure tale about two best friends and a couple of music discs, and how badass and cool they both were. (It's the first story Michael has heard in a long time where neither are the hero and neither are the sidekick.)
I think Michael is a weird mix of low maintenance and spoiled, like it feels like he's very polite and doesn't ask for a ton and is super laid back but also I reckon he needs a fairly consistent stream of attention (combination of being abandoned at a young age and being around other ppl who need attention.) Which yeah could be a problem at times, but mostly Tubbo will just ruffle his hair and call him Clingy and drop what he's doing to spend a few hours with him (Because maybe Tubbo eventually revels in the fact that he has Time, that no one is going anywhere or starting any wars or getting themselves killed; that his building project can wait a few hours while he touches up Michael's roots and they watch Michael's favorite movie)
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jjkyaoi · 3 years
(yes, the majority of this is projecting, what about it)
C!WILBUR: lmaoooo i can smell the mental illness from a mile away, luv. you half were rooting for villbur because you thought it was hot, but also just ‘cause you wanted to see the explosions, and honestly, valid. you’re probably unintentionally the parent of your friends, and you’re also probably high strung and tense all the fucking time, calm down. you want to protect ghostbur w/ your life, but you severely miss the old wilbur as well— not a day goes by where you don’t think abt the pogtopia arc. “independence or death” is constantly playing in your head. the end of the finale arc— wilbur’s death scarred you more than anything else in this fucking smp, but to cope you make shitposts about it through your tears. please  get therapy 
C!TOMMY: you have ADHD.  half the time you’re just crying abt how tommy deserves better, and you want to thrown down w/ c!dream more than you’ve wanted to throw down w/ any character, ever. valid. you stan c!tommy ‘cause you relate to him and his experiences, but also because he acts a lot  like you and you don’t even fucking realize it. you’re probably the loudest in your friend group and constantly try to bring up the groups spirit, but also you’re extremely insecure and sensitive, and it takea a lot to bring your self esteem up— same, but jesus christ. you’re probably obsessed w/ wilbur and tommy’s relationship more than you should be, and you’d do anything for them to just interact again.
C!TUBBO: you’ve definitely went through a bad friendship breakup in the past, or just generally half trust issues. did i mention that you’re the most nervous person to ever walk the earth? you’re the type of person who pushes people away whenever you’re too busy w/ something / gets overstressed w/ something you think you need  to do that you just end up unintentionally ruining friendships. also, you’re shit at texting, i can just smell it. you lowkey felt annoyed at how c!tubbo wass treated in the beginning of l’manberg, and you’re a dadschlatt stan— daddy issues who? you’re ignoring the festival. but, you’re also torn between wanting captainsparkles to be his dad-- infinite dads.
C!NIKI: half the time you’re the sweetest person in the world, but also holy shit  im afraid of you. you’re the friend that’s either protected by your entire friend group, or you’re the big sibling who’s protecting everyone. you’re quiet most of the time, preferring to be on your own, but you’re surprisingly really fucking good in an argument? you’re constantly upset that niki isn’t getting more time to development as a character, and schlatt’s character frustrated you as much as it did niki— you’d do anything to fucking thrown down w/ him.  i feel like people go to you for advice and you’re the therapist friend, but you do not  know how to handle your own emotions. mood
C!FUNDY: lmaoooo, alright kinnie. honestly, beforehand you probably thought that wilbur and fundy’s relationship was cute before you realized how awful it was, and mood. you want nothing more than good things for this boy, but he constantly gets slapped around and you’re constantly in tears. you’re in denial of what happened at the wedding— fundywastaken is canon in your mind. ,,,,are y’all,,, are y’all okay? i feel like y’all are lowkey intimidating to talk to, but in reality you’re just a socially awkward nerd who thrives  off info dumping on your interests but you’re so used to being overlooked that you’re hesitant. though, you’re definitely petty and are always ready to prove your point in an argument— stubborn as fucking hell, alright. how’s those daddy issues?
C!SCHLATT: i’m torn between laughing at you, and genuinely being concerned for your mental health. you’re definitely the fucking cryptid of the friend group; the one that’s mostly silent but whenever you do speak it’s some wack fucking shit, what do you mean. you’re a lesbian. you’re just—you’re a fucking lesbian. you cover up how you feel w/ a tough bravado but you’re really not, and the slightest things— even if they’re jokes, hurt you deeply and you keep them inside you for years. a lot of repressed rage. you have essays in your drafts about how schlatt wasn’t that bad of a person, and i want them right fucking now. you also miss wilbur and schlatt’s dynamic
C!QUACKITY: hello simp. you’re torn between simping for him, or feeling extreme gender envy. you’re definitely fucking funny— you’re the comedian friend of the group, but you don’t even have to try. did i mention a raging bisexual? you’re a blue gay, through and through. you’re extremely stubborn and set in your opinions, and you’re always willing to go on an hour long debate w/ someone. i feel like you’re extremely protective of your friends as well. you’re in love w/ quackity’s arc rn and you’re frustrated that nobody’s really paying attention to it, because snapping after everything he’s been through is what he deserves in your mind. you have abandonment issues and are unheathily attached to his dynamic w/ karl
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enderspawn · 3 years
ayup lads im still upset abt doomsday fjdsklfjk
lmanberg wasn't irredeemable imo. tommy's exile was prompted mainly by dream and tubbo gave in to prevent a war they werent ready for. butchers army was semi-democratically made (if i remember correctly) and, beyond unrightful execution without trial, arguably HAS a right to try criminals who've acted against the country. yes, there were some issues but it was never beyond reform. quackity was the most corrupt part of the system tbh (like w using butcher army as a way to gain personal power, not as justice for new lmanberg), but without him things like the butchers army likely wouldn't've even existed since tubbo opposed it at first. hell, they were planning another election! an open and fair election for everyone!
but more so than possible lmanberg redemption, ppl acting like its destruction was politically motivated is.. well kind of wrong. maybe partially, but in general i dont think of it as a politically-motived event when you look at every persons motivations.
yes, techno is an anarchist! but 1. a large part of his reason for destroying lmanberg was as revenge against its members (such as the butchers army, and partially feeling betrayed by tommy, "I will repay that injustice 1000 times over") and not due to its existence AS a government and 2. tbh he chose the shittiest form of anarchy: dog-eat-dog, where he doesnt help the individuals empower themselves (admittedly, more so after pogtopia happened) and instead just destroys any power structures they create so that they have to struggle alone to gain power.
i'm sure you can point to feeling betrayed by pogtopia's existence as a reason for techno to not do that again! but like... idk man. if techno as a character was less emotional and reactive, it wasnt too late to try and convince new lmanberg in its formation to abandon its hierarchy instead of immediately turning to withers and destruction. hell, if i remember correctly (though i know its a point of contention and may have been reconned, so ignore if so, but) a few ppl mentioned wanting to coop manburg to get back in power to techno but he ignored them w the idea that they'll "cross that bridge when we come to it". even if thats incorrect, he still did the same thing with tommy before doomsday. he knew the person he allied with did not want the same destruction as him, but instead of trying to convince his ally/allies otherwise, he ignores the issue until its too late and he gets hurt.
i know thats literally just three of c!techno's character flaws, so its pretty damn unlikely to be changed but still something i wanted to mention + bring up, bc its a very valid point when critiquing techno and his actions. his feelings regarding how he was treated by pogtopia was massive in his character and how he treats spreading anarchy: after all, they don't learn via him fighting along side them like brothers (like he said to quackity before their fight). violence is the only universal language they would understand.
c!techno in general as a symbol of anarchy is all abt dismantling, but never about building something new in its place. it means the ppl he helps dont, for lack of a better word, "know better". they make a hierarchy bc its what they know and then techno gets mad they did and destroys it again without ever proposing any kind of compromise. for others, techno's form of anarchy seems like it is solo-people only because they dont know how to have a group in a anarchistic ""techno-approved"" way.
dream was destroying it for personal revenge against the country's existence and to hurt tommy. while yeah you can say that wish for destruction is somewhat political since his grudge goes back to before the revolution, i still say it feels more personal. he doesn't have issue w lmanberg as a government, he has issues w lmanberg due to his own personal ambitions. he wants total control of the server and lmanberg revolts against that hope. plus, destroying lmanberg would help absolutely destroy tommy, which is always a plus for dream who adores harming tommy and sees it as a fun game.
hell, id say PHIL was the most politically motivated, but still a LOT of his motivation is personal first which happened to impact his political opinons (though i admit im incredibly biased towards him/against the other two): he believes people being in positions of power corrupts them (such as wilbur and tubbo) and wanted to remove it to prevent that position harming anyone else. combined with his unresolved grief over losing wilbur and his negative interactions with the butcher army, he ultimately decides to destroy lmanberg itself. remove the source of the issue directly instead of working WITH the citizens to reform away from any kind of direct power. tbh, with past negative experiences, you could say none of the doomsday trio was in a place to work beside lmanberg, but phil is probably the most likely to have (since he was part of lmanberg and (i think??) part of the cabinet briefly). he shows some regret now abt the severity of doomsday, but he doesn't regret he did it because in his eyes he truly needed that hierarchy GONE. a necessary evil. but i doubt hed have that same guilt if they went abt it in a less.... tbh shitty way.
idk man like i said i Hate doomsday, i just. even from an anarchy standpoint its such an ineffective and unsympathic way to deal with it. they dont try to help as people, they help as a destructive force. just remove the source of hierarchy! --and take everyones homes and belongings with it. i sincerely hope w the syndicate moving forward we have more of a empowering the ppl and radicalizing them towards genuine collective anarchy (semi-like pogtopia, in that working with the people) and not just more... "haha government bad blow it up no more government :]]"
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lostjulys · 2 years
Relistening to ur ctubbo playlist and you are SO SO right abt san cristóbal but can you explain how u interpret it for him? Ppl view things differently adn I wanna see if we’re on the same wavelength for this one
OKAY YEAHHHHH FUCK YEAH anon this is the best ask i've got in ages okay. okay yeah lets go.
i have not been writing that many new songs how I wish I could stay longer, how I wish I'd never gone and you have not been writing me as often as I wish and sometimes I think I left you just to see if I'd be missed
ctubbo nlm era while tommy is in exile. i've not been writing that many new songs: he's so, so busy and weighed down with the presidency. he doesn't have the time or the energy to devote to things that bring himself joy, yk?
how i wish i could stay longer, how i wish i'd never gone: you fucking know he blames himself for exile. he's so heavy with guilt. all of the time.
and you have not been writing me as often as I wish / and sometimes I think I left you just to see if I'd be missed: self-explanatory, i think? he just. he just misses his best friend. and he twists the actions that he had to take into something he blames on himself. and he's worried. and lonely.
And I saw my fortune scrawled out up against the wall In a crowded marketplace whose name I cannot recall And the teller told me that I would be young and I would fall But I didn't think he meant so soon- no, not so soon at all
THIS. THESE LINES SPECIFICALLY are the ones that make me go brr. first off i simply. rlly love biblical imagery? i rlly enjoy the idea that like... he already knows l'manberg's doomed. he already knows he's doomed. he's already died twice. his fortune is already written on the wall- bad luck and sadness follow him wherever he'll go. and the teller told me that i would be young and i would fall / but i didn't think he meant so soon, no, not so soon at all. he's just. gd. he's just a kid, and he's young. and he's been hurt. this reminds me of immediately post-execution, yk? i think sometimes he realizes how much he's been through. and how it's far too much for someone his age.
and I found religion in a dirty bathroom stall in the back of a liquor store in that mini mall and you found religion when you realized you could fall now you say that you've come far enough to give me a call
ok so like. one part of ctubbo's characterization that i tend to focus on a lot is his canonical substance usage? i think it's a really fucking painful cool parallel w/ wilbur and schlatt, & it ties in well to like. the themes of isolation and dealing with messy feelings and pain and shit by just Ignoring Them, which he also does. so there's that!! and you found religion when you realized you could fall / now you say that you've come far enough to give me a call end of exile. cclingyduo. you found religion when you realized you could fall. ctommy. yeah.
so you're calling now but I lie, and I tell you that I've moved
isolation as a bad coping mechanism that he relies on heavily. yeahg :( & yeah thats it i think!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
i do wanna say though that it's just a bit tiring to hear constant criticism as like a ctommy fan or whatever. i know you specifically mean well, and i do agree w ur takes and criticisms, but at the same time theres just never ending criticism towards us from every corner of this goddam fandom, ranging in validity and intensity
it's like you cant be criticize at any character without being accused of only watching tommys pov, u cant be upset w any character bc apparently you cant "judge anyone by how they treat ctommy" (???), you cant talk about how you like a certain character without hearing "oh there the inniters go again turning every character into a father figure and im sure theyre gonna shit on them as soon as theyrr not perfect", you cant talk about how things might affect ctommy without "making it all abt ctommy" (even if hes fuckin namedropped), any fanart trend gets criticized, every headcanon gets scrutinized, you're glorifying him, smoothening him, woobifying him, it just never fuckin ends. to the point where even valid criticizism feels exhausting and you're like can we please just be left alone can we just like a character? please? can we do fucking anything without being endlessly scrutinized?
and again i know your criticism is perfectly warranted, and i know ctommy is a popular character w a lot of fans varying in maturity (and intensity) and some people get a little tired of us and thats fine, i get it. and im sure being the punching bag of the fandom isnt necessairly anything unique to ctommy fans. but idk id appreciate if you cwilbur fans would just be a little mindful of how accusatorily you word things and be understanding that we already get shat on a lot and w/e. just so the valid criticism doesnt get lost in the noise of the constant buzz of bad faith criticism from the rest of this fandom.
anyway love ur blog have a great day. hope midterms went well
midterms did go well! (I still have one but it's easy :D)
honestly, I try my best not to be critical the inniters (tm) because y'all go through it, and I think it's honestly that you can't... really be a c!wilbur fan without being a c!tommy fan, or vice versa. and 99% of the time, that's great! y'all have great takes, and I love c!tommy and follow so many of y'all for a reason. I hope it’s the opposite way around <3
but at the same time, I'm always looking from c!wilbur’s perspective, and it can get a little exhausting on my point to see just like a thousand little things that bug me (and others) about the way people treat his character, and it makes it less fun to engage with the fandom, yk. not seeing all the bad faith c!tommy stuff (cause I don’t follow anyone who would do that) and just seeing the slightly weird c!wilbur and c!niki stuff 100% gives me a skewed view of the fandom, but it’s definitely still something that I notice either way. 
if it’s any consolation, it’s very similar being a fan of wilbur and constantly having to police my language and double, triple check that nothing I say can be misinterpreted, nothing too fluffy, always have to acknowledge the hurt, always tack a ‘maybe’ onto the idea that he deserves happiness, yk yk
but yea, I’ll do my best to keep it measured cause I do love y’all
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
the amount of angst in the post-prison writing you did just gave me massive post-prison dream brainrot and i'm just. sitting here thinking about how sam dealt with the curious looks and glances and having to face what's he's done as a warden. and everyone else's reaction to everything because hey, maybe the prison WAS a torture chamber that nobody deserves to be locked in to be treated like utter trash.
(btw i love your writing and analysis! they give me so much life :DD)
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thank you anon!! this universe is ,, Fun ,, im ngl -> have this continuation of it, w/ sapnap and sam!! it’s a bit messy but oh well
(edit: i added these two asks as well bc they fit and i thought it’d be a bit redundant to rewrite this scene lmao -> the implication that dream’s admissions abt exile mightve been the result of ,, torture is. uh. yikes.) 
(This one is DARK, please heed the warnings)
TW: PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL ABUSE (heavy warning for this one), starvation, toxic relationship, manipulation, references to the prison and exile, c!sam/warden!sam critical, violence, blood, dark themes, emotional distress, child abuse, torture
“Be honest,” Sapnap starts, quiet. “What did you do?”
Sam opens his mouth - hesitates, looks away. He should’ve known that his vague words and half-explanations that had been enough to push away most of the crowd - or at least, postpone the conversation for later - wouldn’t have been nearly enough to convince the man standing in front of him, but a part of him must’ve hoped, anyway. He’s not ready to speak, not ready to admit anything to himself, never mind someone else entirely - but ‘ready’ doesn’t matter, not when Sapnap is right here, waiting.
(He ignores how ‘ready’ didn’t matter for Dream when Sam had gone in, that first time, pick in hand and nothing but questions and rage spinning in an endless cycle in his mind, whirling together into something incomprehensible, insatiable, vicious - he’s not thinking about it.
He can’t think about it.)
“Well?” Sapnap’s voice raises, impatience coloring his tone, and it’s almost enough to draw a chuckle to Sam’s lips - he’d always been a little overeager, not doing well with silence, waiting, even as a kid. It’s part of the reason why he got along with Dream so well, Dream jumping at the chance to spend time with someone that didn’t shut him down for rambling and Sapnap simply excited at the chance to have someone that would join him on his hare-brained schemes instead of dismissing him as a dumb kid- and oh. Right.
The scrunch of his face is the same, Sam realizes, absently, as the expression Sapnap had when he was little; it’s the same crease between his eyebrows, the same slight jut to his bottom lip. Even with a new scar decorating his left jaw and the shadows under his eyes and collection of faint wrinkles belying his stress, he doesn’t look all that different - still looks young, a kid playing dress up in armor too big and too war-torn to belong to him. It’s easy to forget, but even after all the wars they’ve fought, even with all of the combat experience he’s had, Sapnap’s still barely twenty - only a few weeks out of being a teenager.
(He crushes the thought of what that makes Dream - he’s not. Thinking. About. It.)
“Hello? Earth to Sam?” Sapnap snaps his fingers in front of his face, and Sam blinks away the memories, the guilt, boxing it up and filing it neatly away to deal with - later. Never, ideally.
“Are you going to answer my question?”
Only later is now, there’s no escaping this conversation, and Sam. Really doesn’t want to be talking about this, right now. Sapnap fidgets, leaning on his right foot and then his left and then rocking back again - the feeling is mutual, then, but he knows the look in the younger’s eye well enough to know that neither of them are leaving without an explanation leaving Sam’s lips.
(Netherite and iron and smoke, bloodstained pickaxe tipping up a gaunt face, hand reaching around a too-prominent jawline with bruising force - are you going to answer my question, prisoner? Or are we going to have to do this again?
He’s not-
He can’t-)
“I-,” guilt, thick and heavy, circles his throat, chokes the words rising in his mouth. What can he even say? Can words really capture the sweat-slick desperation, the bubbling lava and heat and smoke stealing away all breath and thought, leaving nothing but a humming buzz of rage burning, hissing, begging for release? Can he really describe the endless darkness and weight settling on his shoulders, the hard edges and jagged fear taking anything soft, anything kind? Words swim in the back of his throat, try to reach his teeth, fall short; bloodstained memories haunt the back of his eyelids every time he blinks; there is so much, too much, to say, and yet nothing at all.
How does he even start?
There is no sympathy on Sapnap’s face when Sam looks, but there isn’t any cruelty either, just dark, watching eyes, lips thin and pressed together, jaw clamped shut, tense. Indifference, or a pale imitation of it, meant to hide the mess of his hair, the tremble in his hands, the helpless, desperate thing growing in his pupils. Sam understands and wishes he doesn’t; regrets, and wonders if he has the right, anymore.
“It- started, as an interrogation,” Sam stumbles over his words, stares at his hands because looking at Sapnap’s face will be too much, is too much. “I was angry. The prisoner- Dream- was desperate. That cell-” he shakes his head, remembers obsidian in his hands, remembers tearing away carpet, paintings, plants, remembers leaving the box bareboned, desolate, a cage and nothing more, “It messes with you. Screws with your head. I knew it, he knew it, but I guess we didn’t realize- I guess I didn’t realize-”
(Blood and crunching bone and shrill screams - tell me what you did to him-)
“I needed information. He wasn’t talking. I got- heated, and he laughed, and something- snapped, I guess.”
(I’ll tell you I’m sorry please please sam stop please)
“All I had on me was a pickaxe. He wasn’t talking, I was desperate - angry - I needed to know. I didn’t-”
(I just knew I needed to drag him away, he was ruining everything, he was destroying everything, I just needed him to leave before he brought down the whole damn server with him - the tnt was supposed to be a one time thing)
“It was supposed to be- one time. Was never supposed to happen, at all. But I guess I got mad - for me? For Tommy? I don’t- I don’t know, and it was- easy, you know? Take away the clock, one day. Give him less potatoes the next.”
(It was easy to do it again, I guess, mess with his invitations a little, take some of his stuff. There was nobody around but me and him and he’d ruined so much, he’d messed everything up - I thought that maybe if I took away his armor enough, he wouldn’t be able to go back. He wouldn’t ruin everything.)
“He’d done- so much. He was so awful to Tommy, to everyone- I thought I could prevent that. I thought maybe if I broke him enough, he wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone again. I renamed the pickaxe Will Breaker, to remind me, to remind him, I don’t know. I-”
Sam laughs, tired, poisonous, ignoring the way Sapnap whispers, stricken, looking at his hands and seeing nothing but red. Dream’s face, bruised, bloody, but glimmering with something almost like satisfaction comes to mind - and oh. Oh.
(Bloodstained teeth twisted in a bitter smile - Sam, I thought I had to.)
He gets it now. He wishes he didn't.
“I thought- ha-” His hand comes up to his face - he’s crying. When did he start crying? ”I thought I had to.”
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wokestraightpuffy · 3 years
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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squiddlysq · 4 years
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Nature is beautiful !!
I just played the Xen section of Black Mesa & it gave me MAD alien inspiration so like. fuck it. benry & gman r Xen’s apex predator species AU
Transcript of my awful fucking scribbling under the cut ! + some other deets
Benry !
Teefs ! Seeing is for losers, echolocation is MLG -Echolocates using sweet voice -Also uses it to calm prey
Thick skull plate -1) Fends off psychic shit (e.g. resisting gman’s time stop) -2) hehe rock smashing skull go BASH
CLAWS  - RIP AND TEAR ! He likes to fight bro idk what to tell you - + has one more fingie (finger) than gman - he likes to climb + grappling in fights - likes to brawl more than gman
(the eye pattern is to annoy gman lmao)
Bigger fin - He swims & dives more than gman - he’s more active generally
Smaller & less arms ! - smaller bcos he is younger lol - less arms bcos he doesn’t care about precision - he’s a rowdy boy - more brute strength
EYES - He is looking. - Teeth are for losers all the coolkids absorb their prey into their body like waddledee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzm3sNl8VwQ) - LOTS of eyes & they are constantly shifting + changing - Eyes are a big weak spot & harder to regenerate so gotta make em unpredictable + hard to hit
BIG BIG BOY - much older than benry, so much larger - with shapeshifting, the more dramatic the change, the harder it is to hold - gman is much bigger than benry so it’s harder for him to shrink to human form + he can’t hold it as long. - This is why benry just fuckin vanishes sometimes + why gman isn’t around that often - It’s also why hes Like That
SWEET VOICE - Used to calm/hypnotise prey - Also to draw them within grabbing range - Green to blue means I’m going to hurt you. - He doesn’t use it that much, prefers stealth - hunts like the cryptid he is
BIOLUMINESCENSE - Hard word to spell ! - He glowe. - idk bro he’s a spooky sneaky cave boy + I wanted him to glow - Opposable ! Like he can control what glows + how bright TRANSCRIPT DONE 
So essentially !! Benry & Gman are the same species & that species was Xen’s apex predator - capable of shapeshifting, wild regeneration, telepathy, Sweet Voice Bullshit + teleportation
They are terrifying is what I am getting at
The ability to shapeshift means that even tho they are the same species, they look very different bcos as they grow they change their default shape to match their hunting style/personality/preferences - ie benrys helmet/skull plate, gman having a shitload of eyes & benry having none, gman being very slim with a short fin while benry is a thicc bitch w a giant fin, etc etc
Point is ! They were happy enough living on Xen with a weird sort of ceasefire between them & the vortigaunts - don’t fuck with us & we will leave you alone kind of thing - until Nihilanth rocked up to cause problems for everyone
Even an apex predator can get fucked up if the whole ass planet is turned against them so they were driven off world to EARTH - more specifically to Black Mesa
I still dont rlly know abt Tommy in this AU,, like I’ve drawn him a Xen form but I’m not sure if I want him to be one of their species or a human - currently thinking he’s one of their species but born human so that’s his default body setting if that makes sense ? So he can stay human indefinitely unlike Benry & Gman who have to fuck off & recuperate if they want to maintain their Human Mode but he would find it harder to shapeshift into his Xen form
Bleh who knows. Anyone who actually read all this you a real one go play Black Mesa peace out
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ipatrichor · 3 years
for the fic titles - graceland
okay this is an interesting one, bc it makes me think of an untitled au i have skfbf
so it's an urban fantasy au, where it's modern day and maybe a third or less of people have abilities. the thing abt that though is that having abilities fucking sucks!! they can sometimes be useful but have huge drawbacks that can force people to completely restructure their lives
the au is centered around twinsduo + benchtrio as a group of brothers who kinda found each other & stuck together bc they all have shitty drawbacks. techno is the oldest and p much looks after the rest of them (also i have abilities lined up for everyone but tommy, so he's probably gonna be unpowered or something lmao)
anyway so techno's ability is that he can,, for lack of a better term, call on outside forces to give him information/advice- about people, about events, anything really (the hard part is figuring out if they're being honest lmao). the drawback is that he has to keep them entertained, and if they all want the same thing very badly it can start to sabotage his impulse control
wilbur is out of commission most of the time- his gift is prophecy, which leads to him getting stuck tracing so many different threads and basically disassociating for hours or even days at a time. the specific drawback he got is what i'm affectionately referring to as Mental Illness, Innit. it gets better or worse depending on how much he gets sucked into trying to see the most likely futures, and how often he uses his ability (intentionally or otherwise, sometimes the future decides there's something he needs to see and yoinks his brain w/o warning which makes working difficult). it's basically a package deal of the aforementioned disassociation, depression, severe anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, etc etc. he wants to do more to help his family, but he really can't and it's pretty upsetting but they reassure him as best they can that they don't blame him for his ability fucking him over
tubbo has a healing ability! injuries on him heal automatically (bigger ones slower than smaller ones) and he can heal minor to moderate injuries on other people (nothing worse than like. fractures tho, and nothing complicated). the downside to this is that he's perpetually low energy, and spends a lot of time sleeping/resting. it sucks that he can't do active shit with the others, but he tries not to feel bitter or anything because being upset won't change anything, it'll just waste energy
ranboo has perhaps the most visible ability of all of them- he's physically enhanced, but enough of his body is still human that it doesn't quite mesh perfectly with the enhanced parts. this leads to a fair amount of chronic pain as well as hydrophobic skin, and he's learned ways to manage & live with it over the years since manifesting, but it's never gonna go away and so working is also difficult for him (yes this one is based on my own experiences. yes i wish i had cool horns/a tail and shit so that at least my body hurt for a reason :'')
as mentioned earlier, i couldn't think of an ability for tommy so?? if u have suggestions feel free to tell me, but it's entirely possible i'll just have him be unpowered lmao. anyway since he doesn't have a drawback he's the one who helps techno out the most. techno tries not to rely on him too much bc he's still a kid, but also he can't handle everything himself and tommy is insistent on doing what he can
the story would probably be abt them struggling to live and find a place for themselves in the world that's just not structured with room for people like them in it, and they probably go on a roadtrip to find somewhere wilbur saw in the future, somewhere they can be safe that wilbur calls graceland. it's a long road trip and they all have to confront their individual struggles as well as reaffirm their bonds
they end up stopping at a lake with a few people with abilities already living there, and are greeted by a kind man named phil who welcomes them. it turns out to be a community for people who experience significant drawbacks from their abilities- people like niki who can't breathe air, sneeg who used to be able to sizeshift before he got stuck tiny, fundy who deals with sleep deprivation from prophetic nightmares (something he and wilbur bond over), charlie whose body is made out of slime and can't maintain human shape some days, scott with a connection to the stars he refuses to talk about even when he stares longingly at the night sky, jack who constantly needs to be regulating his body temperature to keep from burning himself, etc.
so the brothers move in, and end up fitting in really well. they make friends, and really start to settle, and at one point one of them asks wilbur if he wants to keep looking for graceland or if he's okay staying here (bc at this point 'graceland' has come to be like,, a mythical representation of hope to them, right). and wilbur just smiles and leads them to phil, asking him what this place is called. he goes 'ah, right, i never told you, did i? welcome to graceland lake! you're welcome to stay here, for as long as you want.'
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jjkyaoi · 3 years
Hey, hi, hello, there’s a couple things I’m boutta let out that’s dsmp related, and if you don’t agree w/ it that’s fine, I’m just sick of seeing the same shit repeated over & over. So, take this. (I’ll probably private it anyways.)
(Some possible sensitive subjects.)
1. People shitting on Tommy for choosing L’manberg, saying it’s “just a bunch of buildings over his family”. Because, if you would’ve watched his POV you would’ve understood that L’manberg has never been “just a bunch of buildings” to him; it’s been the people. It’s been the people he’s fought for the country w/, his friends and his family — this community is what he cares about, not the fucking structures or the caravan or fucking. Any of this. He has laid this out; he has made this obvious. Him choosing L’manberg over Techno was heartbreaking, yes, but when he did that he wasn’t choosing the buildings or the structure over Techno, he was choosing his friends because he snapped out of it — he was realizing how much he was hurting this community of people he cared so much about, and he didn’t want to take his bad experiences out on them. He did it for Tubbo, specifically, because when he said “the disks mattered more than you ever did”? It clicked to him who he was becoming — he was hurting the people he loved the most. He didn’t want to do that anymore. So no, he didn’t chose the buildings or the structures of L’manberg in its entirely over Techno, he chose to better himself and he chose this community of people that he cares about, despite everything. He chose not to be a villain. And i think that’s great. Good lord do I sympathize w/ Techno, and I’m not saying him being upset or you being upset about what he did isn’t valid, I’m just saying just..,... watch his POV before you start making assumptions that are untrue?
2. People shaming Tommy for having an emotional attachment to the disks. Hey, guess what? Have you ever considered that this kid has had everything taken from him? Have you ever considered that everything he’s had was burnt or exploded or destroyed by his enemies, so of course he would hold onto something so desperately because it hasn’t been taken and destroyed in front of his eyes? Have you ever considered that, even for a second? Also, people saying that “what does he care about, his friends or the disks?” he cares about both. He can..,,.. care about both things, if you weren’t aware of that? He cares about the disks because they’re what kept him going when he was suicidal, when Dream was manipulating him; they were the only thing that held good memories and the only thing that gave him a purpose, that gave him something to do. Of course he went too far w/ them, and he acknowledged that, but don’t shit on them when they were basically his lifeline at some point? People tend to forget that his character was literally suicidal; of course he would hang onto something like that because it gave him a point. ....,and it represents his friendships, and the good memories before everything went bad, and people. People he holds so dearly. Once you have that in mind, once you think abt the possibility of the disks representing people, Dream continuously taking them was taking something that represented his friends and his happiness from him.
3. People siding w/ Dream and saying that c!Dream was trying to teach him a lesson. Hey, guys? Do I have to keep repeating myself? Dream admitted that he didn’t have Tommy’s best intentions in mind, he said that he wasn’t his fucking friend — he admitted that he was only hanging out in logstedshire for the fucking disks. Every fucking day Dream would blow up his shit that he worked hard for in front of his eyes, the shit he mined for and was proud of himself for getting? Yeah, every damned day he destroyed every shred of Tommy’s hope he had of getting back on his feet in front of his face — that doesn’t seem like something someone would do who had his best interests in mind. The man lied to him about the party, didn’t even have ghostbur send out the invites so he could convince him nobody fucking cared for him. He lied to him that Tubbo burned the compass to get him to hate Tubbo. He blew up logstedshire when Tommy hid shit from him because he was afraid of what he’d do when he found out — yeah, his home? He blew that shit up. That isn’t something friendly to do. Man pushed this kid to suicide, man manipulated him, man won’t fucking leave him alone because he thinks it is fun to torment him — he is not a good person. All this shit you defend as “teaching him a lesson” just scars him. It’s abuse, is what it is. It’s fucking abuse.
4. Trauma doesn’t give people the excuse to torment people. Hey, we’ve been over this before too, haven’t we? Guess who addressed it? Tommy. He owned up to his actions and said he was using his bad experiences as an excuse to hurt people, he owned up to that shit and said it didn’t give him an excuse. No matter what bad experiences these character go through, you can sympathize w/ it, but it doesn’t give them a fucking excuse to hurt people cause they’re just repeating the fucking cycle. Trauma? Bad experiences isn’t a thing you should hold up as a shield once you’re told that the things you’re doing is wrong. It’s fine when you’re supporting a characters villainous arc, but don’t use their bad experiences as a defense? Trauma doesn’t give you the excuse for vengeance, to hurt people. Even if you’re hurting and you’re angry and you want revenge, the shit that you went through in the past isn’t a defense. It isn’t. I’ve seen a lot of people using it as an excuse in this fandom and it’s 🧍🏼not one...,,??
That’s it. That’s all I have to say. ...,,yes most of it is about c!Tommy. What about it. ...this is literally an inniter blog 🧍🏼/lh /nm
(Also this is just.,, referring to their characters. Yes I do see the fact that I didn’t type “c!” And yes I am too lazy to go back and change it, what about it.)
Also, this isn’t me defending c!Tommy’s shit actions, I’m well aware that he’s done shit things in the past and this isn’t me saying he’s an innocent angel that deserves no criticism, I’m just saying maybe,..., try to understand his POV? Like, for example I do think torturing fundy was going too far, I do think he’s made multiple mistakes and I do think he’s a flawed character, but there’s reasons to his character and I just wisgaiavja. I think he’s neat ok
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batz · 4 years
Alternate timeline coomer and tommy who turned out to be the evil guys in the end
i remember in one of the commentary streams they mentioned that coomer and tommy could be potential Good Villains and honestly YEAH
itd probably be a bit different than the whole bubby and benrey thing tho. like, coomer is 100% the orchestrator to whatever fucked up thing happens to gordon, BUT its less out of spite (like with bubby n benrey) and more out of necessity? a situation where he thinks, and in some way is, the good guy in the situation! the games going to End, which means coomer and his friends are going to End as well, and coomer figures immobilizing gordon will make it way too difficult to win the game. if its too difficult to win the game, then the science team will Stay Alive, Live Forever! think The Trolley Problem, either kill one person to save many ppl, or kill many ppl to save one person.
coomer definitely doesnt Like being an antagonist, he was gordons friend after all! but what other choice does he have? tommy ends up being like,, a reluctant right hand man kinda deal, he's only w coomer bc hes scared of things ending bc what happens once the game shuts off??? he wants to hang out with his friends adn see sunkist snd drink soda,,, the possibility of things just. Ending. is terrifying. theres no books or wikipedia articles that say what happens to them once gordon leaves, and tommy doesnt like when something doesn't have a definitive answer. so he obv sticks by coomer bc coomer seems to Know what hes doing and Knows how to stop this!
bubbys 'never leave a man behind' mindset (that he apparently has??? lol) clashes with coomer and tommys mindset so he obv sticks with gordon and benrey. he kinda figures like hey if the games gonna end its gonna end like theres no use fighting it, we Shouldn't fight it. also being stuck in half life 1 forever sounds like super boring. benrey just kinda sticks by gordon bc hey wtf the script was changed why is he not the big bad anymore why isnt he the endgame battle???? realizing that bc of coomers choices it was switched around and now COOMER is the final boss, benrey just kinda tags along w bubby n gordon bc he wants 2 see what happens.
the final boss battle would be cool tho. big ol glitchy superplayfeature coomer. v much the same as benreys battle with the whole 'hey pls stop fighting bc i have no choice but to fight back'. less funny nonsensical lines and more shouting abt how 'theres nothing there'. maybe tommy has a change of heart and is on gordons side again bc he doesnt wanna hurt his friends, even if it means things potentially ending. now The Trolley Problem is reversed!!! now coomer is the One Person thats gotta be killd to save Many Ppl!!!! o shit what a twist!!!!
the scene where gordon gets shot w the portal gun and goes back to black mesa to destroy his passport has like, same circumstances, except coomer is Normal Sized and probably just calmly follows him to the locker room trying to convince him to like. Not Beat The Game. bc the science team may just be polygons n pixels to him, but they are very much Alive. and shutting off the game can only really mean one thing. everytime gordon tries to shoot him the bullets kinda just phase through coomer, who looks just, so disappointed in gordon. he rlly hates how things turned out..! pre-aware!bubby is the one that ends up opening the portal back to xen for him, even tho he rlly doesnt want to, bc it like, takez a LOT of effort and is super tiring like hes gotta use mind powers hes gotta use his brain to shoot a whole ass portal at a WALL like bruh but he does it anyway bc timelines or whatevr but he WILL complain while doing so
coomer is VERY glitchy and a lot more fucked up looking than benrey was when gordon returns, like hes just constsntly morphing and its suppper spooky! forbidden science evil moments!!!maybe coomer controls sunkist now too? sunkists got thos mspaint angry eyebrows and mspaint evil red eyes its SOOO spooky oOoOo. seeing that coomers got control of sunkist tommy goes full rambo on him like tommy is def the one that delivers the final punch n coomers eventually defeated!!! the ending scene is essentially the same, and the final speech is the same too! although a good portion of the speech is an apology to gordon bc. y eah. he def kinda deserves one. but he still mentions the science teams files being transfered, and Saved! he also makes sure to say that he Understands if gordon doesnt want to transfer over his file too, considering he did break the game. he just wants to make sure the rest of the science team gets to see the world bc they deserve it!!!!
tldr; if coomer and tommy were the villains itd be a completely different story and tommy wouldnt rlly be a villain fr long and coomer would be villain w grey morality / flawed morals n everyone is aware that its a game and its honestly probably a little bit more sad:(
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enderwalk · 4 years
hoo boy im deciding to share all my dream smp headcanons with you guys because i keep infodumping to the same three people and i want to be one of the cool kids on here that has cool ideas about different dsmp characters. under the cut because i tend to ramble too much!! im just gonna start with a techno headcanon that’s currently giving me and my friends brainworms <3
i was making a technoblade playlist earlier, and while adding different songs i came across survival song // ajj and came up with this idea. i’m taking inspiration from pyrrhic_geese’s animatics of techno losing control while sparring with wilbur, and the concept of techno feeling guilty for the red festival from safe haven on ao3! i didn’t take this concept from them word for word, but they definitely gave me some ideas
if you’re unfamiliar with the song, the first verse ( and i was possessed by something quite unfriendly / and i was haunted by demons in my sleep ) awoke an idea in me. what if technoblade got possessed by the Blood God when he went into battle or felt threatened or pressured?  i KNOW that the “possession” that the song references is just about hateful emotions taking over but what if techno actually gets possessed by the blood god when he starts sparring and then he just cant control it.
i haven’t entirely thought out how the pact would happen, but @sunflowerseraph came up with the idea that one of his family members gets hurt, and he wasn’t able to protect them, and as a piglin hybrid (another headcanon i’d love to get into) he has this innate need to fight and protect his family since piglins have to defend themselves in the nether.
like thinking abt the concept of techno losing control when he used to spar w wilbur and like. maybe he made a pact with the blood god at a young age so he could defend himself and his family … but it possesses him whenever he feels threatened or pressured and just ends up killing everyone he sees like at the red festival. he would have little to no memory of getting possessed either, just to add more spice.
in safe haven, the fic is mainly about tubbo moving far away from manburg after the red festival and his friends and family visiting him. in one chapter techno got fatally injured in the woods between manburg and tubbo’s new home, and tubbo actually took him to his new home to help him heal because even if techno killed him, he still forgave him and understood the situation? but this fic also kept the canon fact that everyone has three lives, and techno didnt know that tubbo was on his LAST life, right? bc tubbo never told anyone but tommy that he only had one life left. in the chapter tubbo let techno heal in his house even if he was still really scared of him, and tommy shows up and is FURIOUS that techno is there and starts shouting at him and mentions that bc of techno, tubbo is on his last life and techno’s just CRUSHED. like he’s just extremely guilty and heartbroken that he’s the reason that tubbo’s on his last life and im just thinking abt the idea of techno literally blacking out and getting possessed by this blood god and not having any memory of the people he kills, so he has to deal with the consequences of this blood god that takes over.
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