#sanders shorts andy
Orange: Don’t you just love how mental disorders are just buy one get seven free?
Patton: I didn’t even really want the first one. My old boyfriend made me buy it.
Roman: Mine’s a family heirloom, passed down through generations.
Remus: Same.
Janus: I think mine was one of the things my dad threw at me as a child.
Logan: I’m pretty sure my parents gave it to me because they shoplifted it and didn’t want to go to jail.
Virgil & Andy: Ours came in a package deal: Being gay, homophobic parents, mental illness.
Remy: Bitch, you had parents?
Emilie: Mine was the last thing my parents gave me before they abandoned me in the middle of a Wendy’s parking lot.
Thomas: Jesus Christ, are you ok?!
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Remus casually giving Remy advice on how to score a hot emo and Remy acting like he doesn't want it but secretly keeping it in mind.
At the same time Virgil listening to Andy bitching about this flippant little thot and that it sucks that he likes him. Virgil just nods and tells him flat out kill him. Andy pretends that's a vocal typo and breaks out the chapstick
Remus and Virgil meet up later for movies and cuddles and agree those two are hopeless.
Andy and Remy are somewhere aggressively making out
Dukexiety Matchmakers Inc. where you too can makeout with your crush without them even trying XD
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I have a draft now about Andy (Anxiety, the Shorts character) and Blue Screen.
Have we picked out a name for him yet? Idk if we call him Blue, or just refer to him as Blue Screen for now.
Anyway, I'm finally watching that Cartoon Therapy video. You may see a little crackfic about Blue Screen & Andy sometime soon.
Edit: I decided to just call him Blue for now.
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gamerzylo · 2 months
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I'm descending back into rarepair hell as we speak.
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brandstifter-sys · 19 days
Remy would be one of the flirtiest thots in the world. He could charm and win over anyone he wanted. Except for one person, Andy.
It's not that he has no effect on Anxiety, far from it. Andy's knee-jerk reaction to any sort of compliment is to deny it. He gets so flustered (internally at least) that he can't stop himself from rejecting any advances. Unfortunately he sounds like he's just being a teasing flirt, though he always sounds like that around Remy.
It drives Remy nuts. He has made it his goal to make that edgelord go on 1 (one) date with him. But Remy is a queen bee, he doesn't do the asking. And Andy is too anxious to do it, or believe Remy actually wants him. So they keep up this little charade because they're both idiots in their own ways
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chillykitty · 2 months
dysfunctional polycule c!Thomas x Remy x Blue Screen x Melatonin x Late Night Snacking x Andy x Otto helllooo new poly ship
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Word: Jewels Challenge word: antidisestablishmentarianism
Title: I'll be the blood (If you'll be the bones) Summary: It has been a long, long while since he has felt anything. He has drifted through existence, brandishing his fangs and putting up pompous displays of his wealth and domination. Until one day, a thin silver blade presses against his throat. "I will kill you." 'Do you promise?' The vampire thinks, sardonically, desperately. Word-Count: 813 Warnings: Hinted Suicidal Ideation, Morally Grey Remy, Crying, Unresolved Conflict I found this two-thirds of the way completed in my drafts and decided to complete it. Have this short vignette into Remy's and Andy's shared past in the Howl verse.
Those untouched by the old gods' blessings, such as humans, were so perishable, so weak. Where vampires grew stronger with age, humans grew weaker the older they lived. It was remarkable, really, how the slightest inconvenience could end their existence in finality. A change in temperature, a steep fall, a minor illness.
The smell of decay, of imminent demise, followed their ever-waking existence. Their fates were ever-changeable, fluid and constant like a river.
It was laughable that such creatures believed they stood a chance against superior, blessed beings such as vampire-kind. They waved about their slivers of silver and unholy wooden stakes, not understanding it came down to a matter of reflexes. Even the fastest of humans would struggle to outrun the slowest of his kind.
Although, these days he preferred to avoid getting his hands filthy. All it took was a look and he could coax even the most stubborn human into complete servitude. Humans' minds were malleable and moldable into whatever he wished them to become.
It was entertaining, it was booooring. He held the world in the palm of his hand and yet, none of sated his soul. Maybe this was why the gods had abandoned them; they no longer found their playthings entertaining.
So for a long, long while--he felt nothing. He drifted through existence, brandishing his fangs and putting up pompous displays of his wealth and domination. Until one day a thin silver blade was pressed against his throat.
"I will kill you," A human said, shaking hands clasped around the sword.
'Do you promise?' The vampire thought sardonically, desperately.
The human is far from the first to declare such a thing. Although he was younger than most, barely old enough to be considered a knight. How he managed to transverse his way undetected this far into the vampire's territory was intriguing.
Still how fitting, how ironic would it be? If the vampire was to die by a human young's doing? What a way to be immortalized forever in human mythos.
"Then do it already, no need to waste your breath declaring so," The vampire said.
"I'm going to," The human insisted, tears running down his cheeks. The blade did not pierce the vampire's throat, "I--I will."
The vampire kept still, aching for the release of death. The human's blade dropped to the ground.
"I--I can't." The human sobbed, "I should--but I can't--"
"Do it," The vampire demanded, looking directly in the human's eyes. It was command, a wish, a desire. The human looked back, eyes gleaming with ferocity, "No."
The vampire stumbled back in shock. "No?"
"No," The human confirmed, "I won't, I can't."
The vampire had never been denied something from a human before. There was a putrid indignation threatened to spill out from him. A more fragrant amusement shoved it back down. A human capable of defying him? This was more precious than jewels to the vampire.
"What is your name?" The vampire asked. The human did not say it at first. In his eyes, laid a window to a mind locked in internal conflict. It was almost thrilling to the vampire; to know that he had no control as to whether the human chose to answer his question or not.
"It--it is Andrew. What is yours?" The human asked in return, fists curled up at his sides.
Despite his refusal to draw a blade upon the vampire, he looked almost ready to fist fight him to death. Humans never ceased to amaze him in their duality.
The vampire withdrew a pale hand out to the human; a human sign of showing no ill intent. The human did not flinch, he merely stared upon it before slowly, carefully, placing his hand within the vampire's clasp.
"It depends on who you ask," The vampire replied, shaking the human's hand, "but you may call me Rembrandt."
The vampire attempted to release his hand, but Andrew held onto his with all of his meager human strength.
"What do you want with me?" He asked. A command, a wish, a desire of his own. One that the vampire hardly felt no compulsion to answer. Regardless, an answer he shall labor to give.
"I already asked you of it--but you denied my request," The vampire said, moving his hand out of the human's grasp with ease, "considering you're the first human in centuries to do so, I find that fascinating."
Andrew swallowed, "Are you going to do something about that?"
"What, like kill you? Or turn you?" The vampire laughed, "that would ruin all my fun."
"Yes, F-U-N. Fun. As in, 'the most enjoyment I've had in a long while,'" The vampire drawled, "now be good and return to the safety of your human fortress. I have no need for humans who cannot serve me."
Scarcely remembering to pick up his blade, Andrew turned and fled the way he came. The vampire's lips curled slightly in dissatisfaction. He expected the human to pick more of a fight. Still, as he straightened his cape, he knew for certain the human would come back.
Above all else, humans' fatalistic curiosity always far outweighed their aspiration for survival.
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jack-enbyfold · 7 months
The key difference between Virgil "Anxiety" Sanders and Andy "shorts!Anxiety" Sanders is that Virgil is a weeb while Andy has brony vibes
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bestbonnist · 1 month
Chapters 176 and 177
176.1 | 176.2 | 176.3 | 177.1 | 177.2 | 177.3
Abel’s motives are a bit difficult to discuss while I’m avoiding bringing up anything from the chapters after 177. This is going to be more like a collection of short, unrelated analyses. Not an essay. Sorry 'bout that!
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Chapter 176 "His Motives"
I can’t remember Fushi ever using one of their forms’ full names as an alias like this. It's usually just "Joaan." They didn’t come up with it as an attempt to hide their identity either, because they ask Bon if they should have just said “Fushi” a few seconds later. Fushi is taking following in Yuuki’s footsteps literally, to the degree where they’re trying to be him. Put in another way... Fushi doesn't believe in their own ability to come to a peaceful resolution. They're imitating Yuuki because they've got more faith in him than they do in themselves.
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Chapter 176 "His Motives"
If Fushi’s version of the doll is too light, then that means the machinery is too tiny and complicated for them to recreate. That machinery is what lets the doll move around. Putting those two thoughts together: if that machinery gets broken, Fushi won’t be able to fix it. If the doll's body gets destroyed, that's it. She doesn't get to come back like Fushi's other friends.
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Chapter 176 "His Motives"
Tonari's complicated relationship with the adults in her life when she was a kid actually gives her interactions with Andy a lot of potential. On Jananda, she had to put on a mature act while manipulating others (capturing Pioran, forcing Fushi to fight in the tournament...). Her biggest worry after growing up is that she's just like the "dirty adults" she used to hate. And meanwhile we have Andy, who wants to be seen as an adult really badly. Tonari acknowledges him as a grown-up—or more like, she acknowledges that he wants to be a grown-up—so he starts liking her immediately. I wonder how this is gonna play out.
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Chapter 177 "His Motives - Part 2"
It's that winged motorcycle helmet from Chapter 166! Looks like a fallen angel... or like Icarus. Completely antithetical to the ad that they starred in—they're supposed to represent freedom and limitless possibilities, but instead Kaibara confines them to the ground. Nice symbolism.
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Chapter 177 "His Motives - Part 2"
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Chapter 119 "New Encounter"
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Chapter 30 "The Family on the Hill"
When I was rereading this chapter I noticed that Fushi turns into Shin whenever they need to carry someone, like how he wanted to carry his younger brother one last time.
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Chapter 177 "His Motives - Part 2"
When Fushi loses a form, they automatically turn into the closest thing. When they lost Yuuki they turned into his family/the occult club members. When they lost Shin they turned into Rean. They turned into Nand’s brother after losing Nand, and then Sander because he was also on Jananda. And then they rotate through the rest of Tonari’s friends. I've never noticed that pattern before, but it just goes to show how much of their power is based on memory. They can tell that something's missing, and they can remember what that thing is associated with, but they don't know who it is.
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Chapter 177 "His Motives - Part 2"
What "Hanna" says about the doll being important leads into Fushi's memory of the first time they saw her. The final thing they remember is how happy the clones look when they're with the doll. Fushi feels like they broke their promise with Mizuha by failing to save her lookalikes, but the doll was there to fulfill that promise in their place.
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halfhissandwich · 1 month
opinion on viremile
(virgil x remy x emile)
sometimes i’ll ship them other times it’s remile prinxiety or analogical
Personally, it’s a bit too complicated to keep track of imo, considering that it’s three series (Sanders Sides, Shorts and Cartoon Therapy), it gets a little confusing for me, so personally, not my cup of tea.
(I’m a super big fan of Remy x Emile x Shorts!Anxiety/Andy though!)
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The Plan so far
So, this blog was a very spontaneous idea I had yesterday (very late in the evening). So I took some time to think it through today, as well as get some more lists from other Fanders.
The plan now is to first create lists for the separate facets of the Thomas Sanders fandom, i.e. Sanders Sides, Shorts Characters, Cartoon Therapy and Roleslaying with Roman. (I'm sorry that this means I need to split up Remy and Emile for now, we'll get to crossovers later.)
For that to work, I need a comprehensive list of characters first. So this is my call for your help! I'll put a list of who I got so far after the cut and you can reply to this post or send me an ask about more characters I can/should include!
I'm really happy with the positive reactions I got for creating this blog, thank you for your support! 💗💙💖💙💜💛💚
Sanders Sides:
Dragon Witch (unsure if I should include her but if I do, this is where she'll be)
I know King is most commonly used as a sort of fusion of Roman and Remus but for the purposes of this list, I will see him as an entirely separate character and as such include ships between him and Roman and/or Remus.
Shorts Characters
Remy - Sleep
Teal/Teagan - Teacher
Dayd - Dad
Pryce - Prince
Andy - Anxiety
Dice/Anton/Cedric - The Critic
Linda - Thomas' Cowlick
Missy - Misleading Compliments
Nathan - Crimefighter Dude
Detective Sanders (from this series which I found through this post by @loganslowdown4!)
Percy/Magenta - Printer
Harley/Hart - Heart
Immy - Immune System
Brian - Brain
Dean - Denial
Sabina - Spam Bot
Ishmael - Ice Machine
Jasper - GPS
Scot - Scam Likely
Wieland - WIP
Phaelan - Phone
Fane - Fan
Steven - Electric Stapler
Ace - Action Hero that can't catch things
Rian - Rain
Mike - Microwave
Nessy - Illness
Apollo - Sun
Jericho - Moon
Taz / Tucker - Task
Bouce/Boucy - The Bouncing Ball
Anton - Antagonist
Pranks - Disney/Pokémon Pranks
Asher/Rudolph - Christmas
Jasper - Thanksgiving
Jaana - January
Fabian - Feburary
Mara - March
April - April
May - May
Junie - June
Julia/Julian - July
Augusta/Augustus - August
Seth/Ember - September
Toby - October
Nove - November
Demetri/Odessa - December
Ariel/Ari - Aries
Leona/Leonard/Leo - Leo
Candace/Candy - Cancer
Phillipa/Pip/Pippy - Pisces
Schuyler/Sky - Scorpio
Tara - Taurus
Sarah/Sally - Sagittarius
Caprice - Capricorn
Gemma - Gemini
Virginia/Ginny - Virgo
Liberty/Libby - Libra
Quinn - Aquarius
Cartoon Therapy (as far as I know, all the characters in this series are adults)
Emile Picani
Mitchel (I don't actually know if that's how you spell his name)
Roleslaying with Roman
Roman of Reston
??? (Mike)
Bob Normie
Bard King
There are many more characters in the series of course, but I do not know which it makes sense to include here, so please let me know! Also if there is another part of the fandom I forgot to include entirely.
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Eddsworld au but it’s just Virgil and Remus doing dumb shit lol.
Or it’s Remus, Virgil, Remy and Andy lol
Y E S!!! An AU like that with those 4 would be utter C H A O S every single day XD I feel like Ree would be Tord, Vee is Tom, Remy is Matt, and Andy is Edd (Feel free to disagree if you do)
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black-arcana · 6 months
Ex-DELAIN Singer CHARLOTTE WESSELS Explores 'Heavier Sound' On Upcoming Solo Album
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Charismatic Dutch singer/songwriter Charlotte Wessels is set to release her new studio album on September 20, 2024 via Napalm Records. The LP's first single, "The Exorcism", will arrive on May 16, 2024.
Wessels's album promises a cohesive exploration of fear and liberation, as well as spellbinding melancholia and dark, catchy elements meeting progressive and heavier soundscapes. Charlotte and her band will bring this story to the stage on October 4, 2024 at Utrecht's TivoliVredenburg.
The former DELAIN vocalist's earlier solo endeavors, "Tales From Six Feet Under" (2021) and "Tales From Six Feet Under Vol II" (2022) already gained Wessels a remarkable number of devotees, but for the upcoming release, Wessels is raising the bar significantly. While still writing and producing the songs in her Six Feet Under basement home studio and sharing their first incarnations with her patrons, now she's taking the songs to the next level with a band of her fellow ex-DELAIN cohorts Timo Somers (guitars, additional arrangements),Otto Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oije (bass) and Joey Marin De Boer (drums) as well as Sophia Vernikov (piano/hammond),contributing to the new, heavier sound. The album also features arrangements by Vikram Shankar (SILENT SKIES, PAIN OF SALVATION),cello by Elianne Anemaat, mixing by Guido Aalbers (MUSE, COLDPLAY, THE GATHERING) and mastering by Andy VanDette (PORCUPINE TREE, VOLA, DREAM THEATER).
Wessels states: "This album is significant, for on the one hand, telling such a deeply personal journey — through its unintended theme of fear and obsessive thoughts — and at the same time, representing the joy of finding the song's true forms with everyone involved in the making of this record. There were moments in the studio with the band that truly reminded me of why I love making music in the first place, and I don't think I've ever been as excited about music going out into the world. This is the album I want to re-introduce myself with, and I'm so glad to do it with this amazing team."
In a 2022 interview with Spain's The Metal Circus TV, Wessels was asked how she feels about the fact that DELAIN made a comeback with a new lineup. A short time earlier, DELAIN released a single, "The Quest And The Curse", featuring keyboardist, founder and main songwriter Martijn Westerholt alongside new singer Diana Leah, original guitarist Ronald Landa and original drummer Sander Zoer, plus bassist Ludovico Cioffi. Charlotte said: "I'm trying not to engage with it too much, honestly. I've seen positive responses about it, which I think is good. But I do try to keep some distance and just focus on what I'm doing rather than checking that out, because I still don't feel like that will make me happier per se."
In February 2021, Westerholt announced the dissolution of DELAIN's previous lineup. At the time, he explained: "For the last year or so, the collaboration within the band ceased to work as well as it once had. Some of us were no longer happy with the current roles in the band. We all tried very hard to find a solution for over a year, but sadly we were unable to find one. As a result, we will all be going our own ways and pursuing our own endeavors.
"I am very sad our cooperation has come to end, but at the same time I am very grateful for all the years we were able to work together. Together we toured the world, shared highs and lows, and met with many successes as well as times that pushed us to learn and grow. We all enjoyed meeting our fans and making new friends all over the globe."
At the time, Wessels said about her departure: "I know that you might have questions about the 'why' in all of this. I fully understand and respect that. Simply put, it is the sad conclusion of more than a year of trying to find solutions to built-up grievances. Part of me feels like I'm letting all of you down, I'd like you to know that this decision was not taken lightly and I apologize to those of you who had high hopes of seeing all of us together live on stage again after lockdown. Until recently, I thought this might still be in the cards for us as well."
The new DELAIN lineup made its official live debut in August 2022 at the Riverside festival in Aarburg, Switzerland.
Photo credit: Tim Tronckoe
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gamerzylo · 2 years
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brandstifter-sys · 10 days
(I rewrote the ask lol)
Virgil:Grrr….i hate my bf…I need to send him hate mail…
*Virgil gets out some paper and a green pen*
Virgil:hmm…what can I make fun of him for…in his song he dressed like woody…he kind of looked demented…hehehe..
*Virgil starts writing*
*The note read*
“U are A Demented Woody
💚 your boyfriend
P.S. Go BAcK 2 ANDY’S Room U Prikk!!!”
Virgil:This is perfect
*Virgil leaves it under remus’s door*
*Remus finds it half an hour later and reads it*
*2 hours later*
*Remus in Andy’s room crying while Andy holds him*
Andy:Remus…it’s fine…it’s gonna be ok…I’m sure he didn’t mean it…
*Virgil manically laughing in his room*
I think we all know Remus would take it as the highest praise in the world. Plus Virgil remembered the little song number!! Remus put so much work into it! Happy tears!!
As soon as Andy says that Remus pauses and stares at him like he's crazy. And then he goes off telling Andy how awesome and sweet Virgil is and that he is the luckiest trash disaster in the world
Andy is confused and concerned
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author-chan06 · 3 months
Writing Requests
Requests: Closed
Fandom Categories:
Green Fandoms are ones I’m heavily/more involved in at the moment. These requests will be the most likely of the ones to get done first unless another prompt particularly inspires me.
Orange Fandoms are ones I’m still willing to write for, but am less into/involved in at the moment. These requests will be completed after the green fandom ones, unless there is a particular prompt that inspires me.
Red Fandoms are ones that I am not involved in at the moment. I will not write for these then, but if I don’t take them off the list, then that means I believe it is likely that I will eventually be open to writing for them again.
This post will be edited every two weeks so it’s accurate, and if you are unsure of when that is, at the bottom of this post it will tell the exact date and time of the last edit was done.
Markiplier Egos
SCP Foundation
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Sanders Sides
Gravity Falls
The Owl House
My Hero Academia
General Knowledge:
I have a general knowledge of big events that involve specifically Batman and Joker, and quite a bit about some of the Batfam (Dick, Tim, Jason, Damian, Barbara) but I am not fully up to date with everything, as that seems to be almost impossible, so do be specific about things that I might not know so I don’t do the requests wrong. I have read the first ever Batman comics (including many of the ones in Detective Comics), some of the World’s Finest Comics, Batman: Europa, The Killing Joke, Batman: Lovers & Madmen, and Batman Confidential #2. I also know about things like Death Of The Family, though I haven’t read it yet. I have watched The Dark Knight, some bits and pieces of Batman: The Animated Series, The LEGO Batman Movie, Season One Of The Harley Quinn Series, Joker (2019), The Suicide Squad, Birds Of Prey, and up to S3E14 of the Gotham TV show. I also know the basic idea of Telltale, and The Arkham series, have played some, and have written about them before.
This means that if you do not specify which Batman you want, I will use my own interpretation of their characters that I have gained from all of these sources and from some spectator fan content I’ve found as well.
Markiplier Egos:
I have watched Who Killed Markiplier?, Wilford ‘MOTHERLOVING’ Warfstache, DAMIEN, Markiplier TV, A Date With Markiplier, A Heist With Markiplier, DARKIPLIER vs ANTISEPTICEYE, The Fall of Slenderman, Five Nights At Freddy’s: The Interview, Warfstache Interviews Markiplier, Google IN REAL LIFE, Google IRL, Google Gets An Upgrade, Danger In Fiction, Hire My Ass, Ed Edgar Adoptallot’s Baby Bulk Buy, Super Infidelity, Worst News Doctor, King Of The Squirrels, all the Yandere Simulator Videos, all the older quick Ego appearances before the story line was established, all of the Jim Videos, and In Space With Markiplier. I have not watched the longer explanation videos but I have seen parts of them and heard others talk about them, so I know some of that information as well.
SCP Foundation:
Though I don’t read many of the files on the wiki I have read through SCP-049, SCP-682, and SCP-610. Most of my characterization and knowledge of these guys comes from Site 42’s YouTube, and SCP Explained on YouTube.
If you want anyone to act like they do in a certain story please either explain how they act or direct me towards the story. A link would be helpful if you are able, but it is not necessary.
Sanders Sides:
I have watched all of the videos in the Official Sanders Sides Playlist, including Asides. I have also watched Janus Plays Among Us, and quite a few of the old Vines and the new shorts with Remy and Andy, and will write for them as well.
Hazbin Hotel:
I have watched the Pilot, and all of Season One. I do not know much at all about the old comics and the like, but I know some things (like that Alastor and Mimzy were dating in that or that Angel and Vaggie were dating) and I would be willing to write a bit about it, but I would need those requests to be more specific to make sure I don’t get anything wrong.
Helluva Boss:
I have watched the Pilot, all of Season One, and all of Season Two that is out at the moment. I have also watched Hell’s Belles.
Gravity Falls:
I have watched all of Season One, and all of Season Two. I have a Journal 3, and know about the Cipher Hunt. I have watched all of the Game Theory videos about this series and know about all the codes and hidden stuff in the journal and in the series. I also know about the Axolotl, his riddle, and know about the Same Coin Theory that says that Stan and Bill are the same.
I’ve fallen out of recent iterations and the like, but I still do like these things. I’ve watched the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man Movies, the Andrew Garlfield Spider-Man Movies, The Ryan Reynolds Deadpool Movies, the Iron Man Movies, the Thor Movies, the Avengers, all the Guardians Of The Galaxy Movies, Black Panther, the Tom Holland Spider-Man Movies, Black Widow, and Loki. I know the gist, and have seen clips, of movies that are pivotal to the movies and the universe (like Civil War or Endgame) but I have yet to watch them, so I can reference them but not in a lot of specific detail.
The Owl House:
I’ve watched Season One, Season Two, and Season Three. I also know about its connections with other shows, so those can be referenced, but I don’t know a lot about some of the shows, so they would have to be smaller mentions.
My Hero Academia:
I’ve watched up to S3E7, My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising, My Hero Academia: Rescue! Rescue Training, and My Hero Academia: Training of the Dead. Though I haven’t watched or read them yet, I do know a lot of the pivotal or big moments that have happened (like the Dabi reveal or that Deku left UA, becoming a vigilante) I especially know about the “villains” stories, and could probably talk more in detail about them than the other characters.
I have watched up to S2E14, and the Lev Appears! OVA. I know a lot of what happens in this later, from minor spoilers to very big ones (like I know that Karasuno gets to Nationals and I know that Oikawa and Hinata end up on the same team, Brazil, for a while before Oikawa moves onto playing for Argentina)
I have watched all of Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden. I even watched all the fillers. But I have not read the manga, nor have I read the novels, though I have heard about some of the things that they talk about (like Itachi’s lover and what happened between Sasuke and Sakura) I also haven’t watched The Last: Naruto The Movie, though I know what happens in it.
I have watched the musical, and listened to the deleted songs. I also know quite a bit about the actual real life people, and know many of the ways that the musical was misleading or just wrong (especially with the King, as I know quite a lot about him because of my research)
Do not request romantic ships with anyone younger than 8 with a teenager or an adult
Do not request smut for anyone younger than 14 with anyone, even with another kid/teenager
Do not request smut with any animal that is not sentient. Animals are fine so long as they are able to understand the world around them.
When making a request you are able to make it as specific or as vague as you want, but remember that the more vague you make it, the more likely I am to embellish things into it.
I will do Character X Reader, and Character X Character. I will not do Character or Reader X OC, because I do not think I will be able to do then well, and I would prefer to write for the characters that I already know and love.
When making a request tell me whether you want it to be platonic, queerplatonic, romantic, or sexual, and any other specifications of that kind. Whether there’s tertiary attractions that you want shown, or more than one type, etc…
When making a request tell me whether you want a fanfic, headcannons, or just a question answered. Or if you want it answered by me or by a character. If you don’t have a preference for what it is, let me know that too. I would hate to make the wrong thing for you, so let me know.
Fanfiction that is made will be cross posted onto AO3 unless you state that is something that you are not comfortable with. Headcanons and answered asks will stay on Tumblr only.
I do take anon asks/requests, though if you plan on asking multiple times please assign yourself a name of some sort.
If you request something off anon then when it’s done, I will tag you in it, unless you ask me not to, so you are sure to notified.
The Ships I Will Write For Are Here, minus the ships I will write for Markiplier Egos, SCP Foundation, Naruto, and for Haikyu!!, as I haven’t had the time to update it for those yet. But as long as I have a grasp of the characters, I’ll pretty much do any ship. Just ask me if you’re unsure, and I’ll let you know whether I’ll write it or not, probability that I will is high.
If I hit twenty requests I will close requests until I get then number back down to at least five and then will open them again.
I do queue things so expect your request to take from three days to about two weeks, depending on the already existing queue and my own personal life which can be busy.
I think that’s all for now! I look forward to all your requests! <222
The Last Edit Was On August 26th At 10:16pm
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