#sanders spooks
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
hc that whenever somebody would try to scare remus in a haunted house he would just scare them back 
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janustrash1 · 9 months
Can we take a minute to talk about how the dark sides appear? Like, we've seen Virgil rise up onto the screen many times with ease, however we've also seen him be summoned in a flash by outside influences. We've only ever seen Remus flash onto the screen (unless you count his first appearance in DWIT but I don't because he was behind the TV) He clearly has no interest in rising up like the light sides do. He's there to spook you and catch you off guard. However we've seen Janus ATTEMPT to actually rise up multiple times. Once when he was pretending to be Logan in SvS, and another in the latest Asides. We can tell he isn't very good yet, as he keeps stumbling and has yet to go up smoothly, but he's TRYING. He's trying to fit in and be like the light sides. He's trying to prove to Thomas that he's on his side. HE'S TRYING TO SHOW THOMAS THAT HE ISN'T A THREAT. Anyway this has been your sporadic "Remy Wont Shut Up About Janus Sanders" post, come again.
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gooberscollage · 1 year
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🎃 Halloween PNGs 🎃
1. Happy ham-ham Halloween by Sonia Sander ; Robbin Cuddy ill
2. The spook book by Burton Marks
3. The Penny Whistle Halloween book by Meredith Brokaw
4. Let's find out about Halloween by Paulette Cooper
5. Haunted houses on Halloween by Lillie Patterson ;Doug Cushman
6. Meg and mog by Helen Nicoli
7. Dirigible halloween card
8. Happy Halloween, Snoopy! by Charles M. Schultz
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s4 episode 3 thoughts
ahh, this one sounds interesting… let us see.
HATER ALERT: i actually felt almost no interest during this episode… until the very end. the monster was scary, but it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, and when our agents are separated doing different tasks, we lose that emotional heart of the show. i did feel attached to our new friend mr. duff, but from seeing how these episodes go, i knew what was going to happen to him. the ending was great- i love when they save each other! but the other parts were kinda just… eh. and the stuff they introduced that was supposed to build up to the bigger plot also didn’t interest me. i was like okay, so we just get another one of these deep throat fellows. i hate to say it, but i was kind of bored!!!
despite this announcement, let us return to the liveblogging
good to be reunited, i say after 2 days having not seen an episode. might have to quit my job when i finish this show because there will be nothing else to carry me through lmaooo i NEED to look forward to scully and mulder time AND THEN scully and mulder discussion time directly after!!!!
we are on a plane. ah yes, the flute my mutual phoebe speaks of is playing. shoutout to @azure-firecracker. i see some people in cool outfits and a child playing with what looks like a yellow barney doll? not one of barney’s friends… it looks like barney himself, but yellow. interesting.
oh! this fellow is reading french! it’s a paper about repairing some infrastructure! i like that i can read a few words :)
ACK! a creature with white painted skin and a red human eye is watching our francophone friend! oh boy, i paused right as this eye filled my screen and it was deeply unpleasant. 
so francophone friend is trying to use the airplane bathroom but i am spooked because that thing is somewhere… and he looks up and SCREAMS!!!!!
now the plane has arrived… but where is our dude who went to the bathroom? an entirely different guy is climbing up from the ground. and his eyes look like they are bleeding????
so where is OG francophone dude???? BLEAH! he is dead and now HIS face is painted all white!!!
so did we get some body swap stuff going on….?
oh gosh this is creepy…. something about that skin paint and red eye combo is freaking me tf out…
HUH??? intro time has been interrupted by new words in the title sequence!!! they read “deceive inveigle obfuscate”… had to look up “inveigle” but it means to persuade… what are we dealing with here??
i can’t figure out what the pattern is for why some special episodes have different title sequences…. oh i bet the OG fans were trying to CRACK the code back in the day
(author's note: i think the titles change when we learn stuff about the various deep throats? plural. you'll see why i specify plural later on)
back at the headquarters. scully is coming into skinner’s office. she is in a very nice white suit! she remarks that there isn’t much traffic at this hour… she showed up at 5:17 AM?!?! she needs a RAISE!!
she is introduced to a dr. bruin from the philly CDC. well this sounds like it is going to be a scary matter if it involves disease. she shakes this guy’s hand but doesn’t say anything. can’t tell if it’s a silent read or not…
so four young men have gone missing in philly recently, all Black. and there are no leads… until last night! owen sanders, reported missing, was found dead near a construction site. but he wasn’t killed!!! disease....?
so he shows her a photo of a dude painted white and is like “i thought he was black” and the doctor is like yeah he was. but maybe a new disease caused depigmentation. so we should get a microscope.
(that was funny to me because he was very clearly a Black man just painted white with actual paint... writers, do not think such tricks could fool medical doctor dana scully)
so i am not to believe that these guys were NOT actually painted, but rather they lost their pigmentation? okay, okay, noted. i am suspending my disbelief 
skinner says they hoped someone with a background like scully could make a quick analysis. this is also funny because i feel they should have maybe gone to a specialist in skin conditions that could possibly cause such effects...? but for plot reasons it Must be her. i mean she IS kinda the best, so maybe she can figure it out. by 7:30 am she is doing an autopsy.
OH! she says the bleaching of the irises suggest a cellular reaction… bleh. sounds very nasty.
“hey, i heard you were down here slicing and dicing”, says mulder, entering the room and sabotaging her nice little recording session 
(mulder makes a michael jackson joke that feels wrong) (also he is popping sunflower seeds in the morgue)
he is very suspicious… not believing it is a real disease… 
“mulder, not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy” <- LMAO i’ve reblogged that moment before but now i really get to see it!!
“and not everybody is planning to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate” <- she said the words omg…. (he watches and pops a sunflower seed)
what a lovely vocabulary she has, the better to look at him disapprovingly with 
he wants to join the case and she looks off sort of by the camera and looks SO done lmaoooo
cutscene to another man, mr. aboah, who conspicuously seems to be missing some pigment on his back. and in a way that does not look like paint.
someone is knocking at his door. oh! it’s marcus duff, his immigration counselor, who has arrived to talk about naturalization. mr. aboah welcomes him into his room, but the lights are off and it is very hard to see, i note. duff agrees it is very dark! and brings this fact up! so he turns one light on, and they sit to do paperwork. 
duff says aboah looks ill… but he denies it. so duff says he knows how lonely it is to be newly arrived to the US, and that he can help aboah bring over his whole family. long silence... suspiciously long silence… then a thank you.
mulder is going to the lab and there he sees agent pendrell! LMAOOOO he wants to wait for scully but mulder says she has a date just to mess with him… THEN SAYS IT’S WITH A DEAD MAN BECAUSE SHE IS DOING AN AUTOPSY LMAOOOO
damn, everyone knows how down bad this dude is.... that is soooo funny and also pathetic. unfortunately i do lowkey loathe this pendrell fellow. like stay away from her yk?
so, what did they find in the autopsy… a seed of a rare flower indigenous to certain parts of west africa!
(cutscene to mulder on the phone, holding the seed) “it contains a cerebropathic glycoside. does that mean anything to you?” <- i love when he asks her medical questions because he doesn’t know wtf any of that stuff means... it makes my heart grow three sizes to see him deferential
and she knows what it means!! it’s a depressant. she is still in the morgue, now covered in lots of blood all over her coat 
oh! she found something that could explain his lack of pigmentation… “his pituitary gland was necrotized”, which is a funny thing to say even if it actually has a very important meaning! the pituitary gland controls hormones... and melanin!
“i have identified the effect, i am still looking for the cause” <- i love her so terribly, and her rigid but in a lovely way line of thinking... this is a very important specification!
“where are you, mulder?” “off to water the seeds of doubt. bye bye” omg he actually said bye. that has to be a first. also where is his ass going…
there’s something different about the way his hair is brushed in front of his face today and hmmppppgh he looks. handsome.
he is off to the UN building again… and we see ms. covarrubias, from before??? was he lowkey stalking her….?
yes! yes he was, and approaches her in the dark! this is deeply weird behavior, even for him... also why does he think she can help with this case. he’s onto something… but what? 
she flat out denies knowing about this case. but he doesn’t buy it.
WAIT. i see what is going on here… is she going to be deep throat 3.0?!?!?!
damn... we’re nearly at a deep throat a season at this pace...
not sure i like that tbh. like are we gonna just keep getting and losing deep throats. it's getting a little old. also, whatever happened to that one senator who would leak stuff to mulder? was that just a two episode and never mention it again kind of thing?
okay, back to philadelphia i think. yes, this is confirmed by the eagles hat this guy has on. OH! he was hit in the head with something. it looks a thorn, and it digs deep in his head and got all bloody, bleh! he is losing his vision after this, and stumbled onto the bench behind him. everything is deeply trippy from his point of view, and the bus driver leaves angrily, thinking he is on drugs, which was very rude.
but as the bus driver pulls away, we see aboah on the other side of the street!!! who is losing even more melanin in his skin as time goes on!!! and also has one eye all pink now!!!
(intense chanting over a drum beat)
next day, scully is with the bus driver from before, asking about what went down. he claims he asked the dude if he needed help, which is very much not true. 
and mulder arrives! alfred kittel, 17 years old, went missing last night. this is not good.
mulder’s convinced it has to do with another rare seed, and he pulls out some file that deep throat 3.0 must have given him. and it’s a photo of our francophone friend from the very beginning of the episode, who was also found dead and without pigment!
“it says here the cause of death was undetermined” “yeah, undetermined scully, but not necessarily unknown” <- so what does that mean… like they just didn't investigate because they were scared to learn the truth? hmm.
some police are knocking at aboah’s door the next day, asking him about the missing person’s case- notable, one Black officer is talking about how weird of a name aboah is. i see this attempt on commentary, and acknowledge it, but it feels... odd.
and despite denying having any informationon the missing man's whereabouts, who is in aboah's office but kittel, the kid who was hit with a seed last night, missed his bus, and was reported missing! he is quietly gasping, watching the TV, and oh…. he is losing pigment in his eye and skin as well!!! WHAT IS GOING ON
aboah opens his mouth really really wide and…. PULLS SOMETHING OUT OF HIS THROAT??? what was that!?? what was that.
hey. what was that...
mulder and scully are now visiting mr. duff, the guy who was helping out mr. aboah with his naturalization process. they’re asking him to cross reference his list of clients with a list of people from that flight where our francophone friend sadly was killed, and mr. duff thinks they’re trying to catch illegal immigrants, unto scully busts out the word “public health crisis” and then things kick into gear.
mulder checks aboah’s place, but no luck. she’s going on about how it’s her duty to find and solve this disease as a doctor ( <3 ) and he recognizes aboah in a crowd of construction workers… but when mulder approaches he sprints!!! little did he know of mulder’s trackstar skills. 
scully thinks he jumped through the fence, but mulder finds him… in some sort of hole???
so it’s MRI time for aboah, to figure out we is going on. the doctor is saying he looks asymptomatic, but mulder is pouting in the window, so scully asks to run a few more tests. and apparently aboah can’t communicate with them due to the language barrier… so they called mr. duff, who is very angry that his client has been arrested.
mulder says “we only arrested him because he ran when we tried to question him, and i want to know why he ran”...
...which causes mr. duff to respond with “sir, if you had ever been beaten by the police, or had your home burned to the ground for no other reason than being born, then maybe you would understand why he ran” oh! mulder cringe moment intensifies, even after this heartfelt explanation from mr. duff, as he INSISTS aboah ran because he’s hiding something 
“where are you going?” “to find someone who i know plotted to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate” (silly words said very angrily)
so he’s at the burkina faso embassy. talking to the man who mulder thinks requested to stop the investigation into the first man’s death. this is a bold accusation... but not one the man seems to deny.
he says that his people, the Bambara, are farmers, and he grew up hearing stories of the Teliko, spirits of the air. they hide in small holes- which could be how aboah got in that pipe, i suppose- and oh no, the doctor back at the hospital is looking for mr. aboah while our unnamed embassy man is explaining how the teliko emerge at night!
the man from the embassy talks about his experience with an air spirit as a child, and how his father saved him from one. but then, they found his cousin dead and entirely white, like the dead men. which is why he knew it was real.
(zoom in on aboah in a tiny drawer of a food delivery cart) OH! the eyeballs peeking out are CREEPY
next morning, they’re looking at x rays. scully says aboah has something lodged in his throat… like that thing we saw him take out before!! and even more disturbing… look at the saggital section, just below the hypothalamus! NO PITUITARY GLAND!
GASP! this is impossible! (i love the medial jargon)
mulder emerges into the room just as they say this to point out that aboah has disappeared!
mr. duff is heading back to his car, but aboah is on the prowl. mr. duff is very happy to see him, and gives him a ride home. NOOO DON’T LET SOMETHING BAD HAPPEN TO THIS GENTLEMAN!!
NOOO! mulder is investigating the food cart when scully reports that mr. duff’s car was found abandoned…. with the keys still in the ignition. do not hurt him.
WHAT? cutscene to aboah holding this BIG NEEDLE thing over duff while one of his eyes is very pale…. where is that needle going…. OMFG HIS NOSE I CAN’T LOOK… 
the police arrive just after some crunching noises were heard and then also some snuffling in the pipes as aboah escapes into them. but luckily, duff is alive.
mulder is proposing that he is basically a vampire for melanin?
wait, hold on, what is going on about now? “the lost tribe- a clan of sub-Saharan albinos linked by their common congenital deficit who’ve adapted over generations by…” “what, by stealing other people’s hormones?”
well, scully, i must say i had a very similar reaction to his hypothesis!
so why wouldn’t it be an isolated case? she asks. a very good question! because of what someone told mulder last night… “so you’re basing this theory on a folktale?” “it’s just another way of describing the same truth, right? i mean, all new truths begin as heresies and end as superstitions. we fear the unknown, so we reduce it to the germs that are most familiar to us, whether that’s a folktale or a disease or conspiracy”
well... that is an opinion you can have, i guess?
scully with the counterpoint: why leave his own country to come here and do the killings? his smarts ass reply: free cable…. or liberty n whatnot idk
mulder pulls over to a demolition site, which he thinks might be connected to one of the other bodies, so he just. busts a hole in there and walks in. fully knowing that it is a demolition site with active asbestos. okay!!! get that mesothelioma suit king
creepy music as they explore… and hear clanging in the dark…. mulder is gonna climb a ladder now.
AND NO!!! mulder is hit by one of the seeds!!!! he is calling out for scully as he trips into another dimension. NO!!!! he has fallen down!!!
scully rescue time….? now she must climb the ladder…. and sees him toppled onto the ground!!!
she hears some clanking about and climbs into a vent… which had to be awful to film… the teliko is above her!!!!!!
more vent crawling…. AND OMG!!! the dude from before, alfred kittle, is in there, and now very very very white and dead!! rip king :(
but she finds mulder in there, alive. he can only groan softly. aww poor meow meow. but something rapidly approaches….
scully whips out her gun and fires two shots… and aboah (do i call him aboah? IS he still the man named aboah? was he ever? or was he just a spirit?) anyway he seems to have disappeared?
(mulder still groaning) “it’s okay, mulder. i’m here. okay?” <- oh…… a rescue scene…. oh be still my heart…. i was not expecting to feel so Tender
so she beats the vent open, and finds the other bodies of the missing men in there. then she pulls his body out of the vent, apologizing to him for yanking on his legs to get him out, which was quite sweet, before slumping him up against one of the bodies to call 911.
OH! scully badge number reveal! JTT0331613. so WRITE THAT DOWN, SUPER FANS. but as she calls, the creature slash aboah returns behind her… 
mulder is groaning and trying to let her know… and she gets the hint, whips around with her gun, and shoots!
phenomenal communication between them with no more than faint moaning from mulder. truly highlights their connection.
this time, it appears there is no escape from the bullets for the teliko, as she sits with mulder among all of the bodies
oh! scully is wrapping up the episode and she has these round glasses on and my heart is skipping a few beats!! this is field journal entry 74.
good news! mr. duff survived!! and aboah is being charged for murder, but aboah is dying as they speak and may not live long enough to stand trial. and she’s confident science can explain the whole thing… “but what science may never be able to explain is our ineffable fear of the alien among us, a fear which often drives us not to search for understanding, but to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate, to obscure the truth not only from others, but from ourselves” (and fade to black)
well! my initial thoughts…
it seems this episode existed only to introduce us to deep throat 3.0. that seemed to be the only greater overarching plot point there. which is fine, we rarely get any contributions to the overall plot in these monster of the week episodes, but… this one just didn’t do it for me.
idk, i was kind of bored?? the only times i felt things were when mr. duff was very kind, the spookiness of the creepy faces, cringe at mulder’s insensitivity, and when scully saved him at the end. that was it for me. oh, and ick at pendrell. that was it. everything else was just kinda there.
when they’re separated…idk, it just doesn’t hit the same. but i did like seeing more into medical scully! and her dogged determination slash sworn life goal being to find answers and help people! so that was good. but... idk, the concept was really interesting, i just feel like the ball was fumbled in terms of execution, and i can’t even really pinpoint why. 
here are some possible theories as to why i felt this episode was unsatisfactory: we didn't really KNOW anything about our monster of the week. he had no real compelling motivation or backstory or anything. he just showed up, like the fat vampire from season 3, who also stood out to me as a bland monster of the week. in terms of if he was a person at one point or always a vicious air spirit- who knows? the logic wasn't explained.
mulder's racial insensitivity gave me hives which is reason enough on its own for me to dislike the episode. mr. duff was like "maybe aboah was running because of the way this country treats Black people", which is an entirely valid point, and then mulder was all NUH-UH HE'S EVIL and THAT is why he is running. and then... that being what actually happens also rings kinda hollow. that sort of profiling that mulder just did isn't what gets people treated so terribly or abused at the hands of law enforcement in the first place. but i'm supposed to think mulder just Knows this through his magical judgement. hmm.
the succession of deep throats is also getting a bit old for me. i enjoyed one and two, but now it's feeling like a regeneration thing. what makes deep throat 1.0 and x's deaths compelling if we just get a new one every single time?
so: maybe i am a hater. and that is okay. in a way, we are lucky to have episodes that are just sort of mid. because i have been raised in a world of 6 hour long episodes being 1 season. i have grown up in a world designed solely for streaming, and that compactness forfeits the luxury of the exploration of world building or playing with genre that the 24 episode per season format from this era allows. so in this piece of what i believe is just a kind of boring episode, i am realizing how lucky i am that such a thing exists now that they are no longer being made.
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lefaystrent · 18 days
Friendly Neighborhood Criminals Part 4
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: platonic Patton/Dark Sides
Summary: Tis the season for spooks.
Alternatively, this has nothing to do with Halloween and everything to do with how three criminals changed a young man's life.
Ao3 Link: click here
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
WARNINGS: Past child abuse, depictions of panic attack
The Fall season comes in full swing.
It's Florida, so the temperature only dips slightly instead of plummeting like in places other than Florida. It's a cheery season regardless, because first comes Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and finally Christmas and New Years! This will be the first year Patton will be able to celebrate without walking on eggshells.
And Halloween! He's never been able to celebrate Halloween before! He had been told numerous times that it was the Devil's holiday, but all the kids in his old neighborhood had such cute costumes and their houses were decorated with carved pumpkins and funny skeletons. Patton is for sure going to get his hands on a pumpkin this year to carve himself!
And...maybe his new friends would want to carve some with him?
They've been sharing so much with Patton lately. By now, his home is practically overflowing! His fridge is always full, and just the other day Janus stopped by with a coffee table. He said he was going to throw the table out anyway, so it wasn't a big deal. Patton was touched all the same that he thought of him.
And therein lies the issue. What has Patton ever done for them? Other than not call the cops? That first night they met seems so distant now. And since then, they have given and given and-
What has Patton done? Just accept their gifts and kindness every time. A one-sided friendship like that is not a friendship at all! It was...
Patton's eyes grow distant as fog rolls in. A ringing buzzes in his ear.
He's been trying hard not to think about it. To remember. He just wants to think about the positives in his life now. He wants something to look forward to.
You're so selfish. Don't you know how hard we've worked to raise you?
A wave of apathy shrouds him. His hands tremble, and he watches stupidly as he drops what he's holding. That's right, he's supposed to be stocking the shelves. They have lots of totes to work. He likes the repetitiveness of stocking, and he enjoys filling up the empty holes on the shelves, to line them up all neat and pretty. It makes him feel good, like he's made a difference or something.
Why are you crying? I haven't even hit you yet.
Patton can't breathe. Joan has come over to talk to him. They're standing right there, and Patton can't breathe, can't move. Joan likes stocking with Patton. They told him so. They said that Patton's always cheerful and puts them in a good mood. And Patton can't make them mad. He can't disappoint. He doesn't want this to happen at work. He's been so good, so good–
Children are like snakes. They lie and they take, and they take–
If that's true, then why did they keep him? Why didn't they just...let him go? If they hated him so much?
Joan has him by the shoulders and the touch scalds. He's sitting down on the floor. When did that happen? He doesn't remember sitting or falling, he's just there now. And Joan's face is pinched with worry.
He's messed up.
Patton sits huddled in the break room. Joan had removed him from the store floor at some point. Time is coming back to him sluggishly. The tightness in his chest remains, but he'll be okay. He'll figure out how to smile again soon. He just needs a breather.
Perhaps the season has brought an onslaught of memories with it. It would explain why he hasn't slept much these past few days. And why his stomach rebels at the mere thought of putting food in his mouth. When he lived with his parents and he was really hungry, his mom used to eat in front of him and tell him how good her cooking was–
Patton's fists clench on his thighs. He takes a deep breath that rattles his lungs.
He's not there anymore. He's not.
It's a cycle, the thoughts. They catch him off guard and he has to build his barriers anew. He forgets that he's supposed to be waiting for Joan to come back. At least, he thinks he's supposed to wait for Joan to come back and let him out. He's not supposed to open the door. Dad hates it when he tries–
The door opens. Joan has returned and they hold the door open for a black clothed figure.
Patton squints. "Janus?"
"Hello, dear. What's this I've heard about a dizzy spell?"
Patton can't sus out why Janus of all people is standing here. Here, in this dirty breakroom with its white plastic table and microwave that doesn't latch closed correctly. Janus dresses too nice to be in a retail store breakroom. Yet he walks in like he owns the place.
"What are you doing here?" Patton says woodenly.
Joan frowns. "He was on your emergency contact list. I'm sorry Pat, but I think you should take the rest of the day off, and I'd worry about you getting home alone."
"You're my emergency contact?" Patton wonders. He's pretty sure he left that blank on his application form.
Joan's frown deepens. "...did you not know?"
Janus butts in and starts petting at Patton's hair with a gloved hand. "Poor thing is so exhausted, he must have forgotten. Come along, Patton. I have the car waiting outside."
"But....but I have to work," Patton tries. He really tries. The thought of going back out there, pretending to be happy, it breaks something inside of him. But he has to. He can't let them down.
Janus leans forward to meet his gaze. His eyes soften. Patton didn't know he could look like... like that. "Patton, sweetie, it's okay to rest when you need to."
"It is?"
Janus's jaw clenches and before Patton can think he might be mad at him for speaking, the softness is back and his voice is lilting in sympathy, "Yes, sweetie. It's better to take care of yourself early, before you run yourself into the ground. You've worked hard enough. Your manager was just telling me what a good employee you are. They want to make sure you're healthy. Will you help me do that?"
Patton can't deny him. He lets Janus haul him up and pull his arm around his for support. Arm in arm, Janus bids Joan a farewell and they leave the store.
As they walk, Janus pats at his hand and tells him that he's doing a good job. Patton doesn't believe it, but it's nice of him to say it. It's odd to see Janus here, without the other two. Whenever it's all of them, Patton can use the others as a buffer. Janus still intimidates him. It's not his fault; Patton just can't be normal.
Outside, there is indeed a car waiting for them. It's a sleek maroon sedan. Patton doesn't know cars past that. It's fancy and probably worth fifty grand at least. It makes him wonder how they can afford stuff like this by breaking into poor people's apartments. There has to be more going on in their lives, other jobs that Patton isn't privy to.
Janus ushers him into the backseat and follows him in. It's leather interior, of course. In the driver's seat sits a familiar face.
"Your worst nightmare, reporting for duty," Virgil says, deadpanned.
"We really must work on your people skills, Virgil," Janus drawls. He doesn't wait for Patton to buckle himself in. He reaches over and does it for him, leaving Patton to blink at what just happened.
"Like you work with me for my people skills," Virgil fires back. In the rearview mirror, his shadowed eyes meet Patton's, serious. His tone shifts, gentling. "You okay back there, Pat?"
Patton wonders if he looks like a deer in the headlights.
He hums an affirmative and nods.
"Cool, ready to get home?"
"Actually, Virgil, I was thinking a change of scenery might be in order."
Virgil shoots Janus an unimpressed look. "You don't think he wants to go home?"
"He said he doesn't," Janus lies smoothly. "Let's head back to the lair. It'll be good for him."
For some reason, Virgil startles and whips around to stare wide-eyed at Janus. "What? Why? Why there? We could go literally anywhere else!"
"Because I said so. And also, because it will most likely be the best place we can take him that won't stress him out further. Wouldn't you agree?"
Virgil growls out some protests, but in the end he faces forward and jerks the gear shift into reverse. They cruise out of the parking lot and down the road they go.
Patton most certainly never mentioned a desire to not go home. Why would Janus lie about that? And what is the lair? Patton thinks of cartoon villains with their evil lairs. Maybe he's being kidnapped and he'll never be seen again. Mwhahaha.
Patton doesn't watch out the window like Janus does. He stares forward at the back of the driver's seat, letting the world pass around them. Partway through the drive, Janus holds his hand out to him. He doesn't look over, but the hand hangs there in the air, waiting.
Twenty seconds pass, and when it's still hanging, Patton reaches up to grasp it in both of his. He sneaks a peek at Janus, but nope. The man acts as if nothing is occurring.
Patton ensures that he doesn't hold too tightly. He lets the hand sit in his lap, palm upwards, and he kind of runs his fingers over Janus's. The glove is smooth cotton, not as silky as he originally thought. He plays with the finger joints and fiddles with the glove tips, and he doesn't think about bad things.
The lair is revealed to be a sinister looking apartment complex in downtown. And by sinister, it's completely average. It's a series of gray brick buildings, each with second floor apartments with outside staircases. Virgil pulls up to one of the buildings.
"Last stop, all passengers please depart," Virgil mutters. He doesn't wait for them and hops out himself. Patton watches him take the stairs two at a time and duck into a second floor apartment.
Janus snickers, "He's probably rushing to clean before you see the pigsty he and Remus live in."
Patton slides his attention over to him. Janus hasn't made a move to remove his hand or reprimand him for still holding it. He's watching Patton, warmth brimming in his eyes that can't be for him. He props an elbow at the window and leans his chin on a fist.
"They live here?" Patton asks. It's dumb of him to ask, because Janus more or less just confirmed it, but he can't stop himself.
"Oh yes, like the gremlins they are."
"Why are we here Janus?"
"To visit said gremlins in their natural habitat."
"...why am I here, Janus?"
And there it is. Patton has finally found the will to question them in their endless series of complicated generosity. He wants to know more than he wants it to continue. He needs answers, even if it costs him.
Janus appraises him. He doesn't act confused or angry. He knows exactly what Patton means. "Because believe it or not, I meant it when I said you deserve a rest. And letting you go back to that lonely apartment of yours will only be counterintuitive. You'll look at those same walls and that brain of yours will try to play tricks on you. Don't think I haven't noticed how tired you are."
Patton swallows back the shame. "I'm sorry," he whispers miserably.
Janus swoops in and nudges his chin back up from where he looked away. "Don't be sorry, darling. Be angry. Be gallantly angry at this world that has failed you. Live to spite those that tried to ruin you. Don't let them win."
Patton grips at the hand in his lap, and the hand squeezes back. "I don't like anger. It scares me."
"When you first met me, I scared you, didn't I?"
It's true. As much as Janus has done for him now, Patton can't rid his mind of the yelling from that night, the sheer ferocity of it.
Janus swipes a thumb across his cheekbone. "I'm sorry that I did, but I can't say I regret it. Do you know why?"
Patton shakes his head.
"What came after that night?"
They did. They stayed in his life. They filled the empty void in his apartment and his soul. They kicked off his new lease at life with a flurry of chaotic excitement. They were so interesting, and complex, and different than other people. Most days, Patton waited for when they would show up next.
Janus lets him think about it. He doesn't have to answer; Janus can see where his mind strays. "That wasn't so scary, was it? It's alright to be angry. It's what you do with it that matters. Some of the most influential people changed the world for the better simply because they got angry enough."
Patton glances down at the hand he holds. He leans in a little at the hand still placed on his cheek. "You're not mad at me though, right?"
Because even now, he has to make sure the voices in his head aren't right.
"Never, love. Never."
The inside of Virgil and Remus's apartment is a cluttered mix of Gothic meets scene kid. Decorating the walls are band posters, artwork of live action and cartoon TV shows that are somewhat recognizable, and haunting landscape paintings. There's a metal shelf entirely dedicated to skull sculptures. Centered on the middle shelf is a giant crystal skull with a gear shaped clock in its mouth.
Patton looks up in wonder at a large, black spiderweb hanging from the corner of the ceiling. Nestled inside are various stuffed animals, some of famous fictional horror monsters and lots of Pokémon. Like so many Pokémon. It continues with little figurines of them on floating shelves.
"Oh," Patton utters, glancing this way and that. There's just so much to see! There's a massive boardgame collection on the other side of a dining table, filling up every inch of two shelves pushed together. And there's a neon standing lamp shaped like a martini glass! And elegant black and purple curtains that you'd find in a vampire's house. And goodness! The centerpiece of the table is a small rainbow Christmas tree decorated in Halloween ornaments! It's got little orange pumpkins and black bats. And sitting in one of the chairs is a human sized plastic skeleton, head tossed back like it's in the middle of a good laugh.
"Wow," Patton says in awe. Lair indeed.
He jumps when a door slams. It's Virgil. He's pressed back against a door and smiling sheepishly.
"Just don't open this one," he says.
Janus stands there, arms crossed. "Did you just toss your collective mess in there to worry about later?"
"Right, I suppose that's where the dead bodies are stowed then?" he suggests. Then he turns around where Virgil can't see to share a secret shake of his head to Patton to let him know that he's kidding.
"No, that's Remus's room."
"Indeed. Well, that certainly won't come back to bite you later. Let's eat then! I don't know about you, but I'm famished."
They filter down a little hallway to the kitchen. Despite this being Virgil's and Remus's apartment, Janus knows where everything is located. He opens cabinets to pull out spices and a mixing bowl and orders Virgil to retrieve some thawed chicken from the fridge.
"Remus was gonna make chimichangas."
"Well, Remus isn't here, so we're going to use it to make alfredo. He'll be absolutely devastated when he comes home to a meal already prepared."
Patton watches them while fiddling with his fingers. He doesn't want to interrupt but he doesn't want to stand there uselessly. Did they even want him to follow them to the kitchen anyway? Patton could be intruding. Maybe he should–
"Patton dear, could you come sit up here please? I have a task for you."
Patton obliges and follows Janus. He hesitates when his 'chair' is indicated to be the kitchen counter. Virgil doesn't bat an eye, so he hops up.
"Wonderful," Janus approves. "Now, Virgil is going to cut up the chicken for me while I prepare a bread option for us and perhaps a salad. I need you to supervise Virgil while he works."
Virgil snorts as he drains the chicken package into the sink. Patton doesn't think Virgil needs supervision. Patton's the youngest person here, he's sure.
Janus whispers behind a hand, "He has a thing about raw meat, so keep an eye on him, will you? Oh also, here, eat this."
A pudding cup materializes out of nowhere and is deposited in his hands along with a spoon. It's chocolate and vanilla swirl.
"Oh, okay," Patton responds too late. Janus has already moved across the kitchen. Virgil slides in on the counter to replace him.
"Don't listen to him, he's a worry wart. And that's coming from me."
Patton fights back a grin at their antics of playfully trying to undermine each other. "I don't know wart you mean," he says quietly, and it's the kind of joke that he would usually keep to himself. The kind that no one wants to hear and only he thinks is funny.
But Virgil...he laughs.
Dazed, Patton watches Virgil hide his face into the shoulder of his hoodie where he gives an adorable snort-giggle.
"What's so funny?" Janus calls over, hearing the bout of amusement.
With a big grin plastered on his face, Virgil tells him, "I said you're a worry wart, and Patton said, 'I don't know wart you mean'."
"Terrible. Absolutely horrendous. Tell me more."
And Patton keeps them company while they prepare dinner. Virgil chops the meat, Janus tosses together a salad mixture and pulls out a bottle of wine, and Patton nibbles at his pudding in between telling shy puns that he's collected for years.
Dinner is ready by the time Remus returns. They hear his motorcycle engine rev as they're setting the table.
Janus rolls his eyes. "Of course he shows up after it's already ready."
Four plates are dished out and a minute later, Remus swings open the door. He's shuffling his feet in a dance, tossing his keys into a pretty ceramic bowl while he sings.
"With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride~"
And then he stops mid-twirl as his eyes land on their get-together. More notably, the fact that Patton is sitting there at the table beside the perky skeleton. He goes unnaturally still, a perfect statue in leather studs.
Patton offers a timid wave. Virgil throws a breadstick at him to no affect. "Just come eat, you doofus."
A sly grin stretches up Remus's face. "Did you guys kidnap a cute little puppy while I was away?"
"Is it really kidnapping if it's consensual?" Janus debates. "Also, we're having chicken alfredo. I tried to tell Virgil you wanted to save the chicken for chimichangas, but he just wouldn't listen to me."
Virgil hacks into his wine glass and throws a breadstick at him next along with some colorful swearing. Janus laments the waste of carbs, the only thing he's truly sorry for.
Remus saunters over and sits across from Patton. He doesn't seem broken up about the change of meal plans at all and tucks into dinner. He slurps down a noodle messily.
"So Pattycake, what's a guy like you doing in a dank hole like this?"
"Oh, your place is really cool actually... I like it, it's got a lot of..."
"Character," Patton finishes after everyone takes a turn.
Remus shrugs. He offers a bite of pasta to the skeleton, but the skeleton must not be very hungry and chooses not to partake. He carries on eating unperturbed.
And they eat together, and chat together, and laugh together. As if Patton isn't invading their space. As if he belongs there.
Patton's hands only shake a little bit.
After the meal, Remus lays down in the middle of the living room floor, limbs star fished out. He begins snoring less than a minute later.
Patton gawks at him in amazement. "Did he really fall asleep that fast?"
"You should see him fall asleep standing up," Virgil says. He leans closer to Patton, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "Better yet, I've seen him fall asleep with his eyes open."
"That's possible?!"
"No, which is why I don't think he's human."
Patton stares at Remus in a new light, and he must be making a face because Virgil sniggers. The volume doesn't bother Remus in the slightest. If anything, he snores louder.
Janus collects the dirty dishes and piles them together. "Remus had a long night. I say he's earned himself a rest...for now."
"Do you want some help?" Patton asks, jumping up.
Janus waves him off. "Don't worry about it. You're a guest. If anything, our host here should be tidying up."
Virgil scrunches up his nose. "Ew, dishes. Sounds like pleb work."
Janus goes to cuff him on the back of the head, and for a second Patton's heart leaps into his throat, but Virgil ducks out of the way and scampers off in a comical run, snickering and calling Janus an old man.
"This is the thanks I get for raising them," Janus says flatly in a way that belies his amusement. He gathers what dishes he can and carries them off to the kitchen.
Patton sits at the table alone with the skeleton. Janus said he doesn't need help...but could that be a test? He doesn't seem that mad at Virgil for skimping out. In fact, he acted like it was to be expected.
He doesn't want to let the moment pass though and get it wrong. Just in case, Patton scoops up the remaining glasses and takes them to the kitchen.
Janus has begun filling the sink up with soapy water. His jacket has been removed, and he's in the middle of rolling up the long sleeves of his yellow button up. The gloves are gone as well. There are tattoos swirling up his forearms.
He takes one look at the dishes in Patton's arms and he clicks his tongue at him. He comes forward to take them from him. "Thank you dear, but I have this part under control. Why don't you go spend some time with Virgil? He could use some company. Plus, I think you're a good influence on him."
"Really?" Patton blurts out, distracted.
Janus smiles kindly as he deposits the dirty dishes in the sink. "Don't act so surprised. Virgil's more lively when you're around, and Remus actually settles down now and then. Now run along. Make sure they don't get up to trouble for me."
Patton scurries off.
In the living room, Virgil lazes on the couch, head resting on the arm. The TV remote spins in his hand.
Virgil spies him and asks, "Wanna watch a movie, Pat?"
Patton agrees and soon a film is playing. It's a superhero movie, one of the Avengers movies. Patton hasn't seen much of the others, so he listens to Virgil explain the characters and bits that he doesn't recognize. Virgil offers to watch them in order, but Patton enjoys listening to him more.
Eventually, Virgil's descriptions become less frequent. Patton glances over to find he's nodded off. Remus snores away on the carpet, dead to the world. From the kitchen, Patton can hear the dishes clinking lightly.
He thinks this is what home is supposed to feel like.
Later, Janus finishes cleaning up the kitchen. His boys have been suspiciously quiet, so he goes to check on them.
In the living room he finds them all conked out. Virgil dozes on the couch, and Remus still on the floor, but the part that really inspires him to sneak out his phone and steal a picture is Patton.
Patton lays on the floor sound asleep, using Remus's chest as a pillow. He's tucked into the crook of his arm, and Remus snores on, oblivious to the cute little puppy seeking warmth from his big guard dog.
Janus is making that picture his home screen.
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if you'd like to vote just based on that, go ahead, but I've also written longer descriptions for both projects under the cut :)
Slice of life QPR:
As October draws closer for Brighton City College, well-known for its wild parties and a love for all things Halloween, Hayden Cox and Riley Moore find themselves only half of a friend group as Greyson Stewart and Hazel Edwards aim to climb the ranks of the Halloween social ladder to join the legendary Hosts. But when the two of them discover they've got far more in common than just their friends, their Halloween becomes far less that of Brighton City legend, and something far more...them.
A fluffy, university slice-of-life story involving seasonal hijinks and not nearly enough candy! ~80k, working titles are:
Quite a Peculiar Romance (obvious play on Queer Platonic Relationship (QPR))
A Brighton City Halloween
Gothic found family:
When the Lord of Crosswell Estate plans to wed his niece to a brutish lord to save his wealth, she runs away and stumbles upon Illthern, a forgotten trading village under the control of the monstrous Theodoric Gaut, whom she deceives in order to gain his protection from her wrathful uncle; but when she finds herself face to face with Lord Gaut, who is not what the stories would have her believe, she must wrestle with the monstrosity of her own making before he discovers that his supposed long-lost relative is not what she claims to be.
An inverted sort of Beauty-and-the-Beast that deals with the monstrosity of girlhood and the inherent horror of self-creation. ~170k, working titles are:
Of Beasts and Wretched Things
If you'd like to add your two cents in about the titles for whichever you'd prefer to see first, feel free to leave it in the tags!
also i'm gonna put my taglist here just 'cause
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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spookyserenades · 5 months
i started reading this recent chapter at night but had to postpone it to the morning because the scene where they were scoping out the Sanders’ house was genuinely creeping me out 😭 idk anytime there’s a mention of people feeling dark energy in a room i’m like omg i feel it in my room 💀 I’m so glad we’ve been getting more paranormal scenes though!! I feel like it’s pretty rare (for me at least) to find a true paranormal fic so i absolutely eat it up (during the safety of the daytime lol)! Also the whole “there’s many” scene?!? HELLO!!? OC and Namkook are stronger than me bc i would never even think of going back to that house 🙅🏻‍♀️
Also I need to make some commotion for relationship 2/7 bc whew last month’s cliffhanger had me tweaking 😭 Seokjin is just so damn dreamy and adorable! It’s crazy seeing the hybrids’ personalities and then seeing how they are in the bedroom 👀 Seokjin prolonging her release like ok sir i see u 😫🧎🏻‍♀️ And honestly breeding kinks will always get me like omfg i will have ur babies this INSTANT! Is it safe to say that Jin’s alpaca stuffie is Rj bc that’s the only way I can picture it which had me cracking up bc not OC and Jin absolutely violating Rj with their activities 😭😭😭
OOP! Sorry for spooking you bestie!! I must admit it's gonna get even creepier soon, so definitely read it during the day time 😉 I agree omg like sometimes I'm watching Ghost Adventures and I convinced myself that there's a ghost in the corner of my living room LMAO. I love love love writing the paranormal scenes!!! @jincherie wrote a really good Taehyung one if you're interested in that 💜 Finally, all my years of watching ghost shows have paid off somehow-- knowing all the gadgets and shit 💀 But you're sooo right I'd not look forward to going back to that house, but Y/N is one stubborn bitch!
Seokjin, and I mean this with my whole mind body and spirit, would be the best boyfriend on the entire planet. Thank you! It's my goal to get everyone to fall in love with him, and I hope it's working 👹 Oh yeah... I stare at a wall for a good part of the day crafting up how they are in the sack. I'm so excited to write Namjoon smut eventually, I have seven years worth of thirst to put on paper 💀
No I know I'd have 10 babies call me 19 kids and counting with Seokjin! I mean man is so gorgeous and wonderful, how could I not want as many of his babies as physically possible??? LMAOOOO just another case of self-indulgent Dana, giving him that kink 💀 And yesss safe to say it is RJ! Seokjin irl doesn't sleep without him, nor does jaguar Seokjin 💜💜💜
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
Hello there gorgeous queen ~
May I ask for the daily life of “the lady of the house” ? How would the other three react to her ?
Original post here~
As the Lady of the house, she wouldn't have to lift so much as a finger if Tarhos could and likely would have his way. Not only are you his, but you are carrying his child! He wouldn't have you so much as worry a strand of hair on your head. That's bad for you and the child, right?? There is no need for you to see to the daily schedule of the home while he is around.
You will want for nothing and you will be more comfortable now than you ever have been while married to Vittorio... so long as you can overlook how your new husband forcibly seized power and threw your old husband in the estate's dungeon, of course....
Space is something you have, but Tarhos is paranoid, to say the least. He worries for your safety, for the safety of your child, so he or one of his guards are never far from wherever you are, even if you truly believe that you are alone. You aren't. Tarhos promised you that never again would you suffer loneliness and he meant it.
Durkos Malecek/The Assassin is the one that follows you the most and the one that goes unnoticed by you the most. If you see him it's because he's decided to give you the courtesy to know he's there and nothing more. He's never spoken to you once and he keeps his distance and he's the one that spooks you the most.
Sander Rault/The Carnifex patrols around the estate the most and one you see the most frequently. He rarely stops what he's doing but he does acknowledge your presence with a curt nod before going about his business. He's a big man and that scares you, but he's never spoken to you either so you're more relieved he's more interested in guarding the property than you most days.
Alejandro Santiago/The Jailer is... interesting. He's the one you see the least yet he's the one that has talked to you the most. His vibe is also the most rancid of the entire group but somehow he doesn't scare you quite as much as the others. Don't get it wrong, though. He still terrifies you because you know exactly where it is that he disappears off to and you know exactly what he is doing and who he's doing it too. You haven't confronted those thoughts yet and you don't plan on doing so anytime soon.
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine
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ghostfriends-official · 4 months
OKAY… (UP 15)
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He’s spooked – AkaOutlet
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Flashy(Writing) Maggie Sanders (sliceofmaggpie)(Writing revision) Studio Outlet: Damian TDC (color/line/Animation) (https://www.instagram.com/aka_outlet/?hl=en) Panch (Sketch) (https://www.instagram.com/damnantvulpes/?hl=en)
Textbox Credit: Flare’s CSS textboxes
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ivycryptid · 11 months
Logan Sanders' totally, 100%, surely, completely, absolutely normal Halloween
…except for that part where everyone but him and Remus were turned into mythical creatures. That was, maybe, possibly, a bit out of the ordinary.
A fic of chaos, candy, and one out-of-the ordinary Halloween celebration. Word Count: 2385 [AO3]
This is a for @just-some-gt-trash, written as part of the @tss-october-ghostwriters gift exchange. Sorry for posting it late! I've been really unexpectedly busy. I really hope you enjoy it.
I used the prompts: Witch, Midnight, Costume, Magic, Transformation, and Potion
October thirty-first, a day of (as Roman would describe it) costumes, candy, and chaos.
There were many ways that the sides celebrated the holiday. Costumes, for one, and often some elaborate scare-age on the dark side’s parts, though in the past few years, with the conflict having mostly settled down, persuading the lights to join in wasn’t very hard. Patton quite enjoyed the parts of the holiday where he got to spend time with friends (and bake themed cookies), Virgil loved the well, everything, Janus quite enjoyed the costumes, Remus had always loved the opportunity to be allowed to be a bit more unhinged than usual, Roman had always enjoyed making and designing costumes and decorations and all sorts of things (although I would be remiss in not mentioning both twin’s interest in the subject) and Logan? Well, the holiday was certainly not his favourite, but it was certainly interesting.
And if this particular occurrence of the day wasn’t just that then this particular narrator would be very surprised to hear it.
But enough waffling on about this particular day of spooks. You were here for a story, correct?
Logan Sanders, awake, for some ungodly reason that not even he could really explain, seeing as it went against the majority of his advice on sleep schedules, at six am on the particular date our story occurs, looked down at two perfectly timed schedules for the day.
One, the page of a pink notebook covered in sticky notes of various colours and sizes, perfectly laid out in a (fruitless) attempt to keep Thomas organised, was the one containing his centre’s schedule. In the case of today, Thomas really didn’t have a ton planned. Just a few halloween movies with some friends and then, if Logan got his way, adequate sleep.
The other schedule was contained within a well-decorated indigo journal, covered in all manner of scientific stickers and wonderful drawings, courtesy of Roman, Virgil, and Patton. It had been gifted as a birthday present some time ago, and whilst he wouldn't let anyone know it, Logan used it incredibly regularly. Definitely not for any sentimental reason though, surely not. But, if we may return to the topic of that peskily busy schedule. As, contrarily enough, Logan’s was much more hectic and packed than Thomas’. He had to help Patton finish the baking in preparation for the Mindscape’s “first annual Halloween celebration bonanza of fear” to quote Remus, and then he had to prepare his costume for the holiday’s event. Which he totally wasn’t doing because it was fun. Just to fit in, for that exact reason, definitely no other, and he had most surely not had any fun at all putting it together.
Of course, the giant (practically blinding honestly) smile Logan had sported last time he worked on it might have given his lies away… if he had let anyone see it.
Either way, he very much had to get ready if he was going to be done with all of this preparing before three pm (the ordained ‘start time’ for the party). So it was down the stairs (and off to breakfast), he went.
He looked at the time. Six fifteen am. Forty-five more minutes of sleep certainly wouldn’t hurt.
At seven o’ five am, Logan had made his way down to the kitchen and eaten some Patton-prepared breakfast to the sound of the other sides’ excitement around him.
“So you see padre, you have to swing the sword like this,” explained an incredibly awake Roman, gesturing wildly across the table and narrowly missing the other sides, “and have you checked the balance? If the balance is wrong it could swing weirdly and-”
“Being on fire is a very interesting experience and very hard to get right.” Remus illustrated his words with a handy illusion.
Roman yelled some unintelligible reply from halfway in his conversation with Patton. But Remus seemed to understand its meaning in some twinly secret codex as he instantly replied. “Of course you need to-”
“I’m pretty sure every character you’ve ever been has committed some form of tax evasion,” laughed Virgil from his position near Janus, “which certainly isn’t- well- oh come on Jan! Unfair conduct!”
Logan sunk into his chair comfortably. He might have been tired and a little silent, but he had always been like that in the mornings if he was honest, and he quite enjoyed the others’ enthusiasm for the rest of the day they were going to have.
But he’d finished his breakfast, and getting ready was of utmost priority, so he stood up and brought his plate to the sink, washing it off and waving goodbye to the other sides.
By nine-thirty, Logan had prepared the remaining elements of the costume. Some stitching on the skirt, the last ‘potion bottle’ to slip into the belt, the final pieces of decoration being placed on the hat. Mostly small details and things, but vitally important nonetheless. And he’d finished! He was done! Able to actually wear the thing! Well, later, when he wasn’t liable to get it dirty while baking.
For the second time that day, Logan made his way down the stairs. As he finished his journey to the kitchen, Logan was hit by the sound and smell of, if he was correct (which he obviously was) candy apples. And also Patton, barreling towards him at an incredibly fast pace.
Logan yelped. “Patton! Please detach yourself!”
With that, the fatherly side untangled himself from the impromptu hug, hanging his head.
“Sorry-” he began.
“Don’t be, I was just- surprised, that’s all.” Logan replied. “Now, what are you making?”
“Candy apples!” Virgil yelled from the couches.
“We’re all gonna get cavities!” exclaimed Remus.
Logan smiled a little, he had been right.
And that was when Patton burned himself on hot sugar.
"God dammit- it was still hot- fuckin-"
“Patton are you okay-”
After that incident, which luckily hadn’t resulted in a large injury, and only a tiny burn, and the pun-filled few hours following, Logan stood in front of the mirror.
He now (finally) wore the costume he’d prepared. That of a witch. The skirt was a navy blue and covered in embroidered stars in different colours and arranged as constellations, the shirt was plain and white, though it also had hidden embroidery around the collar and sleeves, the hat also confirmed (check for word later) to the star theming, having its own stars perched in the brim.
Logan had also decided to wear a messenger bag, modified to have places in which to store ‘potions’ around the bag strap. Other than the potions, Logan had backed a giant book of astronomy and constellations he had found rather useful (and quite pretty). As well as a small telescope, which hopefully wasn’t going to be destroyed.
Either way, with his pair of very sensible shoes, he was ready to help transport the baked and candied goods over to the place Roman and Remus had prepared for the party in the imagination.
So,for the third time that day, Logan made the trip between his room and the kitchen.
Patton had instructed him in which boxes to carry, and thus, at four pm on a Tuesday afternoon, Logan wandered into the imagination, following behind the other side.
Pat was dressed as an adventurer of some sort, sporting a large glowing sword with a blue gem in the hilt, some simple adventurer’s clothes, and a flowing blue cloak. In Logan's opinion, it looked quite nice.
As they neared the clearing, Logan began to spot Roman, Virgil, and Janus. Roman sported clothes that seemed like they’d come from the nineties, and also was on fire. That at least explained the twin’s conversation from that morning.
Virgil was wearing a leather coat, there seemed to be fake burns across his hands as well. Interesting.
Janus was the oddest of them all, he wore a waistcoat, fedora, and long flowy pants adorned with snakes. He also held a tax form? Odd.
Logan continued into the decorated clearing, continuously attempting to puzzle out the meaning and/or origin of the outfits. Just as he’d given up and decided to just ask them himself, beginning a beeline over to the trio. His ‘sensible footwear’ failed at their job, and Logan tripped.
Dear reader, I have something to confess. The imagination is not the most, let’s say, stable, in terms of reality, and on a day such as this? The ability for an idea to become just a bit more real was as strong as it ever was. Logan, of course, did not know this. The idea for a piece of costume, a fakery, to become suddenly real was barely a murmur in his mind. Which, in this case, was unfortunate for him, as that truth was going to be revealed in a slightly explosive way.
Now, back to that fall.
Logan fell downwards, grabbing his bag and pulling it away from the ground so as to save the telescope from certain destruction.
Of course, he’d forgotten about the half-open potion pouch, and as Logan fell towards the ground, a teal, glittery concoction was launched towards the three sides on the rock, and Patton, who had come to stand near them.
“Watch out!” Logan warned, just a second too late, as it exploded onto them with an almighty splash.
And then, the sides weren’t human anymore.
Well, depending on the semantics they never technically were. But they sure looked human!
But now, standing in place of Patton, Roman, Virgil, and Janus, were four giant beasts straight out of mythology.
What had happened to his friends, and why?
As Logan sat there, confused and worried, the one other side unaffected by the sudden change appeared behind him.
“Where are the others? And how did those get here?” Remus said abruptly, swinging a… giant test tube around? That was new. So was the scientist’s coat. And that incredibly prevalent slime.
Logan did not want to know where it came from.
Whilst he had reflected on the state of Remus’ costume, the other side had continued talking.
“-the mythical creatures are kept on the other side of the imagination. Why bring them here?”
Logan paused. The silence was only about a minute long, but from an internal viewpoint, as subjective as that was, it felt as if it had taken hours. How was he going to explain this?
“What, cat got your tongue?” Remus asked impatiently, holding up a cat eating a tongue as if to illustrate his point.
The logical side remained startlingly silent at the metaphor.
Until, finally, he spoke.
“Neither I, nor Roman, Virgil, Patton, or Janus brought the ‘creatures’ from the imagination. In fact, if I am correct in my observations, they are, in fact, Roman, Virgil, Patton, and Janus”
Remus looked at the conglomeration of chaotic creatures again.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Silence (save for whatever the mythical being buds had been doing in the meantime, that was making quite a bit of noise) ensued.
“So, how do we make sure our friends and family aren’t mythical beings forever?” Logan began.
“Wait till midnight. They’ll be back.” Remus replied calmly
“It’s that easy?” the other side said mistifiedly.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“I’d appreciate an explanation”
“An explanation? Really? Life might be infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent, but it doesn’t mean it’ll always be consistent enough for someone of your tastes. Plus, ‘till midnight’ gives us plenty of time to-”
“We won’t have any time at all, seeing as they’ve already got themselves in trouble.”
One of the four creatures, a particularly colourful eagle and deer hybrid of some sort, had gotten his antlers stuck in a tree. The incident seemed to have been the cause of some of the noise from earlier, and it didn’t seem to be getting any easier for the being (which Logan had a hunch was Patton), or anyone else, to extricate him from the tangle. As Logan and Remus walked up to the quartet, they found a purple-scaled, winged figure flying near the branch worriedly. The other two transformed sides, one a wingless combination of lion and eagle, the other also possessing a leonine body, horns (for some reason) and a snake tail ending in a cluster of spikes. Soon, all four of the non-winged of the group stood around the tree, concerned for their friend.
At some point possibly-Patton had somehow flipped himself completely upside down in a doomed attempt at freedom. The purple one (who was probably Virgil) had nestled himself in a higher part of the tree, curling into himself like a charging cable left in a bag too long.
Suddenly, the tree perching figure unfurled himself. He let out a hacking cough, once, twice, thrice, then, finally, expelled a putrid smelling (and looking) liquid, which hit the branch, but thankfully not the peryton tangled in it.
The branch disintegrated, freeing the creature that, seeing as his immediate response was to drag the anxious wyvern to the ground for a hug, was most definitely Patton.
Two sides figured out.
The griffin, opinicus if Logan was being specific, bounded over to the other two dramatically, joining in on the hug, whilst the probable manticore, walked there at a slower pace.
Make that all of them figured out.
And then Patton startled Janus, causing him to let out a volley of dangerous spines.
“Why can't you all be calm for once?”
After six straight hours of cleaning up and stopping the others’ chaos, with intermittent Remus-led breaks for unethical science, the chaos was finally over, ten minutes left till midnight, Roman, Janus, Patton, and Virgil were sleeping soundly.
A giant clump of limbs and wings draped over it like blankets sat in front of a frankly tired Remus and Logan.
“Are we-” Logan fought a yawn, “Are we going to wait for them to-”
Remus snored from his perch on Logan’s shoulder.
“It seems we are not,” Logan said to empty air.
He picked up Remus, walking past the rest of the sides, to a large tree with a sizable patch of moss underneath.
“Goodnight everyone,” he murmured, finding a place for him and Remus to settle down till morning, “goodnight.”
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the-tiktok-rogue · 1 year
Sanders sides finale fic because thomas won’t ever friggin make it,
Thomas walks into his room, saddened, Nico has told him that he just wants to go on a break, Thomas walks into his main room, Patton Rises up
“Hey there champ, I know things are looking down, but you just need time.”
“I really thought he was the one though, we went on so many dates…After the wedding and the call back…I just needed ONE good thing”
“I know pal but hey, there’s always next time, and it’s oh-fish-ial, there’s plenty more fish in the sea eh ehhh”
Thomas sighs “normally that’d make me laugh, i’m just not in the mood for dad jokes.”
Virgil rises up “Geez, is Patton Patton-tra-nising you again.”
“A mean pun? I was just trying to help our little slugger here!”
“he wants to be sad, you of all people should know it’s okay to be sad.”
“Believe me I do Virgil, it is okay to be sad, I just don’t want him to dwell on it forever, not when he’s made so much progress”
Thomas thinks “maybe there’s a creative solution to this….hmm”
Roman rises but it’s obvious something is off, for one thing he’s wearing his season one scarf, with the rest of his season two outfit
“hmm yes it is I the mighty prince roman, whatever to do”
Thomas squints but then shakes his head
“Roman I need a solution to this break with Nico…something to get him back with me.”
Roman has a devious smile “you should totally get with one of his friends to backstab him”
Patton gasps “Roman! that’s not chivalrous or noble!”
Virgil spoke “it’s obvious this guys Ja-“
he was interrupted “nrghhh I need something more logical than that…I can’t just think with my feelings, think thomas think”
Logan rises but something is off as well but he’s wearing his season 1 tie, he also has bags under his eyes
“Well I think the most logical solution in my humble opinion as the one and only logan…”
there was a pause
“is to stab him to death and make love to his bloody remains!”
Thomas gasps “Remus?….and Janus?”
they both morph, showing their true selves
Patton freaks out “W-Where’s Roman and Logan?! and Janus I thought we were friends!”
Janus laughed “Well remember when Virgil ducked out, it seems Roman and Logan went on strike”
Virgil sneered “and you two decided to take their places!”
Remus stretched his arm into a tentacle and stroked Virgil’s back making him flinch then un stretched it “That’s right, you wanna know why?”
him and Janus both laughed music started, they went into the mind space, a song was starting
Janus started a spotlight on him “once we were both ignored, us two a dark side tour de force”
then Remus “we tried to be subtle and snide, giving you a spook and some advice” he turns into an octopus and jump scares the camera
Janus continued “However now we’ll simply say, we’ll sing it out another way.”
Remus sang “You can’t block us out no longer we’ll sing it out and we’ll sing it stronger!”
both sing “it’s our house now, it’s our house now, you all loved your plucky friends, but now it seems they’re on the mend! it’s our house now it’s our house now!”
Remus sings “Fears and secrets soon we shall arouse…..” he tickled pattons neck with green claw nails
Janus sang “ cause it’s our house.”
the bridge started “We both watched and we both waited, as your puritan self hated” janus sang
“Patton on his watchful tower eager to judge, easy to glower.” remus sang
“You’ll serve yourself, you’ll listen again, me and him we’ve took the reins.”
“so now on we’ve simply got it alll…. cause it’s our house now, it’s our house now, bask in darkness and misdeeds, just enjoy your evil creed cause it’s our house now, our house now, we’re not alone and there is one more…in our house.”
the song ends
A new orange side appears to rise up he’s wearing an orange jacket, with a black shirt, punk clothing, and orange bags under his eyes, also a dark beard.
“Hmpth. Finally you’ve noticed me.” he spoke bitterly
Thomas did a double take before looking to Patton and Virgil
“who the heck is this guy?!”
Patton made an awkward face like pulling teeth “he’s wrath…”
Thomas looked confused “Wrath?….but i’ve been angry before, why have I never seen this guy”
Virgil sighed “You don’t view yourself as an angry person, you view your anger as bad and try to people please to make up for it…thus, wrath is here.”
Wrath made a fist and growled “when you don’t have creativity, or logic, you can only show them your teeth and fight.”
Wrath flips a middle finger, and says a bunch of bleep swears
Patton puts hands over his ears “p-please stop swearing”
Wrath tells him to eff off
“Beat the sh*t out of Nico for what he did, he probably cheated on you anyway.” wrath egged Thomas on
Thomas balled up his fist. this builds until he punches a wall.
Patton tries to console Thomas “woah woah woah, maybe we should try and find Roman, go to his room? he’s always good with this kind of romantic quandaries?”
Janus laughs “oh please don’t go there you three, it will totally stop your wrath and you’ll be rid of us all”
Remus cackled “do tell my brother thanks for doing nothing, it’s been so lovely without that dunce” Remus said, popping one of his eye balls out.
Wrath grimaced “no matter how far you run i’ll always be a part of you.”
they leave and the first part of the finale ends.
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jaratedeguadalupe · 2 years
hc that virigl owns a black robe cult style and roams around in it at night quietly chanting the lyric to dancing queen
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solutions-problem · 2 years
It’s just a normal mission. Just a routine grab and bag. In and out. You got this. 
Those were the thoughts running through Agent Mikael’s mind as he tried to hype himself up as his troop approached the complex. The Solution had tasked him and his team with a pretty important mission: The engagement and containment of the subject known as Radio Static. He didn’t know much about the target, that was the captain’s role. But what he did know was that the subject was capable of anomalously broadcasting himself to any television screen channel at will. This made him a big threat to maintaining the veil of secrecy. Other than that? Sarge said she’d brief everyone at the rendezvous point, so Mikael didn’t bother to worry himself about the details.
“Alright, everyone, pay attention. We only got one chance at nabbing the subject, and if we fail, he’s known to flee across countries when spooked. We’re in deep water if he gets outta here.” Sarge barked out authority any time she spoke, even Agent Sanders paid attention, and you couldn’t get him to focus if you hit him with the butt of your gun. The four members of the squad huddled together to listen to their captain, waiting with bated breath to hear the details of the assignment.
“The subject’s designation is ‘Radio Static’. He’s a humanoid entity with the head of a television, very standard. He’s known for broadcasting various sorts of violent or otherwise anomalous programs onto channels that he had no prior access to, which is the ability of his that makes him a threat to the Veil. He’s known for his flamboyant attitude and ruthless cruelty, so stay on your toes. We managed to get a tip that he’d be holed up in the warehouse up ahead for his broadcast tonight, which is where we’ll be intercepting him. You’ve all been briefed on the plan of attack and your individual entry points. Sanders, you’re on the lookout, so pay attention.” 
“Can do, boss!” Sanders gave a lazy half salute.
“This is serious, Sanders. You can’t take your eyes off the target this time. We don’t want a repeat of the Basilisk mission. I had to stick my neck out for you, and I don’t plan on doing it again. Don’t fuck it up, Sanders.”
“Alright, alright, I heard you the first time, Sarge!” Sanders argued back to the captain before taking out his rifle. He had the best handle on the scope out of the squad, best for long range combat.
“Lawrence, Adams, you two are on pincers. Hit him from the sides, push him to me and Riker if you can.”
The two on pincer duty nodded in agreement. Lawrence and Adams got along quite well, what with Lawrence always being the quiet sort, following orders to the T, and with Adams being mute. Made for a good silent duo.
“Mikael, you’re going in through the back while Riker and I take the brunt of the target’s assault. Surprise him from the back, incapacitate if possible.”
Mikael wasn’t as ready as his teammates were, but like hell was he going to argue with Sarge. He was the rookie in the team, having only been on a few missions with the squadron. Being put in charge of such an important role had him on edge.
“I… I won’t let you down, Sarge. You can count on me.”
“I know you won’t, Mikael. You’re a good man.”
Mikael beamed at the compliment. He was proud to make his captain place his trust in him, even if it was a terrifying position.
“Like I said, Riker, you’re with me. We’ll enter through the front door, breach the set. From there, we’ll meet the target head on to take the brunt of the assault. Lawrence and Adams will come in from the sides, pushing the target into the ambush zone where Mikael will surprise him, leaving him open to the five of us. Sanders, if the target tries to flee, or call for backup, you know what to do.”
With the plan set, the team got into position. After Sarge and Riker begin their assault, all radio contact will be disconnected and stopped, as they believe that Radio Static will begin to use it to his advantage. The idea of radio silence did scare Mikael a lot, but he had faith in his team.
And then, explosions. 
Mikael supposed that was the signal that they had begun the assault. Mikael burst through the back door, brandishing his weapon as he charged into the complex. However, it was… Strangely dark. The room was just a black, empty void. And then, without another sound-
The door slammed behind Mikael as he reached the center of whatever room he was in. He spun, aiming his weapon, expecting to see the target, but he was met with nothing but darkness. In just another moment, however, the darkness was broken by a bright spotlight blasting down onto him from above.
A booming voice erupted through the area, coming from all directions. Mikael aimed and spun around, seeking to find the source of the voice. When he was met with nothing, the spotlight shifted away from him, moving to a grandiose talk show set, adorned with lights, posters, and propaganda, all showing…
The lights in the room flashed on in a brilliant display of magnificence, displaying Radio Static to his new guest star. Radio Static had adorned his classic talk show attire, a well pressed black suit, long navy blue and black striped pants, and a colorful spotted tie. He gripped his microphone in his hand as he looked down at the new coming star, not to outshine him, of course!
The soldier raised his weapon, aiming straight at Radio Static. “Hah! Got a lot of spunk already, eh, kid? I like it! But, I believe your excitement is a little misused! Let’s get rid of that clunky little toy, shall we?”
Small orb shaped drones descended from the rafters above, swarming the now frightened army man. He began worriedly firing at the drones, but there were simply too many. They descended down on the man, removing his weapons and  stripping him of some of his armor.
“There you go, darling! Now you look television ready! I hope you’re ready to-”
Mikael knew something was wrong, it just felt off, and not the part where he was being assaulted by the target with the rest of his squad nowhere in sight.
“Stand down, asshole! My squad will-”
“OH! OH! You did NOT just fucking cut off my opening monologue!”
Radio Static was really not happy to have his spotlight stolen in the middle of a performance. The drones swooped in again, delivering shocks to the interrupting ignoramus. He dropped to his knees as the drones began to restrain him. Radio Static cleared his throat again as he walked off the stage.
“Now, darling, first rule of television, you don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking, okay? Or else I will FUCKING kill you. Got it? Good. Oh, and when we go live for tonight’s episode, watch your language, there’s going to be kids watching!”
“What… The hell are you talking about?”
“Oh, that reminds me, your squadron, don’t worry about them, they’ll be on the show too. I already got them ready for the performance. Ready? Great! We go live in five, four, three two… Showtime!”
Some of the drones had their small cameras light up, meaning that the show was on air. Radio Static brought the newly dressed soldier close, tossing him down onto a chair as he took his own place behind a mahogany desk. 
“Hello, my adoring fans! Welcome to another spectacular episode of Television Saved the Radio Static! I’m your darling host, Radio Static, and tonight, we have a special guest! Tell the wonderful viewers at home what your name is, gorgeous!”
“I… Let me go!”
“Give it up for Letmego! Exotic name, is it not?”
Simulated applause erupted from a fake studio audience as the soldier glanced around, clearly looking for his teammates. The room rapidly began to change sets as Radio Static prepped his next scene. “We got a special show lined up for you tonight, everyone! We have a QUADRUPLE feature! Our game show tonight stars our lovely guest, Letmego, and his friends as well! Tonight, we ask the question!”
The fake audience began to spout out the catchphrase along with Radio Static.
The set had changed to a quiz show, with a large sizzling vat in the center of the room. Dangled above it was another soldier that Radio Static had intercepted from outside. He seemed to have fallen asleep when the drones caught him. 
“Welcome to the generic quiz show segment! Answer correctly and you get a prize! Answer falsely, and your little friend will be lowered towards the pool of acid! Sounds fun, right?”
“What?! No!”
“Great! Then let’s get started! Question one! What’s the capital of Brazil?”
“What? How the hell am I supposed to know that?” 
“Bzzt! Wrong!” The soldier, evidently named Sanders, was lowered deeper to the vat. He was yelling something, but he didn’t have a mic on, so none of what he said was audible to the folks at home. “Question two! Who’s the best game show host?”
Again, there it was again! Something was off, Mikael could FEEL it. “No, NO! I know what this is leading to! You’re going to do these fucked up games with each of my teammates, killing them gruesomely each time in front of me for your sick pleasure! Well, I won’t have it! You aren’t getting your free content!”
Radio Static’s screen changed to that of pure static as the cameras shut off. He approached the soldier who had decided to, no, DARED to ruin the show. “Cut to commercial.”
Radio Static got closer and closer to the soldier, who suddenly lashed out, hurling a punch at the television host. Radio Static caught the fist in the air, however, quickly snapping the hand backwards, causing the soldier to scream in pain. Radio Static delivered a blow of his own, decking the soldier in the face and knocking him to the floor. He wasted no time, stomping on the soldier’s head several times before grabbing him by the hair and smashing his face into the vat’s glass over and over, cracking both the vat and the soldier’s face. 
Each blow was harder than the last. The vat was creaking now, with Radio Static stepping back, onto two drones that lifted him into the air. He dusted his shirt off as he tried to wipe the soldier’s blood from his suit. As he did, the glass shattered, showering the party crasher in the acid meant for his associate. “Fucking piece of shit. Deserved nothing less.”
Radio Static switched to the next set, bringing the other soldier with him as he tossed the new guest with the rest. “Ruined my show for the night. Now I’ll have to play a goddamned rerun! But don’t worry, folks, I’m gonna come back better. New episode. With drama! Romance with yours truly! And of course, bloodshed! Speaking of the latter, I need to send a message to the Solution so they don’t try to crash my next broadcast, m’kay?” 
The soldiers argued, of course they did. They had no sense of style, of drama, of showmanship! But whatever. He was going to dispose of them each in their own special way, taking pictures of it to send to the Solution. Sanders got placed in a big room that was filled with water, drowning him. Took Radio Static ages to dry off the furniture! Adams was burned alive, which was funny since he couldn’t scream. Lawrence was placed in the Sound Room, which blasted so much noise it popped his head like a grape. That one was messy. And for the captain, well, she was tied to a massive firework that was then launched into the air! It exploded brilliantly into a wonderful display of Radio Static’s own wonderful visage. He was quite happy with that one.
He couldn’t dwell on them for too long, though. After all, he had to get back to filming! Only twenty four hours until the next airing! The show must go on. 
The little assault they tried to wage against him was cute, but, ultimately, it was just a little intermission.
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anxiouslyfred · 1 year
For @sanders-sides-a-spec-week prompt crossovers
Summary: Virgil has ended up in a relationship due to his fears of abandonment, but between meeting the Doctor and fighting sontarans he might just find the courage to come out and change that.
Fear is a normal feeling for Virgil. He fears being alone, fears abandonment, or people thinking that he's weird. He worries about whether he'd upset someone he didn't intend to or whether the positioning of his furniture is dangerous.
It's something he's used to listening to and trying to avoid his fears becoming reality.
And there's a lot of things that Virgil has done or agreed to because he didn't want to be abandoned any more than he wanted to ride that dubiously safe ride at the fair.
Including this relationship, and coming on this date when really he needs a break from people after a horrible day.
At least he's laughing now, finding humour in something that Anton seems horrified by, if the spluttering words about it being nowhere near Halloween and what the hell do people think there doing is anything to go by. Honestly Virgil thought it was brilliant, and he'd almost ask to join in with this out of season spook fest. Halloween definitely needed to last longer anyway.
Although the costumes were definitely not something he'd ever go for. Two guys with like paper mache puppet masks on that looked like they'd been made over a baking bowl or something and some plastic attempt at battle armour. Frankly Virgil couldn't imagine what kind of monster the teens, and from the size of them, they couldn't be older than early teens, maybe 15, were trying to be, especially since they had blue guns, because of course the weapon has to match the armour, what soldier doesn't do that?
The gun being fired by the left one and taking out a chunk of ceiling over their heads and getting them both covering their heads and ducking away. “So not just bad costumes, you also painted real guns to look fake!” Virgil yelled, sharply glancing around the cafe as he shoved Anton down under the table.
There was a door not far behind them, and another the other side of the teens with guns, which some blonde was coming through, whacking them both on their necks, with a yell.
“Hey, you two okay? Was anyone else in here?” The woman asks, leaning over the table a moment later, getting Virgil's attention from where he was trying to keep Anton calm enough to escape as well as figure out without popping his head too far over the table to see if the guys in plastic armour were actually unconscious and decide if this new person was any safer.
“Two staff, I think they both waitress and cook, went out back not long ago. I think they had a delivery or something.” Virgil explained quickly, not sure why he trusted this person, but at least she wasn't holding any weapons, not even whatever she'd hit the gunmen with.
She smiled. “We'll go that way to find them then. I'm the Doctor, who are you?”
“Virgil, this is Anton. Shouldn't we do something about the teens in costume?” He asked, standing now since she was acting as if it was safe to do so, and pulling Anton up with him, who immediately wrapped himself around him, hiding in his neck.
“Not in costume. That's just what a sontaran looks like. They'll be fine where they are for now. It's not like we have anywhere safe to imprison them or anything.” She explained, rooting through her pockets. “And I think my rope must have been left beside the console, damnit.”
It was very easy for Virgil to ask, “Console?” expecting some comment about a computer game console, but no reply came as the Doctor was hurrying away, only just avoiding running because she kept looking back as if trying the check if they were following her.
Anton was screaming again.
Of course that might be because Virgil had just launched himself out from the gap they'd sheltered in, racing straight towards the sontarans the Doctor had asked them to keep an eye on, a broken chair leg in his hand.
It was still very distracting that Anton was screaming, apparently not just to Virgil since the sontarans were trying to shoot at both of them, none of them just picking a single target. At least that left Virgil the opportunity to start whacking their necks.
“Much easier to keep an eye on war mongering aliens when they're unconscious.” Virgil decided, tearing the apron he'd found in one of the backrooms up into rope to tie them up and taking their guns away at the same time. “Plus it means none of them can go back to their ship or pods while we don't want them to.”
“I really want to kiss you right now. That's what heroes get after pulling shit like that off.” Anton stated, trying to turn Virgil to him.
He didn't turn, pushing a gun into the hand on his shoulder. “Only when they aren't potentially still in danger. I'm staying vigilant until I know whatever is going on is finished.”
“So it looks like they were the starting force to come in. Scouts, not an invasion.” The Doctor sounded like she was halfway through a conversation when she walked back in, looking over her shoulder. “There should only be the five that we've already... You've already captured. Was this a spontaneous plan, or had you already decided to knock them out before I left?”
Virgil glanced at the now angry and awake sontarans for a moment, “They spotted us. It seemed easier to keep an eye on them if I could get them tied up instead of run away from them.”
“I could have sworn that you said everything scares you when we were getting those cooks free. This is impressive.” She looked at the collection, waving when a few hurled insults such as vermin at her.
“Also said I have survival instincts and no desire to face my worst fears today. These guys do not stand up against those fears at all.” He stated, “What kind of alien race doesn't figure out a way to protect their weakness? If you're going to make armour, include a cover or something for a feeding vent that can knock you unconscious.”
The Doctor looked him over again, before checking on Anton. “And how are you holding up? Still coping with-”
A laugh from one of the sontarans had her turning. “We prepared for your interference Doctor. This place will explode and kill you along with us if you continue trying to thwart our plans. Release us and the people in this building may be spared.”
“Or we could leave you tied up, set of the fire alarms in every building we can get into to evacuate them and let you be the only mortalities of your actions?” Virgil offered, getting a sharp disapproving look from the Doctor.
“A warrior's strategy. Not as weak-hearted as the Doctor. You'd make a fine sontaran.” The sontaran replied, nodding in approval.
The Doctor held up her hands. “And not one we're going to do. I've locked your ship. It's co-ordinates are set and you're getting back on board it now! Whether that's awake or unconscious is your choice. We've got shopping trolley's.”
“So you both seem very concerned but not at all touchy with that boyfriend of yours. What's this fear that's more terrifying than aliens trying to kill you?” The Doctor spoke conversationally, even if she was huffing a little from the effort of pushing a trolley with two sontarans in it.
Virgil glanced at her, scowling slightly. He would have shrugged to dismiss his fear, if he wasn't also pushing a trolley of 2 sontarans through a muddy forest. “Abandonment, loneliness, however you want to describe it. Had enough people turn their backs on me, I really can't face anyone else doing that.” He decided to indulge her curiosity, if only because Anton was further back and couldn't go into a rant over how it's the least interesting inspiration for any creator to have and list about 20 artists Virgil had only vaguely heard of who overused loneliness as a theme in their works.
“Is that why you're dating him?” She asked, as if the connection was easily made. “It's just, you don't seem to actually want to be, even if it's like utterly obvious you love him. I've had friends like that before, always platonic and half the time letting allusions of romance happen meant I lost them sooner. But that's my life; travelling, surviving, changing my face to cheat death. I don't think it needs to be yours.”
“Don't make it seem like he's threatened to leave me to make me date him.” Virgil glared now, before smiling over his shoulder when Anton yelled to check if they were okay.
The Doctor waved back as well, “Wouldn't dare imply it. Just think you should try talking to him about what you want your relationship to be, and if that's not romantic at all, then he deserves to know.”
“Still scary. Let's deal with these guys and whatever bomb is in that cafe first.” Virgil ended the conversation there, putting more effort into his strides to go further ahead.
They failed to stop the bomb. There were people in a car park across the way from multiple businesses, all counting staff numbers and checking with customers that had been evacuated to see if there was anyone known to be missing. Virgil had heard a few people wondering over how fire alarms went off for no fire just in time to save them from a bomb. Anton had actually shaken hands with a security guard who'd tried to stop him setting the alarm off in a bar that was a few doors away from the cafe.
The Doctor's words from when they were taking the sontarans back to their ship were ringing through Virgil's mind still, and he realised that perhaps she was right, to some degree. Perhaps he could tell Anton the truth and still keep his friend in his life.
That was why when Anton came over, seeking comfort and the kiss he'd offered earlier, Virgil tugged them away from the crowd, closer to the still smouldering remains of the buildings.
“Anton, I know we've just been through, well, whatever that was, but there's something else we need to talk about.” Virgil exclaimed, barely turning from where the Doctor was clearly trying to get him to go over to her before he was focused on saying words he'd held back for months.
“About something other than aliens trying to kill us, destroying the entire building but somehow able to be taken out by baseball bats? You seriously think I can focus on anything other than how close to death you've insisted on staying following that mad woman around?” Anton ranted, gesturing wildly, flinging his arms back at the burning embers behind them.
Virgil shrugged, “Gotta speak while I'm still feeling brave, I guess, cause I don't wanna date you. I just don't want you to disappear from my life. Including apparently being killed by psychopathic potatoes. You're like brilliant, but I'm aro, aromantic. This dating isn't for me, hell sometimes it's completely uncomfortable and stops me relaxing with you. Before you wanted to date, you weren't people. I loved being around you even when all the pressure of society to have relationships wore me out, but with this dating relationship hanging over me, even while I'm scared of you leaving, I need to escape you sometimes.”
His boyfriend froze, blinking, turning around to the remains of the cafe they'd started the evening in. “Umm, okay, I knew you weren't entirely comfortable in our relationship, but you're talking like this is the most dramatic or scary thing of the entire evening. Chill, I'm definitely not letting the guy who saved my skin, even if that was by running towards the guys with guns, stop being in my life. We'll go back to being friends and I'll process heartbreak alongside nightmares over baked potatoes. Platonic love still?”
“Platonic love still.” Virgil nodded, before snickering, “Also who are you to decide what scares me? You get freaked out by special affects that reveal how they were done. Rejection is far scarier than guys who kept shouting their planets name.”
“Their planets name? Really, that's what sontar-ha! Is about?” Anton laughed now, looking skyward to yell, “Your war cry is stupid! Get something more interesting than your home's name, Dumbasses!”
Virgil snickered with him, patting his shoulder before finally heading over to the blue box the Doctor was waiting in front of.
“You going to be okay here? I know this stuff messes with people.” She asked, seeing his approach.
“Well, I'm not getting left behind by him; the rest, I guess, can't be as threatening as those guys.” He shuddered a little now, the thought of what could have happened beginning to properly settle into his mind.
The Doctor smiled, “Or you could come with me if you like?” She offered.
“Nah, I'd just be more terrified of normal life by the time you get me back. No need to give my social anxiety more power, right?” He declined, smirking still as he realised whatever she needed to invite people to join her, she'd seen in him.
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madsciencestudent · 2 years
Fuck It; Halloween Music List
The Addams Family Theme - Amc Orchestra
The Addams Family Sinatra Style - Joey Gaynor
Halloween Spooks - Lambert, Hendricks, and Ross
Cosmik Debris - Frank Zappa 
Witch Doctor - David Seville
Witchy Woman - Eagles
Season of the Witch - Donovan
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Grieg
(Ghost) Riders In the Sky - Outlaws
Monster Mash - John Zacherle
I Put A Spell On You - Jay Hawkins
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) - David Bowie
Dinner with Drac - John Zacherle
Monster Mash - Bobby Pickett
Ghost Busters - Ray Parker Jr.
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Spooky - Classics IV
Abracadabra - Steve Miller Band
Soul Man - Sam and Dave
Stayin’ Alive - Bees Gees
Grim Grinning Ghosts - The Living Tombstone featuring Crusher P + Corpse Husband
Grim Grinning Ghosts - Creature Feature 
Halloween (Extended) - Da Boy Tommy
Monster Mash - The Misfits
Prologue (Little Shop of Horrors) - Bill Mitchell, Michelle Weeks, Tichina Arnold, Tisha Campbell
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
Boris the Spider - The Who
Graveyard Waltz - The Hooters
Thriller - Micheal Jackson
Time Warp - Little Nell, Patricia Quinn, Richard O'Brien
Sweet Transvestite - Tim Curry
Hot Patootie (Bless My Soul) - Adam Lambert
Magic Dance - David Bowie
Remains of the Day - Tim Burton's Corpse Bride Soundtrack Danny Elfman
The Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley
Jeepers Creepers - Jack Teagarden
Hush, Hush, Hush Here Comes the Boogeyman - Henry Hall
The Greatest Show Unearthed - Creature Feature
Dead Man’s Party - Oingo Boingo
Something Wicked (That Way Went) - Vernian Process
Spooky Scary Skeletons (Remix) - The Living Tombstone
Pet Sematary - The Ramones
Godzilla - The Blue Oyster Cult
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper - The Blue Oyster Cult
Pumkpinhead - The Misfits
Allison Gross - Steeleye Span
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Marilyn Manson
This is Halloween - Marilyn Manson 
This is Halloween - The Citizens of Halloween
Kidnap the Sandy Claws - KoRn
Friends on the Other Side - Keith David
Voodoo Child (Radio Edit) - Rogue Trader
Friends on the Other Side- Disney Villain Mashup - Thomas Sanders
The Dismemberent Song - Blue Kid
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
In the Dark of the Night (Metal Cover) - Jonathan Young
The Devil Went Down to Georgia - The Charlie Daniels Band
Beelz (My Name is Satan!) - Stephen Lynch 
Legend of Wooley Swamp - The Charlie Daniels Band
(Ghost) Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash
Brains! - Voltaire
Ramalama Bang Bang - Rōisín Murphy
"I Put A Spell On You" Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular Finale - Various Artists
I Put a Spell On You - Bette Midler
Every Day is Halloween - Ministry
Are You Ready for Freddy? - Fat Boys featuring Freddy Krueger
Teenage Frankenstein - Alice Cooper
Chop Chop Slide - Insane Clown Posse
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nakuuro1994 · 2 months
Mickey Starlight (My Version)
So, here’s the superhero origin story of my newest Public Domain superhero story idea starring Michelle Young (a.k.a. “The Cosmic Rockstar Mickey Starlight”) where she’s a hardworking Korean American single mother & a former 80’s & 90’s power metal rockstar who went by the stage name of “Mickey Starlight” before she had gotten herself knocked up during a very passionate romantic date with her band’s drummer & late husband named Jea Young as she ultimately had to retire from her own music career early so that she can properly raise her own rather rambunctious twin daughters Hana & Duri Young as she also discovered later in life that she’s actually the daughter of a long forgotten Golden Age Martian Superhero/Cereal Mascot named “Volto From Mars” as she ultimately had to deal with a second “Martian Puberty” later in life as a middle age single mother of two as her own Martian genetics finally kicked in as she’s now able to freely transform herself back & forth from her usual human self into her newly discovered Martian form on command nowadays as she now plans to revive her own music career as “The All-New Mickey Starlight” while also battling various supervillains from both Earth, Mars & Beyond while also keeping her new double life as a cosmic superhero rockstar a secret from her two twin daughters who also happened to be the biggest fans of her own superhero rockstar alter ego as well!!
~ (List of Main Villains/Antagonists):
* Marto The Living Brain (Dr. Martin Hall)
* The Twister (Robert “Bobby” Sanders)
* The Chameleon (Patricia Stockbridge)
* Edison Bell (The Evil Boy Genius)
* The Target (Niles Reed) 
* The White Rider (Peter McCloud)
* The Sub-Zero Man (Theodore Ellis)
* The Runaway Rocket (Paige Park)
* Sargent Spook (The Phantom Cop)
* Green Sorceress (The Queen of Mars)
* Man-O-War (The Killer Robot Vigilante)
* The Zoo-Man (Dr. Whisper Drew)
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