mimanimum · 2 years
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A Man of Virtue -  GGANG-E/ Wook
Support Author: https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/virtue
Sangtae (U) x Jinwoo (S)
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shineemoon · 1 month
🐰🐚📞Hello ⁉️
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dongshancai · 8 months
i just feel like i have to talk about this because i really love how they handled sangtae’s character. he was clearly written to be the main antagonist that’s keeping yongpil and samdal apart, and even to the point where holding onto this grudge for over 20 years sound almost unreasonable. however, i think it’s a great portrayal of grief and how it can ultimately consume you.
everyone deals with grief differently, and i saw a great post explaining how ko mija and yongpil handling the grief around sangtae made it even worse for him. the plot kept circling back to him being too stubborn to ease up on the hate that i began to wonder if they were going to be able to solve it well enough. but episode 14 delivered because while it was almost getting frustrating seeing sangtae relentlessly not listening to everyone around him, by adding the fact that due to his failing vision and memory, he’s afraid of letting go of this grief. which really ties in to the beginning of the episode between yongpil and samdal, when yongpil was saying how he’s afraid of forgetting samdal. by showing how similar yongpil and sangtae loves, makes it hard to truly hate him (even if he’s a stubborn old man) because our main character is exactly the same way.
but i especially love the way they wrote samdal talking to him. it tied it up so neatly that i can’t help but be impressed. by having her say word for word what he told bu mija a long time ago, after he visited her at the temple, made it seem like it was bu mija telling him that. and i think it was something he really really needed to hear. the actor did an AMAZING job at portraying the realization that he really doesn’t hate samdal, and he was too caught up in his grief that he didn’t realize other people were suffering too. so when he ran after her and seeing yongpil standing next to her,,,, bro TEARS
i just really appreciate how they handled his character because he’s not a bad person—he’s in pain and he doesn’t realize his actions are hurting people he cares about because,, he just happened to really love his wife. and the catharsis of having samdal being the reason to free him from his grudge when he was the one that deliberately kept our main couple apart just shows the intricate relationships of these families but how, at the end of the day, they still care for each other
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ultimobeso · 2 years
               (   ∙ ~εïз~ ∙   )  ⸺  @magicxsh0p​ /
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“Pues—” comienza el rubito, su mirada de borrego adherida a la pantalla de su móvil, “al parecer, las plantas no crecen más guapas y musculosas si las ahogas en agua. Yo pensé que había sido mi canto de las mañanitas lo que mató a Patricia.” Sí... Recordatorio: No dejar que Makoto vuelva jamás a adoptar una planta sin vigilancia de otro adulto.
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carnavalesque · 5 days
grow old with them; academy edition.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 (during and after the academy)
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𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢 (before and during raven)
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𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠-𝐭𝐚𝐞 (before and after his drowning)
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ballooneedle · 3 months
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Jin Sangtae & Choi Joonyong
2024. 7.27~7.28 at The Room, West Kowloon Cultural District
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bnnbnn · 5 months
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Jin Sangtae & Choi Joonyong at Zacao’abc Music Festival 2024, 2024/04/13 at Oneiro Space, Beijing (photo by Sun Yizhou)
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bbbeternelle · 11 months
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rfl-updates · 1 year
Jin Sangtae - Fixed
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onewistotoro · 3 months
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onew sangtae
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khaotunng · 8 months
the fact that the only way sangtae managed to process part of his grief and resentment was that he recognised the way yongpil and samdal love each other because it's the same way he loved mija... and his love for her lives on through samdal and yongpil growing up together and always loving each other.... that got me crying ngl
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silverpiwon · 4 months
Jongseob said on fromm that Jiung calls Soul by his Korean name (which he apparently has) and the name is Sangtae :0
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carnavalesque · 2 months
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my characters + every harry styles song - matilda. (27/35)
You can let it go. You can throw a party full of everyone you know and not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love.
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sweetsuenos · 2 years
The way IOTNBO uses food and hunger as love and the desire to be loved!!
In the beginning we see Moonyoung walk into her dark and abandoned family home. She crawls onto a cold bed and in a small defeated voice, says "I'm hungry." Then the show immediately cuts to sizzling meat and a group of people eating a warm meal together.
Later, Juri's mom comments that when she met Moonyoung as a child that she seemed malnourished and that she devoured a bowl of rice as if it was her first time having a home cooked meal. (As if it was her first time experiencing warmth!)
On her birthday, she doesn't go out for a fancy meal. She asks Juri's mom to make her seaweed soup, a birthday tradition she most likely never really got to participate in, and a dish that often times is made by one's mother, one's father, at the very least bought by someone who loves them..
Later when Moonyoung stops eating, after she is devastated to learn that her mother killed the mother of the two people she loves most, (an event that traumatized them their whole life) Sangtae says he'll only forgive her if she'll eat the porridge he has brought her. She begs for his forgiveness over and over again but all he cares about is feeding her a warm meal to ease her suffering.
Moonyoung stops eating again later, deciding to live alone because she thinks she is only a burden to others. She's going to return to how she lived before they came into her life, a bottomless pit of hunger never satiated, never eating at home, never participating in the communal eating of food, of sharing warmth at meals, belly and heart always empty, empty! Gangtae notices her not eating, so everyone gathers together to formulate a plan just trick her into going to Juri's house for a meal. Juri's mom tells her a lot of planning went into feeding her just once so she should just eat, they even had Gangtae send over a list of her favorite foods so they'd be ready for her! Moonyoung cries and asks Juri's mom why everyone is so nice to her when they're not even her family, because even her family never loved her, only abused or ignored her. After hearing the answer, she wipes her tears and diligently gets to work eating, as if to honor and accept the affection these people have for her.
In her book "The Zombie Kid" Moonyoung uses the zombie kid as a metaphor for herself. She sees herself as someone who just has the need to eat, someone who can't feel emotions, who doesn't need love. But the last line of her own book questions that idea: What did the child really want? To just be fed? Or his mother's warmth? The show takes the self deprecating view she has of herself as unfeeling and only needing to satisfy her most basic needs, and flips it to reveal the truth. That she isn't an emotionless zombie, she's just been traumatized by abuse and never knew real love. They are saying her hunger is not just physical like she pretends it is, it is deeply emotional! She hungers for the love of a parent, the love of a friend, and the love of a partner! And by the end of the show she has healed and is surrounded by people who have become the family she never had, who worry themselves with feeding her even once, just because they love her!
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letsthinkcreativly · 9 months
Did someone else catch how in the flashback when Ko Mija was talking about going to Seoul and marriage, the other women said there's already someone here who has a crush on her, and that someone was Cho Sangtae, as in Yong Pil's father and not her current husband?
I'd really like to know if that also plays into his hatred towards her and what their back story actually is.
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bbbeternelle · 1 year
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