garbagefireboy · 1 year
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so i shitpost about whatever i’m watching (which has been one piece lately) directly onto my facebook for the 4 people that enjoy it. this a random selection of my thoughts and spoilers with no context. i have so many of these saved to my phone to send to exactly one person who doesn’t go on fb lmao.
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pardon-my-scifi · 11 months
You're killing me here, Oda. What the hell, man?!
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ratfest · 7 months
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garbageisland-0 · 5 months
more zoro and kiku pls 🥺
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It’s like holding a couple of grapes
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bluewonderer · 2 years
So, Luffy is actually hyper competent when it comes to outdoor survival.
Fire, of course, is so essential to this. He remembers fire on the quiet beaches of Foosha--remembers Makino's slim, calloused hands building a curious stack of wood, remembers the smell of smoke and the spark of warmth and light. The chocolate from the s'mores she made him got all over his cheeks, in his hair. His sticky fingers picked up a coating of sand and Makino washed his hands in the ocean.
That didn't happen too often. Makino was often dead on her feet, running her bar. But, when Luffy got a little older, when he got curious enough to ask "how do you do that?", she guided his little, chubby hands through the steps to build a fire. He was clumsy, and impatient, and in the end, she had to do it.
It was quiet, it was Makino all to himself surrounded by the stars and the sea and the warmth of the fire.
Shanks and the others never showed him how to build a fire, but their fires were different than Makino's quiet, private ones. The bonfires were huge--taller than Luffy! Even when Benn carried him on his shoulders! It was loud, and so bright it hurt his eyes, and so hot his hair would curl with sweat around his forehead and temples. And the men played so much music, and ate SO much food, and drank so much booze until they sloppily danced with each other and the young men and women from Foosha who were attracted by the fire.
Luffy loved those fires so much--he would feel full for days and days.
Grandpa tried to teach Luffy, maybe. Or maybe, Grandpa believes that he tried to teach Luffy. Really, he just said, "you build a fire like this, see? you need this, and you need to do that, make sure you do NOT do this, and done! there! now you know how to build a fire!"
Luffy did not know how to build one. It would have helped him in the ravine Grandpa threw him in afterward.
Ace and Sabo taught Luffy. Ace taught Sabo before Luffy ever met them. And it was good, because Ace taught a lot like Grandpa. "It's simple, Luffy. You just get this, do this, and don't do, no! I said don't do that! Ugh, why are you crying now?" But Sabo was there. And he wasn't more kind than Ace, but he was a competitive little shit. "You can't teach worth a damn, Ace--this is what happened when you tried to show me. I bet I can teach Luffy faster than you." And Ace, of course, had gritted his teeth and said, "you're on."
It took weeks for Luffy to properly build a fire on his own, under their competitive tutelage. He actually figured it out much fast than that. He just liked the attention of his big brothers. Besides, it was really funny whenever Sabo's sharp comments always made Ace lose control and tackle him into a wrestling match. Luffy always, always gleefully joined them.
Years later, Luffy's sort of surprised to find himself being the one to teach his crew how to build a fire and other things to survive out in the wilds. Zoro's shaped himself for survival in the bars and back alleys and the underground of East Blue's bigger towns and cities. He's never had to hunt for food before, but that was no problem. Luffy only had to teach him how to track prey, how to read the signs in the thick brush and camouflage of the wilderness. For someone like Zoro, who had something primal and hungry under his skin, the hunt comes naturally.
...Luffy should have maybe told him to stay away from those mushrooms, though. Zoro threw up for hours, and Luffy kind of felt bad about that. In his defense, he thought everyone knew about them. Like he thought everyone knew how to track an animal and build a fire.
"Oh," Nami says, puzzling over the thick stew Luffy makes one night under a forest's canopy. It's not as wild as Mt. Colubo, which is kind of boring. "This is actually good? I thought you were just pulling random bits of grass and leaves and mushrooms to throw in this. I was so hungry though, I wasn't going to care. Was just going to avoid the mushrooms in case you gave me poisonous ones."
"Yeah," Zoro grouses. "Nice to know about those, huh?"
"I can cook!" Luffy insists, not sure if he should be offended or flattered.
"Well, no," Nami says. "You blew up the last kitchen we were in. And somehow turned curry into a noxious gas."
"Ovens are hard!" Luffy insists, now sure that he's supposed to be offended. "And why were there so many ingredients? You just need meat! It was confusing!"
And so it goes. Gradually, Luffy shows them how to build a fire in the snow, how to build a shelter against the rain. He points out mushrooms that are safe to eat (and the ones that make you laugh and laugh, even if you don't particularly feel like laughing--Chopper hadn't been as amused with those as Luffy thought he would be). Good berry bushes and bad, what to do to make water safer, and how to hunt. He shows them how to trap small game, though that's not something he and his brothers did as often. They were always so hungry, and big game was always so much more fulfilling. But winters were hard, and sometimes trapping was they only way they ate at all.
Luffy likes to think he's a better teacher than Grandpa, but he's not sure by how much. How do you teach someone something that was once as normal as breathing to him? His friends are so smart, though. Smarter than him. (Except Zoro, who can build a sturdy shelter and then be trusted to never be able to find it again.)
He can tell not everyone particularly wanted to learn. But they're outlaws now. And when they're not facing the wilds of the Grand Line, they're pushed to the outskirts of civilization, camping out on beaches and on the outskirts of forests. These skills none of them thought they would need are suddenly essential.
But it's alright. Luffy's their captain. He'll always be with them, and can take care of them in this way.
(His favorite by far, though, are the beach bonfires. He's sure to build them as big as he remembers from his childhood. He insists on food and music and dancing and booze and s'mores each time. They're loud, and they're warm. And it's all his.
And he feels full for days and days.)
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cuntyglam · 6 months
i can barely contain myself. usopp and nami going shopping together ?!?? they’re both so sassy, she’s haggling and he’s putting his hand on his hips annoyed with her. THE best friends ever actually.
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cosmicrhetoric · 7 months
idk i feel like one piece has always had very general normal ass leftish/anticapitalist themes but every now and again they show the world gov do smth so fucked up and evil its like well. yeah no wonder the main occupation in this world to aspire to is Professional Criminal
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I have reached a new opening and it SLAPS but I am afraid of the plot implications because it’s all foreshadowing marineford Help Me
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okama-kaizoku · 2 years
Y'all ever think about how the strawhats post-timeskip canonically keep mini personalized dendens on them to keep tabs on each other? Ever think about how it was probably a new protocol they put in after the Kuma Incident so they'd never have to experience the trauma of being suddenly no contact again??? And that time and again they get split up on islands but are calm enough about it cause they trust each other's ability to get home or at the very least call for help???
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thychesters · 10 months
no but don't worry. NOBODY is ready for that arc. Good luck!
oh god oh no ok oh no
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what-the-fuck-khr · 29 days
I follow this One Piece manga blog that’s going through the whole manga with commentary and stuff it’s good. anyways they’re on Saobody right now. ah
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pardon-my-scifi · 11 months
I've reached the Saobody Arc. I'm not ready. It's not so much what happens in the next 3 arcs, but Luffy's reaction to it that gets me.
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arkive78 · 3 months
Finally reaching Saobody and screaming over Killer and Law finally showing up 🥵😭🤤🫶🏽♥️😤✨
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kamijimoe · 1 year
watching one piece for the first time and will probably post about it so if you don't want to see my nonsense or any "spoilers", block #i am kaizoku ou ni naruing for the first time
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uraniumglassgirl · 2 years
zoro could do hollow purple but gojo couldnt suck dick every night on a rickety ass pirate ship...
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dykealloy · 8 months
and another thing- i seriously dont understand how after everything law and luffy have gone through: saobody, marineford, punk hazard, dressrosa, zou, wano - a grand total of two suicidal episodes (one each respectively), one warlord and two emperors defeated along the way - the words law parted ways with luffy with were essentially "if you get in my way next time i see you i won't hesitate to kill you" like bro don't talk to your symbol of hope and renewed faith in life like that
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