#sapy asks
Yoo I’m Sap.
I’m autistic, genderfluid, and perpetually confused. Any pronouns are fine (including neos!) and so is just completely avoiding them and only using my name :]
& lil after thought but important note, if you need a trigger tag in any post just lemme know & I will happily add it! If you need me to add spoiler tags I can also happily do that, even if the source materials been out for a minute.
Tone indicators are appreciated :)
My tags explained -
“Sapy asks” Any asks I answer
“Saps writing” My writing posts (I also use “writing concept” for writing concepts I have)
“Sap thoughts” Just my random thoughts & posts
“Reblog” Reblogs I interact with/add to, not just things I reblog
“Sugar rush” Doomscrolling is a bitch. Posts that make me happy go here :) (made when I was having a breakdown, not used very much lmao)
“Covered in tree sap” Favorite posts/posts I wanna come back to :)
“ni pluvivos” Name kind of made up on the spot . Just reassurances & stuff.
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zippidi-dooda · 2 months
Days Charlie got to see you were few and far between. It wasn't all too much of a bother, you sent owls most everyday and spent each moment you had with each other to the fullest. He had never been too hopeless a romantic that he'd get restless, counting down the days he got to see you, or blab on and on about you to anyone near enough to listen.
At least, not at first.
Nowadays he couldn't stop the daydreaming, rambling about you to the dragons in his care and rewiting his letters to you over and over before sending them out just to make sure he wasn't coming out as overly lovesick but always teetering along the lines of sapy.
Holidays and sick leaves were days he'd begun to anticipate and he couldn't wait to check out on all those unused vacations that had been building up.
For now, he'd settle for surprising you with a weekend vist.
He stood just outside your apartment, taking a second to muss up his shock of bright red hair. He took a breath and raised his hand to the door. Hopefully you wouldn't mind his coming unannounced. Then he knocked.
A moment of silence before a bout of shuffling came beyond the door and you could be heard mumbling something to yourself then asking who it was.
He bit on his lip to keep from responding, suppressing his smile as he heard you grumble some more.
The door clicked and he watched the knob turn before it was pulled open.
And there you were.
Hair frizzing up and mouth foamy from the toothbrush still held up in it. You slouched slightly against the doorframe, brow furrowed and eyes glinting with mild annoyance as you stared at the man you loved but hadn't quite seemed to recognize yet.
Charlie looked you up and down, smile staggering when he made not of what you were wearing: ankle length socks with a pair of black shorts that were partially hidden underneath an oversized quidditch jersey that had a familiar number set in the middle of it.
Your eyes widened as you realized who it was and you yelped out his name in shock, "Charlie!" You chocked slightly, white toothpaste dripping onto the floor. You cupped your mouth to prevent more of a mess and turned to make a break for the bathroom, giving Charlie a clear view of the bold letters splayed across your back spelling out his name.
It was a tee from his old school days.
A few questions came to mind, most prominent ones being "where did you get that" and "why did it suit you so much better?"
You came back to him, mouth freshly wiped down and trying to flatten out your hair with your hands, a light pink blush tinting your cheeks
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming over? I could have been ready for you. I'm afraid I haven't round to making food for myself yet, but we can-"
Charlie cut you off with a deep kiss to your lips. He placed his hands onto your waist, backing you further into the apartment, closing the door with a kick.
You were surprised to say the least, but were quick to kiss him in return.
He was so warm. It'd been so long since you'd seen each other last, you had almost forgotten how he'd felt so close against you.
It was a lovely surprise.
You giggled when he placed you against the table, burying his head into your shoulder.
"Have I ever told you, you look good in my clothes?" He mumbled, brushing his thumb against your hip.
"You seem to be in a good mood today, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
He looked up at you, a lazy smile on his face. "You're actin' like I'm normally unpleasant."
"Of course not. There's never an unpleasant day with you."
He breathed out a laugh, gazing up at you. He had practically forgotten all he had planned to do for the day now.
Good thing he had never really been a stickler for plans.
"I missed you," you murmured, brushing his hair back gently.
"Eh, you always say that."
You flicked him lightly.
He chuckled and stood up, leaning forward with hands on either side of you on the table. "I'm kiddin'! I missed ya too."
Eyes closing, he rested his forehead against yours, basking in your presence.
"... so," he tugged your shirt, "mind sharing where you got this?"
You let out a disgruntled noise. You had nearly forgotten what you were wearing. "Uh ... I got it from you ...?"
He opened his eyes, smiling coyly.
"I lost this thing years ago."
"You've been visiting Mum's lately haven't you, you cheeky thing."
"Listen! She's been inviting me and who am I to say no? Besides, I think there's no problem with ... repurposing things you've let behind."
He booped your nose. "Mmmm, maybe. But, as the owner of said shirt, I think I have the right to take it back."
"Oh, come on. You have plenty of nice clothes to wear, at least let me keep this since I won't be seeing you for another fifteen years."
"It's not that long. And if I didn't know any better, I'd say you sound like your trying to get rid of me."
"I would never. I'm just saying that-hey!" You squeaked as you felt his hands reach underneath to caress the bare skin at your hips.
"I think," he said pressing a kiss to your right cheek, "this is the shirt I can't live without," then to your left, "so as the great partner you are, I think you'd love to hand it over right now."
"Oh, you're so dramatic. You don't-" You cut yourself off as you felt the red and gold fabric being tugged upwards and a kiss being pressed against your lower stomach.
Then a nipping suckle.
The evening went with no further shouts of his name, your weekend filled of happy smiles, sneaked in kisses, and thrilling stories to share, and you parted with one more of his shirts than you had before that evening.
It was lovely surprise and you couldn't wait for the day you'd see him once more.
So after literal years of not thinking about this franchise I downloaded the Hogwarts game for shites and giggles. Didn't know anything about it except that there'd be romance so I though "Huh, maybe if I play this I'll get to see why so many people love Malfoy." Then I find out that in the timeline of this game, Harry's still a wee baby meaning Draco would be too. Drats, right? Then, amongst the litter of new faces to befriend, who should I see but the elder Weasleys; "There's Bill, uh ... don't much remember him ... oh and Fred and George, what pranksters how could you forget them ... and um Charlie ... who is ...? Oh, wait! He's that dragon tamer guy, met him a bit for the tournament in Goblet of Fire if I remember correctly! Yeah ... yeah I could get along with him I love dragons, I'll make him the new route." With this plan in mind I keep playing ... only to find out I can't romance him .... Needless to say I got a bit too wrapped up in the idea of romancing a character I knew and since I couldn't get it, my brain was peeved and has tricked myself into creating an unexpected and unnecessary obsession with Charlie. Therefore I will be soaking up as much Charlie x Reader as I can and contributing to making stories as they consume me. I will get better at writing him, but feel free to enjoy this little drabble.
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sciatu · 10 months
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Chi jè l’amuri, s’amuri nun è? Picchi l’amuri è vuliri dari pi du santu beni chi tra dui c’è ma c’addiventa quannu poi scumpari?
Quannu l’amuri nostru sinni mori cu iddu si potta u to passatu tu votiti, sduvaculu du cori a vita nun è sulu u lassatu.
a idda ommai, lassala stari u beni i ieri, no fari raggia nun vuliri cuntu, nun ci spiari non fari du passatu na jaggia.
Spiati si ci dasti u giustu si ci dasti u dovutu rispettu: l’amuri non è piaciri o gustu è impegnu, sacrificiu, affettu
Picchì si sulu pigghi ma non dai si ogni cuppa è sulu a soi si a ragiuni sulu tu l’ hai nun è l’amuri chi d’idda tu voi
Voi na criata, chi mai si lagna chi sempri t’avi diri sulu si muta e mansa tu voi na cagna chi mai spia, mai voli un picchì
Voi sulu na fimmina i pezza fatta i rasta e tutta pittata chi mai ridi mai parra o schezza fossi bedda, cu anima stutata
Nuddu ni zigna ad amari nuddu sapi vuliri beni ma na cosa tu t’ha nzignari nun ama cu dugna peni
nun ama cu si fa patruni cu giusta tuttu nzuttannu cu voli sempre ragiuni cu voli fari sulu dannu
L’amuri è semi da giustizzia in nomi soi nun si po' mazzari non si dugna lacrimi e malizia quannu poi ni veni a mancari
Lassa a sciarra o a to ragiuni non ti luddari i mani du so sangu l’amuri mossi? finiu na stagiuni u mali chi senti ti fa liuni.
Cos’è l’amore se amore non è? Perché l’amore è volere dare, per quel santo bene che tra due c’è, ma cosa diventa quando scompare? Quando l’amore nostro se ne muore, con lui si porta il nostro passato, tu voltati, svuotalo dal tuo cuore, la vita non è quello che hai lasciato. A lei ormai lasciala stare, non far diventare il bene di ieri rabbia, non volere spiegazioni, non chiedere, non far diventare il tuo passato una gabbia. Chiediti se le hai dato il giusto, se le hai dato il dovuto rispetto, l’amore non è piacere o gusto, è impegno, sacrificio, affetto. Perché se prendi solo senza dare, se ogni colpa è solo sua, se la ragione ce l’hai solo tu, non è l’amore che vuoi da lei Vuoi una serva che non si lamenta mai, che ti deve dire solo di si, muta e mansueta vuoi una cagna, che non chiede mai, che non vuole mai un perché. Vuoi solo una donna di pezza, fatta di coccio e tutta dipinta, che non ride mai, mai parla o scherza, forse bella, ma con l’anima spenta. Nessuno ci insegna ad amare, nessuno sa voler bene, ma una cosa devi imparare, non ama che dona sole pene. non ama chi si fa padrone, chi aggiusta tutto insultando, chi vole sempre ragione, chi vuol fare solo danno. L’amore è il seme della giustizia, in suo nome non si può ammazzare, non si da lacrime e cattiveria, quando poi ci viene a mancare. Lascia la guerra o la tua ragione, non ti sporcare le mani di sangue: l’amore è morto? È finita una stagione, il male che senti, ti renderà un leone.
What is love if it isn't love? Because love is wanting to give, for that holy good that exists between two, but what does it become when it disappears? When our love dies, it takes our past with it, turn around, empty it from your heart, life is not what you left. Leave her alone now, don't let yesterday's love become anger, don't want explanations, don't ask, don't let your past become a cage. Ask yourself if you gave her the right love, if you gave her due respect, love is not pleasure or taste, it is commitment, sacrifice, affection. Because if you only take without giving, if everything is to blame only her, if only you have the reason, it's not the love you want from her. You want a servant who never complains, who only has to say yes, silent and meek, you want a bitch, who never asks, who never wants a why. You just want a rag woman, made of earthenware and all painted, who never laughs, never speaks or jokes, perhaps beautiful, but with a dull soul. Nobody teaches us to love, nobody knows how to love, but you have to learn one thing, it's not love if you gives only pain. you doesn't love if you make yourselves masters, if you fix everything by insulting, if you always want to be right, if you only want to cause damage. Love is the seed of justice, in its name one cannot kill oneself, one cannot give tears and malice when it then fails in us. Leave the war or your reason, don't get your hands dirty with her blood: is love dead? A season is over, the evil you feel will make you a lion.
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kitty-koins · 11 days
Can I ask about the reasons for xeno genders? I'm against them, Infact i'm all for them, But I don't understand them, Ans I want to understand
the definition of xenogender on the LGBTQIA+ miraheze is "an umbrella term for non-binary gender identities that cannot be fully described through their relation to concepts typically used to describe gender such as male, female, woman, man, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, neutrality, agenrinity, or outherinity. Instead, xenogenders can best be described through how they relate to things, beings, or concepts that most individuals don't think of as having to do with gender, such as animals, plants, things, or concepts. It is sometimes described as any gender that 'cannot be contained by sapi understandings of gender'."
xenogenders are genders that fall out of the subject of typical human gender in general, but more so ideas outside of masculinity, femininity and neutrality. typically, they're related to things such as animals, plants, creatures, and the like, but they aren't confined to just that box! they can be used for a variety of reasons; they're often used by neurodivergent people to understand their gender better, but non-autistic people can use them too. sometimes people just use/collect them for fun!
any other xenogender people can feel free to add onto this post if you feel like it , i might not have explained it that well, but i hope this helps!
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plasmaapologist · 1 year
...just realized i left my introduction in the drafts. oops. at least i have a better photo now.
my names tula, and i'm a registered pokémon nurse with a horrible tendency to ramble. i live in unova and do some work here, but i mainly travel to other regions for this.
i am a former member of team plasma. former. my username is ironic because i cope with humor.
i ran away from home at age 14- it's a long story - and ended up being indoctrinated in. i, like many others, were lucky to have a sort of "snap to reality" moment after ghetsis' first arrest, before the formation of neo plasma, but not before i spent 10 years of my life working for him. many people are shocked by how open i am about my experience, but i think its extremely important to talk about these things: if i could help just one person leave this cycle, or keep someone from entering it, then it would make the shame worth it.
i have dedicated my life to helping pokémon, as a way to attone, i suppose. my darling solosis, mini, travels with me, though i must admit she's quite the spoiled brat. to have such an innocent creature love and trust you is the most healing experience someone can ask for, and i acknowledge that i was so very lucky. i had a home to return to, i was able to find work despite my history, and physically, i bear only a scar on my back and a missing finger... also just so we all know i am a natural ginger and i am not going to dye my hair please stop asking thanks
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feel free to ask me any questions you may have: about pokemon, about myself, or my experience with team plasma, any of the sort. and if you need help leaving neo plasma or a group like it, please shoot me a message, i'll give you all the advice i can.
- tula ☆
ooc and admin info:
hi! im cassini, im 21, and i have not rpd since middle school. please be nice
im okay with joining events and plotlines! but i do not know how to join in naturally and get too embarrassed to ask. please shoot me a message/invite! muse list bellloowwwww tulas info
im not lore compliant at times and am even willing to bend (most) of my own headcanons bc multiverse and the likes! very flexible in general
okay more important tula things:
- sapient pokemon interaction is okay! tula will generally believe them. shes seen weirder. legendaries will be met with much more scrutiny, but kindness.
- i keep her age purposefully vauge for "pokemon timeline makes no sense" reasons, but you can generally imagine her somewhere between 26-30, probably.
- shes been through a lot and often copes with humor, which means she tends to come off the wrong way a lot of the time
- though open about her time in plasma, she doesnt like talking about how it affected her
- she speaks before thinking and often posts in bursts do to this
- she has a pretty shitty memory
Timeline 1:
Tula Gagnon - @plasmaapologist (OC. 📍Unova. Birthday: January 1st)
Callisto Aoki - @cherishcherubi (OC. 📍 Kalos. Birthday: October 25th)
Iolana Kealoha - @teamskullkalos (OC. 📍Kalos. Birthday: April 12th)
Timeline 2:
Mari Pijotto - @marifromkoto (OC. 📍Paldea. Birthday: December 18th)
Katy - @patisserie-soapberry (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Atticus - @navisquadatticus (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Larry - @medali-gym (Canon. 📍Paldea. Half joke blog.)
Robin Lusk - @absolsrenegade (OC/Self Insert. 📍Unova. Birthday: July 5th)
Timeline 3:
Timeline Unknown:
Grise (Hilda Lewis) - @driftingtrainer (Canon. 📍 Vagabond. Birthday: October 5th)
Rochelle Ichihara - @basaltpowder (OC. 📍Hoenn. Birthday ??? )
Barbie & Ken: @championbarbie-swimmerken - (It's fucking Barbie. Yeah, the pink one. 📍 Everywhere. She's Barbie. Birthdays: March 9th, March 11th)
Ice - @rottenice OC. 📍Primarily Sinnoh, but travels a lot. Birthday: December 21st. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
Miki Nakajima - @nakajima-lgm OC.📍 Johto. Birthday unknown. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
@galacticfoundation - Team Galactic AU blog.
@twotoypokemon Pokémon Rumble based blog. Sapient Pokémon OC. 📍Axel Town
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problemswithbooks · 10 months
There's a few minor characters in a later One Piece arc that disprove your theory re: inheritance of fish-like traits, but your world-building speculation is really interesting!
Actually one of Big Mom’s young sons looks fully Fishmen. De-Chat.
Got these two asks so I looked into it a bit more.
Something I find really interesting is that Big Mom's kids, De-chat and his mermaid sisters look nearly the same as full-blooded fishmen and merfolk. Big Mom is interesting because she doesn't really look human due to her size but is apparently just a little to short to count as a giant. It might be possible that she has giant ancestors somewhere in her past--but also who knows, she could also have fishmen or merfolk ancestors as well.
Again, this is just me trying to make sense of One Piece biology that was never supposed to make any sense. Oda only designs characters based on how they look and fit into the story. He's not going to limit his artistic talent to reality or make world building rules that might also put restrictions on what he can draw.
But for me, how I'd make sense of Big Mom's kids looking so much like their seafolk fathers is to say that somewhere in her background she has a fish-person or merfolk parent. Given how Oda says their dna works, with it remembering any secondary species (like whale shark, or goldfish) it makes sense that human hybrids generally get more human traits because one parent lacks a secondary species to pull from. Meanwhile, both fish-people and merfolk are human, so the genes have more ways of combining in a way that emphasis human traits.
But if someone has seafolk ancestors their dna would still carry that secondary species, even if they themselves do not have any fish traits. If they then had children with a fish-man or mermaid that child could have a higher chance of inheriting fish traits. This could explain why Big Mom has such pure looking seafolk children.
Meanwhile other hybrids we see like Sapi look nearly entirely human except for a fin on his head. Dellinger is interesting because he looks almost fully human as well, but most of it seems to be because he can hide those traits. He can choose whether or not to have human teeth, or hide his fin.
I'm no expert on dna or genealogy so my head-cannon is probably nonsense, but to me seafolk kind of feel like eeve in a way, where they're dna is kind of unstable. Whenever they have kids what they look like is a complete crap-shoot, where anything is possible. On top of that it doesn't seem like their abilities or size is always determined by their fish traits. Some of them look nearly human, except with non-human skin tones, while others look extremely inhuman--like Zeo or Hammond.
Which again is very purposeful on Oda's part. He's drawing cool characters. The reasons why they look the way they do doesn't matter to him at all. I just try and come up with reasons because I find it fun.
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milarqui · 1 year
Scarlet Lady: Sapotis
Directory | Despair Bear
It was all hands on deck chez Césaire: not only had Marinette come to help Alya with her twin sisters, Nino had also come (along with his little brother Chris) and Adrien had joined them for the sleepover (the first he'd had in years, and even then, it had only been with Chloé).
Which led to right now, with Alya running after the twin terrors while Marinette reassured their mother.
“Yes, Mme. Césaire, they're in bed – well, almost! Enjoy your evening!”
As she hung up, Alya finally caught up with Ella and Etta.
“Alright, little monsters, bed! You've had enough mischief for today!” she exclaimed, grabbing her sisters and carrying them as if they were bags. “You have to sleep to be in top shape for the amusement park!”
“No fair!” Ella complained, while Etta pointed at Nino's brother.
“Why does Chris get to stay up!”
“Chris is a year older so he gets one more hour than you,” Alya replied as she made her way towards the bedroom.
“Hm!” Chris hummed, happily nodding as the twins angrily glared at him.
“The Sapotis are gonna get you Chris!” Ella said as they disappeared up the stairs.
While Chris asked about the tablet she was using, Nino turned to Adrien.
“Hey, guys, thanks for agreeing to help with the kids,” he said in a low voice, mindful of his girlfriend. “Alya really needed the distraction.”
“What do you mean?” Adrien asked, curious.
“Dude, you saw Scarlet Lady at the party. Alya's totally in shock that her idol is a bossy show off,” he explained. “Though I already knew that.”
“Ooh,” Adrien replied, clapping Nino's shoulder. “Well, hey man! We'll cheer her up! Good looking out for Alya!”
Nino smiled, blushing.
“Heh, thanks. I'm trying to be better about these things!”
“I wonder why we didn't notice it,” Adrien and Marinette said in unison.
They couldn't see it, but having to deal with Scarlet Lady's meltdown had made them numb to that sort of thing.
When Alya returned from putting the girls to rest, she brought out an orange juice jar, several glasses and a couple of cantaloupe slices.
“Hey, Alya, what's a sapi– sapo–?” Marinette tried to ask.
“'The Sapotis'?” Alya corrected. “Little prankster monsters from Creole legend. They spend their time getting into mischief.”
She then pulled out her cellphone and brought out an image Marinette recognized from their visit to the Louvre, the day Alix's brother got Akumatized.
“But check this – the Ladybug existed since Ancient Egypt! But no way is Scarlet Lady that old!” Alya exclaimed, so sure of herself. “Which means the Earrings have changed hands loads of times, see?! So maybe the Scarlet Lady at Chloé's party was someone else–”
“I'm gonna stop you there,” Marinette said, feeling awkward at the straws her friend was trying to grasp.
“Hey, where's the orange juice?” Chris asked, and Alya turned to see that the jar was now completely empty.
“Ah!” she muttered, already knowing who was the guilty party.
“Heehee! Sapotis did it!”
Yeah, girls, way to cover up your involvement.
“Oh, the cantaloupe too!” Adrien said, seeing the fruit now completely eaten.
“Sapotis did it! Haha!”
Alya's left eye twitched in annoyance as she walked to the twins' room, where she found them both allegedly under the sheets, but her keen sight could easily tell they had both rushed back in just moments before.
“Ella! Etta! If I see you up again you're not going to the amusement park, got it?!”
The two girls giggled, completely unaware of the danger they were both in.
“It's not us, it's the Sapo–”
Alya's temper frayed, and she pointed her fingers at both girls with the face only a thoroughly annoyed elder sister could do.
“I. MEAN. IT.”
The two girls were somewhat cowed by the fact that Alya was angry.
Not enough, though, to really understand how close to the edge she really was.
With Alya back in the table, Nino thought it was better to distract Alya from the current situation.
So, he started to bring up heroes, and made a question to Alya.
“So, what would you call yourself if you were a Ladybug hero?”
“Justice Bug! No, Superbug! Scarabella!”
Nino rose an eyebrow.
“Can I be a beetle instead?”
“Hey,” Chris suddenly said. “What's the TV doing?”
“Huh?!” Alya said, turning towards the TV.
Which was on.
And someone was clearly meddling with the TV remote.
And it wasn't difficult to ascertain the guilty party.
She returned to the main hall, where she found Ella and Etta lying on the couch, Ella with the remote in hand, acting as if it was something funny.
“Haha haha!” Etta laughed.
“It's not us, it's the–!”
Alya's frayed temper snapped.
And the girls realized too late that they had pushed her too far.
That was when Alya issued her punishment.
“But Alya–” Ella tried to protest, but Alya was having none of it.
“No! The boys will be going by themselves because you two can't behave!” Alya berated the girls, who were now realizing their disobedience had consequences.
“WAAAH!” they both cried out.
“Ahh, the life of young children is no fun at all,” Hawkmoth said through his newest Akuma. “They should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want!”
He looked around, and nodded when he became certain that Nathalie was nowhere close to him with a recorder.
He didn't want her to play this back at him in the future.
It came all of a sudden.
“Whoa!” Marinette said, shocked.
“You okay dude?” Nino asked in worry. Adrien picked a handkerchief from the box Marinette offered and blew his nose.
“Yeah, I have the feeling someone was talking a lot of BS related to me.”
As Alya returned and detailed what had been done with the twins, Chris broke down crying, and had to be held by Nino.
“I didn't mean to get them in trouble...” he said between sobs, as Nino patted his back.
“It's not your fault, Chris!” Alya tried to console him. “I'll take them some other time!”
“Yeah, little dude! The park's not going anywhere!” Nino added.
Now officially fed-up with her sisters, Alya ran again to her sisters' room and slammed the door open.
“SERIOUSLY?! Don't try and tell me it's because of–”
Then she had a look at who was at the room – and it wasn't her sisters, but two little goblins wearing something that looked like the twins' helicopter hats.
“S-Sapotis?!” she said, stunned.
The two little monsters jumped on Alya, causing her to fall to the ground as they escaped the room.
“Alya?!” Marinette shouted, worried.
She got her answer when the two monsters landed on the table and began to eat the food laid on it.
“My cookies...” Adrien lamented: they were Dupain-Cheng cookies, and he hadn't got around to enjoy them!
The obvious Akuma did, and as they did another of them popped in the air between them.
“They multiply when they eat!” Marinette exclaimed, while Chris held onto her leg.
And then the monsters turned towards them.
“Get him!”
Before anyone could react, the Akuma had swarmed the group, grabbed Chris and jumped for the balcony.
“CHRIS!” Nino shouted as his brother tried to reach out to him.
“Help! Nino!” Chris said, crying, as the Akuma took him away, laughing without a care.
“C'mon, we gotta catch'em!” Alya said, bringing her boyfriend's cap.
The four teens quickly ran out of the house and spread in order to stop the Akuma.
Two of them ran into different alleys.
“This is getting crazy! We need to intervene!”
“Sure, Banana Boy.”
“Plagg, Claws Out!”
“Now, while we have the chance!”
“Yes, My Queen!”
“Pollen, Buzz On!”
All over Paris, the Akuma started to cause chaos.
Two of them took control of Jagged Stone's car – while he and Penny were in it.
“Ahh!” the rocker shrieked.
“What is thiiiis?!” Penny asked, shocked.
As the car swerved around, another four of them were stealing a rickshaw while laughing, and another pair was jumping to take a sweeper's vehicle.
“Ah!” the poor man said, as Alya attempted to grab one of them.
“Knock it off!”
And, in another street, Nino was running after a group of the monsters that had stashed Chris in a shopping cart.
“Get back heeeeere!”
Temporarily ignorant of the goings-on outside, Chloe was currently relaxing in her father's hotel's spa, eating cookies, while Tikki just floated in the water with a kwami-sized towel on her head.
“Ahh, I earned this,” she said, even though she hadn't actually done anything to do so.
Then, a small army of tiny monsters swarmed the spa, causing great ruckus around her and bringing their chaos to the room.
“Ah, wait–!”
“What are these things?!”
Annoyed, Chloé turned around to yell at the closest of the monsters she could see.
“Do you mind? I'm trying to relax–”
Her complaints were quickly muted when one of the creatures found a bowl with mud intended for facial treatments and decided it would be fun to throw it at the girl's face.
Where it landed with a SPLAT!
Chat Noir and Marigold were getting irritated – the Akuma were multiplying as they found more and more food, and each time they fought one, it was clear it was only a clone.
“Get back here!” Marigold yelled at a laughing clone, as Scarlet finally deigned to show up.
“Hey lackies, why haven't you cleaned up yet?!”
The two heroes glared at their 'teammate'.
“The Akuma is in the hat, but...” Chat Noir began.
“... only in the original, not the clones,” Marigold finished.
“Seriously? There's sooooo many!” Scarlet replied. “So lame. Hey, how do you know all this stuff?”
Both heroes became startled at Scarlet actually pulling the thread for once.
“Oh! Um!”
“You see–”
“Whatever, Lucky Charm.”
Thank goodness she's an idiot! both heroes thought as the ladybugs formed...
“A teapot?” she asked, surprised. “Do I throw it? It's ugly.”
Ignoring the opening she had created, Chat Noir was instead helpful.
“The Akuma's too young for tea!”
“That's it!” Marigold exclaimed, grabbing the teapot. “Chat Noir, I think you need to go work on your Kung-Fu!”
And, as she winked at him, he understood the message.
“You're right, I think it'll definitely help! Be right back!” he replied, throwing a wink back.
“Is this some gross new way of flirting you're doing?” Scarlet asked, disgusted – and caused both heroes to flush.
Adrien opened the door to Master Fu's home, Plagg in tow, with a bit of a hurry.
“Master, Scar's Lucky Charm was a clue to come see you for help!”
“Ah, I see,” the elder man said, a cup of tea in hand. “I believe the Lucky Charm is telling us you'll need a power beyond what you three can offer.”
Standing up from his seat, Fu walked to the gramophone that hid the Miraculous Box.
“You must entrust this power to someone you trust, who will return the Miraculous.”
“I know just the person!” Adrien stated, causing Fu to look at him in askance.
“It's not Marinette again, is it?”
“Ha!” Plagg laughed, while his wielder blushed.
“N–No! I have other choices!” he replied, covering up that Master Fu had been accurate.
Nino was at his wits' end, trying to corner one of the little gremlins that had kidnapped Chris to force the truth out of them, but right now the group he had found was more entertained toying with a merry-go-round.
“Dammit, tell me where you took my brother!” he yelled, but got ignored as the merry-go-round twirled.
“WHEEEE!” the Akuma yelled.
“This is your stop!”
Chat Noir suddenly landed next to the merry-go-round and forced it to stop, causing the Akuma to fly off – and two of them popped out as they hit the ride's bars.
“Chat Noir!” Nino said, stepping forward. “Dude, please, you gotta save my little bro! He was taken by these Sapotis Akuma things!”
“Nino Lahiffe,” Chat Noir replied, pulling out a small wooden box from a pocket. “Wouldn't you rather save him yourself?”
Nino rose an eyebrow.
“Hooooow do you know my name?” he asked. Chat Noir managed to skip answering the question by handing over the box to him.
When he opened it, a flash of light revealed a small fox-like creature now floating in the air, along with a pendant that resembled a fox tail.
“Whoa, awesome!” Nino exclaimed, while the creature giggled. “Hey, little dude, are you some kind of genie?”
“Ha!” the creature said, smiling, and Chat Noir laughed.
“That's what I said!”
“I'm way better than those guys!” the small fox replied, winking. “I can make you a hero! Just say, Trixx...
The two girls were getting surrounded by the Sapotis clones, and they were struggling with dealing with the group, so much so that Scarlet had collapsed from the struggle.
“There's so many of them!” she complained, while Marigold's top kept twirling around them.
“Get up, they're still coming!” the Bee heroine replied.
“Sorry for the wait!”
In the blink of an eye, two boys – one in black, the other in orange – went on to attack the crowd of Sapotis, making them pop out with strike after strike.
“Not so tough now!” the fox-like one said, hitting one with a large flute.
“That'll teach ya!” Chat Noir added with a swing of his baton.
“Chat Noir! And – a fox hero?!” Marigold said.
“Sup,” the newcomer replied with a smile.
“Another Volpina, get him–!” Scarlet tried to say, but Marigold quickly grappled her away.
“We're already dealing with an Akuma, relax!” Marigold yelled at her as she pulled away.
Alya was still running after the copies of her sisters' Akumas, and her earlier snapping was back.
“If you think being Akumatized will convince me not to discipline you in the future, you've got another thing coming!” she yelled.
With the crisis temporarily held back, Chat Noir went on to present his superhero-ed friend.
“Ladies, meet my super pal, uh...”
Oh, right, they didn't have a name lined up for him.
“Um, Fox Trot!”
“Nice,” Chat Noir said, smiling.
“Well, new fox face, don't forget who's in charge here, got it?” Scar stated, and Chat Noir rolled his eyes at her. Fox Trot crossed his arms and smirked.
“Obviously, I'll take my cues from the established Heroes of Paris. Chat Noir and Marigold.”
Scar's face turned thunderous as she took in the comment.
Marigold looked at Chat Noir with a smirk.
“You chose well.”
He nodded.
However, the time of fun had to end, and the heroes (along with their assorted load) went back to the battleground, where the Akuma copies had kept multiplying in spite of their effort.
“They're coming! By the hundreds!” Fox Trot noted.
“Guess I'll try this again,” Scar replied. “Lucky Charm.”
“A unicycle?” Chat Noir asked. Seriously, that power gave out such a weird list of objects...
“What do we do with that?” Fox Trot asked as Scar struggled to hold the Lucky Charm.
“Here, guys, I'm gonna need these objects to make it work!” Marigold replied, bringing out a piece of paper that Chat Noir picked up.
Construction Cones
Trash Can
Broom Handles
Chat Noir looked up from the list and at Marigold.
“When did you have time to do this?” he asked, honestly curious. Where did she get the paper and pencil from?
“No time for questions!” Marigold exclaimed, clearly wanting to avoid having an awkward conversation.
The objects were surprisingly easy to find (Paris was a big city, there was always bound to be some place under construction or repairs, and handles were thrown to the bins on the regular), and as they moved towards the place Marigold had suggested for setting up the trap, Fox Trot brought something up.
“Do you always make it this complicated to save Paris?” he asked; in the past, they (mostly Chat Noir) tended to go with simpler methods.
“Only when Her Highness calls the shots,” Chat Noir jokingly replied.
“We can't all have the sophisticated method of hitting it in the face,” Marigold joked back.
“Attention please! Sapotiland, the amusement park of the future, is now open!” Marigold announced through the megaphone as she pedaled on the rickshaw. “At Sapotiland, all pranks are allowed!”
At the top of a building nearby, Chat Noir and Fox Trot had been waiting for the signal, and the veteran hero looked at his friend.
“Alright, Fox Trot, you're up!”
“This'll get my bro back?”
“Of course!” Chat Noir replied, putting his fingers to his temples while winking. “Focus on exactly what'll attract those little Sapotis.”
“I know just what they want,” Fox Trot replied, and put the flute to his mouth. “Mirage!”
And, at the tune of his flute, a shining, majestic amusement park grew from nothing, catching the attention of all the clones.
“Whoa,” Chat Noir said, astonished by the illusion crafted by Fox Trot.
“SAPOTILAND!” the Sapotis said in unison, and quickly marched in that direction. “SAPOTILAND!”
As the crowd passed by, Chat Noir noticed the one individual in the crowd that wasn't like the others.
“Fox Trot! There!”
“Chris!” Without a thought, Fox Trot jumped down and grabbed his brother from the crowd that had kidnapped him. “Gotcha!”
“Wah–!” Chris exclaimed.
“This way to Sapotiland!” Marigold shouted, keeping the Akuma distracted from trying to get Chris back.
Today was probably the worst night Chris had ever had. He had thought he'd have a good time with Nino and his friends, but then the twins had done those things, they had been punished, they had been Akumatized, and they had grabbed him because they blamed him for all of that.
But now, he was in the arms of a hero that looked like a fox, that had rescued him, and was looking down at him with a smile.
“Hey, little dude, you okay?”
This... this was what a hero was truly like!
So amazing!
The Sapotis were led to a narrow corridor that would take them to their target.
Not knowing that it was a trap, for the device Marigold had constructed was spinning around its axis, the broom handles swatting their hats off their heads and into the trash can the heroes had collected earlier.
“Watch your foot!” Fox Trot commented as another hat flew.
“Got it!” Chat Noir replied as they moved the can right into the path of the hat.
“That's all of them!” Fox Trot said, grinning, and Chat Noir primed his attack.
“Cataclysm!” he said, and the entropic energy coming from his hand hit the full can, which started to vanish. Then he turned to Chris. “Wanna break it?”
As the Miraculous Cure did its work, Ella and Etta woke up in the middle of the street, no longer the Sapotis, but now confused.
“Where are we?” Ella asked.
“I don't know, how'd we get here?” Etta asked.
“Ella! Etta!” a voice they knew all too well shouted, and the two young girls turned to see their bigger sister running towards them.
“It's Alya!”
“Uh-oh, we're in trouble.”
But the gloomy expectation didn't come to reality as Alya just about tackled her little sisters into a hug, much to their surprise.
“I have been looking all over the city for you!” Alya exclaimed, huffing as she held onto them for dear life. “I'll kill Hawkmoth!”
The girls chose to just take the good fortune for as long as they could have it, and hugged their sister back, until two people walked up to them.
“Marigold! S–Scarlet Lady!” Alya exclaimed. “Have you seen a little boy–”
“Don't worry, Chris is on his way home right now,” Marigold explained, causing Alya to sigh in relief. “Would you girls like a superhero escort?”
“As for me, I have to go,” Scarlet Lady said, her earrings beeping. “After all, I'll be very missed if I'm not–”
“I didn't expect anything from you anyway,” Marigold dismissively interrupted her, as she and the Césaire girls were already walking away.
“Bye!” Etta cheerfully said, but Scarlet Lady didn't care.
By the time they arrived to the Césaires' home, the twins were fast asleep in their arms, and both hero and reporter did their best to put them back to bed without waking them up.
“Thanks for this, Marigold,” Alya whispered, as Marigold struggled to get Etta to let go of her.
“No problem.”
The two of them head the balcony window close, and Alya stood up.
“Oh! That must be Chat Noir with Chris. I'll be right back.”
“'Kay,” Marinette replied, giving her a thumbs up.
Alya tiptoed her way to the sitting room, where she found another figure.
“Hey, thanks Cha–huh?!”
The reason for this reaction was that this wasn't Chat Noir, but another boy dressed up like a fox the same way Chat Noir resembled a cat, and that he was holding Nino's brother in his arms.
“Ah! Shh! He's asleep!” the unknown hero whispered, a finger to his lips.
There was a torrent of questions she wanted to make of him, but Alya managed to cover her mouth before it came out.
The hero was clearly confused.
“Uh, I can't understand you,” he admitted.
He knew that his girlfriend was enthusiastic and wanted to learn about the heroes for the Ladyblog, but this was a bit excessive.
“What's your name?! Are you a new hero?! Hey, what's your Miraculous!” she rapidly fired as she took photos from every angle. Finding the bed they had prepared earlier for Chris, he carefully set him down and took his glasses off so he could sleep.
“Fox Trot, Temp, and that's a secret Mlle. Reporter,” he replied after chuckling, while he covered Chris. “G'night, little dude.”
As he turned around, Alya turned her phone and began to check on the photos she had taken.
“... even a temporary hero does more than Scarlet Lady on his first day...” she contemplated... and that was when the dam cracked.
When she realized that everything she had done for Scarlet Lady had been for nothing.
When the illusion that kept her from seeing the truth broke.
“What else have I been ignoring?” she asked, and tears pooled and fell down her cheeks as she sobbed.
“Ah! Um! Uh!” Fox Trot said, struggling against the desire to just hug Alya and dry her tears. That was Nino's job – if he tried that right now, he doubted she would take it as well. But there was something he could do. “Y–You know, I was also bad at picking up hints and stuff, but hey! Now you know, so now you can fix things!”
“Fix things...” Alya replied, clearing her tears. “M–Maybe I could... talk to past Akuma victims? Or focus on the real heroes...”
“Yeah, great idea!” Fox Trot replied, smiling.
Which, of course, was why his pendant now bothered to warn him that he was running out of time.
“It's beeping!”
“I know!”
“Quick, hide in my room!”
As Fox Trot rushed to hide in Alya's room, Marigold came down to investigate.
“Alya, who're you talking to?” she asked.
“Umm...” Alya mumbled, trying to distract her while Fox Trot left.
Unseen by the girls, Chat Noir was helping Nino come down the balcony in a rush without being discovered.
Fortunately, their escape from Césaire Home was successful, and Chat Noir brought Nino to a nearby alley, where he took off the pendant and put it back in its box.
“Thanks for trusting me, Cat-Dude,” Nino said, giving him the wooden box.
“Cat-Dude,” Chat Noir repeated with a chuckle. “I never doubted you.”
“Whew, that was fun!” Trixx said, floating. “You sure know how to set a scene!”
“Aw, thanks!” Nino replied, scratching the back of his head. “One day, I want to be a movie director, so–”
And he gasped.
“Can I keep the fox to make movies?!” he asked. Chat Noir noted how Trixx was clearly using some of its power of illusion to make sparks and bubbles float around them. But, in spite of the puppy-dog eyes both of them were putting out, he had to be firm.
Alya was wondering where the others were: it had been at least ten minutes since Ella and Etta were deakumatized, they should have already returned by now, right?
Just as she thought that, someone knocked on the door, and she ran to check.
“Coming!” she said, and as soon as she opened the door Marinette was glomping her.
“Alya! You're okay!” the pigtailed girl said, widely smiling.
“You too!” Alya replied. Alright, that's one–
“Woo, found you!” Nino shouted, glomping both of them.
“Ah!” Alya exclaimed. Nino had rushed so fast that she had nearly fallen from the impact, but she had managed to stay on her feet.
“You're safe!” Adrien exclaimed, also glomping the group.
And, like wafer thin mint into the gullet of a morbidly obese eater, everything went to hell.
In their case, Alya lost her balance.
And she was trapped under the weight of her friends.
The morning after, everyone gathered for breakfast at the Césaires' kitchen, with Marlena bringing a plate full of pancakes for everyone to enjoy.
“So, how was your night, kids?” Marlena asked.
“Oh gosh, maman, listen to this–” Alya said, getting going on her explanation of the previous night's events.
Meanwhile, Nino turned to Adrien.
“Hey mec, what do you want on your pancakes?”
“Huh? Oh...”
That made him realize something.
Actually, even though Nino says he doesn't notice stuff, aren't I the one who doesn't tell him stuff? he thought, realizing that he was doing his best friend a disservice.
“I... I like blueberries,” he decided.
“Nice,” Nino said, passing him the bowl with the berries.
Shouldn't I rely on him more?
Any further musings were interrupted with the arrival of the twins, who had bed hair and were trying to shake off her tiredness.
“Good morning, girls. Sleep well?” Otis asked, worried as Alya had mentioned how they had been Akumatized.
“Mmn,” they mumbled in unison as they sat down.
“Chris, we're sorry for kidnapping you,” Etta said.
“And pranking you,” Ella added.
“Have fun at the amusement park,” both finished.
But Chris was of a different opinion.
“Who cares about the amusement park! I'm helping Alya talk about Fox Trot in the Ladyblog!” he exclaimed, waving his fork. “Don't worry, I'll teach you guys all about him. It's okay, Nino, you're still the coolest.”
Adrien smiled as Nino covered his blushing face, knowing very well the cause.
“Marinette, I want Fox Trot PJs,” he asked.
“If you say please.”
@zoe-oneesama Alya's finally seeing the light after only seeing the shadow for too long. Opinion?
BTW, that's 397 pages, 158139 words and 851574 characters.
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tauremornalome · 1 year
Poem Ask meme
Julian Tuwim
Stoi na stacji lokomotywa,
Ciężka, ogromna i pot z niej spływa:
Tłusta oliwa.
Stoi i sapie, dyszy i dmucha,
Żar z rozgrzanego jej brzucha bucha:
Uch - jak gorąco!
Puff - jak gorąco!
Uff - jak gorąco!
Już ledwo sapie, już ledwo zipie,
A jeszcze palacz węgiel w nią sypie.
Wagony do niej podoczepiali
Wielkie i ciężkie, z żelaza, stali,
I pełno ludzi w każdym wagonie,
A w jednym krowy, a w drugim konie,
A w trzecim siedzą same grubasy,
Siedzą i jedzą tłuste kiełbasy,
A czwarty wagon pełen bananów,
A w piątym stoi sześć fortepianów,
W szóstym armata - o! jaka wielka!
Pod każdym kołem żelazna belka!
W siódmym dębowe stoły i szafy,
W ósmym słoń, niedźwiedź i dwie żyrafy,
W dziewiątym - same tuczone świnie,
W dziesiątym - kufry, paki i skrzynie,
A tych wagonów jest ze czterdzieści,
Sam nie wiem, co się w nich jeszcze mieści.
Lecz choćby przyszło tysiąc atletów
I każdy zjadłby tysiąc kotletów,
I każdy nie wiem jak się wytężał,
To nie udźwigną, taki to ciężar.
Nagle - gwizd!
Nagle - świst!
Para - buch!
Koła - w ruch!
Najpierw -- powoli -- jak żółw -- ociężale,
Ruszyła -- maszyna -- po szynach -- ospale,
Szarpnęła wagony i ciągnie z mozołem,
I kręci się, kręci się koło za kołem,
I biegu przyspiesza, i gna coraz prędzej,
I dudni, i stuka, łomoce i pędzi,
A dokąd? A dokąd? A dokąd? Na wprost!
Po torze, po torze, po torze, przez most,
Przez góry, przez tunel, przez pola, przez las,
I spieszy się, spieszy, by zdążyć na czas,
Do taktu turkoce i puka, i stuka to:
Tak to to, tak to to , tak to to, tak to to.
Gładko tak, lekko tak toczy się w dal,
Jak gdyby to była piłeczka, nie stal,
Nie ciężka maszyna, zziajana, zdyszana,
Lecz fraszka, igraszka, zabawka blaszana.
A skądże to, jakże to, czemu tak gna?
A co to to, co to to, kto to tak pcha,
Że pędzi, że wali, że bucha buch, buch?
To para gorąca wprawiła to w ruch,
To para, co z kotła rurami do tłoków,
A tłoki kołami ruszają z dwóch boków
I gnają, i pchają, i pociąg się toczy,
Bo para te tłoki wciąż tłoczy i tłoczy,
I koła turkocą, i puka, i stuka to:
Tak to to, tak to to, tak to to, tak to to!...
jkbdshfjxbc love you 🚂
gotta give out awards here in categories. the most personally quotable award goes to RU SZY ŁA MA SZY NA PO SZY NACH OS PA LE ... I KRĘCISIĘ KRĘCISIĘ KOŁO ZAKOŁEM
favourite rhyme goes to "lecz choćby przyszło tysiąc atletów, i każdy zjadłby tysiąc kotletów"
aaand favourite line pronunciation-wise has to be żArrrr z rrrrozgRZAnego jej BRZUcha BUcha
[send me a poem and i will reply with my favourite lines from it]
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hellaversity · 14 days
Vengeance is Futile (Chapter 6)
Striker and Verosika hugged tightly, excited to see each other again yet at the same time still upset at what happened yesterday. "I just received your letter, Striker. You really gave up your job just for me?" Verosika said. "You're damn right I did. I just wanted to make you happy. Can't stand to see a pretty lady upset, especially if I caught feelings," Striker replied.
Vortex didn't even listen to the conversation. He didn't care about what happened between these two or how they got so close. But either way, them gushing over each other made him feel a little sick inside. "Alright, that's enough sapiness for today," he said, almost walking away. "Like you have any room to talk! You and Beelzebub are always gaga over each other everytime you two meet up and it makes ME feel sick!" Verosika called him out.
"Touche," said Vortex. "Wait, Beelzebub? As in, tje sin of gluttony?" Striker asked, astonished. "Damn right," Verosika said. Striker thought it was bad enough for an imp like Blitzø and a Goetia like Stolas to be intimate together. But a literal sin and a hellhound? Absolutely sickening. "Wanna go for a walk together?" Verosika asked him. "Uh, sure. Why not?" He said.
They took a walk together through every district of Pentagram City and admired the beauty of Hell's capitol. "Now that our conflict got resolved, wanna go out together?" Verosika asked. "Hm, not now. Maybe let's wait a few weeks, ok?" Striker replied. "Oh, NOW you wanna wait? After everything else between us happening so fast?" Verosika teased him. "That's exactly the problem. Falling in love too fast can be a problem. Love is too important to happen so quickly as if it meant nothing," Striker explained.
Verosika's mouth was agape when she realized just how truthful Striker was being. Falling in love too quickly was exactly the problem between her and Blitzø. She got a tattoo of his name on her arm after knowing him for 2 weeks, and barely dated him for another 2 and a half months before telling him she loved him. Worse still, she got that tattoo while being way too drunk, but kept it anyway because she was so desperate for love.
The love confession? Happened while she was drinking, which probably didn't help Blitzø want to be fully committed to her outside a few dates and flings. Not that any of it excuses what he did, of course. Not at all. But Verosika deep down knew that she wasn't much better of a girlfriend than Blitzø was as a boyfriend. Their relationship was toxic on both sides and they were just awful for each other. He was a problem, just not the only problem.
"You ok?" Striker asked her. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine," Verosika replied. "You don't mind waiting a week or two before committment, do ya?" "No, not at all. After all, that was the problem with me and Blitzø's relationship. I fell in love too fast and expected too much from a guy who only wanted a short-term friends with benefits type of relationship," she explained. "Oh, that explains a lot," Striker said, bewildered. Maybe waiting would be the better choice for both of them after all.
0 notes
simonharms · 4 months
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Common Mistakes Indonesian Learners Make
Hey guys! Today I have some common mistakes you can make while learning Indonesian and how to avoid them!
Using the Wrong Not
Often I hear a lot of new learners using the wrong word for not. In Indonesian there are two, the most common by far is tidak. Tidak is used when you are negating a verb.
Ex. Saya tidak suka daging sapi. - I don't like beef.
Tidak is usually best translated as not, don't or something similar. But if you want to use it with something other than a verb, you could be about to make a common mistake a lot of learners make. Introduce bukan, the other word that means "not." Here's a sentence that uses bukan properly.
Ex. Dia makan sate ayam bukan kambing. - He eats chicken satay not goat satay.
Bukan only appears in front of nouns and yang. Here's an example with yang.
Ex. Dia sering pergi ke tempat sibuk bukan yang berisik. - He often goes to busy places not loud ones.
To avoid this rule, before you say tidak if it is in front of a verb or a adjective, if so go ahead, but if it is in front of a noun or an adjective turned noun, use bukan.
Using the Wrong Question Words
Indonesian words for asking questions are as follows.
Apa - What
Mengapa/Kenapa - Why
Siapa - Who
Kapan - When
Bagaimana - How
Dimana - Where
Mana - Which
The question words don't match up one to one though with the English translation I gave you, for instance, when asking a question to identify someone, you should use siapa even if in English we would use "what."
Ex. Siapa namanya? - What's your name?
Ex. Siapa yang makan semua manteganya? - Who ate all the butter?
Bagaimana means how but if you want to ask for instructions on how to do something you should say apa caranya.
Ex. Apa caranya masak nasi padang? - How to cook Nasi Padang?
Bagaimana is usually used more like this:
Ex. Bagaimana dia bisa dapat nilai itu? - How could he receive that score?
Mixing Formal and Informal Pronouns
I also often hear new learners mix words like aku and anda, or saya and kamu. If you use anda in a sentence, you can't use aku you need to use saya and if you use kamu in a sentence, you have to use aku.
Missing Prepositions or Using the Wrong One
Sometimes new learns will be missing a requires preposition, and quite a few Indonesian verbs require a preposition.
Ex. Aku sayang sama kamu. - I love you
Do not say aku sayang kamu. It isn't very natural for an Indonesian speaker to hear.
Other verbs that often require a preposition include the following:
Rindu (dengan) - miss
Cinta (dengan) - love (not a commonly used word though)
Tertarik (sama/pada) - Interested in
Percaya (kepada/pada) - Believe in
Peduli (pada/sama) - Cares about
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louissapi1 · 7 months
Navigating the World of Forensic Accounting with Louis Sapi_ Key Strategies and Techniques
Louis Sapi
Navigating the World of Forensic Accounting with Louis Sapi: Key Strategies and Techniques
In the realm of financial investigation and risk management, forensic accounting stands out as a crucial discipline. This specialized field involves the application of accounting principles to analyze financial data for legal purposes, with the primary objective of unveiling fraud, embezzlement, or other financial misdeeds. Navigating this intricate world requires a deep understanding of key strategies and techniques that forensic accountants employ.
Unraveling the Web: Data Mining and Analysis
One of the primary strategies employed in forensic accounting is data mining and analysis. In the digital age, financial transactions and records are often scattered across various platforms and systems. Experts like Louis Sapi harness advanced data mining tools to sift through this labyrinth of information, seeking patterns, anomalies, and discrepancies that may indicate fraudulent activities. This process involves the extraction and examination of large datasets, helping forensic accountants trace the flow of funds, identify irregularities, and construct a comprehensive financial narrative.
Transitioning from data mining to analysis is where the true detective work begins. Forensic accountants meticulously examine financial records, scrutinizing every entry for authenticity and consistency. This involves the application of various analytical techniques, such as ratio analysis and trend analysis, to detect unusual trends or outliers that may signal financial misconduct. Through this methodical approach, forensic accountants can reconstruct financial events, pinpointing the who, what, and how behind fraudulent activities.
The Art of Interviewing and Interrogation
While data analysis forms a substantial part of forensic accounting, human interaction plays an equally pivotal role. The art of interviewing and interrogation is a key technique employed to extract information and gain insights into financial irregularities. Experts such as Louis Sapi often interview individuals involved in financial transactions, seeking to understand the context, motivations, and potential discrepancies in their statements.
Effective communication and active listening are paramount during these interactions. Forensic accountants must ask incisive questions, probing beyond the surface to uncover hidden details. Moreover, the ability to detect signs of deception through body language and verbal cues is a skill that sets exceptional forensic accountants apart. By combining analytical acumen with interpersonal skills, these professionals navigate the delicate balance of extracting vital information while maintaining the integrity of the investigation.
Tracing the Digital Footprints: Cyber Forensics in Financial Investigations
In the contemporary landscape, financial transactions increasingly occur in the digital realm, presenting new challenges for forensic accountants. Cyber forensics emerges as a crucial strategy in navigating this evolving landscape. Professionals like Louis Sapi leverage technological tools to trace digital footprints, examining electronic records and logs to identify unauthorized access, tampering, or other cyber threats. This approach not only aids in uncovering financial fraud but also provides a comprehensive understanding of the methods employed by perpetrators.
Transitioning from traditional financial analysis to cyber forensics requires forensic accountants to stay abreast of technological advancements. It involves acquiring skills in digital evidence preservation, understanding encryption methods, and staying vigilant against emerging cyber threats. By incorporating cyber forensics into their toolkit, forensic accountants enhance their ability to unravel complex financial schemes that extend into the digital realm.
Litigation Support: Presenting Findings in a Legal Context
Forensic accountants are not only investigators but also play a crucial role in the legal proceedings that follow financial investigations. Litigation support is a key aspect of navigating the world of forensic accounting. After uncovering financial irregularities, forensic accountants must effectively communicate their findings in a legal context. This involves preparing comprehensive reports, presenting expert testimony, and assisting legal professionals in building a robust case.
Clear and concise communication becomes paramount during litigation support. Forensic accountants must translate complex financial findings into language that is accessible to legal professionals, judges, and juries. This requires not only a mastery of financial concepts but also the ability to convey these concepts in a manner that is persuasive and easily understandable. Ultimately, the success of the litigation relies on the forensic accountant's ability to bridge the gap between financial intricacies and legal arguments.
Fraud Risk Assessment: Proactive Prevention Strategies
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial fraud, proactive measures play a pivotal role in forensic accounting. Fraud risk assessment is a strategic technique that involves identifying vulnerabilities within an organization's financial systems and implementing preventive measures. Forensic accountants engage in thorough risk assessments, evaluating internal controls, and assessing potential weaknesses that could be exploited by fraudsters.
Proactive prevention requires a forward-thinking approach. Experts like Louis Sapi collaborate with organizations to develop and implement robust anti-fraud policies and procedures. This may involve conducting training sessions for employees to raise awareness about potential risks and red flags. By taking a proactive stance, forensic accountants not only help organizations mitigate the risk of financial fraud but also contribute to the establishment of a culture that values transparency and integrity.
Navigating the world of forensic accounting demands a multifaceted approach that encompasses a blend of analytical, technological, and interpersonal skills. From unraveling the web through data mining and analysis to conducting effective interviews and interrogations, forensic accountants must be versatile in their methods. The integration of cyber forensics and the ability to support legal proceedings through effective litigation support are crucial components of a forensic accountant's toolkit.
Furthermore, the shift towards proactive fraud prevention, with an emphasis on fraud risk assessment and the implementation of preventive measures, reflects the evolving nature of forensic accounting. As financial crimes become increasingly sophisticated and global, forensic accountants must embrace a broader perspective, engaging in cross-border investigations and collaborating with international counterparts.
In the complex and dynamic world of forensic accounting, staying ahead requires a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation with the help of professionals such as Louis Sapi. Forensic accountants serve as financial detectives, uncovering the truth behind complex financial schemes and contributing to the maintenance of financial integrity in both local and global contexts.
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I saw you love the book red, white, and royal blue and I've just gotta ask you: have you heard of Burn the House Down by Kenna Jenkins? It's an alternate history novel abt the 1st woman president and her secret sapphic relationship/bearded marriage with her mlm best friend. It also includes a subplot about arson at the White House, ft. An entirely queer main cast and really fleshed out characters, and has a really satisfying ending!
I think I might of heard of it before, but nothing in detail. I think the concept of beard marriages are extremely interesting, it sounds fun to read a book that has one. Thank you so much for the recommendation, I’ll have to check it out!
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earitei-lore · 1 year
Pinned post, here we go. More may be added later
Note: please refer to me as Shadow, not by my @ unless you are pinging me.
Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/ShadowEaritei101/characters/folder:3569614
Characterhub page: https://characterhub.com/story-worlds/earitei
Dreamwidth (has both long posts here and the th short stories): https://shadowearitei101.dreamwidth.org/
Main/art: @starkitten101
World summary: This world is a far-future, parallel version of our world that was created by my self-insert, Shadow Til’vara. By the time basically all of my characters are alive, humans have been extinct for over 100k years due to events related to the magic systems. The sapient species who took over are anthropomorphic felines and canines, evolved from the ones you see in our world. These are broadly referred to as ‘sapi’ (although humans also fall under this). By the time most of my characters are alive, Earitei has reached a level of technological advancement similar to ours (but ahead in some parts, such as most meat in the world being lab-grown).
There are two magic systems in Earitei, one based on emotion and one based on elements. Both are present in our current sapi, but only emotional was usable in humans. All living things have traces of elemental magic (sometimes called elemancy), but most can’t control it consciously.
Tagging system:
#earitei : all earitei posts on here.
#earitei characters : character related posts and lore dumps.
#<insert character name> : all posts relating to that character, will be first + last name if they have a last name (can be found on th).
#earitei relationships : relationship building, will also have character names tagged.
#earitei worldbuiding = general worldbuilding stuff.
#earitei magic system = all magic system related stuff.
#earitei culture = culture related stuff, ‘Earitei’ may also be replaced with a specific country name (once I figure more of those out).
#earitei history = history related stuff, also includes family tree history.
#earitei religion = religion stuff.
#cw <thing>, #<thing> cw, and sometimes just <thing> = how I cw common stuff.
asking rules and about:
Earitei-related asks are also allowed on my main, and will be reblogged here. No sexual asks since I’m a minor (asking about characters sexual orientations is fine, although currently all have it on their th pages), don’t send in any irl gore, don’t send rhetorical or passive aggressive questions, not a rule but I recommend checking the characters th profile first just in case. Also asking doesn’t guarantee an answer since I might not know all the answers yet.
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5 bugtong bugtong o palaisipan Para sa matalino.
ang tubag diay ato sa akong tigmo na...
naay lumba
ang niapil ni dagan ug kusog walay hunong-hunong
nya naa pud ni apil naglakaw lang na walay hunong-hunong pud
naay niwang
naay tambok
naay mga tag as
naa poy mga mogbo
nya gadungan silag daog tanan..walay second tanan first...
unsa man??
tubag si zuper lamia oi,,pinataka nalang..
kwan/./bawd sa dagat dako ug gagmay pero gadungan sa gihapon pag abot sa kinadaplinan jud!!!
sakto buddee??
hapit gamay lang naman:)
ang tubag jud,.,.\kay orasan..((relo)) :)
lain na pud tigmo:)
unsang hayopa na dako kay problema??
okey kusog kay moisa si zuper lamia oi:)
iya tubag..
penguins..dako kay silag problema kay unsa kunoy kaposlanan ana ilang pako kung di man lang kalopad??
kaang-kaang pa lakaw??:)
buddee: sayop,,
magpanilap sa kalami: tarantola..nganu daw sa tanan mga kaka sila ray dili kaayo makamao mosaka:) matagak basta taas na kaayo:)
buddee: sayop:)
friend ni spy hard 1 lingin lobot,,lingin totoy -paa pina baska!!!!:
kwan..elepanti..kay nganu daw ang iyang kamot mao pud iyang ilong:)
buddee: sayop!!!
my christmas: butiti:) kay..why daw kung madakpan siya moburot man noon:)
buddee: sayop...
dang adlib gamay..kahibalo ka??
iloveyou so much man jud..iloveyou at may kasamang butiti..
kay kung maako ka madakpan tika di ko mo sugot na di ka moburot:)
iloveyou my butiti:)
permi naay bandage sa dughan tubag pud: kwan buddee..hmmm..kanang koan sir,hmmm....
butakal///kay ngano daw sa tanang mga hayop na laki sila maoy painaka dakog itlog:)
mura isla higante daw:) hahahhaha..
isla higante,,lili mo hap:)
sakto ra koa oi..maybutakal:)
naa ni send dri,,ya kwan..unsa diay bigal??:)
tubag pud taga tfc good hackers sila tanan dungan pa..
lumigas//nganu daw papangitaon silag pagkaon para sa ilang reyna nya tibuok adlaw pa..nya wala silay mata:)
ug kabayo..why daw ang simod nila mao pud ilang simod:)
sayop: ask sila tanan unsa diay buddee?
tiki...tan awa ai...segi lag panagoto..kada tingog..galikramo..
louy kaayo..
ps: iloveyouall...no ends!!!!
naa nasad ko funny story na mura true pero joke lang pero..uban mao jud man..
kana mga gutom ug uhaw sa life na pagkataw..walay dungog..low grade na taw..nawng sapi nya wala kwarta..bogoon pud na sila,,.dali ra pud magamit sa naahan kani sila na mga taw...
naa foreigner,,,ni agi,,
okey ako nalang kunohay ni agi,.mura man sad kog pare-near:)
..lakaw ko..ddito ko dagat,.,daplin sa dagat,,,
naa bitaw mga babae doon naa gutom ug uhaw ug style lahig mindset walay kusog sa life..
kita nako sila,,kita pud ko nila tan aw ko nila naligo puro na gadaster na abot bagtak ang gitas on...
ang nangaligo didto si
friend ni spy hard 1 pina baska ang timpla
ug si magpanilap sa kalami:)
ug si ahhhB-zuper lamia oi!!!
ug si nakatablang sorayda:)
ni smile ko nila ug sila pud mga friendliy kaayo mi tan awon..
ano ko nila:)
hi young girls:)
ana dayon si ahhhb zuper lamia oi--:
oi pahayangon daw ta:) hayang dayon ta daghan kay nag kwarta biya tagaan pud ta  mga chocolate..:)
hayang dayon...ahhhh..gadungan lagi dayon dila hayang:)
buddee na mura pare-near:) libog kunot kilay nya smile gamay na ni cute samot tan awon nya sabay kalot sa ulo:)
ask nalang nila kay galibog??
wat happen???
sos si magpanilap sa kalami : gatingsi na gasulti sa iyang mga kuyog..ana si pare near oh...di daw ta pahapinon..
wa na daw hapinhapin...kay mabasa ra gihapon daw...
tubag pud dayon si friend ni spy hard 1 pinabaska,,,bitaw mura ta mga ignorante sa ilaha wala ra na..maghubo ra lagi tanan.,.,wala ra gihapon..
tubag naka tablang sorayda..aw oh bitaw sa gadaster pa ta kapoy laba mabasa ra man diay..
ahhhb./.galumbaay ug hubo tanan..nya segi kataw anay:)
nangakita na tanan ilang mga kaka:) sabay sabi..
hi mr.pare near...
wala na mi gahapin---ikaw na pud:)
...pare near,,sanay lagi in ani..makita na lawas,,,normal ra kaayo lumoyon pud kasi mayg pinoy..normal ra gahi diay pagahion mao diay,,,
kay kung pinoy pa daw to di pare near.,.,pagkita in ato..kak dayon:)
\nababag dayon:)
aw kak dayon:)
pare near man,.,normal ra kay di man pud mogahi:)
dayon ana sila tanan...
oi pare near,,wala nami gahapin oi...
ikaw na pud huboan beh:)
ahhh,.dagana sa pare-near oi///
huboan man noon:)
ang sumpay ani akong story abangan..soon:)
0 notes
benefits1986 · 1 year
Since I’ve recovered a clean calendar in time for the really long break, I’ve gotten a list of really, really good roadtrip+foodtrip invites which include the following: -Boracay -Bicol x Calaguas x Freedive x Bike (HUHUHUHUHUHU. You will be mine soon!!!) -Baguio x La Union x Atok -Tokyo, Japan Sagad FOMO ko basta travel na solid ang ganaps. As my basher dad tells me: Alis ka ng alis. Napakalayas mo talaga. Kung maka-alis, akala mo ‘di na babalik. Paano mga aso mo? LOLOLLOLL. Been eyeing Negros, Camiguin and Zamboanga on solo trip, too, however, dad has been low-key missing Holy Week visits to ina’s sleepy hometown. I asked him if sure ba siyang gusto niya ba talagang umuwi or bored lang siya or wala ba siyang gala. LOL. Sabi naman niya, all of the above. Sobrang gusto ko talagang mapag-isa or with a group na outside my past months’ routine because I really need to recharge because Taurus szn on triple steroids is coming soon. May dagdag na namang plot twist na sana naman, last na. Saka I easily get bored talaga kaya para bumalik ‘yung pake ko sa daily grind, I need to pull damong ligaw self out of my usual, inescapable scene. And sooooo, saan ba tayo napunta this really long Holy Week break? Yes, sabi ko, pagkatapos ng burial ng lola ko, ako naman. Pero, I also can’t just leave my dad and my fave tita na ere. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Even boomers and Gen X sila, ‘di sila gaslighters and ‘di rin sila feeling pa-victim which I like. Inaasar pa nga ako ng dad ko na sana all, maraming invites. HAHAHAHAHA. Sabi ko sa kanya, keep up. LOL. Pero ending, as an empath (FUCK) and sabi ko naman, marami pang long weekends pero ‘di na muli a long weekend like this, samahan ko na siya umuwi. Apaka basic ng Laguna. Ugh. South na naman!!! WHYYYYY? But, as I came home this time around with dad to ina’s sleepy hometown. Why not nga ba, Laguna? Why not? Actually, the past years ko lang din narealize that Laguna is underrated. Madali puntahan if you’re near SLEX tapos recently, ‘di na lang buko pie, Pansol saka Pagsanjan Falls ‘yung puwede mong i-look forward, too. Also, since for a time, naging Baler ang fave place ko, sobrang similar din silang 2 places tapos less traffic and iwas Sierra Madre zigag pa. May OK na peanut butter na homemade, pako salad, decent food, surf spots in the nearby Real, may spelunking sa Cavinti, camp out sa Caliraya, hiking sa big ass waterfalls na nilampasan pa Mother Falls ng Baler. Also, may spelunking (Cavinti), art scene (Paete/San Pablo),local fashion scene (Lumban/Liliw na puwede tumapat sa Vinta Gallery fashion) and syempreee, biking sa kung anong trip mong ride –pabebe sa gedli ng bundok hanggang Elbi; or yung basagan ng tuhod at pagka-broken inside na shit naman sa life sa ahon sa Caliraya hanggang Pililia. Dad tried pa ‘yung Pingas at nag-compare notes pa sa rides ni IanHow and company. LOLOLOL. So, Laguna, why not? -Tipid gas and toll lalo ngayon men, sobrang hassle na punta sa Liwa x Subic x Iba lagalag kasi sobrang mahal ng toll kahit malaki sahod mo HAHAHAHHA -Daming kakainan sa daanan -Mura buko and super fresh ng malauhog -May masarap na bibingka na freshly made cooked sa uling below and above it; may free unli buko juice pa saka sustainable bayong estetik packaging -Sobrang daming falls na iba’t ibang vibe na kaya mong hatawin in 1 day kung hapit sa sched -Food is not as good as Visayan cuisine (as a gata x spicy food fan), but lumalaban lalo sa Aurora’s na heirloom recipes ng family na tubong Laguna -Hiking spots ‘di super duper ganda pero puwede na rin basta gandahan mo lang ‘yung timing para solid sunset ka or may clouds na pakk -Coffee spots medyo hassle lang pero so far, okay naman Muni pero solid ang Gerk’s (Pakil’s secret gem) kasi ‘yung owner is talagang sineseryoso niya ‘yung craft niya; sana ‘yung logo niya and brand storytelling mag-come after LOL -May super love pizza din na for me na I eat only the toppings ‘pag wala ako sa BGC or formal shit, ‘yung crust niya kahit thicc, may sapi (Check out Kato’s or Katos pizza) -Lato + Ensaladang PAKO —actually, eto lang solb na ako. -Carpa dish na hassle hanapin pero ‘pag nahanap mo, kanin is lifeessttt ka, mhie -complete din ang Senakulo (?) ganaps dito sa sleepy town ng lola ko so I grew up with nightmares featuring penitensiya, literal pako sa cross ‘yung tao, badass prusisyon ng saints line up; then may malayong lola pa kami na meron lifesize dead Jesus sa house. Shet. Kidding aside, kung fan ka nito, you don’t need to go so far from Manila to have your fix -masarap pa rin hangin; may moss pa rin mga puno; may tutubi pa rin; may fireflies minsan -plantita and plantito’s heaven on earth as in!!! Mura and maganda tapos maraming rare na basic lang sa Laguna (LOL) -sarap din ng hot spring (meron isang shabby place sa Lumban na puwede mong pitstop ‘pag gusto mong maiba pero solid talaga siya basta ‘di ka maarte) plus may cold spring for all (Pakil) na napakalamig kahit summer tirik ang araw, again, basta ‘di ka maarte -’yung mga ilog malinaw pa; I remember nung bata kami, inom-inom pa kami sa bukal which is still my water of choice kasi matamis siya; kabog Fiji saka Evian, mhie as in kaya sobrang inis na inis ako ‘pag wala ng mabiling ibang water as an uhaw sa tubig to the point na dami kong water weight but I don’t care na rin talaga -gaganda rin ng mga hidden accoms dito pero syempre long way to go pa tayo pero andyan na sila. Example, dati sa Caliraya as in onti lang meron dun na food choices pero ngayon, opak, kahit sa tabing daan puwede na mag-set up ng camp HAHAAHAHHAH -Cavinti is the newest destination pero need mo ng malakasang car at driving skills kasi nga ‘yung daan ginagawa pa :D. Speaking of which, sure ako, may mala-Mapanuepe dito sa Laguna as in. Or baka gine-gate keep na naman ng mga nagdadamot sa madlang peeps because, ganun talaga mga mhie. HAHAHHAA. NakakaLL vs nakakaLL (Nakakaluwag vs Nakalalayan ng lipunan). So, taradits na ba sa Laguna? All these travel check na check checklist na ‘to na naggawa na namin mostly, Laguna is where my Aries dad’s heart is. Dito siya most alive and at home. When we go biking, dami niyang kwento at hugot sa life. Andito rin first love niya before mom na balo na. HAHAHAHAHA. Sabi ko nga, ituloy na niya ‘yun kasi confident naman akong si mom pa rin ang no. 1 niya kahit magkabalikan sila nung babaeng ‘yun. Or, baka naman, it’s also the universe’s sign na meant to be talaga sila. Syempre, as gaguhan na as old as time, dad said naman na: Takot siya sa mom ko kasi dun pinaka selos ‘yun. HAHAHAHAH. Saka, ayaw na raw niya mag-alaga ng matanda. Dun daw siya sa bente uno para tuloy-tuloy ang happ vibes. Mhie, I kennat. LOL. Also, dad’s chapter is something na for him to really face and process. Nasa sidelines lang ako, ready to be with him and let him go as well. Nagkataon kasi na birthday week niya nga ito so may hall pass na naman si gago. Hahahahahaha. LOL. So far, this weekend has been a good one. Bagal signal, bagal oras, non-stop kain so nabawi na lahat ng no meal or 1x/day meals ko sa Manila, and sobrang nakaka-recalibrate talaga especially come Tuesday onward. Mhie, lasog na ako, iniisip ko pa lang, but, fightttt tayo! Excited na rin ako bumalik sa BGC (eewwww) kasi I will be getting back to one thing na pang-release ko ng frustrations ko and also, my pang-sedate para ‘pag sabak ko sa mga ganaps, mas kalmado na ako. Need ko talagang mas maging kalmado para iwas-mistaken identity kasi… bakit ba ako nageexplain na naman? Stop. Long weekend muna. Cancel BGC and BGC and beyond muna. Will share soon!!! Sidenote: I don’t hate BGC because of my work ha. I just abhor BGC na sinubukan ko siyang iwasan and muntik na akong mag NO sa job offer because that’s how much I abhor BGC, but sabi nung best friend ko, ‘wag daw akong tanga. HAHAHAHAHA. Second the motion naman si P na tumigil-tigil daw ako sa walang sense kong logic. HAHAHAHAHA. Puwede naman daw akong sumabay sa kanila papasok and pauwi pero sila masusunod sa oras… so, no. Bye. LOL. Kwento ko ‘tong BGShit na ‘to some other time. Kakanood kasi ng Parasite saka Snowpiercer saka Samurai X. LOL.
My dad’s birthday suprise 01 is a heartfelt one. Chunchaba mode kasi kami nung fave tita ko na ka-tag team namin sa lola ko na kunwari nasa roadtrip na sila. Sabi ni dad: Ay, wala talaga sila? Me: Yes. Ano? Hintayin ka nila? Importante ka? Hahahaha. Sabi ni dad: Okaaaayyy. Then si fave tita ko naman, niloko ko na ‘di kami uuwi. Hahahaha. Na-sad daw siya kasi sanay siyang abala sa Holy Week lalo bday ni dad. LOL. Sabi ko, tita, Nuvali x Tags x Bats kami. Syempre, since ‘di naman ako sanay mag-sinungaling talaga, buking agad me. :D Eto yata ang bad side ‘pag masyado kang unfiltered. Hassle mag-roll out ng surprise and need ng may accomplice. So, binigla ko na lang si fave tita na nasa Bay na kami. Hahahaha. Stress siya kasi wala siyang handa. Sinadya ko talaga para ‘di na siya mag-abala at para makarest din. Sabi ko, mocha cake na lang ng Goldilocks. Sabi niya okay. Then, punta kami ni dad sa bahay nila fave tita para ibagsak mga summer ootds ng kids and siya na rin. HAHAHAHAH. O di ba? Gagalit pa si dad kasi dami ko raw pa rin damit sa house kahit dami kong pinamimigay. LOL. E hello, most of those binili ko not for me but for the kids and my tita so shut up siya. Pag-open ng gate, kanta kids ng happy birthday. HAHAHAHHAHA. Naluha. Walang palag. Sabi ni dad, shaky voice: Akala ko wala na kayo. Hahahahaha. Naiyak din fave tita ko: Hinintay ka namin, aba. Hahahaha. Me: Bayaaann. Clingy? Hahaha. Kakakita nyo lang a. ‘Di kayo nagsasawa sa isa’t isa? LOL. But, so far, food coma x Tamagochi baby is slaying. Jusq. Pero, gusto ko pa rin ‘yung luto ko saka nung lola ko sa mom side na walang habas sa linamnam. Can’t wait to go back to Manila to have my grand grocery time and cooking time. Another little bday surprise for my dad is coming this Easter Sunday! Naghanda na siya kasi, nakabukas daw phone ko tapos nakita niya. Then nacurious siya and binasa message ko. FUCK. Napaka chizmozo neto pero ‘di naman siya nagbabasa ng phone ko kaya nastress ako na alam niya na sino invited. Magaling kasi siya mag-memorize. Sabi niya, alam ko na saan tayo punta. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Naiiyak na ako sa galit kasi invasion of privacy saka ang dami kong ni-adjust para sa attendance check nung small party niya as an introvert dad. Sabi niya, ewan daw ba niya bakit nga niya ni-open. Sabi ko, sana ‘yung mga landian messages na lang ni-open niya. Sabi niya: Che. Sungit mo pa rin kahit landian. Hahahahahaha. Soooo, ayun na nga. Sulit na sulit ‘yung leave granted ng boss ko sa akin. As in. Alam ko may be too long itong break na ‘to pero kung puwede ko lang sabihin lahat ng behind the scenes and plot twists na dumating last week and this week, mhie. LOL. And those plot twists are not just pabebe ones a. ‘Yung talagang dibdibang prayer na: May my shoulders be able to bear the heavy gone heaviest load kinda thing. Pero, fight tayo. Let’s heal together. Ganerrnnn. Sana rin, pagbalik ko sa Tuesday, ‘di ko naman gusto ng easy, but sana, worthwhile lahat-lahat kasi I really need a distraction para makawala sa mga plot twist ng Taurus szn. :D Hype kang Taurus szn ka. Mag-out of Manila na lang talaga ako all weekends of May para makalma ako. And also, this Taurus szn, sana mag-pass with flying colors na ako na ‘di na ako mag-spiral ng malala. ‘Yun lang naman talaga need and want ko sa May-June e. As in, apaka simpleng please, ayoko na magkasakit, ayoko na magspiral, ayoko ng mapunta na naman ako sa deep, dark, rabbit hole. Ganernnnn. Kbye.
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Tak terasa sudah memasuki akhir pekan kembali. Buat kalian yang punya rencana liburan di Jakarta, coba mampir ke Plaza Senayan. Paguyuban Burger Jakarta atau perkumpulan kedai burger independen di ibu kota itu, akan menawarkan dua menu burger menggiurkan lho. Mulai hari ini, Jumat 4 hingga 6 Novemver mendatang event kuliner di Plaza Senayan tersebut sudah bisa dikunjungi. Selain menawarkan citra rasa burger, Paguyuban ini juga menjadi wadah untuk bertukar informasi serta menjalin komunikasi dan kerja sama antar gerai burger di Jakarta. Dalam gelaran Brightspot Market 2022, Paguyuban Burger Jakarta akan menyajikan 2 varian produk burger. Yaitu Smashed Cheese Burger dan Elevated Burger Esde. BACA JUGA: Libur Akhir Pekan Asiknya Piknik ke Telaga Potorono Yogyakarta Aja! Dikutip dari siaran resmi, pekan ini, Smashed Cheese Burger terdiri dari Butter toasted brioche burger bun. Kemudian, 100 gram daging wagyu A5, 2 lembar keju cheddar Amerika, bawang bombay dan mustard dengan saus tomat dari Heinz. Delapan jenama burger Sementara Elevated Burger Esde terinspirasi dari gaya burger a la jajanan sekolah. Terdiri dari margarine toasted brioche burger bun. Lalu, 100 gram daging wagyu A5, keju cheddar Amerika, lettuce, tomat, ketimun, mayones dan saus tomat dari Heinz. Paguyuban Burger beranggotakan delapan jenama burger yang berasal dari Jakarta. Yakni Lawless Burgerbar, Byurger, Supper, Ask for Patty, Three Buns, Quack, Goods Burger, dan Burger Garage. BACA JUGA: 5 Kuliner Tradisional Betawi yang Melegenda dan Masih Bisa Dinikmati di Jakarta Oh ya, bicara burger, mungkin Sobat Turisian banyak yang belum tahu, seperti apa sih sejarahnya. Banyak versi yang menceritakan hadirnya burger. Memang, popularitas burger tidak  datang begitu saja. Karena terdapat sejarah panjang sampai terciptanya sajian satu ini. Dikutip dari Food and Wine, terdapat perjalanan sejarah panjang berabad silam yang membuat terciptanya hidangan populer ini. Masa Peradaban Romawi Beberapa catatan sejarah menyebutkan bahwa sajian yang serupa dengan burger sudah pernah hadir di masa peradaban Romawi. BACA JUGA: Sedapnya Daging Masak Hitam, Kuliner Khas Jambi Tepatnya pada abad ke-1 Masehi, yang saat itu hidangan satu ini mempunyai nama sebagai Isicia Omentata. Sajian Isicia Omentata ini masih cukup sederhana berupa cincangan atau gilingan daging halus yang ditambahkan beberapa kacang-kacangan seperti kacang pohon pinus. Pada akhir abad ke 19, Hamburger Steak ini menjadi populer di banyak menu restoran sekitaran pelabuhan New York, Amerika Serikat. Delmonico's Restaurant yang buka sejak tahun 1873, menjadi salah satu resto yang mengandalkan menu sajian steak ala Hamburg ini. Sajiannya ini berisi patty goreng yang terbuat dari daging cincang, bawang, dan bumbu. BACA JUGA: Penghargaan 18 Kuliner Online UMKM, Dari Empal Si Babah sampai Lunpia Cikmeme Pada tahun 1885, muncul sebuah restoran bernama The Menches Brothers yang awalnya menyajikan sandwich. Ketika restoran ini mengalami krisis pasokan daging utuh untuk sandwich-nya, mereka akhirnya berkreasi dengan sajian daging cincang. Sajian daging cincang yang ditangkup roti untuk sandwich ini akhirnya jadi cikal bakal hamburger modern saat ini. Beda Hamburger dan Burger Pada awalnya sajian hamburger memang sederhana, berupa daging sapi cincang yang disajikan roti bun nya. Namun seiring popularitasnya, berkembang juga hamburger yang terbuat dari bermacam daging dan tambahan bahan lainnya. BACA JUGA: Ingin Menikmati Taman Wisata Alam Mangrove Jakarta? Ikuti Petunjuk Ini Nah, untuk membedakan bermacam variasi sekaligus memudahkan dalam pemasarannya, akhirnya banyak yang menyingkatnya jadi hanya “burger” saja. Jadi secara garis besar, istilah hamburger merupakan sebutan dasar bagi hidangan roti bun yang berisi isian patty daging cincang. Sedangkan burger lebih untuk memudahkan dalam promosi pemasarannya dan punya banyak variasi isian.
Isian burger lebih variatif seperti cheeseburger, chicken burger, fish burger, hingga veggies burger. ***
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