RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 2, Part 3, Poll 13
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im-a-gay-robot · 2 years
The Impetus of Trust
Relationships: Lavernius Tucker/Agent Washington, Dexter Grif/Dick Simmons, Leonard L. Church/Agent Texas, Agent Carolina/Agent York, Sarge/Franklin Delano Donut
Summary: Agent Washington was part of an elite program that existed to make hunters even stronger against werewolves. He was told this was done to make the world a safer place, but when all his friends begin dying off he learns this was never the case. Doing what he can to survive Washington follows orders to Blood Gulch where he must work with the local pack to save lives, but he knows he can never trust them. Because how can he trust a rag-tag group of idiot werewolves when he couldn't trust his own human friends? Unfortunately, or fortunately, this group seems to have a way to break down other people's walls and force themselves inside so Washington finds himself caring more than he should. However, there's no way such a thing can last when even more people in the town begin to be ritualistically murdered and Washington can only trust himself to do what's right.
aka a Teen Wolf Tuckington fic that no one asked for
Please enjoy my new fic The Impetus of Trust which is basically Teen Wolf mixed with Red vs Blue. If you know Teen Wolf then you'd get some of the references but you don't need to know the show to enjoy it.
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How could i have forgotten Donut came out of a giant cake an gave Sarge a lap dance in a sexy police outfit on his birthday?!?
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any ship with donut is great because it almost always has nut in it
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cyborqpussy · 5 years
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frankiedonut · 5 years
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i’ve been listening to music and sketching rvb, and somehow one of the songs got me thinking of sargenut. so i doodled donut giving sarge some flowers! i might turn this into a full drawing at some point
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papanorth · 6 years
sargenut replied to your post “Drinking lessens my anxiety, but also it enhances my anxiety”
like....fewer things worried about, but the ones ur worried about are in HD?
more like.....I might just have a good time, or then i remember I have things to be anxious about and it hits like a fucking train
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punishervinyl · 6 years
sargenut replied to your post: hey um just for clarification im aware that lolix...
Tbh I’m mad u had to make this post cause u aren’t doing anything wrong
lol yeah i felt i should clarify tho bc i never rly post on here
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andersfels · 7 years
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Sarge and Donut...just cause I felt like it
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Results are in for the end of round one!
Sarge/Donut vs Sigma/Maine: Sargenut victory
Sharkface/Locus vs 479er/Crates Guy: 479er/Crates guy victory
One/East vs C.T./South/Carolina: C.T./South/Carolina victory
Blue Team Poly vs Utah/Jenkins: Blue Team Poly victory
South/Carolina vs C.T./Wash: Southlina victory
Utah/Georgia vs Jensen/Volleyball: Jolleyball victory
Tucker/Crunchbite vs Wyoming/Maine: Wyomaine victory
Utah/Randy vs Temple/Tucker: Temple/Tucker victory
Congrats to our winners- and to our losers, remember, you're still beloved in our hearts!
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im-a-gay-robot · 2 years
hiiiii! id like to request any of these numbers for the ship ask meme for sarge/donut cuz we were talking about them earlier and youve caught my interest with them 👀 (if ur not up to doing sarge/donut, pick any ship u want!! :D): 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 20, 26, 28, 30, 31, 47, 51, 56
Ok this is gonna be a long one lol (Also, I wanna say I started to like this ship after reading in a fic and then I could stop thinking about Grif saying 'glazed Donut holes' so I haven't loved it for a long time, but I'm gonna do my best)
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.) Absolutely, Donut loves wearing Sarge's clothes even if they're a little short on him (new crop top) and he loves to see Sarge in his cute clothes, but he has limits. But Sarge does let Donut pick out clothes for him so that's kinda sharing clothes.
5. Describe their cozy night in. Donut always lights candles because he says it's good for your mental health and it makes Sarge stop cleaning his shotgun, which is what he wants to do on a night in, because he can't see well enough by candlelight. Once the candles are lit Sarge puts away all his tools and guns and they both climb onto the couch to cuddle and put on Sarge's 'stories,' they both love the drama.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick? If Sarge gets sick then the world may as well be ending. He howls like a baby and Donut takes care of him because no one else will. He brings orange juice and tissues and runs his fingers through his hair till Sarge falls asleep. When Donut is sick Sarge lets him off red team duties, which is nicer than he is to the others when they're sick. And he lets Donut cuddle with him even though he fears the evil germs that the blues definitely had a part in.
10. Describe their first date. They don't have a 'first date' as one would typically call it. It's always hard to get time alone and there's nothing really to do anyway when they do, so the first time they get alone time Donut sets up a private wine and cheese hour for the two of them. They get really drunk and Sarge gets super emotional and they bond real good. Of course, Sarge claims to forget it all in the morning but they're much closer afterward even though Sarge refuses to talk about his emotions (until after they leave Blood Gulch).
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over? They don't have heated arguments very often, usually, they only fight over silly stuff, like Donut's need for decorating and making everything in both their rooms is cute and 'feng shui' when Sarge just wants him to not touch his stuff and leave it alone. But Sarge never raises his voice at Donut because he may or may not have some trauma and will probably start crying. All it takes to cool them down is Sarge setting a line for how much Donut can change and usually Donut listens. The only time they had a really bad argument was when Donut was shot by Wash and Sarge was scared he was dead and started yelling, but it was just because he was too emotional and didn't know how to handle it. But Donut just held him until he started crying and Donut told him he was basically invincible now, so he shouldn't worry anymore.
14. How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash? They're pretty different personalities, Donut is very positive and makes Sarge happier by just being around (not that he lets other people see him smile like that) and Sarge lets Donut be his most authentic self and do all the thieving and murdering he likes. Also, Donut likes to talk and talk, but Sarge is fine just listening as long as Donut doesn't keep asking his opinion over and over. But they definitely clash when it comes to style and interests, Donut likes lace and lightish red-related things, while Sarge is more of a rugged hunter-type look. They still find things to relate to each other on, like their telenovelas and annoying Grif and Simmons. And even when they do their own thing they spend time together, Donut will sit with Sarge while he fixes/robots, and Sarge will join Donut while he watches Project Runway.
19. How do they feel about PDA? Donut loves PDA because it makes the others uncomfortable and Sarge doesn't care so he lets Donut do whatever he likes.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. Oh no, I'm not good at this uhhhh the Stacy's Dad song going around by Sub-Radio.
26. What are their vices? Ok, they're both a little too into murder which is certainly a vice I'd say, but in all seriousness. Donut isn't good with money and Sarge has trouble saying no to him. Also, Sarge smokes cigars because he thinks it looks cool.
28. What are their thoughts on pet names? Do they have any? My first thought is that Donut is really into pet names because it makes Sarge really flustered, but Sarge is actually the one to use them more. He calls Donut 'cupcake' and 'princess' without even really thinking about it.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing? Donut is wearing full hunting gear and Sarge is wearing the sexy cop uniform.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.) No. Donut needs to be in someone's lap pretty much at all times tbh and Sarge likes to be touching Donut in some way because he worries in the back of his head if he's not touching him he's gonna get hurt again.
47. Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship? Ok, if you've seen BGC like I have then you know that Sarge has some real childhood trauma and if he isn't careful he can hurt Donut, but it's not exactly a secret. Once it comes out though they're both a little better off. Donut is a little too open, but nothing that could ruin their relationship.
51. What’s a non-verbal way they say I love you? Donut cleans Sarge's room while redecorating and buys him new clothes (sometimes ones he'd even actually wear). And Sarge fixes things in the house before Donut has to ask. They're both very 'acts of service mean I love you' kind of people.
56. What do they do to turn the other on/put them in the mood? Donut has the skimpiest of outfits and wears them whenever he wants to bone and they definitely work. Sarge just runs his hands on Donut's body and then the younger can't control himself. They're both actually very horny during Blood Gulch, but cool off a bit after.
Ask me about any ship~
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psycho-psychology · 6 years
To the writers out there
@not-close-to-straight and others who happen to see this: What is the funniest line you’ve ever written into one of your stories? I just tried to write a cute breakfast in bed scene, and it spiraled into: “That sounds like such an old man insult...You soggy waffle!” and I can’t stop laughing.
It’s funnier and context, but my brain keeps repeating “soggy waffle” in the character’s voice.
If anyone feels like it, feel free to check out my AO3: We_Are_the_Crystal_Gems. This line will be in the next chapter of my fic Saving Private Donut.
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utlarmgsuna · 7 years
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Little doodle of my man Donut He's talking to whoever you ship him with
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So where do the kids roleplay around here? Omegle? Tumblr? Discord chat? Chatzy??? Old fashioned email?????? 
How do I get in on this? I like (bolded are the characters I prefer to play): Grif and Simmons Tucker and Washington (no preference) Church and Tucker Donut and Sarge Grif and Tucker Grif and Church York and Carolina York and North (no preference) Carolina and Washington Washington and York North and Washington North and York and Washington (no preference) Tex and Church
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gentle-but-less-man · 7 years
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I drew some sargenut for @screamingpies bc she’s cool and her writing is The Best 
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panther-os · 2 years
I feel like the mid to late 2000s sargenut ship name was "shotgun wedding planner" or something like that - or at least would have been at today's level of character development?
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