#sas bullshit
lostboiking30 · 6 months
Nickelodeon had literal pedophiles on their shows but drew a line at Korra and Asami kissing at the end of Legend of Korra. Oh this documentary is making me angry.
Edit: I know the point of the docuseries is to shine light on the abuse and mistreatment these (now adults) experienced, but it drives me crazy as a survivor of Child SA that we as a collective society still refuse to show what healthy relationships look like.
I’m glad that the folks who spoke out did. And I hope that they-as well as the actors/staff that didn’t speak out-are finding ways to move on from what was clearly a horrible environment for these kids to be in. It is actually hard for me to conceptualize memories of me laughing as a child a few years younger than the early 2000s casts now knowing what they went through.
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djoker-aut · 2 months
It truly only took them releasing Šta Bih Ja to get me out of my slumber and make me want to come back here to freak out huh holy shit what a BANGER WHO KNEW WRITING IN SERBIAN WOULD MAKE THEM SOUND SO GOOD HUH. HUH
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squishe · 7 months
im baffled about how so many people are suddenly shitting on transmascs for having the audacity to label our discrimination and making fun of terms like transandophobia and mocking us for talking about transmasc-specific issues and discrimination (which is a documented thing! and we have different factors intersect with our oppression than tma folks have intersecting with transmisogyny! and NOONE is saying that transandrophobia existing makes it worse than transmisogyny either!)
like what do you want us to do? are we just supposed to shut up and take it because us being afab means our problems are "lesser"? are we supposed to say that every other trans person has it worse so we can't talk about it anymore? what is the proposed solution here? mocking transmascs and harassing them and sending horrific anons to them isn't exactly a solid answer.
i genuinely truly don't understand why people are so upset about this and why it's such a big deal for us to label our experiences and talk about it when everyone was falling all over themselves to adopt new phrases when the terms transmisogyny and tma/tme started gaining traction. it's gross and weird. we're all siblings in the same fight here, infighting is pointless and a waste of energy. why are we trying to to beat each other down when this energy would be, y'know, actually progressive punching up and fighting the oppressive structures CAUSING these issues instead?
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yourfaveissecretlysas · 4 months
Off in the distance... I hear the cry for aid. A cry for justice for the misinformed, a cry for justice for the harassed...
I answer.
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catofoldstones · 5 months
The thing is I probably wouldn't hate Rhaegar as much as I do if he wasn't glorified by the fandom and to a lesser extent in the canon too. How do you expect me to read Elia being raped and killed, Aegon's skull being crushed and Rhaenys hiding under her father's bed only to be stabbed 50 times and not blame the man who was off galivanting with a teenage girl in his wife's home while abandoning his wife and children to his lunatic racist father!? In a war HE started!! The people responsible for their deaths were Gregor, Amory Lorch, Tywin, Aerys, and Robert yes but their protection was Rhaegar's responsibility. The very existence of Elia and her children ensures Rhaegar/Lyanna can never be anything positive, whether it was consensual or not. Because whatever his dynamic with Lyanna, his treatment of his wife and children stays the same. There is no need for confirmation that Lyanna was a victim to hate him, he is a piece of shit in either cases. [Not to mention here, his treatment of Lyanna is also highly problematic even if we go by it being consensual].
The very existence of Elia and her children ensures Rhaegar/Lyanna can never be anything positive, whether it was consensual or not. Because whatever his dynamic with Lyanna, his treatment of his wife and children stays the same.
The problem with this fandom is that they will always find a woman to blame for a man’s mistakes. This becomes “Rhaegar was not wrong 🥺 why did Elia expect him to act like her husband when he was her husband. the marriage was arranged!!!🥺” as if till then no marriages had been arranged amongst Westerosi noblefolk with the expectation that the obligations and rights and duties that come with the marriage will be honoured by the both parties. Nope. That’s just not Westeros at all.
The moment you say Rhaegar was obligated to protect his wife and children because that’s his duty as a lord husband and lord father, people will jump on you claiming that you’re upholding these patriarchal, regressive standards. Don’t you know Elia should’ve girlbossed and picked up a sword and killed the Mountain to give the reader independent girl satisfaction? How dare she be a literary vehicle to show the systemic disenfranchisement of women, even women who come from powerful backgrounds, in a feudal society and draw attention to the fact that it it’s still happening to women all around the world. How dare she not be a girlboss wet dream to satisfy our own fixed ideas and to assuage our insecurities?
And then they do try and turn her into this girlboss who was a-okay with her husband going out and getting himself a girl to become a broodmare to get another child on because “that gives Elia agency”, which is so fucking racist and straight up misogynistic towards both Elia and Lyanna, i cannot even begin to tell you. Whatever Rhaegar’s dynamic was with Lyanna, whether he married her or not, can never be consensual because Lyanna was an impressionable 14 year old child who wanted some agency and reprieve from a suffocating, oppressive society and Rhaegar was an adult, married man with two children and a kingdom to take care of who kidnapped the said child by promising her said agency. What more words do I have to use now to that Rhaegar is unequivocally at fault here. He’s the executor of his children’s death, his wife’s rape and murder, the plunging of a kingdom into war, and his family’s tragedy for a generation at least. Rhaegar is. at. fault.
I genuinely don’t know how people take the blame from a man and throw it at the women he wronged. Oh wait, I do. It’s unchecked misogyny 🙄
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saddybildaddy · 3 months
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just gonna put this out there because I haven't personally seen enough of this on tumblr
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generouskittensong · 7 months
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My favorite panels 🥰
Sasuke, the biggest Anti-SS shipper.
in the last panel he looks like "get lost you fucking piece of shit" and laughs at her being so paethic and fucking retarded
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kagenoakirp · 2 months
AFO meeting update, i got what mustard needed (tho not anyone to act as a bartender yet.. AFO just said hes "working on it") thats about all the important shit for the league, now.. dont read the rest its just personal shit thats pretty heavy that i had to get out somehow.. (ooc. TW for S/A)
i hate him.. i hate him so much i want him dead.. i dont want his stupid hands on my body ever again i hope he rots in the deepest pit of hell..! i just.. i have to act normal now around everyone again, i dont need people worrying about me more but god.. I WANNA RIP MYSELF APART! make myself a puddle of blood and discarded flesh so that there is nothing he can violate anymore, I HATE HIM! I FUCKING HATE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING! idk why i was even surprised.. of course.. OF COURSE HE CALLED ME FOR A "meeting" JUST SO HE CAN FUCK ME AGAIN I HATE HIM
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stefisdoingthings · 29 days
i can genuinely read the worst, most toxic, fucked up stuff about a godawful deeply problematic ship on ao3 and not bat an eye but if i see some of that shit in a YA romance book im burning down the whole entire building
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sweetshelluvaau · 8 months
I have a confession to make:
I happen to really, really like Hazbin!Lucifer. He's a fun character and his voice actor nailed it. I even liked his duet with Charlie even if I wished there was more build up and time spent on them healing their relationship but this show likes to speed run though it's story so I stand defeated
Honestly, the music has been the best part of the show so far even if not every song is the best. Stay Gone and You Didn't Know are my faves so far. Would have liked Loser, Baby if it wasn't for the victim blaming because c'mon Keith David's voice is smooth like butter.
That being said: I do hope that there's more to him than 'goofy dad with depression' when comes to shove can be a threat and lay down the smack down when needed. Considering 'hell up rising up against heaven' is gonna happen, that would be a good place to show off that the guy is powerful.
I also kinda wish he was prideful in some form. Not evil, but prideful at the least being ya know, that's Lucifer's sin: Pride.
Overall, last two episodes next week. While they are getting better I don't expect a satisfying conclusion but I'm basically a salt mine at this point where nothing sparks joy in life anymore...
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cyber-flight · 9 months
Reminder once again that if you stan or support Dream in any way you are not welcome here and genuinely need to get help. I've seen how much some people are trying to defend him in any way, including isolating themselves, and I don't wish that upon anyone
I have not and will not ever associate or know much about the dsmp or anything to do with it, but those allegations were enough to dissuade me when they came out (not that I particularly had any interest in it anyway tbh). Now that he's made a video about them with literally no proof to exonerate himself, this is even more my stance.
If you support him in any way get help and stop and look the situation or prepare to be blocked by many people, myself included.
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undeadgirlboy · 6 months
waiting for the day universities find out that a lot of their SA awareness projects are genuinely triggering for people who have already been made VERY aware of SA
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answermywearyquery · 1 year
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paddy's inner monologue be like
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
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This FOUL 😭😭😭😭
Sure let's make a happy lil Lego set of Anna with Olaf in a boat!!! So cute!
Let's just ignore this is after they were BETRAYED and ABANDONED (again) by Elsa. After she REFUSED TO KEEP HER PROMISED, and REGRESSED BACK INTO HER OLD HABITS! (not to mention her putting them on the boat didn't guarantee safety, yes Anna did steer them into the deadly river trying to stop it/get off, but you can't guarantee that she would've been SAFE just going down the shoot. What if they got knocked off course by someone else???? Elsa put her sister in danger YET AGAIN! TT0TT
It's not a happy scene, it's a very low moment. But yeah, let's make "happy ice boat" toy! 🤪
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
ok so i want to talk about what debbie did to matty and julia so tw: sa.
also, in advance, i have been sa’d before. not getting into the details because this is tumblr and i just simply don’t want to, but i’m explaining her behavior and defending it somewhat, but awknoleging that what she did was sa and was not ok. this isn’t me completely defending everything she did, because yeah, a lot of it wasn’t right.
so first of all, matty was also in the wrong but y’all aren’t even ready for this conversation yet. matty groomed debbie and was into her. that’s not even up for debate. he was twenty and she was thirteen, and he was aware of this. he was older than both lip and ian. and before anyone says “they were just friends” no. no they were not. you don’t call a thirteen year old sexy, invite her to your house, have her sleep in your bed next to you, go to her house, and say that you’ll have intercourse with her once it isn’t illegal and just have it be platonic. that’s grooming. debbie is just barely a teenager and has a shitty education that definitely doesn’t teach her sex ed, but what she does know is what she learns from her friends. mandy encourages her relationship with an older guy and advises her to send him a “picture” (keep in mind mandy also raped debbie’s brother a season earlier so….) and holly and ellie basically encouraged the entire thing (in their opinions, consent DOES NOT MATTER and i vaguely remember hearing one of them say that getting him drunk was a good idea but idk). debbie raped him, yes, but she also literally had no idea what rape was…like literally. he had to explain it to her and she was still like “we were on a date??😃”. she was a kid. no, that doesn’t excuse it. yes, minors can rape people, but it’s a bit different in her case. i would also like to point out that debbie fully awknoleges that it was wrong later on, which is something that many people on the show would probably not do (not to name names but… “it’s a gallagher thing”). however, something that mandy said had some truth to it. matty was upset about being raped, rightfully so, but he was also very fixated on debbie’s age, which he hadn’t been before. but he was more fixated on the fact that now that something has actually been done, now that the creepy things i did actually had consequences, i could get arrested. he knew exactly what he was doing, and she didn’t. people always paint it like she did know, but she really didn’t. it doesn’t excuse it, but it does explain it.
with julia, i can’t believe that people actually use this against debbie. julia was ten months younger than debbie, and probably had an upcoming birthday. it all happened before like…february/march 2020, and debbie was 19 (she turned 19 in december) but julia was 17, and 10 months younger. however, carl is born january 2002 and is older than her. so i’m gonna say that they just messed up the timeline (like they always do) and she was probably born around february 2002, so she was 18 when debbie was arrested, but 17 when they had sex. a 10 month age gap is ridiculous, and that was kind of the point. debbie said it herself, she only got in trouble with the law because she was a lesbian. claudia reported her simply as revenge, and it fucked up not only debbie’s life, but franny’s, too. the writers weren’t trying to antagonize debbie in this- but people read it that way. and hell, maybe julia’s birthday was a little after ian and mickey’s wedding and she actually was 17 with carl, making him also guilty. people shit on debbie for something so unreasonable and it’s just clear misogyny. debbie, out of all shameless characters, is a victim of misogyny throughout the show. she and lip both drop their babies on accident due to sleep deprivation, but only debbie is in the wrong. debbie and literally every one of her siblings (even liam) uses somebody to their advantage, but only debbie is in the wrong. it’s bullshit.
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p0ssiblyav4mpire · 6 months
Every time I cry over my friend ignoring my messages, I have to remind myself I was gro0m3d and S@'d when I was 9 like this is not my biggest issue
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