#sas is such a pushover
ilbenmalpensanteus · 1 year
Here we go with an extra scene from A Series of (Un)Fortunate Misunderstandings, an ongoing work by @mixu and me!
You can read the fic in Ao3:
Day 4 // Promt: I’m happiest when I am with you
This Drabble overlaps with Day 27’s prompt: Fem!SasuNaru as well!
Enjoy ✨
Breathing in a quickened pulse
Lights turned off, Sasuke’s gaze zeroed on the screen beside Narumi’s bed. As soon as the small gray shadow shaped on the monitor, the blonde squeezed his fingers tightly.
Tsunade moved the echography device over Narumi’s belly smoothly, making her squirm with the cold liquid, “Your baby is fine. It seems to be growing up according to the timescale.” The medic stopped to type something on the keyboard, “And this is her heartbeat.”
The thumping sound affected Sasuke so much he found himself trying to steady his balance. Even when that was far from the first time they heard the quick, running pulse, witnessing the proof of the life they created made his entire being vibrate in exhilarating — and slightly nervous — happiness.
“Her?” Narumi’s cracking whisper shattered Sasuke’s thoughts — her words sinking into his mind slowly — and his eyes widened to focus on the screen all over again.
Narumi’s bottom lip trembling, her grip on Sasuke’s wrist tightened further.
“Yes, it’s quite evident.” Tsunade hummed, while clicking her nails on the screen, “This one is the umbilical cord,” Her hand moved slightly, “And here it’s where their penis should have been… if she was a boy.”
“Holy shit.” Sasuke’s imprecation made the older woman snort as Narumi tried to suppress — failing miserably — a sobbing gasp.
When she eventually faced him, though, Sasuke’s spent several seconds to turn, way to entranced in the sight of-
“Our daughter.”
His chest churning, Sasuke’s lungs filled with an emotion so intense, so violent, his vision blurred suddenly. Even when his eyes began to prickle, though, he couldn’t find in himself to stop shifting his gaze from Narumi’s to the small, grainy figures moving on the screen continuously.
Eventually, the blonde grinned, tears still streaming down her cheeks, and Sasuke’s own smile could all but widen in response.
He breathed in, taking in his — their — new reality.
This is what it means to finally be whole.
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holdupjack · 4 months
Death Row
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
AU: No Magic/Prison AU
Third Person P.O.V:
July 11th, 2008
Y/n sat on her bed in the Death Row Cell Block A, watching the open food tray slot on her door as guards walked by every twenty minutes or so. It was quiet for the most part, she could hear one of the other inmates' radio playing some oldies from somewhere nearby.
If she had counted correctly, then today marked her eighth year in prison. She supposed that celebrations were in order. Maybe she could convince one of the guards to give her a muffin for the occasion.
Y/n stood up and walked over to the door, grasping the bars on the small window that gave her some access to the hall. She could hear a set of footsteps coming towards her, so she stuck out her arm and waved it.
"Good morning, Y/l/n" a gentle voice calls back as she puts her arm back in the cell and watches as a recognizable face comes into her view.
"Good morning, Remus" she replied as he looked at her with a kind smile. He was one of the few guards who were nice to her during her stay in this 6 by 9 by 12 space.
"Guess what today is?" She asks with a smile and he ponders for a moment, before finally speaking.
"Meatloaf Monday?" He asks and she rolls her eyes at his remark. He smiled back at her as he watched the young girl try not to chuckle at him.
"Well, yes, but that's not all! If I've counted correctly, then today should be my eighth anniversary in this place" she hums and Remus nods as he crosses his arms and thinks for a moment again.
"Has it really been that long already? Time sure does fly" he hummed back as he got closer to the door and whispered to her.
"I'll get you one of those muffins that you like as a gift," he says and her smile grows.
"You read my mind" she whispered back as he chuckled and stepped back from the door. His back suddenly straightened, and that was enough for Y/n to know that he wasn't just doing his regular rounds.
"Please step back from the door," he says and Y/n does what is told, walking back to stand next to her bed as he unlocked the cell and pulled out his handcuffs.
"A field trip? Well, aren't you full of surprises today" Y/n says as she turns around and puts her hand behind her back, already knowing the drill by now.
"Since your last checkup with the doctor, it seems you've begun to lack the necessary vitamins to help your body," Remus says as he cuffs her and places a firm hand on her shoulder as he guides her out of the cell.
"So, I need more sunlight?" Y/n asks as they begin to walk down the hall. Another guard, a rookie named Quirrell, stood posted by a locked gate ahead of them.
"Not exactly, the government had decided to issue you shots for you to take, so make nice with the nurses" Remus chuckled as Quirrell opened the sliding steel door, he had an annoyed look on his face as he kept his eyes on Y/n. Nobody really liked Quirrell, he was a prick and a pushover at the same time, and it was hard to get a grip on him when you needed to.
"Don't mind him Y/n, he rolled out on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Remus chuckled as they walked through the doorway and followed the signs leading to the hospital wing. It took them a few minutes, but when they did arrive, Y/n took immediate notice of a new person on staff.
"Why, hello there" she greets as Remus rolls his eyes and uncuffs one of Y/n's hands, but soon connects it to the steel bar next to the examination bed. A young woman, a brunette, and around the same age as Y/n, turned to them with a small hesitation.
"You must be Nurse Granger, I'm Officer Lupin but please, call me Remus," he says as he sticks out his hand and greets her kindly. She shakes his hand and bows her head slightly, but her eyes continuously flicker over to Y/n in a nervous nature.
"I don't bite...unless you like that?" Y/n teases and Remus sighs and waves a hand in her direction.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n, Death Row inmate 7991. She is one of our nonhostile prisoners, and won't give you any trouble. I honestly think the worst thing you'll get out of her is her corny pickup lines" he mumbles as Y/n looks at him in disbelief at his hurtful comments. The nurse let out a small laugh as she seemed to calm down slightly.
"Corny? You taught them to me!" She defended as he rolled his eyes and walked over to the door, opening it slightly before looking back at Nurse Granger.
"I'll be right outside, just give a holler if you need help," he says before closing the door behind them. Leaving the both of them alone together. Y/n looked over at the brunette and raised an eyebrow at her.
"So, Nurse Granger. What's your first name?" Y/n asks as she watches the medical professional pick up the clipboard on the table and read it over. Their eyes met for a moment but then disconnected again when she looked back at the paper.
"Does it matter?" She asked as she walked over to the cabinet across the room and gathered some equipment. Y/n hummed in thought and then shrugged.
"I suppose not, since I'll be dead eventually," Y/n says with a smirk as the other girl turns with a face of horror. She obviously had not meant it in that manner, but Y/n couldn't resist the easy teasing.
"That's not what I meant! I was just saying that since I have to remain professional-" she began to ramble, but soon just took a deep breath to cut herself off.
"Hermione. My name is Hermione." she sighed as Y/n began to grin and sat up on the examination stable. There was a playfulness to Y/n that made Hermione slightly uneasy, considering what cell block she was in.
"Hermione? Pretty name." Y/n says as the nurse grabs the stethoscope from around her neck and cautiously walks up to her.
"I don't bite" Y/n chuckled as Hermione closed her eyes and rolled them, just in case this prisoner was violent.
When she opened them again, she was greeted by Y/n biting the air in front of her, which made the brunette jump back. The prisoner began to howl with laughter as Hermione's face turned a bit crimson at the way she had been exposed to still being nervous.
"Not funny. Don't make me call in Officer Lupin" Hermione states to which Y/n continues to fight back her chuckles. The nurse finally worked up the courage to place a hand on Y/n's shoulder as she steadied herself.
"You're no fun, you're going to be like Nurse Umbridge, aren't you?" Y/n asks and Hermione has to stop herself from gagging at the mention of her superior's name. That woman was a piece of work, and it seemed that the inmates knew that as well.
"That is for me to know, and for you to find out," Hermione says as she places the cold metal against Y/n's back and listens to her heartbeat. It was steady and strong, but nothing sounded out of the ordinary. Which was good, obviously.
"Ooo" Y/n snickered as Hermione switched to the front of her chest and listened intently.
"Take a deep breath," she asks and Y/n does as she says, watching as Hermione focuses and moves the metal part of the instrument along the top of her chest. A slight chill ran up Y/n's spine as the woman's nails scraped along her skin as well.
"Exhale" she states, to which Y/n listens again.
When Hermione stepped away and placed the stethoscope around her neck, their eyes met again. She didn't seem as nervous as before, but the guarded aura was still prevalent.
"Everything sounds fine. So, now that leads me up to the questions" Hermione says as she pulls the rolling chair over to her and sits down, looking over the clipboard again.
"Questions? You're very thorough" Y/n says as she plays with the handcuff around her wrist. Hermione chuckled softly as her eyes flickered up for a moment before looking back down at the questionnaire.
"It's my job" she replies and Y/n just hums softly at her response. She had only been here less than a decade now, but none of the other nurses or doctors had even asked her if she had symptoms of anything when she had a cold. They usually just gave out pills willy-nilly.
No wonder the druggies love getting 'sick'.
"Alright, how are you feeling today? Any illnesses I need to be aware of?" she asks, Y/n just shakes her head as the clock on the wall ticks by slowly. It had only been around five minutes, but it seemed longer to both of them. Maybe it was because Hermione wanted to get Y/n out of here or maybe it was because Y/n was having such a fun time teasing the newbie.
"Do you suffer from any disorders or diseases that could affect the performance of the shot you will be taking from now on?" Hermione asks and again, Y/n shakes her head. She didn't really know what else to say, but she did want to ask more personal questions. Yet, it didn't seem like Hermione wasn't in a sharing mood at the moment.
"I suppose not" Y/n hums as Hermione nods and rolls herself over to the small box that lay on the counter near them. She grabbed it and pulled out a skinny syringe with a neon red liquid inside, there was condensation on the plastic, so it must be fresh out of the fridge.
Hermione rolled back and held out her hand, to which Y/n instinctively placed hers in it, they looked back at one another. Hermione raised a brow at the other girl.
"You know, holding hands is more of a date three kinda thing" Y/n teases as Hermione fights back the urge to roll her eyes and trailed her hand up to the inmate's arm, pulling up the jumpsuit sleeve.
"I wanted your arm" she mumbled and Y/n just laughed softly as the nurse tied the rubber band tightly around her bicep. Hermione cleaned off a spot just under the band with a disinfectant wipe.
"So, does this go into a vein or?" Y/n asks and Hermione shakes her head as she puts the shot on a small metal table near the examination bed. She rolled over to the door and pulled out a pair of latex gloves that hung in a box near it.
"Just in the skin" Hermione hummed as she rolled back and picked up the shot again, she pulled off the cap that protected the needle, and looked back at Y/n.
"Ready?" She asks and Y/n just nods as she turns her arm towards Hermione for a better angle. The brunette placed her hand on Y/n's shoulder and hovered the needle over the disinfected skin.
"One, two, three" Hermione says calmly as she injects the shot, and then pulls out the syringe. She threw it away in the nearby garbage can and then wiped the small amount of blood that came from the puncture wound. The rubber band came untied with a quick pull and fell to the ground.
"How many times do I have to get this?" Y/n asks as Hermione tells her to hold the wipe while she gets a bandage. She stood up this time, walking over to one of the cabinets and looking inside.
"Every one to two days for the next two weeks, then we'll do a check-up to decide if we continue for a few more days or we begin with only once a month" Hermione explained as she pulled out two different bandages, there were the basic one, and a SpongeBob one. The nurse turned to her with a raised eyebrow, and Y/n just grinned.
"You know which one I want" she replies, Hermione couldn't help but chuckle as she put the basic one away and walked over with the others. As she sat back in the rolling chair, Y/n had a debating look on her face, before finally saying something.
"Can I give you some advice?" Y/n asks and Hermione looks up at her as she unwrapped the bandage. If it was medical advice, then this was going to be a waste of breath, but she decided against saying anything.
"Don't place anything sharp near prisoners, then turn your back on them. You did that with the needle, and I could have easily just..." Y/n trails off as she gives a demonstration, showing she could have just reached over to the metal table and grabbed it. Hermione felt her throat close, as she realized how stupid that really was.
"Why didn't you?" Hermione whispered as she placed the bandage on the injury, and looked away from Y/n. The inmate sighed as she watched the nurse throw away the scraps of paper and plastic.
"You're nice, and I'm already on Death Row. What help would that do me?" Y/n chuckles as Lupin walks back into the room. Hermione stood up and gave a nod to him as she threw away the latex gloves as well.
"All done?" He asks.
"Yes, and make sure she eats and drinks something when she gets back to her cell," Hermione says as she takes a deep breath, and leans back on the counter behind her.
"I got the food part covered" he chuckled as he pulled out a wrapped muffin from his pocket, which made Y/n grin.
"I knew you liked me!" She chuckled as she tried to grab it, but her held it from her grasp and put it back in his pocket. She frowned as he un-cuffed her from the bed, but then put her hands behind her back.
"It's all yours once we're back to your humble abode" he replied. Y/n looked back at Hermione and gave a smile.
"Catch you in a few days, Hermione"
July 25th
Hermione yawned softly as she looked over her schedule for the day. Her eyes fell to a familiar name, and she cocked her head to the side as she read it.
Ah, that's right, the two weeks were up. That means she gets to do something other than shots and pill distribution. She missed being an intern at a real hospital, but at least she didn't have to change bedpans as much as she used to.
Over the last few weeks, she had gotten more comfortable with Y/n, but only to be calm enough to smile at her attempts at jokes. They were very flirty, but what else was to be expected? Y/n was on death row after all, it wasn't like she got to regularly interact with other women besides the few guards.
So Hermione dealt with it, but she'd be lying if she said they didn't make her face hot from time to time.
She sighed and stood up from the small table in the staff lounge. Her hands crumpled up the trash from her lunch and dumped it in the garbage as she walked out of the room.
"Ms.Granger?" An irritating voice calls out.
Hermione rolled her eyes but soon turned towards the person with a smile. Dolores Umbridge had a devilish smile on her face, which meant that she had bad news to give. The younger girl was almost blinded by how bright her pink scrubs were.
"Yes?" She replies as the older woman walks up to her and hands her a file, Hermione raises a brow and opens it, only to realize it was Y/n's. Why would she give her this?
"This is Y/l/n's. If this is about her B12 shots, I'm doing the blood work today-" she was cut off as Umbridge shook her head and tapped on where the name of her primary physician in the prison would go.
'Primary Physician: HERMIONE GRANGER'
Her eyes widened.
"W-Wait, I can't be her Physician! I'm just a Nurse Practitioner!" Hermione exclaims and Umbridge just shrugs with that evil smile of hers as she looks her up and down.
"The inmate requested that you be the first person to aid her from now on, and I saw no problem since you have more than enough training than the regular Nurses" the older woman chuckles as she walks away, giving an over-the-shoulder glance as she does.
"Good luck!
Hermione fought back the urge to chuck the file at her head and instead took a deep breath. This had to be against the law to some degree, but she didn't seem to have a choice in the matter. So, she just walked away and stepped into a private room.
She laid the file on the counter and sat down on the rolling chair. Her eyes scanned the area, making sure the equipment and room were clean still since the night shift left.
Clean enough.
Hermione stood up and grabbed a few disinfectant wipes from the supply under the sink. She began to wipe down the medical equipment out of habit, and her minor clean freak ways. It wasn't until the door opened again, did she stop.
"Oh honey, I'm home to play doctor"
Hermione gave a soft breath of a chuckle as she turned towards the door to find Y/n being brought in by Officer Lupin. The older man rolled his eyes as he cuffed her to the metal bar, and sighed softly.
"Do you want me to stay in the room? She's been very playful today. I think she gets excited when she realizes it's time to go see her favorite nurse" he hummed as Hermione looked at Y/n with a smirk. For once, Y/n hid her face. Schoolyard crush, it was a sweet gesture, but it wouldn't go anywhere. Not on Hermione's watch.
"I think I can handle it" she replies as he just nods and looks back at Y/n. He pointed a finger at her as he smiled.
"Be nice" he states, to which Y/n crosses her heart and holds up a Boy Scouts salute.
When Officer Lupin backed away and left the room, Hermione crossed her arms and looked at the girl with an annoyed glare. Y/n noticed immediately and chuckled nervously.
"Would you care to explain to me how you got Nurse Umbridge to agree to me being your on-call Physician?" Hermione asks and Y/n plays with the handcuff around her wrist with an anxious demeanor. The nurse sighed and pulled her hair into a ponytail, tying it with one of her hair ties.
"I told her that I'd say 'hi' to her mom in hell" Y/n joked as Hermione huffed and rolled her chair over to the latex gloves box. As much as she did want to laugh, this was important.
"Y/n, this is serious! I am not a Doctor. I am a Nurse Practitioner" Hermione says as she pulls the gloves onto her hands and stands up, pushing the chair over to Y/n with her foot.
"So? Isn't that basically the same thing?" Y/n asks and Hermione scoffs as she walks over to the small rollable metal table, where she had sterilized and set up everything she needed to draw blood.
"No. That isn't even close to being the same thing." Hermione sighed as she rolled it over to Y/n and sat back down in her chair. The prisoner just shrugged as she didn't really know what else to say on the matter, other than that her boss might hate her.
"I trust you more than Umbridge. So I don't see why it's such a big deal." Y/n mumbled as Hermione wrapped the rubber band around her bicep, but much tighter than the other times.
"I legally can't even call myself a doctor, so how do you think it'll work out for me to be your Physician?" Hermione huffed as she took ahold of Y/n's forearm and turned it upwards. Then something caught her eye. There were burn scars, but nothing like she had seen before.
Y/n saw her reaction.
"Pretty cool right? I used to tell the other foster kids that I got them when I would beat up the lava monster in the basement. They were so gullible." Y/n chuckled as she watched Hermione touch them delicately, almost like she thought they still hurt.
"How did you really get them?" Hermione asks as she looks back at Y/n, who seems torn now. She then shook her head lightly and laughed at the fact that she was nervous again.
"I think it's a little early in our relationship-"
"Friendship" Hermione corrects.
"Tomayto/tomahto. Anyways, I think it's a little early to tell you the reason I'm on death row" Y/n says as Hermione looks back at her forearm, deciding to leave well enough alone. She took her thumb and searched for a good vein to draw from.
"I already know why" she replies and Y/n nods slowly. Hermione pressed her thumb on the vein so she wouldn't lose it, and grabbed the disinfectant wipe, cleaning the area.
"You know the media version" Y/n countered and Hermione hummed in response as she picked up the needle from the table. She supposed that was true, but did she really want to hear her out?
"I know you killed three people, and I think that's all I need to know" Hermione states as she punctures Y/n's skin and vein, beginning to draw blood into a vial.
"That's fair. I wouldn't trust the word of a killer either if I were in your shoes" Y/n says as the conversation falls into silence.
Hermione ended up giving the duty of providing Y/n her B12 shots to another nurse on the night shift after this encounter, and they didn't speak until the next time they met, but it was in much less desirable circumstances.
September 19th
Hermione raced to her car at three A.M, stumbling slightly as she fought off the sleep from her eyes. Umbridge had called, telling her that Y/n, technically her patient, had been shanked on her way to the night shift Nurse for her shot.
She had been told that Warden Snape would tell her more details when she arrived back on the premises. The brunette felt guilt form in her stomach, knowing that this probably wouldn't have happened if she had pushed away her judgment and just did her job.
"God dammit" she whispers as she got into her car and drove off.
When she did get to and into the prison, it was on lockdown, and guards patrolled the halls nervously. Hermione walked down to the emergency area of the building and found Warden Snape standing outside one of the rooms with his regular, emotionless face.
"Warden" Hermione greeted as she stopped in front of him. He nodded and gave a tight-lipped sigh, crossing his arms across his chest.
"Officer Ronan was taking Y/n Y/l/n to the nurses station for her monthly B12 dose, when Officer Gale was taking Inmate Bellatrix Lestrange down to solitary confinement due to indecent behavior the last few days. From what both Officers have told us, is that they had both prisoners hugging either wall as they passed one another when Bellatrix lunged at Y/n and procured a shank from somewhere on her body. They were able to subdue her, but it wasn't until Y/n had been stabbed at least four or five times." Warden Snape says in his monotone voice, and Hermione takes a breath. She expected the worst, but then he spoke again.
"Luckily, the razor wasn't secured properly into the makeshift handle. So it broke off in her body in the first stab, but Bellatrix's pure strength was able to make small stab wounds with the handle alone." He explains and Hermione puts up her curls with one of the hair bands on her wrist.
"How bad is the wound with the razor?" Hermione asks and Warden watches her for a moment before answering.
"It wasn't as deep as we thought, so there was no need to send Y/n to an outside hospital. Nurse Carrie is stitching her up right now, and will monitor her throughout the night." Snape says and Hermione quickly speaks up.
"No. I'll do it. She's my responsibility in the first place" she says and he nods, following her with his eyes as she walks past him and into the emergency area. The curtain around the bed at the end of the room hid most of Y/n.
When she got close enough, she snuck around the cloth and saw the Nurse taking care of Y/n, sloppily stitching her up. Hermione almost smacked her hands away to stop her but refrained. Y/n's eyes were shut, but flinched at every pull and tug the doofus of a medical 'professional' did.
"Hey Carrie, I'll take over. Go take a break." Hermione says with a fake smile as the girl grins and stands up. Y/n still didn't open her eyes at the sound of her voice, Hermione guessed it was a way to show she was displeased with her.
"Thanks, Hermione!" Nurse Carrie says as she walks around the curtain, faster than the brunette could say 'no problem'. Hermione quietly sat down and put on a pair of gloves before she began to untie the stitches, being careful as she did so. The door opened and shut as Carrie left, announcing they were alone.
Hermione threw away the old stitches and her gloves as she stood up to wash her hands. Y/n still didn't say anything, her heart rate was slightly high, but not audibly noticeable on the monitor. The brunette had a million thoughts going through her mind as she washed her hands thoroughly.
When she came back to the chair and sat down, she put on a new pair of gloves and looked over the injuries. Y/n laid in only her pants and bra, both had blood on them, but nothing super concerning. Hermione instinctively traced her fingers around the five puncture wounds on her stomach.
"These aren't even washed out properly! That idiot!" Hermione whispered as she stood up again to grab a washout bottle. Y/n couldn't help but let out a chuckle due to her nurse's frustration with her coworker.
Her eyes opened to find Hermione mumbling to herself as she filled a bottle with water at the sink nearby. Y/n laid her head back down as she watched her walk back over and sit down. She does a double-take when she realizes that Y/n has opened her eyes.
"Hi," she breaths out.
"Hi," Y/n whispers back as Hermione pulls her chair closer to the side of the bed. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she spoke again.
"How are you feeling?" Hermione asks but soon realizes how stupid that sounds.
"Like I've been stabbed" Y/n replied with a chuckle as Hermione took the squeeze bottle and gently cleaned out each wound. Y/n hissed, and Hermione gave a soft 'sorry' under her breath.
"Y/n, why did this happen?" She asks as her other hand dabbed a cloth around the wounds to catch the water.
"I don't know. All I know is that this is why they shouldn't allow guards to cuff violent inmates with their hands forward." She sighed, to which Hermione agreed with wholeheartedly. This had actually been brought this up in a staff meeting just a month ago.
"I agree" she sighed as she put the bottle and cloth onto the metal table, and moved over the suturing needle. Y/n turned tense as she watched Hermione, who caught her body stiffening up from nervousness.
"It's alright" Hermione whispered as she gave a comforting smile. She grabbed the unopened numbing cream, which that ditzy nurse either forgot to use or did on purpose.
"L-Lupin said that tomorrow was your birthday, which makes it today," Y/n said through gritted teeth, her eyes looking around the ceiling in a pained way that almost looked like panic.
"I'm twenty-nine as of today," Hermione says as she unconsciously lays her forearm atop Y/n's hand, she grabs it gently. Not too tight, but not too loose.
"I always liked older women," Y/n says as she seems to calm down, her fingers caressing the underside of her forearm in a slow and steady motion. Hermione knew better than to let her do this, but it was the only way to keep Y/n calm.
"We're only a year apart" she chuckled as she looked over the wounds one more time before falling back to the metal table as she unscrewed the cap on the numbing cream.
"I'm going to numb the small gashes with this, but the big one has to be done now. I can't wait for the cream to start working to stitch it up, I don't want to run the risk of infection" Hermione explained as Y/n just nodded and closed her eyes again. She listened as Hermione moved around for a few moments, calculated but soft.
A cold cream is spread around the smaller wounds, which makes Y/n shiver slightly. Hermione chuckled at that as she put the tube down and changed into a clean pair of gloves again.
"I'll be as gentle as possible," Hermione says as her eyes sorta wander for a moment, taking in Y/n's body. Hey, even nurses can appreciate a good-looking body when they see one. Granted, this probably isn't the best time.
"At least buy me dinner first" Y/n replied as she opened her eyelid slightly and caught Hermione staring for a moment before she cleared her throat and grabbed the needle and thread from the table.
"How about a muffin from the staff room?" Hermione asks as she pinches the skin together before she starts the process. Y/n grunted and nodded at her offer, always happy to get her favorite treat.
Hermione soothed her with quiet shushes and a caress of her wrist against her side from time to time. It was innocent. Obviously.
It was late in the morning now, and Y/n had crashed from her adrenaline high. She was fast asleep as Hermione carefully covered her handy work with gauze. She took a deep breath and cleaned up the area around the bed before finally washing her hands and taking a seat in the recliner chair in the corner. Her eyes were on Y/n as the sun began to shine through the window.
She should be tired, but Hermione had too much to think about. Like how she had let her judgment go too far, to the point that Y/n could have died from a random attack of violence. She wasn't taking her job seriously, and she was ashamed of herself for it.
"I'm sorry" Hermione whispers to Y/n, who just snored softly on the hospital bed. Even though she knew that this could have happened whether she had been her nurse or not, it still irked her that she had been so uptight.
The door at the end of the room opened, and in walked Officer Lupin. He had a stressed and confused look on his face as he quickly walked over to Hermione. She stood up and put her finger to her mouth before she spoke, nodding her head over to show the sleeping inmate.
"How is she?" He whispers as Hermione guides him back towards the door so they won't disturb Y/n as she sleeps. She wasn't all the surprised to find Lupin so worried about Y/n, he had taken a liking to her after all. Almost in a fatherly sense.
"She'll live" Hermione replies as she leans against one of the counters near the door. Officer Lupin sat down in one of the chairs, and let out a deep sigh.
"You know, in the eight years she has been in my cell block, she has never caused any problems." He started as he crossed one leg over another and took off his cap, it now lay in his lap as he took a deep breath.
"Now don't get me wrong, most death row inmates don't cause much trouble, but she's different. Never asks for outlandish things like a radio or TV in her cell, hell, she didn't even ask for a new blanket after it was forgotten by the laundry crew" Officer Lupin chuckled as Hermione smiled softly back at him. Y/n seemed to be a favorite for a lot of different staff members. She was kind and respectful but was prone to give a few inappropriate jokes around the females, but Hermione was already aware of that.
Most of them didn't seem to mind it.
"I read the report on her. I actually read it five separate times" he says as his eyes stare at Y/n's feet. He wore a sad look in his eyes, which caught Hermione off guard. She expected a disgusted look.
"Every gruesome little detail."
Hermione took the seat next to him and looked at him from the corner of her eye. She never decided to look into the record on Y/n, she knew enough from when the whole case went down back in 97'. It was the talk of the country.
Her mother even took a day off work to watch the trial on TV in 2000. She had told Hermione multiple times her feelings about the whole thing.
"That town had it out for that poor girl, god forgive me, but good riddance to that foster family"
Maybe it was time to look into everything.
October 31st
Hermione followed Officer Lupin as he guided her down the hall of Death Row Cell Block A. No one paid them any mind, most were watching TV, listening to the radio, or reading a book. In the middle of the hall, they stopped in front of the door.
She couldn't help but look over the Officer's shoulder as he unlocked the door, Y/n sat on her bed with her nose buried in a book.
"Y/n, you have a visitor," Lupin says as he opens the door and moves out of the way for Hermione. She gave a soft smile as she hid the bag behind her back and stepped inside. Y/n's eyes widened as she marked her page and placed it on the table beside her bed.
"I'll check on you in five minutes," Lupin says as he shuts the door behind her and locks it. Y/n kept her distance as she stood up, there wasn't really enough space to be far apart, but she didn't want to scare Hermione.
"To what do I owe the pleasure? My next dose isn't till a week or so from now" Y/n says with a smile as Hermione sits down at the table and shows the bag she had been hiding. It was fast food.
"I decided to take my lunch break with some company," she says as Y/n sat back on her bed and scooted until her back pressed against the wall.
"I think that this is slightly illegal and probably unprofessional," Y/n said with a teasing smirk, but Hermione just shrugged as she handed her a burger and fries.
"I'm already your unlicensed Physician, so I don't see a problem with adding more to my plate" she replies as Y/n just chuckled as she looked at the already cut-through burger, it was obvious that Lupin had made sure that Hermione wasn't hiding something within it.
"No drink? You're a terrible date" Y/n chuckled as she unwrapped the burger and took a bite of it. Hermione rolled her eyes as she popped a fry into her mouth, dusting off her hands with a napkin.
"I thought I was pushing my luck with drinks, so I brought the next best thing," she says with a small smile as Y/n takes the cups she gets for free, and fills them both up with water.
"And what would that be?" Y/n asks as she places the cup next to Hermione's hand and sits back down on her bed. The brunette dug back in the bag and pulled out a muffin, Y/n grinned happily.
"You're starting to like me, admit it," Y/n says as Hermione waves her off as she eats another fry and takes a sip of water. Their eyes met again, but Hermione didn't seem nervous or apprehensive like she usually did.
"I'm dealing with you," she says as Y/n chuckled to herself and took another bite of her burger. It had been so long since she had fast food. It felt like a warm hug.
"Well, I know you didn't just bring me food to have a chat. What do you really want?" The inmate asks, and Hermione just sighs as she leans her arm against the table and thinks through her words carefully. She was alone with a killer, so who knows what could set her off,
"Can you tell me...what happened that night?" She asks softly, and Y/n stops chewing for a moment. She placed the burger on her thigh and looked at Hermione with an almost...scared look in her eyes.
"Are you sure you want to know?" She asked as she took a sip of water to calm herself. Hermione took a breath and then nodded.
"I want to know everything" she sighs, to which Y/n raises a brow at her.
"Every gruesome little detail," Hermione says, repeating what Lupin had said months ago.
Y/n sighed again, looking down at her food. She seemed to lose her appetite as she placed it away from her on the bed and took another sip of water. It was silent for a few minutes as Hermione took small bites of her food. She didn't want to rush in case it ended up coming back up.
"The Dursleys were picture-perfect to everyone outside the home, but that wasn't the case. There were thirteen of us kids living in that foster home, not including the three of them." Y/n starts as her eyes dart around the room, almost like she is reliving a memory. Hermione put her food down and focused all of her attention on the inmate.
"The youngest was nine, and I was the oldest at seventeen" Y/n continued as she pressed her back against the concrete wall, she could feel the divots in it. Hermione nodded as she waited patiently for her to speak again.
"Those Dursley's were mean sons of bitches. Even their son. He was a year older than me, I think"
Their eyes meet again, but Hermione can only see a scared 17-year-old now. She wanted to tell her to stop, that maybe she shouldn't know more than what the media has said, but she kept her mouth shut.
She needed to hear Y/n's side of events.
"I had been living there for about five years up until that night, and I kept my mouth shut about what was happening to us all...like a fucking coward," Y/n said with gritted teeth as she crossed her arms over her chest. Hermione didn't say anything, only her eyes flickering around her body to take in her body language.
"You know, Mr.Dursley never touched anyone, but he had a thing for putting out his cigars on our skin. It didn't matter to him if I screamed and cried for him to stop, he'd hold my arm till he got his fucking rocks off." She scoffed as she instinctively rubbed her hands over her forearms. Hermione felt her hand twitch, but she stopped herself from reaching over and looking at the scars again.
"I broke my arm one time while trying to get away from him. I think I was twelve, so my first year there?"
Hermione's stomach began to churn and twist itself into knots. She knew the details were about to get a lot worse.
"Mrs.Dursley loved having kids around the house because she didn't have to do the housework. She was like a drill sergeant. If she had to do the chore because you didn't do it correctly, then you couldn't be surprised when Mr.Dursley would come to your room with a belt later that night" Y/n said with a chuckle, almost like she was trying to lighten the mood.
"And the boy?" Hermione asks. Y/n went silent again, her fingers picking and pulling at the scars on her arms. The brunette slowly reached over and grabbed her hand, making her stop. Y/n slowly pulled herself to the edge of the bed, placing her feet on the ground and they sat closer together.
"Take your time" Hermione whispers as their knees touch and her hand begins to touch over the scars again. Y/n's body shook slightly like she was lost in the memories. So the nurse dipped her fingertips into her cold water and touched her skin again.
Y/n stopped shaking, her eyes focusing back on Hermione.
"Dudley...Dudley was the worst. Only because his parents turned a blind eye to the behavior, and even encouraged it sometimes" she whispers as Hermione traced her skin with water again, her eyes falling to the droplets that floated on top of it.
"He was the reason I snapped that night"
The room turned cold. As cold as someone placing a cranked-up fan in front of them in winter. Hermione waited for her to continue, but first Y/n moved closer and rested her forehead on her shoulder. The brunette tensed up for a second but relaxed as she noticed that Y/n wasn't trying to hug her, but instead seeking a small bit of comfort without scaring her.
"What happened Y/n?" Hermione whispers as her free hand reaches up and touches the back of her head. This was very unprofessional, but she didn't want to ignore the small ask. It wasn't like she was asking anything, really.
But Hermione wasn't blind to context clues.
"It was late at night, I think it was almost morning. I could hear the Dursleys talking in their room since mine was right next to theirs. Dudley had gone in there to ask them something, but I couldn't hear what it was about." She mumbles as her fingers trace the hum of Hermione's scrubs.
"Then their door opened. It creaked like it usually did, and Dudley walked out" Y/n says as Hermione looks down at her and scratches the back of Y/n's neck.
"How did you know it was him? Did you see him?" She asks.
"Not immediately. His footsteps aren't as soft as his mother's or heavy as his father's." Y/n explains as she thinks for a moment. She could still smell the iron in the air.
"I realized he walking down the hall. There were only bedrooms where he was going, and I knew there was nothing for him there. He had the whole attic for himself. So I got up and walked over to the door, opening it enough to peek my head through." She says as presses her forehead more into Hermione's shoulder, slipping up to the crook of her neck.
"When I saw what door he had opened. I mentally just...broke" Y/n whispers as she sits back up and looks Hermione right in the eyes. The brunette took a breath and saw how Y/n seemed to hold a lot of anger behind her eyes, but it wasn't directed at her.
"The nine-year-old. It was her room. I told him he could do whatever he wanted to me as long as he didn't touch any of the other kids and...I saw the sinister smile on his face as he walked inside. I knew that look all too well" she says as he head twitched to this side. A nervous tick.
"I quickly went into the room across the hall, the twin boys, fifteen at the time. They had a fireplace in their room, so I grabbed the fire poker and ran down the hall."
"Y/n, what's the matter? Where are you going with that?"
She shook her head and looked away, down at her uneaten fast food as it began to get cold. That night haunted her dreams, not because of what she did, but what she realized had been happening under her nose.
"I opened the door and..." her voice caught in her throat as she took a ragged breath, tears falling from her eyes as she could still see her foster sister's face.
"That bastard was already on top of her. He laughed in my face and said to wait my turn" she seethed as she pulled her hands away from Hermione's scrubs and white-knuckled her sheets.
"The two boys followed after me as I grabbed him by the hair and threw him onto the ground. He didn't say anything. I didn't give him a chance."
Hermione felt the back of her neck stand up on its ends, but it wasn't from fear, but from being horrified at what was being told to her.
"I don't know how many times I hit him with it, but I stopped when a piece of his skull came out with the curve of the poker," Y/n says as she backs up, hitting the wall again. Tears ran down her cheek as she looked somewhere other than Hermione.
"No one said anything as I walked out of the room and into the hall, where the other kids now had their heads peeking out of the doors. Yet I just ignored them, instead, I walked into the Dursley's room and..." Y/n trails off as she looks back at Hermione, who still waiting patiently. She didn't look scared or disgusted, she didn't even seem to hate Y/n more than she probably does.
"I killed them. I caught Mr.Dursley off guard and bashed his head in a few times. Enough to incapacitate him. Mrs.Dursley screamed and tried to run out of the room, but I was able to trip her with my foot."
Hermione took a sip of her water, she could almost taste the blood, and it made her slightly nauseous.
"After I was done, I shut the door to their room and found all the kids looking at me. They didn't look scared, but I couldn't really comprehend what was going on." Y/n says as she looks at the light in the ceiling. It flickered and buzzed softly.
"Take...take everyone downstairs and call emergency services"
"Then the cops came" she finishes as Hermione straightened her back and stayed silent for a moment. She wondered what to say, but there was a question she wanted an answer to.
"I read the reports, and it said that they found thirteen different sets of fingerprints on that fire poker. Yet, only you were ever sentenced for the crime. How did that happen?" Hermione asks and Y/n nods slowly as their eyes meet.
"Did you ever hear the story of the 19th-century Chinese goldsmith? He lost a lot of money for his goldsmith buddies due to his shady business practices. So they decided to kill him. By biting him to death. One hundred and twenty-three goldsmiths took a bite out of the victim, ensuring no one individual could be blamed for the murder. For who would know which one administered the lethal bite?" Y/n says as she looks down at her hands, Hermione raises her brows in surprise. It seemed loyalty went far within those kids.
"If you went down, so did the others?" She asks and Y/n nods again, the room doesn't feel as cold as it did before. It was almost back to a comfortable atmosphere.
"I didn't know that they had done that. I had left the poker on the floor near Mrs.Dursley when I had gone downstairs to wait on the porch for the police. Thankfully, they all are still free." Y/n sighed as she found her appetite again and took a fry from its bag. Hermione just stared.
"Do you regret it?"
Y/n looked up and gave a shake of her head.
"The only thing I regret from that night is letting my foster sister watch me kill Dudley. I wish I had made her run out of the room."
Hermione felt broken.
December 27th
Y/n was woken up by the sound of her door being opened. She sat up and found Hermione being let in by Officer Lupin. She had a small smile on her face as Y/n sat up and yawned.
"What time is it?" She asked as Hermione sat down on the table and checked her watch. Y/n noticed she was wearing a new perfume, it was much fancier than usual.
"5:53 in the morning" she chuckles and Y/n just nods as she yawns again, cocooning herself in the blanket. Hermione just stared, finding her sleepy face very endearing.
"I needed to talk to you about something" Hermione states as Y/n laid back down, but nodded, showing that she was listening. The nurse rolled her eyes and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, hovering over her as she looked down at Y/n with a serious gaze.
"This is serious" she muttered and Y/n raised a brow, blinking away the blurriness in her eyes. Hermione had become much more comfortable around Y/n since that talk in October, even going as far as to playfully flirt back.
"Are you going to ask me to marry you? Because I need to be your girlfriend first before that happens." Y/n says as she stretches, her arms biting the wall above her head as she does so. Hermione just smiled and shook her head as she took in Y/n's features, they were so carefree. It's like she didn't realize where she was.
"As much fun as that would be, I'm talking about your case being looked over again by a new judge." Hermione states and Y/n sighs as she rolls her eyes, turning on her side and looking away from her friend.
"I'm tired of talking about it. Everyone knows that I'm getting that needle, and I've accepted that." Y/n says and Hermione huffs as she pushes the inmate back onto her back, catching her off guard. She looked at her with a surprised expression.
"Now you listen to me Y/l/n. Do you know how lucky you are to find a judge who wants to review this case and its evidence? This could literally be life or death for you. So I recommend you take it seriously." Hermione says as she pokes Y/n's chest with her finger. The inmate smirked and nodded slowly, her hand grasping the nurse and pulling it up to her lips.
Y/n had become very comfortable as well.
A little too comfortable.
She just stared into Hermione's eyes as she kissed her knuckles. The brunette tried to act as if it didn't bother her in the slightest when in reality, she had an angel and a devil on her shoulder whispering different things.
"You're pushing your luck" Hermione hummed as she watched Y/n just kiss her knuckles again. They were soft, and kind.
"Then pull away" Y/n whispered back and Hermione just stared back at her, her eyes dilating rapidly with every little kiss that was pressed to her skin. This was dangerous. She would lose her job if they were caught.
How did this happen? Was it because she was a vigilante in a sense? Did she have an attraction to a killer, or was it a 'bad girl' appeal? Either way, it spoke volumes about her mental health.
Y/n kissed down to her wrist, a shuttered breath left Hermione's lips as watched her. Her mind told her to back away, but the rest of her body said otherwise. Her other hand grasped the sheets of the bed beside Y/n's head as she loomed even more over her.
Her hair fell around them, and a golden glow from the oak tree curls cascaded across Y/n's face. Hermione was in such an awkward and twisted position, that she thought Y/n was doing this so she would lay on top of her to relieve the knot in her spine.
"You're dangerous" Hermione whispers as Y/n smirks and nibbles on the space between her hand and forearm. That expression basically said 'not dangerous enough for you to run away'.
"Remus will be back soon," she says again, trying to find an excuse to go before she did something she couldn't take back. Y/n just hummed, continuing to kiss her skin. She had no care in the world.
She has lived so carefully all her life, but now Y/n doesn't mind the consequences anymore. She looked safe while silently worshiping Hermione's skin. She had the same look on her face as a druggy looking into stain glassed windows.
Hermione's back pleaded for her to untwist, it stung like steel nails being pressed into her spine. So she slowly turned her hips to the side, but then Y/n struck. She pulled Hermione onto her, the nurse gasped softly as her other hand broke free and landed on the bed beside the inmate's face.
Their noses bumped against each other, Y/n still wore that smirk that screamed 'got you'. It made the nurse's face began to feel as though it was right next to a space heater. Her chest pressed against Y/n's, pounding out to the other heart that seemed steady compared to hers.
"You...you are pushing your luck" Hermione repeated with a shaken voice and Y/n just hummed softly as her eyes scanned her face slowly, methodically. A gentle laugh left her lips as she looked up at Hermione innocently, almost too innocently.
"You have already said that" Y/n hums as one of her hands found their way up to the brunette's mouth, dragging her thumb across her bottom lip ever so slowly. Hermione felt like smacking her head into the concrete walls, just so she could get a grip on herself!
Back away.
Back away!
Then she heard footsteps and a jingle of keys.
Hermione suddenly stood away with a sharp exhale. Her back almost slammed into the wall as her heart pounded like a jackhammer, and Y/n slowly sat up on her forearm.
As the door opened, and Remus looked at them both with a raised eyebrow. Hermione cleared her throat as she took a breath, pointing her finger at a smirking Y/n, who feigned innocence still.
"Talk to a lawyer. Please" she says before quickly walking out of the cell. Remus watched as she kept her head down and sped walked down the hallway. He looked back at Y/n and let out a soft huff as the inmate looked back at him with a smile.
"What did you do?" He asked and Y/n just shrugged, Remus sighed softly.
"We were just messing around" she hummed as she laid back down, and rested her head on her arms. The officer leaned against the doorframe and hummed back in disbelief, the man on the moon could see Hermione's flush from here.
"Sure, Y/n. Just don't run her off" he says and the girl waved him off with her hand and turned to go back to sleep for a bit. Remus rolled his eyes as he shut and locked the door again.
As he began to make his rounds again, he couldn't help but find the situation a little cute. Granted, maybe he was a hopeless romantic. Then again, maybe there was something there.
Time could only tell.
February 19th
Hermione sat in the observation room, writing down little notes for herself about medications and treatments that she had lined up for other patients. Yet, her mind was on Y/n.
God. It always was.
She was beginning to think she was going stir-crazy. Can you blame her though? To fall for a killer was something she would hear from the news, not expecting to actually experience it!
So after that encounter in Y/n's cell, Hermione tried to date a few people she had met prior. It was no use, however, for the death row inmate had her fingers hooked around her neck like razor wire, and the nurse actually enjoyed it.
"Something is wrong with me" Hermione whispered as she stood up and checked that she did in fact have Y/n's shot ready for her. She was a little bit airheaded today.
She had left her lunch at home and lost one of her prescriptions that a patient of hers needed for their depression. Hermione wasn't having a good day, and another mess up would definitely have her on the bad end of Umbridges lecture.
The sound of the door opening had caught her attention, she slowly glanced over her shoulder to see Y/n being brought in by another Officer, the little dipshit, Quirrell. He shoved her into the room and quickly latched her to the table, he didn't even bother saying anything as he stepped out of the room, the door shutting rather loudly behind him.
"What's his problem?" Hermione asked as she rolled over the small table and sat down on her chair. Y/n sighed and leaned back slightly, one of her hands holding her up as Hermione prepared the other arm for the shot.
"He hates me. I think he might have known the Dursleys" Y/n says with a shrug as Hermione's eyes pop back up to her in surprise. If that is true, then who in their right mind would let him anywhere near Y/n?
"What? How? Are you sure?" Hermione asks as she slips on a pair of gloves, and grabs the shot from the table. Y/n just sighed again. She looked out of it today. Two of a feather.
"I'm not positive, but I swear I've seen him before, before this place" she explains as Hermione inserted the needle into her arm and released the vitamins into the muscle. Y/n flinched slightly, but relaxed soon after.
"Maybe he just looks like someone else you've seen? It's like how I think that one actor from CSI has been in more stuff I've seen, but he hasn't" Hermione says as she throws the needle and other garbage away. Y/n chuckled and watched her for a moment.
"Probably" she hummed as they fell into a comfortable silence.
Y/n watched Hermione like a hawk, it sent a shiver up the Nurse's spine, but not because she didn't like it. She kept her back towards her, trying her best to keep her cool as she cleaned the small spaces she had touched.
She froze, but soon took a breath and looked over her shoulder. When their eyes met again, a warmth spread through Hermione's stomach, almost like a heating pad had been placed over it.
"Yes?" She replied.
Y/n thought for a moment and gestured her over, closer to her. Hermione took a few steps towards her, her breath rising a little faster than normal.
Was she scared of Y/n? No, that wasn't it. She didn't feel like a scared kid, she felt like a schoolgirl. This was wrong, but then again, why did being close to Y/n feel so right?
Y/n craned her head up to keep eye contact once Hermione now stood directly in front of her. Their breaths were moving in harmony as they stood in silence for another minute.
It seemed as though neither of them knew how to continue the conversation, or Y/n was playing a small game with her. She didn't know entirely.
"When was the last kiss you've had?" Y/n asks and Hermione blinked in surprise as a flush began to rise from her neck. That was such an inappropriate thing to ask! And she was going to tell Y/n as such.
"That is not an appropriate question to ask in the workplace" Hermione responds as she clears her throat and tries to step away, but Y/n gently grabs the front of her scrubs to keep her still.
"I don't work here, so is it really being inappropriate if I'm just a...well I'm not a civilian, but let's say tenant of this establishment" Y/n chuckles as Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat. She was right in a way, but it was against the law anyway. Hermione won't risk her freedom for a quick flirty feeling.
"Still" she replied and Y/n just hummed as she let go of her scrubs. Y/n won't force her, she wouldn't do that to one of the few friendly faces in this place. Yet, Hermione didn't move away.
"Did you talk to your lawyer? To see if you could file an appeal on your sentencing?" She asked and Y/n leaned back again, both arms propping herself up on the examination table.
"This is my last appeal, and my lawyer is for warning me to wait on it. She doesn't think that using it after only being here for eight years would help me" Y/n says, to which Hermione furrowed her brows in both confusion and anger. That lawyer may have a point, but it didn't matter in the brunette's eyes.
"What happens if your execution date is set? Then what the fuck will she do?" Hermione asks in a huffed tone, to which Y/n raises an eyebrow at. She hasn't been expecting her to get so defensive. Wait, that's not it. Attached?
"There's probably an emergency appeal she could send out, they usually tell the inmates a few weeks beforehand so they can prepare themselves" Y/n replied as she shrugged again. That angered Hermione more. How could she act so nonchalant? Her life is literally on the line, and she's just fine with it.
"How are you so calm? I would be shaking twenty-four-seven if I was in your shoes" Hermione says as she pulls her chair over and sits down. Y/n thought for a moment and shrugged again.
"I've had eight years to be afraid, but after the first few, you learn that you can't be terrified of something that will come eventually. Granted, I don't have a say in the matter, but this is my consequence." Y/n says with a sigh as she rolls her neck to the side, it cracked slightly. Hermione nodded along, understanding that she had come to terms with death. It was a part of life after all.
Another question loomed in her mind.
"How did you feel when you were sentenced?" She asks and Y/n pauses a moment, a faraway look in her eye. There was so much emotion behind it, yet her face didn't express any of it.
"My mind kinda blanked when the jury sentenced me to the death sentence. All I really remember is one of the bailiffs coming over and cuffing me while the other foster kids began to cry and yell at the jury...it was chaos" Y/n said as she took a deep breath out. Hermione bit the inside of her cheek, trying to figure out how to backpedal on such a deep conversation.
She didn't want to stress Y/n out, and the convict took notice of her nervousness.
"Can I ask you a question?" She asks, to which Hermione nods, a soft 'of course' coming from her lips.
"What was college/university like?" Y/n asks as she sits up slightly, a small smile forming on her face. Hermione was surprised again, honestly thinking that it was going to be another super personal question.
"Well, uh. It was difficult, getting my degree took a few years longer than most." Hermione explained and Y/n nodded along. She actually seemed very interested in what Hermione had done in school.
"Did you want to get your degree?" she asks, but immediately regrets it. That was a stupid question. She forgets that Y/n is a convict most of the time, then bouts out questions you would ask people outside of a prison.
"Actually, yes. Except, I just wanted to party" Y/n snickered as Hermione smiled softly. Of course, she did. She seemed like one of those people who would love to drink till they blacked out behind a KFC.
(A/N: personal experience btw, went to a party in Chicago and woke up behind a KFC in Indianapolis the next morning. To this day, I still don't know how I got there 🤷🏻‍♀️)
"Ah, sounds like you were going to be a troublemaker" Hermione chuckles as they get deeper into the conversation. It wasn't till an hour or so later, after Officer Dingbat finally came back from his lunch break, that they parted ways.
Hermione found herself checking inventory later into the day, a clipboard in hand as she made sure all her patients had their needed medications. That was when she realized that only one shot was left for Y/n.
"I better request more...directly" she groaned as her head dropped a little. Hermione really didn't want to talk to Umbridge again, but if she didn't, then it was likely that Y/n's needs would go unchecked. Even if she were to highlight it on the order form.
So, she begrudgingly trudged her way to the main offices and found the menace sitting at her desk. Her hair was still styled like it had been this morning, compared to Hermione, whose locks were how in a messy ponytail.
"Ma'am, may I have a word?" She asked as she cleared her throat and tried to keep an attitude out of her tone. Their eyes met for a moment before the smaller woman looked back at the forms on her desk.
"Yea, what is it?" Umbridge sighs.
"Well, we need a new shipment by next month of Y/n Y/l/n's B-12 shots" Hermione replied, but her face turned to shock as her superior waved off her request.
"That won't be necessary" Dolores sighs again as she signs off on some vacation request forms. Hermione was puzzled. What did she mean that it wouldn't be 'necessary'?
Obviously, it wasn't a secret that Umbridge was very cruel to the inmates in non-law-violating ways, but refusing her vitamins was a bit...bitchy.
"May I ask why?" Hermione asks, and Dolores looks up, a small sinister smile growing on her face. The younger girl instantly swallowed the spit in her throat.
"She is set to be executed"
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pineappleciders · 1 year
ayo can i request a male (or gn if you prefer) adult reader adopting tweek, butters and kenny? bc i love those kids but they all deserve much better parents than the ones they have in canon.
masc adult reader adopting tweek, butters, and kenny (and a bit of karen)
A/N: i've never gotten to do a male reader b4 so i'm glad you asked!!!! these r kinda separate to keep it simple, also reader is referred to as dad :)
TRIGGER WARNING: SA and abuse mentions, drugs (obviously)
Tumblr media
tweek tweak
first things first, you start weaning him off the coffee. you still give him smaller doses for awhile just to keep him stable and with no withdrawal
if you send him to rehab, he'd definitely be a little scared. so you pack his backpack and lunch and pat him on the head and send him off, telling him to text you if he needs anything
he's always coming into your room in the middle of the night gripping his pillow and pulling his hair.
"dad, the gnomes! t-they're back, AGH!"
"tweek, i thought we went over this..."
it can be a little difficult to calm him down sometimes, so you two practice breathing exercises in case you aren't there to help him
he carries around a little card keychain that you made for him with comforting words and grounding techniques. he carries it everywhere and attaches it to his bookbag!!
you put the coffee pods on the highest cupboard shelf so he can't reach them. he hasn't tried to reach them (as far as you're aware)
you try to smooth down his hair and brush it out but it somehow always pops back up. also his hairline is fucked. so are his teeth. he's a little fucked up in every way but you love him anyways
butters stotch
with butters, it's apparent that negative discipline is not the route here. you instead opt to use positive reinforcement when he obeys and does stuff right
you're not a pushover by any means, but you are a lot less strict than his biological parents.
he gets a little confused sometimes when he doesn't get shouted at or blamed for something he didn't do. like he walks in the door expecting to get yelled at but you just hug him and ask how his day at school was
he's really glad he can actually have friends over now. his friends are always commenting on how cool his new dad is compared to his old one
butters has learned to not talk about his trauma and past. he was always taught to bury it deep down and never mention it to anybody. so when he randomly blurts out how his uncle molested him at dinner, he's confused when you look horrified
he loves to play sports in the backyard with you!!! his old dad never really spent time with him, so he has the absolute time of his life playing ball with you. it becomes one of his best core memories
he likes to draw with crayons a lot so he always draws pictures of you and him like under a rainbow or something and you always hang it up on the fridge. you're quickly running out of room for his art
kenny mccormick
as soon as he gets home and you give him the OK to eat he is eating everything in your house
turns out it's really difficult for a 9 year old to properly grow on a diet of frozen waffles and dust bunnies. you're shocked when you're preparing his bath and he's a lot skinnier and shorter than the other kids
honestly if u adopt him then you have to adopt karen too. and kevin if you want. but preferably karen.
nothing makes kenny happier than knowing she's sleeping in a warm bed with a full stomach. it's just a bonus that he is too!!
like butters, he loves to play sports with you. specifically catch and baseball. he also forces you to play barbies with him and do a high-pitched girl voice
loves to fall asleep in your lap/in your arms. like he'll fall asleep mid-piggy back ride and just snore on your shoulder
always flexing on cartman that now that he isn't the poorest kid that cartman is now. cartman hates u for it
always wants a sip of your morning coffee and waits for karen to finish her food before finishing his. it's a force of habit and it's kind of sad but also really sweet
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straykidsmoonlight · 2 years
SKZ react- they take their kids to work.
Please send any requests!!
I’m also now writing personalised stories for small tips… unemployment is real in my country… please message or ask (anons more than welcome) for more info!
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Definitely wakes up lonely knowing your on a business trip, pouting without his morning cuddles
Slowly, pulls himself out of bed, tired after a late night at the studio and worries about how to get all three kids in the car simultaneously
Once they arrive at the JYP building, Brandi and Karl immediately run to their favourite uncle, Jisung and clamber on his lap, while Chan carries your youngest baby in a carrier attached to his front.
Being so young, Libby still has lots of people to meet, so many of Chans colleagues stroll in and out as 3racha work, to cuddle with the newborn.
Chan keeps a watchful eye the whole time, always wary when it comes to his precious baby, can only fully concentrate when one of the members is holding her, knowing what amazing dads and uncles they were.
Lee Know:
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Another one who hates starting the day without you
Sleepily drives Jeni to work, while you are staying overnight at the hospital with Byeol.
Carefully places Jeni on a sofa in the practice room, surrounded by blankets
100% bet none of the members can focus on the choreography all day… as the coo over Jeni, complimenting Lee Know on her cuteness as he goes all shy and blushy.
Just turns into a massive hugging session as the members pass round the little one for cuddles, as Minho captures the sweet moments on his phone.
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Gets really nervous taking both kids out on his own.
Almost cried when you told him the kids would have to go to work with him.
As he tries to work on music, Jimin starts to fuss, and won’t stop crying no matter what Changbin does, while Hyungsik keeps getting bored.
Luckily Jeongin brought one of his kids, so Hyungsik and Jihae could play together
Ends up holding Jimin against his chest with one hand, while typing with the other, every so often looking down to check on her
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Practically has a mental breakdown the second Cheon-Sa wakes up as he “literally cannot” find anything for his son to wear
Once he’s finally dressed, he gets to the studio where him and the guys are filming SKZ code.
All his uncles can be seen with huge smiles as Hyunjin walks in cradling his only baby.
Carefully hides Cheon-Sa’s face when the cameras are on, as he’s one of the members who doesn’t show his kids face.
All the comments on the video end up being about how adorable Cheon-sa is, and all Stays find watching him with his uncles and dad adorable 🤧
Han Jisung:
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This is a perfect example of a child with children
Is completely lost without you while you’re spending time with your friends
Tumbled through the building’s doors with his daughters missing shoes 😭
Literally barley got anything recorded because he was so distracted by his girls. One moment he was racing Mae down the hallways, and the next he was falling asleep with Seol-a and Dani on the sofa
Cries tears of joy when you get home, exhausted from spending all day with his girls.
Lee Felix:
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(This gif legit shows how I think he would talk to his kids😭)
Surprisingly really capable without you there, but this sunshine literally pines after you all day
Gets the kids to the JYP building just fine before he realises he’s forgot Milo’s Wolfchan 😭
Milo’s a quiet child, but you forget his his stuffie chan and he will lose it. Felix tries his very best to calm Milo while keeping a watchful eye on his younger baby Hanuel.
Physically cannot calm his son down, and has to call chan in to bring wolfchannie from felixs apartment, just for Milo to cling on to his uncle for the next three hours.
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You leave this man with your girls for two damn hours
He just lets his twins do whatever
Is so much of a pushover😭
The girls literally run around babbling away driving chan half insane (he loves his neices dont worry)
Seungmin just laughs away until one of the girls hits her head and he has to rush her to A and E. feels so bad
All is well, and you return home to Seungmin pretending nothing ever happened
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You are quite scared leaving Jeongin to take all five kids to work
This guy is a great dad though
Somehow managed to juggle a ton of hyper kids, all while recording music
In the end had to record the new song with Seom in his arms, meaning you can hear tiny teeny baby noises in the background of the new song.
Hyungs definitely stare proudly at the scene in front of them, and take tons of photos of their Maknae on top.
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thearchercore · 6 months
I don’t want to be, but I have to admit that despite all the team order’s bullshit, I am a little angry with Charles.
He always claims nothing but P1 matters and I believe him when he’s out of the car, after races or qualifyings. But then in the race he complies to team orders and I see very little of that mentality when it actually matters the most. Unfortunately, I agree that if he doesn’t change his approach he will not become a WDC.
He should ignore them. The past (aka Sa*nz) has shown that there aren’t consequences for disregarding the team orders. And if he expects things will get better with Ham there, I think he’s dearly mistaken. That man isn’t a pushover either.
i believe he decided to play it safe this time around because he already tried to push too hard during quali and it didn't pay off.
we've seen him disobey team orders in the past, i'm not saying he's the biggest rebel on the grid but he seems to know when to make the call and if he didn't feel too comfortable in the car today to take that risk, i get it. also let's note australia is not charles' best track so that may also influence that decision.
from the past we know he knows when to show that he's angry and doesn't agree but this time he didn't seem even That pissed off so i think he knows he maximized what he could in his situation.
plus! there's a new batch of upgrades coming in suzuka so we'll see how that goes
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savethevamps · 1 year
Reasons We Love Top Tanin
Earlier today I posted a breakdown of the scenes in which Top was SA, now I wanna give him some love because Top Tanin is a sweetheart damnit!
Also, what I said in my other post applies here too, we can discuss Top as a character, but blatant and random hate is unnecessary.
With that being said, here’s a list of Top’s best qualities:
1. His confidence! The first thing I loved about Top was how confident he was, you can tell just by the way he walks that he knows he’s the hottest guy in the room. Not to mention how sure he was in his pursuit of Mew, he never let himself get discouraged and always had an air of easy confidence no matter what.
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2. How slow to anger he is, without being a pushover. We’ve seen Top get berated on more than one occasion, and he’s never been shown as angry in most of these confrontations. Besides looking slightly annoyed, he’s usually seen as being calm and sometimes even amused.
3. His quick remarks and comebacks. As I said, Top is no pushover! He’ll let people go on about whatever they feel, but not for too long, and he especially won’t ever let them think they have the upper hand. I love how he gets when people try and behave as though they’re above him, he always knocks them down a few pegs (as he should).
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4. The pride he takes in looking his best. Top is well dressed, well groomed, and he just seems to take the best care of himself. He has a routine that he seems to do religiously, and he always dresses his best which adds to that air of confidence he carries around. Like I said before, he knows he’s the hottest in the room, and that comes from his own knowledge that he takes good care of himself. (I need a Top focused episode so I can watch his everyday routines in detail)
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5. His general idgaf-ness. Top is not the type to get involved in drama, or care about what other people are doing. He’s not a gossip, and he stays in his own business until someone drags him into their own. We don’t see him pay attention to rumors spread by others, most likely because he knows how untrue they can be, but also because he doesn’t care enough to pay attention to it.
6. His willingness to grow and be better. Top is not resistant to change, he can evaluate his life, see what’s not working, and actually do something about it. If he’s wrong, he says he’s wrong without any excuses and holds himself accountable. When his boyfriend explained why he wasn’t comfortable with him doing drugs, he listened and decided to stop asap. He never went back on that, even if maybe he’s been tempted. That just shows that he’s always willing to hear genuine criticism and use it as a way to grow. Anyway I can talk for days about this so let’s move on!
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7. How artistic he is! Top is a very creative guy it’s amazing, he’s constantly shown to be a talented artist. Every time we saw Top with Mew, he was drawing and being the artist boyfriend everyone begs for. I also love the fact that we were able to see him in his element at the hostel, the scenes were brief but they definitely showed how serious Top takes his artistry as far as his career is concerned.
8. How he cares for his significant other. We all know Top is #1 in the boyfriend department, and I don’t think that’s something that’s new! I’m pretty sure that although his past relationship(s) have been brief, he has taken care of them and met whatever needs they have. A good example of this is the fact he learned about how Mew gets his experiences from books and decided to take him on all these new, and creative adventures/dates to help him have real life experiences. He definitely will adjust to his partners needs in other to make sure they’re always fulfilled and happy.
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9. How gentle he is. Top Tanin is a gentle guy okay? He’s definitely someone who would rather use soft touches than rough ones. He rarely raises his voice, he speaks softly but with enough assertiveness to make you listen, and he talks to his boyfriend so sweetly.
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10. Him being a blatant sweetheart! I started this post just to talk about this, Top Tanin is the world’s sweetheart. He’s kind to people he doesn’t know without expecting anything in return. The way he would constantly reassure Mew? Sometimes he’d do it subtlety, other times it was obvious. When he gave Nick that advice about staying away from Boston, look he definitely had no reason for doing that, other than him just being a sweetheart. His active listening, he always gives his full attention even when he may not like what’s being said.
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So what did we learn? Top Tanin is a Sweetheart, with some pretty likeable (cough loveable cough) qualities! These qualities should be appreciated more in my opinion! More people should see how good this guy is! I’m screaming this from the rooftops constantly, let’s all scream it together until Top hears us.
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spotlightlowlife · 8 months
Controversial take. I hope Eve hazbin Lilith ALL ALONG.
I don't mean that seven year gap, but as far back as pre Charlie, making her Charlie's real mother.
Hear me out.
This could be a shortcut in explaining why Charlie feels so at home amongst the sinners, they really could be blood family. Maybe she could even have been raised amongst them because this supposed Lilith wanted to be around her descendants. For whatever reason.
What if sinners were dropping into hell and real Lilith, as the story goes, was making hell a nice place to be and like Adam, Eve felt that those are her offspring who should be showing that gratitude to her. A meaningful shared opinion that was acted upon and not just something the villain of the moment said but nobody cared. Let characters have something to do with one another!
Maybe real Lilith and fellow dreamer, like Lucifer and Charlie, was also like them, a pushover who is up for shortcuts. Seeing as selling souls to one another is a thing in this, what if Eve set out to replace Lilith and took on her image? What if it had been a contract not looked over properly, also a thing as seen in spinoff series Helluva boss?
What if this is the explanation behind Lilith and Lucifer's love that seems to have fizzled out overtime?
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This would helpwould mean Lucifer, who writing is determined to paint as fun and innocent, was oblivious.
This could help explain the overall awkward family dynamic.
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The big pink elephant in the room I hope people caught onto would be that this would mean their relationship was a drawn out SA, consent was not offered to Eve. Considering the fact that this is an adults show that has its moments or seriousness and we are told that Eve bought evil upon the world in receiving the gift, why not brave this story?
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It will give Charlie who has had weak angst sent her way (since being robbed of the 'normal' nuclear family she had in the pilot) something truly horrible to have to learn and live with.
Charlie was robbed of the opportunity of having a particular opinion on the father of the sinners who mean so much to her, now what of the mother of sinners is also her mother, there's no way she can have a lack of content and input this way surely?
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thegoldencontracts · 3 months
Hey guysss first of all do your daily clicks please! I'll be posting new fics soon (I've already written them up but Im waiting for the end of the strike), thank you to everyone who requested!
Additionally, the twst-charity zine is open, I believe, so please consider checking it out and donating! There's a lot of talented authors and artists there!
But, speaking of authors and artists, please remember to be polite. I don't expect a serenade every time you request, but please, remember, I'm a human too! And I'm going to be honest, I often miss jokes. So even jokingly, please don't be demanding like this, especially not without tone tags!
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Even if you are a mutual of mine, I seriously dislike this sort of tone. I understand it may be a joke, but please, please understand that it feels grating.
And especially please, understand that I take my time. I will admit, I have a problem of being a pushover when pressured, and I deeply apologize for it. I fully intend on rectifying my behavior and putting my foot down with issues like- these.
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As you can see, I gave in to the person on question (who also sent the ask above lmaoo) very easily. And I shouldn't have. Because honestly? I feel like this is a very disrespectful way to speak to someone you're requesting.
I absolutely love requests, and I don't mind if someone occasionally asks if I've made any progress on a fic (like one of my really nice mutuals who is much more kind about asking than this person), but please, remember the human. Remember that I'm a person with feelings, and that feeling pressured to work like this sucks the joy out of writing for me.
Once again, I really don't want to be "that person" who gets offended by even the slightest misstep, and the only reason I'm name-dropping this person is because they've done other things that are considerably worse in my opinion (knowingly flirting with minors as a "joke" and talking about triggering topics like sa to the point of making people so uncomfortable they avoided the space altogether).
However, I have very few boundaries in my opinion - I write fic for literally anything that isn't NSFW or yandere. Yet somehow, these boundaries are still disrespected. I've been accused of being ableist against people with restrictive eating disorders despite having one myself; I've been told I'm "trying to cause arguments" on pining!headcannons, I've been sent NSFW requests, and more.
Please respect them. From now on, I will be direct if I don't want to write something. I don't want to be rude, I've just realized that being excessively kind is clearly getting me nowhere. And as much as I love requests and appreciate them, really, I do, if you pressure me to finish it like this, I'm going to delete it. Why? Because I genuinely cannot bring myself to enjoy writing while I'm being pressured.
Anyways, sorry for my tone here, I'm just very fed up. If I've misspoken, please let me know. Thank you if you've had the patience to read to this point.
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vallcro · 7 days
Hi!! Tell us about your OCs? :>
Tw/Cws: BullyxVictim Trope, SA, SH, Abusive Relationship, Abusive Parenting, CSA
Okay So My New OCs In Development Are Joey(Joseph) Wang And Tracy Weaver
Joey Fact: He Is Cisgender And The Embodiment Of Toxic Masculinity So He Goes By He/Him Prns He’s Also A Closeted In Denial Gay Dude Which Is Why He Targets Tracy For Being So Openly And Shamelessly Queer, Joseph “Tell Me Your Prns So I Can Bully You Correctly” Wang Except The Only Reason He Cares To Correctly Gender Tracy Is So He Doesn’t Get Painted As A Woman Beater, Homophobic “Physical Discipline” Defender Father Mixed With Boymom “My Little Boy Would Never” Mother Made This Dickbag, He Could Make A Long List Of Reasons Why He Bullies Tracy But One Of The Big Ones(Not Including The One Above) Is That Tracy Is Very Attractive And He’s Also Sadistic AF And Likes To See Tracy In Pain, He’s A SH’er But Only On The Inside Of His Upper Arms And Inner Thighs So It’s Easier To Hide
Tracy Facts: He Is Transgender And His Sexuality Is Unlabeled His Prns Are He/They With A Pref For He/Him, He Is A Big Pushover With Terrible Self-Worth Issues But Despite He Is Very Sassy And Frequently Snaps Back At Joey Despite Knowing It’ll Get Him Slapped, Tracy’s Mom Divorced His Father After He Got Outed For And Charged With CSEA Unfortunately For Her She Unintentionally Got Into A Relationship With Another Child Predator After The Worst Part Is This Time It’s Her Child(Tracy) Being SA’d, Even Though His Mothers BF Has Continued To SA Tracy Since The Start Of Their Relationship He Doesn’t Have The Heart To Tell His Mom She Unintentionally Got With Another Predator So She Is Unaware, SH’er With A Good Chunk Of Scars, He Has An Older Brother And Younger Sister, The Reason Why His Moms BF Doesn’t Abuse His Siblings Like He Does Tracy Is That He Uses Tracy’s SH As Blackmail Threatening To Tell His Mom If He Doesn’t Keep Quiet And He Doesn’t Have That Power Over His Siblings
Facts About Their Relationship: Joey And Tracy Met In Middle School And Joey Has Been Bullying Tracy Ever Since(For Context Both Of Them Are Highschool Seniors), Joeys Teasing And Name Calling Turned Into Being Physically Violent Towards Tracy And Harassment Eventually Joey Started Straight Up SA’ing Tracy Bc “It’s Not Gay If It’s Bullying”, The Thing That Made Joey Realize How Kinda Evil He Was Being Was When He Raped Tracy In The Unisex School Bathroom Looking At Tracy Crumpled Up On The Ground Just Crying No Sassy Comeback And No Attempt At Fighting Made Him Think “Wow So Maybe I’m Satan Reincarnated”, After The Bathroom Incident Joey Started Being Nicer To Tracy Leaving Them Super Confused And Unintentionally Developing A Bigger Crush On Him Than They Already Had(Tracy Being The Little Freak They Are Got Totally Wet Everytime Joey Beat Their Ass) Which Is How They Ended Up Dating, Just As Tracy Got Comfortable In Their Relationship Joey Slowly Started Hitting Them And Talking Down To Them Again But This Time In The Abusive BF Way Not The Bully Way
Sorry For Such A Long Post And The Very Chunky Formatting If You Wanna Know More Just Ask Me And I Will Happily Make More Rant Post Abt Them
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weirdass-cryptid · 4 months
What do you call it if your cousin pressures you to do the dirty (you're young and a huge pushover) and you didn't even know what it was so you accept, but when it happens, you are even more confused and let it continue and now your older and wondering why the hell you let it happen in the first place?
Like what do you call that? Does it fall under the SA umbrella, or is it too far off? Does it have to be a specific way? Does SA even have an umbrella?
Just asking :,)
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djeterg19 · 10 months
Hello 👋 rank the ofs character from favorite to least favorite
Thanks for the ask! Disclaimer that this is just my personal opinion and who I like and relate to. YMMV.
1. Mew - honestly very similar to me and very relatable and therefore my absolute favorite. You want to take me on a date? Laser tag and a bookstore are perfect. You want to basically propose to me? Decorate the room with paper flowers made from old books. That's also the way to my heart.
2. Top - I love him and totally see why Mew loves him. Treated badly by the narrative and the characters. Basically the punching bag for most of the series and never got to deal with his family issues OR his trauma OR his insomnia. Forever bitter about how he got shafted.
3. Chuem - I know a lot of people didn't like her but I do for the most part and would probably interact with the group in a similar way in most situations.
4. Nick - baby has problems with boundaries and changing himself to fit what others want him to be but I love my nasty boy even if he should be in jail.
5. Sand - I hope he's happy with Ray but I could never be like him. I would never put up with how Ray treats him and think of it as love. Too much of a pushover for me. And yeah let's not forget he participated in revenge porn which is very illegal and just an awful thing to do. All because he got dumped.
6. Ray - I hated that he didn't face consequences for his actions. The drunk driving was just brushed under the rug. He never really apologized to anyone for what he did. He always apologized but for vague things or for something other than the main offense. I hated that he got away with screaming at Mew for not having sex with him and for cheating on Mew and Mew just... made it seem like no big deal. They didn't deal with his recovery hardly at all and he was magically fixed. His story was not satisfying to me at all.
7. Boston - no this has nothing to do with him being slutty. If he had just slept around unabashedly he would probably be my 2nd or 3rd favorite but he SA Top on more than one occasion and wanted to have sex with him to "prove" he was better than Mew. He's a terrible person who didn't regret anything other than being found out.
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steampunkforever · 5 months
For a film tackling historical drama whose narrative commonly revolves around British Special Operations, 6 Days was surprisingly sophisticated.
In cinema, the figure of the terrorist is an easy target. You can scam them out of uranium, steal their machine guns (ho ho ho), or send secret agents to foil their plans. The terrorist on film has always been an easy way of deploying martial force without offending any specific government. After 9/11 this amplified but really since the 60s you could slap an AK in the hands of someone brown or slavic and you had the perfect badguy scapegoat to perforate onscreen. You see this in media as varied as the Dirty Harry movies, Marvel films, and even serious historical dramas like Spielberg's Munich. Simple common sense dictates that audiences aren't receptive to attacks on civilians, and therefore it's easy (even lazy) to write terrorists as antagonists, especially when you don't need the audience to think too hard about it. 6 Days doesn't do this.
What I felt 6 Days handled very well was balancing the three sides of the conflict. Munich, in part being a propaganda film, couldn't balance both sides of its conflict enough to provide a good understanding of what the PLO actually wanted, but 6 Days manages to do a solid job of equally tackling the viewpoints of SAS, the terrorists, and the police trying to negotiate the hostage situation will as little bloodshed as possible.
This wouldn't be as impressive if it wasn't for the fact that the real life Iranian Embassy Siege has always been presented as a win for Thatcher and the SAS. Which from a material standpoint, it was. Maggie's in power and she's not a pushover, here's an exhibition of what her SepcOps assassin team can do if you think she's not gonna back it up. Politically important considering the ongoing situation in Ireland at the time, but political narratives tend to exist as flat narratives. Movies are not slogans, after all. At least not the good ones.
6 Days handles the Iranian terrorists with relative sensitivity. The terrorists were a group of arabs rebelling against persian oppressors in Arabistan by targeting the Iranian embassy in London, which is a cause most narratives barely touch upon. At the same time these people took hostages and ended up killing two of them, and overly sympathetic portrayals would be morally irresponsible. It's a bit of a tightrope act, but the movie manages it by informing us on the motivations of the hostage takers through extensive dialog with the police hostage negotiators.
The negotiators themselves are the linchpin for the entire film, frankly. Where the terrorists started the siege with violence and the SAS operators are waiting in the wings to end it with violence, the negotiators are the ones focused on peaceful resolution, finding themselves dealing with an administration that requests no smokescreen during the SAS operation so the whole world can see the assault begin. It's an interesting element to add to a film where most would focus on the sexy guys in balaclavas, and I appreciate that they didn't push aside the negotiators as ineffective nerds who don't own MP5s.
We do eventually get to the SAS operators. The siege ends in gunfire after all, and the movie doesn't deny us shots of men in with MP5s fast-roping down the side of the embassy, no matter how accurate the action really is. This is a movie, after all and the facts of the matter (as well as in-depth explainers of arab geopolitics) must yield to dramatic storytelling. Either way, the film surprised me in a good way.
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lowkeyhell · 5 months
Thing I want to talk about. Pt 2
It happened. Wala na, tapos na. I'm already inlove.
Fuck feelings, fuck everything. Talo na ba ko?
Right now, what I'm feeling is kaba and takot. It feels like I want to vomit everytime naiisip ko na I'm inlove already. I want to cry, I feel so kawawa hahaha.
Why? Sabi nga nila diba, sa una lang magagaling yung mga guys. I mean that's true pero wth, ilang buwan palang you're already pulling back? Like that's so fast, di ko manlang naenjoy yung pagiging magaling mo kasi what you made me feel everyday is a mix of hot and cold.
Alright, I know that I'm also difficult. I'm also confusing. I don't know what I want. We treat each other as lovers. I want us to be lovers. Pero bakit ganon? Pinapafeel mo na agad sakin na di ako yung priority mo. You can't even reply to my messages immediately. Take note, naguumpisa palang tayo ha. I would totally understand if we are already years together. Like wtf?
Ganon ba ko ka pushover sometimes kaya akala mo di ako nagagalit everytime you don't give your attention to me? I'm fucked up kasi sabi ko ayoko ng relationship pero eto ako ngayong naghihintay ng chat mo.
Dati ang dalas natin magusap, nagrereply ka agad. You give off this vibe na pwede kita kausapin ng kahit ano pero ngayon I'm scared of what you'll react. Ganon ba kalala yung di ko pagbibigay ng boundaries? Like wtf. I want to be out of this bullshit relationship na pero I'm also scared of moving on phase na naman. I'm also scared of losing you. Right now, I don't know if its because mawawala yung ka play time ko or dahil mahal na kita. I'm super confused and hurt. Feeling ko kapag pinagana ko yung utak ko, mababaliw ako any second. I want to wake up from this dream of you loving me unconditionally haha.
I just want to pour my feelings out. Gusto kita tanungin kung ano na bang balak mo sa relationship natin kasi mukhang wala ka namang balak. You also just want to have a good time without responsibilities of a fully commited relationship. But of course, nasa utak ko to lahat. Di pa naman kita tinatanong eh hahaha.
You know, I'm just waiting na magstart na ko sa work para mabusy ule ako. Kasi alam ko mas madali akong makaka moved on sa no label relationship na to if I'm super busy. Not me waiting for you to reply for hours. Tapos nonsense lang yung usapan.
You know, I tried doing dating apps again. Talking to someone new, yung wholesome, yung deep talks. Pero I'm too tired ulit ulitin nalang lagi yung getting to know stage. I'm just tired of everything.
I want to talk to you about us, pero whenever we're together yung vibe is wala lang. I can't open anything kasi I'm too scared na baka madissappoint lang ako sa mga sagot mo. Sometimes, I miss you a lot na kapag magkasama na tayo ayoko mag open ng complicated topics kasi ayoko masira yung mood natin.
Pero this time, I would stand my ground na. I will talk to you about your plans. I don't to waste time anymore. I think I'm done with it na. If I sense na wala kang balak to improve yourself for me, I would get out. Even if it hurts, even if I will move on again. I will ask na. I'm done. I'm scared. I'm tired.
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theintrovertmind · 1 year
Why won't my tears stop? Why do people hurt me this much? Was I caring too much? Was I too hopeful that they would care the way I do? I thought it would stop after my panic attacks but it didn't. Masakit na ang ulo ko pero umiiyak pa rin ako. Sobra lang akong nasasaktan at hindi ko alam kung paano matitigil ang sakit na nararamdaman ko. Masyado siguro akong sensitive. Masyadong magtiwala. Masama bang magbigay ng chance? Dapat ba naging bastos na lang ako para hindi nila ako maparamdam sa akin iyong sakit na nararamdaman ko ngayon? How I wish. They treated us like trash. Like... we're pushovers. Sana kayang bawasan ng sama ng loob ang pagmamahal mo sa tao pero hindi. Even though nasaktan nyo ako, hindi ko alam. Pakiramdam ko ang tanga ko kasi kahit ganito kayo sa akin... mahal ko pa rin kayo. Maybe I have trust issues but it does not mean na nabawasan ang pagmamahal at iyon ang mahirap kasi kayo... alam ko sa sarili ko na ang pagmamahal na mayroon kayo sa akin was not to that extent. And I feel sorry to myself because I had to deal with it and accept na hindi lahat ng tao ay mamahalin ka katulad ng pagmamahal mo. I am sorry that I had to expect a lot of pain in this lifetime because I love too much.
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dearestxxyou · 2 years
Getting tired and tired..
Iniisip ko kung kailan ako makakawala sa phase na ito.. nandito nanaman ako kasi wala naman ako mapagsasabihan.. sa totoo lang, pagod na pagod na ako. Gusto ko na lang gumising isang araw na tapos na lahat ng pinoproblema ko.
Nakakapagod na kasi.. pagod na pagod nako.. Habang tumatagal mas pumupurol na yung utak ko, mas tinatamad nakong kumilos..
Nawawalan na ako ng energy.. pakiramdam ko kasi para na lang akong pushover.. Wala naman talagang may pakialam..
Gusto ko magmura.. ang tanga-tanga ko lang kasi.. kitang-kita naman ng dalawang mata ko.. malinaw na malinaw pa interpretasyon ko.. pero pilit ko pa rin pinapalagpas.. kasi iniisip ko baka naman.. baka naman worth it ito sa dulo.. baka naman sa dulo mabigyan ako ng halaga..
Gusto ko lang naman mabigyan ng halaga.. pero parang hanggang salita lang naman lahat sila.. bakit hindi ko maramdaman.. naiinis ako.. hindi ko alam baka nagagalit na talaga ako.. gusto kong magsabi ng mga masasamang salita, gusto ko murahin sarili ko bakit ang tanga-tanga ko.. frustrated na frustrated nako.. gusto ko na lang mawalan ng meaning sa mundo..
Ayoko na magbigay ng pakialam pero.. wala akong magawa.. pagod na pagod na pagod nako..
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etoile-melancolique · 2 years
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Napapagal na ako.
Pagal pagal na ako.
Gusto ko like mag sarabog tonight, pero dae ko aram kung isay ang dudulukan ko.
Magabaton ang namamati ko.
Mapagalon maging mabuot sa mga taong importante saimo pero tg ttake advantage ka lang. Mapagalon mag para tios na okay lang pero dae man. Mapagalon mabastos tapos matimpi lang. Mapagalon pag sisihon maski sala ninda. Mapagalon sumbatan tapos dae mo ugaling manumbat. MAPAGALON NA. MAPAGALON ANG NAMAMATI KO. MAPAGALON PIRMI ANG DAE VINAVALIDATE ANG PAG MATI MO. MAPA GALON MAGING PUSHOVER. MAPAGALON ANG DAE TATAO MAG PARA NO SA MGA TAO.
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