#sasusaku one shot
astratolia · 2 years
Skipping Heartbeats
Pairing: SasuSaku
Warnings: N/A
Rating: T
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Though Sasuke wasn't sure what he was feeling, he was never good with emotions or controlling them anyways, but what he could discern in his hazy state of mind was that he hasn't felt so relaxed in years.
If he was a little more sober however, and if his satisfied and tired state wasn't actually making his vision terrible and make it seem like the room was a blur of colours, he would have realised sooner the warm and soft sensation that clung on his side.
Sasuke froze. He could clearly see the traces of familiar pink hair, spreading around his pillows and covering her cleavage from his eyes. Sakura's face was the definition of peaceful as she cuddled him, lips pressing against his collar bone.
Her leg was thrown over his thigh, caging him within her arms, as if she was afraid he would disappear at any given moment.
His eyes softened, his only hand coming up to cradle the nape of her neck. His thumb grazed softly her cheekbone, trailing it down to her jawline.
Touch feather-like, he brought her head closer and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, smirking against them when he felt her going lax.
The taste of whiskey burned on his tongue.
He cut her off with another kiss, this time the action harsher, more passionate.
The surprised sound she emitted turned into a delighted little moan, sounds of which he swallowed by licking her lips, slipping the tip of his tongue slightly inside to flick her teeth.
She immediately pressed herself on him, trying to mold their bodies together.
She was the one to break away from him first, face red and eyes glimmering from bashfulness. She was breathing heavily, the blush spreading far down her neck and to her chest.
He kissed her again, lips proceeding to place a trail of warmth down her throat, over her collarbones, and find home within the valley of her chest.
"Did your plan work?" He muttered against the underside of her bosom, eyes flicking up to see her look like a surprised doe.
"You- You knew--"
"About you wanting me to get on your pants?"
"Gah!" She covered her face with her hands, but she couldn't hide away the blush from his eyes. "How could you say it like that?!"
Sakura couldn't dare to pull her hands away from her face, but she didn't have to because someone else did it for her. Sasuke grasped her wrists in one hand, and her heart skipped a beat as he laid her down on the mattress, himself proceeding to straddle her.
He loomed over her, eyes as dark as the night, and lips pulled up into something dangerous that made her want to run away and pull him down with her at the same time.
"Well," He trailed off. "consider me successfully seduced."
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abby-the-druid · 30 days
Shooting Star
SasukexSakura AU. "Sakura what are you doing?" She was lying on the pier, watching the stars waltz across the sky. "I'm waiting for my wish to come true, Sasuke, and I saw a shooting star tonight." M. Reposted from Fanfiction.net (find me there at A.Rose.Love).
Shooting Star
Hair swirled around the base of her neck, thanks to the wind rushing in through the window. Clutched in her fingers was a blue BIC pen that shakily circled the name of a town written in black on a map of the country.
The circled town was small and large, exactly opposite of what they were looking for, but it included everything they needed. People claimed it was beautiful, with lush trees and jade colored grasses. Surrounded by tall buildings that glistened like stardust at night. She had dreamed of going there ever since she was a little girl.
"There." She spoke loudly, attempting to overpower the noise flooding in from the open windows. Other vehicles roared by, barely hiding the rattling engine of his beat up old car. Her green eyes flitted from the paper and up to the male beside her. "That's where we're headed."
"Let me see Sakura."
She passed the slightly crinkled object into his much larger digits. One hand gripped the steering wheel as the other lifted the paper into a safer line of vision. After glancing at it for a few seconds, he nodded and gave it back to her.
Sakura folded it and clutched it in her lap; the circled city was at the top. Emerald outlined the rough edges of the BIC line, tracing and retracing their path.
"That's okay, right Sasuke?" He made a noise that was somewhere between a grunt and a mumble. "Because if it's too far and you don't w-"
"Sakura, you can have anything you want."
There was an odd leap in her chest, but she couldn't help smiling a bit. Her fingers gripped the edge of the map, the pad of her thumb running over the corners. "Thank you." And that was all she could say.
The car continued to rumble down the highway. Loose pieces of gravel crunched underneath the tires as lights flickered on and off like dying flames in the buildings they passed. The sun had long since disappeared along the horizon, but they were chasing it west.
The moon showed up a few hours later, when she was just about to nod off. Nothing but a crescent, the only lunar piece to be left behind. A clouded gaze lifted as she watched with shinning eyes, and somewhere in her guts, she knew she wouldn't ever feel the same again.
x. o. x. o.
It was different with her beside him.
The car ride took another day, but seemed to only take moments. The way she smiled when he pointed out the approaching coastline, and how she looked so young and peaceful in her sleep, he wanted to protect her forever. It made his heart beat in a way he hadn't ever felt before, and in a way he knew it would never beat again.
The sun was rising, and everything was orange. Tinted and tinged in a healthy glow. The green in her eyes was vivid and deep. She smiled up at him again, reaching for one of his hands, which he immediately gave her.
Sakura could have anything.
"This is it," her head was resting against his shoulder. He wondered if she could hear the blood pounding hard, almost painfully, through his veins. "We're here Sasuke."
The beach wasn't as lonely with her against his side, and the ocean wasn't so big. When he looked up at the stars, they didn't seem so far away. She made everything easier, and happier, and he just wanted to keep her around forever.
She tasted like salt when he finally kissed her. Damp, with a bit of sweat and a lot of ocean. But it left his mouth dry, and wanting to taste hers again.
The sand was rough, and the water was cold, but she arched her back, and she smiled in the silver moonlight, and he couldn't help but meet her in the act.
There were dimples on her lower back he hadn't known about before, and a short scar right beside her navel. She saw the birthmark on his ribcage and she kissed it. He feathered his mouth over the marks on her wrists as the waves lapped up against their toes.
Sakura giggled when he had to chase after his boxers, which had been floating away at high tide. Their fingers were laced together, two parts of the same chorus, and made their way slowly up to his beat-up car, following nothing but the sliver of light granted by the moon and stars.
He kissed her again, once they were completely dressed and no longer soaking wet, but that time she just tasted like him.
x. o. x. o.
"I just don't believe in it Sasuke. I can't."
His eyes narrowed only minimally, but he nodded none the less, before opening his own mouth.
"You have to understand that I do."
Her eyes looked like broken stars, filled with ocean water and tears. There were still pieces of sand sticking to her skin and she pressed closer to him. Glancing into his dark irises, she bit her lip and then looked at the water. "I know."
But she said it quietly and weakly. It left him thinking of almost anything else.
He let her hold onto him for another second before taking her hands and resting them on his neck. His fingers reached back down and took her waist against warm palms. With a breath and no music, he started to walk them from side to side, switching steps now and then.
Soon she was twirling and smiling again. Her feet kicked up the sand, and the ocean made crashing sounds somewhere off behind them. Silver light clung to their skin, and caused her eyes to look even larger in the darkness. Their feet carried them to the empty streets, not even the homeless were there to mar the emptiness.
"You have to know I mean it, Sakura."
She stopped mid-twirl, fingers flinching a little in his. But she remained quiet, letting him hang there with an incredible weight pressing in his guts. When she nodded he found that he could breathe again.
"I know."
x. o. x. o.
Light at night was cold and heartless to him. Neon bar signs, advertisements for naked and dancing women. When Sakura wasn't with him ladies would walk up to him, with barely anything on. With large breasts and exposed thighs, they smiled and asked if he wanted a good night. They told him they could make him happy.
He always replied no.
She loved looking at the lights. The neon ones, the glancing kind that ricocheted from windows and mirrors. The type that reflected off the churning ocean water. They were mesmerizing and beautiful, fleeting and temporary. Just like she was. A flame being smothered.
But her favorites were the ones that traveled from millions of miles away. Ones that could be dead or dying light-years away.
"Sasuke, they're all wishes. All of them up there…. Each one is someone's wish. Stuck up there… just waiting to come true."
He let her watch them in silence, because it was the only way to see her smile anymore. Running away hadn't helped, and he couldn't stop himself from thinking about the map in his glove compartment. The one with the BIC circle. The desired town they had reached; the one that was supposed to hold some twisted salvation. But after a handful of heartbeats, even with his fear of a broken smile, he opened his mouth.
"What about the falling stars? What do they mean?"
The grin on her face widened to his relief, and she brushed damp pieces of bubble-gum pink hair over her ear. There was a moment where he could see the scars that laced her together. Emerald glanced from his darkness back to the glistening silvers and golds.
"Those are the wishes that come true. They fall to you through the cosmos, through the damn atmosphere and down here…. Down to us on Earth."
x. o. x. o.
She was crying, diamonds on cream colored skin. And blood was everywhere. Across the bathroom floor and splattered in the white, basin sink. Red ran from her fingertips and she couldn't help but whimper on the cold, tiled, hotel flooring.
He spoke her name softly, and didn't flinch at the sight that met his black eyes. She was thin, skinnier than what would be considered healthy, and he picked up her bones before cradling her against his chest. She borrowed his warmth with permission and he felt her relax.
"My damn wishes." She nuzzled into him, fingertips leaving crimson smudges on his t-shirt. Her blood felt hot against his flesh. "My goddamn wishes never come true. I just want to forget, why can't I just forget?"
"I don't know," he whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I don't know Sakura, but I'd do anything if I could just help you."
Her toes curled as noise escaped her throat. Her pretty features were twisted. Fuchsia brows furrowed low and her mouth warped in a grimace. Crimson and clear water mixed together as her eyes continued to leak. The blood was still coming out of puckered and mutilated slashes.
"Sasuke, I'm sorry." Her voice was barely recognizable, somewhere between a moan and a whisper. "I'm sorry I'm a screw up…. I'm sorry for doing this to you… I'm so sorry I'm broken and used."
"It's not your fault." He murmured, folding her arms closer to him. She was always so cold when these episodes happened. "He did this, it wasn't your choice. You have to understand it's not your fault."
"Then why did he do it—Sasuke why did this happen?"
He wanted to answer her, with every atom and nucleus in his being he wanted to have an answer. One that would make her understand she wasn't truly broken. But there wasn't an answer for that, there would never be an answer for that.
"I don't know." It was weak, and he wanted to punch himself, but what was there to say when you knew a beautiful girl who had been raped?
x. o. x. o.
The ride back wasn't nearly as promising. With summer finally coming to a close and fall looming around the corner, it was a ride stuck in a time warp.
She had one of his hoodies wrapped around her shoulders and a shell necklace strung along her collarbone. The deep green sleeves still smelled like the ocean, but they smelled like him too. A mix of salt water, car oil, something with spice, and a little bit of her pineapple perfume. It was an odd combination that was borderline insanity, but she loved to breathe it in. It was her third favorite thing in the whole world.
"What's your dad going to say?" she questioned quietly. There hadn't been an authorized vacation for him, and knowing his family Sakura knew the older man would be having a heart attack.
Not for fear, or worry. But for irritation.
Sasuke shrugged. "It doesn't matter."
She bit at her lips, and breathed his scent in again. She glanced out the window. It wasn't fun driving in the day. The only things to look at were trees and houses. There wasn't any light except that from the sun, and it didn't swim and coruscate like the nightlights did. "I'm sorry," she began to mumble. "You're going t-"
"Please," he cut her off gently. "Please stop apologizing to me." He glanced at her. "I made the decision. I wanted to take you." He reached for her hand and wrapped it in his. "It doesn't matter what happens, Sakura, I'm with you."
When she smiled he knew she didn't truly believe him. She never did.
x. o. x. o.
Her tiny voice came from his window, from the middle of the leafy bushes and dying flowers. "Sasuke?" she repeated, tapping quite delicately on the glass of his window. It woke him with a start, but when his eyes landed on her fluorescent pink hair, he jumped up and opened the latch, quickly collecting her in his arms.
She was shaking, cold and thin, with tears glistening over her cheeks.
He mumbled her name and pressed his lips to her temple. Murmuring soft words of encouragement and whispers of love into the petal-pink of her hair.
It became normal, as the year moved on, for her to show up in his bed somewhere in the middle of the night.
Nothing but shivering bones and tear-stained cheeks, she'd look at him with broken eyes, but she always came to him. Wrapped herself in his arms, and his warmth, and found some sort of safety net in the vicinity of his heart.
And for him, that was enough.
Breathing in his scent, the spice and oil, with some of her perfume still sticking to his skin, it calmed her nerves and caused her blood to flow just that much slower. The moon would paint them in silver light, and Sasuke would get up and lock the bedroom door. They would fall silent when footsteps could be heard from the hallway behind his wooden barricade. When the sounds would fall away he'd kiss her again.
When the sun rose outside, peering behind clouds and peeking around leaves, it flowed in from the windows. Waking the male, but the female was still tucked safely against his side, shielded from the entire world, even the sun, as long as she stayed beside him.
She breathed in even clips, and her lashes lay pale and long against cream skin. Sasuke nestled closer to her, holding her to his chest, because if he could just get her close enough to his heart, he could protect her from everything. She'd never have to worry or panic again, and the skin on her wrists might actually have time to heal correctly. She'd look peaceful and happy in her waking hours, as much as she did in her sleeping moments.
He became accustomed to seeing her face every day he woke up.
x. o. x. o.
And then one day, he didn't.
It was a day in early spring, she didn't show up, and she didn't contact him. There was nothing but an empty part to his bed, and something in his chest that ached with the idea that she wasn't there beside him. It threw his whole day off when he woke up and didn't see her pretty face, or kiss the pink hairs on her head.
There were calls made, and text messages sent. Where are you?'s and Sakura, please talk to me.'s, and a few Are you okay?'s. But the phone turned out disconnected and when he went to her house, her mother shook her head.
"Sasuke, I'm sorry. I don't know where she is. She just decided to leave. We tried to stop her, but she's nineteen. She refused to tell us where she was going and just said that she'd be in contact with us."
There was an awkward silence as the male stared blankly at his only connection to the girl who meant everything to him. He could remember kissing her wrists and how warm she was against his stomach. Especially the way she smiled and how her tongue felt when she discovered his new belly button ring.
"Y-you don't know?"
The woman shook her head, and after another round of apologies, and I'm sure she's fine. He was turned away from the door, and sent on his way back home.
The sky above him seemed to dull. From the vibrant and deep sapphire blue to a washed out, cheap version. The clouds lay in lazy wisps, no tufts or towering entities. The sun dimmed without her by his side. Puttering coming from passing cars fell into a haze, mixing seamlessly with his father's new lawnmower and his older brother mixing power drinks in the blender.
Tweeting from the birds didn't even sound the same. It was springtime, that was their time. When they met, six years previous. When they were just young, before either one of them had been blemished by more than a scraped knee. Before he found out what her uncle had been doing to her. The flowers were usually so vivid, rubies and amethysts strewn across a base of jade. But without her? It was nothing.
x. o. x. o.
There was a lot of threatening and cursing coming in torrents from his father when Sasuke finally decided to pack his bag and find her.
"You won't be coming back here, I'll be damned if you throw your entire life away from some screw up who doesn't dese-"
The door slammed shut then as the teenager stalked out to the dilapidated car. It banged open again with another bout of cursing. His small mother stood in the empty doorway, watching him with similar black eyes. She didn't smile or frown, but simply watched as he tossed the backpack into the passenger's seat and started the engine.
"I'm telling you that you're not going!" it was another scream from his father, who had moved to stand in front of the hood, blocking the pathway. "You're not going, and if you come back here I'll call the cops."
There was a moment of stunned silence as the two males faced each other, but when the older man had a sharp intake of breath, Sasuke's mother finally spoke.
"Fugaku, let him go."
Shock colored his face, but her words caused him to stumble around the vehicle to have a better look at her, and when she said nothing else, the twenty year old sped from the driveway and hit the open road.
He started with her favorite restaurants, and the clubs she went to when she wanted to try and forget things. He visited the college she went to for a brief period, and found no one with any information about a Sakura Haruno.
He kicked one of the tires, about a week later, when it went flat along the highway as it started to rain. He cursed and told himself that the water running over his face was only there because the sky was pissing on him. But he couldn't deny the awkward gasps that pushed their way out of his lungs.
His wrenched open the passenger's door and dug through the glove compartment, searching for a wrench, hair dripping water down into his eyes, when his fingers caught on a crumpled piece of paper. Pulling it out delicately, trying to keep it as dry as possible, his heart gave a lurch.
There was a city typed in black on a crumpled map, and surrounding it was a shakily drawn circle, in blue ink.
A crumpled map that he had looked at over nine months before. He swore to himself and set it carefully back down onto the fabric covered seat. Reaching gently for the wrench, he looked outside and suddenly there was a little more color in his world.
x. o. x. o.
The ride took forever when he was just by himself. She wasn't there to laugh with him or brighten the small spaces with her smile. The gas pedal remained firmly pressed against the floor. He was getting closer to her with every passing mile, and he had to try to remind himself that she might not be there.
When the coast line came into view his chest ached again, and could remember the way she grinned when he pointed it out to her the first time they had decided to pass through. That summer seemed like years ago.
The sun started to sink by the time he made it to their hotel lobby. There was a blonde woman behind the receptionist desk, bubble gum cracking between her teeth; she looked bored with blank blue eyes. When he stepped forward she sat up a little straighter and smiled, quickly forgetting the gum in her mouth. "May I help you sir?"
He bit at his lower lip, and looked around the lobby area. There were a few people waiting on the paisley couches.
"I just…" he coughed and tucked his hands into his pockets. "Is there a pink haired girl around here?"
"I-I'm sorry but I can't-"
"You don't understand." His voice came out more desperate than he wanted; the colors were already starting to drain. If she wasn't here he didn't know where she'd be. "I'm not… I'm not asking information about her, or how she's paying or where she comes from. I just need to know if you've seen a pink haired girl around."
The blonde woman opened and closed her mouth, shocked and surprised, with pale brows raised up into her hair line.
"Please," he repeated, and he felt the back of his neck warm with embarrassment. "I need to know."
He was about to turn around and leave when she finally nodded her head, and tapped a BIC pen in her fingertips. "Yes." She said softly. "A really thin, really broken looking pink haired girl." She nodded again and glanced down at the papers in front of her. "Yes, she's been around."
Relief flooded through his guts. "Thank you." He gave her a smile and pivoted on his feet and started to walk quickly towards the entranceway.
"She likes the pier." He stopped and turned to look at the woman. She had stood up, and watched him with her brows still knitted. "She goes down every night. I don't know why, or what for. But that's where she goes." Sasuke went to leave again, but once more the female's voice stopped him. "If you know her, please help her. She needs someone to take care of her."
He spared her a glance, and then headed quickly for the pier, a picture fresh in his mind of the way she stared up at the stars.
x. o. x. o.
When he found her, she was laying on her back, watching the stars waltz slowly across the stratosphere. Her shoulders were still bone-thin and her shirt stuck to her skin, laden with saltwater. She was humming some sort of song he never heard before, and he wondered somewhere in the back of his mind if she had been drinking that night.
"Sakura," he said softly, and took tentative steps towards her.
There was a soft giggle before she actually sat up. "Oh," emerald orbs were glazed over. "I thought I was hallucinating." She smiled and let herself fall back onto the concrete. "It seemed like this would be the time to start hallucinating again." There was another chuckle emitting from her throat. "I mean, there's a lot of blood."
Once she mentioned it, he noticed it. Outlined in the moon glow, he could see the crimson glittering against the pavement. Her arms were slashed open again.
"Sakura, what are you doing?"
"Hopefully I'm dying, Sasuke." Her eyes rolled back into her head a little. "It's been my new wish for a while now, and I saw a shooting star tonight."
He jogged the last few feet to be by her side, and picked her up once again. Cradling her against his chest, he could feel where her vertebrae connected and the way her shoulder blades stuck out like knives.
She was immediately struck by his warmth, and wondered why she hadn't realized she had been so freezing cold. There was a breeze blowing past, and his scent drifted up into her nostrils, and calm fell over her, just like it had before. The aroma of salt and spice, mixed with oil and sweat. The only thing that was missing was the underlying tone of her sweet pineapple, and she recognized with some sadness, how much it affected the entire smell.
"This can't be your new wish, Sakura." She felt something wet fall against her face, and realized with wide eyes, that there was water coursing down his cheeks. "This can't be it; I wasn't here to protect you."
"It's not your-"
"Yes it is," he shook his head. "Don't you get it? It's my responsibility; it's my right to protect you. It's my fault that you're here right now. Sakura, when I said I loved you, I meant it—I do mean it. I don't care if you don't believe in it, I do. When I said that, I didn't say it for you, I said it for me. I want to protect you; I want to be the person you turn to." She opened her mouth but no words came out. "Damn it, Sakura, that wasn't your star. Your star didn't fall yet."
"I'm sorry." She whispered.
"You better be. Do you know what it's like to not be with you?" he kissed her. "Don't make me wake up without you ever again…. Please, I can't stand it."
x. o. x. o.
They were holding hands, walking along the sand. It washed in the tide over their toes, and the pink haired girl couldn't help but look up at the male beside her.
Seeing a psychiatrist had helped. With the impulse to cut herself, and the desire to always blame herself. Sasuke smiled when she would come home and tell him all the things she started to see, and she could tell how happy he was when she actually began to eat. She realized that it wasn't her fault, even though she'd always struggle with it.
Ino, the receptionist, popped in now and again. They had become fast friends, all three of them, and quickly introduced a blond male named Naruto into the group. He could make Sasuke smile as much as Sakura could.
They lived together, in a small apartment somewhere a little off of the beach. With a view of the city and the ocean, it gave the pink haired girl all the lights she could look at, at any time of day. They spoke of his family once, but there wasn't much to say. Fugaku didn't want to hear from them, and cut them away from the family.
The scars on her wrists started to fade, but they would always be there, a permanent reminder of the destructive years, but also a monument to what she would become.
Her bubble-gum pink hair fluttered a bit, the sun started to sink below the horizon and the beach dwellers began to disperse. Children ran laughing and screaming as their parents stalked after them. Other teenagers held hands and flirted before vacating the sand and leaving it for only them.
"Did I ever say thank you?" Sakura asked gently.
He shrugged. "For what?"
She grinned and bounced up onto her tiptoes to kiss him. "For being the salvation I've always looked for, for being my star."
He pulled her closer to him as his tongue pressed against hers. "You don't have to say thank you, I told you, I love you."
"I… I love you too Sasuke." She giggled when he picked her up and twirled her through the air; she laced her arms around his neck. He let her back on the ground and they watched each other for a moment before heading back to their own apartment, hands still tied together.
"Hm?" he asked quietly, pulling the blankets up over them, black eyes glancing up at the framed map that hung on the wall. There was a shaky circle around the name of a town. Lights danced in through the multitude of windows, but for once her emerald eyes weren't glued to their coruscating paths.
"Did I tell you I saw a shooting star on the way home from the hospital, those weeks ago?" he shook his head and pressed close to her, wrapping his arms around her before she had the chance to move away. "Do you know what I wished for?"
He shook his head again, and when she smiled he couldn't help but smile back. "What did you wish for Sakura?"
She bit at her lip. "I actually wished for two things… I wished that you'd always be with me." Her fingers trailed down his stomach. "And I wished that I'd have the chance to play with your bellybutton ring again… If you'll allow it."
He couldn't help but smile at her. "Sakura, you can have anything you want." And then he kissed her.
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we await the floods
Read on Ao3
  For cherrytomoeto, by silentvoicescryingout
The sun is bright, the air warm and fragrant. The silence of the forest is hardly that at all; each second and the transient modicums in between are filled with ambient noise. Wind whistling through trees, water trickling over rocks. A bird cawing here, a wild hare snuffling through dry grass there. Creatures cooing, the earth singing its quiet, yet reverberant song. 
In the midst of it all stands an imposing, lone creature. Tall, lithe and dark of mane, sharp-mouthed and fine-jawed. Eyes that glow deep red like burning embers.
“What brings you here, small one?” says the figure, voice rich and deep. 
Sakura rises from her haunches, clutching her woven basket against her side. As she approaches, the light from the sun shining above beats down over her head, fractals of rose and gold reflecting off her pink locks, her honeyed face. Eyes green like the mountainside, green like the moss climbing up the trunks of towering trees settle first on the coastline and then upon him.
“I am small, among many things,” she says, casting her eyes over his face for a long moment. “Nameless, I am not.”
“Sasuke,” he offers, tipping his chin ever so slightly. 
“Sasuke,” she repeats, full, berry-pink lips widening in a tiny smile as she dips her head. “Of the fire. The Fae King’s second son. I know who you are.”
“You do,” he says, blinking slowly as his red irises flicker over her face. “Who are you, then? Surely you stray far from home.”
“I am called Sakura,” she states, glancing away to peer at the small waves lapping against the sand. “And I am far from home.”
A small, dainty, bespeckled hand moves to lift the cloth resting atop the basket at her side. Spinly green shrubbery is revealed.
“I am here collecting these little plants,” she murmurs, voice soft, almost a coo as she runs her fingers lightly over the bristles. “Legend says that the best medicine could be found at the edge of the land, sprouting mere weeks before the floods.”
“And you would risk the journey and the waters for it?” Sasuke’s fine brow quirks, a quizzical glint in his eye.
They two, although separated by much distance, are both children of the Earth. It is impossible for them to cross moving waters (and how terrible would it be for the waters to cross them). Risk enough persists when one dares to even dip their toes in the swells.
Both have risked much coming to this place, daring to linger by the coast even as the sea prepares to swell.
Slender shoulders shrug, “The waters do as they must, and I know to keep my distance. I can mark the phases of the moons.”
“The waters obey no moon nor markings,” he mutters, a bitter note to the richness of his tone. “The floods come when they must, not necessarily when they should.”
“And yet you risk it,” Sakura smiles with another shrug. “I bet it’s not even for the best medicine in the world. Me , I will be helping many sick people by venturing so far.” 
“Tch,” the whites of his eyes hide the red for a moment as they roll upward. “A healer, then. I should’ve known.”
“Pardon my station, great Majesty,” the elven woman responds dryly. “Pray do not burn me to ash where I stand.”
Another scoff is carried away by a strong gust of wind and Sasuke takes a long stride forward. The gentle tide laps mere inches away from his sandaled toes and as Sakura watches with a critical eye, his knees begin a slight tremble.
“The Fae must be in an uproar with their Prince away,” her soft voice muses. 
“I go where I please.”
His legs start to shake in earnest. Green eyes bore into him as his chest rises and falls with each haggard breath. 
“Ah, in that much we are alike,” she murmurs. Sasuke’s long fingers have curled into a tight fist. “Pray step away from the water, Prince.”
His eyes narrow until mere slits of blood-red irises are visible as he peers across the glittering waves, sunlight reflecting off his pinched features.
“Pray leave me to my solitude,” he mutters, but stumbles back a step nonetheless. 
Sakura’s hands glow green and then they are pressed against his chest. Applying light pressure, she pushes him back one pace, then two, three. A coolness sinks into his over-hot flesh, a feeling like taking a seat in the cold, damp soil under the shade of a large tree after days of long-journey.
The aches of his body and his consciousness seem to slip away as they both sink to the sand. It is coarse, gritty against his palms but no more noticeable than the sensation that sweeps through him. Like a balm applied to his inside, it smooths over his muscles, below to the sinow, sinking deep (but soft, gently) into the marrow of his bones. 
“The tide rises, Prince,” Sakura’s voice is weak and yet the wintry aura does not falter. “We must move elsewhere. It weakens you.”
“ You weaken me,” he slurs, eyes burning less brightly by the moment. A flickering ember rather than simmering coal. 
“Come,” she breathes. Her small hands move to his shoulders, hauling him up to unsteady feet.
Her petite frame is bent nearly double under his weight, but she trudges forward. 
Hours, she walks. Till sweat clings the fabrics of her clothes, and her breath burns icy in her throat. Yet her grip does not falter, her arms rigid with strain as she pulls them further and further away from the waters which siphon their strength. Sasuke is limp for much of the journey, hardly conscious until the distance between them and the shore is large enough that the sounds of crashing waves muffles.
The sun is falling steadily, but beats heavy still against Sakura’s brow as she crests a tall hill. A tiny hut sits deep within a cocoon of thin trees and hanging vines and it is at an overgrown path to the doorway that the elf falls to her knees.
“Small one,” Sasuke rasps. “Here you have weakened yourself and yet admonish me for the same.”
Pink strands spill toward the ground like silk when the fairy heaves Sakura into his arms. He stumbles the entire way up to the tiny abode, but keeps a tight grip on his passenger. Sweat beads at her temples, trickling slowly down the sides of her face and pooling in her exposed clavicle. The golden hue of her skin has turned grayish and wan.
There is a layer of dust on every surface inside and so Sasuke manages to cradle the small figure against his chest with one arm briefly enough to wave his hand and send a gust of air just strong enough to remove the thickest layers.
Her lips tremble and teeth begin to chatter as he lays her down upon the low-sitting, narrow bed in a far corner of the place. 
“ Foolish elf,” says he, running his warm palms over her arms. “How can someone I’ve known for less than a day irritate me so?”
   “Ah, such gratitude… for the one who has saved you,” her voice is weak but holds its snark. “And who is he that throws around the word fool after nearly diving in the ocean swells?”
Sasuke’s face hovers above her own and their gazes lock. His hands continue their motions over her goose-pimpled skin almost absently as they stare into each other. 
“Your warmth has returned,” she murmurs. 
“It is a good thing,” he scoffs quietly, applying more weight to his fingers as he strokes over the muscles of her arms, over the knobbed joints of her wrists. “Had it not, you would have collapsed and frozen.”
“I did not collapse the entire trek here,” green pupils peer at him through the narrowed slits of her eyelids. 
“Another good thing,” he murmurs. “A thing I truly should show my gratitude for.”
“It is not necessary,” she breathes, flush returning to her cheeks. “Any other elf would have done the same.”
“Ah, kinder beings than mine,” he replies, voice low and rumbling. His skin burns hot, like a fever but not quite. “I shall thank you, nonetheless.” 
Fae were well-known for many things, but above all their thanks. Self-sufficient creatures they were, and so rarely did they need to express gratitude; they were those that gave favor, hardly did they ever receive. 
And so their thanks was a tangible thing, a gift bestowed only upon the special, the deeply appreciated.
“Are you familiar with the ways fae show gratitude?” he asks.
“I’ve heard tales,” she mumbles, staring as his face looms close.
Lips far softer than such a hard creature deserves brush lightly over her own. Pale pink lashes flutter as if taken by a breeze, and Sakura’s head lulls back against the flat and threadbare pillows. The rush of heat through her person causes deep pink to rise to the surface of her cheeks, for her pulse to quicken and her breaths to grow deep. No rejuvenating herb could have such an effect– she could have trekked down and up that hill again, three times, in this state.
“That was a fine thanks,” she huffs, sitting up slowly.
“Only the first one, for your company,” Sasuke says. “The second, for your labor.”
This time, his mouth presses firmly, his exhale seeping between the small space between her lips, sinking into the depths of her chest and warming it like a hearth. Large hands wrap around her waist, before one reaches to cup her cheek. 
“A third,” Sasuke’s voice is gruff, his eyes soft and burning red like a blood moon, “for my life. Because who knows if I would have let the tides sweep me away on this day.”
Sakura’s mouth is soft and plush, tasting both of tangy herbs and sweet fruit. Her hands are dainty–they creep slowly from his chest, to his shoulders, to the nape of his neck. When his tongue dips inside to slide against her own, the soft exhale she elicits is cool like a sip of water from the deepest of wells. 
They pull apart at the sound of clapping thunder, followed by the distinct patter of rain against waxy leaves.
“The floods,” she whispers. “They…are early.” 
“It is safe here,” Sasuke murmurs. His lids rest low over his irises, gaze fixated on the warm flush about her mouth. “We must only wait until the waters pass.”
“That might take weeks, Prince,” Sakura shakes her head, fear creeping about the edges of her green orbs, darkening their hue. “And to journey around the area to my home…to your home-”
“I suppose home for both of us is here, then,” he remarks. No fire had ever glowed so bright as the one in his chest. “Until it is safe for both of us to return from where we came.”
The air feels heavy with a sense of timid anticipation, a slight foreboding. The waters are routine, but also unpredictable. It is unlikely the tides would climb so far up, but how long would they stay high and cover the land below this hill? How long would Sakura be far from her village and its forests, Sasuke from his kin and their fires? 
“Sleep, small one,” Sasuke stands from the bed and sheds his long, inky-colored cloak. The fabric falls heavy and warm over Sakura’s waist. “I will ensure this place stays warm through the night.”
Five days pass before the two reach a breaking point. The two stranger-companions attempt to make their shelter more hospitable. Sakura gathers the fabrics and washes them with water from an old well, refilled by her efforts to turn the soil deep below and reveal trickles of water from within. Sasuke sends gusts of hot air to force dust and debris out of the windows, through the open door. They stabilize the walls and ceiling, scrub at the dinghy floorboards and fuss at each other over temperature and ambience.
The towering, flame-eyed fairy would have them trapped in a dark, stifling heat day in and out. The petite elf prefers to leave the windows open to allow a whisper of cool breeze, to welcome the smells and sounds of nature in.
“You’ll freeze to your death if you do not draw these shutters,” Sasuke growls. His footfalls are heavy on purpose as he approaches where she stands, reaching around to tug the window shut.
Sakura hisses as he crowds her, her nose centimeters away from his chest, “Better than suffocating from heat and ash. Must you have a fire burning constantly ? We will run out of lumber soon enough.”
“Then you shall draw up more for us,” he says brusquely. The small creature before him vibrates, pointed ears burning red with frustration.
“ Oh , I do hope you are betrothed to an old, wrinkly hag,” she spits.
The scoff elicited in response is nasty at best.
“And who would be your betrothed? Some tiny little man with whiskers falling to his knees?” 
“Not all elves are small!”
“And yet, you are the smallest intelligent creature I have seen,” as if to emphasize his point, the prince bends slightly at the waist to peer into her face. “Were you not so loud, I might tread on you by mistake.”
“I am loud, but I wager that is better than having the character of a stone,” Sakura retorts. Her arms cross tight over her chest.
She had shed her heavy dressings for a thin tunic to combat the heat Sasuke caused in the small shelter. It exposed much of her flesh in an irritatingly appealing fashion.
“This stone keeps you from freezing solid in the night,” Sasuke is deadpan, and he mirrors her stature. 
“ Thank you, kind Prince,” she drawls with an eye roll so violent it is a wonder the green jewels do not fall from her head.
“If you intend to show your gratitude, at least do so properly,” Sasuke says. 
With his arms crossed tight over his chest, his shoulders look broader, the muscles of his biceps sinewy and defined. His hair is long enough to brush his collarbones, locks swept wild about his head and falling haphazardly over one side of his face. The room feels small with him drawn to his full height and Sakura hates that she can feel the heat of him from where she stands.
“If you desire me, simply say so, Prince,” she snaps. “All this talk of thanks and gratitude tires me.”
A single dark brow rises and his jaw clenches tight.
“I desire you.”
“Your games exhaust me, truly,” Sakura steps around his imposing form and makes her way to the sorry excuse for a bed. “I feel not one ounce of guilt for you sleeping on the floor each night. If I must suffocate from the heat–”
“Sakura,” her name is nearly foreign to her for how little she hears it from his lips. A shiver crawls down her spine despite the heat of his breath behind her neck. “ I desire you .”
“You have been cruel to me since we began to shelter here,” she whispers.
“Have I been cruel?” he murmurs and now his palm is resting on her shoulder, heat seeping deep into her muscle, licking over the surface of bone. “Or have I disagreed with you on occasion?”
“Those things are one in the same,” she says, voice weak. His fingers are long enough to sweep over the flesh just below her collarbones, the heat of his body stifling as he draws closer.
“You have been the cruelest,” he breathes, grip tightening as his head lowers to level his mouth with her ear. “You lie inches away from me in the night, but do not allow me to share with you my own warmth. You shed layers of dress, but hide the best of you underneath such frustrating fabrics. Teasing, and taunting you are, but…”
Sakura’s mouth is dry, her voice hardly a rasp, “But?”
“But you do not want as I do,” he says tightly. “You do not suffer through a one-sided attraction. I am but a stranger taking up your space.”
“You speak so lowly of yourself, my Prince,” she mutters. “Perhaps a tonic for your mood.”
“Joke how you like,” he hisses and a shudder works through her at the way his chest vibrates against her back. “I will desire you no less, even as you annoy me so.” 
Sakura can finally feel the chill of the night air as the prince rips away and stalks over to the old fireplace. She hears the deep exhalation and then the crackling and popping of embers. The fire roars to life, sending flickering shadows and licking silhouettes across the walls, but she still feels cold, freezing.
Sasuke lingers close to the hearth, unflinching as tiny sparks sprinkle across the skin of his feet and arms. A cool pressure at the center of his back pulls his attention away from the dancing flames.
“You have kept me warm each night,” Sakura says, so quiet it is as if he feels her voice rather than hears it. “And I should thank you for it.”
He turns, a scowl curling his features but is given pause by the shining of green that faces him. The shape of the flames dance across jade irises, cast shadows over high-set, freckled cheeks and plump, blossom-pink lips.
She beckons him and he bends so she can grasp his face, pressing her mouth to his. And he is lost, falling into her embrace as if he did not better her in size and stature. They sink to the floor, resting on their knees as small hands scrape through his locks and against his scalp, and strong, hot hands grip at her slender waist and full hip. Steam billows thinly between their mouths as their lips and tongues dance together, pulling and pushing, taking and giving in. 
Sakura’s posture crumples slightly as her muscles tremble. Sasuke tightens his grip and guides her slowly to rest back on the floor, cushioning her head with one palm and cradling her back with the other. 
Her fingers knot near-painfully in his hair and a small whimper spills from her mouth when he nips at her lower lip in response. He soothes the sting with a sweep of his burning tongue and then sucks it into his mouth with a deep groan.
“I could kiss you from sunrise till dawn,” he whispers, running his lips over her jaw, kissing at her ear before flicking his tongue at the pointed tip. 
“Aren’t those the same, Prince?” she laughs. Her mirth turns into a shuddering gasp when he sucks at her earlobe before kissing wetly down her neck..
“The entirety of the day is what I mean, elf–from one sunrise to the next,” he chuckles. “And call me by my name, Sakura.”
“Sasuke,” she breathes.
“ Yes .” 
His mouth covers her once more, pulling another whimper from her throat. His hand slips around her waist and slides slowly until he is palming her breast, kneading the flesh with a dizzying combination of heat and firm pressure.
“I wish to see you,” he rasps.  
Sakura frees his hair from her grasp to tug at her gown with clumsy fingers. A shuddering breath expands his chest when her breasts are exposed to his gaze. He pulls back slowly, enough to kneel between her thighs and shrug out of his own tunic, before tugging her skirts away from her legs.
A deep flush rises from the top of her chest to her hairline when Sasuke grasps her knees and pushes them wide to stare down at her center. Her crevices are slick and plump with desire already. 
“Bless the waters,” he chokes before lowering himself so his face is level with her stomach. He presses a deep, fervent kiss to her belly button before trailing his mouth lower, and lower still. “Bless them, for bringing you to me.”
“Pray they don’t rise high enough to submerge us now,” Sakura replies tremulously. The stroke of a wet, flexible appendage between her folds sends her squirming.
“There is no better place to drown than between your thighs,” he groans before kissing her intimately, his tongue lapping at her wetness and lips teasing the pearled nub at the peak of her mound. 
A strangled moan spills from her lips before she catches them between her teeth, thighs trembling and flexing as she tilts her hips away from the hungry mouth, and rolls them back toward him incrementally. 
“Be still,” he orders, voice thick and slightly muffled. A particularly invasive lick that takes his tongue from her clitoris all the way to her entrance and inside sends her bucking against him with a gasp.
The gasp turns into a sharp cry when the fingers gripping at her hip become unbearably hot for a fraction of a moment. Sakura is left reeling and panting at the residual sting as she stares down at the burning red eyes peering at her from between her legs.
“Still,” he repeats, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he treats her to another long, lascivious lick.
Any refute she has is swept away as the fairy feasting on her flesh doubles his efforts, sucking and laving at her with sinful abandon. One of his hands creeps down, a long finger pressing deep into her core, followed by a second before she can even wrap her head around the sensation.
His head pulls away ever so slightly as he thrusts the appendages into her at a building pace. A keening moan spears through the quiet and her hands fall to his head, pulling him closer.
“Wh-what manner of thanks is this, my prince?” she pants, words hitching with every stroke of his hand.
“The most pure form of gratitude,” he says, pinning her with his heavy gaze. His fingers curl on an outward stroke and her hips buck in his grip, rising just in time to meet his seeking mouth as he sucks at her again.
Climax rushes through her in an instant, and Sasuke seems to burn hotter for it. The heat is emanating off of his skin in waves, combating even the fire burning just alongside of them. Sweat slickens her flesh, trickling between her breasts and he catches it with his tongue as he crawls back up her body.
A tortured groan rips through his chest at the press of her cool hands to his bare abdomen. His trousers are kicked away in a rush, but he reaches for her slowly, drawing her shivering and glistening body to his chest as he rolls to his side. Small, slender fingers creep downward and brush lightly over the dampened tip of him before he grasps her wrist and loops it behind his neck. Brushing reverent fingertips over the smooth, silky skin of her calf, he grasps at her leg and notches it over his, aligning their hips and capturing her mouth with his in a searing kiss.
Rigid flesh sweeps over her soaked folds and they both moan deeply. One large hand spreads wide at the center of her back as the other grasps at her hip tightly, rocking her lower body such that Sasuke’s arousal slips against her, the head of him bumping against her pearl.
“I have desired you since the moment I first saw you, my prince,” Sakura breathes against his mouth, cupping the back of his neck with her hand and brushing the knuckles of the other against his flushed cheek. “My Sasuke.”
He smothers her with a kiss and a breathless moan she can feel , just as she can feel how he shifts their hips and lowers her slowly over his shaft. The muscles of her inner thighs tremble as her inner walls spread to accommodate his flesh. It feels like an eternity passes before her buttock meets the firm muscle of his thigh and they exhale deeply as one.
Sasuke gives her no chance to inhale before he is thrusting in and out of her, bottoming out deep inside with each sway of his hips. She is wrapped tight around him, sliding slick and heady and he feels as if his chest will burst, as if even he cannot tame his own flames as they roar in his chest, lick hot through every inch of his flesh and through his flexing muscles. 
But then she is there, all cool, soft skin and refreshing breaths, cooling the simmering in his lungs and pulling him tight into her arms, between her legs. He sinks into her depths until he can drown himself no further, pulling back only to plunge in again. He rips his mouth away from hers to take the fleshy part of her shoulder between his teeth, panting steam from his nostrils and clutching at her with feverish palms. 
Sakura clings to him as he pushes and pulls at her, knocking into her so forcefully her breath is taken and returned with each forward sway. When he begins chanting her name into the cradle of her neck, she digs her nails into his nape, anchoring herself as she tilts her hips against his onslaught, mimicking the passion of his movement to the best of her ability. 
A slight adjustment of his flexing hand sends him careening against a spot deep inside that sets her mind reeling. Sharp pants and rough groans spill from his lips and she cries out, clutching at him as her body draws tight like a thread, a feeling like reaching a tipping point rising inside of her. 
The thread breaks, the world falls away and she is floating, no, she is pinned to the earth, sinking into the soil and being wrapped up and pulled apart by deep-reaching roots, stretching her body to its limit until she finally snaps in a burst and a shrill cry.
Sasuke shudders violently against her and she is only just coming back to the present when she finds herself slammed onto her back, caged by his arms around her head as he drives into her, pistoning in and out faster than her body can keep up with as she weathers the aftershocks of her climax.
Green eyes stare upward, nearly cloudy with bliss and awe, locking onto his and Sasuke is burning, caught in the central blue flame of a supernova, melting into her so deep it would take an eternity to remove his remnants.
“Sakura,” he gasps once the breath comes back into his lungs. Her arms wrap tight around his shoulders and he buries his face into her chest.
They are lulled to sleep by the crackling sounds of the dying flame and the slowing of their own heavy breaths.
Shallow puddles pepper the grassland, muddy divots already springing forth new plantlife. The tide is gentle against the coast, golden sand glittering under the increasing sunlight. A cool breeze tickles against their napes, blowing pink and raven strands into slight disarray.
“There are many small elven communities in the kingdom,” Sasuke says in a low voice, nearly overtaken by the whistling wind. 
His face is drawn tight, reminiscent of how it was when they first happened upon each other. Features pinched and brows furrowed like the day he stood with toes dipping into the swells, his flames sputtering out in the sunlight.
A small hand reaches up, up until he is forced to bend. Just long enough for her to brush the pads of small fingertips over his jaw, bringing to life the softer expression she became so well acquainted with through many waning days and vibrant nights.
“I am needed,” Sakura replies with a tiny smile. “At least for a long while. No one else has the mastery over healing and medicine as I do. But…I will return here before the next flood season to gather my herbs.”
Her smile remains steady, even as the slightest tremble creeps about her words. Sand crunches lightly as the tall, lithe creature takes a step forward. 
“It is my earnest hope that one day we shall be able to lie in each other's arms every sunset, every dawn” Sasuke murmurs, pressing too-warm fingers against his lover’s cool cheek. 
A deep breath expands his chest, puffs hot over Sakura’s face. The edge of his lips tilts in a tiny smile and he moves his hand to prod the center of her forehead, a feather light tap.
“Until then, we await the floods.”
Taglist: @zenonico @ephemeredoll @pomeyasha @psalloacappella
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sentimental-idiot25 · 6 months
Holiday SasuSaku one shot!!! 🤍🤍
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yawpie · 1 year
That's my girl
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fanart by @xnyymph on twitter
"That's my girl"
Sasuke breathed as he watched is girlfriend dance in the rain with their puppy after a vet's appointment. They had just got to know that their puppy's end was near due to a vital terminal illness, and that to end her pain sooner, it would be better to give her 'the injection' to slowly close her eyes and to go to a place where not a person would harm her and no illness could catch her. He always adored Sakura for who she was, for the love she showed for the people who she cared for.
He could see the pain in eyes despite the smile on her face, dancing around and playing with their puppy. He could distinguish the tears rolling of her eyes from the rain pouring down.
Coming to his sense, we looked at his watch and called out
"Sakura, it's already been 15 minutes, you'll catch a cold!"
"Five more minutes Sasuke, look at her, she's having so much fun!" she replied waving him off as she continued to run as their puppy chased her
Sighing he got out of his car to pull out an umbrella as the smell of the wet mud tingled his nose, opening the umbrella and putting it over him, he walked over to his girlfriend, putting an umbrella over her, stopping her over her tracks.
"Do you want to catch a fever tomorrow? when it's the last day for dango tomorrow?" Sasuke looked at her with worry on his face
(PS: dango is Sasuke's and Sakura's puppy's name! not the actual food)
"Don't remind me about that" she looked at him with sadness in her eyes, pouting.
"Alright alright, let's get you and dango into the car, I've got spare towels for us in there" he said as he parted her wet bangs off her face so he could see her eyes, holding her by her shoulder as Sakura carried dango, he tried to balance the umbrella to the left so that he could cover both Sakura and dango well.
Walking over to the parking lot which actually had a roof, Sasuke closed the umbrella and realised that his right shoulder was soaking wet. Sighing, he opened the bunker to get two fresh white towels out, giving one to Sakura so that she could wrap dango in it and the other, he placed it on her head and gently started to dry her hair out while she did the same to their puppy.
"Ah, would you look at that, young love"
Both of them turned to the source of the voice of the person mocking them, but only found out that it was an old couple, snickering and laughing together and holding each other's hands for support. Sasuke glared at them and was smacked at his shoulder telling him to stop as she warmly smiled at them and thanked them, for whom the old couple nodded with a smile and made their way into the apartment.
"That's my fiancée"
Sasuke said pointing at Sakura who was now staring at an art piece in the museum
"The one who's staring at a picture of a night sky like a child, yeah her" he continued, to the person who was his high school acquaintance, who seemingly accidentally met in an art museum.
"Anyways, it was nice meeting you Sasuke-San, will see you next time" Yeji said waving at him "congratulations by the way, she's really pretty!" he said as he turned around and got lost in the crowd. Smiling, he went to the place where Sakura was still looking at the painting
"What's so special about this painting, that you spent the last ten minutes staring at it?" he said as he kissed her temple, now shifting his gaze to the painting
"It reminds me of our first date"
"Our first date, in which we went stargazing, and you showed me the north star" she said as she pointed out the north star in the painting of a beautiful array of a starry night, with a Crecent moon on the left side of the painting
"And you remind me of the Crecent moon, pretty to look at- at night when you can't seemingly fall asleep with so much running over your head" she said as she laid her head on his shoulder and held his hand
"And then, after I said about the north star being the brightest star, you fell asleep idiot" Sasuke said, as he held Sakura's hand tighter, running his thumb over her engagement ring
"It was one AM at night you asshat, after you called me at the dead of night, randomly asking me out and making me sneak out of my house for the first time ever in my life, who wouldn't fall asleep?"
"But did you fall asleep after I left you home the same night?"
"n-no" she stuttered blushing, bringing out her mint eyes.
"That's my wife's cooking for ya Naruto" Sasuke said as he pointed the chopsticks at Naruto who had just casually complimented Sakura's miso soup
"Yeah, yeah teme, can you pul-leez stop being a simp for once?" Naruto said rolling his eyes
"Speak for yourself idiot, who's the bigger simp, me or you?" he said eyeing Naruto and Hinata
"Sasuke! Why do you have to turn everything into a competition when it comes to me?" Sakura said as she bought a bowl of tomato salad and seated herself at the dining table "isn't that right Hinata?" she said smirking as Hinata nodded smiling.
"How's jr. Naruto doing by the way Hinata" Sakura asked as Hinata put a hand over her swollen belly which contained a life inside (aka jr. Naruto)
"Oh! We found out his due date! It's on march 26th!" Hinata exclaimed
"That's good to hear! Can't wait for the little one" she said smiling, wondering how Her's and Sasuke's kids would be as she took a sip of her miso soup
"Speaking of babies, teme, when are you planning on having kids?" Naruto asked as Sakura choked on her soup and began coughing
"It went into the wrong pipe sorry" Sakura croaked out as Sasuke began gently tapping her back
"I'll go get some water" Sasuke said as he pushed his chair back and walked into the kitchen to get some water, coming back and placing the glass of water in Sakura's hands, Sasuke answered the question for her instead
"We haven't talked about it yet"
"Sasuke! We're going to be late, hurry up and don't forget to get Sarada's present, I'll be ready in a minute!" Sakura said as she peeped through the doorframe and went to fetch her bag
"On it!"
It was Sarada's sports day at her kindergarten and the new parents were getting ready in a rush to reach in time. After hustling, taking turns in the wrong way and Sakura muttering 'oh god we're so going to be late' a hundred times, they finally reached her preschool, in one piece.
The slowly entered the ground where other parents sat and Sarada was quick to recognise her parents and waved at them with a big smile on her face, for which to Sasuke and Sakura waved back. They had reached on time, on time as they race was about to start.
Sarada was standing ready on her track as the whistle was blown, and she dashed, faster than her classmates, this made Sasuke full of adrenaline shout
"YOU GOT THIS SARADA!!" a little louder than he intended which made all the parents look at him. Feeling all the unwanted attention he shrunk, but expanded as soon as he saw Sarada near the finishing line he regained his enthusiasm. She was milliseconds away from getting first place and he screamed
Upon hearing her husbands screams of encouragement, Sakura shook her head but with a proud look on her face. Both of them watched Sarada run in slow motion
Aaaaaaannnnddddddd shhheeeeeeee wonnnnnnnnnn!!!
Sasuke, now with tears in his eyes yelled towards Sarada as she received  the gold medal with a huge smile on her face
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dynjas · 2 years
Short 2: Cats (SasuSaku)
Sakura was on her way to buy some things her mom asked her to after her training with team 7. Naruto was especially 'active' today and everyone was tired after the whole thing. Sasuke was gone as soon as Kakashi let them and Sakura didn't even get the chance to wish him a good day.
So she was really surprised when she passed a little park at the side of the town, when she heard a familiar voice. His voice. And he was giggling. Sasuke Uchiha was giggling!
As fast as she could he hid herself behind a tree and peeked at the boy. And Sakura would have instantly fainted if she wasn't holding a really expensive glass doll for her mother in her bag.
She witnessed a whole other side of her crush, while he was idly playing with some stray kittens. It seemed like the mother was laying on top of his head and purring in satisfaction, while Sasuke was holding a thread to play with the babies. He looked so peaceful and young at this moment and Sakura didn't want to disturb him. She was afraid he wouldn't play with the kittens anymore when he knew that she saw him.
But before she could sneak away Sasuke was standing right before her. “Sakura.”
“S-Sasuke-kun! Hi! Eh he he...fancy meeting you here...!” Sakura tried to hide that she nearly had a heart attack.
She was mumbling some nonsense excuses to him and herself that she didn't notice that Sasuke took the mother cat from his head and held it right in front of her face. Only when she meowed loudly at Sakura did the girl stop and looked at the cat. Sasuke was slightly smirking behind the cat. “You want to hold her? She's really nice and likes to be held and scratched behind her ears.”
Sakura was way too stunned to answer, so she only nodded and put the bag down so she could hold the cat. To her surprise momma cat started to purr the moment she took her in her arms and started to scratch behind her ear. Sakura cat to smile. “She's really cute. How did you find her?” Sasuke shrugged and put his hands in his pockets – so Sasuke like! “I just jogged here some time ago and found her in the bushes. I still wasn't able to catch them, so they are safe. I come here when I can so I can build the trust to take them home. And today I decided to finally do so and- Sakura?! What's wrong?! Why are you crying?!” Sakura was as shocked as Sasuke was, when he shouted like that. Momma jumped out of her arms to hide in a nearby bush to observe the whole situation with her kittens from afar. “...crying...?”
Sakura was really confused and touched her cheeks – only to notice that they were wet. Why was she crying?” “Are you hurt?” Sasuke was now standing right before her again and observed her face to look for injuries ore some kind of pain in her face. “No, no! I don't really know why I'm crying myself!” Sakura was now red as a tomato and she was feeling like fainting again. “I just think that it's really nice of you to care for the mom and her kittens so much. I didn't knew you liked cats so much! I think I was just moved by that and yeah....sorry...I'm such and idiot and it's not any of my business and-”
Sasuke had her in an embrace before she could say another word. “Calm down. You didn't know, because I didn't tell. I don't mind if you know about it, but don't brag about it. I like to enjoy some things in peace without being pestered. I'll never hear the end of it, if Naruto finds out. So, enough of that and help me catch the cats and bring them home. If you behave, you can come visit and play.” At the last sentence, he winked at Sakura and he swore she was getting even redder. He smirked at that. He began to like his teammate more than he liked to admit.
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laniuchiha7 · 2 years
Master post of snippets
I wanted to make a master posts of all of my snippets to make them easier to find! They're listen in order of when I posted them.
Silver Bracelets
Study Buddies
In Times of Peace
Family Photo
Bonds Come in All Shapes pt 1
Suffix Addition
Coffee Shop Sasuke's pov
Coffee Shop Sakura's pov
Uchiha Clan Special Jutsu
Make a Wish
Beauties of the World
Two Club Leaders, One Mat Room
Let Me Take Care of You
White Day
Red String of Fate
Inebriated Shenanigans
Sasuke Meets Charasuke
Rogue Sakura
Memories of a Strange Past
Bonds Come in All Shapes pt 2
Alone No More
Meant To Be
Accepted by the Family
First Kiss
Magic of Makeup
Wait for Me
Moving On...?
Jump Then Fall
The One That Got Away
Red Scarf
Red Scarf pt 2
The Feels
That's all for now! Will add more as I post them
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uchiha-saradas · 1 year
What are your favourite sasusaku fanfics of all time???
honestly this is a difficult question because there are SO MANY ss fanfics that i love, but i’ll make a list of my top 5 ss fanfics/oneshots
1. home is there the heart is - Deeppoeticgirl
this is a super cute ss travel fic with some light angst, but is by far one of my favorite fics that i have ever read and have read it multiple times!!! absolutely love how the author incorporated the development of sasuke and sakura’s relationship. very beautifully written and well done. 1000/10.
2. love story - AppleR3
this is a non massacre au where sasuke and sakura start out as friends and fall in love. this is a one shot, but i absolutely love this. ending is adorable and you get all the ss feels you need. highly recommend!
3. empire - pastel daisies
this story gets dark, but one of my favs. not super disturbing or too much either, there’s a good balance of it. this fic does get sad, but the ending and development of ss relationship is amazing. will make you cry both tears of joy and sadness!!
4. adrenalize me - helena-3190
this is an ANBU ss three shot and it’s basically pure smut but one of my favs to read. short and sweet. recommend if you’re in a mood for some porn with feelings ;)
5. ripples - yellow mask
this is a ss fic featuring a hebi!sasuke. i absolutely adore this fanfic. basically sakura gets captured in sound as a slave and ends up with sasuke, and over time he falls in love with her. i think i have read this fic about a hundred times and am currently rereading it! it came out in 2008, but is still very much enjoyable to read!
also love masked desire (also pure smut), heartbeat (SO SAD AND ANGSTY BUT SO GOOD WORTH THE READ), forbidden (royal au with tons of smut ONE OF MY FAVS EVER) and all i want for christmas by @theredconversegirl and this one is an enemies to lovers fic!
happy reading!
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sasukeless · 1 month
Fans that act like sns are downplaying platonic relationships because we ship naruto and sasuke are irritating
lol. most of ppl that say shipping narusasu is downplaying platonic relationships are 99% of the time homophobes or just sasusakus/naruhinas mad ppl don’t like their badly written ships. naruto itself has dozens and dozens of friendships examples and platonic relationships and ik there’s people that multiship but some don’t and view those friendships as they are.
it’s funny also only queer ships get this argument and never straight. why is nejiten such a popular ship despite barely having scenes together yet there’s no one nagging the shippers telling them all the time how wrong they are for turning their friendship into a romance? i wonder
you can not ship narusasu that’s whatever idc but acting like narusasu has not canon backup is just plain denial. they literally parallel canon couples, they have the symbolism, the subtext, the MUTUAL feelings and development from both sides (which certain ships lack), and even actual attraction as well. like ik every queer ships always use this argument but if narusasu was an het ship people wouldn’t deny the romance—OH WAIT that already happened, who else read kishimoto’s mario one shot 🤨 mario and saori never kissed or got together either and yet everyone knows they are a romance.
narusasu is not even a “fujoshis” ships only. general public, dudebros and just casual fans all agreed there’s something in there even if they don’t like it. meanwhile ss and nh fans need to make ten analysis why sasuke and naruto not liking or caring for sakura and hinata Actual doesn’t mean they don’t like or care for them and you have to watch a filler or read novels kishimoto didn’t even write and that contradict each other AND manga canon to understand their relationships. even though you don’t have to do that with other canon couples with less than 10 panels like minakushi, shikatema, dan and tsunade or narusasu
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sasukesun · 1 year
kishimoto literally said in an interview that neji died as a cupid for naruhina, not that it’s not clear enough by the manga, but the creator said that himself. how can anyone take his death seriously? and when you look at the writing it’s just clownery after clownery.
as this post says, you have the wooden spears being fired, enough time for not one, but two people to jump in front of the attack, but not enough time to use a jutsu to break them, nor to push who’s getting attacked, and the spears aren’t even powerful enough to impale multiple people, just one. so neji, a jounin, end up taking the shot.
and then neji starts his final words with this:
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it seems that he is trying to push hinata to naruto, which makes no sense of his character to do that. of course he continues with this:
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and that makes a bit more of sense considering that if hinata’s life is at risk, it means his is as well, because, you know, he is her slave and must do that. but still, neji and naruto’s relationship has never been about hinata, it’s out of character of neji to do that, in his final moments above all.
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neji isn’t dying for naruto, he isn’t dying for his comrade, the wooden spike would only kill hinata, neji is dying for her, it makes no sense of him to say this either, they tried to push this idea that neji was dying for naruto because “he was called a genius” but i can’t buy any of that when it just looks like he was used as a cupid (and confirmed by kishi after).
and then what happens after obito mocks neji’s death? hinata says this:
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pushing some guilt trippy will of fire discourse onto him, and not only that, but the content itself sounds similar to naruto’s speech to his dark self only to repress it, that he needs to be the man, the hero, people expect him to be, which we know it’s bullshit, another part of the story that doesn’t look like it’s taken seriously by kishimoto either.
(would also like to comment about hinata saying “what inspired neji and carried him this far were those very principles” because they are again trying to mask how neji died for hinata as her slave, sweeping things under the rug much).
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hinata’s speech to him, which is complemented by kurama for some reason (why is everybody out of character in this moment oh my god), isn’t even that romantic if you look at it, it has a lot of “will of fire” content, and it makes waterfall of truth and boruto (and naruhina consequently) even more ironic and goofy imo. incredible how the parts of naruto’s character going wrong at the ending are all tied to boruto huh.
and if you look at naruto holding hinata’s hand… it’s still not shippy on naruto’s side… he had just thought about everybody “who’s been on his side” (those people… wtf really), and says it’s because of all of those people, not just hinata. even after all this bullshit, naruto can’t genuinely reciprocate her lol.
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just can’t wrap my head around how unserious this entire moment is, how damaging it is to the ending and naruto’s character, how it was set up only to push for the cash cow that is boruto, the level gets so low when the own writer doesn’t care about the writing.
disclaimer: sasusaku shippers dni, your ship is just as bad
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nikki-kitty · 2 months
Ever since the poll started of who had the best fight and sakura vs sasori won but In my opinion I feel like it was favoritism. Like it feels like they don’t care about the fight just Sakura, If they were another fight with sakura they will choose her because it’s sakura not because of they fight just sakura they care about. Sakura and Lady Chiyo was good but they were better fights than Sakura and Lady Chiyo vs Sasori, Like sakura failed to defeat and the only reason they won is because Sasor let them win or Sasori just killed himself.
One thing that really annoys me about some sakura fans(not all of them but some of them) say that Hinata vs Pain was weak and it was a filler fight
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While This scene of Sakura vs Sasori was also a filler fight because this part was never in the manga
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So I find it funny of how some sakura fans will make fun of Hinata for having a filler parts during her fight while their favorite character had filler parts during fights as well.
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In the manga hinata gets one shot by pain.
There’s sometimes Naruhina and Sasusaku stans arguing about which relationship is better or which relationship had filler episodes while in reality they both have filler episodes. Sasusaku Stans would make fun or shit on Naruhina and that they needed a movie for their ship while Naruhina Stans will shit on or make fun of Sasusaku for needing two or one novels for their ship but in reality Naruhina and Sasusaku are both terrible canon ships to ever exist because my personal opinion about this canon ships are two woman who doesn’t understand about their crushes and two guys who were traumatize and had a terrible pasts and were guilt tripped to be with them.
It’s funny of how some sakura fans get mad when people don’t like sakura and say they still in og Naruto or they will call you a misogynist for not liking her or say shit like “Sakura saved Naruto life many times”!!! Some sakura fans needs to accept that not everyone is going to like sakura, Same with Hinata fans. Just because you don’t like a female character from a show does not make you a misogynistic, Learn to understand that and accept it instead of attacking, harassing, and bashing them or trying to get them to like your favorite female character.
What also annoys me that whenever someone says they don’t like Sakura and have value reasons to dislike her but not because she’s useless, Some of the Sakura fans are like “How come you can like Bakugou but not Sakura”!! Like what does Bakugou have to do with anything not liking Sakura? At least Bakugou doesn’t play with his friends feelings.
(I don’t watch Mha(My hero academia) so I don’t really know about Bakugou much)
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daffodeelily · 1 year
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daffodeelily(adm) presents
"Love in Shoujo"
Just like riding various rides in an amusement park, here you will find various shoujo themes for sasusaku!
List of contents :
Chapter 1 - Rivals
Chapter 2 - School Trip
Chapter 3 - Misunderstanding
Chapter 4 - Pretend Dating
Chapter 5 - Wallflower
Chapter 6 - Royal Curse
Chapter 7 - Idol x Actor
The concept of my participation for ssshoujoweek is like a manga book containing a collection of one-shot stories. But I only made cover art for each chapter. Each chapter corresponds to the prompt of the day.
Look forward to all the chapters(days)! ^^
(starting tomorrow!)
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dynjas · 2 years
Short 1: Thank you, Sakura(sasusaku)
"Sasuke-kun, I think I need to throw up..." Sakura was pregnant and had to deal with this throwing up bullshit for a few days now. She just wanted to rest a bit! Sasuke instantly jumped to his feet and ran to the bathroom to fill a bucket with water and sope so Sakura didn't need to stand up every time.
He handed her the bucket with a worried expression and she instantly emptied her stomach into it.
"Thanks Sasuke-kun..."
"Hold on, I'll bring you some water."
Before Sakura could say anything he was at his feet again and out to the kitchen. It was really cute. Since she was pregnant Sasuke was like a whole new person. For the first few days he knew of the pregnancy he wouldn't even let her use the bathroom alone.
Sakura needed to punch him through the door to make him understand that she was totally fine peeing alone. For fucks sake! Now he tried to read Sakura every wish from her eyes. It was a little overbearing but she fell in love with this Sasuke all over again.
When he came back with the water she took the glas grateful and gulped it down.
"Thank you so much for caring for me, Sasuke-kun."
She looked up to him with tired but sparkling eyes and a bird nest for a hair but Sasuke thought she was the prettiest and perfect woman on the whole planet - no, in all dimensions.
"You know I would do anything for you and our little wonder..."
He knelt beside the bed and gave Sakura a kiss on the forehead and then on her still flat belly.
"Thank you, Sakura."
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Drunk Sakura and Sasuke prompt {Modern/College SasuSaku AU}
Sakura felt a surge of boldness as she anticipated her first night out partying with Sasuke and Naruto in a long time. The trio hadn't frequented college parties together due to Sasuke's stubborn reluctance to embrace the carefree spirit of their youth.
"Up for a shot-for-shot challenge, Naruto?" Sakura asked, her excitement evident. She knew she could outdrink the lightweight Naruto without breaking a sweat.
"No way!" Naruto exclaimed, turning to look at her. "I don't want to end up dead." He chuckled.
"I'll do it," Sasuke interjected as they approached the party venue.
"Really?" Sakura looked at him, taken aback.
"Yeah, I bet I can outdrink you. It shouldn't be a problem," Sasuke replied casually.
"We'll see about that," she teased.
About ten minutes after arriving at the party, Sakura was already on her second rum and coke, stationed at the bar table. Sasuke caught a glimpse of her and his eyes widened in surprise. He abruptly ended his conversation and hurriedly made his way to the bar.
The area around the bar was bustling with loud chatter from the crowd. Sakura mouthed the word "two" to Sasuke, indicating that she was already winning their drinking game. Sasuke muttered, "Damn," under his breath. He approached the college bartender and requested, "Can I get two shots?" However, instead of pouring them into separate cups as Sasuke expected and preferred, the bartender poured both shots into the same cup, and it was a generous portion. Sasuke was left with less than half a cup of vodka in his hands, unable to comprehend what just happened.
In disbelief, he walked over to Sakura and held out the cups to her. "This is what you've made me do," he remarked.
She giggled and shrugged. "I'm not making you do anything. You have your own free will. But I never imagined you'd accept defeat so easily," she teased him.
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke downed the two shots. It took every ounce of his willpower not to grimace at the taste of the alcohol.
Sakura smirked at him. "Wasn't so hard, was it?"
"You had your shots mixed with soda... I think I had it worse," he retorted nonchalantly.
"Hey, a shot's a shot," she leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Learn to keep up then."
As the party carried on, they found themselves getting separated at times, and people gradually started leaving. Eventually, they reunited and struck up a conversation.
"How many have you had?" Sakura asked, standing on a raised platform in the backyard, while Sasuke stood on the ground. They were almost the same height, with Sakura slightly shorter.
"I'm somehow always two drinks behind you... I think you're lying," Sasuke replied, tilting his head in confusion.
She scoffed and crossed her arms, her cheeks flushed from both alcohol and their proximity. "Why would I lie? I can handle my alcohol well," she replied, looking him up and down. "Unlike you." She burst into laughter.
Blinking a few times, Sasuke struggled to come up with a witty comeback. "What do you mean? I feel perfectly sober," he claimed, oblivious to his flushed cheeks.
Sakura laughed even harder and gently pressed the back of her hand against his cheek. "You're really red," she remarked.
He delicately removed her hand from his face. "It's just the heat, Sakura," he dismissed, trying to maintain a composed demeanor.
Glancing down at their intertwined hands, Sasuke attempted to regain his composure. "Well, maybe I wanted to hold your hand. It's the whole free will thing you were talking about earlier," he replied, grappling with his own words.
Sakura burst into more laughter, while Sasuke stood there with an alcohol-induced expression, utterly perplexed by her reaction.
She released his hand, declaring, "Alright, I'm going to grab one more drink. But you, my friend, are cut off!"
"Ha! As if. I'll have another one," he scoffed, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge his own intoxication, much to everyone else's amusement.
They returned to the bar to order one last mixed drink each. Since the bar was about to close, it would be their final drink. They clinked glasses and sipped their drinks slowly, enjoying each other's company. No words were exchanged, but their gazes lingered between them.
As the party gradually wound down, Sasuke suggested they arrange for a ride back home. Sakura asked if she could crash at his place since Ino had informed her that Sai would be staying over. Sasuke agreed and called an Uber.
Sakura and Sasuke waited outside the building, engaging in light conversation with others in line. When the car arrived, they took the back seat, leaving the middle seat vacant. As soon as Sakura sat down, she toppled over, narrowly avoiding landing on Sasuke's lap.
"Are you okay?" he asked, looking down at her.
Sakura simply raised her thumb, indicating she was fine. She remained in that position momentarily until her drunken state made her self-conscious. She quickly sat back up, feeling the onset of alcohol-induced nausea. Closing her eyes, she refrained from speaking for fear of vomiting in the car.
Sasuke placed his hand on her arm and gently shook it, ensuring Sakura was alright. In response, she grabbed his hand and held onto it throughout the entire ride to his apartment, much to her surprise, he didn't let go.
They arrived safely at his apartment, and Sakura stepped out of the car, feeling incredibly dizzy. She walked over to the picket fence of the neighbor's yard and stood there, desperately trying to avoid getting sick.
"Let's get you inside," Sasuke offered.
"How are you not worse off than me?" Sakura asked.
"You probably can't hold your alcohol as well as you think," he remarked.
"I still outdrank you," she pointed out playfully, letting out a giggle.
"Don't be annoying... Besides, you can't even keep your eyes open right now," he laughed at her.
"Shut up..." Sakura straightened herself and took a step forward, followed by another. However, she lost her balance and tumbled directly into a bush, releasing a distinct hibiscus scent. She laughed at herself while Sasuke stood over her.
"Are you okay?" he called out, his movements sluggish due to the alcohol coursing through his veins.
"I could use a little help," she called back. Sasuke bent over and lifted her up, but he did so a bit too well, causing her feet to dangle in the air as he carried her towards his apartment. Sakura's laughter filled the air, which in turn made Sasuke laugh. "What are you doing?" she asked between her chuckles.
"This is the quickest way to get you inside," he replied, his own laughter accompanying hers. As Sasuke carried Sakura into his apartment, she couldn't help but find amusement in the situation. "Well, well, look at you, Mr. Sober and Responsible," she teased, her words slurring slightly. She hopped out of his grasp and that's when she realized the Sasuke was stumbling around too. He propped himself up on the wall. "Okay, Mr. 'I-can-handle-my-alcohol'," Sakura teased, trying to keep a straight face. "Time to sit down before you trip over your own feet."
With a playful grin, Sakura guided Sasuke toward the couch, carefully maneuvering him into a seated position. She noticed his disheveled hair and gave it an affectionate pat, saying, "Looks like you had a wild night, Sasuke. Time for me to play the responsible one."
Sasuke blinked dazedly and attempted to form a coherent response. "I can...take care of myself," he slurred, his words blending together.
Chuckling, Sakura fetched a glass of water and held it out to him. "Sure, Sasuke. Just like you totally nailed those shots earlier, right?" She couldn't help but tease him, knowing he was in no condition to argue.
Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he took the glass, trying to muster some semblance of dignity. He took a sip and winced at the sudden rush of hydration. "I'm fine," he mumbled, struggling to maintain his composure.
Sakura watched him for a moment before shaking her head. "Sure, Sasuke. You're just the picture of sobriety." She playfully poked his forehead, causing him to lean back slightly.
As Sasuke tried to regain his balance, he found himself leaning too far back and teetering on the edge of the couch. In a split second, Sakura reacted, catching him and pulling him back to safety.
"Careful there, Sasuke. Falling off the couch is not a good look," she remarked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
He groaned, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "I can't believe you're taking such delight in my drunken state....And since when did you get sober enough to take care of me?!" He asked loudly. Sakura laughed heartily, finding Sasuke's drunken state and his incredulous reaction utterly amusing. "Oh, don't worry, Sasuke. It's not every day I get to witness the great Sasuke Uchiha needing someone to keep him from falling off a couch," she teased, a playful smirk on her face. "As for my sobriety, let's just say I've mastered the art of pretending to be more sober than I actually am."
Sasuke widened his eyes and shot straight up, "Fuck!" Sakura looked concerned, "What! What happened?!" He turned to her and grabbed a hold of her shoulders, "We forgot Naruto!" "Shit!"
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uchihastor · 4 months
two months too late (love witnessed by the stars)
sasusaku blank period week 2024 | day one: rooftop confessions ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
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Sakura always admired the stars. They were the sole reason on why she loved the night, as mysterious as the sky was.
A obsidian canvas decorated with twinkling lights, the moon glowing calmly down at her. She looked at them and felt so small in comparison, as if she was nothing but a speck of dust. In a way, all of them were.
Her jade green eyes continued inspecting them, connecting the dots and drawing constellations. Just then, a gentle breeze passed through her village, and she breathed deeply the cool night air that felt pleasantly chilly upon her warm skin.
It has been three years since the Fourth Great Shinobi War, and she found herself becoming more restless as time passed by. So after a long day of preparations and negotiations, being alone — watching the stars and the city lights — always managed to calm her down.
And thankfully, laying down on her home's rooftop with the pickup playing her favourite vinyls in the background, and drinking her father's borrowed (stolen) beer straight out of the barrel, wa1s the highlight of her life at the moment.
The air shifted around her suddenly, and in a matter of seconds. Her once relaxed shoulders tensed up, and her half-lidded gaze sharpened with the knowledge of who perched at the railings right besides her.
“Nice of you to visit, stranger,” The bite came out of her tongue rather automatically, but she wasn't allowimg herself to feel nothing more than a tinge of resentment.
(Her heart melted at the sight of his dark eye and his dark soft-looking hair. Her heart, that traitor.)
That was it. One utterance of her name, in the most gentle tone she had ever heard from him. She resented herself a little more for recognising the look in his eyes, the way they softened when he looked at her.
“Sasuke,” She parroted, mocking — feeling petty.
She looked away from him, not being able to watch him for much longer. Her heart beat erratically against her ribcage, and she settled down her cup before she could accidentally shutter it.
“...I'm sorry,” He muttered after a pause.
Sakura hummed nonchalantly, inspecting her well-trimmed nails in interest. “So you say.”
His chakra brushed against her own, lighting against earth, scorching hot against cool. It engulfed her slowly, intimately —
— too intimately.
She snapped her head back to him, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. “Don't do that!” She scowled, glaring.
Sasuke stepped down from the railing, but it was done so effortlessly, and he looked so good doing it — it pissed Sakura off.
“I'd do it again if it makes you look at me, you didn't even chanced a glance,” his lips tilted up in amusement. “Very unlike you.”
Sakura's eyes widened, mouth falling open at the pure audacity that made her cheeks flush red from embarrassment. “I- What did you say?!”
Sasuke tilted his head slightly, very much like a cat, and regarded her with mirth. “I said, I'd do it again if it makes you- foohk ath—”
Sakura covered his mouth before he repeated it for second time. “Got it! Now stop,” she grumbled, before yelping as he licked her palm.
Suddenly, his hand wrapped around her wrist and warmth enveloped her body. He kissed her inner wrist with soft, if not somewhat dry lips, and proceeded to control her hand upwards to cup his cheek.
“I'm sorry I'm late-”
“-two months! It's been two months!-”
“-I have no excuses.”
As if she couldn't be more mortified, her eyes teared up.  “Is this how it's always going to be? You, leaving me hanging every time? I could have moved on!”
“I don't want you to move on.” He almost snapped.
Her eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “Are you kidding me you selfish-!”
She pursed her lips together and screamed at the back of her throat, pure frustration leaking out of her. She looked away and snatched her hand from him, chest rising up and down as her vision slowly started seeing red.
Sasuke's jaw clenched. “Look at me.”
“Go fuck youself.”
“Sakura,” His soft tone was gone, showing his own irritation. “I'm not going to say it again.”
The rosette clenched her hands into fists, hating how she turned into a puddle.
Sakura glanced at him, watching him with both caution and hurt, to which she tried to bury.
Sasuke softened. “Can I take you to dinner, now?”
“Hm,” she huffed, tilting her chin up. “You're two months too late.”
He smiled gently, eyes closing. “Well, I'm glad it wasn't four.”
Sakura's eyebrow twitched. “Oh? We turned more talkative now, haven't we? Left behind the depression and pursued a career at comedy?”
Sasuke wisely nodded. “Indeed, it has done wonders to my esteem.”
At that, Sakura barked out a rough laugh. She cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself.
“I'll need some answers before you take me out, Mr. Uchiha.”
Sasuke paused, fingers twitching as if he wanted to touch her. Instead, he settled for tugging a stray rosey strand behind her ear.
“What are your questions?”
She hummed. “One: where have you been?”
“S-Rank mission, at the Land of Water,” He admitted, despite the fact that he just broke the Code of Shinobi Secrecy. “I had some things to investigate for Kakashi.”
She scrutinized him closely with narrowed eyes, before she nodded. “Two: why the lack of correspondence?”
At this, Sasuke gulped silently and glanced away from her, finding a great interest at her shoes all of the sudden.
“...I'm paranoid,” He said truthfully. “I would never send anything back, not when there's a chance I'm being under surveillance by the enemy forces.”
Sakura softened, yet still held her ground.
“Three,” She croaked out, voice slightly trembling. “Do you like me?”
At this, Sasuke chuckled. “What? Of course not.”
Her heart plummeted, fearing for the worst, thinking that this dinner for him was something he does with platonically-
And suddenly, she felt him poke her forehead right in the middle — just where her seal, her pride and joy, is.
“I love you,” He confessed, causing Sakura's eyes to glisten with unshed tears. “And I will continue doing so, for the rest of my life. Even if you don't want me to.”
Sakura took a deep breath and released it, choking on a cry — or a laugh?
“I will not say it back.”
Sasuke smirked down at her, but rather than taking her into his arms, he kissed her forehead — so tenderly and full with adoration — and tangled his fingers through her hair.
“You don't have to — you've said it so many times before, even the stars have become our witnesses.”
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SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Ch. 27
Sakura was head over heels for her husband in a way she never imagined she’d feel about anyone. She loved him before the wedding, but after their marriage was officially consummated, it was as if their souls had become intertwined. Perhaps it was just her that felt as such. Sasuke spoke about his feelings relatively often, but it was evident each time that it made him incredibly uncomfortable. 
‘That’s just fine,’ the pink-haired princess mused while chopping vegetables in preparation for dinner, ‘He’s more than proven himself a great man. I no longer need words to reassure my anxieties.’ 
The prince in question was not present. He’d taken Shadow to the nearest town, which was a few hours’ ride away, for supplies. They’d only packed enough clothing for a couple of days, after all. Since they discovered just how compatible their bodies were, Sakura assumed he wanted to stay a while longer. 
Blush warmed her face as affection swelled within her chest. ‘To think that someone like me can feel this happy,’ she sighed dreamily, reminiscing about how gentle and loving Sasuke had been last night. 
Then, as all good things must end, the sad truth decided to make itself reappear in her head. 
She mumbled to herself, lips turning downward, “This won’t last. It can’t.” 
Disappointment so strong overwhelmed the young woman to the point that tears welled in her eyes. Life always had a bittersweet way of showing Sakura what she could have before ripping it away. This would be the harshest experience other than the death of her mother. Now she was glad Sasuke was away. Yes, his presence often helps calm her, but not when his happiness was on the line. 
With a resolute huff, the princess steeled her nerves. She’ll do this, no matter what. The prince had rescued her from her pitiful existence and showed her unimaginable kindness and care. Because of this, she’d do anything to ensure his safety. 
The sound of the door opening and closing met Sakura’s ears, so she sniffled and wiped at the few tears that’d risen so her husband wouldn’t notice and worry. 
“Welcome back. How was the trip?” 
Before she could even turn to lay eyes upon him, a sharp pain hit the back of her neck. 
Then, she was unconscious. 
Sakura’s throat was so sore that she couldn’t bear to even groan when she next awoke. It felt like someone had forced her to swallow pins and needles. Groggily, she blinked to clear her vision, but still, she couldn’t see a thing. That was when she realized a thick cloth of sorts was tied over her eyes. Terror iced her veins, waking her the rest of the way. The woman tried to get up. She couldn’t move far because something dug into her neck. When the rattle of a chain reached her ears, she realized some sort of collar was around her neck. It was tight enough that breathing was difficult, too. When she tried to call for help, unbearable pain shot through her throat. Confused, Sakura cried and attempted to remain calm, failing miserably. 
‘It must be an enchanted object, but who would kidnap me that has access to magic users? Where am I? How long have I been unconscious?’ 
As if those holding her captive could sense her wake despite her inability to make even the smallest sound, heavy footsteps were heard approaching somewhere outside the room she was in. Her pulse quickened with each one until the sound of some kind of lock being turned came, then a door opened nearby, and a voice she recognized but couldn’t pinpoint met her ears, “You’re a hard woman to find, y’know that?” 
‘I know this person, but from where…?’ Sakura couldn’t ask even if she wanted to because of the collar. 
She bristled, scampering backwards until her back hit the wall when those heavy footfalls swiftly approached. 
The scent of nicotine and the forest washed over her from the man. Only a millisecond passed that she could comprehend that before a resounding slap stung her face. It was so powerful that she stumbled to the side. Honestly, she would’ve fallen to the ground if the person didn’t grab her hair to yank her upright. Her entire system was fuzzy with shock at the sudden rough handling, so she froze. 
“If you try somethin’ funny like last time, I’ll make you wish you were fuckin’ dead.” 
Sakura’s hands fumbled blindly to the man’s chest, if only to feel more stable. 
His demeanor didn’t seem less angry, but a hint of amusement met his voice, “Be a good girl, and I’ll keep you in one piece until the prince comes looking for you.” The man released the stunned princess so that she fell to the ground, scraping her knees and palms. He snickered, “For the most part, anyway.” 
A long time passed. It might have been days or even weeks. Sakura’s blindfold was never removed, but after behaving favorably, she earned enough trust from her captor to have the chain removed from the collar. There were bathroom facilities in a tiny closet-like room that she had access to, but that was all. The woman wasn’t even given a bed. Just an empty place to rot away in. 
The same man was the only one to ever interact with her. He’d bring her one measly meal a day, often just some cold soup and plain bread, but she considered herself lucky she was being fed at all. As he had the first day, he also had a habit of slapping or shoving the poor pink-haired woman if she didn’t follow orders quickly enough or if he was just annoyed and wanted to take out his frustrations. 
He talked a lot, her captor. Never about anything note-worthy. Sakura listened only because there was a tiny chance he’d let something useful slip, but it didn’t happen until she’d been locked away for so long, she’d given up hope of Sasuke ever finding her. 
The man stood somewhere nearby as Sakura blindly ate while sitting on the floor. He’d been talking about some of his past jobs. She’d at least learned he was a mercenary for hire, and a skilled one if his tales weren’t bravado. 
“I’ve never so much as received a scratch from a target. A few times, one of my partners will backstab me, like when we first met, but none have been successful.” 
The stale bread became caught in Sakura’s throat as she finally pinpointed who’d captured her. It was the magenta-eyed man that’d chased her through the forest when she’d been kidnapped from the royal palace. ‘How’d he survive? I clearly saw him get stabbed through the stomach!’ 
She coughed, covering her face despite not caring whether or not this criminal found her polite. ‘Then again, I should’ve died, too. If I hadn’t been found and my rescuers hadn’t had potions handy, I would’ve.’ 
A heavy hand hit her back, causing her to tense up in a panic. She fumbled to her knees, trying to get away from the violent man. He grabbed her hair and shoved her back to the ground, “Can’t have you choking to death on me, Princess. The boss says your husband should arrive any day now.” 
During the first few days of captivity, Sakura tried to withstand the collar’s punishment for speaking, but that time had long passed. She desperately clawed at the magical device around her neck, wanting more than anything to ask questions like why was she here? What did they want with Sasuke? Who was this crazy person’s boss? 
Luckily, she wasn’t hit or shoved again for the rest of that day. She was left completely alone, though. 
Another few days passed before anything of note occurred. Sakura, feeling helpless and defeated, had begun brainstorming ways to either escape or die trying. Her death would help Sasuke, yet she’d like to at least tell him goodbye. That was the only thing keeping her going. 
On that fateful day, something new happened. The princess’ captor wasn’t alone. He was arguing with whoever’d joined him. She could hear his irritated voice as they approached from down the hall, “-it matter? It’s not like we’re gonna fuckin’ let her go either way!” 
The second person spoke quietly enough that she wasn’t able to get a read on their voice or words, just that they did respond. Then, the door unlocked and opened. The usual man sounded uncomfortable, which was odd, “Have you, uh, y’know….?” Sakura waited for him to continue. After a pause, he did, though he sounded angrier, “You haven’t had a woman’s bleed, have you?” 
Just like that, the world came to a standstill for the poor, captive princess. A choked sound passed her lips when she desperately tried to ask just how long she’d been there. 
‘Oh, God! Oh, no! Sasuke was supposed to have killed me by now! I never even considered the chance of conceiving!’ 
A cold, emotionless voice interrupted her panic attack, “Are you with child?” 
Tears flooded the cloth over her eyes, making it stick to her skin as she nodded, bowing low and holding her head in her hands. 
Sakura didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t for the more familiar captor to cackle loudly, “We hit the jackpot, Kakuzu! We’ll make more by selling a princess pregnant with a royal brat!” The woman shoved uselessly against him when he grabbed her arm and yanked her upright. “We’ll be set for life!” “Release her, Idiot! We’ll report this and wait for further instruction. The money is guaranteed this way.” 
So, the woman was left alone again. Like always, the tight cloth over her eyes couldn’t be removed, just as the collar around her neck couldn’t. 
As more days passed, Sakura’s spirit weakened further. She spent a lot of time praying to be rescued so that an innocent child wouldn’t be put in danger, especially one belonging to her sweet and gentle husband. There wasn’t a single moment where the princess wondered if Sasuke was searching for her. She knew he was. She just didn’t know if he’d make it in time. Now that her life wasn’t the only one on the line, Sakura wasn’t considering taking her own life. No, she was going to get out of here before giving birth, even if it meant having to do it all by herself. 
Sorry for the shorter chapter. I wanted to get an update out there since you’ve all been patiently waiting.
I just finished my last final on Friday, so I should go back to updating at least once a week going forward. Here’s to another school year completed!
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