#satisfying afterburn enid
hislittleraincloud · 11 months
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...I just had to explain to someone, seven chapters in, that Satisfying Afterburn is a love story, since they complained(!) that they "didn't like Wednesday in love" because she's acting more like a teenage girl.
Well sorry not sorry, she's still sixteen (since I'm going by N/Canon and following the canon story). No matter what attributes she holds as a character, she still has teen girl qualities that are embarrassing sometimes...except that that behavior only comes out with Donovan, and that she isn't much embarrassed by them when with him. Why? I could get deep into the psychology of it, but what's the use if people are just looking for straight-on, graphic smut?
I'm also at a loss as to where in this last chapter I deviated from the character that I've already established (which is really not too far off of N/Canon). Where did she even act any different than she usually does? Her reactions are pretty consistent. She became a real bitch when she thought she was threatened/betrayed/harmed (Enid, Kinbott) and then went after Enid's boyfriend. Is that the part? Because the way she targeted Ajax is in-character/IC, since he will prove useful in the long run for her. She's a user, and that hasn't changed. Here I thought I'd get complaints about Enid (who I deep dive into in the chapter, and Wednesday's Day Off has BFF/Wenclair vibes...I mean, she's literally got both Donovan and Enid on the brain)...so this was unexpected.
Anyway. They're standing closer in the above comic photo. They're also surprised at that kind of feedback.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
A quick note about Afterburn Enid
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Sigh. Poor Enid. Barely smart enough to get into Nevermore. I would write more, but it's upcoming Chapter 7. For now, have a lovely AI enhanced photo of her.
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hislittleraincloud · 6 months
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Enid: This is not what I had in mind when I said "bunny suits"!
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hislittleraincloud · 6 months
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Enid: sEeeee, i FInaLly gOt heR to cOme tO mE *twitches*
Enid, Morella, and Wednesday 💀🤣🫴🏽😾💕✨
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
Thinking like Enid is making my brain hurt.
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I mean...I love her and all, but holy Hell, she is...that girl we all knew in high school who tried too hard. 🫠💀🔥✨
I was originally going to keep it to Enid and Yoko after Enid switched rooms, but Divina is in the scene now too. Mean Girls gotta be slightly mean. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Poor Enid 😅
ETA: I don't know why I was unaware that Murray had a name, but I wasn't (LOL). I'm a little slow. 😭😭😭😭💀 But I know for sure that Kent and Divina don't have a last name, but in this story they have a last name and a mother. Their father is dead.
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hislittleraincloud · 7 months
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Afterburn Laurel Gates...c.2021/2022
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hislittleraincloud · 6 months
*watching Enid from afar...from very afar*
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
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God, I'm glad I have no planned scenes for Esther in my fic. One can only deal with so much cuntery in one story 💀
She will, however, be in After the Burn. Murray too.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
A short excerpt from Chapter 7, Part One
(Age gap, Wednesday x Sheriff, Enid POV)
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It scared Enid to death to think that she would never be what she always wanted for herself—to be like Daddy, and make him proud at least—that she couldn't relate to what Wednesday had told her about her parents, and her not wanting to be like them. And Wednesday…she finally admitted to what Enid had suspected from the Saturday of the Rave'N: that she was fucking the town's sheriff. A lot, from the smell of it. Which was yet another thing, on top of the situation involving Tyler, that Enid couldn't relate to. Fucking someone the same age, maybe even older (How old is Sheriff Galpin?) than her father? That's weird. And definitely illegal. Wait, is it? Ugh, like it even matters. Criminality seemed fitting for her weird as shit roommate, but it was still a big question mark over the young werewolf's head, and a decent diversion from the confusing terror of earlier events.
...Enid flipped her phone over and watched a couple more of the last girl's short videos. While Sheriff Galpin was nowhere near as obese or as unhealthy looking as the wealthy, pink, white-haired guy whose wife could've  been his granddaughter, she still found it hard to imagine sleeping with either. What if they're doing it and he suddenly dies? Seriously! What if Wednesday kills the sheriff that way??? How the Hell would she explain that? Would she get charged with like…manslaughter or something? OMG WHAT IF THAT'S HER PLAN FOR GETTING REVENGE ON HIM FOR HUMILIATING HER FATHER?! ...Should I warn Sheriff Galpin??? She shook off the alarming thoughts and watched the young blonde on her screen prance about her Weeble-shaped husband before swiping to the next video, the clarifying images of Wednesday and Sheriff Galpin 'doing the deed' starting to make her feel uneasy.
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hislittleraincloud · 11 months
I'm totally not writing about Wednesday's upcoming 17th birthday with the knowledge that I absolutely cannot publish it on her damn birthday because it has a huge spoiler for both Satisfying Afterburn and After the Burn.
Totally... *sobs*
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
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Afterburn Eugene Ottinger in his 3rd year/17 yrs old.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
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Please note that Satisfying Afterburn as a whole is not PG-13 rated and not Wenclair-centric; it's NC-17 and very smutty (yet still canon compliant). This takes place the day after Mayor Walker is murdered, and after both Donovan and Enid cut her off.
This text is subject to change and/or editing before the publication of its chapter.
(Wednesday & Enid, PG-13, F-word & mild cannabis consumption, 888 words give/take (so far))
She tried to whip past Hawte Kewture lest she be reminded of Enid, except that a massive ear worm flew from its temporarily open door and bulleted into her brain as she passed. 
To try to avoid owning the responsibility of what happened to him, Macbeth would see himself as a victim of prophecy and fate while ignoring that he still ultimately chose the actions that would lead him down his path of destruction.  There is no question that he was influenced by external persuasion, but Macbeth was also subject to his own faith in the supernatural: there were various “unexplained” happenings contributing to the faith he put in the prophe — 
"Homygod!" Enid exclaimed with a barking giggle, covering her mouth as Wednesday's typing suddenly ceased. The easily distracted werewolf had been lying on her bed, scrolling and flipping through her multiple apps instead of working on the history homework she had spread out on her blankets.
"What is it now?" Wednesday was already more than annoyed, having to write a paper on Macbeth for a class she should've already passed and completed last year at one of her previous schools, if not for her sudden transfer. It was a tedious prompt ("What is the role of fate and free-will in the play? Is Macbeth totally at fault for what happens to him?"), and for once, the irony of her answer escaped her as she typed against her hand-written notes.
"Britney Spears just posted an Insta where she told her father to bleep off!"
Wednesday reached for her pipe, which had been freshly filled and forgotten next to Thing. "Aren't we beyond self-censorship, Enid?"
Enid sighed. She didn't like to swear if it wasn't necessary, though that habit was more Esther than Enid. "Do you want to read it, then?"
Wednesday nearly choked on her smoke but expertly recovered. Incompetence in the face of clumsiness would only make her think they were at all alike. "I'd rather eat glass." She squeezed her fingers around her pipe, giving Thing her death stare of disapproval as he seemed to want to take her up on her word. She quite liked her bat wing pipe, custom made for her by their glass-blowing, fire eating cousin, Inácio Itt III.
Enid had longed for another enthusiastic celebrity gossip monger like herself; tempting Wednesday into such a vapid hobby seemed impossible, but she forged on. "She basically told her dad to F off. She told her mom the same thing last month." Enid swore that she could detect a flinch of interest in her roommate's shoulders. "Yanno, she could give you a run for your money in the parental hate department."
Wednesday sincerely doubted that. Besides, 'hate' was the incorrect term. She ran the tip of her fingernail against the curved edge of her bone ashtray. It rested on a turn-of-the-last-century platinum coaster. "What's her net worth?"
"Uh…I dunno, just a sec," Enid's thumbs flew over the onscreen keys. She'd learned not to ask Siri anything in Wednesday's presence after the night she wouldn't stop asking her for BTS lyrics. "According to Forbes, it's sixty million dollars."
Wednesday huffed. "Is that all?" 
"That's still a crap ton of money!" The immediate Sinclairs were only worth a mere fraction of that, and Enid was often made conscious of it by the super wealthy kids' constant flashing of their  riches. The majority of the Nightshades and the other vampires in the school could wipe everyone's asses with hundred dollar bills and not break a sweat. 'Sinclair' would never outwardly gape at anyone's things, but she found it hard not to be in awe when she was especially envious of Divina's blue Daisy Spikes; she noticed that Wednesday had them in black, sitting unworn in her closet with her other shoes. "Why, how much are you worth?"
Wednesday didn't want to say what her family's net worth was. Gomez, in his Once in a Lifetime good decision, had ditched his uranium mines for rhodium mines when she was around two years old, after it was clear that there was a glut in the market and its price was plummeting: while at the time of his mine dump and acquisition, uranium fluctuated around fifty dollars per pound, rhodium brought in nearly fifteen thousand dollars per ounce. The price currently hovers around four thousand per ounce, but just a couple of years ago their "small" haul of four tons brought their overall wealth to about four billion, half of which was put into trusts for Wednesday and Pugsley. Needless to say, the Addamses were very comfortable billionaires, though they tried not to flaunt it.
"Why did she tell them to fuck off?"
"Oh…you know, that whole conservatorship thing. People think Britney's finally letting loose after feeling caged for so long."
Whether it was all in her head (which it often was), Wednesday at times felt like she too was trapped under her parent's thumbs. Perhaps not under a strict, brain-stunting conservatorship, but their lack of engagement and Morticia's backhanded compliments felt like a prison of its own. 
But she would also be damned if she let herself be compared to Britney fucking Spears. Her one and only outlet for feeling like a normal human was probably stubbornly still at the station working when he should be at home resting up after their long session in Burlington. She shook her head and started typing again.
– prophe…cies –
"Hit me baby one more time," Enid whisper-sang terribly as she flipped through the pop star's Instagram. She looked up to see Wednesday's murderous eye and stopped. "Ohmigod, I'm so sorry."
Too late. It was in Wednesday's head now, and the best she could hope for was that a lyric or two didn't make it into her paper.
And now the song clanged in her brain as she desperately tried to chase it away...
Read the rest of the scene here.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
Chapter 7 Update
I'm 85% sure that this will be in two parts again. I've got lots of story to tell for this. Even the 'boring' parts are useful to trudge through...if some scenes or dialogue truly didn't matter, I'd put them in Deleted Scenes.
There's still lots to go, but I'm writing at a decent pace for what I want to do. There will be heat, of course, but not necessarily lots of Wenovan heat (there is some, but the Gatesmonster heat is hotter).
Speaking of Gatesmonster...
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The above #Gatesmonster moment amuses me. It can be taken a few ways, but in Afterburn, everything between these two is deliberate and in order to manipulate Wednesday (so...not far from N/Canon). AB Tyler would've let Laurel know about his invite, and the above look she gives him is, "Remember to stick to the plan/keep her occupied so I can clean up your shit."
But in another AU, perhaps Tyler didn't tell her about the invite, stupidly thinking he could get away with going to the dance with W. Now that look is one of, "What the fuck are you doing here with her?"...which would lead to some good torture fic. I like both ideas.
Anyway. Chapter 7. Two parts prob, though both parts might be published at the same time. We'll see. So far it is as unwieldy and chaotic as the actual episode, but unlike E7, I'm not trying to rush these last chapters.
There's more music and a couple of other extras plus the headers that need to be made as well. 😵
Now, I did say there would be more humor and there will. But there's also a lot of darkness while our Wenovan find their way back.
I actually had to write out the events of 6 through 8 three more times in a fucking time map to get the sequencing right. There's loads of time between the kiss w Moss (🫠) and his capture at the beginning of 8.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
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I just stumbled across the first stab at Wednesday smut that I tried but never published (or finished, it's short though and I could probably easily finish it).
My first ship in this fandom wasn't Wenovan. It was Thingclair, and I had big plans for a sweeping story, somewhat re-writing the whole first season with a focus on Enid, rather than Wednesday. But then I was captivated by Wednesday grinning at Donovan in the first episode on my first re-watch and haven't really looked back.
It could very well fit into the Afterburn Universe, but I dunno if I want to put it there. I feel like it's a decent standalone. But I would leave it so open that readers could decide for themselves whether or not they want it to be Afterburn canon.
Anyway. #Thingclair is my little tugboat.
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hislittleraincloud · 10 months
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Chapter Seven: More Than One String to Her Woe, Part 1 Review/DISCUSSION
Insight into the story happens here.
This was long...it was 13 pages plain on Google Dicks, I think it's now 20.
Purple is Afterburn Canon quoted.
Pink is Wednesday Addict's observations/questions/etc.
>> Words of honor : truancy, jutting
Your “Words of Honor” amuse me, since they seem so simple to me. But then I have to remember that my biggest fans aren't from Anglocentric countries. 💀
>> I was going to state "cats aren't a problem" but then my cat came harassing me. But they are cute? So it's fair.
I love cats, but I also have two very old dogs that need to be watched all the time.  I can’t bring them up there because the cat would hate it, and so would my old boy, since he doesn’t like cats (they bully him because he's weird).  He won’t eat them, he’ll just bark until the cows come home. And my neighbor dumping her shit out on me completely disrupted the flow of my creativity, which I’m still trying to get back, BTW.
Speaking of cats, Morella makes a rather surprise appearance in the next upload. She’s kind of important…. 😺👹
> Maybe if you're nice to me I'll write a scene just for you. <
>> Yeah, well working on it! : joy: But I don't know how many tor happy points I have collected so far nor how much happy points a scene/fic is!
Too many happy points, but it seems like we're pretty much on the same page anyway. Weird how you're kind of a mind reader. A PSYCHIC. 💀
>>Now.... we established she is wealthy...could she zombie revive him like crackstone? Would only need a couple of victims.
I’ve thought about that, but I don’t think zombie dick would be very fun to fuck. …🦠🤢🦠🤢🦠🤢 
I HAVE thought of a crossover with another show I like, which could change things in terms of what to do when he dies…which might be a better option rather than zombified Donovan.
>>One young Detective has alerted us of tire tracks matching the tireburns left behind by the car that ran over our mayor. There. Easy.
He’d have to make a report with specifics/can’t say “one young detective”. She can’t be known to be involved at all, given police protocol.
Yes, but was it fudge flavored?
>>Ha, I quite like her, nice and direct also loyal AF
Lou-Anne Walker is here to stay. She has unfinished business.
> She's brilliant like that.<
>>She is, I suppose that happens when you learn and study and fuck each waking moment instead of mindlessly scrolling tiktac or reading fanfiction...wait... ..
Wait, you can learn things from reading fan fiction too! So long as the author knows what they’re doing. I could have bored the living crap out of my readers with an extended Nepenthes lesson because like Wednesday, I too have a parent who is a botanist (I learned of pitcher plants when I was a kid), but I didn’t want to drag down the comedic scene with easily forgotten details.
>The rain had come down just as hard<
>>Is there a rain kink? Because that is unexpectedly hot. Like the scene she had with Xavier in Ep3…
You will be happy to know that the “big scene” between Wednesday and Donovan in Chapter 8 (“Come on, Addams. Gates took my son away.  Don’t let her take you from me, too.”) happens in a serious downpour. Also, as you were publishing your comments, I was publishing Winter 2023, which mentions her desire to smell the rain during the smutty part. She is a pluviophile, as are Gomez, Morticia, and Pugsley.
>>A real gesture would have been to let him explore her ladyparts for a couple minutes undisturbed and describe them to us!
Perhaps that’s coming (ha ha) soon, though in his mind, she’s got little moth wings (which has been used in the text to describe part of her parts). 
>that she was fucking the town's sheriff<
>>Curious thought is that she may have gotten the smell another way, say, being detained / searched by him, or spending time with him discussing the case, assuming sex right away seemed like a leap.
The scents of sex are much different than just normal scents, and werewolves have the same type of receptors that dogs have. They can smell things the same way dogs can, and can tell the difference between someone having just shaken someone’s well-lotioned hand (like with Xavier and Thing) and two bodies all up in each others’ orifices. Sex has a specific scent (genital fluids, sweat, pheromones). And with the way Wenovan’s been going at it…it’s strong in Enid’s nose. 
>dirty AO3 fan fiction<
>>YOU DID NOT also, bruh Enid how is this helping your grades again?
I did.  Tee hee.
>>Ness does care enid, you are just not smart enough to realize not all people are like yourself. I myself like to keep my room neat and tidy….
Enid’s collection IS pretty fkn scary. She has far too many plushies, FFS.
But Afterburn Wednesday’s would, actually, decorate in a similar manner as Yoko (they have similar tastes). It’s just that she brought nothing with her because of her escape plans...she didn’t think she was staying, so why bring any prized items besides her weed kit and utility garter (I consider her inherited ashtray and coaster part of her weed kit). The larger items could be shipped back home easily after her escape (cello, gramophone, typewriter).
>>We love coach Vlad in this house right? He's like the only competent teacher.
Yes, and he totally knew that Bianca would nick the little arrogant newbie’s face good. His side eye when she proposed no masks/tips was hilarious. I feel like he was irritated that his best fencer was being attacked for no reason (as he said quite decisively that it was a clean strike and Rowan had no reason to be a little bitch).
Gates is competent at what she does too. She's just an evil twunt 🤣
>>That's a curious question, do you have the answer to it? (Enid wondering about Wednesday killing Donovan with sex)
No, cardiac arrests during sex aren’t prosecuted as manslaughter or murder. For prosecution to happen, the act must be something that the partner is doing (like bludgeoning or strangling someone during the act of sex), and then it’s not the sex that killed them, it was the instrument and the person wielding it (e.g. the opening scene of Basic Instinct).
>>Yoko is just great. That's all.
I like Yoko too.
> I mean, in this case, seems like 'Lucy' can hold her own.<
>> Big one. Also including some of the gray face comments you keep getting. This I think sums up my way of thinking perfectly "in this case", these situations really are case by case.
A good lot of the cases are terrible and unfit, due to the naive and ignorant nature of the adolescent. But brain development differs immensely (more on that in a minute, given something you wrote).
>> Example given : How do we feel about a 10 year Boy with a 52 year old Male teacher ?. I would hope we agree about "wrong" but now, where is the line ? 12 ? 14 ? 16 ? 18 ?
A 10-year-old boy with anyone is pedophilia (unless they’re peer experimenting, which used to happen pretty freely since kids get curious…of course now they have the internet), and with a 52-year-old male teacher?  Lock that MF up. 
My line is sixteen, and people can be mad about that all they want. Age of Consent was sixteen in my state and it wasn’t a problem back then. Like I might've mentioned in my Tumblr, it’s my body, my rules, and once I turned sixteen I no longer had to worry about people going after any of my partners. You can tell that I’ve trained AB Wednesday to stand firm to the same mantra.
>> Mental maturity/puberty/Who is the aggressor and countless others play a significant role in determining that line. Example given: If Principal Weems would be attempting to seduce Eugene. That I would consider pedophilia.
Yes. Eugene is barely pubescent (he’s got peach fuzz on his upper lip, so he’s getting there). He also seems like a freshman.  “Beems” (Bee Boy + Weems) seems like a really freaky pairing…Eugene would have to go through puberty first, but then that just reinforces your point. 
>> People love to hide behind the law as the be all and end all, but don't consider that the age of consent in most places is 14+ and some places even allow marriage before sex. In Cyprus and Malta, the minimum age of sexual consent is above the age at which children can get married with the consent of a public authority and/or the parents.
Activists are wanting to force the age of consent from 16 to 18 in a lot of places in the U.S. I don't  think there's any state in the union left that has 14 as the threshold. I didn't think there were many Euro countries that were still at 14, either (which to me is too young, but w.e., Europe 💀). The whole marriage thing is wild too, but when you think about hundreds of years ago when noble people wed, they would often marry off their children at an early age but the marriage wouldn't be able to be consummated until the girl reached a certain age.
One thing a lot of Euro countries have over us is comprehensive sex ed for kids, though now I'm seeing some shitballs become influenced by the prudish Americans (see: sour reactions under posts about Evanna Lynch’s relationship w the dude who played Young James Potter…she was 16 when they started dating, I think he was 21 or something).
>>Besides. Even Adult couples, where one partner is, say, 23 - An adult by every type of classification, and the other 61 I see people calling pedophile - like, that word does not mean what you think it does.
People have watered down that word so much that it's meaningless when people throw it at me. Pedophilia is the literal attraction to pre-pubescent children (generally the age range is 6 to 12 years old). If people need the labels, then use the labels correctly:
An infantophile/nepiophile is someone who is attracted to babies/toddlers up to ~5 years old. (🚩🚨🤢 SNS for judging! 🤢���🚩)
A pedophile is someone who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, with a general age range ~6 to 12 years old. (🚩🚨🤢 Again, SNS for judging!🤢🚨🚩)
A hebephile is someone who is attracted to those just entering puberty (~11- to 14-year-olds …*repeat alarms/red flags here*). Humbert Humbert of the novel  Lolita was a hebephile.
An ephebophile is someone who is attracted to late/finished pubescent adolescents (~15- to 19-year-olds).  Would it be fair to call Donovan an ephebophile? Was he attracted to 15 to 19 year olds before Wednesday came into his life? (The answer is very clearly, no.) 
A teleiophile is someone who is attracted to adults and sexually mature teenagers. Normally the masses are teleiophiles.
A mesophile is someone who is attracted to those who are middle-aged. Afterburn Wednesday is a mesophile. 
A gerontophile is someone who is attracted to elderly people. To each their own, but the general masses who get married to their soulmates and grow old together eventually become gerontophiles. 🍋🤭🍋
>> The word they are searching for is "Oh wow that's quite an age gap, iam lucky it does not concern me in the slightest" Same with the word "child", while…Take this quote: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 19.
Yes, there are some good points there.
>> Also : The brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s.
The prefrontal cortex ‘finishes’ by around 25, but that is an average and that whole study wasn't read for what it meant. The researchers examined several factors that influence brain development in adolescents and thus someone like Afterburn Wednesday would've been able to mature faster than other average people, so I'll just leave it here.
Ignore what they say about cannabis because that doesn't work the exact same in the Afterburn Universe.  It has less of an effect on outcasts in terms of health detriment.
>> If those people see a happy married couple aged 82 and 91 that have been together for 65 years they want that too, then they do the math and realize they married at 17 and 26, and then proceed to lose their shit.
People are generally bad at mathing.
>They must be<
>> Frankly too large tends to overboost a guys ego. I know of a man who got a 10 inch monster who treats his partners like condoms. Was it worth it? Only they know. // Also id like to point out lesbians are a thing. They seem quite content without a male appendage present.
When I was 14, I had a 15yo boyfriend who had one of those monsters. It was huge and he didn't know what to do with it. He was a dumbass though (a Kent-level dumbass), and a huge reason why I then stuck to way older men.
Lesbians aren't always content without a male appendage, that's why there's a multitude of phallic toys made just for them, like the double-ended strap-on. …Actually now that I think about it, I don't know any lesbians IRL who DON'T have a strap-on. Some vaginas just crave dick (but not the dickheads behind them), it's literally shaped to accommodate them (or other phallic items 🥒🍌🍆 😂).
Yoko is like that. She's 90% lesbo but likes actual dick every once in a while, hence her admission to Bianca about being with Xavier. Yeah, that makes her a little bisexual. 
>To her, he was perfect.<
>> He is quite a catch I must admit.
The language I used mirrors Donovan’s thoughts from the previous chapter: “To him, she was normal. She was his normal.”
>was hiding a pain so great that <
>> A Man who knows who the monster is and isn't doing anything about it, endangering her, Enid, Xavier, and injuring Eugene. I see no way where she will receive this news in a good way.
It's his son. When Donovan tells Tyler “More than you could ever know” after he answers the question, “Did you ever even love her?”, Donovan is basically confessing: “I loved her so goddamn much that I don't want to lose your sorry, stupid, murdering ass either because you're all I have left of her, but I don't know what to do and am unsure of what I should do or how to approach it”. We're not sure exactly what’s motivating N/C Don to avoid moving on Tyler but again…it's his son, and people can become blinded by their love even for their dangerous children. This is something that Thing actually goes over in Chapter 8.
AB Donovan has clear motivation: it's his son and (( SPOILER, I can't  say 😭)). Francie’s Hyde wrecked the family (and Donovan)  in ways that haven't been revealed yet. Bruh has severe PTSD.
>"Tall black, two sugars,"<
>> We have the joke about eating my way past this story but I will say I can't stand black coffee
“Tall black, two sugars” is what Donovan orders when he goes to the Weathervane (N/C, Episode 6, right after Wednesday blows off Tyler). She was getting his drink for herself. Hence why Tyler was looking at her funny while making it.
>Keeps me in business.<
>> Gonna be affected hard then by kinbots death. Maybe Wednesday can step up.
I've written parts of Valerie’s funeral already. 🫠
>casually slipping it into her bag.<
>> Did.. she just shoplift?
Yep, she pulled a Winona (Ryder 🤣). She's not an angel, and sometimes her intrusive thoughts take over her impulses. And this day in particular she isn't always thinking about anything but Donovan and Enid.
>with a ten and a quarter on the<
>> I may either be overreading this, or not understanding it, the book costs 3, she stole one, and pays 10.25, but accepts the change unlike the coffeshop exchange where she told him to keep the change? Like. Am I dumb? If its 3 flat, why put down 10 and 0.25?.
There's 6% sales tax that applies to books in Vermont. In order to get $7 back (and not $6 and a whole bunch of change), she gave her the quarter, because the total would be $3.18. If there were local Jericho taxes, it would be 7% (because the max local is 1%), which would've made the book $3.21. 
The one she stole, she didn't see the price of (it was a $25 book 💩). She might not have taken it if she’d seen the price. But, she will make up for it eventually.
>favorite Rice books<
>> I admit I am not fact checking anything regarding the books/authors, but I will say your effort to include them in your lore is appreciated, even if I just read it as white noise (white text?) it makes the world feel alive in a way that only a very small number of stories manage to.
You should pick up a copy of Belinda, it's an easy read. 🙂
>what her family's net worth was.<
>> Also worth mentioning, interestingly your Wednesday is one of the very few that are willing to use her parents money, usually she's more of an "I don't need their help, I will be a successful author by myself" type of Wednesday, what made you decide to go that route ?, Wednesday accepting and using her parents' wealth?
Afterburn Wednesday is a lot more practical than N/C Wednesday (it's ironic that I'm saying this right now, given what Afterburn Wednesday’s been doing since the end of S1 events). Afterburn Wednesday was against ‘writing what you know’ because she thought it to be reserved for the imagination impaired, but since her life was becoming a twisted mystery, she leaned into it; the same goes for her money. Why not lean into it since it's there and she's stuck there; if she didn't use her money, it would put her at a great disadvantage over the other spoiled rich kids, and since everything is a competition, she’d want to come out on top there, too (the Addamses and the Tanakas are rich af). Gomez spoils her with an allowance, but she just hoards it, which is what she thought she might live off of after she ran away.
>Lucas's shenanigans with<
>> Violent assault is not shenanigans is it ?, All 4 of them should have been sent off for rehabilitation
>More like crapcore,<
>> Frankly, that's rude, I would love to have one of those, handmade too, it looked so fucking comfy
She hated it in canon, so. AB W hates it too. LOL And that actually makes her an elitist snob.
>the girl with Enid's face pleaded
>> Ha, that's a funny twist to the faceless.
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> rude and offensive question.<
>> It is a fair question, if Wednesday one of the smarter people does not know its not common knowledge. So it's fair.
All Nevermore students are provided a Student Handbook where the various outcasts are listed/described for their knowledge (and it's gone over during orientation, which she didn't have BUT she got the handbook and was told to read it, which she merely skimmed/didn't bother with the outcasts guide…because she didn't think she was staying, and then once she did decide to stay, she just completely forgot about the handbook 💀). 
Also, since Mishizu is Japanese, she considers it extra rude…especially since Wednesday is supposed to be one of the smart ones. It's just more emphasis on how Wednesday is an outcast amongst outcasts.
>The thud of the impact on her thigh<
>> hit me baby one more time.
I really needed me some Thornhill action there. I still cackle every time I envision this part/Wednesday goes flying out of the frame and into the tall weeds.
>up my rectal cavity.<
>> I mean so far said cavity has been very underused, description and usage wise. Please, no hot coals however.
I have a surprise for Donovan, but I just need to place it properly. It's quite possible it won't show up until After the Burn.
>"Weems isn't going to report <
>> I am sure Weems wouldn't report it either way, given the Addams forture funding nevermore…crossing the Addams seems unwise in your story.
While that's true, Weems has ulterior motives for keeping Wednesday where she is. Weems, Chancellor. Her parents. 
>she hated doing that when Thing was around.<
>> Why? iam sure he could be handy. Don't hit me.
He’s FAMILY, like Enid said, and Wednesday isn't into incest yet. What?
Besides, in the Afterburn Universe, Thingclair is a thing. They practically had a full on affair in N/C. Little dude’s SEEN HER NAKED AND HELD HER HAND 😭✨
>I need that in poster size," she demanded<
>> So do i !
In my extras (multimedia, AI, etc.) I'm looking to create some of Donovan’s photographs, so. Particularly the one in question, but also the ones with Wednesday. Just have to find a good AI program and figure out the prompt. 
>> I mean given the amount of men (and women somehow) that cannot even name all parts of the female genitalia correctly would suggest some additional visual education is needed.
Yeah, but Donovan doesn't want to get into that kind of trouble. Pics of her mothwings would probably land him with CSAM charges, regardless of how tastefully or educationally they were done.
American society is a prudish as Hell society right now. He’d be lucky to get away with what he has (it's pics of her naked back/the curves of her ass, curves of her breasts, weed smoke rings/smoke, and a few semi-racy ones of her in just a white shirt and her black/white striped socks holding Ted…there's a set of them together, waist up and holding each other with a focus on the curves of their arms…all set against a dark grey background as she sat on an old/vintage bench). Luckily American society in the Afterburn Universe is a tiny bit more relaxed, but still.
>She felt empty,<
>> As I said, thing would have been very useful. Not a cock, but a handful can help.
RELATED. Or, at least, family.  Thing, in his scene with Donovan in 8, explains his relationship to the Addamses a bit better.
>disgust as it started licking the ball<
>> OH god this is going to be good isn't it?>> Oh god, if she could hear me laughing my end would be upon me.
Wednesday Jr. is canon in Addams Family lore, so…why not?  Anything to annoy our favorite easily-annoyed Moping Myrtle.
>replacing me with a dog."<
>> I am curious if it does actually hurt her.
Not really. She likes animals and has a special way with them. … 🫠 It hurts her in a different way though, which I’ll put directly in the text somewhere.
>wasn't wearing any underwear<
>> Oh god, she's really going for the kill right away.
Fuck yeah, she wanted that man to pound that 😺 hard, like the other teachers who did the same to less worthy girls.
>She used her toes<
>> She does like teasing with her toes and feet doesn't she?
…She does. ☺️
>Ryleigh had gone missing<
>> So she is using her parents money to make people disappear, neat
…She used brute force for that one. 💩
>Just how much older?"<
>> So iam not sure how to word this, I don't like that Wednesday/her family don't have a healthy relationship in your story but my god you fucking nailed their voices. The fact iam hearing their voices when iam reading the family interactions.
Only going by N/Canon. 🤷🏽‍♂️ She just doesn't have a great relationship with Morticia. But thank you re: their voices.
>Only if he is a gravedigger. Is he?" <
>> I mean he is kind of digging his own grave with his alcoholism, does that count?
Yes, it does.  But it's not what kills him.
>Your father would never allow it."<
>> Interestingly, she always did feel more of a daddy's girl to me with Gomez being willing to do anything for her and her being quite fond of him too, where as she's remaining cloddish with her mother.
She is very much a Daddy’s Girl BUT…men don't know what's in a woman’s heart. At least, that's how Wednesday feels at the moment when she realizes she needs to talk to an experienced woman about her problems…someone who would understand what it's like to be a horny teenaged girl in the midst of a shit ton of drama.
> offense registry desperate?<
>> I have issues believing that they can't just send her some of her more complex toys with outcast amazon, they have the money to do that, or just outright send lurch, money is such a cheat code.
She's in immediate need, even Outcast Amazon can't ship that fast. …Well, maybe it can, but that's not the point. 😭🤣
>"He's a cop."<
>> She 100% knows its Donovan doesn't she?
Yanno…I think she might strongly suspect it. Morticia isn't dumb, after she woke up from her fainting spell her brain raced back to Parents’ Weekend to see if she’d missed any signs. There were N/C signs right in front of us.
>All the girls were giggling.<
>> That's a flashback to our Sex ed…
I don't even remember the sex ed we got, but it was basic and terrible. I already knew everything they were teaching.
>"Plant looks plenty 'excited' too<
>> You see at least that's a funny joke worth laughing at
Xavier is class clown, obvs.
>there was nothing she could do about it<
>> Nothing some silver dagger coated with garlic won't fix…
Oh, now. That's no way to treat Yoko or Wenaka. Wednesday will get a mouthful in with Yoko near the end of Chapter 7. 👹
>I could make that move for you if you want."<
>> That is actually really nice of him, take him up on the offer and your problem will be solved Wednesday.
Xavier’s powers are really weird re: making things come to life. I'm sure if his powers involuntarily made the Hyde painting scratch him, he could make her penis plant drawing at least tickle her clit. 
>but it sure would be fun<
>> Iam so sad there is no Xavier/Wednesday in your story, their back and forth is just great, ignore me iam just thirsty.
Gotta go by canon. There's a good amount of Xavierday angst though.
>become permanent was<
>> I like that she's admitting to herself that it's an unfounded fear.
Unfounded fears are still fears, especially to the attachment impaired.
>BAM! Enid nearly jumped... She pulled her close, their lips almost touching. Her eyes volleyed from hers to her lips for too long a moment before they locked eyes and she sneered.<
>> That sentence was surprisingly hard to understand, Ness was making eye contact with Enid, then looking at enids lips, remaking eye contact, did I get that right?.
>> Also, I totally want a toxic Wednesday/Enid relation now because that scene was charged…
>of a bitch does one have to be<
>> Curious how you will make those 2 reconcile honestly. Given the end hug and your choice of pain by declaring cannon holy but also adding extra bad blood via Enid spilling her secret.
There will be scenes towards the end of 7 and beginning of 8 that will ‘fix’ it so that it remains canon, but the toxicity will still be there.  Ajax will be bound to Wednesday’s will for a while. 👹👹👹👹👹
>"I'm sorry Donovan, but it's the best <
>> Digging for info regarding Tyler?
>and it was making Wednesday a tad nervous.<
>> Would be quite the plot twist if they disown her and suddenly she is just Wednesday.
Won't be happening in this story. They're a family, even as dysfunctional as Wednesday and Morticia are.
>and I are nothing alike.<
>> They both like taxiderming for one, I bet if she had mentioned that Wednesday would hold her in (slightly) higher regard.
… 🙃
>close to being similar to Morticia<
>> It really depends what Wednesday we are considering. N/C Wednesday is like Morticia in a lot of ways.
-They are both..
Yes, that's why it irritates AB Wens so much. The last thing she wants to be is like her mother. She has huge issues around that, some are intuitive rather than direct observation.
>How fascinating—and somewhat terrifying<
>> That line has me laughing, Wednesday, the menace, fucking old men to death.
It has US laughing, but in Kinbott’s mind she doesn't know about Donovan, so she probably assumes that Wednesday is an unrepentant slut…which she is, but for Donovan.
>but it cost her a head tilt<
>> Her Microexpresions are *everything*, from the little smile she gave Donovan right at the start of the show
Or the way her mouth opened in irritance when Kinbott mentioned the relationship between Viper and her mother.  Or the way her brows relaxed in surprise after Weems told her point blank that she knew she was having visions. Ortega was really good with those.
>uh, healthy everyday functioning."<
>> Like drawing a penisplant in class ?, also Kudos to her for being open, when I researched it the first hit was "hypersexuality is a problem that needs medication"
The penis drawing was bound to happen regardless of what AB/W was up to. And hypersexuality doesn't necessarily need medication. It's clinical sex addiction, and that's treated with meds, group therapy, regular therapy…NONE of which Wednesday would be interested in, especially since she's otherwise functional. 
>I suspect that your peers bore you?"<
>> God is that relatable, but turns out its a lonely existence because in the eyes of most adults you will always be "just a child" no matter how well you can hold a conversation with them.
You hit the nail on the head right there. Such loneliness is explored in Winter 2023.
>"Well, as a mandated reporter, if you were — "<
>> It's funny isn't it, everything you say stays in this room, unless I feel like I should share it because I think it's wrong
It's not just that she would think it wrong, it’s that if a crime is involved, she is obligated to inform the courts. But there is no crime that she knows of right now, since Wednesday is 16 in this scene. And there will be even less of a means to ‘punish’ anyone for the relationship once Spring Break 2023 rolls around (which is part of After the Burn).
>Who I sleep with is my business<
>and its K-9 unit<
>> Ohm. I do not wanna pop up one anymore watchlists than I already am, but iam fairly confident beastiality stays illegal no matter your age, so talking about sleeping with the police dogs might not be the best idea?
It was hyperbole, since of course she wouldn't. But if she did, she's a billionairess, and money makes the immorality disappear. Speaking of money…
>And, as a wealthy heiress<
>> Honestly, it feels it would be good for her character to get disowned, because as funny as murder threats are for us as readers, in the world…
That's the beauty of it being a fictional world. 🙂 She can get away with it and not get disowned. Gomez would never do that to his little girl. 🥹
>Kinbott. " I'm his whore. "Ravens<
>> Oh my, I wish she said the middle part too, that would have been amazing.
I don't feel like canon Wends would have done that (even though I contemplated it). She's selective as to what she will share/say and when, especially since it's Valerie.
>eyes had welled with tears as she<
>> Are we implying Wednesday is an actress in universe too?
She's a pretty decent actress when she needs to be. A master manipulator.
>Stalker-level obsessed<
>> Since we know Enid is harmless, id say its cute.
🤣 Well, yeah. I guess, since it's Enid.
>I will pay you for your tutoring. <
>> Iam glad, given she stole his last batch
In the Afterburn Universe, weed is legal for medical purposes and non-medical dispensaries also exist. Outcasts have slightly different rules around it (obvs, since it's integrated into the school). It's still illegal and frowned upon for normie teens to possess (which I think is what drives some of the resentment).
>he was smitten with her the<
>> I mean, who isn't, also... #stonedraven please? I beg of you.
Honestly, if Afterburn Wednesday were to sleep with anyone other than Donovan, it would probably be Ajax (sorry Waviers…Afterburn Wednesday is just not attracted to him/it's the same way that it is in N/Canon). I feel like she’d be able to get her dom on with him. Though she’d be curious about Kent’s big 🍆, I think he’s TOO sweet/dumb af for her. Then there's Eugene…but he’s far from ripening.
…Oh shit I just got another idea…it would make Wednesday a Super Bitch though. …👹 
> him during fencing <
>> Her behind is fine yes, but her moves? Hello? That flip is glorious.
I'm sure the flip would be nothing without those glutes. 
>open shirted, braless front<
>> Um? Don't tell me she's about to seduce him ?
>she already eaten it? <
>> She IS the poisoned apple.
>in personal cruelty<
>> Took me a while but...she's totally doing this to fuck with Enid doesn't she? Ugh. 
>Her eyebrows raised. "Including Xavier?<
>> Interesting if that's for her personal knowledge or if she will use that against him at some point…
Why else would a manipulative narcissist be interested in such information? 👹
>He blushed. He was, at least, charming<
>> He is a dork but he's adorable
We love Ajax in this house. 💖✨
> from a different time," he said, fairly quickly. <
>> I feel humiliated by the fact he knew that and I didn't. 
The word has Greek roots, and that's the only reason why he was so quick. Most anything else, he’s straight up stoner/couldn't tell you much.
> to his crush was how much he bottomed for both Nightshade boys<
>> Oh god poor Ajax is getting more than he bargained for.
HE SURE IS. Anyone who encounters her is in that kind of danger.
>derive pleasure from their eyes and ears<
>> This has to be discussed, however, because it can go both ways, as in
Afterburn Wednesday is  traditionally monogamous. But here, she is still without Donovan and is in Manipulator Mode. She’ll keep to her rules, though for the Tyler kiss (🤢) she’ll be so desperate to know the truth that she’ll fall right into Manipulator Mode again.
They discuss cheating in the audio excerpt from Part 2 (which is in Winter 2023), and obvs Donovan thinks she was cheating on him with Tyler.
>"Whaaa…way…wait, you don't like Enid?"<
>> While I trust your author skills, it feels like you're digging yourself a grave... Enid will be back next episode…
Trust in my author skills, and the fact that I'm still dealing with the Afterburn versions of these little fuckers...they have qualities not present in N/C.
>So I'm going to ask one last time: What do you need from me, Ajax?<
>> No iam not squealing, you are.
I need to dump some more of this Wenjax action in the next upload, huh.
>new pet gorgon<
>> Urgh while it's hot to read, I don't like Ajax getting exploited, he doesn't even get a taste in return…
He’ll be fine. …I think. 👹
>Ugh, poor Enid.<
>> Ness is so judgmental, why does Ajax finishing quickly indicate poor Enid? 
When she says that, she's actually sorry for Enid. Sorry that Enid has a dude who does finish too quickly.  Probably sorry that Enid (likely) won't have someone like Donovan.
Also, wet dreams don't count towards any judgements…they're things that are completely out of one's control.
>cruel and start laughing<
>> Have to say her behaviour here is making her quite unlikeable
She was never meant to be perfect. Her big character flaw is manipulating people to get what she wants (and while she gets away with it with Donovan sometimes, from the first car ride to the cabin you can see that she doesn't get away with manipulating him all the time, which I think is part of what draws her to him…that he WON'T let her do it all the time is seen as both strength and a challenge that she admires…everyone else is weak-willed). She doesn't really ✨care✨ about anyone besides herself and Donovan. Everyone else she just tolerates.
Plus, since these thoughts are centered around sex, she's amused because she now feels justified in her preferences.
>you're always fire whenever<
>> While her uniform is part of the excitement, that big brain of hers is the real appeal
Brains and beauty. Do you think he steals glances at her from across the room during CPlants? 👹
> "Hi Enid," she sang quietly.<
>> Oh god she is fucking evil. And apparently iam too because I can't help but smirk.
She is quite evil when someone pisses her off. But now she has a pet, and she’ll be using him in the next upload/part (urgh, it's coming so slowly 😭).
>"It's on the house. So's the weed<
>> I feel genuinely bad for him, he's such a nice guy that while a bit airheaded got the heart in the right spot.
I think this result is what Wednesday was looking for. It was a highly manipulative scene and a contrast to how she is with Donovan.
>letting the cash drop to the floor<
>> And then she does this type of disrespect like...why... Enid hurt you not Ajax.
Wasn't meant as disrespect. It's a power thing. He shouldn't have rejected her cash. Now he has to pick it up from the floor. He needs to do what he’s told…hence him ‘kissing her ring’ (she wasn't wearing any, so the gesture was symbolic). In actuality, neither really need the money.
>quarter pill of ecstasy.<
>> Not been there, but it feels risky needing drugs to be able to orgasm, could form an addiction no?
It's not necessarily ‘to be able to’ orgasm, it just makes it easier. It puts you in the mood. Opens everything up, makes things feel intensely better.
>his firm hand kneading at the muscles of her neck<
>> Anyhow...moving on from our Gorgon abuse... This is hot AF, but I have a massage kink so it does work extra for me.
They both have a style that’s brimming with sensuality. I think maybe Addams brings that out in him/his inner sculptor (not really sculpting, but he’s good at woodworking…sanding things, carving things). I'll get into that more in-text.
>> Still love the fact he calls her "Addams" also you have a typo there, the correct term is "sweet art".
He’ll always call her Addams, and she’ll clap back with Galpin when she wants. Both that and ‘sweet ‘art’ exist in the short Winter 2023.
>dragging her erection along his…. <
>> That is one of the most erotic things I have read in a while, ugh just so sensual AND hot.
She knows what she wants and how things work. 🫠💦💦💦✨
>onto her pillow and bedspread.<
>> Leave it to me to ask this in the middle of a sex scene but...why isn't she using towels to keep her bed dry? She can't very well switch out her bedding every single day can she?
She's high and doesn't care. 
…Now that I think about it, she should've been masturbating on Enid’s bed, for that wet reason. THAT would've been such a bitch move. Alas…hindsight.
>when he stretched his hands around her waist.<
>> Would her waist not be larger when she's full of air ?, also that is still tiny.
Take a very deep breath in and take a look at your stomach.
>peaceful ending with the man she adored<
>> Despite ness acting like a cunt towards the end of this chapter, this is what we are rooting for #happyend.
She's our cunt, though. 🥰
>I'm Belinda.<
>> Wow, what an ending to this behemoth chapter.
Apologies for the delay in the review, I was quite busy and had to catch up with other fanfictions as well. Now, what a chapter wow, not the most smut in it but the world and character building you do is amazing.
Why are you apologizing for a delay in review? 😭 I'm just ecstatic that I get such a thorough review at all. And thank you, I try.
Also, I agree with a fellow commenter who is of the opinion that the smut in this story is its own character, however, said character still needs a description of how they look like!
In all its detail including every landmark.
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I would write more but I need to sleep 😭
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
Currently casting for my story's Eric Walker, Afterburn Lucas's older brother.
...Yes, I'm a Stranger Things fan too
just like the idiot writers of the show who decided to make another young Black character named Lucas and use his last name of Sinclair for the last name of one of the main characters.
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