#saturn girl x psi
moonyexmachina · 11 months
"You can stay, if you want. I don’t mind.” And there was that thrumm again, running from star to star and pushing her to step closer. It felt a lot like hope. It felt a little like please don’t leave. So Imra stayed. Or A soulmate AU where your mark grows brighter the more you are loved. Imra's has been dimm for a while. Then she meets Gayle.
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iminyourhandskara · 4 years
okay i know i havent finished writing one call away, but once im done with it i would like to write something about psiturn again, but i have no ideas... if you got a prompt for me please drop it in my inbox😩❤️
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GAYle x Imra (psi x saturn girl)
Gayle: i like my women like i like my tv shows and my games.
Gayle: from the future*winks at imra*
Imra: *facepalms and blushed softly * why did that get me tho
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sensationnelsqueer · 6 years
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Imra and Gayle fanart
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saintdollyparton · 6 years
If y'all are gonna ship Psi and Imra, Psimra is a readymade ship name for them.
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meritbizuzu · 6 years
I'm just here scrolling through the imra x psi tag and I'm just like...
The ship has awoken and it's a rainbow one
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Thoughts on Rewatching Supergirl Season 3
While I did watch most of this season, it was kinda where I dropped off of watching the show.  I just to be too busy and some of the story.
I still freaking miss Cat being on the show.  But I love that she became Press Secretary for President Mardin.
Even though I love Adrian Pasdar, I hate Morgan Edge.  He is a mix between Maxwell Lord, Lillian Luthor, and Donald Trump.
Love having more Lena.
I don’t like mopey Kara.  But I get it.  She loved Mon-El, who had to leave Earth in order to live.  But James is right - Kara needs to get her head on straight and not just be Supergirl 24/7.
While I like James being more CatCo-oriented in this season opener, I really miss Snapper Carr.  Especially since Kara just quit.  You know Snapper (and Cat) woud be pissed and disappointed in her because they spent so much time teaching and mentoring her as a CatCo reporter.  I feel like Clark would understand, but still be a bit disappointed.
Glad that Alex called Kara out on her pity party.
Ooh, Kara just foreshadowed the breakup of Alex and Maggie.
Awww, super sweet moment between Alex and J’onn when she asks him to walk her down the aisle in place of her father.  Too bad it never happens.
While I like Erica Durance and loved her Lois on Smallville, I don’t like her Alura.  I am too attached to Laura Benanti.
I love the mother/daughter relationship between Sam and Ruby.
Well, we know why Eve is a big fan of Lena’s.  She’s a member of Team Luthor.
I am glad that Lena bought CatCo, but she and James have an interesting transition ahead of them.
I think the beginning of the end for Maggie and Alex was Maggie’s dad.
I liked meeting J’onn’s father.
I like the girls spending time together: Kara, Lena, Alex, Maggie, and Samantha.
Not as much James and Winn bonding as the last two seasons, which makes me sad.
I hate cult (and religious) storylines.  Ugh, to the Cult of Rao and Thomas Coville.  I like Chad Lowe, though.
I wonder if they will keep Alex’s desire to be a mom for future seasons.
Morgan getting back at Lena by harming children is truly disgusting.
And Mon-El is back... from the future!  Yeah, like we didn’t know that was going to happen.  But couldn’t they have waited a season or two to bring him back and do the Legion story?
Mixed feelings on “Crisis on Earth-X”.  Nazis are overdone, though can be relective of the time.  Earth-X Oliver & Kara = ewwww.  Oversaturation of main Arrowverse characters in the Supergirl episode.  Yeah, I know I complained that there wasn’t even crossover last season.  Not enough Winn, or I should say Earth-38 Winn.
Alex and Sara are a pretty hot couple.  Too bad they were only a drunken hookup at a universe-crossing wedding.
I love Kara and Barry’s friendship.  They understand each other’s problems, both of the superhero nature and the strains of relationships.
I love General Winn Schott of Earth-X
I like Ray Terrill aka The Ray, but wasn’t a fan of his CW Seed animated series.
Supergirl in distress during this crossover was a bore, but I liked Alex having a leading role in The Flash part of the crossover.
The most interesting thing about Overgirl is her dying of a solar radiation meltdown.
Imra Ardeen, Saturn Girl, is pretty and nice, but why bring her in when she is treated as a disposable wife to Mon-El, who isn’t even her canon love interest?
J’onn’s father is the most adorable man, er, Martian.
Still feel like James and Lena came out of nowhere.  Still missing James and Kara’s squandered potential.
Brainiac 5 seems endearing, but I feel like the costume/makeup is a bit off.  I felt like Seasons 1′s Indigo fka Brainiac 8 looked better.
I love it when there is an all-girl team episode in almost episode in almost any show.  So, naturally I liked Saturn Girl and villainesses Livewire and Psi joining up with Supergirl to fight Reign.
I hated losing Leslie aka Livewire.  She was so much fun.
I hope to see Psi again.
Umm, I don’t remember this karaoke scene... wow...
Aww, poor Winn.  His dad was a bad guy, but he did love his son, in his own way.
And so we meet Winn’s mom.
Yeah, I would say that he wanted to go out with a bang.
M’yrnn J’onzz having the Martian equivalent of dementia is the saddest story of the season.
Oh, God.  Mon-El cannot sing.  At all.
I love the new, or rather revised, costume Mon-El wears.  Very comic-accurate.
Honestly, not too interested in the other Worldkillers.
My poor Winn.
I like the conversations between Sam and Reign inside Sam’s head while Lena is trying to help her.
I like Brainy with the image inducer.
And I guess this is where we start to see a division between Kara/Supergirl and Lena.
Yay, Winn made Alex a battlesuit with modified weapons!  I love when the techies upgrade the heroes.
Ha, I love Lena showing up Brainy on the Legion ship.
While I didn’t care much for the Worldkillers story, what was the purpose in having two more along with Reign if you weren’t going to utilize them?
I will say that I like that Julia overcame the Purity personality and killed Pestilence before succumbing to her injuries.
I like that James tells Lena the truth about him being Guardian and that he broke into her lab to make sure there wasn’t anymore kryptonite.  And Lena admitting that she made the kryptonite.  Being honest and trusting others goes along way.  Something that Kara still needs to learn.
Brainy and Winn’s “goodbye” is awkward and funny.
I feel bad for Imra.  Yeah, she helped save Kara and the people of National City.  Yeah, her sister is alive now because Pestilence is dead and can’t become Blight now.  But still the Mon-El/Kara awkward relationship rears its ugly head.  Imra is too nice and cool to be forced onto the sidelines.
I’m surprised that they brought back Sam’s adoptive mother.  Not surprised that she was killed by Reign.
And James gets outed as a hero/vigilante.
While I like Alex and Ruby spending time together both before and after the Sam/Reign secret was out, I feel it just hurts Alex more.  She gets to play mom to this girl who is soon out of her life and then Alex doesn’t seem to be any closer to finding love after Maggie or a new chance at motherhood.
Argo City!  Alura is alive.  Mother/daughter reunion.
Nice going, Winn.  Make the near-orphan feel worse because you are stressed.  She has it worse, honey.  Your late father was a minor supervillain in comparison to what is a part of her mother.
I love the mentions of Astra and Non when Kara brings her mother up to speed.  It’s also nice to hear Alura say that she was wrong in some of her decisions regarding Fort Rozz and Krypton.
While I understand Kara’s wish to go live in Argo, it would have been way too easy.  Plus, 
Poor James and Winn.  Bored with slow days of patroling.
I like that they are bringing up the gun debate.
Wow, it astounds that Eve is more than the blonde secretary stereotype.
I wasn’t surprised by Selena being the leader of the Kryptonian witch cult.  We had already seen visions of the priestess.
How could they not see it was a damn trap?  Kara spent years on Earth.  She should be genre savvy enough to know when the Big Bad speechifies about their plan, it means they are trying to kill the heroes.  Duh.  She should have known before then.
While I like Brainiac 5 and I understand why he can’t go back to the future, I hate that Winn is being sent in his place.  I am so going to miss Winn and looking at Jeremy Jordan.
Alex asking herself the hard, very real questions.
For a season-ending battle, it was pretty good.  I do like that Kara tried to stick to her morals.
Glad that Sam will be okay.
Sad to lose J’onn’s father.
I’m not surprised that Alex is being made the Director of the DEO.  It has been hinted at since Season 1.
I like Alura’s fight suit.
This sweet, sad goodbye.
Mon-El will have his hands full with Winn.
Not sure how I feel about J’onn leaving the DEO.
Oh, Lena.  What have you gotten yourself into?
And the Season 4 tease is a Kara clone(?) in Siberia.
So glad that I finally finished that season.  Because I totally missed those last few episodes.
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plastic-pipes · 5 years
Would you ever draw Psiturn (Psi x Saturn Girl)?
not very likely
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redhairedwolfwitch · 6 years
Merlin - Kara & Alex Danvers x Sister!Danvers!Meta!Reader
Your sisters have no idea you’re a meta-human until you’re forced to protect yourself against another meta-human with mimicry powers, causing your best friend to come running to your aid.
Mach has they/them pronouns so you can choose like who they are besides reader’s best friend + love interest, its hinted. I also hinted Imra x Psi because I love it. 
Merlin is your alter-ego name, Mach is your bestie, Ravager is Rose Wilson since I did some research and I wasn’t sure who your other teammate is yet so they go unidentified atm.
You hadn’t told your sisters you were a meta-human, even after you discovered your powers and other people like you. Including your best friend. Neuro-electric interface, telekinesis, mental manipulation which included pain and fear alongside energy manipulation. Your best friend on the other hand was had different powers to you. Alongside your other alies.
Everything was different after that day, you were at your sister, Kara’s apartment as she, your other sister Alex, Maggie, Imra, Lena, Lucy Lane, Sam, Ruby, Cat and everyone else were at game night when the news came on, displaying the new threat to National City.
A purple themed meta-human who worked with a speedster clad in dark blue.
“Supergirl will deal with them right mom?” Ruby questioned causing Sam to just nod as they watched the footage displayed on TV.
“You make it seem like everyone who has powers who isn’t Supergirl is a threat.” You stated, rolling your eyes at the confused glances you got.
“You’re defending them?” Alex questioned causing you to shrug as you stuffed more popcorn into your mouth.
“You don’t know them, they might want to be good but just need some guidance, not locking up for being something they didn’t choose to be.” You replied before looking at your phone.
“On that note, I have to go, roommate emergency.” You explained, everyone still giving you weird looks as you left, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Just because we’re not the Girl of Steel doesn’t mean we can’t help out.” You grumbled under your breath as you hurried down the stairs, the orange lightning shocking you as the dark blue clad speedster appeared.
“We gotta go.” The person replied, grabbing you to carry you bridal style, away from your sister’s apartment, hoping nobody saw you both as you arrived at your lair aka the apartments you and your alies lived at.
“I saw the news, Supergirl is going to be coming after us with the assumption we’re a threat.” You replied, running your hand through your hair as it turned purple, along with your clothing.
“Assumption is the mother of all failure.” A voice joked causing you and the speedster to turn around.
“So true Rose.” The speedster laughed causing you to smile.
“Mach, Ravager...you guys have cool names...” You replied causing Rose and Mach, the dark blue speedster to look at you.
“Work in progress Y/n, you’re not the only teammate without a name.” Mach replied.
“How about Merlin?” A voice said causing you to grin.
“I like it!” Mach replied with a nod.
“Merlin, Mach, Ravager and I just don’t have a name.” The voice replied.
“Work in progress.” You teased before noticing your phone going off.
“There’s something going on downtown, I just got told to not go anywhere near there by Alex so no doubt DEO and Supergirl aka my sister are involved.” You replied causing Mach to smile.
“Up for a recon mission Merlin?” Mach questioned causing you to grin at them.
“Let’s go Mach...” You replied before letting out a squeak as Mach picked you up, speeding to nearby downtown.
“What the heck is going on?” Mach mumbled as they crouched down next to you, a pile of wooden crates between you and the fight as Supergirl, Saturn Girl, Psi and the NCPD opposed a meta-human who looked to have Psi’s powers plus some others.
“Mimicry?” You mumbled under your breath before the meta-human turned, looking directly at you and Mach.
“Shit.” Mach exclaimed as the crates in-front of the two of you went flying.
“What are they doing here?” Saturn Girl questioned looking at an annoyed Supergirl who luckily couldn’t recognise you with your purple hair, eyes and clothing.
“Well well, more powers for me to copy.” The meta-human grinned before using Psi’s powers to try scare you.
Your eyes glowed a brighter purple as the energy flowed through your hands, casting the shield that deflected the copy of Psi’s powers back at them, fear manifesting in their mind.
“What? You didn’t see that coming?” You snarked, looking around at everyone before leaving the scene, Mach smirking as they sped around, helping civilians. 
“Let’s get the meta back to the DEO to be questioned.” Supergirl replied, smiling slightly as she saw Saturn Girl and Psi chatting and somewhat flirting.
“I’m gonna go to the DEO and ask my sisters about the meta...” You mumbled to Mach who just shrugged.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to know where the DEO is.” Ravager questioned but you just smirked, turning your hair, eyes and clothes back to their usual colours.
“I’m awesome and telepathic...duh.” You replied causing Mach to smirk, nudging you in the ribs before speeding off to talk to your other teammate who was still working out their meta-human super name.
“Good luck with that, stay on comms though, DEO is kinda crazy.” Ravager replied before walking off in the path of Mach.
You smiled as you literally walked into the DEO, observing familar faces from Kara’s apartment earlier in the evening.
“Y/n? How did you get in here?” A voice questioned causing you to turn around and smile, waving at them.
“Walked straight through the door, not exactly hard Mr J’onzz.” You replied before the commotion began.
“J’onn, the metahuman we caught earlier is loose.” Alex began as she walked over, staring in shock at you.
“How did you get in here?” Alex asked, flabbergasted as you just shrugged.
“What? You didn’t see that coming?” You teased before spotting the metahuman storming in, Kara getting thrown into a wall as Imra and Gayle tried to dodge the copies of the latter’s powers being used by the meta.
“You...” The meta growled, recognising you even without your purple attire.
“Hell.” You mumbled as you moved, trying to get to Winn who was at his desk before the powers hit you.
“Oww.” You groaned, eyes glowing purple as you fought off the mental attack, to everyone’s shock, including your sisters’.
“Y/n’s the purple meta-human.” Lucy Lane realised before orange lightning appeared, followed by the dark blue clad speedster.
“Merlin!” Mach shouted before you ran over.
“Mach, little help here!” You exclaimed before the two of you began to take down the meta, realising that Ravager and your other teammate had also shown up, suited up for action.
“You have a lot of explaining to do. Merlin.” Alex exclaimed, eyebrows up to the ceiling as Maggie entered.
“What? Because you didn’t see that coming. Obviously.” You replied sarcastically before retreating, Mach picking you up bridal style to speed you back.
“Is your sister dating that speedster?” Maggie enquired causing Alex to pause.
“I’m not sure... another thing she needs to explain...”
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firebirdmaximus · 5 years
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Got bored recently and decided to look up my old DeviantArt account and found these from around a decade ago. My redesigns of the “Reboot” version of Amalgam Comics` Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 (the merging of DC (post-Zero Hour, pre-Threeboot) Legion of Superheroes and Marvel`s Guardians of The Galaxy) that I made using Acatl from Rangerboard.com`s Power Ranger suit template and MS paint, because I disliked their “Canon” designs.
 From left to right:
Vance Cosmic   (Cosmic Boy + Vance Astro) Psi-girl               (Saturn Girl + Psylocke) ‘Lectron              (Livewire + Electro) Myriad               (Triad + Multiple Man) Phantomcat       (Apparition + Shadowcat) Chameleon        (Chameleon + Chameleon) X-Cel                  (XS + Meanstreak) Living Colossus   (Leviathan + It, the Living Colossus) Invisible Girl       (Invisible Kid + Invisible Woman 2099) Martinex 5          (Brainiac 5 + Martinex) Sparkler             (Spark + Dazzler) Ladybug             (Violet + Wasp) Phoenetix           (Kinetix + Phoenix of Earth-691) Mass                  (Starboy + Charlie 27) Nucleus              (Element Lad + Molecule Man) Universe Boy      (Ultra Boy + Captain Universe) Darkstar             (Umbra + Darkstar)
And as a bonus
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My redesign of Mig-El Gand a.k.a Spider-Boy 2099  (Mon-El/Valor + Spider-Man 2099) that I did before the above Legion designs.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 6 years
Point of Interest: Why the Legion of Super-Heroes Introduction is Important to the Arrowverse
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So with Supergirl on a break as the CW has seen fit to alternate Mondays between Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow in 2018, I thought I'd give my opinion on one of the show's major plot-points this season which is the introduction of the futuristic Legion of Superheroes and also validate why I feel this is one of the shared universe's greatest strengths at present.
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So who are The Legion? Well in the comics they debuted in Adventure Comics #237 way back in April 1958 as a team based in the 30th Century who were founded by teenage Superman superfans Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl in honour of their idol Kal-El aka Superman. As the decades have gone on and the fanbase has increased for the team they have become more of a mainstay in the comics and now serve almost as the futuristic version of the Titans or Young Justice team being a law enforcement organisation with its own rules and regulations for protecting the peace.
Throughout the years and several reboots the team has recruited many “Legionnaires” including Superman while he was still teenage Superboy, Brainiac 5, Supergirl, Mon-El and Superboy aka Kon-El. There are also many others however none have been introduced in any media outside the comics or as fan-service cameos when the Legion has appeared in the DC Animated Universe.
Arrowverse Version:
While this isn’t the team’s first appearance in live-action, it is the first major recurring appearance having only made minor appearances or cameos beforehand which I will discuss further down. Having said that, during the first half of the season they have pretty much been in the background as a team aside from episode 10 which was titled “Legion of Super-Heroes” so it makes sense they were in the foreground for that one but the three episodes that followed before the mid-season break did not really focus on them as a team and instead individuals, more specifically Mon-El and his arranged marriage to Imra despite his feelings for Kara and also Brainy being jealous of Winn. Also it does seem as if we are not going to see any more Legionnaires outside of these three and personally I feel that is a missed opportunity for the show and the Arrowverse at large.
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Now of course as I stated before Mon-El has been a member of The Legion in the comics before however in the most recent incarnation as I think it has been through two reboots in the team’s tenure. However everyone did guess that when Mon-El went through that portal at the end of Season 2 that he was going to the future and would join The Legion. However I do not think anyone expected him to start up the team let alone lead it because again he’s never done that in the comics. Some fans have theorized that this version of the character is a composite of both Mon-El and Superboy from the comics which I find personally weird because that would effectively make him and Kara cousins but maybe that’s a thing on Daxam and Krypton and who are we to judge? But also it is stated that Mon-El formed the Legion of Super-Heroes in honor of Supergirl and I personally do not like that even though it’s her series because the team is supposed to be a Superman fan club and changing the foundation of a long-standing team such as this is just in service to the girl power theme the show constantly pushes.
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For instance in Gotham recently they have made Barbara Kean the new Demon’s Head as she is now the leader of the League of Shadows...however from what was teased in the reveal it does seem it is going to be largely focused on the Sisters of the League which is a deviation from the comics but a different spin which I personally like. But if the Legion of Super-Heroes has no deviation from the source material and is supposedly the same team that it should have the same foundation, especially considering Superman has already been introduced into the series and we have seen a Legion Flight Ring in the Fortress of Solitude suggesting he has already met them...
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Saturn Girl is the only founding member of the original team to be introduced into the Arrowverse and personally I am okay with that because of the three I find her the most interesting. I am not too keen thus far on Amy Jackson’s performance as she seems more robotic than Brainiac 5 and he is essentially a robot whereas Imra is supposed to be an alien woman from Saturn’s Moon of Titan, which on a side-note is another example of there being co-morbidity between DC and Marvel because of course Titan is the homeworld of Marvel supervillain Thanos which we will apparently visit in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War. Irregardless I do like how they have depicted her telepathic powers so far, again they have not shown much but in terms of being an actual vigilante she is the one to get the most screen-time as she teamed up with Supergirl, Livewire and Psi on that mission to Fort Rozz. Again this does seem like Supergirl as a series pushing the female agenda given that the character’s introduction to the series was announced at the start of the season and Brainiac 5 who is male was only announced when he was introduced in Episode 10.
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Speaking of Brainiac 5, I am a massive fan of all things Brainiac. I think in his original form he is a superb supervillain and a perfect nemesis for Superman. He has had many great incarnations in various media including TV Series’ both animated and live-action most recently Krypton which I am starting to watch along with everything else I am watching and my uni work, but also in video games most notably Injustice 2. In the comics Brainiac 5, also known formally as Querl Dox is originally thought to be the great-great-grandson of the original Brainiac who is ashamed of his ancestor’s villainous deeds and makes it his mission to atone for them by joining The Legion. However it is later revealed Brainiac is in fact an android and Querl Dox descends from Brainiac 2 but is apparently cloned from Brainiac 1. It’s all very confusing and to be fair Supergirl does nothing to even address Brainy’s origins so unless you want to know it’s not something you have to know. I am not overly keen on Brainy’s design, for a start he’s blue whereas in the comics he’s green and secondly he has hair that makes him look like Doc Brown from Back to the Future as opposed to the shorter more youthful blonde look he has in the comics. I do appreciate them using the three dots motif that the original Brainiac is known for and also that Season 1 villain Indigo aka Brainiac 8 also had despite that fact Brainiac 5 usually does not sport them in the comics and they do make the character look slightly cartoonish.
On the subject of Indigo, there is thus far no mention or reference to suggest that Brainy and Indigo are in any way related to each other despite the fact that one is called Brainiac 5 and one is called Brainiac 8 and they both come from the same planet just 10 centuries apart from each other. Also it is slightly puzzling that a modern day Brainiac is called 8 whereas a futuristic Brainiac is called 5 but I digress. I know I haven’t really reviewed Supergirl as I have done with Arrow and The Flash but again since starting uni I cannot fit in episodic reviews of shows I watch anymore because I barely have the time to do movie reviews these days, but just to get my thoughts out there I really disliked how Indigo looked. Firstly she looked more like Mystique than how she does in the comics, again if they had made her green it would have been more faithful. Also Laura Vandervoort tried god bless her but her superhero heyday was as Supergirl in Smallville.
Now the series has referenced another Legionnaire, I think Mon-El mentioned having a friend in the 31st century named Ayla who in the comics is the Legionnaire codenamed Lightning Lass who is the sister of founding member Lightning Lad. The team has stated there are at least three unidentified members other than themselves so both Lightning Lass and Lightning Lad could be members as well as Cosmic Boy because the latter two along with Saturn Girl have always been the founding members in all incarnations of the team. However again why there has been no mention of a Rokk or Garth even by Imra yet there has been mention of an Ayla is maddening to me because again it’s pushing the female members of the team more than the original and faithful members.
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On a final note about this universe’s version of the team. I do not like the fact the team are uniformed identically, it really annoys me. As much as I love the X-Men film franchise it annoys me about them too because it almost strips them of their identity. Particularly when you consider Team Arrow, Team Flash, the Legends, every supervillain depicted and even Black Lightning all have costumes similar to the comics.
Previous Versions:
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As I mentioned earlier this isn’t the first incarnation of The Legion outside of the comics, the first that came to my attention was on Smallville Season 8 which is also a CW DC series and in my opinion did more in 1 episode to establish the team than Supergirl has done in the series so far. For a start they introduced the team with the original founding members Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl, they established the team was founded on what they believed was Superman’s ideals, also they allowed the creation of Brainiac 5 and depicted the origin of said character in a more organic way than established here. Yes they went straight from Brainiac to Brainiac 5 by simply reprogramming the original which I guess brings in the clone angle from the comics but either way it was pretty straight forward and the recurring villain that James Marsters brilliantly portrayed for 5 seasons on and off transitioned into the reformed hero when he returned in Season 10. Also Supergirl is briefly a member during Season 10 as she goes to the future before going off to fight in the war on New Krypton.
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Other than live-action the team has made multiple appearances in animation, firstly in the DC Animated Universe of the 90s-Early 00s and then in their own, albeit short-lived, series trying to capitalize on the success of the original Teen Titans series.
Benefits to the Arrowverse:
So now we’ve gone over who the Legion of Superheroes are, why do I believe the team are one of the stronger current installments to the Arrowverse?
Well the Legion’s primary base of operations is in the 31st Century, now yes while the Earth-38 (Supergirl’s reality) variant of the team is currently operating in present day, they could easily travel back to their own time and even take Supergirl with them to see what the future is like either if Reign remains victorious or after she is defeated.
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However as has been stated numerous times, the Multiverse consists of 53 different realities including 16 numbered Earths, 5 unidentified Earths and the Nazi ruled Earth-X. Also it his widely known that there are various doppelgangers of most characters. Barry Allen of Earth-1 has an Earth-2 counterpart as well as Killer Frost, Cisco Ramon, Ronnie Raymond, Martin Stein, Iris West, Joe West, Nora Allen, Oliver Queen, Robert Queen, Floyd Lawton and David Singh as well as Earth-X counterparts of Kara Zor-El, Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn, James Olsen, Felicity Smoak, Winn Schott and Leonard Snart. Also seemingly a Harrison Wells on every Earth. So it does stand to reason that on at least a couple of Earths there are variants of the Legion of Superheroes.
Also because the team operates in the 31st Century, Barry Allen or the Legends could travel to the future and meet them in order for the team to ally them in a mission. This could also introduce new members including founders Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad, that’s just on Earth-1. Also it is a public fan-theory that Smallville exists on one of the 53 Earths which already has its own Legion team so that is already another variant right there.
I do not believe the Legion can hold it’s own series for the pure and simple reason that Legends of Tomorrow is already a team series and the similarities are too close. However they could easily become recurring support for Supergirl, the Legends or Team Flash potentially in a future four-way crossover or a two-part story in one of the four series’ the universe comprises of.
So what do you guys think? Do you think the Legion of Superheroes has a place in the Arrowverse or do you think they’re just a plot-device on the current season of Supergirl. Post your comments and check out more DC TV posts as well as other posts.
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moonyexmachina · 1 year
It was just a touch. Except no one has touched Psi this gently in a long, long time. Except there is nothing just about it. Or Psi is touch starved. Psi is also a monster. Imra doesn't seem to care much about either. Psi deals with this in a perfectly hinged way.
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iminyourhandskara · 6 years
I'll Be Good. - Psiturn One Shot
@thoughtsfromaclutteredbrain @yeratimelordkatniss here’s my new psiturn one shot, i havent written anything since a karamel one in september, but i felt really inspired after rewatching 3x11 and i needed to let it all out, this is set in the canon universe, good luck reading these 4000 words!😅😂😁😁
Imra strutted down the stairs, following J’onn’s indications, the place she’d been looking for must’ve been there at the end of the corridor. Strange sounds and hisses came from the first rooms: she rolled her eyes and stopped right in front of the last one, which looked particularly brighter than the others. A window, she remembered hearing that from Kara once they got back from their mission. Imra showed a special DEO badge to the agent guarding the cell, he placed a card on a scanner and opened the glass door; the golden locks of the woman covered her view, she seemed to be reading a book - probably another idea from Kara - until she looked up.
“What are you doing here?” “Well, good morning to you, too.” Imra raised an eyebrow. “Please, don’t try to be sassy. It’s laughable.” “I don’t see you laughing.” “What are you doing here, again?” “Why, can’t I visit a friend in her beautiful room?” “We’re not friends.” Psi chuckled and moved a strand of hair from her face, before standing up from her chair. “We almost died on the same mission, I’m pretty sure that makes us something.” “We’re not anything. Now tell me what you really want.” Imra inhaled a deep breath and her voice dropped the annoyed tone. “I’m leaving in two days. I’m going back home in the 31st century.” “I still don’t see the connection between that and myself, Matilda.” “I want you to come with me.” ”Excuse me?” Her green eyes tried to understand if Psi was offended or angry, but she only seemed confused. “I’ve been here for a short time, and the time I’ve spent with you was only a 0,01% of that. Probably even less. But I’ve learned a lot in these months, about myself, especially.” The look of confusion didn’t seem to disappear from her eyes, actually it just grew.
“What I’ve learned from the Legion, from Mon-El and directly from Supergirl now, is that our lives are always on a crossroads, what we choose to do with our superpowers is up to us only. I know you’ve used yours to hurt people, to get money, to get just superficial things. Don’t you want to do something more meaningful with your life?” Psi turned around, her back now facing Imra, she looked at something in the distance, she seemed to be reflecting over her words, her head elaborating all the things she said. “Why? Why do you want me to leave everything to run away a thousand years in the future? I’m not made for that type of stuff.” Psi laughed bitterly, lowering her head. “You are not a bad person. If it weren’t for you, both Livewire and Supergirl would’ve died, and we would’ve never found out about that little glimpse of humanity in Reign. And you think I haven’t noticed that? I know you still feel bad for Livewire’s death.” She finally turned around: Imra was right, that mission changed her, something clicked inside of her heart. She was so close to being a good person, more than she would’ve wanted to admit, that it scared her. “I have been a villain for so long I don’t know how to be a hero.”
The brunette followed her sad gaze and continued to talk, seeing that Psi was at loss of words: “I’m not asking you to be a hero. I’m giving you the opportunity of a fresh start, I’m asking you to follow your heart and be just…a good person.”Imra hinted a grin on her lips, “I have an idea, we spend one day, as normal, nice people and then you decide what to do.” “Okay.” The quickness of her response surprised both of them, a shy smile grew on the blonde’s pink lips as well. “There’s one, little problem though..” “I thought we were being good people now, Matilda.” “Supergirl and the rest of the team know I’m visiting you but..they don’t know what I’m asking you.” “What?” She gasped with amusement, “I didn’t know that you were a sneaky little kid.” Imra acted like she was annoyed but, deep down she found the situation funny as well. Psi started laughing, “So, what’s the plan?” “Mmh..Do you have any ideas?” She whispered, remembering that there still was a guard outside the glass door. “Do you think the guard trusts you enough to leave us alone?” “I can try.” “You’re good with words.” A timid note suddenly appeared in Psi’s voice, something she’s never heard, she could only reply with a smile. “Doesn’t that mean that I’ve convinced you to join me in the 31st century?” “I still want my last 24 hours of freedom in this century.” She crossed her arms on her chest. “That seems fair. Wait for a minute.”
 Imra chatted with the guard, “She’s not really a friend of mine but she wanted me to watch a movie with her, we have a sort of pact. Can you leave us alone for tonight only?” The man was surprisingly understanding and agreed, he’d seen her at the DEO and he had no reason not to trust her, she was in Supergirl’s team after all, right? “I’ll see you tonight.” She winked at Psi, who smirked back.
The night arrived, Imra used her telekinetic powers to sneak the key card from the guard’s pocket and once he had left, she opened the door with a finger on her lips, shushing the other: Psi really tried to take her seriously, but that sort of “Charlie’s Angel” act was pretty hilarious, and really, really cute, in some unexplainable way. It was past midnight, the few remaining agents were in the upper floors, she had been thankful that every floor had a window. “We’re gonna fly out here.” “Are you kidding me?!” “Do you want to leave this place or not?” “Yes, but flying?” Imra hovered a bit over her and showed her Legion ring proudly, “You just gotta let me carry you.” “I don’t really like being carried…or heights.” Did Psi just admit one of her biggest fears? “Do you wanna run from here trying to avoid those who’ll try to bring you back into your cell or do you wanna trust me?” “Ugh. Fine.” She jumped in her arms, a little embarrassed, but Imra didn’t seem bothered at all: they snuck out that window, Psi didn’t dare to look down and held onto the hero for dear life.
“Do you wanna eat something?” “It’s- it’s midnight.” “I don’t think we have something better to do, do we?” Psi simply nodded, Imra landed right in front of a empty, but still open McDonald’s. Once they sat down, the metahuman broke the ice asking for her story, the 31st century seemed so far in every possible way, plus she was from another planet, she was fascinated; Imra started telling the story of her important family, her arranged marriage to Mon-El, the Legion, her mission in this century.. “Wow, I’m surprised Supergirl hasn’t strangled you yet. I’m glad I haven’t been in a relationship with someone in a while, things like these remind me of the good side of being alone.” She stole a fry from her tray. “Yeah.. it’s not an ideal situation. But Mon-El will stay here, that’s why he asked me to be the Legion’s new leader.” “And?” “And I’m okay with that. This has always been his real home and we knew that, even though he kept saying the contrary at first.” “So, one of your first decisions as a leader was to recruit me?” “Actually the first decision.” She took a bite from her burger. “You have something on your face.” Psi chuckled, “Let me just-” she took a napkin and attentively watched and wiped away the mayonnaise from her cheek. “Thanks.”
A few seconds of silence surrounded them before she spoke again; “What about you? What’s your story?” Psi took a bite from her meal and swallowed it before starting her speech. “There’s not a lot to say: my name is Gayle Marsh, I’m a bisexual woman from Illinois, I’m a psychic metahuman, my entire family dropped me instead of helping me handle these..these powers. I guess that’s partly what made me what I am.” “You know..in the future, people don’t give their sexuality a name like people here do. If they like someone, they just like them, we don’t care about the person’s sex, love is important in all its shades. By the way, you are not that evil person anymore, that’s who you were.” She corrected her with a sympathetic smile. “Yeah…I grew up on my own.” “I didn’t get along with my family after that arranged marriage situation, I still- I don’t talk to them..the Legion is my family, it’s all I have.” Sadness soaked up her eyes, she could tell that she cared deeply about her family and there was a hole in her life.
“I don’t know how you did that.” “Did what?” “I could never open up to anyone, and then you just-” “I just feel like I can trust you, I guess you feel that too.”
Later that night, they slept in Psi’s apartment, having telekinesis and having a key were kind of the same thing, Imra was on her couch, Psi on her old bed: she realized she really wasn’t gonna miss this century, there was nothing to tie her to this time, nobody. She’d never truly thought about her loneliness until she was given a chance at a new life, a new beginning: Psi just realized the subtle good influence Imra had on her, it wasn’t normal, she had underestimated her from their first meeting, but she had the skills to be a leader, she was persuasive and gentle, she didn’t push her choice. The 31st century couldn’t be that bad if all people were like her: Psi didn’t know what to expect from that huge leap she was about to take, but she felt ready.
The morning came, sunlight peeked through the curtains, Psi woke up earlier than Imra, who still seemed to be deep in slumber like a baby angel in the meantime; she went through her cabinets, looking for something to eat for breakfast, careful to not wake the girl up. “Good morning.” She mumbled stretching her arms. “Rise and shine, Matilda!” Psi replied jokingly, “Are you ready for your last day in the 21st century?” “I don’t know, are you?” She was caught unprepared by that question, but after a few seconds of deep thoughts, she continued: “Absolutely.” “Great. What are you eating?” “Nothing in my kitchen is even edible anymore, you know, a couple months locked up at the DEO.” “Right, so I guess that means we’re gonna eat somewhere else?” “Yeah, but you need to change, and I guess I will too. Leather doesn’t go exactly unnoticed. I should have something in my wardrobe for you, too.” “Thank you so much.”
They were now wearing much more comfortable clothes, Psi picked up some cash from one of her nightstands ready to go. “Were you comfortable on that couch?” “I’ve slept in worse places.” “I.. I’m sorry.” “No, no, it’s fine. I get it, you’re not comfortable sleeping with strangers in your bed.” “I thought you said we were ‘something’ yesterday, plus..it wouldn’t be the first time I slept with strangers.” She tried to hide her mischievous grin, but failed miserably: Imra mirrored her expression. They arrived at a café, and ordered their food; their conversation flowed naturally like they’ve known each other for a lifetime. “What are you gonna miss the most from the 21st century?” “Reality shows. Especially the Kardashian’s.” “The what?” “Nevermind, I was just kidding.” Sometimes she forgot she’d only been on this earth for a couple months, and she probably barely left her workplace. “Give me a serious answer, c'mon.” Imra encouraged her. “I’ve been giving it a lot of thought last night as I tried to fall asleep and I’ve realized that I won’t miss anything..or anyone: it’s probably a mutual feeling.” She acted like she didn’t really care, but she knew that Imra was gonna figure her real feelings out.
“We’ll both start all over once we’re there.” Imra’s hand covered hers on the table. “It’s gonna be strange after almost 7 years spent orbiting around Mon-El. I’m gonna start anew, as my own person.” They both felt comfort in that brief touch, a comfort they were missing.
“Do you think they’re looking for us?” “What?” “The DEO agents.” “Oh. Right.” “You’re not really good at being naughty.” “I’ve never needed to be ‘naughty’?” Imra mimicked the quotation marks around the last word. “I guess we both have to learn from each other.” “By the way, yes. I think they’re looking for us.” “So what are we gonna do?” “We’ll keep spending our last day normally, until they find us.” “No pressure.”
The two stood up from their seats around 11, Psi planned to go shopping, to grab a few clothes before going away, maybe she wasn’t gonna like the new millennium style and trends. They had a lot of fun but weren’t gonna admit it out loud: Imra and Psi shared a special, growing bond they couldn’t define, they just clicked, they had to grow up too quickly for their own good, they’ve never lived life to the fullest, always being busy with their enemies and missions, whether good or bad; they needed to chill sometimes and just let everything go for a bit, they needed to relax too. Psi had spent her last six months alone in a cell, it felt extremely good to have someone to share fun with. For once it wasn’t a bad game she was playing, she was spending a nice day with her friend, a word that had not crossed her mind in a long time: it had never crossed her mind.
Everything in her life had always been temporary, she learned that growing attached to people ended badly, she learned to manage her feelings so she couldn’t be affectionate to anyone, but…for once, after this rush, after not even a full day, her certainties had fallen down. Maybe she could be happy in the future. With her.
Supergirl and Mon-El found them while shopping, by their looks it seemed like that situation was much different than the one they were expecting, but without asking many questions they brought the girls back at the department, Psi was handcuffed once again and Imra’s heart sunk. “What were you guys doing?” Kara asked with her hands on the round table, a hint of worry in her eyes, Mon-El’s look was both worried and angry. “What do girls do in a mall?” “Psi.” The kryptonian’s voice was low and not in the mood for sass. “She’s right.” Imra intervened, “I owe you guys an explanation, so I’ll just start by saying that I planned to leave tonight.” “Leave?” Kara and Mon-El asked in unison, before sharing an embarrassed look. “Yes, I’ve repaired the ship a while ago now, the mission we came here for has been accomplished, I have nothing else to do here.” “What does she have to do with that?” “Mon-El, we’ve talked about this a few days ago. You want me to lead the Legion Of Superheroes, and I’ve decided to bring Psi with me: Kara, you taught me to see the good even in the most improbable people, and that’s exactly what I did. I wanted to give Psi a new life, leading her in a good path.”
Kara’s eyes switched from Imra, to Mon-El and then back to her: did she understand correctly? Did that mean that Mon-El was gonna leave the Legion..to stay? She was flattered by Imra’s words; Alex, Mon-El and many others praised this quality of hers as well, but it always hit her heart whenever she received a compliment about her attitude towards even the worst villains. Mon-El stayed pensive, he was fidgeting and lowering his eyes on his hands. “So why did you sneak out yesterday?” He asked out of blue. “We needed one last day of.. normalness. Before flying into this..” Psi paused and inhaled a deep breath, “new adventure.” The two girls shared an understanding smile; as short as that day had been,they’ve felt more alive in that amount of time than most of their lives, there was life in the simplest things.
“That’s an admirable thing you’ve done, Imra. But you should’ve told us, even though you had the best intentions in your heart.” “Yeah, I think it’s a bad habit I need to get rid of.” Mon-El knew she was talking also about the secret mission she - and Brainy - had kept from him. “I think I’m gonna check up on the Legion ship before..before we go. You can take off her handcuffs now.” Kara nodded and freed Psi’s wrists, she immediately went after Imra as the atmosphere grew tense in that room: it seemed like the girl had a lot to ask about Mon-El staying, and whatever happened with Imra. “We need to talk about this, what happened?” Psi’s ears only picked that up leaving the room, she could understand why Imra wanted to leave all this drama behind.
While Imra went back with Brainiac 5 to say goodbye to the team, she stayed on the ship, figuring it out, taking her time to memorize it since she was gonna spend a lot of time there from now on. “She told me that we should take care of each other.” “I definitely don’t need a babysitter.” Psi rolled her eyes. “Neither do I.” But at the end they both smiled. “Are you ready?” Imra was dealing with the commands and the different buttons and levers. “Totally.”
It had been a month since Psi arrived in the 31st century with the Legion: Imra asked her to be her roommate, since she wasn’t used to living alone and she could definitely use some company, but they barely spent time home, being busy jumping from portal to portal, mission to mission. Now, they were about to face their first big threat together, but the strong leader and the stubborn new member couldn’t seem to agree on how to attack those aliens surprising them in their own territory.
“We just have to sneak in, you create one of your bubbles to protect us, just for enough time so I can hit them.” “No, it’s too risky to attack them from such a close distance, I don’t think I can do that. I don’t want them eat us as dinner.” “I thought you were the leader!” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “You should know that risks should be taken, even with the possibility of us being eaten. You’re frustrating.” Psi’s hand rested on her face. “Frustrating? Me? You’re the one who has a lot to say on my skills! If I’m so frustrating, you should just go. Nobody is forcing you to stay here.” She froze, heavy breathing, the other Legionnaires had never seen Imra so angry, and most of them didn’t trust Psi considering her past. “I guess you’re right. Have fun letting this planet be destroyed just because you were too scared to do something we ALL know you’re capable of.”
Psi stormed off and went to her apartment, her mind was ready to pack and leave, but instead, she sat on her bed looking at the mirror wondering what she was gonna do; Imra had become the center of everything she did, and she barely noticed, she didn’t mind it. She changed her heart in the blink of an eye and it could’ve been so easy in that moment to just snap back into the bad side but..she didn’t feel like that girl anymore. She liked her new self, she liked it because of her; she liked her. Psi just stayed still, and before she could even process all her messy thoughts, her door opened.
“Psi, thank God you’re still here!” Imra was breathing heavily, even though she probably flew there. “I- I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean what I said; I let my nerves take over me and I didn’t act as I should have, you were right.” She looked back at her, hoping that it wasn’t too late. “I’ve always needed someone to reassure me of what I can do and.. even if you used the hard way, your words really helped me. I am extremely emotional and sometimes I simply do what I shouldn’t do, without thinking about the consequences, that’s also why.. that’s why I need you. I can’t be a good leader if there’s no one to keep me down to earth.” “Can I ignore the consequences too, for once?” “What?”
Psi’s blue eyes were clouded with tears, she reached for Imra’s arm and pulled her in a kiss: the brunette woman was shocked in every possible, positive way, she didn’t know what she wanted but she found herself enjoying this battle more than she could’ve imagined. The two girls were now gasping for air, their foreheads resting on one another, “If we’re gonna end up on a plate for those monsters, like you said, I don’t wanna have regrets.” “We’re not, because one, everything will be alright and two, we have so much more to do.” Imra’s arms surrounded her neck. “Oh, yeah?” Psi tilted her head to the side, looking forward whatever that ‘much more to do’ implied. “Mh-mh. Now, we gotta head back to the ship, everyone was so worried about what was gonna happen.” “Did they expect me to go crazy and hurt you?” Her voice dropped on the last syllable: Imra didn’t reply, Psi knew the obvious answer. “Imra..” “They don’t know you like I do, but they will. They will learn to trust you soon.”
“They’re not you, they won’t know how to.. handle me.” “Listen to me, they’ve barely seen you in action. They will change their minds, I promise.” “Promise is a heavy word.” “I know.” “I don’t want you to be in hot waters because of me so.. whatever happens between us.. needs to be a secret. We’re gonna pretend like this has never happened.” “But..” “No, no.” Psi put her index on Imra’s lips, “It’s better this way. At least for now.” “Soon.” Imra repeated nodding, she took her hand and led her out of their house.
Everything had happened so fast between the two of them, but it felt so right: Psi entered her life like a hurricane and turned everything upside down, their connection was undeniable and already stronger than some relationships that took years and years to be solid - she thought about whatever she had with Mon-El back in the day - but when things were meant to be, she could just feel it. She felt that whatever she was gonna build with Psi was not a mistake, she had been in relationships and flings with other women, who were the complete opposite of what her blonde partner in crime was, yet it couldn’t feel more right than that.
Their plan worked and they beat those aliens really quickly, everyone had done a great job and seemed to be softer around Psi now. Some of the Legionnaires had been suspicious of something happening between Imra and Psi, but no one dared to say a thing; Brainy and Ultra Boy had a secret bet going on. The lingering looks, the giggles and the chemistry couldn’t be hidden anymore, so, after two months of “Little White Mati-Lies”, like Psi jokingly called them, they decided to reveal the truth to the rest of the Legion, at the end of one of their briefings.
“One last thing, uhm, I don’t want you to think differently of us or think that I’m doing favoritisms after this but.. We’re dating.” Imra took her girlfriend’s hand and raised it, shrugging at the same time, Psi couldn’t look anywhere but at her face, she didn’t like being in the spotlight, as weird as it sounded. “We already know.” Ultra Boy said, Brainy passed something to his hand and Imra was pretty sure she saw somebody high-fiving? “You can go back to whatever you were doing now.” Psi raised her voice.
“Well, that wasn’t the reaction I expected.” She said, now that they were alone. “What did you expect exactly?” “I don’t know..maybe some shouting involved.” “Maybe there will be shouting involved tonight,” Psi whispered to her ear, Imra’s skin now covered in goosebumps, “but that’s just for me and you.” She leaned in for a passionate kiss, her hand caressing her blonde locks, a smile growing on her lips. Imra had officially started a new chapter, actually, a whole new book of her story in the best way possible, and she wouldn’t have changed that for anything else.
i apologize for mistakes and repetitions, but i hope you enjoyed this, let me know what you think in my inbox, replies and reblogs!😊😊
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moonyexmachina · 6 months
Christmas is approaching and because every single D.E.O. agent is either not human, not christian, has lost their faith in god after their second filing incident or all of the above, they're going to have a Christmas Party! Look, Gayle has given up on questioning the logic behind these choices ever since they told her she couldn't leave the premise, but roaming the halls full of weird, probably dangerous alien shit was cool. But compared to some of the other things she's seen around here so far, an office party can't be that bad, right?
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iminyourhandskara · 5 years
The Power Beyond Me - Psiturn One Shot.
It is set after my first Psiturn os, but can be read on its own, just know that Imra is the new leader of the LOSH and she recruited Psi and now they’re dating.
Psi stomped her way into the main room of the Legion ship.
“It’s fine, we got him anyway.” “I don’t understand, my powers have never failed before.” “Psi, don’t worry! I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“What happened?” Brainy entered the room, confused by the loud chatting of the two women in front of him. “I should’ve hit Evillo with my powers, I had him right in front of me, but..I couldn’t do anything. Brainy, can you run one of your calculations on me?” “No, Brainy, there’s no need to do anything. She’s fine.” Imra interjected, hiding her worry under a careless tone: it was true, her powers had never failed before. “I assume this is one of those, mmh, couple disagreements. I’m going to exit this conversation.”
“Okay, do you want to train?” “What for? Just to see my powers flop again?” “Babe..” Imra sat down next to her girlfriend. “It can happen. Please, don’t frown, I don’t want to see you so unhappy.” “I was just thinking..” “About what?” “How it’d be to have a life without any superpower…How I’d feel being human again.” “It’s not any different from being a metahuman or an alien.” “If I lost my powers, I wouldn’t have a place here anymore; I wouldn’t be in the Legion anymore..I would lose you, too.” “Hey, hey, no; you’re not gonna lose me, ever. Okay?” The brunette caressed her cheeks, as she was still looking down at her hands, trying to console her. Psi and Imra kissed, their hearts always beating loud like it was the first time: “thank you.” She breathed out, “for what?” Imra smiled back at her. “For staying.” “Always.” They rested their foreheads on one another, “Listen, if you want, I can call my sister to check you and your mind, would that make you feel better?” “Yes, thank you so much.”
Prya Ardeen looked a lot like her younger sibiling, except for her blonde wavy hair. Unlike her sister, she had the power of telepathy and shielding minds: she was four years older than Imra and they were extremely close, especially after she fought so hard against everything and everyone to have her back. “But.. for the rest of the day, I think you should rest. Let’s go home.” “I’ll rest only if you’re there to cuddle me.” Imra looked into Psi’s pleading eyes, she knew well that she barely took days off since she had become the leader of the Legion of Superheroes. “Okay, I’ll guess they’ll survive one day without their leader.” “Oh, of course.” They laughed and joined hands, ready to cuddle their day away.
As promised, they snuggled the entire night and the next morning, Prya joined them on the ship: “Hello girls, how can I help you?” Before Imra even opened her mouth, Psi explained what had happened again: “Okay, have you tried using them again?” “Your sister suggested I should’ve rested for a while, so no.” “Okay, let’s go to the training room, I have an idea.”
The three women stood separately, Psi on one side of the room, Imra and Prya on the other: “Try to hit my sister, I’ll be shielding her, but if your powers hit the shield I will feel it, so you can know if your powers are fine again or not.” Prya ordered. “I- I don’t think it’s a good idea.” “Psi, you won’t hurt me.” “Prya, I know how strong you are, but just the thought of attacking her…” “She is my little sister, Psi. I know exactly how you feel, I’ve felt it for my entire life: I would never put Imra in a dangerous position if I didn’t know she was safe.” Psi’s worries were far from gone, quite the opposite, but she nodded anyway. “Okay. Let’s do it.” Imra stood in the middle, Prya slowly built a psychic shield around her sister and gave the other woman in the room the green light for the attack. Psi felt her powers working again and Prya felt it as well: “That’s enough, you’re okay.” Psi was so relieved to know that she didn’t suddenly lose her abilities, “thank you so much.” “I’m glad I could help. You know, when you’re sad, my sister gets sad as well and..that’s not a really pleasant feeling for a big sister.” “You’re the best.” The brunette hugged her, feeling a new wave of relief as well.
 Later that day, the couple laid in bed, Psi had a notebook in her hands and looked like she was scribbling or sketching something: “what are you doing?” “Nothing.” “Mmh, sure.” “I’m drawing.” “I didn’t know you could draw.” Imra sat closer to her, trying to take a little peek at her work. “Because I don’t do it often. I haven’t done it in a couple of years, actually.” “Because you don’t have the time? Or you don’t like it as much anymore?” “No, because I only draw when..when I feel happy. And the happy moments in my life were really rare and brief, so in that sense you can say I didn’t have the time to do it.” “You’re happy because you have your powers?” “No,  I’m happy because I have you, Matilda.” Her blue eyes pierced into her green eyes, she had never been so honest and open to someone before Imra, but how could she deceive those beautiful green eyes?
“I love you.” Imra blurted it out of nowhere, but she couldn’t keep it in anymore: one of the first things they taught each other, was to do everything without any regret and she was completely sure she wasn’t ever going to regret these words to her. “I- I love you, too. So much.” Psi took her in her arms, drinking in her smell, taking that moment and trying to keep all the feelings she was feeling clear in her mind, so she would never forget how it feels to be in love, and be loved in return.
But then, they got called by the Legion who needed their help: one of their latest enemies escaped prison and they had to catch her again. Emerald Empress’ powers came from the Eye of Ekron, which Psi had hidden after the Legion managed to have her arrested, that meant she didn’t have any powers now, but it was sure that she would’ve come for the ex-villain soon. When the group of superheroes reunited, they planned a very simple scheme: if the Empress had just human abilities now, it would’ve been easy to capture her. Imra decided to go after her with Ultra Boy and Ferro Lad, trying to keep Psi away from danger: they looked for her everywhere but couldn’t find her, until they went into the building where she used to work years earlier. “Well, finally, you’re here.” She said with a very calm tone, sitting down on a spinning chair. “There’s no need to hit me or knock me out unconscious, I just needed to take a walk. I didn’t like that prison much. And..without the Eye, I’m getting weaker minute after minute.”
Ultra Boy and Ferro Lad approached the woman, but she pulled out a laser gun and pointed it against her head. “I have nothing left that keeps me alive anymore. I should probably get this over with.” “No!” Imra yelled, “Please, don’t do it.” “Why? Why shouldn’t I? I’m going to die soon anyway. What’s the world without one more bad girl? It’s better.” “I’m not letting you do this.” She stepped forward, “You can get better.” “I won’t, trust me.” Emerald Empress sounded tired, panting at every pause, slightly trembling. The gun was still near her temple. “Just one question: why do you want to capture me again? You know I don’t have powers without the Eye of Ekron.” “We swore to protect the people from any harm, and that means both them from you and you, from them. Everyone would be safer this way.”
Her eyes got a sudden clearance, like she just realized something she had never thought about before. “Then I should probably let you arrest me.” Imra took out the handcuffs, but in a split second, the Empress made them fall down with a punch and got Imra in a chokehold, the gun was now pointed at her temple. “Uh-uh, boys. Don’t move, or your pretty little friend gets her brain splashed out. I might not have powers, but a gun like this is useful for anyone. Iron gets melted by heat, right, Ferro Lad? Ultra Boy, whatever you’re planning to do, just don’t, I’m just one click away from what I need.” “What do you need?” “The Eye of Ekron, obviously. I think your other friend knows where it is.” “Don’t you dare- don’t call her.” Imra stuttered, the thought of Psi being involved in this made her blood freeze. “Even if he wanted, he wouldn’t be able to- there’s no signal of any sort around this block. But..I’m sure she’ll figure out something to find you, sweetheart.”
 Psi kept pacing around the room, she could sense that something wasn’t right and she knew she had to do something, but couldn’t let the others know: she sneaked out, not exactly sure on what to do, but she had to find her lover. First of all, she asked the agents that guarded her cell some information about where the Empress used to live, work, or just hang out; when they spelled out the address of her work place, she recognized that area and remembered that it had been abandoned years earlier. Psi connected the dots and figured out that there was no way for the earpieces her teammates wore to function in that block: they were definitely there.
The dread grew at every step she took, unsure of what she would’ve found once she got there, Psi had never been so scared. Gayle had never been so scared. “Oh, your princess charming is here.” Emerald Empress spitted as Psi took her first step into the room, and immediately stopped in her tracks seeing a gun at her girlfriend’s head, “Don’t worry, it will all be over soon: you just give me the Eye, and I’ll give you your girlfriend back.” “Psi, d-don’t do it, she’ll hurt everyone.” “Shut up, the decision is up to her: I’m sure she’d prefer having you alive, rather than anyone else.”
Psi was so frightened and confused, was she willing to ignore everything Imra and the Legion taught her just to save her? She stood there in silence, her hands shaking like never before, her eyes were icy, she couldn’t stop thinking about how much she wanted to hurt the Empress, she wanted to kill her for hurting the love of her life. It was like a spark got ignited inside of her guts, a fire was raging throughout her entire body, Psi knew that in a few instants her powers were going to strike, but she had never felt this much anger going through her veins and she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to control it: she was afraid she was going to hurt Imra, again.
Psi gazed at the Empress once again, Imra was shaking too: she felt the blast leaving her body along with a loud scream, there was no going back now. Imra was bracing herself to get hit like that one time almost a year earlier, when she realized that the psychic powers of her girlfriend didn’t even touch her, somehow: the same thing couldn’t be said for Emerald Empress, who immediately dropped to her knees and let her gun fall down, before raising her hands to hold her head; the three unaffected Legionnaires reacted quickly, handcuffing the Empress while she was still shaken up by whatever vision Psi’s powers had brought up. She ran to Imra to embrace her, “Are you okay? I was so worried, I-” she moved her brunette hair out of her face, hoping that she didn’t have to face her biggest fear once again. “I’m okay, Psi. You didn’t hurt me.” “I didn’t? How is that possible? You were right in front of the Empress, how did it not hit you?” “I don’t know, but it’s a good thing, right?” “Yeah, it is.” Psi held Imra even tighter than before and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Let’s go.” Ferro Lad had to interrupt their sweet moment, but there was a prisoner to take into custody. “You go home, I have to do something first.” “Psi?” “Don’t worry, I’ll be quick.” “Okay.” Imra kissed her knuckles and followed the other boys, back to the headquarters.
 Psi walked to what seemed to be an abandoned theme park, and got into one of the last standing buildings: there was a box in there, containing the Eye of Ekron. She took out of her pocket that same laser gun that was pointed at her girlfriend’s temple, just minutes before that, and shot the box repeatedly, until everything inside had turned into dust. At the same time, Emerald Empress crumbled like sand and disappeared out of thin air: all the Legionnaires figured out what happened.
Prya rushed to Imra after finding out what her sister had been through: “I’m so happy you’re okay, you’re not even scratched, are you?” “No, no, I’m perfectly fine..thanks to Psi, even if I still don’t know how.” “What do you mean?” “The Empress was holding me hostage, I was literally in front of her: Psi’s powers got to her but not to me. Isn’t that strange?” “Maybe, but at least you’re safe. Where is she know?” “Considering that Emerald Empress just turned to dust, I’m pretty sure she went to destroy the Eye of Ekron that was keeping her alive.” “I would’ve done the same.. she must be really angry at that woman for threatening your life.” Imra smiled, grateful to have these two wonderful women in her life, who would do anything to protect her: her sister and her girlfriend. “You destroyed the Eye?” “Why, are you mad about it?” “No, no, I just wanted to know why, since she was going to die anyway, very soon.” “Well, let’s just say that..seeing you in that position, so scared and vulnerable, it took its toll on me: I just needed some sort of scapegoat, some way to take all my anger out on one thing.” Psi looked down at Imra, she almost looked like she wanted approval for what she’d done, afraid that she would be upset for it. “Thank you for protecting me.” “I will always protect you, Imra. Always.”
“Psi, can you come here for a second?” Prya called, as Brainy was standing right next to her. “Yes, what’s wrong?” “Nothing, I just explained what happened to Brainy, in regards of your powers not affecting my sister and he is pretty sure of this theory..” “I’m 98,7% certain that you’ve been able to channel all your negative emotions into one person in particular, so the other people surrounding the Empress weren’t blasted by your powers. I don’t know if you know, but your psychic abilities are fueled by your deepest feelings, the ones that seem easier to bury, like rage and sadness.” “That explains the failure of the other day..” “What?” “My powers didn’t work on Evillo because I felt happy, for once. I was at peace with my life. But does that mean that I can’t ever be happy, if I want to have my powers?” “No, no, that’s not it: you can still have your powers, you can channel them like you did today, use the affection and the love you have for Imra, and I hope also for the rest of the world, to protect them.” “Oh.” Prya interjected, “So, now that you know more about the source of your powers, you can use this information to use them even better.” “Thank you again, for helping me figure all of this out.” “No problem.” Prya patted her back.
 It was night time, and Psi and Imra were having a sleepy conversation, with their eyes almost closing: “I was scared as much as you were, today. I was terrified.” “I know, I could see it in your eyes.” “Were you afraid that I was going to hit you again?”
Imra opened her eyes, now fully staring at Psi in front of her, “Yes, but not because I don’t trust you, but because before today, even you know that, you’ve never sent your blast to one person in particular.” “I get it..” she sighed and moved one strand of hair away from her face, “Can I ask you something? You can also not reply at all.” “Tell me.” “Months ago, you told me that when I hit you during the Fort Rozz mission, you saw your sister dying; now that Prya is here, what would be your biggest fear?” There was no doubt in Imra’s mind, “Losing you.” Psi was completely flabbergasted, “Are..are you serious?” “100%. I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you, Gayle.” “If today wasn’t a big enough proof of it, I would do anything for you, Matilda.”
She got closer to her, she kissed her nose and then her lips, with tenderness, knowing that no matter how difficult it got, their relationship was special and it was going to last for a long, long time.
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iminyourhandskara · 6 years
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in case you didnt know already, im obsessed by these two.
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