#sautekh dynasty
titanomancy · 8 months
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magistralucis · 10 months
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necron, it never die crypteks are my favourite guy trazyn, it's time to fight tell the world the stars are right
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ghostinthegallery · 6 months
Letting me reread Infinite and the Divine was a mistake, because now I have context and that leads to thoughts like what the hell is this???
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Obviously Imotekh was not dead, so what happened here?? Did someone hide his sarcophagus? Did Orikan hide his sarcophagus? How much of Imotekh's rise to power did Orikan predict or just straight up orchestrate?? Orikan "would fist fight the sun if it looked like it was trying to tell him what to do" the Diviner actually choosing a Phaeron to run the dynasty is wild to me. The fact that he cared enough to take an active hand in deciding who would lead the Sautekh at all! And choosing Imotekh. I mean that makes sense, I've talked about the two of them before. Imotekh might be the only necron in the galaxy Orikan would willingly following (with only minimal sass). Dead gods GIVE ME JUST ONE SCENE OF THEM TOGETHER PLEEEEEEEASE!
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thelargek · 1 month
Since I got a new (better) phone I've realised it's not the cameras fault, I just sick at taking photos :sweat_smile:
Anyway I've started repainting my necrons! They're Sautekh dynasty
Here's one of the new ones compared to one of my first ever minis
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howadzpaints · 2 months
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Necron Flayed One, Sautekh Dynasty 03-Apr-2024
First Flayed One I've painted since 2006, back when they were still metal and before they made them ugly and weird looking (I didn't like the corpse backpack and jazz hands era).
I got one of these out after finishing the Twice Dead King books - Fantastic pair of reads if you haven't and you're into Necron lore. Really fleshes out Flayed Ones, makes them quite tragic.
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erwansiannodel · 8 months
Necron Royal guard, of the Sautekh dynasty, gifted by a hobby pal who visited me a while ago
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angoryt · 1 year
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My take on what a few characters wold have looked like wen they were Necrontyr. See these as manly a first draft of a few ideas
Apologies to anyone trying to reed eny of the text in the second one. I am awful at spelling without spellcheck.
I think they wold be wearing a lot of airy fabrics to cover there skin from the sunlight and negate heat. I also thought up the idea that shoulder plats might have been a big part of appearances and status. They would be a lot less heavier and more ornamental then practical, unless you’re a warier. They might also have had naturally folding ears as to protect sensitive parts from sand or strong sunlight, as they might not have had that much naturally growing her growing on them to protect there ears.
Trazyn: I think he would where a lot of protective fabric around his head, because in the infinite and the Devine it’s mentioned that he was afraid of the tumors getting to his brain and take away his whits and knowledge.
Orikan: You can’t see it here but I thought up the idea that he would have a long ornamental braid attached to the back of his head, associated with cronomancy. And there by the reson he has a tale in his necron form.
Obyron and zhaderack: Ok crack head idea, I think these two descend from a dynasty that was congcured and ore assimilated in to the sautekh dynasty. But they got to keep a tradition of painting or paudering there heads in gold to show status among hi ranking generals and or warriors.
Vechany: As you might be able to se I gave both Vechany and Orikan the same kind of eye head ornament. I think this is we’re the cryptecks get there one eye motive. Maybe it’s based off a mythical one eyed creature that represent knowledge.
Domesticated species: In the next panel you find a few animals based off Necron construct’s. The necrontyr have had there animals for far longer in there history in comparison to humans. Which means they have had a lot more time for selecting favorable treat’s.
Disclaimer once more, dece are just my head canons and they might change as time goes on. But I would like to see if you have any of your ideas as to what the Necrontyr might have looked like. Because the God emperor of mankind nows that probably no one remembers anyway. And there’s barely any information other then that they were humanoid and had cancer. So your crazy idea might as well be right.
I am sleep deprived and dyslexic, how the fuck did I write all of this.
Hold scarab gently like a hamburger
Good night
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baldy-wan-kenobi · 2 months
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"Order... Unity... Obedience... We taught the Galaxy these things once, and we shall do so again."
-Imotekh the Stormlord, Phaeron of the Sautekh Dynasty.
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lockhartandlych · 1 year
He had to disguise himself, to avoid the Nemesor's Varguard, who was convinced that Trazyn intended to "collect" his master. The Archaeovist did consider this once, but ultimately decided against it. It would be a pyrrhic endeavor. Though Zahndrekh did possess great archaeological value, attempting to acquire him would arouse the ire of the Sautekh. And that was something he already had plenty enough of.
Broke: Trazyn and Zahndrekh don't interact, they're of different dynasties.
Woke: Trazyn routinely visits Gidrim and records Zahndrekh's anecdotes for their archaeological value.
Bespoke: Trazyn disguises himself to record Zahndrekh's rants, only to be discovered and destroyed by Obyron in a series of increasingly cartoonish altercations until the council finally puts a stop to it, only for Trazyn to disobey them and keep doing it anyway.
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gsirvitor · 9 months
Baby I want you to lore dump everything you know about skell daddy trazyn because that would turn me the fuck on so hard
Trazyn the Infinite? Oh God.
Prior to Bio-Transference Trazyn was a simple Necrontyr scribe and Chief Archivist who oversaw the mummification of the Necrontyr Phaerons.
According to the lore he can't remember mostd of his past life due to self-installed protection protocols, most likely to prevent him from going insane.
He often misremembers much of his past, such as the fact he insists he was physically forced into Biotransference when others, such as Orikan, claim he embraced it.
He awoke from the Great Sleep prematurely and during that same time sought to expand his collection, he claimed that he would share it with the rest of his race when they awoke, hint, he didn't.
While he is officially a member of the Nihilakh Dynasty he operates independently, having alienated himself from other Necrons and is known to be persona non grata to the Sautekh Dynasty.
Even then he is barely tolerated by the Nekthyst Dynasty due to the services he is capable of providing, personally I wouldn't trust him farther than I could huck him.
Trazyn's philosophy of preserving the past is most likely due to his past as an archivist, a quite devoted one, but due to his protection protocols on his memory the need to preserve the past became something far more, well, all I can say is he's the best Pokémon trainer in the 41st millennium.
Trazyn is by nature what the Blood Ravens wish they were, a true Magpie, he is known to hold many technologies and relics that are so rare to say they are priceless is an understatement.
His nature also means that while he hates exploring the galaxy, his desire to gather artifacts forces him to go out among the riffraff.
However, like the true neet he is, he often sends copies of himself to do his work for him, which annoys Trazyn's enemies to no end as they discover the Necron they've slain is not him but a body double.
Best part is, when his enemies do find these body doubles it is most often a trap laid by Trazyn, so he can break in and steal their shit.
For instance, he has tried on two occasions to swipe the Spear of Vulkan from the Salamanders Forgefather, he failed miserably both times.
See, the cool thing about Trazyn, is that his collection is perfectly preserved, using Necron time bases technology he stops, or rather slows his exhibits aging, many of his displays are very much alive, simply trapped in time.
Let us go over what he has stolen;
The last high council of Idharae Craftworld
An exhibit showcasing the massacres on Tragus
A warband of orks attacking an unknown blue-shelled invertebrate xenos species
The catacombs of Calth during the Underground War
An exhibit labeled the “Death of Lord Solar Macharius” which is one-tenth composed of Imperial Guardsmen who are 300 years from the wrong time period
A C’Tan shard that Trayzn has called the “source” of his power and the crown jewel of his collection Wraithbone choir of Altansar Preserved head of Sebastian Thor Ossified husk of an Enslaver A giant man wearing baroque Power Armour Brother Cassiel of the Blood Angels, seconded to the Deathwatch. His face was frozen in a moment of fear Carnac World Spirit shrine Acabrius War Catachan regiments A temporal device containing the Tyranid invasion of Vuros, which had been sparked by Trayzn himself (Disposed of after several full-scale battles caused by Tyranid breakouts) Horus Heresy-era Ultramarines Vostroyan Firstborn Regiments Lost Tanith Regiments Salamanders thought lost during the Klovian disaster A Custodes
Inquisitor Greyfax and her retinue (escaped)
The Bell of Saint Gersthal (disposed of after causing irreparable damage to his forces and collection)
A twelve foot tall Krork in power armor more advanced than Astartes Power Armor A damaged but still functioning Webway portal A troupe of Harlequins A massive stock of uncorrupted Emperor’s Children geneseed (traded to Fabius Bile) A perfect clone of the Primarch Fulgrim prior to his chaos corruption
And much more.
Hell during the 13th black Crusade Trazyn helped Cadia fight off Chaos, not out of wanting to aide humanity but because a Chaos outbreak would impede his collect-a-thon.
He stuck a Tau diplomat in a jar because he'd never had a species send a diplomat before, so it was unique.
Point is, if you have a unique coin, never again minted, he will most likely torch your planet, or sector of the galaxy, if you don't hand it over.
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I’m imagining a possible future-fic in the eastern fringe after all the great rift shenanigans are resolved
Of course I’m not fully up on the new lore so eh
the dark imperium stuff and the tyranids hitting at full force and the Necrons waking up etc has finally broken the Imperium as a galactic power, though a rump state and various successors exist
Chaos has been beat back for now
and it’s basically heading towards a multipolar galaxy
The T’au have come into their own as a strong power in the east, though incorporating various Imperial worlds has caused trouble with the whole Greater Good Warp Entity malarkey; they’re heading towards the same issue old Emps had regarding psykers and the nature of the Warp.
They’re big enough now that keeping the Empire centralised is almost impossible on its current trajectory, between Farsight’s dudes, the Tau-purist philosophy born from the Fourth Wave, and people influenced by the GG warp god all testing the Ethereal’s will. Various possible futures and solutions await…
At the same time the Sautekh Dynasty contests them, and they’re brushing up against the Realm of Ultramar, one of the big Imperial diadochi that contests their claim to human worlds. Though the T’au Empire is many times its former size, the successors of Calgar and Robby G are are approaching the Legion days in their numbers and power.
some other stuff regarding orks, humans, tyranids, aeldari, warp shit and the leagues is also of course going on, both in the east and elsewhere
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titanomancy · 7 months
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Yeah, that's definitely a bigger, better version of Orikan the Diviner.
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Kind of a scrawny, goofy looking guy. I guess even undead alien robots can eat their Wheaties.
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The bigger takeaway is that there was a perfect opportunity to tie in a campaign release with a promotional video series and GW managed to squander it.
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magistralucis · 7 days
it's not like I really needed to visit you anyway ( ˶•̀ _•́ ˶) [Trazyn/Orikan snippet]
(Excerpt from the second chapter of Viridian. Set during a past sequence, the major turning point of their relationship - Trazyn invites Orikan to his home for the first time, and Orikan agrees hesitantly, not knowing what wonders await him in Solemnace. At this time he's running hot and cold towards Trazyn, about 90% tsun and 10% dere, though this will change soon. 😌
This is one of the only SFW passages I could quote from the chapter fhhghghg)
Orikan gazed at him warily under the veil as he approached, noting the lord was dressed more ceremonially than the usual. "What do you want?"
Trazyn beamed back at him, manifestly joyful. "I am soon to be the Overlord of Solemnace."
"Congratulations?" Trazyn had not previously spent time at Solemnace, as far as the Diviner knew, nor was Solemnace especially known among the Nihilakh. Orikan had no idea what he was going to do there, nor what kind of demesne he would shape. "About time you acted your age. Became responsible."
Whatever he was up to, it was about a decade overdue. Trazyn's two older brothers had ruled their own realms almost as soon as they'd come of age, yet the lord archivist had waited close to his thirtieth year to take up his inheritance; an act of supreme sloth, or perhaps hubris, since merely surviving to that age was a privilege denied to many necrontyr. "You'll miss my whimsy when it's gone, I'll warrant." The overlord chuckled, and Orikan gave him an incredulous look. "The man I am will not be so affected by material differences, as hard as it may be to believe. But why not see for yourself? My palace is still being built, but would you care to visit me at Solemnace when it's done?"
"I neither care nor care not!" Orikan huffed - but deep down, he was intrigued. It helped that around that time he had moved up significantly within the Sautekh court, and his anxiety had increased alongside the honour, as if he'd been forced to creep above thin ice. Suddenly going abroad for a while seemed like a fair idea, even just for a breather, for his dynasty was a vicious one and he liked to plan ahead.
But for that to happen Solemnace must be finished, and moreover, Trazyn had to be serious about wanting him there. And while he'd softened towards Trazyn, he did not fully trust him, not half as far as he could throw the overlord. For two seasons Orikan's lack of faith persisted - until one clear day in the heart of springtime, he was greeted by a messenger at the temple gates. Not a cryptek, but a Nihilakh groundskeeper, who walked with undaunted pleasure at the new grounds he'd been given to keep. In his hands he bore a small golden box, and as soon as Orikan saw it he knew the promise was kept, for engraved on top of it was none other than Trazyn's sigil.
Inside it he found two scrolls, a map of Solemnace and an invitation in the lord's own hand. The palace was finished and Trazyn's household had moved in, it said, and if Orikan could spare a decan to visit the overlord would be most honoured. The letter specified nothing else about the nature of Solemnace, which Orikan's heart tried to spin into distrust: it was never for no reason when a noble requested a cryptek's attention. Perhaps, under the guise of leisure, Trazyn wanted his advice. Wanted to sweeten Orikan up for a favour, or simply to show off his riches. Perhaps Trazyn wanted his fortunes read, or that of his people - which Orikan would not be able to do, and would rather die than to admit it and be humiliated. But then again, maybe Trazyn didn't care about those things. It hurt his pride to acknowledge it, but Orikan had little appeal as a true seer in Gheden, for the Nihilakh already had one of those. They might want to see how I measure up against the Yyth Seer, he thought, and heaved a sigh. The Nihilakh never seemed short of anything, not in wealth nor their chronomancer sects, nor the grim head of the Yyth Seer spinning prophecies unknown to outsiders.
He was exhausting himself. If existing next to Trazyn was a headache, he could not even fathom how hard being in Solemnace might be.
But Orikan was no coward. He mulled over it for one day then responded yes. Whatever awaited him might be bad or good, but rejecting a good-faith invitation would definitely not help his standing with the overlord. Besides, Trazyn had made his efforts hard to ignore: the letter itself was beautiful, handwritten on peach-tinted parchment and gilded at the edges. (Trazyn only happened to be the finest scribe among the Eastern dynasties, after all, and perhaps among all necrontyr.) If Orikan was to refuse the intrigue he'd have to write back, and he really did not want to do that, good penmanship had not been a priority at the temple and his handwriting was genuinely very terrible and he did not wish to be mocked. And so, with great reluctance, Orikan gathered together his finest attires and left the following week for Solemnace.
It turned out to be the best decision he'd ever made for himself.
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ghostinthegallery · 10 months
Okay so about Orikan and Imotekh!
Yup, I continue to be the most hinged person on the planet when it comes to imaginary ancient Egyptian themed space robots.
But anyway, Orikan is canonically a member of Imotekh's court, and Imotekh might be one of the only people in the universe Orikan actually respects (or fears? It's 40k, close enough). Which is interesting because Orikan is An Intellectual with a healthy disdain for the military (probably some family issues there, he did come from a military family then ran away to go to star college). So why serve a soldier? I mean yes, Imotekh is one scary dude, but that's a boring answer. Naturally they've never had a scene together because GW hates me specifically.
Which leaves me to wildly speculate, and I think these two have some key things in common that really get to the heart of issues with necron/necrontyr society...
Because the thing is, necron(tyr) society might be one of the most highly stratified cultures in all of 40k. So much so that it was baked into their physical being after biotransference. The higher their social status, the better the living metal body they got. The more mental capacity they got. The more *free will* they got. We see in a Twice Dead King flashback that members of the nobility could and did kill anyone without consequence. Life was so cheap to the necrontyr that it didn't matter. Class mobility was and is not a thing.
Enter Imotekh, who started as a soldier and became a general and then a *phaeron*. He did the thing no one is supposed to be able to do by being just *that* competent and terrifying. Remember, Imotekh woke from hibernation because some Sautekh noble wanted to *use* him to get one up on their rivals in a dynastic power struggle. This guy really thought Imotekh the Gods Damn Stormlord would be so grateful that he'd just help this clown take over the dynasty? Yeah no, Imotekh offed that guy and anyone who wasn't going to vote Stormlord 4 Phaeron.
Which must have been pretty mind blowing for Orikan to see. After all, Orikan may be important, but (as Trazyn loves reminding him) he isn't nobility. A fact that matters in a society where status directly correlates to how much of a person people think you are. Other necron lords "use" Orikan all the time. For his predictions, during battles (seriously check the wiki, feels like the poor guy gets dragged out for like every necron campaign). Orikan may manipulate those nobles on a regular basis (aka "strategically editing" his prophecies) but he won't straight up oppose them. At least not without invoking Imotekh's name, as he does during the Court Scene of TI&TD.
Again, I don't think the two have ever interacted in the canon, but Imotekh respects Orikan's work enough to base battle strategies on his divinations (which is huge, as being a master strategist is the basis of his power). And Orikan doesn't bullshit Imotekh the way he does other phaerons who ask for his counsel. Is Orikan scared of Imotekh? Of course he is. Trazyn calls him out on this during War in the Museum. But I think it's interesting that these two characters are trapped in a cruel society determined to use them up and spit them out, and both of them have found ways to resist that. Ways that could set them at odds with each other (nerd v. jock false dichotomy) but don't.
I do wish there was more canon material to work with, because I am filling in a ton of blanks with my own interpretations. But hey, speculation is fun!
And if you want to see these two in a room together read my necron longfic on AO3 here (heck yeah shameless self promotion!)
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sodachilowercase · 1 year
oh, but while I'm taking pictures,
i don't intend to play anything with space marines, so I'm using the models i have on-hand as painting practice (and also for a turncoat T'au army i want to build)
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here's a standard blue guy
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here's a red guy
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and here's one painted with the Sautekh dynasty colors
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howadzpaints · 1 year
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Necron Skorpekh Destroyer, Sautekh Dynasty 13-Apr-2023
First of 6 Skorpekhs, singled one out to test run the scheme. Focused on keeping the metals grimy, scuffing the blades and trying again with Vallejo Dried Blood.
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