#save: manifeste memorial school for the arts
hagtrait · 2 years
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“Had Ms. Turi been acting strange at all in the days leading up to her... in the days before the field trip?”
“Umm. I mean... she was always a little strange? Like her head was somewhere else sometimes. And then other times she’d be so focused we almost couldn’t keep up.”
interview 005. the new kid.
helena sharabi. the fresh face at manifeste memorial, helena is a bit of a genius -- hence her being nearly two years younger than her classmates. despite her sensitive nature helena is a bit hot-headed, which can lead to some difficulty fitting in. still, she’s surprisingly insightful for her age... maybe more than she should be. it’s impossible to keep secrets from her.
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fandom-blackhole · 5 months
How come a small lil self portrait VERY quickly spiraled into making an OC and some of the best fanart I've ever made???
I also have been awake all night so I know for sure I will never meet this level of skill ever again.....
For those curious, art beneath the cut 🫣
Self Portrait (she looks way better than me)->
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OC Info:
Like nothing 🤦‍♀️
Mutantation-> touches someone can see their past
Her mutation often overwhelms her so she wears gloves alot or just keeps her arms crossed with hr hands tucked close
She bonds with Rogue over not wanting to touch people
Went to school for psychology and graduated with a Masters in clinical psych
Was only 3 months into her first post-graduation job when her powers first manifested (she shook hands with a client at the hospital she worked for and seen all the mutants he'd murdered, aka serial killer)
it fucked her in the head before she used all her saving to fly to see Dr. Xavier who took care of the man and then offered her a job working with those who lived at the mansion and attended the school under his care
She tried to decline before he offered to pay for her doctorate
Kurt/Nightcrawler was one of her first friends (aka typical friends to lovers trope)
She isn't technically a part of the X-Men team, I made her a suit bc I could and I liked the angsty pose, I'm sure I'll come up with a backstory for it
ANDDDDD she's literally pretty much me guys 🤷‍♀️
But uhhhh yeah this is gonna be my hyperfixation for a minute so if you wanna bring me character questions for her in an attempt to flesh her out I'd love that :))
I mean this started as a self portrait bc I was bored and SPIRALED
Edit: More info on my OC here
Edit numero dos: I have decided that with that in an traumatic/stressful event post living at the mansion she kinda snaps and through her anger unlocks a new ability and finds that she can "trap" someone within their own worst memory :)
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amandaoftherosemire · 6 months
A Cowtown Puppet Show Saved My Life
TW: Grief, Suicidal Ideation, Death
I needed to take a minute and say something about pop culture in general and MST3K and Stardew Valley specifically.
Culture matters. Whatever you want to call it: entertainment, pop culture, escapism, storytelling, literature, music, doesn't matter. The art we create and share does matter. Like, save-a-life MATTERS. Let me tell you a story.
When I was seventeen, a few months into my freshmen year in college, two thousand miles away from my home and family, my father died unexpectedly of heart failure in the middle of the night. I left school, and went home, because my family needed me, my mother needed me. I do not regret it.
I didn't cope well with my father's death, as to be expected, but my mother almost didn't survive the grief. We held together, as best we could, and both of us made it through the pain to the other side. Grief is heavy, something you drag with you, always pulling you down toward oblivion. After awhile oblivion begins to look inviting. Mom felt the pull more than I did. She leaned on me, which added to her grief, as she felt like a burden, and I did the best I could to carry all of us, her and I and our dragging grief. This manifested in intractable insomnia. I couldn't sleep, couldn't get my mind to stop eating itself long enough to rest. Unless.
I would put on old VHS tapes of episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and fall asleep to the sound of bad movies and good jokes. The sound of Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Kevin Murphy, Joel Robinson and Trace Beaulieu lulled me to sleep for years. Their voices were soothing, I'd seen the episodes so many times that I knew them by heart, and this was an escape, a place I could go that wasn't my own mind, where all the weight was gone. On the Satellite of Love, I could forget that I was barely an adult and yet having to deal with a myriad of adult things, like getting work to help pay the mortgage, or get my mother to a doctor before she did anything drastic.
When she got better, stronger, Mom carried me more times than I can count, so please do not think that I bear any resentment for the suddenness of my transition into adulthood. I understand what happened to her and have long since made my peace. My father was the love of her life; it was no wonder that his loss took the legs out from under her. She never remarried, never even dated again, despite my encouragement, would only say that it would be unfair to ask someone else to live up to my father's memory.
When she died, I buried her with him, as she asked.
When she died, MST3K didn't work the same way. The escape I found this time was in Stardew Valley, a lovely place where I could fall in love with the sweet redhead with a love for books and children. I built a life on Winedrunk Farm, with Penny, and our children Calliope and Julius. It was a lovely place, where I didn't have to think about probate attorneys and an apartment full of the things a person collects in their life and leaves to their loved ones to sort through when they die. The things that carry the barbs of a thousand memories ready to stab the unwary.
Sometimes we need someplace to be that is not ourselves, and our shared stories give us that. Someone else's world doesn't carry those barbs, cannot stab us in the same way. Without someone else's world there would be no escape from ourselves. I would not have survived the grief of losing either of my parents if I had not found these worlds. I NEEDED to escape my grief, and a silly satellite with a mad scientist and bad movies, or a rural town where I have made EVERYONE love me, is exactly what I needed.
I started this as an essay on the importance of even "pop" art, but I ended up just wanting to put my gratitude out into the world. To all the people who've made the things I love, but especially the creators and writers of MST3K and ConcerncedApe, the developer of Stardew Valley, whoever they are, for saving my life. It sounds dramatic, but it's true. I'm here because of a cowtown puppet show and a farming sim video game. Maybe that doesn't matter, really, in the big scheme, but it matters to me, so thank you.
Thank you to all the artists, who save lives, and never even know it.
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I finished writing up a verse page! I’m putting it under the cut too in case anyone’s on mobile. More will no doubt be added as I think of more. Also still working on the art to go with the Palace AU.
~Main Timeline Verses~
Getting Out There: The main verse. Encapsulates the period from the beginning of the main game to the end of Strikers. This is also the default tag for anything without a definite verse or for minor AUs without their own dedicated verses.
Life Keeps Changing (Post-Strikers Ren): What could be more stressful than saving the world from false gods? College. Having returned to Tokyo for university, Ren now has to deal with establishing himself as a functioning adult. Frankly, there are times when he’d rather be getting beaten up by shadows again.
Inaba Blues (Kid Ren): Growing up in a rural town sucks. You have to deal with puberty, school, bullies, a series of strange murders and kidnappings, and your favorite department store getting a new mascot that creeps you the fuck out.
~Alternate Uni-Verses~
Welcome to the Velvet Room (Attendant Ren): It's stated that anyone who enters the Velvet Room must first form a contract. Doing so grants one the power of the Wild Card, but what do you have to give up in exchange? After the Phantom Thieves’ plan to prevent Ren's assassination fails; a new attendant appears in the Velvet Room. This attendant, Adrien, looks suspiciously like Ren, but has no memories prior to awakening in the space between dreams and reality.
Just Call Me Lupin the Fourth (Real Thief Ren): Palaces? Metaverse? Never heard of her! The Infamous 'Kaitou Joker' is too busy stealing stuff in the real world (with the help of his talking cat) to worry about changing anyone's heart. After all, there's no need to make someone confess their crimes if you just steal the evidence. Plus he might get a chance to swipe their rare jewel collection while he's at it.
The Devil with 22 Faces (Palace Ruler Ren): An alternative course of events for Royal's third seminar. After defeating Yaldabaoth, Ren inadvertently absorbs the god's power into himself. Overwhelmed, Ren suffers a mental breakdown and manifests his own palace over Tokyo. In his corrupted mental state, Ren believes that control and order are the source of all suffering, and that true happiness can only be achieved through absolute chaos. He seeks to create a reality with no rules; where anyone can do or be anything and no one needs to hide their true self. 
His palace manifests as a brightly colored, cell-shaded, comic book-esque Tokyo that twists and warps at random. Areas he frequents, like Yongen-Jaya or Shibuya Square, are more stable than places he doesn't, since he has a clearer image of them in their mind. Also present in these places are fragments of Ren's shadow. These shadows all wear full-face masks that each show an expression relevant to their location (ie a customer service smile at places where he works)
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karasa · 8 months
The Philosophy of Doing; How the Girl Scouts Saved My Sanity
Originally Published April 9th, 2021
The Philosophy of Doing; How the Girl Scouts Saved My Sanity
To do is to be. Be active, be respected, be wonderful. To do anything is to commit yourself to what you’re doing, whether you care about it or not. I’ve never been much of a do-er.
Maybe, yes, I did a lot and arguably too much in high school, I do extracurriculars and I do my homework on occasion. But it never felt like Doing Anything. It’s always felt like work, like a chore. I wasn’t really doing anything persay, but rather I was on autopilot, doing what others told me, but not necessarily doing for myself.
This feeling of inadequacy, of lackluster personality traits and hobbies came in strong during the period of time I’ve been social distancing. It pushed me to ask: what do I do? My partner frequently goes out for bike rides or roller skates around the neighborhood, he holds meetings with group members to finish up assignments, cooks me dinner when he finds a good recipe, and talks to his friends everyday. I can’t say I’ve ever felt as fulfilled as he does at the end of the day, because I don’t do much. After classes I’m in bed for at least 2 hours, scrolling through twitter with a Youtube video in the background and a snack within arm’s reach.
I used to paint with my friends when they invited me to, host movie nights or dinner parties, help my friends with their various helping hand chores and go out to the club almost every weekend. But without friends to do anything, I realized that I don’t really do much at all.
I’ve always been an ambitious person, with my life plan mapped out by 7 years old and still following the plan as I turn 24. I’ve dipped my toes into a few different ponds along the way: graphic design, costume design, pastry arts, spoken word, film critiques, activism, education, drag…. The list stretches for miles in all of the things I’ve tried to do. But have I ever succeeded?
Without knowing what I do on a daily basis, I instead turned my attention to the question, “what can I do?” I was disappointed at the results. While I *can* do a number of things, My self-confidence in these fields is low, because I’ll never be able to convince myself that I can do any of them particularly well. I don’t do anything because I’m afraid of not doing well enough.
Enter: the girl scouts.
Many of the memories I have from elementary school draw up scenes of seeing my teacher at the grocery store, and feeling the same feeling of embarrassment and nerves when I ran into one of my classmates behind a girl scout cookie booth. While this quiet judgement manifested itself into me seeing the Girl Scouts as a child labor cult until rather recently, I’ve always felt envious. All of those girls who meet for snacks and seminars on Thursday nights, they’re doing something with their life. They have a journey set out in front of them, everything that they do is geared towards making them a better person. And so in April I realized: I can probably do that too.
A lot of my friends during this time in isolation are venturing on things they’ve never done before: writing more, baking bread, cooking meals, spending $60 to be in debt to a raccoon. But at first, not much for me had changed. I was still in school, still in a relationship, still spent at least 3 hours after classes in bed. I tried new recipes and enjoyed posting them on Instagram, but after one of my close friends passed, my inspiration was lost to continue that. And it never felt substantial anyway. Working for 3 hours to post 1 picture does not come with a satisfaction guarantee. While my partner shoots into the kitchen for seconds, I can’t help but judge what I’ve made as not good enough.
I started thinking about different hobbies I could do that wouldn’t take up a lot of space or cost too much. Because of all of the changes that have affected me, I’m having to pay rent without a job, and my partner and I have stuffed our lives into a bedroom that we can lay down in and touch each of the four walls. I stumbled across an old page of notes from a seminar I attended in the fall titled “Goal Setting” and I thought about how difficult it is to follow through with passion projects. That dream that we have one night that kicks us out of bed and onto the workbench fades over time. We forget details of our vision, we start to prioritize other things. Soon enough the project gets shoved into the corner while other things in life take charge, and once that happens, I can’t say that I’ve ever had the willpower to go back.
The girl scout idea came to me when I thought about one of the first and most relaxed grocery trips I’ve had in Ohio. A harrowing mirror of my elementary school days, there was a girl scout with her mother standing right in between the entrance and exit of the store. Her mom waved us over, promising that they took all methods of payment including venmo, and the little girl smiled as she started to stack up our cookies.
“What’s your favorite badge?” I smiled. I kind of hate kids but my partner really wants them in our future, so i’m trying to get better at relating to the youth.
“This one.” she pointed to a circular badge with a rocketship on it.
“Cool! Is it your favorite because of how you earned it, or because of how it looked?”
“It looks really cool. But my favorite thing to do was this one!” she spun her sash so we could see another intricate badge on the back.
“Woah! That's awesome.” I was ready to ask her more questions, about how she got it and what else she liked to do in Girl Scouts. But our transaction was complete, and while I’m proud of myself for actually holding a conversation with like, a 9 year old, I suddenly felt red in the face for being so interested in something made for little kids.
We thanked the duo and continued into the store, but for some reason I haven’t stopped thinking about that conversation.
So I got curious. After not really doing much for 6 weeks, I hopped onto the girl scout website. They had all of their badges on a neat little pdf, where I could see all of the hardwork it takes to rise up the ranks and continue to be a part of this organization. To my surprise, only a few of the badges that you’re able to earn are about the cookie sales. I started perusing the badge explorer page, and found that some of the badges are kind of badass. Without even realizing it, I started taking stock of all the badges I’d like to complete. Some are fitness focused, which makes sense because I’ve been putting off getting in shape. Some are focused on Financial Literacy, and encourage researching smaller things that we were never really taught throughout life. I jumped out of bed and raced to my partner. “I’m going to be a girl scout.” I beamed, full superman pose with no pants on. “You’re non-binary.” he replied, barely looking up from his sandwich. “Then I’ll be a Star Scout.” I shot back. He smiled.
“Good Luck!”
I’ve never felt such a ferocious drive for a project, and perhaps that’s because I’m well aware of the fact that I can go at my own pace. My goal is to earn 23 badges by the end of the pandemic. I created a task list for each badge I want to earn, which equals out to about 99 tasks that I expect to complete. Having this task list feels so much more empowering than the 3 to-do lists I keep for school, for housework, and for my personal life. I don’t need to worry about the deadline, I don’t have anything to prove to anyone. The only thing I have to do is Do.
My motivation levels vary. With bipolar disorder, it happens frequently that my drive for something can run so rampantly that I forget to sleep, while other times i can barely manage to eat something that doesn’t come straight out of a box. There is a task for every energy level I may have. Everything that I am planning to do is something that I want to do. I would like to write a screenplay, I want to break a bad habit, I would very much like to know how to make a first-aid kit. All of these tasks are such wonderfully simple things that I don’t wake up feeling stressed about what I have to do, but instead I wake up, go to my checklist and say “what do I get to do today?” the feeling is indescribable. It’s comfort, it’s accomplishment, it’s pride, it’s Something. Honestly, I can’t judge myself for not doing well enough because it’s so absurd to begin with. I personally can’t tell you how many 20-year olds are scrolling through the girl scout’s website after a couple margaritas, and I don’t care. This isn’t a contest with my peers. I don’t have to worry about not doing as well as someone else, or not doing well at all, because I make my own rules! Hell, I’m the one who's gonna be embroidering the damn badges for myself, so I better feel like I’ve earned it before I put in that work!! The tasks aren’t graded. They’re not meant to prove anything to anyone aside to show you a new side of life and show that you’ve learned something from your experiences. Already, I’ve learned so much, even if it is just how to take the first steps towards writing something I’ve always wanted, but have never known how.
It’s always felt silly to worry about what the future will be like 10 years from now, but I can never help but wonder. Would my life be different if I went to grad school? What if I get divorced? Am I still going to live in the United States? It feels like I’m already so sure that my life will be full of regrets, because my expectations will never match reality. I can ponder and hypothesize all I want, but I will never know what 2024 is like until I’m there. I doubt that 7 year old me would’ve expected me to join the scouts after all this time. It’s a hard truth that I often have trouble facing, but I know that as long as I do something, I’ll be doing the right thing. Consider this your sign: If you wanted to do something but you weren’t sure about it; do it. Be active, be respected, be wonderful. You can do it! I believe in you.
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dontworrystanmurphy · 3 years
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Whew, the mental strength I needed to gather to be able to restart ROTT season 3 and make this post.
Update drop day was ✨traumatic✨ for many of us Murphy lovers whose first touch (by said update and beloved goodest boy) was cold and NOT AT ALL what we had been manifesting for a month a half.
Emotions were running high 2 days ago, but today, knowing what we know now, I'm happy we can all laugh about that chaotic time and our own dramatic reactions.
My own emotions are still running high, but now for a different reason, among everything else, one is posted via collages above this text.
Playing through this wonderfully sweet opening scene after wrongfully convincing myself that my favorite LI ever was under character assassination legit made me tear up.
First of all, hello, we get to choose an outfit for our man? Don't even ask me, just take all my diamonds if that's what it'll cost me.
The fact he's the first one we see upon waking up and after what went down at the end of season 2? I could not ask for a more pleasant awakening tbh.
The ambiance Andrea/Artemis wakes up in, the music, the whole general vibe is so peaceful and legitimately feels like "the calm before the storm".
And then HE walks in, with his beautiful face, calming yet exciting presence, words of affirmation and promise of loyalty (something he's been expressing throughout his entire arc).
After barely having seen him in season 2, I was really hoping we would get more Murphy screentime in season 3, and only 4 episodes in, my expectations and hopes have been surpassed with this first scene alone, and the ones with him coming up later (yes, I'm looking at you, 2nd 💎 scene) left me speechless and more than satisfied after the loooooong wait.
It's a little bit funny that the first thing we see in this is Murphy mentioning a promise he gave to Andrea in high school because just a few days I came up with my own headcanon conclusion (which I've been meaning to make a post about but whoops) about Murphy being in love with Andrea since the beginning of time and through all of her past lives which only he remembers as he doesn't go through memory loss (as far as I'm concerned, this is even confirmed rn with him saying "and it feels like it was yesterday to me" and no I will not be taking questions at this time).
It's a well known thing among the fandom that we all agree ROTT is a proper mess of book not without its faults (I sympathize with everyone romancing the "forgotten LIs"), but I personally love and enjoy it so much, taking it for what it is: a relatively light breeze mythology fiction with top tier smutty scenes.
I'm a fairly new RC player and I got the app 2 months ago, during a heavy and transitional period in my life. I can honestly say the app has been one of my saving graces that helped me escape reality when I physically couldn't travel into more serene environments and kept me from falling into depression.
ROTT quickly became one of my favorite stories and Murphy became my comfort character. I'm IN LOVE with everything about him: his sprite, his arc, his behavior towards Andrea and their relationship, the way he calls her (us 😌) princess, his spicy scenes, the fact he's a confident bad boy who in reality only craves to be truly loved and he's not afraid to be open about it.
I could make this already too long post even longer by further gushing about how much joy this 2d man brings into my life, but I won't today (also because typing this all out on my phone was a pain in the ass).
I will instead just release my gratitude into the universe.
I'm grateful for discovering RC in the first place.
I'm grateful for the RC team and how hard they work to give us amazing stories, characters, art and music we can easily immerse ourselves in.
I'm grateful for the creation of this wonderful character whose scenes I go replay and reread whenever I feel like I need the kind of comfort and warm feelings I can't get anywhere else.
I'm grateful for the fandom and its efforts when it comes to creating new content with our beloved characters, making sure their stories go on even when the writers close their own final chapters.
I'm grateful to have found a community I can enjoy all of this and more with without judgement, only good vibes and screaming matches for 3 moods: happy, sad and horny (I will not tag each and every one, but you all know who you are).
I'll go wipe my tears now ok bye
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coalitiongirl · 3 years
Fic Recs (under 300 edition)
So I wanted to get back to reading Swan Queen fic regularly, and I asked people to rec longfic that they'd read (not written) and loved that had fewer than 300 kudos! I haven’t read most of these, but I’ve collected them here so y’all can go through the list and discover some new fics with me! Please try to kudos and review every fic that you read! It means the world to the writers and will keep em writing, and then we all win. 😁
Atonement by SgtMac (M): With Regina's magical heart failing thanks to years of previous evil, Emma and Regina and Henry (and Granny!) set out to save her life by traveling to the Enchanted Forest and requesting help from ancient magical beings known as the Guardians. Given a mission as simple as it is impossible - to achieve atonement by creating peace - the ladies find themselves joining a rebellion and fighting for the very soul of the Enchanted Forest all while trying to help Regina to understand that the self-loathing and guilt which have driven most of her actions don't have to doom her chance for a new beginning or even, a chance to live and love again. A S4(ish) SQ love story set against the turmoil of war and the chaotic savagery of the old world.
Blood and Sand by cheshire6845 (E): A/U The Savior is a slave forced into the role of fighting as a gladiator for the House of Hearts. The odds are against her survival as she will have to win in the arena, navigate Cora's schemes, outlast a general's vengeance, and not be killed out of spite by the current House of Hearts Champion - Regina the Undefeated. This story follows the major plot points of Starz Spartacus with some twists along the way.
But what if there was no time by KizuRai (M): When she wakes up, it's dark. She can't move, she can't see, she can't feel and she can't hear. Where am I? She feels a forceful oppression, pressing her down, draining her of her energy and she's powerless to stop it. How did I get here? The question of here is relative, she's not even sure where here is. What happened? There must be some reason for being stuck here but her memory is fuzzy, like all her thoughts are being sifted through a filter. Who am I? She's not sure if she actually exists or she suddenly became sentient in the darkness.She hears a voice reverberating in the distance, it's distorted and quiet but she hears it all the same. It breaks the monotony of the silence. Someone's coming for her, they will get her out. She's just not sure she wants them to as the price might be too great.
Finding Home by evl_rgl (T): “I wanted to remember you so badly that I pulled back your cursed town just so that the memories would make sense. I needed you so badly that even when I had no memory of you, I still tried to find you.” Regina gave Emma and Henry memories of a happy life together before they fled Pan’s curse, leaving them with no memories of their lives in Storybrooke. However, when the memory spell shows signs of failing, threatening to rip apart the minds of both Emma and Henry, Regina makes a drastic choice to go back and fix it, understanding that it will mean living alone in a world where her son doesn’t know her. Was the spell really faulty, though? (swanqueen)
Five Flames by MariaComet (U): In the past, Emma Nolan disconnected from her peers in high school, preferring to keep to herself. In her sophomore year of high school, she decided to try and join the boy’s wrestling team because she was bored. She didn’t expect herself to become the champion of the most bullied kid in school or the secret best friend of the school queen. She also didn’t expect to join a club that would change her life. In the present, Emma is trying to cope with a humiliating loss in her martial arts career. She claims to be “training” but is stuck in limbo between wanting to retire and try again. She is isolated from her former best friend, Regina Mills, a local celebrity chef and the rest of her old friends. When one of them calls her with an idea to honor their deceased teacher, she is confronted with unresolved feelings and questions about how powerful love truly is.
A Glamour of Truth by PrincessCharming (T): After 2x10, Regina uses magic to show Emma the obvious truth. A tentative trust forms between them amid hilarious bickering. With Emma's help, Regina struggles to regain a place in her son's life... until Cora arrives, wanting her daughter back. Pieces of Regina's past emerge showing that the board was set long before the game started. The final battle begins soon.
His Dark Materials 'verse by MoonlitMidnight (M): A modern Alternate Universe in which Dæmons (the external physical manifestation of a person's 'inner self' that takes the form of an animal) are present. In which Emma and Regina have led slightly different lives and they make slightly different choices.
How Many Miles to Avalon? (WIP) by RavenOutlander (E): Regina would do anything to save Emma from the darkness and bring her back home safe and sound. Even put up with the two idiots, Captain Guyliner and a bunch of dwarves she decidedly wanted to drop off at the nearest exit. But in their search for Emma, they find that she might not need that much saving after all. Caught up in a search for the infamous Philosopher Stone, an all out war between DunBroch and Camelot, and ghosts from the past to haunt her every waking moment, Regina finds herself scrambling to keep her and her family's happy endings from falling apart.
The Hyperion by FrankenSpine (M): After wishing upon what she believes is a shooting star, Emma Swan finds herself aboard the Hyperion, the royal starship of an alien Queen from a faraway galaxy. She quickly learns of the tensions between the Queen's people and her own, but the Queen takes an interest in her and agrees to take her away from Earth forever. Adventure awaits. *(Loosely based on Guardians of the Galaxy with just a hint of Farscape)*
If Wishes Came True (It Would've Been You) by Angeii_K (M): After Regina films a guest appearance on her friend Neal’s popular show, he invites her to spend the weekend with him and his girlfriend. What she never expected was to actually like the woman. Sparks fly between the two, which results in them questioning everything and making choices they will later regret. 4 years later, they meet again in the most unexpected of ways. Now co-stars on the same show, they are forced to work through the emotions from their last encounter. What will happen next? Only time will tell.
The King Doesn’t Have To Know (WIP) by highheelsandchocolate (M): The White Knight had never seen anyone like her before: the Queen was nothing short of mesmerizing. Her possessive yet neglectful husband, however, was another thing entirely.
The Lich by Dangereaux (M): Gay disaster Emma, exasperated Regina, and a monster. A Halloween special.
Maybe if We Close Our Eyes we Can Reach the Stars by wellthizizdeprezzing (T): Emma is a lonely astronaut. Regina is an adventuring alien. Their paths cross leading them onto a journey of new discovery. Between galaxies and many miles of cold black space, despite not speaking the same language, they manage to fall for each other. An out of this world love story.
A prisoner long forgotten by sugarsweet_19 (M): ‘I wish I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood and as black as the wood of the window-frame. Soon after she had a little girl, who was as white as snow, with lips as red as blood and with her hair as black as the ebony of the window-frame. She was therefore called Snow-white.” This is how our story starts but how will it end?The evil queen as been locked up in a tower and forgotten that is until princess Emma looks for a place to hid from her parents after they tell her she has to marry Neal the son of the dark one.
Revenge of the Three Little Pigs by mskyo (M): Regina and Emma find themselves alone and looking for the rest of their party. The Evil Queen must face the consequences of her past actions. Will Emma come to her aid, or understand that justice must be served... *Some chapters have fairly graphic sex, and violence*
Things I Almost Remember by cheshire6845 (T): A/U Despite an oncoming war between the Dark and the Light, Emma and Regina are best friends growing up in the Enchanted Forest. When war does come, they find themselves on opposite sides. Regina will have to defy her mother to save Emma. Will Emma be able to save Regina when Cora curses her daughter to live in the Land without Magic?
What We Make (WIP) by DiazTuna (M): “My mother.” He says calmly. He’d known all along, she’s aware. But he’d known that today would be the day that would get this going. She wants to ask what it was like, to have woken up this morning, laced up his boots and walked into hell just knowing. “It’s programmed the cyborg to kill her. Before I have a chance to be born.” -In which the leader of the future sends his best soldier back to the past to save his mother from a killer cyborg. Terminator AU.
The Wrong Way by pcworth (M): Takes place right after Zelena steals Regina's heart. Zelena offers Regina a chance to go back in time with her and change both of their lives for the better. But what will be the price of that decision. Slow-burn to SwanQueen
zombie trash by 13pens (T): Zelena could have her brain and eat it, too. Fic operates on three premises 1. this takes place in any universe where zelena is a reformed asshole 2. zombies are a thing and exist iZombie style 3. i have NO chill
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teeterarting · 3 years
here's a list of things i love about PSMD for no reason other than i think it deserves appreciation (spoilers)
the hero gets adopted by a nuzleaf. Hero, a young child that doesn't know why they were brought into this world, attacked by beheeyem, scared and alone, finds someone that takes them under his wing and gives them a home. it's really sweet that once Nuzleaf brings them to the Village, Hero's not alone anymore.
yes it was all a trick, he deceived you. but being betrayed by your father figure hits so much harder. it's much more personal, especially when both Hero and Partner are kids. and when Nuzleaf goes through all that ordeal in the post game, then gets accepted back into the village?? And his little speech to Hero????? it's heartbreaking and incredibly touching at the same time
everything is just so cute!!!! you go to school with your new friendo and you're friends with the schoolkids, and you make the trip to school every morning taking in the scenery, the smell of dew and fresh grass, and the sun on your face... and you take classes about Mystery Dungeon mechanics, and principal Simipour is a big BRO, the school nurse Audino is super kind and helpful... and you get to play with your pokemon friendos in summer vacation, and explore a dungeon with 'em... AND your bond with your Partner begins to form, getting stronger and stronger from then on. PSMD's beginning arc is so warm and pleasant, it's like reliving childhood memories all over again, when things were happier and you didn't have to worry about how cruel the world is. this story section's one purpose is to get the player used to the game's mechanics, as well as foreshadowing. unfortunately most of the school kids get forgotten later on, but I still love this part for everything it is, even if unintentional.
it's not just the beginning that's cute. PSMD'S ENTIRE WORLD IS ADORABLE. It's just filled with life every town you go. there are a bunch of pokemon locals and they all have interesting things to say, in the main story and the post-game. there's a point where their comments get repetitive, but that's bound to happen in any PMD game. Even then, the days are never the same. one morning you wake up and the Lively Town locals are exercising, then the next they're having singing lessons, and then they're practicing martial arts. and you get to connect with (or recruit) some of them just by.... chatting!!! Sitting next to that big ol' venusaur and sharing stories, laughing and having fun. it's good stuff.
Sometimes you find travelling pokemon in dungeons and it's jsut the coolest thing. Imagine you're exploring a dungeon, then your Connection Orb notifies you there's a fellow explorer in the floor. First thing you do is try to find them, and when you do - oh dang a travelling Archeops!!!! And then they just,,,, exchange their experiences and thoughts on exploration and how hard it is to fend off those enemies and the cool treasure they found the other day (the game calls it "[Team Name] and [Traveller pokemon] compared notes"). then the traveller heals you, fills your belly and restores your PP. and they go on their way. idk man it's such a cute interaction. explorers chatting, empathizing and helping each other, bc their job is not an easy one...
PSMD Partner is the most developed Partner in any PMD game yet. They start off as this naive, hyperactive kiddo, then stuff happens, and worse stuff happens, and you get to see how they grow and change and by the end they're a different person than they were before (in more than one way ...). It's just so nice to be by their side, from the beginning to the bitter end, and watch their growth. in contrast, Hero is a little unbalanced in that their backstory is not explored as much, and their personality is kind of a blank - probs meant to be vague so the player can be in their shoes. to me this just gives you the opportunity to shape their character however you want, so you can have tons of different hero/pardner dynamics.
The music is rlly flippin' good. Some of the tracks are recycled from previous entries, but when they go original??? it's a blast!!! "Echoes of the Mystical Forest" is one of my favorites in all four entries, it has no right being so amazing for a random dungeon. "Time to Set Out" makes me cry immediately (also i think it would be a better fit for the parting ways scene at the end...). Don't even get me started on "Second Dark Matter Battle", it has everything an epic climax needs and MORE. the Partner remix????? absolute genius
speaking of which, Dark Matter ITSELF,, is freaking amazing. Its actions were foreshadowed in the very beginning, though they were not blatant through the game. i do think they could have done a better job at showing the pokemon's negativity raising in the world, as well as negative feelings in the characters... but it's not like Gates did a good job at it, either (outside of cutscenes, all the locals in Post Town are incredibly nice to you and fights didn't "break out often". it's like the game tells you the world is a dark place, but what it shows in gameplay doesn't add up). so i'll cut them some slack. Still, I find Dark Matter a more compelling villain than the Bittercold for several reasons. it is sentient. its speech is a jumbled amount of voices all talking at the same time - the anguished voices of the world. It actually concocted a plan to hurl the planet into the Sun, using pawns like Nuzleaf and Yveltal to do its dirty job. in the Voidlands, Hero and Partner discover its past, and how it'll come back after defeat, like a cycle. when Partner accepts Dark Matter, they accept negative feelings as something everyone has within themselves. Most of all, the fact that Dark Matter is a manifestation of negative feelings doesn't make it just a generic threat, a final obstacle to be defeated so the world can be saved. It makes Dark Matter - negativity itself - a natural part of the world, the yin to its yang. and that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH DANG IT EVEN THANKS PARTNER FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE
The fact that Dark Matter can possess pokemon that have "even the smallest amount of darkness in their hearts". it makes me think of Mr. Nuzleaf and what he might have gone through in the past to make him so easy to be controlled. Did he hold a grudge against someone?? Did he commit a crime?? Had Nuzleaf always been malicious???? And if so, is this why he shows so much remorse in the post-game??????? because he had always been this vile fiend and then he met this small kid and got attached, but still carried on with his evil actions because his malice was still stronger than the positive feelings and Dark Matter's hold on him intensified?????? I don't know!!!! and as much as i wish the game could have given us that sweet mr. Nuzleaf backstory, it's pretty fun to have freedom to come up with your own version.
Everything about Super's climax is just phenomenal. Every single flippin' legendary is there to help you. Arceus is in the game. MEWTWO IS THERE. and when things are looking hopeless, they really seem hopeless. First the Tree of Life is dying, then your allies get turned into stone and sent to hell The Voidlands, Arceus gets turned into stone, the entire world is stone (except for several mon' that are still safe and holding onto hope, but they're so few). Your Harmony Scarves stop working and you and your Partner are back to your feeble, basic stage forms. You are bordering exhaustion, you have no Emeras, it's just you and your Partner against an eldritch abomination that's killing the life on the entire planet like a parasite, devouring all hope. but you still fight back. Given how adults in the game always discourage the village children from going adventuring, that they cannot do this or that because they're so little and fragile, it's awesome how Hero and Partner beat Dark Matter as tiny kids.
PSMD is not a flawless game. in fact there's plenty of things that hold it back and i even mentioned some... but it's still full of love put into it and it resonates w me more than PMD Explorers of T/D/S and Gates to Infinity (Rescue Team is a close second). its my all-time favorite PMD game.
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doitwritenow · 4 years
Supreme Super family gets sucked up into WandaVision(let's imagine Tony's alive in this or is from the multiverse). Ironstrange think they're married with a high school kid. Tony is a science teacher, strange is town doctor, and peter is a regular kid. No memories of they're real life. Rhody, Pepper, and Aunt May and Morgan could be added to this too if you wanted.
OHHO! Sorry it took me so long to reply to this; I had to finish the show, for one thing, and then my brain started going all sorts of places with the prompt... and well. I have on heck of a ramble coming, so buckle up! 
(Also, spoilers through the series, so watch out!) 
— — —
It starts with a question on Vision’s job application.
That’s all. So simple, so innocuous, so innocent. Vision is casually recording information that he doesn’t yet realize he can’t remember, and he arrives at a line that asks his family history. It’s nothing complex, left on the application only because Wanda’s subconscious had glossed over the question. So does Vision’s, as a result. But he wants this job. They want to fit in, and so they answer the question truthfully.
Vision writes ‘Stark’, unaware. ‘Tony Stark.’
And pop. Just like that. 
On the edge of Westview, there suddenly is and has always been a small, well-kept mechanic’s shop. It’s run by an aging man with a bright mind and a brighter smile. He’s lived here since he came back from the war, but no one knows for how long. And he has no memory—no memory at all—of what came before. 
Of the round scar in the center of his chest. 
He doesn’t need to know. No one needs to know; he’s just a side character, after all. Just the answer to a line on a job application.
Just so that something, anything, about Vision’s life here isn’t a lie. 
Yeah, so Tony gets manifested within the Hex—but because he’s one of Wanda’s creations and not someone being mind-controlled, he is able to exist with agency within Westview. He has no reason, however, to believe anything is amiss; he’s been resurrected only to play a character, and his memories and surface-level motivations only extend to the limits of that character.
But Wanda has other regret. Wanda has other anger and understanding and forgiveness and gratefulness, and she knew Tony Stark, once. 
She knew his worst nightmare—and it’s easy to craft a soul from that, really.
(But it’s fine, of course it’s fine. Tony has no reason to pull down the walls of that hidden spirit. He’s content in his role, just like Vision. So it’s fine. 
… Right?) 
Agatha stands at the base of a towering barrier with her hands on her hips. One side of her mouth is quirked up into a considering, scheming smile, and her magic probes out around her curiously. This is the source of the power she’d felt; she’s sure of it. The spell work… the instinctual, unconscious spell work is so intense she can almost taste it.
How is it possible? What’s the secret? 
Agatha must know. And besides; this is the most interesting thing that’s happened to her since the seventeenth century. 
She’s about to reach out, about to cross into the heart of the magic, when she hears it. A footstep. Quiet and dark and making no attempt at stealth. 
Agatha grips her magic. “Who’s there?” she demands. 
Someone steps out of the trees. A human, Agatha thinks, though you can never be sure nowadays. He wears a hood of green and his hands are dark where they hang at his sides. 
“Witch,” the figure declares.
Agatha raises an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” says Karl Mordo. “I rather think you can.”
Okay, cut to New York. Stephen Strange is exhausted, wrung dry trying to keep the edges of the universe from deteriorating now that the stabilization factors of the Infinity Stones have been destroyed. One task runs into the next, one morning into the night. One future into all the others. 
But Stephen likes the work; it keeps his mind in one place. He’s always alert these days. Always listening. 
So when someone calls out to him from New Jersey, he can hear.
It’s Mordo luring him in, of course, but he doesn’t know that yet. After Dormammu, and certainly after all those futures, Stephen has too much experience for Mordo to hope to get the better of. The old Master is still dedicated to his ‘too many sorcerers’ shebangerang, though, so he’s employed help. Maybe he can kill two birds with one stone. Two world-threateningly powerful magic users with one stone. 
Stephen follows the call, because of course he does. It sounds like a call for help; what else is he supposed to do? The kelpie situation in the Thames can wait. Wong waves him off, tells him to be careful without much hope of Stephen listening, and takes over the Sanctum for the few hours Stephen intends to be gone.
(It’s not for a few hours.)
But there’s someone else we should mention before we see what Westview has planned for Stephen. See, a certain spider-kid has just had his identity outed, and his only allies once called themselves Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
Nick Fury and Maria Hill, Peter discovers, are not Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
“You’re aliens?” Peter demands, his hands warding the space in front of him. 
Of course they’re aliens, part of him sighs. Of course. Why wouldn’t one more thing just go crazy in his life? Why let him remember what ‘normal’ even felt like? Why the hell not? 
“Er, yes,” says not-Fury. “My name is Talos. But we do still want to help you.”
Helping Peter doesn’t go according to plan. See, the Skrull try to approach SWORD for Monica Rambaeu’s help regarding the kid who saved their lives, but Monica has disappeared. 
Talos only turns around for two seconds. Really, it’s only a moment. But when he turns back, Peter Parker has disappeared, too.
Stephen stops, a hand coming up to shield his third eye as he squints into the absolute maelstrom of power swirling in a hexagonal wall in front of him. It doesn’t feel like the Order’s magic—not like something of the Mystic Arts. It’s something far more human and gritty. Stephen’s perception can’t extend through it. He frowns.
He takes a step forward, the Cloak swirling around his ankles, and begins to stitch his mental walls into place. His wards are strong, even unconsciously.
That’s probably what saves him, in all honesty. 
Two strong, human hands plant themselves in the small of Stephen’s back and shove him into the barrier. Stephen opens his mouth to yell, raises his hands to cast a spell— but blue and red are surrounding him now. Devouring him, now. They lick at his mind, slamming against unbreakable walls.
But they are unbreakable too. 
Stephen disappears. 
(Mordo used a portal to get behind him and knock him into the Hex, btw.) 
It’s those hasty mental walls that keep Stephen from being completely consumed into the Westview spells. He is not fully mind-controlled, nor is he left half-animated and frozen like most people near Ellis Avenue. But there is one main rule of Wanda Maximoff’s Westview, and that, Stephen can’t escape completely. 
‘No one remembers outside.’
Stephen doesn’t. In fact, he doesn’t remember anything at all. 
Tony Stark finds the man lying on the side of the road. He’s just finished dropping his kid Peter off at the Westview high school (it hasn’t occurred to him that it’s weird how he never sees the boy’s classmates. Or that Peter never seems to have stories from school. Or that the kid is always waiting in the exact same place that Tony dropped him off at whenever Tony comes to pick him up. Tony has no reason to think too hard; he’s just a side character—right?). 
“Uh, hi?” Tony pauses, the car puffing it’s irritation when he stops it too quickly. He cranks down the window and leans out. 
The man blinks, slowly, at the sky. He sits up hesitantly, like he hasn’t noticed Tony, and rubs his hand across his face. He pulls it away after a moment and frowns at it. Tony wonders why he looks so confused—it’s not like there’s anything wrong with the man’s hand. No scars or anything. 
“Hi, sir,” Tony says again. “Are you alright?”
The man jumps. He looks over at Tony—and there’s something weird about his eyes. Something… really weird. (Color, says a voice in the back of his mind that he hasn’t heard for a very, very long time. That’s color.)
“Who are you?” Tony asks. He parks the car completely now. 
The man looks down at his hands again. “I’m—” he begins. He’s frowning again.
“Come on now,” Tony encourages. “How hard can it be?”
The man tugs at the scarf around his neck—and it must be windier than Tony thought, because the edges of it are swaying as if of their own accord— and swallows. 
“I don’t know,” he says.
So of course Tony brings Stephen back with him. He prods at the man until Stephen manages to blurt out ‘Doctor Stephen Strange’ for no reason either of them can remember. But it makes Stephen relax, a little, to have it on his tongue. 
Tony catches Stephen staring at him after that. A lot. When he asks him why, Stephen has no clear answer; just a vague “you remind me of someone.” For Stephen’s part, all he knows is that seeing Tony gives him an indistinct sense of relief. Like he’d been missing someone deeply, and has now found it again. 
Still. He can’t quite put his finger on it. Just like he can’t quite put his finger on why his hands don’t hurt when he tries to write…
Vision visits Tony, sometimes, whenever he remembers, or whenever someone in the town mentions the old mechanic. He brings Wanda. They have fun, but Vision always goes home feeling slightly baffled. And Tony always feels like something hurts, deep in the center of his chest. 
Vision likes his adopted younger brother. (And Peter gets along just fine with the twins, too, when they come along, so Wanda doesn’t change anything about it). But when the man with the bright eyes stares at him with just a bit too much calculation on his face, Vision starts to be reminded of… things. Of suspicions. Of Geraldine and how she had no home and no history. And he doesn’t quite look Wanda in the eye that dinner. 
“What do you do?” Wanda asks, her voice a little hard, a little suspicious. Vision tries not to wince. Whatever it is she’s not telling him, this man at his father’s dinner table reminds her of it. 
Tony flips his fork, balancing it like one might a wrench. “Stephen’s a doctor,” he says.  
Wanda’s face flickers. “That’s funny,” she says blankly. “Because no one in this town ever needs one.” 
For a while, Tony Stark didn’t see anything amiss here. He was created, was consistent, was emptily and vaguely pleased. But Tony Stark is Tony Stark, whatever character he’s been told to play. Tony Stark wants to help people. 
And this man, this strange doctor with the eyes that would sometimes go blank for long minutes and the tears that would stain sharp cheeks for a reason he claimed not to remember, needs help.
So Tony Stark begins to scratch at Wanda’s walls. 
 “What do you mean he’s here?”
“I mean your little plan didn’t work,” Agatha says. She stands on the edge of Westview, speaking through a mirror of magic to the man outside. She’s liking this sorcerer less and less the more she works with him—but he has been rather helpful so far, so she continues to put up with him. 
“Does he remember?”
“No,” Agatha says. “The dad that Wanda made up for Vision has taken him in. It’s kind of adorable, actually.”
“Hm.” Mordo’s mouth twists. “You’ll finish the job?”
Agatha shrugs nonchalantly. “Sure. When I get around to it.”
“You don’t want to wait. Deal with Strange now, before he remembers how to be a threat.”
Agatha laughs. It’s brittle, fully conveying her hostility. “Ha, my good sorcerer, listen. Unless you want to come in here and do the job yourself, you’ll let me handle this my way.”
Agatha’s way involves getting to the bottom of things, of course. And that’s rather convenient… because Vision has begun to try to do the same thing. 
— — — —
Okay that’s all I have for now? The other bits are still solidifying in my mind, and it’s basically all Horrible Angst. I hope this scratches a little of the itch of your ask, though! Feel free, anyone, to add onto this if you’d like! I really enjoyed the show, and I think it has some really awesome AU potential. 
Thanks for the ask!!!
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silver-renjun · 3 years
Cafe 7 Dream: Chenle
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Word count: 2,438
Warnings: violence, stabbing
Read the prologue before reading this!  
You were heading out to the cafe after class. Renjun and Haechan were far up ahead of you, chasing behind Jisung to tease him. Mark, Jaemin, and Jeno laughed at the poor boy’s torment and ran along to catch up. You and Chenle were left alone. The two of you didn’t really hang out alone together. The only times when you were this close to Chenle was when you hung out Jisung. Even then, you were never alone with Chenle for more than a minute.
“You know, uh, we never really spend time together,” Chenle said with a nervous laugh.
“Well, you are my boss,” you joked.
Chenle felt hurt at your reply. He wanted you to think of him as a friend, not as the guy who ordered you around and didn’t even pay you. 
“You can work with me today,” Chenle offered.
“I was actually hoping to assemble some cakes with Mark today, but that sounds great too,” you replied. 
You had no idea how much your words stung Chenle. He had a major crush on you for months. Hearing that he wasn’t even in the friendzone made him upset. Chenle was determined to make you like him, even a little bit. 
At the cafe, you stood behind Chenle as he worked. You watched him lift boxes and give order to the other boys. You didn’t want to admit it, but Chenle was quite attractive when he was in a position of power. His confidence made you swoon. In reality, Chenle was quite anxious about his crush staring at him. The two of you talked a little, but you were both nervous about impressing each other. 
After the last customer walked about, Chenle decided to make a move on you.
“Hey, y/n, do you want to come over to my place tonight?” Chenle knew the question was completely random, but he didn’t know if he would ever get another opportunity to ask you out. 
You were quite shocked at his question, wondering if he could read your mind. You had just been thinking about how you wanted to spend more time with him. 
Chenle assumed your silence was a no and said, “That’s fine. I’ll see you again tomorrow, y/n.” His face dropped in disappointment. 
“No!” you said, grabbing his shoulder. You quickly let go after you realized what you had done. “I mean, I’d love to spend more time with you. Tonight sounds nice.” 
“Great!” Chenle held on to your hand softly and led you out the cafe doors. Before he stepped out, he turned around and said, “guys, you can close up without me.”
Chenle’s house was huge, to say the least. Everything looked like it was out of a storybook. There was beautiful mahogany furniture that lined the hallways, which seemed like they went on forever. The high ceilings and walls were embellished with gold fixtures. You were sure that you were in a palace.
Chenle noticed the wonder on your face as you walked through the house and smiled to himself. He was overjoyed to make you impressed.
“Pretty nice, right?” he asked.
“This place is more than nice,” you said with wide eyes. “It’s insane!”
Chenle laughed at your reply. He didn’t care much for the way the house looked. Chenle was never interested in such superficial things, but seeing you this happy made him feel so lucky.
“Come on, let’s go to my room,” he said, pulling you up the stairs.
Chenle’s room was much more modestly decorated compared to the rest of the house. Despite all the luxury of his home, Chenle had mastered the art of the broke, messy college student look. You sat on his bed and looked around the room. Chenle grabbed a bottle from under his desk and handed it to you.
“You should try this, it’s really good.” You accepted the bottle and started to drink it. “I’ll go get some snacks for us,” Chenle said, walking out his room.
The drink Chenle gave you tasted like orange soda, but was a bit more bitter. You weren’t sure if it was your lack of sleep or the drink, but you began to feel sleepy. You were too tired to sit up, so you laid down on Chenle’s bed. You tried fighting your sleep, but it was just too strong. 
In your dreams, you saw yourself as a child. You watched your first day of school, your graduations, and your birthday parties. These memories made you feel cheerful and warm. The memories of your past slowly started to fade away. You body felt cold and empty. Darkness surrounded you. You felt lost, until a light grew around you. You saw yourself again, but this time it wasn’t a memory. You watched yourself on the floor, covered in blood. You were crying for help, but nobody was there to save you. Your body jolted and you woke up.
“y/n is everything okay?” Chenle asked. He rushed to your side and began to stroke the side of your face.
“I was just dreaming and I saw something really weird,” you said, sitting up on the bed. “I kind of saw myself being attacked.”
“Ah shoot.” Chenle placed his hand on his forehead and shook his head. “I knew this would have never worked.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on y/n.” Chenle gestured with his hand for you to follow him.
Chenle took you into the library of his home. The room was huge and you were sure there were thousands of books in it. You had never seen anything like it before. Chenle pulled out a book from the shelf and handed it to you.
“Read the cover.”
“‘Spells of the Mind, a Complete Encyclopedia.’ What is this?” you asked. 
“Magic books. The place is full of them. You can read all the titles and you’ll see.”
You listened to Chenle and checked out the other books on the shelves. You found ‘The Guidebook to Forest Spirits: Volume 1’, ‘The History of Warlocks’, and ‘Dried Grass Potions’. Every book you picked up had a strange name and you simply could not understand it all.
“What does this mean Chenle?” you asked, as you poked around the bookshelf.
“I’m not a normal person, y/n. My family has magical abilities,” Chenle started to explain.
“Yeah right,” you replied, rolling your eyes.
“Do you have a better explanation for all these books then?” Chenle snapped. You were silent and let him continue.
“Like I was saying, my family has magic abilities so do some of the guys. You see, Jisung’s actually a wizard. He made a love potion and put it in the cafe’s food. That’s why we get so many customers. And Jeno, he’s a water spirit. Then there’s Haechan. He hasn’t really gotten his powers yet, but they should come in any day now.”
“What about Jaemin? Is he some kind of coffee spirit?” you asked.
“Nah, Jaemin’s just a regular human. He’s just a little weird. Mark’s human too.”
You laughed and said, “Go figure. A group filled with magical beings and Jaemin’s the normal person.” Chenle laughed long with you. “What about Renjun?”
“Ah, Renjun,” Chenle became quiet. “Renjun’s kind of an oracle. He sees into the future and stuff. Most of his visions have never really happened, so his powers are kind of a joke. But he had one vision where you were attacked, so I got worried, and I gave you that thing to drink. It was a potion to protect you, but then you saw the vision yourself, and um, yeah,” Chenle rambled.
“His visions, they’re not accurate?” you said with a raised eyebrow.
“They’ve never really happened, so I think so. And what you saw,” Chenle paused for a second. “It was probably just a manifestation of my own fears, since I was the one who gave you the potion. It doesn’t really mean anything.”
“Okay, cool,” you said, brushing away the topic. “So tell me more about you Chenle! What are your powers like?”
“Well I’ve been trained in practically everything, but my specialty is a secret.” You pouted at his answer. “It’s because my parents are kind of big deals in the magic world, so we can’t be open about our abilities. It’s for our safety.”
“When can I meet your parents? I am in their house, after all.”
“At the cafe event. They’re launching a campaign about the implementation of magic in the real world, and the cafe is the first place on the list. They’ll be there and a whole bunch of magical beings in the business world will be there too.”
You and Chenle sat on the floor of the library and talked for hours. You were amazed by all the books, and pulled out each from the shelves to have Chenle explain it to you. By the end of the night, you were engulfed by the world of magic. You wanted to learn more, so you asked Chenle if it was okay to stay over. He was delighted and showed you to a room near his own.
The next day at the cafe, you wanted to see the magic in action. You sneaked behind Jisung as he went into the back room. The room looked like the lab of a mad scientist. There were shelves filled with potions on all the walls. Your cover was blown when Jisung turned around.
“Ah y/n! What are you, um, doing, uh, here?” Jisung stuttered. He took a step closer to you, trying to make you leave the room.
“Chill out, Jisung. Chenle told me all about your little love potion,” you said with a smirk. “I know you guys have magic.” 
Jisung blushed at your words and replied, “Well since you’re here, want to see what I’ve been up to?”
You nodded and Jisung started to explain all the potions he had made. Most of them were just variations of the love potion, which was his specialty. You grabbed a bottle to examine. 
“Be careful y/n! That one’s still a little messed up. Chenle drank it before and he confessed that he like y-” Jisung stopped speaking when he realized what he had done.
“He likes me?” you said with wide eyes. 
“He, uh, just pretend like you didn’t hear anything, okay?” Jisung said before shooing you out the room. “Chenle’s going to kill me for this,” he muttered to himself. 
After the cafe had closed, Chenle invited you to his house again. The two of you were sitting in the library when Chenle opened up to you.
“y/n, I think you’re so perfect and beautiful and amazing and, uh, can I be your boyfriend?” Chenle blabbered.
You laughed at his confession, thinking back to what Jisung had told you earlier.
Chenle looked down and said, “I get it. I’m sorry I-”
“Don’t apologize,” you said, grabbing his hand. “I like you too! I was just laughing because Jisung spilled your secret earlier today.”
“Ugh, I’m going to get him for this!”
You and Chenle laughed and cuddled in the library. Chenle offered for you to spend the night again, and you happily accepted. Every day after work, Chenle offered to take you to his home, and you always said yes. You practically lived at his house. 
One night, while you were sleeping, Chenle was discussing the cafe event with his mother.
“It’ll be shameful if Haechan doesn’t have his powers. People from all over the world are going to coming to the cafe. What are they going to think when they see a boy with unawakened powers? We have to maintain our reputation.”
“But mom-”
“No buts. If the only way to bring out the magic in him is through a ritual, then so be it. You’ve got a sleeping human upstairs, ready to be sacrificed. I expect you to do what’s right for this family.”
Chenle couldn’t bring himself to hurt you. His family’s success was nothing compared to your life. You were his number one priority, or at least that’s what he tried to convince himself. 
It was the day of the cafe event and Chenle still hadn’t followed his mother orders. Chenle knew there would be dire consequences if he didn’t do as he was told.
“Hey y/n, Haechan, can you help me in the back?” Chenle said. His voiced quivered slightly as he thought about what he was going to do. 
When you were all in the back room, Chenle told you to count how many potions were on the walls. With your back wide open, Chenle whispered “I’m sorry,” and slashed you. 
You woke up in a hospital bed. Chenle was sitting next to you.
“Chenle, baby, what happened?” you said innocently. 
“y/n! I was threated by my mother to use your blood for a sacrifice and give it to Haechan so it would awaken his powers and I really didn’t want to do it I swear, but my mother forced me so I had no choice and y/n I know this makes me a horrible person, I just didn’t know what to do so-” Chenle rambled before breaking down into tears.
“The vision. Renjun’s vision was true. The reason I had the vision when you gave me the protection potion was because you were the one I needed protection from,” you said in a monotone voice. 
“I’m so sorry, just please, please, just forgive me, I really didn’t want for it to turn out this way, please,” Chenle pleaded.
“You know so much about magic. You knew what my vision meant, didn’t you? You lied to me.”
“I truly didn’t mean, oh just please, I didn’t want to do it, it was all a mistake, I just wanted to help you, I didn’t know it would be like this,” Chenle continued. 
As betrayed as you felt, you knew Chenle was genuine. You loved him with your whole heart and you knew he felt the same way about you. You couldn’t let him torture himself over something he had no choice over. 
“I’ll forgive you one day, but not today.”
Select another route
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viridiave · 3 years
*Wrote all this some time last month so I might be off- really really off- also full disclosure I too am a Narumitsu shipper- this is just me giving myself a bad time doing the impossible and having fun XD
-I am going to fail sooner or later. Looking at you, Bridge to the Turnabout.
FIRST GAME >Turnabout Samurai -Yep. We're jumping right in with 'unnecessary feelings'. I'm going to be put on a stake for this. -This is going to become the main argument with any and all homoerotic subtext present in the first game- that it was unintentional. They didn't actively start making it gay until the second game, and even before then the producer for the games had to warn the development team not to try and insert these themes for fear of getting it wrong and lose the fanbase they'd accidentally caught the eye of. I can still create arguments for why this specific, hilariously meme-able line could be read romantically of course- but as far as the game development team at the time was concerned this interaction was never meant to be read as romantic. -Unease and uncertainty are... very valid feelings for Edgeworth to feel at this very moment and as much as I'd like to joke that he was feeling uncertain about his sexuality after seeing his childhood friend as an adult, this line was really just likely meant to lead up to the conclusion of Turnabout Goodbyes and Edgeworth's character arc for this game. His perfect win streak had just been shattered in a case prior. In this case, he was meant to persecute the lead actor of his favorite show- and in some ways his helping the defense can be taken as his biases getting the better of him. His sense of justice and his entire worldview is about to be overhauled, and I can see how he would regard this budding doubt in himself as an unnecessary (heh) distraction from what he believes is his true purpose in life.
>Turnabout Goodbyes -Edgeworth wanting to keep him away from DL-6 has its own section mostly because of how stubborn he becomes when it comes to Phoenix's insistence in particular. It's clear that this stubbornness is a front, I will concede with that- but there are merits to his initial reluctance in accepting Phoenix's defense. It's evident that Phoenix himself has grown over the course of the game so far, but in both of the times that he faced off against Edgeworth in court, his victories were... a tad bit contrived. For instance in Turnabout Sisters, Phoenix really only wins because Mia was being channeled and blackmailed White as he was about to leave the stand. Turnabout Samurai is a little better- but had him rely on quite a lot of coincidences (proven later to be substantiated) that surfaced during the trial. This is nothing to say of the deeper reason Edgeworth has over dissuading Phoenix from taking his case ("You in particular I cannot ask to do this.")- where I can make an argument for his pride and/or concern over Phoenix's career as an attorney. The stakes are relatively high here as well- if Phoenix fails, Edgeworth is incarcerated, Manfred von Karma goes free, DL-6 goes cold once again with no hope of getting re-opened, and everything that Phoenix has been working towards as an attorney would have been in vain. DL-6 is a case that has ruined many lives- it'd make sense if Edgeworth himself felt as though it would be a waste of time and effort to take this case because of how convinced he was of murdering his own father prior to Gourd Lake. He'd grown up for the past 15 years with a nightmare and a death sentence over his head- I wouldn't be surprised if he simply gave up and accepted that he was going to die at the hands of his prosecuting mentor. Even if he were acquitted for the murder of Robert Hammond, his perceived involvement in DL-6 would have thrown a wrench in his freedom- any lesser attorney would have given up on that. And this is unloaded BEFORE Phoenix tells him about the true reason as to why he became an attorney. -Phoenix's insistence to defend Edgeworth in this case can easily just be read as platonic- his complete, unfettered faith in Edgeworth's innocence is heavily influenced by that class trial, for better or for worse. While I'm perfectly happy to imagine that Phoenix's attachment to his idealized version of Edgeworth grew into something deeper sometime in the fifteen years that he hasn't seen him, I do believe that Phoenix in particular really is just that much of a sentimental person. This is to say nothing of his nature as a defense attorney- and what little time he's managed to spend with Mia has taught him that unbridled trust in his client is what gets him through the day, and he's putting it to practice here. Edgeworth was what he has been working towards the moment he decided he would practice law- as Phoenix at this point in time still believes that he could do no wrong despite seeing what Edgeworth is truly like in court. -Cutting into the meat of Phoenix and Edgeworth's shared past, I made a point earlier to say that Phoenix's perception of Edgeworth as a person is idealized. Every memory that Phoenix has had of Edgeworth prior to the events of the first game were from their childhood- and they had 4-8 months (plus one year if we're generous with the retconning some of the official art gave us) MAX to develop a friendship so strong that Phoenix makes major life decisions just to meet with this man. The fact that this time spent together was ENOUGH for Phoenix in the first place is... really hard to skirt around. To quote Dan from GameGrumps "this is something that you would only do for someone you're trying to marry" and if one of them was a woman I guarantee this ship would be canon already. But then again- since this is Phoenix Wright in particular somehow I can believe that he really is just that sentimental- and that isn't always a bad thing. He'd managed to save Edgeworth twice with this conviction after all. When Phoenix sees Edgeworth, he doesn't see a demon prosecutor, he sees his childhood friend who aimed to become a shining example of justice following in his father's footsteps. They address how shaky his foundations for becoming an attorney were in the Phoenix Wright Files once actually- going through a mini-existential crisis because he'd become an attorney with the main goal of saving Edgeworth from what he'd become, and now that he's accomplished that he's just kind of... lost. Edgeworth himself manages to pull him out of this, though. -man that hurts my case a lot actually but to be fair I was banking on failing -I just didn't expect it to happen so early even with the first game -in fact ESPECIALLY with the first game -though I cannot for the life of me wonder how I can come up with a heterosexual explanation for why the buildup towards Edgeworth telling Phoenix and Maya about his nightmares reads so much like a stunted love confession. I'm serious- just read any high school shojo manga ever. You'll find that it hits a lot of the same beats.
>Rise From The Ashes -It's in this case that we observe some of the consequences that the intial upheaval of Edgeworth's worldview in Turnabout Goodbyes causes him; distrust in the enforcement of the law. Not exactly the time for him to be dabbling in another, meme-able brand of unnecessary feelings. Several things like the Prosecutor's Office's relationship with the Police Department starts to waver with the murder of Bruce Goodman, and this becomes the final nail in the coffin for Edgeworth's worldviews and values as a prosecutor. His and Phoenix's teamwork in this trial becomes prevalent- the story behind the King of Prosecutors award represents this best despite it's currently incomplete state. The backstory behind this award paints an ideal of justice in the courtroom wherein the truth comes out as a result of the efforts of contradictory forces. A broken halberd that can cut through any shield (the prosecution) and a broken, unbreakable shield (the defense). Read as representation the text becomes something of a metaphor for the ideal justice that manifests itself in the best parts of Edgeworth and Phoenix respectively- the duality of their opposing professions rather than something that is limited to their relationship. -The same argument that I've used for Phoenix's unwavering belief in Edgeworth's innocence in Turnabout Goodbyes can be used for this case as well. -Though Edgeworth still goes M.I.A for a year after this case, it does grant his disappearance a bit more context as to why exactly it is that he left- and I'll be taking a tiny liberty with this and apply the interpretation that the Miles Edgeworth Files grants us, and that he left in order to better himself and grow as a person, a prosecutor, and as a friend to Phoenix Wright. It's... difficult for me to want to read this as anything but romantically-charged because the narrative beats are NOT lost on me (the dialogue makes this especially hard. send help.)- there's a possibility that Edgeworth at this point in time realizes the value in having a better, more functional dynamic with the one defense attorney who he considers a true equal in court. This dynamic will allow for less chances to encounter missteps and errors in any verdicts handed down in court, and if Edgeworth is to pursue his ideal of justice- Phoenix Wright is undoubtedly essential to this endeavor. The aftermath of Rise From The Ashes is indicative of this newfound goal of his- the symbolism behind the old King of Prosecutors award and the two halves of the evidence list certainly helps this case. -<"It seems all you do is worry about me." -Miles Edgeworth, Rise From The Ashes> For good fucking reason Edgeworth. You were accused of murder and have implicated yourself on the stand for DL-6 just a few months ago- and if the Investigations games are anything to go by, you're more of a danger magnet than PHOENIX is. I had to say it. The first Investigations game takes place over the course of 2-3 days and the sheer amount of shit that Edgeworth had to deal with in between that interval truly makes me wonder how Phoenix Wright ended up with the title of danger magnet. And THIS time- Edgeworth's car becomes a crime scene because his corrupt superiors needed a convenient way of transporting a corpse. There's VERY good reasons to worry about the livelihood of Miles Edgeworth. -Okay I... can't believe I forgot about the chessboard. Here's the kicker- the one we see from his office isn't even the only one he owns. I... legitimately cannot give you ANY purely heterosexual, platonic explanation for why Miles Edgeworth has THREE (THREE. I CANNOT OVERSTATE THIS. HE HAS T H R E E OF THESE FUCKING THINGS. GOOD GOD. HE CAN'T BE ANY MORE EXTRA.)(there exists a similar, portable set in the Investigations games- and he has a new set by the time of Dual Destinies) sets of custom-made chessboards with personalized, highly-specific red and blue designs made purely to depict his rivalry with Phoenix Wright. I fold. I give up. I forgot about the chessboards I wAS NOT EXPECTING TO FAIL THIS E A R LY- -You know what the real kicker is with Rise From the Ashes? The main argument that I have introduced back in Turnabout Samurai does not apply here. Rise From the Ashes was made as a DS-exclusive case and did not exist in the original GameBoy version of the Trilogy. Which means if there is homoerotic tension written in for this case (and there happens to be a lot. the chessboard is proof enough.), then we can safely assume that the writers at this point were well-aware. So yeah- maybe don't feel TOO bad about the unnecessary feelings line- because ever since then the writers have been playing off of that and it SHOWS. -Is there really a point to this I'm just- everything is stacked against me tryna interpret this platonically -Like I know I make a point to say that a romantic relationship isn't the end-all of all relationships because this franchise LOVES pushing the Found Family dynamic and I'm an absolute sucker for that -good god by the time Dual Destinies rolls around I'll probably just give up and happily say they're happily married -that's literally what they act like don't even pretend
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hagtrait · 2 years
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“Where were you when you realized your teacher was missing?”
“Still in the woods I think? Yeah, at the trail marker with everyone else. We were all sposta meet there at the end of the period -- I mean, that’s what she told us. But she never showed.”
interview 001. the gymnastics captain.
nisha fulbright. put-together, driven, and neat, with a tendency to become gloomy. a movie buff with cutting standards, she picks her favourite films apart with the same precision and dedication that plagues her gymnastics teammates.
a late start to @dizzywhims‘s teen-a-day challenge! as you can see i’m taking it in a slightly different direction -- tweaked prompts... and of course there’s that sudden and mysterious disappearance. hope you enjoy :)
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sk1fanfiction · 3 years
Hello! I saw that you reblogged the "I wish you would write a fic where..." post, and I have two ideas for the Running From My Destiny verse that might make neat scenes. The first I can't really make a summary for since it's such a general idea, but I'd really like to see a Quirrellmort POV. For the second one:
Malfada Prewett meets the Weasleys. This... does not go as well as her parents thought it would, even if they didn't have particularly high hopes.
Malfada absolutely does not get along with her cousins; she loves them anyways, though.
I hope the prompt(s) is(are?) fun! It's cool that you're doing this; it seems like it'd be an interesting experience. Have a nice night! :)
Thanks so much for the prompts! They were both very cool ideas! Hope you have a nice morning/afternoon/night as well!
ᑫᑌIᖇᖇEᒪᒪᗰOᖇT/TᑌᖇᑎIᑎG TO ᗩᔕᕼEᔕ
Quirinus Quirrell surveyed his classroom, then glanced down at his attendance sheet, running a shaking finger down his list of names.
“P-Parkinson, P-Pansy?”
“Here, Professor.”
“P-Patil, P-P-Parvati?”
He’d always been ashamed of his stutter. There wasn’t a time he remembered not feeling afraid of his own voice. He expected peers, now students, to laugh at him and make him feel smaller and smaller, until he was annhilated.
“Here, sir.”
He pushed his reading glasses up his nose and focused on the next name.
His heartbeat stuttered in his ears. Something seemed to click. To focus. And when he spoke, his voice was as composed and steady as he’d always dreamed.
“Potter, Harry.”
“Present, sir.”
He could not help but look up at the speaker. But it wasn’t as if he was one looking. Rather, someone or something else had nudged their way to the front of his brain, gazing at the small first-year in the second row, scrawny, bespectacled and overall unremarkable, except for the round-rimmed glasses and bright green eyes that seemed to stir some distant memory, as if he had seen them both on another person.
Dead. And yet he felt more alive than ever.
He shuddered, and moved on, taking note of the remaining few Gryffindor and Slytherin students.
It had been mere days since Quirinus had returned to the school; mere weeks since Voldemort’s disembodied spirit promised him everything he’d ever dreamed of.
No longer would he be the bullied, cowed Professor of Muggle Studies.
No longer would he be an afterthought.
There is no good and evil, only power, he reminded himself. Whether he vanquished Voldemort or brought him back to life, he would be great. And that was all that mattered.
And so, he had found himself standing in front of the Mirror of Erised, performing spells that he did not understand (but the other, strange new part of him did) and renewing the runes drawn around an ancient bloodstain.
But now, he was sitting in his office. And that green-eyed, unremarkable boy was sitting across from him (though the part of him that was Voldemort whispered, Quirinus, he is the one).
“Do you think I should be worried at all about the shadows?"
Harry Potter’s voice seemed to be coming through several miles of water. For his part, Quirinus felt frozen, and yet, more clever and powerful and strong than he ever had. His limbs had new life, every square centimetre of his being thrummed with magic, and he felt a strange, vast understanding of everything around him; even the boy’s mind.
"You were right to come to me, Harry Potter.” And there came the new, clear voice again, but it faded quickly. “If you are at all interested in learning to... control... to develop... your power, I may just be able to point you in the right d-d-direction."
Halfway through the Quidditch match, something strange had come over Quirinus. That same terrible focus and perhaps not-so-mysterious power.
And every nerve in his body sang with the same fierce joy: Kill him, kill him, kill him! They’ll never trace it to you! Dumbledore is not here to see! KILL HIM!
Quirinus had not taken even a single year of Ancient Runes while he was at Hogwarts, and his affinity for the Dark Arts had always been weak. But now, he sat quite calmly in the professors’ box, muttering an Ogham chant and tainting the air with foul magic.
He saw what the others could not; Harry Potter was being consumed by his own shadows. The boy reached for his broom, hanging on with the last of his material form. His eyes were glassy and empty, and everything in Quirinus sung with the triumphant knowledge that his strange enemy was close to death. The Reaper was coming.
The two Weasley boys circled around him, trying to save him (foolish children, none can save him from Lord Death himself!).
It was the girl that snapped him out of his focus; she threw herself into the box like a wildcat let loose and despite the protests of the professors around him.
But it mattered not. Her precious brother was fast losing his grip, and soon the great Boy-Who-Lived would be nothing but a stain on the grass below; a tragic accident—
The box crackled with flame, and the thing inside Quirinus howled in anger; yes, she should not know that, but fire would save the boy, sap the shadows.
Even as Snape shouted at her, it was her victory, not his, because Harry Potter had pulled himself back on the broom to safety.
How hard is it to kill an eleven-year-old child already cursed by a parasitic monster? You are just as much of a failure as they say you are!
And yet, thought Quirinus, he did not know if it was the thing, or himself howling in fury at his inability to kill the boy.
He did not like her. He did not like either of the Potter children at all.
Perhaps he liked Harry Potter sometimes, when he delved into his mind and forced the Obscurus to manifest, savoured his terror and the fear-filled memories of his Muggle relatives. When he entertained the idea of using him as a weapon against Dumbledore, now that he had shielded the boy from Legilimency from anyone but him and instilled within him a fear of his Headmaster.
Perhaps he liked Harry Potter when the Dark magic had burned out, and he lay helpless on the floor of Quirrell’s office.
Quirinus found that he liked to toy with the child; make him feel as helpless and utterly annihilated as he once had felt.
After all, he would one day kill Harry Potter. He would make the life bleed out of those green eyes and watch them go still and glassy (like his mother’s, he remembered now), someday soon.
Even as he Obliviated the second child who dared to intercept his search for the Stone, Quirinus knew the end was dawning.
With shaking hands, he lifted the cigarette to his mouth and inhaled death. The weak, prim Quirinus who would have balked at the very idea of polluting his body with such a thing was no longer important to him. After all, what was nicotine and tar and his disgust at the idea of a smoking habit when the spirit of the Dark Lord lived within him?
No. He had been chosen for greater things.
Tonight was the night the end begun.
Quirinus signed the bottom of his letter of resignation, put out the cigarette, and placed in it his brand-new ashtray.
And yet, he cried.
“I have given you my all, My Lord,” he said, and his voice, his own voice was steady. “And now I am nothing.”
𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚍𝚊 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚝𝚝/𝚃𝚘 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙼𝚎 𝚄𝚙 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚕
August, 1986
“Just give it a chance, will you?” asked her dad, taking her luggage out the boot. “You won’t know you hate it until you try it.”
Everyone seemed to be giving her the same stupid advice today. When they stopped to get petrol during the drive from London, some weirdo in the petrol station had told her “Cheer up love, it might not happen!” She had responded by sticking her tongue out at them.
Mafalda frowned, crossed her arms, and leaned against the car.
“I don’t see why I can’t go to Roedean.”
“Well, you’re a witch, Mafalda.” He wiped his forehead and frowned. “Bloody hot, isn’t it?”
Witch. She hated the word already. Yeah, some of the girls at school were into Ouija boards and palm-reading and whatnot, but Mafalda didn’t go in for all of that nonsense.
The kind of nonsense that got Uncle Fabian and Uncle Gideon killed.
“And what do they call you and Mum again?”
Her dad sighed. “Squibs.”
“Yes, Dad! It’s not very nice, is it?”
She glared at the house as if it had personally offended her. It was tall, maybe four or five stories and so crooked that there was no way it hadn’t fallen down by now. A couple of brown chickens hobbled around the yard.
And in here lived the people who had sent her father off to Muggle boarding school, as far away from them as they could possibly manage, as soon as they could.
As her dad strode towards the door, Mafalda followed, kicking a rusty cauldron as she went by.
Before Mafalda could make her great escape, her dad knocked on the door and a plump, short, red-headed someone opened it almost immediately.
“Alfred?” she asked in a squeaky, shocked voice. Then, she glanced furtively behind her as if to check that no one was listening. “Alfred, what are you doing here?”
Her dad frowned, fanned himself with the collar of his shirt, and beckoned her closer so that the rude woman could look her up and down.
“Come on, Mals,” he whispered. “In for a penny, in for a pound, eh?”
Yeah, her hair probably looked a mess and the dress Mum had forced her to wear was all creased, but Mafalda didn’t think she would look particularly nice if she’d just spent three and a half hours in a stinky, sweaty car.
“Well,” said her dad, “this is your niece, Molly, and she’s a witch just like you. Got her Hogwarts letter last week and everything; Professor McGonagall said we should come over and see you. Of course, her mum and I know next to nothing about the wizarding world and Mals just barely remembers your brothers—“
Mafalda couldn’t help herself.
“You’re my aunt? Uncle Fabian and Uncle Gideon’s sister? Why’d you never come to see me?”
The woman — Aunt Molly — went red in the face.
“Come in, Mafalda,” she said tiredly. And at her father’s hard look, she added: “Come on then. Both of you. In.”
Once they were inside the cramped, cluttered kitchen, she was introduced to her cousins. Mafalda kind of tuned out for most of it because most of them were younger than her, bloody annoyingly loud, and she wasn’t the World’s Biggest Fan of small children, but she did pay attention to Charlie (thirteen and Gryffindor Seeker) and Bill (fifteen and a Prefect of Gryffindor House). The youngest boy was crying his eyes out because someone turned his teddy bear into a giant spider, but Aunt Molly didn’t seem to care. A ugly-looking sweater was knitting itself on the sofa.
While she obviously knew what a Prefect was, Mafalda had no idea what a Seeker was or why everyone was making such a big deal over Gryffindor or more to the point what Gryffindor even was!
“Who’s that, Mummy?” asked the youngest, a little girl with hair the same violent red as Mafalda’s.
“Your cousin, dear,” said Aunt Molly tiredly. “She’s just come to meet us, her father’s a Squib you see—“
The little girl screwed her face up.
“I don’t wanna Squib cousin!” she yelled.
Despite herself, Mafalda flinched, and her dad did, too.
“Don’t worry, dear. She’s a witch, just like you.”
As if that made it any better.
“I don’t wanna,” the girl repeated, glowering at Mafalda.
“Look,” said Mafalda harshly. “We’ll just leave, get our Squib selves out of your way and on the three-and-a-half-hour drive back to London. Thanks for nothing.”
“You didn’t call, Alfred,” said Aunt Molly.
Her dad pinched the bridge of his nose, looking frustrated.
“There’s no way to contact you, Molly. No phone, and you don’t get our kind of mail. Where am I going to get my hands on a trained owl?”
“She can sleep with Ginny,” said Aunt Molly, nodding towards the little girl.
Mafalda gave Bill, who seemed like the most sensible one of the bunch, a look that clearly said, I am not going to bloody sleep with that demon and that’s final.
“I can sleep with Charlie, Mum, and Mafalda can have my bed.”
Aunt Molly beamed. “What an angel,” she said. And to Mafalda. “Come, dear, let me take your trunk. We’ll all go shopping in Diagon Alley tomorrow, doesn’t that sound nice? Alfred, you wouldn’t mind—”
“—Not letting the world know you have a secret Squib cousin, you have nothing to fear, I’m well practiced, Molly.”
Charlie stood up. “Can I show her around the house, Mum?”
The youngest boy looked up, too.
“And can I have a piggy-back ride from her?”
“You’re too old, Ron!” said the snootiest-looking boy, who was sitting in the middle and had the least amount of dirt in his face.
“I’m not too old!” shrieked Ginny, waving her freckled arms. “I’m only five years old, Mum! I want a piggyback-ride!”
“When your dad gets home from work,” said Aunt Molly.
“You’ll get used to us,” Bill whispered.
I don’t have to like you, thought Mafalda.
“So are you coming?” asked Charlie. “We’ve got to de-gnome the garden. You should come too, Uncle Alfred.”
Dad said he’d come with them, but would rather watch. De-gnoming apparently seemed to involve spinning the tiny, screaming, spiteful little (animals? creatures?) until they shrieked with giddiness, then tossing them as far as you possibly could, which Mafalda was very good at, and Bill and Charlie were all too happy to cheer her on, even convincing her dad to join in, too.
"Don't mind Ginny," said Bill as he flung a particularly angry gnome over the hedge. "She doesn't know anything about anything. And it was wrong of Mum to push you away, but I hope we can be friends still, and that you'll come to Hogwarts with us."
Mafalda, despite herself, thought that was an entirely reasonable proposal.
Maybe she wasn’t going to hate the wizarding world.
It turned out that unfortunately for the sake of her sanity, Charlie loved to talk while he was working.
“Have you heard about Quidditch, Mafalda — oh, good one, Uncle Alfred! That must have gone like twenty yards! Did you know the Antipodean Opaleye has no pupils? What House are you going to be in?”
And yet, she found herself (ew) getting a bit fond of them already.
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jeongyunhoed · 3 years
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Past-Present-Future Black Dahlia
Two major tragedies bring Lee Mirae closer to the edge as she goes through the stages of grief in a more violent manner that would affect not only her relationships with her boyfriend Jeong Yunho and her half-brother Choi San, but also has her becoming closer with the immortal mutant Kang Yeosang. Fueled by rage, grief, and pain, along with a very rude awakening that has Mirae spiraling out of control and questioning everything she holds dear.
Group: ATEEZ Member: Yunho Pairing: Jeong Yunho / OC Genre: Action, adventure, angst, fantasy
Watch Out! : Violence, blood, death, grief and loss, major character deaths, use of weapons, some jealousy (but no cheating ofc), implied smut (not sure if there is any but i’m putting it out there nonetheless), mental illness (probably?), gambling and alcohol
Anything else? : Mentions of other idols of course as well as other characters. SuperM, Dean, Chanyeol, Zelo, soloist Park Jihoon to name a few.
Author’s Note: First chapter is here! Compared to the previous stories from the AU, this might have very long chapters, like more than 10 pages in google docs long. But anyway, tag list is open, and yeah. Enjoy the first of a rollercoaster of emotions.
This whole first chapter also, is me giving brief backstories of what happened before/backstories of many characters here. Basic plot is mine, characters are not. This is all for fun/entertainment/emotional anguish. 
Chapter 1
When one is at their breaking point, everything begins to change.  The lines between right and wrong are blurred, and one’s moral compass begins to spin into oblivion. 
9:00 p.m. 
Laughter filled the almost empty space of Viva Polo, having closed for the night except for a table occupied by Lee Mirae, Park Chanyeol, and Kwon Hyuk. The rest of the tables had already been overturned, marking the end of another day at work, at least for Chanyeol. The three of them had a tradition of meeting up every week, something they started doing after the previous adventures they had. 
The three of them were mutants, and to their knowledge, they were the last surviving members of the group that saved the country, if not the world during the Seoul attack. A year after that, the three of them found each other again, reuniting to save the country once again from an evil cult bent on achieving utopia through taking control of its citizens. Two adventures that had major consequences on the three of them, and events that they will forever remember. 
Two of them, Mirae and Hyuk, were classified as omega-level or level 5 mutants, with powers that were impossible to surpass by any other mutant thus far. Mirae was not only gifted in a mastery of hand-to-hand combat, both armed and unarmed, but she had the gift of manipulating potential energy into kinetic energy. She could turn virtually any object into an explosive and if channeled to an extreme extent, was able to level a skyscraper. 
With her abilities came the secondary gift of a healing factor that made her almost immortal and slowed down her aging immensely. Because of her ability to manipulate energy, she was also able to generate static that resulted in a very strong psychic block that was only made stronger by another omega-level mutant, Jang Ino. From the adventures she had on her own and even after the Utopian cult, another ability manifested itself in her; taking souls and trapping them into objects, usually her deck of cards. 
Meanwhile, Kwon Hyuk, a well-known music producer and songwriter, was a level 5 telekinetic and could move anything with his mind. His psychic abilities also gave him the gift of producing shields that were almost impenetrable. 
 In their adventure into the Utopian cult, Hyuk developed his telepathic abilities, which he used to extract memories or read into memories of others. Hyuk was nearly captured by the goons from the Utopian cult when they met again, and has since tried to use his powers as discreetly as possible with some difficulty. 
Hyuk didn’t formally join Mirae and Chanyeol until the later days of the Seoul attack, having laid low, undiscovered by Ino who was at the time, serving his father Professor Inhwan Jang. Hyuk had openly used his powers in front of the group during a time when Mirae and one of her other colleagues, a telekinetic named Luhan, were affected by the goblin king’s inducement of traumatic memories that caused their powers to manifest for the first time. 
It was there that Hyuk realized that he could do so much more with his mutant gifts, rather than use them solely for trivial purposes.
Hyuk had a cousin, the singer Lee Midam, who was under his entertainment agency, in the 10-member group called Silver. Midam was, like him, a psychic, but of a different kind. Midam was a psychic that could make the worst fears or strongest desires of another person come to life before them. Midam also had the ability to sense when a person will die in the near future. 
Park Chanyeol was a level 4 pyrokinetic, also known as an alpha-level mutant. He created and manipulated fire in all its aspects, from turning into a fire being to being able to put out and set fire onto virtually anything. In his fire form, he was granted the ability to fly and heal and even out of his fire form, Chanyeol could withstand extreme heat. 
He worked with Mirae in the Center for Paranormal Research upon his discovery by Ino, leaving his work in his mother’s Italian restaurant behind to find purpose for his abilities. For some time after the Seoul attack, Chanyeol thought he was the only one left, until he was seen by another survivor, their tech guy Choi Junhong, looking over the remains of what used to be the Center, the epicenter of the entire attack. 
From the adventures they had, the three of them still managed to continue with their lives. Hyuk stayed in his agency to work on music, Chanyeol helped around his parents’ restaurant and live club, while Mirae ran the music store that she took ownership in after the passing of her adoptive parents. Hyuk and Chanyeol also helped other mutants like them, Mirae’s old colleagues from her days as an assassin under a sanitarium, practice controlling their powers. 
With the way the events of the past years shaped them, their lives would forever be intertwined and they knew it. Even with the disagreements that occurred in the final days of the Seoul attack, with the three of them being the only survivors from that group that acted, they were like family to each other. 
“One of these days, we’ll go on a mission, do something, just the three of us again,” Chanyeol said fondly, finishing the last slice of pizza from his place. 
“Even if we don’t go on something like that, we should still do something, just the three of us,” Mirae repeated with a grin. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” 
“Yeah, someone needs to watch your back this time, you nearly got your powers taken away,” Hyuk pointed out, taking a sip of his iced tea. 
The last adventure Mirae went on involved a demon and their followers, the one responsible for a long-running conspiracy that went behind the glitz and glamour of the country’s entertainment industry. Mirae was outmatched and captured, her powers being used to channel the summoning of the demon Ose. It left her boyfriend Yunho and her half-brother San, along with her old colleagues including immortal mutant billionaire Kang Yeosang, to be the ones to save her and the world. 
Mirae shook her head. “It was only one time. Just one. But I’m starting to think I’m losing my touch, to be honest,” She looked down at her now-empty plate. 
“I wouldn’t think of it that way if I were you,” Hyuk patted her shoulder. “You still have your powers, don’t you? Didn’t Junhong say your powers only got stronger after that? You’re practically invincible.” 
“Says the person who is also practically invincible,” Mirae grinned. 
“But I don’t heal like you do. Chanyeol doesn’t even heal like you unless he sets himself on fire.” 
“Can you stop talking about injuries now? I think we’ll be late for that training session both of you promised the guys,” Mirae nudged the telekinetic. 
Chanyeol got up at the mention of the training session. All of their plates floating in mid-air, the cutlery and glasses sorting themselves out, as Hyuk followed the taller male into the kitchen, making sure nothing dropped. Mirae smiled to herself as she removed the tablecloth and the napkins. 
The boys at the safehouse would be waiting for them, San and Yunho included. Choi San was her half-brother, and had almost the same abilities as her, including her healing factor and a mastery of martial arts. Unlike Mirae, who channeled her powers mainly through her extendable staff, San channeled his into a harpoon gun. 
San’s powers first manifested in his high school years, as a result of the constant pressure placed on him by their father, who wanted him to pursue a career he himself wanted. Upon learning how to control his abilities better, San ran away from home, eventually learning the skills he knew to become a paid hitman. San also witnessed Mirae getting taken away to be interned at the sanitarium, and he looked everywhere for her.
Jeong Yunho was Mirae’s boyfriend. Yunho was also like her, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, both unarmed and armed. Yunho was also a mutant, an immortal mutant who possessed the ability to teleport, but could only do so in dark places. 
Yunho’s powers manifested when he was killed in Morocco during what would be Mirae’s final mission before she was discharged. Her memories of him were seemingly erased in the final electroshock therapy session used to alter her recollection of missions. They only found each other again when Mirae was being targeted by the Kang crime family, descendants of Yeosang who held a disdain for mutants. 
Hyuk returned from the kitchen. “What’s that smile about?” He asked. 
“Nothing, nothing, I just realized how it’s been a while since we did something like this together,” Mirae replied. 
“Lee Mirae, you’re getting sappy.” 
“Did I lie?” She laughed. 
“No, but that’s weird of you,” Hyuk laughed as well. “I mean you are right. I’ve been busy practically managing the group, Chanyeol’s busy here, we’re just busy living our lives.” 
“My point stands that we’ve never done anything together in a while, unless those goblins come up again and try to kill us,” Mirae joked. 
“Hopefully not,” Said the psychic, the table in front of them turning itself over on top of another table. “Even with the way things ended back then, I’m glad the three of us found each other.” 
The kitchen doors opened and Chanyeol returned, wiping his hands, with his backpack in tow. “Whose car are we using?” He asked. 
Without another word, the three of them extended their fists. Both Mirae and Chanyeol had scissors, while Hyuk’s hand remained curled into a fist. “Guess it’s yours then, Mr. Psychic,” Mirae grinned. 
“Be glad I stopped for gas before coming here,” He gave them a look as they left the restaurant. 
The car pulled up in front of a brick-walled building that had a vending machine. It was the entrance to the safehouse that now became the headquarters of everything mutant-related. It was also where Mirae’s old colleagues were now staying, with the exception of two; Jung Wooyoung and Park Seonghwa. 
The three of them got out, sensing the slight change in the air as they approached the machine. They knew there was a sort of cloaking over the spot that shielded anyone from seeing that the vending machine moved to the side to reveal a secret passage. Chanyeol, Mirae, and Hyuk entered the dark passageway and stopped at the red door at the very end. 
The safehouse was similarly modeled to the recreation room in the Center for Paranormal Research, with a couch and beanbags surrounding a flat-screen television and several game consoles. There was a sleeping quarters and a shower area and a kitchen that was only stocked with instant food. Ino and Junhong’s labs and offices were in the two other doors in the kitchen area that had a small dining table where they would at least take turns in eating. 
This time, the safehouse had since expanded thanks to Ino’s ability to manipulate matter. Junhong’s lab was much bigger, more beds were added to the sleeping quarters, and there was a small training room that Junhong fortified. A shelf was behind the television, showing all the weapons carried by the group of men who now resided in the place; a rapier, a set of nunchaku, and a few axes and shurikens. Those belonged to three people: Kim Hongjoong, Choi Jongho, and Song Mingi. 
All of them were trained assassins, skilled in hand-to-hand combat both unarmed and armed. While Mirae and Yunho were no longer part of the group, the remaining members were turned into personal guards of the Kang crime family and underwent several experiments to turn them into super soldiers. All of them were impervious to pain and were a lot more agile in their movements. 
It was those experiments that triggered the mutant gene in each of them, their own mutant abilities manifesting around the same time. Hongjoong possessed superhuman speed and could be as fast as the speed of light that also enabled him to heal if wounded. Seonghwa was a telekinetic, whose powers also made itself known if his eyes and fingertips glowed green. Mingi, like Chanyeol, was also a pyrokinetic, but unlike Chanyeol, could only manipulate flames that already exist. 
Wooyoung on the other hand, possessed the ability to turn into a shadow being. His shadow form allowed him to be intangible, as well as give him superhuman strength and a healing factor. But along with his shadow form, Wooyoung developed a kind of extrasensory perception, where he could see past and future events from a person or an object, or even a name. 
Jongho had the painful ability to manipulate his bone structure, and his arms and legs would produce a sharp spike that could pierce anything. 
They immediately noticed that a few other weapons were shelved, as they were likely in the labs or in the training room; a set of sai, katanas, a bow and a quiver full of arrows, and the harpoon gun. Everyone was indeed present. 
“Hello?” Hyuk called out as they closed the door behind them. 
“We’re here!” Chanyeol called out as well. 
“Yunho? San?” Mirae spoke, looking around the empty living room. 
Suddenly materializing in front of them was Ino. “Good! You’re all here! The rest of them are in the training rooms, but can you wait a little bit? There’s something I’m finishing and I hope the three of you can test it out for me,” He said. 
Jang Ino was a prime example of a true omega-level mutant, with abilities so powerful he was almost like a god. Ino had the gift of manipulating matter, inter-dimensional teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy, duplication with sentient clones, intangibility, precognition as well as the ability to see everything as it happened. Ino’s abilities manifested much later than the rest of them despite not being much older than Chanyeol, Hyuk, and Mirae, and thus had more difficulty trying to control each of his abilities. 
“Really? What is it?” Mirae asked as Chanyeol put down his backpack while she put down her staff. 
Ino looked excited. “Another training room, or…?” 
“Another Danger Room,” Hyuk nodded. “Can it not turn into a vortex manipulator again?” 
“I can’t promise that, but it’s as safe as ever, right? Just like old times,” Ino was beaming. “Ah, well, you might as well see it for yourself. I’ll call the rest of them,” and he disappeared. 
“Are we supposed to wait for them here?” Chanyeol glanced at them, and they shrugged. 
A commotion erupted from the door that was Junhong’s lab, making them turn around. “For a telekinetic, you could’ve aimed better! You could’ve killed me!” Hongjoong appeared, shooting Seonghwa a look. 
“You sped away in time! You knew it wasn’t going to reach you anyway!” Seonghwa argued back. 
“Well I wasn’t able to, not when Mingi keeps playing with that lighter of his! It’s like having to pass by a dragon each time I’m next to him.” 
“So your situation is actually my fault, is that what you’re saying?” Mingi spoke, looking at them incredulously. “I was practicing my pyrokinesis the way Chanyeol hyung showed me, right, San?”
“Stop including me!” said the male who had a visible white streak in his hair similar to Mirae’s. 
“This was a department store-bought shirt and Jongho just had to ruin it!” Wooyoung shrieked, pointing to the tears in his sleeve. 
“Welcome to my world, Wooyoung! Live with it!” Jongho shot back.
“At least I don’t have spikes coming out of my sleeves and pants!”
Chanyeol and Mirae exchanged looks. Hyuk stifled a laugh. “Kind of reminds you how much we bickered back then, huh? I bet those guys would’ve loved to see a repeat of this,” He chuckled. 
“Nothing seems to have changed after all,” Mirae laughed, their reactions making the group stop in their tracks. “We just had dinner,” She explained. “I see training’s been going well?” 
“Not so much when the rest of them bicker more than San and I do,” out of the group came Yunho, who immediately swept her up in a hug then exchanged high fives with Hyuk and Chanyeol as he pulled away. 
The taller form of Junhong appeared from the crowd as well, with scorch marks on his lab coat and a hole in his clipboard. Ino had materialized again as well. “So, the Danger Room, Junhong?” Hyuk asked. 
“Yes, yes, the Danger Room,” Junhong led them to the pair of doors on the other side of the space. He pushed the button, the doors opening up to reveal a dark room covered in what looked like steel tiles. There was a panel of buttons near the doors from the inside and on one side of the room, was a booth. “Ta-da!” He announced, looking over at the three of them, while the rest looked amazed. 
“A little shift in elements here and there, I was able to expand this entire space of ours, make it a little more familiar, don’t you think?” Ino smiled. 
Mirae approached the panel of buttons near the side. “Ice fortress, dystopia, post-apocalypse, zombie invasion, alien invasion, gladiator arena,” She read out. Mirae turned to the next set of buttons and looked over at Junhong. “Why is my name at the top of this panel? Am I a level of difficulty?” She asked, looking puzzled. 
“The highest,” Ino spoke. “But that level’s reserved for the three of you, not that these guys can’t do it, but the three of you are more experienced.” 
“San and Yunho are just as experienced, if you ask me,” Mirae pointed out with a shrug, choosing not to argue any more. 
“Yes, but they’ve never been through the same missions as you and Chanyeol did back at the Center, remember?” Ino reminded her. “The creatures at the museum, the goblin warriors at the train station, and their throne room, and the jewelry store at night?” 
“I remember the jewelry store one,” Hyuk said, glancing at her. “We were coming from dinner when the store exploded. It was the time I found out Mirae was a mutant.” 
Mirae smiled at her friend’s recollection. “Yeah, you came from that singing competition too.” 
Chanyeol grinned. “The train station, I remember that well. Everyone hated us when they saw what was happening in broad daylight. Junmyeon got hot coffee thrown at him...” He looked down the more he remembered. 
Ino noticed Wooyoung squinting at him, the rest of them looking fascinated by their brief trip down memory lane. “Well, I thought I’d show the rest of them how the three of you would do things in these simulations. Hyuk, I know you joined us late at the time, but you still know a thing or two on how to handle non-human entities, right?” He said. 
“Oh yeah, I was with you all at the Esteholm,” Hyuk smiled. Sensing everyone else’s confused expressions, he chuckled. “It’s a hidden marketplace for non-humans, goblins, witches, warlocks, ogres…” 
“You mean those things were actually here all this time?! On this planet?!” Mingi gaped at him and they nodded. 
“Okay, okay, we’ll have a lot of time to talk about that later, but let’s have the three of you take this new Danger Room for a test run?” Ino suggested. “The rest of you follow Junhong into the booth, we’ll all watch from there.” 
“What are we taking on?” Mirae asked. 
Hyuk approached the panels. “What about…” He stopped when he read the mode at the bottom. “Evil villain mansion? What kind of mode is that?” He laughed. 
Chanyeol and Mirae laughed as well. Mirae glanced at the booth, giving a thumbs up to Yunho and San, who looked excited as did the rest of them. “It’s exactly what it is. The mansion of the bad guy,” Junhong said from the booth. 
“Alright then, put up the difficulty rate to my name, I guess,” Mirae said. 
“That’s what I had in mind. Initializing evil villain mansion, Lee Mirae difficulty,” Junhong announced. 
Hyuk backed away, until he was back to back with Chanyeol and Mirae. They heard tiles shifting and a swirling of colors all around them, bringing in a strong gust of wind. Mirae took out her staff from her jacket pocket and extended it. After a few moments, the swirling was disappearing, and they found themselves in what was the ballroom of a large, abandoned house that had some bits of modern technology on the locks of the doors and the windows. 
“Okay, so this is the evil villain mansion,” Chanyeol mumbled as they took in their surroundings. “Where’s the evil villain, then?” 
Mirae took a step forward, seeing two metal circles near the large fireplace. There was a seven-pointed star engraved on one circle, a hexagon that had the shape of a keyhole in the middle engraved on the other. The circles began to turn, until it slowly went up to reveal coffin-shaped tubes. 
“This is oddly specific,” She muttered. 
Hyuk and Chanyeol stared at the tubes as well. The closer they looked, they saw bodies, blackened and as if they had been mummified. “This is very specific,” Chanyeol nodded, feeling a chill down his spine as they approached the tubes. 
Back at the booth, the rest of them stared at what was happening. “Can they see us?” Jongho asked curiously. 
“I don’t think they can, can they?” Hongjoong glanced at Junhong, who was looking at the panels of controls. “But the surroundings look so real.” 
“I know I should be used to this, but this is something I’ve never seen before…” San was staring at the tubes that were opening up in front of the three. 
“Me neither, and I thought I’ve seen everything,” Yunho nodded. 
From the side of the room, Wooyoung could suddenly see flashes of scenes in his head. He looked back at what was happening, seeing Hyuk, Mirae, and Chanyeol nearly destroy the surroundings they were in as humanoid demons with large talons began to attack them. The flashes kept coming. He could see people he hadn’t seen before having been inside the very booth they were in. Yet, Wooyoung wasn’t sure if this had already happened or it was about to happen. He stayed watching the simulation that Mirae, Hyuk, and Chanyeol were in. 
“Kind of familiar, isn’t it? The train station,” Mirae’s eyes and fingertips were glowing as she sent shockwaves towards the two demons, but to no avail. Instead, the demons clapped their hands, sending similar shockwaves towards her. “They’re parrots.” 
“What do you mean parrots?” Chanyeol had transformed into his fire form, dodging the attacks that were coming towards him. 
“They’re copying everything we do,” Mirae spun her staff a few times before hitting the demon, only to be sent back by the other, who had turned into a fiery figure as well. 
“Can they copy this?” Hyuk waved his hand, sending the two demons in mid-air. His eyes widened when the figure also raised their claws at him, lifting him up and off the floor. “This is impossible-” He crashed into the wall, moving away when some of the decor fell down. 
“Looks like Junhong had his work cut out for him,” Chanyeol tried to burn down the doors of the room until the surroundings changed into what looked like a massive dock full of zeppelins and tables full of volatile chemicals in test tubes and beakers. “Yeah, now I can see why Mirae turned into a level of difficulty.” 
“Let’s try not to touch anything, or interact with anything on those tables,” Mirae looked around on alert. 
They heard a blast from all the way on the other side of the room. “Looks like they found us,” Hyuk said, trying to move the zeppelins as carefully as possible towards the source of the blasts. 
“Those might explode if you let them get blasted,” Chanyeol called out at the telekinetic. 
“Would you rather we get out of here with those? We don’t even know what to use these for” Hyuk pointed out, still trying to move the airships as the blasts grew louder, the impact exploding the tables closest to it. “At least they get blasted and we don’t-” 
There was a blast on their side of the dock, sending the three of them to the floor, as bits of shrapnel and the chemicals on the tables exploded. A large cloud of smoke enveloped them, soon revealing that they were no longer at the dock. They were back in the Danger Room, or at least what was left of the Danger Room.
Mirae opened her eyes, feeling considerably beaten as she looked around, surprised at what she was seeing. Her clothes were scorched, her staff was gone, and from the gust of wind that hit her, she realized what happened. 
The safehouse seemed to have exploded. 
Mirae looked around for a sign of Chanyeol and Hyuk. Was she still in the simulation? “Mirae! Mirae! Mirae! Are you alright?” She turned around, seeing Junhong, Yunho, and Hongjoong run up to her. “The machines overloaded when I was about to take you three out of there,” The tech guy explained. 
She nodded, a feeling of dread suddenly overcoming her as she looked around the area. “Chanyeol? Hyuk?” She called out, kicking away a few bits and pieces of the rubble that surrounded them. “Chanyeol-” She stopped, feeling her heart sink. 
Chanyeol was lying on the floor, a puddle of blood near his head, and bits of shrapnel having hit his sides. Mirae looked around for a sign of the telekinetic, only to realize that he was also lying on the floor, eyes glazed over. A piece of shrapnel hit his head.
“Chanyeol, Hyuk,” Mirae bent down, moving the rubble away from her best friends. She refused to believe it, refused to think that what happened really happened. “Chanyeol, Hyuk,” She took one of the sharp rocks and cut open her wrist, pouring some of the blood into where Chanyeol was hit. “Come on, both of you, this isn’t funny,” She saw that they weren’t moving while her wrist had already healed. 
Junhong bent down to check Hyuk’s pulse, only for his expression to fall when he realized there was none. “Mirae,” He tried to say. 
“No, I know what you’re going to say, and I don’t believe you,” Mirae shook her head profusely, crawling up to Hyuk. Tears were already falling from her eyes as the reality was hitting her bit by bit. “No, no, this can’t happen, not here, not now, no,” She patted his face, but no response. “No, Hyuk, no, don’t, please-” A sob escaped her as she held his body. “Hyuk, no, no, no, no, no,” She sobbed, reaching out to hold Chanyeol’s hand that was going cold. “No, please no, Chanyeol, Hyuk, you two can stop it now, please…” 
“Mirae,” Junhong said again. 
Hongjoong and Yunho exchanged looks, hearing the rest of their colleagues including San appear, all of them had traces of the smoke from the explosion on them. 
“No!” Mirae shook her head again, until she broke down. They were gone. Her best friends. Gone.
17 notes · View notes
otagamerkorin · 4 years
Trial by Fire (including very little actual fire and honestly just a whole lot of snow)
Merry (very belated) Christmas @blasphemousfungus! I was your secret santa for @kibasniper‘s Psychonauts Secret Santa! Unfortunately, due to a lotta stuff going on in my life, your present isn’t completely done yet, but here’s the first (honestly kinda massive) chapter of it! I plan on putting it up on AO3 as well, so I’ll ping you then too! For reference, this was highly inspired by mystery_notebook (or I think they might be @tvguts on here?) fic Like It Used To Be, But Better, which is amazing and you should totally check it out. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy it!
Edit: Just realized I completely forgot to give it a title. Whoops.
When they had gone into the asylum, none of the members of Thorney Towers had expected to come back out not only dear friends with a 10 year old, but also under the close monitor of an organization of secret psychic agents.  Initially is had only been to ensure that being around Loboto while in such delicate condition hadn’t left any lasting damage. Luckily from what they’d been able to work out from the fours scattered memories of the time, the dentist hadn’t involved them in any of his experiments, but better safe than sorry. The surveillance really hadn’t gotten in the way of their new lives much. A few calls a week, the occasional in-person check in to see how they were doing, not much to write home about in the grand scheme of things.
After a time though, things had begun to get...interesting.
It was actually Boyd who kicked the whole thing off, so to say. It had been a day like any other, possibly even more quiet and domestic than usual considering they’d just hit the weekend. According to the other three, he’d simply been drying dishes after dinner that night when a wayward mug has slipped off the counter behind him. The resulting crash has two effects. 1.) The former nightguard jumped about three feet off the ground with a startled shriek. And 2.) The dishtowel in his hands promptly burst into flames. Luckily he’d dropped the flaming cloth into surprise and a bit of group panic and rapid stomping has quickly put out the blaze, leaving the four gathered in the small kitchen, staring down at its burnt remains.
The lot of them, Boyd especially, were dumbfounded by the whole event and immediately phoned up their new psychic associates, if only to make sure they weren’t all going crazy again. There had to be some mundane explanation for this, right? But after a few quick tests from Sasha, it was official: Boyd was most definitely a psychic.
Signs from the others quickly followed.  Fred would frequently find papers and pens floating in orbit around him whenever he got embroiled in his nursing reinstatement exams. Edgar would sometimes find those around him caught up in a sort of bewildering mental fog, leaving them staring around in confusion. And while Gloria had always had quite the green thumb, now the plants in her garden flourished with just the touch of her hand, the woman assaulted with a hundred whispered voices of delight whenever she appeared at the gate with her watering can. Lili was especially happy about the latter, having never met a fellow connoisseur of florakinesis until that point, let alone one who was so friendly.
To say everyone, both Psychonaut and otherwise, was baffled was an understatement. None of the four had shown an signs of psychic powers earlier in life. So why now?
It was Razputin of all people who offered a hypothesis.  They were all aware that the large amount of  Psitanium around the camp and asylum had been less that helpful for the fours delicate mental state, what with the whole “making the sane less sane” thing and all. Perhaps though, the other half of the phrase may also be in play. What if being around all that Psitanium has brought whatever deeply buried psychic powers the four shared to the surface?
Honestly, it was the best they had to go on. There were hardly any cases of spontaneous psychic manifestation in those beyond adolescence and the four weren’t showing any of the usual symptom relating to those sort of circumstances.
Regardless, it didn’t change the fact that the organization now had a whole mess of new psychics in the mix who needed training.
Which is what brought Milla to the front gates of the Von Gouten Arts Academy for Girls (formally Hagatha Home) bright and early one Wednesday morning. The former actress had bought the dilapidated old academy around a year ago using some of the wealth she’s amassed during her glory years. (It was amazing how much interest a saving account left to sit could accrue.) Since then she’d been fixing the place up, hiring teachers and generally getting the place running even better than before, eventually joined in her endeavors by the other three Thorney Towers residents when they moved onto the grounds with her.
Milla found herself smiling up at the stylized “VG” woven into the metal of the newly installed gate in the stone fence that surrounded the property. Gloria really was doing an excellent job with the place. Rolling her window down, the Mental Minx leaned out and pressed the button of the call box installed in the fence wall. For a moment there was silence and then a familiar voice crackled to life on the other end.
“Good morning! Do you have an appointment?”
“Well, I would certainly hope so Darling.” Milla teased and she could practically hear the smile in Boyd’s voice when he replied.
“Dang, is it really Wednesday already? Well, head right on up Mrs. Vodello! I’ll let the rest of the gang know you’re coming.”
There was a buzz and the whirring of mechanisms as the gate opened and allowed access to the road beyond. Continuing on down the path, she soon found herself pulling into the large round driveway in front of the building. A group of students tending to one of the flower beds out front waved as she parked and stepped out of the car, Boyd likewise stepping out of the guard shack nearby and making his way over.
“Good morning to you Ms. Vodello! You the only one here today?”
“Not quite.” She replied with a chuckle, just in time for the back door of the car to fly open and Raz to stick his grinning face out around it.
“Hi Boyd!”
“Hey, good to see you too Raz! Come on inside, the rest of the gang should be on their way.” He replied with a grin, reaching down to ruffle the boy’s hair as he led them inside.
For as horrid as the place had apparently originally been ran, the former owner had at least had good architectural sense, and the large oak front doors opened into a soaring foyer, complete with a grand spiral staircase. One that Gloria was already beginning to make her way down as the doors closed behind them.
“Well good morning Ms. Vodello! And to you too Raz dear!” The former actress beamed, taking Boyd’s offered arm as she stepped down the last few stairs.
“You came at just the right time. I just finished up with morning announcements. Please, feel free to head right over to the practice room, the rest of the boys should already be on their way. Oh, and I’ve also had some snacks from the dining hall sent on ahead. I hope you both like blueberry muffins!”
“That sounds just delightful darling!” Milla replied cheerfully, smiling wider when she saw the stars in Raz’s eyes at the mention of food. Milla sidled up beside the actress as they started down into one of the academy’s wings, one of Gloria’s arms still linked with Boyd’s.
“So how have the plants been treating you darling?”
“Oh, better everyday! My garden is thriving and I think I’m really starting to get a good hold of this whole telepathy thing! Getting it across to all my little lovelies that there’s really no need to shout every time I come in hasn’t been easy, but I think it’s finally starting to stick. The roses and lilies are still a horrible bunch of gossips, but I doubt there’s much I’ll ever be able to do about that.” She replied with a laugh.
“They do come in useful to make sure none of the students are pulling anything they shouldn’t though!”
“That’s wonderful to hear! How about you Boyd? Have you been making any process in your off-time?” Milla asked, the guard rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Yeah, a bit. It ain’t exactly been fast progress, but one step at a time you know? But hey! At least I haven’t accidentally lit up anything important again since you taught me those exercises. There’s only so many times I can almost burn down Edgar’s classroom before it starts to get ridiculous.”
Milla smiled softly, reaching over to pat the guard on the back.
“Well, learning to fully control one’s powers can be a long path. It took me years to master my own skillset. Like you said, it’s just one step at a time. I think you’ve made wonderful progress though, and I’m very proud of you darling.” She mused and the man flushed a bit at her praise and mumbled a word of thanks, tugging his hat low over his eyes bashfully as Gloria gave him a smile.
The group of four quickly found themselves at the extra dance studio in the buildings far west they’d assigned at their practice room, and upon stepping inside found Fred and Edgar already waiting for them.
“Oh, hey Ms. Milla. And you too Raz. Sorry, gimme just a sec to finish up some papers.” The tall school counselor called over distractedly, scribbling away on a clipboard from where he was sitting on a nearby bench.
“Apologies for my rather ruffled appearance as well, mi amigos.” Edgar chimed in, wiping his hands down with a long-since-stained painting cloth. Both his hands and the old shirt he wore were splattered with the stuff, having somehow even managed to get some on his face and hair.
“You caught me in the middle of a bit of early morning painting.”
“Just be sure to remember and get some rest dear. We can’t have our best art teacher burning the candle at both ends.” Gloria replied with a smile as she strode over, reaching up to stroke away a smudge of paint on his cheek. The artist gave a soft smile as he leaned into the touch.
“Oh course mi amour.”
“Good. And that goes for your too Fred. Don’t think I haven’t noticed a certain someone sneaking out of bed early the last few mornings.” She called over, and the counselor jumped a bit at being called out, flushing bashfully as he looked at her over the edge of the clipboard.
“Right, you’re right. So, what’s the plan for today Ms. Milla? Seeing as how Mr. Dark and Serious isn’t here, I assume we’re working on our levitation?” Fred asked, setting aside the clipboard as he pushed himself to his feet, the Brazilian woman giving a laugh at his joke.
“Oh come now, Sasha isn’t that bad. But you are correct! Today we’re going to be working more on your levitation!” She replied, settling back as though sitting upon an invisible chair and crossing her legs as she floated up a few feet above the ground.
“Now, last time you all managed to manifest a “Levitation Ball” as we like to call it. This time we’ll be taking the next step and practicing our ability to balance atop them. Razputin darling, if you would demonstrate?” The Mental Minx requested and the young psychic nodded, raising a hand above his head.  A large ball of swirling orange energy formed in his palm and he tossed it down, easily jumping up and balancing atop it.
“Now then, we aren’t all trained acrobats like Razputin here, so it might take a while to find your balance and get the hang of it. Consider it like balancing on a medicine ball. Remember, thinking lighter, rounder, happier thoughts can help in manifesting the ball more easily. Go ahead and give it a try! And please let me know if you need any help at all.”
Early on in these lessons the group had felt a bit silly to be using psychic instruction methods typically meant for children, but they’d gotten over it quickly enough. After all, most psychics got their powers much younger than the lot of them were, so starting at a lower level of instruction was only appropriate. It helped that the simple exercises really worked wonders too.
Though that didn’t mean it was gonna be easy. Forming the ball was one thing. Staying on was another.
A fact the group quickly discovered.
Fred gave a squeak as his light blue orb suddenly slid forward, taking the foot he’d just managed to plant atop it along with it, threatening to pull the man into a split as he hopped forward to follow it. In his defense, Edgar and Boyd didn’t seem to be doing much better. The latter had managed to get atop his off-white bubble, but was now swaying about wildly as he tried to keep balanced, arms windmilling in an attempt to steady himself. The former was having much the same troubles, quickly getting dumped back onto the floor each time he attempted to clamber up.
Gloria was the only one of the bunch who seemed to be making much progress. The woman had moved over to one of the practice room’s ballet bars and was gripping it for stability as she gingerly set one foot on her own ball. With a small grunt she hefted herself up, the orb wiggling worryingly beneath her for a moment before stilling.
“There you go! You’re doing wonderful darling!” Milla cheered her on, clapping encouragingly as the other woman smiled.
“Why thank you Milla dear. After some of the ridiculous shoes I’ve had to wear in my years on the stage, this isn’t so bad.” Gloria replied, putting her arms out to balance as her stance wavered a bit.
“Oof! Well, I’m glad one of us seems to be getting it, mi amor. This is far less easy than Señorita Vodello makes it look.” Edgar replied with a grunt, the wind getting knocked out of him as he fell to the ground once more. Milla let out a thoughtful hum, tapping her lips as she watched the struggling group. Suddenly her eyes flashed with inspiration and she snapped her fingers with a grin.
“Well, I think I may know a way to help.”
The whole group, including Raz, whom had rolled over to try and help Boyd stay upright, turned to look at her in interest.
“I’d like you all to form two, smaller levitation balls instead of one.” She directed, miming the shape of two basketball sized orbs.
“Uh, ok. But how is that gonna help?” Fred asked, already focusing on trying to reform his ball into two even as he tiled his head in confusion.
“Well, as you know, those like me, who’ve had a lot of practice, don’t require a physical representation of their levitation in order to float. Most of those who do tend to only create a singular orb to assist them, so they can don’t have to split their focus. I’ve found that others though, who have a nice grip on the psychic side of things, but are having a harder time managing the physical part, tend to prefer use two. Think of them a bit like ice or roller skates.”
“Oh, I think I see what you mean amiga!” Edgar replied in excitement, focusing till his deep red ball split into two smaller ones. Carefully, he stepped atop on, managing to balance one-footed long enough to successfully stabilize himself using the other. Cautiously, he rolled forward a few feet, face splitting into a smile as he managed to keep his balance.
“Well, well, this actually is easier.”
The others quickly followed his example, and the slight adjustment seemed to do wonders. Soon Gloria was twirling lazy loops around the room like a proper skater, Edgar trailing a bit more slowly, but no less enthusiastically, after her. Fred seemed to be doing a tad bit better than before, but was still gripping tight to a much more steady Boyd’s shoulders as the two slowly drifted in circles, Fred’s long legs doing their damnedest to keep him upright.
“Never been great at skating either, but this is a bit better I guess.” The counselor murmured, glancing up to find his partner giving him an encouraging smile.
“Hey, it just takes a little practice! I’m sure you’ll levitating like a pro in no time!” Raz encouraged, giving a whoop of delight as Gloria grabbed him and twirled him around as he glided past.
“Impressive, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to cut the class short for today.”
The whole group gave a jump at the sudden voice, Fred giving a yelp as the levitation bubbles below him popped and dropped him on his ass, and they all turned to see Sasha standing in the now open doorway.
“Sasha, darling! What are you doing here? Didn’t you have other business today?” Milla asked in confusion, drifting over to help Fred up, and the German sighed seriously.
“Yes, but I just got a call from the headquarters. It seems...that Agent Pandor has disappeared.”
Milla gave a gasp, pressing both hands to her mouth, and Raz cocked his head in confusion.
“Uhhh, who’s Agent Pandor?”
“Ms. Tanya Pandor. One of the Psychonauts junior agents and a specialist in subterfuge and information gathering. I’m afraid you haven’t had the opportunity to meet yet.”
“But isn’t Tanya on vacation right now?” Milla asked and Sasha nodded.
“Yes, she had gone skiing at a lodge up in Colorado. The HQ asked her to check in regularly for security reasons. According to what I was briefed with, reports dropped off a few days ago. After a few failed attempts to get ahold of her, eventually the HQ resorted to calling the lodge itself to check in on her, thinking maybe she’d fallen sick. When they checked her room however, the whole thing was empty. It’s as though she just vanished.”
“Oh my! That sounds troubling indeed!” Gloria gasped, mirroring Milla as she held a hand to her mouth dramatically, and the German nodded.
“It certainly is. While Ms. Pandor wasn’t one of our top agents, her skills are none the less important to the Psychonauts and her disappearing is far from ideal. Finding out what happened to her has been assigned as our team’s top priority.”
“Well, is there anything we could do to help?” Fred piped up and the two senior agents looked over at him in confusion.
“What do you mean darling?” Milla asked and the counselor fidgeted nervously with the hem of his shirt as he replied.
“Well, I mean we’re technically part of the Psychonauts to now, even if we’re just in training, right? So that means this agent is one of our buddies too. And it’s only right to try and help out our friends whenever we can right?”
“I agree!” Edgar exclaimed, clapping a hand down on his companion’s shoulder as he turned to face the assembled agents.
“If there’s anything we can do to help and find this missing girl, we’re more than happy to do so!”
Boyd and Gloria nodded along in agreement as Sasha’s gaze scanned over them, the German man’s head tilting in thought.
“Well, I suppose more eyes on the ground would certainly help. And since Mrs. Pandor wasn’t on a mission or anything, this could be a fairly safe environment for you all to get some field experience...”
“Well, I think it sounds like a great idea!” Raz chipped in, folding his arms and nodding wisely, earning an eye roll and a sigh from the older agent.
“...Very well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt.”
“Excellent! Don’t you all worry, I’ll get all the arrangements handled! Just be ready to go in a few hours and remember to pack warmly!” Milla replied, clapping her hands together cheerfully, as Raz gave out a quiet cheer.
The three agents departed quickly after that, leaving the group to make arrangements. It took a bit of scrambling to get everything organized with the rest of the schools staff, but soon enough they found themselves packing.
“I sure hope that poor gal is ok. Hopefully we can find her quick.” Boyd mused, leaning hard onto his suitcase in order to try and get it to lock around the mound of sweaters and other winterwear inside.
“Oh, I’m sure she’s just fine Boyd dear. Those Psychonauts are a tough bunch after all. No doubt she’ll appreciate your concern when we do find her though.” Gloria reassured him, folding up a thick woolen dress to tuck into one of her own bags.
“I must admit, I’m a bit excited. I’ve never been to a ski lodge before.” Edgar pipped up, an excited smile on his face as Fred let out an amused laugh.
“Can’t say I have either. Well, cept for this one time back in college. And with all the drinks that weekend, I can barely remember it. I’m sure it’s not gotta be anything tooooo over the top. Those places always talk themselves up.”
“Holy hell, they were not talking this place up.”  Fred muttered, his and the rest of the motley crews jaws dropping open in shock as they leaned out the windows of the truck to stare at the vista unfolding before them.
The place was really less of a lodge and more of a small village, what with the amount of connected buildings that made it up. The whole residence was constructed of pale wood, stone and brass, all woven together into a beautiful work of architectural engineering at the base of the snowy mountain. As they pulled into the parking lot at the place’s edge, they passed beneath a large ornate arch reading “Goldsmuth Lodge and Resort”.
“Yeah, Tanya does not mess around when it comes to her vacations. No really surprised, that girl barely gets any time off.” Oleander agreed, nodding in appreciating at the sight as the car slowed. When Milla and Sasha had announced their new plan to the other higher-up, the man had been assigned to the case as an additional supervisor, as well as another pair of eyes. Raz had tried to convince Lili to come along as well, but apparently there was few things the girl hated more than cold weather, not too much of a surprise coming from a florapath, so his requests had fallen on deaf ears.
Once their oversized vehicle had stopped, their collective group spilled out to stretch, several backs popping after the lengthy ride. They couldn’t very well retain their cover if they came flying in on a Psychonauts jet after all, so they’d been forced to stash it at one of the organizations safe houses and drive the rest of the way instead.
“Well then, let’s unpack and get checked in. The sooner we can find Ms. Pandor, the better.” Sasha announced, adjusting his glasses as he scanned the large plaza for the proper entrance.
There was suddenly a yelp and the sound of tumbling luggage from the rear of the vehicle. Glancing around the back of the truck, they found a mound of bags and suitcases that had no doubt tumbled free when the hatch had opened. A moment later a bag fell away as a familiar blue head popped up out of the pile and swiveled to look at them, the figure immediately giving them a sheepish smile, a hand also emerging from the pile to give them an awkward wave.
“I still can’t believe you convinced HQ to let us bring Loboto along.” Raz mused in amusement, Oleander shaking his head as he walked over to help extract the rehabilitated (in progress) criminal from his luggage prison.
“Well, Cagliosto is certainly in desperate need of some outside socialization. A relaxing place like this could be perfectly helpful with his recovery, darling!” Milla replied with a chuckle as she watched Morry lever the skinnier man up and almost fall over himself in the process. The former mad scientist quickly grabbed the agent by the front of his coat in a panic to keep him upright, the two flushing as the motion inadvertently tugged them chest to chest. Sasha gave as an amused eyeroll as the German could feasibly manage, while Milla and Raz gave a quiet giggle at his side. The two former villains had been dancing around each other for months now, much to the amusement, and occasionally frustration, of everyone watching.
“Well, like Sasha said, the sooner we get inside, the sooner we can really start enjoying ourselves. Here, let me help you there dear.” Gloria smiled, the rest of the group trailing after her as she stepped up to help retrieve the fallen luggage, Loboto giving her a thankful, if sheepish smile in return. While the four had long since forgiven Caligosto for all the asylum business (after all, he had been cursed at the time with, as he himself put it, the “insanity of a manatee”), things were still pretty awkward between them. Gloria though, every friendly, had doing her best to help bridge the gap in the meantime.
It took a bit to gather up all the luggage, and even longer to find the right entrance, but eventually they managed. The walk there had been interesting at least. Everywhere they looked, there was some new, interesting winter activity the place seemed to offer, from ice skating to toboggan rental. Their own rather modge-podge group was also getting a number of curious onlookers, which was far from ideal, but there wasn’t much they could do about it really.
The lodge’s lobby was wonderfully warm compared to the wintery chill outside, and they could already feel the scattered flakes of snow melting on their coats as they strode up to the main desk.
“Hello there! Can I help you ladies and gentlemen?” The brunette behind the desk asked with a smile, Sasha plucking his glasses off to wipe away the fog they’d accrued from the heat inside as he spoke.
“Reservations for Nein, Vodello and Gouten.”
“Alright then, just a moment!”
The young woman’s finger flew along the keyboard in a blur for several moment’s before she paused, biting her lip in concern.
“Oh, well there seems to be a small problem. You ladies and gentlemen called for a reservation rather last minute and it seems your rooms aren’t quite ready yet. My deepest apologies. You are all more than welcome to wait in the lodges lounge till they’re ready, free of charge.” She replied, giving an apologetic bow of her head as she gestured towards a pair of open doors nearby.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all darling!” Milla replied, waving a hand nonchalantly.
“Apologies for the rather sudden reservations. Our little trip was a bit of a recent development.”
“Thank you for your understanding Ms. I’ll come and inform you once your rooms are ready.”
The lounge was somehow even more impressive than the grand lobby they’d just stepped out of. He place was lit in a dim but cozy manner, a long bar stretching along one wall. The rest of the space was filled with a number of comfortable tables, armchairs and couches that encircled a handful of square open-sided pillar fireplaces that dotted the room here and there. With an excited “ooo!”, Raz rushed off to look around with Loboto trailing after him, the bunch chuckling at his antics as Sasha glanced around.
“How about you all stay here for a bit? We need to ask around the staff and see if we can find anything regarding Ms. Pandor’s disappearance.” He proposed after a moment.
“Are you sure? Is there any way we can help?” Boyd asked, fidgeting nervously.
“No, it would be best if you aren’t seen with us too much while we’re actively investigating. To help avoid casting suspicion on you lot as well and all.”
“Keep your eyes and ears open while we’re gone soldiers! Always vigilant!” Oleander commanded, giving them a little salute as the trio went off. Shaking her head in amusement at their antics, Gloria gestured toward the bar.
“Care for some drinks while we wait boys?”
Despite the lodge’s rather bustling crowd, there were only a few people at the bar and they were easily able to find seats.
“Hello there folks, what can I get you?” The bartender, a man looking somewhere in his 30’s, asked.
“Hot Chocolate!”
Gloria’s yelp of surprise at the sudden shout quickly devolved into giggles as Raz and the former villain popped up beside her, clambering up onto the next stools.
“And a cider for me sir.”
As the bartender went to work assembling the groups drink orders, he glanced over at them with a smile.
“Don’t think I’ve seen you folks around before. Welcome. What’s the occasion for the visit?”
The group glanced at each other, all trying their best to hide their slight panic. They hadn’t exactly been properly prepped for people asking them about their motives yet after all.
“Oh, uh, we, uh, came to visit with a friend we heard was staying here.” Boyd stuttered nervously. Picking up on what he was trying, Gloria slipped straight into her old actress skills and gave a sigh.
“Yes, a Ms. Tanya Pandor. She’s one of our old students. Unfortunately, it seems that we may have just missed her.”
The bartender paused, tapping his chin in thought.
“Ms. Pandor you say? Actually, I do remember her. Very exuberant. And you heard right, she seems to have left already. Was the talk of the staff rumor mill for a day or two actually. Some of her coworkers called asking to speak with her on some matter, but when the staff went up to let her know about the call, she was nowhere to bee seen. Must have left damn late at night for nobody to notice her. Which is odd really...”
“Odd, how?” Loboto asked, the group jumping a moment at his voice, seemingly having forgotten he was there, before leaning towards the bartender in interest, the man glancing around before lowering his voice.
“Well, we’re really not supposed to divulge things about the other guests, so you didn’t hear this from me, but I may have been one of the last people to see her. You see, I was assigned as a ski slope guard that day, you know, to watch and make sure nobody got injured and needed medical attention. I was stationed on one of our more challenging hills, the Black Diamond one, when I saw Ms. Pandor go whipping by. I know it has her because she had a very distinctive ski jacket she always seemed to be wearing. This whole black, purple and gold affair. Plus she has been very kind and gracious to the staff. We tend to remember those sorts of things. Anyways, she gave me a wave as she went past and seemed to be having the time of her life. It seems so strange that she would leave so abruptly without saying anything. I do hope something didn’t upset her.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much about it, dear.” Gloria replied with a smile, waving a hand nonchalantly.
“Tanya has always been the spirited type, zipping from place to place. Just a little lightning bolt.”
“Yes, she certainly did seem like that type. I’m sure you’re right. Ah, that’s right, your drinks!”
The group was quickly presented with their fine beverages, including a healthy topping of whipped cream and sprinkles for Raz and Loboto’s chocolatey treats. Edgar and Gloria’s cider was just as delicious, rich and warm. (Fred and Boyd’s spiked eggnog was perhaps not the most professional thing to be drinking during a spy investigation, but nobody was about to call them out on it.) For a time they sat at the bar, chatting away to the bartender about the various activities around the lodge, before Raz suddenly caught the shape of their other companions watching them from a nearby doorway. Nudging Gloria, he nodded over towards them, and the woman took the hint, turning to the bartender with a smile.
“Well, I’m afraid we must be going now dear. We can’t spend all vacation here in the lounge after all. Thank you for the lovely time.”
“My pleasure Ms. I hope to see you all again soon.” He replied with a nod and smile as they stepped away from the bar, his eyes widening in surprise and delight when he noticed the generous tip the group had left tucked under one of the empty mugs.
Following their missing members lead, the group ducked over into a more private corner of the lounge to meet them.
“Did you guys find anything?” Raz asked quietly, Sasha giving a frustrated sigh in return.
“No, unfortunately not. None of the night staff noticed her leaving that day. Which leaves us back at square one.”
“Well, luckily for you, we just might have a clue.” Fred replied with a smile, the trio looking over at him in surprise.
“Wait, really?!” Oleander exclaimed and the counselor gave him an unamused look.
“Geez buddy, give us some credit. We’re not completely useless. But yeah, apparently somebody saw Tanya out on one of the ski slopes earlier that day. Whatcha wanna bet there might be some sort of clue somewhere out there?” He replied, Oleander reaching up to stroke his mustache in thought as he considered the other man’s words.
“I’d say you’d probably be right on the money. Maybe Pandor saw something out there that made her haul ass out of here, though I’ve never known her for the scaredy cat type. And that would still leave the question of where she went.  But it’s a lead.”
“How’s about this?” Sasha pipped up, waving a hand to get all their attention.
“The three of us have worked out with the management to take a look in Ms. Pandor’s room, see if she maybe left some sort of clue behind. While we’re doing that, you six could head out onto the slopes and take a look around. A group of casual vacation goers, including a child, would likely draw a lot less attention than the three of us for the time being.”
“Well, I think it sounds like a marvelous plan!” Loboto replied exuberantly, pausing and rubbing his neck sheepishly when they all turned to look at him.
“If that’s alright with you all of course.”
He was met with a chorus of headshakes and “no, that’d be fine”s, so he grinned once more and nodded in satisfaction.
“Sounds like a plan then!”
“Just please all be careful.” Milla replied, eyes full of concern, and Raz gave her a comforting smile.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be ok! Besides, whenever are we not careful?”
The 50-yard stare of no doubt Whispering Rock related war flashbacks that she gave him in return spoke volumes.
“Thank god for government provided tailoring. Trying to find snow wear for proportions like mine is hellish.” Fred sighed quietly in satisfaction, adjusting his perfectly fitting ski jacket to a chorus of chuckles. The 6 of them were currently waiting in line at the equipment rental shop. Once they’d gotten their luggage up to the rooms and finally unpacked, they’d found the new sets of winter gear amongst their belongings, perfectly tailored and clearly a gift from the Psychonauts organization. How said organization knew their measurements was a mystery they neither had, nor wanted, the answer to.
“I must admit, they are rather fetching, aren’t they?” Gloria replied with a smile, giving a little twirl to let the hem of her longer coat poof out for a moment like the skirt of a dress.
Eventually the line cleared out enough for them to enter the small store displaying the various types of equipment available for rental and purchase. Splitting up to look, they all quickly selected their preferred styles. It didn’t take long for most of them to reconvene near the counter, each carrying a fairly simple pair of skis. There was no need for the super high-grade stuff, none of them were professionals after all. When Raz came running back with a snowboard, none of them were really that surprised. Skis had seemed a bit boring for the boy’s exuberant personality to begin with. What did draw their shock however was when Fred came trotting up behind the young psychic, a long light blue board slung over his shoulder.
“Uh, mi amor, are you sure that’s what you meant to get?” Edgar asked, eyeing the board in equal parts confusion and concern, and Fred laughed in return.
“Oh yeah, don’t worry about it. Never said I had been using skis when I went someplace like this back in college. Always been useless with them. Snowboards were a different story though. Used to skateboard a lot back in high school too. Now let’s go see if I’ve still got any of that old muscle memory still rattling around.”
As a group that was inexperienced, and in some of their cases completely unfamiliar, with the equipment, getting into their rented pieces ended up a tad more challenging than intended. Boyd nearly poked himself in the eye with one of his poles and Raz promptly fell backwards into a snowdrift after figuring out how hook his boots into the board, but eventually they managed to get their nonsense together enough to try and get in line for the ski-lift that would take them up to the Black Slope.
Try being the key word.
Just as they were in the process of settling themselves at the back of the line, a slightly nervous voice called out behind them.
“Hmm, now I don’t claim to be an expert on skiing, but something tells me this isn’t how it’s supposed to go.”
Turning to look back, they found Loboto had not only somehow managed to put both of his skis on backwards, but was now also slowly sliding away from them down the slight decline, ski poles digging into the snow in an attempt to stop himself. Boyd, being the closest to him, darted out to try and grab the man, but missed his hand by a hair, and he began to pick up speed.
“Whoa! Look out there!”
Someone suddenly darted behind the former mad scientist, catching him by the shoulders and stopping his uncontrolled journey. As the person carefully pushed the man back up towards the group, they got a better look at them. It was a young man in his early 20’s, with pale skin and messy sandy blonde hair.
“There ya go!” He announced, settling the dentist back in front of the rest of the group and crouching. down to look at his skis.
“Ah, here’s your problem! Here, this should help.”
With deft fingers, he unhooked Loboto from the skis, flipped them around and had him step back in, hooking him securely into place.
“Uh, thank you. I’m a bit of a beginner.” The blue skinned villain thanked him, cheeks flushing the tiniest bit of dark blue in embarrassment, the younger man glancing over at the sign announcing the coming hill at his words.
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly recommend this hill to someone still getting their snow legs, but I can’t fault you for wanting to jump into the challenge head first!” He replied with a merry laugh.
“Oh, don’t worry, we’ll be very careful. Thank you for your help, Mr...?” Gloria replied, the young man jumping to attention when he realized her pause was requesting and answer and reaching out a hand to shake.
“Oh, just call me Josh! A pleasure to meet you folks!”
He quickly exchanged handshakes with them all, Raz included, as the line to the chair lift drew shorter.
“You certainly seem to know your stuff.” Edgar complemented him, glancing over as Loboto turned his ankle this way and that to look at the ski mechanism in fascination.
“I would certainly hope so, considering all the years I’ve worked here! I know all the ins and outs like the back of my hand!”
“Well isn’t that wonderful. This seems like a splendid place to work.” Gloria replied with a smile.
“Oh it is, I couldn’t be luckier. Oh, looks like it’s you guys turn!”
Turning to look, they found the couple behind them settling into their chair on the lift, the next one incoming. As they stepped up to wait on it, Josh stepped away, giving them a wave as he turned to leave.
“Hopefully I see you guys around! If you’ve got any questions, just let me know. If want to know anything about the lodge or hills, I’m your guy!”
“We definitely will!” Fred called after him, the group raising their arms to wave back, before prepping to climb aboard the lift.
The benches ended up only being able to fit 3 people, so they ended up separated into two groups, Fred, Boyd and Edgar in the first chair, with Raz, Gloria and Caligosto grabbing the second. For the former, the ride up was honestly pretty pleasant and peaceful, the view from up so high showing them a beautiful vista.
“Wow, we really are up high huh?” Boyd, wondered out loud, glancing down over the side of the chair at the forest spread out below them.
“Si, we certainly are. Hmm, I wonder, is this the sort of view you normally have mi amor?” Edgar asked, looking at the lanky man between them with a cheeky smirk. Fred gave the painter an unamused look as on his other side Boyd let out a snorted laugh, breaking into giggles.
“Seriously? Your pulling out the tall guy jokes?”
With a grin and chuckle, the Hispanic man leaned up to give the taller man a peck on the cheek as their other partner leaned against his shoulder in a giggling fit.
“Apologies mi amor, I couldn’t resist.”
In the other chair however, things were going...less pleasantly.
Raz gazed down at the trees below as they rode along, humming some song the piano player in the lobby had been playing. Feeling something bump his leg, he glanced over, seeing Loboto’s legs jittering back and forth enough to jostle against him. Now that he thought about it, the whole man was shaking. Glancing up at the dentist’s face, he found the older man’s gaze fixed straight down at the ground. His hands were fisted in and tugging nervously at the strings of his ski hat (they’d all agreed the shower cap might be a bit too conspicuous), causing the large pop pom on top to bounce rhythmically. And judging by his harsh breathing, the guy was probably about 2 steps away from hyperventilating.
“Um, Loboto?” The young boy asked, seeming to snap the dentist out of his daze, at least partially, both he and Gloria looking over at him.
“Are you ok?”
“Now that I notice, you do seem a bit...tense, dear. Are you feeling alright?” Gloria added gently
“Oh, just fine! Happy as a clam! No reason at all to feel nervous!” He replied exuberantly, the smile on his face horribly forced, eyes darting to the drop below them every few seconds.
Raz stared at him, mind puzzling over the info. The slightly loony man was usually fairly fearless, sometimes to the point of his own peril. So what could have gotten him so stirred up?
Glancing down at the ground far below them, something suddenly clicked in the boy’s head. A memory rose to the front of his mind, one of a night at an asylum what seemed so long ago, and a certain dentist’s supposed demise at the hands of a turtle powered tank. Raz felt the pit of his stomach drop, guilt sweeping over him at the realization.
“Uh, hey, is there any way this about the time you...you know?” Raz asked gently, hand gestures miming the image of a person falling off something, and flinched when the man’s head snapped around to look at him, smile wide.
“What?! No, no, of course not!...Maybe...probably...” He replied, his vibrato visibly deflating as he tried his best not to look down.
“Oh, Loboto dear, it’s alright. There’s nothing to worry about.” Gloria fretted, catching onto the issue and reaching out to pat the blue man’s back.
“Yeah, these ski lifts are like, totally safe!” Raz exclaimed, in an attempt to help.
As though mocking them, the lift jerked for a moment, sending them swinging a bit. Loboto sucked in a sharp breath at the motion, hand instinctively tightening where it had been wrapped lightly around Raz’s forearm in a grip that would definitely be leaving bruises the next day. Gloria grimaced when she saw Raz wince, raising a hand to tap her chin in thought.
“Oh dear, well this isn’t good.”
After a moment an idea hit her, and she leaned over to catch the mad dentist’s gaze smiling gently.
“Loboto dear, have I ever told you about the first time I ever took to the stage?”
The man paused in his panicking, seeming to calm slightly as he gave her a confused look, Raz looking at her in equal confusion but seeming to roll with it.
“Um, not that I’m aware of?”
“Well, let me tell you. I’ve preformed on hundreds of stages of the years, all over the world. The theater was my lifeblood. But the first time I performed in front of people, oh, I was terrified.”
“R-Really?” The man replied, eyes widening.
“Oh, absolutely. It was the worst case of stage fright I ever felt. I was absolutely petrified. My palms were sweaty, my head was spinning. I completely froze up on stage. And that wasn’t the only time. No no, I’ve had stage fright hundreds of times in my career. I almost refused to go on stage for my own awards ceremony, I was so nervous. But let me tell you something very important I’ve learned.”
She leaned in close, taking the man’s hands gently in her own, both he and Raz leaning in in fascination.
“There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. Everyone fears something. I’m scared of messing up on stage, overwhelmingly so. Young Raz here has his own fears, as do you. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Being brave doesn’t mean the absence of fear. Anyone who says so is an idiot. No, to be brave is to look fear in the face and still continue on in spite of it.”
Leaning back, she looked out at the forest surrounding them.
“This really is a lovely view, isn’t it?”
“Yes...Yes I suppose it is.” The dentist replied quietly, gazing out at the landscape around them seemingly with new eyes. He still seemed nervous certainly, gaze fixed firmly on the horizon in an attempt not to look down, but his shaking had stopped and his breathing had steadied. From behind his back, Raz gave the actress two big thumbs up and a grin.
As they neared the peak of the hill, they could the others laughing about something in the chair ahead of them, quickly hurrying off of it to make room as they reached the landing. As soon as it was their turn, Loboto practically threw himself off the ski lift, clearly trying to reach Terra Firma as quickly as possible. Gloria and Raz followed at a more normal rate behind him, pausing for a moment when the boy looked up at her.
“Not gonna lie, that was kinda awesome.”
“Why thank you my dear.” She replied sweetly, before giving him a little grin and leaning in closer as she lowered her voice.
“I’ve had a lot of practice at that speech. You’d be amazed how many new actors and actresses get opening night jitters. Still works like a charm.”
Leaving the boy to sputter in surprise for a moment, she skied on to where the others were waiting at the hills peak.
“So, what’s the plan?” Fred asked, adjusting his feet in the snowboard as Raz caught back up with them.
“Keep together and keep our eyes out for anything suspicious I guess?” The boy replied with a shrug, earning a nod from the rest of the group.
“Sounds like a plan bud.”
After some quick adjustment of clothing, equipment and whatever else, they set off.
It became quickly apparent that none of them were even close to professional skiers, though some were faring better than others. Fred’s muscle memory did seem to be kicking in, handling his snowboard with surprisingly few complications, while Gloria’s seemingly natural graceful-ness was doing her skis well. Raz took a spill every now and them, but likewise, his acrobat training seemed to be translating pretty well to snow-sports.
The others weren’t faring quite as well. Edgar seemed to be developing a habit of falling over onto his back pretty often, his large upper body pulling him over whenever he began to lose his balance, while Boyd seemed to be having the opposite problem, having taken more than a few headers face first into the snow already. Loboto was surprisingly staying up pretty well, perhaps his long legs were to blame for his better balance, but every few second he would begin to weave wildly back and forth on the slope before correcting himself, only for the cycle to repeat again shortly thereafter. The whole lot of them were certainly getting a lot of curious looks from the more advanced skiers that would occasionally pass them, the occasional trail guard they passed seeming even more concerned.
With all the chaos, it’s a wonder any of them ever saw anything.
“Whoa, wait everybody!” Raz suddenly cried about halfway down the trail, skidding to a sudden stop. He was nearly bowled over by the others in their attempts to stop, Edgar managing to fall onto his back once more and slid a few feet past him with an exasperated sigh.
“Dios mio, this is becoming tiring. What’s the matter mi amigo?”
“Look at those trees over there.” He replied, pointing to part of the forest that lined either side of the path. Glancing to where he pointed, they spotted what he seemed to be gesturing to. A swath of low branches in a certain area were snapped and bent, as though something had run into them or pulled them out of the way.
“Yeah, that definitely looks like it could be something.” Boyd replied with the critical eye of a security guard, the whole group moving off the path and towards the woodland to examine them. Upon closer inspection, there was most definitely something amiss. While the branches closer to the path broke inwards towards the forest, others further in seemed to break outwards.
“Hey, what’s that?” Raz asked, squinting further into the woodland. Unhooking himself from the snowboard, he darted further into the trees, moving to the edge of the breakage, and crouching down, seemingly digging around near one large trees roots. After a moment he seemed to free whatever he was holding and started back in the others direction.
“Look at this guys.”
He held it up for them to see, the group leaning in for a closer look. It seemed to be a long scrap of torn fabric, patterned in thick, alternating purple and black stripes, with a flash of gold along one edge.
“What do you guys think it is?” Boyd asked in bewilderment, squinting at the piece. Beside him, Edgar gave a sudden small gasp.
“Wait, didn’t that bartender say that Señorita Pandor wore a jacket in these colors?”
The group gapped at him for a moment before turning back to the scrap with renewed interest.
“Holy hell guys, I think we just found an actual clue.” Fred sputtered in amazement, Raz’s eyes lighting up.
“Hey maybe there’s more stuff to find back there! Come on, let’s go look!” the boy crowed, moving to run back into the trees.
He didn’t get very far though, as the wind suddenly kicked up, nearly knocking him over as it ripped through the trees with a swirl of snow.
“Geeze, I though trees were good for avoiding wind. Come on!”
He tried to take a few more steps forwards, only to get knocked back by another gust, being forced to take a few steps back to the group this time. Quickly the wind began to build, howling around the lot of them and kicking up the snow into near white out conditions.
“Damn, they’ve got some crazy weather in these parts!” Boyd called over the noise, Fred replying as he threw up his arms as much as he could to block his face.
“Not the sort I’ve ever seen before!”
They all quieted, turning to look over Loboto, who was currently looking around in confusion.
“Now, I may have been called crazy one or twice in the past, but does anyone else hear something odd?”
The group stilled, listening hard over the wind. All at the same time, they seemed to catch it, Fred glancing around the group in sudden nervousness.
“Does that sound like growling to anyone else?”
Indeed, the sound mixed in amongst the howling of the wind was much deeper and guttural, rumbling through the air.
They all froze at the loud sound of splintering wood, all slowly turning in unison to look deeper into the woods. A shape appeared through the blur of snow, the growling growing louder and the shape becoming clearer as it drew towards them. Eventually it stopped at the edge of the broken branches and their hearts all collectively stopped as they made out what it was.
A massive beast, easily 8 or 9 feet tall, bipedal, and clothed in long white hair, only it’s slightly darker face and palms peeking out through the thick fur. For a long, drawn-out moment, there was nothing but the howling of the wind. The only thing to interrupt it was a tiny, likely instinctual whisper from Raz.
“Holy shit.”
The beast didn’t seem to like that very much and its growl deepened. With one massive hand, it reached up and tore a branch from the tree beside it with the sound of screeching wood, before reaching back and hurling it at the group. With a collective cry of surprise and panic they all managed to throw themselves out of the way of it, the large chunk of wood landing amongst the other broken branches nearby. Its failure seemed to enrage the beast even more and it reached down, clawing and tearing a truly gargantuan chunk of snow up out of the ground. It lifted it up and above its head, clearly reeling back to launch it at them, and Raz let out another, this time very foreign sounding, curse.
“Oh, that looks like a real bad time! Boyd! I’m gonna need some help!”
With that, the boy darted out in front of the rest of the group, the security guard seeming to pick up on his plan and following along behind him. Just as the beast hurled the massive snowball, Raz threw his hands up to conjure a psychic shield, Boyd’s own hands joining just beside his to release a spray of flame outside the barrier just as it contacted.
The snow clump exploded around them. Most of it dissolved into steam under the sudden onslaught of the fire, what remained splattering against the curved wall of psychic force in a spray of water and slush, flying off on either side of the group.
“Where is it?! Can anybody see what it’s doing?!” Raz called out, trying to squint through the cloud of steam now surrounding them.
“I don’t know, I can’t see!” Boyd replied, waving his hands to put out the small flames sparking on his gloves.
As the steam was cleared by the slowly calming wind, Raz blinked in surprise at the scene before him, shield disappearing as he lowered his hands.
The beast had vanished, seemingly into thin air.
For a moment they all simply sat there, most of the group having fallen to the ground in the scramble to get out of harm’s way, the air thick with unspoken disbelief. Till finally, Fred said what they’d all been thinking.
“Was that a goddamn yeti???”
“In my professional dentist opinion...yes.” Loboto replied, staring equally slack jawed at the spot.
“What?? Where did it go?? A beast that big does not simply disappear into thin air??” Edgar sputtered, clambering back to his feet as though a higher viewpoint would somehow reveal the 9 foot tall creatures hiding place.
“I...I don’t...-“
“Oi! What are you lot doing back there!?”
The whole group let out a collection of shrieks and yelps at the sudden shout, whipping around to look behind them.
An older man armed with a hefty walking stick stood at the edge of the ski trail, staring into the woods at them with a grumpy scowl on his face.
“Wha- who are you?!” Raz asked, at a loss for words, and the old man’s expression seemed to sour even further.
“Ambrose. I’m the grounds keeper here. And I should be asking you the same thing!”
“Did...Did you see...?” Boyd asked, dazed by his seeming unconcern for the fucking yeti that had been in front of them 20 seconds before. The old man leaned to glance at the place he was gesturing to, brow creasing.
“See? I don’t see anything. All I see is a bunch of troublemakers putzing about in the woods. Get out of there! You’re supposed to stay on the trail!”
Like a bunch of scolded children, they all quickly gathered themselves and scurried back out onto the path in front of the man, who pointed an angry finger at them.
“Now don’t let me go catchin you messing about in there again, understood?”
They all obediently nodded and, seemingly satisfied, he turned away with a nod, grumbling the likes of “people these days” as he slowly hiked further up the path.
“...Ok, so we’re all in agreement that we gotta tell the rest of the gang about that right?” Fred asked, seemingly still dumbfounded, and was answered by a chorus of nods.
The rest of the trip down the hill was largely uneventful. Somehow, an encounter with a mythical creature has seemingly improved their snow-sports skills, and they managed not to have any more major spills on the rest of the way down the mountain. The sun was setting by the time they reached the bottom and, after getting their equipment situated, the six ventured back through the main lodge in search of their three companions.
They did eventually find them back in the lounge, tucked away in a corner table with their drinks.
“Ah, hello everyone!” Milla greeted them with a smile and wave as they made their way over.
“Did you have a good day out on the slopes?”
“Uh, yeah, it was, uh, pretty, pretty good.” Fred replied, sharing a look with others.
“How’s about you guys?”
Sasha gestured for them to sit, voice lowered as he spoke.
“Well, we looked over Ms. Pandor’s room and it was just as empty as we’d been told. Not a trace of her. The only things we found was the Psychonauts bug she put in the rooms phone when she got here. Which means that she likely didn’t leave willingly, if she didn’t have the chance to remove it. That or she simply forgot it when she left.”
“Yeah, and that sort of absentminded-ness doesn’t sound like her. Girl might leave her workspace a mess, but I’ve been on missions with her before, and she’s a neat freak when it comes to hotels and stuff. All the tidying she does, she probably leaves them cleaner than it was when she got there. Gotta ask her if she’s got some sort of service industry trauma from college or something...” Oleander added, trailing off into rambling at the end.
“So did you six find anything out on the slopes?”
The group glanced at each other and eventually it was Gloria who haltingly began, realizing just how insane what she was about to say was going to sound.
“Well, there may have been a bit of an incident out on the trails...”
“We got attacked by a yeti!” Raz suddenly blurted, bringing the conversation to a screeching halt. Sasha turned to look at him with a truly flummoxed expression, seemingly completely thrown for a loop at the boys’ words.
“...R...Run that by me again??”
“Well, it’s a bit of a long story.” Boyd replied with a sigh.
It took quite a while to explain the events that had befallen them all, added to by the fact that dinner arrived in the middle of it, but eventually they got the whole incident out in the open, the three senior agents staring at them in bewilderment by the end.
“Are you sure it wasn’t some sort of polar bear or something? Those things can get big as hell when they’re on their hind legs.” Oleander offered and Gloria shook her head.
“Now I know how this all sounds, Agent Oleander, but we know what we saw, and that was most definitely not a bear.”
“Plus, we found this!” Raz added, reaching into his jacket and pulling out the fabric scrap, handing it over to the trio.
“The bartender we talked to said he saw her wearing a coat like that!”
“Well, I’ll admit, this definitely looks like Tanny’s sorta style.” Oleander admitted with a shrug, handing it over to Sasha to look at.
“Regardless of what this beast you saw might be, there is most definitely more going on here than a simple wayward agent.” The german acquiesced.
“Well, how’s about we all get a good night sleep and continue the investigation tomorrow. You all must be exhausted.” Milla offered kindly and Edgar gave a groan as he stretched, back popping loudly.
“After the beating we took out there, you don’t know the half of it Ms. Milla.”
Luckily for them, their rooms at the lodge were, just like the rest of the property, amazing. They’d been separated across 4 adjacent, and connected, rooms, with the senior agents sharing one and the former asylum members another, leaving Loboto and Raz to bunk solitarily. Their mother organization had, knowing and being blessedly supportive all sorts of relationships, even been kind enough to book the four a California King, while Sasha, Milla and Oleander were more than happy to settle for a King.
“Ugh, we literally just started doing spy stuff and I already feel like an old man waiting for retirement.” Fred groaned, stretching and feeling some muscle in his back twinge.
“Hehe, implying you aren’t already an old man.” Edgar teased him with a chuckle from where he was kneeling in massage position over the lanky man’s hips, his own aching back already having been kindly tended to by Gloria before her bath.
“Hey, keep up that talk and I’ll have to revoke smooching privileges.” The counselor shot back, pointing a finger over his shoulder threateningly at the larger man, even as he melted blissfully beneath he ministrations of the artist’s talented hands. Edgar finally managed to work out the last knot at the base of the man’s spine and Fred gave a little groan of relief, going boneless on the mattress beneath him.
“You boys better not be having too much fun in there without me!” Gloria called from the bathroom and Edgar laughed, smoothing his hands lovingly up and down the thinner man’s back a few times before climbing off him.
“Alright, all done. Time to move mi amor.”
Fred gave a little grumble that sounded a lot like “Sleepy. Don’t wanna.” and the painter rolled his eyes fondly, grabbing him and, like an owner with a lazy puppy, simply dragged him out of the way, patting the spot that opened up.
“Your turn.” He called over to Boyd, who’d been looking out onto the rooms snow covered balcony that overlooked the lodge’s main square, and the guard abandoned his post with a grin.
“Oh thank goodness.” He replied, shucking his shirt off and flopping onto the bed with a sigh, sending the nearby Fred bouncing slightly. He gave another grateful sigh as he folded his arms beneath his head and Edgar set to work.
“Damn, today was a crazy day. The more I think about it the less it makes sense.” He mused, earning a snorted laugh from a slightly more awake Fred as the man reached out to run a sleepy hand through the guard’s hair.
“That’s an understatement.”
“Well, I must admit, I find it all a little bit exciting.”
The three men glanced back to find Gloria emerging from the large bathroom, dressed in a fluffy towel and currently braiding her long damp hair.
“Yes, there’s a been a bit of danger I suppose, but what adventure doesn’t have some danger?”
“Sure as hell beats grading papers at least.” Fred agreed, earning a collective laugh.
“Would you like one when I’m done, mi bella?” Edgar asked, gesturing to the massage in progress, and Gloria shook her head, stooping down to give him a kiss on the cheek regardless.
“No, but it’s sweet of you to ask.”
Soon enough they all found themselves properly prepared for bed, lights flipped off, and beneath the plush covers of the bed, tangling together in the warm heap they’d so quickly become accustomed to.
“Goodnight you guys. Love you.” Fred murmured sleepily, answered by a small chorus of similar sentiments.
Before long, the four found themselves drifting off, eager to see what new, and potentially yeti-related, adventures awaited them in the morning.
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Personality: Cold, calculating, precise, sarcastic, ambitious, bitter, & passionate.
Occupation: Potioneer & Assistant to Professor Slughorn at Hogwarts.
One of Severus Snape’s favorite reads in his pastime is The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli. For Severus, there is a lot to be learned and gained from the Machiavellian way of thinking. Not only to see how people get power, but ‘show the cards’ to the people for a better understanding. Gain power without fear of betrayal.
Severus has never been one to keep up with grooming or really any self-care. There was never enough money for properly matched clothes growing up, so Severus stuck with robes and keeping them washed as often as possible. However, he was often teased for his greasy hair and bad teeth. Since school, Lucius has been immersing him into Pureblood society, forcing him to do some well-needed maintenance. Now, he keeps new robes washed often and his hair is a little less greasy; overall, looking much less unkempt. In fact, he goes for the robes that suit his line of work, without embellishments or fluttery sleeves that would get in the way of his potions. Usually, his color of choice is black paired with white. Although now, again immersed in Pureblood society, he does wear dark blues and greens (even browns) since black is the color of mourning - something he will wear for the rest of his life after the events of Godric’s Hollow.
With war coming, Severus always wants to be prepared. Thus, he carries, not only his wand, but a couple of vials of both blood replenishers and dittany on his person at all times. There are spots in the cuffs of his robes and cape as well.
Family Background: As an only child, born to a cold household, Severus does not dwell on his family life and wants very little to do with them. In fact, the only thing he has ever kept from his father is his last name. His parents were: a witch, Eileen Prince, and a Muggle man named Tobias Snape. An awkward boy with a raw gift for talent – often hidden in scribbles betwixt the pages in his journals. Severus never liked being at home, trying to outrun the hate, fear, shouting, mistrust, and overall broken nature. It was what made him stay out hours on end, and eventually, meet Lily Evans. From there, she became his family. From then on, it became a world of possibilities, hope, kindness, and…magic. It both made him eager to start Hogwarts school with her; but dread is they were going to be sorted into different house; see their friendship, and Snape’s first glimmer of good in the world, dwindle.
Biography Before 1979: Severus Snape was raised in the Muggle Dwelling of Spinner’s End – close to the Evans family home. His parents were: a witch, Eileen Prince, and a Muggle man named Tobias Snape. Growing up, Severus was an awkward boy with little-to-no social skills; however, he managed to befriend his neighbor Lily Evans. While she was Muggle-born, Severus had taken a liking to her because of Lily’s rare, genuine talent for magic just as he had at a young age. Plus, both were ‘freaks’ in her sister Petunia’s eyes. It made a friendship from a common ‘enemy’, or at least someone that was a bully, thus bonded together. Petunia was harsh to Severus – making fun of his mismatched clothes and scrawny figure. The young red-haired girl helped Severus forget her unkind sister, sometimes defending him, but always making him feel uplifted by their conversations. And magic, of course. With Lily being his only friend, Severus often stayed with her for hours at a time, trying to avoid the neglect and abusive life awaiting at home. And…since the pair were so close, the young boy yearned for the dream that both he and Lily would be sorted into the same house once they were at Hogwarts.
Although, this very idea was shot down by other bullies.
On the Hogwarts Express, other upcoming students had shared their space and fought over which house was better. From that very moment, Severus never forgot James Potter or Sirius Black – and their mutual disdain for one another grew even more over the years.
At the beginning of school, even with being sorted into different houses, Lily and Severus remained close friends. Severus had always been in love with Lily, but his interest in the Dark Arts kept her from returning his feelings. Ironically, he thought that if he were successful in those endeavors, it would grab her attention. The only thing the Evans girl could really do, was try and give subtle hints she didn’t want him down that path – and continued to be his friend.
While he believed it was unrequited love, the pair often made jokes, playfully flirted, day-dreamed, studied, and brushed off Potter’s ‘achievements’ as just a ‘crave for attention’ from the young Seeker. It was their sort of “small revenge” to poke fun at Potter since Lily had, softly, confessed that she once hated him when they were younger from how the Gryffindor boy used to bully her and Severus. Although, the Gryffindor had still been a bully to him all the while. The pair thought James was arrogant and the actions of trying to ‘woo’ Lily were trivial. It wasn’t until one day when Lily tried to stand up for the Slytherin that their friendship took a turn for the worst. As usual, James and his horde of Gryffindors used one of Severus’ own spells against him, levitating him upside-down to reveal his underwear to a vast number of students, including Lily. While she, like many times in their childhood, came to his defense, it only made the situation worse. In his rage, Severus lashed out at James to recover his lost dignity. Subsequently, Severus inadvertently called Lily a Mudblood. She refused to forgive him for it, even after his repeated apologies. This is Severus’ worst memory. Their friendship then plummeted. He was left without his best friend and love…leaving nothing but disdain towards the Gryffindor boys.
Yet, that fateful night, when James ‘saved his life’ from a changed Remus, Severus’ loathing practically manifested into its own creature. He thought the Gryffindor boy only did it to protect his friend and prevent expulsion, when really, Severus knew James was trying to keep Lily from (actually) hating him. If James had let her once-close friend die or be bitten from a werewolf, Severus knew Lily would never forgive her housemate. The Slytherin grew bitter at the advances James put toward the girl he loved and a bit jealous since she stopped brushing them off so easily. The Gryffindor boy claimed his immaturity had dissipated, (though the Severus knew better) and Lily began to date him.  Snape’s jealousy, rage, and resentment were to the point he’d never thought possible.
From that night on, Severus did all he could to learn more about the Dark Arts after being sworn to secrecy about his classmate by Dumbledore. The least he could do was gain the trust and respect of his own housemates. Perhaps, eventually, use his own spells against his bullies. Yet, he felt empty…having lost his only true friend…his first and only love…The influence of Slytherin had never taken more of a toll on him, shaping him into what he wanted to be after graduation. The Dark Arts completely fascinated him; as well as potions; having made commentary on his old textbook. Once Severus had become friends with his housemates, they showed him the world of Purebloods and, eventually, their cause. It was alluring…captivating…seductive.
Biography After 1979:
Soon after joining Pureblood Society, there was an immense pressure for Severus to join Lord Voldemort’s ranks after seeing the sheer passion and raw skill he had for the dark arts. In fact, many hid that Severus was a Half-Blood, calling his by the surname ‘Prince’ …all so that the young Slytherin could gain an audience with The Dark Lord and make his way into their ‘inner circle’ of The Death Eaters. Yet, there was a price. Many prices. Including the fact that he needed to gain their leader’s trust. It just so happened that, in early 1980, Severus saw Sybil Trelawney meet with Dumbledore for an interview as the next Divination professor and eavesdropped. He had not expected that it would be about The Dark Lord himself – or his demise. Unfortunately, he was thrown out and missed the ending of Sybil’s prophecy, arguably, the most important piece of it.
To gain Voldemort’s trust, he reported back what he heard. However, his heat plummeted to his stomach once his lord interpreted the target to be James and Lily Potter’s son. While it was dangerous to ask Voldemort for anything, Severus knew he had to try, and begged him to spare Lily – his childhood friend (and love; although, he would never admit such words to anyone in Voldemort’s ranks, much less The Dark Lord himself). Doubting Voldemort would keep to his word, Severus went to Dumbledore as well, asking him to do all that he could to keep Lily alive. Scolded by Dumbledore for such a selfish request, Severus amended his request by asking him to hide all of the Potter family in exchange to serve as the Headmaster’s spy in the Death Eaters. Desperate, Severus agreed.
Yet, on eve Hallowe'en in 1981, Voldemort arrived at Godric’s Hollow and murdered both James and Lily Potter. Saved by his mother’s love, Harry Potter survived, and Voldemort was killed. As the news of their deaths broke out, more violence was claimed by his comrades, while others shouted that the war had ended, carrying Daily Prophets with “The Boy Who Lived” as their headlines flooded the Wizarding World. After, Severus questioned Dumbledore relentlessly – claiming repeatedly that he would keep them safe. In that same breadth, The Headmaster said that they had put their faith in the wrong person – much like Severus had – and told him to protect Harry to honor Lily.
Replacing Professor Slughorn, Snape withdrew from the Death Eaters and Voldemort’s followers, and began teaching Potions at Hogwarts in 1981. Initially, he had wanted the position for Defense Against The Dark Arts, but Dumbledore refused, aware that Voldemort had put a jinx on the job, and rejected his application multiple times. Over the years, he led Slytherin House into success, flourishing as a young, ambitious professor, and guided them to many victories on and off the Qudditch pitch (much to McGonagall’s irritation at her once-student-now-colleague-and-even-friend). Although, that seemed to change its tune once Harry Potter and his class began at Hogwarts. Even so, Severus still kept his promise, protecting Harry Potter through the years.
Distrusted for his past as a Death Eater by those on Albus Dumbledore’s side, and hated by other Death Eaters for living as Dumbledore’s stooge for ten years, Snape continued living on to complete Dumbledore’s plan to protect Harry and defeat Voldemort. As a professor, Snape was a stickler for discipline, with little patience for foolishness, yet extremely effective in his job and well respected by the other professors. He treated Harry Potter with maximal coldness – never missing an opportunity to cause him trouble (as any variation from this would have cast suspicion on him in Voldemort’s eyes). However, in reality, he protected Harry on numerous occasions. While Severus was happy enough to cause the boy, who resembled his father (Snape’s hated rival from school days), humiliation and trouble, but never any actual harm or danger as he was still Lily’s son. He also had to avoid becoming too aware of Voldemort’s plans, so as to avoid being held responsible for allowing Harry and his friends to foil them.
Severus handled all this brilliantly – every action causing no mistrust on the part of Voldemort. During the 1991-1992 school year, he tried to prevent Quirrell from getting the Stone. In 1992-93 term, he tried to make sure Harry wouldn’t be expelled, though never treated him kindly. 1993-94 term, Snape brewed the Wolfsbane potion for Remus, though he suspected him of helping his old friend Sirius Black, and an attempt to apprehend the former, but the trio stopped him. Even so, Severus stood between the students and Remus, shielding them no matter the cost. Yet, nothing goes without consequence. Towards the end of the year, Snape revealed Lupin was a werewolf. Then, in 1995, when Voldemort returned, he was sent on a secret mission by Dumbledore to rejoin the Death Eaters and spy on the Dark Lord. When Harry began having visions, Snape was to teach him Occlumency, though their contempt made this fail. In July 1996, Dumbledore was cursed by one of Voldemort’s horcruxes. Gifted in dark arts, Severus was able to slow the dark magic, but knew The Headmaster-turned friend, would die from the enchantment. Dumbledore, of course, knew that Voldemort had tasked Draco Malfoy with killing him, but pleaded with Severus to kill him instead; gain the Dark Lord’s trust completely. Albus also invited Severus for an evening visit in his office, revealing the truth of Voldemort’s demise. When Snape learned that Harry had to die, he showed outrage and, ultimately, even after all these years, Severus still loved Lily – revealing his Patronus to be a doe. After making an unbreakable vow with Narcissa Malfoy, and during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Snape kept his word and killed Dumbledore himself, tricking both Harry Potter and the Death Eaters. Shortly after, Severus fled the school, rejoining their ranks as Voldemort’s most trusted follower.
After killing Albus Dumbledore and fleeing the school, Snape once more rejoined the ranks of the Death Eaters. In the summer of 1997, Snape informed Lord Voldemort that Harry was to depart from his relatives’ house four days before his birthday. On Dumbledore’s orders, Snape told the Death Eaters the correct date so as to continue Voldemort’s trust in him. Snape then fed Mundungus Fletcher the idea of using seven decoys of Harry Potter during his movement to a place of safety so that when the Death Eaters arrived, they would not know who the real one was. In order to be consistent in his own role as a Death Eater, Snape confunded Fletcher so that he would not remember who told him. Because of Severus’ information, when the Order of the Phoenix moved Harry from Privet Drive they were ambushed by Death Eaters, and the Battle of the Seven Potters ensued. During the battle, Snape accidentally sliced George Weasley’s ear off with Sectumsempra while aiming at another Death Eater. Shortly after the battle, Severus visited 12 Grimmauld Place where, in Sirius Black’ bedroom, he found Lily Potter’s letter. Snape had cut off the letter and took the page, which contained Lily’s signature and love. He also cut off the picture of Potter family and took the page, which contained Lily, for himself.
In 1997, Severus returned and was named Headmaster of Hogwarts. All the while, he helped guide Harry Potter to Gryffindor’s sword and fooling the ones who protected The Dark Lord’s most precious items and secrets – the horcruxes. Without giving away his true allegiance, Severus did everything in his power to help the Potter boy so that good could triumph. Severus knew the consequences, and yet he did so willingly…somewhere, no matter how far hidden, having to come to care for the boy. Later, he was summoned to the Shrieking Shack, with Voldemort having believed him to be the master of the Elder Wand after being the one to kill Dumbledore. In order to gain the upper hand and have his wand work for him, Voldemort reasoned that Severus had to die. Nagini bit Snape and injected him with poisonous venom. Snape released a cloud of memories and told Harry, who had watched from a hidden spot, to take them, then died…looking into the eyes that reminded him of someone familiar; an old friend…
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